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Recommended Practice No.

Revic\\' Committee '"
Personnel Qualification and ('ertilinltion in NondltSlructive Tt.'Slin~ "
Swpe ,/
Oefinitions ,
Nondestructive Testing MClh\)lh; ,,
l,cvcls (If QUillilieatioll
Written Pfilctice ,
r..dUC<llioll. Tr"ining. ant] Exp~'ril'nl'l' Rcquircl1'lC111S till" Illiri,ll ()lwlilkmioll
Training Progr<lI11S 3
Technical PCrf0f111an-.:c Evalu<l,i"n
Interrupted Service ,1
Rcinslatcmcnt ,x
Table 6.3.1 A
Table 6.3.1 B "
Table 6.3.1 C II
Ba<;ic Examination 12
General Level III Rcquircmcnls 12
Basics of Common NDT 1.1
Basic Materials. Fabrication. and Prodw.:t TCl'hnology If,
rDM Basic Examination - Prcdictiw Maintenance (PDM I E\"lllin,\IIOI1 Spl.'l'ilit"lli,lll I :~
EXHmpic Questions - Level I ami LI'W! II "
Acoustic Emission "resting Meth\xl
Electromagnetic Testing Method
Eddy Current Tcsting Method
Flux Leakage Testing MdhoJ
Leak Testing Method
Bubble Leak Testing Method
Halogen Diode Detector LC:lk "II:sting Method
Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing Mcthod
Pressure Change Measuremcnt I.eak Testing Method
Liquid Penctr<mt Testing MethnJ
Magnetic Particle Testing Method
Neutron Radiographic Testing. Method
Radiographic Testing Method
ThennalfInfrared Testing Method
Ultrasonic Testing MelhoJ
Vibration Analysis Testing Me!hoJ
Visual Testing Method
Answers to Example Questions

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006) v

Published by
'11lc American Society fur Nonde.~tructive Teslin~. Inc.
1711 Arlingate Lane
PO Box. 28518
Columbus, OH 4322X·U51 ~

No pan of this book may ~ reproduced or transmillcd in any fonn. by means dCClmnic or mechanit::11 indudin~
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Copyright 02007 by The American Society for Nond~structiv~ Testing, Inc A$NT b not r~~I)\lnsibk for 1111: authcntil'it)" nr
aCt·ur'dCY of information herein. Products or services that arc advcrtised or mentioncd do not carry thc endor:'clllcilt or
recnmmendation of ASNT.

IRR$P. NOT flandbotJk, The NDT Technician and are Imdemarks uf The Amcric:m Soc.:ict)' fllr
Nondestructivc Testing. Inc. ACCP, ASNT, ul'('l III SlIllly Guide. Mwt'ri(//.~ /:"I'clll/arioll, Nomle,flrl/Clil'l' Tf',uillX flalle/book.
Re.\·earc:h in NOlldes/mClil't, EmIl/arion and RNOE and arc regislcred trademarks of The American $o,.. icty for
Nondestruclivf,: Testing. Inc:.

ASNT exists to creale a safer world by promoting lhe profes~ion and H..'Chnolugies of nondestruclive tcsting.

ISBN-I3: 978-1-57117-143-6

Print(.'tI in the Unitt.'tI Statc~ of America

02/07 tirst printing

ji Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006}

Thb Rct:nmlHl.'llJctl Pr.tI:III.'X' c:.tahli!>hc:. ill!: .gt:llCfill fraIllL'WOn. ftlf il l.ju,.lilkillillll :llld l',mifi..::llIUn prugr.llll. In ilJJ111' >II. th.-
tlocumem pfm I.. k~ T\.'\."\lmmcntlcd l,.'t.lm:aliolliIL L'xlJl.'ricll1:L' and lr.lillin~ rcqull\:n ....·n!'- lur th.... dilli.'f\.'111 II'''' Illl.'ll'Hlotl,
SupplclIlI.'ntary llu..:Utll..:nl:-. include 4tlelolion and an"w\"r IbIs. \\hkh Ill:!) ht.. uS<'l.l illl.:UIl1JXI"III~ t:xallllll:llltll1' fur
ll(JnJC:-.lnlCli\\' It:"ling po:n.onnd.

Thi:. l"('COIllIllL'lllkJ pr..k:ticc i~ nol intended In Ix' u~J iL" iI ..Irkt ,p..:cifkaliun. II I' fl'\.·ugIIl/C'1. rnlWCh'Lthal L' ..
require prop-r.un" whil'h Illl,:cl the intent of Ihi" Jo.:umcnl. For "ul'h cnntro!Ch. pun.:ha:-cr and .. upplic-f InU:»! agIT'c Uptlll
acceptahility tlf;1ll L'mphlyer', prtl~r.lm.

'nlC wrb ",houlll"" h".. OcI..'I1 lISt-'J throughollt Ihi:. JUI..·unK'llI tu clIlplm,i/.l: lhc 1\'ClllHlIlerluill iOIl pn.. . x·Jlled herein. II i;-. II"
employer's rl'spoll:.ihilily 10 address spccifil' Ill':cd:- alllllo modify lhe~ f!uiJdinl" i1:- ;lpl'wpriah.' in a IHilll'll praclll',' I" III
el1lployer\ wrilll'lI Ilf<ll'til·,.',the vl,.'rh "shall" i;.to 1)(" uSI,.'d III pl:n:e llt"',hulIld"tll cmpha:-ilL·tlw l'mplllycr', lll.~d...

'I'llc 200(1 Editilll1 Ill' SN/:rC·/A I;' Ullnolatcu ,"'11 thalliSers of Ih...• 2tMJ] . . . uililllll·'111 \.jllll'kly ,IIIJ e:l;.ily !Ik,:all' ucv. Iud
updated material, TIll." vertil,.';ll Jines in the nl;]r~il1s of this JOCUl1\clll illdic,l1e th<ll int',mn<lthlll ill the ll",\t has lx'l'U Ill\ 11Iill,'I!
111 some way,

I nquirics related to thi:- recommended pmcticc should be directed I\l the chair of Ihe SN'/: '1'('./ A lnlcrprel:ltion Panel at till'
following aJdre;.:.:

The American Society for Nondc...tructive Testing

1711 ArlinE-ate Lane
PO Box 2851X
Columbus. Ohio 43228-051 H

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-l A (2006) III

Publkation and review of this RecOJllln"mdcd )lraclit.:e wa:- under the dir"'L"lioll of IhL' ,\NF1('·/A R<.:vi..:w ('ollllllilll'l' v. 1m 11
is a l"OI1l111iHI,'L' of the Mcth(ld~ I)ivisi~\n "]"11 L' M",thll(ls Divisil11l r('p<.lr!'" t.> lhl.' Tc,'hlli('<ll &. l~dllL';l!i',n ('(lllll\'11 'lj Ill<'
I\mcric;.lll Society fin NondCSlfll\.,tiv<.' ']-":stilJg.

Review Committee Members:

Roland Valdes. Chair
Thom Schafer. Vice Chair
Brad S. Kknkn. SelTetary
Charlil' J .nngn. Staff Secretary
Claud... D. D<lvis. Su!k:ommilk'c Ch;lir

Carl f\(lI"1mas Edw,lrd M<ll'cj"k

Alfred Bnv J\ls~ph M:lckill
William (';joe W:lltcr M,uukwio.
Robo.:n Cameron R:lY Morassc
Steve Cargill Ricky Mnrg'lIl
Terry I .. Ckllls;ng Phillip Myers
James E. Cox Mark Pompc
David Culhcrtson Bob Potter
Gerald Hacker Michael Ruddy
Darrell Harris Andrew Skaggs
Gary I-Icath Kirit Smart
Keith R. Holt Ray Tsukirnura
Chester Jackson John Tyson
Jim Kelly Dave Vigne
Ron Kruzic Stcphcn Vinay
Kevin Kupitz nary Workmall

Technical & Education Council:

Moncza K. l<lf<lri, Ch<lir
Thorn Schafer. Vice Chair/Secretary

iv Recommended Practice SNT-Te-, A (2006)

Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A
Personnel Qualification and Certification in
Nondestructive Testing
II i~ !'Cl.:ognizctl lhat the cITC(:li\'cm.'~" Ilf rl(JlldC~lnlCIIVC testing (Ntr!", ilpplicatiol1:-' lk~lll.b up..m tlk.'
capabilitic~ of the pcn:onncl who an.' I\.'sponsiblc for. ;tntl rcrfonn. NDT. Thi:- Rcrt>ll1m\.'lltktl P..,,'lln' IliI'
hl..~11 pl\.'p;lred to establish ~uiJdi,'k.·" fur Ihl' 4UalilicaliOll and ..:cnlli..';llillll of NDT IJI.'N1Hlll:1 '~II\,,,, I
jnh.. ~lIt1in' ilppmprialc ~nowh:t1g\.· of II..... Icdmical principks tIlltll'rlymg lh.. nl,lmll'..trnl,:li\l' t..•..h 111..-,
po:rfoml. wilnc~s. moniwr. ur cvalual..',
l.~ This documcm provides guiddinel'o fllf Ilk.' I'slabli:-hlllL'nt of ilqllalil'il"ill;Oll ilOtI ..:l'n,lk..lion PI"I'~r.Il11
U ThCSl' ~uidclinc" have hccn tkvdopl.'ll hy The Anll'rkan Snl:icl~ f"lf Ntllllk..;lnll"llW ·Ii:slill~.lnl'.. 10
employers in recognizing Iho: ..·sso:rlli;11 J;I<:tnrs to he I.:onskkrrd ill 1I11il1if~illg: ("l\:Nllllld ~'n~;Ig:~'11 ill :111'
NDT methods listed in Sl'clion ~.
1..1 It i.~ rcl:ognil;cd lhal these guidclin..·s llIay 110t he apPHlpriate for .."l'11:,in cl11ploy..'r': .."in.:lIl1lsl:I11l",'s :llltl",
;lpplit:;Itions. 111 d..:vcloping a wriUell pra<:til:c as l'Ctjuir..:d in S~l.:tiol1 5. the cmploycr ~IIHIlIJ IC\ I.."V. Ill,
detailed recommendations presented herein and modify them. as ncc.:ssary_1O m..'\.'l ranil:ular rlt.'a.!s

2.0 Definitions
2.1 Terms included in this dOCUlllClll arc defined as follows:
2.1.1 Cntification: wrinen tcstimony of qualification.
2.1.2 Certirying Authority: the person or persons properly designated in lhc written pr..ll:lin:ltl sIgn
ccnifications on behalf of the employer.
2.1.3 Certifying Agency: the employer of Ihe personnel being cenified"
2.1.4 Closed Book Examination: an examination administered wilhout aCI,:('ss to 1'I:rerl'IW\' mm,'rial
except for nwterials supplied with or in the cxarninali(ll1 IS...,' S.71.
2.1 .5 Comparable: being at an C\{uivalent or silllil:lr kvd I)r Nrrr 1'..•... 1)1,.11... 11"'>11 it, .:',.) ,lilli, ·tli
detcrmined by thl' employer's I.cvcllll.
1.1.6 Documented: the condition tlf bt.'ing in wrilll'll rOml.
2.1.7 Employer: the corporate. pri\':ltc. or public entilY. whidl ~'llIpl"y" IX'P,Pl1Ild ti,l' \,a1'~" ... 11,1'
or Other {,:onsidcrations.
2.I.X Experience: work activities a,,:l,:umplishcd in a spel·ifil: NDT m~lhu~llllld..' r lilt.' dirL',:I,ul1 ,,:
qualified supervision including the ~rform;lllec or th~ NOT Illdhod an...1 rclah:d a<:li\ iii.. ,... hut III ot
including lime Spelll in organized tmining programs.
2.1.9 Limited Certification: Ilomkstructive tcst methods moy ~ fl1l"th~r ...uhdivi,kd ililolill1ill 'd
disciplines or techniques to meet specific employer's needs: these an,' Levclll o:nifi..'atiol1s. hut 10
a limited scope.
1.1.10 Nondestructive Testing: a process that involves lhc inspc(:tiun. testing. or cvalualion t)f malcri'lls.
componcnL<; and as~mblics for materials' discontinuities. propcrtit:s and 11l.lchiTk.' prohlem.. withollt
rurthcr impairing or destroying the parL<; ~rvice:lhility. Throughout this Jut:ument t~ term NDT
applies equally to the NDT inspection methods used ror materi:lI inslX'Ction_ naw dctection tlf
prediclive maintenance (PdM) applications.
2.1.11 Outside Agency: a company or individual who provides NDT J.cvellll scrvices :Jnd wllu....:
4ualilieations to provide these services have heen reviewed by the employcr tilt.' cumpany
or individual.
2.1 .12 Qualification: demonstr:ucd skill. dClllonstfHted knowledge. documented Imini ng., and dO...·u1l1el1\l'd
experience required ror per.;onncl to properly perform the dutie.. or u spcdlic job.
2.1.13 Recommended Practice: tl set of guidelines to assist the employer in developing unirorm
procedures for the qualification and ....ertification or NOT personnel to sati... fy Ihe cmpl(ly~r's
specific requirements.
2.1.14 Training: an organized pmgmlll developed 10 impart Ihe knowledge and ~kills nL'Ccssary for
2.1.15 Wriuen Praclice: a written procedure developed by lhe employer thm det:uls tilt.: fL'tjuin.'nknb ftlr
qualificmion and ....cnifi....ution of tllI:ir employees.

