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Sorani Kurdish Vocabulary

Circumflexed vowels follow uncircumflexed vowels in alphabetization. The furtive i

is indicated by italicization, e.g. bâwik ‘father’ but bâwkî ‘his father.’
Abbreviations: adj. = adjective; cond. = conditional; demon. = demonstrative;
imprs. = impersonal (verb is always in the 3rd person singular); impt. = imperative;
pl. = plural; pron. = pronoun; sing. = singular; subj. = subjunctive; pres. = present;
v.i. = verb intransitive; v.p. = verb passive; v.t. = verb transitive (transitive implies
that the past tense is formed on the ergative model, not that the verb necessarily
takes a direct object either in Kurdish or in English).
Generally, compound verbs are listed under the nonverbal element of the com-
pound; compounds with frequently-occurring elements like dâ-, hał-, and pe- are
listed under the verb.
a- ‫ ﺋــــــﻪ‬habitual verbal prefix (Sulaymani the city; ~ i engaged in, practicing:
dialect); see da- ahl i îmân religious, ahl i kher chari-
-à ‫ ـﻪ‬directional suffix on verbs: chûmà table, ahl i kayf hedonistic; ~ la…dâ
shâr I went to town worthy of: fiłân la rafâqat’dâ zor ahl
adab ‫ ﺋــــﻪدﻩب‬literature, culture; ~î ‫ﺋــــﻪدﻩﰉ‬ a So-and-So is quite worthy of friend-
literary; ~iyât ‫ ﺋـﻪدﻩﺑﻴــﺎت‬literature; ~par- ship
war ‫ ﺋـﻪدﻩﺑﭙــﻪروﻩر‬patron of literature; be~ Aḥmad ‫ ﺋــــــﻪﲪــــــﻪد‬Ahmad, masc. proper
‫ﺋــــﻪدﻩب‬/ impolite; be~î ‫ﺋــــﻪدﻩﰉ‬/ impo- name
liteness aḥrâr ‫ ﺋﻪﺣﺮار‬liberals
adîb ‫ ﺋـــــﻪدﯾـــــﺐ‬litérateur, literary person, ajzâkhâna ‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬L‫ ﺋﻪﺟﺰا‬pharmacy
man of letters -aká ‫ ـﻪﮐـــــﻪ‬sing. definite suffix: pyâwaká
afandî ‫ ﺋــﻪﻓــﻪﻧــﺪی‬gentleman, anyone who the man
wears western clothes -akân ‫ ـﻪﰷن‬pl. definite suffix: pyâwakân
Afrâsiyâb ‫ﻴـﺎب‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ ﺋـﻪﻓـﺮا ــ‬Afrasiab, legendary the men
king of Turan akhlâq ‫ ـﻼق‬L‫ ﺋ ـﻪ‬morals, ethics; ~î ‫ ـﻼﰵ‬L‫ﺋ ـﻪ‬
Afrîqâ ‫ﺋﻪﻓﺮﯾﻘﺎ‬, Afrîqyâ ‫ ﺋﻪﻓﺮﯾﻘ;ﺎ‬Africa moral, ethical
afsar ‫ ﺋﻪﻓﺴﻪر‬officer Ałamânî ‫ﻪﻣﺎﱏ‬T‫ ﺋﻪ‬German
afsâna ‫ ﺋـﻪﻓـﺴـﺎﻧـﻪ‬tale, legend; ~î ‫ ﺋـﻪﻓـﺴـﺎﻧـﻪﰃ‬al’ân ‫ ﺋﻪﻵن‬now
legendary alîktronî ‫ ﺋﻪﻟﻴﮑﱰۆﱏ‬electronic
afsos ‫ ﺋﻪﻓﺴﯚس‬alas, alack am …á ‫ـﻪ‬...‫ ﺋﻪم‬this (demon. adj.)
afsûn-kirdin ‫ـﺮدن‬B ‫ ﺋـﻪﻓـﺴـﻮون‬v.t. to charm: ama ‫ ﺋﻪﻣﻪ‬this (demon. pron.)
mâr afsûn dakât he charms snakes amag ‫ ﺋـﻪﻣـﻪگ‬goodness; ba~ ‫ ﺑـﻪﺋـﻪﻣـﻪگ‬faith-
agar ‫ ﺋـﻪﮔـﻪر‬if; ~chî ‫ ﺋـﻪﮔـﻪرﭼـﯽ‬even though, ful; ba~î ‫ ﺑـﻪﺋـﻪﻣـﻪﮔـﯽ‬fidelity; be~ ‫ﺋـﻪﻣـﻪگ‬/
even if unfaithful, faithless
agînâ ‫ ﺋﻪﮔﻴﻨﺎ‬if not, otherwise amak ‫ = ﺋﻪﻣﻪک‬amag
ahâlî ‫ ﺋــﻪﻫــﺎﱃ‬inhabitants, civilian popula- amal ‫( ﺋـــﻪﻣـــﻪل‬also ‫ )`ـــﻪﻣـــﻪل‬operation; ~-
tion kirdin v.t. to have an operation
ahl ‫ ﺋـﻪﻫـﻞ‬inhabitant, resident: kâwrâ ahl i amarîk|â ‫ ـﲀ‬a‫ ﺋ ـﻪﻣ ـﻪر‬America; ~î ‫ ـﮑ ـﯽ‬a‫ﺋ ـﻪﻣ ـﻪر‬
shâr a the gentleman is a resident of American
amatâ c‫ ﺋﻪﻣﻪ‬here is, voici only: arzim kird I said); to petition:
amâna ‫ ﺋﻪﻣﺎﻧﻪ‬these (demon. pron.) arzî ba pâshâ kird la shitèk he
amârat ‫ ﺋـﻪﻣـﺎرﻩت‬emirate, principality; ~ a petitioned the king for something
darabagakân feudal principalities arz2 ‫ ﺋﻪرز‬earth, land
amjâ ‫ ﺋﻪﳎﺎ‬now, at this time Arzařom ‫ ﺋﻪرزﻩڕۆم‬Erzerum
amn ‫ ﺋـﻪﻣـﻦ‬security; ~î ‫ ﺋـﻪﻣـﲎ‬pertaining to arzîng ‫ ﺋﻪرزﯾﻨﮓ‬chin, dimple in the chin
security ashîrat ‫ ﺋﻪﺷﲑﻩت‬tribe
amřo ‫ۆ‬g‫ ﺋﻪﻣ‬today ashkanja ‫ ﺋـﻪﺷـﮑـﻪﳒـﻪ‬torture; ~-dân v.t. to
amshaw ‫ ﺋﻪﻣﺸﻪو‬tonight torture; ~-dirân v.p. to be tortured
amust ‫ ﺋـﻪﻣـﻮﺳـﺖ‬finger; ~aweła ‫ــﻪ‬kl‫ـــﻪو‬ ‫ﺘ‬8‫ﺋـﻪﻣـﻮﺳ‬ ashkawt ‫ = ﺋﻪﺷﮑﻪوت‬shikaft
ring; ~basta ‫ـــﺘـــﻪ‬8‫ـــﻪﺳـــ‬m‫ـــ‬n‫ ﺋـــﻪﻣـــﻮﺳـــ‬fooled, ashq ‫ ﺋﻪﺷﻖ‬love
tricked ashrâf ‫ ﺋـــــﻪﴍاف‬dignitaries, eminent per-
andâm ‫ ﺋـﻪﻧـﺪام‬member; ~î ‫ ﺋـﻪﻧـﺪاﻣـﯽ‬member- sons
ship asht ‫ ﺋﻪﺷﺖ‬wage
andâza ‫ ﺋـﻪﻧـﺪازﻩ‬measurement; be~ ‫ﺋـﻪﻧـﺪازﻩ‬/ asîr ‫ ﺋﻪﺳﲑ‬prisoner
untold, limitless aslaḥa ‫„ ـﻪ‬ƒ‫ ﺋ ـﻪﺳ ـ‬weapons, arms: ba asla-
andâzyâr ‫ر‬p‫ ﺋﻪﻧﺪاز‬engineer ḥawa armed
anfâl ‫ ﺋـــﻪﻧـــﻔـــﺎل‬the Iraqi campaign against asp ‫ ﺋﻪﺳﭗ‬horse
the Kurds in 1988 aspanâgh ‫ﭙﻪ‡غ‬8‫ ﺋﻪﺳ‬spinach
ango ‫ﮕﯚ‬s‫ ﺋﻪ‬you aspârdin ‫ﭙﺎردن‬8‫ = ﺋﻪﺳ‬spârdin
angus(t)‫ﮕﻮس‬s‫ ﺋﻪ‬،‫ﮕﻮﺳﺖ‬s‫ = ﺋﻪ‬amust aspâyî ‫ﭙﺎﱙ‬8‫ ﺋﻪﺳ‬stealth; ba ~ stealthily
angûs ‫ﮕﻮوس‬s‫ = ﺋﻪ‬amust aspe ‰Š‫ﭙ‬8‫ ﺋﻪﺳ‬louse, mite
anjâm ‫ ﺋ ـﻪﳒ ـﺎم‬end, result; ~-dân ‫ﺋ ـﻪﳒ ـﺎم دان‬ asrîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ﺋﻪﴎ‬tear
v.t. to accomplish, to do; la ~’dâ v Astamûl ‫ﺘﻪﻣﻮول‬8‫ ﺋﻪﺳ‬Istanbul
‫ ﺋـــﻪﳒـــﺎﻣـــﺪا‬in the end; la ~ i … awa as a aster ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ﺘ‬8‫ ﺋﻪﺳ‬pool
result of; be~ ‫ﺋــــﻪﳒــــﺎم‬/ ineffective, in- astera ‫ﺮﻩ‬Œ‫ﺘ‬8‫ ﺋﻪﺳ‬star
consequential asterok ‫ﺮۆک‬Œ‫ﺘ‬8‫ ﺋﻪﺳ‬firefly
anjuman ‫ ﺋﻪﳒﻮﻣﻪن‬council, board asto ‫ ـﺘ ـﯚ‬8‫ ﺋ ـﻪﺳ ـ‬neck, thick part of the neck;
‘antar ‫ ` ـﻪﻧ ـﺘ ـﻪر‬monkey; wak ‘antar i Lotî girtinà ~ v.t. to assume the burden of
Sâlih like Loti Salih’s monkey, “like astûr ‫ﺘﻮور‬8‫ ﺋﻪﺳ‬thick
an organ grinder’s monkey,” an ob- atom ‫ ﺋـــــﻪﺗـــــﯚم‬atom: hez i ~ power of the
ject of pity and ridicule atom; ~î atomic
‘aql ‫ `ﻪﻗﻞ‬mind, intelligence atrash ‫ــــــﺮﻩش‬Ž‫ ﺋــــــﻪ‬gall: atrashyân chûbû
‘ard ‫ = `ﻪرد‬arz2 they had lost their gall
are ‫ ﺋﻪرێ‬yes avîndâr ‫ ﺋﻪﭬ;ﻨﺪار‬lover
ark (1) ‫ ﺋــــــﻪرک‬duty, responsibility: ark i aw ‫ ﺋـــــﻪو‬he, she, it (3rd-person sing. pro-
sar shânima khizmat bikam it’s my noun); that (sing. demon. pron.); ~
duty to serve; (2) trouble, labor: hen- …á that, those (demon. adj.): aw
dim ark dâwa nabetawa I’ve caused shitá that thing, aw shitâná those
unprecedented trouble things
‘arsh ‫ `ﻪرش‬throne awá ‫ ﺋــــــــﻪوﻩ‬that (demon. pron.); bo ~î in
arshîv ‫ﻴــﭫ‬8‫ ﺋـﻪرﺷـ‬archive; ~î ‫ـــﯽ‬ ‫ﻴﭭ‬8‫ ﺋـﻪرﺷـ‬archiv- order that; ~ khwâya God willing
al awa ‫( ﺋــــــــــﻪوﻩ‬with present verb indicates
arz1 ‫ ﺋـــــــــﻪرز‬petition; ~-kirdin v.t. to say progressive): min awa la birsâ da-
(self-deprecating, of the 1st person mirim I’m dying of hunger
-awa ‫( ـﻪوﻩ‬postposition, with preposition ~chûn ‫ووﭼﻮون‬g–‫ ﺋﺎ‬indignity
la; contracts to -wa after vowels) âbuhawâ ‫ ﺋﺎﺑﻮﻫﻪوا‬climate
from âbunmân ‫ ﺋﺎﺑﻮﳕﺎن‬subscription
awal ‫ ﺋﻪوﻩل‬first âborî ‫ ﺋﺎﺑﯚری‬economy, economic
awanda ‫ ﺋـــﻪوﻩﻧـــﺪﻩ‬so much, thus; ~ i tir so âdamî ‫ ﺋــــﺎدﻩﻣــــﯽ‬human being; ~zâ(d) hu-
much the more; dû ~ twice as much: man being
min dû awanda’t dadamè I’ll give âday ‫ ﺋﺎدﻩی‬now then
you twice as much âfarîn ‫ـــﻦ‬a‫ ﺋـــﺎﻓـــﻪر‬bravo; ~-kirdin la v.t. to
awatâ c‫ ﺋﻪوﻩ‬there is, voilà applaud
awâ ‫ ﺋـﻪوا‬then; ~ hât u ‫ ﺋـﻪوا ﻫـﺎت و‬suppose: âfâq ‫ ﺋﺎﻓﺎق‬horizons
awâ hât u kurdèk habû suppose there âfrat ‫ ﺋﺎﻓﺮﻩت‬woman
was a Kurd who … âgâ ‫ ﺋــــ˜ﮔــــﺎ‬aware: ~t l’ aw kârá haya? are
awân ‫ ﺋﻪوان‬they; ~a ‫ ﺋﻪواﻧﻪ‬those you aware of that?; (2) awake: khaw-
‘awdâl ‫ `ﻪودال‬wandering tûa yân ~ya? is he asleep or awake?;
awe ‫ ﺋــــــــﻪوێ‬there; l’ ~ ‫وێ‬v there, in that ~-bûn la v.i. to be aware of; ~-kirdin
place; l’ ~wa ‫ــــــﻮﻩ‬l‫و‬v from there, from v.t. to inform; ~dâr ‫ ﺋـ˜ﮔـﺎدار‬la aware of,
that place careful of; ~dârî ‫ ﺋـــ˜ﮔـــﺎداری‬awareness,
awîn ‫ــﻦ‬a‫ ﺋــﻪو‬love; ~dâr ‫ ﺋــﻪوﯾــﻨــﺪار‬lover, in care, attention, information
love âgir ‫ ﺋ˜ﮔﺮ‬fire; ~dân ‫ ﺋ˜ﮔﺮدان‬fireplace
awjâ ‫ ﺋﻪو•ﺎ‬then, subsequently âghâ ‫ ﺋﺎ™ﺎ‬agha, title of feudal lord
Awrupâ ‫ ﺋـﻪوروﭘـﺎ‬Europe; ~î ‫ ﺋـﻪوروﭘـﺎﱙ‬Euro- âhang ‫ـــﮓ‬s‫ ﺋـــﺎﻫـــﻪ‬entertainment, party; ~-
pean geřân to hold a party, give an enter-
awsâ ‫ ﺋﻪوﺳﺎ‬then, at that time tainment
awto ‫ ﺋﻪوﺗﯚ‬so much, such a âîn ‫ ﺋﺎﺋﲔ‬religion; ~î ‫ ﺋﺎﺋ›ﲎ‬religious
ay ‫ ﺋـﻪی‬O (vocative particle); oh; now: ay âkâm ‫ ﺋــــــــ˜ﰷم‬end, result: la ~’(d)â in the
kay det? who’s coming now? end, finally
ayâr ‫ر‬p‫ ﺋﻪ‬May âkâr ‫ ﺋ˜ﰷر‬conduct, morals
‘aybat ‫ `ﻪﯾﺒﻪت‬fear, terror âkh ‫ ﺋـــــــــــﺎخ‬earth, grave; exclamation of
aylûl ‫ ﺋﻪﯾﻠﻮول‬September pleasure
‘aynak ‫ `ﻪﯾﻨﻪک‬eyeglasses âkhâwtin ‫ــﻦ‬Ž‫ــﺎو‬L‫ ﺋــﺎ‬conversational, collo-
azhdîhâ ‫ ﺋﻪژدﳞﺎ‬dragon, serpent quial
azhîhâ ‫ = ﺋﻪژﳞﺎ‬azhdîha âkhir ‫ ﺋـﺎﺧـﺮ‬end; (exclamation) well now!,
azhno ‫ ﺋـﻪﻧژـﯚ‬knee; dastaw-~ ‫ــﺘـﻪو ﺋـﻪﻧژـﯚ‬8 ‫دﻩﺳ‬ after all!; ~ u okhir ‫ ﺋـــﺎﺧـــﺮوﺋـــﻮﺧـــﺮ‬latter
grieving, mourning part, near the end: la ~ i pâyiz dâ
azîz ‫ــﺰ‬a‫ `ــﻪز‬dear; ~-kirdin v.t. to pamper; toward the end of autumn; ~amîn
~-kiran v.p. to be spoiled; ~kirâw ‫ ﺋـﺎﺧـﺮﻩﻣـﲔ‬last: awa ~ jâr be pet biłem let
‫ﺮاو‬B‫ﺰ‬a‫ `ﻪز‬pampered, spoiled this be the last time I tell you; ~î
-â ‫( ا‬contracted form of the postposition ‫ ﺋﺎﺧﺮی‬final, last
’dâ, q.v.) âkhnîn ‫ ـﲔ‬ž‫ ﺋ ـﺎﺧ ـ‬v.t. to stuff; hał-~ to stuff
âb ‫ ﺋﺎب‬August full, cram full
âbłoqa ‫ﯚﻗﻪ‬k‫ ﺋﺎﺑ‬siege; ~-dân v.t. to besiege âkho ‫ ﺋﺎﺧﯚ‬ah, exclamation of pleasure
âbřû ‫وو‬g‫ ﺋــــﺎ–ــــ‬honor, modesty, shame; ~- âl ‫ ﺋﺎل‬red, flushed
birdin v.t. to dishonor, shame; ~- âłâ Ÿ‫ ﺋﺎ‬pen; flag, banner
tikândin v.t. to dishonor; ~bar âłân ‫ن‬Ÿ‫ ﺋـــــﺎ‬âłe- ‰‫ـــــ‬T‫ ﺋـــــﺎ‬v.i. to be twisted,
‫ووﺑـــــﻪر‬g‫ ﺋـــــﺎ–ـــــ‬shameful, dishonorable; wrapped
âłândin ‫ﻧـــﺪن‬Ÿ‫ ﺋـــﺎ‬âłên- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ـــ‬T‫ ﺋـــﺎ‬v.t. to twist ârân ‫ ﺋﺎران‬winter quarters
(trs.) ârâsta ‫ـﺘـﻪ‬8‫ ﺋـﺎراﺳـ‬direction; ~-kirdin v.t. to
âlât ‫ ﺋﺎﻻت‬tools, implements direct: bînarân datwânin pirsyâra-
âlik ‫ﮏ‬¢‫ﺋﺎ‬, âlîk ‫ ﺋﺎﻟﻴﮏ‬forage, fodder kânyân ârâsta i mewân i barnâmaká
Âlmân ‫ ﺋﺎﳌﺎن‬Germany bikan viewers can direct their ques-
âłosh ‫ﯚش‬T‫ ﺋﺎ‬itch tions at the guest of the program;
âłqa ‫ﻘــﻪ‬T‫ ﺋـﺎ‬ring, knocker; ~rez ‫ـﺰ‬¤‫ﻘــﻪر‬T‫ ﺋـﺎ‬ditto; ~kar ‫ﺘﻪﮐﻪر‬8‫ ﺋﺎراﺳ‬steering, guiding
~rez i dargâ kutân v.t. to knock at a ârd ‫ ﺋﺎرد‬flour; ~amshâr ‫ ﺋﺎردﻩﻣﺸﺎر‬sawdust
door ârkolozhiyâ p‫ ﺋﺎرﮐﯚﻟﯚژ‬archaeology
âłtûn ‫ﺘﻮون‬T‫ ﺋﺎ‬gold ârû ‫ ﺋﺎروو‬cucumber
âługoř ‫ـــﻮﮔـــﯚڕ‬T‫ ﺋـــﺎ‬change; ~-kirdin v.t. to âs ‫ ﺋﺎس‬ace (cards)
change, to alter âsawâr ‫ ﺋﺎﺳﻪوار‬remains
âłû ‫ﻮو‬T‫ ﺋﺎ‬tonsils âsâ ‫( ﺋـﺎﺳـﺎ‬postposition) like: min’îsh khot
âmâda ‫ ﺋـﺎﻣـﺎدﻩ‬ready; ~-kirdin v.t. to make âsâ am kârá’m kird I, like you, did
ready, prepare this; ~î normal, usual
âmânat ‫ ﺋــﺎﻣــﺎﻧــﻪت‬trust, safekeeping; ba ~ âsân ‫ ﺋــﺎﺳــﺎن‬easy; ~-kirdin v.t. to simpli-
dânà dast i … v.t. to give into the fy; ~î ease: ba âsânî with ease, easily
safekeeping of; ba ~ spârdin ba … âsâyish ‫ ﺋﺎﺳﺎ§ﺶ‬peace, security
v.t. to entrust to âsh ‫ ﺋـﺎش‬mill; ~awân ‫ ﺋـﺎﺷـﻪوان‬miller; ~geř
âmânj ‫ ﺋﺎﻣﺎﱋ‬target, goal gŒ‫ ﺋﺎﺷﮕ‬water that turns a mill
âmo ‫ ﺋﺎﻣﯚ‬paternal uncle; ~zâ ‫ ﺋﺎﻣﯚزا‬cousin âshbattâł ‫ﺒﻪﺗﺘﺎڵ‬8‫ ﺋﺎﺷ‬cease-fire
âmozhgârî-kirdin ‫ــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﺋــﺎﻣــﯚژﮔــﺎری‬v.t. to âshkirâ ‫ ﺋـﺎﺷـﮑـﺮا‬clear, obvious; public; ~-
advise bûn v.i. to be clear, obvious; to be-
âmřâz ‫از‬g‫ ﺋﺎﻣ‬instrument, implement, tool come public; ~-kirdin v.t. to make
âmyân ‫ ﺋﺎﻣ;ﺎن‬yoghurt starter, leaven clear, clarify
ânîshk ‫ ﺋﺎﻧ›ﺸﮏ‬elbow âshnâ ‫ﻨـﺎ‬8‫ﺷ‬
‫ ـﺋ ﺎ ــ‬acquainted, friendly; expert;
ânqast (la ~) ‫ ﺋـﺎﻧـﻘـﻪﺳـﺖ‬on purpose, delib- ~yatî ‫ﻨﺎﯾﻪﰏ‬8‫ ﺋﺎﺷ‬acquaintance
erately âsht ‫ ـﺋ ﺎﺷـﺖ‬on good terms; ~-bûnawa v.i.
âpo ‫ ﺋﺎﭘﯚ‬paternal uncle to be reconciled; ~î ‫ـــﱴ‬8‫ ﺋـــﺎﺷـــ‬peace, re-
âpor ‫ ﺋﺎﭘﯚر‬calamity conciliation; ~îkhwâz ‫ـ;ـﺨـﻮاز‬n‫ ﺋـﺎﺷـ‬seek-
âpora ‫ ﺋــﺎﭘــﯚرﻩ‬crowd; ~-dân v.t. to crowd: ing reconciliation
khałkèk i zor la dawr i mizgawt ~yân âsik ‫ ﺋﺎﺳﮏ‬gazelle, deer
dâwa many people have crowded âsin ‫ ﺋــــــﺎﺳــــــﻦ‬iron; ~ i sârd kutân to do
around the mosque something useless; ~gar ‫ــــــﻨـــﮕـــﻪر‬8 ‫ﺋـــﺎﺳ‬
âraq(a) ‫ ﺋـﺎرﻩق‬،‫ ﺋـﺎرﻩﻗـﻪ‬sweat; ~-kirdinawa blacksmith
v.t. to sweat; ~-rishtin v.t. to sweat Âsiyâ ‫ﻴﺎ‬8‫ ﺋﺎﺳ‬Asia
ârazû ‫ ﺋـﺎرﻩزوو‬wish, hope; ~kar ‫ﺋـﺎرﻩزووﮐـﻪر‬ âsmân ‫ ﺋــــﺎﺳــــﲈن‬sky; ~ i dûr la zawîawa
desirous, wishful; ~mand ‫ﺋـــﺎرﻩزووﻣـــﻪﻧـــﺪ‬ outer space; ~î of the sky, heavenly,
hopeful; ~-kirdin v.t. to wish, desire blue
ârâm ‫ ﺋـــــﺎرام‬calm; ~-girtin v.t. to be still, âso ‫ ﺋﺎﺳﯚ‬horizon
patient, calm down; ~ biřrân la(bar) âst ‫ﺋﺎﺳﺖ‬: la ~e kho in spite of oneself
v.p. to lose patience: wazîr ârâm’î le âstam ‫ـﺘـﻪم‬8‫ ﺋـﺎﺳـ‬slight: namirdibû u ba âs-
hałdagîre the vizier loses his pa- tam gyân’î te’dâ mâbû he wasn’t
tience; be~ ‫ﺋــــــــﺎرام‬/ impatient; be~î / dead, for there was a slight trace of
‫ ﺋﺎراﻣﯽ‬impatience life still in him; ba ~(èk) slightly:
dastim ba ~èk rûshâwa my hand is warp
slightly scratched; (2) difficult to âwsâna ‫ ﺋـﺎوﺳـﺎﻧـﻪ‬fable, legend; ~î ‫ﺋـﺎوﺳـﺎﻧـﻪﱙ‬
cross: Taragha kewèk i ~a Taragha is fabulous, legendary
a difficult mountain to get across âwus ‫ = ﺋﺎووس‬âwis
âsûda ‫ ﺋـــﺎﺳـــﻮودﻩ‬in comfort, comfortable; ây ‫ ﺋﺎی‬O (vocative particle)
~-kirdin v.t. to make comfortable; ~î âyâ p‫ ﺋﺎ‬interrogative particle
‫ ﺋـﺎﺳـﻮودﻩﱙ‬comfort, prosperity; kawtinà âyin ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ﺋﺎ‬religion; ~î traditional; religious
~îawa to become prosperous âyina ‫ ﺋﺎﯾﻨﻪ‬mirror
âtar ‫ ﺋﺎﺗﻪر‬fire âyinda ‫ ﺋــــﺎﯾــــﻨــــﺪﻩ‬future, coming, next: do
âtashbâzî ‫ﺒﺎزی‬8‫ ﺋﺎﺗﻪﺷ‬fireworks rozh i âyinda two days later
âw ‫ ﺋـــﺎو‬water; ~î ‫ ﺋـــﺎوی‬watery; light blue; âzâ ‫ ﺋـﺎزا‬brave; ~î ‫ ﺋـﺎزاﰃ‬bravery; ~yatî ‫ﺋـﺎزاﯾـﻪ‬
~řishen ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺋـــﺎوڕﺷـــ‬sprinkling, spraying ‫ ﰏ‬act of bravery, feat
with water âzâd ‫ ﺋــــــﺎزاد‬free; ~-kirdin v.t. to set free;
âwadân ‫ ﺋﺎوﻩدان‬flourishing ~î ‫ ﺋﺎزادى‬freedom
âwał ‫ ﺋﺎوﻩڵ‬friend, companion âzâna ‫ ﺋﺎزاﻧﻪ‬bravely, courageously
âwâ ‫ ﺋــــــــــﺎوا‬thus; flourishing, prosperous âzâr1 ‫ ﺋـــﺎزار‬bother, annoyance; pain, mal-
(land); ~-bûn to disappear; to be ady; ~-kirdin v.t. to bother, annoy
gone, over: rozh âwâ be, demà mâł- âzâr2 ‫ ﺋﺎزار‬March
tân when day is done I’ll come to âzâyâna ‫ﻧﻪ‬p‫ = ﺋﺎزا‬âzâna
you; ~-kirdin v.t. to develop; ~dân âzhal ‫ ﺋﺎژﻩل‬flocks, herds
‫ ﺋــــــــــــــﺎوادان‬flourishing, prosperous; ~î âzhâwa ‫ ﺋﺎژاوﻩ‬commotion, uproar
‫ ﺋـﺎواداﱏ‬village, settlement; ~kirdinawa âzûqa ‫ ﺋﺎزووﻗﻪ‬provisions, stores
âwâł ‫ ﺋـــــــــــــﺎواڵ‬companion, mate; ~kirâs b- pres. stem of bûn
‫ﮑﺮاس‬T‫ ﺋﺎوا‬women’s trousers ba ‫( ﺑـــــــــــﻪ‬with enclitic pronouns pre- or
âwâra ‫ ﺋﺎوارﻩ‬wanderer, vagabond postposed, pe ‰Š‫ )ﭘ ـ‬to; by, with (instru-
âwât ‫ ﺋـــــﺎوات‬desire: ~ i dił the heart’s de- mental); by (with passives): hîchit pe
sire; ~-khwâstin bo to wish for, nâkire nothing can be done by you
desire; ~akhwâz ‫ ﺋـــﺎواﺗـــﻪﺧـــﻮاز‬desirous, ba-1 ‫ ﺑــــﻪ‬for compound adjectives formed
hopeful from ba-, such as barez, bakhabar,
âwâz ‫ ﺋ ـﺎواز‬tune, melody; ~a ‫ ﺋ ـﺎوازﻩ‬reputa- banâwbâng, see next element
tion; ~akhwân ‫ ﺋــــﺎوازﻩﺧــــﻮان‬singer; ~a- ba-2 ‫ ﺑﻪ‬pres. stem of birdin
khwen ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ ﺋﺎوازﻩﺧﻮ‬singer badbakht ‫ﺑ ـﻪدﺑ ـﻪﺧ ـﺖ‬unfortunate; ~î ‫ﺑ ـﻪدﺑ ـﻪ‬
âwena ‫ﻨﻪ‬l‫ ﺋﺎو‬mirror ‫ ﺧﱴ‬misfortune; bo ~î unfortunately
âwezha ‫ﮋﻩ‬¤‫ ﺋﺎو‬swamp bafr ‫ﺑـــﻪﻓـــﺮ‬snow; ~-girtin v.t. for snow to
âwhâ ‫ ﺋﺎوﻫﺎ‬thus, of this sort cover bafr girtûyatî it is covered
âwir ‫ ﺋﺎور‬fire; pregnant with snow; ~ânbâr ‫ ﺑـﻪﻓـﺮاﻧـﺒـﺎر‬the month
âwiř ‫ ﺋـﺎوڕ‬backward glance; ~-dânawa la of Capricorn (December 22–January
v.t. to look over the shoulder at, to 20)
look back at bag ‫ ﺑﻪگ‬lord, master
âwis ‫ ﺋﺎوس‬pregnant Baghdâ ‫ ﺑﻪ™ﺪا‬Baghdad
âwrîshim ‫ ﺋـــﺎور§ـــﺸـــﻢ‬silk; ~în ‫ﺋـــﺎور§ـــﺸـــﻤـــﲔ‬ baghîl ‫ﻏﻴـﻞ‬ ‫ ﺑـﻪ ـ‬stingy; jealous; ~î jealousy;
silken, made of silk ~î hâtin la v.i. to be jealous: baghî-
âwru ‫ ﺋﺎورو‬honor lî’yân le dahât they were jealous
âwsân ‫ ﺋـﺎوﺳـﺎن‬âwse- ‰‫ ﺋـﺎوﺳـ‬v.i. to swell; to bahałategayshtin ‫ﮕـﻪ ـ§ﺸـﱳ‬²‫ﺗ‬ ‫ـﻪ ـ ـ‬T‫ ﺑـﻪﻫـﻪ‬misun-
derstanding sake of, because of; la ~ …’dâ in
bahâr ‫ ﺑﻪﻫﺎر‬spring front of; la ~ …awa to, with, in the
bahra ‫ ﺑــﻪﻫــﺮﻩ‬benefit, lot; ~-birdin la v.t. presence of: la bar khoyawa gutî he
to derive benefit from said to himself; ~la ~ awaî because;
baḥrî ‫ ﺑـﻪﺣـﺮی‬merhorse, a fabulous magi- la ~ kirdin v.t. to put on, wear; la
cal horse common in Iranian fairy ~ân i throughout the length and
tales breadth of; la ~dam i in front of; la ~
bakesh-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ـــﺶ‬Œ‫ ﺑـــﻪﮐـــ‬v.t. to drag, dast i …’dâ in the presence of, in
haul: ba zor bakesh’î kirdim bo lâ i front of, with; lamaw~ previously,
qâzî he hauled me before the judge by before; (2) fruit, produce
force bař ‫ ﺑﻪڕ‬rug, flat-woven carpet
bakhew-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﺑـــﻪﺧـــ´ـــﻮ‬v.t. to take bar- ‫ ﺑﻪر‬impt. stem of birdin
care of, to raise (a child) bara1 ‫ ﺑﻪرﻩ‬tribe, tribal division
bakht ‫ ﺑـﻪﺧـﺖ‬luck; ~-kirdin v.t. to risk, to bara2 ‫ ﺑــــﻪرﻩ‬bit; bara-bara little by little,
sacrifice; ~ kirânawa v.p. to have a gradually
stroke of luck: bakhtî kirâwatawa he bara3 i ‫ ﺑﻪرﻩی‬toward
has had a stroke of luck; ~awar bařa ‫ = ﺑﻪڕﻩ‬bař
lucky; ~iyâr prosperous; ~iyârî pros- barabayân ‫ن‬p‫ ﺑﻪرﻩﺑﻪ‬at dawn
perity barałâ Ÿ‫ ﺑ ـﻪرﻩ‬free, unhampered; ~-kirdin
Bakhtak ‫ــــﻪک‬µ‫ ﺑــــﻪﺧــــ‬Bakhtak, Anoshar- to set free, turn loose: min barałâ i
wan’s vizier kołânân dakrem I’ll be turned out into
balangâz ‫ﮕﺎز‬sv‫ ﺑﻪ‬poor, destitute the streets
bałâm ‫م‬Ÿ‫ ﺑﻪ‬but (conj.) barangâr-bûnawa ‫ـﮕـﺎر ﺑـﻮوﻧـﻪوﻩ‬s‫ ﺑـﻪرﻩ‬v.i. to
báłe ‰T‫ ﺑﻪ‬yes fight with, oppose, resist: dayawe
bałen ‫ــــﻦ‬Œ‫ــــ‬T‫ ﺑــــﻪ‬promise; ~-dân ba v.t. to dastdrezhî’y bikâtà sar bałâm kichá
make a promise to barangâr’î dabetawa he wants to
bałga ‫ﮕﻪ‬T‫ ﺑﻪ‬document; proof violate her, but the girl resists him
báłka ‫ﮑﻪ‬T‫ ﺑﻪ‬but, rather barawa ‫( ﺑـــــــﻪرﻩوﻩ‬impt. sing. of bûnawa)
báłku ‫ﮑﻮ‬T‫ﺑﻪ‬, báłkû ‫ﮑﻮو‬T‫ ﺑﻪ‬maybe, perhaps be … again
banakhun ‫ ﺑﻪﻧﻪﺧﻮن‬drawstring (trousers) baraw|zher ‫ــــــــﺮ‬¤‫ ﺑــــــــﻪرﻩوژ‬headed down;
banâ ‡‫ ﺑﻪ‬builder ~zhûr ‫ ﺑﻪرﻩوژوور‬headed up
banâwbâng ‫ـــــــﮓ‬s¶‫ ﺑـــــــﻪ‡و‬famous, well- barâmbar ‫ــﻪر‬m‫ ﺑـﻪراﻣ‬in the face of, against;
known ~ ba facing
band ‫ ﺑــﻪﻧــﺪ‬prison, dungeon; joint; magic barâward-kirdin ‫ــــــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﺑــــــﻪراوﻩرد‬v.t. to
spell; dam; ~ hał-witin ba to say a make a comparison
spell over; ~î ‫ ﺑـﻪﻧـﺪی‬prisoner; ~îkhâna barâz ‫ ﺑﻪراز‬boar
‫ ﺑﻪﻧﺪﳜﺎﻧﻪ‬prison barbîn ‫ ﺑ ـﻪرﺑ ـﲔ‬base of the throat; ~-girtin
bandan ‫ ﺑﻪﻧﺪﻩن‬mountain to grab by the throat
bar ‫ ﺑـــــــﻪر‬chest, breast; fore; ~ la before, barchâw ‫ ﺑﻪر¸ﺎو‬see châw
pre-; ~-bûn v.i. to get free; ~-bûnawa bard ‫ ﺑــﻪرد‬stone: dawr i ~ the Stone Age;
v.i. to fall; ~-dân v.t. to set free; ~- wirda~ ‫ وردﻩﺑـــــــﻪرد‬pebble, small stone;
girtin v.t. to cover, obscure: hawrèk i ~ałânî ‫ﱏ‬Ÿ‫ ﺑﻪردﻩ‬rocky
rash bar i âsmânî girt a black cloud bardast ‫ ﺑﻪردﻩﺳﺖ‬errand boy; available
obscured the sky; ~-kirdin v.t. to put bardawâm ‫ ﺑـﻪردﻩوام‬constant(ly), continu-
on, wear; ~dam front; la ~ for the al(ly); ~-bûn v.i. to be persistent,
steady; ~bûn continuation, continu- tion
ance bashka ‫ ﺑ ـﻪﺷ ـﮑ ـﻪ‬, bashkim ‫ ﺑ ـﻪﺷ ـﲂ‬maybe,
bařewabar ‫ــﻮﻩﺑــﻪر‬l‫ ﺑــﻪڕ‬director, manager; perhaps
~âyatî ‫ـﻮﻩﺑـﻪراﯾـﻪﰏ‬l‫ ﺑـﻪڕ‬administration, di- bashûdân ‫ ﺑﻪﺷﻮودان‬see under shû
rectorate basizmân ‫ ﺑﻪ¼ﻣﺎن‬poor, unfortunate
bařez ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ ﺑﻪڕ‬see rez ba‘sî ‫ ﺑــــﻪﻋــــﴗ‬Baathist, member of Sad-
barg ‫ ﺑــــــــﻪرگ‬clothes; cover; da ~ girtin dam Hussein’s ruling party in Iraq
v.t. to wrap in a cover; ~dirû ‫ﺑــﻪرﮔــﺪروو‬ bastazmân ‫ﺘﻪزﻣﺎن‬8‫ ﺑﻪﺳ‬poor, wretched
tailor bast|in ‫ ﺑـــﻪﺳـــﱳ‬bast- ‫ ﺑـــﻪﺳـــﺖ‬v.t. to tie, to
barga ‫ ﺑـــﻪرﮔـــﻪ‬power, ability; ~-girtin v.t. freeze; ~rân ‫ ﺑـــﻪﺳـــﱰان‬bastre- ‫ﺑـــﻪﺳـــﱰێ‬
to resist v.p. to be tied, frozen: la tirsân zibânî
barhałist ‫ﺴﺖ‬T‫ ﺑﻪرﻫﻪ‬obstacle bastrâ his tongue was frozen from
barham ‫ ﺑـــﻪرﻫـــﻪم‬fruit, produce; ~-henân fear; ~rânawa ‫ ﺑـﻪﺳـﱰاﻧـﻪوﻩ‬v.p. to be tied
v.t. to bear fruit, be productive; ~he- up: la hamû lâyèkawa asp bastrâwa-
nar ‫ﻨﻪر‬²¹‫ ﺑﻪرﻫﻪ‬productive tawa horses were tied up on every
barîk ‫ﮏ‬a‫ ﺑﻪر‬pocket side
Barîtânyâ ‫ ﺑﻪرﯾﺘﺎﻧﻴﺎ‬Britain batâł ‫ڵ‬c‫ ﺑـﻪ‬over, finished; empty; invalid,
barkh ‫ ﺑﻪرخ‬lamb unemployed: brâyèkim batâła one of
barkosh ‫ ﺑﻪرﮐﯚش‬apron, smock my brothers is out of work; ~-bûn v.i.
barnâma ‫ ﺑﻪر‡ﻣﻪ‬program to be over, come to an end; ~-kirdin
barok ‫ ﺑــــــــﻪرۆک‬collar; ~-bar-dân v.t. to v.t. to stop, cease: har nîwařo batâł-
leave alone, stop pestering; ~-girtin mân kird we stopped just at noon; ~î
v.t. to pester ‫ﻰ‬Tc‫ ﺑﻪ‬idleness
barpirs ‫ـﺮس‬º‫ ﺑـﻪر‬responsible, in authority; batâqî-kirdinawa ‫ ـﺮدﻧ ـﻪوﻩ‬B ‫ﰵ‬c‫ ﺑ ـﻪ‬v.t. to in-
~yâr ‫ﻴﺎر‬8‫ﺮﺳ‬º‫ ﺑﻪر‬responsible vestigate
barqâsâ ‫ ﺑــﻪرﻗــﺎﺳــﺎ‬with the speed of light- bayânî ‫ﱏ‬p‫ ﺑﻪ‬morning
ning baybûn ‫ ﺑﻪﯾﺒﻮون‬camomile
barz ‫ ﺑــــﻪرز‬high, tall, loud: ba dang i ~ in bayn ‫ــــﻦ‬a‫ ﺑــــﻪ‬midst; la ~ i …dâ between,
a loud voice; ~ape ‰Š‫ ﺑــــﻪرزﻩﭘــــ‬standing, among: l’ aw ~á’dâ at that time, un-
upright; ~âî ‫ ﺑــــﻪرزاﰃ‬highness, tallness; der those circumstances; pâsh ~èk
high place ‫ـ´ـﮏ‬À‫ ﭘـﺎش ﺑـﻪﯾـ‬after a while; ~annahren
barzhawandî ‫ ﺑﻪرژﻩوﻩﻧﺪی‬interests (‫ﻦ‬a‫ﳯﺮ‬¢‫ﻦ )ﺑﲔ ا‬¤‫ ﺑﻪﯾﻨﻪﻧﻨﻪﻫﺮ‬Mesopotamia
barzwulâkh ‫ ﺑﻪرزووﻻخ‬horse bazaî ‫ ﺑــــﻪزﻩﰃ‬compassion: bazaî’m pe’dâ
bas ‫ ﺑﻪس‬enough hât I felt sorry for him
basarhât ‫ ﺑﻪﺳﻪرﻫﺎت‬adventure bazh ‫ ﺑﻪژ‬dry land (opp. to sea)
basâłâchû ‫ﭼﻮو‬Ÿ‫ ﺑﻪﺳﺎ‬aged bazîn v.i. ‫ـــﻦ‬a‫ ﺑـــﻪز‬to go/come down; dâ-~
basâm ‫ ﺑﻪﺳﺎم‬frightening, terrible to get off, down
bash ‫ ﺑــــــــﻪش‬section, share; omen; ~ i … bâ1 ¶ hortatory particle (+ subj): bâ
kirdin v.t. to suffice for …; ~akher biroyn c’mon, let’s go
‫ــﺮ‬ŒL‫ ﺑـﻪﺷـﻪ‬handout, charity; ~-kirdin v.t. bâ2 ¶ wind; ~-dân for the wind to blow;
to be enough: aw toza bashim nâkâ ~gař ‫ ¶ﮔــــــــﻪڕ‬whirlwind; ~hoz ‫¶ﻫــــــــﯚز‬
that little bit is not enough for me; whirlwind
~dâr ‫ ﺑـــﻪﺷـــﺪار‬participant; ~dârbûn ‫ﺑـــﻪ‬ bâb ‫ ¶ب‬father
‫ ﺷـــﺪارﺑـــﻮون‬participation; ~dârî-kirdin Bâb i ‘Âlî ‫ ¶ﰉ ` ـﺎﱃ‬the Sublime Porte, of-
v.t. to participate; ~ko ‫ ﺑـﻪﺷـﮑـﯚ‬corpora- fice of the grand vizier of the Otto-
man Empire bâr2 ‫ ¶ر‬load, burden; manner: pewîst-a
bâbat ‫¶ﺑـــﻪت‬: la ~…awa about, concern- aw bârá rûn bikretawa ka khwenakáy
ing: la ~ minawa adwân they were tedâ rizhâwa it is necessary for the
talking about me; (2) worthy: ama ~ i manner in which his blood was shed
to niya this is not worthy of you to be made clear; ~ dâ-girtin v.t. to
bâfîn ‫ ¶ﻓﲔ‬v.t. to weave pack one’s bags; to unload; ~henân
bâho ‫ ¶ﻫ ـﯚ‬shoulders; ~dâr ‫ ¶ﻫ ـﯚدار‬strong, upbringing; la ~ i for, for the sake of;
powerful ~-kirdin v.t. to load; to decamp,
bâkh ‫ ¶خ‬garden, orchard; ~ i gishtî leave; ~nâma ‫ ¶ر‡ﻣــــــﻪ‬bill of lading; ~
park; ~cha ‫ﻪ‬Â‫ ¶ﺧ‬garden râst-kirdinawa to set straight a
bâkhał ‫ــﻪڵ‬L¶ breast, armpit, embrace; ~î crooked load, (meta.) to help some-
‫ـــــﯽ‬T‫ـــــﻪ‬L¶ breast, pocket (adj.): daftar i one out, come to someone’s aid: zor
bâkhałî pocket notebook le-qawmâw bûm, kâkim bârî râst
bâł ‫ ¶ڵ‬arm, wing; ~dâr ‫ﺪار‬T¶ bird kirdimawa I was in bad straits, but
bâłâ Ÿ¶ height, stature; ~-kirdin v.t. to my brother helped me out; ~ u dokh
get tall; ~barz ‫ﺑــــــــــﻪرز‬Ÿ¶ tall, elegant; ‫ ¶رودۆخ‬burden; situation
~nwen ‫ـــﻦ‬¤‫ﻧـــﻮ‬Ÿ¶ something that shows bâr- ‫ ¶ر‬pres. stem of bârîn
the figure: âwena i bâłânwen full- bâra ‫ ¶رﻩ‬time: dû ~ hâtawa he came
length mirror back twice; (2) power: am kâr a
bâlândîda ‫¶ﻻﻧـﺪﯾـﺪﻩ‬: gurg i ~ experienced, girâná la ~ i minâ niya this heavy
worldly labor is not within my power; dar~ i
bâłdâr ‫ﺪار‬T¶ bird about, concerning; la ~ i …(awa)
bâłinda ‫ﻨﺪﻩ‬T¶ bird about, concerning
bâłisht ‫ﺸﺖ‬T¶ pillow bâragâ ‫ = ¶رﻩﮔﺎ‬bârgâ
bâłîn ‫ﲔ‬T¶ pillow bârân ‫ ¶ران‬rain; ~din bâren- v.t. to rain,
bâlora ‫ ¶ﻟﯚرﻩ‬a Kurdish verse form shower; dâ-~ to rain down
bâłwez ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ﻮ‬T¶ ambassador bârga ‫ ¶رﮔ ـﻪ‬baggage, paraphernalia; ~chî
bâm la …awa be / ‫ـﻪوﻩ‬... v ‫ ¶م‬aside ‫ ¶رﮔﻪﭼﯽ‬caravan leader
from, not to mention bârgâ ‫ ¶رﮔﺎ‬king’s court; headquarters
bân ‫ ¶ن‬roof; steppe; ~èka u dû hawâ bârist ‫¶رﺳﺖ‬, ~âî ‫ﺘﺎﰃ‬8‫ ¶رﺳ‬size, volume
there’s a double standard bârîn ‫ــــــــﻦ‬a‫ ¶ر‬bâr- ‫ ¶ر‬v.i. to rain; dâ-~ to
bânamař ‫ ¶ﻧـــــﻪﻣـــــﻪڕ‬the month of Taurus rain down
(April 21– May 21) bâřût ‫ ¶ڕووت‬gunpowder
bâng ‫ـــــــــﮓ‬s¶ cry, shout; ~-kirdin v.t. to bâs ‫ ¶س‬discussion; ~-kirdin v.t. to dis-
call, summon, invite; ~heshtin invita- cuss
tion; ~-heshtin-kirdin bo v.t. to in- bâsh ‫ ¶ش‬good: rozh ~ good day; da ~a
vite: dabe bângheshtinèk’it bo bikam that’s enough!
