IELTS Speaking Test Script

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IELTS Speaking test script Feedback

Welcome to the speaking section of the IELTS speaking exam. My name

is __________. and I'll be your examiner. The test is going to take about
11-14 minutes. There will be three parts. I will give you instructions for
each part. I'm going to record this for marking purposes, is that okay?
I'll be asking you few questions.
Can we start with your full name please? (student answers)
Where are you from?

Part 1: Interview and Introduction So

-4-5 minutes Please do not start your answer with so or because. State first
So let's begin with part one. the main part of the question then proceed to your answer.
I'm going to ask you some general questions on a topic. Are you ready
to begin?
Let’s talk about ______________________.

Part 2: Individual Long Turn

That's the end of part 1. Now, we're going to start for part two. I'm
going to give you a card with a specific topic and you will have one
minute to prepare your answer and you may take notes if you wish. I'll
tell you when your one minute preparation is up and then you can
speak for 1-2 minutes.

Here’s the card. (Send the screenshot) Your one minute begins now.

Okay, so your one minute preparation is up. Your ninety seconds to

speak begins now.

When 2 minutes is up, interrupt the student by saying ‘Thank you’ ,

then proceed to part 3.
Part 3 : Discussion

- 4-5minutes

Now , let's have part 3. I'll be asking questions related to part 2. Are
you ready?

Thank you.
That’s the end of the speaking test.
Criteria Score, Explanation, Suggestions

Fluency and Coherence

Lexical Resource

Grammatical Range &





1. Learn to practice speaking English more by reading aloud English books. You may also practice using English in daily
conversation with friends and family.

2. Visit websites that would help you increase your English speaking and listening skills like Rachel’s English.

3. To widen your vocabulary, read English print materials and write down the words you find difficult to understand with, get a
paper or a notebook, write the words and find its meaning in the dictionary. Do it daily or as often as you want.

4. Watch English movies and listen to English songs and try to sing it through the lyrics.

5. To enrich your grammar, keep a journal with you (like a diary) and write anything in English. It doesn’t matter if it’s long or
short. Do it daily or as often as you want.

1. Corrections by parts 1, 2 and 3 - detailed feedback and corrections labelled as:

Part 1: fillers vs conversational filler ie: uhmm vs. thats a good question

Part 2:

Part 3:

2. Scores by criteria ( FC, LR, GRA and P ) + explanation + suggestions = OVERALL SCORE

giving of scores:

FC : 4 ; yes and no vs. answer + explanation + examples



P : 4 - loaf vs. loft ; practice


Overall Score:

3. SUGGESTION – to helped the student overcome his/ her weaknesses in class

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