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Angela Balinbin 

21114 Bolsa St. CA.90745 

(310) -218-9418  

● 12th Grade 
● Carson Senior High School 
● Performance Academy and Media Art (PAMA) 
● GPA:??? 
● Receiving high school diploma in 2020 

● Silver Honor Roll (6th Grade) 
● Perfect Attendance (6th- 8th Grades) 

Works Experience 
● Doing Laundry 
○ Parents at home, every Saturday and sunday 2012- present separate the clothes 
● Cleaning Dishes 
○ Parents at home, everyday 2010- now i clean all of the dirty dishes. 

Extracurricular Activities 
● K-pop Club (2016- ???) 
● Boys and Girl Club (2016 - 2020) 
● Anime Club (2014-2015) 

● Draws- on paper and computer 
● Somewhat good at Computer- Macs and PC  
● Speak 3 Language- i speak English,Tagalog and Ilocano  
● Learning a Language- Korean and Spanish 

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