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006)

.HI I ondcslrm"li\'l' '1i.'SlinJ.,: I\h·thods
,:;. I ()u:lli li..:at iun antl ,,',.>n iIi...liiull ttl' NDT IX'N'lIlk:i III .1.... "I d.lJll·l· \\ il It lhi~ Rl·,,·olllllll.·mi,·· i ; 'r.~, It,'," I'
;lppli"';lhlc tn ~ach of 1IIl.' folIo\\' in!!
A,,:uu~lic Erlli~,i'.ll 'Ii:~lill::
Ek"'lrtl111agllct Il' 'Ii:,t in g.
!.;lscr Tc~tin¥ 1\ktluld,
l.c;tk 'It-~ling
Lilillid Penetranl ·k~lill¥
Magnetic Flux I.eilkage
Magnetic Punkk Tc~tin~
Neutron Radlugr;lphi,· TC~ll1l~
Ratliugraphil' Tl'~lin~
Thermal/lnfr.m:d T,·...lin::
Uhr......o nic Te...ting
Vihr<lliotl 1\n;lly,i,
Visual Testing

4.0 I,cvcls of Qualification

-1.1 Ther\.' arc three basil' kvcb. lIf lju;llifil:'Jtion. The clllplllyl'r may ...ubdividc thcM:' Ic\ cb. fllr '111WI 11m... \llll'rl'
addilional levels arc dl.'Cmcd nel·~ ...sary for specifil' ~kilb. ;md rc"'jXlIl:.ihililics.
-I.]: While in the pnx:ess of ht.·ing in;ti;llly lrainoo. qU;Jlifi...'(]. and ,,·enified.;1ll individual ...hnulll 1"1\.' l'IJIl,i,k'n',1 .1
tminee. A tmince should work wilh ;t cenificd individu;J1. T~ tminl."C :-hall not intlelJl:ndcntly l'IllIl1U,·I.
interpret. evaluate. or repon the rcsuils of any NOT te:.t.
4..1 The three basic levels of qualificmion arc as follow:
4.3.1 NDT Level I. An NDT Level I individual should be qualified 10 properly pcrfuml 'p"'t;;fi,'
calibrmions. :-!X-"('ific NDT. and specific evaluations for acceptance or rejeclion dC1l'rmin;lli,llb
according to written instructions and 10 record results. The NOT Lewl I should rc'·l'i\\..·II1l'
necessary instruction and supervision fmlll;1 cl:11ilied NDT Lcvclll or III il1divilhl:ll
43.2 NDT Levelll.l\n NDT Level II individual should ~ qualifil'd lil ~l up al1lt r;llihral,' l'qUlI't:~'
and to interpret ami l'\'alu;uc results with rc"'I)I'cl to ;lpplil:ahk 1:"1&::-. :-lalldarlb. ,lIllt ,11,'\.'111.
The NDT Level II 'houM he thoroughly falllilim \l.llh lh,' 'l'llpe :lTl,llil1litatillfh III II,' I.!···.
which qualified and :-hould exerl'i!'C a:.:-ig.n\..'ll r.·... I"III...ihdlly fl'l' olHlll' joh truil1in<: ,I: II' ~IIlIL
trainees and NDT Level I pcr.;onm:1. The NIlT u>vl'l II ... huuld "" aok 10 (}r<~;\ni/.\' a1111 r.':I'011
rcsuhs of NDT lests.
-I3.~ NDT Lcvellli. t\n NOT l..... velill individual ,hould IX' ..:apahlc of dcvdoping. qU;lhl)llI;.!.;lIl,
approving procedure.... establishing and appfll\ ing Il'dll1i4u,,'~' imerprelin~ (:olk, .... 1;lIlll;lI·J~.
specifications. and pnKedurcs: and dcsigl1llting Ihe panit:ular ND·r mel hods, k'(hniqul·~. ;ulil
procedures to Ix us<:u. The 1'11)1' uvelill ...h\IUld bt.: re...porhihle for the NO'1' opcr;llilJI1... lilr \\111,11
qualified lmu assigncd and should he capllblc of illtcrprcting and evaluating result.. . ill h.:nn... 01
existing codes. :-t.mdards. and spccificmions, 'Ille NOT Lcvcllli should have suf/i,,·i... nt prat:lir:ll
background in applicable materials. fabrication, and product lechnology to c:-tabJish Ic..:hllitIUt.:, and
10 assiSI in estahlishing acceptant'!;: crileri;l whcn nunc arc ot~rwise availahle. fu· NDT 1....·\\·1111
should have gencr.lI fanllliarity with olher appropriale NOT methods. as demonstrated by ;Ill ASN"I
LevellJl Basil: examination or other means. The NDT U:\'ellll. in the method~ in whu:h cl:l1ili,·d.
should be capable of Ir.tining and examinin!! NDT Level I and II personnel for l·,,'nifi..:alion in tho\\.:

5.0 Wrincn I'racticc

5.1 The employer shall cSlablish a wriuen practice for the control and administration of NOT pcr~ollilellrailling.
examin'ltion. and ccnification.
5.2 The employer's written pr.tcticc should tlescribt.: the l\:sponsibility of ...ilch level of cenification for
detennining Ihe acceptability of materiab or component:. in accurtlance with the applicahle 1:0I!c'....1:lIldim.h.
sp...'dfications. and procedures,
5.3 The employer's written prat.·li,,-c ...hall describe lhe training. experience. and cxaminalion 1"L'lIlIi~nll'n.... lnr
each level of ccnificatiun.
5.4 Th,,· employer's wriucn pr.tclicl' sh;111 be rcviewl.'t1 :md approved hy the employer:-. 'DT 1.....'\'\.'1111.
55 The employer-s wriuen pr.lClil."C :.h;lll he maintained on Iik.

2 Recommended Practice SNT-TC·1A (2006)

(dl Edllnltion, 'I'nlillill~" lllld EXIl('rit-'ll(·(.> H.l'tlllirCllll'lll~ flll' Inilial ()ualilit.';ltiull
6.1 ('andillate" for CI.:ni Ik:llil 'II in NI rr should Il:l\~' :<utlit'iellt t'dUt'<lt illil. lrai 1111l!l, "llli t'X iX'n~'II';\' :. \ ,~;;:,,:j""
yualificaliOll il11ho~e NDT Illethnds ill whidltlK'Y ;1I'e being cUllsidl'rnl for t·enil'i\·alion. l)u{;t1menWlillil 01
prior \"'l'rli ri\',11 il'll may I'll.' u~t'd by all l'lllplnyt'r ,l~ <"vil!o.:nl'\' Ill' Illlali tit',ltil III fur O'IIIj);lrabk kv\·b of
0.:1..' n ilit'al il III .
n.~ DiX'lUlll'1l1l'd traillil1~ ,llld/(ll" t',~ 11'<'t'il'nn> gail]t'll in Pll\il illll~ and a..:ti vili\':< t'olllparabk hl lh"~l' "f I.l·\ l'l, I I·
and/llr III prilli' to e:<l<Ibli:<hlllenlul' the cmp!llyl'r', wriHcn pra<·til:t' may h<,~ COlhi,krl'.! III ':lli... lyill~ lhe
lTileria of Sl'\,.'lion 6.::>.
6.3 To he cOllsiderel1 for cC-rtification. iI cilrldidillt' ~lhll1ld :<iltisl'y \llle Ilr lhl' !"ol[owill<-= l"l"ill'ri'l 1m lht' arplicilhk
Nl)T kvcl: .
6.3.1 NDT l.e\d:-.I ,IIKIII
Tahk n.3.1 A 1i:-.lS tht' nX0l1111ll'llikd lraillillg. illid t'x!lt'ril'l1l't'l:h:tOr... 1\1 Il;.' t·oll .. idl"l"t'd hy lhl'
t'mpillyer in est:lhlishing wriucn prat't it'c~ rill' illitial «Uill ifit':ll ilm nl' 1,1.'\ d I ,n1\.1 IA'vd II
l~lhle h..1.1 A list~ ,l!lernate Ir,linin,\! and t'.~pcriCI1C(' I'~lclor.. whit:h ilia} 11I~ l"ll!'l"ed hy ltll'
l'mplllyl'r in c:-.t;lhlishing writtcll prat'lit'<'s fIll' initial qualification I,f I A'\ ('I I and I_cve[ II
individuals. (Tht' SN"~'fC-f,1 Rt'vil'w COll1mittct' p);ms to rcnl\WC Tank, (\ ..~.I B wilh Illl' 11\'\1
lithic 6 ..1.1 C list), initi<J1 training and cx!X'ricncc ["actors whil'h may I'll.' nlll.~idl'rcd hy IJlt'l'lllplllyl'r
for specific limited applications as defincd in Ihe employer's wrill<:n pr'lclicc.
()J.~ NOT LcvelllJ Have graduated from a minimum four-year l'ollegc or ul1ivl'r~ilY nm'inilulll with a
deg~<: in engincering or scienec. pillS one additional year of cXp<.'ricm:c heyond lhe level
II re4uiremenls in NOT in an assignmeJlt comparable to Ihal 01':111 NDT Level II in thl'
applicable NDT melhlx.!(s). or: I-Iavc completed with passing !!rade~ at leastlwo ye:'lrs of engincering or sl:iellce study ;It
a univcrsity. college. or technical school. plus lWO addition:ll years of expcrk'n.:e lx'yond
the level II reqllircll1enl.~ in NOT in an :Is.~ignmcnt ,Il least t'ol1lparilhk til thai nf NOT
Levell! in the applicahle NOT mcthOlh~). or:
63.~.J Havc four years eXIX'riclKe tk:yolllilhe level II rl'lluirl'!ll('lIh III NUT in :111 .t~"I:"!j:'L'll
least Cllnlp:lrahle to lhat of;m NDT I.cvelll in Illl' ilpplitabh ~lfr lncthllo.!i

The above Levcllli requirements may he pilrtially l"t'p[;Kl'd hy t';>'lx'riclln: <l~ ;ll't'rli!ll'd NDT I ,l.'\l'j I
or hy assign1l1el1l~:'It least comparable 10 NDT Ll'vd lI:b Jl:'l'int'd IIllhl' ~'ll1pll)Y('l"\ wrillcil pr,Ktic('

7,0 Training, Programs

7.1 Personnel being considered for in itial certification ~holl III t'l)lllpktc ~lIfficient organi/.t'd lrilinin<-= to h"collll'
thoroughly rarniliar with the principles lllld practit::e.~ of tht: spl'<.:ifil'd NDT 11l1.'1hod rcbti'd to thl' levcl of
ccniticalion desired and applicllble \(I lhe processes to he used and lhl' pnxlul·ts to he ll'sted.
7.2 The lraining program should include sufricient examinations to ..:nsurc lInderslllndin~ (11' the IIl.'t·t:ssary
7.3 Recommended training course outlines imd referenccs for NDT Levels r. II. and II I personncl. whidl may lx'
used as tedmit:::ll source material. arc conl:lined ill AN.\'/lJ\SNT CP- /05 - "lilJliUlf ()UIJiI/l',~ .lill" QUI//!fko{ill/l
ofNOIule.wrll("{il'e Testill~ Per.l"(l/l/Iel.
7.4 The cmployer who pur<.:hases outside training Sl:'rvicl's is responsible for assuring thal such ~l:'rvit::l'~ l1I<:et thl'
requi~l1Iell1s of thc employer's written practice.

S,O EXtdminalions
lU Admillistratinn and Grading
X.I.I An NDT Level III shall be responsihle for thl' administration ,lIld grading of l'xamin:ltiUl1s spcl'ilictl
in Section 8,3 through 8,8 for NOT Levell. II. or olher Level III personnel. The administration and
grading of examinations may be delegmed to a qualitied rcpres<:nt:ltive of the NDT Ll'Vei III and
so recorded. A qualified representative of thc empillyer lll<Jy ~rfor111 the al'tual admillislral illl1 imll
grading of Level III examinations spccilied in H.R.
H.I.2 For Level I and II personnel. a <.:omrosite grade should he dCI..:rmined hy simple :lvcrilging of the
re~uhs of the generlll. specific, and practical l'xaminations d..:scribcd below. 1;01' I.e vel I I1 p,,;rsoIllK'I.
the composite grade should he determined by simple llveraging of the results urthe ba~ic. method.
and specific examinations described helow.
H.I .3 Examinations administered for quali ficalion should resull in :1 passing compositl' gradl' Ill' at ka~1
RO perl'enl. with no individll:11 ex,lminatioll Iwving il p:lssing grade less than 70 pl'rl·cnt.
Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006) 3
X,I...! \VIll'1J ;llIl·"aminall"n I' athlUlIl"IIf\'11 :lnu ~rau...d hll' 11lL' ,·mpl,,).·. 11\ ,II, qU'.llk ,H~ll" I·! I
OUl'-llII: agency hSlleS grade... \If p;.l~~ \lr filiI only. on a I'I:rtil"ied l'l,:po!1. Ill;,:!"! Ih,: "ll1plu~,:r lila)"
<I.X,'pl Illl' pass ,!.!rillk as XU IX'rl\:nt for lhal pank-ular eX;lInin<ltiOIl.
}i,I.5 Th... l:mplo}'er who pun:haSl::- OLlbillL' "l'rvil:t"s i.~ rl'spollSihk for "'Ibllrill~ Ih:tllhl' ,'\'illlll11;111I111
~n'1C ...' S Illeellhe f\'lJUircllll'lIh Ill' lhe ....rnployl·r''' wriul'n pr..ll'lil·I·.
N.2 Vi~ion r.}wnlll1:ltions
}i ,2 . I No.:a r- Vi Sillil A... Ult y. Th..: ..: Xilln inill iOIl sll\lu III 1'11:-'111"1' nalu!";11 or n IIT,'I'II'J n<.';1 r·d i...lal1<.'I· ;11'1111 Y III ,':
least one eye such Ihal the applil'anl is l'arahlc of reaJing a minin11l1ll ot Jao.:gl'r NUll1h,:r .:! or
l'lJui\'alent Iype and "i7.(' IeU... r al Ihe di'lancc dc~ignilloo on Ihl' chart hUI ntll k~s than 11 illl'h<.'~
iJn5 eml on a "landaI'd j;wgcr ll''''lt.:h:trt. Th\.' ahility III per\.Tiw illl Onhll-R;ll<.·r minimum til ~'
...imilar Il'SI pUlI... m i~ also al.'l:eplabk. TIllS :-.hould hi' admini:-'l~rcd imnu;lll~
15.2.2 CelIoI' Conlrast Oifti.'1\.'1I1ialil1ll. The exalllinalintl ~houlu tkmollstral,' till' ,'ap;lhihly ot lJi:-'linglll,hill~'
i.nd t1ifTercnli:lling I'Olllra~1 amung 1'\llllr:- \lr shades uf gray used in 1111.' llle-lhl,,1 a:-. tkll'lmiul'd h:- I
employer. This ,hould hl' l'nlldUl'll'l1 upnll inilial el'rtili\.-alloll and;1I Ii'.l'-~e-ar inl\'nal.. 1~1\'r,';,lt ..
15.J Gene-ral fWritle-1l - for NOT I.evels I ;md II)
l'I,:\, I The general examinal ions :-.hnullt ;Iddr,'ss the bil.. . il: priIKil'l..:.. . of th.: appli..'ahlC' Ilwlll\l..!.
8.3.2 In prcp;Jring the ~xamillati(llh.lhe NDT Level 111 should sell't·l or d\.·'i.....· apprupnalt·ljlll'"lh
I.:ovaing the applit'able n1l'thod IOIht..' degree rL"lJuirt.:d b) the empllly\.'r·~ wriltt'l1 rrKlll'\.'.
IU.J Sec the Appendix for example Ijucstions.
IUA The minimum numhcr of Ijlleslions that should he given is a.~ follows:

