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oe pe US) William Henry ‘Scott 1S) PPB areveo oe manta versie ess Topi ie Eases ei sopee Tp SaaS n a of Cager 5 inion Get 1205) setae Ppa ‘Mate on the Coy aro iis ae Spa tS nc pawn 1 ak) Isa 71-2809 i) Contents Foren) i ‘he Wind “Banngsy» The Wn ing” » The ipne Pape The gw Wave Migsion They Pippin Language il oa Ory PART I The Visayas ee eet ising Ba as Fenn» Rt Cs» Sao» Banna Ving Reming Terms Come» iso ishing» Donte Anais» Coking Pet Nat» Dig on rig Ding gute fmankng« Woadaobng = Avie ® Ba ling ay ng ing ee ate Bde 38 ‘HAPTER & RELIGION m Sane Spas ss ie Se ir» Omen Slowmines The ee . The Alphabet + Laterabee Epics» Flore + Shs nstrasarnts a! Maa» Bnei ® Gs nd Cain ‘Broivonment © Heath ond Hygiene « Aiwents» Teatment Tntrong» Wi on Weer» Sowanship. Sons and Daggers © Spears = Mises » Difsoe Arms » Wovfre ‘open Cis o Ws» Sty ond Fs Sa Rang Info Pe Past pe Hes PART2 Mindanao and Luzon Caaey pute Dept» Epic Clin © Sgt ‘Kode = Drinking» Sal Sc» gon © The Apa» Woe “he Tagal's Wonk» Tecblogy » Trade * The Alphabet curren 12: TAGALOG SOCIETY AND RELIGION 27 Kap «Sua Sucre Land nd Pony» Maj» gon ‘Pampanga Caltire © Pempange Low * Lawauts © Pangasinan Clare ‘APTER 4: NORTHERN LUZON, ea “eft Cagayan Care Avcrwond 272 + Notes 277 © Bbllogrpica sey 282 SThography 2a * tndex 900 Foreword Wilitn Henry Scot (1921-1998), distinguished historian and em nentscholr, pats usin considerable debt withthe publication of Barges: Sven Cintry Php Cale avd Saat. By bringing wo the fore the patie inhabits ofthe archipelago who in colonial documents and say eve in histrial wt are relegated tothe backgyound, Scot ills an Sgregious lack, The book isan ethnography of sixcenth-centiry Pipe Jpoe commonities that anewers the quesion: What di the Spaniars tually say about the Flpino peope When they fst met them? ‘Scot ested his information to anave the question fom an extensve Iibliographi tase. A ijorchaer of hs xourees isthe historial doc nents published in ie collections The fir three are the colecons de oconeis ini (cllestons of unpublished documents, cited inthis Hone 18 CDIA, CDI, and CVD), published bythe Spanish government nin in 1825 with Martin Ferman Navarete's ve volumes and ttlng sixty vltmerty 1982 The fourth collection Brand Robertson's he Phijpeelionds, 1593-1898 BR, Hityve volumes transations into Engh The fi cllction isthe ongoing Histo dela Poin gustniona Sn. Nombre des de pins (HPAP) By Ico Red{guee wth volume 20 being ne most recent. In aon to dese published collections i wide array of ich other published and unpul Mave secounts, navigational Togs, eters. sermon books, catechism ports and diconaries ‘Disionares igure tnportanely i this book. tn the sete tere were bout milo tn shal ates and only a small nomber Imisionaries, Aware afthe aewtenbalancehetween their ura th Stihe nate population and the enormous challenge in teaching d ‘ates the Spanis language, the Spin mnlssionares decided o comm pate inthe Hcl langvages They alcufated hat icwas moc ecient fo them w lear dhe lal angusges tan to teach Spanish to the ent nay population. A consequence ofthe dedson was serious efforts toad th Prati of tots tad of teaching mionares the local anguages ‘Rong these tool ete Spaniarvernaula,vernacular-Sparisditona jex Some comprising more than seven hundred printed pages, thes “iedonaries nt ony fst hndeeds of lal words bu alo provide inthe losses samples of acta sage of Ue words. va way not pose or Ether sources, these dictionaries open for usa window to how things we perceived in fea categories The Sinche Samareo detionary gives th [ses of the moor for every diya the month; the Lisboa Biko eionary defines the pats ote backtrap loom the Méntrida Hiigayo tlictionary contains the most extensive glossary of seafaring terms. And the San enaventaraagaley ditonary ede ecographic da fond i howe of the necounte—detais of technology and industry, commer Contractsand interest rates head aking and pulerty es, mortar etal find sexe mores. Th elhnogsapy of sxtreni-century Philippines covers wide ge graphical termain, Due to the spread of avaiable sources and the chron ‘py of Spanish activites inthe east Yeas of colonization, the chapters the Vieyan islands comprise the most substantial portion of the boob Tom and Mindanao, however, also get proporsionate atenion dl can ff ofthe book proves rcy of wets outie ofthe Vis {he ina of Mnanao, the Cagayan Val, de Bikol pentasi, ant {errtoryof Fpl, ampanga,Pungsinan commonites. Scott had no {ova chaper on the Hos uti passing away prevented is completion, ‘an impresine rage of topics rete inthe book. Tae eco on ingen for insances dacumes physica! appearance, fod and fain Tres an commerce, religion, tera ad entertainment, cara thee, soial ongasizition, nd wart. Bren more impressive that Famge of topic isthe dre of detain wach the topics ate explored Under de eang of Visa pyscl appearance the Book deseibesan analyzes decorative dents, skull moulding, pens pins, ctcumsion, ea preing, a, lthing,jeeiy, and tatooing The treatment ofeach ite Poca a far asthe cocmentsaliow nthe ete of ttnoing, or example, Boe examines various aspect of the eitom such at who wore tattoos yh, when, and on which pars ofthe body they were applied who actualy applied thers whac were te regionalvatatons what Fs to heal they posed, Most important ofall, the author explain what tattoos meant Eeeey. If he information Sco gathered ogee in is hook representative otwhat the Spaniards said about the natives iis leaethat they said quite ‘That — tea, quite ator more than s normally ipposed. A cae ca be Ia thatthe Spaniards crefuly wok note of dete inthe native word {as to destroy or transform nase culture the more thorough. But preening from ther motives, the Spaniards collected data that 20% low to attempt a description ofthe natie wold. ‘Spanish documentary sources were prsivt ofthe colonial machinery. ‘They were wotten by Spaniards, for Spanish purpose such tang crangclition, oibutetaking. But 3s he shows in Cec én the ascent ‘stain and ter sop in Pipe stay, Scotch found way of etching “Teen glimpses of Flipines and dhe veactons to Spanish domination unintentional and merely ncdental othe purpose ofthe documenta” ‘And particularly inthis book, Scot took seriou aaable texts in the loc languages which despite dir Spanish provenance are ndigenowsin the mos asi sens. In them, dhe natives are the objects of study and of ‘oon intervention, Ye, they remain aubjecte aswell since iti they who ln de fist instance spoke the language the misionares used. The doco rents conserve the native languaging of che native worl. ‘Scot ventured to answer the question: What dd the Spaniards actually ‘eyabout the Fipino people when they fst met then? Using a wide 23) of rourees and 3 method conde fo gleaning information on mate inabitants, Scott ys out an anerer tothe question in a manner that eyralran intensely commited scholarship and a ual affecon for bisadopted people ose M. CRU, Sp Introduction ‘This book preseutsasiteentscentury Philippine ethnography ase ‘on contemporaneoss sources. Te docs aot amp to reconstruct that Soviey ly consideration of present Philippine scietics, or of fetares Telieved to be common to ll Ausuoncsan peoples. Nor docs it seck ‘Suri with neighboring cultures in Southeast Aa, ehoughe dhe raw ‘ra presented dll be fun to cholaa who might wis odo so, Rather itecck tn anwerthe question: What did the Spaniards actual say about the Flipino people when they Gxt met ther? Is hoped that the ance tothat question wil permit Flipino readers today to payavicatiows i 0 the land of their ancestors four centri go. History texts in ute de Pilippine school sem generally include chapter on pre ispanicsocietyand eulture dried om ie main sources tvalablen English nthe monumental Bair ant Roberson compendium fteansltions, Phe Phin lands 1493-1888: these ae AntonioP atta’ account ofthe Magellan voyage, Miguel de Laura's 1582 Rai, fe Peels 1680 efeadaes on cision Taw and religious practices, Pedro (Chirno’ 104 Rtas and chapter Sof Antonio de Morga's 1609 Suz Unortunatly, they also make we of two swentltl-centa forgeries ati ted to xteeudscentry Diego Povedano and nineteendverntury Jose Irtratuctis Maria Pavin, and misrepresent Pero A. Montecaro's 1907 Maragaras | preHipanie document" "To the authentic dacuments may be added four other eyewiness | accounts ofthe Magellan voyage anda dozen frm the other early Spanish | tsxpaditons: The 1526 Loayea expedition touched on the east coast of | Mindanao aud Alar de Saavedra vitedStrangani Island three timesin | Tae, Four accounts ce of tem running 10 4 hundred pages, have | survive from the Roy Liper de Villalobos expedition, which spent ight | ‘en motrin Saangan, Mindanao, eye, and Samar in 1542-1545, and “Gresmnavigated both Mindanao and Samar. From the Miguel Liper de Legazpi 1563 expediion which established the Spanish colony, come a detailed sixteen mont journal, separate reports of foal products and ‘intorn anda ream of isonaryand eongulstador correspondence. And from the next centr comes Francisco Alina unpublished fourvolume “ita deo das Tord Bayes, which isialuale both forts authors feserptons of material culture and hi atempt to reconsteuct pre: | Hispanic Visayan society by iteriewing the oldest resident. | ‘Mult information can also he gleaned through what 1 have called “eracis in the parchaent curtain” in an earirexay—“ehinks, 30 10 Spea, through which fleeting gleapses of Filipinos and their reactions to Spanish ‘dsnision may be seen. uitentonal nd mesely Incidental the rpe of the document (Scott 82,1) peace pact between Magellan’ § {urivors anda Toler in Psa for esau, indicates that it was ane lated by a Spanisapesking Makasarese slave sired from a royal Luzon tessel in Borneo, Court proceedings agains hacking Masi converts Include a description of « Muslim burial, and notarized testimonies by Tliping chiefs reveal tat few of them col ign tir names. Tagalog | sermons by friar minsonaris mention dees oerwise unknown reer to the numberof days ashe i expected to work for his maser, and inveigh ‘gaint the vanity of tooth fling and eyedrow sheving. ‘But by fr the richest sourees of information on Hlipino ethnography are the early seventecnvcentary Spanish dictionaries of Philip la [guages By their ery nature, diclonaries contain more information dan {ny ther sort of iterstire or docmentaton. Moscover, since thse inthe ‘Spi colaty were compiled by mlisionares forthe we of eter mision- asthe definitions may be incorrect bat they would note deliberately ‘disembling. The Sincher Sumareho dictionary gies the phases of the | ‘moon for every day ofthe month; the Lisboa Bitolano diconary defines the part ofthe barkstrap looms the Méntrida Hiligaynon dictionary con- taint the most extensive glowiry of seafaring terms, And the San Introduction ‘Buenaventura Tagalog dictionary iadudes ethnographic data found in hone of the accounts—letall of tecology and indus, commercial ‘ontractand inereat rate, head ang and puberty ite, ar bua ad Sos mores ‘Naturally, these sources must be wed erally. Dictionary definitions ae often Unalengy biel, and the absence of parieula tema may etc the ledcographr imitations rans than the nonexistence of the ‘oneept Comments on Flipine ethics and moral are hopelesly skewed typ Spanish ethnocentric andthe reactions of aliens exoght in the grip UF ealtre aack. On the other hand, misionary veports intended for European audiences are often distorted bythe desc to prevent comets from appearing like naked waages Reports to the king on products and indus suitable for caloalalexpleitaion are obviously more reliable than thowe recounting Filipino beligerence and weacery which might ‘acs congustador brutal. Information on tate religion Is especialy problematic Direct questions about God, cteaion, the Food, dhe human foal, heaven snd ell, regulary produced obliging answers contrary «0 “tual ult practices In this dhaography, therefore, all descriptions el be thsi on 2 sates fall the woneesavalable no data willbe presente tle they accond wit chat ayes Moreover, wi few exceptions they Ail be derived fom primary sources In thet original languages, not ‘eondary sources or wanslatons, ‘Regret, hese sources contain two sigaficant heanae—lack of sta tiie and fle to coner the whole archipelago, Vil tats are com pletely waning as well figures on produesion and csttbution which foul pernitan esate of Filipino ling standards before Ub imposition DF colonial burdens. Tagalog and Vian caltore can be reeonscted ffom documents and dcionaries, but there i litle information on the peuples of nother Lamon, and hone atallon the Mindanao and Sule Sultanate, hich he Spaniards nt wsitin the sisteenth centuryexcept foe military attacks shuld so be noted thatthe Philippines was nether isolated or unchanged dng the century, A Malaceam prince founded a new sla ‘steia Maguindanso, Brome eaablshed commercial andl politcal swith ‘Mania, and Hips themselves traveled asf a8 Burma and Timor as merchants or mercenaries. Butte many Spanish an Chinese innovations Of dhe last to. decides of the century cannot be considered part of tradiional Philippine culture, though tey quickly became reared as tick, Camote and com, for example, ie mills and daft anima, were all introduce! during 2 sng fete Among surviving sixeeuth-entiry sources, there happen to be more ‘voluminous dita on Vigan clture chan on dhe rest ofthe Philippines ‘Sombined. The Spaniard wren the Viens ity yearsbefore theyreached Liinon and they recorded thelr ebxerations with dhe enthisasa of new discoveries Loare’s Reon was wrten in Doll, and Alina’s Hisera in Leyte and Samar, Mateo Sinchr's Vnayan dictionary writen in Dagan, Leyes dhe best ofthe ety Spanish lsicons and can be mapplemented bythe cowterporay Panay dionary of Alonso Méntida. Hower, this dheumentary concentration may be seen 2 fortuitous aeedent for our purposes, Vegan culture and laaguages are the most widely disperse in the archipelago, and Leyte and Samar are the islands farthest removed FRom dzet Aten contac tis therefore possible to regard the ciation portrayed these sures tsa kind of ate Philippine society and culture, “Thivaneen dseibution of data hae siggested the plan of thisbook. Part | deseries Visayan ere eight chapters on physical appearance, food and faring, tes and comocre, eigion, erature and entertainment Iatiral science, soil organtation, and warfare Part 2 surveys the rest of the archipelago from south tonort—Aindanao, Biko, Tagalog, Pampas, Pangasinan, floes, Igorot, and Cagayan, With the exception of Tagalog sie, these geetons contain oly bref notices dc eter toa paulo ‘data or because there i no ned to repeat feats aleady desrbed at Inortusion covery of an ancient beat i Buuaa, to a bastardized Philipine ers, ‘palangay” which has gained popular x now in ay Piippine language ney though ao sich word ie "he the Spaniards reached Laon, they found this word for boat also ‘ing une forthe salest politcal unitof Tagalog society. Pancisan far lan de Plscncin (158%, 239) deseribed i follows: "Tossa ere chiebofbaen peo sanyas unde nesandeven seth hyn tht Taps, barangay: And whats om {Sveti niger cen ae pret roe ‘gee be Mao hen they ce oil te head barney when Fesint anderen ody tttcerained ac one oleate song) {cami of pretrand trensves ilies” No doubi, dhe ancestors of the Taglogs reached the archipelago in ‘oats, bt eis hardly ely tha Tagalog communities could have rai {dine hei ducrete hota dentinesaesoscenturesand millenia. Bat the choice ofthe text, ad the explanation fort would have reinforced the perception of exch community bstoically distinct from aloes, and Tegitmized is captain's claim to personal allegiance. "Thete to meaningvof the word laengaycllatenton toto important craterities ofthe exteethecentry Pppines not characteristic of the lmentethdependence on boats and highly loealized government “Tarangay”istherefore not aa inappropriate le fora book about Philip pine wcley and eat in the teenth extn. "With dhe excepto of parte populations inhabiting the interior moun tain ranges, ll ixteenscentury Pipinos lied on the seacoast oF the Inks of navigate lakes and steams. The ony means of tansportation vere boats there inno evidence of wheeled vehicles or drat animals length in part I-A afterword has en aed to examine the survival of Sxteenh-eentiry minorities, And 2 bbllographic essay locates and de- serie the books source, ‘The Word “Barangay” Barengey, o€ blag, was one of the rt itive words dhe Spaniards reamed in the Philippines, When Antonio Piaf, Magelin's Kalan ‘Srpedidonary ethnographer, went ashore wo parley with che ruler of Timasa, they st together faa bose drawn upon shore which Pgafta {(152Ib, 118) calle a tlongot. This word appears a ether falagey oF orange, with the same menning, in ll the major lnguages ofthe Pulp patente caries Spans dictionaries make It elear that mas pr ounce “hatngay, "not adanggy-" tale worth noting ha Piatt Fecorced the word ott a alongs ands dalghe, which, ofcourse, he would have pronounced the same since Ceian had no beso. Unfort | ‘tly dhs orthographic oy gave birth n 1976, wth dhe archaeological “Traers and valders frends and foecromed from one ide ofarier tthe ‘the by boat, fom sand to sand, and bewween iene ports the same ‘sand. Communities were connected, not separate, DY water: it war by rater that they exchanged foodstls, manfred wares, and foreign Import The eventsl clearing of of interior forests ad the opening of ‘ew land tthe plow and popuiaton expansion may be seen as an ema ‘Gpation from the laitatons of the older boat culture. But the new ‘ronomy ws dependent, and stil, on an overland road gjstem period lly interrupted by dhe desouetion of bridges across waterway ‘ce the arteries Filipino clue, chanelsfor the move ‘ood, and ideas, not obsaces ttt were people, Iratcion Taga tarangay waa group of people ued over byone dt. wy him ine owed logan nt toa mii province, thrnelves, This wt te even in dhe Mus sleanates in the south dl ‘tan ele dats bat hey in ten eed their own eoramuites. At Manila became the sex of colonial goverament, dhe word spre witht “Tagalog weaning to other par ofthe achipelag where it meant a Boat inthe lca languages. “The Spaniads etaiaed both the fem and the iesition as 2 conven jen means of collecting bute throngh barangay heads. It should be noted, hawever, that the word contiated mean the people, not the place, Up tothe end of de Spanish regime, tptinmal egbcersidentited ‘onsite parents not by their place of residence but as belonging tothe trrangay of Don Soandso, some member ofthe lca gentry OF eoue, Imembers ofthe sme bartgay wally Hed ithe sume place, but not recap they sometimes Yer ferent Laws and oocasoned jurisdic Sonal disputes between tute collectors. Recent the term has been {evived by the Philippine government to replace the colonial term Bari, ‘despite the irony ofthe mative wor’ orginal meang—a political un Toya to Joel bss, ‘Dre Word “Filipino” When Spanish expeditionary commander Ruy Lopez de Vilatobi sealed she Philippines in 1942, he named the stands of Leste and Samar ipa fter the young prince who would become King Philip Th, fom sich the later colony would be called Lar dar Mipins. The Spaniards Sled the noives of the archipelago indy, compounding Chisopher Golub’ wellknown erorof thieking he had reached the Orient dat {svthe Inder ~in dhe Canibenn, But when itwarecesy to distinguish the indios of the Philippine rom those of the Ameren, dey were called Filipinos. So Pedro China's 1OD4Ralen hat achapter on "The food and terms courtesy and gost manners ofthe lipinos” (Chino 100, 38). fd Juan Francico de San Antonio devotes a chapter ot his 1738 Cris to he letters, languages, and poltenes ofthe Papinas” San Antonio 1738, 10) wile Frantic Antolin aguesin 1789 tha "the ancent wealth ‘of the Philipines i meh Hike that mich dhe Tgoros have at present” {@stotin 1789, 279). In shore, the people of the Pilippines were calles Intction ior when they were practic thc om citare—or, 0p ita wm owe bo este dn ste saeco Cnty, pein in the colony Began to be ale po gnarl ten Spa orn Spain, ‘Sigetdon whch algal conc pe when speking Sys Plpinc born Spats ower tence eng cd apn by prc preening ean Aidt ofthe Ti Sl de Mr (19 18 ni pple eximats more otal ides Spaniard a pins to he folowing execs Fp ni, Eptesiipinn nd pasate cps Sn pna® alt how fran Ses goed hina ety toe wt he ests porotPip Vw Pea Vela 17 as ‘on (tones alae lipo eel ig he er che sateen. Af Rial (87 11) ido he Pialppne coma Inia, “reste Means and Malay we pty elf ores ton" whe yon eta natal oneness pate tepont peer anachroniay nyt cois Ts hy {Seed a Ssh hope tre nt Pins nae ips owe supe shove Hahope woul he Bento hea tense ered osm hn th A wie he pn colony pif de Spas nen yeas poy dy cent the Repco he Fine are reopened teal ow Ripe Connon pane, hon ended to xe people ‘he ances were eres aclu ato he Spash clon, tes Sho hy sot leone rel oat Pi ports Can Remlowasons neni ioctl Tertaig tat gros were nx lpn snd ny Min ec the tc a2 lanl wnpontion bys fesgn pone thee ance ated ‘Nor dcr he confit ed te Ages Neen Hel sypor ‘Meda ppl prep ae ein ts Parad inch eatin by Spans ee th ae born ne Hac a ow a ‘Sioa to ced pn Ce 1a, 7). Bat noe de how i sos try hog nent hae not nee ‘Siaredomthaveaicton’ ae pies sone chered ce, erm Ri lb wed intact ort othe nce te preset ipo i whe ‘ated nthe seiplge ne enh coy an wh poe Pip ine langage, Irion ‘The lipo People ‘Acco o he fate! novel study of Philippine populations, ther ‘were betwen oie and wo milion inhabitant i the srhipelago atthe Time of Spanish aévent® The Spaniards reeagazed them as one race of tmedim satures lack hat nd dark skin—thongh those dark enough 0 Ieee kayumange (brown) in Tagalog were exceptions rather than the § form, Init e somes etre to Hips in partie lind a bing aller ight enor tore miele than other, Dat these were lective comment hich rected ale jcgmentr ad the frcihat Spaniards themachesvanedgreatincompeaon and state. AS teal Tago dictionny sy of the wot nyamangs, "There are ome ihepeal he ike Father Domingo de Neca, and Faber Fray Anon {hey ell man se spoon (ltt sc] (nea de San Jose 1610, Ino). Others, they detuned pings by their langage the Vnsans by tek toon, and gander a rite. Ad they dit not Ince dese thy cated wor or napa (lacks Te aca that eget) der the brie of indo "Neyritos obviously belonged terns race from the wet of che Fpino peopl, though observed vaio in pgmentaon and sare Sones considers ntennarage with note Negrton Spaniards mere Moo'ncined to efr to Min Hlipinoe-Morow=at separate race Cnforenate eqaton of sce, language, and rela Which persists popular prejice cre toay Chest Filipinos frequent eer To 4 teaient Moro lange’ andthe Tao Mine fn Sl fol fecal hee anceors at Arba rahe than Flip cower The hing of Sin, howe ncn beter, Pip I edered tha hindi bjt ho tere convert olen should not be ened lke Moro Tnvaers and Freschers rom ented ealony. “The Spanurds als reopened the Chinese ax another race—ite the poles fetuecs they fond wee on the Tod watertont and Mana Enron Spanish fare to mendon any Chine tading clos, except frome dubious ference to Chines men and womens Vga, comer st 2 Supe, consilering thir sanguine interes in China a8 4 commer fhe nlonaytnget Ofcourse, ty would hae Bren tinable o recog tee any deeds of Ohne wo dred He oa spoke Pp Pine languages For hese eon, the Chinese wile wed in ier nly to mean people who ape Chines snd practiced Chinew cotome "hav ote been aerel tn he Spear fv ighlan nd ow land pins in» wate of atonal nity when they sve. But the Icon examples cited always involve independent wibes on the ne hand, at ‘jogated Filipinos onthe other. What the Spaniard di report om their real wat that armed confice and raiding were commonplace, If ot fulemic, in precolontal Philippine society. No daub this included high [Enltowland warfare, but as nt limited to it Awelbkown passage from Miguel de Loarea's 1582 Flac indleats hat enmieyeil pot prechide puta de “Thee aren tnd of ein hs and (ana who, gl heya al ene, seminar toe fc einen emit ites othe nce they ane ane anctec os [lou ieee thon the maine eat ito te fh eon engender ohn come nmr te he 08 Ne ste mtouthe eal con i rman (a, Scholl ars alo specelated on the origins of the Flipino people, “They ad o doubt thacthe Negritoswere the aboriginal inhabieantsol the land, bat were unable to account for the highlanders ia the interior, Pethaps—they speculated ey wer also aberigines who withdrew nthe face of later migrations or they may have been mixture of clad tad inched wes, or eve the desicndants of shipwrecked Chinese or panes seafarers But they were agreed thatthe loan! population came ‘rom Malayspeaking lands to the svt, and they accounted forthe ‘are of Pippin languages accordngl}—for example, Tagalogs fromm ‘Borne, Kepampangans tom Sunatra, or Vewans from Makasst. These Maly origins were bed on observed. sina between Malay and Philippine languages, smiles arising from the fat that both Maly ane allPlippine languages are members of the great Austronesian fal of Fanguages Maly was the wade language of Souteant Ait the ime, and ook ‘me ffom the Sumatran port of Melayu (now Djambi), once the seat of expansive political power, Speakers ofthis ajuage coud be found in all the tading ports inthe Philippines from Sarangani to Mails, ether profesional nerpretersormembersof the ling fules, When Magellan's Simatran slave spoke to the rler of Lima, himself native of the wading center of Butea, “the king vndertood him,” Pigaets (1246, 114 sid, “because in those parts the Kings now sore ngage han the other people” And because of Manis Bomean comections, Tagalog today has mone Malay loan word than any ofthe oer major Philippine languages Indeed, iscem dt the Mania elie were speaking Malay Ittction Inteatution People, To dhese were added two peoples from nineteenth-century flk- Ihve—the Orang Danan in Sul an the Ten Dams of Borneo sd ue potchaned Panay alan from native Negros. ack of hex wave wat ied with point of ergin, credited wth tine caltral ats ae [cred nphysal detail Migrantof thetic waves walked drys into the archipelago together with Pleistocene mammals over land bridges Since sebmenged, but ter ones cate from Ching, Vietnam, Borneo, and {he Celeb in dagout canoer or planlebule boat The Prow Malas ca ied blowguns, bows and arrows the Northern Malays introduced Bronze neice terraces and the Southern Malays were blacks, weaver, and pots Java Man was powerfully muscled and haiy: Type A Indonesians, {allightatianed, a thinlipped and Southern Malays were toned. All {al ityas an imaginative nv comprehensive gest, But wae aio ‘awed by ite esdence, dubious methodology, and simple fants. ‘Since Beyer’ dy, fry yeas additional research have cist doubton. thigsythests Geologisteqeson the existence of te land bres archae- ‘logit cannot fi ihe nds into his etegories anthropologists demand ‘Sele remains to determine human stature: prehistorans ae persuaded tthe atquiy of trade contact in Southease As; and inguts beiewe that people speaking Philippine laguages were vig in the archipelago Thousands of year ago. Probably none of them would aecepe Beyer's ‘umption tha by examining ling populations you can detertmine what Find of tools their ancestors used, or that by examining tool you eat Getermine the ace ofthe nen who made them. Deyer ao gave litle ‘onsderation to te fact that cultures are dyaunic, oe sale, that dhey surate through change, adjustment, ianevaton, development, and hor roming, The theft that Filipinos in Maula eat Mona's hamburgers at dose in Bontoc do not does not require one more wave migration to ‘explain it Is probably safe tos that no antropologst accepts the Beyer ‘Wave Migration Theory today ‘owt pebinorans today only postulate two movements of people into the islands of Southeaw AB an the Pacific co account forthe present Populations, The fr hey call Austad, people whose surviving repre- taies ate generally characteiaed by very dark pigmentation. Pep. fine Negros are considered to be» specazedplyial variation of his Stock The second movement thought 1 hve began some Bve oF ab ‘howsand years ago, and to have largely displaced or aborbed the eathir Population, though whether reached the Philippines from the orth oF South ex question sl being debated with some feat. These people are noua t anthtepologits an Suthers Mongoloid and to laymen ache rcsgloun secon languayein the seen century. That no dnt ‘Fai was ong conssered to bea dei of Maly i 0 an act (ile ofthat ange “The word at wa al used ean peaple ofthe same phys asp spears, even i thy dt ot snk tat ange hele, ‘Rtn Epi Fenn Biante wed in 2 amos xy INahie he Jered the Fipino people from dee waves of Maly mi soning se ahipag. he hit wae thar, ltd te [eget hey fond the cos, But marie thet women: the x {ene one itt on sand ene he rogenios WE the preent lwtand population; and the third wave inode ‘Sumetatt was mot the ony moder ebnologt who proposed aries Tralee nigrtons to tecoun forte nan populations oF South ‘EStAZS nor mold he be the sn the neti coy, Oe Beye Sep wel sd to hae surpased then al wih the grandeur of wae when theory whch iow to every erate ip oxy? “The Beyer Wave Migration Theory “The welLknown theory was produced by Beyer, then hea ofthe Anthro pology Deparuivent of the Univeety of che Milipines, for the 19 aa, to expat the psc and elewral ations anong de Klipinoh people, The physical differences he atisbuted to genetic commingling ng a series of migrating peoples of uulke racial ype, and cultural “erences preanmed to be precolovisl—tke cools and weapons, fn ‘ropm and aprcltsre—he aesigned to these different waves tthe Ge) se etcnscoloyiea eldwors lad been done in the archipelago: twas Beye himself wo would ploncer that fed in T92 wi the discovery of Stone [Age ates in Novaliches, During the next cwenty years, he ssid vey Die an arfact recovered a one of the waves and placed the waves themeles ina chronological sequence fom primitive fo advanced. And {ince he ronsideved any silty between Philippine finds and hose hae chewhere in As to be evidence of migrations rather than care ntact te number wes steadily nlp. By 1969 hey had eeached {hee al count In Beyer’ wn trilogy, they were a floes First came te Java Man, and then the ite people"—Austraoid Saka Negtits nd Proto Malye-followed by two waves of Inonesians—Typ ‘Asta Type B-wth asaer wave of pans, who were suceeded otra Tpraeparte Northern al Souther Malay waves, and finaly dhe or Burial Intact notion isles of Hage, but yao and Tagalog are two different languages, nut unintligible, tn time, the mother tongue from which daughter dalecs and languages ate derived wl disappens,butlinguistseatheoret- aly reconstruct such extinct proclanguages by comparing the similares feaveen the living languages which are descend from ther, ‘These similarities are accounted for in to Waj—outzght borrowing fiom other languages, or inheritance fom a common ancestral sok, ‘Terms ae often borrowed to accompany new cla niroductons—tike Malay ud fr bore in Maoh and Tall, or Spanish cabal (cat i, Jako) in Tagalog, llocano, and Visayan. Or they may reflect the prestige in wich the donor lnguage is Held. So Malay Win (etl) wae take Torprincen”in Tagalog, wile dad and up ba replaced ae (ther) in many Philippine households today. Bit there woud be litle need to boro a word ike muta (je) which sppeas in may Austronesian fa guages Lingus seeking the relationsinp of sister languages therefore ‘Compara basic Yorabulay of coneeps ike sun and moon, oe sl hai, inf p and down, which would presimahly be common to any ian focit. From this exercise, they fe able to constueta fail wee which hows the relationship of the Languages belonging tothe fy Kind ‘of genealogy ‘Onan Atsuoncsian language tee produce by tis method, Pippine languages are found on the lowest branches, meaning to sa7 that Austonesian languages were being spoken in the archipelago eater tha, in places Ike che Malay Peninaila or dhe Paibe las By the time of Spanish advent, Austronesian speakers fad occupie the whole arch pelgo, abuorbing or displacing the sparse populations already present at their orginal tongue dversied into three main branches A northern branch included Enzon languages tke Hocano, Tbanag, ad those on the CCodiler. A southern branch incided almost al de languages spoken i Mindanao, A central ranch had proliferated most widely tietued not ‘nly Visayan Dall the Tanguages heaveen Pampanga and Butan, a ell 1s Taosug in Sul, In additon, 2 somPhilippine Austronesian language had emered with a boat people the Spaniards called Lata or Lay and liered Int the SamaBadjw languages. With this excepon, however, AUlPhilppine languages have more in common vith one another than any ‘one of them does with a language ouside the Philippines. This means hat the Flipinos the Spaniards met in the sxtenth century were speaking languages prosiaced within the archipelago, not intrcioced by separate gations from abroad? brown ace; tate a led Aone Rca thr deena ek tngages belonging to a uly The pyc pes which ‘Bile generation ot anopologts provided wih ong tit of aca SatracAt nue’ re now egies gence specaiaons whi Sovmal rage of rations ofthe larger movement, Moreover may those peopl hare conned ono om and ond pi isto {iment potas gation waves uta small roups of Stes aes {xuanay Al of Une wouk! have conebuted to local gene pool those no genes would not hve ead langage sor tonal technguest i is portant to nte thi these igang populations ae not consi cred hae been piel boogentos Tr sneats iat ones ‘Sten ave in tne Pps wis conslderbl ainsi a Bement, and fatal fete toogh tex aw possible to ently {Me aiferncesStleinent and lntermarige tall commnit sould ets uch genetic a wel those o any anges ms Jhito cue co be shaved bya lncreasing poron of te poplo Iecach generation Thr nbabitani of nae alley mit come ‘it ind of tan resemblance, an even to be teat by oie ‘Sr tacparate ace Convers anny such ciffernets are not gene Seances com oberon that wh pres det und ‘He, ounger generations te lle th the pre In thease ek ‘ery grate een develop elange ist toc ands do Taal bo tren whe pole barges wang bartot slong taboo runway tt Shtdren re ot bre ith i defo” Phippine Languages Phiipine languages belong 1 the Axstoneas langage fy ge gp of mate an a handel ngage sre om Madge UR cous af Ain the ws to Eas ad of the cn of Su ‘oetcnn theca Al thse ngengs ke hecolrso which he ‘fae dynam ots thecal amma pron ‘ions are Conta chogng, Whe nape common de thy ee reat iferene bea il sera each he seat speak lcs ie wn nue hey es {Duc an ent ay cannot weed each he, ey ons ‘oscars langnges hn fo example, Base nd Ranga ae Insodacon A Word about Orthography Spanish orthography confines ban and non Caan conve end aera oC pitta de Pippines appears both 2s Roane s Vay aan im won writen Vigan, snd Leger’ are was often spelled sreeet Ene Spanish alphabet ad noavor ng Father Chico mite Fee eter fom his Philippine aiphabed thus Dr. Monga pelied awa Seiaguns ad une m and g were pronounced ax esparate conionanis dana and of cil) came to be pronounced “anges” sae any thee Spanish inpromuncations have been accepted in see rilippve languages. Wawa (Pampanga) i& now spelled ad ‘resjunced anus bree, which weave pie "any Tagalog dictionaries, snow pronounced “barany- rence vhippine terms fon Spanish dictionaries, have repelled them in aardante wth normal Phiippne usage, Thus Thave changed € see ea km appropriate, snd gto gu epace «with wand with ee er Newel ane doled the got ng where necesary—as in cer tes fr mang Boa ve been able tote the problems aan road Fig ese inconstet even in the same lexicon, oF war tat nt some alee ave T where others have», and that +i sae mera vara of For Tagalog, however Ihave imply adopted the Conventional modern spelling PART ONE CHAPTER 1 Physical Appearance Descriptions ofthe color of Filipinos hy Spaniards inthe sixteenth tury were often contador. For exaple, the fit Flipinos the paniands observe were Visayan from Homouhon, Lamsawa and Butuan td were described by the vistors as being of medium statre and dark Lnned, As for Pate, he called dhem alse (i Talia), meaning Siveskinned or tanned, and English corsair Thomas Cavendish called Cap landers tan Buc dhe most frequent designation was the color of naked quince” (Prey 1988, 42). ‘On de osher hand, Father Alina said he did not think they were realy at dak, though alot, ad thatthe naves of Leyte and Sauna were lighter than thos of Davao. Méntrida however defined Visayan mi st color abit asker than that natal tothe Visayas, tough not black Uke fi Ate (Negroes or Negrto) rom Cz, Jan dela sa eported that the tives were darker than the ina of Mexico, but a contemporaneous econ writen in Menico sd hey were light The subjecinity of these desciptons i indicnted not only by their oneadictons butalso by de fet hat sympatheticaccounts cela refer nFlipinos as ightainned. Ts the mates of Leyte in whowe homes "THE SANA dozen shipwrecked Spaniards spentseven months in 14 mere refeered ae ea ats giant hatin such accoontsthis colori coupled wh ihe spprsing actives Lorca sai he Visayas were eli good Maaeta nt very da, Chino ma the mee hing. ain the ese rae se tld they were not on ter and mate handsome tha ther Visayans bt aver and more spre. ‘Wawa ere generally ighter than men dc to occupations lke we inpnbichLept them lest expose tothe son parc, the aed (te ghcrcofeackiog datos were mid wo be aslight ss Earopenn ls a ae dave gis who danced naked wo entertain col vistors. Ci ‘Qeteere lua igh at ir and when men sipped, hey reveated «pale fren under thei Gating Beto agin with, Filipinos were notall the sme shade nor wer rat neces darker than Spaniards, ln any even Macolona conscious, Visayas therselves were unimpres or diferences, Their Iberian invaders were perceived not ‘putas mapas natural or ndped—ihat sated. A seat raya ae most distinctive feature of these foreigners was the ‘hat hie tech, a Feared wth sonkeys, dogs, and pi As t Faubane sald of dhe umes of persons who exposed 2 mouthful Marans td ect, these were ga sapkangnan lig (ike chow font eat)” (Sancher 17, 2549) ‘opme bp these eo apatite, Physical Aparonce i poeserved by habit hetel nut chewing “The mon impressive examples of Vaan density were is poldwoxk an ry were it go sal yo charge me Yor gold tet)?" sly, cover pres were tacksfhaped ei Ma hee overlap ike glen fi ele; (rifound headed they could be worked into neiate ligrecike designs |] sear to beadwork. OF couse, ths gldwork was considered al the more fecive if eaplayed om teeth polished bright red ot jet black calla gave them the appearance of poled ebony, and probab ite persetatre ete. Red ativan eggrvere tied cir een ofowers both ce and geal deep ran effet heightened isda wet ani Egtain Linas any Ont ETE ay and pty often pecimer he rn ecrre om seta Pune hegeeralcrn well wheter Soper in omer pang. The moaned worker, $ofeinnl vin gt pal forsee A the Sache lconay ‘hit toe pn, iy stot onus so cs ow mc Included both plating hel om by ele god sivets run through the toot, and acsual caps extending beyond the gum line also secre by pgs. Bonilwere gold ps inserted in holes riled wth an a Cle wa sally va chumbwallaped Feld thot had beefed wothe rface ofthe incts beforehand Hf they were simple pegs without head they looked like gold dots on ivory