bo mâława I must invite you to my bâsik ‫ ¶ﺳﮏ‬upper arm
home; ~awâz ‫ــــﮕــــﻪواز‬s¶ a cry for help, bâtînî ‫ ¶ﺗــــ›ــــﲎ‬occult; châw i ~ inner eye,
request for assistance; ~awâz-kirdin sixth sense, the ability to see hidden
v.t. to ask for assistance things
bânîzha ‫ﻩ‬Ã‫ ¶ﻧ‬small roof bâw-bûn ‫ ¶و ﺑـــﻮون‬v.i. to become current,
bâp ‫ = ¶پ‬bâb customary
bâpîr ‫ ¶ﭘﲑ‬grandfather bâwař ‫ ¶وﻩڕ‬belief; ~-kirdin v.t. to be-
bâr1 ‫ ¶ر‬time, instance (= jâr) lieve
bâwash ‫ ¶وﻩش‬bosom, embrace: hałim- Farhad legendarily carved the moun-
girt ba ~imawa I grabbed him in my tain for Shirin
arms; ~-kirdin ba …’dâ v.t. to em- betâqat ‫ــﺎﻗــﻪت‬µ‫ــ‬Œ‫ ﺑــ‬anxious, unable to en-
brace: bâwash’y pe’dâ kird she em- dure; ~-kirdin v.t. to make anxious:
braced him yâd i bâwkî zor betâqatî kird the
bâwazhin ‫ ¶وﻩژن‬stepmother memory of his father made him very
bâwâ ‫ ¶وا‬grandfather anxious
bâwik ‫ ¶وک‬father betâwân ‫ـﺎوان‬µŒ‫ﺑ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬innocent; ~î ‫ـﺎواﱏ‬µŒ‫ ـ ـﺑ‬inno-
bâwishk-dân ‫ ¶وﺷﮏ دان‬v.t. to yawn cence
bây ‫ ¶ی‬price, worth bewa ‫ﻮﻩ‬²‫ ﺑ‬widow; ~zhin ‫ﻮﻩژن‬²‫ ﺑ‬widow
bâyakh ‫ ¶ﯾــــﻪخ‬worth, value; ~-dân ba to bez ‫ﺰ‬Œ‫ ﺑ‬condescension
attach value to, to pay attention to: bezh- ‫ﮋ‬Œ‫ = ﺑ‬biwezh-
hîch bâyakhe ba qsakám nâdâ he bezha ‫ﮋﻩ‬Œ‫ ﺑ‬literature
doesn’t pay any attention to what I bezhân ‫ﮋان‬Œ‫ ﺑ‬bezhe- ‫ﮋێ‬Œ‫ ﺑ‬v.t. to sift
say bibiřây ‫ای‬É‫ ﺑــــــــــــ‬never: ~ ~ nâchimawa
bâyqûsh ‫ ¶ﯾﻘﻮوش‬owl gund I’ll never ever go back to the
bâz ‫ ¶ز‬hawk, falcon; ~gardân ‫¶زﮔــــــﻪردان‬ village
hawking, making a hawk fly (method bibû ‫( ﺑـــــﺒـــــﻮو‬past perf. of bûn) s/he had
of choosing a new king in folktales) been: dawlat a khâwanqudratakân i
bâz-dân la v ‫ ¶ز دان‬v.t. to flee in haste dîka ka la shař’dâ peroz bibûn the
from, to run away in fear from other powerful states that had been
bâzher ‫ﺮ‬¤‫ ¶ژ‬city, market victorious in the war
bâzig ‫ ¶زگ‬arm; dappled (horse) bichkoł ‫ﮑﯚڵ‬Ê little, small
bâzîband ‫ ¶زﯾﺒﻪﻧﺪ‬bracelet bichûk ‫ﻮوک‬Ê small, little
be / without (for most compounds in biłâw ‫و‬Ë‫ ﺑــــــ‬widespread; ~-kirdin v.t. to
be-, see following element; note that spread, publish, publicize; ~ kirdin-
there are a few be- compounds that do awa v.t. to broadcast, publish; ~a-
not occur without the prefix: they are kirdin ‫ـــــﺮدن‬B ‫وﻩ‬Ë‫ ﺑـــــ‬v.t. to disperse, go
listed alphabetically); ba ~ awaî (+ away: khałk biłâwayân kird the peo-
subj.) without: ba be awaî biybînim ple dispersed
without my seeing it biłbił Ç‫ﺒ‬k‫ ﺑ‬nightingale
be- = biye-, subj. of hâtin biłesa ‫ﺴﻪ‬Œk‫ ﺑ‬fiery
bechû ‫ﭽﻮو‬²‫ ﺑ‬baby bilind ‫ ﺑﻠﻨﺪ‬high, exalted
bedaratân ‫ن‬c‫ﺪﻩرﻩ‬²‫ ﺑ‬poor, unfortunate biłîmat ‫; ـﻤـﻪت‬k‫ﺑ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬genius, clever; ~î ‫; ـﻤـﻪﰏ‬k‫ـ ـﺑ‬
begâna ‫ﮕﺎﻧﻪ‬²‫ ﺑ‬stranger, foreigner cleverness
begâr ‫ﮕﺎر‬²‫ ﺑ‬waste of time bilwer ‫ ـﺮ‬¤‫ ﺑ ـﻠ ـﻮ‬reed flute; ~ le-dân to play
bejiga la v ‫ﺠﮕﻪ‬²‫ ﺑ‬except for the flute
bekanâr ‫ﮑﻪ‡ر‬²‫ ﺑ‬limitless, shoreless bin ‫ –ــﻦ‬bottom; ~amâł(a) ‫ ﺑــﻨــﻪﻣــﺎڵ‬family;
beł- Ç‫ ﺑﻴ‬subj. of heshtin, for bíheł- ~jor ‫ ﺑــﻨــﺠــﯚر‬curious, inquisitive; ~jorî
ben- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺑ‬subj. of henân, for bíhen- ‫ ــﺑﻨﺠـﯚری‬curiosity; ~mil ‫ـــﻤـﻞ‬ž‫ ﺑ‬nape of the
benzhîn ‫ﻦ‬aȲ‫ ﺑ‬v.i. to sneeze neck
besar-u-shwen ‫ــﻦ‬¤‫ــﺴــﻪروﺷــﻮ‬Œ‫ ﺑــ‬homeless, bina ‫ ﺑﻨﻪ‬baggage, belongings
destitute binâgha ‫ ﺑﻨــﺎ™ـﻪ‬foundation; ~ dâ-rishtin to
beshik ‫ﺸﮏ‬Œ‫ ﺑ‬thicket lay a foundation
Besitûn ‫ﺘــﻮون‬8‫ــﺴـ‬Œ‫ ﺑ‬Behistun, the site where binâr ‫ ﺑﻨﺎر‬mountain skirt, foothill
binesht ‫ﺸﺖ‬Œ‫ ﺑﻨ‬chewing gum birîq|adâr ‫ –ـــﺮﯾـــﻘـــﻪدار‬shiny; ~ân ‫–ـــﺮﯾـــﻘـــﺎن‬
binj ‫ ﺑﻨﺞ‬root birîqe- ‰‫ –ﺮﯾﻘ‬v.i. to shine, to sparkle
binyâdam ‫;ﺎدﻩم‬À‫ ﺑ‬human birîtî ‫ = –ﺮﯾﱴ‬biretî
binyât ‫ـــﺎت‬ ;À‫ ﺑ‬foundation; ~-nân v.t. to lay biro ‫ –ﺮۆ‬eyebrow
a foundation, to construct birrân1 ‫ –ـــــــﺮران‬birre- ‫ –ـــــــﺮرێ‬passive of
biř g‫ –ـــــ‬bit: biřèk âw’im da give me a bit birdin in all senses; la nâw ~ to be
of water; (2) piece (of wood): dû biř done away with
dâr bena bring two sticks of wood; biřrân2 ‫ران‬g‫ –ــــــ‬biřre- ‫رێ‬g‫( –ــــــ‬passive of
(3) group: tûsh i biř a pyâwe bûm I biřîn) (1) to be cut: ba tawir dâraká
met a group of men; (4) power, biřrâ the tree was cut with an ax; (2)
strength; ~-dân v.t. to flow: am rûbâ- to be finished, to be no more: nânmân
ra biř nâdâ this river doesn’t flow; ~- la mâł biřrâ there is no more food in
kirdin v.t. to have strength: biř nâ- our house; ~awa to cease: tâwe bârân
kam l’ am kefá sar kawim I can’t nábiř-râyawa the rain didn’t cease for
make it to the top of this mountain; to a time; dâ-~ to cut off; hał-~ la to
be effective: tâ châw ~-kât as far as part from, get separated from: la dos-
the eye can see; ~ le-dân v.t. to shuf- takáy hałbiřrâ he parted from his
fle (cards); tař u ~ g‫ــــ‬º‫ ﺗــــﻪڕو‬drenched: friend
kirâsakám tař u biř a my shirt’s birs|ân ‫ –ـﺮﺳـﺎن‬hunger; ~iyatî ‫ﻴـﻪﰏ‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ –ـﺮ ــ‬hun-
drenched; la ~ altogether: bar i am ger; ~î ‫ – ـﺮﳻ‬hungry: birsîma I’m hun-
gwezá la biř chand a? how much gry
does this walnut tree produce alto- birwâ ‫ –ــــﺮوا‬belief; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to be-
gether? lieve in; (2) permission; ~-dân v.t. to
biraw ‫ –ــــــﺮﻩو‬popularity; ~ paydâ-kirdin allow, let: diłim biřwâ nâdât châwim
v.t. to be popular ba minâłî bikawe I don’t have the
birâ ‫ –ﺮا‬brother; ~yâna ‫ﻧﻪ‬p‫ –ﺮا‬brotherly heart to look at his child; ~nâma
biřân ‫ان‬g–. See biřrân. ‫ –ﺮوا‡ﻣﻪ‬diploma
birdin ‫ –ـــــﺮدن‬ba- ‫( ﺑـــــﻪ‬v.t., 3rd sing. pres. biryâ p‫ –ـــــﺮ‬would that (+ past condition-
dabâ(t); impt. sing. (bi)bara) to take, al): ~ aw kâráy nakirdibâya would
carry; ~à sar ‫ –ـﺮدﻧـﻪ ﺳـﻪر‬to spend (time): that he hadn’t done that
am shawá l’era bibaynà sar let’s biřyâr ‫ر‬pg‫ –ـــــــ‬decision; ~-dân v.t. to de-
spend tonight here; dar-~ to endure cide; ~-nân v.t. to decide; la ~
biretî la v ‫ﱴ‬l‫ –ﺮ‬consisting of henânà khwârawa to make one
birinj ‫ –ﺮﱋ‬uncooked rice change one’s mind: hîch shitèk la
birinja ‫ –ﺮﳒﻪ‬copper biřyâr i khoy nayhenâyà khwârawa
biřisht ‫ﺷـﺖ‬g‫ –ـ‬fertile ground; power, abil- nothing could make him change his
ity mind
biřist ‫ﺳﺖ‬g– power birzhân ‫ –ـــــــﺮژان‬birzhe- ‫ –ـــــــﺮژێ‬v.i. to be
birîn ‫ـﻦ‬a‫ –ـﺮ‬wound; ~dâr ‫ –ـﺮ ـﯾﻨـﺪار‬wounded; roasted
~pech ‫´ﭻ‬Î‫ –ﺮﯾﻨ‬nurse birzhândin ‫ –ـﺮژاﻧـﺪن‬birzhen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ –ـﺮژ‬v.t. to
biřîn ‫ـﻦ‬ag‫ –ـ‬biř- g‫ –ـ‬v.t. to cut; dar-~ to dis- roast
close, reveal; châw-~ la to be hopeful birzhâng ‫ﮓ‬s‫ –ﺮژا‬eyelash
of; qsa pe-~ to interrupt: ba tundî bitâqa ‫ ﺑﺘﺎﻗﻪ‬ticket
qsakám pe biřî u gutim I quickly biv ‫ ﺑﭫ‬buzz
interrupted him and said biwe ‫( ﺑـﻮێ‬pres. subj. of wîstin, with pro-
nominal affix, e.g., -im biwe) bîs- ‫ ﺑ›ﺲ‬pres. stem of bîstin
biyânû ‫ ﺑﻴﺎﻧﻮو‬pretext bîst ‫ ﺑ›ﺴﺖ‬twenty
biza ‫ –ﺰﻩ‬laugh, laughter bîstin ‫ ﺑ›ﺴﱳ‬bîs- ‫ ﺑ›ﺲ‬v.t. to hear
bizâwtin ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ –ﺰاو‬bizâw- ‫ –ﺰاو‬v.t. to shake bîstrân ‫ ﺑـ›ـﺴـﱰان‬bîstre- ‫ ﺑـ›ـﺴـﱰێ‬v.p. to be
bizhâr-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ –ـــﮋار‬v.t. to weed out, heard
eradicate bo ‫ ﺑــــــــــــﯚ‬to, for; why?, what for?; ~ chi
bizhârdin ‫ –ـﮋاردن‬bizher- ‫ـﺮ‬¤‫ –ـﮋ‬v.t. to weed why?, what for?; ~ awaî (+ subj.) in
out, eradicate; hał-~ to select, choose order that
bizhîw ‫ –ﮋﯾﻮ‬substance bo-chûn ‫ ﺑــﯚﭼــﻮون‬v.i. to think, to have an
bizin ‫ –ﺰن‬goat opinion; bochûn opinion
bizirk|ân ‫ –ـﺰرﰷن‬bizirke- ‰‫ –ـﺰرﮐـ‬v.t. to lose; boga ‫ ﺑـﯚﮔـﻪ‬malodorous plants that animals
rang hał-~ân to lose color, grow will not eat
pale; rang-hał~âw ‫ــﱫرﰷو‬T‫ــﮕــﻬــﻪ‬s‫ رﻩ‬pale, bokho ‫ ﺑﯚﺧﯚ‬selfish; ~î selfishness
“white as a sheet” (with fright) bołaboł ‫ﻪﺑﯚڵ‬T‫ ﺑﯚ‬roaring, rumbling
bizmâr ‫ –ـﺰﻣـﺎر‬nail; ~-kirdin v.t. to nail; ~- bon ‫ ﺑــــﯚن‬smell; ~-kirdin v.t. to smell, to
krân v.p. to be nailed smell bad, to stink
bizûtin ‫ــــﻦ‬Ž‫ –ــــﺰوو‬bizû- ‫ –ــــﺰوو‬v.i. to move, bona ‫ ﺑـﯚﻧـﻪ‬cause, pretext; ba ~ i …awa on
budge, stir the occasion of
bizw|ân ‫ –ــــﺰوان‬bizwe- ‫ –ــــﺰوێ‬v.i. to shake bor ‫ ﺑﯚر‬gray
(int.), quiver; ~ândin ‫ –ــﺰواﻧــﺪن‬bizwen- boř1 ‫ ﺑﯚڕ‬wave; ~-khwârdin v.t. to swell
‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ –ـﺰو‬v.t. to shake (trs.); ~enar ‫ـﻨـﻪر‬l‫–ـﺰو‬ boř2 ‫ ﺑـــــــﯚڕ‬loss (at a game); ~-khwârdin
quivering, tremulous v.t. to lose (game): bořit khwârd you
bizwen ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ –ﺰو‬vowel lost; ~-dân v.t. to beat (at a game):
bîbila ƒ‫ـــ‬m›‫ﺑ‬, bîbîla ƒ‫ــــ‬
;Ò‫ ﺑﻴ‬pupil (of the eye): bořim dây(t) I beat you
la bîbila i châwî pitir khosh dawîst he bora ‫ ﺑــــــــــــــﯚرﻩ‬ignoble; fallow, infertile;
was the apple of his eye ~pyâg ‫ ﺑـﯚرﻩﭘﻴــﺎگ‬common peron, person
bîn ‫ ﺑــــﲔ‬breath; ~-keshân v.t. to hold the of no name or consequence
breath; ~akeshî ‫ـﺸـﯽ‬Œ‫ـﻪﮐـ‬ž‫ ﺑـ›ـ‬holding the borân ‫ ﺑﯚران‬storm
breath bořân ‫ ﺑــﯚڕان‬mooing of cows; bleating of
bînar ‫ﻪر‬ž›‫ ﺑ‬viewer sheep
bîndrân ‫ـﺪران‬ž›‫ﺑ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬bîndre- ‫ـﺪرێ‬ž›‫ ـ ـﺑ‬v.p. to be bosh ‫ ﺑﯚش‬empty
seen bota ‫ = ﺑﯚﺗﻪ‬bûwata. See bûn.
bînîn ‫ـــﲔ‬À‫ ﺑـــﻴـــ‬bîn- ‫ ﺑـــﲔ‬v.t. to see (see also bóya ‫ ﺑﯚﯾﻪ‬for that reason
dîn) boyâkh ‫خ‬p‫ ﺑﯚ‬shoe polish
bîr1 ‫ ﺑـﲑ‬memory, mind; ~-kirdin(awa) la boynbâgh ‫ﺎغ‬mÀ‫ ﺑﯚﯾ‬necktie
to think of; ba ~’dâ hâtin to remem- brâ ‫ = –ﺮا‬birâ
ber: wâm ba bîr’dâ hât ka… I remem- Brîtânyâ ‫ –ـــﺮﯾـــﺘـــﺎﻧـــﻴـــﺎ‬Britain; ~ yi Kabîr
bered that…; ba ~ henânawa to re- ‫ –ﺮﯾﺘﺎﻧﻴﺎی ﮐﻪﺑﲑ‬Great Britain
mind; la ~ bûn to remember: awânim bukhcha ‫ﻪ‬Â‫ ﺑﻮﺧ‬bundle
la bîrin I remember them; la ~ chûn bukhtân ‫ـﺎن‬µ‫ﺧ‬ ‫ ﺑـﻮ ـ‬slander; ~-kirdin ba v.t.
to forget; la ~ mân to remain in the to slander; ~-rek-khistin bo v.t. to
memory; ~henânawa ‫ــﻨــﺎﻧــﻪوﻩ‬²‫ ﺑــﲑﻫــ‬re- make up slander about: ~èk i gawra’y
minder; ~urâ ‫ ﺑـــﲑوڕا‬thinking (darbâra bo kichaká rek-khist he made up great
i about) slander about the girl
bîr2 ‫ ﺑﲑ‬water well bulbul ‫ ﺑﻮﻟﺒﻮل‬nightingale
buwârdin ‫ = ﺑﻮواردن‬bwârdin chanachan-kirdin ‫ــﺮدن‬B ‫ ¸ــﻪﻧــﻪ¸ــﻪن‬v.t. to
bûchik ‫ ﺑﻮو¸ﮏ‬little, small talk at length, chatter
bûk ‫ ﺑﻮوک‬bride; doll, puppet chanâga ‫ ¸ﻪ‡ﮔﻪ‬chin
bûł ‫ ﺑﻮوڵ‬ashes chand ‫ ¸ــــــﻪﻧــــــﺪ‬how much?, how many?
bûmalarza ‫رزﻩ‬v‫ ﺑﻮوﻣﻪ‬earthquake (usually followed by indef. sing.): ~
bûn ‫ ﺑـــــﻮون‬b- (v.i., past perf. bibû) to be, rozhèk how many days?; few, several:
to become, to happen: agar bet u (+ aw chand rozhá those few days
subj) if it should happen that…; ~awa chap ‫ ¸ﻪپ‬left: dast i ~ left hand
to be repeated, happen again: …èk chapał ‫ ¸ﻪﭘﻪڵ‬filthy; ~î filth
nabetawa a unique …; ~awa la to be chapła ‫ــﻪ‬k‫ ¸ـﻪﭘ‬applause; ~-ledân bo v.t. to
done with, be finished with; ~ ba to applaud for: khałk chapła’yân bo ledâ
become: aw bû ba pâshâ he became the people applauded for him; ~rezân
king; ~ u na~ to be almost, not to applause
quite be: bayânî rozh bûwa u nabûwa chapok ‫ ¸ـــﻪﭘـــﯚک‬slap; ~-keshân ba sar i
in the morning when it was not quite … v.t. to slap on the head
daylight; (d)ábe(t) (+ subj.) must: chaqân ‫ ¸ـﻪﻗـﺎن‬chaqe- Õ‫ ¸ـﻪ‬v.i. to sink to/
dabe royshtibe he must have gone into the ground: rîshakân chaqân the
bûř ‫ = ﺑﻮوڕ‬bûł roots sank into the earth; ~din ‫¸ـﻪﻗـﺎﻧـﺪن‬
bûrdin ‫ ﺑــــﻮوردن‬bûr- ‫ ﺑــــﻮور‬v.t. to forgive: chaqen- ‫ــــﻦ‬Œ‫ ¸ــــﻪﻗــــ‬v.t. to stick into the
bímbûra excuse me ground: nezay da zawî chaqând he
bûzhân ‫ ﺑــﻮوژان‬bûzhe- ‫ﺑــﻮوژێ‬v.t. to grow, stuck his lance into the ground; hał-
sprout; ~awa to flourish, enjoy life ~din da to scratch: diřkekî te hałcha-
bwâra ‫ ﺑﻮارﻩ‬front (military) qândim a thorn scratched me
bwârdin ‫ ﺑــــﻮاردن‬bwer- ‫ــــﺮ‬¤‫ ﺑــــﻮ‬v.t. to pass chaqîn ‫ = ¸ﻪﻗﲔ‬chaqân
(time); râ-~ to spend (time): khosh- chaqo ‫ ¸ﻪﻗﯚ‬knife
mân râbwârd we had a good time; chařchařa ‫ ¸ﻪڕ¸ﻪڕﻩ‬crank
khosh’î râbwârdûa he enjoyed life; charkh ‫ ¸ـــــــــﻪرخ‬wheel; cigarette lighter;
mâwayèk râbwârd a period of time century; ~-u-khul ‫ ¸ــــﻪرخ و ﺧــــﻮل‬twist
passed and turn
byânî ‫ ﺑﻴﺎﱏ‬foreign charmasare ‫ ¸ـﻪرﻣـﻪﺳـﻪرێ‬suffering, hard-
chak ‫ ¸ـــــــــــــــﻪک‬weapon, arms; ~badast chashma ‫ ¸ﻪﴰﻪ‬sleight-of-hand trick
armed; ba ~awa ‫ ﺑ ـﻪ¸ ـﻪﮐ ـﻪوﻩ‬armed; be~ chashn ‫ ¸ــﻪﺷــﻦ‬sort, type; manner: b’ am
unarmed chashná in this way; hama~a of
chakhmâkh ‫ ¸ﻪﺧﲈخ‬flint, lighter every sort, miscellaneous
chakma ‫ ¸ﻪﳈﻪ‬boot chata ‫ ¸ﻪﺗﻪ‬highway robber
chakush ‫ﻮش‬B‫ ¸ﻪ‬hammer chatâł ‫ڵ‬c‫ ¸ــــــــــﻪ‬fork; a wooden or metal
chal ‫ ¸ﻪل‬time; galèk ~ân many times fork on which a gun is set for stability
chałama ‫ـﻪﻣـﻪ‬T‫ ¸ـﻪ‬quandry, dilemma: tang chaw1 ‫ ¸ﻪو‬gravel, sand
u ~ i awa’m kawtà bar I was caught chaw2 ‫ = ¸ﻪو‬châw
in a real dilemma chawr ‫ ¸ـــــــــــــﻪور‬grease; ~-kirdin v.t. to
cham ‫ ¸ﻪم‬river, stream grease, slick down
cham|ândin ‫ ¸ـﻪﻣـﺎﻧـﺪن‬chamen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ¸ـﻪ ـﻣ‬v.t. chaws|ân ‫ ¸ـﻪوﺳـﺎن‬chawse- ‰‫ ¸ـﻪوﺳـ‬v.i. to
to bend, curve; ~înawa ‫ﻣ;ﻨـﻪوﻩ‬ ‫ ¸ـﻪ ـ ـ‬v.i. to suffer; ~ândin ‫ ¸ــــﻪوﺳــــﺎﻧــــﺪن‬chawsen-
bend over, bow ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ¸ـــﻪوﺳـــ‬v.t. to torment; ~ândinawa
‫ ¸ﻪوﺳﺎﻧﺪﻧﻪوﻩ‬torture, torment, tyranny wit pe hałdene she is envious of you;
châ ‫ ¸ﺎ‬well ~-hał-takândin v.t. to motion with
châdir ‫ ¸ﺎدر‬tent the eye and eyebrow; ~-lek-nân v.t.
châk ‫ ¸ـــــﺎک‬good; ~-bûnawa to recover; to close the eyes; ~-qûchândin v.t. to
~-kirdin to make good, fix, restore; close the eyes; ~-spî-kirdin v.t. to
~a good deed; la ~a darchûn to re- make someone weep (over a death):
pay a kindness: tâ mâwim la châkat châwit spî da-kam “you’ll be sorry
darnâchim as long as I live I’ll never when I’m dead”; bar~ kawtin to be
be able to repay your kindness; ~kir- seen, spotted: pařèk i jwân’î barchâw
dinawa ‫ﺮدﻧﻪوﻩ‬B‫ ¸ﺎک‬improvement kawt he spotted a beautiful feather; la
châkata ‫ ¸˜ﮐﻪﺗﻪ‬jacket bar ~ bûn to be clear, obvious
châł ‫ ¸ـــــــﺎڵ‬pit: har kas ~e bo khałkî hał- châwa ‫ ¸ﺎوﻩ‬spring
kane, bo khoy te dakawe he who digs châwaře ‫ ¸ــــــﺎوﻩڕێ‬expectant, waiting; ~-
a pit for another falls into it (“hoisted kirdin ‫ــﺮدن‬B ‫ ¸ــﺎوﻩڕێ‬v.t. to wait for: ba
on his own pitard”); ~âw ‫و‬Ÿ‫ ¸ﺎ‬well je’m hesht ba be awaî châwaře i bâqî
châlâk ‫ ¸ــــــــــــﺎﻻک‬nimble, quick; useful; i pârakám bikam I left him without
right; ~î ‫ ¸ﺎﻻﰽ‬effort, effectiveness waiting for my change
châłma ‫ﻤﻪ‬T‫ ¸ﺎ‬tobacco pouch; alarm clock châwařwân-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ ¸ـــﺎوﻩڕوان‬v.t. to
chândin ‫ ¸ﺎﻧﺪن‬chen- ‫ﻦ‬Œ¸ v.t. to plant wait for
châp ‫ ¸ـﺎپ‬printing; ~khâna ‫ـﺎﻧـﻪ‬Ø‫ ¸ـﺎ ـﭘ‬print- châwařwânî ‫ ¸ﺎوﻩڕواﱏ‬expectation
ing house, publishing house; la ~ châwbałak ‫ــﻪک‬T‫ ¸ــﺎوﺑــﻪ‬person with black
drân v.p. to be printed eyes and white skin
châr ‫ = ¸ﺎر‬châra châwbast ‫ ¸ﺎوﺑﻪﺳﺖ‬blindfold, deception
châra ‫ ¸ـﺎرﻩ‬help, remedy; be~ ‫ـﺎرﻩ‬²‫ﺑ‬ ‫ ــ‬help- châwchinok ‫ﯚک‬ž‫ ¸ﺎوﭼ‬miserly, stingy
less; ~-kirdin v.t. to remedy; ~sar châwenî ‫ﲎ‬l‫ ¸ﺎو‬evil eye
‫ ¸ــــﺎرﻩﺳــــﻪر‬remedy; ~sar-kirdin v.t. to châwga ‫ ¸ﺎوﮔﻪ‬view, scenery
remedy châwîlka ‫ ¸ﺎوﯾﻠﮑﻪ‬eyeglasses
chârak ‫ ¸ـﺎرﻩک‬quarter: ~ saâtèk a quarter châwlabar ‫ﺑﻪر‬v‫ ¸ﺎو‬expectant
of an hour châwladwâ ‫دوا‬v‫ ¸ﺎو‬hopeful
châraka ‫ = ¸ﺎرﻩﮐﻪ‬chârok châwpekawtin ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ﮑﻪو‬²‫ ¸ﺎوﭘ‬interview
châranûs ‫ ¸ﺎرﻩﻧﻮوس‬fate châwqâyim ‫ ¸ﺎوﻗﺎﱘ‬impudent, bold
chârok ‫ ¸ﺎرۆک‬woman’s shawl châwrûnî ‫ ¸ـﺎورووﱏ‬good news, congratu-
châw ‫ ¸ـــﺎو‬eye; expectation; ~ garm kir- lations
din v.t. to take a nap; ~ kawtin ba v.i. châwtârîk ‫ﮏ‬a‫ر‬c‫ ¸ﺎو‬pessimist
to see: châwim pey dakawt I used to châwtirsen ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ـﺮﺳ‬Ž‫ ¸ـﺎو‬a lesson learned; ~-
see him; ~ sûr-kirdinawa la v.t. to kirdin v.t. to teach a lesson
glare at: kârakar châw’î le sûr kirdi- châwyâr ‫ر‬p‫ ¸ﺎو‬watchman
mawa the servant glared at me; ~- chây ‫ ¸ﺎی‬tea; ~khâna ‫ ¸ﺎﳜﺎﻧﻪ‬teahouse
biřîn la v.t. to be hopeful of; ~- che-kirdin ‫ــــــﺮدن‬B ‰‫ ﭼــــــ‬v.t. to fix, make,
gařândin v.t. to look around; ~-geřân build
= châw-gařândin; ~-hał-hâtin la v.i. chek, har ‫( ﻫـﻪر ﭼ´ــﮏ‬for har chièk) every
to approve of: châwim hałnâye la kâr thing
i wâ nâhaq I don’t approve of such a chen- ‫ﻦ‬Œ¸ pres. stem of chândin
dishonest thing; ~-hał-henân ba v.t. chesht ‫ﺸﺖ‬Œ¸ lunch
to envy, afflict with the evil eye: châ- chezh- ‫ﮋ‬Œ¸ pres. stem of chishtin
chi (1) ‫ چ‬what? (interrogative pronoun); chirpândin ‫ ﭼـﺮﭘـﺎﻧـﺪن‬chirpen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﭼـﺮﭘ‬v.t. to
(2) that which (relative pronoun); (3) whisper
thing: chiyân nâbe they have noth- chirt ‫ ﭼـــﺮت‬noise, sound; ~a~ ‫ﭼـــﺗﺮـــﻪﭼـــﺮت‬
ing; bo awaî ~ (+ subj.) in order that; commotion, uproar
chi…chi whether…or: chi râst u chi chiryâ p‫ﭼـــــــــــــﺮ‬: ~eke October; ~didwâ
diro whether right or wrong November
chikân ‫ ﭼـــــﲀن‬v.i. to drip; to dry up (of a chishtin ‫ ﭼــﺸــﱳ‬chezh- ‫ــﮋ‬Œ‫ ¸ــ‬v.t. to taste,
well or spring); ~awa ‫ ﭼــــﲀﻧــــﻪوﻩ‬v.t. to experience
thicken (of liquids) chit ‫ ﭼﺖ‬thing (= shit)
chil ‫ ¸ﻞ‬forty chito ‫ﯚ‬µ‫ ﭼ‬how?
chił Ǹ branch, stalk chî ‫ = ﭼﯽ‬chi
chiłakân ‫ــﻪﰷن‬k¸ chiłake- ‰‫ــﻪﮐـ‬k¸ v.i.: dâ-~ chîn ‫ ¸ــــﲔ‬generation; wrinkle; China; ~î
to be shocked; dâ-~din chiłaken- v.t. ‫ ﭼ;ﲎ‬Chinese
to shock; râ-~ v.i. to be shocked chîř-bûnawa ‫ ﺑﻮوﻧﻪوﻩ‬ݸ v.i. to snarl
chiłkin ‫ﮑﻦ‬k¸ dirty, unclean; dark (cloud) chîřok ‫ۆک‬Ý‫ ¸ــــــ‬story; ~vân ‫ــــــﻮان‬B‫ۆ‬Ý‫¸ــــــ‬
chilon ‫ ¸ ـﻠ ـﯚن‬how: estâ dazânî rûdâwaká storyteller
chilon bûwa now you know how the chîtir ‫ =( ﭼ;ــﱰ‬hîch i tir): … nabe ~ niya
event was is nothing but …
chimcha ‫ﻪ‬ÂÛ spoon chok ‫ ﭼـــــﯚک‬knee; ~ dâ-dân v.t. to kneel
chinândin ‫ــﺎﻧــﺪن‬ž‫ ﭼــ‬chinen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ــ‬ž‫ ﭼــ‬v.t. to down
mend, patch choł ‫ ﭼــــــــﯚڵ‬desert, wilderness; ~-kirdin
ching ‫ﮓ‬ž‫ ﭼ‬claw, talon v.t. to desert, vacate a place; ~awân(î)
chingâł ‫ﮕﺎڵ‬ž‫ ﭼ‬fork ‫ـﻪواﱏ‬T‫ ﭼـﯚ‬wilderness; ~parist ‫ﭙـﻪرﺳـﺖ‬T‫ﭼـﯚ ـ‬
chinîn ‫ــــــﲔ‬ž‫ ﭼــــــ‬v.t. to weave; to reap; to nomad, desert dweller
pick (fruit); to pile up; hał-~ v.t. to chołaka ‫ﻪﮐﻪ‬T‫ ﭼﯚ‬sparrow
pile up; tang ~ ba to hold tight; to chom ‫ ﭼﯚم‬river
squeeze tightly; to squeeze the life of chon ‫ ﭼــــــــﯚن‬how?: chonî how are you?;
out what sort of: wara bitbînim chon pyâ-
chipa u sirta ‫ﻪ و ﴎﺗﻪ‬Ü‫ ﭼ‬whispering wèkî come let me see what kind of
chipândin ‫ﺎﻧﺪن‬Ü‫ = ﭼ‬chirpândin man you are; ~èk ‫ـــﮏ‬²‫ ﭼـــﯚﻧـــ‬somehow:
chiř (1) g‫ ﭼـ‬dense (forest): dâristânèk i ~ har chonèk be somehow or other; ~etî
a dense forest; (2) firm, unyielding: ~ ‫ـﱴ‬Œ‫~ = ﭼـﯚـﻧ‬iyatî; ~iyatî ‫ ﭼـﯚـﻧﻴـﻪﰏ‬manner,
darpeya he’s standing firm; (3) steep: (+ inf.) how to: shaw u rozh la marâq
shâkhèk i ~ a steep mountain; (4) i chonetî i daskawtin i am kich i shâ i
song: ~e bichira sing a song; ~-dân parîâná’dâ bû day and night he was
to tie tight: ~î da bâ nakire-tawa tie it wondering how to get hold of this
tight so it won’t come loose; ~ u daughter of the king of the peris; ~ka
châw face: ~ u châwit bisho wash ‫ﮑﻪ‬s‫ ﭼﯚ‬because, since
your face chonar ‫ ﭼﯚﻧﻪر‬beet
chirâ ‫ ﭼﺮا‬lamp choqân ‫ ﭼـﯚﻗـﺎن‬choqe- Õ‫ ﭼـﯚ‬v.i. to sizzle;
chiřândin ‫اﻧـﺪن‬g‫ ﭼـ‬chiřen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤g‫ ﭼـ‬v.t. to rip, to tremble; ~din ‫ ﭼـﯚﻗـﺎﻧـﺪن‬choqen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ﭼـﯚﻗ‬
tear; to call out to someone v.t. to heat oil to the sizzling point; to
chirch ‫ ﭼـــــﺮچ‬wrinkle: ~ hałhâtûa it’s all tremble
wrinkled choř ‫ ﭼــــﯚڕ‬drop, drip; ~ânawa ‫ﭼــــﯚڕاﻧــــﻪوﻩ‬
chiřîn ‫ﻦ‬ag‫ ﭼ‬v.t. to sing choře- ‫ ﭼـــــــــــﯚڕێ‬v.i. to drip, to fall in
drops; ~âwga ‫ ﭼﯚڕاوﮔﻪ‬trickle of blood wirch ‫ﻪ ورچ‬T‫ دﻩ‬she-bear
chortka ‫ﮑﻪ‬Ž‫ ﭼﯚر‬abacus dalasa ‫ﺳﻪ‬v‫ دﻩ‬exaggeration
chotà ‫ = ﭼﯚﺗﻪ‬chûwatà. See chûn. dalâqa ‫ دﻩﻻﻗﻪ‬shelf, trap door
chukłaqulâp ‫ﻪﻗﻮﻻپ‬k‫ ﭼﻮﮐ‬fishing rod dalîl ‫ دﻩﻟﻴﻞ‬reason, reasoning
chúnka ‫ﮑﻪ‬s‫ = ﭼﻮ‬chónka dam1 ‫ دﻩم‬moment; ba ~ …awa while,
churt ‫ ﭼﻮرت‬nap; ~-dân v.t. to take a nap during: ba ~ pekanînawa while laugh-
chûk ‫ ﭼـــــــــــﻮوک‬pinnacle of a mountain; ing; ~e at once; ~èk-a/bû for a while,
foreskin; small, small amount: ~a zor damèk a/bû for a long time
tawizhmèk a little pressure; boundary dam2 ‫ دﻩم‬mouth; ~-kirdin v.t. to speak;
chûn ‫ ﭼــــــــﻮون‬ch- v.i. to go; ~ ba to pass ~ kut-kirdin v.t. to silence, cut s.o.