Number of Number or
Levell Level II
Test Method l.imited Certifications Questions QUl'Stions

Acoustic Emis~ion Testing -to -10

EiL'Ctromagnclic Te~ting
Alternating Cum:rll Hdd Mea:-'llr<.'1ll1'1ll
Eddy Current V, ""
3, Aux Lcakaj!c Tesling -1<,
4. Remote Field Testing -",
I.ascr Testing .'0 '0
Leak Testing 20 ~11
Liquid Penclranllesting 40 -",
Magnetic Aux Leakage 20 211
Magnetic Panicle TeMing -10 .0
Neutron Radiogr.lphic Testing 40 10
Radiographic Testing 40 -10
Film IllIcrprcter (from tr.linee) Nt" -10
Film Intcrprt::ler (from Level I) NtA 20
Digital Radio~opy Nt" .'0
Thcnnalllnfrarcd Testing 40 -UI
Ultmsonic Testing 40 -UI
Digital Thickness Meilsurcmcnt Nt" 20
A-St.:.1tl Thickness MeHSUrelllelll Nt" .10
Vibration Analysi!<> 40 -Ul
Visual Tesling 40 40

N/A: Not AII(1w<.'d

8.4 Specific (Wrinen - for NOT Lcveb I and II)
8.4.1 The spt.--cifit.: examinalion should address the equipment, operating prol:edurc~. ,lilt! NOT lechniljlll':-'
thallhc individual may encounter during specit"ic ilssignmcllls 10 the dcgn:e I"t'ljuin,'d by the
employcr's writlcn praclice,
804.2 TIle sJX.'Cifie examinalion ...hllUld :lIso 1'0\'('1' Ihe specifications or code... and ..,'l't'plinK't' l'rilt'riu 11'ot.'l.1
in the employer"s NOT pnx.x-dure:o.,
8.4.3 The minimum number of queslions thm should be given is as foll(lw~:

4 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006)

Numht;'I' or Number oi
Levell Level II
Test Methods and Techniques Limited Certification Questions Question...

Acoustic Emb....inll ·Ii..'..tin.!!

EI...·1:trornagnctic T... stin~
I. Allcmating CUlT('nt Field Mca."urenK'n1 211
2. Eddy Current 211
.1. Flux Leilkagc T~.... ting 211
-I. RemOle Field Tl'"ting
[.'l~r Testing
I. Pmtlloflletry
20 20
... Holography/:-;hcarography ~IJ ~n
Leuk Testing
I. Buhble Test
2. Ahsolute Pressure Leak Test (Pr..:ssurc CJUlIIgd
3. Halogen Diode I.e;!k Test

4. Mass Spel:trometcr I.eak Test 20 -U)
Liquid Pcnelrant Testing 20 20
Magnetic Aux Leakage 20 15
Magnetic Particle Testing 20 20
Neutron Radiographic Tc...ting 15 15
Radiographic Tesling 20 20
Film Interpreter (from tminee) NIl\. 20
Film Interpreter (fmm I~\'t'l () N/A 15
Digital Radio~upy N//\ 2"
Thcnnalllnfrared Testing 211 20
Uilrasonic Testing 20 2.i
lJig.ilill Thid,llC":-' Testing NiA p;
A-Scan Tl'~ljl1g N/A I:'
Vibration Analysis 211 60
Visual Testing 20 20

N/A: Not Allowed

8.5 Practic:l[ (for NOT Levell .1Ild II)

8.5.1 The candidate should demonstrate familiarity with and ability to operate thl' necessary NDT
equipment, record. and analyze the result'lIlt information to the degree r~qtlircd.
8.5.2 AI least one flawed specimen or componenl should be tested and the re:-.ult~ uf Iht: NDT analy/.cd
by the candidate.
8.53 The description of the specimen. the NDT procedure. including check paims. and the results of the
examination should be documented.
g.5.4 NOT Levell Practical Examination. Proficiency should be demonstrated in performing the
applicable NOT on one or more specimens or machine problems approved by the NOT Lcvellli
and in evaluating the result.... to the degree of responsibility as described in the employer's written
prJ.cticc. At least ten (10) differcnl checkpoints requiring an understanding of test variables and the
employer's proccdurdl requirement.... should be included in this practical examination.
85.5 NDT Leve111 Practical Examination. Proficiency should be demonstrated in selccting and
perfonning the applicable NOT technique within the method and interpreting and evaluating th~
results on one or more specimens or machine problems approved hy the NDT Levctlll. At least ten
(10) different checkpoint.." requiring an understanding of NOT variables and the employer's
procedural requirements should be included in this practical examin.Hion.
8.6 Sample questions for gener:ll examinations are pres~nled in the sep'lrale qucMion bOllkklS thilll';U1 be
ohtained from ASNT Headquarters. These questions arc intended as examples only and shouldl1(ll be
verbatim for qualification examinations. The following is a list of the hooklct~:

Recommended Practice SNT·TC-1A(2006) 5

Test Method Hookh,ts

An)ll~.i..: Emissi\1!l TCSlill~

Elecll"IlIllilgn":lic Tl.'Slin~
I. I\ltcl1l:lting Curr~'lll Field Ml':lSUR'I1l\'l1l

2. Eddy Currelll EE~

3. !-lux LC<lkagc EF*

4. Relllote field TC'lil1~ !-:R'"
l.aseT Testing
1. f'rofilollldry LP'
2. Ilolography/ShL',lrogr,lphy l.1I'"
Leak Testing
I. Bubble Test 1113
, Pressure Change MCilSUTl.'lllcnl liP
3. Halogen Diode I.cak Test 1111
4. Mass SpcclrornCIt'T TI.'SI 11M
Liquid Penetrant 'Jesting f)

Magnetic Aux Leabge Testing MF*

Magnetic Particle Testing
Neutron Radiographic Testing
Radiographic Testing
ThermallInfrarcd Testing J'
Ultrasonic Testing C
Vibration Analysis K'
Visual Testing

8.7 Additional Written. Specific and Pr:lctical [xfllninalion Criteria

8.7.1 Level I. II. and III Wrillen Examinations All Level I. II. and III writt..:n cxarnillations should IX' dnscd 0..)\11.: ,,:Xl.:..:pt lh;ll nl·l·<·...'al
d'lta. such as graphs. tahles. spc.::ificatiolls. procedures. l·tll.k'..... l'Il· .. may 0..: provided \\ Illl
or in the examination. Question.s ulili"ling such rd..:rcn.::<' mate-riills should n.:qllil\' an
understanding of the infonnation rather than merdy locating Ih..: approprial": answ..:r. All
questions used for Level I and Level II examinations should he approved hy till'
responsible Level Ill. A valid endorsement on an ACep l.evel n certilicate fullills the com'spollding
examination criteria described ill par,lgraphs 1).3 and X..'i for c,l<:h applicuhk NDT
S.7.2 Level I and II Specific Examinalions
The employer may delete the specific examinmion if Ihe candid,lle has a valid ACCP Lewl II
certificate in the method and if documented experience exists to permit such.
S.7.3 Practical Examinations
Successful completion of an ACCP Lcvd II general hands-on pral'ti<:al cxaminalion may b<::
considered as fulfilling the requiremellts of paragraph 8.5.
8.8 NDTlPdM Level III Examinations
8.8.1 Basic Examinations
8.8.1 .1 NI)T Basic Examination (required only once when l1I\lrC than one- method cxamillatillll i.'
taken). The minimum number of questions that should be giwn is as follows: hfteen (15) questions relating 10 understanding Ihe SNT~TC~/A documcnt. Twenty (20) {IUcstions relating to applicable materials. fabril·<Itioll. ;l1Id
prtxlu<:t technology.
tUU .1.3 Twenty (20) l/ucstiolls that are similar to publi~hcd Level II Iluestion:,> for
OIher approprime NOT methods.

6 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1 A (2006)

X.X.l .:! PdM Ba~i~· !:.':lI11in:ltiun (ro:qllired nuly Oll~·~' WI1l'll IIllll"~' Ih:1lI ull,' 11I~'lhod ,·'\',It"I,I,>", 'II '
takcn). TIll' minillllalllltll1llx:r of qU':StillllS 111:1\ ~ho\lhJ 11.: givcn i~:I~ follc1'.','.\:
X.X.l.l.1 Fiftcen ~ 15) questions rclming to unJcNanding Ow SN1~f( '-' A dOClllll~'llt
X.X.l .2.2 1\\ ~'rlty (20) qucst ions rdat ing to appl icabk llwchilwry h.'dult I], )~).
X,X.l.2.:1 l'hirly (30) questions that an.' similar 10 publishcd Lcvd II ljllcstilJll" tl>!"
other appropriatc PdM llll'thods.
X.X.:. Mctl1lXJ 1::l::llllillation (for ~·;I,'h 11l~·thl)d).
X.X.:..! Thirty (30) qUl'stions relating to fllll\Jamcnwls all,1 prilK'ip1c~ thai ;U\' simil;lr tl'
puhlished ASNT J..cwlill questions for each rnellwd. and
X.X .:'.2 Fiftcen ( 15) 4ucstillilS relalillg tn applk':l1 ilm and c~l;lblishnK'1l( I)f lechl1iqu~'s and
procedur,'s Ihat arc .~i111il:lr 10 the pUhli~II~'d A$N·I· IA'v,'1 III qlll'."t il lllS ror
'>;I~·h Ull'I!., I.:
X.X.:'.J Twenty (20l l.jllcstillllS rcl:l1ing to capahilily for illl~'rpr.:lil1g ":Ol.k~. sl.mdMds. alld
specifications rl'1ating to the m~'th(ld.
X.X Spe\'ific Examination Ifor ~·<ll·h method).
X.X .:1.1 Twenty (2m qlll'stions rdal ing to sJX'ci fi~·alions. el]Uipllwnt. t~·ehniljllcs. ;lll,1 pnl'.:~'dur·.::
applicahle tn Ihc ~·mployer·s produClls) :l1IJ nll::tl!o(1s employe(l ;lIla 10 lh~' ;ldlllini~lr<llj(l11
of the employer\ wrillen pmctic",.
X.X.3.2 The employer may lk:lete the s]X'l.'ifit' cxamination if the canJidale has a v;llill I\.SNT
NDT LevellJl or ACCP Professional l.cvcl III cCl1ifieale in the method :lnll if
documemed cvidence of experience exists. including the preparation of NDT pro':l"dur~'s
to codes. st:mdards. or specifications and the cvaluation of test results.
8.8.4 A v;\lid endorsement on an ASNT NDT Level III certificate fullills the examination criteria
described in 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 for each applicable NDT method,
8.8.5 I\. valid endorsement of an ACCP Professional Level III certific3te fullills the eX3minnlion rri1l'ri:l
described in X.8.1 and X.8.2 for each applicahle NDT method.
X.9 Reexamination
Those failing to allain the required gr:ldcs should w;lit;ll !castlhiny ~301 d;lys or rer~'ivc suil<lhh.' :Idditl\lI1:11
training as delermined by the NDT L~'vd lIIlx'fore r~'~'.~:lIl1in:lli\)]1.

