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Jasfer M. Abuyuan Prof. Noel P.


BSED Major in Math / 1 SEDM-1

I’m amazed with that a demonstration of Fibonacci in nature merely shows that nature can be

described through mathematics like science, mathematics are everywhere . It is indeed a big jump to

say that Fibonacci in nature means there is a designer. I can't say there is no designer, but I also can't

say a designer exists due to Fibonacci in nature. All I can say is I am left in awe and wonder. Such

mystery. And then the Fibonacci sequence appears in nature because if it didn't nature wouldn't be

here. It's like saying look at all the trees they are all a shade of green they must have been designed,

but if they weren't they wouldn't be here. What I mean is there could have been a The Fibonacci

sequence appears in nature because if it didn't nature wouldn't be here. It's like saying look at all the

trees they are all a shade of green they must have been designed, but if they weren't green they

wouldn't be here. What I mean is there could have been a blue, red or, yellow trees in the past in

theory, but they wouldn't have survived because they wouldn't be producing chlorophyll. The Fibonacci

sequence is a pre-conditional rule for all of the past in theory, but they wouldn't have

survived because they wouldn't be producing chlorophyll. The Fibonacci sequence is a pre-conditional

rule for all of existence. It’s a proof that there are higher than human or what call the others God that

create and design such a beautiful art called earth.

Jasfer M. Abuyuan

1 SEDM - 1

Politically correct words or terms are used to show differences between people or groups in a

non-offensive way. This difference may be because of race, gender, beliefs, religion, sexual

orientation, or because they have a mental or physical disability, or any difference from what is

considered the norm.

1. Dustman – Sanitation engineer

2. Ghetto – Economically deprived area
3. Housewife – Domestic engineer
4. Illegal aliens – Undocumented migrants
5. Ugly – Visually unfavorable
6. Lazy – Motivationally deficient
7. Unemployed – Unintentionally at leisure / non-waged
8. Smelly – Nasally disturbing
9. Best man for the job – Best person for the job
10. Man in the street – Average person
11. Waitress – Server
12. Merry Christmas – Season’s Greetings
13. Blackboard – Chalkboard
14. Illegal voter – Undocumented voter
15. Bribe – Public service bonus
16. Christmas – Winter Festival
17. Lies – Alternative facts
18. Printing money – Quantitative easing
19. Immigrants – Labor supporters
20. Illegal subletting – Irregular subletting
21. Shoplifting – Irregular shopping
22. Black sheep – Outcast
23. Blackmail – Extortion
24. Postman – Mail carrier
25. Manhole – Utility hole

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