(of time): baynèk’î pe chû some time off; ba ~awa girtin v.t. to mention,
passed (for him/her); min darom— speak of; la ~awa dâ-nân v.t. to give
chand rozhèk’im pe dache I’m go- birth to; la ~ dân v.t. to embarrass;
ing—I’ll be gone for a few days; ~ la ~aqâłe ‰‫ـ‬T‫ دﻩﻣـﻪﻗـﺎ‬verbal quarrel; ~ataqe
to look like: har la kuř a pâshâ’yân Õ‫ دﻩﻣـــــــــﻪﺗـــــــــﻪ‬dialogue, conversation;
dache he looks just like a prince to ~pârâw ‫ــﺎراو‬Ü‫ دﻩﻣ‬eloquent, well-spoken;
them; dar-~ to turn out, come out; to ~qiře ‫ێ‬g‫ دﻩﻣـــﻘـــ‬verbal quarrel; ~tang ‫دﻩ‬
run off/away; te hał-~ to get started; ‫ـــﮓ‬s‫ـــﻪ‬µ‫ ﻣـــ‬narrow-necked; ba sar ~’dâ
~à darawa to go out(side) face down; la bar~ i …(’dâ) in front
chûnka ‫ﮑﻪ‬s‫ = ﭼﻮو‬chonka of, before
chûz ‫ ﭼـــــــــــــﻮوز‬straight line; circle; line, dam3 ‫ دﻩم‬power; ~-u-dazgâ i dawłatî ‫دﻩم‬
queue ‫ـﻪﰏ‬T‫ و دﻩزﮔـﺎى دﻩو‬state apparatus, govern-
chûza ‫ ﭼﻮوزﻩ‬stinger (insect) ment administration; ~-u-dû ‫دﻩم و دوو‬
chûzân ‫ ﭼـــــــﻮوزان‬chûze- ‫ ﭼـــــــﻮوزێ‬v.i. to power of expression; cleverness
burn, sting (as sun-burned skin) damałqopân ‫ــﻘــﯚﭘــﺎن‬T‫ دﻩﻣــﻪ‬baggy Kurdish
chwâr ‫ ﭼــــــﻮار‬four; ~am ‫ ﭼــــــﻮارﻩم‬fourth; trousers
~mashqî ‫ﺷﻘـﯽ‬ ‫ ﭼـﻮارﻣـﻪ ـ‬crosslegged; ~pal damâr ‫ دﻩﻣـــــــﺎر‬vein, root: am bardá, da-
‫ ﭼـﻮارﭘـﻪل‬quadruped; ~shamma ‫ﭼـﻮارﺷـﻪﳑـﻪ‬ mârî la khâk’dâ ya this rock is firmly
Wednesday; ~shâna ‫ ﭼـــﻮارﺷـــﺎﻧـــﻪ‬broad- rooted in the ground
shouldered danâ ‡‫ دﻩ‬otherwise, if not
chyâ ‫ ﭼ;ﺎ‬mountain dang ‫ـﮓ‬s‫ دﻩ‬sound, voice; vote; ~-dân v.t.
to vote; ~-dânawa v.t. to reverberate,
da1 ‫ دﻩ‬particle occurring with imperative echo; ~a~ ‫ـﮓ‬s‫ﮕـﻪدﻩ‬s‫ دﻩ ـ‬noise, outcry; be~
da2 ‫( دﻩ‬prep., with pre- or postposed ‫ﮓ‬s‫ﺪﻩ‬²‫ ﺑ‬silent; be~î ‫ﮕﯽ‬s‫ﺪﻩ‬²‫ ﺑ‬silence
pronominal encl., te) in, into, on danûk ‫ دﻩﻧﻮوک‬bird’s beak
da3 ‫ دﻩ‬ten; ~ham ‫ دﻩﻫﻪم‬tenth daqîqa ‫ دﻩﻗ;ﻘﻪ‬minute
da- ‫ دﻩ‬habitual and progressive verbal dar ‫ دﻩر‬out; ba ~awa out, outside; ~è
prefix ‫ دﻩرێ‬outside; hâtinà ~e v.i. to come
dabân ‫ دﻩ¶ن‬steel out, turn out
dafr ‫ دﻩﻓﺮ‬pot dar- ‫ دﻩر‬cmpd. vb. agent, see dar-birîn,
dak ‫ دﻩک‬expletive of amazement dar-chûn, dar-henân, dar-kawtin; ~-
dakhîl ‫ دﻩﺧ;ــﻞ‬one taken under protection; kirdin v.t. to put out
~itim ‫ دﻩﺧ;ﻠﱲ‬please, I beg you dara ‫ دﻩرﻩ‬valley; ~bag ‫ دﻩرﻩﺑـــــــــﻪگ‬feudal
dał ‫ دﻩڵ‬the female of many animals, lord; ~bagî ‫ دﻩرﻩﺑ ـﻪﮔ ـﯽ‬feudal, feudal pe-
she-; ~adew ‫ــــﻮ‬l‫ــــﻪد‬T‫ دﻩ‬she-demon; ~a- riod
daraja ‫ دﻩرﻩ•ﻪ‬rank, degree dasbaje ‰‫ﺒﻪﺟ‬8‫ = دﻩﺳ‬dastbaje
darakî ‫ دﻩرﻩﰽ‬estranged, foreigner, stran- dasht ‫ دﻩﺷ ـﺖ‬desert, plain; ~akî ‫ ـﺘ ـﻪﰽ‬8‫دﻩﺷ ـ‬
ger; bûn ba ~ to be “out in the cold” villager
darâmat ‫ دﻩراﻣﻪت‬income dast ‫ دﻩﺳـــــــــﺖ‬hand, arm (verbal expres-
darbadar ‫ دﻩرﺑــــــﻪدﻩر‬homeless; ~î homel- sions involving dast are given below;
essness for all other compounds, see alphabet-
darbâra i ‫ دﻩر¶رﻩی‬about, concerning ically); ba ~ henân v.t. to get, ac-
darbâz ‫ ﺑﻪر¶ز‬delivered, saved quire; ba ~ gayshtin v.i. to come to
darbiřîn ‫ـﻦ‬ag‫ ﺑـﻪر–ـ‬confession, plain speak- hand, to be received; ~ ba âw gayân-
ing din v.t. to go to the bath-room; ~ bar-
dar-chûn la qsa i … ‫ ﻗ ـﺴ ـﻪی‬v ‫ دﻩرﭼ ـﻮون‬to dân la to cease: dastî la kâr bardâ he
disobey stopped working; ~ biłind-kirdin v.t.
dard ‫ دﻩرد‬pain, trouble; ~-dân ba to give to resist; ~-birdin bo v.t. to fiddle
trouble to: dardèkî pe dâyn it gave us with, to stretch out the hand for; ~-
some trouble; dard i sar ‫دﻩردی ﺳـــــــــﻪر‬ bizâw-tin v.t. to poke, push; ~ bo
headache, trouble dam meager existence, hand-to-
darenân ‫ﻨﺎن‬l‫ = دﻩر‬dar-henân mouth; ~-dânà …awa v.t. to under-
darfat ‫ دﻩرﻓﻪت‬opportunity take, carry out: dastim dâyà payjoîèk i
dargâ ‫ دﻩرﮔـــــﺎ‬door; la ~ drân for a knock zortir-awa I carried out more re-
to come at a door: la dargâ dadre search; ~drezhî kirdinà sar v.t. to
there comes a knock at the door rape, violate; ~ hał-girtin la v.t. to
darhaq ‫ دﻩرﻫﻪق‬with regard to quit, leave alone: dastim le hałgrin
dark ‫ دﻩرک‬door leave me alone; ~-kawtin v.i. to get,
darkhwârd i ‫ دﻩرﺧﻮاردی‬worthy of acquire; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to reach for;
darmân ‫ دﻩرﻣـــــﺎن‬medicine, remedy; gun- to start (+ inf): dastî kird ba pekanîn
powder; ~khâna ‫ دﻩرﻣـﺎﳔـﺎﻧـﻪ‬pharmacy; ~ he started laughing; ~-kirdinà … to
i behoshî ‫ــــﻬــــﯚﳽ‬²‫ دﻩرﻣــــﺎﱏ ﺑــــ‬knock-out put one’s hand/arm on/around: dastî
drops, sleeping potion kirdà mil i bâwikî he put his arm
dar-pařândin ‫دﻩرﭘﻪڕاﻧﺪن‬. See pařândin. around his father’s neck; ~ la pisht
dar-pařendrân ‫ـﻨـﺪران‬l‫دﻩرﭘـﻪڕ‬. See pařen- dân v.t. to pat on the back, to en-
drân. courage; ~ pân-kirdinawa v.t. to beg;
darpe ‰Š‫دﻩرﭘـــــ‬, darpî ‫ﯽ‬Š‫ دﻩرﭘـــــ‬underwear, ~ pe-kirdin (+ inf.) to begin, start
drawers (do-ing): khwendin i khoy dast pe-kird
dars ‫ دﻩرس‬lesson; ~-dân v.t. to teach; ~- he began studying; ~ pewa girtin v.t.
khwendin v.t. to study to save, be frugal; ~-nân ba rû…awa
daru ‫ دﻩرو‬narrow valley; ~yek-girtin la to turn someone away; ~-parzhân v.i.
v.t. to put someone in a tight spot to have an opportunity: dastit dapar-
darûn ‫ دﻩروون‬interior, inside zhe kâre-kim bo bikay? do you have
darwesh ‫ــــــــﺶ‬â‫ دﻩرو‬dervish; ~î of or per- the time to do something for me?
taining to dervishes: jil u barg i dar- dastim nâparzhe I don’t have the
weshî dervish costume time, I can’t get to it; ~-qutân to
darz1 ‫ دﻩرز‬crack grope; ~-qûchândin v.t. to be stingy;
darz2 ‫ = دﻩرز‬dars ~ tekał-kirdin lagał to have carnal
das- ‫ دﻩس‬for all words beginning with relations with; ~ u dił yekî-girtin v.t.
das-, see under dast to be at ease, have peace of mind:
khałk îtir dast u dił’yân yekî nadagirt dastnakhurda ‫ﻪﺧﻮردﻩ‬žn‫ دﻩﺳ‬untouched
the people no longer had any peace of dastnûs ‫ﻮوس‬žn‫ دﻩﺳ‬manuscript
mind; ~-washândin v.t. to wave; la dastnwezh ‫ ـﮋ‬¤‫ ـﻮ‬ž‫ ـ‬n‫ دﻩﺳ ـ‬ablutions; ~-girtin
bar ~ i …dâ in front of, in the pres- v.t. to make ablutions (for prayer)
ence of, with dastpař ‫ﻪڕ‬Ün‫ دﻩﺳ‬masturbation
dast- ‫ دﻩﺳﺖ‬for dawast- (see wastân) dastpiř gÎ‫ﺘ‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬rich
dasta ‫ـــــﺘـــــﻪ‬8‫ دﻩﺳـــــ‬bunch, group, set; ~-u- dasttang ‫ﮓ‬s‫ﻪ‬µn‫ دﻩﺳ‬poor
dâyara ‫ﺘﻪ و داﯾﻪرﻩ‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬retinue dast-u-dû ‫ﺘﻮدوو‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬physical prowess
dastabar ‫ﺘﻪﺑﻪر‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬guarantor dastûr ‫ﺘﻮور‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬constitution
dastałât ‫ت‬Ÿ‫ـــﺘـــﻪ‬8‫ دﻩﺳـــ‬authority; ~dâr au- dastwâłâ Ÿ‫ﺘﻮا‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬empty-handed
thority, one in authority; be~î lack of dawan ‫ دﻩوﻩن‬bush
authority dawâ ‫ دﻩوا‬medicine; ~ u darmân medi-
dastamo ‫ﺘﻪﻣﯚ‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬tame cation and remedy
dastasiř g‫ﺘﻪﺳ‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬handkerchief dawâm-kirdin ‫ـــــﺮدن‬B ‫ دﻩوام‬v.t. to last, en-
dastaw-azhno ‫ـﺘـﻪوﺋـﻪﻧژـﯚ‬8‫ دﻩﺳـ‬grieving, be- dure
reaved dawâr ‫ دﻩوار‬nomadic tent; tent material
dastawâna ‫ﺘﻪواﻧﻪ‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬glove dawl ‫ دﻩول‬drum
dastândast ‫ـﺘـﺎﻧـﺪﻩﺳـﺖ‬8‫ دﻩﺳـ‬nearby, next to dawłamand ‫ﻪﻣﻪﻧﺪ‬T‫ دﻩو‬rich
one another: gund i ema u gund i ewa dawłat ‫ـــــﻪت‬T‫ دﻩو‬wealth; state; ~î ‫ـــــﻪﰏ‬T‫دﻩو‬
~in your village and ours are next to state (adj.), governmental
each other dawr ‫ دﻩور‬era, time; ~bar gařân to go
dastâw ‫ﺘﺎو‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬bathroom, toilet around, about; ~-geřân v.t. to turn
dastâwdast ‫ــــﺘــﺎودﻩﺳــﺖ‬8 ‫ دﻩﺳ‬from hand to circles; ~ u pisht i around (prep.); ba
hand, from one person to another ~ …dâ around (prep.)
dastâwez ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ﺘﺎو‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬pretext; gift dawra ‫ دﻩورﻩ‬circle; ~-dân v.t. to sur-
dastbaje ‰‫ﻪﺟ‬mn‫ دﻩﺳ‬immediately, at once round: dawra’yân dâbû they had him
dastbarsar ‫ـــﻪرﺳـــﻪر‬m‫ـــ‬n‫ دﻩﺳـــ‬under surveil- surrounded
lance; under guard dawrân ‫ دﻩوران‬era, epoch; a long period
dastbasta ‫ﺘـﻪ‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ـﻪ ــ‬mn‫ﺳ‬
‫ دﻩ ـ ـ‬hands tied, incapa- of time; circuit, circle; ~-kirdin ba
ble, unable, total surrender v.t. to take a turn on (a horse)
dastbatâł ‫ڵ‬c‫ﻪ‬mn‫ دﻩﺳ‬idle dawrî ‫ دﻩوری‬plate
dastbiłâw ‫و‬Ëmn‫ دﻩﺳ‬spendthrift day ‫ دﻩی‬hey, c’mon, look here
dastbiř É‫ ـﺘ ـ‬8‫ دﻩﺳ ـ‬one who fools or plays a daz ‫ = دﻩز‬dast: ~baje immediately, at
trick once; ~gâ ‫ دﻩزﮔـــــــــــــﺎ‬apparatus; ~gîrân
dastdrezh ‫ـﮋ‬¤‫ﺘـﺪر‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ دﻩ ــ‬aggressive, usurper, ‫ دﻩزﮔﲑان‬fiancé
influential dazu ‫ دﻩزو‬thread
dastgir-bûn ‫ــــﺘــﮕــﺮ ﺑــﻮون‬8 ‫ دﻩﺳ‬v.i. to be ac- dâ- ‫ دا‬compound verbal prefix, for dâ-
quired: hîchyân das(t)gîr nâbe they kirdin only see alphabetically below;
acquire nothing, they wind up with for other compound verbs see under
nothing the verbal element: dâ-bazîn, dâ-dân,
dasthaq ‫ﳤﻪق‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬wage dâ-diřîn, dâ-gîrân, dâ-hâtin, dâ-
dastik ‫ﺘﮏ‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬handle, grip; bunch kanin, dâ-khistin, dâ-nawândin, dâ-
dastkârî-kiran ‫ ـﺮان‬B ‫ ـﺘ ـﲀری‬8‫ دﻩﺳ ـ‬v.p. to be nân, dâ-nîshtin, dâ-mazrândin, dâ-
tampered with rinân, dâ-rizân, dâ-rizhândin
dastkhat ‫ﻪت‬Ø‫ﺘ‬8‫ دﻩﺳ‬handwriting ’dâ ‫( دا‬postposition with the preposition
la) in, at: l’ewa’dâ there, in that place; to rest, prop ( on …: ânîshk i
l’ aw sa‘âtá’dâ at that time; (’dâ con- râstî dâdâyà sar mezaká he propped
tracts to ’á, particularly after nasals) his right elbow on the table; hał-~ (1)
la dił i khom’â witim I said to myself to cast up, hurl up; (2) to blossom:
dâbash ‫ دادﻩش‬portion, division; ~- shînâwar-dakát hałî dâwa your gar-
kirdin v.t. to divide; ~-krânà sar v.p. den has blossomed; hał-~ la sar to
to be divided into; ~udâbir-kirdin ‫داﺑـﻪ‬ intervene on behalf of; hał-~ la to
‫ﺮدن‬B g–‫ شودا‬v.t. to divide and slice up start (to speak): la jwâbâ hałî dâ he
dâbîn-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ داﺑـــﲔ‬v.t. to assemble, started to answer; hał-~awa to raise:
arrange panjaraká hałdawa raise the sash; le-
dâd ‫ داد‬justice; ~-dân v.t. to give justice; ~ to hit, strike; to throb: diłim ledadâ
to be just; to work out for: aw dâdî my heart is throbbing; to play (instru-
nadâyn it didn’t work out for us ment): zuřnâ-kay zor khosh ledadâ he
dâdga ‫ دادﮔ ـﻪ‬court: ~ i harabarz supreme played the flute very well; see also
court alphabetically under le-dân
dâgh ‫ داغ‬searing hot, scar; grief; ~- dân2 ‫ دان‬grain, seed: ganimakám ~’î na-
kirdin v.t. to sear, brand, scar girtûa my wheat has not set seed; ~
dâgir i ‫ﮔﺮی‬ä‫ د‬inclusive of, comprising ba kho …’dâ girtin v.t. to have pa-
dâgîr-kirdin ‫ـــــﺮدن‬B ‫ﮔـــــﲑ‬ä‫ د‬v.t. to occupy, tience, endure; ~-nahenân ba v.t. to
usurp, take by force, oppress; ~kar place no value in: kâwrâ dân ba minâ
‫ﮔﲑﮐﻪر‬ä‫ د‬oppressor, oppressive nâhene the man places no value in me
dâkh ‫ داخ‬grief; la ~ân ‫ﺎن‬L‫ دا‬v in grief dân3 ‫ دان‬tooth (= didân)
dâkhwâzînâma ‫ داﺧﻮازﯾﻨﺎﻣﻪ‬application dânîshtû ‫ﺘﻮو‬8‫ داﻧ›ﺸ‬inhabitant
dâ-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ دا‬v.t. (1) to start raining: dâpîr ‫ داﭘﲑ‬grandmother
bârân dây kird it started raining; (2) dâr ‫ دار‬tree, wood; staff, rod, stick;
to put animals in a stable: ḥaywânakâ- ~kârî-kirdin v.t. to beat with a stick;
nim dâ kird I stabled the animals; (3) khistinà zher ~ u falâqawa v.t. to put
to pour grain in a bin: ganimaká’m to the bastinado; ~atarm ‫ دارﻩﺗــــﻪرم‬bier;
dâkird I poured the grain (into the ~awâr ‫ دارﻩوار‬structure; ~das ‫داردﻩس‬
bin) walking stick, staff; ~istân ‫ﺘــﺎن‬8‫ دارﺳـ‬for-
dâł ‫ داڵ‬an opened seed pod est; ~în ‫ــــﻦ‬a‫ دار‬made of wood, wooden;
dâm ‫دام‬: ~ u dazgâ ‫ دام و دﻩزﮔـــﺎ‬apparatus, ~tâsh ‫ش‬c‫ دار‬carpenter
power, authority dârezhar ‫ﮋﻩر‬¤‫ دار‬molder, formulator
dâmâwî ‫ داﻣﺎوی‬tribulation dâshtin: hał-~ ‫ـﺪاﺷـﱳ‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ‬v.t. to hurl (from
dâmen ‫ ـﻦ‬Œ‫ داﻣ ـ‬skirt; ~-girtin v.t. to beset: a height)
am bałâya dâmenî girtûm I am beset dâw ‫ داو‬trap; ~ dâ-khistin v.t. to set a
by this disaster; dastim ~it ‫ــــــــــــــﱲ‬
8 ‫دﻩﺳ‬ trap
‫ داﻣ´ﻨﺖ‬I beg you dâwar ‫ داوﻩر‬judge; ~î judging
dân1 ‫ دان‬da- ‫( دﻩ‬v.t., impt. sing. bídara, dâwâ ‫ داوا‬demand; ~-kirdin la v.t. to ask
in compounds, da ‫ ;دﻩ‬pass. dirân ‫)دران‬ of, demand of
to give, pay; ba …awa ~ to bite, dâwen ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ = داو‬dâmen; ~pâkî ‫ـ˜ﰽ‬ÜÀl ‫ داو ــ‬in-
sting: mâr gutî petawa dadam “I’ll nocence, purity
bite you,” the snake said; mâr pewa’y dâwkhwâz ‫ داوﺧﻮاز‬volunteer
dâwin they’ve been bitten by a snake; dâya ‫ داﯾـــﻪ‬mother; nurse; ~pîra ‫داﯾـــﻪﭘـــﲑﻩ‬
dâ-~ to sharpen (pencil); dâ-~à sar … grandmother
dâyara ‫ داﯾﻪرﻩ‬office dirân ‫ دران‬dre- ‫ درێ‬v.p. passive of dân;
dâyik ‫ــــــﮏ‬a‫ دا‬mother; la ~ bûn v.i. to be la dargâ ~ for a knock to come at a
born door
de ‫ دێ‬village diřân ‫ دڕان‬see diřrân
de- ‫ دێ‬pres. indicative stem of hâtin dirâw ‫ دراو‬dirhem
deł- Çl‫ = د‬daheł-. See heshtin. diregh(î) ‫ــــﻎ‬l‫ در‬،‫ــــﻐــــﯽ‬l‫ در‬shortcoming; ~-
den- ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ = د‬dahen-. See henân. kirdin v.t. to be inadequate
deř g¤‫ د‬line dirinj ‫ درﱋ‬demon
derîn ‫ــــــﻦ‬a‫ــــــﺮ‬¤‫ د‬ancient, old: aw nâwcha diřîn ‫ـــــﻦ‬a‫ دڕ‬diř- ‫ دڕ‬v.t. to rip; dâ-~ to rip
shwenawârî a derînâná i Kurdistân (cloth)
the ancient monumental regions of diřik ‫ دڕک‬thorn
Kurdistan diřinda ‫ دڕﻧﺪﻩ‬savage, bestial
dew ‫ﻮ‬l‫ د‬demon dirkândin ‫ درﰷﻧـــﺪن‬dirken- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ درﮐـــ‬v.t. to
didân ‫ ددان‬tooth confess; to pronounce; disclose, re-
dił ‫ دڵ‬heart, interior: la dił i khom’â veal (secret, &c.)
witim I said to myself; ~-râgirtin to diro ‫ = درۆ‬dro
make happy; ~-shikândin v.t. to diřrân ‫ دڕان‬v.p. to be ripped
break the heart: diłmân mashikena dirust ‫ دروﺳـﺖ‬right, correct; ~-kirdin v.t.
don’t break our hearts; ba ~ i kho to to make, build, construct
one’s heart’s desire; ~band i ‫ـــﺒـــﻪﻧـــﺪی‬T‫د‬ dirûn ‫ دروون‬dirû- ‫ دروو‬v.t. to stitch, sew;
interested in; ~dâr ‫ـــــــﺪار‬T‫ د‬sweetheart; hał-~ to seam together
~girân ‫ـــــﮕـــــﺮان‬T‫ د‬disheartened, heavy- dirwân ‫ دروان‬v.i.: hał-~ to be stitched
hearted; ~narm ‫ﻨـﻪرم‬T‫ د ـ‬contented; ~nyâ together
‫ـــﻨـــﻴـــﺎ‬T‫ د‬la convinced of; ~pir ‫ـــﺮ‬Î‫ـــ‬T‫ د‬sad; dirwena ‫ﻨﻪ‬l‫ درو‬reaping with sickle
angry; ~raq ‫ـﺮﻩق‬T‫ د‬cold-hearted; ~sâda dirz ‫ درز‬crack; ~ i darwâza opening
‫ـﺴـﺎدﻩ‬T‫ د‬naïve; ~shikâw ‫ـﺸـﲀو‬T‫ د‬broken- between two double doors
hearted; ~soz ‫ـــــــﺴـــــــﯚز‬T‫ د‬sympathetic; diz ‫ دز‬thief; ~î thievery, stealth; ba ~a
~tang ‫ـــــﮓ‬s‫ـــــﺘـــــﻪ‬T‫ د‬sad, lonely; ~tangî stealthily; ba ~ i unbeknownst to
‫ـﮕـﯽ‬s‫ـﺘـﻪ‬T‫ د‬sadness, loneliness; ~tař ‫ـﺘـﻪڕ‬T‫د‬ dizh i ‫ دژی‬, dizh ba ‫ دژ ﺑــــﻪ‬against, vis-à-
glad, happy; ~tazen ‫ـــﻦ‬¤‫ـــﺘـــﻪز‬T‫ د‬tragedy, vis: gawra-pyâwân i gund dizh i am
calamity qsâná râdawastân the old men of the
diłop ‫ ـﯚپ‬T‫ د‬drop; ~ a khwenèk a drop of village took a stance against this talk;
blood farmân’î ba kuřakáy dâ dizh i duzh-
dimârakoł ‫ دﻣﺎرﻩﮐﯚڵ‬scorpion min shař bikâ he ordered his son to
dinân ‫ د‡ن‬tooth fight against the enemy
dinyâ ‫ دﻧـــﻴـــﺎ‬world, weather: dinyâ zistân dî1 ‫ دی‬sight; ba ~ henân v.t. to bring
bû it was winter; ~dîtin ‫ د ـﻧﻴـﺎدﯾـﱳ‬world- about, produce; ba ~ kirdin v.t. to
ly experience notice, to discern; to see, to spy: hîch i
dir- ‫( در‬for words beginning with dir-, wâ’m tyâ ba dî nakird I didn’t notice
see also dr-) anything like that wrong with him;
diř- ‫ دڕ‬pres. stem of dirîn; see also dr- hâtinà ~ to come about, to happen
dirakht ‫ درﻩﺧﺖ‬tree dî2 ‫ دی‬other; again: bo chandân jâr i dî
dirang ‫ﮓ‬s‫ درﻩ‬late; ~-bûn v.i. to be late several other times
dirawshân(awa) ‫ درﻩوﺷﺎن‬v.i. to shine dîdâr ‫ دﯾﺪار‬interview, meeting
dirâsa ‫ دراﺳﻪ‬lesson, study dîka ‫ـــﮑـــﻪ‬a‫( د‬adj.) other; (adv.) any more,
further ‫ﺮ‬ŒL ‫ دو`ﺎی‬prayer for well-being
dîl ‫ دﯾـــــﻞ‬prisoner; ba ~ girtin v.t. to take dugma ‫ دوﮔـــــﻤـــــﻪ‬button; ~ dâ-khistin to
prisoner button: ~ i châkatay dâ-khist he but-
dîlmânj ‫ دﯾﻠﲈﱋ‬interpretor toned his jacket
dîman ‫ دﳝﻪن‬aspect, mien dukân ‫دوﰷن‬, dukkân ‫ دوﮐـــﲀن‬shop; ~dâr
dîmugrâfyâ ‫ دﳝﻮﮔﺮاﻓ;ﺎ‬demography ‫ دوﰷﻧﺪار‬shopkeeper
dîmukrât ‫ﺮات‬B‫ دﳝﻮ‬democratic dund ‫ دوﻧﺪ‬summit, top of mountain
dîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ د‬bîn- ‫ ﺑﲔ‬v.t. to see dunyâ ‫ = دوﻧﻴﺎ‬dinyâ
dîřok ‫ۆک‬ga‫ د‬legend duř ‫ دوڕ‬middle; large pearl
dîsân ‫ د§ﺴﺎن‬again, once more duwân ‫ = دوان‬dwân
dîtin ‫ دﯾـﱳ‬bîn- ‫ ﺑـﲔ‬v.t. to see; ~awa ‫ـــﻪوﻩ‬ žn‫دﯾ‬ duzhmin ‫ دوژﻣ ـﻦ‬enemy; ~âyat ‫ ـﺎﯾ ـﻪت‬ž‫دوژﻣ ـ‬
to find enmity
dîw ‫ دﯾﻮ‬side dû ‫ دوو‬two; ~am ‫ دووﻩم‬second; ~barakî
dîwakhâna ‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬L‫ دﯾﻮﻩ‬living room ‫ دووﺑــــــﻪرﻩﰽ‬enmity; ~bâra ‫ دوو¶رﻩ‬again,
dîwân ‫ دﯾﻮان‬assembly hall, court once more; ~dił ‫ دوودڵ‬hesitant,
dîwâr ‫ دﯾﻮار‬wall hesitating; ~dił la v ‫ دوودڵ‬distrustful
do ‫ دۆ‬yoghurt and water beverage of, suspicious of; ~ham ‫ دووﻫــــــــﻪم‬sec-
do‘â ‫ = دۆ`ﺎ‬du‘â ond; ~shamma ‫ دووﺷﻪﳑﻪ‬Monday
doł ‫ دۆڵ‬valley dûkał ‫دوﮐﻪڵ‬smoke
dořândin ‫ دۆڕاﻧﺪن‬dořen- ‫ﻦ‬a‫ دۆڕ‬v.t. to lose dûkyân ‫ــﻴــﺎن‬B‫ دوو‬the two of them, both of
dosh dâ-mân ‫ دۆش داﻣـــــــــﺎن‬v.i. to be at a them
loss for words dûpât ‫ دووﭘـــــــﺎت‬statement; ~-kirdinawa
doshâw ‫ دۆﺷﺎو‬grape molasses v.t. to make a statement
dost ‫ دۆﺳـﺖ‬friend; ~âna ‫ـــﺎﻧـﻪ‬ ‫ﺘ‬8‫ دۆﺳ‬friendly; dûpishk ‫ﺸﮏ‬é‫ دوو‬scorpion
~âyatî ‫ﺘﺎﯾﻪﰏ‬8‫ دۆﺳ‬friendship dûr ‫ دوور‬far; la ~awa from afar; ~bîn
dozîn ‫ ـﻦ‬a‫ دۆز‬doz- ‫ دۆز‬v.t. to search for; to ‫ دوورﺑﲔ‬telescope, camera
find; ~awa ‫ دۆزﯾـــــﻨـــــﻪوﻩ‬to find, recover, dûrân ‫ دووران‬dûr- ‫ = دوور‬dirwân
discover dûrînawa ‫ دوورﯾﻨﻪوﻩ‬v.t. to gather, harvest
dr- ‫( در‬for words beginning with dr-, dûrrân ‫ دوورران‬dûrre- ‫ دووررێ‬v.p. to be
see also dir-) sewn, stitched up
drakht ‫ درﻩﺧﺖ‬tree dûzhmin ‫ = دووژﻣﻦ‬duzhmin
drân ‫ = دران‬dirân dwâ ‫ دوا‬last (precedes word it modifies):
drâwse ‰‫ دراوﺳ‬neighbor ~ sâł last year, ~ shaw last night; ~ i
drezh ‫ـــــــــﮋ‬¤‫ در‬long; ~-bûn v.i. to stretch after (prep); ~ i awaî (ka) after (conj);
out; ~âî ‫ـﮋاﰃ‬¤‫ در‬length; ~a-dân ‫ـﮋﻩ دان‬¤‫در‬ ~î ‫ دواﰃ‬last, final; ~rozh ‫ دوارۆژ‬future;
v.t. to continue ba ~ i …dâ nârdin to send for (s.o.);
drisht ‫ درﺷﺖ‬large la ~î’dâ ka after (conj); l’ am
dro ‫ درۆ‬lie; ~-kirdin v.t. to lie ~îâná’dâ recently
droshm ‫ درۆﴌ‬sign, distinguishing mark dwân ‫ دوان‬dwe- ‫ دوێ‬la v.i. to speak of,
drushm ‫ دروﴌ‬design; brightness, bril- talk about
liance dwândin ‫ دواﻧ ـﺪن‬dwen- ‫ ـﻦ‬¤‫ دو‬v.t. to speak
drust ‫ = دروﺳﺖ‬dirust to, address: mamdwena! don’t speak
duam ‫ = دوﻩم‬dûham to me!; daydwândim he was speaking
du‘â ‫ دو`ــــﺎ‬prayer, supplication; ~-kirdin to me
bo v.t. to pray for someone; ~ i kher dwe(ka) ‫ دوێ‬،‫ﮑﻪ‬¤‫ دو‬yesterday, last night
dwene ê‫ دﯾـــــﯚ‬yesterday; ~ sháwe ‫ـــــﻮێ‬l‫د‬ ezing ‫ﮓ‬s‫ﺰ‬Œ‫ ﺋ‬kindling
‫ ﺷﻪوێ‬last night
dyâr ‫ر‬p‫ د‬clear, obvious; ~-kirdin v.t. to fakhr ‫ ﻓﻪﺧﺮ‬pride
clarify; ba ~awa bûn v.i. to be visi- falâ ‫ ﻓﻪﻻ‬peasant, farmer
ble, in view; ba ~î clearly, obviously; falâkat ‫ ﻓـــﻪﻻﮐـــﻪت‬misery, difficulty, mis-
~îkirâw ‫ﮑﺮاو‬a‫ر‬p‫ د‬obvious fortune
dyârî ‫ری‬p‫ د‬present, gift falâqa ‫ ﻓﻪﻻﻗﻪ‬bastinado
faqe Õ‫ ﻓﻪ‬student
-è1 variant of the indefinite suffix -èk faqîr ‫ ﻓﻪﻗﲑ‬poor; ~î poverty
-è2 directional suffix occurring on cer- farangî ‫ﮕﯽ‬s‫ ﻓﻪرﻩ‬European
tain nouns like zhûrè ‫ ژوورێ‬upwards, farâham-kirdin ‫ـﺮدن‬B ‫ ﻓـﻪراﻫـﻪم‬v.t. to make
darè ‫ دﻩرێ‬outwards, mâłè ‰‫ــ‬T‫ ﻣــﺎ‬home- available
wards, and as a variant of the direc- Farânsa ‫ﺴﻪ‬ë‫ ﻓﻪرا‬France
tional enclitic à on verbs when the farâwân ‫ ﻓﻪراوان‬abundant, large-scale
complement of the directional is an farhang ‫ـﮓ‬s‫ ﻓـﻪرﻫـﻪ‬culture; ~dost ‫ـﮓ‬s‫ﻓـﻪرﻫـﻪ‬
enclitic pronoun: náygamè I won’t ‫ دۆﺳـــــــﺖ‬cultured, culture-loving; ~ok
reach it, shitèk’î dadâtè he’ll give him ‫ﮕﯚک‬s‫ ﻓﻪرﻫﻪ‬glossary
something Farhâd ‫ ﻓــــــﻪرﻫــــــﺎد‬Farhad, a character in
ejgâr ‫ﺠﮕـﺎر‬²‫ﺋ‬
‫ ـ ـ ـ‬very, very much; ~î ‫ﺠﮕـﺎری‬²‫ﺋ‬ ‫ــ ـ‬ Nizami’s poem who falls in love with
at all, ever: ~ nâydwenim I don’t ever Shirin
speak to him; all at once: ~ bârim farmân ‫ ﻓــﻪرﻣــﺎن‬order, command; ~ ba je
kird I got up and left henân v.t. to obey an order, to carry
-èk ‫ﮏ‬¤ indefinite suffix: pyâwèk a man out an order; ~ i khwâ ba je henân to
el ‫ﻞ‬²‫ ﺋ‬nation, tribe, people obey God’s command, to die; ~-dân
ema ‫ﻤﻪ‬²‫ ﺋ‬we, us ba v.t. to command; ~bar ‫ ﻓـﻪرﻣـﺎﻧﺒــﻪر‬offi-
era ‫ـﺮﻩ‬Œ‫ ﺋـ‬here; l’~(dâ) (‫ـﺮﻩ)دا‬Œ‫ ﻟـ‬here, in this cial
place; l’~wa ‫ﺮﻩوﻩ‬Œ‫ ﻟ‬from here, hence farmâyish ‫ ﻓــــﻪرﻣــــﺎ§ــــﺶ‬order, command;
Erân ‫ﺮان‬Œ‫ ﺋ‬Iran; ~î ‫ﺮاﱏ‬Œ‫ ﺋ‬Iranian ‫~ ﻓـﻪرﻣـﺎ ـ§ﺸـﺖ‬t speech; ~t a mift ‫ﺘــﻪ‬8‫ﻓـﻪرﻣـﺎ§ـﺸـ‬
‘Eřâq ‫اق‬gŒ` Iraq; ~î ‫اﰵ‬gŒ` Iraqi ‫ ﻣﻔﺖ‬empty compliment
erayî ‫ــﺮﻩﱙ‬Œ‫ ﺋــ‬jealousy; ~-birdin ba v.t. to farmûn ‫ ﻓـــﻪرﻣـــﻮون‬farmû- ‫ ﻓـــﻪرﻣـــﻮو‬v.t. to
be jealous of: erayî’yân pe dabird command, to say (polite); (impt.)
they were jealous of him please: farmû dânîsha please sit down
esh ‫ـﺶ‬Œ‫ ـﺋ‬pain, ache; sar~a ‫ـﺸـﻪ‬â‫ ﺳـﻪر‬head- fatârat ‫رﻩت‬c‫ ﻓـﻪ‬calamity; sar i … dân ba
ache ~’dâ to bring calamity down on …
eshik-girtin ‫ـــﻦ‬Ž‫ـــﺸـــﮏ ﮔـــﺮ‬Œ‫ ﺋـــ‬v.t. to keep fawt ‫ ﻓ ـﻪوت‬loss, death; ~ân ‫ن‬c‫ ﻓ ـﻪو‬fawte-
watch ì‫ ﻓــــــﻪو‬v.i. to cease to exist; to be lost;
esk ‫ﺴﮏ‬Œ‫ = ﺋ‬esqân to be all in, exhausted; ~ândin ‫ﻧـﺪن‬c‫ﻓـﻪو‬
esqân ‫ﺴﻘﺎن‬Œ‫ ﺋ‬bone fawten- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻓﻪوﺗ‬v.t. to give up, to lose
estâ ‫ﺘـﺎ‬8‫ﺴ‬Œ
‫ ﺋــ ــ‬now; l’~wa ‫ﺘـﺎوﻩ‬8‫ﺴ‬Œ
‫ ﻟــ ــ‬as of now, fâks ‫ﺲ‬B˜‫ ﻓ‬fax
from now on fâmîn ‫ ﻓﺎﻣﲔ‬fâm- ‫ ﻓﺎم‬v.t. to understand
estga ‫ﺘﮕﻪ‬8‫ﺴ‬Œ‫ ﺋ‬station feł Ç‫ ﻓـــــ´ـــــ‬trick; ~-kirdin la v.t. to play a
estir ‫ﺴﱰ‬Œ‫ ﺋ‬mule trick on; ~abâz ‫ـﻪ¶ز‬k´‫ﻓ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬wily; ~bâzî ‫ـﻪ‬k´‫ﻓ‬‫ــ‬
ewa ‫ﻮﻩ‬²‫ ﺋ‬you (pl) ‫ ¶زی‬trickery
ewâra ‫ــﻮارﻩ‬²‫ ﺋــ‬evening: ~t bâsh good eve- fenik ‫ﺮک‬Œ‫ ﻓ‬cool
ning fer ‫ـﺮ‬Œ‫ ـﻓ‬acquainted; ~-bûn v.i. to learn: la
kwe fer i kurdî bûy? where did you a lot of, much, many: ~ gařân they
learn Kurdish?; ~-kirdin v.t. to teach searched a lot; ~nâs ‫ ﮔﻪﻟﻨﺎس‬sociologist
feřo ‫ۆ‬g‫ــــ‬Œ‫ ﻓــــ‬free, gratis; ba ~ for free, for gał ‫ ﮔﻪڵ‬space between the legs
nothing, for no reason; ba ~ dân v.t. gałâ Ÿ‫ ﮔ ـﻪ‬leaf: wakû gałâ i dâr as numer-
to squander, waste: bakhtî ba feřo ous as leaves on a tree
dâwa he’s wasted his chance gałârezân ‫ـﺰان‬¤‫ر‬Ÿ‫ ﮔـﻪ‬autumn; the month of
fiłân ‫ ﻓﻼن‬so-and-so, dummy name Scorpio (October 23–November 21)
fiłeq ‫ـﻖ‬²k‫ﻓ‬
‫ ـ ـ‬flat, squashed; ~ân ‫ﻘـﺎن‬²k‫ﻓ‬ ‫ ـ ـ ـ‬fiłe- gałâwej ‫ـــﺞ‬l‫و‬Ÿ‫ ﮔـــﻪ‬the month of Leo (July
qe- ‰‫ـﻘـ‬²‫ـ‬k‫ ـﻓ‬v.i. to be mashed, squashed; 23–August 22)
~ândin ‫ـﻘـﺎﻧـﺪن‬²‫ـ‬k‫ ـﻓ‬fiłeqen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ـﻘـ‬²‫ـ‬k‫ ـﻓ‬v.t. to gałoz ‫ـــﯚز‬T‫ ﮔـــﻪ‬space between a dog’s legs:
mash, squash kilkî da gałozî girt (the dog) stuck its
finjân ‫ﺎن‬íž‫ ﻓ‬cup tail between its legs
fiř g‫ ﻓ‬light, delicate; false gałû ‫ﻮو‬T‫ ﮔﻪ‬throat
fira ‫ ﻓﺮﻩ‬very, much gan ‫ ﮔﻪن‬putrid, evil-smelling
fiře-dân ‫ێ دان‬g‫ ﻓـ‬v.t. to throw away, toss, gandał ‫ ﮔﻪﻧﺪﻩڵ‬rotten tree
hurl ganim ‫ ﮔﻪﱎ‬wheat
fiř|ândin ‫اﻧـــــﺪن‬g‫ ﻓـــــ‬v.t. to make fly, to fly ganî ‫ ﮔـﻪﱏ‬bad odor, rotten smell; ~n ‫ﮔـﻪﻧـﲔ‬
away with; ~în ‫ﻦ‬ag‫ ﻓ‬fiř- g‫ ﻓ‬v.i. to fly v.i. to stink
firmesk ‫ ـﺴ ـﮏ‬Œ‫ ﻓ ـﺮﻣ ـ‬tear; ~ hał-rishtin v.t. ganj1 ‫ ﮔﻪﱋ‬treasure
to shed tears ganj2 ‫ ﮔﻪﱋ‬young
fiřoka ‫ۆﮐـﻪ‬g‫ ﻓـ‬airplane; ~khâna ‫ـﺎﻧـﻪ‬L‫ۆﮐـﻪ‬g‫ﻓـ‬ garak ‫ ﮔﻪرﻩک‬it is necessary (+ subj.)
