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Introduction to Construction Management System:

Current manual system of construction Management consists of bulk of papers and

registers. All the calculation is mainly carried on paper a single mistake or misplacement
of a single paper may lead to company loss.

The main goal of this application is to maintain the manual work of Construction
Management System very easily and effectively. Today manual work of Constructions
very cumbersome comparing to computerize system. For example: if we work with
manual system so we have to keep manual transaction in every type of register whereas if
we work with computerized system we don’t have to think carefully about what is going
on next. Everything is done automatically with a click of button.

Scope of the System:

The proposed scope of this system is to reduce the manual work of Construction
Management System. This system prevents erroneous work of transactions.

 Challenges and Opportunities

The vision and mission of academic libraries are changing in India. These
academic libraries now take on the key role of providing the competitive advantage to
various universities, research and development organizations which play a pivotal role in
the process of nation building. Academic libraries are positioning themselves to be the
torchbearers and path makers of educational advancement by way of integrating
knowledge systems and resources. These academic libraries are required to do serious
introspection on their roles, responsibilities and contributions. Comments and
observations are noted very frequently on their strengths and limitations in various
national and international forums. The vast literature gleaned from IFLA, ACRL and
allied publications on academic libraries aptly reveal the changing roles and
responsibilities of information professionals in the modern society. The academic
libraries are also called upon to exploit all forms of digital and telecommunication
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technologies and explore new avenues and possibilities for the enhancement of
knowledge resources which are available in different forms and places. The builders and
managers of academic libraries are also required to enrich computer security and
authentication techniques which promote information diffusion. The information
personnel are also required to enrich their professional competence and leadership
qualities which would facilitate meaningful identification, location and evaluation of
information resources in order to promote professional excellence among the user
community. The “user-centred” paradigm has been adopted in the developed countries to
create customizable interfaces and enrich the process of collection development in the
academic libraries. The academic libraries really demand a well conceived, designed and
maintained systems, practices and operations which would effectively meet the needs of
different constituent groups and individual users. The administrators are mainly
responsible for creating and sustaining software, hardware, human resources and data
bases which would go a long way in promoting research and development in India. “The
proficiency of library information science (LIS) and information skills must be
complemented by hardware and software skills for working in an information technology
(IT) intensive environment” as rightly suggested by Foo, S. and other scholars.

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Software Requirements:

Following packages are required for installation CONSTRUCTION Management System.

• Operating System
• Windows family
• Visual Basic 6.0
• MS ACCESS 2003

Hardware Requirements (Minimum Requirements)

• 256MB RAM
• Minimum 500 MHz processor
• Color Monitor
• 1.44 MB FDD
• Hard Disk Drive of 40 GB or more
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• Printer


As we find many disadvantages in manual system, there are two options with us.
In the current manual system we have to work manually. In manual system we have to
make every type of register manually with validation, but in this system we gain report as
per our requirements in a moment.

 Disadvantage of Manual System

• Require more accuracy

• Require more resource
• High probability of error
• Highly cumbersome
• Maintenance is also problem

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How this new one can be useful?

• To improve it.
• To find other more effective system.
Construction Management System falls in the second category. Everything that
describes as disadvantages of the current manual system become advantages here.
Literally you can do everything that is needed, electronically by just pressing the
specified buttons and filling required information.

• Need not to say Computers are very fast and accurate so obviously errors will be less.
• It will very speedily so we can save our time.
• One does not find cumbersome since he just needs to enter data as instructed.
• The major problem of database sorting, manipulating and maintenance is handled very


Data flow Diagram is concerned with designing sequences of functional

transformation that convert system inputs into the required outputs. The design is represented
as data-flow diagrams. These diagrams illustrate how data flows through sequences of
functional transformations.

Data Flow Diagrams are useful and intuitive way of describing a system. They are
normally understandable without special training. Especially if Control information is
excluded they show end to end processing, that is the flow if processing from if processing
from when data enters the system to where it leaves the system can be traced.

