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Platinum Medals as a reward in Dredgion

Initial Situation:

About Platinum Medals

- Platinum medals are the most important late-game items; the ways to obtain them are very limited and
they are in general only accessible by PvE (Eso-Terrace, Daily-quests, Abyssal splinter, PvE-raids).
- The Staff is aware of this problem and that’s why they started events that should improve this situation
(scorching heat / boxes event).

About Dredgion

- In general the Dredgion instance offers a format of PvP which is unique in Aion and could be a lot of fun.
- Currently, not many people run Dredgion and even less take it seriously. The amount of 6-player
premade teams is very small, therefore the competition for 6-player premade teams is low and the PvP
in this dungeon is usually boring and heavily one-sided.
- The main reasons for the low interest in the Dredgion are the rewards which are very low (around 10k
AP for the winning team and around 6k for the losing team).


In general

- Adding 1 Platinum medal as a reward for every player in the winning team


- The problem of the lack of ways to obtain platinum medals gets improved. And now there is also a way
to get platinum-medals through PvP, not only through PvE.
- The Dredgion becomes a more interesting and active dungeon. More people will run it frequently, more
premade groups will enter. This results in more interesting PvP and more pleasure for everyone.

Concern & Reply

- People might think that by implementing this, too many platinum-medals are available for everyone and
argue that with 3 platinum medals extra per day people will have end-gear very fast.


- First, you have to consider that only the winning team receives a platinum medal as a reward. So that’s
only 50% of the players joining the dungeon. Since everyone will want to win and the competition will be
higher, it will in general become harder to win easily.
- Also the percentage of players who have time to run this dungeon 3 times a day is very small. Most
people will only be able to run 1 to maximum 2 times a day. This means that players receive in average
(winrate of 50%) 0.5-1 platinum medals extra per day (which is even less than you get with the current
box-trading event!)

Alternatives to limit platinum-medals

If people still think that the rewards would be too high, there are still ways to limit the amount of platinum
medals gained:

o The easiest variant would be to just spawn the currently existing rare-mobs (quartermaster &
skyguard) 100% of the time – then people could get their platinum medals by completing the
already existing quest more reliably and in order to do so, they would be forced to clear many
rooms and couldn’t just rush the endboss down.
o It could be also done as a daily quest, or that the winner’s team gets an item, which can be
traded for a platinum-box only once a day (similar to current box-event).
o Another option would be to realize this concept as an event which can be activated sometimes
periodically by the staff.

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