airport gařak ‫ ﮔـــــــﻪڕﻩک‬quarter (of town), neigh-
fiřufeł Ç´‫وﻓ‬g‫ ﻓ‬deception, trick borhood
firyâ-kawtin ‫ـﻦ‬Ž‫ ﮐـﻪو‬p‫ ﻓـﺮ‬v.i. to arrive at an gařân ‫ ﮔـﻪڕان‬gaře- ‫ ﮔـﻪڕێ‬v.i. to turn, wan-
opportune moment; to come to some- der, search; ~ ba dwâ i to search for,
one’s assistance look for; ~awa to return, come back;
fish ‫ ﻓﺶ‬flabby, soft hał-~ to be changed, transformed,
fitwâ ‫ﻮا‬µ‫ ﻓ‬legal opinion, permission (with colors) to be …ish: sûrhałga-
fînga ‫ ﻓ;ﻨﮕﻪ‬snivveling řâw reddish; ~ la to quit, leave alone:
fîs ‫ ﻓ›ﺲ‬wet lem gařen leave me alone; ~ la to
fîsâr ‫ ﻓ›ﺴﺎر‬so-and-so, such-and-such look for: shitèkim gum kirdawa, ley
fîshak ‫ﻓ›ﺸـﻪک‬ ‫ ــ‬cartridge; ~ligh ‫ ــﻓ›ﺸـﻪﳇـﻎ‬car- dagařem I’m looking for something I
tridge belt lost; da sar ~ to get ( out of
fîshkândin ‫ ﻓ›ﺸﲀﻧﺪن‬v.t. to whinny, neigh one’s head
fîz ‫ ﻓﲒ‬pride gard ‫ ﮔﻪرد‬dust
fre ‫ = ﻓﺮێ‬fire gardâw ‫ ﮔﻪرداو‬whirlpool
froshtin ‫ ﻓﺮۆﺷﱳ‬frosh- ‫ ﻓﺮۆش‬v.t. to sell gardin ‫ ﮔـﻪردن‬neck (of an animal, bottle);
fû-dân ‫ ﻓــــــــﻮو دان‬v.t. to puff up, blow up ~âzâî-kirdin la ‫ـــــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﮔـــــﻪرد‡زاﰃ‬v.t. to
(balloon, e.g.) bid farewell to
gařîda ‫ ﮔﻪڕﯾﺪﻩ‬wanderer
ga ‫ ﮔـــــــــــــــــــﻪ‬joint: pâm la ~ chûwa I’ve garm ‫ ﮔـــﻪرم‬warm, hot; ~â ‫ ﮔـــﻪرﻣـــﺎ‬heat: ~ i
sprained my ankle nîwařo midday heat; ~en ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﮔـﻪرﻣ‬warm
gach ‫ ﮔﻪچ‬plaster region; ~î ‫ ﮔﻪرﻣﯽ‬warmth
gał ‫ = ﮔﻪڵ‬lagał garû ‫ ﮔــــﻪروو‬neck, throat: wâ hast dakam
gal ‫ ﮔـﻪل‬flock, herd, people; ~è ‰‫ ﮔـﻪﻟـ‬a lot, garûmî le piř bûwa I feel as though
my throat is full of it; ba ~ i …’dâ gâsha ‫ﮔـﺎﺷـﻪ‬, ~bard ‫ ﮔـﺎﺷـﻪﺑـﻪرد‬large stone,
kirdin v.t. to put down s.o.’s throat, boulder
to feed to gâsin ‫ ﮔﺎﺳﻦ‬ploughshare
garzik ‫ ﮔﻪرزک‬ring gâz ‫ ﮔﺎز‬bite; gas; ~-girtin la v.t. to bite
gash ‫ ﮔﻪش‬fiery red; lush gâzarâ ‫ ﮔﺎزﻩرا‬middle of the back, spine
gasha-kirdin ‫ـﺮدن‬B ‫ ﮔـﻪﺷـﻪ‬v.t. to sprout up, gâzinda ‫ ﮔﺎزﻧﺪﻩ‬objection, criticism
grow up gâzir ‫ ﮔـــــﺎزر‬washerman, bleacher; ~-bûn
gasht ‫ ﮔﻪﺷﺖ‬trip, tour to be bleached
gastin ‫ ﮔﻪﺷﱳ‬gaz- ‫ ﮔﻪز‬v.t. to bite gechał ‫ﻪڵ‬²‫ ﮔ‬quarrel, dispute
gavzân ‫ ﮔﻪﭬﺰان‬v.i. to roll over geřân ‫ان‬g‫ـ‬Œ‫ ﮔـ‬geře ‫ێ‬g‫ـ‬Œ‫ ﮔـ‬v.t. to turn; ~awa
gawař ‫ ﮔﻪوﻩڕ‬stable ‫اﻧــــﻪوﻩ‬g‫ــــ‬Œ‫ ﮔــــ‬to relate, tell; war-~ to turn
gawâł ‫ ﮔـﻪواڵ‬wisp of cloud; gawâł-gawâł into, to translate; war-~à sar … to
wispy translate into: am ktebáy wargeřâyà
gawj ‫ ﮔﻪوج‬stupid sar fârsî he translated this book into
gawra ‫ ﮔـــﻪورﻩ‬large, big, great; ~î ‫ﮔـــﻪورﻩﰃ‬ Persian
greatness; ~pyâw ‫ ﮔـﻪورﻩﭘـﻴـﺎو‬elder, dig- gezh ‫ ـﮋ‬Œ‫ ﮔ ـ‬dizzy, spinning; ~-bûn to spin:
nitary sarî gezh dabe his head will spin;
gawzân ‫ = ﮔﻪوزان‬gavzân ~ałûka ‫ـﻮوﮐـﻪ‬T‫ـﮋﻩ‬Œ‫ﮔ‬ ‫ ـ‬whirlwind; ~âw ‫ـﮋاو‬Œ‫ـﮔ‬
gayândin ‫ﻧـــﺪن‬p‫ ﮔـــﻪ‬gayen- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﮔـــﻪﯾـــ‬v.t. to whirlpool
make reach; kho-~à … to get oneself gh- (for most words beginning with gh-,
to: khoy agayenetà nâw shâr he’ll get the Persianate spelling, see normal
himself into town; lâwakân khoyân Kurdish spelling under kh-)
gayândè the young men got thems- ghadir-kirdin la v ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ ™ﻪدر‬v.t. to cheat
elves there; râ-~ to make known, ghałat ‫ﻪت‬T‫ ™ﻪ‬error, mistake
publicize ghałpaghałip ‫ﭗ‬T‫ﭙﻪ™ﻪ‬T‫ ™ﻪ‬commotion
gayîn ‫ ﮔﻪﯾﲔ‬ga- ‫ ﮔﻪ‬v.i. to arrive gharîb ‫ ™ــــﻪرﯾــــﺐ‬stranger; ~î exile, being
gayshtin ‫ ﮔــﻪﺷــﱳ‬ga- ‫ ﮔــﻪ‬ba v.i. to arrive; away from home
te-~ to understand; pe-~ to ripen, ma- ghaybzân ‫ ™ــــﻪﯾــــﱫان‬someone who knows
ture, come of age hidden things, seer, mindreader
gaz1 ‫ ﮔﻪز‬yard (linear measure) ghazal ‫ ™ـــﻪزﻩل‬ghazal, a Persianate poetic
gaz-2 ‫ ﮔﻪز‬pres. stem of gastin form
gâ ‫ ﮔﺎ‬cow ghazna ‫ = ™ﻪزﻧﻪ‬khazna
gâł-dan ‫ ﮔﺎڵ دان‬v.t. to stir up ghâr-dân ‫ ™ﺎر دان‬v.t. to run
gâła ‫ ـﻪ‬T‫ ﮔ ـﺎ‬energetic labor; ~-kirdin ba to gichik ‫ﮏ‬Â‫ ﮔ‬small, little
work furiously at: chon dirwenayèk gift ‫ﮔﻔـﺖ‬ ‫ ـ‬word; promise; ~-dân ba v.t. to
har gâłay pe dakâ he’s working on it promise; ~ugo ‫ ﮔﻔﺖوﮔﯚ‬conversation
fast and furiously gił Ç‫ ﮔـ‬dirt, mud; birdinà bin ~ to take to
gâłok ‫ﯚک‬T‫ ﮔﺎ‬club the grave
gâłta ‫ﺘـﻪ‬T‫ ﮔـﺎ ـ‬joke; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to make gila ƒ‫ ﮔــــــــــ‬complaint; ~-kirdin la v.t. to
fun of: gâłtayân pe dakrâ they were complain of
being made fun of, a joke was being gilân ‫ ﮔـﻼن‬v.i. to be thrown: la asp gilâm
played on them; ba ~wa ‫ـﺘـﻪوﻩ‬T‫ ﺑـﻪﮔـﺎ‬jok- I was thrown from my horse; to stum-
ingly ble: aspakám gilâ my horse stumbled;
gâmûsh ‫ ﮔﺎﻣﻮوش‬ox, buffalo to move, shake, toss and turn; ~din
gân ‫ ﮔﺎن‬ge- ‰‫ ﮔ‬v.t. to fuck ‫ ﮔ ـﻼﻧ ـﺪن‬gilen- ‫ ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﮔ ـﻠ ـ‬v.t. to throw, toss,
shake this up from the floor; take off: sar i
gilena ‫ﻨﻪ‬²‫ ﮔﻠ‬pupil of the eye am sindûqá hałgira take the top off
gimez ‫ﺰ‬Œ‫ ﮔﻤ‬urine; ~-kirdin v.t. to urinate this box; pick out, select: l’ aw kaw-
giř g‫ ﮔ‬flame; ~-girtin v.i. to be enflamed shâná jûtèkî hałgira pick out a pair of
giraw ‫ = ﮔﺮﻩو‬giro those shoes; dastim le hałgrin leave
girân ‫ ﮔﺮان‬heavy me alone; (2) to hold, keep: am pâra-
gird ‫ ﮔــﺮد‬hill, knoll; ~ołka ‫ــﮑــﻪ‬T‫ ﮔــﺮدۆ‬pile, yám bo hałgira keep this money for
stack of unthreshed grain me; (3) to allow: khwâ hałnâgire God
giriftâr ‫ـــﺎر‬µ‫ ﮔـــﺮﻓـــ‬captive, prisoner; ~-bûn will not allow it; (4) to go out of con-
v.i. to be captured, taken prisoner; ~î trol: asp hałî girtim the horse ran
occupation, anguish away with me; (5) to hold something
giring ‫ﮓ‬s‫ ﮔﺮ‬important up: gâyaká pâshûy hałgirtûa the cow
girî ‫ ﮔــﺮی‬assumption; ~-kirdin v.t. to as- has its leg lifted; râ-~ to protect,
sume maintain; kho râ-~ to control oneself;
girm ‫ ﮔـــــــﺮم‬boom, plop, sound of a large war-~ to take, take up
body falling; ~ u hor ‫ ﮔﺮموﻫﯚر‬ditto giryân ‫ن‬p‫ ﮔﺮ‬grî- ‫ ﮔﺮی‬v.i. to weep, cry
girmola v‫ ﮔـﺮﻣـﯚ‬twisted, taut; ~-kirdin v.t. girzh ‫ ﮔـﺮژ‬frowning; dejected; rû~ ‫رووﮔـﺮژ‬
to twist and turn, contort with a frowning expression
giřnî ‫ﱏ‬g‫ ﮔ‬rough, coarse gisht ‫ ﮔﺸﺖ‬all; ~î public
giro ‫ ﮔــــﺮۆ‬bet; ~-birdinawa la v.t. to win gisk ‫ ﮔﺴﮏ‬broom; ~-dân v.t. to sweep
(a bet or game) from, come out on top gizh1 ‫ ﮔــــــﮋ‬mussed, tangled (hair); ~-bûn
of v.i. for the hair to stand on end; ba ~
girtin ‫ ـﻦ‬Ž‫ ﮔ ـﺮ‬gir- ‫ ﮔ ـﺮ‬v.t. to take; to pinch: … hâtin to get entangled with; ba ~
kawshakám pâm agire my shoes …dâ chûn to have to deal with; ~yân
pinch my feet; to hold, contain: am ‫ن‬p‫ ﮔــﮋ‬v.i. to be upset, to be mussed (of
jawâła shash pût nâgire this sack the hair)
won’t hold six pûts; ~ la to find fault gizh2 ‫ ﮔـﮋ‬tree trunk; plant; ~-u-giyâ ‫ﮔـﮋوﮔﻴــﺎ‬
with, pick on: lem magira don’t pick vegetation
on me; ~à bar to adopt; ~awa la to gizh3 ‫ ﮔﮋ‬anger
forbid: l’ aw kârânám girtotawa I gizh4 ‫ ﮔﮋ‬hard, solid
have forbidden those things; ~awa la gizing ‫ﮓ‬s‫ ﮔﺰ‬first rays of dawn
to reduce, make less: kharjit zora— gîrâ-kirdin ‫ــــــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﮔــــــﲑا‬v.t. to answer (a
ley bigirawa you spend too much— prayer)
make it less; to catch (disease) from; gîrân ‫ ﮔـــــﲑان‬gîre- ‫ ﮔـــــﲑێ‬v.p. to be taken
~awa to heal (broken bone): dast a (passive of girtin); kho’y pe (râ)~ to
shikâwakát girtûyatawa your broken restrain oneself, control oneself:
arm has healed; ba …awa girtin to kho’y pe nâgîre he can’t restrain him-
cover oneself with, pull over self; dâ-gîrân v.p. to be occupied:
o.s.: lefay pewa girt he covered him- wilât a dâgîrâwakân the occupied ter-
self with a quilt; dâ-~ (1) to bring ritories; te-gîrân v.i. to tangle
down; (2) to drive crazy by talking: gîrfân ‫ ﮔﲑﻓﺎن‬pocket
wây dâgirtim ba qsa hoshim namâ he gîroda ‫ ﮔﲑۆدﻩ‬infatuated
drove me so crazy with his talking I gîrsân ‫ ﮔـــﲑﺳـــﺎن‬gîrse- ‰‫ ﮔـــﲑﺳـــ‬v.i. to stop,
couldn’t think straight; hał-~ (1) to cease; ~awa to stop, halt; dâ-~ to be
lift, pick up: ama la zawî hałgira pick lit, ignited
gîrsândin ‫ ﮔـﲑﺳـﺎﻧـﺪن‬gîrsen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﮔـﲑﺳ‬v.t.: dâ- place; hał-~ to lift, raise, draw up
~ to light, ignite gr- ‫ ﮔﺮ‬see gir-
go ‫ ﮔﯚ‬ball gre ‫ ﮔـــﺮێ‬knot; ~ le-dân v.t. to tie a knot;
goband ‫ ﮔﯚﺑﻪﻧﺪ‬celebration ~ shil-kirdin v.t. to untie a knot;
gogird ‫ ﮔﯚﮔﺮد‬sulphur; match ~kwer ‫ﺮ‬¤‫ﮑﻮ‬¤‫ ﮔﺮ‬tangled knot
goh ‫ ﮔـــــــــﯚﻩ‬ear, hearing; ~dâr capable of grewaghâr ‫ﻮﻩ™ﺎر‬l‫ ﮔﺮ‬foot race
hearing: gwechka i gohdâr well- gul ‫ ﮔﻮل‬leper; ~-bûn to get leprosy
attuned ear guł ‫ ﮔــﻮڵ‬flower; ~ a sûr ‫ــﻪ ﺳــﻮور‬T‫ ﮔــﻮ‬rose;
goł (1) gre u ~ ‫ ﮔـــﺮێ و ﮔـــﯚڵ‬knotted; gurj ~abarozha ‫ـﻪﺑـﻪرۆژﻩ‬T‫ ﮔـﻮ‬sunflower; ~âła
u ~ ‫ ﮔـــــــﻮرج و ﮔـــــــﯚڵ‬nimble, quick; (2) ‫ﻪ‬TŸ‫ ﮔﻮ‬red tulip; ~âw ‫و‬Ÿ‫ ﮔﻮ‬rosewater
male: ~asag ‫ـﻪﺳـﻪگ‬T‫ ﮔـﯚ‬male dog, ~akar gulla ò‫ ﮔﻮ‬bullet
‫ـﻪﮐـﻪر‬T‫ ﮔـﯚ‬male donkey; (3) goal (soccer); gułof ‫ـــــــﯚف‬T‫ ﮔـــــــﻮ‬pressure, crumple; ~în
~-kirdin la v.t. to score a goal against ‫ــﯚﻓــﲔ‬T‫ ﮔــﻮ‬v.t. to crumple; ~tin ‫ــﯚﻓــﱳ‬T‫ﮔــﻮ‬
gol ‫ ﮔﯚل‬calf; pool, pond; stupid gułof- ‫ ـﯚف‬T‫ ﮔ ـﻮ‬v.t. to squeeze, crumple;
gołâła ‫ﻪ‬TŸ‫ ﮔﯚ‬anemone kho hał-~tin v.t. to hug oneself
gom ‫ ﮔـﯚم‬deep, stagnant water; indistinct; gum ‫ ﮔـﻮم‬lost; ~-bûn to get lost; ~řâ ‫ا‬g‫ﮔـﻮﻣـ‬
lake, pond; ~âw deep pool lost, deviant
gomân ‫ ﮔـــﯚﻣـــﺎن‬suspicion; ~-kirdin la v.t. gumân ‫ ﮔـﻮﻣـﺎن‬doubt, hesitation; ~-birdin
to suspect v.t. to doubt; to have, possess: hîch
gon ‫ ﮔـﯚن‬cheek; ~asûra ‫ ﮔـﯚﻧـﻪﺳـﻮورﻩ‬tomato; shitè gumân nâbam I do not possess
~â ‡‫ ﮔ ـﯚ‬cheek; ~âgon ‫ ﮔ ـﯚ‡ﮔ ـﯚن‬various, anything; be~ ‫ــﮕــﻮﻣــﺎن‬²‫ ﺑــ‬doubtless(ly),
of all sorts convinced
gopâł ‫ ﮔﯚﭘﺎڵ‬bat, club gumbad ‫ﻪد‬m‫ ﮔﻮﻣ‬dome
gor ‫ ﮔﯚر‬like, manner gun ‫ ﮔﻮن‬testes
goř (1) ‫ ﮔــﯚڕ‬level, plain (ground); hâtinà gunâ ‡‫ ﮔــــﻮ‬sin, pity; ~bâr ‫ ﮔــــﻮ‡¶ر‬sinner,
~è to come to the fore, be under dis- transgressor
cussion; (2) grave; ~istân ‫ــــــﺘـــﺎن‬ 8 ‫ﮔـــﯚڕﺳ‬ gund ‫ ﮔـﻮﻧـﺪ‬village; ~nishîn ‫ـﺸـﲔ‬ë‫ ﮔـﻮﻧـﺪ‬vil-
cemetery lager, village-dwelling
gorân ‫ ﮔـــــــــﯚران‬the Goran division of the gunjân ‫ ﮔ ـﻮﳒ ـﺎن‬gunje- ‰‫ ﮔ ـﻮﳒ ـ‬v.i. to fit, be
Kurds; ~î Gorani; song fitting; dagunje biłeyn we may say, it
gořîn ‫ـﻦ‬a‫ ﮔـﯚڕ‬goř- ‫ ﮔـﯚڕ‬v.t. to change; ~awa is appropriate for us to say
ba to exchange for; kho ~ to disguise gur ‫ ﮔﻮر‬wolf; meeting
oneself; ~ar ‫ ﮔﯚڕﯾﻨﻪر‬change-producing guř ‫ ﮔـــﻮڕ‬power; flame; threat; ~~ hâtinà
gořrân ‫ ﮔ ـﯚڕان‬gořre- ‫ ﮔ ـﯚڕێ‬v.p. to change khwâre to pour down; ba~ powerful,
(int.), be changed strong
gosh-kirdin ‫ـــــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﮔـــــﯚش‬v.t. to suckle a gur|ân ‫ ﮔــــــﻮران‬gure- ‫ ﮔــــــﻮرێ‬v.i. to have
newborn one’s head cut off; ~ândin ‫ ﮔ ـﻮراﻧ ـﺪن‬v.t.
gosha ‫ ﮔﯚﺷﻪ‬corner, angle to cut s.o.’s head off
gosht ‫ ﮔﯚﺷﺖ‬meat guř|ân ‫ ﮔــــــﻮڕان‬guře- ‫ ﮔــــــﻮڕێ‬v.i. to roar;
gotin ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ ﮔﯚ‬łe- ‰T v.t. to say ~ândin ‫ ﮔـﻮڕاﻧـﺪن‬v.t. to roar; ~în ‫ـﻦ‬a‫ ﮔـﻮڕ‬to
govâr ‫ ﮔﯚﭬﺎر‬magazine, journal roar
goz ‫( ﮔﯚز‬see nâz-u-goz) gurg ‫ ﮔﻮرگ‬wolf
goza ‫ ﮔﯚزﻩ‬pot gurîs ‫ ﮔﻮر§ﺲ‬rope
gozân ‫ ﮔـــــــﯚزان‬goze- ‫ ﮔـــــــﯚزێ‬v.t. to keep; gurj ‫ ﮔــــﻮرج‬quick, soon; ba ~î ó‫ﺑــــﻪ ﮔــــﻮر‬
~awa ‫ ﮔــــﯚزاﻧــــﻪوﻩ‬to move from place to quickly, soon; ~ u goł ‫ ﮔـﻮرج و ﮔـﯚڵ‬nim-
ble; ba ~ u gołî ‫ﯽ‬T‫ ﺑﻪ ﮔﻮرج و ﮔﯚ‬nimbly gwez- ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ ﮔﻮ‬pres. stem of gwâstin
gutin ‫ــﻦ‬Ž‫ ﮔــﻮ‬łe- ‰‫ــ‬T v.t. to say (see witin): gyâ ‫ ﮔﻴﺎ‬plant
har b’ aw mabastaî ka gutmân just as gyân ‫ ﮔـــﻴـــﺎن‬soul; (following name) dear;
we said wa ~ kawtin to escape alive; ~-
guzar ‫ ﮔــــــﻮزﻩر‬lane, passage; area; ~-kir- keshân v.t. to work hard; ~-(a)spâr-
din ba …(dâ) v.t. to pass by; ~ândin din v.t. to give up the ghost, to die;
‫ ﮔــــﻮزﻩراﻧــــﺪن‬guzaren- ‫ــــﻦ‬¤‫ ﮔــــﻮزﻩر‬v.t. to ~dâr ‫ ﮔـــﻴـــﺎﻧـــﺪار‬animal, living creature;
spend, pass: hamû zhyân’î lagał ~kanisht ‫ﺸـﺖ‬ë‫ﮑـﻪ ـ‬s‫ ـﮔﻴـﺎ ـ‬moment of death;
mařdârî guzarândûa he has spent his ~labar ‫ﺑﻪر‬ƒ‫ ﮔﻴﺎﻧ‬alive, living
entire life being a shepherd; zhyân-u-
~ân ‫نوﮔﻮزﻩران‬p‫ ژ‬life habûn ‫ ﻫـﻪﺑـﻮون‬for there to be; haya there
gû ‫ ﮔﻮو‬excrement, shit is; habû there was; habe u nabe
gûr ‫ ﮔﻮور‬calf “come hell or high water”
gwâstin(awa) ‫ ﮔــﻮاﺳــﱳ‬gwez-(awa) ‫ــﺰ‬¤‫ﮔــﻮ‬ hafta ‫ﻪ‬µ‫ ﻫﻪﻓ‬week
v.t. to move, to relocate; to take a haftâ ‫ﺎ‬µ‫ ﻫﻪﻓ‬seventy
bride to the husband’s house haftâna ‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬µ‫ ﻫﻪﻓ‬weekly
gwâya ‫ ﮔﻮاﯾﻪ‬as if, as though, you’d say hagba ‫ ﻫﻪﮔﺒﻪ‬saddle pack
gwâztin(awa) ‫ـــــــﻦ‬Ž‫ ﮔـــــــﻮاز‬v.t. to move; = ḥakâyat ‫ „ـــــﻪﰷﯾـــــﻪت‬story, tale; ~khwân
gwâstin ‫ „ﻪﰷﯾﻪﲣﻮان‬teller of tales, storyteller
gwe ‫ ﮔـــــﻮێ‬ear; ~-âkhnîn la to ignore; ~- ḥakîm ‫ﲓ‬B‫ „ﻪ‬physician
bûn la v.i. to hear; ~-dânà … to hal (1) ‫ ﻫـــــﻪل‬time, turn: la ~ u darfate in
listen to; ~-(râ)girtin la v.t. to listen time, at the right time; la hîch ~ u
to marjèk’dâ at no time and under no
gwebîs ‫ـــﺲ‬ ›‫ﺒ‬l‫ ﮔـﻮ‬obedient; aware: wâ gwe- circumstances; (2) opportunity: bo
bîs bûm ka bârân bârîwa I was aware halèk i wâ dagařân they were looking
that it had rained for just such an opportunity
gwecham ‫ﻪم‬Âl‫ ﮔﻮ‬riverbank hał- ‫ ﻫ ـﻪڵ‬compound-verbal prefix; for all
gwechka ‫ﭽﮑـﻪ‬l ‫ ﮔـﻮ ـ ـ‬ear; ~-dân v.t. to listen; verbs compounded with hał-, see un-
~-girtin v.t. to hear; ~-takândin v.t. der the verbal element
to listen hała ‫ـــﻪ‬T‫ ﻫـــﻪ‬error, mistake; ba ~(dâ) erro-
gweder ‫ﺮ‬¤‫ﺪ‬l‫ ﮔﻮ‬listener neously
gwedrezh ‫ﮋ‬¤‫ﺪر‬l‫ ﮔﻮ‬mule haładâwân ‫ـﻪداوان‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ‬haste; ba ~ hurried-
gwegir ‫ﮕﺮ‬¤‫ ﮔﻮ‬listener ly, hastily, in a hurry
gwegirân ‫ﮕﺮان‬¤‫ ﮔﻮ‬hard of hearing hałat ‫ﻪت‬T‫ ﻫﻪ‬precipice
gwel ‫ﻞ‬l‫ ﮔﻮ‬handful hałâtin ‫ﻦ‬ŽŸ‫ = ﻫﻪ‬hał-hâtin
gwepichiř-gwepichiř g‫ﭙﭽـ‬l ‫ ﮔـﻮ ــ‬g‫ﭙﭽـ‬l‫ ﮔـﻮ ــ‬with hałbast ‫ﺒــﻪﺳـﺖ‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ‬poet; ~a ‫ﺘــﻪ‬8‫ﺒــﻪﺳـ‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ‬poem,
great difficulty: girtibûyânim, gwe- poetry
pichiř-gwepichiř rizgârîm hât they hałbizhârdin ‫اردن‬ö‫ـــ‬T‫ ﻫـــﻪ‬election (see bi-
had captured me, and I was rescued zhârdin)
with great difficulty; with alacrity hałdast- ‫ــﺪﻩﺳــﺖ‬T‫ ﻫــﻪ‬see hał-wastân (s.v.
gwequłâkh ‫خ‬Ÿ‫ﻘﻮ‬l‫ ﮔﻮ‬attentive wastân)
gwerâyał ‫ـﺮاﯾـﻪڵ‬¤‫ ﮔـﻮ‬obedient, submissive; hałè ‰‫ـــ‬T‫ ﻫـــﻪ‬the prefix hał- with the direc-
~î obedience, submissiveness tional suffix -è; see under hał-hâtin
gweraka ‫ﺮﻩﮐﻪ‬¤‫ ﮔﻮ‬calf hałenjân ‫ﺎن‬í‫ﻨ‬²T‫ ﻫﻪ‬v.t. to draw water
gwez ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ ﮔﻮ‬walnut; ~hînd ‫ﺰﻫﻴﻨﺪ‬¤‫ ﮔﻮ‬coconut hałiz ‫ ـﺰ‬T‫ ﻫ ـﻪ‬type of plant with needle-like
leaves ḥapasân ‫ „ـﻪﭘـﻪﺳـﺎن‬ḥapase- ‰‫ „ـﻪﭘـﻪﺳـ‬v.i. to
hałkawt ‫ﮑـﻪوت‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ ـ‬chance, accident; ba ~ be astounded, stunned
‫ﮑـﻪوت‬T‫ ﺑـﻪ ﻫـﻪ ـ‬by chance, incidentally; ~û haq ‫ ﻫـﻪق‬،‫ „ـﻪق‬right; ~ ba ~ ‫ ﻫـﻪق ﺑـﻪ ﻫـﻪق‬tit
‫ﮑﻪوﺗﻮو‬T‫ ﻫﻪ‬nice-looking for tat; ~ bûn ba to be right: haq ba
hałmat ‫ﻤـﻪت‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ ـ‬attack; ~-birdin/-dân v.t. to a you’re right; ba~ ‫ ﺑــــــﻪﻫــــــﻪق‬in the
to attack right; be~ ‫ﻬﻪق‬²‫ ﺑ‬in the wrong
hało ‫ﯚ‬T‫ ﻫﻪ‬eagle haqdast ‫ ﻫﻪﻗﺪﻩﺳﺖ‬wage
hałpa ‫ﭙﻪ‬T‫ ﻫﻪ‬haste ḥaqîqat ‫ „ﻪﻗ;ﻘﻪت‬truth, reality
hałpařke ‰‫ﭙﻪڕﮐ‬T‫ ﻫﻪ‬type of Kurdish dance har ‫ ﻫـــﻪر‬just; ~ awanda ‫ ﻫـــﻪرﺋـــﻪوﻩﻧـــﺪﻩ‬just
hałs ‫ـﺲ‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ‬rising; ~ukawt ‫ﺴـﻮﮐـﻪوت‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ ـ‬be- that much; ~ chonè bû somehow or
havior, conduct other; ~chand ‫ ﻫـﻪر¸ـﻪﻧـﺪ‬however much,
hałssân ‫ـﺴـﺎن‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ‬hałss- ‫ـﺲ‬T‫ ﻫـﻪ‬contraction no matter how much; ~chanda ‫ﻫــﻪر¸ــﻪ‬
of hał-wastân, q.v. ‫ ـﻧ ﺪﻩ‬although; ~chî ‫ ﻫـﻪرﭼـﯽ‬whatever, no
hałwest (1) ‫ ـﺴ ـﺖ‬â‫ ـﻮ‬T‫ ﻫ ـﻪ‬a short rest, stop; matter what; ~chîchikânawa ‫ﻫــــﻪرﭼــــﯽ‬
(2) point of view, standpoint, stance ‫ ﭼـــﲀﻧـــﻪوﻩ‬no matter what they did; ~ka
ham1 ‫ ﻫـﻪم‬concern, grief; ~u tam ‫ﻫـﻪموﺗـﻪم‬ ‫ ﻫــــﻪرﮐــــﻪ‬as soon as: har ka châwî pem
sorrow and grief kawt as soon as his eyes fell upon me;
ham2…ham ‫ ﻫﻪم‬... ‫ ﻫﻪم‬both…and ~wahâ ‫ﻫـــﻪروﻩﻫـــﺎ‬, ~wâ ‫ ﻫـــﻪروا‬likewise;
hamân ‫ ﻫــــﻪﻣــــﺎن‬that very, the aforemen- ~watir ‫ﺮ‬Ž‫ ﻫﻪروﻩ‬even more so
tioned hař u gîf (gîv) ‫ ﻫﻪڕ و ﮔﻴﻒ‬threat
hamaranga ‫ ـﮕ ـﻪ‬s‫ ﻫ ـﻪﻣ ـﻪرﻩ‬multicolored, of hara- ‫( ﻫـــــــــــــــﻪرﻩ‬prefix with superlative
all sorts, varied sense); ~barz ‫ ﻫــــﻪرﻩﺑــــﻪرز‬exalted, very
hamdîs ‫ ﻫــــﻪﻣــــﺪ§ــــﺲ‬once again, all over high, supreme: dâdga i harabarz
again supreme court; ~girân ‫ ﻫـــﻪرﻩﮔـــﺮان‬very
hamîsân ‫ ﻫﻪﻣ›ﺴﺎن‬again heavy
hamîsha ‫ ﻫـــﻪﻣـــ›ـــﺸـــﻪ‬always; ~î constant: haras ‫ ﻫـــﻪرﻩس‬landslide, avalanche (con-
khwâst i hamîshaî a wish one has strued with birdin and henân)
always had hařasha ‫ ﻫـــﻪڕﻩﺷـــﻪ‬threat; ~-kirdin la v.t.
ḥaml ‫ „ــــﻪﻣــــﻞ‬pregnancy: zhinakáy bâr i to threaten
hamlî dabe his wife is pregnant hařâ-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ ﻫﻪڕا‬v.t. to run
hamû ‫ ﻫـــﻪﻣـــﻮو‬all, every (+ indefinite): ~ harâsân ‫ ﻫــــﻪراﺳــــﺎن‬out-of-sorts, in a bad
rozhèk every day mood
hana ‫ ﻫــــﻪﻧــــﻪ‬second wife (relationship to harem ‫ﻢ‬l‫ ﻫﻪر‬region
the first wife); ~zâ ‫ ﻫـــــــﻪﻧـــــــﻪزا‬child of hargiz ‫( ﻫـﻪرﮔـﺰ‬+ neg) never; ~âw~ ‫ﻫـﻪرﮔـﺰاو‬
another wife, step-child ‫ ﻫﻪرﮔﺰ‬never ever
hanâr ‫ ﻫﻪ‡ر‬pomegranate harzakâr ‫ ﻫﻪرزﻩﰷر‬adolescent
hanâsa ‫ ﻫــــــــﻪ‡ﺳــــــــﻪ‬breath, sigh; ~ hał- harzał-harzał ‫ ﻫــــﻪرزﻩڵ ﻫــــﻪرزﻩڵ‬in tatters
keshân v.t. to breathe a sigh; ~sardî and shreds, useless
‫ ﻫﻪ‡ﺳﻪﺳﻪردی‬grief ḥasân|awa ‫ „ـﻪﺳـﺎﻧـﻪوﻩ‬ḥase- -awa ‫ه‬...‰‫„ـﻪﺳـ‬
hand ‫ﻫـﻪﻧـﺪ‬: ~è ‫ﻫـﻪﻧـﺪێ‬, ~èk ‫ـﮏ‬¤‫ ﻫـﻪﻧـﺪ‬a little, ‫ وﻩ‬v.i. to rest, relax, be in repose;
a bit, somewhat, rather ~dinawa ‫ „ـﻪﺳـﺎﻧـﺪﻧـﻪوﻩ‬v.t. to let rest, let
handar ‫ ﻫﻪﻧﺪﻩر‬outside; ~î foreign relax
hangâw ‫ـﮕـﺎو‬s‫ ﻫـﻪ‬step, pace; ~-nân bo v.t. ḥashîmat ‫ „ﻪﺷ;ـﻤﻪت‬people, crowd
to step into hast ‫ ﻫـــﻪﺳـــﺖ‬feeling; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to
hangwen ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ﮕﻮ‬s‫ ﻫﻪ‬honey feel: hast’î ba birsetî kird he felt hun-
ger; ~yâr (neol.) poet might they not be confusing me with
hatâ c‫ ﻫـــﻪ‬until, even; ~ hatâî ‫ﰃ‬c‫ﻫـــﻪ‬c‫ﻫـــﻪ‬ somebody else?
forever hâłî ‫ﯽ‬T‫ ﻫﺎ‬empty
hatâw ‫و‬c‫ ﻫﻪ‬the sun; ~î ‫وى‬c‫ ﻫﻪ‬solar hâło ‫ﯚ‬T‫ ﻫﺎ‬earthenware pot
hatî ‫ ﻫــــــــﻪﰏ‬threatening term of address: hâlû ‫ ﻫﺎﻟﻮ‬maternal uncle
hatî! datkuzhim! I’m going to kill hâmez ‫ﺰ‬Œ‫ ﻫﺎﻣ‬bosom, embrace
you, you devil! hâna ‫ ﻫـــــﺎﻧـــــﻪ‬motivation, provocation; ~-
hatîm ‫ ﻫﻪﺗﲓ‬orphan dân v.t. to motivate
hatîw ‫ = ﻫﻪﺗﻴﻮ‬hatîm hâne ê‫ ﻫﺎ‬there, take it
hawał ‫ ﻫﻪوﻩڵ‬first; ~în ‫ﲔ‬T‫ ﻫﻪوﻩ‬first hâra ‫ ﻫـــــــــــﺎرﻩ‬shout; ~ i pekanîn peal of
hawâ ‫ ﻫﻪوا‬air, weather laughter
hawâł ‫ ﻫﻪواڵ‬news hâřâ|n ‫ ﻫـــﺎڕان‬v.i. to be pulverized; ~ndin
hawâr ‫ ﻫـــــــﻪوار‬summer pasture; ~nishîn ‫ ﻫــــﺎڕاﻧــــﺪن‬v.t. to pulverize; ~wa ‫ﻫــــﺎڕاوﻩ‬
‫ـــﺸـــﲔ‬ë‫ ﻫـــﻪوار‬encamped for the summer dust, powder, grist
(of a nomadic tribe) ḥâshâ ‫ „ـﺎﺷـﺎ‬denial; ~-kirdin v.t. to deny;
hawen ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ ﻫﻪو‬leaven, ferment ~hałnagir ‫ﻨﻪﮔﺮ‬T‫ „ﺎﺷﺎﻫﻪ‬undeniable
hawł ‫ ﻫــــــــــــــﻪوڵ‬toil, effort; ~-dân v.t. to ḥâshiya ‫ﻴﻪ‬8‫ „ﺎﺷ‬marginalia
strive, to work hard, to attempt hât ‫ ﻫــــــــﺎت‬luck: hâtim niya I don’t have
Hawler ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﻫﻪوﻟ‬Arbil, Arbela any luck; ~uchû-kirdin ‫ﻫـــــﺎت و ﭼـــــﻮو‬
hawr ‫ ﻫﻪور‬cloud ‫ﺮدن‬B v.t. to come and go, to frequent
hawsha ‫ ﻫﻪوﺷﻪ‬courtyard hâtin ‫ ـﻦ‬Ž‫ ﻫ ـﺎ‬ye-/de- ‫ﯾ ـﻪ‬/‫( دێ‬pres. subj. be-
ḥawt ‫ „ﻪوت‬seven; ~â c‫ „ﻪو‬seventy /; impt. sing. wára ‫ )وﻩرﻩ‬v.i. to come;
ḥawz ‫ „ﻪوز‬pool (with kas and following subjunctive)
haya ‫ ﻫـــﻪﯾـــﻪ‬there is, there are; (preceded no one would: kas nâye kârèk i wâ
by a possessive pronoun) to have: bikât no one would do such a thing;
pirsyârekim haya I have a question dâ-~ to be accustomed; hał-~ to run
hayhât ‫ ﻫﻪﳞﺎت‬impossible away: hât hałè he started to run away;
haz ‫ ﻫـــــــﻪز‬desire; ~-kirdin v.t. to desire: râ-~ lagał …dâ to learn from, be
haz dakam bitbînim I’d like to see taught by, get used to; ~à (+ infini-
you tive) to get …: hâtinà kushtin they
hazhâr ‫ ﻫـﻪژار‬poor, unfortunate; ~î ‫ﻫـﻪژاری‬ got killed, hâtà girtin he got caught; ~
poverty, misfortune la to be capable of being: la hałgirtin
ḥazîrân ‫ــــﺮان‬a‫ „ــــﻪز‬June (see also huzay- nadahât it couldn’t be picked up
rân) hâtucho-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﻫـــﺎﺗـــﻮﭼـــﯚ‬v.t. to fre-
hâkâ ‫ ﻫ˜ﰷ‬thus quent (a place)
ḥâkim ‫ „˜ﰼ‬ruler hâw- ‫( ﻫـــــﺎو‬prefix) same- (see individual
ḥâł ‫ „ــــﺎڵ‬state, condition; ~ u masala te- words alphabetically)
gayândin v.t. to explain a situation hâwâr ‫ ﻫ ـﺎوار‬cry for help; ~-kirdin v.t. to
to: ~ u masala’y te gayândim he ex- cry for help
plained the situation to me hâwbash ‫ ﻫ ـﺎوﺑ ـﻪش‬participant; ~ i … bûn
hâle ‰‫ ﻫـــﺎﻟـــ‬informed; ~-bûn ba to be in- to participate, share in; ~î ‫ ﻫـﺎوﺑـﻪﳽ‬par-
formed of; ~-bûn ba … la … to be ticipation; ~î-kirdin la …’dâ v.t. to
thinking of one thing (ba) instead of participate in
another (la), to mistake X (ba) for Y hâwezh ‫ﮋ‬¤‫ ﻫﺎو‬grasp
(la): ba kasèk i dîka’m le hâle nabin? hâwezh- ‫ﮋ‬¤‫ ﻫﺎو‬pres. stem of hâwîshtin
hâwirdin ‫ ﻫﺎوردن‬hâwir- ‫ ﻫﺎور‬v.t. to bring henda ‫ـــﺪﻩ‬ ‫ﻨ‬²‫ ﻫ‬so, so much, this much; ~ …
hâwîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ﻫﺎو‬summer tâ so much (so) that: bulbul henda’y
hâwîshtin ‫ ﻫـﺎو§ـﺸـﱳ‬hâwezh- ‫ـﮋ‬¤‫ ﻫـﺎو‬v.t. to khwend tâ kham’î la hamû diłân
throw, toss, shoot; dar-~ to toss out, târand the nightingale sang so much
throw away that it drove the sorrow from all
hâwkâr ‫ ﻫـﺎوﰷر‬colleague; ~î-kirdin lagał hearts
v.t. to cooperate with hendè(k) ‫ــﻨــﺪێ‬²‫ ﻫــ‬،‫ــﮏ‬¤‫ــﻨــﺪ‬²‫ ﻫــ‬a bit; for a
hâwmânâ ‡‫ ﻫــــﺎوﻣــــﺎ‬synonymous, having while
the same meaning henrân ‫ـــﲊان‬²‫ ﻫـــ‬henre- ‫ـــﲊێ‬²‫ ﻫـــ‬v.p. to be
hâwnâw ‫ ﻫﺎو‡و‬namesake; synonym brought
hâwře ‫ ﻫﺎوڕێ‬comrade, companion herish ‫ــــﺮش‬Œ‫ ﻫــــ‬attack; ~-henân ba to at-
hâwsafar ‫ ﻫﺎوﺳﻪﻓﻪر‬traveling companion tack; ~-birdinà sar … to attack
hâwsâ ‫ ﻫﺎوﺳﺎ‬neighbor (s.o.); ~henar ‫ـﻨـﻪر‬²‫ـﺮﺷـﻬـ‬Œ‫ ﻫـ‬attacker, ag-
hâwshewa ‫ﻮﻩ‬²8‫ ﻫﺎوﺷ‬similar gressor
hâwshîra ‫ ﻫﺎوﺷﲑﻩ‬sister hero ‫ﺮۆ‬Œ‫ ﻫ‬marshmallow (bot.)
hâwtaman ‫ ﻫـﺎوﺗـﻪﻣـﻪن‬contemporary, of the heshtâ ‫ـــﺘـــﺎ‬8‫ـــﺸـــ‬Œ‫ ﻫـــ‬still, yet; ~ (+ neg. past
same age perf.) ka ‫ ﮐـﻪ‬... ‫ﺘـﺎ‬8‫ﺸ‬Œ ‫ ﻫــ ــ‬no sooner…than,
hâwtâ c‫ ﻫﺎو‬equal; be~ c‫ﻬﺎو‬²‫ ﺑ‬unequalled scarcely…when: heshtâ nanustibû ka
hâybakht ‫ ﻫﺎﯾﺒﻪﺧﺖ‬lottery dangèk’î ba gwe gaysht no sooner
hâzir ‫ ﻫﺎزر‬ready had he fallen asleep than he heard a
hejgâr ‫ﺠﮕﺎر‬²‫ ﻫ‬extremely noise
heł- Dz‫ ﻫ‬pres. stem of heshtin heshtin ‫ـﺸـﱳ‬Œ‫ ﻫـ‬heł- Ç‫ـ‬²‫( ﻫـ‬v.t.; subj. often
hełân ‫ن‬Ë‫ـ‬²‫ ﻫـ‬hełe- ‰‫ـ‬k²‫ ﻫـ ـ‬v.t. to let go; dâ- beł- for biheł-) to leave, let, allow (+
~à khwârawa to let down, lower: subj): nayânheshtim bem they didn’t
pat’yân henâ u dâyânhełâ khwârawa let me come; to turn loose, let go;
they brought a rope and lowered him (neg.) not to leave (anyone alive); ba
down je ~ to leave alone, leave behind, let
helka ‫ﻠﮑﻪ‬²‫ ﻫ‬egg be, abandon: ba je’y heshtim he left
hemin ‫ ـﻤ ـﻦ‬²‫ ﻫ ـ‬slow; ~-kirdin v.t. to slow, me alone; dâ-~ to let down, lower:
slow down: hangâwî hemin kird he patèk’im bo benin u dâmbełinà
slowed his pace; ~î slowness: ba khwârawa bring me a rope and lower
heminî rû’m da hâwřeakám kird u me down
gutim I slowly turned my face to my hez ‫ـــــﺰ‬Œ‫ ﻫـــــ‬strength, power: ~ i atom the
companion and said power of the atom; ba~ ‫ﺰ‬Œ‫ ﺑﻪﻫ‬powerful
henân ‫ــﻨــﺎن‬²‫ ﻫــ‬hen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫( ﻫــ‬v.t.; pres. stem hezhâ ‫ﮋا‬Œ‫ ﻫ‬valued, valuable, dear
often yen-, as in nâyenim for nâhenim ḥikâyat ‫ = ﺣﲀﯾﻪت‬hakâyat
I won’t bring it) to bring; ~awa sar ḥikûmat ‫ ﺣﮑﻮوﻣﻪت‬government
kho- to bring back to oneself; ba je ~ ḥizb ‫ ﺣﺰب‬political party
to execute, carry out (an order); dar-~ hî ‫ ﻫــــــﯽ‬really: hî awa niya bâs bikre it’s
(darenân) to put out, pull out, take not really anything that can be talked
off, extract: châwîlkaká’m la châw about
darenâbû I had taken off my glasses; hîch ‫( ﻫﻴــﭻ‬+ neg.) nothing: ~ i tir nothing
dâ-~ to comb the hair down; râ-~ to else; ~ kasèk ‫ﮏ‬²8‫ ﻫﻴﭻ ﮐﻪﺳ‬nobody
teach, to get into shape; to tame hîlâk ‫ ﻫـــﻴـــﻼک‬tired; ~î tiredness, exhaus-
Hend ‫ﻨﺪ‬²‫ ﻫ‬India tion
ḥîlk|a ‫ ﺣـــ;ـــﻠـــﮑـــﻪ‬peal of laughter; ~ândin idâra ‫ ادارﻩ‬office
‫ ﺣ;ﻠﲀﻧﺪن‬v.t. to laugh îdî ‫ ﺋﻴﺪی‬anymore
hîn-bûn ‫ ﻫﲔ ﺑﻮون‬v.i. to learn îjâbî ‫ﺎﰉ‬í‫ ﺋﻴ‬positive
hîshk ‫ ﻫ›ﺸﮏ‬dry ikhtiyâr ‫ ـﻴ ـﺎر‬µ‫ اﺧ ـ‬old, aged: rîshim spî bû,
hîwâ ‫ ﻫـــﻴـــﻮا‬hope: hîwâ i zhyân’î le nada- tawâw ~ bûwim my beard is white: I
kirâ there was no hope of his surviv- have become old
ing; ~biřrâw ‫او‬g‫ ﻫـﻴـﻮا–ـ‬without hope, in iklîl ‫ﳇﻴﻞ‬ä = kilîl
despair; ~biřrâwî ‫اوی‬g‫ ﻫـــﻴـــﻮا–ـــ‬despair; îmayl ‫ ﺋ;ـﻤﻪﯾﻞ‬e-mail
~dâr ‫ ﻫﻴﻮادار‬hopeful împirâtorî ‫ـﺮاﺗـﯚری‬Î‫ ﺋـﻴـ‬empire: ~ i ‘usmânî
hîz ‫ ﻫــﲒ‬skein, leather bag for oil, cheese, the Ottoman Empire
&c. împiryâlîst ‫ﻟ›ﺴـﺖ‬ ‫ ــ‬p‫ــﺮ‬Î‫ ﺋ;ـــﻤ‬imperialist: nata-
ho ‫ ﻫﯚ‬reason wa gawra ~akân the great imperialist
hoba ‫ ﻫﯚﺑﻪ‬campsite nations
hoda ‫ ﻫﯚدﻩ‬room imřo ‫ۆ‬g‫ اﻣ‬today
hon|în ‫ ﻫــــﯚﻧــــﲔ‬v.t. to spin (thread), com- imshaw ‫ اﻣﺸﻪو‬tonight
pose (poetry); ~din ‫ ﻫـﯚﻧـﺪن‬v.t. to string, înglîs ‫ــﮕــﻠــ›ــﺲ‬ž‫ ﺋــ›ــ‬the English, the British
to weave together; ~drâw ‫ ﻫ ـﯚﻧ ـﺪراو‬wo- (coll.); ~î English (person, language)
ven together, threaded together; ~râw injâ ‫ﺎ‬íž›‫ ﺋ‬then, next
‫ﺮاو‬s‫ = ﻫﯚ‬hondrâw insân ‫ﺴﺎن‬ë‫ ا‬human being
hor ‫ ﻫﯚر‬boom, big noise ‘Irâq ‫ ﻋﺮاق‬Iraq; ~î ‫ ﻋﺮاﰵ‬Iraqi
hoř ‫ ﻫﯚڕ‬sack isti‘mâr ‫ــــﺘــﻌــﲈر‬8 ‫ اﺳ‬colonialism, imperial-
hortik ‫ﮏ‬Ž‫ ﻫﻮر‬ugly baby ism; ~î ‫ﺘﻌﲈری‬8‫ اﺳ‬imperialist
hosh ‫ ﻫـــــــﯚش‬consciousness; hâtinawa ~ îsh ‫ ﺋــ›ــﺶ‬work, labor, deed; ~-kirdin v.t.
kho- to regain consciousness; la ~ (i to work; ~kar ‫ﺋ›ﺸﮑـﻪر‬ ‫ ــ ـ‬hardworking; ~-
kho) chûn to lose consciousness; be~ u-kâr ‫ ﺋ›ﺶ و ﰷر‬business
‫ـــﻬـــﯚش‬²‫ ﺑـــ‬unconscious; be~-bûn v.i. to -îsh ‫( §ـــــــﺶ‬enclitic, after vowels ’sh and
faint, pass out, lose consciousness ’ysh) too, also, either
hoz ‫ ﻫﯚز‬tribe, people, population îshârat ‫ ﺋ›ﺸﺎرﻩت‬motion; sign
htâ ‫ = ﻫﺘﺎ‬hatâ îslâm ‫ ﺋ›ﺴﻼم‬Islam; ~î Islamic
humed ‫ ﻫ ـﻮﻣ ـ´ ـﺪ‬hope; ~biřrâw ‫او‬g‫ﻫ ـﻮﻣ ـ´ ـﺪ– ـ‬ îstaram-kirdin la v ‫ـﺮدن‬B ‫ــﺘـﻪرﻩم‬8 ‫ ﺋـ›ـﺴ‬v.t. to
hopeless, in despair beg, plead with
hunar ‫ ﻫـــــــﻮﻧـــــــﻪر‬art, craft, skill; ~mand îtir ‫ ﺋﻴﱰ‬again, another time
‫ ﻫــﻮﻧــﻪرﻣــﻪﻧــﺪ‬artist, artisan; ba~ ‫ﺑــﻪﻫــﻮﻧــﻪر‬ îzn ‫ ﺋــــــــــــﲒن‬permission; ba ~ i khwâ by
skilled God’s leave
ḥushtir ‫ = ﺣﻮﺷﱰ‬wishtir
ḥuzayrân ‫ﺮان‬a‫ ﺣﻮزﻩ‬June jala-kirdin ‫ــﺮدن‬B v‫ •ــﻪ‬v.t. to tie (animals)
hûn-bûn ‫ = ﻫﻮون ﺑﻮون‬hîn-bûn together in a herd
hûsha u fîsha ‫ ﻫﻮوﺷﻪ و ﻓ›ﺸﻪ‬hissing jallâd ‫ •ﻠﻼد‬executioner
jambûra ‫ـﻮورﻩ‬m‫ •ـﻪﻣـ‬generality, crowd; ~ i
(initial i and î are intermingled in alpha- khałk ü‫ﻪ‬L ‫ﻮورﻩى‬m‫ •ﻪﻣ‬ordinary people
betization; the distinction between janâb ‫ •ــــﻪ‡ب‬excellency: khałk i gunda-
initial i and î is not always main- kámân châwařwân i janâbitin the
tained; initial î is spelled ‫ ﺋ ـ; ــ‬and ‫ اﯾ ــ‬in- people of our village are waiting for
discriminately) your excellency; janâb i pâshâ his
ibtidâî ‫ اﺑﺘﺪاﰃ‬elementary majesty, your majesty
janâza ‫ •ﻪ‡زﻩ‬funeral child to death; ~gosha ‫ﺟﮕـﻪرﮔـﯚﺷـﻪ‬ ‫ ـ‬child;
jang ‫ﮓ‬s‫ •ﻪ‬war, battle ~soz ‫ ﺟﮕﻪرﺳﯚز‬consoler
jarda ‫ •ﻪردﻩ‬highway robber jigara ‫ ﺟـــــــﮕـــــــﻪرﻩ‬cigarette; ~-keshân to
jarg ‫ •ﻪرگ‬liver, heart (metaphorical) smoke cigarettes
jarrâḥ ‫ •ﻪڕاح‬surgeon jighâr ‫ ﺟﻐﺎر‬grief, sorrow
jawanda ‫ •ﻪوﻩﻧﺪﻩ‬leather water bag jil ‫ •ـــــــــــﻞ‬clothes, togs; ~-nân to put on
jawâł ‫ •ـــــــــــﻪواڵ‬large sack or saddlebag, clothes
usually one of a pair on either side of jila ĥ octopus
a donkey or horse jiław ‫ﻪو‬k• reins
jawâhîr ‫ •ﻪواﻫﲑ‬jewels jimîn ‫ ﲨﲔ‬jim- ‫ ﰖ‬v.i. to move
jazhn ‫ •ﻪژن‬festival, celebration jinew ‫ﻮ‬²ž‫ ﺟ‬insult; ~-dân ba to curse at
jâ ‫ •ﺎ‬then, therefore jinoka ‫ﯚﮐﻪ‬ž‫ ﺟ‬genii
jâda ‫ •ﺎدﻩ‬road, street jinûb ‫ﻮوب‬ž‫ ﺟ‬south
jâdû ‫ •ـﺎدوو‬magic, sorcery; ~gar ‫•ـﺎدووﮔـﻪر‬ jiř g‫ ﺟــــ‬rip; ~-dân v.t. to rip; ~-hâtin v.i.
