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Following is the heat transfer equation, with usual notations, for a rod of length L with insulated surface and


d  dT   dT 
  k   0 for 0  x  L with boundary conditions, T(0)  T0 and k   (T  T )  0
dx  dx   dx  x L
Use one quadratic element to represent the domain. Derive the [K] matrix using two point gauss integration. You
may assume the weak form of the equation and as [K] is symmetric, derive only the required elements of [K].

If, L=0.1 m, k=0.01 Wm-1 OC-1, β=25 Wm-2 OC-1, T0=50O C and T∞ = 5O C, solve the equation to obtain temperatures
at the nodal points. Find temperatures at L/4 and 3L/4 and plot the temperature distribution over the element.
Determine the heat flow at L=0 from matrix solution and definition.

Two-point integration
Points:  1 3 , Weights: 1.0, 1.0

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