Data Flow Diagram to simple logical information of project. Data flow diagram is a
graphical aid for defining system inputs, processes and outputs it represents flow of data
through the system. Data Flow Diagram is used in modern method of System Analysis. They
are simple to the extents that are types of symbols and rules for Graphical tool, which can be
used by the analyst.

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FIGURE 1. Context Diagram of Library Management System

Student Detail

Student Book
Issued Demand

Various Types
Staff Demand Of Reports
Information Library
Issued book System Return Details


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Book Info

Field Name Data Type Constraint

Book id Number Primary Key

Book Name Text

Book Author Text

Price Number

Adition Number

Submission date Date /Time

Student Info

Field Name Data Type Constraint

Student_Id Number Primary Key

Student Name Text

Address Text

Class Text

Phone no Number

Book total Number

Staff Info

Field Name Data Type Constraint

Fec_Id number Primary Key

Fec_Name Text

Address Text

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Phone no Number

Department Text

Department Detail

Field Name Data Type Constraint

Depart_name text

Class Detail

Field Name Data Type Constraint

Class text

Staff Book Issue Information

Field Name Data Type Constraint

Staff_Dept text

Staff_ID Number

Staff name Text

Book_ID Number

Book name Text

Issue date Date /Time

Submission date Date /Time

Student Book Issue Information

Field Name Data Type Constraint

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Student_Class text

Student_ID Number

Student Name Text

Book_ID Number

Book name Text

Issue date Date /Time

Submission date Date /Time


Field Name Data Type Constraint

Username Text

Password Text

Distributor info

Field Name Data Type Constraint

distributorID Number Primary key

Distributoraddress Text

Phoneno Number

Mob No Number

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FIGURE 2. Login Form

This is the main user login screen for accessing the library management program.
Here users are supposed to enter their unique user name and password for successfully
enter in the software.

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FIGURE 3. Progress Form

This is the progress form after entering the password and user id. This shows
process is going on.

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FIGURE 4. Staff Book Issue Info

Once you successfully entered in the software, by clicking on the book issue
account you can issue the book. There are various sub part of the book issue menu. One
of them is staff issue information. Here you are supposed to enter the full detail of the
staff member who wants to issue the book. Here in above screen example is given how to
fill up the form.

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FIGURE 5. Student Book Issue Info

This is the another option in book issue menu specially designed for issuing the
book only for the students. Same as the staff book issuing process here also you are
supposed to fill up all the details which are required to issue the book.

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FIGURE 6. Book info Form

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This is the book information form here you are supposed to fill up all the
information related to books. So that you can keep the records of all the books available
in the library. So when you need the information about any book you have to just enter
the key word and you get the information by simple click.

FIGURE 7. Student info Form

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Here you are supposed to give all details about the students. You can also add the
details of students and modify the details as well.

FIGURE 8. Staff info Form

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Same as the student information form, staff information form is filled up for the faculty

FIGURE 9. Book Info Form

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FIGURE 10. Staff Info Form

FIGURE 11. Student Info Form

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FIGURE 12. Student Book Issue Form

FIGURE 13. Staff Book Issue Form

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These all above are the forms for various applications that means if you want to
show the report regarding any parameters which are mentioned in the form then we can
see the report. Simply you enter the information demanded and get the total information
in form of report. For example if you want to check book X is available in the library or
not then simply in the screen of book information (Figure 9) enter the name of the book
and click on the show report. It gives detailed report about that book. Whether book X is
available or not and if not then who have issued the book X and wen he/she will return
the book.

FIGURE 14. Password Change Form

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If anyone wants to change the password then he/she is supposed to enter the old
password and then new password for successfully completion of the task.


FIGURE 15. Book Info Report

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FIGURE 16. Staff Info Report

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FIGURE 17. Student Info Report

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FIGURE 18. Student Book Issue Report

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FIGURE 19. Staff Book Issue Report

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Above are the some snap shots of the various report which we have discussed earlier. If demand
for the showing report then they are shown in above manner. i.e figure 15 to figure 19.

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 Reference book:
o Management information system managing the digital firm
Tenth edition
Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon
Pearson publication.

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