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SAP Batch Determination

Based Delivery ATP

Auto Delivery Quantity Adjustment

• SAP ECC 6.0


Solution Brief
1 Synopsis

2 Batch
B t h Determination
D t i ti based
b dDDelivery
li ATP
3 IT Sapiens’ Solution Features

4 Solution Process Flow

5 Solution Demo

6 Solution Merits

7 Our Value Proposition

8 Questions ?
1 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
1 Synopsis
 Standard SAP functionality in all ECC & S/4 HANA versions during Delivery
 During SAP Delivery creation, ATP runs at a combination of Material, Plant,
Storage Location – and considers stock categories based on the Scope of
Availability Check
 For Materials which are batched managed, Batch Determination based on
Batch Search strategy can be automatically invoked during delivery
 Delivery is created
created, after successful ATP check at a combination of
Material, Plant, Storage Location – regardless of whether Material Batches
were determined per the Batch Search strategy
 The Delivery quantity for a Material does NOT equal the sum of the
Material Batches that were determined per the Batch Search strategy
 This results in Deliveries created but “NOT Pick-able” per Batch
Determination (with or without Warehouse Management)
2 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
1 Synopsis
 Standard SAP functionality in all ECC & S/4 HANA versions during Delivery
 The Delivery quantity for a Material does NOT equal the sum of the
Material Batches that were determined per the Batch Search strategy
 This results in “incomplete” deliveries and “inaccurate” information to
downstream internal or contract warehouse operations
 This results in manual intervention to adjust Delivery Quantity equal to
sum of Material Batches determined
 There DOES NOT exist an automatic ability or menu driven ability to
“Copy Sum of Batch Quantities to Delivery quantity”
 For scenarios where customers use 3rd party Distribution Centers (contract
warehouses), there DOES NOT exist an ability:
 To have a Batch Determination based Delivery ATP and to have
Delivery quantity adjustment to sum of Batch quantities determined,
AND, yet NOT have the Batch assigned in the Delivery (since a valid
batch will be picked by the contract warehouse)
3 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
1 Synopsis
 Standard SAP functionality in all ECC & S/4 HANA versions during Delivery
 Manual workarounds , and use of custom reports, have been
institutionalized to overcome the aforementioned GAPs in SAP

4 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
2 Batch Determination based Delivery ATP Requirements
 Industry Requirements for Batch Determination based Delivery ATP:
 During Delivery creation for Regular Stock Items (i.e. not Make-to-Order
 Need ability to determine Material Batches based on Batch Search
 If Batch Determination is automatically triggered,
triggered need automatic ability
to “Copy Sum of Batch Split Quantities to Delivery quantity”
 For materials with Warehouse Management active need ability to:
 Auto
A t determine
d t i M Material
t i lB Batches
t h b based
d on B
t hSSearch
h St
 Automatically “Copy Sum of Batch Split Quantities to Delivery
quantity”, AND,
 If required, NOT assign the Batches determined in the delivery
y to turn these features ON/OFF byy :
 Need ability
 Delivery Type, Sales Area, Shipping Point , Material (Contd…)

5 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.

Proprietary and Confidential
2 Batch Determination based Delivery ATP Requirements
 Industry Requirements for Batch Determination based Delivery ATP:
 During Delivery Change for Regular Stock Items (i.e. not Make-to-Order
 If Batch Determination is manually triggered, system should NOT
“Copy Sum of Batch Split Quantities to Delivery quantity”
 Need message logs in Delivery creation for the following:
 Information message if Delivery Quantity is adjusted to Sum of
Batch Split quantities
 Error
E message if Delivery
D li Q
tit iis adjusted
dj t d tto 0
00 because
b no
batches were determined
 For Materials picked in WM or contract Warehouses, need
Information message of Batches determined during Delivery
creation, but unassigned, since these Batches would be picked in
WM or byy contract Warehouses

6 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.

Proprietary and Confidential (Contd…)
3 IT Sapiens’ Solution Features
 Solution Excerpts:
 ONLY During Delivery creation for Regular Stock Items (i.e. not Make-to-
Order Items)
 Provides ability to determine Material Batches based on Batch Search
 If Batch Determination is automatically triggered,
triggered provides automatic
ability to “Copy Sum of Batch Split Quantities to Delivery quantity”
 For materials with Warehouse Management active, provides ability to:
 Auto
A t determines
d t i M
t i lB Batches
t h b based
d on B
t hSSearch
Strategy, AND,
 Automatically “Copy Sum of Batch Split Quantities to Delivery
quantity”, AND,
 If required, NOT assign the Batches determined in the delivery
 Solution can be Activated/Deactivated byy Delivery
y Type,
yp Sales Area,
Shipping Point , Material
7 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
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3 IT Sapiens’ Solution Features
 Solution Excerpts:
 ONLY During Delivery creation for Regular Stock Items (i.e. not Make-to-
Order Items)
 Provides message logs in Delivery creation for the following:
 Information message if Delivery Quantity is adjusted to Sum of
Batch Split quantities
 Error message if Delivery Quantity is adjusted to 0.00 because no
batches were determined
 For
F Materials
M t i l picked
i k d iin WM or contract
t tW Warehouses,
h provides
Information message, IF Batches determined during Delivery
creation are unassigned, since these Batches would be picked in
WM or by contract Warehouses

8 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.