9.0 Certification
9.1 CenitiGltio!1 of all levels of NDT Ix:rsonnd is the re~polI_.. ihill1~ of lilt: ~'ll1ployt:r.
9.2 Certification of NDT personnel shall oc based on dcmollStr:lIioll of s<lti~fal'lory 411a!iri~·;lli,," in a,,~·c,ni;IJI
with Sections 6, 7, and 8. as des(.'ribed in the employer's writtcn practice.
9.3 A.11he option of the employer. all oUlside agency Ill;l)' h,' ~'ngagcd to provil!c NDT r .cwl [1/ .\~'rvin's. In ,,\1\
instan.:es. the responsibility of eerti fil.'ation of the ernployl.:es shall he retained by lh... ~Illploycr.
9.4 Personnel certilication records shall be l11;limaineu on file hy the employer for the dllr;llinn spccified in lhL'
employers writtcn practice and shoulJ include Ihe follow,ing.'
9.4.1 Namc of certified individual.
9.4.2 Level of certification and NDT method.
9.4.:1 Educational background and experience of certified in<lividuals.
9.4.4 Statement indicating satisfa<:tory comp1t::tion of lraining in accord<lnce with the ....mployer\ wri!lclI
9.4.5 Results of the vision exarnin:lIiollS prescribed in :-1.2 for the ClIrrent cenificalion period.
9.4.6 Current cxamination copy(ies) or evidencc of slIcct:ssful completion of examinalions.
9.4.7 Other suitable evidence of satisfHClOry qU;llilil:atinns when such qualific;llions art: used in lieu or
the specific eXHminatioll presnibed in x.ll.3,2 or a~ prescribed in the employer's writtcn praclicc.
9.4.X Composite grade(s) or suilable evidence of grades.
9.4.9 Signature of the Level 111 that verificd qualifications of candidatc for ccrtilicHtion.
9.4.10 Dates of certification and/or recertification and lhc dales of assignlTl~tl!s to NDT.
9.4.11 Certification expiralion date.
9.4.1:' Signature of employcr's certifying authority.

10, Technical Performance Evaluation

10.1 NDT personnel may be rcexmnined allY time at lhe discretion of the employer and have their c('rlifkat~'"
extended ur rl'vokcd.
10.2 Periodically. as defined in the employers written practice, the technical pcrfonmllKc of l-l'\'cl [and [I
personnel should be evaluated and doculllellled by;1 NDT Level 111. The evaluation and documentation
should follow the format and guidelines described in section X.5.

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006) 7

IIJJ Intl'rruptw Servicl'
! 1.1 nle employer.... wnth'll pr:u:lin: ...hullld i~ldU(k fule', ~'(~\:.;nn!; the IYIX's :11I1! thlr;l~illl: 0: ::I!,'n::pl'.'J _',i~ :' "

Ihat rC4uircs rcexarnin:uion and reccltir'k:lliull.

11.2 The wrinel1 pr:lI:lkc lohollill 'pcdfy lhc rcljUircrnt'llb fIll l"l'l'),:unin:lliorl ;mlUur l\'\.I'n i IiI ;11 i"n fOI Ihl-
intcrrupll't! ~'r\"icl',

12,0 Rl>('crtificalion
12,1 A t1 kvds of NDT p..·rst1llTlt'1 lohall he rcccnill{'d rX.. ri(M.hl'all~ in :11'l'On.1:IllCC with nill ..I Ihl' !"Illlnw i,l..: r;,
.. 1].1.1 Evidl:ncc of l'\lntinuing s<llisr:Klllry lcchnieal l'll.'rrnnmllll'l·.

12.1.2 Reexaminalion ill lho:-e portions nf the cX:llllln:J1ions in Scdinll X dCl'11l1'd r11'l"I'lo,;lr~ h~ lhl'
crnpltlycl"" NIH I.('\lcl III.
12,2 ReCOIllTlll'nJl'O maximum rC\:l,.'nilll;aliOIi inlerval.; al\' 5 ~ca" fllr all ct:nilil':tli"J1 kwh.

1.\,0 'I"t'rmination
1.1.1 -I 'hI' crnploycr', .;enitil·;Jlill!l :-hall Ix' tk'cl1lt:d rcvu~eJ \\.1ll'1I clllphlynll:l1I ilo k'nuill;lll'd
13.2 A Levell. Lt:vd II. or I....· ,dlll whose eenillcation halo tx'en lermmalcd may h,.·I'l'n.lil'J In 11ll' !nnlll'r ""
level hy a new employer hased 011 examinalion, a," dcscri~11 in S....I·llon x_ providl'd allll! Ih<' ItlHowing
l'nnJilions ;Jrl~ mel In Ihe new employer's slltisfal-lion:
1.~.2.1 The l'mplo)'cl: hilS proof of prior cenifil-ation.
13.2.2 The employee was working in the eapacilY to which cenilied within si~ t61 mOlllh~ 01 ll'nninallon.
13.2..3 The emplo)'ee is being recertilied within six tOj monlhs of terminmioll.
13.2.4 Prior 10 being exam in\.'<.1 for ccnificmion_ clllploy\.-e~ not IllCeling lhe ahtwl' n'"t,juirernenl'> ,houlJ
receive additional tmining as deemed appropriat<.' hy lhe NDT Lewl III.

14,0 Reinstatement
14.1 1\ Level I. Level II. or 1..c"c1111 whose certification ha~ Ix.>cn lerminalcd may he rclOlotateU 10 tth.' !<mner
NDT level. without a new cxaminmion, provided all of the following conditiul1:- an: mel:
14.1,1 The employer has mainwined lhe personnel ct.'nificaliol1 records rCll"ir('(t in section I)A.
14.1.1 The cmplllYcc':- l·enili..'alion Jit! nol t':xpirc JUrill~ ICl"lllill;tlillll.
1-1.1 .:1 Thl' cmployl'l" i.; Ix'ing l\'inloUllcd within ~i \ 1(, I month, .11' Il'nnin;ui, 'I.

8 Recommended Practice $NT-TC-1A (2006)

Table 6.3.1 A: Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels
- Completion wilh a

pil~ing grath' ur at
2 Yl'ar.<; of
School cngimocrinj.l or Work
(;raduatc science stud)' al a Expcricm'c TO!<11
--- Lcn-I Tn-hniyul'. '"
unin'rsity l'IJlh'g<'
or tcdlllil:al sl.'hool
!IlJur." in
Nln I
Al'(>ustic 1 .\2 ~!HI

+- "-
1 AC I'idd
- f------
-- -
-- n30
11()( I
- I
"- EdJy ( ·um.:111
''"" - - - '"
t---- .J!H)
630 121llJ
" ""'" - -
to:ll'{'t romaglll't ie ---- -- ~ I (1
Flu\ I,C'<I~ilg" - - -----
- - (,_H)
" I
------u-- R<.'n1<llc' h.:ld - ""'" --
"'", - --
- 1201'


1---- :.; ""
- -- -~.

-- -
1.'0 __
..!1,( !
Laser Methods --
-I" Ilologmphyl
--- 411
- -- 110
-- l2011
-- -
- -100

" I
Buhble Tesling
2 2
- J-
- 1--
- "
" I
Pressure ('h;lDge
-- lOS
Leak Tcsting
Hlllogcl1 Diode ,
12 8 1O.'i 200
2XO 520
" 4. " -- 'i.20

I Mass
Sr Jedl t'lll1ela 24 ")(,
--- -
- l! '
- i
Uquid Pl'nelranl
", - •, -1 - "10
, ,--
---7- -- I
--- ,
Magnetic Flux I )(, 12 io
"--- - 12
- 2111
-- --
", - 711 -_._- IJ!I
Magnetic- I'article -,
Neutron " I .2X

- 210
,uo - --
" -- ""4. "030 - - IlJXlJ
Radiography f---iI-
I---?(I .'l5
-- 1---- 630
J2 32 210 -100
J. 32 1260 lXOO
4. 30 210 -IIXI
Ultrasonics 4.(1 4. 630 1200
Analysis ",
4 70 1J(l
14. .!7(J
16 R
fOf Lc,,,llI ~Cr'l,Ii""!I"n_,hcc_'pen"""" ,hall ,'n""" of limo ~l [""'cll Ill" C<ILlI'.lclll If" I.e"",,, IS bo,ng qualified """clly ", [.<:,-..1 II >1"1111 'Hl I"",' ,,. 1",,-<;1 I"h,'
'" rctllllr~1 cXl"'riC"'-'c
l.e'·c1 I an" I.c.c1 H.
shall ,'",,,,.,, "fllle ,urn nftl", 111l"" ""Iuired fn, 1....'''I! and Lc.d II and I"" "",!uin...t 1ra"III\~~ _hall ,·"llS'." of III< 'Llill "f 11,,- 1""10' " ...1""....,1 h>l

'_0 r"Qf t".dlll C-erl,flcat"llI,lr.: 'C<lu",cd c'flCrlcn"e ,,"all cOO, 1St of lhe ."m or the "me rt:qu,r.-<J fIll" Levell an,ll...,vcl II. plu, th" :"h.!llu'n;,IIIll'" ""1"",,,1 101 '> ..' .2 ""'
applkable.'"" rcqum:d formal lrilln;lIg shall ':on';~l or lh~ U:.d I and L.;vd 11lrajnlll~. plus any 3ddili",,"1 f""mll 1"'lllIn~ ;c, dcrono:<! tt, ,toe ~'npl""er"-, ",rUlcn pr''':-
HI USled {r."nnll; Ii""" ",ay he adJ"Sled ;" d"SCl,bal in {he .Illpl"yc~ .• wIlllen pnl<:lIee 'l<renJ'"j; tin Ihe c"nd,d",e', oclllal edu,'"'''''' I,-vel. ".~ ~I-JIIU"'" ",t,.. ,I, ,·"llq.'"
~radU"le m cn~IlI""'"I1~. clC
4.U Troinlllg shall t>c "mli""d on Ille ~mployc( .....Wtea pr.... licc. MagllCl;c l'",ud. I,,,ming hours may t>c c~>un{"d l"ward, MagnelIC n".\ I.."."g,. lr.u",n~ I\,u'":,, deli".,1
in empl"yer's "'''lien practke
~.n If"" in<hvidu,,1 " c"""nlly ,..,n,Ii,,,1 'n "n 1:"1" 1,-.:nnl4"e :tOO a rull co"r", ("nna{ ....,,, "s,:d 10 ,,",..,1 Ihe mll,,,1 <I""I1I1<":tI"uI> In Ih", Icehn'4""' 110,' ,n"" """" (rJI""'~
IK.." 11> <I"al,ry I" """,her ETlec'h"J4"e "I ,he Smne le,~1 may be ,..,duco:<! up ",.ul p"n:enl if so defined In the empl,,~c, '.' "'rillen p"","ce If :", IIlJl'I\I",,) I> cen,l;e,1
," a" J-T te"hn,,!,,,,,, tro.., IllJ""m"" e'I","e"ec In 4uahfy ro, ttlll~het ET Icdlnl<lue 'II Illc ,""''' 1<-.. 1," ,,, 'he ,,,.,, 1e.... 1 ",a~ I", "'d,,,,,-d h.' "1'1" "0 1\"""'" ,i ,,' ,Jcf",,~1
,n {he e"'ploycI·' .... ,l11~" p"l<:lic~

Recommended Practice SNT- Te- IA (2006) 9

Table 6.3.1 B: Alternate Initial Training and Experience Levels
The intent is to eliminate this table during the next revision_
-- - - ---- . -·Compll'tion \\ ith 11
pa'isin~ gntdl' of al
Je<lsl 2 ye-dl'"S uf
l'n~im'l'rin1-: Ill'" 'i<'il'O('l'
gr-adUlIIl' ..ludJ <It a uniH· E'\J>l' ril'lHT

Ml'thod Level TcchniuUl' l'tIUi"lllcnl _
l'olll'gl' or Il'dlllil"ld
- '".. s('hool --_._. I
I .('\l'I
Al'llu~tk I 'II ._-- .l::!
1--';- --- --
_ Et'.!.i~~iHlI
-- ,

:\( . f:tl'ltJ
'II - -'II ,

(l,ka'llr,'II\~'ln 'II
-- --
---'II -- " . 'I
j: -'
, II
Edd~ ('III1\:nl

- -
. '--
t:teclrmuaj!O('lk "
I·lu\ 1.~"I.:I¥'
~ -"-'-
..,'" - -
-- ,."'" - .• "
. . .., !
'-f,- R~II1"I~ Ild,l
- -- -
t- - I'rorilo1ll~'1f)
'"• - - , "
LaSt'r Mt'lhod.s , HologrJph)'1
,.,." l-
II .j()
- - - l-
Bllhhk T C~lll\g
2 2
-- ~h our-.
II ,
Pn:~sllr.. t"h~l1~c
24 . I.
- , I
Leak Testing
Hnltlgcn I)ioth..

", ", . --
--, I

I Ma's 411 I
Liquid Pent'lr"nt
~""lnltll<'I~'r 14
,, +-

"_- .

Ma~nelic I If,
Flu.~ I.eakal(t'

Magnetic P~rtiC"k>
- ""
, - ,
Hadio~raph~' ......"
~- --- 2U
I h
, I
'0 -lU
R:ldioj!nlphy I '0 JII
- -'
- 31 '" - f- .

