Main Idea Questions: Looking at The First Sentence of Each Pharagraph

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1. How to identify a question (biasanya jenis pertanyaannya seperti di bawah ini)

- What is the topic of the passage
- What is the subject of the passage
- What is the main idea of the passage
- What is the author’s main point of the passage
- What is the author primarily concerned
- Which of the following would be the best tittle
2. Where to find the answer
- The answer to this type of question can generally be determined by looking at the first
sentence of each pharagraph
3. How to answer the question
- Read the first sentence of each pharagraph
- Look for a common theme of idea in the first lines
- Pass your eye quickly over the rest of the passage to check that you have really found the
topic of sentence
- Elliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining

- Biasanya mengerucut, maksudnya secara garis besar, lama-kelamaan menjurus ke hal-
hal yg lebih detail
- TRIKnya, untuk mengefisienkan waktu dan memperoleh skor yg lebih
tinggi...DAHULUKAN mengerjakan soal-soal detil, seperti :
1. What is “them” refers to (in line 2 pharagraph 2)
2. The synonim of the word “book” is (in line 3 pharagraph 2)

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