dice hen Med Sus wih the surface cfihe tooth, (Si Ai hog of Ban, bad three in each oot) Buti the ‘Soh dentry figures in the epic Iiteratare of Mindanao: a common image ithe fash of golden bilince when the hero opens his mouth to perk or stile A Tyieal pasage i the Maal Ulahingan describes haw is highlighted bythe blood fed ofa chew of betel nut Decorasie Dentsy italy had white teeth was widespread i “The idea that only wild a enph Fite owed iin Bursa sous At gi bases dane Aageace rome ding comet rg set ie ed ined th See ew ing song, ing, waa done eee ara cts nee wis emtines tenor a he 08h see Yeon ced opening the ace Hwee ety i ie aaron points bt te dae ees as a Fa cn and mines ive corecting or bv ren aent an tneredncon oto ye oto sgt fimo eo pe ethereal dierent ways Rel cheng ans eat em backs he splcaion a beset coat ee pete p “The rendme ma i. ‘endothe ped itheh Fite ca de isaac pater There lenothng yuan se epee bingo eroen [Noneed beau ‘rv hiaaing gered teh, ‘Wat teri oer rete singe [expe Mago 197,18, lo Pini Aparna “The fat toa pesos received were applied othe sinning at uctoiles and ending the wan, Cheat too ich look ike bea coves fequenty, ttoos on the abamet-only cane er free . ‘Con inte tilt, hoon te whole bar, wet eld forthe an eme placed abo emt {ease arta. acl tatoos from aro chin loge wee reed > ate eam igri) a ney cam rem 2 satan ad pero inte wid Cen Roser Cdr near prtsy Vpn ato, tse wee car dae we ike main airy decorations they accumulate Sere by bold lines up leg ad back and matching geome Hoe ‘with additional feats. Any applied on one who had not killed oF captsredf jcsigns on both pectorals and buttocks (see fg). sees were score ascountereie Moreover, atatoued ia ho Wall Diferent egos were no doubt sings by diferent patterns, but snc were ore coun Morr angen lo fw generat canbe male. Lal wee Ure dndnticnceae tepie Tatioed owes bt eremely i Ten bn the right ones and thon ich, ater Scher UT7, Poe ae Gi of lation sit to wanood nl 5) word yo aking or szagging up te gto he wa” Aly were ee ee saver ha tincconbentce fw on he Shade nba atom th st up tothe ons snd era oat Be tye cette roured for pu em Sie daoor tapers Paay—on the sts ange (utr ale) Ehdrace Cte nection however wee oral acepabe sre the ones tat made of te ce sua ightntng mat sl cle Ae CE te Vanya vocal) cided teal Ti "yapng” ke a coco’s jw or the beak 2 bie of pry aan ea poagoffucratonsand endow SUPP Ipacaoh tn he a ih, ean wa yere men aooed tw th is and tpog were heroes atooed al oer (excep under he Garg) He the fant Bipng poeta as rom Gina, Women, however ay {toed isha one rbot andthe nes wee cxcedingly Bead tad the sppeaance of damask cr emtoidery arly Spain description give the preston that Visayan men wore tong reek wich coveod the fom neck to ane te tat sch frrments exited, sometines ext fom expense tec ported om finland Aas, but shard toll any pre Hispanic des code would tive dicated the hing of tho presgons decoraion 10 puntaly cured Of cous, Fines quik teamed taj ofnial req tre Denar Cedex shone x Taaog wearing polar inea oF Carng—batmisionais aresing Furopen atenes abo wed od te inpresaoa hat thi conver wer naked mages For expe, his acon publ a Rowe In 104, Jost Pero Chin (100, 1) ae ae cello ay ad ten rubed sot int Of glk aed fo is dexcrpon of Veto NOt or is dhe of shor ned oe es ota the ky andthe Span orc naka bur are sways and in al pacer ey cecunpect ant Fae tf io were pemanet as Beate th elt coe tice son nih exe mossy td deny How saan thou eC of ther bo belived tatos cA ena ter manus ic hiv oder never pushed, Remi eyes th hot non) The operation wa nox performed ln Ung but fn talent tt even 3, fen coed high fever a ly inom and dest ago Bgl ws the el pe ead were alle, an i sfeton caused the designs wehticn they were ealed poe hat~od (il) Tatooing | “the Spaniaels called the Vsayans "Pintados” Because they werd spaimsed ati toned, Bau was the general term fr tattoe— Meet mea pels of wool Ars ed in medica eatery. Sa wee tide nh sited to fal tong Tend, hoe Te Sey to heey ona 4 Spartan elt. Sich co ears ae ely ejagand no dot sdsted nemesin Bate [en cwrmateest homes Men would be sow to challenge or antagn ‘Nagh wi such via sigs of ps ford “Tee tworksasdone by toil ath wwe pid for ise Hcy tracing tne designs on he Body th a inka rm Ber Ren kel them inthe abn wid anal sole wih 3m "The principal clang of he Geb anal tbe Vays he ating of stiches pen whch ampere heer eect ba eb ee a a viru wo hataoaph forslennoceanonthey have nn oos Un fr dey ke (an 10, tw. 13, ‘Stull Moulding [As mothers and wives ae wel awa, the skulls of nebors infants acre at they are continuoedy laid in dhe same position, thei He ae areata one side, Manip cateshave taken advantage oF thi scp ge thei he kl shape wich onforms he Paces of bentyl non Adal parts of Sumatra, women vse 1 eee aot ead to produce fia foreheads and aowes; dhe Melana of Reese yantdteir chilren co grow up "moored" and she Maha sme ernely reve binding wth a forehead board to dhe nob Hae ormjent Vingana considered Bread aces wi receding fre] ie aa nono hetidsome, ane ecmpresed heir babies’ sls tl posane of sks ofthis vort have been recovered rom burial tes i arr isndoque, Samar, Cebit, Bohol, Sogo, and Davao. The AF a an nara cplays te complet siletons juss they wer aoe nn Btn rave: wth esbape shu wih lack eet ed ae A acne sun af tent Philippine specinens reese Poin erable writin according to the amount wd location ofthe pe con ether between the forehead and the upper or lower pat of th 2iSpte has some had sonal sche oebeads bat were tt being a ore latened at both front and back and a few were asymm rane rune presare, However, were short and broad: one ee] eee pate index of 10—nesningit was fea eth and wily epi alt moulding was one wth a device called tanga a combi sett tin rods bound to aby foreliad by bandages fastened tom ‘Fan beniod: (hn Bklanoresed and offic plate or able calle sp aon one alle sap) Tis prevented the forward growth ft oa ned ieee ie backyarso dhat the head gre higher a th ont Pulte nth the deste tangad profile were called snangod bu Free back ofthe head wat ealled puyak. The opposite of tang eae a Father Sinches (1617, 878) commented, “ust a dere aa Yara Sinton (acc a there are tvengaand ondo*The wo vere iciit comment on te Vian atinde toward unmoued sk reser rightpacked or ovrstuffed-—Uke 2 hanchaek’s hemp Fig. Tattooed Visayan (rom the Boxer Caden) Penis Pins ‘Visgyan sien worea pa through thelr penis forthe greater silation of elvaoy paren The enor ated Spanish, Portuese Taian and English obnrers ake, and seandlied iionary clergy of all oder Mest ot them thought was eral sank—"Getainy a eves no man Nel ave vented” Joan Matin (1557, 401) si, “were not y even of the Dende nari ofthe pain beings rest which te rhs fle the peteng” he pin was ale ugk and vos iscrted in chilood: Caen rcmuvel one from the tenyearold son of a Capul chiefs. Tugbok ‘Gaulned by iatece and he asked to examine may order to del fis dabeielpencened dhe urinary canal and therefore Pad hole Tosatti, They wee stall ars of bras go, ry, of ead oF & Tite tbe afd dren ros the head of the penis to protide on both Tits Ta enough to receive decorations which ranged in ize rom pl ei cohol teem apace, to rwetesas ages de rowel of shorsem=n'a {pure But generally ey served fo anchor 1 kid of ing or cogs wit TRictere cated tle tne exe ofthe rings, onc or more were presed tm ke Finger ngs, behind the pits but the penis whecs bad opposed oles wm accommodate the eighuk. One dug up in Dumangas (lel), Alc Se sow inthe Baja Topas Coleco in Capa, hs eight knobby Trotunonm wih a inmetr of centimeter: Dut some were reported Thesiceent century to hae been centimeters ares witha weight of 280 om Tt, in ws, these ornaments required manipulation by the wot sc nets ol ot De tw lhe le OE wa Completely reed, a condition Vis teferred a Koumatatg SPORT Tatas or eines, Aiough thre mere en oC {Meron nd to eater to la choice, men preferred wo leave the pi seperate te orignal operation, bath to preventhe hole ror growing infeed to meid te dscomfirt of replacing i though runing he sk Sratealoustoreatons,(Urdanet told in Linga Bay that gine were Saye delowered by saves not ited wis gb and ska) "ae from tagbuk and sate, Martinez reported in Cdn, that "not fe from here they my others make se of anor device” He was pepe ‘cterrng tthe pes explanted beneath the sin by men in Surigao by Tagalog mountaineers east of Laguna de Bs. Offeoue, thse denees were of siliient uk 0 produce pain and dri bonds nd could cause cippling complications for both partner Phys Apearonce Toregn observers, including chronicler Juande Mena (1690, 68), there foveatributed their use van inordinate sexual appetite ‘Supsringticr rien rere vont tomas emis eran ac Gircumeision “The practice of cicumeision was widespread in the Visayas. evascalled fufand war technically supercson rather than ecurcsion shat, cit Iengiise above rather than eat around. OF the prepice was actly eamoved, te act was called il the same tenn used fr the cating of piece oft pig ea for dentition panos) The wcreumcise! were {alle ple an unripe frac or green youth, aterm which was alo polite ‘iphenian for the fetal parte The operation was peforned informally ith no partial ceremony, and was thought to serve hygienic purposes, Spanish nisionaries were quick o conclude thatthe custom had been, introduced by their Matin competitors, it probly had been in some fre but Vityans claimed that thelr custom was of indigenous origin predating any contact with lay—and odd elrcumclaed natives of Guat, erantycreomcision i too universal a pracce to require any Semitic ign it was pte by the ancient Artec in Mexico, and wl Agures in male iiston rites among African wibes at natve Australians, In the feventeenth century, however, dhe wor lam came tobe wed in Vien for cscuncion according to the Muslin rte, and agiam meant to ‘perform the ceremony Preerd Bars oth men anl women wore earrings, They had their ear pierced —men wih one oF to holes per lobe, while women wih three oF four—t0 ecommodate a variety of ornaments arings with or withont pendants were held by thin gold pins run ‘hrough the ear and fastened behind, bt eaplge required holes a wide Phys Appearonie seo ad short hr x0 Viayans considered them a horn, and rong ine to excl sta Tagalog was “nalosan ka [You cose cropped, you} (ened 10372, 1), However, ill at—and in some places body air, too—was removed with weesers ora pie of clan shells, Bots soem and women had thei Uebrons shaved into thin aes likened wo a crescent moon, "Women took pride fa 4 great mass of hai, gathering up ankletength ‘genet into-a cignon as large asthe head $self, wth curls ower the ovrhesd, together with additional slices called pota cr tala which sree consider their rowing gory. Fora man io toh sich a hao was ‘emit offense, ut they were « hundy taget for other women: somolong nent to grab somebody by the locks, especally de cignon Flowers were Woaked for frageane, at well at sesame seed oi-also believed 0 Treourage fosusant growth-—oe a perfume ointment called alt, om ‘wre of many ingredient Dates, however, preferred the holder sent Frimammal excretion like amber, ce, oF musk. A Panay epic waxes {rca about Hiunaapnon’s permed grooming: x wo fingers or lobes distended into loops rough which a person oa ‘tek hth Thehotesyere wad inde eartlige,one above the other and ‘Rtben wore jewelry in all of them, The most common se for me {hicks tnger some hallo sod others of slid gol hes enough pol {hecarobe down uni te ing aewall touched he shouler.The sw hug salon ofthese huge gold ing hike that of the giving spar am lng Tom the ladies carvings, was part of cir aeacivencss. Among cee beads fonrl in the ito Baral cave in Lelak (Cotabato) ove wal ‘heceled with holes dough elongated easlobes for Hee-movig ngs “Tne bolesAggar or tnsk-weretade with copper need, The firs poesin dhe ates were nade soon ter bic while terest of Holes Delon the ccond yer A dickeotton tread waslooped through the bole to ep it fromm closing. After the wound Had healed, the thread TRplacea with series of graaly ticker brrnbco or hardwood splint limite hole was lange a he dreumferenceof the ite fnges. ‘hen sly extended othe desire ley inserting eaves gh role ‘op, apinglite io exert steady gene prestire otra fie disenved lobes fore os, theends could be trismed and the ‘edges mtured together to esl whole again. This operation ws calle hula ‘rai and yos most frequen requested ty won because when two o ‘hem got night dey would go for each one's cars et ‘Persona without pierce ears were elle ting. Those whose er secre natal ou short for sucel pier aed distending were i hescet permet ‘kt he mer by en, Sco restating sons ‘ings ks ae, Dig onthe sea re TNT, Noe 325-3, Hos Spanish obuevers were imprese withthe amount of tne aud cate viayans gave their Iai preoccupation which i sill echoed in ora Ierstres Dang Sumanga, the hero of lest Visjan epic. only manages tovrercame stsobors Princess Bubang Humasanu of Bool by threaten. Jingo come an personaly tar off her pana In the Mama eee of the CGanbateDavao border region, Tags wife combs her warsior hue Inn’ long hair before he ets out om his adventures, braiding nto ral kinds of knots In the Subanon eps a her's locks are oiled by his Ser and wound ito tight eoilewbich should notcome undone excep i the hands ofhissweetheast, and Chef Sandayo of Tubig Livan ges forth tbat rnd wi wo toy charms plied int his halr—owe For the enemy ad de other for che lates, Hailes usually differed between one eoramunity ud another a could go mand outoffasiion quickly lathe 152s, Vistansin Howon ben fd hae dow del wast, whe the King of Butuan wore hisat should Teng, el men om de const of Sarigan pale! theirs back into a knot thet mape of the neck, Inthe 15605, Cebuano were gaering i wp i ead twenty year ate, x kotor chgnon either on top of the hea ‘rat the back was the se al over the Visayas: Bat the al ad longa to ea Its a sign of deepest mourning, or & punishment ‘Only where Sprnih aflaence was greatest id Mlipinos cat thei hal short a change Father Alcina (1668, 1:89) considered part of "tami ‘heir ancient feoety with the gealenes ofthe Gospel.” Manila Mei 7 “THE VSS Clothing ead Bt more presi Bn ese adel pu Sppearatcesand especialy formal eccasonsblowsesand tne PeEtsccves capes or ankle lege robes The textes which th ‘Tere made were simi varted In ascending order of ale, hey were nea aen decorated wih colored eatin thea cotton, ton deco] sees with ak tend Sly enported pins and an clean acy ‘ttn vee bers lot. si Ke aon, Peta men Toned both Couingy tnd sire of ar lsh "Tne Geng (hap was pce of cath 4 or meters ong a someting lew than acc den therefore es anger than wins nen ad tne Cogan Valor by Cordiieramounaincen hy The wads angi dows ere ale anenny—ampin fot okt -atd were rally corte. Bikar an expensive one ‘i taeyer called god and SH had nge often i Terie oe aiton, Escigs neve of the natural coor of the cla However, the ase of en ed perso ed am ete hey were] unified to wear dep rt one “To pu the Gating on one end was hel again the chest wile ove ea ped een te ea pallad up between the utorks and scape son he wae sve nen, tery binding the font Bap WES then alled wo hang dw te mpi the oer ed wae thea Towel eho de a Care oe ct oo the yay was longer ta hehe: wear oth of equ lng enaderad uous: The word std fora Gung Beggg on ound deliberate sgh of mourning preter pent he bg tobe spread ot coer he ene hippinny ober thought oft tom he aise knees Inti Necage ofa bulls men removed in he prey oftheir home ‘Meher 101, 4) Shuster the sentence, “Magog Kt ‘haga Pate [Les pom ove Caring in rot the Phe ‘fesse worea banc or another length 9 doth ws eoshing rato pone on the aga Janes simply to wp ao the hipeed with ots ron nd notpased beeen he gs A Pryiead Appearance {oemalocasion,anantledength garment called saabsasbwas wor, with or sathout sleeves butopen down the rout lie a cloak Rajah Huteabon put ‘nak one at Magellan's request to take his oath of vantage tothe ‘penis King "There seetns to have been no Viyan term forthe longsleved gowns depicted inthe Boxer Codex, wid ine Patado anes jus peeping om at the bottom (se fig. 2)—nor for tho tightseewed nics the Tagalog {alle bor. Perhaps this can be explained by the fct that these pletures tree painted vengyfiveyeare ater Spanish advent, However, thowgh {eferences from whatever source were and have rea made tosuch thes, thetetogalke gar could not hare been the ordinary Visayan costume. All oy datrwho hal dalingswith ary Spanish commanders were clothed fnly in tattoos and Cstings-Kolambsr of Limaeawa, Ava of Titan, Katina of Boo, and Tupas of cb, Barechested exposive wp Ue ele. meats was a mater of masculine pride, and even century Tater, men's {kes ad sll not caught on. Wing 1668, Fber Alea ai, “Toe aay sed tho nico ac: hat common For ong outa oe volume angen cxeptoroenes woe ih he aes ste eld or xu hes or he her nd orgs tht it thers A es), “The tube sit wasdeseibed ly Juan de ela i Cb i 1505 fa “The thence wearane apiece f toe conde ck ons wih ere moat ao ake man pase xa with om thee ide, Sh maingabott he clothe ithe trl eh and tng ‘egosove banat with tightlouemet ofthe boyd are ted (a Te, 285). ‘Tis was the lambong and because ic could alo be fastened under the armpit or ner the thoulder, or even around the head, the Spaniards fale ica sao (smack or coat) rather thm saya (ki). The same term was ‘extended to inchude any garment allred to the body ike thesia (ce Sule) or snina (Chinese) a short jacket which exposed the m\eil— sind more, Father Sincher observed, when they raised their arm. This ‘inca could have originated in Indonesia or Malaya, since the Vsaans {lle all foreigners Sina before the coming ofthe Furopesns Unuilored clothes, however, bad no particular names. Pondong lady's doa, imply meantay natural covering, ike the growth on banana ranks ‘a natal ean Panay, dhe word heoag, meaning ay ai, war applied loamy short sit or bio and wne better oncr made of imported chintz ‘or calico were simply called bythe same ofthe clot isl, abs So, 100, ig. 2. Vian in longaeeved gos and fine nado ables {tom the Boxer Codes) Physiol Appronce ‘he wraparound akc the Tagalog calle ape was hardly considered a skirt. {tall Viens joe elle ithab (woven a oF kalng (ca) oF even Hutu (ch), Father Sincher (1617, 54) shared their aswament he fined! Bena ‘Open goons cloaks were close in front by cords or gold gonsng a kind of honkndleje or buuon, atthe throat ora hulu sash, whence the wnlstor pate par were called ginhurlan ported textes inched fine “ite laoton Chinas thin red cotton ora Bornee adhere. ighqualy local sbacs or cotton sean woven with alternating colored ripe (a), sonsetines of alk rin squares kt) ike alan (Ger tna se). Humabons queen walked in procession alin black ad white, Wi a gokdstriped sik searf over her head, hat and shoulders ‘Goo among, blanket or oer clothes had decorative strip ade 0 he edigs and eis. Salkap wae a checkered design, al ote, litle esetes while hy were separately woven stripe that naked kes banister ‘tteany colors Datovand teirladies were diingushedy exqulste ray ‘mall our ade called Ht, crit, ach a dat which Ue stn appears to make aroun the earth, habdatan The salma headress wa the punt, thoogh in Pay bot ‘men and women aleo wore 4 headcloth or bandana. called palng or tepleye Commoners wore podong of rough abaca cloth wrapped around ‘nly a few tus wo that fewas more of headband than a wurban and was therefore called pudongpadong-ae the crowns and daemon Chelsan Images were alo later eld. A ved pudong was called maguong, 3nd was the insghia of braves who tad killed an ener. The most preaigions Kind ‘of pudong, limited tothe most vtian, was, Hke thee Gatings, nade of Pinoys a guzedhin sbaca of iber selected for thei whiteness, dedjed 2 deep sare in pallens as fine as embroider, al burnished toa slky Sheen: Such pudong were lengdhene with cach adonal feat of alo: Tel heroes therefore let one end hang lose with flected caclemnes, Women generally wore a kerchiel, called tabaabif as polled tight ‘over the woe ead hey also el broetrimmed ha ele sop ‘or tanndeh woven of sop leaves Some were evident signs of rank ‘then Tomabon's queen weat to hear ns during Magellan vit he wat Preceded by thee girl each carrying one of her hats A esddess fom ‘Cebu witha deep cromn, we by both sexes for tavel on foot or by boa, ‘valle som, ule actully meant to go for water: Jewelry Both Visayan men and women wore casings ae earplugs, necklaces sunt eis of beads or gold sin, bracelets, rises anklet, and finger ‘ings tell x roche, clasp, ad gold sequins on dei cothes, besides tehich men wore arte and lgbands. These ornaments were made of Tonvise shel) mother opel, precious stones, giant cam sels (which the Spaniards sob for marie), and gold. Vegetable bers andl weeds ster alo used the poor for every wear and as part of male mourning Tana, But mest ofthis jewely was gold roan the day Magellan fist saw gold earings, aembands and spar decorations in Homonhoa, Spaniards ke teporting gold jewelry in tal ‘Stonishig quauses, They were struck not only by 16 aot and wide ‘ies, but by the act that Rappeared wo be pat of the normal ate ‘tperaons otherwise almost naked A Samar daa by the name of Tberin star rowed out toa Spanish vewel anchored in hie harbor in 1848 by arsine collar in gold: whlle wearing om his own person earings and ‘fina which Bernardo de fa Tose estimated fo be worth more than 3 ‘toma! pesos, and litle else. The pact of tis ispayisrellected in the ilustraonsof the wellappointed Filipinos in the Boxer God (see. 8) it's the only known aaneript fom the Phiippines to make we of pod leat ‘Such fete was pat ofthe buon heirloom wealth busied wih rank ing dats: As soon as Spanish soles dicovered this at Lup found Teceesary to ttc orer that liping graves smut not be opel except tn the presence of HlsMajest's owe iicere—sthat to make ure that he ing pot his due fifth. Move profesional grave robbers have since recon ‘ell smich of this ried trensure including pices which ertainly rank trough worsnoat exquisite, Goldwork which remained above grou, Foweve, apily disappeared se uppenclss fais quae ance property to meet new colonial demands (Pnot through outright rabery Nonetheless Father Alena a centory ler ofited the wedding of twelve year-old Visayan gl he thought war wearing no es han 25 pounds of god ‘Tuya jewer cane ina bewildering vatleyofforms and styles. Among car ornaments for exaple, hese were aia, te general term fr rng Sind plugs wor inthe lower hoe (amaen). Panika were often decorate with bar gramules of fisee n parte, pata was also the term for Thane finger hick gold ings which were pion tp to be fastened he fafobe ikea leer 0," Father Aina (2668 1) si, “without being ig. 3. Wealthy Filipinos (from the Boxer Codex) able w ace the opening once they were inserted." Panag bare were rae tol plug sometimes wheebsbaped with a gem set n the mile, eee evita were sanple loops, Palbad were more delicate roseten Pant by lies m the uppermost hole; dnalopang, if bape like a yelow “page bono. Keene keene was any penn dangng Irom at ex ine ng was asin ig worn in one ea only Ee ae form of teands, cokers, and collar, ranged om riehusnsto precogs stones nd go beads. Tiglwere kindof fruitand Teepe sciy tris sung tie beads, Carmlins were the most popular tart toney meat coor ead that varied i he from the dep red Posey alto the eight aad lay, oF dhe more stron: Bk Ci and other-gens from China were called aay ae ike oes at nore often tcngin between gol beads Thee go beadsineaded soe Sora mutandis, ong allow atin, and fancy finer fn aaesernules aed to ther surface Hee ny gold islands ia). Others eae aa Ue ie feta ike Job's ear, ike Hg rai of Tongan bo ike betel nuts "Engg morn around the neck, wns or ankles, inctoing the gol bands ones Hepa and bow the cates of thes legs, were called hake fa evr Rashas inched fnudnu braccets of gold or sve, bracelet eerie matin, aswell as those of allan pl which men ted around ae ao ale wih an oath eto remove thes wail dey bad Mrced sme ened one's dent Dalakand hremkarwere ether rateet area i actaleule—and gal were sell raccet so sw i Fee ne hand ws greased to dip them on oF of Ladies generally wore FeseSet i sulicent number toatract attention wih thei jagged eee nas the hour of dhe day when one’s bracelets lid own thts arm itone potted at the sm. Tine moat spectacle this Visayan inentony was the kama neu gold ean of such igh interlocked inks hardy looked ke trary Sta tut eather as slid and sinuous as golden sexpent. These Peat beh what are how called "gear bead” neclaces and multiple “Asopatoup” chains, They were also the most socal significant, an Jehu conta for community sanding not simply by thelr possesion Bethe number and quay aly could dip. cinta oop ike called gas When wove in her simplest form, hey were called Jae taf aqurespinragmk: oF i octagonal and with large round le aed qomnen, they were called sina, A single large kama pai wan called uy, but the long thin arr could reach meters andl sea geandy.o te ground even when doubled or wiped.” (CHAPTER 2 Food and Farming “The sape crops ofthe Vssane were rc, mile, tr, yn, and ana grown in dos ang), ld yr sag. Rice wows credit and war the prefered fod, Busince only afew places coud Serena ice te pode, ot spew shine te mow ‘temo fod for prt of he yar alo the yar fo part the peop Tider ce mpply war later een sore characte ofthe Spats colony Beet tite wa elected a se fromthe very beng A Fat Ai i, 018) ered ty er, he el yin no genet punts mde mich fee fc that Visas id no proce yeas smpplofsice and tateven dat with many aver ate rook rope eran scons Apart meswe the Sree tt ey mv wthed fo dieibte to el ferent tops the rls of bad Tatthe Hipnen ght ot hae oud pach antl yon itt parila barship nthe ir place, Adverse conditions di, of one, {ce fod ote or cw min 90 wrt ia pare wld sel Chen for fv nt wo tog inna a aaa Bove, Sach an “aie wiswes infu exchangerenabied dhe provide for the hen while how rae end maurhel to sod either x eso fer his a ea ate were not whom Of ach cite reteing ea ther, nares! prosperous | “errant stan ene eta ecniquswere ot desuupve—neeing ater eat ene and ea vale the peeled aaa been de secondary roth om abo vide aor inn vin moda eae Ue. The fate weet dance Ble wth tye dered, eeded Vieyan teva can hardy seater an fa Fors la i pst of norma etm can, wid ge wa len ae pene eed fence hele socked pe wong 0m fallen Beste they ere cay prey for unig dogs Spanish aco see BF ey os produced larger adit corm ea ere oes tha te orginal spetmensinvediced rom Mei, Teer Peo eatonent wich ws able oct a pase Va veo ened it al pron of one JE Rice Farming ox pry inthe dew centany, Vpn cle ie ume i a Ferenc of tated tat in pod elds wth standing dno onan ee dozens of terms for ce ciation sae atin tient vrei, but nt 9 word abut weer on an a ey pane ord sented that wa gon 2 ee aes aeote ezaplamed to swamp the Nox fers whee] rea een crowned, lates they planed dy ie lide ‘filet aural datnge Titer ested in asin eatin Sent apaners and lowtnders on the cont, the former exchang ane ree eed sc and poster om te les. From Ca, Leg 1 tas oa or eet the motne ad highands ofthe othe ‘Guido (acs Soto Mayon cea. 807, 157) and eventually ane] saan uy wese these ina est quay of He, and om he 23 fine oreuetel cannot sp fom coming down the ver fom the] ii” iid 20 Me dang eile for close atoon to the weather Beds had veto btspning ie eed rs. Vigan: reset sano em the appearance of stars the sing diet ant ne doweragt plans and the songs Because fraying Pen ring exposure to monsoon winds, the bes time for beginning dhe agviculearal "vas no: the sxe on all ands and ecass. Magellan wat ark or ‘lp by Rajah Kolambu of Linares in harvest inte Marl Berard de ha Torre harvested some Filipinos’ rie under arms on the southern ‘rst of Mindanao in Octobe, ahd Lagu eported that Panaynon were Iwwesing in October and November Peripe crops were grown Sree 8 eri elo: Migus de Loarea gave a fourmmonth schedule for preparing Frilens beginning in June—that x when the leas fee appeared ‘shih rol ray en aed in ete. ‘valle swidden fad was, forall practical pusposs, unlimited: a century after Spas advent, Alcan (1668, 8:79) could sil write, "Re fing lan, here there is no difference Between mine and thine Feeney 50 great, so eatensive, nd almost all places 20 good.” Famers simply droves stake inthe grond or et some branches ff a tee to etablih ther chim. This claim did not incite ownership ofthe land, however, but only of de erope grown om it But not only crops cull be Irene, trided, of sold. So could a fl Feld of sanding grain—for fxample, “yo ako daganihansningabentaa aa (Help me harvest his ‘ee T have bought (Sanchez 1617, 24}, Two farmers might work Feld jncommon (along) and al eds were worked by exchange labor (ala), antng or harvesting each one's eld in arn, tne ower Feeding all he overs Most widens were made in secondary growth where carer ones had been flowed unglayan or hatahabun), oF even Has ears Held with the died stalks sll stnding (doin), Balesube, Aalsoas, kana, and Figen all meant the procee of clearing aff the undergo inclding, pmo sas throng bamboo oF vines, hay or haya, to hack off Shue and sal plane a the ot. “oad wast Chop down fillgrown tees. Bat not all ees were cut ‘down to clear a aidden, Soune were Tet sanding with thelr branches termed wall ones to serve at poles for climbing vegetibles, large ones beens they were too boron fo fll—and yor ita wt ek those tranches along the edges of «iden dat would shade the crops. All his Aebris (dont OF dopad) was yathered into large piles elles njong for arming when dry, though piece of wood lage enovgh toe wef were ragged off obeyed. The dima came wih the actu fing ald) the sede was then ksngin, rey to he planted an elated a 3 ‘el, ma (or bun Ce ‘Al his work would be alopped if it was einconered tha dere was a Imound of a teemites' nest ag), or some evil portent Hike a blinkotge ay Fad and Faring soo which the Viayans const snnatral ease they id, t made ae nd Once the ed war ready fr panting omens wee Sin acre wie aa ies Aled sae Hels brbeo post called dung or fbn: only the rae ting beg ge A vow men strode across the field punch ea ee cagoanen fle hut or ned arhick Heed ts Iva theshed an needed y being amped neo uk Ing hoon hy mee meat flo pe agi esl, agro pied srg wth he hands bs sh pated at toch sed eomeret em cha mnt orbs os tom owing nth 2 Oa hs ape and sceary which else Ge of hunger, lesing the others toate, Aer threbing, waa them ne il hr ore ene Se swe deh J ienowed, mild with moar and pet, then winnowed gain I en eco egger tee ofeqpng and Spec hte ew wa, emp ag asa) his Fat an ee an mace wee fer planted along the pin white rice cooked without condiments or seasoning whic the Spar ae dcpiingon te ype sisal and weeding required Hr re 1 cl moiqute ecu, a Fuhr CoM mae eeelhre des during de season (dl, ge, Mla. | ener than a Moro meal [Alcina 1058, 82). Tc ould sho be pounded Fora anekshad be prota om bi wi tat, ad J tine rt), anderen is honey agate eae teen cul be ehen ngs a ofa. cnn repre cnn Kant IN yuk As a for ere real aru ce teh ence stot eng, apy ered end Sar i i uaner ame nthe in betecn close J Second on tose tn portance and etem was mit (aw) which ae ata pfs ano aru adobe ow of oh inne as von he man cop wih ie not ein grown tall Kae rong tie a Neem wove ght to make 4 sonny beating bug and une rice, oul grow poorer ah i a ad ranch anche Ee mets led etled more bn an spend oes. thd the feat a a a ee manic aya ecfrcvhen hegre aving ed so hr they weve eam only ponding oy eng ge peer of mb lath or (tw a plated ad ac a re ta ce Tron ice dangingsccrom owen moe on tough win etioned i Cab. Thera oar 2 oe ain oS} by Sutin, lpi Gon) wav ao eaten npc fie. grew wil, a al age sen ‘or stomping. Thr they could be led dough and stung a neclaces. BI whether Ao accmpnied by wit reigns tabs or tice das fe or millet ws the pref fod ont crops were actly Ue most 1 ate ema continent and ep away fom res common Vian pe Mente; ata ours enter the house thers, they believed the ree ett pala wi very Kor grains In some places hey even amped ene et al during hares, et the Hee deevense—e they sid—Dy] ve emg angry Becante the house had no been Ht 9 it alone TRIN de tnly done by won, a pen cold oon hem ee ARE ald be bat for wana eeapers Even where taste es se fs hn tobe bon yx wean aly cating mula nding wer, and had re abldshaped ete Ka ced fermen on rehonr afte oy tone the hare I, ey, vais pas bo allo is ns 9 He cel fr seven dyer snap, hss faecal bt Mls Tere were nay aes in (168,818) Fa a ig rsa tbe etn ech tne ihe coumed seventh cating hoc, “akin of yllowish gab 1 ty pun, sg the nts ning ih #0 fal tiny might hae been mised wi er" Tass prom ae re i FE for example ota epi place in Vion ew refecel by extene vocabulary fo pars oife women ordinarily creed arouad with them, or Bong. an even Shaler one for eating threads or betel note Gren eas were separte (0 fe poundel and toasted as pip a the rest were sunned od stored “Gives jn field granarie called hurd or alng sanding on 2 ee stomp, or under the house in fendaong, «Kind of hoge baker of woven Rot Crops Among their many root crops, or tbers, the one the Viayans consid re mont ntstous vas a (Ceti), which required most wi, ven y Tanyas —___ Pan and Forming | : | ses anldatagesof growth Apaywere the leaves wrapped around other food Tor onan lo were edible leaves cooked on coals dl dagmaywas an old | Teak angina gb too yong o harvest 90 dey ad oft children, "Rng aan, meaning Let him ply, he'll growing” (Sinche 1617, 257)" ‘Yin (Diner were the nce widespread root crop, groin both wi and Joneat in our or five diferent species with dozens of varies, The | out common was wt (Dalat) we aol was D. lf, species sa | ‘Bite tro the tui lle babe whieh grew on the stern and were | ‘Shoked amd eaten rather dan theroot fll Bu ike the English wor Jom maaan applied Toosel ta any baky edie root Sane (1017, 549) ‘tard many Semareio terme with "a oot,a Hand of ws” aod defied ‘Reituplyas"aneuibie root,” Meni (16874, 422) called ia camote, eeSroteccuomon species" in Hgaynon just as American often cl wet potatoes “yams | "The domeatc varieties wete planted in har sil to0 poor force a too dy far taro, sles pene wid ast planting ack pole [Sse into the ground alongside each plant for de tem to cl, Just fenportant ay ony domes aver was the wild yn called oto fab whem aot wel eed, ax canst wo the tse, intoxicating orev olson be treated by being cut n ies, poured cl Peake pefeably in sll rates in wooden tay and squeezed et by] Faun, Due was the age in this process when it could be eaten € thong sl wes or pnalgang, al ry but twas kept wt became | hr ies buggesand 20 waa tubors nan who inated on hang cal anda) which hie os arabes bt came sf pat Gralingiemacroitiom Sip Aenea These werccommercal rot ported othe Philippines ren Makasar packaged in letes: Slogli’ssrvvorsinterepted boat ned with tera ut of Baan Bananas -Anuunber odiferentbananssand plantain (coking bar) boled like rice or yams when still unripe, were alo a tuple food crop. Spaniards fey paved the fr and vay oF ga band Joan Maines {Hes7 408) shapiodied over thei asin vate, tum, “Thee can bono | Aue at they are the very fst wich oper nine ster eat he ‘Morel ued catin their, bec diey gave hen the mare mas? Ie Smads tne 9 oe F expecially the fragrant litle ones called todlng Binal, “adyfingers’— gh ike tem, probably not spanked wih Ganamon or Sansed ‘ah Bat herent hey were rd 0 wey an hat ee peri thoi ager coment way ll acy, ado provided ra “staple of diet. mile Visayan Forming Terms Sotsendh-century Visyan farmers new nei knew neither the plow nor the ‘arabaoand the rather puny plows which became sve inthe next ‘uy would bave been of lie use ln awiddens anyway, becawe of Steerer ers aes oes a ies 0 | ‘Sago Aokos To Git the sil by any method | esac sg ot wn nd ot ue aie be ec Brag, Petegemmer abt acne tn eae cute sia Racca ere inmate elm eri orca ee at A rte haere eile nd Sey peep Se es Se rcmacinaimateace| fae SSESTE aan oramsnin ne ‘A reddish sediment (unaz) collected on the bottoms, leaving the lighten} along To transfer a whote plant, inchuting the roots with soit Jae fla lating on the surface to be skimmed off and dicatded. ThE pg a Tour fammpox nat) was boiled into «pte which cou be sunned died, Sar “ops: wine eld oon crop ox ae in fe Sonar et nef Sitermg emma un ee rer ae aintaplerwhere twarprenediniomeuisiomake Hide Tainger homies Topanermeting whe Ria oct ny Camote The camo, or act potato (ome bls), was native to topiea Amrrica und stot to be conte with he common potato, Sat ‘bs had spread tothe ands of Polynesia and 3 far sou a Nor Zealand ner de name dame bore the aa of the Bute Me Reto ata-The Spins bong ito the Plippines aa date Sic cannot be determined cause af» confision of term—hat eran aatecndveenuny Spaniards called all Paiippine root crop The probe wasthat when the Hera sated thee marine expe sine the itech cea, Bd no word fore bers, Ti on Rov erop dey new were soqeabes ke radishes ae mipe—indes {he Spank wont for turnip, na ws wa fr oot in general. Te Povengoese, in tn i not know what to call the yams they found the ‘sega of Sone cating, ans they called dem ingemis he Joes! word for seu” Devaar of the aero Cokambor himself led the sweet Boaters he found in Santo Domingo "iames" However explorers Wo rem after him son learned the nae Taino word, butt nd ate in Stic the te wor ama which ws spaniel as come Hoth won ‘Mbsequently became a conmemient wy #0 Fete 10 ru crops for whit Thuneta reported “busta in Guam and Pavan, for instance, al eds sae word in Tire to refer to gum kindof am, The pep epedin ceived “bo ov hrc tsar amen Can a] Teed the same combination, “battsx a fares” ike a refrain all “Tong he const of Samar Lyte and Bobo, ven interchanging the a sfordsin the mme sentence (Aen 85, 48451), Lara (198, 296) Yiayansatesome ou ike the Suto Domingo ataasthe ell emotes Milan de ia (1365, 256) retereed to some oot sos te He ‘ae they cll orpiza, amet and camoter "Oropin” is presumably Bape eo Ban pronince of Cochabamba nthe Ates, whee tno, not sweet porate, are ll gO. ppg the mest ity pe of Spann eal from Acapulco The conn ord tae way oe Mica equaent comet The ig Sioarien af Pipe Langues, dating re the eal weventcei “ory. avy wed emt ast Spanish wor, ot 82 bono, Tagg Sr¥mpan one Sanches defined falghongas evan kindof ele ro Sr eamote"and Meng (19, 2) dened igang cose ih Fond nd Forming de leaves In Bik, Marcos de Lisoa (1628, 28) called whi "big brow Gomots,” and afar “le white eamoter like testicles.” The San Buenaventura Spanish Tagalog dictionary equates cannotes with ab, nam, fags and ubi and dhe unpublished mansxcriptdctonary of Franesco Blane de Sun José defines aging "one wid eatoter and bates "the fu of the eamote they cll gubi The historian therefore cannot tll whether eanly Spanish explocers~Dasmaiine in Nueva Visi 159, fovexample, or Qirante n Benguct in 1623—reportig "eamotes” were felerring to sweet potatoes or same other root cops. ‘On the astumplion thatthe "btstas” and "camoel” reported in 1565 vere atially New World awect potatoes, kis soaneimes been suggested that they lst have been brought over bythe Villiobee expedition of 1548. erwell known chat Vllalehow'sstarsng ctewnien edt rom food fn Sarangan Island, bat what they planted was