'"32 C- ,1,
II 34 .
Vibration "
_ _ 411


Vislml "I ,
12 4'

II I. ~

ID R.- 1"",'..111 ~,iio,~ ...... ,1>< ,·:<pc,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,.1 ...... """'~ 11"'" ~'I"'."I I .1t£«w,*ll\ If ~.,.,.-_ '" 1"""1 ",,",lIroccl di",,:tl} II> IA·,d II .. "h , I"'..·~, l..... d I, 11..-
lU(u,recl UI'"""'<''''''' ""'II .,,,,,,.>1 ,,(
11..- ...",.,( ,I>< """" "'1""<'<1 rill 1",,,,,1 I aO!J ,...:,.01
II ",k! II", '<'<lu,,\'<.I'OO''''''I' wll """"I'~ ,I..' _,,"" .., I.. ", .... ,<"t(,,,,,>1 h.
Lc""ll and 1...,''''1 II
10 I'ur Levd 111 ......"f"'"",,". 'b.. ""lu,"'d ... po:ric:n« >hull .... "'".>4 "r ,t.,
.urn of ,he ""'" ''''lU,n:d f".. I "',.." I ",k! I.... ""1 II, I'lu. :11I OklJ'I ...",,1 I.' """"I" I'll.: '''lu,,,>1 h.
mal ,rainlnl ,hall '''''N,' "r ,Ik' L..,,,I I and l"""d II '",,,,,nl. pi .... • "y ",kllllonal r"n"al,r",,",,~ :" ,ldi.... J ill ,he """pl,,y.. r'. '" ",,'" 1"""'11""
,1.IIU.I..'d I""nlll~ h"".... "'") I>c ..11"S'",t as dc>cnheJ III ,h....n'I'I,,)d' ....'''Ien 1""""'" d"l...·'...lIn~ "" II., ,·""'lId:"..·.' ",'111,,1 "d'k"ln '" k,.-I. o:!, ."""""" ",'b<. ,I .• , ,I
lege g,ud"nt.. ,n ,'"!,,,,,,e,,,,!,. ell,'
.l.ll Ini,ial "~pcncn"" 1lI'I)' I", ga,ned """lll,,,",,ously Ill'''''' Ilr "00"" "...,ho>.l, ,f II",.
" I .ulkli"".. '1"Iru.l." """[["Un! Hr 1.'' ' """t.>.I
"f w,.. ~ ",,,. '''' o:;o,:h f.". whi,:h ...... ntf"'",,, ..,,, "",!,h'. ,,00
4.1 '''f'l..- ".....
"''''''' ...... ~ limo: ..1""'",,11 as ul"""""""" _1"'I1I.n ""tlT.",lal."II "",,,,, ...' okl"..,1 ,n ,).. "'''I'h,yo.-r', .. r.u.."I."'·"...·
!ill Tra,,,,nl' shull he ..",h","tl'Ollhe .nopl"Y"(~ w""~n 1"1'". ..,....,
f>11 If:oll ,"'I,"Kl....I" ,....,...nlly ,."ntfO<'\l ,n ~n LT ",,"hn,,!"" ,,00 a f"l1.........., foml:ll ..-...........1,.. U"..,I ,,,,. I"",~l '~'"ltf" ... Ul:> '" Ih.ll I h""""· ,ho.' """ "" ..."'"..
how's In 'f""J,'y In ""'....... l::T 1«hr>"I"C 1M il'Ic \:I"'" "',d n",~ r., ' ... '" III pr'''''''' ,I ,., okf,...... 'n ,he ,-mplorcT', .. "I"m p ,.. ~ If ooJlI'" '" ,-n',I",t
ill .-I:T !(1,+.n ,he m,m"wm ....p..,oc..:e!oJ 'l""'hly lor:R)l/k.,. ET ~hniq"" 1M die """" 1<,·,·I.n '" II... OIC_" ""·d ,,1;1'. "'" .....1'".'>1''' up h. 'Ie) f'<"'~'" " ....
dcfil>Cd ,a 1"" pIoycr·' "'"'''''' JII'lI<""'"
10 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006)
Table 6.3.1 C: Initial Training and Experience Levels
For Level II Limited Certifications
-- -- Minimum Rcquiroo Wurk
Examination Limited Technicians Formal Experience in Met hod
Method Certificalion Starting Poinl Trainin~ _ _ (Hours)

Film Inte rClmioo
Film Interpret.llion
Levell ,
- --- 2222
Di ita! RadioS/,.'1) Tr'J.ince 32 J75
Oi ita! Thickness 8
A-Scan Thickness
Trdinec __ 24 -- ----
Interpretation of Radiograph.~ .1011,,1 = 21 hours
Anif...."'t-~ 2 houl'
CltS1HlP - ft hotln;
Weldmcnts· 14 hours

RAUiOGRAI'HI::RS (Cen,rtc:d RT Lr"ellI

RefrnheT HlSUUCUOIt - 2 hours (geomelnCal unslwpncss. radiograph>c ~nsI1IYuy. radiot;r:aph>c oontr.rn. film romrast. subjeCt conlnUl. defimtl()rl.
eJtposun: techniques. manufacturing proces..;es and a~i"lcd disronlinulI":s. &: st.mdards. coo.c and j)I'OC'eduTe!>I
Inrcrpretalion nf rad;<lgraphs •• 22 hour~

Recommended Practice SNT·TC·1A (2006) 11

General Level III Requirements
Th\.' 8a~i~' Examination willl"ll\cf thn.'1.' (~) milin lopkal an..'a:.,
1.0 P.:r~nnn~1 Qualilit'alion ;Illd C.:nificali.lIl Program"
1.1 SN.,. Te· / 1\
1.2 AN.';IIA\'N7:CP-/89
I -' ASNT Level I Jr Progmnl
~.O Gcner.ll f;mlili;lrily with OIhcr NDT Ml.'lhtlll:-.
J.O Gener.!1 kno~ k,lgl' of m;lIcriah.. rabricatinn. and pr,xlu.:\ tL·\:hnology.

S"'P;1r.IIC M~lh{)t1 cx;mlinatillll~ will he given tIl cuver each of Ih.: II.IHlIWil1~ NUT M..,th.1\.I:·..
AnJU:-lil' Emission TI':-lil1~
EII.'t.·lromagnclil: -k~lirl::
La,er MClhoI.\<.
lcilk TC~ling
li4Uid Tl'~lillg
Magnetic Flux Leakage
Magnetic Panicle Testing
Neutron Radiographic Testing
Radiographic Testing
ThennaVlnfmn..-d Testing
Uhrawnic Testing
Visual Testing

Each of the Method examin31ions is divided into three m:lin topical ilrcas:
I. Method fundamentals and principles.
2 General knowkugc of techniques within th~' l\kthnu:-.
3 Generoil interprcwtion of codes. st:mdanb. ill1d,p...'\·ifi~·;lti"n"rdallll.'!; j!' 1,';'

TIle Basic cxamin:ttion :md Olll' or more Method ~'x:lI11illatiull" IlIU'" Ix' lah'll .111.1 1';1'" h 'I"':!'; . '1'1 '
Ccrt il"it'al..:. The cndorsemcms nn Ihe ASNT Certificll(c will li"l th~' ~';II'illU" Mc\hl lib. '.\ hl,ll th,' .lpplll:illil l·a".

The following topical ouilines further subdivide the main h'Pit:al;Il~a:. uf both BaSI'" ;lllll MdhlJU ~'~:lInin;t1r"ll '1
ture references. and have sampk questions typical of thuse in the examination".

RI'I.."()mmentfcd Practice No. SN'f:TC·fA

1.0 Scope
2.0 Definitions
3.0 Nondc.'ilructivc Testing Methods
4.0 Levels of Qualific,:uion
5.0 Wrinen Pral:lice
6.0 Educiltion. Tmining. and Experience
7.0 Training Progrilms
8.0 Examinations
9.0 Certification
10.0 Tcnnination

ASNr Sralldonl ANS/lASNT-CP-/89

1.0 Scope
2.0 Definitions
3.0 Levels of Qualification
4.0 Qualification RL"quiremenis
5.0 Qualification and Certification
6.0 Examin<llions
7.0 Expiration. Suspension. RCVOCll!ion. and R~inslHt(,:I1lCnt or Employ....e\ Cet1ifkmicll1
8.0 Employ....r Rec....rtilieatioJl
9.0 Records

12 Aecanrnencled Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006)

1(1.(1 R... fl'rl·lll·\·d 1'lIbllL'alinll~
10.1 ,\SNT Level iii CL'nitieatioll l'mgr,lll1
10.1 ASNT IJIJCUlll"'ll\ Numh..:rs
llU CP·J-Xl,l
lOA CP---l-X6
10.5 CP-:'i·X7
10.6 ('P·(,·X6

··til·lll·roll Infuml:uiuli. I\SNT I ~\'Cl III Pmgram: i\ Review of Ihe ASNT I'.·'-""Illwl C..'n,fkill;nn 1>r.,!-'rlll'· i /, ,'.•.; d·
l:l'fdlltllilJ/I. Vol. -I.'. No.3. (Redi Refl'"f\.'lll·l'liuiddl'-)l{4). rp 566.-
Hardi~ol1. R.R. ( 1991 . hllll'). ASNT Standanl. M(//IT;als Em/l/mifll/. Vol ·N. N,l. 0. pp 79X·XOh."
Ilardb!l'L R.R. ( I~) 1. Fdmlar)'l. Pmilion PafX'"f un ASNT Ccn.fil·:llillll~.~Ialldard~. ilnd Rel'olllllk.'llI.k.,,1 I'rl'-!'" (.... }do/cT"ll
f:"ll/llClf;ml. Vol. ~IJ. No. 1.. pp 1X6..2RlJ. -
WIIl.'dcr. (j.C. A (iuilk 10 /'asoll/w! Qllfllijinl1i<·u (llill Calijiauioll. Cllllllllhu~. OH: "Il.L' I\nwrkan :-.'.....·'~·l I"
NonJeslrui;tiv<: T..:.,ting. 1991 ,'"

Basics of Common NOT Methods

1.0 Acoustic Emission Tcstin~
1.1 Fundamentals
1.1 .1 Principles/theory of acousti..' emission testing
1.1 .2 Sources of acouslic emission~
1.1 .J Equipmem and m:ucrial
1.2 Pmper sclcclion of acoustic emis~jon Icchnique
1.2.1 Instrumentation ,md signal processing Cables (tY~SI Signall'nnJitillnin~
1.2.1_~ Signal dctl,.'l-tiun
1.2.1 A Noise discriminatiun Ekctmni..· Ic,,'hniqut
1.2. r.6 !\ttenuation materials
1.2.1,7 Data filtering tc..:hniqul'S
1.3 Imcrpret:uinn ,md evalualioo of tcsl fl.'Sulll>

2.0 Eleclroma~n('lic ·Iestin~

2.1 Fundamcnlals
2.1.1 Elcclromagnetic fictJ gcneration
2.1.2 Propcnies of eddy CUlTCnt
2.13 Effects of varying frequenl·y
2.1.4 Pha.'>C discrimination
2.2 Elcclromagnelic t~sling
2.2.1 Sensors
2.2.2 Basic types of equipment: types of reaJ oot
2.23 Reference standards
2.2.4 Applicmions and lest result intcrpretation Fltlw detection Conductivity and permeability soning
2.2.43 Thickness gaging Process control

3.0 Leak Testing

3.1 fundamentals
3.1.1 Bubble detection
3.1.2 Pressure change
3.13 Halogen diode detl,.'l;lor
3.1.4 Ma~s spectrometer

Recommended Practice SNT..TC·' A (2006) 13

3.-' I.~'al.. ll,'~tlll!!
1! I SY~'\'IlI" r'l\.·ln,-..
.l.l.1.1 Rel:lI;vc '-l.·n~itivit)
.l.1.1.1 EVacuatl"d ,)"t\'lIh
3.1.13 Pre~suriZl-'lIloYlotl'mlo;Ollnhlcnt fluids.'cr nUld"
.l.1.1 A I .o cming leak"
U.L5 Calihration
3.1.1 Tl'loI ~:-uh interprctati,}Jl
3.1_l Esscllli:t1s or sarclY
3.1..4 TClol equipmt'nt
3.15 "pplieatlulh
3 . 15.1 Pipin¥ and Pl"l'loloIlfI' wlo'l'b
3.1 ..'i.1 Evacuml,'d loYlotl,'llllo
3.1.5 ..1 Low prcs~url,' fluid I·OIll.unn1l'nl \csSl.. I~ . PIIJl':'. and IlIhlll~
. l .l .."..4 Hermetic loc,d:.
3.15.5 Elcctri...·al and l'IN'lrnnk .... tJll1l)\lIll"nt~

4.1) Liquid Pcn~trant TCSlillf:.