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Solution Process Flow – Batch Determination based
Delivery ATP and AUTO Delivery Qty Adjustment

9 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.

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5 Demo – Demo Data
 Demo Data
Batches in Inventory Batch Properties

Batch Selection Criteria in Search Strategy

10 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
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5 Demo – Sales Order
 Process:
 Sales Order consists of 2 items with confirmed schedule lines

11 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
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Demo – Items NOT maintained for Batch Determination
based Delivery ATP
 Process:
 Both the Sales Order Items are NOT Active for ”Batch Determination based Delivery ATP
 Delivery will be created for Sales Order Confirmation quantity despite Batches NOT being
determined to match the Delivery quantity

12 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
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Demo – Delivery Creation with Batch Determination Based
 Process:
 With ”Batch Determination based Delivery ATP” OFF for the Items in the Sales Order
 During delivery creation the system will create the delivery for the Sales Order confirmation
quantity based on Delivery based Standard ATP
ATP, although the Total Batch Quantities
determined is 0.00 (i.e. NO batches are determined per the Selection Criteria in Batch
Search Strategy) or less than the Delivery quantity for item (which is same as Sales Order
confirmation quantity)

13 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
Demo –Item maintained for Batch Determination based
Delivery ATP
 Process:
 ONLY 1 of the Sales Order Items is ACTIVE for ”Batch Determination based Delivery ATP”
 Delivery will be created for Sum of the quantities of Batches determined based on the
Batch Search Selection Criteria
 For the Sales Order Item that is NOT ACTIVE for ”Batch Determination based Delivery ATP”
 Delivery will be created for the Sales Order confirmation quantity based on Delivery based
Standard ATP, although the NO batches are determined per the Selection Criteria in Batch
Search Strategy), or Batch quantities are less than the Delivery

14 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
Demo – Delivery Creation with Batch Determination Based
 Process:
 With ”Batch Determination based Delivery ATP” ON for 1 of the Items (i.e. PH-6501)
 During delivery creation the system will adjust the delivery quantity to the Total of Batch
Quantities determined and item log shows a message that due to Batch Determination
based ATP, Delivery Item quantity was adjusted to sum of quantities of batches determined


15 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.

Proprietary and Confidential
Demo – Delivery Creation with Batch Determination Based
 Process:
 With ”Batch Determination based Delivery ATP” ON for 1 of the Items (i.e. PH-6501)
 If no batches are determined then the delivery item is not created, and item log shows a
message that due to Batch Determination based ATP,
ATP Delivery Item quantity was adjusted
to 0.00

16 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
Demo – Delivery Creation with Batch Determination Based
ATP “ON”, AND “No Batch Assignment in Delivery”
 Process:
 ”Batch Determination based Delivery ATP” ON for 1 of the Items (i.e. PH-6501), AND, ”NO Batch
assignment in Delivery ” is also ON, since Item batch will be picked by WM or contract


17 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.

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6 Solution Merits
 “Batch Determination based Delivery ATP” Solution Merits:
 For Batch managed materials, Delivery Item ATP check:
 Includes Batch Determination results
 Delivery item is created for quantity that is “Pick-able” based on valid
Batches determined per Batch Search Strategy
 Prevents surprises downstream with “Incomplete”
Incomplete and “Open
Open Quantity to
Pick” Delivery Items, which in fact cannot be picked per Batch Search
 “Open
“O to
t Deliver”
D li ” SSales
l O Order
d ItItem quantities
titi are now indeed
i d d “Accurate”,
“A t ”
since Deliveries created include delivery quantity of ONLY “Pick-able”
 Provides ability to turn Solution “ON” or “OFF” by combination of Delivery
Type, Sales Area, Shipping Point and Material
 Provides abilityy to turn “OFF” Batch assignment
g if Batch is being
gppicked in
WM or 3rd party Warehouses
18 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
7 Our Value Proposition
 Reduced TCO, Highest First Pass Yield and Highest Quality from:
 Strong expertise in providing end-to-end Supply Chain Solutions
 Strong Expertise implementing SAP, enriching Business processes and
alleviating GAPs in SAP, for Life Sciences, Consumer Products, Chemical and
High-Tech Industry segments
 Very
y experienced
p consulting
g resource base with 13+ yyears experience
p and
deep cross-functional expertise
 Rich Knowledge base of custom solutions to address GAPs in most SAP
 Ability to demonstrate end-state on Day 1 using in-house SAP Systems rich
 Pre-configured
Pre configured Solutions
 demo-able “Value Add” and “GAP Alleviating” SAP Functionality
 Demo-able IT Sapiens custom solutions
 Framework to develop strawman solutions
 Our “Say-To Do” Ratio is 1:1

19 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.

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8 Questions ?
 For more information…kindly contact
Vijay Pisipaty
Director-ERP Solutions & Consulting
IT Sapiens, Inc.

20 July 7th 2018 ©2018 IT Sapiens, Inc.

Proprietary and Confidential

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