corm, not camotes—and it fk not grow. Whats more likely tht camotes were inodice ike corm fd cacao ae new erp the Benefit of dhe colony oul alter Manila was fsablhed sit capta. A relerence by English corm Thomas Cave in 1558 suggestive in this connection. He sti that while snchoved ff ‘CapatIsland (he was hoping to intercept che Mania alleon), “one ofthe ‘hil Caiques brought us pata rootes, which they cll eamotse (Prety 1588, 40). These were probably real camotes, nce fe seems ‘walikely thatthe Fipin chieftain would have applied the alien name to Tn any event, whenever and however they were introduced, both the ford and the plant were widespread inthe Viegas in Alcina’ day. He [probably gave what was the Ia word about eamotes it 168 acy “ sansa Hunting ‘Visyant hunted with dogs and nets, The dogs were called a, the hunters mangongeyan and those who could predict whether the dog would be good hunter by examining the was a bith were snyam. Good dogs “THEVA Fond and Faring vere highly valued, and had tobe garded against poison or witchcraft hing ‘Yinen thet other or a sibling fhe same liter de ratan collar wat} Juan det ee, ike an i mourn, wil they wo peep gome were aed in de hou, where they were pampered an Ftd mass robbed noses wih thee Toe equlent of iuinge-snd are them oat tthe foeston ter shoul To ie ei Mean Signy wes thought io increae dei bravery, (lo hong to mal Te Baa oe croeoie oth o a Dot's ash grown in fal cele ae a pac hunter) Wisyan doe were sal tt erie [puck cough to auld soars ks ad eee enough grab ove tn ‘Mfet ree y the anble and hangon wt ee hunter aie ‘Mon fing Ws tone close inshore, x dere was ile incenie for a eee cha oroc ino aswong nt (tengo ing o lr the eo oe ag evo to ree nnd A nts tapas tivouph batching age pric wat often ane tug, becnuse acho of ih could be seen Goes flat). | Shimmering in the moonight, or because they could be arated t0 apenas were a caught pits (ang) or desl raps (at torches in the oats wie Sar animals were ah wth snares ballin genera “There warsvarey of nets, Pggbod were dragnet cin shallow vate, qian ke ar wi cnn and lun Gated tothe palo the Abeer ck yeah brace ln) 1 a oe at dangeen: apo he atx fee he ner nh aca om, Lge ae ating ne ro hh, wea tiggered bya ine wechelf Sines thought as a recent intocton i is though there was AO i lalean dough pwd. Thy asa tla) se, except od ad noted sinker. ao south betaine sterent hegi AaaSie were 5 meters aeons ork omalderbl eatery ct Rom te rear oes sete were aso ral aati or as UD den were as prond of ach sill a thy were of thei hunting le Baring a ed machine Sanding ob wo stu were nes woven like Joos oth Hine ones were fr catching ny pon Poe eet the lnm fn tha og skin he i he were net wit he wes me an were Fae a rng to poe ancl we vat, Pong a whats nowadnye ced alwfooma age eae aa eee ten tigre se analy lou urcomered et lowered ya sinpl deni mounted ona raf Pade To Ging ldenay hf medy mow ts eight ln he ge of ry or fy bot go Ce Cinco ka blag: And ofa tat song te sore which cag leaping into the at ccape ahermen Fa ne ep "nga kan blak [Cakes wang longi, Kwa a raacous activity acompanied by much hianiy Bho waa sates LOT, 2-2 ee hao tac tee to tc bse ‘ate aye out man) day, sleeping i Hs calle akg and ounding sem se 7 pi "here was quite a varie of way fetching fa, Rivers were dammed fo tad faint nets or taps; for this, wens or corral (hi) ere “onsructed slong 250 meters The 08, bark or berries of more Wan Asonen dierent tees called bin general were aqucered nto the ater stu the fs, Rattn bask traps io) wee etn crels hook and ine cated rondo war also used as wel at harpoons made ia diferent | slertalat ori aio wed for huang) which were barbed like an Strobe sap, eropronge fork; apa, el rident with Wee oF In the sctcondh centr, Viaigan waters tery eee wid i Fh am upstream to spate in Inland streams, abit samp nd thik sawyer, ose othe aueficeo breathe, and even climbed uponta the foots af mangrove tres Large ones competed with ihernen by attacking their neu, and mote oraclous onesie barracuda aetilly endangered thefihermen themselves Fahwere caghtin nets trap ad coral st the fnowh of rivers or dammedup streams, sared wilh hook and line, oF tpenred with harpoons p aeaenty ir ives could no perform bor lke weaving o pounding Trt ofthe hunters Gre catch wae offered up ona reestump alae ‘Ranwan, the mountalnedveling spit. The rest was caved home ss tne hunters back by cumple over hs forehead, ate shared ‘Sth I as never sold or peered, though it night be exchat ‘omay All aninas whe es was considered it fos human eonsumy omar example,decr or eve at—were referred to a aly, pi "THe sna Food ond Forni nore pin nd ne ener nfo cating deg the ante econ, These ‘harpoons were thrown with a line attached to the boat, andy “Aotearoa Ue in a HO qu ‘sans evident id not hunt in slicent quand to tract Spanish Cooking ‘isan cooking was done on hy kala stove, or tree tans (gong) ‘n an cen hearth, Besides Mintandsteck, there were three other tae oral methods of lap making by icon: by paling a band xan ee a a ie consumpsen bat am fr ccf $n rh rote ait Sek dren pega the growed Nl “tering Since der and wld hogs were slo called babuy, domestic PH he cinder by rubbing a kaeahaped pice of bamboo along another fee dsnguated os song Dilerent ands bad thes own Wed ged with tinder and held horizontal wid the for or by rotating wer STaehictded 120 tes of dor 240 ks of porkom butcher tering] ooden rd Between the palms, dilike, aginst « wonden boa “They foraged betes lige houses and kept the ground clean of FB tye cinder mas ether fine wood shavings or he Hinde fz of various or ere panned in neatly woodlands with dheir ers cipped fol | pains anaes AA State foods were boiled: though tuber, bananas, andl Nesy eaves oF “pew en raise in de howe, where twas reported to be clang a ste were ako roasted in hot cols Vian wee requenty ed in ee i ne the melee hte ta land th meat nd hee barbed ke en uppers dager besine—the hewr—icnever set oot the BME Seamed in ection of haenboo were al Kinds of fod—parawn genera “Theke was lu eatin every house ep ier af ras and fa chet ci i ice flor with grated coconut and ot i broken ow aterwards aul be caught ung enough wo re, made a8 eve Better MONA yen thir eindialap. Gran was also parched In dry pots Tounchoi days ere pronsed withaspecalldertocomeand go AH Ghose died were ses an rt pts iene tobe pulerved to mie pleased, and pt muonkee a ace 8 watchdogs ogre no} ning Aig ce wo stretch limited spl: lamar wasany sch misng with lle, Epproaching sangers | frpiom, beans or ute i sede were cllected for spose, hing cet oe Spanith explores obsered onl ew on the cos ll fee picked om under tees whee they hal een dropped by hal Suma sa in eb Dut they were common in Mindaao and aes Firs afer digesting che Mesh ‘eontactth Mims the souh—for example they were aed fr ‘Seafiod not ony fish but ees, sls, squid, crabs, mollusks, res, tithe Seminaa sands between Pasay and Mindoro, which the Spa nl ture eggr—mere the main sure of Visxyan protein sd wan pre ‘Eula han de Cans (Gont Islands) because they were popuisted Will ferred go mae. Wild game was considered atypical masculine food and goat that had been teed Tons to bred wi Iie peters by women. Altmest wa forbiiden pregnant women —and a ha a al iredced ate nthe cen ind ak tense aby sara wee bevel wim nad oto trot Chin and Menz, with few bal Brough tom Spx IOPOMH. err mother's womb dae pregnancy. Pah were preserved ad theme” {fp novices sre eing or pt open ante before ning 98 sce of te carsbao noteworthy. Thatta noted ara Sal Kt Jaw ferme fh pane of teat brine go, dengan ania surprising, but ha oon reports isting atral SOWCA oom yer high ired ole dishes of minced meso, Yona animale not see, as Menton waa of 504 pense ne any Lind of cer snd sconingrl pungent and su Fo enor loin staman wearing shorn ede fe ew supplement a and aly die ‘Miho tdon mate of bude horn sor or hte romps. The be "Hoey waa an important fod, indicate by dhe frequent mention aa ound wit feral Laon fom Bikol co he Hocos, in allo hid ates connected with ic Seasons were designated bythe lowering of incertae nowngor enon, butin the Visayan as kara ces and plants whove nectar fed the beesikeKatparasan trv famtary see ues hsbee But uhether it Toamed the Veayan hills o* 0% MB. March when the paras rattan wes in oom. Wind and rain could Domestic Animals Seafood was the main source of protein the Vista de but pigs a "TE sts Bite Rang teazoy the Blows, ne yphoonsthebeesthemseles Ball Nut seep eomntapetation, Comer vas belied hat for aa inthe ees wana ag of ul yearn come Si ee th eur for any vain undertaking or re AUR nagood year encouldexpet find any 9h see epetiion ering whic dey would ep in de forest, die TSB mould trees and ball the honey to preven etl mats the ito he rec pai, anda chewed together with ite ppersine, omichnbatborowedenante The mci {proseqnentspnkied wi Tine ade from shells wrapped ate and EP covet into a qu whieh producers hooded pit. Is Vaya, thet | fev ong (iterally uit) th tel vine was cal ays owas er hic Hang wv xen so ogee faced qt chew ian mana whence he dw ala ed sare Ste yrs it contained of made fo confections and ces Fn a rime t toeved to teen Te peparon, exchange and sing of elf mae et iienoar | ppt socal act among Visyane. en cued the neersary igre rena e wapperf coon eves were ileus et ih them nile bakes or pues eat sae sets of 1 a i Pee ictinsmunber ot ierent sae sme stl, and chs become bal ith ater, an essen se ad in nama coco; [sti bre hn any dco or un For hoe: a era tc nal may woes ce wsto ree ole lo fer betel nt ayo wo entered hs hase wr an a re ate wih ie er, omit pling ey. onal ity the were prepared andre a emg ie ange coconut amd fm valable meta days oF hones by fan of whe wchal—sen handed were deeptied, “Guagters othe lady hese, epending on the scl sting ofthe esx make cane mar, they otsined 20 unreiel fle The Pay ce of Hoatapnon clinics wilh 3 skyenotine a onan Span pn wp, aa fron of bet it eng pepe an seve inka men) a de hc ln ese ora on for. Apa nor as adn uch of ms os a of cna bar Pee ne Eras ane kn Soom see mised wal ore ther ara orn, Bet nt a ged in mane me eign one of anne of acs or its called dom curlers quid partially chewed ape) wat a ac of itation a Ce et ata gen afewsharpionsover thea one in respons oa man's candesine request wavan acceptance of ne ease mae by pong he whi ances 0 clone, an open ian. Foo lca uke incl waer, in oul Bong palin were exten ct oe with a hyo vine planted a tut icy viene the np wena ata ie Be, Howe, nero nut fom wi palms were se when SP a 0 cooees igh ce Ststry—nich 2 somone wich was a atta pa a al een ee ttayo hehe er oman You cheving for the fs ine wally sled ges he chat en i ohn for eas ere bet ansesonea Pied ysl or ono rot, ad even yung ay’ chew ax se eames sre incr chos Ue in of per tc fa Shatner Say appa aan ee concn once dastn ws tom i Deore Dats Daghulwa yong thatthe aword tsa rape the oo ct cid wt in bla ws ca oa Bore, Bak naga po dapano pen (Chi, oie ae ees nate nl Breatias Inthe seo feeding workers BY: you know "esa 198,29) (tinge lor grompabor, the meat and fh were pale fa mound cal ‘ede ceri, anil fy tunis or ncighborhoods In ral eats and Aes nomen food wate cml adm nal qs ea hn fr tak and wine (ittons said "drink not ea"), and it ‘Sidret gon form to lace mouth of sreaychewed ood in fps mouth Disting and Drinking | One of he fst things tae Spaniards eared about the Visayas that ‘hey were good drinkers Magellan had no sooner landed on Homonon, wo ‘rie SANS Fond and Baring AE grcting by marl ropagion wo the econ of aloe vegtton [Gis tne such Sint Pac gece ipreson sty fe San ov tes thre Tat vs ny Magelan teed Fray hah wal ian Oeirand nde Pl oes wach ee ered snare (ioe na 1) ‘when people fom nearby Sulit presented isn wth ajar of wl Tales recorded a wrtar—that i rok, dhe MelayArabic word fo i ‘Het uo in Lipase, Pgs drank from the se exp a6 Re [olan and his ansiat,Farige de Malaea, gos drunk he Was vpvetu) and few dye later, dhe focal harvests delayed while Kola Ru his Bedher Av slept if hangoves. In Cebu, Piguet drank p ‘ter ude nga ni, straight from the jr wit reed saws togeter wi is Humabon, but in Quiptfhe excused himself afer one draught he jah Katana ad hs companions ned off whole jar wtbou ea anyeing "Tne Spaniards therefore called Visayan social occasions éaconala] inet, Laatea (1582 116) commented, however, "i's good they etangy when drunk, ad Father Chirino (108,79) lee awe ‘Ste tothe Bolas abit to carry her Liquor abarwen Koco (000 baa, temper oF mediate) wa the | wot wow tark ox devoted to produce the beverage The decocon | erhuher ple vo al invlune mised wth an egal vohmeof fresh Foney and Ito ferment natal wo become samo, song quar foray Fer Sach Unie re toa ks Ike pangs it was come by en gathered rod he, all Sele tog ate mil ooo a tnt even vai Sine beney {tr av imporae item in the Vajan de Sabarawan wax produced {etre guamity to market~and ts produc and consumpon were [toute Scene by Span tte demas or ane wo tes rweba amongustac one fhe be eae party compte int te gato sy honey bape oe ang maton dehy nn become conte inthe ene ba Feeeeenegite etre torte re ney doit lett ‘telectberdoe teeta reo obey et cH. ins Sagres ice ws xtsted wth asp onesman pees Alon springy pleas peed over sre samp and kept unc up and ox | Stowe bod sad foot pda, wl with the ther hand the eane wes Tht tobe squcaed et the leu. The jue wo oie, preteraby itr eutivon bony tat held a much a 15 ir to bal voune. (or Spanah consumption, it bled down to tick syrup.) Twas then ‘Trl anda sal bundle of kabsraan bark as ade a eso An col, ew stored in Chinexe porcine i avulale dT ferment a age a tor Kang ‘Vnyant dif not make vor ial. ven after dhe introduction of the Chince sugar mile one wth vo alts ested togethers earned yacanbaootien sgar ma for sal othe who coal ford ton inane the main efor agareane. Thee wav aso den as ‘one {nd ered asa subuitoe for mother mk when necenry. Varebes of ‘Enc en wl for pressing were eaten fond or snacks, ad invariably ‘sed tonistorsupon sea Sag for fatance, worth ete re, a watt hard an ros forthe Vaan press—though these sane soctternie were desieble when srg betwen te rollers of te Giese ail “there were hsclly five kinds of Vagan alcoholic beverages afar, int or lang, pongo anda. Tuba was ce sap of pai eh Jrtuentednatuely afew hours and soured quickly Kabra vesnney fermented with a 8nd of beiled bark. Itus oF Kiang Tagarcane wine, hich improve wid ging Panga was ice wine o bet ‘tccis toy, fermented wth yest, bat bal also be brewed from the tehalike metal elle patent by Spaniards And alas any of thea EEterages ne Into hare guor: Ala was drunk Som cups, but th (her th red strane ro the porcelain jr in which hey were b Srnec, Panga! was required forall formal or ceremonial oceasons. | “Tuba. Nip ets was made fom the sap of wd tees, and usualy suchgdhened an given a red color—by the addon of gro ‘ings lear Bu tba made fom coconat palms was consis ‘etter and was therefore a profitable tem of tae. Distilled sto alas euld be teumported as far asthe ol, Wnegat, or mute themscires, bi Fought auch beter price ‘ “Taba apperarented the trcexorese hired to ten them, and where soil wes Enbratte, whole inde beeame coconut plantations wiht Pang asi vas the mash of cooked rice, already leavened with aay, ich was placed in the jt to proce the iid pangs. Tas let stand ey Pad at Farming uni icbecame strong and sour and wis drunk with the ation of wate Drinking Btiquetie iia ar was sind, the adion of more bas eas drunk throng eed sus alle eur Rola dea fro dhe jr with ot aod [tthin bamboo open at dhe borom aud eh a finger hole near the top ‘hich waasubrmergedin the pangs untitled, and then wiravn wi The finger bate closed to reste voenum to retain its contents. The lettin the drained jr ws called oo. Pang! drinking began with formalisy and ceremony, The jars wer placed in long row down the mide of the oor. Then the master off ‘fremont after invoking the divat (eit) ao drink fst, invited the (Gusto drinkin turn inating which guest and which ja Constang necking the contents of the ars ax the deiaking went on (4 proceduc alle "heating" fd, he won clon drinkers oad cera amount tt water, They were then required to dsiak as much pangan a the wate they added These elections were amie smi Increasing anes and chal lenges an Rally te aging of daar, kindof sng in whieh onc maa trod be vce by sogh fnsngy—bal, as Loarea noted, wa expt TCahowne resentment Inthe end, sme of he past mightbe "bough" thav inthe host compensated by Fling an emptied jar with raw ce. cept for tight sche who sfered poor health an cary de ie, Vigan id not dik sone, nor appear drunk pub. Diiking fos done in anal rnp or in sail qathenngs where men ad women st Be oppose sider tte om, tony prey ws wleome toi ffomen drank tore moderaey than ten and were expected W rte thee menflk ou, sep off ry seating por, Bat nen weve proud tbelreapaciy Father lens ha Sumac parishioner wow achr Spits ona bet nor Milpinos wih the same latent ould wae den, unter hoy mach tye and fanons oil dat eyed te Iepusion of donning tice Ker rah from the il with one breath Prutent dake, however, pared beforehand by “ning the bell with fol ike lng the cooking pr with omnana ene (aonginanigan gua sin Kanan (Sanches 1617, 62). Drinking equi gan with al exhoting some perton, or dna otk the first dink. Gana ws to propos ost o somebody’ heal unl ofthe opposite ean saa was &taa in which the cap el UPoper ai brohees and mag id ws for wo to drink ogee om the Die he to babes tiga the ne breast. Amen oor = {ts might py one of is maw vaals by presenting hisewn cp fer he fodtakenafovsipr ae, Samsun anyfoodiaken wi he wine (hat it plo, like te plate of pork TajahKolunn cared wh Pata {idtab, 18), reported, Weooka cp wi every mouth” A had Fntctia been a Vanya, he would have mewured politely with each pec, “Tari digo {By your leaves” Drinking war commonly called pogempong convertion; and neither Bivree desi, fly oi, nor commveny decom were acored tito i For eh eon, Spaniard often abt Hipino sent to Invert thr ocepation oan overinlgence nie. Bat lcnn (1658, 483) amend the atom more relly lak ak or asin vas anthing made wth a ill—for exp, a sccampaga sapagoita peturne—and makilaesacontimed drenkag The al aan) was made of lowe rng) and wo Chine sate (von, ew, oka, The tong wa cae onc the top oft lice on tpt te toong. Teste condense on the upper vat eon {oom sl! ped af len pine «soy wooden Ha | Stupended in ihe middle of the tong, whence the Isgid flowed oi gh blo tae adn) a ugh the sie | | Their or ovo were the soungestad bes and inthe case fn hhadthe qualfiesofbrandy. Thiswasclled datey, pure or irstls. tea eth etcem for both wine and gol. (A Tagalog dictionary (1613, 60] ‘Sy 'Metphoricaly, 24 haat song, fms wtb fie.) ana hot wed su ase for aa, though Pata though tasted tlled nce mine in Palawan, Law was to mix, dite, of “Shera any ofthese hquor ad wae a common practi Watered wi so hn called omfg 0 was the child of 2 ined mang CHAPTER 8 ‘Trades and Commerce ayans who practiced wades ke Bacay, oat log, pal akin pean inthe ene of being compensated fr spec entitfncaccemstyin te see of spordng thence the tefeion Marke ort ace ed eves were bn mo raison capenty and ter wes wove der ove enh. K appeal te tes tener belonged to forming Tay, icin acne sen near of the da ds Ba here were et ho aaa cd th crafl ne expert shpwright or onl wees or the psucer of export texles who were te le ender employes of dats caps Trades to, were all a tere pairs ad linet merchant, apecaly ‘how vl Pee toma wen, vented st cargo space, a aed Log atic cm stand wo land caying goon bok cietonn, Ironssorking Blacksmiths were pondy—or, more accurately, jada uta, wot ersin on, to disinguah hea from other esmen lke goldsit mmaicrcgpenters and boat bilder ll of whom were call pansy Siting was considered the noblest profesion, probably because ony te rales dasha the means to import the rw materi. If they were Fueed the ulimate source ofall metal ool, inluding he sede xm: fo bolon, Ley would have exercied effective control ener Vaya meas Stproducton Ax Faber Aci (1058, 8105) mi tice that no oteaion among the Via more potable tha thi, ad 0 tate at honored and ated among them, since te retest cies re the Tron lif had actually been produce in the Phiipines in alent eclogite ncing Vigan raves ad lag oral ste productafiron ekingand refining. But to extratthe mea fom the oe Ty pimive method yery dic, and the tamsporation of the tre Thustingencely more economia io wade local are prods fo rateable cas von fataabl, and twos avaiable stent by te dricenth Scntabong Sarawak, and Song rare were delivering big Chinese cal rons and pig ion det By the sixteenth centr, ion was aso being produced in Sulawesi tut war elo rare and valuable dat wen the Santa Bina dal Paola noun in Sagi in 1525, the natives borne her to recover the ail. In the Visas those Chinese earons rained he tru source: thy were dllerately broken upto nippy loca forges The bellows ofthe forge (ashe) were two Upright cinders Cast) shontameterhigh,hlloyed otal ree trunk, wi pistons amit) Figed with chicken feathers setsoatocollapeon here stoke They tet aernaey raved and lowered by te acksnih'sappentie (masa) to proce a steady draft. Both cyiers had a bao outlet nea the thitom which led to common Howe recep (lm which concen trated thei dra toa charcoal ire, The snl nda) waa piece of iTonsetin hey woodes black, andthe mith stols weve + woanded Sone nau al aston hn lo), pir of tongs, a2 eoriment of ordinary bois for cting te redo met The most important oa manufactured epi or retmperc bythe ‘acksnith vaste boo, Dolo or day was he ordinary. one: a a eer one for wondeiting ak or bn, one wth 3 ed ade fr ireefng or calating; and pone with a shor blade ad Tong handle fo be pres under the arm or aging the gous with te footw leave bod hand efor sipping rattan, Te blade hal tang for halting io thewooden handle, and was held firm wth resncussapanda ingofratan "THe SAIN Trades and Commer ormeta The head of dhe ax ny) was alo hafted int the hand hdysbot mongers wie and coud be rotted a quarter cum tobe oe ean adie, Mone specialized tools inchided those in the fs below yon for thei incoaupuiy, with hage pegs set int them to carry the F poor beams al wooden wal were ed into channel chiseled int ails ne and below. Paes, bowls spoons, and Tales, urn calle dahon | en decorated with fine carvings. Rowgh leaves ofthe hagyit tee ht = a ects oro aps hah i fe Shot RNa ing qu ag br bborbie ft timesenc nna ee hts ee et nh gh cae Bene Cte Arca ' sae Share Be Seago |e Vay wor fr hoe as aly here allo wos» ee ke Ft ngs man necand mcenmacd Tar es Se mt itaehe Silat gpeprmnen wed sees he pt be eed a oe relics lag igh oa arte fee tnd te : ater eng heath fouex The fst were cried dan the second by ory pope, Se Earn Pre eet Li oe arent Ta tet IP foventconitedy scp ets ensesapyropie ss rope me fn ror curce cy hans The rote oe oat _ lected in Paes sao for houses on his maps—a tangle sarding = Th adltion, there was varie of ut (lay lay and texoporayselters for huts, farmers apd avers “Tue large town hots were sspported on al hardwood pillars (bari, or ging supporting the vidgepoe, tl if only reaching tloor lee). “There were five to tenon aside, planted deep in the ground with some _sohble (oma buried ander the frst one, stay ant incorrpsible that “tome were know to survive deeay and wphoon for wo or three gener | tons, The upper ends were set into a girder (sblayan) which carted the tin rafters agua 0 called beraise they crowed atthe sdgepole ie ting shears to extend beyond the tke), and joined t the oppo “te argh by ae Benn (abungathag). A lower girder (sergangen) which fried the loo jt (wagon) and the sls fatale) into which the If salboards (dimpng) were rabbeted, was supported on big ps (an) lien into the args oF dred on shone too. (See fg. 4.) Te lor lag wae divided nto two sections (pul) one sig higher af han tether, byaaquared cam fuinnan) unning lenge, and was made of bamboo, ran oF cane sips shed ogether ontop of wooden fl. Both the gil an the rattan sbips were called Bulag and were loos ogh to pesnithquide to rn through-aad ony enough to Keep feapectal house members ff it while he dat was aeeping. The rool “two carpeatr’s tools which later became comunon were apparent mi Ii ron ee tcentrcentay Vn toot Kite swe (agar) a th plane (a) Woodworking Carpenters eut their ovn smber, carefully observing accepted nat loseinackcting it Different species were felled daring diferent phases ec moons one wee believe to be more sli on he eastern sie, a are tees were aye stronger than females" of he same species Trek acre cut whan send bol, spltdown the mile with wedges Xan tatt adzed ino a single plank, squared with the same tool ‘Ripeuay and house construction were done by sifu joinery wit ‘sr oF tal fi "Jourds mec fied together with mortseandtenons joined end. ith narpintso abeted into grooves. Lagscale ambubo were cs Tutor the sure of planks to veceve oer pices aed to them and sia tenon were ved in place with a resin osc these broke oft bf hong Toone Large wowden houses stood on Hirdwood pot we CROSS SECTION = io Bncarmacion-an, (ats was bamboo or pan leaf shingles lashed to parle sis of hea ae a, ring to the sidgepote (adnan, fom dong the ge Tas coves) a, aatly to tree rdgepoles i dhe eas of lange dag one above teuther wth one protruding beyond theendsof the ons ike horns; yong ei). ner detallsof Visa schitecure are revealed by dir special termi Haglan, or example ws hoe ladder or sary, lang one rng oF aeeeernd along, landing bu hag Wasa single boo wed 284 Bw ts of branches Teton ad sang was a spi-bambod Thader or house dogs, Pemalongwas the decorated facade; angawan, he trance, gua, door or window large enongt to pas trough while rarest ea don jst for looking on Hatten sa hind of veranda for tng, son ving spaces slog the sides ofthe house; am veto Row for saves soy. Pun was kind of aramé done in avan which endered all tuctoral bindings aris Rtg dats ad the langest oie in He eomnni—even 30 mete rong tas not only hs dwelling, workplace, and storehouse, bt als] (ena the canna centes fr ee and religious fais, with kid teiow o in fron Wooden parisons cave Sich lige nigh ele pron Thay hactardghter, concubines, aad howse slaves, Paral Noorig | deal Ser their beams made a itd of fot or atic Siar grandeur Wh fevhidlen other dat: a conatict = hose lage enough to entertain ‘Mhote community was ia ie orn of compediion amounting Tee ited separate chanbersfr him and his TNontdatas, onthe other hand ved in cottages bu of ight material ready tbe mone eet fe yeas to be near siting swiddens-—and 0 di ‘Ticlgumnss vein such houses seasonally, They didnot sad on aig ‘ha contanediide umber stead ofthe sturdy croabeams called bata iitbots houses an shi they had wnaquared pos called saga, Much Tras any nights was spent ia varie of eld fats and tespoca ‘heirs convenient to eis labor—for example, the qporen, wich had ‘ng roo to sere for either shade sles, or ssning. (See fi 5) Travelers, farmers, hunter nd bers, even seamen beaching thei boat Ter de night ptt up so any of dhe that dey could usally be found] Srey sting long wellrveled roads or sve for f wat, lt the in actual Tre houses were occupied only in tne of tices 13 ot more meters bone the ground, or on tall pow dey were fntended only formal warlrs they were reached simply bya vine whic ald be pute! up; but i whole fy occupied them, they were Falls ig. 5. Visayan hoses, ae vet's Flimenta de las dates # inulin de Bisayas) "Te vistas siocbreioouir reg ayaa | a aera ates neygoveniens buns vd cree Bout Building ayn bat depressed lama igre ange enough fo anurans 120 centimetrsoad abe hewn otf ingl tuk The pada tnt tc ote form ofthe halt shape Rrtsarp athe botom ke SEE puime and shaped both end ith ies thicker than hi IASG ie ntowed ou the interior ling the necessary tambo pr J Jeane stat anearseaed age Yo check the Hekves of the inning veto he worked he kept boring hole throvgh these, to De Peel ep wae tr, good pany could wake sich a cab0e 9 ara and Stee wie ering tise nj fen a “Aiuto could have board aed oinrese roar seal ip stent Fr ego epaciy wag rae were bik OF “ume Lech wth teas at ooh end At Tong 2 eters, they had re Ax punts os de each caved to the desied eure beforehand, rte in on continuous stroke Since was hel fave andere ish determined the cont of de land consequent ee pee Teh te aio produc then wath alinarko the maser ps. {Toca wene edge pegged together th thn wooden nau hog ao peg nace park dl apd the chins between de planks Said Sgte Tne ytote scl yas then ghee by pacing log aro the {Gamal heavy sopes unr the ul fastened 0 the fg on each Sac diing wedges the cds ofthe logs to expan them esough vein sopes tte Oaly then were dhe tw added exible branches Tlnced down i aa ane aed tothe tambukos hat they coed Ince pence tena in huh dat was song and Tight bot a fea | cto wan basally what de Spaniels called a conoe—a gout canoe Trg smply angle pce, few ale dam ofl SeNTeanugh or amano chp butt hed bark washers added fo ea Recto, wail sedi wooden pankswere add, indo see welEkaown tangy wes an edge peng. pensbule boa er Ebon kee largeonestorcanygeargo mee Bl ia. fr api “Trader ad Cece ‘ix, open boats ere dapoor aye literally a hal eoconn sel), bat by the end of the century they were being called chempon from Chinese opan (three boards), 4 term eightecnt-century Europeans would ‘end to any Chinese vessel, even huge seagoing junk. Al foreign vessels ds high freeboard were called angst i, Malay ong. But the ost | elebrated Vien vente as the warship called harahna a sleek, double- fended cruiser with an cleted fighting deck amidhips, and caval motnted on the outrigger supports a wat a many ass banks of pallens (Gee fig. 6), They displayed al tals of brian page fore an fe as gn of vcwoy, called saa onthe prow, gol on Ul tera All there vessels were designed or east seul frets and rock, nd interidand passages with teacherous currents They therelore dew ite ‘ater, had ow recbosed had ouiggerson both ses and steering oars Insead of centerine riers, and the exible hulls could absorb under tater blows that would have stayed inthe sides ofa mote rig esc. They Tha one or more tripod mast that caried mating sls woven of palm fies—though onicaly the Manila gallens woud ater be sling wider Phlipine canvas woven on balsrap looms. Their sails were wider th igh and bad a yard both top and botiom, a typeof lg sal the Spaniels Caled Laat a seaaring people (lua ean featng) in Mindanao | and Sul, Paes, ameter oF 130 centimeters long ages and witha leak Shaped lade, wee carved of ingle plece of wood. Ont gu however, nd’ blade shaped ie a dinner pat. The karakoa could mount fort of ‘hem on a side, an is sped vas proverbial. As Father Combs (1687, 7), si "The cae and echsiqu with Which hey bail them aes thelr ships tal ike birds while oar are Bk lead in compara.” Potry ‘The Visayan poster's craft wns dbo, al it wax practice by female potters using nota pote’ wheel but the paddle-and-anl technique, The Inovinihon gathered the cay herself klo, knead ic jag), and den dea lun for each pot shaped Like al acocont husk She pace his ‘rer one hand holding inside ta smth round stone—the al (so, ‘She then thinned and enlarged the hump of cay ito pot shape by ging Flight Blows on the outside wih a paddle (dla or dap. (From the slapping sound, path or papi, she was ls called mamarapab or ‘amir Siig the sole pot on a bosrdor basin for eay rating, she idened and smoothed the ip wil 3 wet lth iii, and then left the a | Fe. 6. Chase Philippine hanoa (Aus econsructon by Raoul Castro under the mpervision (OEW- HL, Scots from Pilpine Studi ol 3, 8a ures). Suis pw deyin the un ews then ed (fg) without ki, wile silo’ (ands make any ccking sounds | Sih he mouth wii ent, es the ot eke the sme sou by Tiling iterated bier rs ng ses hone, cgi be mend vith jek) “Te common cooking pt wa abo ho, oF enor enuhin Panny ‘gv te with a Specialy we yout ad anges 3 ata SECC Tor tying. The bang eter ar wor sbaped ke the porelaing Prete for beving se rnhng ange Dulang a lare plate witha [oot had s worden conmerpart bythe sae name. Ths 2nd inventory, cbnoay of erday hovichold cocky “Conmpluiny nent ow ecco comple Py dhe Spaniards ag aes Bf the elegant ceronice which appeared in ancient Piping rivo-all dose decorated jar and ets, delicate fe goblets, bow, ‘Seng on thee or four Igy ad plates ained up on perforated tnd Tesereg dies a snot Cantonese estar, These were ein Ceremonial on funerary ws whih tistely could not compet wih the trate porcine nice from Chea atid Thaand by the tense thowanth By the teenth century, even dinner per were mal {inaare—shetheepingon ln lege ones, lay, soa ones, oF ssf fle one te sce dates ne porta long wi old ewer and ron gon that heoom wealth hich Wye ced Bena" “propery ina) to be angus toon Grou,” Since (U7, 45) Stich erinay foe, plates pot, te” Thay, wen the peopl Strang cael nde Spay sick ia 1643, they cared thet pen gm and gol with dhe abe ther a teil (illo Et hem fg upto send home, bt fal wo wae them off or ood in J Samar inca) The Vaya cle lng prcelan hens, 12 or 1 Tereuajot Ths anything valued tat price wa aon dh 2am wa ended for nay to pay ane, fg be eased in ‘needy, "Nualy there was alo a Tong Hist of names for sped ype of por tain ware Ordinasy Cine wee ang The owes we fx pang were ging, Alan sed tebonewere lage ene, Lining were te i ‘Tettng noes wih eur” Chale) the Portage aed arabes thejnesé ale nolo bec hey were decoraedal vee ag | tren tatowe al ove. Hulaay were dragon jr 0 cle from ef Menke” (ata) one In high rele their ide they were also {Songun Dente they were worth 1 ing go el Thump wa “Trades and Commerce urge Black jar tify, sal black one; and aba Ming bie and white ave. Plates had even more names according to theese, shape, and color, uta he big deep ones were calle! Barn fom han tosis the fingers from side tose; and some were valued at more than 3 tues Satis symbols al, both jars and plates were dapayed in hi of wickerwork older oa the howe beans Gaoldwrbing s Golds mentioned in early Spanish accounts more often than any other one substance, evidence not only oftheir interest nt bt ofthe fue that they found ceverytere tey went They cera ever t have see Vigan | otout gold on his peson, and sid hata of dem col tll where any old came fom jas hy looking att. Bu the Spanish were prac st the Fin intensity of Vigan mining operations dhe Vyas aly wea to gett sr neeed, "They would rather keep it below the ground than iv eas tones," flan Martner (1567, 468) sud, "because nce they have wars they fan seal it in the house but not inthe ground." The "wars of course inctaded Spanish isiyte collecting and looting, and moved Flips ‘ral or even ceae focal production Most of this ining eat placer minig—gold panning in steams or riverbed. Paces were called duongonfrom dung the wooden pan wed ‘heacuvi, pom meaning siting anda wooden trough tb, linge, ‘There were secant that could be worked in most sans, and Bol was ‘nid to have one in Kabularan where a mich se 1 mar (2 grams) a ay ould be recovered. Kat or kaart mine by acta excavation, whence the mine wat called Klin and sab was rch cin—Hke those found 5 for Bmctere deep in Masbate, Misbateutaced ints fromm neighboring Slands and supplied the famous tinerant goldsmiths of Biko, and & Spanish sey in 1567 gave 6 ounces pes hundredweight of 15-kara ually, Many deposits went unworked fr lack of ool and technique, an! some In Bucuan snd Surigao were layed hy the month instead to ataers who fame and went by som "The Visayan called gold bulraon an! ine gol Aimadawon,presuanby from bude red or rosa color they often produced atl with ere, etre. Though they had touchstoncs (ania to ext its quality, most men ould estimate is eoutent on sight and they cari i seler ind weights ound with them in a special pouch to make apot purchase, (So the Anynyg menianear rade nd Cnn expressed thatthe low level of pre Hispanic Philippine technology would fate prevented Filpinos om producing such sophiicsted jewelry. But the loge dubious at best many nomadic barbarians tye produced very Fine jewelry On the other hand, jeweler Ramon Villegas eating mthoricy tn Pilipine gold, argues peraely that many motifand techniques of Pulppine goldwork which have orgs or simlarives elsewhere, are ere fombined aod developed in way nt found outside the archipelago, Until | jh examples are found leather; therfore, the ease way to cco for the vast hordes of unique goldwork that have been uncovered i to ‘sume at ita crafted by ips of Philippine gola in the lippines, CGeinanos weighed out the 20 pesos in geld which they pail Magellan fo ‘Shllorotiron) The weights wererarioes Kinds of seeds or beans, base on ‘lite ved one called gt, Buc eoaerdbe co standara Southeast Asia Steg of he Gme-—the a the arg (0.25 ma), and the tel oF loka) sich was Jang Visayan. Te Visayas, however, rekon three diferent kinds of basing according to the quality of it gold co tent-lebingstom worth 12 Spanish reas, Zaingoa worth 10 oF 10, a Iabingpit, ony. ‘Golda mypremely workable metal especially when pure and pany sa tntenpe to avantage of properties in a number of ways. Slit Ttmps they eared sodeled, and hammered Into shape, beat ont ina ‘Sheuaas thin ayonionskia tae ett shearsintoiliouetes or wrapped Inuo beads or sheathing, or dew ont int din wires to be use igre ‘work or "woven? int thik ropes, Or they soldered tiny granules together, TCeeral andre to the square centimeter technique in which ancient Fipino goldsmiths have never been surpass it local exon of tnterting sh yoldwork with dhe deceased and niger esonn of rbbing graves, ave proved representative samples Tor examination in modern moseams and coDectons, Many are of fing beauy and ineredble_complexity—Hike chose bubandi necklaces alle femal whi contain huadreds oc Hinks and rods and wires. Suh [Jonety was obviowsly ot going 10 be replaced once it dippeared— opener withthe skileto proce tin the fist Few generations of ‘loa occupation, As Alin mie conn ftr, “one who knows how a Ike ther today shar to fin. 4 “Alcina seve in the Visayas in 164, and at chat time noted dat the numberof ea jewelers blinereased bth the quality of thei goldwor hha declined, He belived what aeconnted fortis change was the disap peasance of Pilppine gold and the incoduction of Mexican sver rele he ad no doubts abont dhe quality of ancent Vian gokdwork “Temany eee insane lead tar hea lena ee learn they deel eke anton ee ete ‘Stainton nominee Se seekers her #0 cote “Sh eatunhip to what eg me om ke the ag = ee |oaiyatpenerto cron lB cxpecel oa peopl pyre ‘outed wc (Alena 188, 21). 