4.1 Fund,tllll,'ntab
4.1.1 Interaction of penctr.Jt1ts and discontinuity openings
4.1.2 ~luorcsccnce and COI1tr.Jst
4.2 Liquid penetrant lenting
4.2.1 PcnetrJnt processes
4.2.2 Test equipment and systcm~ faelors
4..2.3 Test result imcrpretation: diM:ontinuily indications
4.1.4 Application~
·1.2.4 . 1 Castings
4.2.4 . 2 Welds Wrought metal,
4.2 . 4.4 Machin<."<.1 panlo
4.2..4.5 ~aks
4 . 2.4.6 Field insp....l .. tlolb

5.0 Magnetic Particle ·Ieslin~

5.1 Fundamcnlals
5.1.1 Magneti<."' field prillcipk~
5.1 .2 Magncti/.'ltioll hy I11catl~ IIf ck'l·trk ClllTl.'lIt
5.13 I)cmagnctiz'llion
5.2 Magndic panicle inspection
5.2.1 l.3asic types of equipmellt .md inspccti(lIl materials
5.2.2 Test results intcrprclillion; disl."Ontinllity indications
5.2.) Applil:ations
5.2.J.I Wcld~ Caslings Wrought met'lls
5.2..:t4 Machin(,.'(1 p:lns
5.2.35 r-ield applications

6.0 Neutron Radiographic Testing

6.1 Fundamcmab.
6.1.1 Sourl"~
6.LLI X-r.lY bOlopil' Neutron
6.1.2 [)etectors Imaging _ eu
6.Ll Naturc uf pcnelr~lling radiatioll and inter..ll·tion:- with mailer
fl.l .4 Eloscntials of safely

14 Recommended Practice SNT-TC·1A (2006)

h.2 Ncutrnn l'il1!Jogr.lphk lc~tillg
fl.2.1 B;l~jl' Ililaging. Cllllsidcrmhm~
6.2.:' Tesl r\'~ull intcrprClatiun: uisnmtinuity illdll'atiun~
6.2.J Syst\'rn~ faClUrs (suun,:\,/tcsl Ohj('l"t/ul'tn·tnr inl\'r.ll..'lilln~)
6.2'" Applinllllm!'
t,.2 1 Explosi\'cS ilnd pynlll'l'hilk Ul" IW"
6.2 1 !\sscmhled (:urnpollcnt..
6.2 J BIIJlJcd compollcnlS
6.2...... C'orro\iol\ detcction
fI.2A.S Nonmctallic matcri<.lls

7J) H.adi~l'"aphk TestinR

7,1 Fundamentals
7.1.1 SOUTl'l'" Casling.s W"ltb
7.1.1 ..' I\s:oemhlics
7.1 .1..1 Elcctrunic l"oIllJXlflcnts
7,1.1.5 I:icld inspcL'ti<ms
7.1 .2 Deteclors Imaging Nonima£ing
7.1.3 Nature of penetrating radialion and inter.1ctions with mailer
7.1 .4 F_,,"scnlials of safety
7.2 Radiographic tesling
7.2.1 Basic imaging considerations
7.2.2 Tesl resuh interpretation: disconlinuilY indications
7.2.3 Syslems factors (sQun:c/tcst objl.'Cl/dclCClnT interactions)
7.2.4 Applicalions
7.2.·1.1 Cl"lin!;\
7.:~A.2 Welds
7.!A.J ASSl'l1lhlic.\
7.2 ... ..1 Eketrollil' "llmr<)II"Il{~ 1:idtl in~p"l·tililb

8_0 Thel'"maVlnfmred Testing

IU fundamcmals
8.1.1 Principles and IhL'Ory of thermal/infrared lc\ting
8.1,2 Tcmpcr.tturc measurement prindrlc~
8.1.3 Proper sekction of themlal/infraTl'd ICl'hnique
82 ~.quipmcnllmatcrial"
8.2.1 Temperature measurement equipmcnt
8.2.2 Heat flux indil·<Iton.
8.2.3 Non-contllci devices
X.3 Applications
8.3.1 Contact temperature indicators
8.3.2 on-contact pyrometers
8.33 Linc-s(:annl'rs
8.3.4 Thermal imaging
83.5 Heat flux indicators
8.3.6 Exothermic or endothermic investigations
fU.7 Frit:tiOIl investigations
8.3.8 Auid flow invc"tigation"
8.3.9 Thermal rc~istancc investigations
8.3. JO Thermal capaeilancc invcsli£3tion"
8.4 Interprctalion <lnd cvaluation

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006) 15

9.0 lIUr!tstllli(' 'Iesting
\).1 1·U!i<!alll.:nt;lb
oJ.1 .1 Uhrasolli(' ~ound ncam"
9.1.1, I Wave tr.l\'d lllo..k,
I) ,I ,I ,2 Refmctiun _reJ1l-..:t il lll, , ••:alil..' ri ll~. and at1I,.'llllaIIU!I
I).I,~ Tran~Ul''''rs and sound oc<:1ll11'tlupling
9.:! llltra'onil' [l'sting
<)2.1 Hasi\.' type" of equipml.'nl
9.2.:! Rcfcrcn\.'c standards
9.2.3 Tc"t rc"ult intcrprctation: di"l'untinuily indil':Itinn"
9,2.-1 S)"IClIl f;l.:tur,
9.25 Applkatinns
9.15.1 Flaw dClCl'tion
1J.15.:! Thidncss lnl'a"lll'<.'llll'nl
9.:!5 ..\ Uond evaluatioll
9.25.4 Pl'{~ess cOlltrol
9.::! ..! ;ij field inspccti\)11

10.0 Visulli Testing

10.1 Fundamentllis
10.1,1 Principles and theory of visual h.'"ting
10.1.2 Selcction of correct visual t,,'chniqul'
10.1.3 Equipment and materials
10.2 Specific applications
10.2.1 Metal joining proccsse.<;
10.2.2 Pressure vessels
10.2.3 Pumps
10,1.4 Valves
10,25 Bolling
10,1.6 Castings
10.2.7 r'Orgings
1O,1.R F.xtmsions
10.2.9 Microcircuits
10.3 Interpretation and evaluation
10.3.1 Codes and standards
10.3.2 Environmental factors

Basic Materials, Fabrication and Product Technology

1.0 Fundamentals of Mat!trial Technology
1.1 Propenies of materials
1.1,1 Strength ,md clastic propcnie.,
1.1.2 Physical properties
I .1.3 Material properties testing
1,2 Origin of disconlinuilies and failure modes
1.2.1 Inherent discontinuities
1.2.2 Process-induced discontinuities
1.23 Service-induced discontinuities
1.2.4 Failures in metallic malerials
1.2.5 Failures in nonmclallic mmcdals
t.3 Stafistical nature of detecting and chamctcri/ing discominuities

2.0 .'undamcntals of Fabrication and Produrl Tcchnolo~J

2.1 Raw materials processing
2.2 Mctals processing
2.2.1 Primary metals Metal ingot production Wrought primary metals

16 Recommended Practice SNT·TC·1 A (2006)

," (';l:-Ilrl~:'>
~.~. ~ I f :r......· !l :.:lnJ nmIJl..·l!
.., , .., .., Md'llllloIJ~J
2.2.2..3 11l\l':-IIl1CIlII11\llJC\1
2.2. .•' Welding.
].1.J.l ('lllnmUrl pnN.:e:-.S(.',
::!.::! ..';.~ 11;lnl-:-ur(;ll'ill).! S"I iJ SWI\'
2.1.-1- Brn/.inj;
1.2..5 Snldcrin~
~.2. fl Machining and mal\'ri:l1 ro.:IllIlV;I!
1.1.().1 Tunling. ho.lring. and Jrilling
1.2.02 Milling
1.1.6.J Gnnding
1.2.6.·1 Eleo.:lro..:hl.'lllil'al
2.2.65 Chemkal GL'ars and hearing:-
2.1.7 i-=onning Culd-working procc:-.:.e, HOI-working processes
2.1.8 Powdered metal proccs..""s
1.2.9 He:l{ treatment
2.2.10 Surface finishing and ":OlTosion protection
22.10.\ Shot peening and grit blasting
2.2.102 Painting Plating Chemical conversion ernllings
2.2.11 Adhesive joining
2.3 Nonml"wls and {'ompositc mat riaJ.., pr<X'C:-.."ing
2,:\.1 Basic materials pnx· ~.,ing and Pf{lC~SS \.'0lllwl
23.2 Nonllletals and compositl,'~ fahrication
233 Adhesi\'e joimng.
2.4 Dimensional metrology
2..... 1 fundamental units and ~Iandards
2A.2 Gaging
2.4..1 Imcrferomctry

Barer. R.D.. and B.F. Peters. Why Mewls Fail. New York: Gordon and Breal.:h. Scien\.'c Publishers. 1970.
Dall~. Daniel B.. ed. Tool (mel MWlllfa{'t/(riIl8 t:"xilleers HandlxxJk. lhird edition. New York: Society of ManufacllIrlng.
Enginl::crs. McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1976.
MlI1erial.~ & Pro(;('.\·se.~ for NOT Techn%gy. Columbus. 01'1: American Society for Nondl.'slructiVl' Testing.. 191< 1.""
SOl/ree Book ill Fai{lIrl' Alla(vsis. Metals Park. 01-1: American Society for Metals. I 97-l.
Taylor. J .L. cd. BaJ;t' Melallllrgy for N(mdestructil'i! Tes/ing. rel'ised edition. Essex. England: The British Institute IIf
Nondestructive Testing. 1988.·
WCIt/iIlJ,l IlI.spt!oioll. Miami. FL: American Welding Society. '-<\lest edition.

• Available fAx\l The '\n1crk:an S(ll:lCI~ l"or N,lfllblrucl;vc lCSllng. C()lufl1bu~. 011.

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1 A (2006) '7

PdM Basic Examination
Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Examination Specificatiu.,
11K' Pd M Ba.~ ll" Exam i Ilill ion . c.:omptr.-..:d of .,l( I qU":~1 il)l\~. \\ i II ":(1\'1,.'( lhr<'.' Ill;! 111 10IllO.::I I :ll\.';l:-:

1.0 I','r:-ullnd Qu'llifi..:alioll <1I1\t t..:r111k;llioll Pmgralll., ..m qU"'litl1h

t ..; ASNT Level III Pmgr:un!>
2.0 (il'lll'r.t1 famiJi:lrity with IIth..:r !'.IM M":lhulb JUlIlIl.".,linm.
3.0 (;",'Ik:r.J1 "no\\ ledge uf mitChlnl'r~ 2() 4U\.':-llon,

ThI: PliM Iia..k examination and ont" or more PdM M....'hoJ "xam;n:llitlll, (,'itlll'.. Tth.'onallinfrar...'(! ·1i.·.. liJl~ III '. '.hr.ll!-'II
I\naly,blllltisl he lak..:n and passed In qUi.lify for an ASNT rtlM 1...·,eI III (\·nifi..."ilh.'. Th,' L'ndt)r..,:Illl.'lll: "dIll'" .'\S~ t
C..:nil'k;lll' \\ ill list th...' variom MClhtk,b. which th.. applk:1I1l [><I:-'M.'J.

1.0 Personnel Qualification and Certificalioll I)rograms

J .1 Rl"'lJlIlIIll'ntl,,,1 Pn/I'lin' No. SN'I" 7{'- / A
l.l.1 Scope
1.1.2 Definitions
1.1.3 Nondestructive lc:<oting m.:thnds
1.1.4 Le\'e1sofqualificminn
U.5 Written practice
1.1.6 Education. truining. and cxpcri~O(:c
1.1.7 Tmining progmms
1.1.8 Examinations
1.1 .9 Ccnificatioll
1.1.10 Termination

1.2 ASNT Sumdard ANSIIASN'U'!' lSI)

I .2.1 &:opc
1.2.2 Definitions
1.2.3 Levels of qualilil'ation
12.4 Qualification rel.juir.:ment:-
12.5 Qualificmion and cl.'nifil·atioll
1.2.6 F.x:lminations
1.2.7 Expimlion. suspension. fCVUI,:alioll. and f\'ill~lal":llll:nt I,lf l.·lllpl\l) ....~'\ cerliflcation
1.2.R Employer rccenification
1.2.9 Records
1.2.10 Referenced public'llions

1.3 ASNT Level III Cenificmion Programs

2.0 Basics of Common PdM Methods (presuming 30 questions)
2.1 Infrared Testing - 7 questions
22 Vibr.uion Analysis - 7 questions
2.3 OillLube Analysis - 7 questions
2.4 MOlor Circuit Analysis - .~ questions
2.5 Alignment - 2 questions
2.6 Thcnnal Testing - 2 questions
2.7 System Performance - 2 questions
3.0 Machinery Tl.'Chnology (presuming 20 questions)
3.1 Machine Design - 7 que.\lion:.
3.1.1 Lube Systems
3.2 Electrical Component<; - ;) question~
33 Maintenance Concerns - .\ quesliom
3.3.1 Millwright Concerns
3.4 Machine Components - .~ questions
3.5 Engineering Mechanics - 2 4ueslion~

18 Recommended Practice SNT-TC·1A (2006)

Example Questions
Level I and Level II
'rh~' pUq1o.1.....• lit" lhi~ apfX'Jldix i:- 1IJ pnl\'ilk a !-!uitlctinl' thl' prt.'paral itlll \1lth\' (;l.'l1nal. I .•: wl I all,l [ .... \ \,1 I r II I illl'li <:\;lII,j
l1:l1iOlh. t \k'lhi\ \,.' ..''';Imp]..::. of n:prt.'M.'lll:llt\ ... 411<,sli\ln~ for tlcgl\....' of dlnil·llh~. tVpl,:. <'Ie •• al"l,' pH" ,. k 1 til ...... p:u;.!,. \111\'.. 1"",
l'l\Jo"ll'h. II. hirh I,:;m he Ilhwilll'ti !"fllm ASNT I kauqu;1l1"'r-.. 'l1lC~ 411l·...Utlll:> .m.' :\S l',;!mpk ,I~;I,~.: ,,1,,111<: ,""'
u......-J \t.'rhalim for 1.lIlalilicillJlllll'"aminalll>lh

Acoustic Emission Testing Method

L('\t'! I

I. /\ lluillil;lli\l' dl''''''riplioll "flll1: ..l1stain.....I .. i~nal kvd pnxllll'l'd h) r:.1riJ1y '''-',.:umng ;LI,.',lu"k \,.'1111...,"'11. \" 1'1111-
;"':l'\,.'P!I..·u tldinilitln for:
a. hurst ... l11i.... ion.
h. :u.:ollslic t.'misl>ion signaulrt'.
c. aC()lIsti~' emission signal.
U. I.:ontinuou;, I.:Tlli;,;,inll.
1.:. none of the above.

2. Anenu:ttion of a wave is best defined by whi~'h slalement?

a. A decrease in frequcn~'Y With distance traveled.
h. A dl.-creasc in amplitude with distance traveled.
Co A decrease in wav... "peed with distance travel"'l!.
(t. A change in diri."l·tion :l~:1 fllll~·tinn l)f tinll'.