magician, sorcerer to have difficulty, be sad
jâłjâłûka ‫ﻮوﮐﻪ‬T‫ﺎ‬íT‫ •ﺎ‬spider jirîwa ‫ ﺟﺮﯾﻮﻩ‬cooing (of doves)
jâm ‫ •ﺎم‬mirror, glass, pane; bowl jisin ‫ ﺟﺴﻦ‬noble, race
jânawar ‫ •ﺎﻧﻪوﻩر‬animal jiwân ‫ ﺟـــﻮان‬young; ~amarg ‫ﺟـــﻮاﻧـــﻪﻣـــﻪرگ‬
jândârm ‫ •ﺎﻧﺪارم‬police died young; ~ka ‫ﮑﻪ‬s‫ ﺟﻮا‬adolescent
jântâ ‫ •ﺎﻧﺘﺎ‬satchel jizma ‫ ﺟﺰﻣﻪ‬boot
jâr ‫ •ـﺎر‬time, instance: dû hafta ~èk once jîhân ‫ ﺟ ـﳱ ـﺎن‬world; ~bîn ‫ ﺟ ـﳱ ـﺎﻧ ـﺒ ـﲔ‬world-
every two weeks; ~ân ‫ •ـــــــــــﺎران‬olden seeing, all-seeing
times, past times; ~èk ‫ــــﮏ‬¤‫ •ــــﺎر‬once; jînosâyd ‫ ﺟ;ﻨﯚﺳﺎﯾﺪ‬genocide
~èkyân ‫ﮑ;ــﺎن‬¤‫ •ـﺎر ـ‬once, one time; ba ~e jîra ‫ • ـﲑﻩ‬salary, stipend; ~khor ‫• ـﲑﻩﺧ ـﯚر‬
‫ ﺑـﻪ•ـﺎرێ‬all at once; ~ u bâr ‫ •ـﺎرو¶ر‬oc- salaried
casionally, from time to time joga ‫ ﺟﯚﮔﻪ‬stream
jâř ‫ •ـــــــــﺎڕ‬proclamation; ~-dân la v.t. to jołâ Ÿ‫ ﺟﯚ‬weaver
proclaim, to broadcast; ~-keshân v.t. jor ‫ ﺟـﯚر‬sort, kind; manner: b’ aw jorá in
to proclaim, make a proclamation; that manner; ~âw~ ‫ﺟــــــﯚراﺟــــــﯚر‬, ~ba~
~chî ‫ •ﺎڕﭼﯽ‬herald ‫ ﺟﯚرﺑﻪﺟﯚر‬of all sorts, various
jâwîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ •ﺎو‬v.t. to chew jorâw ‫ ﺟﯚراو‬sock
je ‰‫ ﺟــــــــــ‬place; la ~gâ i instead of; ba ~ jořik ‫ ﺟﯚڕک‬bag, saddlebag
mân v.i. to be left behind; ba ~ jozardân ‫ ﺟﯚزﻩردان‬the month of Gemini
heshtin v.t. to leave, leave behind, jum‘a ‫ ﺟﻮﻣﻌﻪ‬Friday
abandon; ~-mân v.i. to be left behind; jûł|a-kirdin ‫ــــــﺮدن‬B ‫ــــــﻪ‬T‫ ﺟــــــﻮو‬to move, to
~ga ‫ ﺟـ´ـﮕـﻪ‬place, bed; ~gâ ‫ ﺟـ´ـﮕـﺎ‬place, budge; ~ân ‫ ﺟــﻮوﻻن‬jûłe- ‰‫ ﺟــﻮوﻟــ‬v.i. to
position; ~nishîn ‫ ـﺸ ـﲔ‬À‫ ﺟ ـ´ ـ‬heir-appar- move
ent, successor jût ‫ ﺟﻮوت‬pair; ~yâr ‫ ﺟﻮوﺗﻴﺎر‬farmer
jebaje-kirdin ‫ ـﺮدن‬B ‰‫ ﺟ ـ´ ـﺒ ـﻪﺟ ـ‬v.t. to finish jwâb ‫ ﺟـــــﻮاب‬answer, reply; ~-dân v.t. to
off, to polish off reply
jiga la v ‫ ﺟــــــﮕــــــﻪ‬aside from, except for; jwân ‫ ﺟـــــــﻮان‬pretty, beautiful; ~î ‫ﺟـــــــﻮاﱏ‬
without; jiga l’ awaî ‫وﻩى‬v ‫ ﺟـــﮕـــﻪ‬aside beauty
from the fact that, in addition to the jyâ ‫ ﺟ;ــﺎ‬separate, apart; ~wâz ‫ ﺟ;ــﺎواز‬sepa-
fact that rate; ~wâzî ‫ ﺟ;ــﺎوازی‬distinguishing fea-
jigar ‫ﺟﮕـﻪر‬ ‫ ـ‬liver, child; ~-sûtân to lose a ture
jyât i ‫ ﺟ;ﺎﰏ‬instead of hał-~ to pull up, uproot, dig
kanîn ‫ ﮐـﻪﻧـﲔ‬-kan- ‫ ﮐـﻪن‬v.i. to laugh; pe-~
ka1 ‫ ﮐــــــــــــﻪ‬other, else: hîch i ~’m nâwe I to laugh
don’t want anything else kanîshk ‫ ﮐﻪﻧ›ﺸﮏ‬girl, daughter
ka2 ‫ ﮐـــــﻪ‬when (conj); that (subordinating kar ‫ ﮐﻪر‬donkey, ass
conj.) karasa ‫ = ﮐﻪرﻩﺳﻪ‬karista
ka- ‫ ﮐﻪ‬pres. stem of kirdin kařat ‫ﮐﻪڕﻩت‬. See karrat.
kachał ‫ ﮐﻪ¸ﻪڵ‬bald, mangy karista ‫ﺘـﻪ‬8‫ﺳ‬
‫ ﮐـﻪر ــ‬raw material; instrument,
kachî ‫ ﮐﻪﭼﯽ‬but, on the other hand tool, means; feature
kaftin ‫ ﮐﻪﻓﱳ‬kaf- ‫ = ﮐﻪف‬kawtin Karkûk ‫ﻮوک‬B‫ ﮐﻪر‬Kirkuk
kal ‫ ﮐـــــــــــــــﻪل‬mountain pass; broken (of karrat ‫ ﮐــــــﻪڕﻩت‬time, instance: aw ~á’sh
teeth); ~-u-pal ‫ ﮐﻪلوﭘﻪل‬odds and ends that time too; la mezhû i kurd’dâ bo
kalabâb ‫¶ب‬v‫ ﮐﻪ‬rooster hawałîn ~ for the first time in the
kałak ‫ﻪک‬T‫ ﮐﻪ‬pile; ~ a bard pile of rocks history of the Kurds
kałakewî ‫ﻮی‬²‫ﻪﮐ‬T‫ ﮐﻪ‬mountain ram karsak ‫ ﮐﻪرﺳﻪک‬large clod
kalapoř ‫ﭘﯚڕ‬v‫ ﮐﻪ‬paraphernalia, baggage karweshik ‫ = ﮐﻪرو§ﺸﮏ‬kawreshik
kalapûr ‫ﭘﻮور‬v‫ ﮐﻪ‬tradition; ~î traditional kas ‫ ﮐـﻪس‬person; ~è ‰‫ ﮐـﻪﺳـ‬anybody; ~-u-
kałasher ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ﻪﺷ‬T‫ ﮐﻪ‬rooster kâr ‫ ﮐـﻪس و ﰷر‬people, relatives; ~âyatî
kalâwa ‫ ﮐﻪﻻوﻩ‬ruin, a ruined building ‫ ﮐﻪﺳﺎﯾﻪﰏ‬relationship
kałk ‫ـﮏ‬T‫ ﮐـﻪ‬use, benefit: kałkî nabû it was kasâbat ‫ ﮐـﻪﺳـﺎﺑـﻪت‬livelihood: bâwkim kâr
useless; ~ war-girtin la to derive u ~î chi bû? What did my father do
benefit from; ~bakhsh ‫ــﻪﺧـﺶ‬m‫ﮑ‬T‫ ﮐـﻪ ـ‬ben- for a living?; ~-kirdin v.t. to make a
eficial; ba~ ‫ـﮏ‬T‫ ﺑـﻪﮐـﻪ‬useful, beneficial; living
be~ ‫ﮏ‬T‫ﮑﻪ‬²‫ ﺑ‬useless, worthless kasâs ‫ ﮐﻪﺳﺎس‬distressed; ~î distress
kałkała i ‫ﻪی‬T‫ﮑﻪ‬T‫ ﮐﻪ‬wish, desire for kash ‫ ﮐﻪش‬stormcloud
kalla ƒ‫ ﮐﻪﻟـ‬head kashtî ‫ﱴ‬8‫ ﮐﻪﺷ‬boat, ship
kaltur ‫ ﮐﻪﻟﺘﻮر‬culture kasukâr ‫ ﮐﻪﺳﻮﰷر‬see kas
kalupal ‫ = ﮐﻪﻟﻮﭘﻪل‬kalapoř katin ‫ــﻦ‬Ž‫ ﮐــﻪ‬insult; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to in-
kam ‫ ﮐــﻪم‬little, little bit; ~bînâ ‫ــﻴــﻨــﺎ‬m‫ﮐــﻪﻣــ‬ sult: katinèk i gawra’y pe kirdûm he
weak-sighted, unable to see well; has insulted me greatly
~hawen ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ـﻪو‬¹‫ ﮐـﻪ‬unproductive; ~tir ‫ﮐـﻪ‬ kaw ‫ ﮐﻪو‬sieve with large holes
‫ ﻣـﱰ‬less; ~ u zor more or less; ~tâkur- kaw- ‫ ﮐﻪو‬pres. stem of kawtin
tè(k) more or less kawâł ‫ ﮐـــﻪواڵ‬herds and flocks; ~~ spread
kamarchîn ‫ ﮐﻪﻣﻪر¸ﲔ‬cliff out
kan- ‫ ﮐﻪن‬pres. stem of kanîn and kanin kawâta ‫ ﮐﻪواﺗﻪ‬then, therefore, in that case
kanâł ‫ ﮐﻪ‡ڵ‬channel (television) kawâw ‫ ﮐﻪواو‬roasted meat
kandałân ‫ن‬Ÿ‫ ﮐﻪﻧﺪﻩ‬edge of ravine kawchik ‫ ﮐﻪو¸ﮏ‬spoon
kandâł ‫ ﮐﻪﻧﺪاڵ‬hill kawł ‫ ﮐـــﻪوڵ‬skin (of an animal); ~-kirdin
kandin ‫ ﮐﻪﻧﺪن‬see kanin to skin (an animal)
kandrân ‫ ﮐـــﻪﻧـــﺪران‬v.p. to be pulled up, to kawn ‫ ﮐﻪون‬old; ~ârâ ‫ ﮐﻪو‡را‬old, ancient
be dug up; hał-~ to be pulled out, to kawreshik ‫ﺸﮏ‬â‫ ﮐﻪور‬rabbit, hare
be wrenched out kawsh ‫ ﮐﻪوش‬shoe
kange ‰‫ﮕ‬s‫ ﮐﻪ‬when?, what time? kawtin ‫ـﻦ‬Ž‫ ﮐـﻪو‬kaw- ‫ ﮐـﻪو‬v.i. to fall, befall;
kanin ‫ ـﻦ‬s‫( ﮐ ـﻪ‬kandin ‫ )ﮐ ـﻪﻧ ـﺪن‬kan- ‫ ﮐ ـﻪن‬to dar-~ to go outside, to appear; dâ-~
pull up, off, dig up; dâ-~ to pull off; to fall away; dûr ~awa to get far
away; ~à … (+ inf.) to start to, fall to: kârîgar ‫ــﮕــﻪر‬a‫ ﰷر‬effective; mortal: birîn i
kawtînà qsa kirdin we started talking; ~ mortal wound
hał-~ la to be situated in kârkhâna ‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬L‫ ﰷر‬factory
kay ‫ ﮐﻪی‬when? kâr-u-bâr ‫ ﰷرو¶ر‬affairs, busines
kaybânû ‫ ﮐﻪﯾﺒﺎﻧﻮو‬lady kârwân ‫ ﰷروان‬caravan; ~chî ‫ـﯽ‬#‫ ﰷروا‬cara-
kayf ‫ ﮐـــﻪﯾـــﻒ‬enjoyment; ~ u safâ kirdin van leader; ~sarâ ‫ـﺴـﻪرا‬ë‫ ﰷروا‬caravanse-
lagał v.t. to enjoy oneself (sexually) rai
with kâs ‫ ﰷس‬dizzy; faint
Kaykâwis ‫ــــﲀوس‬a‫ ﮐــــﻪ‬Kay-Kaus, shah of kâset ‫ﺖ‬Œ‫ ﰷﺳ‬cassette
Iran kâsib ‫ ﰷﺳـــﺐ‬merchant, trader, shopkeep-
kazh ‫ ﮐﻪژ‬mountain er; ~î ‫ﱮ‬8‫ ﰷﺳ‬trade, commerce
kazhâl ‫ = ﮐﻪژال‬khazâł kât1 ‫ ﰷت‬time: l’ aw ~á’dâ at that time;
kâ ‫ ﰷ‬straw ~è(k) ì‫ ﰷ‬،‫ ـﮏ‬²‫ ﰷﺗ ـ‬when (temporal con-
kâbrâ ‫ ﰷ–ﺮا‬man, gentleman junction); la ~èk’dâ while, during, at
kâch ‫ ﰷچ‬pool a time when
kâghaz ‫ ﰷ™ﻪز‬paper kât2 ‫ ﰷت‬back of the neck
kâhû ‫ ﰷﻫﻮو‬lettuce kâwezh ‫ــــﮋ‬¤‫ ﰷو‬cud; ~-kirdin v.t. to chew
kâk ‫ ﰷک‬elder brother; ~a ‫ "ﮐﻪ‬sir the cud
kâkłamûshân ‫ﻪﻣﻮوﺷﺎن‬k‫ "ﮐ‬spider kâwrâ ‫ = ﰷورا‬kâbrâ
kâł ‫ ﰷڵ‬raw; unripe, immature; light kâya ‫ ﰷﯾﻪ‬game; ~gâ ‫ ﰷﯾﻪﮔﺎ‬playing field
(color); faded ke ‰‫ ﮐ‬who?
kâłâ Ÿ‫ ﰷ‬cloth, commercial goods kebarke ‰‫ﺒﻪرﮐ‬²‫ ﮐ‬race, competition
kâlân ‫ ﰷﻻن‬scabbord kef ‫ﻒ‬²‫ ﮐ‬mountain; cave
kâm ‫ ﰷم‬which?, which one? kel ‫ﻞ‬²‫ ﮐ‬tombstone
kân ‫ ﰷن‬mine; ~zâ ‫ﺰا‬s‫ ﰷ‬mineral kełân ‫ن‬˲‫ ﮐ‬keł- Dz‫ ﮐ‬v.t. to plow
kânî ‫ ﰷﱏ‬spring; ~âw ‫ ﰷﻧﻴﺎو‬waterspring ken ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﮐـــ‬the black fabric of which tents
kânûn ‫ ﰷﻧـــﻮون‬: ~ i yekam December; ~ i are made
dûham January ker ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﮐ‬penis
kâr ‫ ﰷر‬work, thing (intangible): nâtwâ- kerd ‫ﺮد‬Œ‫ ﮐ‬knife
nîn am ~á bikayn we can’t do this kesha ‫ـــﺸـــﻪ‬Œ‫ ﮐـــ‬dispute; ~ i … chârasar-
thing; ~-kirdin v.t. to work, to do kirdin v.t. to deal with
something; ba ~ henrân v.p. to be keshân ‫ـــﺸـــﺎن‬Œ‫ ﮐـــ‬kesh- ‫ـــﺶ‬Œ‫ ﮐـــ‬v.t. to pull,
used, be put to use; ~ ba sarawa bûn draw; râ-~ to draw, pull, select; see
v.i. to have a responsibility, have also râ-kishân
something to do: îdî kâr’it ba sarawa kew ‫ﻮ‬²‫ ﮐ‬mountain
nabe you have nothing else to do, kha ‫ﻪ‬L pres. stem of khistin
there is nothing further you have to khabar ‫ــﻪﺑــﻪر‬L news; awareness; ~bazen
do; be~ ‫ـﲀر‬²‫ ـﺑ‬unemployed; be~î ‫ـﲀری‬²‫ـﺑ‬ ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ـﻪﺑـﻪرﺑـﻪز‬L spy; ~dâr ‫ـﻪﺑـﻪردار‬L, ba~ ‫ـﻪﺑـﻪ‬L‫ﺑـﻪ‬
unemployment ‫ ر‬awake, aware, informed; ~-bûnawa
kârabâ ¶‫ ﰷرﻩ‬electricity v.i. to wake up; ~-dân v.t. to report,
kârakar ‫ ﰷرﻩﮐﻪر‬worker, servant give news
kârasât ‫ ﰷرﻩﺳﺎت‬catastrophe khabâr ‫ﻪ¶ر‬L danger
kârbadast ‫ ﰷرﺑﻪدﻩﺳﺖ‬official khabât ‫ـــــﻪ¶ت‬L struggle; ~-kirdin v.t. to
kârez ‫ــــﺰ‬¤‫ ﰷر‬underground water channel; struggle; ~kar ‫ﮑﻪر‬Ž¶‫ﻪ‬L struggler
~kan ‫ﺰﮐﻪن‬¤‫ ﰷر‬kârez digger khafa ‫ـــــــﻪﻓـــــــﻪ‬L undistinguished family;
weak flame; ~-kirdin v.t. to choke, bûn to be busy: ~ i dars-khwendinîn
strangle; to lower (flame) we’re busy studying
khafat ‫ـﻪﻓـﻪت‬L sorrow; ~bâr ‫ـﻪﻓـﻪ ـﺗﺒـﺎر‬L sor- kharîta ‫ﻪرﯾﺘﻪ‬L map
rowful; ~-khwârdin v.t. to grieve kharj ‫ــــــﻪرج‬L outlay, expenditure; ~-kir-
khałat ‫ﻪت‬T‫ﻪ‬L curse; mistake; deception din v.t. to spend (money)
khałatân ‫ن‬c‫ـﻪ‬T‫ـﻪ‬L khałate- ì‫ـﻪ‬T‫ـﻪ‬L v.i. to be kharmân ‫ــــــﻪرﻣــــــﺎن‬L haystack, threshing
deceived, tricked floor; ~a ‫ـﻪرﻣـﺎﻧـﻪ‬L halo around the moon;
khałatândin ‫ﻧــــﺪن‬c‫ــــﻪ‬T‫ــــﻪ‬L v.t. to deceive, ~ân ‫ــــــــﻪرﻣــــــــﺎ‡ن‬L the month of Virgo
trick (August 23–September 22)
khałât ‫ت‬Ÿ‫ـﻪ‬L reward; ~-kirdin v.t. to re- khars ‫ــــــــــﻪرس‬L estimate, guess; ~ândin
ward ‫ـﻪرﺳـﺎﻧـﺪن‬L v.t. to estimate; ~-kirdin v.t.
khałef ‫ﻒ‬²T‫ﻪ‬L beehive to estimate
khałk ‫ﮏ‬T‫ﻪ‬L people kharsak ‫ﻪرﺳﻪک‬L thick woolen carpet
khałq ‫ﻖ‬T‫ﻪ‬L = khałk khartala v‫ﻪرﺗﻪ‬L mustard
khałtân ‫ﺘــﺎن‬T‫ـﻪ‬L wallowing, floundering; ~ khasândin ‫ـﻪﺳـﺎﻧـﺪن‬L khasen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ـﻪﺳ‬L v.t. to
i khwen ‫ـــﻦ‬¤‫ـــﺘـــﺎﱏ ﺧـــﻮ‬T‫ـــﻪ‬L weltering in emasculate; to prune
blood khasârat ‫ﻪﺳﺎرﻩت‬L loss
kham ‫ـــﻪم‬L worry, sorrow; ~bâr ‫ـــﺎر‬m‫ـــﻪﻣـــ‬L Khasraw Parwez ‫ـــــــﺰ‬¤‫ـــــــﻪﴎﻩو ﭘـــــــﻪرو‬L
sorrow-raining; ~girtû ‫ـﻪ ـﻣﮕـﺗﺮـﻮو‬L griev- Chosroës Parvez, Sassanian shah of
ing, sad; ~gîn ‫ ـﻪﻣ ـﮕ ـﲔ‬L sorrowful, sad; Iran
~khor ‫ـــﻪﳐـــﯚر‬L sympathetic, consoler; khasû ‫ــــــــﻪﺳــــــــﻮو‬L mother-in-law, son’s
~nâk ‫ﺎک‬ž‫ﻪﻣ‬L sad wife’s mother
khamłân ‫ن‬Ë‫ـﻪﻣـ‬L khamłe- ‰‫ــ‬k‫ـﻪﻣ‬L v.i. to be khat ‫ﻪت‬L line
decorated, embellished khatana ‫ــــﻪﺗــــﻪﻧــــﻪ‬L circumcision; ~sûrân
khamřa ‫ﻩ‬g‫ﻪﻣ‬L large vat ‫ﻪﺗﻪﻧﻪﺳﻮوران‬L circumcision celebration
khamza ‫ﻪﻣﺰﻩ‬L wink khatar ‫ﻪﺗﻪر‬L grave, serious
khana ‫ﻪﻧﻪ‬L henna khaw ‫ـــــــــﻪو‬L sleep, dream; ~yân le kawt
khandak ‫ﻪﻧﺪﻩک‬L ditch they fell asleep; pres. stem of khaw-
khanjar ‫ـــﻪﳒـــﻪر‬L dagger; dânà bar ~ v.t. tin; ~~î ‫ــــــــــﻪوی‬L‫ــــــــــﻪو‬L sleepy-head;
to stab, cut with a knife ~anûchka ‫ﻪوﻩﻧﻮوﭼﮑﻪ‬L drowsiness
khar- ‫ـــــﻪر‬L (imperative stem of khistin): khawin ‫ــــــــــــــﻪون‬L dream; ~-dîtin v.t. to
bíkhara (impt. sing) throw! dream
kharand ‫ﻪرﻩﻧﺪ‬L ditch, cesspool khawtin ‫ـــــﻦ‬Ž‫ـــــﻪو‬L khaw- ‫ـــــﻪو‬L v.i. to lie
kharâb ‫ﻪراب‬L bad, out of order, broken down; to sleep: khawtûa he’s asleep
kharâmân ‫ــــــﻪراﻣــــــﺎن‬L graceful, walking khayâł ‫ڵ‬p‫ ـﻪ‬L idea, thought; imagination;
stately ba ~ i …dâ hâtin to occur to the
kharâp ‫ﻪراپ‬L = khirâp mind of
kharâw ‫ـﻪراو‬L = kharâb; ~akar ‫ـﻪراوﻩﮐـﻪ‬L khayâr ‫ر‬p‫ﻪ‬L cucumber
‫ر‬, ~akâr ‫ــــﻪراوﻩﰷر‬L robber; ~-witin v.t. khazałwar ‫ـــﻮﻩر‬T‫ـــﻪزﻩ‬L the month of Scor-
to curse pio (October 23–November 21)
kharbâr ‫ـﻪر¶ر‬L large measure of weight, khazâł ‫ﻪزاڵ‬L gazelle
300 kilos khazâm ‫ﻪزام‬L = khazân
kharek ‫ﮏ‬¤‫ﻪر‬L = kharîk khazân ‫ﻪزان‬L autumn
kharîb ‫ﻪرﯾﺐ‬L stranger khazena ‫ﻨﻪ‬l‫ﻪز‬L treasury
kharîk ‫ـــﮏ‬a‫ـــﻪر‬L busy, occupied; kharîk- khazna ‫ـــــﻪﻧزـــــﻪ‬L treasury; pool in public
bath; ~dâr ‫ﻪزﻧﻪدار‬L treasurer ‫ دوور‬the Far East
khazr ‫ﻪزر‬L anger khâwen ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ﺎو‬L clean, tidy
khazûr(a) ‫ــــــــﻪزوور‬L father-in-law, son’s khâya ‫ـــﺎﯾـــﻪ‬L egg; testicle; ~ron ‫ـــﺎﯾـــﻪرۆن‬L
wife’s father fried egg
khâch ‫ﺎچ‬L cross khe ‰‫ ﺧ‬habit, custom
khâk ‫ﺎک‬L earth, dust; ~âwî dusty, dirty kher ‫ـــــﺮ‬Œ‫ـــــ‬L good; ba ~ well: ba ~ bît be
khâkalewa ‫ــﻮﻩ‬²‫ــ˜ﮐــﻪﻟــ‬L Aries (March 21– well; qsa i ~ kirdin bo to put in a
April 20) good word for: qsayèk i kherî bo
khâł1 ‫ــﺎڵ‬L maternal uncle; ~o ‫ــﯚ‬T‫ــﺎ‬L uncle bikirdîtâya she could have put in a
(maternal) good word for you
khâł2 ‫ـــﺎڵ‬L spot, mole (on skin); tattoo; ~ kherâ ‫ــــﺮا‬Œ‫ــــ‬L quick, soon, fast; ba ~î ‫ﺑــــﻪ‬
u mîl ‫ــــﺎڵ و ﻣــــ;ــــﻞ‬L colors on neck and ‫ﺮاﱙ‬ŒL quickly, rapidly
breast of partridge, (meta.) beauty of kherâtin-kirdin ‫ ـﺮدن‬B ‫ ـﻦ‬Ž‫ ـﺮا‬Œ‫ ـ‬L v.t. to wel-
the beloved; ~-kutân v.t. to tattoo come
khâm ‫ﺎم‬L raw khesa-kirdin la v ‫ ـﺮدن‬B ‫ ـﺴ ـﻪ‬Œ‫ ـ‬L v.t. to turn
khâma ‫ﺎﻣﻪ‬L pencil, pen away from
khâmosh ‫ــﺎﻣــﯚش‬L quiet, peaceful; silent; khew ‫ ﺧ´ﻮ‬owner, lord
~-kirdin v.t. to extinguish; ~î quiet- khewand ‫ = ﺧ´ﻮﻩﻧﺪ‬khew
ness khewat ‫ ﺧـــــ´ـــــﻮﻩت‬tent; ~ hał-dân v.t. to
khân1 ‫ﺎن‬L khan, chief; ~im ‫ﺎﱎ‬L lady pitch a tent
khân2 ‫ﺎن‬L inn; ~chî ‫ﯽ‬#‫ﺎ‬L innkeeper khezân ‫ـــﺰان‬Œ‫ـــ‬L members of a family, de-
khâna ‫ـﺎﻧـﻪ‬L house; ~khirâp ‫ـﺎﻧـﻪﺧـﺮاپ‬L un- pendents; ~dâr ‫ـــــﺰاﻧـــــﺪار‬Œ‫ـــــ‬L man with
lucky; ~khwe ‫ـﺎﻧـﻪﺧـﻮێ‬L host; ~qâ ‫ـﺎﻧـﻪﻗـﺎ‬L many mouths to feed
khanaqah, dervish hostel; ~wâda khida ‫ﺪﻩ‬L custom, manner
‫ﺎﻧﻪوادﻩ‬L family, wealthy family khil ‫ـــﻞ‬L rolling; ~-kirdinawa v.t. to roll
khânulân ‫ــــــﺎﻧــــــﻮﻻن‬L family, home; be~ down: bardèkim khil kirdawa I rolled
‫ ـﺎﻧ ـﻮﻻن‬Ø‫ ـ‬²‫ ﺑ ـ‬homeless; be~-kirdin v.t. to a stone down; ~a~ ‫ـــــــﻞ‬Lƒ‫ـــــــ‬L rolling,
render homeless; be~î ‫ـﺎﻧـﻮﻻﱏ‬ز‫ﺑ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬home- bouncing
lessness khiłâfândin ‫ﻓﺎﻧﺪن‬ËL v.t. to trick, deceive
khânû ‫ﺎﻧﻮو‬L house khilena ‫ﻨﻪ‬²‫ﻠ‬L molar (tooth)
khâpûr-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ـــﺎﭘـــﻮور‬L v.t. to ruin, khilîsk ‫ــــﻠــــ›ــــﺴــــﮏ‬L slippery, slimy; ~a
destroy ‫ﻠ›ﺴﮑـﻪ‬L
‫ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬slippery place; ~âne ê‫ﻠ›ﺴـﲀ‬L ‫ـــ‬
khâs ‫ﺎس‬L good ice-skating; ~ân ‫ﻠ›ﺴـﲀن‬L ‫ ـــ‬/~în ‫ﻠ›ﺴﮑـﲔ‬L
‫ـــ ـ‬
khâsatan ‫ﺎﺳﻪﺗﻪن‬L especially v.i. to slip (on ice)
khâshkhâsh ‫ﺎش‬Ø‫ﺎﺷ‬L poppy khinkân ‫ـــﲀن‬ž‫ ﺧـــ‬khinke- ‰‫ـــﮑـــ‬ž‫ ﺧـــ‬v.i. to
khâtir ‫ـﺮ‬Ž‫ـﺎ‬L mind; ~ i ‫ـﺮی‬Ž‫ـﺎ‬L for the sake choke; to drown
of; ~jam ‫ـــﺮ•ـــﻪم‬Ž‫ـــﺎ‬L with mind at ease, khiř1 g‫ ﺧــــــــــــ‬round: top i zawî khiřa the
reassured; ~khwâ ‫ﺮﺧﻮا‬Ž‫ﺎ‬L in love earth is round; ~-bûnawa v.i. to
khâw ‫ـــﺎو‬L = khâm; = khaw; ~-bûnawa gather: la chî khiř bûnawa what did
v.i. to lose patience; ~ u khezân they gather for?; ~ dâ-khistin v.t. to
‫ﺰان‬ŒL‫ﺎوو‬L all the members of a family shut tight, slam; ~ u khâłî ‫ـــﯽ‬T‫ـــﺎ‬L ‫ و‬g‫ﺧـــ‬
khâwa ‫ﺎوﻩ‬L toll empty; ~ u khoł ‫ و ﺧﯚڵ‬g‫ ﺧ‬pretty
khâwan ‫ ـﺎوﻩن‬L owner, possessor; ~shiko khiř2 g‫ ﺧ‬too big, too large
‫ﺸﮑﯚ‬ë‫ﺎوﻩ‬L lord, master khirâ ‫ ﺧـــــﺮا‬displeasing; ~î-kirdin ba v.t.
khâwar ‫ـﺎوﻩر‬L east, orient; ~ i dûr ‫ـﺎوﻩرى‬L to be angry with, displeased by: agar
aw kârá nakan, khirâî’tân pe dakam nim dâkhist I pulled down the tree
if you don’t do it, I’ll be angry with branches, la khajâłatî sarî dâkhist he
you lowered his head in shame; (4) to
khirân ‫ ﺧـــﺮان‬khire- ‫ ﺧـــﺮێ‬v.p. passive of store, put up (food): âzûqam dâkhist I
khistin; râ-~ to grow, sprout put up provisions
khirâp ‫ ﺧــــــــﺮاپ‬bad, awful, wrong: ~ te- khitûka ‫ـــــﻮوﮐـــــﻪ‬µ‫ ﺧـــــ‬tickle; ~-dân v.t. to
gayshtûy you’ve misunderstood; ~ tickle
geřânawa la bâra i …dâ v.i. to khizân ‫ ﺧـــــــﺰان‬khize- ‫ ﺧـــــــﺰێ‬v.i. to slip,
speak ill of; ~a ‫ ﺧ ـﺮاﭘ ـﻪ‬bad deed; ~akâr crawl; ~ la to draw near to; râ-~ to
‫ ﺧـــﺮاﭘـــﻪﰷر‬evil-doer, maleficent; ~akârî sprout
‫ ﺧﺮاﭘﻪﰷری‬evil, maleficence khizm ‫ ﺧـﺰم‬family; ~âyatî ‫ ﺧـﺰﻣـﺎﯾـﻪﰏ‬family
khiřka ‫ﮐﻪ‬g‫ ﺧ‬pebble; ~bard ‫ﮐﻪﺑﻪرد‬g‫ ﺧ‬ditto relationship
khiroshân ‫ ﺧـﺮۆﺷـﺎن‬khiroshe- ‰‫ ﺧـﺮۆﺷـ‬v.i. khizmat ‫ ﺧ ـﺰﻣ ـﻪت‬service; ~kâr ‫ ـﲀر‬Ž‫ﺧ ـﺰﻣ ـﻪ‬
to be in turmoil, commotion servant; ~-kirdin v.t. to serve;
khirt ‫ ﺧـﺮت‬cylindrical; ~ u pirt ‫ـﺮت‬º‫ﺧـﺮتو‬ gayshtin ba ~ i to meet, see
junk, worthless things; ~ak ‫ﺧــــــﺗﺮــــــﻪک‬ (honorific)
roller (for a chair, bed, &c.) khîm ‫ ﺧﲓ‬foundation; race, origin
khish|ân ‫ ﺧــــﺸــــﺎن‬khishe- ‰‫ ﺧــــﺸــــ‬v.i. to khîrat ‫ﲑﻩت‬L bravery, manly honor
crawl; ~ândin ‫ﺧﺸـﺎﻧـﺪن‬ ‫ ـ‬khishen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ـﺧﺸ‬ khîzałân ‫ن‬Ÿ‫ﲒﻩ‬L sand, sandy patch
v.t. to drag on the ground; ~în ‫ﺧـــﺸـــﲔ‬ kho ‫ ﺧـــــﯚ‬self (normally kho refers to the
v.i. to creep, crawl subject of the verb of the clause in
khishił Ç‫ ﺧﺸ‬ornament which it occurs: kho’y kusht he killed
khishka u pishka ‫ﺸﮑـﻪ‬é ‫ﺧﺸﮑـﻪو ـ ـ‬
‫ ـ ـ‬creeping himself; with a pron. encl. it also
and crawling functions as a stressed pronoun: kâb-
khisht ‫ ﺧـــــــﺸـــــــﺖ‬skewer; brick, slab of râ kuřaká’y kusht u amjâr hařasha i
baked clay awa’y le kird ka kho’ysh’î bikuzhe the
khishta ‫ــــﺘــﻪ‬8 ‫ ﺧــﺸ‬level; la ~ birdin v.t. to man killed her son and then he threat-
level, ruin, destroy, (meta.) to have ened to kill her too); la ~awa by one-
illicit relations with, to corrupt self; la ~’râ by oneself; ~-dâ-girtin
khistin ‫ ﺧـــﺴـــﱳ‬kha- ‫ـــﻪ‬L (v.t., impt. sing. v.t. to lurk in ambush; ~-dâ-kutân v.t.
bikhara; pass. khirân) to throw, put; to take root; ~-dâ-nân v.t. to sacrifice
~à … to throw into: pâdshâ awânî oneself, lay down one’s life; ~-girtin
khistà bandîkhâna the king threw v.t. to have patience, be stable; to be
them into prison; ~awa to build, success-ful; ~-keshânawa v.t. to
make; ~à …awa to pour into …: withdraw, secede; ~-khurândin v.t.
daykhamà kupałayèk i damtangawa to scratch oneself; to participate in
I’ll pour it into a jar with a narrow charitable affairs; ~-khwârdinawa
neck; ~à sar to fulfill a wish, to help v.t. to suffer in silence; ~m ‫ ﺧــــــﯚم‬my-
someone accomplish a goal; dar-~ to self; ~-pârâstin v.t. to defend oneself;
express; dâ-~ (1) to shut, close: dar- ~t yourself; ~y him/herself
gây dâkhist he shut the door; dalâ- khobâî ‫ ﺧﯚ¶ﰃ‬pride, self-satisfaction
qaká’y la sar dâkhistinawa he shut khokhor ‫ ﺧـــــﯚﺧـــــﯚر‬xenophile, enemy to
the trap door over them; (2) to spread: one’s one people: kurd’îsh chi kurd
bařakam dâkhist I spread out the rug; a? mîłat i khokhora pekawa / bo gyân
(3) to pull down, lower: likadârakâ- u mâł i yektirî simkoł dakan la khoł
(Malâ Mârif) And what are the the British didn’t like him; na~ ‫ﻧـﻪﺧـﯚش‬
Kurds? A self-destructive nation alto- ill, sick
gether stomping their hooves in the khosha ‫ ﺧــﯚﺷــﻪ‬ear of grain; ~chîn ‫ﺧــﯚﺷــﻪ‬
dust to get at each other’s lives and ‫ ¸ﲔ‬gleaner
property khoshajân ‫ ﺧﯚﺷﻪ•ﺎن‬cheers, bon appetit
khokird ‫ﺮد‬B‫ ﺧﯚ‬natural, not artificial khoshawîst ‫ ﺧـﯚﺷـﻪو ـ§ﺴـﺖ‬beloved, dear; ~î
khoł ‫ ﺧـــــــــــﯚڵ‬dust; ~ i mirdû ba sar’dâ love
kirân to be in mourning: khałkakáy khoshâw ‫ ﺧـــــﯚﺷـــــﺎو‬dried fruit soaked in
dałey khoł i mirdû’yân ba sar’dâ water
kirâwa you’d think the people were in khoshbîn ‫ﺒﲔ‬8‫ ﺧﯚﺷ‬optimistic
mourning; ~akawa ashes; ~amesh khoshchezha ‫ـﮋﻩ‬ŒÂ‫ﺷ‬ ‫ ﺧـﯚ ـ ـ‬good-tasting, de-
‫ﺶ‬Œ‫ﻪﻣ‬T‫ ﺧﯚ‬ashes; ~ameshî ‫ﺸﯽ‬Œ‫ﻪﻣ‬T‫ ﺧﻮ‬gray licious
khomâłî ‫ـﯽ‬T‫ ﺧـﯚﻣـﺎ‬domestic, personal, own: khoshdamâkh ‫ ﺧــــﯚﺷــــﺪﻩﻣــــﺎخ‬happy, in a
zimân i ~ mother tongue good mood
khoparist ‫ ﺧﯚﭘﻪرﺳﺖ‬selfish khoshḥâl ‫ ﺧﯚﴮﺎل‬happy, pleased
khopasind ‫ﻨــﺪ‬8‫ ﺧـﯚﭘـﻪﺳـ‬self-satisfied, egotis- khoshî ‫ ﺧـــﯚﳽ‬pleasure, fun; la ~ân’dâ v
tical ‫ﻴﺎﻧﺪا‬8‫ ﺧﯚﺷ‬in joy and happiness
khopârezî ‫ﺰی‬¤‫ ﺧﯚﭘﺎر‬self-defense khoshken ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺧـﯚﺷـﮑـ‬humble; ~î ‫ﺧـﯚﺷـﮑـ´ـﲎ‬
khor ‫ ﺧـــﯚر‬sun; ~ałât ‫ت‬Ÿ‫ ﺧـــﯚرﻩ‬east, sun- humility
rise; ~atâw ‫و‬c‫ ﺧــــﯚرﻩ‬sun; ~âwâ ‫ﺧــــﯚراوا‬ khoshkhâna ‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬Ø‫ ﺧﯚﺷ‬tannery
west, sunset; ~hałât ‫ت‬Ÿ‫ ﺧـــــﯚرﻫـــــﻪ‬east; khoshkok ‫ ﺧﯚﺷﮑﯚک‬pretty
~nishîn ‫ـــﺸـــﲔ‬ë‫ ﺧـــﯚر‬west(ern); ~wazân khoshlîbâs ‫ﺷﻠﻴﺒـﺎس‬ ‫ ﺧـﯚ ـ ـ ـ‬well-dressed, dan-
‫ ﺧﯚروﻩزان‬east dy
-khor ‫ ﺧـــــــﯚر‬suffix meaning eating, con- khoshmaza ‫ ﺧﯚﴰﻪزﻩ‬delicious
suming khoshnâw ‫ﻨﺎو‬8‫ ﺧﯚﺷ‬renowned
khoř ‫ ﺧﯚڕ‬blood; fast flowing of water khoshnûs ‫ــــــﻨـــﻮوس‬ 8 ‫ ﺧـــﯚﺷ‬calligrapher; ~î
khorâî ‫ ﺧﯚراﰃ‬free, gratis ‫ﻨﻮوﳻ‬8‫ ﺧﯚﺷ‬calligraphy
khořâî ‫ ﺧﯚڕاﰃ‬dictator khoshposh ‫ﭙﯚش‬8‫ ﺧﯚﺷ‬well-dressed
khorâk ‫ ﺧﯚراک‬food khotâsh ‫ش‬c‫ ﺧﯚ‬electric razor
khořang ‫ﮓ‬s‫ ﺧﯚڕﻩ‬natural color, colorfast khoy ‫ ﺧﯚی‬sweat, dew
khořâ ‫ ﺧﯚڕا‬stubborn, intractable khozga ‫ ﺧـــــــﯚزﮔـــــــﻪ‬would that (+ irrealis
khorist ‫ ﺧﯚرﺳﺖ‬wild, uncultivated mood): khozga ahâtî would that you
khort ‫ ﺧﯚرت‬young, youth had come; ~-birdin v.t. to wish; ~-
khosh ‫ﺧــﯚش‬, khwash ‫ ﺧــﻮﻩش‬good, well; khwârdin v.t. to wish
~ râ-bwârdin v.t. to have a good khudâ ‫ ﺧﻮدا‬God; ~î divine, God-given
time, enjoy: l’ awe khoshmân râ- khul ‫ ﺧــــﻮل‬turn, revolution; ~-dân v.t. to
bwârd we had a good time there; ~- revolve; ~-khwardin v.t. to revolve,
bûn ba to be happy with, pleased by: spin (int.); ~ân ‫ ﺧ ـﻮﻻن‬khule- ‰‫ ﺧ ـﻮﻟ ـ‬v.i.
pem khosh bû hâtî I’m glad you to spin, turn
came; ~-kirdin v.t. to be nice: hawâ khulyâ ‫ ﺧﻮﻟﻴﺎ‬wish, desire, daydream
khoshî kird the weather turned nice; khuncha ‫ﻪ‬#‫ ﺧﻮ‬bud
to fan a flame; to make ready, to im- khuř ‫ ﺧـﻮڕ‬sudden rush of water, in flood;
prove; ~-kirdinawa v.t. to make up, khwen u ~ ‫ﻦوﺧﻮڕ‬¤‫ ﺧﻮ‬hemorrhage
make peace; ~-wîstin v.t. to love, to khurân1 ‫ ﺧــﻮران‬khure- ‫ ﺧــﻮرێ‬v.i. to itch;
like: înglîsîakân khoshyân nawîstûa ~din ‫ ﺧـــﻮراﻧـــﺪن‬khuren- ‫ـــﻦ‬¤‫ ﺧـــﻮر‬v.t. to
scratch ‫ ﺧـــــــــــــــﻮاروو‬south; hâtinà ~e to come
khurân2 ‫ ﺧـﯚران‬khure- ‫ ﺧـﻮرێ‬v.p. passive down, get down; khistinà ~awa v.t.
of khwârdin to throw down
khurd ‫ ﺧــــﻮرد‬food; small, tiny; ~a ‫ﺧــــﻮردﻩ‬ khwârdin ‫ ﺧـــــﻮاردن‬kho- ‫( ﺧـــــﯚ‬v.t., pass.