4 Weasing “The Vizyan wor for cloth, blanket, o ict was hab which was woven | ‘98a Backtap loom by women or male wansvesites The backstrap 100m ‘sao called because the warp thread were supported, notin a permanent Framework, fut in one continuo lop aronnd a oom bar eld i the ‘neaer's ap by asuap behind her back and another one suspended from ‘house beta or tree beach at convenient. These wo ban were tradition. ily about meters apart and vo produced a texte twice that lenggh and Ammer wide the aandard weanite was one ivan, half of what eat frm the loom, laliag” "Thefront loots bar wcll ronan ita contd wth sticky black as to hep the threads tom sipping. Citas were the cords fastening the {rosin toa leather or wooden hacktrp (pall). The back om ba was {sla Riding onthe warp was dhe eel r comb (lamgan), mad o 40 pall rattan ros (ang) about thee fingersapart, grooved told the teeth (li by wrapping theead around and in between tein; the reed oud thusbeopene by removing the thread in cde ta isertt,combke, ver the upper act of warp threads, Beyond the reed, there warp threads _ passed altemately ore and under a banboo shed rod (uu), forming a ‘hed o pas the wel teas trough, Thealtenate sed, fr pasing thew in the opposite direction, was formed by pulling up aed aghonoma ele ack roan) wi a htead wrapped losely around to pickup every other warp thread Ae! beyond i, each warp theead was Wrapped once around a cross rod called ernkad—technicaly 3 cot rod to keep them tat and evenly spaced “The weaving procem required a hardwood batten (dy) shaped tke a all wordas long asthe favicws wide. The wemerwouldinvertt stint [Alcina would not be the last person t see a contrast between he evel ‘Visayan etre andthe perfection of ther godwork, As more and more | legant gokiwork would Inter be unearthed, the opinion came wo bef -re visas __Traes ond Coe [sein them tt for cordage—and were graded according qua (Gnay Sr vn the fet and produced ght abc cle onda Inpro for healt and bi made an ike horse a lo | stong head for hedles Tying these Hs together wilh Fine kts to | price thread asthe ft ae gil eared to perform More than ‘Morn viet faba were grown, it wld aban an ther empike bers cheding Inc eres, wee ao wore in ot rGaton ws rae bona or nga whes pu ito tend with a {gui andspiade ngaln.Rupangwar oe skin, compet often bo, ech of which war en heel sls alas te shea igo and bye fs all's hapang. Cotton cath wo aed Lampe, both the tex sod fear piece or bnter~as in aur ka ona The andar ease was [Gris 3 acter, Cth sagt fom the lor fobad, oth coon and ‘Ac, wa oninari soaked ine wednes with de ade nd then Ege a son 4 Dyas were edhe bast yee more ese wth nine wood: tag Ingo den, yellow gingevibe To hunt kind of talon; nd an permanent ye of back so called a ‘Dye head was acd let weave colored lth than one colored | igen pli cla Indi nported alk vexdsor cen threads [roi hens lth was ly coed altorate stipes twas calcd by Stevie of term which implied mich repetition for example, dong ing, Sekt oat The mos ceganttexie considered monopoly of Visa weer. wat the pnyuon wich wa the set prerogative men who bad personally Pinca va cocey. evs woven of aca Sirs handled far the “shene and haishin ture, and then te dyed by binding it pinches A as uy to leaves Tin ered patra in natural colo nel dep re. It made gainethin padong whose lose ends heroes et rey fall ovr their shoiders fo ap the cere. shes riton eet ide the oping run he shu ough i terete nia nar ean eat a ‘ght pga, Pe std to os) wes in cae he se i es fhe Bl he wel Se gta. nd w bein a temporayLetcrod ug) w THERE fluorite wemer to prone an eg or Che it wet thea seine tera ew centimeter of ls woven Thi equipment wae petet for wean pn o eps fb, Dato produce dein “Guna gon hele were needs sl rane border stip wich inteike cee onc or mre ine ie erie ing cele ng ki were edo separate fey wap thea tie ‘See we ‘weaver obviously could not reach the back loom bar when’ see oe an pear hry ran Se “Eulnie y wappng tock and for ound series of ight ake, lg ine seit col ea to ke the head node when a “Nagtestothe oe loontare The ater (howe wos nae yen ‘hese and sla se the lop fhe at tw sakes 2 seer an tems reat be et op (an 0° tng Once the wrested warp ween poston, she mains er eating by psig pum fours fu or sr) Ad she coud aerape her work SE ling pine warp am te font tom bated, bate, a sree dows the back aad pt underteraro -yo Salat ue nl vey conte. 7 “Nening wa arora par of howsekexpiog, and women spp al increas dthing ltteer factor oa shabby deed seeseh man nepic trae tthe patie even sopl ins, Toes epringn arworouradventarsaee tay clothed with age tent i thelr mrs are Both ct and aca were re ipaae expos the Chine eed Mindoro ace rode nthe {tconh century. The wives of howling saves were eed tpi ‘tout tet mses supped hes he tol, and pid worker see ee apie asdourenie weve The Spi uly de ‘tc cutter expt ena at 1 See no gallons ie for Aap wits 22,60 pos ‘oro and 350 ls of ead, Dometic Trade [The dayaiter Magellan made hart Pippin landing on Homontion 2 off the southern tip of Sst, ome fehermen appeared ur iby Suluan to wade fis, coconuts and arark Sulvan sone othe most mote bie of land in dhe archipelago, and dhe alaciy with which is inhabitans iniiated wade with unknown foreigners reflected a common Iexture of Vaan ife—all communities exchanged oodstfTs Moreover, Theft that these Suiuanon were atone indicates that trade and waefre Testes Hata was generally taken to mean shaea cloth—what dhe Spaiaeds called maliaqu. Tne cleaned fibers were lnal—laotto Spaniand co oy in the preHspanic Vyas, an the rea of the world, were not tele artes Indeed, Lauca (1882, 10) Ine the etal Stteeoure asa mujra for war-— hey got aden other town. uh and they eed or aleat them there and commit teachea frum thers under cover of fiends” Supte food crops wre ere of daly trae, ve co bodh need an preteence, When eh Peso was apse onthe uso cn {n't hs mate tok hi long to ll cen Cebu in 16 Lega trie age bts oing ice and sbers in Caan Let) ae wee inter encountered a boaoud fice and ams of Bol wich hal co from Sod (Ley), When he anchored in Lay, ois ce longi fever fas wo a ponent Lagat mnpected ms dope "Sting for hours overs ie™ (Aston 385, 70. Pew Visa sand rc sults o fc, iewas tad for long distances: when manos tied To sare the Spaniards out, Masi meschans spp them ie rom Lavon xPanny Wil roots were als trade: hr {old Soipped and sen for eating y the “ox handle” Coco er ‘Simos ah cop: hey wee grown in plantations, shipped by boathad rprocesed roi and tubstappers rene the wees or were Bie them, Wan ae ney were ade by ten wit profeonal sil tocating tne hives, lei the ight of bes through teers. Wi Arisa at garden vegetable and medicinal eso wll pocage ood ik pl sug taay, were exchange in al marke St dered fom seawater amc an essa tem of ade asa medio of exchange, One gntag was 2 ake to 0 cee Shure worth aon ot ice (9 et). Ts kagonongel cloth sont ‘Sentmeers a the length foe which 3 weaver as pad eh pec orate enti foods the most common domestic tad goods were threat alovand clothing Spinning, weg and seving were al women's, Someimes for hte ands the marketing of thar products. Te | Inert of ripping, leaning bleaching and dyeing abc wa a lone by nomen, etal working mn groups. except for especialy oo ‘aves which were cade y mn, Coton tet was oi by the sch {Muang and chth bythe “bunker” ompud. Cleaned ance fe {tata orever were ety the stein or bul wich could be encom: poset by te thn and forefinger ume) Altigugh they could Purchased as such, ing them in thea was anormal partof howew Tory wa a eae cra rom gern he ay to paling finite proves, ba whee hey wore dtetbted to ber as Trade nd Comores merchants oF the pots themselves fs not clear. Blacksmiths, however, pracced ther profesion from town to town with an apprentice ering the anil sd bellows, rep ing and retemperag tools sd forging ew fer ou of used ion, the Visayan marketplace heay items were weighed wid a steed called sinenta (Spaniards reckoned one chinanla a half an area, of 633 Flo), bur old as weigh ain! ide seeds na pai of balances cal {ough to be carried on the peron, Rice was ida nediun of exchange! post werold forthe noun dey cou ol, neat nase ae Sf gota of uns ie Pxpensve em ke bast, saves, or god hunding dogs were priced in gold tal (S84 grant), or, conversely in balan ts thetsches value in etil—for example, pang, £0 rice gongs faung or hain te lve ofan tapered crag ‘Galas were mae wih le wooden covers hee tt ve ting of sifercnt sc But there ae no repora of proburopean, foage, bcs tongh ibe aquarchled Ghee czar invite cretion “In inde wo the south. (Marin de Iareshrooght some bork rom the aay expedion minted ealyin the Bteenth century.) Cebuanos wold = notaccept copper ser, or gold clus fom Magellan i 1521, be ent rar, Dao de Biss bgt x ple of kn Abuyo (ate fort Fos and in 156, Lawn an Borneo nesta woah! ape shin [othe That change war dette Portguene presence Mace [ssoggeste by the face thae the Visayan word fr ser coin, al, meant _ aa pecan Portes oe Iced, Vans aay ceed F spats currency | for example, kina (05 ral “ squrtersoson: al the kala! (2-eeal coin), meaning haf toston. ‘enna ofa real ost rather than at Boreal pao i eighth ofa toston; or shpat (1 se), “To appreciate the vigor and scope of Viayan wade, tis only necessary ‘o review te specialized wcabulary A fenton ‘nor bg ‘Torenta oe oroot Te dealin enpenive oe Lem poo, he boas, sas, aha jo go Reon ‘Tata sp hen ofthe te Tepe stang ge ARR Ania ‘ade and Commune . sec pe te pred fon ey Ani Ms oe ha, ARNE ne age beg we a a es i Shipton eres Cage “Topreenesmrcanunanommingpor or eae Ps uteri ‘ia erro os i nn og cn Rapes ores aetna ein Stn aban Exciiisitetssieeaten ear wet a er repo oe Cen cee eerste amnnirhatorse | Naar ue j eu. fereltipn ‘heainony pers eo het ht cl : Tectia ‘ogi he sete Seal Se late, ‘Tobe overcharged dec alos [that Chinese sling directions published in 1617 avoided inland Visayan emcees | cnt nsw ea) an ee ci. felt han = ea sn | et oy Swen en wr ay = ‘ei Ae ashen aye sig pe rangi — Egetnn naa = eh so Fe Ea natin Comme ce Routt tase ‘echinetngne Sinn ore ce ese ne a nee “The presence of Chines rade goods in the iateentcentry Visi a eaten fac, te presence fhe Chinese dances ot | oblate Early Spanish explores were wld fn Linge Bay that Chinese b Cast Mindanao every yar: Cebn they were told that f the Magellan expeion Tid been sold to Chines mis at Chinese tren Cotabato; and in Abuyo, hat Ghineae waters aetally resided fa Sogod. fx Jane 1544, a Bornean in imssava reported [Shunande never sew either thee Chinexe or tei sips: not unl 1563 bowed to Capi dl they expe a Chinese vesel and i TRopcailat fe on the far western tol of the Mand. (One of thos Ghtnow ugh his language to xy Marin de Roda, and oyenty years ate ‘wart hesdof the Chinese comment in Meila—Don Francisco Zanco) [Thc problem is thar non Chinese travers who sold Chinese gos were ‘fe called Chinese jpshscame ght survivors of teers in Saraniga when Les _ hada Makases sve wh could apesk Span andthe Bann rler aT Limsawa endersood + Malayspeaiing ierchant from Clama | (Campa). Thar imprenive sidence of a intertional commerce ich etendd tral foe the Alan tthe Pace By the dle of “hence cetny the Vina en wa ing eve iy raders rom ‘Bowne Say and Lazo, ad pony Sage stled om Davao Ty. {ines goods were delncred to Mana an Borneo i hrge ago (nko someting hen in pal acton off Minoro, oo™and ed tvted orl etal prefers in exchange or gol andslaves. That ll thse cre ere Muss incting he Cana merchant gga Kind calural bonding tke that enjoyed by Chinese busnesnen Bu here ‘rere sl loel ting neon sealed with mariage alles, a ey Ri Rolo an pay ing Mn fon “The greatest of Chinese ade good ws in poe, stoneware, ‘od ngised crockery, prior «othe olicon rade, kas Tne vo junk ere then anchored in san Bt he thinner, cheaper varieties or thread, Commo white or blackandvhite ‘Manta sareaparla(hinaroot,cense, lass beatin, sed brasovare Uap cane fom China. Mow isportant, however, were ionware an the aS om pane which weve the major source foe Wisqan blacksmiths {nd of ion the Bornean plot remarked with ony slight exaggeration, | any to breaks las with any blow they give i (Anon, 1865, 460). J ‘dar Caines bran for topper?) gongs were considered inferior to bronze ‘ones fron Borneo and Sang, Harare also came from Borneo—fr | ‘Kinple nal knives and speavleade and fine tec Bakes hough the that Kriss and fampilans came fom Sangir, and Japanese avords a eat! de Visayas trough Mail, Boenean impos cde campo, [newoweinatsmge cakes expensive eatdoth and elegant Gatrings ad Tropial pevtames and drags aswel as produets from farther wes tke Inclin chintees and Javanese batk suf, or precios red stone tke ‘Cretan, asnes, and subies, So wade was reflected in ase of short Jacke calle slag ‘ister pratt foreign merchants hay have ade on sles and gold she bulk of Vn exports were forest and marine products—wax, evel hush: abergris inmon,dyewaod, andl aromatic hardwood, ragon' blood (thas red resi), and red ants for coloring Chinese ink, Coy hllswere used ascurrene in Cambodia, San, and Patan (Sumatra, a Dithabace and coon doch swell scott dead and cottonseed, bad eeseady market in China But the popalar picture of « Chinese junk dnchored Ia some Visan port wth natives rambling aboard to arte inna foe preelain seater a carieazare of what was actly a rope (ested commer. ta ite ezporla ike Cebu, Mlipino an foreign vessel ‘egiered, paid haror fee and loaded merchandise which id not ong ‘ine i Cebu, Peas cor, and toto shell came from sland 10 he uth, whe deerskins antlers and caged civet cts destined for Japa ame fron Mingo, a! 30 did eazalo horns from Chia. Convery “Stes cotton blankets were vallble rom Cina, where they may wel hav teen won of Vina coton jus ae thei fragrant ite boxes may have ben carved of Vsean sandativood which had been included among I Camported to Manila and which had served as ballat on homebound Taji unk. As for Chinese jars thse arived in Mania filled wth wine of preserved faite they were widely resol empty. CHAPTER 4 Religion Vinayans worshiped nature spits, gods of particular lcalies or sce and their own ancestors: Religious practitioners were mal female medina wo conaced spat patrons in a ate Of es J srrine he cause and cure of tines. Seerifcs Included foods, Seah ne in hog or has eigen anes pt letea were invoked at fests in which these things were fered Ancestors were also invite! to partake of any mel or dinking and thee cieing in the next world depended on scrices offered by their escendant bh before wa afer their ea and burs Nature Spirits acura forest ele ods or lo wing waters were personified fo erence o orth. Cheumong them wre the mins spe Gay the now om whose gular wexing fo thin aero all tice ong aged prey an iy, Sen one tons connected wth Oe agricul eye were med for good crops othe winds themalves were sdeewprajete for ir Neher hd ay THE VISAYAS a ee Religion enjoins Thora eer go bth nonrandom, 2) mi inet yh tg Sie a Th porte nang MY Sg pol ae feo ok ae aan acy eae ere ite raerin theca fT mane mate boning Conering tt nl hanans Bf comunity seiices, lage ones—headed downstream bearing the J Joring seances named diferent ones with whom hey were in communica. | of com ee a cc son he bk Fan" wh cok pontoons Fo sean ame ots One | ne te ete ee patcon, Neely ih eit Seach w them sotto glycan anne wh iy longa ine er ee Crane and wee ored me fenton fee tne danger hy mer ace Ceca on eng DDN pt ele cite Conus rclved nina ett oes fig ort we, wavaio ge oe at ise, pom mater Ciro (604,99) Feet we to om ty do notre diy a i see oak ot eaing one wer any cieamsanes” Danger ‘ior Sango rato we a vod or ne png ah rns tat had onan ergs were tobe ound om 9 aoe Poul oie the northern hen of Pay, 3 atl Toon song the Arete that lake he # ‘Stan caoe arene epic hero Labow Dong. “Crocodies nere held in special veneration because of ther obvious ye afterife, Others were the patrons of specie human condions: Sha" and supposedly rendcred it hontage fer Magela’s dea, aed Pre aid to have ake icon to the are ated mere iin de of cont ; ‘Our eile it of Viayan deities was recorded by Miguel de Laarca in nay in 1582: i Dapa ara dinate who market nt one's mortal espa fn re trunk on Mount Mayas atthe tne of bith; Magwayen etied Ihe soul of the decease across to hind of inferno, aid Palak reseed the deserving fora more pleasant ft. Lalaon was the fereahing, _giess of Moun Canlaon who could be invoked for good crops bit who “stout yarns of oct angered, wile Majong ws the civata ofthe folco in Talon (Alby) which Bears her tame agin and Matandk “yrs invoked for saccen in ate and per, and Nagin, Arapayan, 2 cyan considered thems vnly uunbered bate of | TS arta cule appeal hen cones boca of {bit bel opis and dete, Gods and goddesses were called dete and J Foy were actualy hose to mankindMalapran, for example, who ied, ear ee malges both words il ne among Viyans Sng ill sun highest heavens and vo had never taxed human food or drink end, ae ee mie of Panay. These were general benevolent GEA pesunably fortis reason, eapricously cased thern death al deat, Steal and cout be approached italy for good! ops Heal abl One ofthe fist questons Spanish explorers abs asked Fipines mas fete, bt ey as caeilines cr inortene oot de Fee fanegoned to sanction apprved voi! bxhavor. nao pagan, what they believed ny he was old tat they "Sat maleyotent beng the other hand hd be mided ray worship unig ba aed te fae ae gpd han Lepr by precautionary acl and ranged fom she ichievous tot jeaven, and elle their god Abba” (ates 152th, 126). This was an tera fsh dipmoatcemmon and fearfl being hose whoateavey thee sderstandable confision, Magellan's interpreter was a Malayspeaing Tara edn single hae 23 lapels xcoR Seared al wasa/layAvebic word for uh we Vc Ae? Shee Rpt called Sem with, bas or Aeckcow—2 tack which BIL ra common expresion of wonder or aditaon-—ike "Hal ne Ave Fae in modern Vinyan by Spun duende, meaning bobgobIA ro, ive yarn, Sebasin de Puerta reported fo he Sign coat = ‘The Unseen World t E 5 i E i & E : : i for enn enchanted {f attie nates sacrificed to god aed Amito-—hat isan, the ordinary DrantasaalySanstitersa for gods or godead and Visyen sonnel] Wiajan erm for sacrifice or eeigious ofering ‘or magia meant to ivoke or del them, al dyawas Panay 20095 Fuher Cirino (1604, 53, om the other Hand, sated that of dhe mule ‘Tey ha nal personaesand amen, whic difered om pace ae of Filipino god, "hey make ove the principal and sapeior of lh Tae NTR Ration it someon goog om bond in the fn of ppt, dec, sme ‘etl ohne bot rms sate wis fom ema mrs frsnn thy wre deine ope mse aga stl {Cher han he dona, ho were he ain ajc of Vso nde ‘ecg otenifral mrp ond read pee does orig ad roma sen of eetenc onthe ft ofp whom the Tagalog called Rata Ma Capo which means the erator ‘emer, and the Bisuyans, Laon, which denotes antiquity” The Tagalog Bathas was well Known in Chino’ ay, bu he was the Bato mention Visjan equalent, nd his ttement ws repeated verbatim by Jess the neat generation suche Diego de Baaliaand Pancaco Ci. Buta by Father Alcina: rather, he devoted one whole chapter to the thes th Malaon was simply eof many names which Visayans apptied to the Tr. Godhead of which they had some hazy knowledge. Thus be equated Mlaon-~athun the Sannarefostonght war afeale—sith the Ancient a Day Mabapang (10 level sere) nth che Ol Testament God of Ven fee, and Maksnbs (to Git) wih the Alpha and Omega, tribut these coincidences to some fongorgoten contact with Jews in China oF In TRaom (Laon) appears as atl dol nthe Jest annua tier of 160, hat none of Chirin's canteraporaies mentioned a creator god by this ny other name, least ofl whe ecoring origin myths, Neher di he tay dictionaries, Laon vas nod persons bat of things t mean ge ‘eared ot ke rot peor sn et om ast years aves o abate omstic animal But Solon appears a the name of « mountain pea “Ths aon may wel ave been de godess of Mount Canlaon in N Tne’ Lalahon tis wiikey that de Visayan hada supreme dei by that nae 4 The sul or lan wit was hala when people et ne ice aside for deceased they would say, “Himsa, itl, manga kala 2a al Deas [a souls eset not be bad or ws] (Aina 1608, 92218) a ‘pated oveful an walled elagan na to. The alg night para irom the ext during dreams, las, or insanity, or be carried off by ‘Swat orem or desir, especialy dose who were bugus, dats perfect hhandaome, or otherwie enable, Daay was the evat's desire for such a penson, «beaut woman for himself a powerful man fora sen. Wome Sere therefore adie, "Dika ming bua sng plo ola mo bay dyes TatDe otuncover your head lestyou be deste” (Méntrida 1657, 116) ‘Tye los of kal ght lo cal in a kind of enchanted deat Inemetey—of which Sincher sak (1617, 291), "There ave those among] the Visayas who remain like dead for no or three days, and after revive ae recut von.” “ancestor spits special were called wala from alag, fll ‘or voluutary asian, ad they were Venerated as personal guardians Companions They were invoked on faving the house and ding at he Bel and were considered essential thipmates on any ‘The Sprit Underanlt ‘ Vimy sho bleedin a demimonde of monsters and ghouls ho Bad insti tn tne ig eis i Seraph nd et, 1 seqirngprofexiooal digon, pesipio, snd treatment in the fret of seus Infecons. Tweniciveentiry flvore considers them Jnl creatures who sometimes permit Beate fo be sexo thet tr shape or inthe fen of horas beng, bot tenntecentry Spt tae hg thy wee realy an igs would sue ah ionsvous foro, wither whore aorsal belo and powers mere he Fel of demon poses or pars wth the dev, Bn ee ey Maa ene oie ia deh ee ch yt [entation sich reste he or she wa otto deathy—along wih Arntse Ames tieetm fad Deena “The mon common but mom eared wer the ang, fe ‘a cetera wh “etre he erie ow caer the eat emp, pepe “ts “intra ang aay (Livers being chipped aay and conde | ago omenacehing rite to daconr the progres ofthe dca, {peated hat the og wan completly connie, emergency spel had “he mae prompy a some dito restore Avan sso he eh “corpses, see them ot we gue or aul cag them “Eich mn. The rt [ten reveal by fv! gp of round they ad ramped own ding | ihe witches dance at nigh, oF thei singing, which sounded ike the {astlingofshen-nangongeak Bt ike ll tir evl erates they were fst nt hp a yy igo ast ‘Spi texcons Yue alk dle, dak, ab, onl, and tok sony of eang tone tate aed gd ange {he hat efthe lower othe bode, creer the whale bw ely he head ying by ae Mant were hone appro, and "rue WSWAS nang ee yng rrp, Foe en Leng i hen ca | a resins gmc Fe ie re cr ee cae i oe ey tal Se ange ‘ethan cnn nna eo Tee ne | A ec tne came sg one sl oe _ gs aving hex bo upended um cr, adage ters nig Hea wntoming nyo abil il conve down raiders lore pting to ea were sre to board = sal oto hou otrigjers a, sting pererdy sl onthe centerline, atk the Gnu to rock te boat fit propos to proceed withthe expedition Fie reccved verte respone, fey net who ee who kad rocked the bows, ning lt of politi, tnd then offered predepartire _feace othe one who fa favored them. ‘Sorcerers were beticved to derive their secret knowledge of black magic— sand charme—from unnatial orcs, Hawa spell nd a, tfeon bwiced by ata war asl by wbich women detained thee “overs oye potion snd aap the opposite Baringo ao made ie pmecor erat inte fc of Conger. Mesa were faatons a veel formula for example, to equet erocodies otto iteorhotron Tor burn. dwug nar rel put cocoa aloo hea this | Sm tine akan se oil Searfsllow the hunter oof the woods and ope cad tt mil Saunody c's fe. Tagelingn ere pone wh char wh fabled he owe hen ing and tage we hares er tat eee i omer ible “A pveri at's power was nance by popula er of his arcane now of lack sag sometimes reputed tobe handed down fom fe gentraon to another Raja cari wich cased the one who ‘Omens and Divination ican alo bleed hat superman win a a portent that woul Be ume to fore, These we Mee SN behior ot bir nd reps oreo be lice by aa dc by omenacekingcreonie conducted aboan or ote | See ih minonaris and commanders often a cancel thet caesar Fine guides used oconinueon ates heaving the Strom te | Facer crossing he path een a common howe ti tha vate UE tbody descending te Bose tps, waa warning 0 Jape 0" sme ea tanya, nto bes freed cto oy the ase, Pts a spear Ging which eau a A i voncbedy happened toa thea Fey pins or veing nthe iin af Soon ws he Stepped over Bang ea ued bese the guary wo tes [tse nesta ving ip hoe wo cased the date, as tl San ie Ante Hard under the owe Wasa [snp ith 2 beat ex the touch of hand and hy was to ere a deo dense; tng i was led et | smebody trough jot by ping 2 ager ath om ¥ aia. ae ae eaten, fe might be ceed asa eptaton fr such powers no don bth fitted d's tecire stro pe sunt ao of ee omens at fl ont his subj and rove fom i Ferrets adr wrdedine wi sttinggreen and white phos a see ata beaks led feo ronal na Sao ep a [FEC Gtis i the depts of the sex he men “Had te ino Fein null noc have come” (Oehororent 198, 420. fates om pola the tesin he pal Atma asc fomal at of wrip conducted hy a bya. Fe ee ote becase tn haan aif fT same word was pote from Lavon a8 meaning an el, ancestor sae oa aban teat tee code [sor dita an aet of wrtip— balou Vy mi crac in ea Cone or og mich te inet mal [Satis somes ined the word in this ese cei dona define cs cencatpopulr moodsnaon aston ons ae nario. Ante was the rot ofthe words Poi an “es a a mogarita which both mean an act of seefce, page ent, to perform said ua de things being scree But the wok data or umag ing worshiped, Fates Since aid, was gunn 7 Paganito neve bial cacee—thats, ceremoniesin which a sed cstblshed nudible conmniation with spss. They were conducted {exilit of exops newer domestic ania, fr rin oF fair wea for victory in mar or poser ines, recovery fom illnes ode cont ‘Srepideaiy, or the placating othe sso de deceased. Minor pagan however, could be perforated by ny householder. When drought ta fr imtanee, pga was fered wd hen anda birdshaped si ‘ake together wih leaves or sprouts from the crops threatened—t0 ‘Sats of the family heath. When » bunng dg’s poor performance “Tuibated to witcherat pao was conduct: anode af ho bamboo “rack on the ground to explode i ron ofthe dog wile the hunter i asa pati [Out with ll pel and eure]! (Suche 1617, 38) But solemn panto al to be eondacted by baba. ‘halylat ete sharnansor spr medians given to seiearexand trance Snwhich hey spoke withthe yee of data or other spritsand acted onflitsin the spine world, brandishing spears, foaming tthe mouth, ‘ten becoming violent enough to require restraint. They were also cl “Tata, befiened, in reeogution of ier patronage bya pacar diva “They could be either male or female, o le anes called ang, vere mest coraonly women. They came co thei ang throogh a Dtilaesso insanity which eoulel only be cured by accepting the call then ached temselnes salah, apprentices to sone older babs fmuseration wat designated shawe of hog oF the head. Bot in tl dats dey went home wit hero Jaluables ike porcelsin plstes or old ortaments There wet alo outrgh ls ppl in Ca wa sc In he enh coc 4 lo The Sw adore vith ren ach ple cod ad fr tanks andthe oferngered hound ab at ict cakes weed leven a a pee of ported Gaby dot feet oto ge ples teageogiat n ftene fo ti BPS yd cn gran ay, hopes mak tod ‘Pigs tem ant nine porein pas Te agonal wat a heap ty pi of born al acompnied Ticcond medi,bohel thea crtjnghamipo runpesvhih ty espe or poe trough, Thy bh roe to ance rod he fog ine a eget dog hee he spa ing tem tng wns on hl bh Sd ping sre of trite to . _ aly, Soper wage he presiding nian sd wih abe began Bre cice sinc gs emp tbe movements raed a Econ ad then, it aid rats onthe icin through he her Bis Unsog si, Toe forohents fh a ene the ce Cony mre tated ih he ood fhe tm, hose won ete he Funct snd the mat hatha Boe oi ng te sciice wat Cerctaly bret Te aan yas then vated offer scene {pdamaened trom fer tance vile theo wa singe, Deters ad Fok Th feng ten ban eveything shar, hough he “Tah oad thc rp ws ese othe bap, Some he met fos ken dowh too aa onthe sere or trian we, sr Payee peed os He lt ogee the ir and a ater Fegan usd Tas ogni cow hah he cating conned Narr thew ceremonies fd tet own voesblry. Gna were ergs spel yewsice eke tarts the og ero fr eee ec como wrhipe to mal peta mt wat te uu seqarng the ma tobe burned. Teas aan nea ae nr pamine a her anton oie tayn's dance bbe her bamboo ramp nay oy yearn en bo Pook ih wich she hep ime, ho aga aan pt a sce in pte homes o els at grave ses ff yoneion with soincaing even nna, Tlo was he whecing se extensor communi or lng beaches rea we Fa al out ened sal hich wre ese nd a ah They ike lcs rr Tere wee ao tmp, duh dee tian or sda tc eance th lage where rings es eS smc pnt were forthe ene onda kindred son Tipnut sual same ght eel om a ple oi ‘rong or pestilence rang large enough for roajor community sacrifices “The abaya Healing promes wae deseribed in deamate tras age, cary olf by force, wast snatch a pain from the suferer;tawog o eal one ou, wast summon the sprit that bad kidnapped the soul, es en, ee al om he up the iin ab Paglte oF magne were religious restrictions or tabu, tke mowing esulcdons fllowing a dats death, or 2 severay Chankoglg pig {otlowing harvest during which sce could aot be pounded nor outide {Gucrthe house. Ordinary setvges whic involved risk oF doubt we Sioay accompanied by presribed exbus—planing siting tps, dioazn the tnt the aarming of locos o hearst of alien ds wh ‘rete considered naturally ote imo actualy bent on inhi Mion Wes alopted the mond lle for Lenten abstinences and ressietion ating meat on Fridays and also accepted the preChvisian ter arom fala or offering, So, too, Chris continued dang, a prfonctony Jvoeation of ancestor spiria when Teasing the house, only they wert | Suppose to mur “Jes” instead of *Apo-Apo.” Further confusion isadded to the pcre of Visayan idol worship by the {act hat the English word idl inewably sgges a actual carved Figure. utSpanish ida means ot only a graven mage, but anything worshiped, olzed, of deiea—ike an acesor or a balete tre, Father Menta (168%, 152) defines diwataas "God, iol othe pagans, notimages berase they worship the Demon in the spit." Thus modern Engh translations tucur the fact that the “idol nvoked by a babaylan during » soem, rgunito were not wooden states, but inva spit. FOr as : F tnt begining here was one and sysop Visa yh el Into Spi hronicers The following te acetate 0 | Lege mse in 1987 | Hels ‘sya hep smal ols in their homes calle lata, batt ot emo quar of amy wee ad theft ecu nthe a Siines Stoubie Tata ent a mani rite tao (nan beg) TORS ove qrenegrangparent) and dao ran waa igen, o model ‘iSico nt dvaa wth hee nasa properties however, st uve prominenty enough in Viayan worip to atract Spal ‘ends Nor weve they ated, pesado decked ih gold jc they were inte ake dt of Maria. Ths menbers of ‘Efe expedition, tes fom Mexio with is monunental Aste i (eM repuved tha Cebunyos had nether temples nor ols. Bt tt Teal Mas were common enough and viable enough to ar Moguars dinpprotiog atention, Why were they wo all bared? Be Aemanded fr the mam baptisms he gated. / Hernan de Tore (158,290) reported that the nae of Sign worse ols of wood hey pln hea well they ean, 2 Wo'Suen ian (1824, 10) ele the lowing description on Coe Seren th ro ha ng ich geting angry Eg lic tt ‘escheat {fated st epne by pectin stl om he a ecto tet,» ak ‘Sxicouce te on an wmf he others ty ard wi ‘pve soit ne any en sho ‘pansies geile hones ee Thrgrandeesor nblerie deen cierwent down team tee the siden wo he an yop; he ar wn ‘etic dchcnsteytytininne did st, ‘With local variations, the myth wasknown allover the Visayas. Tn a Panay ‘erslon, the bamboo lel was produced by 2 mariage between the set Teese and he land breezo—probably the primordial pair of deities, aptn and Magwayen—butin Leyte and Sand, the ir chan and worn te fom two young coconts Mloatng on the water snd pechedl open by the ied The highlanders of Panay sted to other categories of Neeing Seana i ite chen abo and Date teas the Blacks, and those who fed tothe open se the progenitor of the Spaniards. The most dtalled account was recorded by Loarea fom the ‘hasta people of Panay, probably in Oton (Ul) where he ws operating, 2 Spanith shipyard. “rs sae mate ods arto ata the ak pars Th accep ant riet td apne ths ngs open Th ae = ge ‘vos huge ke hse fhe wd oar and ae ate er ‘But if these were really the sre of household idols which Humabon “queen gave up in for of Magellan's Santo Nio, i seems strange ‘Jayant would represent their ancestal spirits in such monstous form oy ueyisns tion _e Rac wrote. This olen indicates the conviction that a dat wes the diary ene for vengeful spirits of men he had vanquised, an that, Fang rerbton wax therelore requted to say his own sneestors. Phe caver vas usually anointed and groomed as in life, though (eb vubjeted aia aren Pgafea attended funeral in whieh the In this yerson, dhe man and womnan who came forth from the bab wee $ Kala (tht a ale) aS Kab (ema), they had thre ‘kiret-—avo son So aa Pandagwan, apd» daughter, Soar. Samar Sind Sibo marie snd had a daughter named Lupiuban, who married he {hele Pandagwan the tnventor of the abet, and They in tra, had 86 Inamed Anoranor oe son Panas was the inventor of wat, Panag fist catch was shatk wie ied {leah in the world grieved, he mourned death and Blamed the Kaptan ad Magoayen, who, angered, killed hin with a thunderbolt thie days ater they eevived him rom the underworeand restored hin the land ofthe sng, But cirng his abwence his wie hd been won ove by Marakoyrus with stolen pig and would not noe return to him. So trent bc fo the fad of the ded setting the patter of mora forall mankind. “The Visayan origin nyt thus deserbes the creation of an and wom accounts forthe inroduetion of dea, tet concubinage wa, Ln tae dillerence int the world, and provides a human genealogy wi “ine wots Bat it doesnot contain anyereator god. Chuistans, howeey, ‘aed the Crestor "The Poter Mari, rom pap, the saps te} potter gives the cay lathe padleandanil technique, Falher Sinche | {G, $884) quoted an eduested Cebuano a saying, "Kanno pip in Eatibota, dle Kanan Dios [Who made this wri ifnot God?" inl So tbe amured of ready recepon ne tet ie, be Sete ee lek i oy thy erect mean “Eine talon anh gop some ce ing ced | Semoun bec te pty ten akc Spee tate, Asmats Hewes spe fr ening Ban tc hou an mene ged wis boing iaceni [pecans {PP oings wake wich nt along he ered ily could pty aay [odund ink ir gcse vie ower get ws rg: J fice ved teint ened wt angsty, pte, Bwiyent nofes wi Prainal mourners gory ok ween, ‘tgs wen emai he get fhe sor ede SIF a ant evga ef he deere _Wityan genre fm he beatin of women al he ‘En flint of ier Tes enlopes were a decay othe “J sscesor worship, one of sich vigor that Spanish missionaries were never thle to eradicate I. Poor Vingans were buried wrapped in banana lean simple caskets of | iin boards or even batnoo, bt he standard Vieja colin was made of _ tharawood lice pi incorruptible eng to oats ite content le was ew fom a single see tra with 3d et from the stne piece, Hed, eng scaled sight with resin. (This hermetic sal as at ese fal feature since coffins were often kept unburied inthe house) These ‘wc called fngon, aterm Visaane dd aot apply to the Sort of casket Fnoduced by the msionary fathers All atin oF prominent persons Death and Breit When all hang page fied t ese the mori, one Ia daaperte te ay peste teil bak he dep wath Pal ‘con el of mer ws plac on te some of the inert inet ad outed chant af-Ulra lg feo ac, comeback (Ai 1k 2): tn heen ofadattysome ofr dnes ere cried he hope hoy mele acceptin hese y the ners wo oR hintnay: Oran feaum enpedison ould beset orakecapeva [aNd t0 be Baie in « vation Jougon, decorated with fail mere ee [ Gingsonen nected th tre cepa nel ding ieine Foe aca ie «vey oft wa hong ar [hemp waspiced he fi wih abv vite Hed wi yo Fe ee oe ave psad on neeagen hehe oer wi i ey and ch iho wales pores fos ae on a eee hea [pas ad once pce ude teed ke» plow onthe ae Fann oa cease [al bens, Some wore sc as and nour beston ge oF a a ee era ancac unc aspen mee proved with bejomed side ams Ase rm these, an handle ‘ere al day wih Dao pes and al ran hugh ithe cin the an os bg awoman who Pad nown i an oer 2 Raion en with permanent postions sai, "Baga dayo na kta din (We ae ike fly bete}” (Alcina 1682, 8244). Saves were alo sacrifice ata d's leat, even Being killed in dye sme manner in which he fh ed-—for | example, by drowning. These slaves were usally foreign captives, but | fretlonlly lifelong personal attendant-aang iho expected t0 Fo foe ie master to the grave _ Most presigious and eegarded x cpecalyespecsfl and affectionate, os secondary buria—dhat i, the rebaral of ones extn from 3 ary buvalfter the body has decomposed, For one yp, Une olin war Lrpcin the house suspended fom the rafters, or ina small chamber “tended to one side, or ina shed nvdemeath, or ina eld Tic was hug nthe Bowe, putselied matter was rained off as necessary by caulking 3 fonnboo tbe fate small hole i the botiom which wat reealed after- Tse, wae ot ten oat the doar nade fr it Naturally ll hi gold and porcelain attracted grave robe inthe sixteenth conty just at does in the erteths Father Aina e 4 gold earring t Spas which he purchased from this souree. (Lo ean to Bury 2 coffin in seeret locaton in hopes of protecting fontents} Taint and newborn or aborted babies were buried in eroeks oF sometinies Chinese porcelains ita matchings nt no Spanish observe Seems have wiemed an adult jar burial. Alcin (168,297), howeve twasajareof the practice. Heid thatVisjans buried nex ony in fog “hrtin lange rs glared andstrong,in which dey peed he bode sate andall the wealth the had when lve." He ceed this information from. Boholano workiten who had dg into 4 baal site full of chem whet txcaating forthe Jeuit chapel tn Uakongan carer in the century, 2 E_ __dherywhich aracedspantar om Cebu od some ging of ele e wn, Some ofthese mune have been secondary brink since the “dragon fest the sptts of che ving follow t—but through a temporary opening in re’ mentioned hat Vieyars led tals rom ies, nake—would ee Wal A ear os ater, the bones were removed, gven a ial cleansing Thane Bee oo sal to accommodate an adult body, eve wth the Keg Arg p ner the chin venerated and arid along if the fanily mowed "The most dramas expression of grit for a departed pare _grmeyard outside village init, requendy dg note banks of upste Fivers or the seacoast where chey were often exposed by natural erosion tore than Kilometer of them were revealed along the Mandavi wate Front in Cebu, Caves were also ised where arable, or sal } planted. All dhse thing, Hike a sae sacrificed to accompany him, were | ted mong someching which shares the same fe. Whe placing bei Irom wealts—bahand ike gold or porelain inthe grave, hi chitin i yuan sat he a, dhy sui, "May Taare the S's fate [nahaonong ako sa ala] iL am not eling the euth—that P loappene at aunct (Sines 1617, 37x). Not suprisingly, missionaries relied the term tthe Christian scifi: “An an gino Yess Christo pthaonong dakia [Our Lord Jesus Christ wok on ow fate (Sinchee pial, $7, Magellan landed there was that Visyane considered i hated. But mans and members of the datn cles were never buted i these bli friveyards their eakets were keptin or under thee houses, in We case [rabuylan, exposed tothe elements in the branches ofthe blete tees. where they bad extabished spirit contac. Renowaed sca raiders sometines lel instactons for dei burial. One Leyte directed that his logon be placed in a shrine on the seaenas Iheoween Abuyog ane Dulag, where his hal could serve as patron for flowers in i tradition. Many were fered in tial boat the moat felebrated cate was that of Bohol ehletiain who was buried a few ear before Legagp's arial in karakos with seventy aves, fll comple ff oq [save called day might be stationed at dans tomb forthe rest ois Mourning Bath widows and widowers observed dane days offing and sllence “ring which they nether bathed nor combed, and might exen shave dheit “fair and eyebrow asa special sgn of gree and unl the Tull mourning Pato wo