;I. Th~' numocr of times thl.' aC()Ustil' l·llli.~sitlil ;,igl1:t1l'.\l·l~th a prl'~,-'I lill"~,ll',jd Illrill"'1l' ~
l'alkJ thl':
,I. OIl'otl;,tic emisSIon l"l·~p{)n","'.
h. acou;,tk cmission count.
t·. aCOll~tiL' ... mis..~ion coum ratl'.
ll. ,ll:ousti\.· emission clll·rgy.
e. !lon... of the ;Jbovc.

Level II

I. When detccling impulsive :lcoustlc l'mission signals on large objects. tIll' PL"').. of th... ;,ignals nlJrIll:llly ll.... \.·rl·:l'\('~ with
i"ere'lsing distance from the SOUfCe, This aller-Ilion. dependent on distance. must be cxplaill....J by:
il. absorption: i.e .. thl.' d'L~tic pulsc gradually cunv('ns illlo heal.
h. dispersion: i.e.. lhe pulse gradually spreads out in limc b..."'{"au~ toc different "'il\l'S ill\'olwd tr.twl
with different velocitics.
c. the geometric faclllrs: i....... th.... cnergy in the pulsc is distributed illlo .... vcr·];lr~cr Vtl!LllHe;,
d. all of the ahovc.

2. Which of the following filetors will tend to prouucc Imt'-lII11IJ{illldl' al.:oll~til.: t:lIlissiolll\'Srxll1.,,~·durin,g a tt:ll~ik 't:~r?
01. low tt:mpcr:tture
h. high str-un mt..:
l·. plaslic dcfonnalion
U. IT.Jck propagation

3. The Kaiscr efft."t:t is:

<I. valid only when tc;,ting composites.
h. a physical law of nature that i;, never violated.
c. Iwt applic,lhlc when all rms r~(;Imling is ~ing mad.... ,
d. the absencc of detecwble <lcou~tjc emission until rn..'Vi(lll~ly applied slress kwls an..' cxcC't.·dl'll.

Recommended Praclice SNT·Te-1A (2006) 19

Electromagnetic Testing Method
Eddy Current Testing Method
I.eve! I

I. Till' impcuanl'c of ,In eddy (·urr.. . 1l1 IC~I ('Ilil will inc/,\,a)o,c if lhl':
a. ICSI frequency increiISl..':'<.
b. induclivc rCilClill)l'C of Ihe ,,:nillknc:L'>Cs.
r.:. intluclance of Ih.... coilllt:crcase~.
d. I\.':-istilm:c of the o.:l)il (.!cl.:rcilscs.
, Whidl (If the f(lllowing test fn.:qucll.:ic:-. would pl\lI.luc.... cJdy ..:um.:tlt, \\ illl thl' lkplh pi p' 'Ill'! 1,'11' II'
;1. 100 HI.
b. 10 kH7.
l', I MHz
t1. 10 MHz

J. Tn gell\:f<Uc measurable eddy CUITCnl:-. in "le,,1 "IXx-imen. Ihl..' "jX'\:in'll..'1l IlIlhl Ix':
a. :lconductor.
b. an insulator.
c. either a conductor or <In in:iulator.
d. a ferromagnetic material.

Level II

I. The fill factor when a 1.26 em (0.5 in.) diamctl'r bar is inserted in a 254 l'm (1 in.) diameter coil i...
a. 05 (50 percent).
b. 0.75 (75 percent).
c. 1.0 (100 perccllI).
d. 0.25 (25 perceml.

1. If the characteristic frequcncy lfe:l of:lllia(~'ri;11 i.. I~:' III. Ill~' 1~"1 !IVqtl' 11' ,llll:lV-l
v.ouldhc: -
,. 1.25 H7..
b. 115 H7..
c. 1.25 kHl.
d. 125 kHz.

3. For ugc-hardened aluminum and titaniU1ll alloys. changes in hardness :.lfI: il1dical~d by dHlng~~ in:
:I. retentivity.
b. penne:lbililY.
1,;. conductivity.
d. magnetostriction.

Flux leakage Testing Method

Level I

1. Flux leakage inspection c:ln nonnal1y be :lpplied to:

a. ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic materi:l\.
b. nonmagnetic matcrials only.
c. ferromagnetic materials only.
d. nonconductors only.

2. The ratio 81H is equivalent to a material's:

a. Iield strength.
b. relut:tance.
c. permittivity.
d. permeability.
e. relative penneability.

20 Recommended Practice SNT-TC·1A (2006)

.~. III tht' rllIX k<l\..;tg.~ <.:xaillinalillil of 11Ihlll'II·l'l"Ill.IUl"!s. whkh llf Ih~' 1"II\lV.1I1~ dl,~·,nnill\ll11~'" l"") 1"\1.' d""'l'll"!'
a. 111llg.itlHJillally orknr~d
h. transversely oriented
~'. slivers
...1. all ofth~ above

1.l've! II

I. TIlc highest sensitivity of a Hall g<.:l1crator i... oblailwd whcn th~ dir~l,tion llf till' Illitgll~til' ridd ill rdalj('11 to till'
largest surface of th~' H<lll probe is:
a, parallel.
h. ;11 an angk of 4:' dq!rl'~"
.:, at ill1 angk of.iO or 611 dc1!rc........
d. pcrpcnllicular.
..... 1l\l1l~ oj" the <lho\'<.:

, Whill partintlar type of lkfect is not illdi..·atnl hy Ilux Icakagl' techni4L1~'s'!

<I. overlap
b. grain-houndary crilck
t:. slag indusion with crack
d. surfat:e contilminiltion
c. longitudinal sealll

3. In thc examinal ion of tuhular products where. the flux sensor measures the leakage field at lh~' outsid~' surfaCl' llf th....
a. outside-diameter discontinuities arc detected.
h. both outside-diameter and inside-diameter discontinuities Ilwy be dClecteu.
c. both outside-diameter and imide-diameter discontinuities l'an he dehx'ted htl! gl'ncrally calltlotlw
uistinguished fWIll each otha.
d. both outside-diameter allli il\side-dimm'h~r dis<o:ontillllirk, ean I'll.' Jl;t~'l \0.'..1 ;Ii,d 1.:,'1' _'I :111
linguished from CUdl \lthl'r.

Leak Testing Method

Bubble Leak Testing Method
Level I

I. Before performing a vacuum box leak test. which of the following should he checked for rcquirl'\ll'ill ihratl\ HI"
a. leak-detector solution
h. eVi]cuation devil:e or equipment
c. lighting equipment
d. pressure (or vacuum) gllgC

2. Which factor can most affect the sensitivity attainahle hy a pressure bubble leak test?
a. operator alertness and tcchnique
b. size and Sh:1PC of the test specimen
c. time of day tcsting is performed
d. numocr of test technicians

3. The letters ··psia·· mean:

a. pressure referred 10 NlItional InstilUte of Standards and Technology's absolul<.: pressure.
b, pascals per square inch absolute.
c. pressure slandard in absolute units.
d. pounds per square ineh absolute.

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1 A (2006) 21

Lcu,i II

I. Which \If the following direclly (!ctermitll.":-' Illl' ~i/e of the bubbk formmilln WhCI11csting u!':ing. th" buhhk 1\,,1
a. methOd of applica\lllll of bubbk solution
h ambient temper-111m.' am] h;lnlllll'tri... rrl'~:-'ll1~
\'. amol,llll of IcllJ...;I~\.' fmm ;1 ..kfc\.'t or k;lJ...
d. si.f.C of the Ie:.t ~p..,:inll'l1

2, When a vacuum gage is marked with a\' \lfU·30 with the not<tlion "\',ll"lIum" on Ihe [al·l,.tlw unih .11"
Illl~aSllr\'nll'nI ;11"(':
,I. il1che~ of mercury.
h. pounds per $4l1arc illd\.
.... cenlil11etcrs of vacuum.
d. flX'l nf w;lter.

3. The Iype nf leaks that are mo:.t likely to go undetected during a buhhk- Il.'ak t...:-l are:
.1. very small leaks and \ cry J;trg\.' I..:-ak:<..
h. leah occurring ill wdded joint,.
c. comer-configur.ttion joints.
d. all of the above.

Halogen Diode Detector Leak Testing Method

I, Good opcr.tting pmclice diclates Ihat the perilxl of lime 10 allow for warm-up of the halog.en dio(k dCll"l.'hll 1<\
calibrating. is:
a. 30 minules.
h. 15 minutes.
,,'. I hour.
U. as recommended by the lIlanUlal·ttJn.'r.

2. While adjusting a rc...crvoir-typc variable-halogen :.tandanl le;lk, Ih\.' 0fICr.ltllr ,1I.·\·itk·nlally wnh Ih\: ~J~ I .' I
:-.tandard leak available. Which of lhe following :Jl'lions \\ ould quidly rcsolw lhe prllbll'llf!
a. Replace the ~tandard kak.
h. Replace the cylinder in the stand:trd leak.
,,'. Recharge the sumdanl leak.
d. Send the standard leak to the manl1faclUrCr fur recharging.

3, While performing a halogen-djode detector (CSI. the leak detector hecomcs difficult to lero. and the poinll'r tlllthc
leak mIl' Int:tcr repciltedly swing!> up scale. The mo~t likely cause of the problem could be (h..:- U:.l· of tOtl Iligh a
sensitivilY range, a shorted elemenl. an excc.~i\'e heater voltage, or:
;l. poor airllow.
b. a sensing clement thai is 100 nl'W.
c, a high halogen bllckground.
I.L II faully leak-r;lte meter.

Level II

I. MOSlleaks delected during a halogen sniffer (cst could ha\e been dClectL"tI and usually can be verifilX! hy:
u. a bubble leak lest.
h. an ultrasonic examination.
c, a \'i!>ual examination.
d. a pressure change teSl,

22 Recommended Practice SNT·TC-1A (2006)

Ih.... Pfl,'~'IK''''' III ~ll1aJllra\.·",,:- \If lmlog.....n \'ilpO.... III Ih.... h.lhf!;!l·1l diHlk' lk'll'\.·IOL
;1. IIll·I\.'i1:-1.'l> lhl.' emissilm uf nq::ll;\ l' illn...
h. <k'o:rcases Ihe emis...ion of pO... iliw ion:-.
l·. inn....iL'>Cs the cmissilln of JXISili\ i<,"s.
d. Jlx:rcascs the emission of nep.illi" iun.....

.'. A halog.... n ... tamhm.l k:lk of a ccnilin ...i/..... pruJun·... i! "nllwn ~igllill on a hillllg.....n kil" tk.'k·t111r Til I\."-·...,"t' tht......alll"
int....nsity ...ignal .JIlth.... in:-lrul1'lCnl during the tC:-1 of ,Ill objl..'Cl t'nlltaining i! :! pt'n-I..' IU h} \ululII.... hilln'';l'll-air luixlull
the size of the kak in the nhjcct causing lhl' sign;11 would Ihl.'ofCtil'i1l1y ha\"<' 10 bI.' al ka...t _ timt':- laf!!.... r thall
the standard leak .
il.. 211
h. 50
l". ·1tJ
d. HI

Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing Method

I. The sensitivity of il mass spectromeler leak detection system i... thl.' nUts:- flow rate of Iracer g.a:-:
;1.. Ih,1I gives a maximum measurable signal.
b. lhat gives <l minimum measurable signal.
c.. at standard temperature and pressure..
d.. in a leak .

2.. The diffusion pump and mechanical fore pump in a mass SJX-'CtrO~lcr leak delection :-yslcm:
a. usc the same type of oil.
b. usc different types of oil..
c. opcr.tte using the same molOr..
d. usc the same principle of opt'riltion .

.'.. The helium mas:- spcctrumclcr deh...'(,.. tl1r-probe prc:-sur....-tt..,t I....\... hllllllll.' I.,

it. it ljuanlitative test.

b. a qualitalive tcst.
c.. a :.cmiaUIOtllillic lest.
d.. none of the above .
Level II

I.. /\ torr is defined as:

iI. 14.7 psia..
b. I mm of Ilg .
t.:.. In60 of a S13ndard almosphere.
d.. 760 mm of Ilg.

2. When conducting helium mass spectrometer lest of a vacuum ves:-el in the pressure range of IO...l to I{)-~ mill 11g..
which type gage could be used to measure the pressure?
a.. alphatron gage
b.. thcnnioni(.' ionizalion gage
1.'.. pirani gage
d.. thcnnocouplc gage

J.. Helium slilndard leaks in the range of 10-6 to 10'"10 atm . ecls are known in gencr.lltenns ...<,;:
a. reservoir standard leaks .
h. capillary siandard leaks.
c.. pemlCation standard leaks.
d. adju.!>lable slilndard leaks .

Recommended Practice SNT..TC-1A (2006) 23

Pressure Change Measurement Leak Testing Method
Level I

I. A pressure of 66.0 psig. in terms of absolute pressure al sea level and standard temperature. would be approximately:
a. 96.0 psia.
b. 80.7 psia.
c. 51.3 psia.
d. 36.0 psia.
2. When conducting a long-duration pressure change ICSt. it is necessary to measure absolute pressure or gage pres:.ul'l:
plus barometric pressure because the barometric pressure will:
a. always fall.
b. always ri~.
c. remain constant.
d. tend to vary.

3. Which onc of the following is the COITCCt relationship for converting temperature in degrees Rankin (OR) to
temperature in degrees Kelvin (K)?
a. K = (519) OR
b. K = (519) OR + 273
c. K=460+oR
d. K =: 273 OR

Level II

J. When a system's internal dry bulb's internal temper-llurc and, in tum, total presSUTC. increase during a pressure
change leakage-rate test. the water vapor pressure in the system under test would normally:
3. increa">C.
b. remain the same.
c. decrease.
d. oscillate.

