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OF PALAU (2018-2019 Summer)

Instructor: Ferguson, Caroline Responses Incl Declines: 6
Subject: OSPGEN Declines: 0
Catalog & Section: 53 1

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We want your feedback about your experience using the course evaluation system and reporting. To provide your feedback, please click
HERE ( to answer one question.

Caroline Ferguson (5 comments)

Q: During the quarter, about how many hours on average per week did you interact with this instructor in
section, class, lab, office hours, and other meetings?

1 20

2 24

3 20

4 50

5 20

Learning and Instruction

A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little Nothing

How much did you learn from this instructor? 100% (6) 0% (0)

0% 25% 50% 75% 1…

Percent of Responses

Number of Response Course Course

Question Responses Rate Mean Median STDEV 5 4 3 2 1

How much did you learn from this 6 100% 5.0 5 0.0 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
ins tructor?

Note: 5:A great deal; 4:A lot; 3:A moderate amount; 2:A little; 1:Nothing;
Extremely effective Very effective Moderately effective
Slightly effective Not effective at all

Overall, how effective was the instruction you recei… 100% (6) 0% (0)

0% 25% 50% 75% 1…

Percent of Responses

Question Number of Responses Response Rate Course Mean Course Median

Overall, how effective was the ins truction you received from this ins tructor? 6 100% 5.0 5

Note: 5:Extremely effective; 4:Very effective; 3:Moderately effective; 2:Slightly effective; 1:Not effective at all;

Caroline Ferguson (6 comments)

Q: What skills or knowledge did you learn or improve from this instructor?

1 about social sciences

how palau is blending traditional and modern to solve problems
about the fishes
about the sea cukes

2 I learned to love science!

3 I really appreciated the social perspective that you brought to the class!

4 My problem solving, understanding of how to approach experiments and teamwork

5 Caroline taught me so much about the communities in Palau, and how it is so important for us as foreign researchers to reach out to
them and learn from them and their knowledge rather than relying on ourselves.

6 I learned about the current and historical social and economic environment in Palau, and how this intersects with the natural

Teaching Feedback

Caroline Ferguson (11 comments)

Q: What aspects of this instructor's teaching were most helpful to you? (Please type one idea in each box
Aspect 1:

1 energetic

2 approachability

3 Unparalleled enthusiasm and a positive mindset

4 Caroline was always super cheery and nice. It was super easy to come to her to ask for help or just to talk, especially about things
that were hard to talk to Rob or Stephen about (their teaching styles, gender dynamics of the class, etc.).

Q: Aspect 2:

1 passionate

2 caringness

3 Patience
4 Caroline was really open to discussing any questions that came up about Palauan society, and I had some of my most interesting
conversations about Palau thanks to her knowledge and openness to discussing these topics.

Q: Aspect 3:

1 really good at explainin

2 sense of humor

3 Kindness and compassion

Caroline Ferguson (5 comments)

Q: How can this instructor's teaching be improved? (Please type one idea in each box below.)
Aspect 1:

1 n/a

2 more youtube videos of being a child pop star

3 Tbh Caroline and Mathilde are perfection so no comments here. They were amazing and really helped make sure students' concerns
were addressed and helped make the course an amazing experience.

Q: Aspect 2:

1 no more hospitals :(

Q: Aspect 3:

1 more belief in the fact that i saw a croc

Instructor Added Questions

No Data.

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