ended, they cid not et cooked fod, Family members draped op LNT yar } "THE sts sain wnt they had contracted another suaniage. The house was fen Of al seeds were taker out and planted fest hey be contaminated (leah and aires wee extinguished a rekindled for eal new tse The eae of the death of dat, or of one af his wives children, hole community was place under suice mourning interdict, on ‘Nobel cold wear colored clothes, climb palin tees or fish in ceri Streams sid spears were envied poi dow and side arms blade up. Four sience yas tobe maintned, an faites ae sao have “sve a punishment fo breaking the abu when tir dog barked forks crawed, ‘The mourning period only ended with the taking inna ite "Thissame reqitement pertained to any death by tence, drowning saspcte sorcery, dough when the ease was not certain, a wll boat a flee could be speaed nse, Men charged with responsiblity for fui | honor mon He ings of ritating vines around Sele arts oF neck and Sweat not toremone tenor partake ofeetan food or drink unl hey Completed thi dry. Once the requirement was satisie, the end of ‘mourning period was nounced by the ranking lady of the bowscho presenting tts wine tole communis being rowed these byt Fespected warriors singing ietory chants anl boasting of their exploits “The oaths were called alata aa while eau was the promised fing Or absinence. The ft that hese same terms were apphed to pac tw men would make when one of them was leaving on 3 ip, ering, ‘Observe ara ey met again, sggents the insecurity of travel outs ‘one’s own comity nthe sixteenthreentary Vis. The Affe “The departing Vieyan soul was diene to the land ofthe ead, Sead ‘or Sula by bout, On the other shore, the kalag would be met by relative tho hadi predeccavedt him, ut they accepted hin only i he was wel ‘Smamented with gold jewelry. If ejected, he remained permanent Stlad ules reprieve by the god PandaSi ia tesponse wo rich pagan ‘offre yh rior. InP, Magwayen was the boatman the lod the underworld were Mural and Gatarugan; and Sampo, de one wh Fescued th souls oa Pandak’sbchalfane pave then to Siburanen who, tr, brought them to mere dey would five out he afterlfe—Mou Madjaas forthe Kinin, of Bore forthe Cebuanos and Boholanos. | ain Inthe afte, married couples were reunited to contin accustomed gti ike farming, bing, aking, pining, and weaving, but did not ar chldren, (abies who ad never engage in ade actsies, dd wot ve an aftelit,) In this way they pent days for nine Hetmes beng | Rom each time smaller tha the fs, uni in thes fal reincarnation they were buted in cofia the we of a grain of rice The souls of those ho drowned however, emained in dhe nea deed, drowning was such ‘Siomon ease of death that Sasareios figuratively used the terms ean fag drowning for any death, Those who ded in wa, who were murdered, tilled by crocodiles, traveled yp the rainbow to desk inthe Panay epie Taba Donggon, the rainbow asl isfored by heir blvd ling to cart, Inthe ky world they became gods who, deprived ofthe company of their in, were presumaby ready to lend thei ai to orvors who undertook enge thie deat Sule was therefore nota hell where eidoers as judged by Eoropean | ‘mores were punished thong, aa Father Menta (16374, 360) said, ‘Deca they have no knowlege ofthe nferno, they cll the Inferno, ‘Solr [thats Soul, ad those who del in the Inferno, lann” These Solas, of course, were simply those who went 0 the grave without {hiient gold and who relates could not alford the paganito to resee them. There was alan common belie that there wan 4 deep eave called Talangban which was an entree to the underwort, and that fom ita toad noie lke the damming of door coal be heard prior toa ranking d's death ‘Nor waste aby a cae whore the good were revared. I was the shed of Maleptan, tht deity wh killed the firs man wid thunderbolt fn Vite dea and death on hir descendant. “They di not realize,” er Alcina (1668, 8:17) complained "that the sky serves God's on howe nd he abode of he bleed." Indeed, te Vsayansong revised the {Cristian dogma of s heavenly parade an dela ll (1568, 234) wrote, “They believe that ther souls go down below and say dat this fs beter tease they are cole there than upabove where tsvery how.” Acentury Tier, a wine old Visayan ta Alcina (1668, 182-88): ‘neni Goleta fhe era ey fee om usc, se sot Spntrs tot event wt dune howe corso aye rt hese where agonay grade, ean ly witht end? oy AR RUN he Liteatur and Botta (CHAPTER 5 sent wor to the "King of Luzon” that he woud ike to open trading _foions with hn. ta Alena’ day eas assumed that Philippe hteracy fro ultimately derived fom now-iipino Mum beens the fr iterate _lipinos the Spaniards encountered were Mastin in Manila. Indeed, the ayans referred to the Pilppine script as "Moco writing.” as they ce- fered to many Mania import ss "Moro" (for example, grated si). Literature and Entertainment The Aphaet F ‘The ony specimen of Vaan penhip known dey ae thes surf eine Dnt td Mara Mat of ane tdand wh Speen tr nee proceings of 161 In aon, ar misery “When record the ketene te Vans were ng nthe dy. Ann “fled then his 1668 to but nfs thy sie oly ‘ne heentrceny apy mae Sei tysomebory wo naar tft wih tne, Ths tcoredin the ef ang ga of [Aiinesneeprovinca Domingy Tague, cotain at ae proba faumerscrons for amples thew of mania chek ae nora Spa uge af he tie represent be diferent ete of the pete And ioe wc appeaed the matsp i Bye une ‘Ftaner francce Eni oo ed in 170) ae komm oy om on Tis copy ace in Mani by Cipriano Mela y Martin Taher Mend (163 28) atthe lenny comet on Veyon sop nn 1008 a gu May ign de la Poy Literacy came late othe Viesans Both Colin and Aina thought the 1660s that it had been received fom the Tagalog only a few yeas ‘before their conversion to Christan Antonio Pgaeta sad that Rah Kola of Limasava war amazed to re wring forthe st ie in 1981, ‘oatcasid the "Pints" had no wating alli 1382; and when Legazpi royal notary took hesworn etmony of amber ofVisane and orcas in Bohol th 165—inchuding the famons Si Katua-—nowe of them were ‘let sign their names But by 1507, eas had found thei eateciimens in Orie (Leyte) literate enough 10 copy down thei lesion an bamboo Alpsto ake home ay Purtherore,arepon atresia {esto be nae at or ian ve some et ih een sap, ih {pcb event mses dso gre oath hae of ere ‘teen, and een ese Hed ye es aa, hae sb he ‘taracon cordng e Tgls ‘The 1818 ediion ofthe Ménteda At, however, presents a curious sphabecobviousy not hued on any Tagalog ype fone Fate Joan Delgado (0759, 481, for hin par, sid in 1751 ido sacra, “AS 4 urosy llplace here the Visayan characters which fer ile rom the “Tagalog.” Buren dhe Book wat published in Mania for the frst time 192, # made me ofthe same plate 35 appeared inthe 1890 edion of (Chisino’s Rea which shows characters ver ferent from the Letras de los Filipinos” of Chino’ original Rome eon of 160% thas been poplar hei that Visayan te different alphabet from ‘he Tagalog, but our sources give He support to such a theory. These lene ther the wie them on ark dps eee elo ‘aunee ay ancietting and nga nord ana {nth ined ers and es bg peered yon nt J ‘fam ero son without any beter Sen Ago 6,32, ‘Legupi presumably go this information fe fiom Borneo al Lazo from whom he bot ‘hose Moston merchants ce, and through whom | 4 x sources therselves ae Hinited 1 the genuine signatures of two indi Sibcwhich are indtiguishable from Tagalog signatures preserved i local sid foreign archiver an alphabet drawn wp or copied by fliferent pervons who didnot swe Ht themselves. None exhibit grea Gifferences than could he expected of seven diferent hands in ‘lferent centres " ‘Alcina (1668, §:55-87) described the stem in considerable deal. \Wevitond hcp with thecharceraeeaes f bteri se tbereeen nelson cho cia ‘fm herent and Caco os itr her Oy cosa i rote Re pane ccs othe he “hdtitnghtcacarsrdscidnieach be Vi othe ote ‘Ete cies many andthe oes nh sretanthe a ‘Thchiuen hen sw Onewekedphimnprsiag Althea ‘risen dre ronson bad and Rear Std heel trvonant wring scp i SErmarordnena,uheoeies neva toners cp TRtcrngrcthe one the miyappie andere thal Oak Tost TSU iter seating nore going tan pronouncing varie, oth ‘Serer pie oman hp a ‘Sringmorccfen tena Sofr eon, aktinghteay am hr nod | yeingeading toe ic Been we aes oy pe ny weealconnarsrothnt shes ns hy wo beeen ore cone | ‘nr i eh slp a Irglong te ponte rom theif hand pen tent Bos fom rc ps yeh nt hans where eg. Bt oy ein i rane i es cry roi tog rth ho ae Literasare Spanish accounts are unanimous in saying that Filipinos their alphabee for literary compositions or record keeping the Boxe (Gd sates unaubiguouly tha they aed their erp only for Ieters and rmesmgee Viexyan ieratare therefore was orl iterate, and as such, wa Litrato Bnkeainmend not recorded by iar chronic or ethnographers who would have cone ‘Sdere the idea of orl iterature x contraction in terns vit as well tlveloped,sophisicated, and presented by ars rewarded or thei il “Tis amply shown by Aeina's (1658, 320) chapter, “Concerning the alphabet and manner of writing of the Bisjans [and] the various and prdculartpes of poet in which the ake pride," which nchades the fll Summary of what mast have been a act ep, “Therels no evidence of any prose erate butordinary Visayan speech Esai ih with tapos colologey, cir poy a Tie been fen more mA high proporon of he dona ents are fora ert an igorate meaning snd awe eon 0 poate ttn oappitcomnon ccs whe ang; Men, women, ancien typenrance of behatior, or wees and baskets whose shapes they share, "Somebody who is arclate and talkative is Hkened to lngutiant foliage, while one who speaks illo his own relates tke a big bat—beeause dese [creatures sre believed to defecate i dei own face while hanging wpide- down. The refaced are dpdap blossoms: an untattooed san sealed Pin white; undecorated tet x chaw of coconut meat and forces {uflcienly Matened as a baby, bulging or overtfed, When inritated, ‘eed ous tine—-ands ctixcalled musonkagor masonminnuch sentences, “Danie ‘at stole my food agsin™ ncalls sour a laikab—theheareahaped lea of de matron Natural foral poetry had a special vocabulary of sow, Handy for Instance, was the poedc term for eamsel ane saws were elle guy = piesan ina command of voralary a the ability fo use words Figurative 0 create sbi innages, Alcina (1668, 3:2-29) sid, ‘loges. But the esence of Viayjan por sil ay not so mc In ht prty even ac th she eye eh an sete ‘thagh hy dove tlm thes smenba deren rom tr hey mo dob ‘cfr the langage hey thee pooms even mono he word ey “Gkeren tom wat hey common veya spec 0 nach a there ‘fy Europeans ho destin eps rapes whe they bet he, ‘ene tery pod gu an kat or of Uyan, bona, he ‘ord and tering which hye ners bing dierent eves wen ing he “ny woe hy sensation wha dy spn ee Sigua eteryting these meter one wo des asd ‘estan thers impotle to dese he “To this may be added that es sophisticated Viseans were also unable 0 oll "deep" poetry, and that when two lovers sang to each other hele words beeame mere symbols that were derstood by nobdy But the ts ofthem ‘AI this poetry was generally sng or chante sater than ected 0. sonreesince tongain theme category poem Hye real sone thi JS melosis with yrieswere poetic rater than musical compositions ‘ger set his words to common tanes known toall-Fr communi respect, ‘nan mus¢havebeen able o partlpaten the spontaneous ersiying that ecompanied social gatherings and for peer aceeptanc, youths had Compete inamainy juste The realy skill were practically pro‘esionale they wete eager sotaght fcr for weddings and prestige feasts and were reared not only with ample food, drink, and public acclaim, but witha pigment called yoko. ny wereld tobe more acute ese tha Ironinary convertion, and all were able to perform for hours time, ‘cen wiole days oe ights, without dropping a slab or bling 4 ‘wor, Alki (1668, 3:30) said. Funerals, on the other hand, ale for Female eulogsts abe to improve drges which combined grief and Laud, "The spies fran of verse, popular among eileen ad adult of Bots sexes nas the amhon, whic sed the ordinary vorabolary though often figuratively lt consisted of an wnehymed seen-sjllable couplet which had to contain a complete thought-ke a Greek itich—whose two lines oul be interchange and sill mae sense. Some people composed thei | town words others peated wellknown very, al intaners could joi it by repeating the couplet, either as sung oriented ‘The ambatan was iso used in the all a poetic debate between a man and a woman on the subject of lore. They might alo accompany then ‘elves wth mista insrument+—ehe woman onthe hrong the mann the_ | Irudjapt—but in either cue they ued many able of speech which not_| ‘reryhody understood, The bel was another Kind of contest which used ‘he amin form, « poetic ous tweet wo men tao Women in which they strived each othe's psa or moral shortcomings, But were ex psted to harbor no hard eng afterwards They could conte foram Four a to, encouraged by eicouslanghter and oreasonal help from the. fidelines Since the ambalan was 2 ere orn anos as demanding asa Japanese ally, te wide crreney mggess a extremely poetic populace ‘The noblest tera for was the sday oF hand. This was the most iil of al—iong, metsned,repetious, and heavy with metaphor and dlision A single one might fake six hours to sng or the whole night ‘through, oF een be continued the next night, dering which rapeandiences ‘elie jwmel nor nodded, though the trequent repetition of fog lines ‘nh oul the varlaton ofa few word struck Spanish Isteners as tresome. Lier and Ente Subject mater was the heroic exploits of ancestors, the valor of wars, Srihe beauty of women, or even the exaltation ofevoes sil ving, Alene {Hes 4257-50) recorded the smmary of ene oF two of them with ‘antalizing brevity, lke de follwing fom the Pcie coast of Samar he ne a Habaos nga Bung lobar ‘hc nm ng a, oe thy rere martes oe ene {ar seme, ed cence he ha ogo ev cevan ter ong ea ‘Seam oie showsessgouto pnp et murach ‘Mircea hate shou gong he frens hoe ge water he Iededforcomfon eon hadsoterorsesne ser eat) arenes hero snorane sr waned iia at ‘Zeratsig ety wor ey toon bere sbehadcome to ge sheet ‘ecient accom oeriotundrcorcen bees tyhcveoqin, Metered disseny everest aes fc adeqcstedayhing nd better inden enna so ster eon tue pi ur ue tle te hres wi ot Ns ng eal many hing dar dots eis opting down 0 to beten angie unlearned tae arcs ten wer se had Tennesse war ann dno he tre wen seth oer and ond al by enans operetta onthe id ep e ech Alert nad reed to bdo war he howe heen he wat ‘ogni bys rp Ny. Se re awn aso ean intense rcorel etiehe pte ohn ner ate and Erte ty er ar. Tey temaned heres hat ean ih yc aon ston coe afi bese tuner ncn a ed ogee apne, Rew hh ‘SESS fore hy ot only en fled ee fom he ‘bad, bt ce pny acy the gone of he nd he Bd Epa tom tc “The reason wy the story of Kabungave atl Ciabuna isso badly un «ated is that it appears n'a chapter ented, “OF the roubles which some Famous prince hadi heirantigaty to get mavted Cand] the ellortof ten to abduct others (Alin 10,4245), Tee whole meat of what ‘mst have been an epiclength ale has een excsed asbeing of no sevice {0 Alena’sparpoue al thowe aventores which form the flesh of Phlip- pine epics that he eid nt pt down wa not be wo ongwinded those Fhemie deeds shipwrecks, and droning the intervention of dete, and the Might to distant lands ve happily ever afer, Moreover, the incent wo ‘of Kabungaw’s pretending tobe dead sound uapiciusly lke a oder atk in Airc day, since the magia ev of dead heroes by the twiver or aecthent ina cmmon elim o Mindanoo epic Epics “Thesday orkand musthave Been what Philpyne Flr nomad calleflk epic The pic avery on thought to have originated the movies f Indo European tl br regan band of warns {gre around caps wih ales that lonfedspprvrl andar fine conduct These wars hii Tough hand in xe ‘i which were venta rear athe secede wives in gree ‘pick the liad ad Mahabharata Inthe eit that produced Pi ippine epics, however, power and prestige mere not based on the ome oporendsafcatebuton te coma laor: Ths Vsyan bers tthe wore celebrated as frendnan—that ny worthy of Kan acca ‘ould ave won thir eputations inal eon pangaa lave aA ‘ne hands ofits erwin, You ald with your eye and cape many, {nd with ony glance yo te more pranner han aero i thee ogy (lta 166 4178. ‘Aline conchiedhichapters on the courtship pattern among Visayan aristorat by telling the kand of Dating Sumanga and Bugbang THammsane, tht princes who captred me ih her jen He id he wat presenting i nah easton, but wat he presented wa boy Bre summary or scenario, A ectingglinpe of one line, howerer, Incidentally reseed in his chaperomarfie—“The cpt took on lkndwere 1, snd 50 of thse who were au weskand deletes women 9 they ed hes yee hay ad dose taken at ea were 10,2 ha they rvs 20 jn al no cong he rst othe ays pice (Aad Tio, 4178, Hotere nite abbreviated ootline pom eerie: ‘oe eats common to wellknown Mindanao cpcslike the Darga, Ushingom. or Ag and therefore get some sense of wat the orga sata sone ike Ont ending acento evant he er sc Cutts bowen tcl le todo scones home crpo handed, bt ‘hex clans hse, doer ld in Ali'sveson os nappro™ Then pics ae characterad by highly sepetous plot: bate flows tale wh ony minor riation, ad voyage afer voyage by ea or fa Scorcho 4 Koapped princeo or some hidden wane. In Anas teu, Daeg Sarangi forays ate gen onl a sentence oF {ce Dati hs Handa took all night ong they mus have ice {ote the the hero’ fog gold eels sd mage ord or gg 0 tne Eom dees in amanyajered heaven, ad he mngien pla get prow and ern of sip miracally propeled yan ps ‘She han oars ‘othr chats of Pillppin pi ithe amount of space gen ober nt The dts flowers trate rounds ood vata sith th spite, dewigods een fonge of pure gold aes make their | presence preparing guid for ther enfolk and sng them ceteno- Enya lover sel thee coment by exchanging them pata | mated Herolnesareroyl prncesevseed atacesie rn thirchaners where dey are found spn wen, or embroidering thi prncs dothes Theyre exceed for much kl ay wells for ther | ses rome reat nas ofa embelisied witha ches wich ict ret fee fora man even to wich, And a god ele ends hea clorfl desespin ofthe lish wedding feat in which i proago Sts join co pny their wealth and ragranni ing Siang and agg Hamas ‘There wan the sige prince nthe Mando Bohol great pte aed eee gn ess, he oat etwned amen the eaters thee neo er len song he came meade ented in ‘irchmerdt nod verse tgs cane Her ig he ‘ics when taprode eer wo ors es Dahon, Theoneensunglnran eps heoter, yadda Ares ce deus sige lng oer ‘teamed he her name ich she bern gen fo es bea raed Ia te ayaa or preci este cn tok ‘own according helen, vei ade came npn? Hae ‘ene deed pratense ‘peng ge word the ct go igh of eed “Se ncting np sn, he dred hm co fae termed anda that prin forte fm tw come bck waht tem. The egy Feotcen went wh hs nase and ate forthe bor ht ase ae, ‘Rpg licrndcfcoueyend piarybiheetecintomniymonpoie Toth {ile toy aa erg tn eam oweand elomerwakbuhe sac om here ne ai oh, When here esy tesa ee beamed ade ‘ocmart mand ware amt he nto hangs an ten he wet {Setnelenrio he nce hed rhe Tha thy Bd tone, sn he ‘St on a bong eg wrt kwh hers ane em ‘rvs herto me he ay ors oT hs the rep hate ‘ot maine them een sb ae er ine a oan = erin dant nd used an. With on sep he rece So he dt ‘Sen red chp stm hing fin the ie thrice Mave cnet propa andere all pd oh {Athena tc ine wie ne sxperencrd memengertoaonce and ge ‘hetuipontcalfthsene ingberiore bya Her rspnsesta se rn ahut to wae tom nd hse etn pronto Tada wo SSeS ngs das mg them ge oe "ea out cd the jogo trang are ae seo embark fr tei Carag iad aa cok 19 persons inal nite ee dingo fing tishowe he seta bended eer {det or the er nro ire ow ented fom he ae ‘ots pt coment thd set ne se cold noma he er ‘Camiguin wich its oute dons Reoting asta kn ‘ede eto iss bck alee, ome 20 persons ofa Kins ‘ic bees ony ang or tne bor yee “Rrctanthsratin once he niet had pertor ese det {hepoole fhe an of Saptor an the ome fDi poten donghallnoenoughvinber ora rfor hereto ‘chic gant ligt fakes tl ite ad odode ei the ate in a hed el ‘hoare hecedoutontheeurtespedion Hewtgheanchoisbifetand ‘nto indarsn safle wher nga oa may mare ees {Rtnontheather rion anne ator, ance oresaing riba, _Enclovthertewanghng erie mntueysyyertadsthe wedge “hrm ce th ts he lot ge beater ee hie onthe desde ong eon otal, Se, hate neta ‘Ataee pou ford nero beatin order dons “ealylne orn yor presse ener ew ets he hath er) [ef te tanith grscLinglom at Chena pope ey eh a pes hoch sangpoggreeandnobodyandemandste odie ent ver beanie other ing aed oe ‘esl mem ad ana wetook te fk ope Gand Chia se ‘Gnu he and say ade hao ow ie prepared expe ena ‘oie pnd made en sop wisn we sped an th Lixatr and Entaivment ran peti Nah ere Bs by wa ct won cs yee lh er, tng er onc salhaghes hed rhe ble forthe reprieve ti poctapat theres his he Wnganne th nach gee) a Udita wit sbewoukd made ition pertonnet one mas Fes atichynthatbe nd ng her snethingtomeven arinpoantae ‘Once cing ts ing ir the pi he a, Cae he, lecegetatrad yo cengur heen, Prepare te ahpa em an we fase Wellmakeanatackonthesy ve'onnings pie owe nD a ‘one caciityererlocs nd wrtsine ona oft rs de lp ee ‘obihe oecmataticeinpende ooo eh tat one te ha Wegener Came the, eof ee St eared, butt yan, pd 0 he tall wth en for ofl Ue seceding hrne bene ached ee mo cone cane thew noe ‘meta and ent word oer at eh dpe ase hd dred Dat “Gatcutd ny dee age he sera ign kr oe soon ‘hevsayroguonbebndcoued manyerebenbtewnere nnd Heat Sk he sent him he base ot hn 9 mich ae Urodtin othe wouldcave sed percuyrenorberapece anes ste ‘ome ofr tr ‘On ech ths nee ean tc ap mon, erie er eae {ngweniat heparin electorate eedihmerhd ‘hase another tect thncnnichlaerkeptheijee andthe “inher any ener annrithaae t ‘Zavinem bet ite nyighe wont espe tl tony chewed ad {Gatahe sold send oe In peste ox of gla hich at ig fhe “Somontnt plego t ntsded wedi xebaons bch they pertormed “crane op nd oss fri and esti 188, coer Polklore ‘ison floes seated all through Alcina's Misra In che volume devote tay, heels the origin myth ofthe Get ma and woman, and emarks thatthe aban lower wae believed to bloom well indoers case twas originally aman whom the gods changedinto a plant. Under ogy, he eects tonkey lve that are stil popularly elieved—that ‘hey fh for crab by using thee tals s bat for example, or form ting ‘hain ridges by grabbing each other's ail to eros erocedienfested lay “THRs versa wll asthe sory of the Monkey ad the Toetoie which waster ive ferary dig by Jose Ria, Deserting birds he mentionsin pasting ‘Thnoning song abot aan who kepe three i his house-—a tell, ‘nicl is alway in light andl never knot to sleep, a arin which Keeps Terwowsly caching ia head nll directions, angie which ikea sent, hve spe giving its call (The morals thats honseolder wo intends protect his wealth and honor most be viglane) Speculaing about the xtence of gians he eeapoates the lagen of Pusung of Magn, and in discussing darngengo, fo heroes, he Gtsa folksong about et footed Parapat Bat unforsately, his collec of 80 riddles (goon) has not seed ‘tere wr wt mn he coc pars ha Baer, co, wel pene, happen ls te son en wow ae the pale a [mange were steed tem and eae them on aes ory dae {nae wth hn ey eal Lan om he sll = wo ‘i heya en om hse ne the et pater ofthe ma ral roan denen lou 198), Whyte Be aed Spi ‘Weviat inane ihe shat] lramesed hereon sey gota Mini data ter ean (eBay ne 3 {iva kno wh rested he, hag iy oe lng). al he it foptherto ca one ce fossa ht hey wold xe aking ah ‘her acnlchove ending hr desea te When ag a (esha he fe bch eae ai ere wh ‘ini three nig arnediummonsed seenomadane taint (othe orang ney leaden ibe era alg ‘oie apearnee om nie as nathing moet onset ease Nb cen shpo fl he shel tye ery har, tera ale fan cng eine on ok ‘hh mans dans ein his ngage sew ha iesese: They akan ‘Ming ich sores ver sporopene forma ew eran, ad Hat whe our sec espe hee ho checking gotten ena ‘oun tots rs hanes tan seguro ben, rehash wi gw en that He the Kaba ‘ecw he ign gt to tbr nth ce Aina 66, 2285 ck unlonedaywhenthesstarraging sr ‘hem wa lene api sarc Rey wei hy were eget tote open the sea pcan tercame orm there Laure and Framed ‘The Tre nd he Mkey ron de ayjigs hich are common ang tee ae abu hia he tele wean estas thy Fat we ‘Eonar eve a Sp eds vn rem seca el Sordi “Tso and he Monkey found chine beer oat ofabenana pla (nue oder eet eon. the Foo ste Tor th pr had cars nih tuscemedbe he monkey an be epic hinge at ‘Sivan th aes wed rao hi pro en nd Teestiavandscte arsine oppose wth he ine mantel anwar ore pote Soy osomsbey be uma fresno ys ete is ana ene boaus fey tae any nd tao thal ‘ttnows cone lsannisonak ie Monk chime a et thasiandaenrben ieygewmeboiy then par teeth wed bin e Societe sry un above ny that when the ewe fst 108 sh hy hea en pc eb te Tro ee flag, eed bien to ae he pe bans sd et he, tenga esr aaro Towers ih ett in venga ey gt he fren ns 0, S8. tie ofone bre hone enon aatllver fe eset pene at smanyebelre he Spmiatennt ire Tone neta igen satire ‘Sie Fong rae ofthe own Moguon hetero othe nd of aa ‘elton tcbgntinan outnre mach mote fee Tha hha ied weeny wen ey sod 0 ‘cand eyen-me te wot new crea repens rebate be at Seen tera ono eh 8 "rsp mnt Invern aloo hina atneslthyer gh wolsotreion oft nets daring dbo these ele on, nt there or hn teapot ie thes ey vo no ‘doko i ea ye i ne ‘Sac fem Magton jumper cme, the cne wo wa en below the bunk he his “Search a sme ghost hic eel Abe Restart dene tae dow hey Ae tee dea oro {es ny Bw in he ey pace where he ha len ih he ot wun, nd Untctatvwafey wide acme omen Twente toe wa ae Ty HANG “ Bi Taya renanedon ttock er tethed oti tesme poston. hey award and eon whch! the Sle cme ey psec be ded. hove sen ieee engi il rey and hey sw tht be ws a resale nana by Tea song he wore + ewe pid Treaster bg, ano ene wih rea thigh lege ae Rete body he had one am eh overeat and ne oer enti cet ht Be aa at ao ‘reer sure ad btn thee ty are Aina 107-0, [Bt wt Cig tld me an nego ie more nowedigebe about ‘nas than neo Cesc gerne etl forse hd er rl ies ne) eat hey were pes thy ell agen nts langage nhl hina hey wee so al hat ey he ‘net lta onan ms etn Te ny Oy i i at ey Sherettesteanbetyshalpatereg andes pof tesco, ‘there comes he team andteped on those ee thee ote {hdc ne eh dow othe ne a eit any of he Tonge. or pgmien nad wpe stn dap tigs ich weigh on ines tien tant hem ogee andiiespentsan oe amd i (Men 16627778), Paap el an seal ewe ne ety ead ane repeated ota fensbth bec afte iy the jets sce angeage oh ortlng, pete hts aro lob remeber rigs, tomien nang sang ihebeac—whishorerheeareofen ech id Fee ptr orp by whch cr be sown bead cost and theta omg a sth enon fhe os ws oe ga od he ‘ecard ntaaatotrben hss io Sew hispeed sd hate wacxcsome uaa ewe ap ByeAlsna ie 48) naa oa ino enki Bigs mame ved been Besowed on her ‘renner hau wesc (varaeseto fin uti theca rom te ‘Spc toun moni sh waeprem on the Cg ier bese shen Tie aagier ect ure) Thay coring to wha hey Yeon at howe wh ny ie tad ra celeb for hes Beau aang ee ‘vers imocha fm, vey thea fbr bey the ato le Aly {ucreniys ene Thich ar ele Dare, ch eas the vir “waa hone hip velgh snchoria dan hia ime ae ines ofthe ea a to of Malate Tisomnpeted lest che om bts al ri tsa location seh en be ender et ne gong here Litre and Entrainment ty) when he fre the ea twee song al nent he dt ‘eo rat hey eh oP hunt thew these otc nde seamer seen. roe Nee watmalbathasgn pesto snc ie prpoe oh coming, ‘haat ing ney il the ne wwe ney ne inwatcandythony ts wouldhe tener lato eing Sd shared hier sd rte, ace beng ert [pmsl an tye could do eo the aage Tang, her as making rep sowed er we ell prepare ea coven tm wen earned of Duran ntti, be [ehatnade wha desonsraton a tanchedsorany sip hatshevascomtent sah hd se hand dota exchange in ote, eer one {hoch ote por ada aolony athe van ave she could oo thik eng ‘Sina i fs her oly tet ln hi and ape be soul Ses sath he mgr eran oman her abies ato ‘te a vise wld mover cna and war ready og her Me Tceraged bolls reps be snd aaa adet et erg een poe alton heyere botany, ey ere ‘ey men andearh pre vere they wereweeyacare and here | {Ty bornnin tn, thy tots doth dup andthe tds hos ese hedonic poyer tft he would turn orien mpd, inde he cep om ere ith hie "Wi hry nv of th eh and pega the plc or ‘hem ih a noe a han rs eo an sone om te ed ‘Reoeed an hae bet otro abd wot tempi yc ‘Seca ing heme, beret we js had eae, atthe ‘Siefand ewe Bog tp "This append a ow ee ove he Spt came and al Sa the smemorelthenaivesethe ya obo eth dese Not many Jareagr I sed cf of fe aid ond, wha ws mae than sven yeas Uc pret tnd techn wes itd ok placed ssonotnws had ead ‘nay tines en to meh a he oe deal (Ans a, 20-23. | dng or bint wat a vegn oF « worman who had ben faithful eo one rman all here I mast therelore have been bestowed on the heroine of this romance sete after the Any rai the a tep in an histore ‘rents becoming legend. The quotation ofherand her husband's noble ‘word incater thatthe porte process had alzeady had it effect bythe tine Father Alina heard the story. Perhaps with retelling over dhe cent fies andthe accumulation of spocyphal embellishments, the tae might hase grown into a fullfleged lands Indeed, bad ancient Vaan cule tot soceumbed to colonial seculturason, some Waray bard might now be ‘singing the Epc of Bing. ‘Musica Instruments “There were basicly eight hinds of Visayan tail instruments. Fou rere very quit instruments and so wore played indoors at nightie: a Sina ste, seb ther, nose Hate, and Yeed J's harp. The other fou trere ety ond, aa thezefore stable foe war dancing, nd public gate | Inge: batnioo or weadhell bugle, metal gongs, skinieaded drums, and bamboo resonators. "The kyap a kindof mall ate carved out of single pce of wood vith belly of hal coconat hel added for resonance, with two oF three Ite stingy picked with quil leer, and thee or four frets, often ok theta" The body was called sungorsungar oF burbunoye: the nec, Thrubunts the stings dds he Iretboard, pds andthe caning ogy Ih irk Tne cll wa called app or saong dhe sxe asthe hornlke | protsions athe end ofthe ridgepote of house. The kudyapi was oni Played by mea, naa t9aecompany their own Tove songs, The female Equivalent was the Korlong, 2 kind of zither made ofa single node of ‘numb wih suingseut ftom theskin ofthe bambooself, each raised and tunel vo ite bridges, and played with born har ke a harp. A ‘rian torn hl a row of thier cans with sng ca from each one “Flt lantay was a note hte wt ae or four fnges holes and vas. | played in imitation of 4 mournful haan vice wih shakes and cil | Thonght appropriate to wakes and funerals. Suing was a Jew's harp—a | ‘ranging reed plocked benseen the ip or teeth wit the open mouth | ‘variable resonating chamber, and since its sound could be shaped toa | Kind of eode word understood only te player and hissweetheat, vas. | tonsdered the courting insinament par excellence. Bad was 3 conch Shell or section of barnoo ple against he Tipe Hike a bugle, used a Signal in war or as part ofa babayla’s paraphernalia during a gana ahayan also kepe ime ws ambonrines called kalating tern which included war drums (qeng or gill, wih the Inge ones that were ‘anied on mangayae cries being fashioned oat of hollow tee wun | vith a deers head, Torglng was node of bamboo pounced on the. Foor as ry instrument "The mos portant isument was the gong a bronze gong Span explorer encountered wherever they went asiore. Pigafetla noted a9 ‘rsemble in Czbu-a parsnspened ane struck slteratty, another Lage ‘ne, and wo sal onesplyed like eynals—andin Quipt. tree diferent Sie hanging isthe queen's quarters. The natives of Sarangani buried {hlisin amin attempt to avoid looting by Villalobos: aud thirty Samareios ion ad Entotinmen paved Legazpi’ tagtip in Oras Bay and danced wo the fytim af one, Sher bis blow cospact with thelr chic Mindanao epies provide afew ‘eal oftheir use. Agong were played ether on the edge or om the navel thats the ceater bow oF knob), slowly to announce ba news faster (oy the rung dat hielo smamen the people. Waris poached the enenty with all gongs sounding “Gonge were gia anger vocabulary than anyother instement. Alena (168, 4129) considered itan evidence ofthe elegance of he Visayan Tanguage that there were special tems “even fr the cor with which they fanen and hang i, which iewould be improper to apple anying ese Migmangn ws he bos o teat. Bat gong, of one from which the bows Fh bee wor of Tong we, was pas, incding the platelike Chinese tones (nangmang Te lrget one in an ensemble was ganding, ao as {o play hent onthe edge wth ashe stick or soawsaw if re than one plier alkevnated strokes, Plana or paglasl was wo seike them on the oss with «padded dramtik called hal (A governor or eel was al Called bas presumably becate of his prerogatie of sounding 2 gong ‘Soemble his people) Actual bel fom Spain or Asa were nga, a Tle ingle bell-“ike thowe the epic hero Bantungan had on the handle ‘ot hi ampilar—ere golmg goto Chinese gongs were ile waned ones from Sangir were worth thre ox four times ately and those from Borneo three or Four tines that—t or S pesoy in 1616, Hage ones sid to reach 8 meter and a hal in diameter fon fetch one or two diver The Bornean gong was a standard of value ‘hen bargaining for expense goods for example, Pakzagongontaining Entana [e's price thie Japanese ord” (Sinchex 1617, 9). Indeed, ssesiment like ilo pal (both eferring tothe umber seven) twee understood by themselves to mean sever gongs ‘Gone were one of for eme—along wih gold, porcelain and ses equi for any date cass dona, or bridepeiee, and sen moregaged themes to borrow one for thik purpose. The bargaining between the two fames wa done withthe wooden counters placed ontop ofa ong, Itrned bossup onthe fr, and the gong vel Beeame the propery of he mediating gobetween upon the conelsion of a secesfl setlement. Vocal Music ‘Vinaans were sid toe aint singing except when they were sick oF asleep Singing meat the extemporanedds composition af verses com: 109 e E e € a fe S CG irate ad Battin of et trom the widowed and relates present Haya were also called ‘eog or kansgon Als Woe me), since they Hot only pease she ‘ea at petitioned them diectl for sypernatural for, the missionary fess tok a dn view oftheir pesformance. As Father Suchen. (1617, 127) said, "Kanagynis aso to bevel the deceased and is ike pay him a | honor, or etter sald, sing something which should be prohibited eon in the singing they invoke the decesed and the dita” som anes, otthe performance ofset pieces compose by musical pea is ‘There wis no separite poetic art all poet were sung oF chante, Incling fledged pies pull declamations, Singing was unaccom pried except in the ease of love song, in which either male or fea ‘Sngers accompanied theme on thet respective instruments, kag forkoriong, Wellbred ladies were called pon to perform wih the Kolong ‘ding wcll gatherings, aod all adults were expected to participate i roup singing on any occasion. q “hei was the general term fr sloging and a. reat was an expert sconsdered a profesional singer Sinchez (1617, 38) maid, "ike aleader | Dancing J ‘whom theaters oll.” Biya to sng en, wile a mamerada was Drecentor who set the tane and best by singing couplet, to which the [With dhe exception of funerals all Vian Feats sponsored by dats ters anai) responded in chorus dant meaning vo beat metal Ha ‘aga or sag ws fortwo of more siogers to reinforce or complement ‘cach other in ale dvinkest ring which aight be sug daan—sngs invhich dritkers mae fun of one oftheir fellows. The sarratve conten ‘of these songs ws called Byrn —taln of fbles—or avandu ft wa ‘ofepi length amd lotines. aor hlewas the shout of men puting tit ‘Shoulders to «common task Hke dragging a Tog or rowing boat, whence. sea chanteys were called otal ‘When daanguising diferent ype of ong, however, twas used 24 | asperificterm forse chanteys which wee called Mignon in Panay, | “The cantor, himself pulling 4a oar—a paddle actualy would lead off ‘with an unthymed couplet and the whole crew would respond in a heat. | Theat with lian Qt Hike “Ho, hele, heya, hele” A good paras forparahcle hal «wie repetece of tne with different tempos, some of ‘em handed down from generation to generation by fathers teaching their sons The content ofthese ea chante, no her acta wording, ‘was also handled doa rom ancestral times ad so perpetnated and prom {igate Visian traitons and yalce More an one Spanish ober, ‘commenting on the lek of written reer sid that Flpino history aod belies were preserved inthe ngs they heaed while rowing boats ‘alias te general term for poetry or song in Panay, especialy that with ‘chorus responding to a precenton be might alse refer speicaly fondant ato Haan wa to recall ounebody departed was aftecion- | ate prase—"ke a good minister or aleaide major,” Father Mencida | ‘emarked rather fonly—and batar wae a ding or eulogy addressed tothe ‘deceased ata wake, Dnges im Lay and Samar were called hays (rom tite, to be fceup ikea coxpac or acanoe eared om the shoulder), and Teale parshaya were hired to sing mournfal nes which evoked shrieks vere accompanied by dancing and gong playing—eddngs, beth of chile ren, planing and harvesting of efops preparations for war, and vctry ‘elebratons afterwards Saye or say was the genera ern —magulabay [for mea, magligl for women, maghlamyg for a pair of dancer, and aise for grap dancing in two oppovet ine. "Soop auggesed birdke motions with the arme—for men, one arm pint down and the other up, tobe revere wile opening ad cling | i fs; forties, extended with siow deliberate finger motions. Taruk inferred to the delicate foot movements character of dancing by women--incung abaya around the pig or wine ja dung paantom— stn ony slight titing ether te hel r toc. Paad pau ax stomping toa light wead by either sce In dhe Riga, hee erehiet in both lands waving ito one side and ten the other, placing it around her neck om time to tine. (Kige meant to hold hands: perhaps she and her yarter joined hands to end the dance, since otherwise men and women ever touched eachother in Visayan dances) Slay was acualy aver ance in which two men armed with abields and spear performed 3 | swtized but energetic vel wit ents and lunges accompatied by gong ‘eat. They sometimes became so enthsiatc they had to be separated lest | icensional or unintentional body contac lead to 3 rel fight Games and Gambling Spanish lexicographers gave ite spice to tos, mentioning onl file 1 dos fra-eusor tales and acldren’s gue called haga played | wh kg or buy sean probly minder sung, Bat outhefor hat matter, men ofall ages—spun tops, which was he most popular Frm [TE VSN of gambling, Good top theowing required both sill and muscle and “Selon was accompanied ty mc laghter, shouting, and siomping, Ma Gr hardwood, the top was thrown dh song soft cord of {Gameann ota arin its ead fo), withthe object of striking 00th ‘bpm ts point (aged to splinter or spit—or at Teast knock over (her top. When a top wasspun a tnt appeared motionles-—or “lee Sg asthey seid in Spanish wascallet jong or wok The tp ist ‘Sled eg and its shape wa 0 comanonlyMiown that the umn hea ‘eating during» game of op varied according odilferent ules of ply which inched twenty or fhiny specie terms—naghiges, maggot, Ttaglugy,for example, “ane many other names” Fuher Scher (161, 138) sad “not use in dhe pulpit or confessional." 