small change; ~agîr ‫ ﺧـــﻮردﻩﮔـــﲑ‬carper, khurân) to eat; ~awa to drink
caviler khwâs ‫ ﺧﻮاس‬bare (foot, head)
khurî ‫ ﺧﻮری‬wool khwâst ‫ ﺧــﻮاﺳــﺖ‬request; ~-kirdin v.t. to
khuřîn ‫ــــﻦ‬a‫ ﺧــــﻮڕ‬v.t. to yell, shout, neigh, request
whinny; te-~ to yell at, shout at khwâstin ‫ ﺧــــﻮاﺳــــﱳ‬khwâz- ‫ ﺧــــﻮاز‬v.t. to
khurj ‫ ﺧﻮرج‬saddlebag want, desire
khurmâ ‫ ﺧﻮرﻣﺎ‬date khwâzbenî ‫ــﲎ‬Œ‫ ﺧـﻮازﺑ‬proposal of marriage,
khurosh ‫ ﺧـــــــــــــــﻮرۆش‬scream, yell; ~ân engagement ceremony; ~ i X kirdin
‫ ﺧـــﻮرۆﺷـــﺎن‬khuroshe- ‰‫ ﺧـــﻮرۆﺷـــ‬v.i. to la Y v.t. to ask Y for X’s hand in mar-
scream, to yell riage: khwâzbenî i kichá la âshawân
khurt ‫ ﺧﻮرت‬powerful, strong dakâ he asks the miller for the girl’s
khurûka ‫ ﺧﻮرووﮐﻪ‬pox, pockmark hand in marriage; ~kar ‫;ﮑـﻪر‬À²‫ﺑ‬ ‫ ﺧـﻮازــــ‬suit-
khusa ‫ ﺧﻮﺳﻪ‬sorrow or
khut-u-khořâî ‫ ﺧـــﻮﺗـــﻮﺧـــﯚڕاﰃ‬for no good khwâztin ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ = ﺧﻮاز‬khwâstin
reason, for no reason at all khwe1 ‫ ﺧـــﻮێ‬owner: khâna~ ‫ـــﺎﻧـــﻪﺧـــﻮێ‬L
khuyâ-kirdin ‫ــــــﺮدن‬B p‫ ﺧــــــﻮ‬v.t. to show, householder, home-owner, host;
make obvious khwena~ ‫ﻨـﻪﺧـﻮێ‬l‫ ﺧـﻮا ـ‬avenger, seeking
khû ‫ ﺧ ـﻮو‬custom; ~-girtin v.t. to become retaliation
accustomed khwe2 ‫ ﺧﻮێ‬salt
khûg ‫ ﺧﻮوگ‬pig khwen ‫ ـﻦ‬¤‫ ﺧ ـﻮ‬blood; ~akhwe ‫ ـﻨ ـﻪﺧ ـﻮێ‬l‫ﺧ ـﻮ‬
khûsân ‫ ﺧـــﻮوﺳـــﺎن‬v.i. to get soft in water; avenger; ~bast ‫ـــﻪﺳـــﺖ‬m‫ـــ‬À‫ـــ‬l‫ﺧـــﻮ‬, ~dâku-
~din ‫ ﺧـﻮوﺳـﺎﻧـﺪن‬khûsen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ﺳ‬ ‫ ﺧـﻮو ـ‬v.t. to zhândin ‫ــــﻮژاﻧــــﺪن‬Bä‫ــــﻨــــﺪ‬l‫ ﺧــــﻮ‬cease-fire;
soften in water ~garm ‫ـــﻨـــﮕـــﻪرم‬l‫ ﺧـــﻮ‬hot-blooded; ~gir
khûzh ‫ ﺧﻮوژ‬hunchbacked ‫ـﻨـﮕـﺮ‬l‫ ﺧـﻮ‬immediate member of a mur-
khwar ‫ ﺧﻮﻩر‬sun dered man’s family; ~jimmân
khwash ‫ = ﺧﻮﻩش‬khosh ‫ﻨﺠﻤـﲈن‬l
‫ ﺧـﻮ ــ ـ‬blood pressure; ~kar ‫ﻨﮑـﻪر‬l‫ﺧـﻮ ــ‬
khwayshk ‫ ﺧﻮﻩ§ﺸﮏ‬sister murderer; ~khwâ ‫ﻨﺨـﻮا‬l ‫ ﺧـﻮ ــ‬bloodthirsty;
khwâ1 ‫ ﺧـــــــﻮا‬God: khwâ yek a u nâbe ba ~khwâr ‫ﻨﺨـﻮار‬l ‫ ﺧـﻮ ــ‬mortal enemy; ~rizh
dû God is one and is not two (an oath, ‫ــــﲊژ‬l‫ ﺧــــﻮ‬bloodshedder, murderer; ~tâł
“by God almighty”); ~bakhshîw the ‫ﺎڵ‬µÀl‫ ﺧﻮ‬dull, sluggish
late (for a deceased person); ~ḥâfîz khwen|din ‫ ـﻨ ـﺪن‬l‫ ﺧ ـﻮ‬khwen- ‫ ـﻦ‬¤‫ ﺧ ـﻮ‬v.t. to
‫ ﺧــﻮا„ــﺎﻓــﲒ‬good-bye; ~ḥâfîzî kirdin la call; to read; ~dawâr ‫ﻨــﺪﻩوار‬l‫ ﺧـﻮ‬literate;
v.t. to say good-bye to; ~leykhoshbû na~dawâr ‫ــﻨــﺪﻩوار‬l‫ ﻧــﻪﺧــﻮ‬illiterate; ~ar
‫ﯽ ﺧـﯚ ــ‬Š‫ـ‬²‫ ﺧـﻮا ـﻟ‬the late; ~parist ‫ﺧـﻮاﭘـﻪ‬ ‫ﻨﻪر‬l‫ ﺧﻮ‬reader
‫ رﺳﺖ‬God-fearing khweřâî ‫اﰃ‬g¤‫ ﺧﻮ‬free, at no cost
khwâ2 ‫ ﺧـﻮا‬whether: ~ bitawe yân natawe khwishk ‫ ﺧـــﻮﺷـــﮏ‬sister; ~azâ ‫ﺧـــﻮﺷـــﮑـــﻪزا‬
whether you want to or not nephew, niece; ~âyatî ‫ ﺧــﻮﺷــﲀﯾــﻪﰏ‬sis-
khwâkhwâ ‫ ﺧـــﻮاﺧـــﻮا‬eager, impatient; ~ i terhood
impatient for kich ‫ ﮐﭻ‬girl, daughter
khwân ‫ ﺧﻮان‬dining table kifn ‫ﮐﻔـﻦ‬ ‫ ـ‬winding sheet, shroud; ~ u difn
khwâr ‫ ﺧــــﻮار‬down; ~è ‫ ﺧــــﻮارێ‬down; ~û kirdin ‫ـﺮدن‬B ‫ ﮐـﻔـﻦودﻓـﻦ‬v.t. to shroud and
bury ridden
kiłâw ‫و‬Ë‫ ﮐـ‬hat: ~yân chû sare “they were kish|ân ‫ ـ'ﺸـﺎن‬kishe- ‰‫ ـ'ﺸـ‬v.i. to crawl up;
fooled”; ~řozhina ‫وڕۆژـــﻪ‬Ë
‫ﻧ‬ ‫ ﮐـــ‬window, to pass quickly; ~ân-awa ‫ 'ـــﺸـــﺎﻧـــﻪوﻩ‬to
skylight draw back, go backwards, stretch:
kiłesha ‫ــﺸــ ﻪ‬Œ‫ــ‬k‫ ﮐــ‬corpse; bin ~ i … chûn wak lâstîk la bar yek dakishetawa it
v.i. to deceive, dupe stretches like rubber; râ-~ân to
kilîl ‫ﳇﻴﻞ‬, kiłeł Dzk‫ ﮐ‬key stretch out, crawl; ~ândin ‫'ــــﺸــــﺎﻧــــﺪن‬
kilk ‫ ﳇﮏ‬finger; tail; pen kishen- ‫ــــــﻦ‬Œ‫ 'ــــــﺸــــــ‬v.t. to drag on the
kiło ‫ ـ ﯚ‬k‫ ﮐ ـ‬lump, clod, clump; ~ qand ‫ ـ ﯚ‬k‫ﮐ ـ‬ ground; to stretch; to weigh; ~ândin-
‫ ﻗ ـﻪﻧ ـﺪ‬lump of sugar, ~ gił Ç‫ ـﯚ ﮔ ـ‬k‫ ﮐ ـ‬mud awa ‫ 'ﺸﺎﻧﺪﻧﻪوﻩ‬to pull back; to reweigh
clod kishtukâł ‫ﺘﻮﰷڵ‬8‫ 'ﺸ‬agriculture
kiloj ‫ ﳇــــــﯚج‬manner, way: ba hîch ~èk in kiz ‫ ﮐــــــﺰ‬limp, thin, light; despondent; ~î
no way whatsoever despondency
kiłoł ‫ﯚڵ‬k‫ ﮐ‬wretched kizabâ ¶‫ ﮐﺰﻩ‬cold dry wind
kilor ‫ ﳇﯚر‬hollow kizoła-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ﻪ‬T‫ ﮐﺰۆ‬v.t. to cringe
kimîsar ‫ ﳈ›ﺴﻪر‬commissioner kîlo ‫ﻴﻠﯚ‬B kilogram
kin ‫ﻦ‬B side, by the side of kîzhoła ‫ﻪ‬T‫ۆ‬Ã‫ ﮐ‬young girl
kip ‫ ﮐــــﭗ‬deaf; silent; ~ u kař ‫ﮐــــﭗوﮐــــﻪڕ‬ ko ‫ ﮐـﯚ‬collection, assembly; ~-bûnawa la
deaf: gwem kip u kara my ear’s deaf; v.i. to assemble, gather around s.o.;
~-kirdin v.t. to silence, shut up: kip- ~(wa)-kirdin v.t. to gather, collect;
mân kirdin we shut them up ~bûnawa (n.) meeting, assembly
kirân ‫ـــﺮان‬B kire- ‫ـــﺮێ‬B v.p. passive of kir- koch ‫ ﮐـــــــــﯚچ‬decampment, migration; ~-
din; ~awa to be opened: bakhtî kirâ- kirdin v.t. to leave, depart, decamp; ~
watawa he has had a stroke of luck i dwâî kirdin v.t. to pass away, die;
kirâs ‫ﺮاس‬B shirt ~ar ‫ ﮐـﯚ¸ـﻪر‬migrant, migratory; ~î ‫ﮐـﯚﭼـﻰ‬
kirch ‫ﺮچ‬B upripe, immature (year) of the Hegira
kirda ‫ﺮدﻩ‬B act kod ‫ ﮐﯚد‬wooden milk bowl; concave
kirdawa ‫ﺮدﻩوﻩ‬B behavior, act, deed koł ‫ ﮐـــــﯚڵ‬back of the neck, middle of the
kirdin ‫ـﺮدن‬B ka- ‫( ﮐـﻪ‬v.t., passive kirân) to shoulders; burden, load; ~-dânawa
do (for -kirdin compounds, see first v.t. to lay down a burden, to give up;
element); ~à …awa to put in/on: ba ~’dâ dân v.t. to sling something
daykamà dawrîyèk i pânawa I’ll put it over one’s shoulder: kalupalakáy ko
on a flat plate; ~awa to open; ~ ba kirdawa u ba kolî’dâ dâ u wa re kawt
…dâ to pick up, take away; ~ da to he gathered his things, slung them
set on, put to: râwchî tânjî’yân te kird over his shoulder, and went on his
u kushtyân the hunters set their dogs way; la ~ kawtin v.i. to disappear; la
on it, and they killed it; hał-~ to pass ~ kirdin v.t. to throw over the shoul-
one’s life; to roll up (sleeves, pant der; ~kesh ‫ـــﺶ‬Œ‫ـــﮑـــ‬T‫ ﮐـــﯚ‬porter; ~wâna
legs); to light (fire); hał-~awa to at- ‫ﻮاﻧﻪ‬T‫ ﮐﯚ‬sack, back-pack
tack kołaka ‫ﻪﮐﻪ‬T‫ ﮐﯚ‬column
kire ‫ﺮێ‬B wage kołân ‫ن‬Ÿ‫ ﮐﯚ‬lane
kiřewa ‫ﻮﻩ‬lg‫ ﮐ‬blizzard kołîn ‫ــــﲔ‬T‫ ﮐــــﯚ‬koł- ‫ ﮐــــﯚڵ‬v.i. to boil; ~awa
kirekâr ‫ﲀر‬¤‫ﺮ‬B laborer, worker ‫ﻴﻨـــﻪوﻩ‬T‫ ﮐـﯚ‬v.t. to investigate, research; le-
kiřîn ‫ﻦ‬ag‫ = ﮐ‬křîn ~awa ‫ـﮑـﯚﻟـﻴـﻨـﻪوﻩ‬²‫ ﻟـ‬to assemble; le~awa
kirm ‫ـﺮم‬B worm; ~oł ‫ـﺮﻣـﯚڵ‬B wormy, worm- ‫ﻴﻨﻪوﻩ‬T‫ﮑﯚ‬²‫ ﻟ‬assembly, council
kołka ‫ﮑـﻪ‬T‫ ﮐـﯚـ‬imperfect, pseudo- (precedes kufr ‫ﻮﻓﺮ‬B ingratitude; curse
word it modifies): ~malâ pseudo- kul ‫ﻮل‬B eye, sight
mulla, ~shekh pseudo-sheykh, ~pyâw kuł1 ‫ـــــــــــــﻮڵ‬B boiling, raging grief, over-
half-baked guy whelming sorrow; hâtinà ~ to come
komał ‫ ﮐـــــــﯚﻣـــــــﻪڵ‬society, organization; to a boil; ~ u ko raging, boiling:
~âyatî ‫ﯾــﻪﰏ‬Ÿ‫ ﮐــﯚﻣــﻪ‬societal, social; ~ga kułuko dâmird it went up in flames;
‫ﮕﻪ‬T‫ﮐﯚﻣﻪ‬, ~gâ ‫ﮕﺎ‬T‫ ﮐﯚﻣﻪ‬society ~ân ‫ن‬Ÿ‫ـﻮ‬B kułe- ‰‫ـ‬T‫ـﻮ‬B v.i. to boil; ~ândin
komâr ‫ ﮐﯚﻣﺎر‬tribe, nation, republic ‫ﻧﺪن‬Ÿ‫ﻮ‬B kułen- ‫ﻦ‬ŒT‫ﻮ‬B v.t. to boil
kon1 ‫ ﮐـﯚن‬old; ~asâł ‫ ﮐـﯚﻧـﻪﺳـﺎڵ‬aged, old in kuł2 ‫ ﮐﯚڵ‬short
years kun ‫ـــــــــــــﻮن‬B hole, lair, nest; ~-kirdin to
kon2 ‫ ﮐﯚن‬tent make a hole, to pierce; ~â ‡‫ــــــــﻮ‬B hole;
kor ‫ ﮐ ـﯚر‬blind; ~awar ‫ ﮐ ـﯚرﻩوﻩر‬miserable; ~âmurî ‫ﻮ‡ﻣﻮری‬B anthill
~î ‫ ﮐﯚری‬misery kundabu ‫ﻮﻧﺪﻩﺑﻮ‬B owl
koř ‫ ﮐــــﯚڕ‬gathering place, meeting place; kunna ‫ﻮﻧﻨﻪ‬B water sack
society; group, delegation: ~èk i am- kupała ‫ﻪ‬T‫ﻮﭘﻪ‬B jar, jug
rîkâî châwpekawtinèkyân lagał aw kuř ‫ﻮڕ‬B boy, son
ḥâkimá bûwa an American delegation kurd ‫ــــــﻮرد‬B Kurd; ~awârî ‫ــــــﻮردﻩواری‬B the
has had an interview with that ruler; Kurds; ~âyatî ‫ــــﻮرداﯾــــﻪﰏ‬B Kurdishness;
~-bastin v.t. to meet, hold a meeting ~istân ‫ــــﺘــﺎن‬8 ‫ــﻮردﺳ‬B Kurdistan; ~î ‫ــﻮردی‬B
korpa ‫ ﮐﯚرﭘﻪ‬newborn Kurdish; ~sât ‫ـــــﻮردﺳـــــﺎت‬B Kurdsat, the
kosh ‫ ﮐﯚش‬lap; bar~ ‫ ﺑﻪرﮐﯚش‬apron Kurdish satellite broadcast network
koshish ‫ ﮐﯚﺷﺶ‬attempt, endeavor kurkakurke ‰‫ﻮرﮐ‬B‫ﻮرﮐﻪ‬B palpitating
koshîn ‫ ﮐـﯚﺷـﲔ‬kosh- ‫ ﮐـﯚش‬v.i. to strive; te- kurt ‫ـــﻮرت‬B short; ba ~î ‫ـــﻮرﰏ‬B ‫ ﺑـــﻪ‬in short;
~ to attempt, strive pâsh ~a wichânèk ‫ــﻚ‬²‫ﻮرــﻪ و¸ــﺎﻧــ‬ ‫ــ ﺗ‬B ‫ﭘــﺎش‬
koshk ‫ ﮐﯚﺷﮏ‬kiosk, pavilion; palace after a short pause
kosp ‫ ﮐـــــﯚﺳـــــﭗ‬hill, difficulty: ba be ~ u kurûshka-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ـــﻮرووﺷـــﮑـــﻪ‬B v.t. to
kand leaving no stone unturned curl up
kot u zinjîr ‫ ﮐــــــﯚت و زﳒــــــﲑ‬shackles and kushtin ‫ﻮﺷﱳ‬B kuzh- ‫ﻮژ‬B v.t. to kill
fetters kut ‫ـــﻮت‬B piece; ~-kirdin v.t. to chop into
kotara ‫ ﮐــﯚﺗــﻪرﻩ‬tree trunk; ~dâr ‫ﮐــﯚﺗــﻪرﻩدار‬ pieces; ~ u mit chûn la ‫ـﻮتوﻣـﺖ ﭼـﻮون‬B
tree trunk v v.i. to look exactly like; ~ u piř ‫ـــﻮت‬B
kotâî ‫ﰃ‬c‫ ﮐـــﯚ‬end; ~-henân ba v.t. to con- gº‫ و‬sudden(ly)
clude, put an end to kutak ‫ــــﻮﺗــــﻪک‬B strike, blow; ~ pyâ mâłîn
kotik ‫ﮏ‬Ž‫ ﮐﯚ‬a wooden bowl v.t. to strike: kutakèk’î pyâ mâłî he
kotir ‫ﺮ‬Ž‫ ﮐﯚ‬dove struck him
kowa-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ = ﮐﯚوﻩ‬ko-kirdin kutân ‫ن‬c‫ ـﻮ‬B kute- ì‫ ـﻮ‬B v.t. to beat, strike;
krân ‫ﺮان‬B kre- ‫ﺮێ‬B = kirân dâ-~ to drive into the ground: aw
krândin ‫ـﺮاﻧـﺪن‬B kren- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ـﺮ‬B v.t. to scratch; singá’m dâkutâ I drove that stake into
hał-~ to scratch the ground; hał-~à sar to attack; te-~
křîn ‫ﻦ‬ag‫ ﮐ‬kř- g‫ ﮐ‬v.t. to buy to hit, strike, poke
kroshtin ‫ـﺮۆﺷـﱳ‬B krozh- ‫ـﺮۆژ‬B v.t.; dâ-~ to kutik ‫ﮏ‬Ž‫ﻮ‬B = kutak
crunch with the teeth kuzh- ‫ﻮژ‬B see kishtin, kuzhân
ktâw ‫ ﮐﺘــﺎو‬book; ~î ‫ ﮐﺘــﺎوی‬student; ~khâna kuzhân ‫ــﻮژان‬B kuzhe- ‫ــﻮژێ‬B v.i. to go out,
‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬L‫ ﮐﺘﺎو‬library be extinguished; ~awa ‫ــــﻮژاﻧــــﻪوﻩ‬B to be
ktew ‫ﻮ‬²‫ = ﮐﺘ‬ktâw extinguished, be silenced
kuzhândin ‫ ـﻮژاﻧ ـﺪن‬B kuzhen- ‫ ـﻦ‬¤‫ ـﻮژ‬B v.t. to vicious, spiteful
extinguish; dâ-~ to extinguish, put lanja ‫ﳒـــــــﻪ‬v stately walk, grace; ~-u-lâr
out stately, graceful walk
kûcha ‫ﻮو¸ﻪ‬B lane laq ‫ق‬v loose; ~-kirdin v.t. to loosen,
kûp ‫ﻮوپ‬B vat; ~ala v‫ﻮوﭘﻪ‬B jar shake loose; shwen ~-kirdin ba to
kûř ‫ﻮوڕ‬B deep, steep dislodge, displace: b’ aw hîwâyáî
kûtâł ‫ڵ‬c‫ﻮو‬B goods, wares shwen’yân pe laq nakâ in hopes that
kûzh- ‫ﻮوژ‬B = kuzh- he wouldn’t displace them
kwâ ‫ﻮا‬B where is…? laqab ‫ﻗﻪب‬v title, nickname
kwe ‫ﻮێ‬B where?: la ~ya? where is it? laqam ‫ﻗﻪم‬v = laqab
kwen (1) ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ﻮ‬B = ken, (2) = kwe laqândin ‫ﻗـﺎﻧـﺪن‬v laqen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ﻗ‬v v.t. to shake;
kwer ‫ـــﺮ‬¤‫ـــﻮ‬B blind; ~awar ‫ـــﺮﻩوﻩر‬¤‫ـــﻮ‬B mis- sar-~ to shake the head
erable; ~awarî ‫ـــــــﺮﻩوﻩری‬¤‫ـــــــﻮ‬B misery; laqlaq ‫ق‬ƒ‫ﻗ‬v stork
~asawâd ‫ـﺮﻩﺳـﻪواد‬¤‫ـﻮ‬B semi-literacy; ~âî lař ‫ڕ‬v puny
‫ﺮاﰃ‬¤‫ﻮ‬B blindness larîn ‫ــﻦ‬a‫ر‬v lar- ‫ر‬v v.i. to shake; ~-awa to
kwestân ‫ﺘﺎن‬8‫ﺴ‬â‫ﻮ‬B mountainous region tremble, quiver
larz|în v.i. ‫ـــــﻦ‬a‫رز‬v to shake, tremble; ~ok
la v (with encl. pronouns, le) in, at, ‫رزۆک‬v trembling: ba dangèk i ~ pey
from; la …-awa from; la …-dâ in, at wit he said to him in a trembling
labar ‫ﺑـــﻪر‬v for the sake of, because of; ~ voice; zawî la zher pey’dâ dalarzî the
awaî because, since, inasmuch as; ~ ground shook under his foot
dast i …dâ in front of, in the pres- lash ‫ش‬v body
ence of, with lashkir ‫ﺷـــــﮑـــــﺮ‬v army; ~-keshân v.t. to
labât i ‫¶ﰏ‬v instead of mobilize an army
lagał ‫ﮔـــــــﻪڵ‬v with; ~ awaî ka (conj.) de- lat ‫ت‬v piece, bit; ~-kirdin v.t. to cut
spite the fact that, in addition to the into pieces; ~-u-pat bûn to be
fact that shattered into bits; ~-u-pat kirdin to
lagham ‫™ﻪم‬v tunnel tear to pieces
laḥîmkrâw ‫ﺣ;ـﻤﮑﺮاو‬v soldered lawařgâ ‫وﻩڕﮔﺎ‬v pasture
laka ‫ﮐـــﻪ‬v spot, stain, blemish; ~dâr ‫ﮐـــﻪ‬v lawař|ândin ‫وﻩڕاﻧــــــــــــﺪن‬v v.t. to pasture,
‫ دار‬stained, spotted; ~-kirdin v.t. to graze; ~în ‫ﻦ‬a‫وﻩڕ‬v to pasture
stain lâ ‫ ﻻ‬side; ~ i ‫ ﻻی‬for, in the opinion of,
lakhorâzî ‫ﺧﯚرازێ‬v self-satisfied next to, near: lâ i ewâra bû it was
lamař ‫ﻣﻪڕ‬v = labar near evening; to: am râzá’y lâ dir-
lamaw ‫ﻣـــﻪو‬v: ~bar ‫ﻣـــﻪوﺑـــﻪر‬v previously; kând he disclosed this secret to him; ~
~pâsh ‫ﻣﻪوﭘﺎش‬v henceforth, hereafter i kam ‫ ﻻی ﮐــــــﻪم‬at least; ~-chûn v.i. to
lamezhîna ‫ﮋﯾﻨﻪ‬Œ‫ﻣ‬v see mezh get away, go aside: lâ cho! get out of
lampar ‫ﻪر‬Ü‫ﻣ‬v obstacle here!; ~-dân v.t. to shove, push aside;
Landan ‫ﻧﺪﻩن‬v London to remove; to take up residence: la
langar ‫ـــﮕـــﻪر‬sv anchor; balance; ~-girtin pař i shârawa lâ’yân dâ khânèk they
v.t. to balance oneself: chona l’ am took up residence in a house on the
sar dîwâr a bârîká langarî girtûa? edge of the city; to be a guest; to de-
how has he kept his balance atop this viate; ~-dirân v.p. to be removed; ba
narrow wall? ~ i …awa ‫هوﻩ‬... ‫ ﺑــﻪ ﻻی‬between; ~t wâ
lanj ‫ﱋ‬v viciousness, spite; ~bâz ‫ﺑـــﻪﳒـــﺒـــﺎز‬ nabe /‫ ﻻت وا ﻧﻪ‬don’t think that…
lâf ‫ ﻻف‬boast; ~-dân v.t. to boast together; ~-dânawa v.t. to interpret:
lâfâw ‫ ﻻﻓﺎو‬flood ba shûm bo khoyân lek dâyawa they
lâga ‫ ﻻﮔﻪ‬village; ~î villager interpreted it as an ill omen; ~-hâtin
lâłân-awa ‫ﻧـــــﻪوﻩ‬Ÿ‫ ﻻ‬lâłe- ‰‫ ﻻﻟـــــ‬v.i. to beg, v.i. to go well together: makhmar u
beseech konadawâr lek nadahât velvet and
lâmarkazî ‫ ﻻﻣﻪرﮐﻪزی‬decentralization old tent material would not go well
lân ‫ ﻻن‬extent; ~ i kam ‫ ﻻﱏ ﮐﻪم‬at least together; ~-nân to close, put together
lânawâz ‫ ﻻﻧﻪواز‬poor, helpless, lost the two parts of something: châwa-
lânik ‫ﮏ‬s‫ ﻻ‬cradle kânim lek-nâ I closed my eyes, kteba-
lâpařa ‫ ﻻﭘﻪڕﻩ‬page ká’m lek nâ I shut the book; ~birrâw
lâq ‫ ﻻق‬leg ‫او‬É‫ﮑ‬²‫ ﻟ‬separated
lâr ‫ ﻻر‬crooked; ~ u pâl kawtin ‫ﻻر و ﭘـــــﺎل‬ lekolar ‫ر‬v‫ﮑﯚ‬²‫ ﻟ‬assembler, collector
‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ ﻛﻪو‬to fall in a heap lekolînawa ‫ـﮑـﯚﻟـﻴـﻨـﻪوﻩ‬²‫ ﻟـ‬assembly, collec-
lâsâr ‫ ﻻﺳـﺎر‬disobedient; ~î ‫ ﻻﺳـﺎرى‬disobe- tion; investigation
dience leł-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B Dz‫ ﻟ‬v.t. to sully, muddy
lâsha ‫ ﻻﺷﻪ‬corpse lepirsînawa ‫ـﻪوﻩ‬ž‫ـﺮﺳـ›ـ‬Î‫ـ‬²‫ ﻟـ‬interrogation, in-
lât ‫ ﻻت‬poor, wretched; punk; ~-u-lût vestigation; khistinà bar ~ v.t. to
‫ ﻻتوﻟﻮوت‬ruffian, hooligan interrogate
lâtîr ‫ ﻻﺗ ـﲑ‬out of the corner of one’s eyes: leqawmâw ‫ـــﻘـــﻪوﻣـــﺎو‬²‫ ﻟـــ‬grief-stricken (see
~ twâshây kirdim he looked at me out qawmân)
of the corner of his eyes leř gŒ‫ ﻟ‬forest
lâw ‫ ﻻو‬youth, young man leshâw ‫ﺸﺎو‬Œ‫ ﻟ‬downpour
lâwakî ‫ ﻻوﻩﰽ‬foreign lew ‫ﻮ‬²‫ ﻟ‬lip
lâwâz ‫ ﻻواز‬skinny lik ‫ـــﮏ‬¢ branch, limb; ~adâr ‫ـــﮑـــﻪدار‬¢ tree
lâwech ‫ﭻ‬l‫ ﻻو‬handful branch
lâyangir ‫ﮕﺮ‬s‫ ﻻﯾﻪ‬partisan liq ‫ = ﻟﻖ‬lik
lâyaq ‫ ﻻﯾﻪق‬appropriate lirf(a) ‫ ﻟﺮف‬،‫ ﻟﺮﻓﻪ‬roar (of a flood, oven)
lâzim ‫ ﻻزم‬necessary lînj ‫ ﻟﻴﻨﺞ‬cloying
le ‰‫ ﻟ‬see la lîra ‫ ﻟﲑﻩ‬lira, pound
le: ~-dân ‫ــــــﺪان‬²‫ ﻟــــــ‬v.t. to hit, strike, play lîta ‫ ﻟﻴﺘﻪ‬mud, mire
(musical instrument); to up and…: lîwân ‫ ﻟﻴﻮان‬drinking glass
mâlâwâîy kird u leydâ u roysht he lîzga ‫ ﻟﲒﮔﻪ‬beads strung on a string
said goodbye and upped and left; ~- lîzhna ‫ﻧﻪ‬Ã‫ ﻟ‬committee
kirdin to separate, take away; ~- loghat ‫ ﻟﯚ™ﻪت‬rumor
kirdinawa to separate; pick (fruit); ~- loghân ‫ ﻟﯚ™ﺎن‬celebration, rejoicing
nân bo v.t. to fix (food) for: shorbâm loka ‫ ﻟﯚﮐﻪ‬cotton
bo le-nâwa I’ve fixed soup for him lolo ‫ ﻟـــــﯚﻟـــــﯚ‬beginning of certain Kurdish
łe- ‰T pres. stem of witin songs
lefa ‫ﻔﻪ‬²‫ ﻟ‬quilt lotî ‫ ﻟــــﯚﰏ‬a professional singer and enter-
lehâtû ‫ﻬﺎﺗﻮو‬²‫ ﻟ‬worthy, considerable tainer
lek ‫ــﮏ‬²‫ ﻟــ‬apart, from one another; ~-bir- lulu ‫ ﻟﻮﻟﻮ‬pearl
rân v.p. to be separated; ~-bûn v.i. to lûra ‫ ﻟـﻮورﻩ‬growl; ~lûr ‫ ﻟـﻮورﻩﻟـﻮور‬continual
resemble each other; to be separated; growling
~-bûn-awa v.i. to break into pieces; lûsh-kirdin ‫ــــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﻟــــﻮوش‬v.t. to swallow,
to end (hostilities); ~-dân v.t. to mix gulp down
lût ‫ ﻟـــــﻮوت‬nose; ~ ba bar kho hâtinawa without cause
to regret; ~ ba kho dâ hâtinawa to małâs ‫س‬Ÿ‫ = ﻣﻪ‬miłâz
be humiliated; ~-chûzânawa v.i. to małband ‫ﺒﻪد‬T‫ ﻣﻪ‬area, region
be disappointed; ~-girtin v.t. to hold malotik ‫ـﮏ‬Ž‫ ﻣـﻪﻟـﯚ‬, malotka ‫ﮑـﻪ‬Ž‫ ﻣـﻪﻟـﯚ ـ‬babe in
the nose; ~-hał-kirdin v.t. to get swaddling clothes
angry; ~-shikân v.i. to be disap- mamik ‫ ﻣﻪﻣﮏ‬breast
pointed, ashamed; ~-shikândin v.t. to mamlakat ‫ﮐﻪت‬ƒ‫ ﻣﻪﻣ‬country, realm
disappoint, to chastize; ~barz haugh- manjał ‫ ﻣﻪﳒﻪڵ‬pot
ty, nose in the air; dast ba ~awa manzil ‫ﺰل‬s‫ ﻣﻪ‬stopping place, destination
girtin to hold one’s nose maqâm ‫ ﻣﻪﻗﺎم‬station
mař ‫ ﻣﻪڕ‬sheep
má- ‫ ﻣـــــــــــﻪ‬neg. imperative prefix: máro marad ‫ ﻣﻪرﻩد‬state, condition
don’t go marâq ‫ ﻣــــﻪراق‬wishing, wondering; la ~ i
mába ‫( ﻣـﻪﺑـﻪ‬neg. impt. sing. of bûn) don’t …dâ bûn v.i. to wonder about
be march ‫ ﻣــــﻪرچ‬mashed, squashed; ~în ‫ﻣــــﻪ‬
mabas ‫ ﻣﻪﺑﻪس‬aim, goal ‫ ر¸ـــــــــــــﲔ‬v.i. to be mashed, squashed;
mabast ‫ = ﻣﻪﺑﻪﺳﺖ‬mabas ~ândin ‫ ﻣﻪر¸ﺎﻧﺪن‬v.t. to mash, squash
mabda’ ‫ﻣﻪﺑﺪﻩء‬principle marez ‫ ـﺰ‬¤‫ ﻣ ـﻪر‬sick, ill; ~khâna ‫ ـﺎﻧ ـﻪ‬L‫ ـﺰ‬¤‫ﻣ ـﻪر‬
machak ‫ ﻣﻪ¸ﻪک‬arm infirmary
magar (1) ‫ ﻣـــﻪﮔـــﻪر‬introduces an affirma- marg ‫ ﻣﻪرگ‬death
tive question to which a negative an- marḥûm ‫ ﻣﻪرﺣﻮوم‬the late
swer is expected: magar dazânî? you marj ‫ ﻣـﻪرج‬promise, condition; b’ aw ~áî
don’t know, do you?; (2) introduces a ‫( ﺑـﻪو ﻣـﻪر•ـﻪی‬+ subj.) on condition that,
negative question to which an affir- provided that
mative answer is expected: magar markaz ‫ ﻣﻪرﮐﻪز‬center
namgut? didn’t I say so?, (3) unless: mařtaba ‫ ﻣﻪڕﺗﻪﺑﻪ‬time, instance; degree
magar bimirim, danâ daykam unless I masala v‫ ﻣﻪﺳﻪ‬affair, question, object
die—otherwise I’ll do it masâf ‫ ﻣﻪﺳﺎف‬battle
magaz ‫ ﻣﻪﮔﻪز‬fly mashq ‫ ﻣ ـﻪﺷ ـﻖ‬exercise, drill; sar~ ‫ﺳ ـﻪرﻣ ـﻪ‬
magîn ‫ = ﻣﻪﮔﲔ‬magar ‫ ﺷﻖ‬lesson
Maḥmûd ‫ ﻣـﻪﲪـﻮود‬Mahmud, masc. proper mashrût|a ‫ ﻣــــــﻪﴍووﺗــــــﻪ‬constitution; ~a-
name khwâz ‫ ﻣـــﴩووﺗـــﻪﺧـــﻮاز‬constitutionalist;
mak ‫ﻣـﻪک‬: shit-u-~ ‫ ﺷـﺖوﻣـﻪک‬tools, stuff, ~iyat ‫ ﻣـــﻪﴍووﺗـــﻴـــﻪت‬the Constitutional
paraphernalia Movement in Iran
makân ‫ ﻣﻪﰷن‬place mast ‫ ﻣــﻪﺳــﺖ‬drunk; ~î drunkenness, ine-
makhmar ‫ ﻣﻪﲬﻪر‬velvet briation
mako ‫ ﻣـــﻪﮐـــﯚ‬a crowded place, gathering, matał ‫ ﻣ ـﻪﺗ ـﻪڵ‬riddle; ~-zândrân v.p. for a
cluster riddle to be figured out
mal ‫ ﻣﻪل‬bird matâ-dân ‫ دان‬c‫ ﻣـــــــــــــــﻪ‬to crouch on the
mala v‫ ﻣــــــــــﻪ‬swimming; ~-kirdin v.t. to ground in expectation, ambush
swim; ~wân ‫وان‬v‫ ﻣﻪ‬swimmer mawdâ (1) ‫ ﻣـﻪودا‬edge, tip (of sword); (2)
malâ ‫ﻣــــــﻪﻻ‬, małâ Ÿ‫ ﻣــــــﻪ‬mulla, religious period (of time); (3) distance: gundèk
authority i dîka habû ka mawdây la mâl i najâr
malâbângdân ‫ﮕﺪان‬s¶‫ ﻣﻪﻻ‬dawn zor bû there was another village, the
małâmat ‫ﻣــــــﻪت‬Ÿ‫ ﻣــــــﻪ‬reason, cause; be~ distance of which from the carpen-
ter’s house was great; (4) opportunity, negotiate with, bargain with
chance: mawdâm niya biyânbînim I mâmir ‫ ﻣﺎﻣﺮ‬chicken
won’t have a chance to see them; la ~ mâmo ‫ ﻣﺎﻣﯚ‬uncle (paternal)
i through, by means of mâmostâ ‫ﺘﺎ‬8‫ ﻣﺎﻣﯚﺳ‬teacher
mawzûn ‫ ﻣ ـﻪوزوون‬metrical, having poetic mân ‫ ﻣــﺎن‬men- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻣــ‬v.i. to remain; (neg.,
meter namân) to cease to exist, to be no
maydân ‫ ﻣﻪﯾﺪان‬field, arena more; ~-awa v.i. to stay behind, be
maynatî ‫ ﻣﻪﯾﻨﻪﰏ‬grief left behind; dâ-~ to be flabbergasted,
maysar ‫ ﻣـﻪ ـ§ﺴـﻪر‬possible; ~-kirdin v.t. to perplexed; râ-~ to pause, to stop and
make possible, carry out think
maytar ‫ ﻣﻪﯾﺘﻪر‬groom mânâ ‡‫ ﻣـــــــﺎ‬meaning, significance; ~dâr
mazât ‫ ﻣﻪزات‬auction, sale ‫ ﻣﺎ‡دار‬significant
mazin ‫ ﻣﻪزن‬great, huge mândû ‫ ﻣـــــــﺎﻧـــــــﺪوو‬tired; ~-bûn v.i. to be
mazina ‫ = ﻣﻪزﻧﻪ‬mazinda tired; ~-kirdin v.t. to tire out: zorî
mazinda ‫ ﻣـﻪﻧزـﺪﻩ‬guess, estimate; ~-kirdin mândû kirdim it made me very tired;
ba v.t. to estimate at ~î ‫ ﻣــــــــﺎﻧــــــــﺪووﱙ‬tiredness, exhaustion;
mazrâ ‫ ﻣﻪزرا‬farm ~nabûn kirdin la v.t. to greet
mazrân ‫ ﻣـﻪزران‬mazre- ‫ ﻣـﻪزرێ‬v.i. to stay, someone who is working
dwell, be established; dâ-~ to be set mândwetî ‫ﱴ‬l‫ ﻣﺎﻧﺪو‬tiredness, exhaustion
up (tent), be established, be appointed mâng ‫ ـﮓ‬s‫ ﻣ ـﺎ‬moon, month; ~âna ‫ ـﮕ ـﺎﻧ ـﻪ‬s‫ﻣ ـﺎ‬
mazrândin ‫ ﻣـﻪزراﻧـﺪن‬mazren- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ ﻣـﻪزر‬v.t.: monthly salary; ~î ‫ــــﮕــــﯽ‬s‫ ﻣــــﺎ‬monthly,
dâ-~ ba to set up (tent), appoint as, lunar
establish mângâ ‫ﮕﺎ‬s‫ ﻣﺎ‬cow
mâch ‫ ﻣﺎچ‬kiss; ~-kirdin v.t. to kiss mângir ‫ﮕﺮ‬s‫ ﻣﺎ‬obstinate
mâdâm ‫ ﻣﺎدام‬as long as mâr ‫ ﻣﺎر‬snake
mâfûr ‫ ﻣﺎﻓﻮور‬carpet mâra ‫ ﻣـــــــﺎرﻩ‬marriage; ~-kirdin la v.t. to
mâł ‫ ﻣــــﺎڵ‬house, home; ~akî ‫ــــﻪﰽ‬T‫ ﻣــــﺎ‬like give in marriage to: kichaká i khoy le
family, a member of the household; mâra kird he gave him his daughter in
~ât ‫ت‬Ÿ‫ ﻣ ـﺎ‬possessions; ~lakoł ‫ ـﻪﮐ ـﯚڵ‬T‫ﻣ ـﺎ‬ marriage; ~î ‫ ﻣﺎرﻩﰃ‬wedding gift
nomadic, vagrant, wanderer; ~werânî mârakuł ‫ﻮڵ‬B‫ ﻣﺎرﻩ‬scorpion
‫ـــــﺮاﱏ‬¤‫ـــــﻮ‬T‫ ﻣـــــﺎ‬destruction, devastation; mâshen ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻣﺎﺷ‬autombile, car
chûnà ~è v.i. to go home mâsî ‫ ﻣـــﺎﳻ‬fish; ~-girtin v.t. to fish; ~gir
mâłâwâ ‫وا‬Ÿ‫ ﻣــــﺎ‬goodbye; ~î-kirdin la v.t. ‫ﻴﮕﺮ‬8‫ ﻣﺎﺳ‬fisherman
to say goodbye to mâst ‫ ﻣﺎﺳﺖ‬yoghurt
mâłîn ‫ ـﲔ‬T‫ ﻣ ـﺎ‬v.t. to strike, hit; to rub: ronî mâsûlka ‫ﮑﻪ‬¢‫ ﻣﺎﺳﻮو‬sinew
pyâ bimâla rub some oil on it; to mât ‫ ﻣـــــــــــﺎت‬silent; stunned into silence;
sweep; dâ-~ to take off, throw off: jil grief-stricken; shorter than others: aw
i pâshâî’y la bar khoy dâmâlî she bardânaî da regat girtûa yekyân ~a
threw off her regal garb; râ-~ to one of those stones you have lined up
sweep away, drive off, repel; ~awa to is shorter than the others; ~î stunned
take everything away, to clear; to pol- silence; perplexity; sorrow; ~-kirdin
ish to checkmate; to stun into silence
mâm ‫ ﻣﺎم‬paternal uncle mâtam ‫ ﻣـﺎﺗـﻪم‬bereavement; ~zada ‫ﻣـﺎﺗـﻪﻣـﺰﻩدﻩ‬
mâmała ‫ــﻪ‬T‫ ﻣــﺎﻣــﻪ‬transaction, interaction; bereaved, grieving, mourning
~-kirdin lagał v.t. to interact with; to mâwa ‫ ﻣــــﺎوﻩ‬period (of time): dwâ i ~yek,
pâsh ~yèk after a while; mâwayèk râ- ground
bwârd a period of time passed millat ‫ت‬ƒ‫ ﻣﻠ‬nation
mâyin ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ﻣﺎ‬mare mimbârak ‫ ﳑــــــﺒــــــﺎرﻩک‬happy, felicitous,
me ‰‫ ﻣ‬female blessed
megal ‫ ﻣـ´ـﮕـﻪل‬flock, herd; ~ a mař v‫ﻣـ´ـﮕـﻪ‬ min ‫ ﻣﻦ‬I, me
‫ ﻣﻪڕ‬flock of sheep minatbâr i ‫ﻪﺗﺒﺎری‬ž‫ ﻣ‬grateful for
memil ‫ ﻣ´ﻤﻞ‬calamity, catastrophe minâł ‫ـﺎڵ‬ž‫ ـﻣ‬child; ~âna ‫ ـﻧ ﻪ‬Ÿ‫ـﺎ‬ž‫ ـﻣ‬childish; ~î
merd ‫ﺮد‬Œ‫ ﻣ‬man, husband ‫ـﯽ‬T‫ــﺎ‬ž‫ ﻣ‬childhood; ~ochka ‫ـﯚ ـﭼﮑـﻪ‬T‫ــﺎ‬ž‫ ﻣ‬small
merg ‫ﺮگ‬Œ‫ ﻣ‬meadow child, baby
mesh ‫ ـﺶ‬Œ‫ ﻣ ـ‬fly, honeybee; ~ûla v‫ ـﺸ ـﻮو‬Œ‫ﻣ ـ‬ minâra ‫ﺎرﻩ‬ž‫ ﻣ‬tower, minaret
mosquito mindâł ‫ﺪاڵ‬ž‫ = ﻣ‬minâl
meshik ‫ﺸﮏ‬Œ‫ ﻣ‬brain, mind; skull minga ‫ﮕـﻪ‬ž‫ﻣ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬snort: mingayèkî lewa dahât
meshûla v‫ﺸﻮو‬Œ‫ ﻣ‬mosquito u wa dar dakawt he snorted and left
mewa ‫ ﻣــ´ــﻮﻩ‬fruit; ~ron ‫ ﻣــ´ــﻮﻩرۆن‬marma- miqomqo ‫ ﻣـــﻘـــﯚﻣـــﻘـــﯚ‬yelling, screaming,
lade: wak mewaron labar dast i uproar
dawlata khâwan zordârân-dâ bûn mir ‫ ﻣـــــــﺮ‬hen; ~âwî ‫ ﻣـــــــﺮاوی‬duck; ~îshk
they were like putty in the hands of ‫ ﻣﺮ§ﺸﮏ‬chicken
powerful nations miř g‫ ﻣــ‬satiated, sated: awanda’y khwâr-
mewân ‫ ﻣــ´ــﻮان‬guest; ~dâr ‫ ﻣــ´ــﻮاﻧــﺪار‬host; dûa miř bûa he ate his fill
~dârî-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ ﻣ´ﻮاﻧﺪاری‬v.t. to host miř-u-misht ‫ و ﻣﺸﺖ‬g‫ ﻣ‬fight, quarrel
mewizh ‫ ﻣ´ﻮژ‬raisins moch ‫ ﻣﯚچ‬frowning
mez ‫ﺰ‬Œ‫ ﻣ‬table, desk mirândin ‫ ﻣـﺮاﻧـﺪن‬miren- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ ﻣـﺮ‬v.t. to cause
mezar ‫ﺰﻩر‬Œ‫ ﻣ‬turban to die; kho- ~ to play dead
mezh ‫ـــــﮋ‬Œ‫ ﻣـــــ‬long time; la ~-a for a long mirârî ‫ ﻣﺮاری‬pearl
time, (+ neg. pres. perf.) it’s been a mirchqândin ‫ ﻣـﺮﭼﻘــﺎﻧـﺪن‬mirchqen- ‫ـــﻦ‬ Œ‫ﻣـﺮﭼﻘ‬
long time since: la ~a namdîtûyta it’s v.t. to crumple
been a long time since I saw you, I mirdâr ‫ ﻣﺮدار‬carrion
haven’t seen you for a long time; mirdin ‫ ﻣﺮدن‬mir- ‫ ﻣﺮ‬v.i. to die
la~îna ‫ﮋﯾﻨﻪ‬Œ‫ﻣ‬v ancient, very old mirdov ‫ ﻣﺮدۆڤ‬man
mezhû ‫ــﮋوو‬Œ‫ ﻣ‬history; ~nûs ‫ــﮋووﻧـﻮوس‬Œ‫ ﻣ‬his- mirdû ‫ ﻣﺮدوو‬dead; ba ~î dead
torian mirîshk ‫ ﻣﺮ§ﺸﮏ‬chicken
midbaq ‫ ﻣﺪﺑﻪق‬kitchen mirkân ‫ ﻣــﺮﰷن‬v.i. to subside; dâ-~ to set-
Miḥamad ‫ﳏـﻪﻣـﻪد‬, Miḥmid ‫ﶊـﺪ‬, Miḥimid tle down: bo chi nâmirkî why don’t
‫ ﶊﺪ‬Mohammed, masc. proper name you settle down?; to die down (flame,
mijrî ‫ ﳎﺮی‬box, chest fire): âgir dâmirkâwa the fire has died
mil ‫ ﻣـــــــﻞ‬neck; ~-nân la v.t. to head for; down; dâ-mirkândin mirken- v.t. to
~huř ‫ ﻣــــﻠــــﻬــــﻮڕ‬tough, bully; charlatan; quieten down
~kach ‫ﻣﻠﮑـﻪچ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬obedient, subservient; la mirkh ‫ ﻣﺮخ‬passion, lust
~ dân v.t. to behead mirov ‫ ﻣـﺮۆڤ‬man, person, one: ~èk i feu-
mił Ç‫ ﻣـــــ‬sniff; ~-kirdin v.t. to sniff; ~-u- dâl u pûldâr bûwa he was a feudal
mo kirdin ‫ــــﺮدن‬B ‫ و ﻣــــﯚ‬Ç‫ ﻣــــ‬v.t. to sniff and wealthy man
around looking for food mirwârî ‫ = ﻣﺮواری‬mirârî
miłâz ‫ز‬Ë‫ ﻣــــــــــــــــ‬: kho ~-dânawa v.t. to misha ‫ ﻣﺸﻪ‬frequent
crouch on the ground in ambush: khoy mishik ‫ ﻣﺸﮏ‬mouse
le miłâz dâwa he crouched on the misogar ‫ ﻣـﺴـﯚﮔـﻪر‬insured; ~ kirdin to in-
sure muflîs ‫ ﻣﻮﻓﻠ›ﺲ‬bankrupt, impoverished
mist ‫ ـﻣﺴـﺖ‬fist; palm (of the hand), hand- mu‘jîza ‫ ﻣــــﻮﲺــــﲒﻩ‬miracle; ~yek i pâsha-
ful; ~-washândin v.t. to box, hit, rozh a latter-day miracle
strike with the fist mukriyânî ‫ﱏ‬p‫ﺮ‬B‫ ﻣﻮ‬of the Mukri region
mitâłâ Ÿ‫ﺎ‬µ‫ ﻣ‬study, contemplation musulmân ‫ ﻣـﻮﺳـﻮﳌﺎن‬Muslim; ~î Muslim-
mitmâna ‫ﻧـﻪ‬0‫ ﻣـ‬safe, secure (ba) in, trust- ism, Islam
ing (ba) in mutaham ‫ ﻣﻮﺗﻪﻫﻪم‬accused
miza ‫ ﻣﺰﻩ‬wage; expense muwaqat ‫ ﻣـــــــﻮﻩﻗـــــــﻪت‬temporary, provi-
mizgawt ‫ ﻣﺰﮔﻪوت‬mosque sional: hikûmatèk i muwaqat i Kurdis-
mizgen ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻣﺰﮔ‬good news tân a provisional government of
mizgit ‫ = ﻣﺰﮔﺖ‬mizgawt Kurdistan
mizh ‫ ﻣـــــــﮋ‬inhaling; ~-dân v.t. to inhale: mû ‫ ﻣﻮو‬hair; ~khor ‫ ﻣﻮوﺧﯚر‬depilatory
~èk i qûlî la jigarakáy dâ he took a mûch ‫ ﻣــﻮوچ‬wrist, ankle; ~awâna ‫ﻣــﻮو¸ــﻪ‬
deep drag on his cigarette ‫ واﻧﻪ‬bracelet
mizhda ‫ ﻣﮋدﻩ‬good news mûcha ‫ ﻣ ـﻮو¸ ـﻪ‬portion; wage; one-family
mizhî ‫ ﻣﮋی‬brain farm; ~khor ‫ ﻣـﻮو¸ـﻪﺧـﯚر‬salaried, wage-
mizhîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ﻣﮋ‬mizh- ‫ ﻣﮋ‬v.t. to suck earner: kâkim ~ i dawlata my brother
mizmaḥîl ‫ ﻣﺰﻣﻪﺣ;ﻞ‬deprived, destitute is salaried by the government
mîch ‫ ﻣ;ﭻ‬roof mûchândin ‫ ﻣـﻮو¸ـﺎﻧـﺪن‬mûchen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ¸‫ ﻣـﻮو‬v.t.