2. For a pneumatically pressurized constant·volume system at an internal temperature of 27°C. what approximate
percentage change in the system absolute pressure can be expected for a system internal tcmpemture change
of 1°C?
a. 3 percent
b. 6 percent
c. 0.3 percent
d. 10 percent

3. One set of internal dry bulb temperature data for a pressure change leakage rate test is:
(7j + T 2 + T)/3 = 71.87 OF
(T4 + Tj)f). = 72.32 OF
(T6 + T 1)n. = 72.68 OF
(T, + T9 + TlOV3 = 73.07 OF
For each of lhese four sections of this system. the respective weighting factors are and 0.33. The
mean absolute dry bulb temper.tture of system air for this test data point is:
a. 532.53 OR.
b. 345.53 K.
c. 532.48 OR.
d. 532.48 K.

24 Recommended Practice SNT· Te·, A (2006)

Liquid Penetrant Testing Method
Level I

I. Which of the following is generally Ihc more acccprable method for cleaning parts prior to lesting"!
.1. sand blasting
h. wire brushing
l:. grinding
d. vapor dcgreasing

2. The term used to define the tendency of certain liquids 10 penetrate into small openings such as cmcks or fi~~lm..'s j,,;
a. saluration.
h. capillary action.
(.", bloning.
d. wening agent.

3. Which of the following is lhe mOSt commonly used melhod for removing non·water~wa'i.hablc visible dye pcnctmnt
from the surface of a tesl specimen'!
a. dipping in a solvent
b. spraying
c. hand wiping
d. blowing

Level II

1. When conducting a penetrant lest, spherical indications on the surface of a part could be indicative of:
a. fatigue cracks.
b. porosity.
c. weld laps.
d. hot tears.

2. A commonly used method of checking on the overall pcrfonnance of a penetranl material system is by:
a. detennining the viscosity of !he pcnetranl.
b. measuring Lhc weuability of !he pcnctrJ.nI.
c. comparing two sections of artificially cracked specimens.
d. all of the above.

3. Which of the following is a discontinuity that mighl be found in a forging?

a. shrinkage crack
b. lap
c. hot tear
d. lamination

Magnetic Particle Testing Method


I. Which type of currenl has a "skin effect?""

a. alternating current
b. direct current
c. half-wave rectified
d. full-wave rectified

2. The beSl type of magnetic field to usc to inspect a tubular product for surface defects along itS length is a:
a. longitudinal field.
b. circular field.
c. swinging field.
d. yoke magneti7.ation.

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006) 25

.l. Which of the fulluwmg is most often used fur dE')' magno:tk' particle in~pcction'?
a. full-cyde direct current
b. half-wa\'e alternating current
c. high-voltage. low<lmpcragc l'urrent
d. direct current from electrolytic cells

I~vcl II

I. When testing a bar with an UD ratio of 4 in a JO·turn (tlil.the required ("ulTCnt would be:
a. 45 <XXJ A.
b. unknown: more infonnation is needed.
c. 18000A.
d. 1125 A.

2. Which of these crdcks may appear as an irregular, checked, or scaHered pallem of fine lines usually caused by
local overheating'?
a. fatigue l'facks
b. grinding crdcks
c. crater cmcks
d. HAZ cracks

3. If a copper conductor is placed through a ferrous cylinder and a current is passed through the conducwr, then the
magnetic field (flux density) in the cylinder will be:
a. the same intensity and pattern as in the conductor.
b. greater than in the conductor.
c, less than in the conductor.
d. the same regardless of its proximity to the cylinder wall.

Neutron Radiographic Testing Method

Level I

I. Neulron penetrdtion is greatest in which of the following materials'?

a. hydrogenous material
b. water
c, lead
d. boron carbide

2. Gadolinium conversion screens are usually mounted in rigid holders called:

a. film racks,
b. cassettes.
e, emulsifiers,
d. diaphragms.

3. Which element is commonly used for direct neutron radiography?

a. Cd
b. In
e. Dy
d. Gd
Level II

I. Which of the following conversion screens has the longe.'" hal[+life'?

a. dysprosium
b. indium
c. cadmium
d. gadolinium

26 Recommended Practice SNT·TC-1A (2006)

2. Neutron radiogr.lphy can be used for inspecling which of the following applications'!
a. presence of explosives in a metal device
h. presence of foreign materials such as oil
c. lubricants in metal sySlems
d. hydrogen content in metals
c. all of the above

3. Real-time imaging of thennal neutron roldiography can be performed with which of the following dClcctun."!
a. gadolinium
b. dysprosium
c. zinc sulfide + lilhium nuoride
d. europium

Radiographic Testing Method


I. The most widely used unit of measurement for measuring the rate at which the output of a gamma my soun:e dec:lys
is the:
a. cuneo
b. roentgen.
c. half-life.
d. MeV.

2. If an exposure lime of 60 seconds were necessary using a 1.2 m (4 fI) source-ta-film distance for a particular
exposure, what time would be necessary if a 0.61 (2 fl) source-ta-film distance is used and all OIher variahles remain
Ihe same?
a. 120 seconds
b. 30 seconds
c. 15 seconds
d. 240 seconds

3. lbe sharpness of the outline in the image of the mdiograph is a measure of:
a. subject COnirdSt.
b. radiogmphic definition.
c. radiographic contrast.
d. film contrast.


I. When radiographing to the 2-21' qualilY level. an ASTM penelfamelCr for 6.35 cm (2.5 in.) sleel has a lhickness of:
a. 1.27 cm (05 in.).
b. 63.5 j.1rn (2.5 X 10') in.).
c. 127 j.1.m (5 X 10') in.).
d. I 270 11m 5 X 10. 2 in.).

2. The approximale radiogrdphic equivalence faclors for steel and coptx:r at 220 kV arc 1.0 and 1.4. res(X-oclively. If it is
desirable 10 radio£mph a (1.27 cm) 0.5 in. plate of copper. what thickness of steel would require aoout the same
exposure characlerisllcs?
a. 1.78 em (0.7 in.) of steel
b. 0.89 em (0.35 in.) of steel
c. 3.56 em (1.4 in.} of stccl
d. 2.54cm(1.0in.)ofstf.:el

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-l A (2006) 27

3. If a spcl;imcn were mdiographl,'>d al40 kVand again al50 kV, with timc l:Oml~nsation to give the radio!!raphs the
same density. which of the following sliltcmCniS would be true'!
a. The 40 kV exposure would have lower contrast and grcater latitude than the 50 kV exposure.
h. The 40 kV exposure would have higher contrast and greater latitude than the 50 Kv exposure.
c. The 50 kV exposure would have lower COnlTast and greater latitude than the 40 kV exposure.
d. The 50 kV exposure would have higher COntmst and greater latitude than the 40 kVexpol>ure.

Thermal/Infrared Testing Method

Questions for the ThermaVlnfrared Testing Method were unavailable al the lime of this printing.

Ultrasonic Testing Method

l.e\'el I

1, The amount of beam divergence from a trdnsducer elemenl is primarily dependent on the:
a. Iype of tesl.
b. lightness of the transducer clement backing in the search unit.
c. frequency and transducer element size.
d. refraction.

2. On the area-amplitude ultrasonic standard test blocks. the flat-bottomed holes in the blocks are;
a. all of the same diameter.
b. different in diameter, increasing by 1/64 in. (0.39 mm) increments from the No. I block to the
No.8 block.
c. large.<;t in the No. I block and smallest in Lhe No.8 block.
d. drilled to different depths from the front surface of Ihe lest block.

3. On many ultrasonic testing instruments. an operator conducting an immersion test can remove that portion of toc
screen presemation that represents water distance by adjusting a:
a. pulse-length eonlro1.
b. reject control.
e. swecp-delay control.
d. sweep-length control.

Level II

I. If a contact angle-beam transducer produces a 45 degree shear wave in steel (Vs = 0.323 emfs). the angle produced
by the same transducer in an aluminum specimen (VS = 0.310 cmls) would be:
a. less than 45 degree.<;.
b. greater than 45 degrees.
c. 45 degrees.
d. more information is required.

2. A discontinuity is locawd having an orientation such that its long axis is pardlle! to the sound heam. The indication
from such a discontinuilY will be:
a. large in proponion 10 the length of the discontinuity.
b. small in proponion 10 the length of the discontinuity.
c. representative of the length of the discontinuity.
d. such that complete loss of back-reflection will result.

3. An ultrasonic longitudinal wave travels in aluminum with a velocily of 635.000 cmls and has a frequency of I MHz.
The wavelength of this ultrasonic wave is:
a. 6.35 fl.
b. 3.10 in.
e. 6.35 mm.
d. 30 000 A.

28 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006)

Vibration Analysis Testing Method
Level I

I. The vibration amplitude is really a response that is:

a. inversely proportional to the dynamic resistance in the system.
b. proportional to the amoun! of displacemem in the signal.
c. not relalcd at all to the dynamic forces in the system.
d. meaningless unless it has been initially uk-en in accclc"'dlion units.

2. If a magnetic is attached [Q an accelerometer. il will:

a. lower the frequency range capability of the accelerator.
b. increase the frequency range capability of the accclcmlor.
c. nOI allow the acceleromelCr (0 read in acceleration units anymore.
d. increase the amplitude nmgc of the accelerometer.
3. TIle enler or store key on a programmable FFr·AnalyzcrlDat3 collector should be pressed:
a. as soon as the accelerator is attached 10 the mounting surface.
b. after a pause of 30 seconds from the time the accelerometer is mounted.
c. after the readings have settled down (usually 3 seconds or longer).
d. immediately when a display appears on the screen (to save time).
Level n
I. A Lissajous orbit that has a long elliptical (cigar shape) appearance is an indication of:
3. unbalance.
b. misalignment.
c. an oil whirl.
d. a rub event.

2. The purposc of a Bode or Polar (Nyquist) Plot is to verify the presence of:
a. an eccentricity.
b. a defective bearing.
c. a fe."Onancc.
d. a bent shaft.

3. The two most common problems that will produce a higher amplitude at 2X RPM than al IX RPM in a vibration
spectrum are;
a. an eccentric pulley and mcchanicallooseness (Type A).
b. offset misalignment and mechanicallooscness (Type B).
c. a shaft bent between its bearings and worn gear leeth.
d. an unbalanced shaft and rnechanicalloosencss (Type C).

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006) 29

Visual Testing Method
Uvel I

I. Which of the following is truc?

3. All discontinuities are defects.
b. Defects that affect the product's uscfulncs~ are called discontinuities.
c. Discontinuities that affect the product's usefulness are called defects.
d. All discontinuities are unacceptable.

2. The dimension indicated on Ihe sketch of a micrometer is:

a. 325 mm (0.128 in.).
b. 5.97 rom (0.235 in.).
c. 3.20 rom (0.126 in.).
d. 8.33 mm (0.328 in.).

L,!' - 5

3. As a visual examiner, you shall have your eyes checked at lea~t:

a. every 3 months.
b. every 6 months.
c. every year.
d. every 3 years.
Level D

1. Handheld magnifiers should fall into which of lhe following ranges?

a. 2Xto4X
b. 5X to lOX
c. lOX 10 ZOX
d. 20X (0 JOX

2. Visual examiners who perfonn visual eltams using borescopes and fibcrscopcs musl be:
a. color blind.
b. able to meet far-vision requirements (Snellen 20/30).
c. competent in their usc.
d. ambidextrous.

3. A narrow field of view produces:

a. higher magnification and a greater depth of field.
b. higher magnification and a shorter depth of field.
c. less magnification and a greater depth of field.
d. less magnification and a shaner depth of field.

30 Recommended Practice SNT·TC-1A (2006)

Answers to Example Questions
Acoustic Emission Testing Method Liquid Penetrant Testing Method
Levell u\'el II Level I l..e\'el II
I. d I. d I.d I.b
2. b 2. c 2. b 2. c
3. b 3. d 3. c 3. b

Electromagnetic Testing Method Magnetic Particle Testing Method

Eddy Current Tt.'Sting Method Level I Level If
Level I Level II 1. a I. d
I. a I. d 2. b 2. b
2. a 2. c 3. b 3. b
3. a 3. c
Neutron RadiOArapbic Testin~ Method
Flux Leakage Testing Method Level I LcvellJ
Level I Level n I. c I. a
I. c 1. d 2. b 2. c
2. d 2. d 3. d 3. c
3. d 3. d
Radiographic Testing Method
Leak Testing Method Level I Level U
Bubble Leak Testing Method 1. a J. d
Levell Level II 2. c 2. a
I. d I. c 3. b 3. c
2. a 2. a
3. d 3. a Thermalllnrrarcd Testing
(Questions not ycl available)
Leak Testing Method
Halogen Diode Detector Ultrasonic Testing Method
Levell Level II Level I Level II
l.d l.a I.e La
2. c 2. c 2. b 2. b
3. c 3. b 3. c 3. c

Leak Testing Method Vibration Analysis Method

Mass Spectrometer
Leyel I Level U
Level I Level II I. a I. b
I.b I.e 2. a 2. e
2. b 2. b 3. e 3. b
3. b 3. e
VISual Testing Method
Leak T~1ing Method
Le"el I Level U
Pressure Change Measurement
I.e I.b
Leyel I Leyel 1I 2. a 2, e
I.b La 3. e 3, b
2, d 2, c
3, a 3. a

Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006) 31

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