4 ‘Cockighting was tered by Pigafet in Palawan in 1521. Philippine tistorians woul ltr conclude thatthe custom had en ineodced| the Spaniards themselves, but the practice was alteady widespreat aad jmporent in Southesst Asin cultures at dh time. Toprefaanie J odatghts had religions sgieance im public ceremonies and they were ‘Set stone in the temple fez of Anghor Wat in Cambodia in the fect centry Kings sometimes dented so personaly wit hee fa {hat Sultan Iskander Muda ot Ache could order a courte castrated whow | ‘dha defeated is ow | “The Visnan wor lenge applied Malay notonly ong the bade | to the cock's spur, but 3 weapon to 4 man's ws. Similarly, Vian ‘Meghan meant not only for cocks #0 Bghe but aso men who ha Catlenged one another, (Tie raorike Dade sel wo] was also alle butane) ‘Coekightrs rite their binds the house, erssred them with wid | ‘one importedoshers from Jolowith reputation for bravery andasesed | their abiities by the color of dete feathers—for example, black ones} fought best in he alternoon, white ones n the morning, The winner tok | thevdofested bivd-—"Hinelang ako nia sing too Saharangear (He tok f three cocks from meus the owner wished to ransom it for healing tt the my sap of the gta gatr plant (Sincher 1637, 8), Whatever Uheaze of spetator betting may have bora before dhe Spanish advent | teangrealyserense by the intedoetion of the colonize coinage. One, | Ale a gateon ran aground in Boron i 105, private sage ope Tons lode the Samar coast with so much Mesican ser dat the po ‘a fghtng cock rose to 20 pesos and bets o 00 pesos and 1,000 pesos CHAPTER 6 Natural Science J Vinson society knew no schools oF cassooms ciren became Socining sults Uren afr itucton within the fay. I he field of moral ost commons recognized some wise and pensive tide as'a hind of pastor, panmeli—probably from MalayArabic wa, Sainc’—ho gave advice in household gatherings. But knowledge of the lead envionment was eared from parents—the movement of hess {nly bodes ant change of seasons the deco of winds and recog ‘storm signal, the nature and hablo diferent species inthe animal nom, All sch knowledge might be called namral sence. Environment “The Visyans called their natural environment ama, a word which meant mountain, cunts, terrain, climate, ad homeland (colo tal es ita extended fo these town-—for example, Hiligaynon "Naga inane ham! pag pakaon sa Hokom [We auppy the alealde with fod, town y town i ten” [Mid 16372, 5], Bamana meant overgrowe td nope gone tothe ils immasaayas aman who could take eae ‘of himself in the wilds, and buniaenan or lagen were mountain, “veling spi. ‘eam, didnot doubt chat the pete was so wenomous Hat it kiled any ‘so pase rough ls sbade o downy, and thatthe tre wae therefore furtounde bythe bones of wild animals poisoned inthis manner. Neier fide doubs that one ofhisomn pavshionestad given bts oacrocodile ‘tamed i is voracious vegetation was slays ready to reclaim thet ig Jn, he we the ite of Pawn of Pub, who bad been ried a » | Jsicnouse asa cre boy, atthe ie reaue was deere togeer fe gurdna a fs cron and pons were ready to pey on thee eee ” 9 1 pe | sins normal eld The parentstnoved ayo gets of bat nt oly ments rather precariously out of this banwa but neither destroyed ‘ot wildlife from comparisons with Inman behavir. People who affected {gay clothes were sd oe ke the bilan big Hakan atte, el ‘Omens that Brought widening attest. halt an te abandon ‘ofthe ste. Men who sruted around in blood ed pudongwere redheaded ‘pial wocdpeckers who pecked any hranch they happened aight on, a those with an extra eur in cher Costing were Hike pias, 2 bay monkey, heeause monkeys apposed ted dei young to thet Breas wa ata ‘Women who were not goo moter to ther babies were Uke fon bids oF sea turtles whic di no atch their ows egg at buried them in he sad tobe meaated bythe sun. promising yon wh de young walk the battmangtrce whose leathery bark was eal removed; a boast man wh Ayan Resting ane Frome ch bat deefed Wile wa fener ht move am chm ania mans he wat ea giant tac cla cera se Fines icant he woul nets move noth he ee orrracos_| Ec the power who “rllowed up eeroing” ere nary cack Me! Sees yo) Tate eons cided the infrmadon tht al inae—the eet 6 pay tarde pega, ad Ink, cer natral elo mt mean tay sree bec and «pers could be gummed no's bast | Tooting nan line or xen by entering te house ofsomebody ce wns. Denman tadscenone. var ght too ats crocodiles age coud be deine! tro he nine of pelesfoundinweravsinceemioedone yest PS beny {sballat an tatty never hartge thea tea where hy ied Never the etal dangers rood wasancreray cree MA village life: Sincher (1617, 448) hstated sola, parentaleareoreoncern, | yi” ‘ithe example, Uke when counseling sn wh going eng te ‘orn im teres a tunaye in a certaiplace Inturnal caf Tepe ‘xamplejavoran svallondwicl fle waving loomahsandall—the enue explaned set of dine ser ping an nraction of fe some religious abu. (Misionaries were not wanting who made dhe sme prediction for converts who sneaked of to bathe dUving mass) | || terefore trsvoriy. | "ikea peoples inthe sixteenth contay, Visayas believed in am exten ve menagerie of Fabulous beats, or ordinary Hess with fable qu te. Below ia sampling taped the see of i hing aby (Ths oo ‘calles fermen fora good pie, to neers ‘ome ade the arma gta eon) ‘part orca oy men igs row ‘earn tncao thew commensal sowed then ap Snlotack cron we) ‘cently wach, bt were bao i ur en bore {tava fevin paste, anderen eet ey (Meh ta ae ba end ce Shakes indy apg etal et ‘As peri rtd come Be oom ‘ee ich acne i 10 ahr hich ‘Armae won bie war at xh cin called for help and ‘Semebi epnde, who woul thn slr he ees othe piso lis / “HE VSAM Natural Since ue Cay chi nd i ecm iY vee ak for ean ad olin the eth, sin Being ney + "eet sgh dn on nd nd gh at anf otro! tel Dt ark which ais often gave he loves nba ree Hal ats hee it on sta ates | ove scrapings were trl ashampoo to gtr of dandraf, and puso fh a Gne comb for removing heat! lice or igworm sales. But any Tefeence to dit in the ear and), the nails ating, or the private Health and Hygiene (hrs) wae a extreme offense, burason being at insu 0 serious it Feaired revenge or ssation, Afeare of Filipino life which aby atsacted Spanish atention way" a thie personal eanines expecially the frequency wih which they took bath Drs Autonio Monge (1609, 174) cousdered it noteworthy that hey immerged the whole body, "without considering that it could do them hare at any ime"; Fader Caf ought shat the reson Flipinos set along streams and vverbanks vas del fondnes for bathing Anatrace ‘eaciption by Father Chvino (1604, 21-22), which hasbeen repeated by ‘many other authors worth quoing at length. 7 ‘mshi nates oni nti enna “Ty texan hur on det, fren a ean and moter "eman tdeese cefeans rombsthing, norte nebo ata wich Sotinmctiny edn theresa or spring fod ate Andon cago [rine hy nt a hee mie wt ce. They bah} ‘Shntngdwe tines, their opto helped binge renee ‘otto beri enn ft nbd conde tem, The most common et | {eet fo thing ov neo ty ut week en hey ‘Shathein hereto anon esr tae nga oa Torbowsebold we For inca ban tn aves err tthe do and whoever {gnu wheter hoor thon ot omer, teeter rom tae to wah} Fister etre enring espe the smn Ti thy 00 wh gre fat rig oe frog fhe oer and ewe rus Ugh oe He oar ia banbo the ery hag. Ailments ) Despite their tention to persona cleanliness, Visayan sufere in dseanes av one of their moat common complaints. Some of these were npledineomorts connected with ordinary activiies—nugo blisters fom pluono plans, onpungusora between the toes, oF chang om loads oF oshing—tagst on the throat, lator hua on de groin. More serious sere stay or tntamay defined by Méntida wena that an imterse Inflammation accompanied by srepeococeus infection, Pocks in general | verecallet ut ih inarachan being stinginhe "the ulti” — Thats small, More widespread were bangs, lata, or tabu ler fan! balay glandular swelling, all of wich the Spantrds called bubs, ielscriminatly. wast separate somebody outst the village who wa tWensively hl, covered with sre "The clase meaning of buss wae the Imphatic selings spmptomade scbubeonic plague, bt follwing Colas return from the New World, Ihecame te counnon term for sybils, disease no doubt confined wih jan inthe topics. Spanish lexicographersin the Visayas, however, used it {omean any puss or ulcers though Loara (15866) must have been ‘eferring to an seal contagious disease when he woe, ane sn rt soso Bool bse a he Mole) ‘Getetomaletere ance ben senate ave ag Upperclas Visayas wanted to have a peasng body odor. They there | fore serubbed ther bodies wilh pumice when athing, perfuning and cling thers aherwards: Pigeea detected the scent of been an strat fon the perons of the to Butuan raja. Clothes were laundered wi rus not only because oft effetcenes in remening sans, but been ‘tthe fea aor et in them, The eet which Father Chivino sd wa nixed wih sesune ol ar wed a taking perfume, not because ofitsowa pungent ador but becuase of x property of fixing the fragrance ofthe | Flowers that were added, “They ere also careful of personal bene, Kullygorkkugast lea ‘oat the ears wih feather of sa, a slatwasa Kind of toothbrush male Saint Lazar’ disease—leprosy—yas called arms, Angin oF mya vith eomettespecaly gesting the loss of gers oF tes. Goo god tn war the stage when the ravages of dhe disease were sll not wsble ‘craig, de thickening ofthe skin; Bangg, dhe lows of the nose, Sd link, wounds 29 deep they seemed #9 be eaten by fat wood Inrers This specialized voabulary, however, probaly des not refec the Incidence ofthe diseave wo much asthe emotional reaction which ils in human societies lie hw “ru visas Natal Science Ament locale in intemal ons inde dose eae 0 Bags te J Sugery wa nie to stung or ters wounds a co cosmetic spleen ad sab, stomachs pong wos Der oF scrotal opting, | grgery to repair tom earlobes Spor hv wasto win the edges aged ‘hile ay complains pera fo the ler (ey) wis aibute (ote [es m the a sree cou bested ogee. Yor Dat aeas Hh the {ppetie of witches, so that "Gini kal” was in alfa cane evoking ac | gomach sap where sce wore felt co make with sight ares. Wat or biuh were tena worms ook bloody took bt | heedleitvassenl—redaninarans were used a species ange aap proating hemorokds tik was gout han, drops o edema (hat, | ih had the character of Keavng its head behind with jam clamped Sling caused by retention of body id, which was usually constere | jy vicious ie, was "buon cautery st going a pellet of Ihe rest of asp east dat aganstone who hal deceived him) Pht |. mows the wooly nt of certain pan, to souk ot & sal wound re joint pins a acrofuouswelings ur goiter were called ong alter | Arca eat induced by noke sean, orn th hot tones or rebel mrt jangnwasaa ingrown nal ora nection that ea | ges, sad wan de most popular specie ana skin eases Tox wa 0 2 lo drop of aly ny ifeted scratch of abrasion and oven ws [yay covering the patent with mats an Bankes concentrate te toothache or gum infection. Mahi and lem were ee ailments and] ke of meticinal fly ancl we steam bath jn which he pate ung was any detec ston: he price dhe tuba ale ask Forty encased ona rack ver conainers of wat ito wh ho seones were ‘wares was hmong herane oftheir expected eet Tis noteworthy th | Gp The wos wed or this porpose were calle alg, meaning recognizable pmpioms of taherclaisike coughing Mood are not sted: | petcine Chinn wo (staal) eb as the owt flies Fomt perfaps they wetestbmame under respiratory comps Uke ah | yh ye dered te ters rng ot Bubygonon fo the Ke enclosed {hua or wh-cough, aha, oF hoarenest—oF perhaps even Pugs a8] Shed, So, too, hospitals came to be called fmalggon when they were {ney tibet hnget oF overwork ae espa nioneree™ “Tut wer al pans, ron ees oF bak with medi 1 torwtich reson the Spaniards called the tele an hrs ‘Treatment Fone e ie hd thet powersanepropeticn” The Were (| Novo be conte with practioner eghtothand who pretended 6 ‘There were five general categories of Vtg teament of diese | agen bone stone om ve pat ate patents body—a batt) nase fumigating or sweating prescription of medic counteroren, | Tyra ere taken internally oF external, with ples oF owls and prpitiaton of soperauial beings, The fin tee were indicated fr | itinguied as hakup or tampun Below isa sping of Vyan materia feeofaizable physical symptoms, the later two for aliments requiing | wdc ‘iagnoisadwentnest by religious speci. . sage we applied or njred or deste mele or pres pt | Ant ‘Ace wie les wee ci pins mal rps onerve center py exper called Ig ad hei epson va | {ve ee wee apie cose et yr or ee 9 Satccnt or Father Sine (1017, to we aera Spanish eb ay "eels br wager inteia pis (The bk that isto ay, "Badr ira oF to manage a worn’ abonen co came | ABM crema ai ie ' mlocriage and abortion” Mamaretjok was 4 mans, who mPa “Rteryeaicint plan ( shooter skate docortion ‘purameled the back and spine and was usualy x dat's husky dave, aa ‘rank for stomach ache, Temes wed a 9 ler 0 "Abortionsere aconimon form of fay planning practice by ranking ites nba bing er) ladies to limit thie lineage and preserve the hentage, oF Oy others | Bagot ‘Mincussd ae pescnnte ores Ica of poverty or poor pompectfer hei eien They wete induced | Hwy ‘lit pracited or Mas ec ter winayy ‘ymmge aon herbal meine, proingih tick Frtermore Cnn vermmtoc one Visyanshada custom of abandoning tabiesbora with deilitating defects | "en oc ee ee ches Hovasites [ince wove swe ems were bell aan aie or ingen hedaman cole ht Vans ee ne ind or xp Kelpie Ain hose tan ee wet api open ee Kalng ‘Avante coped sce and ko Ming “ing opamall re toe ‘Aptian ott ananidoteforpoionand ‘ket deme son ios pono Ore are 4 png ‘nln vit an fei er api sings [lve uve ones mse tse, piled ih a Tange wee woe resin wt ie a Beagle Saint [pts ote oth ra sei for ody to Trapeeangen —— Veypeppesisttom vs metplallvamade an : ‘ere trey chad rs ‘hem ove goto co “There were abo sedicies of animal or aineral origin. The silo sandoned termite mows was good for Rumgatingelealos stones found inaar’shead were cure for snd stones the human blade fr kidney: and powdered dayog bones were almost panaces, good for ‘loony sto dines, elds sd fevers. A Kind of fete coral was nt ‘Only taken internally pulverized, but worn on the wit as jewelry ata preventate for rhewmatc alas Antidotes for poison often had prope fies more magical than medieal—for example the marginals (lon) of Ite shells ee sh to crak in contact wi ay poson-AS ora nett Cf pyton tile, of Alina (10620, 3987) remarked “T ued icance, bt | Tank, onl by a fanate desire to presen Me could sich a medicine be | taken.” Ties atte to sorcery hal oe relieved ther by the sorcerers thenceves, by discovering their secret, of by employing the series of nother soveter. By sorecty we mean spells or incantations cast by & | formal humor Heing-that nota wteh though dhe use of aquired freane kaowledge, Some sorcerers were belived to be ao power they | ould Kill ith abreath or the touch ofa Hand (ble). Pons was eter ‘Spear, Gotrng, some other personal posession whieh caused eg pane | ‘rw inthe vcti when Be stepped oer it Indeed, cong swell ‘hihe stomach, was immediatly suspected of having been caused byan Spell worked bya dat, ‘Diacases wth ao visible mptoms or dose which stubbornly resisted tweatment as well as chronic ov lingering Hens, were attbuted ta | Natal Sener pits, ancearal or otherwise, who had been witingly oF unwitingy ‘Stes bythe bekasior of the person acted, These Fequired lagoons Sh prescription by bebnlon or dasa, shamans or meus able ‘Contr the spirit world ina state of tancetoJeamn the nature ofthe offense Sd what wa required for stsetion, Inthe ease of witches, or natraly alignan spi; soastets, or ghouls who cod not be reached by this Techie, the balan sought to enlist the inevention ofa personal tom spirit. Prescriptions were the performance of speci feito | filing the seiice of ive animal or other food offerings Omens were {nten ding both ago estment to itt pros ad were the tren preparing the morband nd the ales for the ine “Timoboping “The Visayan dived the dig hours nto dozen oF more specie Limes econding tothe portion ofthe wan Between dyn avd noon, they reckoned nao shining ad nab, climbing an then gw, time for hens to ay, nd maka, when your bracelet sil down Your ier If you pointed atthe su. High oon was ot nao ell {alloyed by no poitvofdenentin the aflernoon, anaand lignan nihay to tettng, ungona Notsnga sa das when thesun sank the eight ofthe pala wees acer again the horizon and sunset was apna or ‘tra, when the sun Healy dsappeated. Day ended wih gn when ita ou dark to recive other people Beyond the day, however, they dnguished no time peviod shorcer than one month, This means they dd ot recognize ether the Bnrsian sevensay or Janes fveday week, neither of which, asa mater of fc, ‘va bated soy eee ele Bu hey reckoned the dys of the mon Ieciey—that the dae fFom one new mont to the nex. usta hey lida the hours ofthe day by the ovement ofthe win wo they dened the day of the month by the appearance of the moon inthe night sy “The new moon was suhag the fist night it could be sen, oF more celoaully, lala isle hing Mash. When ic appeared ssa fll resent the nest night or two, esccmed to have pene i ees (eit) tr alters clowed temo (ungu)—Ukea baby'son mother's breast. ‘Then came a “three-day moon” or high nee moon, las naan sang, followed by bang the fourth or BAO night, and next twas "near the enith” a). Whew He appeared as an exact half dsk—what western ‘Slendary ell the it quarter moon—it ee divecly overeat sunset, si therefore atone on hun Then a continued to wax "pase Ibs” etd, and wen ews lopsided oth before and alter full moo, ilooked ike a erab sell (tino) 2 ‘The fall noon wes rested with wrty oF nasnes—paghiona ta, suguatnat moe sigan dye, pee or praveworty, ie tion of its specaeuat shape and stnecttosunrse Driliance. And ab ‘gant wane darken (eet) night oro Fr iat fon the wetera horizon jst before daw ad so was called ban, ‘change of tke by mistetike 4 man who dies just before a sn oe {tnd is born, The fh or sth nigh of waning as fr co level ok Maten,boeage eben oxeso late the wees had many hows darks inwhich to bea down the each bythe omping of ther fet during hee Aagces Ka yas de third quarter, o had rose this second barrier Ulind neem maging the swentetorttvor event wight and then fot read for new mom again (elas abot the eent-ninth, This twas the dak of the moon, oF what the Spaniards ealled cay {ineaning the conjunction ofthe sim gad the moon) when the a6 Alimppeared for night or swe. Ta the Visayan, wae then dead, lest of sone ting. “These phases ofthe moon were common ime markers known to al “They would ay, for example, “Dulas an bulan (The moon begins | ‘wane vray" qr "Pastanontann bul [Leet for dhe quarter moon) {Séncher 1617, 37, 188), And ancdang geaowasa newcomer orupaart. | Bat the Vian math ye 3 far month-—20-andsra days and 48 nutes, tobe exact ele of them did not up to yea, but ony | ‘84 dye They were therefore nol the equsalent of mondhsin hewetern_| ‘lend, which ave arbitrary divisions unrelated tothe moon, approx | tvatlyonetwelfh ofa soar year of 365 days. Thus, waschooled Vian ile meri, as Father Aina sid—cslented months in che Chetan | falendar as beginning with new moon, and observers familar wih the | tchesonth year, both sisteentheentry Spaniards and twentetce | {try Filipinos, tend to eae the two the wee of a mone-ased calenda| ‘wh lck of ecation, Bit Mig! de Loatea (1582, 164, 166) wroxe more | "ref fn 158, ieee aed hymen ena, eh ‘heya Dag ety ear etree opt. ene the ‘ganesh pews he iets Tenet ‘Svat ch ew hy tr the Ble en hey a ga Wh Natu Scene she ime fe sna (nen the moon changing The net ey [iKnow hey eed he el The next hater] eae anh enya ie Peete Teme de an sng to do the een What area caed months were seasonal events connected with siden fuming: hey eo not appear neil Visayan dictionaries he names of months, nor do anyother names Rathet the years defined as the sine emcen one harven andthe next Hine which natal varie accoeing To whether the monsoon rans come eary or Ite avd fr what quant ‘na (1668, $0) explained the word tug yea, a allows {tiga wsdl wi ich dy al coum hey bt tot comping a sunteing te out ich mare ae they ona ae ‘rete dole and pean hich hy le el hey ecole ‘Taber ewesiotagle eran at tne hn crore ‘There were dee Visayan words fr yeat—ton, ng ane dagon Tao eculy meant haryese—"Taon nae ile (2 already hares in eit plce)”—and was nsed for cleulaing ae old ftks were those who had fen aay barvets (Siucher 1617, 80%) Twig was both harvest (for ‘eampte tng, what recy for harvest) ane my reat period of tine not necessary aman. Tnaig nase was sud of @ mensuaing froma, tnd ong song lan ang hebgo was the coming of the rains titer rom the sotto ag aan, fo Une north Don was sen ‘he same ways pan sv mongo Keay wee en eeryehing was in ‘loom, ned, twa the owerng oF res and plats which indicated he oration of the sesons. Rajan (aryMasch), Aalto (Meh Moy) halo (he-Augus), and Aatnie (Octobe December) ere the mouths during which tees of these names blosomed. The seasonal ‘behavior of bide wae another indicators when the Hale bid We Hs “aha” clin the morning, is ine to plat “Tn asicltral ee beg, a Lara noted, wth the appearance of ceruin srs, Most often these were the Peles i dhe conscellation of “Taurs whieh can rt he scons Jose, eal eed Moroporo, meaning ther “the Bog. ight” ora lock of birds Swideas were prepared at That ime, and seeds were sow in September when they were dire) ‘overhead at una, though the exact tne depended on loa! elinaie Condtdons. Indeed, became the ray season ved fous nl to and, Insomne places Farmers ade tae of the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) which es “Tne SANA sey called Lasong Gece morse) oF Haak bali Thats was what they called the oo bright stars in Gemini. Sail others fanted when the Southern Croswx upright sunset aconstellation ha Pan oe Vaya it looked like #eacon pai, Lb, o» blow et, Shmuel te eomsteacon Aries the aon they called ALimang, the Crab, ‘Vays betieved hat justas the moon times dhe human menstoa| ‘gto msn pases controlled ll biological grow, Stari were sd TMeteaee and eres in ia the moon waxed ad waned ra shel reitdenel uid seme! to the sane ray yellow crs only FEW a highnse when there wasasnon, back onesdurngthe dark ofthe moon, | eehate ones dang the dayne So too, coconut res were drought acne one ne sprout each new moon: the sikke lets f the wags Mi ad oe gathered eqarcr moons and stereo bets made fom ets coil be expected to catat the vse bt only vt daring the | atin tnoon, Futhermose, Visayan had a resripion for which Phase TRtnethoon wastes for gathering any ofadozenarietesofaaca, hough | hetneae common planted rarity wax one dat coud be cut any tine | “Thedark ore mon was consdered inser bees as dhe favorite ‘of whe ad aang, who Hed tthe first sight of the eescent moon Shon it om Ficldork and weang were accordingly forbidden the Flloe ay ua precaution agai line's during the coming sont, and ones tatneeay olay was taken to celebrate thefellmoon beeanse the | ‘Jatasomne to eareat atime, Nobody doubted that an elipae kun) | steven by & huge sea python, ing 10 sallow dhe moor, and that Cad so be frightened avay by noisy pounding on mortars and house | Howe, folowedtby avotier holiday. They treated the sun i dhe sume | nner dang soar expe, but here rendered tno suc publi TMntuston noeven teognized he poi of ising as cardinal com ps bearing called Bast Winds ana Weather | Visjans called the northeast monsoon aarihan and the southwest | uomobn halugt, what the Spaniard cle the dias and vedas | [Nnother jor aisrenn, he norteast rade wind, brought fir wean, | ‘Burdette tation ofthe ert, ever in clockwise direction asi ined soa and xo struck the aechipelage not ony from the nortbeas | Dutinna the cat sutheast and south ase, even om the southwest The Viena cae it ting which Sincher (1617, 515) defined accurately "wid that lows between Briss and Meodia"—hat i beeen north= tal de south ToyteSamarcic ale al cool winds blowing in ff the Pacific amin ingeneral and they consdevet habagat a west wind Habagat ated from ile September, amibas fn Deseraber to Apri. n between, came RII north winds kenawey--or sortwest wind, ipo—regalarty using apt ily Tim wae alvaysconsered «relief from the monsoons ‘roving in fom dhe cast in July-September, de south in May-June—but fhe south wind vel was property led slateno phage over side"), (Gnd sr from caverns deep fo the earth that were opened and closed [Maal them. Vntans, however lil not recognize these winds the ou Winds of western navigators .0 Spanish lesiographers selected for ‘Yauyan terme and apple these to the Four Wind: Kanaeyan, Anihan, ata, and Habagatn, ‘Some oh mien were renowned for the accuracy of ther weer fore ‘ast They preted storms heir acer, and the ooding that would fallow, thee or fou dyein advance or even x week yung from cloud formaions and the color ofthe sis, son, and moon. Dark cows meant ‘aq storm fo), but leaden skies meant 2 real syphoon (hag). The Jhon meon of Oster mas cousidered the mest ey tine fora iyphoons “Conversely, ypoons were sak! Bera during che waning ofthe same ssoan, Thee men belied too, that unleas2 yphoo ented with winds from the south, it was sure to be Followed by another one, They abo fpophesied whether the coming year would be wet oF dry, spposedly by Ehaerving the position of sary ad conseliations Seamanship ‘Visayan spent a lot of tne om the water because boats were thet oly form of tunsportation, Hes loads ke sips ls or tre ranks could be moved on land with log rollers, but neither wheeled vehicles wor daft ninth are mentioned nay eariy account or dictionary. So in the Seventeenth entry, the word fora sheave or pulley (efingon) was eX {Er othe week of Spanish car (ears) ad eamaas (carting) THacep for reasons of eferse,setdements were built on the coast or river, and nobody lived more han 40 Klneters from sal water ‘Onientaion was taken, ot om the deen ofthe a, but te — ea, date cry, paren. Bxeryony and everything moved Ty bon, om bur elie lds to guess to attend weddings, Fviners om Banayan Inland went to tl fee om dhe Cebu cost by boat, and lon mines foun the Camarines to work god deposits ip Masbate, and yout Tear thele people's ttions sening to sea chante while rowing oats Intersand waters were therefore the means of connecting. not stparatng, Vijon soe toe atenvesby which Philippine cultaresprea, Men weve as fn with apace ay bol: they caved thet own, and nade ponpsized mel or their sone og as they were ig enough hold ene. Goont paclling resire both kil ae mamina, nd erg pee eines the coordination to get x unded pales the water a he ure sant, The seu of uch wi, weltimed padding wos calle agra, bt buna wae splaing and hall as striking the ll, Kali fess to mowe nat bros, and sma asthe opposite Paling Ssiot th wed was called ft, fom fai, eae revenge oF ay ‘ck n Hind, Palen ere seo ready to workin the wate. I the boat Ook fn ton ich witer, they weat over he sde and vcked itt doah the water ‘sad fr emergency burst of speed, dey sat on she outrigger Nat, ‘Ouiaggersnotonty enabled beaten, working epto the waist te wate, te brag samp vessel to portage were ao the handles by which the yest was picked up for cng ox beaching high and dy Inhen notin use. (People tng on the come showed thei orientation By ‘ling he ky Way, Braagsay, “paddled beease i looked ike a ship's wake scrote 3h.) i Stlovs in Vian waters never had 40 il out of sight of nd in fai weather, and so st their courses by pling tater than by celestial ‘avigatonsthat is by sighting landorarks and knowing the waters. Their Scamp this required an intimate uowledge of depths and pes of | Totton. the configuration of refs and rks al he postion of shoals and sndbarks which shifted! fer stormy, a well 5 de bit interpret the Color and srfare appearance ofthe waters themsches Mestimportant was airy with the svong eutente typical of both the Pace coast and hatrow incr channel A 5-knot caren flowing down the coast of Mindanao cul only be aoied by norte! veel by hugging the} shore, and San Berri Strait between Sorsogon and Star was cha | deter by whisipols in which unary boats ould be caught for days at} {time unt broken up. The lca technique for geting boas across his Tucacexous pungent abandon them tothe trent it padeskeld_| Fly gaint te hil ike leat wo etching the stream running in| the appa direction, ‘This, thowgh Viayans coined aterm for the inwriner seompas when tvasintodcedinzhe nexteentury-—pedatuman | “ig wlth anedio~they made ide we ot because not ll de nyt they didnot kno already | CHAPTER 7 Social Organization Ivan del la (1565, 282) desribed Visayan socal sree 1555 in oe simple sentence: “They have three ses: they ell the chit das, wn are tke kui, a those ike itaens, aguas four), ancl the aves, res oan” Visayas thenselves considered thitheesierel “sructre so nonoate they extended ic iguratvel tothe assy igo, Le green parrots were henge opus ad gen ones wth re Besse ‘were hus ng tim, thote with rexplendant red and green plantge allover were kus dtu Teas a strarure canonized bya wellknown ‘Vina ogi ata the lamar firings of acvine ptr pay who fed oF hid frm their father’s wrath, Acconing to he Reser ‘tveresayedin ther ancdetershnthevathe une ef andothee Sekntietiche nha snd ne eV ok ‘non then he re rain pi: thy al es dato the gag Frome whoremorinihemaineavatinehoncome'hesngivandages ong a mucha tare ean doa ap aig a ee ay a Sorat Orgenization chins gage onetime sal Spa.ana ad ne om Sa iPad nw ingen tse feta ng seks y Hyena te the fs eomemperre—Rungaans 2Stanehcnstalghcaceaometsepwteye tt [ly Maknog of Munn, Data Pg, ate tn of ‘Surette WT Gn Han ter we Me Bens (ie itn ‘Sec om ten ne eo gat Tp id one chi ant Na on of Sete ne cnet [eee au war» Bat an Husabon Riel wat marie to ase” dn How wine Lapp ced bat sree pcan phim in posson to ltcrep ping tn Cab poe 3h When Mtn te oe sco Heb ean replete wrung cme aul reverence to “eeu of Viyon commun wade Smile] oe whomtc adm cormuning rang ime (on 2 igen eae sve tn ee of hae ans Span ont, rar rail ito ef a eptesen gg m V ett th hd Fem ee etperuingcaot ie mh in) ich nemo be Hg ine Clash inc ics ee ort at so_ (et 1637, 2) se THe ig Me deen mann [Thee dat ee pt oi top cl chim es fhe at a ei ey ey mi alos etn of ct hind bi eof era eps Seca da Si hi hf lor otong hem Thea chico ec aon ae a a zea nat percent spre ts ft nt cer de ees o ero, ad con, ane a nape art tiny emmeatom htt or ina, anh Tha eee aed, | redlbehuy gos dae ty he oer Pie chy an Lina Cn nd Mak Mae ere we yt er man he hy on ae Nw et oe a se mara | hlalowtand xchange deb Lar (8, 1) ony ec ar tbe dam meno EP Py _ a eared) mer pages onal | T Wace pe nna bt rte ancy, dna al a) Pe tena elegance ome tet so it mae ol ater ate sanyo comet a ace mgs [Adana wo tom ise b pe depend pon Fa eT cebeaed Karna | wee the ber ois cls ol ed ep anes econ ink and reste ;Gaand bon wre pina pion, Sn ere therfore ata ad ores 4 0% ‘ka by Daan oa. tpn ae lt osapege bom pgs a ned y Dalian fa aor pmonnt chi, tt hose] Sedan, Ober eet tne ieee lower celia wart eo spn a or ne thn ols ec soe an ness Srl St earned da ated oom weal cle glen ror ee Ene se fre eet, de ngewe, oe Sana sah ls), (ite Lot, o | sai pa echangedin geared aang hse ne el ay Maen ee a pects raat otros ed rn mon no gel hem “Sait (Hin Hn) Mag hon of Create Syn ri bong neta the eof th ot ai che et aan, Rl a ana ate toe. nl nog aoe rh ate tel fi pre, rate me alors colo tr mcaing omy orgs es ht on Fe : eae her ope cite as reglar eavoral inte ot ie | Fone many obey fom any bun to ne Ra Pe tnt contrydaescem to have exerci no control over aril | Soil Ongena hunting dogs and were prom af thelr dexterity in handing casing nets, hel ong tem weve ail blac working imported mee They ‘Shned cargoveselsand ar erasers andallinarcine expeditions wether oral or trade were captained by dts wi dhe necessary searing sill fd experience. Thels aes wove the clegat textiles wth ornate borders hich were the diinetive marks oftheir ass. Buruanon King Awi's ik evchit was: daubta Chinese inport bt hizeoton Cateing decorated ih thread was probably produced in his own houschol ’ ‘Tima Spanish dicionariesalnay define tna a8 Feemen (ie) oF fe: nen fees) They were originally he oping oF descendants of x dat's Commoner wines or slave concubine, ane they were tecnica Tee be- ‘Guee their progenitor had granted it But ses could bo be teed nine) v0 Lat, ceseibing thinsocal as found it ecesary to {Gllthem “me” "recognized" anata, All ersonstiberated bytheir ova eter were called on and might be chided, "Dika magpadayaw, Kay hn ka ginow (Don't put on aly Pm the doe who sade yw gio” {Sineher 117,202) In Fnglich, “reed” has ile mea gee: tnoder societies al cies ae re, But when ila refesed o maw as “lzens he meant aprlege class, ot orinay people. In seen Century Spin, elizens (cdadenny) were dhe nonlate residens of char eve cies ade who enjoyed it pecan ed exemptions. They ‘vere not pets peons serena, oF vmmhands—al of whow work Fave beet elle arpa in the Visas, "Tima pd bate calle us or hug and, in daeory at east, were feet trasler thelr allegiance to sme ae da. Bt thse attached 0 thet lord as persona als pai no tte and rendered agienltal aor: thn the Boxer Cae aed the “knights ad hidalgos" They won thei attos beside him i atl, owed ae mae bis ashi, received ‘is favors, and shared in the public aeclade for his ities. Tir da rsoligated defend avenge them athe ik ison poson ifned Tran shave booty an captive ith thw, They atended is ass retainers fails, acting a8 his ene tasers, and were sometimes honored by reoeing exp tom hse hand from which be a already taken sip They were set is emisaries fo open marrige negotiations For his son a atthe ie of hit death, ate ae bal to enforce bis | nonning tabs, and three of the snoat renowned among des would 131 accompany hisgrieving women on atl voyage in which theyboute ‘of ther personal conquests and bravery a “Thmareawere therfore sen of consequence in the commit. But the. were not often men of substance i they were wealthy enough to Behan ikea dna they weve belied we ind big banana. They hid 0 gh to buoty beyond what thet dat gave them, and they were held account hte for wounding or ling any captives ‘Though they cou lend and forvow money ener business partersbips, and acquire slaves of thei ‘un, ther eiden inherited any at thee dats pleasure As Loar ‘1582, 158) sd when speaking of wedling, “the imaguas do ot pesform these ceremonies beetine they have no esate.” This right to reste times or onpun-inheritanee enabled = date wo reared and inde hi favorites ad leave oer under Seat of the sort of economic reer Which set downward snl toby im motion. A T-peso debt coud Dlunge'a man ato the depthsof domes svery, with the high probabil, Br ranamiting that setts co hie olspring because any ciléren bor ‘ing his hoadage became the propery of his master, "These warior roles of oth a ad naa were destined 0 disappear ‘ver colonial pacication, of curve, Fray Redigo de Agandra Moriz [Woes 89) deste dhe changes that nd taken place by 16 as follows ‘Thelatizetihe Biajse tater hogaeabedienceo he KingourLord snetecime Christ oxen dite inamosexmate so eters, ‘Meat tect pete Mins here yok nay ep tod teiedeae si nr kstheeppeebecose snc ey ae Chis ‘Sharron nen eciarel ya “These changes meant that dats wo lnger had ned of cei aa ‘viking sevices or means of rewarding ther, nor a fe supply of apie for the own ose ale, Wore, dane were now paying tute | tothe colonia government jut ike dates. These were conditions which | tut gave ade incentive for reducing Giana wo dave tats by sirius] {ans or arbitrary fines. Father Sancher (1017, 34) sad "For anything at | she aus won ine dhe tna ey. and ifehey had no han | to give make then shes" By the seventeenth centny times were being refered to a commoners (pbs) or tung tue, “people in-between,” | nin Alla’ dy. dhe pre ian awe weve beng Tony recaled | ind rank of nobly.” And even that memory was fading "Pda ey | fat! every tava bare not saves” Alina (1668, 459) sad, a} protice which ltnately Ted to dhe modeen Visyan word which means poor, deste.” | “The word aru appears tobe uansive fom ofan archaic roo wip (olive) meaning "Wo let He" for example, o pare lie om the Rel of te, wo ransom a captire, oF wo redeem a debceqialent toa man’s price, ‘The market for these exchanges war provided by shortage of Liboe for apliting 4 tich natural environment, and debt sivery ns prevalent fecneeagriesltre eas wadeveloped, goods Tinted, and intetes rates igh so debtors had fle ellsteral except their on persons. The axa rovduced by these condlitons were ogaly ive: they cpl be bought nd {SI Bc that wan al they Hn! in eormmon- Some wore foreign eaves oF prchaves wh served a tins for human serif; some were members Uther master’s howiehold and suckled atthe same breast as his own ‘dren some were howeholders who gave thelr uses or ereditors rom of aes eropsor labor and some were hardy distinguishable fom Eeemen, Sociologia, therefore, they constnted the elas which in fontemporaty European society woud have been called commoners Incl wat within de on/pun lass depended on birthright, inher ited or acquired debe, commited penal sentence, ot Vtiiztion by the Inore powesfd. Ontight captives were bag and they were marketed By ‘dealers in along Stongasepenive merchandise like bahanal porcelain {nd gongs, or ships and hoases.Oripan who vein their mater house tere okay or ayy a xe wi thei yn house al Hee were fay ‘r mma, Like date and tara, hey bore cidren of dir same cas, Grin the ene of med mariges, thee children became halo quarter Slaves who served their maters half ie of quarter time. Halles were ‘ale las (month) thee omersdivsded their time by the month, Debt ves, to, only served thei credo part te n proportion to their debt "The emmers often pad sch para saves the balance ke Fl posses sion of them, As far howseholding opus, they supported hemelves, ‘ving tele astee only ashare oftheir Iaor or era, With opportunity [ind enterprise, they could earn enough to decrease their debt oe even pay ieoft in fl, ayohay were at dhe bottom ofthe ovipin social seale—hose “most elived” se Late (1589, 142) putt “the ones they mostly sell to the ‘Spaniards They were domestics who lived in their mawe's house, ‘ived hero sel lothing rom him, butweregiven one dy out four to work fr themacles, Their ehildren bora or ris i his house were [Bnfat, who might become fois calle hin o nga, treated Khe isomn children andst free on hisdeat. Iba pares were houseborm Aine lite theaelve, or actual purchases, hey were gna, and I he renters agony, thei grand parentaere nonsives, they mere quarter shes (loro sage) Hiayohay married olf from thee master's howe asumed hotscholaing tut stat, ong him only wo days ou ve, He ti had lam the ‘hile, however though hissing them vas len seen a3 0 ate. than a inosine gino, Sache (16I7, 62%) s i ke Freedinanwhofiver on hiss ‘over hele parents obligations, who could then move fato some more Favorable stat ke umes est sry ranged from outright salvo coneatual morgage tine ‘of famine, men wl theaneles or thir cin, op ato thence tos lt adtngy Crew?) fora loan Dats themselves enti Tuondage fr the toa of Paani to wse ax vides, or Became thelr Father it’s lal dependent Debt wae commonphnce