mîdyâ p‫ ﻣ;ﺪ‬media to bend; dâ-~ to turn up (cuff, hem)
mîl ‫ ﻣ;ﻞ‬stripe (in cloth) mûnândin ‫ ﻣـﻮو‡ ـﻧ ﺪن‬mûnen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻣـﻮوـﻧ‬v.t. to
mîll|at ‫ت‬ƒ‫ ﻣﻠ‬nation; ~î ‫ﰏ‬ƒ‫ ﻣﻠ‬national spin (thread)
mînga ‫ﻣ;ﻨﮕـﻪ‬‫ ـــ‬nasality, talking through the
nose na ‫ ﻧﻪ‬no
mîrât ‫ ﻣﲑات‬legacy, heritage ná- ‫ ﻧﻪ‬negative subjunctive prefix
mîrî ‫ ﻣﲑی‬governmental nabaga ‫ ﻧﻪﺑﻪﮔﻪ‬weak, feeble
mîrûla v‫ ﻣﲑوو‬ant nabân ‫ ﻧـــــــﻪ¶ن‬animal that spurns its own
mîtr ‫ ﻣ;ﱰ‬meter young; not on speaking terms: kâkim
mîwân ‫ ﻣ;ﻮان‬guest lemân ~a, nâmândwene my brother’s
mokh ‫ ﻣـــﯚخ‬brain, marrow; ~-keshân v.t. not on speaking terms with us, he
to bother, annoy doesn’t speak to us; ~-kirdin v.t. to
molaq ‫ق‬v‫ ﻣـــــــــﯚ‬staring: châwî ba molaq spurn, to disown; to turn away from
wastâ he stood staring into space nabz ‫ ﻧﻪ–ﺰ‬pulse
mołat ‫ﻪت‬T‫ ﻣﯚ‬respite naft ‫ ﻧﻪﻓﺖ‬oil, petroleum
mom ‫ ﻣﯚم‬candle nagbat ‫ ﻧﻪﮔﺒﻪت‬calamity; unlucky
moř ‫ ﻣــــــــﯚڕ‬frowning; hard stare; ~-bûn- nagrîs ‫ ﻧ ـﻪﮔ ـﺮ§ ـﺲ‬stubborn, badly behaved;
awa la to stare at mean, evil
mor ‫ ﻣــــــﻮر‬violet; virgin; seal; ant; ash; ~ naguta ‫ ﻧ ـﻪﮔ ـﻮﺗ ـﻪ‬unspoken: ~ la jwâbakám
kirdin to seal te gaysht he understood my unspoken
mora ‫ ﻣـــــــــﯚرﻩ‬crack in a mud wall; game answer
piece najîbzâda ‫ ﻧﻪﺟ;ﱫادﻩ‬aristocratic
mu ‫ ﻣﻮ‬sorrow, worry najâr ‫ ﻧﻪ•ﺎر‬carpenter; ~î carpentry
muchiřka ‫ﮐﻪ‬g‫ ﻣﻮﭼ‬shiver, shudder nak ‫ ﻧـــــﻪک‬and not: ~ pechawânakáy and
mufařik ‫ ﻣــــﻮﻓــــﻪڕک‬auspiciousness, good not vice-versa; dû jâr’it le birdawa,
omen nak se you’ve beat him twice, not
three times; ba râstî awaî tyâ chûa courage; to trip, stumble
minim, nak aw really the one who naw‘ ‫ ﻧﻪوع‬type, sort
was lost was I, not he nawa ‫ ﻧﻪوﻩ‬grandchild
nakhosh ‫ ﻧـــــــﻪﺧـــــــﯚش‬ill, patient; kho ~- nawanda ‫ ﻧﻪوﻩﻧﺪﻩ‬fall planting
khistin v.t. to pretend to be ill; ~î nawân ‫ ﻧﻪوان‬naw- ‫ ﻧﻪو‬v.i. to bend over
‫ ﻧــﻪﺧــﯚﳽ‬illness; ~khâna ‫ــﺎﻧــﻪ‬Ø‫ﻧــﻪﺧــﯚﺷــ‬ nawândin ‫ ﻧـــﻪواﻧـــﺪن‬nawen- ‫ـــﻦ‬¤‫ ﻧـــﻪو‬v.t. to
hospital lower; dâ-~ to lower, bring down
nakhsh ‫ ﻧــﻪﺧــﺶ‬role: ~ i daraja dû yâ sey nawîn ‫ـــــــﻦ‬a‫ ﻧـــــــﻪو‬v.i. to cave in: bânakáy
haya it has a secondary or tertiary nawîbû his roof had caved in
role; piř ~ u nîgâr ‫ ﻧـــﻪﺧـــﺶو ﻧـــﻴـــﮕـــﺎر‬g‫ـــ‬º nawroz ‫ ﻧﻪورۆز‬the vernal equinox
beautiful nawsha ‫ ﻧﻪوﺷﻪ‬poetry; ~kâr ‫ ﻧﻪوﺷﻪﰷر‬poet
nakhsha ‫ﺧﺸـﻪ‬ ‫ ﻧـﻪ ـ‬map, plan; ~-dâ-nân v.t. Nawshîrwân ‫ ﻧــــــﻪوﺷــــــﲑوان‬Anosharwan,
to lay a plan; ~-keshân v.t. to lay a Sassanian shah of Iran
plot; ~-keshânawa v.t. to draw maps, nazhâd ‫ ﻧﻪژاد‬race, lineage
make plans nazîla ƒ‫ ﻧﻪزﯾ‬short story
nakhshândin ‫ ﻧـــﻪﺧـــﺸـــﺎﻧـــﺪن‬nakhshen- ‫ﻧـــﻪ‬ nazm ‫ ﻧﻪزم‬poetry
‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺧﺸ‬v.t. to draw nâ ‡ no, oh no
nakht ‫ ﻧـﻪﺧـﺖ‬bit; ~è(k) ‫ـــﮏ‬ ²µ‫ ﻧـﻪﺧ‬a bit, a lit- nââsâî ‫ ‡ﺋﺎﺳﺎﰃ‬unusual, unaccustomed
tle, a while; ~-u-pukht ‫ﻧ ـﻪﺧ ـﺖو ﭘ ـﻮﺧ ـﺖ‬ nâbâwařî ‫ ‡¶وﻩڕی‬disbelief
completely: qsaká’y ~ la bardam’dâ nâchâr ‫ ‡¸ـــﺎر‬helpless, there was nothing
nâ he had his say completely he could do
nakhwâzâ ‫ ﻧﻪﺧﻮازا‬especially nâdyâr ‫ر‬p‫ ‡د‬invisible, unseen
nakhwendawâr ‫ﻨﺪﻩوار‬l‫ ﻧﻪﺧﻮ‬illiterate nâf ‫ ‡ف‬navel
nalâmat ‫ ﻧﻪﻻﻣﻪت‬accursed nâguzûr ‫ ‡ﮔـــــــــــــﻮزوور‬destitute, poverty-
namâm ‫ ﻧﻪﻣﺎم‬sapling stricken
namâm-kirdin ‫ــــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﻧــــﻪﻣــــﺎم‬v.t. to have nâḥaq ‫ ‡„ــــﻪق‬dishonest, unrightful; ba ~
someone walled up: khân kâwrâyèkî ‫ ﺑﻪ ‡„ﻪق‬unjustly
namâm kird the khan had a man nâḥaz ‫ ‡„ﻪز‬ugly; enemy
walled up nâkâw, la ‫ ‡ﰷو‬v suddenly, all of a
namân ‫ → ﻧﻪﻣﺎن‬mân sudden
nana ‫ ﻧﻪﻧﻪ‬grandmother nâkh ‫ ‡خ‬depth, interior: la ~ i âkh’dâ
nanâsîwî ‫ـﻴـﻮی‬8‫ ﻧـﻪ‡ﺳـ‬disguise: la ~ in dis- inside the earth, in the grave
guise, in secret; kho la ~ dân la v.t. nâkher ‫ـﺮ‬Œ‫ـ‬L‫ ﻧـﻪ‬no; ba ~ i gyânim unwill-
to be secretly in favor of ingly
naqândin ‫ ﻧـــﻪﻗـــﺎﻧـــﺪن‬naqen- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻧـــﻪﻗـــ‬v.t. to nâkhosh ‫ ‡ﺧـــــﯚش‬unpleasant; ~î ‫‡ﺧـــــﯚﳽ‬
choose, select unpleasantness
nařândin ‫ ﻧـﻪڕاﻧـﺪن‬nařen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ ﻧـﻪڕ‬v.t. to roar, nâł ‫ ‡ڵ‬horseshoe; ~dâr ‫ﺪار‬T‡ horse
scream nâla v‡ wail, lament; ~bâr ‫¶ر‬v‡ sad,
nardîwân ‫ ﻧﻪردﯾﻮان‬ladder, staircase lamentable
nargiz ‫ ﻧﻪرﮔﺰ‬narcissus nâlândin ‫ ‡ﻻﻧـــﺪن‬nâlen- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ‡ﻟـــ‬v.t. to be-
narît ‫ ﻧﻪرﯾﺖ‬custom, manner moan
nastařin ‫ﻦ‬a‫ﺘﻪڕ‬8‫ ﻧﻪﺳ‬eglantine nâm|a ‫ ‡ﻣﻪ‬letter; ~îlka ‫ ‡ﻣ;ﻠﮑﻪ‬pamphlet
natawa ‫ ﻧـﻪﺗـﻪوﻩ‬nation: ~ yekgirtûakân the nâmo ‫ ‡ﻣﯚ‬stranger, foreign
United Nations; ~î ‫ ﻧﻪﺗﻪوﻩﰃ‬national nân ‫ ‡ن‬bread, food; ~-khwârdin to eat,
natra ‫ـﺮﻩ‬Ž‫ ﺗـﻪ‬courage; ~-birdin v.t. to lose have a meal; ~araq ‫ ‡ﻧـﻪرﻩق‬dry crust of
bread; ~awâ ‫ ‡ﻧـــﻪوا‬baker; ~azig ‫‡ﻧـــﻪزگ‬ nâtawâw ‫ ‡ﺗــﻪواو‬deficient, incomplete; ~î
someone who works for his board; deficiency
~kar ‫ ‡ﻧﻪﮐﻪر‬breadmaker, baker nâumed ‫ ‡ﺋ ـﻮﻣ ـ´ ـﺪ‬in despair, desperate; ~-
nân ‫ ‡ن‬ne- ê (v.t., pass. nirân nre-) to kirdin v.t. to dash someone’s hopes:
put, place; dâ-~ to put down, set hîwâdârim nâumedmân nakay I hope
down, to compose, put together you won’t dash our hopes; ~î despair
(book): ktebèkî dânâwa he has writ- nâw1 ‫ ‡و‬midst, middle; among, between;
ten a book; râ-~ v.t. to exhibit, show; la ~ birdin v.t. to eradicate, get rid of;
le-~ bo to fix food for: shorbâm bo la ~ chûn v.i. to disappear, cease to
le-nâwa I’ve fixed soup for him; pe- exist; ~ařâst ‫ ‡وﻩڕاﺳــــﺖ‬middle; ~arok
~à to make it to: agar aw shawá ‫ ‡وﻩرۆک‬contents; ~and ‫ ‡وﻩﻧرـــــﺪ‬center;
bimâbâya, pemân danâyà rozh i sha- ~andî ‫ ‡وﻩﻧـــــﺪی‬central; ~châw ‫‡و¸ـــــﺎو‬
sham if he had remained that night, forehead; ~qad ‫ ‡وﻗـــــــــــﻪد‬waist; ~râst
we would have made it to the sixth ‫ ‡وراﺳـــــــﺖ‬middle, center; ~châw-tur-
day; sar-~awa to lay one’s head shândin ‫ ‡و¸ﺎو ﺗﻮرﺷﺎﻧﺪن‬v.t. to frown
down (to sleep) nâw2 ‫ ‡و‬name; ~bâng ‫ــــــﮓ‬s¶‫ ‡و‬fame, re-
nâpâk ‫ ‡ﭘﺎک‬unclean, filthy nown; ~dâr ‫ ‡ودار‬renowned; ba~bâng
nâřazâ|î ‫ ‡ڕﻩزاﰃ‬unhappiness, dissatisfac- ‫ﮓ‬s¶‫ ﺑﻪ‡و‬famous, well-known
tion; ~yatî ‫ ‡ڕازاﯾﻪﰏ‬ditto nâwakhtâ, la ‫ــــــﺎ‬µ‫ ‡وﻩﺧــــــ‬v at an unusual
nâřawâ ‫ ‡ڕﻩوا‬unreadable time, unexpectedly
nârâstawkho ‫ﺘﻪوﺧﯚ‬8‫ ‡راﺳ‬indirect nâwcha ‫‡و¸ـﻪ‬, newcha ‫ـﻮ¸ـﻪ‬²‫ ﻧـ‬administra-
nârâzî ‫ ‡رازی‬unhappy, dissatisfied tive region
nârdin ‫ ‡ردن‬ner- ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﻧ‬v.t. to send nâwik ‫ ‡وک‬pit: ~ a khurmâ date pit
nârdîwân ‫ ‡ردﯾﻮان‬ladder nâyeł- ‫ ‡ﯾــــــــــــﻪڵ‬dial. var. for nâheł- (see
nârdrân ‫ ‡ردران‬nârdre- ‫ ‡ردرێ‬v.p. to be heshtin)
sent nâyen- ‫ ‡ﯾﻪن‬see henân
nâsândin ‫ ‡ﺳـــﺎﻧـــﺪن‬nâsen- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ‡ﺳـــ‬v.t. to nâz ‫ ‡ز‬coquetry; ~dâr ‫ ‡زدار‬dear, cute;
introduce, make known ba ~-u-goz bakhew-kirdin v.t. to
nâshe ‰‫ ‡ﺷـــ‬it’s not right, it’s not proper, spoil (a child)
shouldn’t nâzlâw ‫ ‡زﻻو‬tender shoot
nâshtin ‫ ‡ﺷـﱳ‬nezh- ‫ـﮋ‬Œ‫ ـﻧ‬v.t. to bury in the nâznâw ‫ ‡ز‡و‬nickname, nom de plume
ground, plant in the ground ne ê pres. stem of nân
nâsik ‫ ‡ﺳﮏ‬fine, thin nechîr ‫ﲑ‬²‫ ﻧ‬prey
nâs|în ‫ ‡ﺳ ـﲔ‬nâs- ‫ ‡س‬v.t. to know, be ac- negatîv ‫ﭫ‬²‫ﮕﻪﺗ‬²‫ ﻧ‬negative
quainted with, recognize; ~înawa ner ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﻧ‬male; ~îna male
‫ــــﻪوﻩ‬ž‫ ‡ﺳــــ›ــــ‬to recognize: nâynâsîtawa nerdîwân ‫ﺮدﯾﻮان‬Œ‫ = ﻧ‬nârdîwân
don’t you recognize him?; ~rân v.p. nerdrân ‫ﺮدران‬Œ‫ = ﻧ‬nerrân
‫ ‡ﴎان‬to be known, recognized; ~rân nerrân ‫ـــﺮران‬Œ‫ ﻧـــ‬nerre- ‫ـــﺮرێ‬Œ‫( ﻧـــ‬passive of
ba ‫ ‡ﴎان ﺑـــﻪ‬v.p. to be known as; ~râw nârdin) to be sent
‫ ‡ﴎاو‬well-known, famous; ~yâr ‫ﻴــﺎر‬8‫‡ﺳـ‬ new ‫ﻮ‬²‫ = ﻧ‬nâw, nâwcha
acquaintance; ~yâw ‫ـــﺎو‬ ‫ﻴ‬8‫ ‡ﺳ‬acquainted; newarok ‫ﻮﻩرۆک‬²‫ ﻧ‬contents
na~yâw ‫ﻴـﺎو‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ ﻧـﻪ‡ ــ‬unacquainted: nanâs- newchâwân ‫ﻮ¸ﺎوان‬²‫ ﻧ‬forehead, brow
yâwèk biydîbân if someone who nezh- ‫ﮋ‬Œ‫ ﻧ‬pres. stem of nâshtin
didn’t know them were to see them nigrîs ‫ﮕﺮ§ﺲ‬s = nagrîs
nâsor ‫ ‡ﺳﯚر‬an infected sore, gangrene nihen ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﳖــ‬secret, hidden; ~î secret, hid-
den thing; ba ~î in secret, secretly nok ‫ ﻧـــــﯚک‬chickpea; ~âw ‫ ﻧـــــﯚﰷو‬chickpea
nihom ‫ ﳖﯚم‬floor, story soup
nimakbaḥarâm ‫ــﺒــﻪ„ــﻪرام‬B‫ ﳕــﻪ‬ingrate, un- nokar ‫ ﻧـــﯚﮐـــﻪر‬servant; ~âyatî ‫ﻧـــﯚﮐـــﻪراﯾـــﻪﰏ‬
grateful servitude, service
nimûna ‫ ﳕـــــﻮوﻧـــــﻪ‬example, sample; ~ nî- nokîsa ‫ ﻧﯚﮐ›ﺴﻪ‬nouveau riche
shân-dân v.t. to give as an example noł ‫ ﻧــــــــــﯚڵ‬soft: zhûshik ba bechû i khoy
nirân ‫ﺮان‬s nre- ‫ﺮێ‬s v.p. passive of nân dałe okhay roła narm u nołakám the
nirka ‫ﺮﮐﻪ‬s rumble, rumbling sound porcupine says to its baby, “O my
nirkândin ‫ــﺮﰷﻧــﺪن‬s nirken- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ــﺮﮐــ‬s v.t. to soft little one”
grunt, to make a rumbling sound nomâ ‫ ﻧﯚﻣﺎ‬colt
nirkh ‫ـﺮخ‬s value, worth; ~dâr ‫ـﺪار‬L‫ـﺮ‬s valu- nomâł ‫ ﻧﯚﻣﺎڵ‬newly wed
able; ba~ ‫ــﺮخ‬s‫ ﺑــﻪ‬worthwhile, valuable; nora ‫ ﻧﯚرﻩ‬turn
~ândin ‫ـﺎﻧـﺪن‬L‫ـﺮ‬s ~en- ‫ــﻦ‬ŒL‫ـﺮ‬s v.t. to evalu- nosh ‫ﻧﯚش‬: ~ i gyân cheers, bon appetit
ate (ba as) noshân ‫ ﻧﯚﺷﺎن‬nosh- ‫ ﻧﯚش‬v.t. to drink
nishân ‫ﺸﺎن‬ë = nîshân noshâtir ‫ﺮ‬Ž‫ ﻧﯚﺷﺎ‬bleach
niwishta ‫ﺘﻪ‬8‫ ﻧﻮﺷ‬inscription nuft ‫ ﻧﻮﻓﺖ‬nose
niyâz ‫ ﻧﻴﺎز‬need; desire nukrândin ‫ـﺮاﻧـﺪن‬B‫ ﻧـﻮ‬nukren- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ـﺮ‬B‫ ﻧـﻮ‬v.t. to
nizâw ‫ﺰاو‬s water exuded from anything carve (on wood or stone)
nizim ‫ــــــــــــــﺰم‬s low: ba dang i ~ in a low nukta ‫ ﻧﻮﮐﺘﻪ‬joke, pleasantry
voice; ~âî ‫ﺰﻣﺎﰃ‬s lowliness nuqim-bûn ‫ ﻧ ـﻮﰴ ﺑ ـﻮون‬v.i. to disappear, be
nizîk ‫ـــﮏ‬a‫ـــﺰ‬s near; la khoy ~ khistinawa lost
v.t. to seat s.o. near oneself nuqta ‫ﻪ‬µ‫ ﻧﻮﻗ‬point
nînok ‫ﯚک‬ž›‫ ﻧ‬fingernail nushân ‫ ﻧـﻮﺷـﺎن‬nushe- ‰‫ ﻧـﻮﺷـ‬v.i.: ~awa to
nîsân ‫ ﻧ›ﺴﺎن‬April bend, be folded; ~dinawa ‫ﻧــﻮﺷــﺎﻧــﺪﻧــﻪوﻩ‬
nîsh- ‫ ﻧ›ﺶ‬pres. stem of nîshtin nushen- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻧﻮﺷ‬v.t. to bend, fold
nîshân ‫ ﻧـــ›ـــﺸـــﺎن‬target; trace, sign; ~-dân nuskha ‫ ﻧﻮﲯﻪ‬manuscript, copy
v.t. to show, give forth; ~-shikândin nustin ‫ ﻧـــﻮﺳـــﱳ‬nu- ‫ ﻧـــﻮ‬v.i. to sleep, go to
v.t. to practice archery; ~shiken sleep
‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ﺸﮑ‬ë‫ ﻧ›ﺸﺎ‬sharpshooter nûk ‫ ﻧــــــﻮوک‬tip, point: nûk a chaqo point
nîshâna ‫ ﻧـــ›ـــﺸـــﺎﻧـــﻪ‬sign, mark; ~-girtin la of a knife; beak; whimper
v ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ ﻧ›ﺸﺎﻧﻪ ﮔﺮ‬to take aim at nûka ‫ ﻧﻮوﮐﻪ‬now, at that time
nîshtaje ‰‫ﺘﻪﺟ‬8‫ ﻧ›ﺸ‬successor nûkanûk ‫ ﻧــﻮوﮐــﻪﻧــﻮوک‬whimper: am ~á la
nîshtimân ‫ن‬0‫ــ‬8‫ﻧ›ﺸ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬country, homeland; ~î chiya? what’s this whimpering for?
‫ﱏ‬0‫ــ‬8‫ ــﻧ›ﺸ‬national; ~parwar ‫ ـﻧﭙـﻪروﻩر‬0‫ــ‬8‫ــﻧ›ﺸ‬ nûkâ ‫ = ﻧﻮوﰷ‬nûka
patriot nûq ‫ ﻧـﻮوق‬dunked; ~ân ‫ ﻧـﻮوﻗـﺎن‬nûqe- Õ‫ﻧـﻮو‬
nîshtin ‫ـــﱳ‬ ‫ﻴ‬8‫ﺸ‬ë‫ ـ‬nîsh- ‫ ﻧ›ــﺶ‬v.i. to sit; dâ~ to v.i. to be dunked; ~ândin ‫ﻧـــــﻮوﻗـــــﺎﻧـــــﺪن‬
sit down, to dwell nûqen- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻧﻮوﻗ‬v.t. to dunk
nîw ‫ ﻧﻴــﻮ‬half, mid-; ~ařo ‫ ﻧﻴــﻮﻩڕۆ‬noon, mid- nûqîn ‫ ﻧــــﻮوﻗــــﲔ‬v.t. to close, shut: châwit
day; ~ashaw ‫ ﻧﻴﻮﻩﺷﻪو‬midnight binûqe shut your eyes
Nîzâmî ‫ ﻧـــــﲒاﻣـــــﯽ‬Nizami (1141–1209), a nûs|ar ‫ ﻧــــــﻮوﺳــــــﻪر‬writer, author; ~ândin
very well-known Persian poet ‫ ﻧﻮوﺳﺎﻧﺪن‬nûsên- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻧﻮوﺳ‬v.t. to write
nîzîk ‫ﮏ‬a‫ = ﻧﲒ‬nizîk nûs|en- ‫ــــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻧــــﻮوﺳــــ‬v.t. to write; ~ânawa
no ‫ ﻧﯚ‬nine; ~(h)am ‫ ﻧﯚﻩم‬،‫ ﻧﯚﻫﻪم‬ninth ‫ ﻧـﻮوﺳـﺎﻧـﻪوﻩ‬copy; ~în ‫ ﻧـﻮوﺳـﲔ‬nûs- ‫ ﻧـﻮوس‬v.t.
noba ‫ ﻧﯚﺑﻪ‬turn; ba ~ by turn to write; ~înawa ‫ـــﻪوﻩ‬ ž›‫ ﻧـﻮوﺳ‬v.t. to copy,
noga ‫ ﻧﯚﮔﻪ‬turn to transcribe; literature
nûsân ‫ ـﻧ ﻮوﺳـﺎن‬nûse- ‰‫ ـﻧ ﻮوﺳـ‬ba v.i. to stick grab, snatch, attack
to, to be stuck to, in pałg ‫ـﮓ‬T‫ ﭘﻪ‬eyelid
nûsândin ‫ ﻧـﻮوﺳـﺎﻧـﺪن‬nûsen ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻧـﻮوﺳ‬ba v.t. to palk ‫ـــﮏ‬¢‫ ﭘـــﻪ‬tress, leaf, branch; ~ i châw
clutch at ‫ﮑﯽ ¸ﺎو‬¢‫ ﭘﻪ‬eyelid; ~a ‫ﮑﻪ‬¢‫ ﭘﻪ‬tress
nûsînga ‫ﮕﻪ‬ž›‫ ﻧﻮوﺳ‬office pałk ‫ـﮏ‬T‫ ﭘﻪ‬a type of plane tree
nûtak ‫ ﻧﻮوﺗﻪک‬heavy darkness palkesh-kirdin ‫ ـﺮدن‬B ‫ ـﺶ‬Œ‫ ـﮑ ـ‬¢‫ ﭘ ـﻪ‬v.t. to pick
nûza ‫ ﻧﻮوزﻩ‬moan up
nwândin ‫ ﻧـﻮاﻧـﺪن‬nwen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ ﻧـﻮ‬v.t. to repre- palupo ‫ ﭘـﻪﻟـﻮﭘـﯚ‬endurance: palupoy pichiřâ
sent, look like; kho ~ to show oneself he couldn't take it any longer; la ~
nwe ‫ ﻧـــــــــﻮێ‬new; ~-kirdinawa v.t. to re- kawtin to come to the end of one’s
new, to renovate endurance
nwen ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ ﻧﻮ‬bedclothes, sheets pama ‫ ﭘﻪﻣﻪ‬cotton
nwen- ‫ ﻧﻮێ‬pres. stem of nwândin panâ ‡‫ ﭘــــــــــــﻪ‬shelter, refuge, asylum; ~-
nwenar ‫ﻨﻪر‬l‫ ﻧﻮ‬representative birdin ba v.t. to take refuge in; ~bar
nweshk ‫ﺸﮏ‬â‫ ﻧﻮ‬rennet ‫ ﭘﻪ‡ﺑﻪر‬refugee
nwezh ‫ــﮋ‬¤‫ ﻧــﻮ‬prayer (one of the five daily pand ‫ ﭘﻪﻧﺪ‬advice
Muslim prayers); ~-khwendin v.t. to paner ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﭘﻪﻧ‬cheese
perform prayer; ~-kirdin v.t. to pray pang-khwârdin ‫ـــﮓ ﺧـــﻮاردن‬s‫ ﭘـــﻪ‬v.t. to be
pent up
oghir ‫ ﺋــــــﯚﻏــــــﺮ‬journey, good omen for a panhân ‫ ﭘﻪﳖﺎن‬wonderful, rare, strange
journey: oghrit kher bet bon voyage panja ‫ ﭘــﻪﳒــﻪ‬hand; claw; ~-dân lagał v.t.
orgân ‫ ﺋﯚرﮔﺎن‬organ to fight with, contend with; ~ i kho
okhizhn ‫ ﺋﯚﺧﮋن‬rest, calm gastin v.t. to bite one’s fingers, to ex-
ordû ‫ ﺋﯚردوو‬camp; ~gâ ‫ ﺋﯚردووﮔﺎ‬campsite press surprise
otonomî ‫ ﺋﯚﺗﯚﻧﯚﻣﯽ‬autonomy panjara ‫ ﭘﻪﳒﻪرﻩ‬window
panjoła ‫ﻪ‬T‫ ﭘﻪﳒﯚ‬claw
papka-bastin ‫ـــﮑـــﻪ ﺑـــﻪﺳـــﱳ‬º‫ ﭘـــﻪ‬v.t. to coil:
pak ‫ ﭘﻪک‬need, necessity; amazing
mârakân papkayân bast the snakes
pakhsh ‫ ﭘـــــﻪﺧـــــﺶ‬dispersal; ~-bûn v.i. to
coiled up
spread out, to be dispersed
pař1 ‫ ﭘــــــــــﻪڕ‬side, direction: aw~ i on the
pakhsha ‫ ﭘﻪﺧﺸﻪ‬publication
other side of, past
pakhshân ‫ ﭘـــﻪﺧـــﺸـــﺎن‬prose; dispersed; ~-
pař2 ‫ ﭘﻪڕ‬feather
bûn v.i. to be dispersed, to spread
pařa ‫ ﭘﻪڕﻩ‬petal: ~ i gul rose petal
out; ~-kirdin v.t. to scatter; ~-
parasandin ‫ ﭘــﻪرﻩﺳــﻪﻧــﺪن‬v.i. to be in gen-
kirdinawa v.t. to distribute
eral use
pala v‫ ﭘــﻪ‬haste; ~-kirdin v.t. to hurry; ba
pařawâza ‫ ﭘﻪڕﻩوازﻩ‬wandering, homeless
~ v‫ ﺑﻪ ﭘﻪ‬in haste, hurriedly
pařândin ‫ ﭘــــﻪڕاﻧــــﺪن‬pařen- ‫ــــﻦ‬¤‫ ﭘــــﻪڕ‬v.t. to
pała1 ‫ﻪ‬T‫ ﭘﻪ‬field, farm
make leap, jump; to cause to flee; to
pała2 ‫ﻪ‬T‫ ﭘﻪ‬stain, spot
cut off part of something: am liká
pałahawr ‫ﻪﻫﻪور‬T‫ ﭘﻪ‬bird
bipařena cut off this limb; to leave
palapalî ‫ﭘﻪﱃ‬v‫ ﭘﻪ‬confusion
out: la khwendinawa’dâ khatèkit
palaqâzhe ‫ﻗـﺎژێ‬v‫ ﭘـﻪ‬flailing the hands and
pařând you left out a line in your
reading; to remove: lamparim pařând
palawar ‫وﻩر‬v‫ﭘﻪ‬, palawir ‫ور‬v‫ ﭘﻪ‬bird
I removed the obstacle; ~awa to save:
palâmâr ‫ ﭘـــــــﻪﻻﻣـــــــﺎر‬attack; ~-dân v.t. to
pařândûtimawa you've saved me;
dar-~ la to drive away from, to chase against the wall
out of; dâ-~ to shake: la dârakáwa pashîmân ‫ن‬7‫ــ‬8‫ ﭘـﻪﺷ‬regretful, sorry; ~-kir-
am sewâná’m dâpařândà khwâr I dinawa to dissuade
shook these apples down from the pashok|ân ‫ ﭘـﻪﺷـﯚﰷن‬pashoke- ‰‫ ﭘـﻪﺷـﯚﮐـ‬v.i.
tree; râ-~ to wake up, roust out of to get upset, be terrified; ~âw ‫ﭘـــﻪﺷـــﯚﰷو‬
sleep terrified; ~âwî ‫ ﭘﻪﺷﯚﰷوی‬terror
pařâw ‫ ﭘﻪڕاو‬notebook pasind ‫ﻨﺪ‬8‫ ﭘﻪﺳ‬approval
parâwezân ‫ـﺰان‬¤‫ ﭘـﻪراو‬parâweze- ‫ـﺰێ‬¤‫ﭘـﻪراو‬ past ‫ ﭘـﻪﺳـﺖ‬low, dejected; ~î ‫ــﱴ‬8‫ ﭘـﻪﺳ‬dejec-
v.t. to edit tion; ba ~îawa ‫;ﻪوﻩ‬n‫ ﺑﻪ ﭘﻪﺳ‬dejectedly
parcham ‫ ﭘﻪر¸ﻪم‬bangs pastâwtin ‫ـﻦ‬Ž‫ﺘـﺎو‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ ﭘـﻪ ــ‬v.t. to stuff, cram; to
parch-dânawa ‫ ﭘـــﻪرچ داﻧـــﻪوﻩ‬v.t. to pound beat with the feet, kick
(the head of a nail) flat pat1 ‫ ﭘـــــــــﻪت‬rope, cord: pat i hîwâ kawtà
parchî ‫ ﭘﻪرﭼﯽ‬cheap, insignificant bârîk the thread of hope wore thin,
pardâkh ‫ ﭘﻪرداخ‬glass, tumbler there was not much hope left
pare ‫ ﭘﻪرێ‬day before yesterday pat2 ‫ ﭘﻪت‬see lat-u-pat
pařendrân ‫ــﻨــﺪران‬l‫ ﭘــﻪڕ‬v.p. passive of pa- patâta ‫ﺗﻪ‬c‫ ﭘﻪ‬potato
řândin payâ p‫ = ﭘﻪ‬paydâ
parez ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ ﭘﻪر‬place for harvested grain payâm ‫م‬p‫ ﭘـﻪ‬message; ~-nârdin to send a
paristin ‫ ﭘــــﻪرﺳــــﱳ‬parist- ‫ ﭘــــﻪرﺳــــﺖ‬v.t. to message
serve, adore, worship paydâ ‫ ﭘــﻪﯾــﺪا‬visible, found; ~-bûn v.i. to
parî ‫ ﭘﻪری‬peri, fairy happen, to become visible; ~-kirdin
pařîn ‫ـﻦ‬a‫ ﭘـﻪڕ‬pař- ‫ ﭘـﻪڕ‬v.i. to leap, jump; te- v.t. to find
~ la to pass by/through payjo(r) ‫ ﭘــﻪﳚــﯚر‬investigator, researcher;
parmûn ‫ ﭘـﻪرﻣـﻮون‬parme- ‰‫ ﭘـﻪرﻣـ‬v.t. to rely ~î investigation, research
on oneself; râ-~ to consider worthy, paymân ‫ ﭘــــﻪﳝــــﺎن‬promise; ~-bastin lagał
to find s.o. capable (+ subj.) of doing v.t. to make a promise to someone
something paytâ-paytâ ‫ ﭘـﻪ ـﯾﺘـﺎ ﭘـﻪ ـﯾﺘـﺎ‬constantly, contin-
parsh ‫ ﭘــﻪرش‬scattered; ~ u bilâw kirdin- uously
awa ‫ـﺮدﻧـﻪوﻩ‬6 ‫ ﭘـﻪرش و ﺑـﻼو‬v.t. to scatter, let paywand ‫ ﭘﻪﯾﻮﻩﻧﺪ‬connection, relation
loose: kichá qizh’î parsh u bilâw paz ‫ ﭘﻪز‬sheep
kirdawa the girl let her hair fly loose pazhâra ‫ ﭘﻪژارﻩ‬sorrow, worry
parsiv ‫ ﭘﻪرﺳﭫ‬answer, response pâchîn ‫ ﭘـــﺎ¸ـــﲔ‬v.t. to pound; dâ-~ to split
partuk ‫ ﭘﻪرﺗﻮک‬book from top to bottom
parwarda-kirdin ‫ــــــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﭘــــــﻪروﻩردﻩ‬v.t. to pâdâsht ‫ ﭘـﺎداﺷـﺖ‬reward; ~-dânawa to re-
raise, rear (flocks, herds) ward
parzh ‫ ﭘﻪرژ‬opportunity pâk ‫ ﭘـــــــــــﺎک‬pure, clean; ~-kirdin v.t. to
pařzh ‫ ﭘﻪڕژ‬broadcast, widespread clean
parzhîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ﭘﻪرژ‬relation; business pâł ‫ ﭘــــــﺎڵ‬side; back; inside: la ~ khoy’dâ
parzhân ‫ ﭘـــﻪرژان‬parzhe- ‫ ﭘـــﻪرژێ‬v.i. to be tûřaya he’s angry inwardly; ~-dân
busy v.t. to push: nâbizue: wara dagalmân
pasand-bûn la v ‫ ﭘـﻪﺳـﻪﻧـﺪ ﺑـﻮون‬to be pleas- pâl da it won’t budge: come push
ing to with us; ~-dânawa v.t. to lean back,
pasârdin ‫ ﭘـﻪﺳـﺎردن‬paser- ‫ــﺮ‬Œ‫ ﭘـﻪﺳ‬v.t.: hał-~ rest; ~-dân ba v.t. to lean against:
ba ...awa to lean against: bel ba ~im ba dîwârawa dâ I leaned against
dîwârawa hałpasera lean the shovel the wall; ~-kawtin v.i. to lie down; ~
pewa nân v.t. to push; la ~ a kho’dâ portune; ba ~ i in account of; ~ pewa
for one’s own part, on one’s own be- nân v.t. to get a move on, to hightail
half it out; dang i ~yek the sound of a
pâławân ‫ـــــﻪوان‬T‫ ﭘـــــﺎ‬champion, hero; ~etî footstep; ~ la kawsh’(d)â bûn to in-
‫ﱴ‬Œ‫ﻪواﻧ‬T‫ ﭘﺎ‬, ~iyatî ‫ﻪواﻧﻴﻪﰏ‬T‫ ﭘﺎ‬heroism sist, to be firm: peyèkit la kawsh’â bet
pâłâ Ÿ‫ = ﭘﺎ‬pelâw u aw pekát nakirdibe ba jey bela be
pâłpishtî ‫ﱴ‬8‫ﺸ‬ÎT‫ ﭘﺎ‬backing, support firmly resolved, stick to your guns
pâłtâw ‫ﺘﺎو‬T‫ ﭘﺎ‬overcoat pe3 ‰Š‫( ﭘــــــــــ‬postposition) see ba; ~… wâ
pân ‫ ﭘﺎن‬wide, broad, shallow bûn to think, be of the opinion that:
pâr ‫ ﭘﺎر‬last year pem wâ bû I thought so; pey wâ bû
pâra ‫ ﭘﺎرﻩ‬money diz u regirin he thought they were
pâřân ‫ ﭘـــــﺎڕان‬pâře- ‫ ﭘـــــﺎڕێ‬v.i. to beg, be- robbers and brigands
seech pe4 ‰Š‫ ﭘـ‬cmpd. vb. element, see under ver-
pârâstin ‫ ﭘـــﺎراﺳـــﱳ‬pârez- ‫ـــﺰ‬¤‫ ﭘـــﺎر‬la v.t. to bal element: pe-gayshtin, pe-kanîn,
protect from, keep pe-wîstin
pârâztin ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ = ﭘﺎراز‬pârastin pe-chûn ‫ﭽﻮون‬²‫ ﭘ‬see under chûn ba
pârez ‫ــــﺰ‬¤‫ ﭘــــﺎر‬avoidance, abstaining; am- pe-kirdin ‫ــــﮑــــﺮدن‬²‫ ﭘــــ‬v.t. to force, oblige:
bush; ~-birdin v.t. to ambush; ~-chûn pe’yân kirdim aw kârá bikam they
v.i. to wait in ambush; ~-kirdin v.t. to forced me to do it; to fool; to light
abstain; ~rân ‫ــــﺰران‬¤‫ ﭘــــﺎر‬v.p. to be pro- (fire); dast ~ (+ inf.) to begin (doing)
tected, kept; ~ar ‫ـﺰﻩر‬¤‫ ﭘـﺎر‬defender, pro- pechawâna ‫ـﻪواﻧـﻪ‬²‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ــ‬reverse, opposite; ba
tector, defence lawyer; ~gâr ‫ـــﺰﮔـــﺎر‬¤‫ﭘـــﺎر‬ ~wa ‫ﻪواﻧﻪوﻩ‬²‫ ﺑﻪ ﭘ‬on the contrary
protector; ~î ‫ــــــﺰی‬¤‫ ﭘــــــﺎر‬protection; ~î- pechân ‫ـﺎن‬²‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ــ‬pech- ‫ــﭻ‬²‫ ﭘ‬v.t. to fold, wrap;
kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ﺰی‬¤‫ ﭘﺎر‬v.t. to protect hał-~ v.t. to roll up
pârû ‫ ﭘﺎروو‬morsel pechrân ‫ﭽـﺮان‬²‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬pechre- ‫ﭽـﺮێ‬²‫ ـ ـﭘ‬v.p. to be
pâsawân ‫ ﭘﺎﺳﻪوان‬guard; ~î surveillance wrapped
pâsh ‫ ﭘــــــﺎش‬after (prep); ~-kawtin to fall pedasht ‫ﺪﻩﺷﺖ‬²‫ ﭘ‬piedmont plain
behind, be backward; ~-khistin v.t. to pedâ ‫ﺪا‬²‫ = ﭘ‬paydâ
delay; to neglect, ignore; ~ awaî (ka) pedâwîst ‫ﺪاو§ﺴﺖ‬²‫ = ﭘ‬pewîst
after (conj.); la ~’â afterwards; ~a- peghamar ‫ﻐﻪﻣﻪر‬²‫ ﭘ‬prophet
rozh ‫ ﭘـﺎﺷـﻪرۆژ‬future; ~kawtû ‫ﺷﮑـﻪوﺗـﻮو‬ ‫ﭘـﺎ ـ‬ pek ‫ــﮏ‬²‫ ﭘ‬together, in order; ~-ânîn v.t. to
backward; ~mana ‫ ﭘـﺎﴰـﻪﻧـﻪ‬left-over; la- accomplish, to reconcile; ~-biřrân
maw~ ‫ﻣﻪوﭘﺎش‬v henceforth v.i. to be suitable: to u aw kirâsá
pâshał ‫ ﭘﺎﺷﻪڵ‬back of the skirt; hind leg daley pek biřrâwin it’s as though you
pâshâ ‫ ﭘﺎﺷﺎ‬king, prince and that shirt were made for each
pâshu ‫ ﭘﺎﺷﻮ‬leg (of an animal) other; ~-gayshtin v.i. to meet, see
pâya ‫ ﭘﺎﯾﻪ‬rank each other; ~-hâtin v.i. to agree, get
pâyiz ‫ﺰ‬a‫ ﭘﺎ‬autumn along together; to consist (la of); ~-
pâzh ‫ ﭘﺎژ‬portion, section; document henân v.t. to put together, produce,
pe1 ‰Š‫( ﭘـ‬adj.) (1) fasting: min amřo peyim accomplish; to reconcile; ~awa ‫ﮑـﻪوﻩ‬²‫ﭘ‬ ‫ــ‬
I’m fasting today; (2) on hand: pûl’it together; ~awa-nân v.t. to shut, close
peya? do you have any money on (book, eyes), to stick together; rek u
hand?; (3) lit (fire): âgir peya the ~ ‫ﮏ‬²‫ﮏوﭘ‬¤‫ ر‬ordered, arranged
fire’s lit pe-kanîn ‫ﮑﻪﻧﲔ‬²‫ ﭘ‬v.i. to laugh
pe2 ‰Š‫ ﭘـ‬foot; ~-dâ-girtin v.t. to insist, im- pekân ‫ـﲀن‬²‫ ـﭘ‬peke- ‰‫ﮑـ‬²‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬v.t. to hit with an
arrow or bullet, hit the mark pewa ‫ـــﻮﻩ‬²‫ﭘـــ‬: ~ dân see ba …awa dân; ~
pełâw ‫و‬˲‫ ﭘ‬shoes girtin see ba …awa girtin
peło ‫ﯚ‬k²‫ ﭘ‬eyelid pewand ‫ـﻮﻩﻧـﺪ‬²‫ ﭘـ‬contact, link; ~-girtin la-
penâs ‫ﺎس‬žŒ‫ ﭘ‬identity, identity card gał v.t. to form a link with
penâw ‫ـﺎو‬žŒ‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬: la ~ i ...’dâ for, for the sake pewân ‫ﻮان‬²‫ ﭘ‬pew- ‫ﻮ‬²‫ ﭘ‬v.t. to measure
of: la penâw i âzâdî’dâ khom bakht pewâr ‫ﻮار‬²‫ ﭘ‬unseen, invisible
akam I’ll risk my life for the sake of pewdân ‫ﻮدان‬²‫ ﭘ‬measure, rule
freedom pewîst ‫ـﻮ ـ§ﺴـﺖ‬²‫ ـﭘ‬necessary; ~î ‫ــﱴ‬8‫ـﻮ ـ§ﺴ‬²‫ ـﭘ‬ne-
penj ‫ـﺞ‬žŒ‫ﭘ‬
‫ ـ ـ‬five; ~am ‫ـﻪم‬힌‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ـ ـ ـ‬fifth; ~sham- cessity
ma ‫ﺠﺸﻪﳑﻪ‬žŒ‫ ﭘ‬Thursday pey ‫ﯽ‬Š²‫ = ﭘ‬pe2
peřaw ‫ﻩو‬g‫ــــ‬Œ‫ ﭘــــ‬pedestrian; sidewalk; pro- pichiřândin ‫ا ـﻧ ﺪن‬g‫ ـﭘﭽـ‬pichiřen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤g‫ ـﭘﭽـ‬v.t.
