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Allied School (Pakistan Mint Campus)

Summer Pack for June-July 2019

Class X

List steps that should be followed to solve a problem.

What is analysis?

What do you mean by syntax of programming language?

Differentiate between Runtime & Logical Error.

Why documentation is considered vital in problem solving steps?

Compare flowchart and algorithm.

When logical error occurred?

Why is flowchart designed to solve a problem?

What is debugging?

What are Syntax errors?

Define the process of analyzing problems?

Define Programming.

What are the advantages of flowchart?

What is direct and indirect mode?

What is meant by executing a program?

Write any 3 rules to writing a program in Basic?

Define variable. How many types of variable?

Define constants. How many types of constants?

Write the purpose of clear statement?

Write the purpose of List command?

Define Arithmetic operators with example.

Write the purpose of function keys F1 to F4.

What does IDE stands for? Discuss feature of GW-Basic IDE?

Differentiate between commands and statements?

What is the purpose of FILES and LOAD command?

What are type declaration characters?

Differentiate between variable and constant?

What is control structure?

What is unconditional transfer?

Write the purpose of GOTO.. Statement also gives example?

What is selection structure? Briefly explain with the help of IF… Then statement?

What is nested loop?

Write the purpose of while wend loop?

Write a program to find largest no between two numbers?

Write a program which inputs two no and multiply them?

Differentiate WHILE… WEND and For….. Next Statement?

Define infinite loop.

Write the syntax of For….. Next loop?

What is meant by loop?

Differentiate GOTO and ON GOTO statement?

What do you mean by conditional control transfer?

Write a program to find the sum of 10 natural numbers.

What is meant by problem solving? Describe the any 5 steps of problem solving?

What is debugging how many types of errors occur in program?

Write a program that calculates the area of circle.

What is Algorithm? Explain the stragedy of developing an algorithm?

Write an algorithm to calculate the distance covered by a car moving as average speed of V per second

in time T. the program should input average speed and time respectively.

Write a program that ask for the name, roll no, class, section, and different subjects of a student class

10. The program should calculate total marks and percentage of student?

Describe the working of READ and DATA Statement?

Describe the REM statement with example?

Write a program which calculates the volume of cylinder, the program should get height and radius of

its base from the user through statement?

What are operators? Explain arithmetic operators with examples?

Write a program to calculate and print the sum and average of three no’s?

What are Nested loops? Explain nested loop by using program examples?

Write a program which calculates the Area of Triangle.

Write a program which prints 10 odd numbers using while wend loop?

Write a program which print table of given number?

Write a program which accept obtained marks of student examination. It should calculate the

percentage and Assign the grade according to given criteria (>=80 A1, >=70 A, >= 60 B, >=50 C, >=40 D,

<40 Fail)

Write a program which the sum of following series of numbers 2,4,6,8…100?

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