evidenced by the face that ice wns lone t 100 percent terest compounded anna, bin ermen were punished by ines "A\man became fnwba (eeemed! oF ransomed) to any creditor who lunverysote hit debt and could be tnsferved from one to another for profi, and his obligations varied withthe value ofthe bond. tn Too, ‘rat ave could be bonded or 8 petoin He 155s, hisereditor the ‘vain fv ys of is ior per minh, while lanannpat oe aed at 12 pesos for which he rendered four das! Labor ott of seven. Both “ctpied the ay houses wits thet fmes but ther Wats Were als ‘blige to perovun serves, namely, plang cotton their ster supplied thet inthe bol, However, ether could commute these obligations to pte in palay—15 eats harvest fr the former, 80 forthe later ‘Some orp were hardly diinguishable from tmawa. Herd per formed laverechelon military senices a mangapm aren ot magohat arora, athe author of the Boxer Cortex (590, 352) remarked With some suprise, “they were taken enter [u's uses when they ie somne feast ov drunken reel tobe recived just hike gues.” Other Tuy oF miamahay enight sho paripate in raids, though receiving & ‘aller portion of dhe oy than tinawa, Indeed, if they diinguished Uhemaetes regulary enougle by bravery In sein, they might atract a following of tcir own unt actly become eatin Although they were ‘ged to conte a thet dats aimons Tor communal work ike house Tolling they pai vaneige fecal dagupen instead of labor But, Ike the unava aove then ad the hayohay below, thee children could inkeric heir property only athe please of thet dat, ey weve halves flan or pik, or eee enna fo offspring of saves take Sac Ongnintion “These rarstions in opin sates ane opportunity for upward social abil no doubt reflect acl diferencesin economic conditions crops, | asks, demu on labor, and de se ofthe dattenymao-timav pop lon. They also suggest at the warty of Visayas port Span sven syere orp Delt and Dependence Visayan wale was ths woven of debt and dependences i relationships im which one person was dependent on the decisions of | Snother, te ne exercising chore, the our not-The stayed ot choose torwort fori anaey,butbi maer might ehoove to grant hin a fon— for example, ogling were the dye gen slave tn work for hinsell Parents cose their hkren'simater asa normal act of seal oder, just as flats ha he Fight ta chose the boty thc tm comrades ceceived, ‘One's posiom inthe weil scale was therefore measurable by the anova ft contol he exerssed over his own fine aul labor—the ayohy at one hee and the tna on sunao ae other, where dey ene awe their whole sence to anther peri. Among orpun, sich dependence rs expressed in frank tern of det. Ths high interest rates which eeated these debs were based on the satura inereaveof crop of lvestock, uf meant a debt without interest ‘ale nihout profi or crop without inetease; the low ofan inanimate Iiject ike m hoe oF oat was fm adil not inca wag (debt). A fled’ eiken were born in debs, his Grsedegree kin were also liable, tnd any for seceved incireed debt Capaued tava rescued by eit funn became his perso deltons—anike the Spaniards ransomed of ptchased fro Filipino captors by Saavedra in 1828 or Torre 1564 In onions for grant area, a whole fay oul be enslved: Aina had tipum parishioners whose ancestor's crime had been to breakaboreaned taihnd gong, aon vee a Ki of iwotantry collateral selzed un the ‘lhe wae pai, ado, “to make soe,” wos to collect a debt from tomehmy oer than the debior, who Hh effectively acquired nese ‘editor wh then fad 0 eolleet as best he could Commit cas following a it Hagp OF dala, Vista terms to which “Tagalog horny wan aed after Mana became the colonial capital los. ne We) ny) Mf vi) Sect Ongoizaton 1 od of thei skit ast auire chat thee price pars were doubly Hagens he "tao ng st (We you pron fact cds testa ayn NA MENA ME promt organ fh Saha tran yne eon a gn 7c (See 1 2 Her apn sou ceo corona Ni gece eo ee a | ch ong | re no ee ng eigen eae che Lg cg me fan = OB si re Co een a | icine een gpann ah | Snel ont ee ce am cet Sa mae compet i on ethene oo | ee ee me a pide Th pate mane ceed cen Ie eo ere tng wcll Inked Md al muy ig fpr cy Men cel ening tame ok ae dr or cet seg ae rn oe ins he oi = mmc fre ca cr Memb fhe “Peen communi cnt ees hi aa i vrs acne tng Th kn nite mee et pons mcm oe a lense ees fava i nC fo Clie ee tn ies mang nt is Meee ue npn hago iso Po ative ping non of head hen gubered erally 3 te knee ao “16 fohod meaning, Kinship ore: singaob or Samarcho nin ender atgicey This cota tty, and audyen without dstnetion, though with a Cebu Combe : eatmeaes ee ee eer renee pe Se es a Se bis prospective father-in-law. ” Oot tated nasa antec un peepee eae orci oat etal hcp eae ease eee inbisegea ea tag SS pica a {elated through only one parent were ma, me hei sponses were ll ape, oan or wang, or mare respect, aki ‘or “Bai,” sometimes with “Gt 7 egraniparent Fetes daw ie ctl Ra ras Eee sae pein ‘Husband an wife were oth elle gem in Leyte and Samar, bc (Gehan Panay the term ys tested to the wie (se man Wa ba) = ‘Stamore acura the chet wife: any others were sedi whether of sang ‘nua, oF data stocks Astra ws gong and his parents ay tga alga for hn © render brieservice wo dhem pri to imvinge- Both soge and daughter idan were wnaged, a term whic ‘Caphasie herrole in uniting thelr two fies ito one: aga were th tinmrs between the wo sides Of 9 oat, and alga wes toast ‘conform, Ray was brotherly, ig was ster. exo mea | ‘vere married to ate, they elled each oer bs, wile women man {o brothers called each other ax Parents who marvied Uni hikiten off fo one auuther’s children were bale 4 With the exception of brothers and sistersipaw, therefore, and | Inomorfes like akan, Visayan Kinship terms ony dsigised sexin the parenal generation. Conversely, ere was no frm fora parent of her exs parents were ply many Bot wdn she any there were ‘Courtcons ones of aldose whieh made thissintion, Sixers called thelr Inothers oj or ft: brners called their sters hey and older brothers | were addvened ae magn, we or an olersstersa8 wnt, (yowns rely {polite term by whith an older man addressed a younger, including & | father his son or an ule his nephew.) Parent espedaly other al iisrewed het dayghers wit trae of endearment Hke on, maw | poli:in Cebu, mothers elle their dates bb cea, sadame") | {prin Canday, al neyo din Sena, with i eipg lea ivan fore Ad betwee man tl wile, to ay was an affectionate name fot husband wie anon sa wos fay alle ot penis) Law Lays were pat of the customs aon adtions handed dn fom one gencratntoanother they were not considered producsofegisation bit prtofthe natural er of tngs. Kean were customs, bt ahiniong Naswatie or condi, bo wards derived from den, to pot something initsplace The origin mys ake clear that clas eiferences were je 2 nora as color af ski, ments aig) were the chien of | flats and tsa of wnmaed pavents, as well sofa Spaniard and Visa. Alogi the natural ave which juniors ee in the presence of Seniors hile ws ingrained eldtane to cntradit parents or superiors {ind age las was for an ancestor ape o kep «dsrespetil descend Sel Orgeniaion antavae with gully conscience A synonym or Aang was Agno, fom qasi, to keep or preserve (for example, paagen, «steward, OF viynan, proper pep.) But bela atasenwasa decree regulang SSiminereeforexaraple, "Sino in naghetay sisi io ipaale [Who a | cess this merchandie of yousJP™—and ftasfaas was tart (Sinchez 1617, 70 ’N dat aie as jie (no) In oth il laine and xin eases, soinctimes in eonstason th exper in cnt law, by heating tex | inany of sworn witness If the reser were ineoncTasie, he might order the Migaats obit wal by ordeal—for example, rediving an object foo a pot of baling ter withthe least lajury. oF saying derma Tongest, Recognized imes were the, defamation, sauder, ntcheral eve mje (at offenee tat sation), and maiconsvandain Tike poisoning bveock pelts were finesse in accord with the gan? standing: eis again upperelss persons were fined more heavy, and an ofpun w ordered a dats wae snap hiled outright, Kili amvong bigheanking aus could ot be sted onl blood feud had ro its ears, ‘eesgeld (marepice) wa argued as boty bridepece. All fines were Tied cris of aan valables, too high foe me by agrienleral pets or anders Tn theory, nobody was condemned to slavery: they Became slaves for Inability to meet fines There were no Sentences like imprisonment or Aleportation which would fake labor ovt of production: rather, ponish- ens realigned labor forces within the vomit. The oly exception ths the eth penalty for convited witches of srceres. “The mos common theliswereoffodsti—for example, danas For theft of oot crops geo allen fut sont for bananas sen ‘vcoconnisand sek thieves cept into houses naked ane ied ast he aippery Ircaght. The sealing of valuables, however, wan asiociated ‘th ating snd vo ws rave within the community and punished severely Fisteneration misonaries were slays sick by dhe absence of flocked floors and eller inthe homes of dhe wealdy “Any alteeation tt eared in wooing had © be compensate with ‘tag Bod price, and neal sb ll grounds for Igation. The ‘most series a acesaton of witcher, ft there were also wolent ‘inset lke "Binal ky (Be changed]! (ha is, become exippled or de ormed), “Citanitan ka [Be fayed" (ken nivale), oF Nabhan tiny no [Get your gut] (om heh o remove marzow, or mest from shells). at insults electing om man's reqited persoral sti Jag. sue wsasas Sei Ogi tion. When a Leyteaio ted to change the price of something he way telling toa Spann soldier in 154, the solder punched him andi, oq ‘og! Did I not gine you what you asked? Why do you ath fr snore!” and thesoldier was Stabbed o death tat evening ith sin dagaee (Gj permison fromthe gis father wo open proceeding. The man's relaies 162,56) prem wene to the g's house with a espete timawa bearing his pete, “Aulery was not considered 2 crime but personal offense, and way There they were received with gongs sounding to assemble er relatives sere ty the adltererinderniing the offended bao; he wie way wd give pablic otc, but not admited wl hey bargained with dhe gies “randinoer to let down the house ladder, Then, with + fine Frewlan ‘rotre, the spear bearer drove the weapon into the house lder and [woted the ancestors on both sides for fers. They dhen entered, pre "ted git, and fixe the date for negating the mariage contract The | fiers acceptance of the git war hi pledge of ix daughters hand Ingen no pect tev for virginiy,_ | Onthedate se, the marriage contract easnegodated inthe is house ala was a young woman of marviageable ne whether ving oF mot, but The man’s relates were accompanied by wo or three meats ago), ‘women were adiired a ugus, complete, o lng chaste, both for vngigy who placed a porcelain plate in front of the ater containing number of ln for Faithfolnes to one man, However, women who gave thet fu. itescks—the ordinary counters usedin Vian calelaions. The ater ficely to many men were considered Bl lewd or prostates, and come. [sowed betel aut quid in the bow signal the opening of the discussion ‘pared o animale aval to any snale of the species Te dhe ving of [Ths began with pail formalin but became Tes inhibited a8 denking ontied, and often had to be broken off and resumed another day. AS ach item wat agreed on—slave, porcelsin, or gold—one counter was laced on tp of gong onthe floor. As agement wae reseed om the Schedule of payment, the connterswere moved from one side wo the othe, 1] Parcofthe gay haw be paid immediately asa kind of down payment 1] but ahe ces wae defersed nt ter and some even held in abeyance an | iy demanded incase consubil confi Sisnother partot de bugay tra reslly not intended tobe pod in dhe st place: i was only agreed to Torte ske ofthe Lys prestige. Convers, the hngusd, a fn either pty witivew, might he demanded in advance i the gir was of muuch higher rank han dhe man Te gi'sfathes usually ake forthe same boas he ha given for her smother and if the father were proud da who reset Tower his demardl the match would be canceled ness the suitor agseed wo eater his ther saws honchold fora number of years or even a iene. (It ‘ras normal for nan to seve bit faherinda for one year before is eiking,a pevid of adjustment sta, or acl taining in the ease of young by.) Once the contract was weed, due mathe came forwar to ‘skor hia compesation ingot oral the ep se had Lost while the bride wae ain ‘Dring the weding celebration, the bride and groom were seated Irside one another—aiter her shyess wae overcome wih suitable gis "The engagement required a elatve oF frend Of the suitor co ba ‘manded hing, ashame pajnent. Some Taisons were publicly know nd longlastingy that they were a subsite for marca to a¥oid the lepers to marry. Thee spear toh Dy atendans, was part of thee allure and tery. Marriage Weeltngs beeen people without property to share by bequest were simple ceremonies in which the couple partook ofthe same enp oF plate, td heyhey were simply marie ef by dit masters and given 8 ew pot Tat the wedinge of dats were the most important socal events in 3 isan community Since they were contracts between fais rather that inva, they were also pola! events ceasing nee alances, (They were often made when the man and woman concerted were sl children | ‘reve before thei birth) Their emportaee depended on the ize ad ual sctlement of a bidepwice called gay—"brideprice” rather than oy" cae i yas se by the i's fates, bargained down like goods ina marketplace, and was not conjugal property. Spanish dowry dat), om the other hand, was propery 2 bride bronglt Into her marrage to be ‘enjoyed by er hushard Visayan gay wa shared within the Kin gro {hat set the price and sald the bargain, including the bride's brohersin- Iawifahe waka widow, snd redistributed io meet Uheir own fuute needs for brdeprice. And since it had wo be returned in ese of divorce, it ave the ‘wie’ Tuy avai interest ia the permanence ofthe unlons indeed, a lay “They were te together by the hae fora short sme, then served plate rice fom mil they each tok anal nd squeezed into 2 ball Se {ossed hers dowt the fine le, the symbol of hs coming ad gong ‘apport is ate fal, a he hve hi out the window naete Cal her place was inthe hone looking ot. Then, as they drank together ‘ld tnan rose and mde pule announcement ofthe match, sated onsitions perainig othe bride price in dhe ese either one went st, {hd called oo thowe preset to netarwineses He dha united their hand | ‘neta bowl of awe, whic he dhe threw over the ues "| ‘ite the ewes finaly retired to te rial chatnber—that is {net nhere she had spent he days inokot—-ber other would ba th {rooms entrance unl be gave them somethings slves would ignite 4} nouldesing re wnderneath uni receiving gift and others wold ent fe chamber wth bright tees and fad t be pai to Lave Meanwhile, J the party went raacounlyon, ad if dhe bridegroom's far was an of | Sacent ask ad macs he presente gist al is new isan, esha {re ei slaves, Guests ply anatchetofFone anothers pudong tobe Feturne oon payment abd ser were permite wo keep anything they ‘oul gra from the bsdegeoom's par. These prestige east were pul ‘elebratons and night ft lng 38 ten das, ‘When i cause tine to fetch the bide, she required another round a sift_betore crosing 2 ver, cing the hove inde, or entering framed rou, Her father contribnted. Bela tothe new household | tune fives equal or ee double, che nerd in bry it only forthe neeyweds’ we, not het possesion: they remained Rison property. ny slaves the if brought along remained ir persona property fut Tike her gold and jewelry. and if she and her husband | ‘tarrled they anght refuse to obey him. A me's paramount bousckee | ig duty was a keep her husband well clothed by weaving, sea, tad, f fr purchaser just as nnimared women were expected to clothe dei lovers osu Cantus does fr epichero Kabungew. As Alea (1608, {£218} sui, "Hoth husband and lovers are accustomed to leave thet f tromen if they da not do da or dra which so give thet the cote they need” Marchige was forbidden between fistlegree Kin, but a niece could many her unele(lna Panay origin myth, Lapin, granddanghter of the Prtnordil pai, marred her mother’s brother, Pandagyan.) Spanish | renee to polyguny diffe, perhaps heranse of onfasion between second: | sy wives and comeahines: Legazpi Vistyan men took tw o three wes, iF dey could for i ut Chiro said the practice as very rare Fate Seca Onniation Chirino alo sa hat husband sn wife separated for the least esto in the wortd™actally, or Incompastaty, neglect, oF mistonduct—and fas or woman who had been marie only once wis athe de exception than the rule. Pango was gift araet back a wile who had led to her eltives, aid legal divorce was often voided only becase ofthe eifalty fof restoring a brideprice thst ad already been “spent” Moreover, if {fvoree nas common, the premature death of one partner war by no means “incommion, so remarriage filled fses wih hastings and adopied nephews, nieces, oF Foundings. Inheritance ‘children of both sexes inherited! equaly unless dir parents specified some preference in vl i, Hgitimate children inherited only tthe Plena ofthe legal het, Bat heritage sey followed bloodline: ep thikres inherited nly fom their actnl parents and spouses ei no inherit fot each other. Aan aed nite mgt bequeath to each other tonjual propety which they had accused get, bat aocehat they fad inherited. twas prncipe of whieh Spanish jowices were ote tamer wen tpg lve ever contd inherizance, Two cases fe onde by Alin wll state ‘An untried git died who was the only child of a widowed dat, leaving si slaves she bad ihetted from her deceased moter Her father tudo clan eo those ses, but some Kiyo hee mothe’ kin gathered ‘ound to claim their share, “Since there would nothave been even finger foreach, "as Father Alcina (1658, 4227) sid, search had wo be made for the wud” (puna}—that theultimate source of te ves. This proved to be the girs maternal yrandlater, who hd hal thee eildren-—her nati and two wone—cach of whom had inetd an equal number of Sines andall af whom were dead, Since the gittwanthe lain ber her's Tin, fear thedescencanrof her wo uncles who had the besten, These vere snore that twenty nal, 0 each was awarded a quarersave In the other cue, eiiless woman adopted the daughter of her water, sed her her om daughter aed evetualy astied her oF other, She then took tna founding that had been sbandoned ‘he forest, yliom she sso raed daughter ut could ot legally adopt Twcatse the parents were unkiown, When the woman was dying, the Fung obtained ceria ron the prs pres sting Yt ate was ‘he mona’ het The logaly adopted! dager ad by this died but ox Bul suenoe her som appeated to claim his grandmother's property, which ined Ute ta from her original bride price- But beease ofthe exsience of the anotnalons Spanish paper, the cae dragged on for wel year. ay lly sete in the son's vor, leaving the founding on fe fst nother’ personal pomessons, aot what she had inherited, and even f {she son could clan ie grandapocber’s expenses in rising the Re {am which he retained Seon presi only because of Father Alin Property and Labor 4 “The property mentioned in britepriee exchanges or inhertnce di ter was aay slaes ud bahae—amported porcelains and gongs and | [old capecaly ornate god ornaments whose alu greatly exceeded thei fol content, Saves were realy wansferable, but baband wo alienated Sty eae f dre fay eanergency (a inaccessiity whic made i pact tanget of agers) tty I as sometimes loaned Out in eX. ‘hange for servitude 3 tall propery of whatever vae—howses and bats household far nishings and lvetoch, even raw materials andthe content of granarier | inst have been inher, Most howe wete tof light materi igh inflammable, ad readily abandoned in ease of enemy tack ora ‘erupts death tthe cull be Bonghtor rented. The satel deli ‘rating dats, however, staading on ll hardwood pis and wale sry tneately carved planks, ofem survived from one generation 0 the het but were auely never sol | ‘ll products of nan tabor were allenable property which could be hott and sold not excl chien. Wid te notable exception of Fultrees most tein were table lumber oe ice cold be sol, even ogeables sil in the ground or wnarested grin, but not the forest of Tltewhie produced ther, Cleared nvdens were also sold or rented | though the terms slot "rented are rather inappropriate because th | and ise ws not ones. Naisfacted goods were olen joy owed nomen might pool therefor ostrp abe or weave texiles, for exam pe Trees in the fovest could he blared to ripen fet for beehives bat "he cai was only good for ane season, | Sat these natal resources were themselves public domain although sujet to a dat’ regulation, He could ull fist dams, obstruct sve trafic, clam she’ of antere cate, collet all tre eggs in Sox Organisation restricted stretch of beach, Dates could also lease uch esourees (0 oats Lear (1600, 220.6) reported of Vian gol proton i 1568, nome place where ne no ee ae nthe ne ae lingo wr ‘hem and Sonat tn een elon iechangetor a hey ng y recent tem woke mato teda or prog conrad Labor, of cours, wat itself commodity that cou be bught and sokd— it the ease of once tinubos, rented ndeed,iewas the commodity in hick creditors were investing when they wderwrote somebody's debt to Vast, ad Bila ogttor nasa person whose debt hd beet cans erred stay tes fom one specuator to another. Oripun were not nodserrants working ff thir debe: mtr was the parnent liquidating ‘Sivey, node ether by the sve hams or somebody om his bea, ne faborwas 2 payment which transferred tile wo dhe ome who paid it ‘Nanomon wae to work in somebody es's hone, most equenty weave ing. Lalogwere hited hands compeneaed only with meal and wih a feast, non the projec wan completed. Mimaki was compensation given an Tgentor messenger for dificult serve and hingub asa Kod of hazardous {ty pay om expeitions lke those called mwomore afer the Spaniards intduced the concept. Inthe pracce of agriculture, terms dsingsithed the division of bor, ato proper, Lawoor laalaing asthe work aslve dil for himsel and tam erally, “a precons stone") was wat he did for his aster: dif het a sil for hislf by stealth alongside hi master's what he ss sealing was Hine, not fd, owwchlders had the right of usufuct tthe land on which their noes and ft res stood, but it was net propery hed i fee simple ‘Under colonia a however, such oreypatin eveneaallybeeave the basis for loa tile, while dane la lai to uncenpet land where they hac treriejurdition. ln Mail, ln wae being sold and mortgaged wits Spanish ttle des au erly asthe 19008 We donot ow when this process gut ia colonia centers ike Geu ano, butin te rural Visayas was [pat oinning a centny alter Legaps arial Alcina (10882, 8.7%76) has [eft dhe folloing ei! desexipon of indigenous lanl rights in his ay Aung rn re mia tinh Etmiinngrest estes anda aimatal places gen alld hat ‘Sle me uh natn a geo ‘tnt riko a fier, onthe conta ee sane han enough intel tment undereye betel anand ‘tafe mse on wena epatngamlngor ching eon Fa oreo itcrecer tng ben eso wmstsmongte staan mm foiling bathtime {othe oe wha fest pape carom lt wee abaaer othe ings ‘Semin anddomino, wen theyontawear andthe ia we wh. ote ee indice pang ining Sot Cet CHAPTER 8 Weapons and War ! ‘Bade weapons were a ordinary part of Visayan mae costume, at lease a dagget or spar IF bound wih gold o et with gems, thee cone tated an esental pat of dats personal jewelry. Daggers, knives, swords, ‘eats and javelngshieldsand body armor were found everywhere, Dutthe Sow and artw had scattered distibation, and the Bown Was ound on in Mindanao and Palswon, Stones, ocasonaly thrown withing, and Wooden dart were common mises everywhere, but fiearas were nove, nb to Moro Seti strategie locations mere balitas—that power trosows which coud drive a shaft through 2 wid boat's body “ike four” when siggered ty a cord setched sera» path Sods and Daggers ‘The most intimate weapon wat the Badan. Thi wat short broad dagger witha snglecdged leaf shaped bla ikea angi spearhead, al a ‘rhe bl which wat gasped wi he blade protruding between the Index and mide fingers ews 2010 35 centimeters lng, with sma fones made especially for younger since even a mal boy fet naked Sithoutone. They were ypreal decorated wih tastes made of kor hai Tom the bushy tal of the cet eat dyed rer, ete, lock of hi provided by one's oom sweeten. Like other bladed weapons, and oring blow they were srapped to the wit for use, ether bya cor {Nase calle Ral TMheve were two kinds of ovads—bsi (Visayan hal an kami beth words nf Maly ign The is wast Tong double-edged blade (anode “ptcimena into 6D oF 70 centncters), eter straight or wavy but eha ‘Grved by an asymmetrical orice Hae at heh end, calle dd ter the kala horn, The wy hls as led io an 0 wan a ‘Saute, des man whose mnvernent could nox be predicted. is were SS Shan sata materil—hardwood, bone, antler, een sella {reat date watiors had them of sd gold or encrusted with prec ‘ones Blades were forged frm layers of iferent grades of ee, whi ff them a veined on mote surace—damascened or “watered” Ba En the bes Vegan products were considered iaerior to those fo Minto or nd these nnn were ks xeeed than mors to Matsa and Hore. Ana though the bes of them exe Span Maes | The wort Kampitn came into Spanish dariog dhe Moluccan compaq ofthe sxcenth century 0% heat, pointed cuts (olf —inappro sly, however nce setae had 9 caved Bade weighted cod th or dashing blows, whi the Karpin was straight, (Modern ones a ‘Movhanded weapons rang to 90 centimeters) 1 apparenty vas eve Tucan by Vip sith hot imported from parts of Mindanag, Hots stim a pagan, which had tet calture contact wit the Moluca Tite the kris twas coated with poison before going int bate, and Fton that the metal elf ad been rendered posonows by sate arcane lcheny no doubt enbanced is market valve Fite oneswere handed dow {hom father to son, bare persnal sams town to the ener, ad cou bbe secoguized by the sound of Hele bel which formed part of the sce decoration athe Marana epic Darangen, when Prince Banta leaves his beloved Bomaburan Tor exe, Spears |The spar, bala wat the mow important Vigan weapon, wae “antes for ea cerenony tnd Wiguted ao oni waar Sutin elious mesons and hsineansacions. Pande ws sea vet itegroom’ ary gave the ide randmorher tole down the Tee ace The par Une dowry ha a el in aeyanes ad onl ‘emanded in eee bresch of wom harmony was ele etsy $rewraapear ats dianctanget Mariage ngotaons etal began wth et hate he man's her seat ne of i ewe asa earings USpca we gofaher: There, rove int the howe steps and Bees Eh he gripped tin i a, the aneetal piso both ies se inked ox ery and prosper “Tne portance of the Vf se nected yee pve ay ue othe ener ern fora Bk ie iht speae | ool o bor iit ited wth ashrt sha Men cle {Sern apeas by move tate terms psu oF powna: ad he ance oy ry Bale’ and badaare enkores sreting ike "hat Tee Spear mines Te shal elmon meters ng, we et ‘ie sqaend washattedintitty cag, ug ne el ea by 8g ‘ie peat wan metal donno ara, The Duc he nas honey pine cheng (al of ras een old or 10 WWcumetrs ich peried sre ana for elimbing oo he ‘Eeseneny den ino negro to and by ot when men me ‘Renal dscomion Goo spears wece kept highly polsbed, sod among them the most esas wa ne song etapa 30 cette ong ad a isa mans hand sharpened for sich al i length, keke, ‘wrboth cages Lr was pnts ov pinata, had ekgant round ance inlay obra, coppersorahe, nena veyed atone se ‘The fetes snr in shape bat cheaper ie the Bud wa longer ind wider ba hanes Te oh was sore ae roads the ae Sane and he andthe loge snd wie ofa we the eas thethapectatallea Some mere ick ne heat: he hasan ws hick inte mile and dhe pina ws 0 elle because of sty to thetowe of nana pte He ook i re tampa, wap he rp ‘Sure nny bel sel etre Mstvgh tpn ood ic i ih ‘oat Be headin he ace we Labac 190, 90, Mises “These fine spears were thrown only whece ic was posse 10 retrieve then in facetofice combat, for instance, or rom ambush, Even when Weapons and War hunting wid boar, any expensive weapon ma thon with cordatache to preset the sa itn ning of atic Novia or open coms tree bamboo spe ith hard woeden pt the iat sect Toe rsd for beter lant, x congo of he eg Teng of sharpen! by bmi. Brom the ight ec of bn {users 20-ccaneterlongspiteo elisa of hen hardwood po ‘Chon enus wee thrown i tnye nubers witha aeuracy which ict te atendon oa vege abneryere A thee mises were oe try poisoned wth fl snake eno, prefers on iper eally Ia le wt high noone could not expe 0 snore than lt "Teal ie mgood the bow and arow in Vigan are gested bythe pose) of Ks wocalay. Bow was Iai asl ‘Geant bles iad of ie ora i wollen with win Oda itv onagna, quer weer fn Pansy the uo waned fon pe Stmabiy form Maly onal owe Tee spear oe bce Ro srondforsmuhead, Arowicad eve made of wod wd conte or Uindthelangh of ane urowhieh wereundedgeo—th a uneatee Stu terfore accurate n fig Bows weve general short and weak ‘on Juande Ma yepored somes long ara Elis Do ree were reported nos place util mbna thet ak ‘shileasegulry conte wi he expert of mourn Negro. sanders who tent conuagents of Bowmen to reinforce Mindanao ais when needed Bat some Vaya ed e708 tec in nual warfare, pouring vole no enemy spe at ose qt Ste rected in the enprson, aga nara ga ong ating He “The Howgun (mpi x own Sarat Paavo was rahe sophisiated weapon A wath hibe of hoe cae, t projected the {Ent lly or fond aout 20 centimeters long. with at Sottwod to niake a aighe plug ad 3b eal often made Tenoneand pools egg permite reat cera. an iw] So fted wih sno spe oro ate aarmtin hal eat ‘peat As for fincas Legal 180 set the hing» Chinese sees ‘Rome of wc here are anong dese peuple” The Vieyane eed 3 aqua or musket along a Mey mondo ppl Chinese ogi + padded ne hey fou inthe New Worl. The baote was woe of thik Fraided aca or bark cords ight enough wo be waterproof good ones, nls intricately noted that esd notspread. A piece sim to rs (hala hat was worn next othe body under the barotelsell. eestended | tothe elbow and knee, with an anklelengh variety wih sleeves for man- hing dfenseworks, though for greater ayy in hand e-hand combat, onfient warriors preferred to ft without them, Pal and btng bang _ re breatplats or backplate made of bamboo, bask, hardwood ike “huny,o, it Mindanao, carabao horn or elephant hie from Jo. Shark sin as sed effectively for helmets or morones "The shied, ala, was made Of 4 Ih, corky wood Fiona astoenmesh any spear o dagger ich penetrate if and Wad generally consiered swordproof, emis stengghened and decorated with fatan binding coated with resinous le, and ofaficient eto ge all, try protecuon-—about 50 by 180’ centimeters. A smal round Buckler called tami appears to have been copied ffom the Molucans oF the ‘Spann themaches. The bale wae typically painted red and cecorate vith shell sequins and hog bisdes on tp a, in the case of Fal braves the ir of vanquished foes, Warfare ‘Vina life as siciemly warlike to protde oeasion for men to wit ‘the tattoos wich caused th Spaniards to eal dem pads, painted. The Fe of tims ssuggee of his wartenes. Asta Sn of signi | cont natural resources jut of the southern tip of Leyte twas Bat ‘stele. It overlord, Rajah Kolambu, was the brother of Bunn ruler Raja Avi, and hie heir let Butuan following a devastating Ternatan- Portuguese rad in 1502, Kolarpbahinsel didnot ese on the island, bat Magellan, “hue” What ntact these Butwan rj this in land? ‘What were they hunting? An answer i suggested by i Tocalion: i was _savgialy postionedto control, oF prey onal shipping om the Paiic ‘east fo the interior trae centers of Ban ad Cen “A Spaniard, wo abeered Philippine soley fon within Kas a captive sae, tepored in 1528 thatthe peopl of Surigao lived off the sea by rai Defensive Arms ‘Spaniad, juan Flores, ried fortventy years in a Leyte village a aly ve Visayan equivalent of cuss, or ehin mail was bat quite Ueto attr aed sen ite OE chnpocaredon rad iogeter wan chy ois townmates Dang Legis ‘onda body armor whic the Spaniards called snus the cot ver fist year in Cb, he twice joined i reluctant vassal Tupas to stacks by enemy villages on the same island, and twice provided ‘gaint Panay encile for dats come tose ice fom that land Lik Spaniards happened t learn about the gold mines of Masbate when inet there eo avenge m Leyte aly who had been attacked, "These ensites were generally the eause oF rest of ais which seasonal in ate Bec ca Takers wat the wind Dehind them but that twat not the time to go there then; and Loatea reported fe Panay that masitime counties made their raid during dhe fe Win ttween the monsoon, but the Uplander after harvest. Father Matin dg Rad wrote in 1572, ‘hen paranoia hel es they nan asst go panda shee tk le Det in ts epesly hing Ober od ‘Nimcnesndterinfeomy rh Apa sch meget ome {oa go tad ld dey thong no so maybe tet Srl a 157,40, Inthe next ceutuy, Alina collected x wealth of data. on Vissan wate {rom both folblore and living mesons Favorite Samar targets were A ‘and Catanduanes, wth forse far nor ab Casguran, and maviage Felaios wih Buran, Maat, and Mindanzo were the result of wile item by Damaraug of Ally at he hea oft leet remembered by thet ‘descendants as number 10 vessels Father Alcina had parishioners of {ain nated Kesilgan and his people in Catalogan aftr thei release from | Caraga captivity it Davao Orient, But oc al such migration may have enue from human ads Leytespeaking descendants of migrants whan ater Alcina met in Oton explained thee presence with a curious story aout their ancestors having been driven from their home in Onn Bay | bran infestation of barracalke garth ‘| ‘The nen of este Samay hen eae Ibabuo, were ail proud of het reputation se wattory in Ali’ day “Tabi” they would tel each fther on going inte hatle~"We are men ofthat” Legend recounted. J the fre of gant of oan from Maytaon called Pusong who used rd CCalbiga and Libusao on the west come single banded, and whose for | ‘scl int the rock where he finally el was shown to Father Alena. The Weapons and War nen “who formerty would not permit ay ather nation to abuse them,” ‘icina (165RD, 896) conunented ofthe Tambo uprising, That Termatan- Portuguese rail on Bohol and iimaxiwa 20 memorialized by Spanish ‘honiclers because tials their colonia competitors, appears simpy {o have heen the leat in an ongoing series of exchanges between Bohol find Temate. A century Inter, outnumbered Bololanor suecesully Tepulted one more stack, sending the Ternatan taakoas home with (lows stuck Purpose and Conse of Wars ‘isin communities had small populations, low eels of production, and uiliited acceso natoral resources Hike sea and forest products fonisol of the manpower to exploit tho resources Wars were therefore fought to contol people, not estoy. They were wagel by raids intended {oseielaesontigh 0 nitneorenforceaiances for tading networks, tnd to take booty to cover cons in any cae. They were fought, not by studing armies oF avis loyal to some superordinatepoltal athe, tht by citaen watriors owing personal allie to leaders who wete tically present, Viayans were therefore wing to swear allegiance tO Sih raers when ie was to their advantage to do so, ut were not prepared tore foreign occupation and annexation oftheir etary. Recognized causes for jn war were direct ea or attack by another community, betrayal of blood pacts or allances, treachery or abuse of traders in friendly wage, and murder or deft by an outsider. Slave ‘aiding ws he main mosyaton for aprovoked attack, n special cases, the need for scifi victim to complete mowening ses for some omerfl dats, Retaliation fr injriseaceved war not on @ mater of erenge, bus punitive measite intended to cacourage repestion of the offense. Fire to take revenge not only suggested timidity whieh invited futher enemy ction, but ran the ak of supernatral punishment by the ‘pis of uuarenged relates, Satay and Tactics Guta was the general erm for warfare, but actual engagements were iinguihed gohan and mangas Sea, slay for storming ia fortified postion in tinction w Buri, wo take by treachery. The pe ferred tac on fae was ambs—Anbon, shi, hom or oot—cither by ‘niin atv by such strategies exposing» fee agile warriors to enemy ‘wt re them out int the tap. Sajang wast pas by hidden enemicg Tinawares To lot wa dhs or damp, png being the one who tok. the ion’ share, Dgagas ta vob the eral ike a highwayman; King Teinvlte Kling in ole spot Deh or Sarva complet sick fot community Tabon wae suything taken by force, including wives ad tromen; sanglay of bang any twophy, captive, or goods seized fom an hen andl angie was both spoil of war and someting set aside for a religious sacrifice. 4 ‘Specil roles connected with the conduet of war included any, enemy dunt, ertinel, tlc allies, hago, enediatr, and lowes, 5p Aalang we hand torhand cont. al wos due. Huw was man Known tobe on the lookout for an enety. Angat war o provoke oF callenge—for exam ple, "Pal Kita su su Le’ bo go to hel] (Méntrida 1697, 50) ‘Pinay wa fora leg warroe to warn and spear hi purser; nage Ihomatyon aso fight tothe deat; nd mamgin mata was a desperate man termined to dieon the Geldof bate. Bla was the bad news of death ‘or hate Sou Raiding “The most celebrated for of Van afew aiding, mangayen, word which appeared all he tar langoages ofthe Papin. {oot appeas a be uyan (fr example lato ayaa ete) dough | Syanill losngrpes stated ta, gyn nd ga ar nea Miao ining buck ayes or lends There no seco of Voom Tendhuntng at ara forthe specie purpose of aking hea bu heads were ca off the coe of ate or made. Pedro de Arana Ithishend ding te occupation of Cab a og numba og tifmeanio ent tngol wlohe dees plumage displayed atthe fern of a “The mere that was performed on inching a warship fo al wa called pega an was considered note i the prow ad Keel See sere ih the loo of tn fom the rget conn. But Tien crters nese not dango siny fr flog on undefended Const oman they nee ted wth elevated igheng dec for ships enpons and War toship contact at sea. Sach engagements were called bong, and gal tysto purse alleing enemy rese- Ships avelingin company were 00, ela sit siler sent im aence ofthe let fr scout was dae (itor) oe lamps esis saves, prefersed spoils of war were the bronze gongs and Chic ese potcelans ich consti ihn welt. Raids were alo mounted {o cay af choice lies as brides, especialy the daughters of men with hou Ksadanageous to exablsh collateral es Ranking dats jealous liber nee were often unable to oben bres of thei rank Local oF {osathfy the requnements of fale ith presigons pedigreselsowhere, Sind s0 woul resort to abdacion. aders came from far as Mindanc0 Sn Jolo fortis purpose, (Alcina thought the smi of ertain Vian In! Mindanao languages max de 0 this eroefedization) Once, +2 ‘Jenge one sh rai evo Bantayan Ssimarehiels made celebrated ateack ‘on Jol, perkape to setle brideprice and social precedence. Modern aketig jargon woud have called this procedure a mareynowpaysater lan forthe doway expenses evade athe dine of svaeson woul aid {rently when, after the bir of ebildgen and further exchange of gible yous ad lade, the two partes would nally uate in amicable setlement Defense ‘The best defemte against mangayaw attack was to intercepe the enemy at sex, ut most coinununtes didnot have the mesro'wvar to do #0, They Would therefore abandon their homes ¢o loting ad the tore, and ‘kha tothe hills rewening when danger had posed to rebuild theit owes of materiale veal avalable, Indeed, setlements were fen l- fated inthe interior preciely for security rearone. A native guide tld GuciaDestalante in 144 dat southeastern Mindanao was thikly pope Ine with communities that had withdraw from the east because of Wr: sl hat Dats large Bohl town oppose Pango Ilan, wascompletly Shandoned following the famous Termatan raid ony to be reseed a5 Tacayon many yar late ‘Mor ho lian ws any tower rocky outeropping, or natural pinnacle tat cole fried, to which cvares retreated for defense. Spanish solders were regulary called upon by local ales to storm strongholds ‘hich ast have been impregnable for less determined and mare poorly “mee invaders, Semin they were acta ree houses 15 or more eters sme Weapons and War above the ground, occupied only in ime of war. If they were intended on for male warrior they were reached simply byavine wich ould be pl ‘op. Bala ordinariy we for large game, were set along the approac td the ground was planted with sj, ankle igh poisoned spikes fortification vax calle! tombongon, bac the Malay word fat Scems only Irae been applied to more permanent fors built by Moros prowess nd were ented to wear distinctive attire. Their exploits became The stiff loa! legend and themes amousamong them were farenduvm, sorthy of being memorialized in those heroie epic ealed honda. At Subarron epic syn “Mla gory pga datn ci glyagayng (Ite not fing that «dat ventures noe” (Resa 1982, 285), "The Spaniards, of course, consered any ich ventring ea simple ft, and define mangayan ise pracy~arined robbery asa, But Ffisa gudgment which might be putin beter peepectve against sixteen > cently European concepsof international aw on the high ses. Sundae _ practice for dealing with tidied ships at sea was signal them (0 Fave to and, i they did wot, to open fre and take them "wn fal gh seaing everything om board snelading personnel As Charles V (151, 186 flered Magellan, ” Peace Pacts Hosilities were suspended or voided by sande: peace pacts in whith the two partes drank few drops of one snoters blood ina datgh of tine. All Spanish explorers mn Magellan wo Legazpi tate sich pacts ‘Visayan dats. Te wus 2 procedure by which fo men, not neces enemies, became blood lnozhers, vowing to stick together trough nd thin, war and peace, and to observe mourning resrction when fey were reparsted from one another After the Spanish introduction legal dacumentation, Hlipinos were even known te dramatve tel mitment by signing in blond like the plows iayan Ly who app Before Father Alcina (168%, 4275-75), ving rough pipe oie hr de che fered vel asin athe Vin re ree ith aon te cathy he a ienvidonedatcond the) she piled uae sd pleted heel iso Tiehomedonh te bint fowedousentgarinkgdtbe dace chat owed ses aking i ivevcable and ering ering ill desde o hte orn es you ca an ere pean oe {Re eaeede 0 sete bel or becuse of thao he ‘heyouil have sed or ter ana wba the prope inland we ob the yo eng te oe he bo pe oe he pense ang the | Such waethe Spaninh ings concept of maritime law Manga was he = “These peace pacts were made beeen two dat, hover, notbetweeh two nadons or tibes, an so were binding on other members of the ‘community ony tothe extent ofthe pact holder's efecv sori, a Inno case on other dats. For this reaon, Spanish commanders usally slew blood wth more than ome chet when mabing wreaes— Magellan ‘Cebu, Saavedra in Sarangani, Legapi in Samar, Goin Leyte, Rodrigue in Negros Its ironie thatthe Blood compact betreen Legaaph and Katuna of Bohol memorisized in Juan Luna’ Snowe 1883 2 Peo de ‘Sing was an exception to this practice of drawing blood with more tha ‘one chic pic Heroes enjoyed interisand reputations, They tauoved in proportion to hel ee CHAPTER 9 is unfortunate that we have no early dctionares of Mindanao Innguageslike howe that permited a dealed desripdon ofclanie Vian culture. However, he northern and eastern coasts of Mindanao were pat ‘tthe Vaan eure area: rom Surigao inthe east to Sindangan By in ‘he wet misionareswereableto make termelvesundertod in Cebuano, Moreover, much that has been said of Viayan culture in part 1 sao applicable to the coastal populations of Mindanao, and eben 1 many ‘communities inthe interior. lee was everywhere the preferred food, butrecouse had to be mae to rook ropa goin saxon, House stood on tal pon meres were fsge-peggest hands, and weapons were the same ain the Visas, with ‘he adion of sal arillery in Maguindéanan snd Sulu, Power and prom hence depended on the contol of saves taken by debt snd capture, and ‘hits wete respected for thelr warrior allt were not all atlooed, “Ancestors and nite rit were worshiped, and omens were aken rom the fan bic. ‘All there features were sl tobe observed in the seventeenth centuy. rather Francisco Combes described an ornate Bris wor by Zamboanga MINDANAO AND LUZON Men (Chet Sobsokan which was valved at em slaves and spearin Jolo whic te deseribed dem asin of these by “aid and trade; a peuple who Kile Coptin Gaspar de Moraes by penetrating bis stelsheathed buck "weigh anchor like Arabe (pling wp sts] sce ehey mae dtr ens Jer. Trtional pial processions pomp, and coquey eden survive fom one place t9 notes” (Granado 1929, 472) But they were ako Coneraion to Chratan ater Combes (166,68) attended a orweek_f_ frmers who so rice n Cebu (Sebaan hinelf was taken alongon auch ‘reciing celebration in which sixteen hundred gallons of wine aad more aa voyage) nd wore a fine burlap out of wee bark, Katunaw bad ately th one thot chickens were consumed and “the bride took atalf_ fe. captured Sebastin while smaking rid on bis owe enemies He had & hour to ge her answer, and ster having given another long half how datighter marie toa chitin Baganga Bay, were his Spanish lave Fay toes ear rl caged rly in he next century, the Spaniards ied vo stop Caraga raids on thee Loe sjects by atacking chen at Tandag, evil recing ome een rece Chan, and bung perasnent for, Four yeas tater, the Caraga srounded snd besoged it a daing stack which 10 faba contributed wa reputation chey shared with Boholavos and Suman as wales 7 tds, an expreson of begraing Spanish pri. Asinge chief bythe name of nuk ws reputed to have apued ov ‘Routnd aves himself. He wa sald to have bees eared and respected by [Eira up und dove the const both Btore and after his abmission 1 Colonial ether, Whatever the rie ntimber of his saves, they were resunably employed in extrating or producing his de goods, or Fay Jian de a Mae de Doe said tata the ume of Touks commer, “he ermited trade benwen it countiymen and the Spaniards” Gesis Tost, 35. her Alina and theauthorsof the Visa dinates lwayrefeved tosaveralding and hysan sacrifice n the pat tense, tt pionect Reco Tec misionries obecved these practices nfl igor Expeliions were Etched in tn apprekenshe Rurry oft, mens, ad invocains ‘copes and were forbidden 3s food les the raiders be blinded ene thew erties discharge a cloud of Ming black ink Fh ‘ght by nets were likewise not eaten y raiders for ear of being cai {etme Nor coulda light be suck for coking during the wore. Meanie, gers at home obryed a xevenay holiday. Before dpa ture, omen were carefally noted, prayers were arsed to war iis avTonce underway, dangers promortoves were invoked wid mournal chant, ‘Upon the vcorous return of riders, the Dest of the capes ws | screed tothe pats uralagay, joss he fs fruits ofthe il were | tered pat harvest time Tn some plc, asa a second victim was Akopatchetin the vets hows by bie. And men who ad taken atleast oven es were quaifed to wear disinctve turbans and C-sings of ped mar Caraga ‘was om the Bie cout in what i now Surigao del Sur and Davo ‘Oriental tha the Spaniard fir leaned dhe name Via.” Dutch records lo rele tosoutheastera Mindanao ar Biss and Vlalobonin 1343 called Davao Gulf, Bisja Bay. Lake other Visayan, men on these shores were tatooed and wore peeps, Gtrings snd trbans or headbands el the case of howe ws had personaly ied enemies, recognized insignia of the “nobiiy.” They fought slaerding wars with Tong narrow shies, bowguns and in some places meal tipped arrows, an dhe broad bladed, ‘Sngleeded dladaw but not the was his or Kamp, They took omens ‘with crocodile teeth, rocking boats and dhe oko bird, made Use of ‘charm nd poisons, nd were reputed to beable oil witha breath Hal ‘Sliver worked for their mates half ie, shamans were either male ot {emale hylan, and defied ancestor spirits were called malaga. Tcy had tether pic hols or tepley—thongh more than one missionary hovght that cies Inge bowses with fy altars were the equivalent: snd i imelogan (Cagayan de Oro),a kind of miniature house aed ata for offering erfiesslood in the middle of communal dveling which housed the entre vilage, Lite idole of wood or sie—vhich ar ac counts dened a le, "bck and ugl—ere sal enough © be carried out to planting ital: The dead were busied i coffins placed in caves with thin plates of gold over heir mouth and eyes, after mourn ing pied during which people woided all ses hat had been Trequented bythe decease “Tae Spaniard later called the Pcie const of Mindana, Caraga, after ‘town of that mame, Along dis cous dey gota generally hoslereepton: thr fn three expeditions loa three boat twoship'sanchors, and dozens fol live When one boatload was massacred ear Big in 1586, desert ‘Sebastian de Puerto war captired by Chie! Kat of Leanga Bay-Sebastn te INDANAO AND LUZON Mindanao ee stove inthe seventeenth century for resale into Mexico, Tats no doubt, “iy Fey Lede Jest (68, 34) said the Butwanon were "sla 6 the Caraga intel coats ad its, but are nots dieu wo deal with, Bocwan was a trading pot with an dutious pat ad rect conta with Champa in the tenth eentry Kewasao the first Piipine wate" o ‘xablish diplomate rations with China: On 8 October 1008, envoys Dagivan Minna Viayn farther yes wee min Boktanor who gated sere owng he Mohan ag eran want Portage Sis tmnrdhadanchoredat Pangas Dvir use ote sa, et hen weather staked, tiling Wig as arp Din, odin tng ope Tay then poses Lan Br of he nine—the they Kt “ee wi bar and Cen cts" on hay home, rea th seloment on unten opp ln Nauta oD ay 9 Sa Fp loving fr expen, th ai age the an weate «ane het conmiyeive hand led, ning ch ve Phoned mes, women id den cpt; nd ee hire at ‘iia wo dred gong ied ny clang andra, 1D ingone nounod insta nacquenty canoe o Depo Toe ‘ute stats which simply meant ceremonisl recognition of the emperor as the Supreme Rnler ofthe Universe, a requirement foe legal wade Tee service! from the south by a farcanging boat people known as Sana fr Samal, who were centered on Balan Stitbut ha ontpots a8 fa north Gap sland of Samay, where traces of thelr language aurive ‘hi dy, Butanon themselves migrated south to ste i Sal, wheve they be- ‘ame Known as ‘people of the current™—Taosng— mean al hhonschold ponessons in Tagalog cimology “tagalog eto ihe tht ofan gener was mich hee ac Teejod Blakamihs used the toner May forge, and obtaine Jitu fom China in brs ngt or easiron ps copper was reported ena andy butte Spas believe sgh or wroog, Ba uno not hae the ccna extract t fro the or. Ta rarer wneby ster andere wren dat annals hex obec wee et ned ih oy ole, ging rw the absence o the posers ‘ps he fact tht prey ws en the open ait wth a a eh ‘Pel pte ased the eomton Pipe pon ane eqs Tieton abou architecore beyond dhe names of ch hose par 09 sanded is people move t higher grown, Taytay (Laguna) a nn “Ee ron As to November faster harvested fom bots a mee eS snd field led baghag, and to channel water: ngewe ltrs th later erm being te acta amb RE Sood conde The peeprton ofa eld lead harvested Began $id hj cmeving st yer stalks and ros Dy etn the sd Throw own aa, pling pany sous sll dt be tee tery lamtam,remonag nowy spose weeds. Then cae ‘Canin, pling ap lone y aps and pg caning, which eth Hare adn aer te so haben waked, ou plowing ‘porand bungon were cing node wich served both as boundaries slretway and lptmere once ade pling up debit the fel Jaa Toner atesset out as boundary markers twin the adn tig ta they cold be mine snes, a Fach of these dso ‘eone wong or las. " Sccdngand walang waracomplitied i edn stages Fi shee mee uke ink aed i! al hey gerlae etal whereupon tn] were traaered toa bast op ou 0 crore Nex came fap pacing tem on nuded baat (athe rots were long chong fr woplanng. Third a flo, ‘lpn te scans on) Yor the ir tine” int he Bel, Stata together ae four ys pani ral, eansplatng them the ‘Pee ey de hapa Fi and as wos dard rapating che ‘Pd dn by nid seedigs, arg thes oo he my i ‘Moot called pdt They might be spaced close together (ds with he Jntenton of thinning therm ont ser by farther transplanting (big Tsay was the stage of growth when dhe head began to enlarge on the J Stk ur when it broke on Bago asa, when twas jot begining ower When the plantad aaminate Blossoms, itss mynd, mute being the mucous miter in dhe oman ej and wile it was al green it was | falled mangas, “ily ‘Once the pants began to bear heads, placed inthe feds wee sare con wcherwork or pallea pendants kept moving by the winds inf ‘arity of dierent shapespomanoy, oli, pale sldangdan, ban) rat gee, me el ‘esgic nn th on ie ke ad maw of en were sel i) ‘Shar Thenmon exspelo wowene one areaperedy he Porguese ‘ptr that Magtin'spaps whic wee nase st ina Usb es The (cic atip manage comin wenward sed Sal reated Sai: stand {Sema sn om thinning fhe wo “Te bot nz Paget's joy cert Pine wing a a sont of 5 one the mat scan: eel dcwment od swe ey ‘cis erga ans har mts, baton copier ae know, ho fe [fps cong ota halt israel alia athe er [ven Thereaed Ntvean extn Bind Resa, athe a Ney fr Dinettes A, sion Reh, The emerson ate ceeoon egy eater panier stuns words tats nonatcscomilred te prefered sexe, Unfit, thse mane ‘nano ctl hence cet Spnsh serine ‘hes ado eyom gested arts reach edn 95 as eee ulti fpr fs Beeld then tc tian andy wee ‘Mena ann Rains Ra's 1590 Dt igo tag muah hen ctor Pipi conoves oe ape Mavi tan an een somber etone ee primay et “Hlchrneico Al noun mae tel rang ceo by ines cde ae i woul he Paper pin ety ea es wth cos slong wth osmosed Pore aco Tes prme 3 ‘ol td Hb sl es that apap of ain wa the Chel tums’ wie. They a red Mel's detain been use by ct ond opens om hip an opin ident sary he pth ‘Sanne the tro Mein tn Cay, ee ae he Riya CN" a soln: “Tce mate pai ape sd nil on the et cont of Mins bt onl pot fe he fee of wee asd aren sd oud op In ‘args lant the lan Tw aunt atest om be 124 Juan Gala JtedeLanvepgeont ty Hern ges Tae wo nme comm loving tenting ier of este th oer aig Boe sean DY The name Anse Uta wh wat turn oe Pipes ens ber {Stn Aan Thee ot a dl algsparac om Lapse has row ile e ofien, proudon Sng ands a wee all ‘Shatandscdnosery From sexeaonot Avr de Saved ern bere ‘heirs de Nair none rn nn he mute "The TS Ray Lies e Vili expedon ws the ate an ae ‘lringeghcr ag mnt toe tha vo boned me o ger ee or ‘iy Father Gorn Suntan has tone act eno oer aca “ony, Bibtogphic Boy Devalente Aaa aioe, le an anonymous undated ap ncomplt stom ‘ee ee hs Ne Ma ol dy os ote theme sang cunt Phipine istry bee te dnc, ‘tangrmaanimapscongpalyconsned sal wing iemth resn am ‘Anenn more drs soem wien nthe net center Rasy Agr MES ‘Sedat based on soe nga sore ow sewn at ret ag ‘omer tren pie Fir oe Spare nays 566 iat Lp de Lage ey Sopsed Mage Sona luna ere the ciple cg erie Sr, ese peranen Si element a Cet to ben 38 er clonal econ. There ie {oural a the eventsanonymonm tt pot rite by ral no Her ‘igual oeeaensotthSandod plc the Siximonils appear n PAF the nest ete mont a CU, te ferme blag sts antl theences toner document sch isnot {pected an gested inate Plipne hes There tremor thin does ters of loa! rere and prodetand congue st ite iy bot ei aia at te ey abd Lege ohh the se {ieitorowpupncrarethae ofan Matoenaonn el hlaeraeeg Incnportd foo ber report by Digo de Arie ao ie the ext a ‘npn ep, deel printed in arson in 2 in 57 Legepeied on fr peste acento pooner ad ie ecto ofthe conga contin ou on deena a eer st thetie a Sp het one son on begs ed he bid 9 Rg Biogpi eatin be leaned sh eget ah eo ‘he Maen aeronopor ime 16 18 schon Borsa eer othe ng From al atr Meter de Arana le reared het obey Aga Misiondsghrentscennrgenealyespreseedinthc Palle anal cies, ‘oth she ben aha expel by Lacan Suaag (190 The owe tan, Matin, Soman Rel report ove nea fa heres he cet amie a el a ice owed Lit ‘Cosco dopa deta ee enone laf he agen inthe angers (Sor exampe Boer, Marin, Roms, sd Sotemor) Opec ‘aloo oureesi he oesponderce of ener misma ar de ada, ‘gine cit, at shocked by tesa maces om ce dite om om, ‘etn ec deen etn ene pi ie Pulsed bof estappenrss Be Tere the we epee ne fave ore gra nbs tm ‘Senco Tog nee ed he hive Genel ela {Ac eg for thet to bape in ons e's Gear rhe he. Fentress own yee ah igre Bay ert the chet sue of pio det he “Boer Cote,” ae for chetaronmer GR ber teenie page ining ghee dated 0 rine en inde parte tion Caan aba be Top, ra Vo velo eatarsn xr eon nat eer Ci rs profelyiomince hol nt nl hss xcetonty ‘ne Reo sho be ware however, tha te ie ul Sanh doce Incpuay feo TgalogatNoasaitougtrelre scary deeds non. Nana ie "he eo bea nko oar ei ae, ntl de Mor’ IO Suda ‘ipa ifabes Pern 1 Res Ppa Morgvosaghy Peed clonal ieroce sting green ceo darumentaon ft ea (uti, ss) abou bet ior inthe montero and “jee acemmertbtciplgeaninbtnnstenin hese erty ‘Ge yelanedwMipna sr atcnoter—eter an Hd em spe ‘Sitar Chine es itor ofthe ea eomssony aoa potye Fins myth fon Euepean mele. He ported thea eyo fkicometstlthe denned oe hor neared the matty ofderanl extent The etsy scone race ‘ots 66 ror manga ors Chron ten longer eon he fetal wich hoo eoord matin ain he snotaonst Pablo's ‘ote Can, ‘Sace the Dra wer gen charge of misiony nr nner Lazo, hap Dg t's 0 an dls pai Sot ssbb foefunpaansodCoppencare Fay anne Medan. jun foie Por one each er dts bon te Holes deo ata i cn gong rare epost ie rsa ers ‘urcaietctomg te smth Maran re Reclle hrs Avirse ‘SN 1661 Pel ea pny dees dt on rar ot Tals e's 68 contsion, Jol anc Comb 6 Hit ce ia Mla oyna cic eSanstrepargotPipine cle, teingeharasteroeycareh pest olaerasos nh eartlngtecabioes, ocr ie 109 toh ye Mernd cle adm le alo Met ton qtr de fe on out ale igi Aan aate «tems ene sega acon a shout the etr—Capar de an Again’ 8 Cong is Peas nd JJontrancce Sin to 1758 cr dooyoo San ron matteo contemporary cnet he Camus, od reseed many ‘ctor umn ven # desepin of mate oa Lega hae (Complete ihn fash oes) when oils potcatalgaed athe AL ‘AniSkeanonio se ete aye work ae ets befneroenghis ‘Gen denny of Pipi cures ese Special ln tT asgunge ane eae pre by he serene ad ons eneon ute Py Spano fam woo were mes ofthe ie, Une omy deans te gechaenrat pon gues how he nguoesn scaly Bibegapie Fay ‘polenther examples common exreons ts of pra und eg! meio: ‘ut havebece mening toa parc aencen spre mest pa a {Ol pono Cheats tet Chsan “Tapes ound nan alton oot Unive a aan) wy re oy Bek fcr ding the 76 cpa o Mani A cll a eons ater Pano Bln de Sn fon he Rae als ao Shs ‘Scat the spine Natal iby (ML) cota oe reve Su fhe ‘Such ear Aden oat. An iin rs it sen dl So ee ‘pinecone aur tsa nthe PX ad boned om ec | Meyuaya cringe Ameren Warm enemys wo rete i Prosnabifcondencerichen od ge “The met npr sgl wor re sy hasbeen rnc aco Ain wpa 1668 inde aed de Boe ic nel noe of he mnt ‘earl rary products the we Spansh pr Ian eegaphie dy ‘ck semained he mnt iene york fa nd uh he cet ey 2d luc tnny ts misonr'sEmnte Looe fi poral tt le eboney quoted intr. Pat cows abso ars, ‘Sim, and ethno omg 1 page Pept 2 His ol exis i gota Asrannign of prt ware abe 182 he Pape rors a the Leber Cage ad te ing yr? ee publ ty bah ander ner Pups ane 1420 (1970100). The esto ook okt eri bine sc Maier gern Mae shee sores ofinfrmaion can bemenre flirty Spi lexn of Ppynetngagen ot ny om he dens these ae moe ‘ewan rhe grammatical etmplerbich tte ie Themen De ‘sult the a Span grannay™or oo) Peo dean Bache oro gor Tea pine ns Cag) in 11, the oe onteroporay, ace nese Jn, ow mv pid hog ht ae these brown manner copes ee inthe Usivers of Sn Tos che [Bitieque Noone Pai andthe Nato! Aedes In Viena The Talo ‘eons a Mg! a 1680) sknown on om ams in Kg’ {Endom c nion bo rere the manera he can dona a Fanci Lopes wo edn 181 Meo Scher Balas del gus Bag at completed Dug (ey) in 617s pte 1701 ti ia ‘Seton of Alone de Merits (1697) andthe Botan hina of Mates de {linn (162) ere sean nthe tineteth ctiuy, Jot Rogar hag ‘¢Digo ero ad Lovee Fresnes Copy ame om the igheeth They tre therefore bee eral nceoicone tens onal Spanish en ik ‘epee capers chngeprcelycli Join, a Intute af eign, government and wae ‘Rove fexpinadon may ered bat te ue of hese dongs Inthe is phar me ncn ao enh aerate iggy fer example na dosttrelecthenees oft eicorapher her thn ferent ‘leis in he ngage gg nd, ura eed ‘lout Tpalog pote, bt Vj and Rol doar pe the eas othe {udeandint ecnigu On the ster band, the et The Taskg dol LicSoeade cman eneie vcs for wena Rig tat tnt Ven “desoearcco acral yoo iret aura technologie ae ‘gain the sbenes of say Pipi tert ft sede, Joke, Plow om facclarieon nya be geen tee ena om lhe ‘Sida wom tern pesca he ‘otk dats dein pretipanic inc ‘tere hy ere expres son acetate. st poe to date ese “ps atte rome he eed ery eae my fie congestion Sf sepe se Whenee theyre compute dept aor paid Itc resale hobompeaiena he Paipnece ond) polite ie adh snag Ustad may, abd fas False ar afte Hiwot we Gina are fa i ade sae et ‘ipa mia pao umadapron Molin thera Maso ae prose = bokeh tc, Ulsing: Ami of te tin Paine oe the Niatbo of Sous Conte: wil thr Mm sgh’ Agee tas ee the ‘nbecodsatesand ag gare onl rom Beeson comers I Opei' seordng of the Ouping: aod fon the atmo, nerds Menors Nala Gnuon Marines Octet Vg Renata pied ee pi 1 Kata chs yer epic grander an ery wphaton the Darngan ear ca outpatient Casta cpr Tan 180, The whole seen ei pie by he ere Na, Dis Coronet sc aso ane ae ben pub date ting B25 Ice cus Mara ee “hin ang ich ih irc roar inaveingsich ight ea be tof incceeeny Sans colony Sr, 1 olnteshcennay Spann poe which incorpo iol fore as ber fastinelbee by elastance Fhendongetaion Butter vandasonerneihepoemientwriteninbe ray mle tinh ches rh thevecnsrucion of machalePilppne ce. Nei: hte wrk ve Tere ned he pper te prea). Bibliography Common Abbreviations 329 temic eel Mat ‘tia Acie Has pan agae, Bi Eiomaen siend mc Aeanderebersn, Tepid 1493- 1 ae Cire ™ (c,d nt adhe ytd ‘Stata en monn, cov Mania pice Naar Cen de sing care ue far ipo dene is eg V9 ae Mai 1818 snr Ted aie ravine ont ‘htt opidotr example, aytne Sieber acre nde Stnches Decne ‘heed se tr dae of wigan pubes ert ance th freon ot ‘iets won sn me as steno -Aet Domingo 1071. rom tlw Pp," Pine Nr i (171: Adare: Diego. 10. Hsia el Pew de Ss dle nn Pred ipa ony Cine Mal Perea Mao 198 Ao rams. -Dito ence dl age Magan enc de San "Apu eme rill reap Eps ea no Vii "C0 4290-17 -Anurguergoe, Ain de 575. "Carte de Aguin comico ses el "Scoarioanahon = Cxpo Pagan fe 58 ae 1 294-, Ain Pannen, 0m Hh deo ea ess bk ‘Vt atsartansiption atest fluc Paige Stes Progen 1 eee Te Fr de asl eagle by Cate Rab ae TRblo Ferner: ipnions ne 430 (!7 1) Bla tn deen Bas a Pe ina 1468 BM Taine errs, Des gute Ma 17 ‘uaa Cabrera Cac 1630 "Relcon” Arngy 3 May 1620. Al pias ‘isi, Hartome 18 eeu donc de Geral Hospial de Las Bao” "Taber Apel 68 AHO ‘ny Cu 180. Pe ial ne dl mand (2-147 Ua oe “Asan Vana su 17a et J hal ie dean En ne Ansel, Gre Desate 154 “ebin et age uh desea saa “avi del ponent oy pede unten Liston Ae 8 COATT Ano. ani dren Fm de Maan: A De Jo ‘Coimten8 oo ge cio ep ie a a nts, Ann. Nata « wag qf Fernando de Maat de Seta pate cone ande states emda me fede nate odoin Fue 14-76 aon 1S ‘Anon eB clan dle rata ds mages ha ene dase de Ts det poet qur se prgencral ely Sate ser Sigel Lape de Amo 506i dna ade devi Mig oder deci Baron. "me 20.90, ‘Anni Rack deo qu occ emp ea i de Za de ic Pind Wen de 185 hte mes ead 1867 CU si Ao 10, Reo the eget Laon." 73-108 ‘on 17% Rein ane de cogadh a Tan." 20 Apt ‘re nar 1478.99. ‘anon tlc cel sd naa hin en primer dejo del ho de 174 Mana ou aT ar a7 28 Avon 1514 elcid ela ete apas..atesidoy ene en pcr Wessun en el” 1 Sepcmber 15 HON 4 2222 “owe. iigaphy soon ene enamine See Ea a aamncinn SSN eta ernn “Ave Meteo e588, "Doses ey contra losers de as Fipnas 20 deni sale gen sre ae sree eee re me enna sana sim paeraranel teas dari ecmpcn ds mart Se One isbam 1777. wrt a soy ee eteaacte ame tte Tee pn Ie ea ee waren npameruneeomindna rere Nn a tine ropegmn mh teenie ttc Tareas me een wo eon a sie 1 eras Tis eaten Ee TAO wana twat noe re nani er na ae perp coe aaa tena ____iiogray _ tet, Gatos ino ad Monro Can, “The tanner, cnos, vd Tach Pipe haba tng oo eg capes Ane cn ‘ny Mas nner tans ante, date” The Pipi alec 58) 3258, can ener TT gaat migaon neg pegete om popuon ‘Srna foray (Oe ro, Donal. 170. Tented hit ae Maat Fn se Se nore oH re ongh th Shen he SiS 99 1984)-10- roms, Dns Jmes ta and Rh Moor: A “aed Kappy hoa praetor. ogi at a een chm pr ot Caen ne 968 "aon; An ance Bil Pine tdi 6 318- ‘Gry Ate 0, Fults spat ann 18. (Cabo Its reenact scree org feign, cree unpre rlstangwsinto ello W-E Remsen (18. mur cote. e984 Ant ens ‘cto, Scho Dr de. 1598 eter th ery of Na Epi dated Mata “fine Me A igi 3 cas W150 on uo Rey» Mog einen cdr lr de Maen” CVO 4 E1- che Sheng O62 The mgr ofthe Chinese om Fabien the Phiipines "tc he Sash comet aeons he Doth elon: An Salter ptsimat eoetand be crespondenes”Prsgfe Dettmer itm sas ian fa Tapeh ‘can, Pee 10 ei espns as hasan joi pode rs Cpa de fas Rome ‘cot acs hao eg sori fos eo hs tampa de "nar rs hs ig Po Pas 3 os Delon 90 ‘chm, OO. deta a de Mam ae a. WE ‘eu, ad 1507 cof eel 183 Si tom the Darang," Atdranat ndar ‘arp Ona, of lpn wat. Qn Cy. ‘Cte ermani 521 -Caor ee er Corts eet niendoe "iypnclaesptison ets Maluomaads po aro deSumet 290) seroma, ‘ony. taroae Feo, 173 Dina Pangasinan pie Mil 150 ‘he Ns TR Pople te ei Pips Nee He ‘git ona BEM Agen {be hae soma Aon)" SLA The ener Unive InCare 1B4 Pp. 7-5. ony Dc ee ere "Onan ing es owe Chee Dine Sele elu Cos Mra, 67. Theft th tins 181-1768 Camb i), ian ih targa pint ee ‘id Cnn 718 Cn a iis, Pr Snide. Vad 10, Diactrechla, Lanne 19. cn buna de Mat” Cadena et Cae ingle 285, Ma faa. London. {Oita oma orto: tn ety iri se an ED, Ment. Thelen satin of he Pe moni Ha 99 aie oCheagePppoe ue Progen asi oe 5 ie dt Chips cnn sine DA snd qe 8 ie Hom. se Poa p o eset ea Jae Camano Nt: Cleon He ms 2, yang Joep © 197 tay ofthe ace Pilppine ry wth paar "eet agg rn ta iene Ge Mana n,Q pin est. I Aeatalay lion Tre ote il iia wee ee ce & Nia "Teen Bt i ac oF dP de Pion 3 oe crs Dorn: 0 ed gu ae on roi Ly Mita 107. Frc jon 1 sie ft the spn i fil nora ge lin ve Cy cn to IE reat 24 ral i of es ae der entre mfr te. 73, rn Cn Pani. 185," eg qe iA de See = cr 6. in dl reg ns pins a un win Mes. arn, Toy ant Sy. €or, 18. Excel he pei on ins ics ren: ment fuprmo, 2 Sothenn Aa ge hee west an arg rt HoneftcD HBL, Teton tt ton of he Poa mam f 1572 ‘eso Cage Pine sues repre. ha Took "iness on dliugae A bogapial no” ippesa igre ore. Ada, 18, “The ae go! oie Eten hips the Ane ‘alan ont wag hss Nel Marton sea nea) ong 5 ern Pl de i do pgm aii ics pin die Soin tan del 5h bel dei pore COW: 236-1. Fri de 168, Ho pn de gis tn on re. Jct, Land, 1960 ‘inayat of Pay Sandy Tine Megs Jone 8h, Repent in Case BB Pp. 107 ‘Bot Noon he Sod cover ea ten and ee regon othe “pines (194): S1-82 eth ges Neo, IHS Reef ote Boston, Ton erm Hea 1. "Pn Sn sep oe dah ian der Reese Title ad “Een msg get ce ip ge ot de a Tondo be ae Not ie? (897 2438, 8-07. chr de Zana 1917 “Kenmmatie sedge des wan den Tras chi” Nes i Od © Nis: 270-02 ate Re HO. Tp hl four The Mion stale the remedy Qo iy anne ae 98 tlt Aly whoo yh a ote pla ‘reat Alan Pe e118. U4 Te Haha of tn ol agen Cade: Ae ay ‘Gag 1 Rept rom Sit a to 5287-718 Las Fan 09-day ana Pinel Re eHow ng ded ewe moun y hese ao Dv Mao ater Cate HP tel Ger Geode in. nd ei dele ha Mans 0a 14. AF 0, Lege Mig pe de, 1 aad are ee ern Seno spies y “nied larry Ci 16 May Lt CU 25537 "Car ary Mice Mangus de Face” et oy 160. dar ov mages ly 19. ROAE 1 22688, meen Cop dese expla de cr de Lega a ine e Noes Tn Py 2 uy 19M Has Ta. ae pct aca enV deten ia Liege 1 Moreton An's Hit de Vaan 306-7. {US Mrcwe, 1to anov nun Ma . Demarest it Bow ete th ine Annie 18: Chinn oie aa ric Gg. fen “once Mae de 1822 AMO. oat Mia es BRE Bl do Yi ips 187 “ogy. a ee ree reece i er on eater oe manne Sey ian ee eres ree rete hemes me Le a ea et cecil ee Some ree halal dteration* Pe tet of peacoat RTE SY imatenamnerreguitinaeyl Bn en a i ea Rocenectned aaa ee tao te CusenafBunatoneSSnm-on tsps rere ‘uni Cabiln de 17 “Cpa de ete qu eri Cid de Maal Vey sae ee oun meet as rans aces gil perp tire iran cr atin patna Peeonereere tcruereecreertnori ea “ttre a Ean A aren i attr a che eee Meachin, Willan. 188 "Om dhe poDabiy’ of Aust origins in South nee mse pean gry Medina, Jun de. 1050," delontscoor de Orden deN. Go FS. Again ce “hipaa Btn Nas Piet aa ‘Mende Marti 981“ qa aa nao ord bee gue een ices de hihi rca ori, pro a wanda Bogs 088, Me Abn de 1S: Babul dre ng Bg gen Hdl ss Pony Sy a dea Ma, th edt iy eye dP Teahong 194 Fea, end, dew si ete ig Agen nt ae ‘at ics Mie Mortlr ed lsntrs, 107.Maragaroe hits lo ge Pay tb 0 "asp al papal ope oe so 9 ‘By ing oat eK ot Mord, Sua las pins, Meio. BALWE Reta. Madd The Moi Hoi Agana. 1682 “tora oneal cident 9 a ‘cen cd Ppa” Cle deemed [Bho 1h, 1290 ad 18 Mor Vk Peo 175, Caos os Coon ‘Nipoln Viet e 18344 Rein que preset en Mariel ec 1584 Viente de ‘pole ses eon saad" 5: 8-8 Thay ean deo aqua cap Aba de Sven” Not on Jn nd Fe de Sana 18% Yel eg Tol Maia “Octoens, Cie Mune, 181. Ag Tabi nog Reba A Savon fk ‘ie: Hnanines 3858, ‘oes, Jun de 8- Desi de a doc Chon en ion Tagg 315 i, aly eu, Barge an) Tih "Dei desc dae de DiI Ree 18, ‘patna 19 Ogg Theta AB ‘np France 1975 -Ctal Vie de Nuc apa” Masi fe 57. AY Tris nt Th 17 ity sda gn aa, Sao ‘vedo Coma Frmndes de 157 Sri ray att dea is time twa zen 14 Ane del Prag 1965 ‘pte Min Ge 176 agus dae cob pi aa atid ean ex, Paton Hc Apt, 1982 Fr, Bernardin Meleners, OFM. (1815-867, 9a cheese di pn). Mn pn ‘opus WO, "Wadler Dung Po. in asi Mae, Ui hme non mn ans pt Saar 1 ie Ding, 168d in Zabae Pay Honds ms nn enter Honoris Mor, Me damian wana Pe, at oon. Biography Pies Leno. 198 “Un ce dona, rl a ls peas, ‘oe tana (15-10) (02194-76108 ‘crc igh hea ante nth aon in "fn erage the pach Lac 156-150 inn 9, TSE Pie gis in a wd BR 26-386 438-180 ne AL Seton, "Mel's wage: Amram acount of the at ater New inen 185, : Th Levoage tenance, nPalpartn rie eof nas ita. geen Cs) 180. "La Deas sana per mene Antonio gets enn” “Goa ai Rac, De nai et ag. V: Pp. DD "ata, Feri Mendes 14mg New Yh Leen Pen Tome 121, Aaa oe bed FransciesLibn ene Pie a ee donate een 0h Retain eeu que los Tagalog tn Sant es 176 Pp, tna dotnet viene, 1B can ler er Pes Maso Caen Shen, “Tpit report onthe Pip nd Pyno n 28 (10) ‘ret, Fanc, 188, "The admirable and prosperous vrge ofthe Worship Maer “Thar nen" Io Ricard Hak, Pe pant mento, ee ee nda te Bp na ol 16. Eig 180. ‘ire Aloe ln Bt "Relen de deren cleo eienion “dio Ymer en ponide Pangan 0 Figg 90) (tio Catrand Maur Cari 1954 elon Con ‘a io, Lagu ad the osding of the town i 157 an eghentcetay Sena tani adams, ith complete stp a he Ol en fu oft pine Hal tn 8 ‘ad in 1808 Cop deal Vy ce Mest, inde pore Sos pina” Cs uy ia He ea de ct lve Napa "Man OA "ot araal Viney de Mev. nde venta coma inn dela TT copa dor ain 0 ne PCH Tose ony cae ccd gc haem Ppnan HPA 4 6-9 ‘cm Vs 1 Saag Si A Suen pe nian Dip ees Pee, Meroe rs Sanaa HOt Bee and oe de Ve. 1958. "ny of pn ana Raden art de 1) Hiaasen dele Cron ‘Gin ett Cohan Nea Samy Conon Jose agin gue ean 1, “apr de aif qn Progra Malice ‘ron en i es pt" Bol 3 Bch Lh COW 22808, 7, aerating posse fal orrty ed Nay 172 A anit Ley No rene Lac Nace queen de i a del ponte Herman Riuely Taro" ay 78 me 8 2808 ‘ly Mert, 10 Leo edand hanes date en 9 Api 17 “pana in (M198 10-18. Rodger, eran 180s elas my ceca deere qe ita nds de SM. aco et General hut Lper de Legupe COW oA Romi, tp. te des Agi ea Pampa ANA 18 (92D 7, ones, nn Ma 198. std of sry Togalg ma om Tin “enn infer on mpm Quon Ci. ‘ul, ge! 1 faa Tage Kings Clg London SnatinAnerts deer aa Beat rn tn soca “Eo Spe sea ag nia i fin Man Ms Mai a SERS ae eT as oe peat ance fmaee he in 0 ene shoe tintrncepe cant Rete 1 eo manger emt oerasereste acon Scremetor diene re ioe Tae Tone chron oe eco ec eect ae =e eS a ev Bitgraphy Sinan Ate. 198 E-Rayyn'en Acne Santo Tomas” Uni 4184. Se 148," ihn es 108-5 ‘Bag Lana P1290. “Thehoaef Lands, Map an Soiman 87 i): Gonsog op et” Pleura cy 8 3 ‘Sittin, Cen, 17, "Cara er Don Aston Mendon. onan Inpenadeara ew aargo dey LiperdeVisobs Cochin abo 1, con 18 le: ican Saito Dargo deo 108 Vaan dele gua Teele Sample 1A. Sn ln ey 197 hme of he pS nna ith aes “dr Lo een Cl ea, Cte ne red tin nd he Pipi Ban CO “Wyden he Bi Rada: 19-6 af, Pips ort ay Papi May. 28 a Geom Ci 08 "Why it Derby Dagan” Pipe gr econ ay Tot, “Sheen ceay Vea a fing” Piping of “alan gy 91- Toor Vaynclgon athe eo pian Pipi a Tr, 92%, Lingr te po ini Fn od ate ei Pipi io, (hi, Lot yan rate iad 18D. ow Maem ora (1:70 "oi “The car pete a erg ad prod of er Aa ote 5 (0881085). 7-88, lL fers ct en Mana. ered paperclip Agni” al EL ‘era, Manel 161, The Piece msn it Malis nd Singapore (151-195 ‘ets Pano 16 ates se ing dated Mon Joby 199.10: 245.98 ‘Thamar Lege RVR LesPornaedasler mere achpelau XV” ei 810825 95 Maas sly an the ev fd Rgne cnet Paper rss ae ntenatal Cnfernee on Maly Ceo, Kina Lamp ‘Tote eran des 1h "Donets del vagey ain dean deans.” “oes, Senn de. 1B, Ate ee yeu Tagan Bins 180, 7 Mol aro de rin re ria Ge ‘dance Anise 1 Rea dij ae el Comendador Gacind oni dela pecs Molec en 825" HPAF 1: 387, Disingapty 97 Tati qu Ate Urdanenate n¥.8, Me del emda que "UME san par eps con a cota Lana te ie ‘ati oy 57 PAP 218-7 ‘Unneny,Andes dye a 1886 "Rl de lo que tsa cet ego con urment que ls tm or So del cana de fr aia sae li el ‘maar Lain oraz DAE 1 T-18, Vir Dif CD 186, Nea’ gah Br, den Slee “cn Saw vt Cin Chua, Amram Sletons red iJ Heme, ‘elisa Eat nde Company wi rac (ral) he ul rel Mino; ot Mural (198) 634 one 95 edna end sc aa Ain cia nda, ordre ‘vannoor Ole 1D. Dewon eed dw On Nat 159-160 'Geavenage ie Vet Staged 17. "Cadel Gone de pina. Vey de Mo, “Mods ele del Ma iiat” Martane Hea = Tip a8 oy Wa aera ne nnn veg Ron 888 Rayon Th Pp ayn, Maa ‘este ese sand] Spence IRF Tr Pn ad wu: ly, ‘ina aoa py Bey La Ange wi Robert Mon mayo ent Sua A haa ‘Whe Leopold 186 The ec ue Mania 1988, Reprinted Pp al "ad ie oe 25 (8 397 “aor oan Pobre de 1 tot dea plea desu del en Sa "hi capten 6. Inde de Ley, Losin deCaminesone ox ‘Minna agin (8) 9840 Zoe 18th Pipe ngigesene—hescaolingitcontatons itr ings” Pies gus 8 ofan em aie i js mapa “ig San, 1988, Cnc he a Th tof Magn. Ne Yor, Index uy ned agar en Nt 10 8 ‘ees Second itr ts ea ‘Alina, Francisco, 24,17, 29,32 38,57,38, “i Sap 19,158, 155 ~— ‘Alina 108 ‘apa ‘etn, 6 wn 7 ‘ptt ‘snide ‘se seta, Anat (ce), 208 ‘etna Pagasnan ring, 209 Ince ey 27,260 ‘ic 18 ‘a 8a 16, 284,252,270 ‘ston we Gran pi, 250 ae ‘pwn, 218 frat 0. Netcare aman. 87-62 ‘re Cann 98 ‘digi na i te ere elgg 219 ‘owe 17 ‘Repo meni), 18 ‘son ‘aie ‘an ap Astonesnlngges 18 ‘nial ‘Ret at) ey, 1.28 151 ‘es 110 samo) 8 Boyan 82, 48% 121 50 wea ead ‘eg ong ey tien AP ‘190 ‘hag 2226272 ‘ihn hetoon, 805129 de le ee), 282 ‘sore iste eo 8-59 tran) tow 8 Ig emo) 18 Ing nw Eland a, 2 Teg 3 ska fon ins hbo er, Ions ts onda eee fet ii, ats 38- ‘ese pad, 8 aang 8 ne ‘a8 ‘Batra Sha Teng Suan of Sa 164 ual a Capa 8,252 Sasieornany Channel 3 Pei sing prod), 30 anew), 10 ‘jn ag exp 08-10, 26-18 ‘ene ‘ga tama 252 po han Beyer Oy, 10 "er An (omni fee, 178 ig 198 ‘Bond agen, 180-8, ‘ining 8 fing, 81 genes people tigi, 18 Be, 18 feat srt 1-3 ere 68 ti 3 "Bin oan 08 gn i) 106 Ikenain 1,00 ows aa er) 9 ‘oe Goan 0 hncasde Snot $8, 218 20,205, 91 ring, 5288 Bogner, $67,268 Boom ie Ben Negron 253 be ‘ae a Bl ta 19,192 ater 2989025 se Gta 221 tnt gre gos), 10 ‘Sages pn, rag, nr ‘Caraga (ai cao Minden), 162 Inde Ides ee eee ey an erie eens mame mtn ean ore rs Eanom. cee ncn | ti ce Berne go [aeons spate Cig ae), 38,30 Fone 2 , Ieee, Se Doe), 1 te sector ema meme |e Ene Sante ene aann, omen = ey ma Ete cimenreranie | aot me caLmenngerenes | Rai ae Beam, aceeam Coren Seesiaies ete SE us crime ae aa ov ce pee rotated B =— ES mda te ie Soran wet Sees Se ena, Semede = iS vattarmactmene, Seen’ ERE ane mt ein 2 | Stkbee zee REA TaST SI Su memqeneum [rosea a Tee Mopac Ss NE Hota ws, 85 dg roe ea 1 ee TUTae I og vateze, Hab 6,70 | Keto Lantoba (ovvel gn), 175, 288, 295 icone Hy | Rey a ceca, BEE mean | gunmen, is ‘tg gegen tn [ree on podeye 2 Haigh 37 || Kabungran, 2176 La, 138-40, 245-48 a ae ae Fe nee Fo sy abi det iio Kelas, 47 Liki, 28 ocricnnerin id en eo el Didionarle ef Philippine languages, 2,8 He (north wind), 18 Kolaog 151,282, Lips 21 ‘ Heed Himato, ‘Kalinga, 204 ‘Lisboa, 2, 183 aed eee BE ammann Ber eenesinmnd | See Treat scone peer |e ne cect, inte oa emcee eee ie | epempangn(9, 208-56, wider an mi 1 ‘Household crockery, 6 || Kapolong, Dionisio (son of Lakan Dula) nex de Legazpi expedition, ee ‘Hiudhwd (gan epic), 200, 268 | 280, 244, 268 ‘Leper de Villalobos expedition, 2 ‘Bi Pocte de Sangre 156 ‘Hiokbe (ornoush), 231. || Karakos, 68, 61-88 (iBustration), 150, 154 Léjpes, Pranciseo (Br), 212, 215 Bear aoe see ‘ec a | Inde ome 200 an ram, 267-48, 27. Maglio 32 Magetin voyage eevee, 2 ager (waciy 218-20 apnea racy, 21 Magindango, 770. Magnan Sat, 16-77 ‘atria 20, 22226 ay Eg 9,10 ‘isiagae rs oe =a sear 2 eerie a a. ae Sores aan ae Seer ene Mente, Alonso, 2, 4,17, 0, 2, 82, 87, ore Matheny Sera Main nn, 6-78 Mua, ade A, 2 ioe Nese Capa, 162 Monga Amana de, 116,282 26,56 ist Vad, Pee, 7 en oa 1011 Nina armen 106-9167 Dai a, 8 [Nonre spi, 77-78 ego 28-0, 25 ron), 56 semi 258 | te Sie Ci 212 Otro e228 Onin 22 ‘naan (pope, 170 ‘np 27 1898818 Onto 1 Piet Pampa 24S ao Kiam Pandy 8,08 ‘Pai ea) 17 indy 39 Pena eo te 240 oct coneie) 217 einai 2009 ‘ropa a8 Ig mp | Pow Sete rf Mart ene pa ‘Pes re pon 225 eatin ee Damng (ea 81-5, Pipes 00 Fhilpine etnograpy ose 4 ip ngs Pe ‘hai it, Paved er Petes, Ani, 4,17 19,28, 6,8 (SS 9, 8.8504 10 i | Pasoyaom Th Pitan 2.151 Pe 2 Phoeci omn Fr) 121, 28-2285, "2,282, 20-9428, 205,207 at 0 “Perot 288 Pe? | | Pottery, 68, 65-87 [eee = | Saez, a | Sma Quirame, Alonso Martin (Commander), i | nape gene. 0 [Reece [SEES a See wat eer en Lee er mead | sees eine amt esse) | Senet | Set 5,18 Ide San Antoni, ja Franc de, 6227 ‘in Baetanetars, sey,284,19, ‘la 2,2 24, 85.6, 290, 4, 27238 Since, 218,228.85 51,97, 40 4, "9,66 6964 114 11,34 Sane, Cerne 20 Seno 136156 Soin 101-72 Seth i eg 12 Son 2 Soap, v0. Sanguthitind .73 Sanputgtnaa enfh, 19 Soyer Seeley soe Sent Sanpete 2020, 28,279 Se Nd (nm, ‘Soeeincm sur ‘Seth aing 22 ‘Sctalrace: Bl, 186-8 ayn, soe, 28-08 Negndaay eh Sify tog sg 10 Sceay 0 ‘Sutin Mong Se Amon Sen pet Siemon ioe Swern Sion is site ‘Si Gates, Stason 7 Spt Spe 18 Sn 35,1681, 0,256 Inder Te tt mmc ae ae {9 und and propery, 20 8:reon, iis min 0-2 ra 7 an Fr pm iene ea The See ayy om ae, 108 1 binge plang 0; ey 68 0-0 ening 2-7) ‘igi Tago 2 Tb cmc) 25 haga 1917-08 Cn Vitsotoncspediton, 48 Vian abet 5-56 tc, 2, 30 Gln): ailing a ‘inking 4-55 dome rte, PPG; ren ad commerce, 57, ngs Pong, 244 Wart, 16787, 18688 Mos ap 28 Wega ext, 60-71 Nope ang 6 Kimbo 177 Yan 10 amt) 40-8, 254 iawraon) Zao oan (ots os), 210 | | |

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