gram to break, break apart
pere ‫ﺮێ‬Œ‫ = ﭘ‬pare pichiřîn ‫ـﻦ‬ag‫ ﭘـﭽـ‬pichiř- g‫ ﭘـﭽـ‬v.t. to break,
pesh ‫ـﺶ‬Œ‫ ـﭘ‬before, ahead; ~ awaî (ka) be- cut; ~-awa la to sever relations with:
fore (conj); ~-girtin ba v.t. to kâkim la ema pichiřîwatawa, hâtu-
prevent: la chûn pesh’yân pe girtim chû’mân nâkâ my brother has severed
they prevented me from going; ~- relations with us—he doesn’t come to
girtin la v.t. to stand in front of; ~- see us; hał-~ to force a cover off
kawtin v.i. to advance, go forward, pichiřrân ‫ان‬g‫ ـﭘﭽـ‬pichiřre- ‫ێ‬g‫ ـﭘﭽـ‬v.p. to be
get ahead of: peshmân kawtûn they broken, snapped
have gotten ahead of us; dânà ~ to pichok ‫ ﭘﭽﯚک‬little, tiny
drive forward pif ‫ ﭘﻒ‬puff; ~-kirdin v.t. to puff, blow
peshak ‫ﺸﻪک‬Œ‫ ﭘ‬foreword pil ‫ ﭘﻞ‬finger, toe
peshawâ ‫ﺸﻪوا‬Œ‫ ﭘ‬leader pilân ‫ ﭘﻼن‬plan
peshîn ‫ﺸـﲔ‬Œ‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ــ‬former, olden; ~îân ‫ــــﺎن‬ ;À‫ﻴ‬8‫ــﺸـ‬Œ‫ﭘ‬ piłâw ‫و‬Ë‫ ﭘ‬pilaf, cooked rice
the ancients, ancestors, forefathers piling ‫ ﭘﻠﻨﮓ‬tiger
peshkash ‫ﺸﮑـﻪش‬Œ‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ــ ـ‬present, gift; ~-kirdin piłîshâ|nawa ‫›ﺸـﺎﻧـﻪوﻩ‬k‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ـ ـ ـ‬v.i. to be mashed,
ba v.t. to present to; ~-krân v.p. to be squashed; ~ndinawa ‫›ﺸـﺎﻧـﺪﻧـﻪوﻩ‬k‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ـ ـ ـ‬v.t. to
presented squash
peshkawtû ‫ﺸﮑـﻪوﺗـﻮو‬Œ‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ــ ـ‬advanced, progres- pilk ‫ ﭘﻠﮏ‬eyelid
sive piř g‫ــــــــــــ‬º full; for compounds, see next
peshmarga ‫ ـﺸ ـﻤ ـﻪرﮔ ـﻪ‬Œ‫ ﭘ ـ‬guerilla, freedom element; la ~ g‫ ـ‬º v, la ~èk’á ‫ ـﲀ‬¤g‫ ـ‬º v, la
fighter ~dâ ‫دا‬g‫ــــــ‬º v suddenly, all at once; ~ la
peshnirâw ‫ ـﺸ ـﲊاو‬Œ‫ ﭘ ـ‬proposed, suggested; …awa full of; ~-bûn la to be angry
proposal with: let piřim: mamdwena I’m angry
peshnyâr ‫ ـ; ـﺎر‬À‫ ـﺸ ـ‬Œ‫ ﭘ ـ‬suggestion; ~-kirdin with you: don’t speak to me; ~’î
v.t. to suggest pe’dâ kirdin v.t. to snatch away; ~âî
peshnyâz ‫ ـ; ـﺎز‬À‫ ـﺸ ـ‬Œ‫ ﭘ ـ‬suggestion; ~-kirdin ‫اﰃ‬g‫ـ‬º midst, middle: la piřâî i âwakádâ
v.t. to suggest in the middle of the water; majority:
peshwakht ‫ﺸﻮﻩﺧﺖ‬Œ‫ ﭘ‬early, untimely piřâî i khałkaká hât the majority of
peshwâz ‫ﺸـﻮاز‬Œ‫ﭘ‬ ‫ ــ‬greeting: hât ba peshwâz the people came
i merdakáyawa she came to greet her pird ‫ﺮد‬º bridge
husband; ~î kirdin v.t. to receive piřma ‫ﻣﻪ‬gº whinny, snivel
pest ‫ﺴﺖ‬Œ‫ ﭘ‬skin pirshing ‫ﻨﮓ‬8‫ﺮﺷ‬º ray
petakht ‫ﻪﺧﺖ‬µŒ‫ ﭘ‬capital pirsîn ‫ﺮﺳﲔ‬º pirs- ‫ﺮس‬º la v.t. to ask
pirsyâr ‫ــﻴـﺎر‬8 ‫ـﺮﺳ‬º question; ~-kirdin la v.t. ‫ ﭘـــــــﲑی‬old age; the act of going out to
to ask s.o. greet a superior; ba ~î i …awa hâtin
piřtâw ‫و‬cgº haste; ba ~ hâtin to rush to come/go out to greet
pirtuk ‫ﺮﺗﻮک‬º piece Pîrânshâr ‫ـﺸـﺎر‬ë‫ ﭘـﲑا‬Piranshahr, a town in
piryâska ‫ﺳﮑﻪ‬p‫ﺮ‬º small sack Iranian Kurdistan
piřzhân ‫ژان‬g‫ـــــ‬º v.i. to be scattered, sprin- pîroz ‫ ﭘﲑۆز‬happy, blessed, auspicious
kled; hał-~ to grapple; to squirt: pe’m pîs ‫ ﭘ ـ› ـﺲ‬dirty, filthy; ~ gâl-dân ‫ﭘ ـ› ـﺲ ﮔ ـﺎل‬
le nâ, quř u lîta’m pe hałpirzhâ I put ‫ دان‬v.t. to stir up filth; dil ~-kirdin la
my foot in it and mud squirted up all v.t. to suspect the worst of
over me pîsha ‫ ﭘ›ﺸﻪ‬trade, craft
piřzhândin ‫ژاﻧـﺪن‬g‫ـ‬º piřzhen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ژ‬g‫ـ‬º v.t. to pîshân ‫ ﭘ›ﺸﺎن‬trace; ~-dân v.t. to show
scatter, sprinkle, squirt pît ‫ ﭘ›ﺖ‬letter of the alphabet
pisân ‫ﺴﺎن‬é v.i. to break, snap pît u lat ‫ت‬v ‫ ﭘ›ﺖ و‬bit, little bit
pishî ‫ﺸﯽ‬é cat; ~la ƒ‫ﻴ‬8‫ﺸ‬é kitten pîwâz ‫ ﭘﻴﻮاز‬onion
pishkinîn ‫ـﲔ‬ž‫ـﺸـﮑـ‬é pishkin- ‫ـﺸـﮑـﻦ‬é v.t. to po ‫ ﭘﯚ‬weft
examine pol ‫ ﭘﯚل‬flock (of birds)
pisht ‫ ـﺸ ـﺖ‬é back; reliance; generation; ~ poł ‫ ﭘــــــﯚڵ‬grade: la pol i penjam i ibtidâ-
ba khwâ for God’s sake; ~ bastin ba î’dâ in the fifth grade of elementary
v.t. to click on; ~-dân v.t. to run school; group, squadron
away; ~-dân-awa v.t. to calm down: połâ Ÿ‫ ﭘﯚ‬steel
biro ~ i khot’î le bidawa go calm pop ‫ ﭘـــﯚپ‬cock’s comb, forelock; lik-u-~
down; ~-girtin v.t. to help, protect; ~ ‫ﮏوﭘﯚپ‬¢ branches and twigs
hał-kirdin v.t. to turn away in anger; poř ‫ ﭘــــــــــﯚڕ‬hair (on the head); partridge;
~-kirdin ba v.t. to rely on; ~ te-kir- pân u ~ ‫ ﭘﺎنوﭘﯚڕ‬wide, broad
din v.t. to turn the back on, ignore; ~- poshîn ‫ ﭘـﯚﺷـﲔ‬posh- ‫ ﭘـﯚش‬v.t. to wear, put
astûr complacent; ~ i ‫ــﱴ‬8‫ﺸ‬é‫ ـ‬behind; ~î on
‫ـﱴ‬8‫ـﺸـ‬é bolster; ba~ ‫ـﺸـﺖ‬é‫ ﺑـﻪ‬solid, firm, poshta ‫ــﺘـﻪ‬8 ‫ ﭘـﯚﺷ‬chic; happy; ~-kirdinawa
strong v.t. to dress in fine clothes
pishtâw ‫ــﺘـﺎو‬8 ‫ـﺸ‬é gunpowder sack; type of post1 ‫ ﭘـــﯚﺳـــﺖ‬skin, peel; ~-girtinawa v.t.
pistol to peel: post i am khayârá bigirawa
pishter ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ﺘ‬8‫ﺸ‬é stable peel this cucumber
pishû ‫ــــﺸــــﻮو‬é breath; ~-dân v.t. to take a post2 ‫ ﭘــــــﯚﺳــــــﺖ‬post, mail; ~ i alîktronî
breath ‫ﱴ ﺋﻪﻟﻴﮑﱰۆﱏ‬8‫ ﭘﯚﺳ‬e-mail
pispoř ‫ﭙﯚڕ‬8‫ﺴ‬é expert prûsk ‫ــــــﺮووﺳــــــﮏ‬º remains of a decayed
pisû ‫ﺴﻮو‬é feeling corpse
pitaw ‫ ﭘﺘﻪو‬strong, firm prûsha-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ﺮووﺷﻪ‬º v.t. to nibble
pitir ‫ ﭘﱰ‬earlier; more pushpař ‫ﭙﻪڕ‬8‫ ﭘﻮﺷ‬the month of Cancer
pizhîshk ‫ﮋ§ﺸﮏ‬º doctor, physician pûł ‫ ﭘﻮوڵ‬money
pizhma ‫ﮋﻣﻪ‬º sneeze pûř-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ ﭘﻮوڕ‬v.t. to store
pizhmîn ‫ﮋﻣﲔ‬º pizhm- ‫ﮋم‬º v.i. to sneeze pûs ‫ ﭘﻮوس‬skin
pizîshk ‫ﺰ§ﺸﮏ‬º = pizhîshk pûsh ‫ ﭘﻮوش‬dried grass
pîlân ‫ = ﭘﻴﻼن‬pilân pût ‫ ﭘﻮوت‬weight equal to sixteen kilos
pîr ‫ ﭘـــــــﲑ‬old, aged; ~ak ‫ ﭘـــــــﲑﻩک‬woman, pyâ ‫ = ﭘﻴﺎ‬pe’(d)â
wife; ~amerd ‫ــﺮد‬Œ‫ ﭘـﲑﻩﻣ‬old man; ~azhin pyâła ‫ﻪ‬T‫ ﭘﻴﺎ‬cup
‫ﭘـــﲑﻩژن‬, ~ezhin ‫ـــﮋن‬¤‫ ﭘـــﲑ‬old woman; ~î pyâsa ‫ ﭘـﻴـﺎﺳـﻪ‬walk, stroll; ~-kirdin v.t. to
take a stroll, go for a walk qawr ‫ ﻗﻪور‬grave, tomb
pyâw ‫ ﭘـــﻴـــﺎو‬man; ~atî ‫ ﭘـــﻴـــﺎوﻩﰏ‬manhood, qaychî ‫ﯽ‬:‫ ﻗﻪ‬scissors
manliness, generosity; ~ a gawrakân qayd ‫ ﻗـﻪﯾـﺪ‬impediment; link (in a chain);
dignitaries ~e nâkâ never mind, it doesn’t matter
pyâz ‫ ﭘﻴﺎز‬onion qazâwat ‫ ﻗﻪزاوﻩت‬judgeship, judiciary
qâch ‫ ﻗــــــﺎچ‬leg; har ~èk kirdin ba duân
qaba ‫ ﻗﻪﺑﻪ‬thick v.t. to run as fast as one can: kichá har
qabûł ‫ ﻗـﻪﺑـﻮوڵ‬acceptance; ~-bûn v.i. to be qâchèkî dakâ ba duân the girl runs as
acceptable; ~-kirdin v.t. to accept, fast as her legs will carry her; ~ khis-
agree to tinà sar … v.t. to step on; ~ râ-
qadpâl ‫ ﻗﻪدﭘﺎل‬mountainside keshân v.t. to stretch out the legs
qafaza ‫ ﻗﻪﻓﻪزﻩ‬closet, storeroom qâchâkh ‫ ﻗـــﺎ¸ـــﺎخ‬smuggling, contraband;
qałabâłigh ‫ﻪ¶ﻟﻎ‬T‫ ﻗﻪ‬crowd ~chî ‫ ﻗﺎ¸ﺎﺧﭽﯽ‬smuggler
qałam ‫ﻪم‬T‫ ﻗﻪ‬pen qâlî ‫ ﻗﺎﱃ‬carpet
qaław ‫ــﻪو‬T‫ ﻗــﻪ‬fat; lâm i ~ ‫ــﻪو‬T‫ ﻻﱉ ﻗــﻪ‬velar- qâmik ‫ ﻗﺎﻣﮏ‬finger, finger joint
ized l qân ‫ ﻗـــﺎن‬qe- Õ v.i.: hał-~ da to get stuck
qałâ Ÿ‫ ﻗﻪ‬fort; ~ycha ‫ﻪ‬:Ÿ‫ ﻗﻪ‬fortress on: dâwenim d’ aw bizmârá hałqâ my
qalâcho ‫ ﻗﻪﻻﭼﯚ‬extermination skirt got stuck on that nail
qałbaz ‫ـﺒـﻪز‬T‫ ﻗـﻪ‬chain of rocks on a moun- qâp ‫ ﻗﺎپ‬dish
tain; ~a ‫ﺒﻪزﻩ‬T‫ ﻗﻪ‬waterfall qâpelk ‫ﻠﮏ‬²‫ ﻗﺎﭘ‬shell, hollow shell
qalishîn ‫ ﻗﻪﻟﺸﲔ‬v.i. to split, crack qâpî ‫ﯽ‬Š‫ ﻗﺎﭘ‬door, gate
qalisht ‫ ﻗﻪﻟﺸﺖ‬crack, split qâqaz ‫ ﻗﺎﻗﻪز‬paper
qanâra ‫ ﻗﻪ‡رﻩ‬gallows qâramân ‫ ﻗﺎرﻩﻣﺎن‬hero; ~î ‫ ﻗﺎرﻩﻣﺎﱏ‬heroism
qandin ‫ﻗــــﻪﻧــــﺪن‬: hał-~ v.t. to uproot, dig qârch ‫ ﻗـﺎرچ‬mushroom; ~ik ‫ ﻗـﺎر¸ـﮏ‬mush-
up, get out room
qandrân ‫ ﻗ ـﻪﻧ ـﺪران‬qandre- ‫ﻗ ـﻪﻧ ـﺪرێ‬: hał-~ qârpoz ‫ ﻗﺎرﭘﯚز‬saddlehorn
v.p. to be uprooted, dug up qârpuz ‫ ﻗﺎرﭘﻮز‬melon; lampshade
qara ‫ ﻗـــﻪرﻩ‬nearness, vicinity; kho nadân qât ‫ ﻗـﺎت‬time: hazâr ~ jwântir a thousand
la ~ i … not to get anywhere near times more beautiful
qarabâłikh ‫ﺦ‬T¶‫ = ﻗﻪرﻩ‬qalabâligh qâw1 ‫ ﻗـــــــــــــﺎو‬rumor; ~ dâ-khistin v.t. to
qarâkh ‫ ﻗﻪراخ‬edge, outskirts spread a rumor
qasâb ‫ ﻗﻪﺳﺎب‬butcher qâw2 ‫ ﻗﺎو‬dish, plate, container
qast ‫ ﻗﻪﺳﺖ‬intention; la ~ intentionally qâwa ‫ ﻗﺎوﻩ‬coffee
qat ‫ ﻗﻪت‬absolutely qâwirma ‫ ﻗـــــــﺎورﻣـــــــﻪ‬meat fried in small
qatl ‫ ﻗﻪﺗﻞ‬murder pieces
qawân ‫ ﻗـــــــــــــﻪوان‬phonograph record; ~- qâyil-bûn ba ‫ ﻗﺎﯾﻞ ﺑﻮون ﺑﻪ‬v.i. to agree to
khwendinà gwe i … v.t. to harp on qâyim ‫ ﻗﺎﱘ‬: ba ~ quick, fast, hard
the same theme to, to keep repeating qâzân ‫ ﻗـﺎزان‬pot, cauldron; ~asar ‫ﻗـﺎزاﻧـﻪﺳـﻪر‬
into s.o.’s ear bogey man
qawîl ‫ ﻗﻪوﯾﻞ‬accepted, acceptable qâzânj ‫ ﻗـﺎزاﱋ‬profit; ~-kirdin v.t. to make
qawmân ‫ ﻗ ـﻪوﻣ ـﺎن‬qawme- ‰‫ ﻗ ـﻪوﻣ ـ‬v.i. la to a profit
have something wrong or bad happen qâzî ‫ ﻗﺎزی‬cadi, Islamic judge
to: wak ley naqawmâbe wâ bû it was qez ‫ــﺰ‬Œ‫ ﻗ‬revulsion: ba ~ u bezawa with re-
as though nothing bad had happened pugnance
to him qiłâycha ‫ﻪ‬:Ë‫ ﻗ‬small fortress, castle
qiłîshân ‫›ﺸـﺎن‬k‫ﻗ‬ ‫ ـ ـ ـ‬qiłîsh- ‫›ـﺶ‬k‫ﻗ‬
‫ ـ ـ‬v.i. to split; qoř ‫ ﻗﯚڕ‬nonsense
dâ-~ to split from top to bottom qořa ‫ ﻗﯚڕﻩ‬rumble, rumbling sound
qiłîshândin ‫›ﺸـﺎﻧـﺪن‬k‫ﻗ‬ ‫ ـــ‬qiłîshen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫›ﺸ‬k‫ﻗ‬
‫ ـــ‬v.t. qoztin ‫ـﻦ‬Ž‫ ﻗـﯚز‬qoz- ‫ ﻗـﯚز‬v.t.; ~awa to snatch
to split, be split; dâ-~ to be split from out of the air: topaká’m hałdâ, la ha-
top to bottom wâ qoztîawa I threw the ball up and
qilyân ‫ ﻗـــﻠـــﻴـــﺎن‬waterpipe, long-stemmed he caught it in mid air
smoking pipe qsa ‫ ـﻗﺴـﻪ‬words, speech, story; ~-pe-birîn
qing ‫ﮓ‬ž‫ ﻗ‬buttocks v.t. to interrupt: ba tundî qsaká’m pe
qinj ‫ﺞ‬ž‫ ﻗ‬upright, upturned biřî u gutim I quickly interrupted him
qinyât ‫ﻴﺎت‬ž‫ ﻗ‬patience and said; ~-kirdin v.t. to speak, to tell
qircha ‫ ﻗ ـﺮ¸ ـﻪ‬sound of cracking, splinter- a story
ing; ~-kirdin v.t. to splinter qtâw = qutâb
qirchân ‫ ﻗ ـﺮ¸ ـﺎن‬v.i. to melt (fat over fire); qubûł ‫ = ﻗﻮﺑﻮوڵ‬qabûl
~-awa to sting, hurt; hał-~ to be qula v‫ ﻗﻮ‬mountain peak
heated over fire, sizzle, shrivel up qułang ‫ﮓ‬s‫ﻪ‬T‫ ﻗﻮ‬crane (zoo.)
qirchândin ‫ ﻗـﺮ¸ـﺎﻧـﺪن‬qirchen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ¸‫ ﻗـﺮ‬v.t. to qułâkh ‫خ‬Ÿ‫ ﻗـﻮ‬sensitive (of the ear); gwe~
heat fat, grease; to make something bûnawa v.i. to listen attentively
shrivel up over heat; ~-awa to cau- qułf ‫ﻒ‬T‫ ﻗﻮ‬lock; ~-kirdin v.t. to lock
terize qum ‫ ﻗـﻮم‬draught, drink: ~e âw a drink of
qirîwa ‫ ﻗﺮﯾﻮﻩ‬a shout for joy water
qirtaqirt ‫ ﻗﺮﺗﻪﻗﺮت‬peep, chirp quř ‫ ﻗـﻮڕ‬mud; ba ~ girtin v.t. to seal with
qirtândin ‫ﻧـﺪن‬c‫ ﻗـﺮ‬qirten- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻗـ ﺗﺮـ‬v.t. to cut mud: mâlit ba quř gîre “may your
(with scissors), to tear with the teeth; house be mudded up,” damn you
to crack (seeds with the teeth) qurbân ‫ ﻗـــﻮر¶ن‬sacrifice; (vocative) qúr-
qirzhâng ‫ﮓ‬s‫ ﻗﺮژا‬crab bân sir, sire; ~î-kirdin labar pe i
qisht ‫ ﻗﺸﺖ‬cute …dâ v.t. to sacrifice for the sake of
qit-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ ﻗﺖ‬v.t. to eliminate qurchândin ‫ ﻗـﻮر¸ـﺎﻧـﺪن‬qurchen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ¸‫ ﻗـﻮر‬v.t.
qizh ‫ ﻗﮋ‬hair (on the head) to swallow; dâ-~ to swallow, gulp
qîbla ƒ‫ﻗ;ﺒـ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬the kiblah, the direction of Is- down
lamic prayer qurg ‫ ﻗﻮرگ‬throat
qîn ‫ ﻗﲔ‬spite qurosh ‫ ﻗﻮرۆش‬piastre
qîr ‫ ﻗــــــــﲑ‬tar, pitch; ~rezhî-kirdin v.t. to quřqushim ‫ ﻗﻮڕﻗﻮﴌ‬lead (metal)
cover with tar qurs ‫ ﻗﻮرس‬heavy, weighty
qît ‫ ﻗـ;ـﺖ‬erect, in order; kho ~-kirdin v.t. qursh ‫ ﻗﻮرش‬footstool of a throne
to put oneself in order, straighten one- qurwâq ‫ ﻗﻮرواق‬frog
self up; ~ u zît ‫ ﻗـــ;ـــﺖوزﯾـــﺖ‬stylish; ~ u qut ‫ ﻗﻮت‬short, brief
qoz ‫ ﻗ;ﺖوﻗﯚز‬tall and elegant qutâb ‫ب‬c‫ ﻗـــــــﻮ‬book; ~î ‫ﰉ‬c‫ ﻗـــــــﻮ‬student;
qîzh Ã‫ ﻗـــ‬cry, scream; ~ândin ‫اﻧـــﺪن‬Ã‫ ﻗـــ‬qî- ~khâna ‫ﲞﺎﻧﻪ‬c‫ ﻗﻮ‬school
zhen- ‫ﻦ‬¤Ã‫ ﻗ‬v.t. to scream qutân ‫ن‬c‫ ﻗـﻮ‬qute- ì‫ ﻗـﻮ‬v.t. to beat, strike,
qol ‫ ﻗــــﯚل‬arm, sleeve; ~ hał-mâlân v.t. to hit
roll up one’s sleeves, get to work in qutîla ƒ‫ ﻗﻮﺗﻴ‬small box; small lamp
earnest qûchândin ‫ ﻗ ـﻮو¸ ـﺎﻧ ـﺪن‬qûchen- ‫ ـﻦ‬Œ‫= ﻗ ـﻮو¸ ـ‬
qonâgh ‫ = ﻗﯚ‡غ‬qonâkh qûjândin
qonâkh ‫ ﻗـــــﯚ‡خ‬lodging, place to stay the qûjândin ‫ ﻗـﻮو•ـﺎﻧـﺪن‬qûjen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﻗـﻮو•ـ‬v.t. to
night; historical event close together (eyes, fingers)
qûł ‫ ﻗــــﻮوڵ‬deep; ~âî ‫ﰃ‬Ÿ‫ ﻗــــﻮو‬depth: la ~ i rat-dânawa ‫ رﻩت داﻧﻪوﻩ‬v.t. to rouse
dilawa kâr’î kirdûa he labored from rawand ‫ رﻩوﻩﻧﺪ‬nomad
the bottom of his heart; ~î ‫ﯽ‬T‫ ﻗﻮو‬depth rawâ-dîtin ‫ رﻩوا دﯾﱳ‬v.t. to allow
qûłîna ‫ﻴﻨﻪ‬T‫ ﻗﻮو‬fruit basket rawg ‫ رﻩوگ‬herd: ~ a asp herd of horses
qûn ‫ ﻗـﻮون‬anus, butt; ~ i qalam ‫م‬v‫ﻗـﻮوﱏ ﻗـﻪ‬ rawisht ‫ رﻩوﺷﺖ‬manner
stub of a pencil rawîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ رﻩو‬v.i. to shy, run away
Qûstantaniya ‫ ـﺘ ـﻪﻧ ـﺘ ـﻪﻧ ـﻴ ـﻪ‬8‫ ﻗ ـﻮوﺳ ـ‬Constanti- razâ ‫ رﻩزا‬face, mien, aspect; ~girân dul-
nople lard
razâmandî ‫ رﻩزاﻣـﻪﻧـﺪی‬agreement, accept-
rachałak ‫ــﻪک‬T‫ رﻩ¸ــﻪ‬root; ~-birînawa v.t. ance
to uproot, eradicate razbar ‫ رﻩزﺑــــــﻪر‬the month of Libra (Sep-
rachâw ‫ رﻩ¸ــــﺎو‬observation; ~-kirdin v.t. tember 23–October 22)
to observe razîl ‫ رﻩزﯾــــــﻞ‬stingy, tightfisted; ~î stingi-
rafîq ‫ رﻩﻓ;ﻖ‬friend, comrade ness
rag ‫ رﻩگ‬vein, root râ ‫ را‬view, opinion
ragaz ‫ رﻩﮔـﻪز‬origin, race; ~âyatî ‫زﻩﮔـﻪزاﯾـﻪﰏ‬ râ- ‫ را‬cmpd. vb. agent; see under the ver-
racism bal element: râ-bwârdin, râ-girtin, râ-
rahanda ‫ رﻩﻫﻪﻧﺪﻩ‬wanderer, nomad hâtin, râ-henân, râ-keshân, râ-wastân
rakhsân ‫ رﻩﺧ ـﺴ ـﺎن‬rakhse- ‰‫ رﻩﺧ ـﺴ ـ‬v.i. to râ-bûn ‫ راﺑـﻮون‬to be awakened, roused; la
come into existence khaw ~ to be roused from sleep
rakhsândin ‫ﺧﺴـﺎﻧـﺪن‬ ‫ رﻩ ـ‬rakhsen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ﺧﺴ‬
‫رﻩ ـ ـ‬ râbirdû ‫ را–ـــﺮدوو‬last, past: rozh i shamma
v.t. to bring about accidentally i ~ last Saturday; la chand sada i ~’dâ
rama ‫ رﻩﻣـــــﻪ‬herd; ~kî common, ordinary over the last several centuries
(people), of the common herd râburdû ‫ = راﺑﻮردوو‬râbirdû
rang1 ‫ـــــــﮓ‬s‫ رﻩ‬color; ~-dân da/la to hap- râ-chanîn, la khaw ‫ـﻪو را¸ـﻪﻧـﲔ‬L v to wake
pen to; ~-dânawa to bleed (as color from sleep with a start
onto a fabric); ~dânawa i … bûn v.i. râchâw-kirdin ‫ـــﺮدن‬B ‫ را¸ـــﺎو‬v.t. to choose,
to be in accordance with; ~-hałbizir- select, elect
kân v.i. to lose color, go pale; ~hałbi- râda ‫ رادﻩ‬degree, extent: tâ ~yèk to an
zirkâw ‫ـﱫرﰷو‬T‫ـﮓﻫـﻪ‬s‫ رﻩ‬pale, “white as a extent; tâ chi ~yèk to what extent?
sheet” (with fright); ~în ‫ﮕﲔ‬s‫ رﻩ‬colorful râgayândin ‫ﻧﺪن‬p‫ﮔﻪ‬ä‫ ر‬communications
rang2 ‫ ـﮓ‬s‫ رﻩ‬possible; ~ a ka ‫ ـﮕ ـﻪ ﮐ ـﻪ‬s‫( رﻩ‬+ râhat ‫ راﻫﻪت‬comfortable
subj.) it’s possible that râhî ‫ راﻫﯽ‬solution; salvation
ranj ‫ رﻩﱋ‬pain, suffering; ~-dân to take râ-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬Bä‫ ر‬v.t. to run
pains; to go to trouble; to suffer râmyâr ‫ راﻣــــــــ;ــــــــﺎر‬shepherd, herdsman;
raq ‫ رﻩق‬stiff; ~ hał-hâtin v.i. to be statesman, politician
frozen stiff; ~-kirdin v.t. to freeze; ~- rân1 ‫ ران‬herd
u-hîshk i sar ‫ رﻩقوﻫ›ﺸﮑﯽ ﺳﻪر‬madness rân2 ‫ ران‬leg, thigh
raqan ‫ رﻩﻗﻪن‬hard, stoney ground rândin ‫ راﻧــــــﺪن‬ren- ‫ــــــﻦ‬¤‫ ر‬v.t. to drive; to
rasan ‫ رﻩﺳﻪن‬pure, pure-blooded throw (stones)
rash ‫ رﻩش‬black; ~abâ ¶‫ رﻩﺷـــﻪ‬dust storm; râspârda ‫ﭙﺎردﻩ‬8‫ راﺳ‬errand, charge
~mâl ‫ رﻩﺷــــﲈڵ‬black tent, nomadic tent; râsperî ‫ﺮی‬Œ‫ﭙ‬8‫ راﺳ‬charge, commission
~posh ‫ﭙﯚش‬8‫ رﻩﺷ‬clad in black râst ‫ راﺳـﺖ‬right, correct, true; ~-bûnawa
rashama ‫ رﻩﺷـــــﻪﻣـــــﻪ‬the month of Pisces to get up; ~-bûnawa la to loom over;
(February 20– March 20) ~aqîna ‫ﻗ;ﻨـﻪ‬ ‫ﺘـﻪ ـ ـ‬8‫ﺳ‬
‫ را ــ‬truth: ~y bo darkawt
the truth dawned on him; ~awkho rebwâr ‫ـﺒﻮار‬l‫ ر‬wayfarer
‫ــــــﺘـــﻪوﺧـــﯚ‬8 ‫ راﺳ‬straight, direct: ~ biro go rechâł ‫ﺎڵ‬Âl‫ر‬, rechâr ‫ﺎر‬Âl‫ ر‬marmalade
straight ahead; ba ~î ‫ ـﱴ‬8‫ ﺑ ـﻪراﺳ ـ‬actually, rechka ‫ﭽﮑـﻪ‬l ‫ ر ـ ـ‬path of a swarm of insects;
really, frankly; dast i ~ right hand; ~î ~-bastin v.t. to swarm (of insects); ~
‫ﱴ‬8‫ راﺳ‬truth hał-kirdin v.t. to send out a swarm
râtib ‫ راﺗـــــــــﺐ‬salary, stipend: ~ dadre ba rega ‫ـﮕـﻪ‬¤‫ ر‬road, way; la ~ i…awa via; ~-
darskhwen u kârkar i dawlat stipends girtin ba v.t. to stop, make halt: pâsa-
are given to students and government wân rega’yân pe girt the guards
workers stopped him; ~-kutân v.t. to travel;
râtu(a) ‫ راﺗﻮ‬theological student’s stipend regâ ‫ﮕﺎ‬¤‫ ر‬road; ~ i âsin railroad;
râva-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ راوﻩ‬v.t. to explain regir ‫ﮕﺮ‬¤‫ ر‬highway robber, bandit
râw ‫ راو‬prey, hunt; ~-kirdin v.t. to hunt; rek ‫ــــﮏ‬¤‫ ر‬smooth, organized, correct; ~-
~-nân v.t. to hunt down, track down: kawtin v.i. to go well, to be smoothly;
polîs râwî nây the police tracked you ~-kawtin lagał v.i. to arrange with; ~-
down; ~ařewî-henân bo ‫ـــﺎن‬ ‫ﻨ‬²‫ـﻮی ﻫ‬l‫راوﻩڕ‬ khistin v.t. to rub together; to organ-
‫ ﺑـﯚ‬v.t. to foxhunt; to sidetrack; ~ashaw ize; to make up; to make a truce; ~-
‫ راوﻩﺷـــﻪو‬night hunt; ~chî ‫ راوﭼـــﯽ‬hunter, kirdin v.t. to smooth, arrange; ~kew-
out hunting; ~kar ‫ راوﮐــــﻪر‬hunter; ~- u- tin arrangement, agreement; ~-u-pek
shikâr ‫ راووﺷﲀر‬hunting ‫ﮏ‬²‫ﮏوﭘ‬¤‫ ر‬arranged, in order
râwezh ‫ـﮋ‬¤‫ راو‬speaking (lagał with), man- rekawt ‫ــــﮑــــﻪوت‬¤‫ ر‬chance, accident: ba ~
ner of speaking by chance, by accident
rây ‫ رای‬idea, plan renwen ‫ـــﻦ‬¤‫ـــﻨـــﻮ‬l‫ ر‬leader; ~î-kirdin v.t. to
râyakh ‫ راﯾﻪخ‬rug lead
râz ‫ راز‬conversation; story reřaw ‫ﻩو‬g‫ـــــــــ‬¤‫ ر‬crossroads; chance: ba ~
râz|ân ‫ رازان‬râze- ‫ رازێ‬v.i. to be embel- tûshî bûm I met him by chance
lished; ~ândin ‫ رازاﻧــﺪن‬râzen- ‫ــﻦ‬¤‫ راز‬v.t. resh ‫ﺶ‬â‫ ر‬wound, wounded
to embellish; ~ândinawa ‫ رازاﻧـــﺪﻧـــﻪوﻩ‬to reushwen ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ رێ و ﺷﻮ‬way
adorn, embellish rewân ‫ﻮان‬l‫ ر‬guide
râzâwa ‫ رازاوﻩ‬embellished, decorated rewî ‫ﻮی‬l‫ ر‬fox
râzî ‫ رازی‬satisfied, content; lakho~ rez1 ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ = ر‬rîz
‫ﺧﯚڕازی‬v self-satisfied rez2 ‫ــــﺰ‬¤‫ ر‬respect; ~-girtin la v.t. to show
re ‫ رێ‬way, road; ~-dân v.t. to admit, respect for; ~legîrâw ‫ــــﮕــــﲑاو‬²‫ــــﺰﻟــــ‬¤‫ ر‬re-
allow in; ~-girtin v.t. to commit high- spected; ba~ ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ ﺑﻪر‬respected, eminent
way robbery; ~-kawtin la to chance rez-3 ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ ر‬pres. stem of ristin
upon: ~m l’ aw jegâyá kawt I chanced reza ‫ـــــﺰﻩ‬¤‫ ر‬bit, little bit; la ~ i ...dâ equal
upon that place; ~ te-chûn to be pos- to: kichim la reza i kuř i aw’dâya my
sible; ba ~ kirdin v.t. to escort out/ daughter is equal to his son
away; ba ~wa birdin v.t. to lead, rezh- ‫ﮋ‬¤‫ ر‬pres. stem of rishtin
manage, administer; ba ~wa kawtin rezmân ‫ـﺰﻣـﺎن‬¤‫ ر‬grammar; ~î ‫ـﺰﻣـﺎﱏ‬¤‫ ر‬gram-
to get under way, hit the road; birdi- matical
nà ba ~wa to carry out, execute; la ~ i ridenspî ‫ﯽ‬Š‫ﭙ‬8‫ﺴ‬Àl‫ رد‬elder
‫ﻰ‬Šl‫ ر‬v by way of, through, via rif ‫ رف‬shelf
rebandân ‫ﺒــﻪﻧـﺪان‬l‫ ر‬the month of Aquarius rifḥa ‫ = رﲿﻪ‬rif
(January 21– February 19) rikef ‫ﻒ‬²‫ رﮐ‬stirrup
rebar ‫ـﺒﻪر‬l‫ ر‬leader, guide rim ‫ رم‬spear
rimândin ‫ رﻣــــﺎﻧــــﺪن‬rimen- ‫ــــﻦ‬Œ‫ رﻣــــ‬v.t. to rîz2 ‫ــﺰ‬a‫ ر‬line, rank: rîz i lashkir i duzhmin
destroy enemy army ranks; ~-kirdin v.t. to
rinân ‫ر‡ن‬: dâ-~ v.t. to shed (skin, line up, arrange
clothes) ro ‫ = رۆ‬rozh
rinîn ‫ ﻧرـــــﲔ‬v.t. to scratch with the finger- rochin ‫ رۆﭼــــــﻦ‬window, skylight: ~akán
nails; ~-awa ditto; qizh-~awa to pull bikaynawa let’s open the windows
the hair out roła ‫ﻪ‬T‫ رۆ‬child
riq ‫ رق‬spite, spitefulness; ~abar ‫رﻗــــﻪﺑــــﻪر‬ român ‫ رۆﻣﺎن‬story
spiteful rival; ~abarâyatî ‫رﻗـــﻪﺑـــﻪراﯾـــﻪﰏ‬ ron ‫ رۆن‬oil, grease, fat
spiteful rivalry roshin ‫ رۆﺷـﻦ‬bright; ~bîr ‫ـﲑ‬Ò‫ـﻨـ‬8‫ رۆﺷـ‬intel-
rishqanjâr ‫ رﺷﻘﻪﳒﺎر‬butt of a joke lectual, enlightened; ~-kirdin v.t. to
rishtin ‫ رﺷـﱳ‬rezh- ‫ـﮋ‬¤‫ ر‬v.t. to pour; ~awa light, turn on, start (machines)
‫ـﻪوﻩ‬ž‫ـ‬n‫ رﺷـ‬to pour, cast (metal), to stir up Rostam ‫ــــﺘــﻪم‬8 ‫ رۆﺳ‬Rustam, the legendary
trouble; dâ-~ = dâ-rizhândin; hał-~ champion of Iran
to shed (tears) royshtin ‫ رۆ§ــﺸــﱳ‬ro- ‫ رۆ‬v.i. to go (away,
rist ‫ رﺳﺖ‬line, dog collar off), leave
rista ‫ﺘﻪ‬8‫ رﺳ‬noodle; sentence rozh ‫ رۆژ‬day; ~âna ‫ رۆژاﻧ ـﻪ‬daily; ~(h)alât
ristin ‫ رﺳﱳ‬rez- ‫ﺰ‬¤‫ ر‬v.t. to spin (thread) ‫ت‬Ÿ‫ رۆژﻫـــﻪ‬east, orient, dawn: rozhałât i
riwân ‫ روان‬v.i. to be green (of a field) nâwrâst the Middle East; ~hałâtnâs
riwâłat ‫ﻪت‬T‫ روا‬mien ‫ﺗـــــﻨـــــﺎس‬Ÿ‫ روژﻫـــــﻪ‬orientalist; ~âwâ ‫رۆژاوا‬
rizân ‫ رزان‬v.i. to rot; dâ-~ to be over- west; ~èkyân ‫ ـﮑ ـ; ـﺎن‬¤‫ رۆژ‬one day; ~nâ-
cooked; to rot and fall to pieces ma ‫ رۆژ‡ﻣـــــــــــﻪ‬newspaper; ~nâmanûs
rizândin ‫ رزاﻧــﺪن‬rizen- ‫ــﻦ‬¤‫ رز‬v.t. to make/ ‫ رۆژ‡ﻣﻪﻧﻮوس‬journalist
let rot rozhgâr ‫ رۆژﮔــــــــــــــﺎر‬days, time: la ~ân i
rizgâr ‫ رزﮔـﺎر‬saved, rescued; ~-bûn v.i. to kon’dâ in olden times; fate
be saved, to escape: rizgâryân bû they rozhû ‫ رۆژوو‬fasting; ~-girtin to fast
were saved, they escaped; ~-kirdin rukhân ‫ـــــــــﺎن‬L‫ رو‬rukhe- ‰‫ روﺧـــــــــ‬v.i. to
v.t. to rescue, to save: tanyâ to dat- collapse
wânî l’ am balâyá rizgârmân bikay rukhândin ‫ـﺎﻧـﺪن‬L‫ رو‬rukhen- ‫ـﻦ‬ŒL ‫ رو ـ‬v.t. to
only you can save us from this catas- destroy, pull down
trophe; ~î salvation, liberation, res- rukhsat ‫ روﺧ ـﺴ ـﻪت‬permission; ~-dân v.t.
cue; ~îkhwâz ‫ رزﮔــــﺎرﳜــــﻮاز‬liberationist; to give permission; ~-khwâstin la v.t.
~kar ‫ رزﮔﺎرﮐﻪر‬rescuer, savior to request permission of
rizhân ‫ رژان‬v.i. to pour out, be poured rukhsâr ‫ روﺧﺴﺎر‬face
out; dâ-~ to pour down, fall down runâk ‫ = رو‡ک‬rûnâk
rizhândin ‫ رژاﻧـﺪن‬rizhen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ رژ‬v.t. to pour ruwâłat ‫ــــﻪت‬T‫ روا‬obviousness; hypocrisy;
out; dâ-~ to pour, mold; lay (founda- ba ~ obviously
tion) rû ‫ روو‬face, aspect, mien; ~-dân v.t. to
rizhdî ‫ رژدی‬miserliness, stinginess happen, occur; ~-dân ba yek v.t. to
rizhtin ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ = رژ‬rishtin frown; ~-kirdin rwaw v.t. to face,
rîkordar ‫ﮑﯚردﻩر‬a‫ ر‬tape recorder turn toward; ~-kirdinà … to face,
rîqna ‫ﻪ‬ž‫ رﯾﻘ‬bird droppings head for (s.o.,; ~ ba ~ i face to
rîsh ‫ ر§ﺶ‬beard; ~-tâshîn v.t. to shave face with, opposite; ~ i dam kirdinà
rîsha ‫ ر§ﺸﻪ‬root … v.t. to turn to face …; ba ~ kho’dâ
rîz1 ‫ﺰ‬a‫ ر‬small, tiny henân to reveal; khistinà ~ v.t. to
bring to light, to reveal; l’ am ~áwa v sagasaga-kirdin ‫ــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﺳــﻪﮔــﻪﺳــﻪﮔــﻪ‬v.t. to
‫ مرووﻩوﻩ‬in this respect play ’possum
rûbâr ‫ روو¶ر‬river saghlat ‫ت‬ƒ‫ ﺳــﻪ™ــ‬confused, perplexed; ~î
rûdiřâw ‫ روودڕاو‬event ‫ﰏ‬ƒ™‫ ﺳﻪ‬confusion
rûdâw ‫ رووداو‬event, incident saḥrâ ‫ ﺳﻪﺣﺮا‬field
rûgirzh ‫ رووﮔﺮژ‬frowning sakht ‫ ﺳﻪﺧﺖ‬hard, difficult
rûkândin ‫ رووﰷﻧـــﺪن‬rûken- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ رووﮐـــ‬v.t. to sako ‫ ﺳﻪﮐﯚ‬bench
scratch sakta ‫ﮐﺘـﻪ‬‫ ﺳـﻪ ـ‬heart attack; ~-kirdin v.t. to
rûkâr ‫ رووﰷر‬cover have a heart attack
rûkhosh ‫ رووﺧـــــﯚش‬cheerful; ~î cheerful- sałâ Ÿ‫ ﺳـــــﻪ‬resurrection; ro i ~ Ÿ‫رۆى ﺳـــــﻪ‬
ness doomsday
rûmat ‫ رووﻣﻪت‬cheek salâmat ‫ ﺳـــﻪﻻﻣـــﻪت‬healthy; ~î health; ba
rûn ‫ روون‬bright, clear; ~-kirdin v.t. to ~î in good health
explain sałmândin ‫ـﲈﻧـﺪن‬T‫ ﺳـﻪ‬sałmen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ﻤ‬T‫ ﺳـﻪ ـ‬v.t. to
rûnâk ‫ روو‡ک‬bright; ~bîr ‫ـــﺒـــﲑ‬B‡‫ روو‬intel- prove, to accept
lectual; ~î ‫ روو‡ﰽ‬brightness sałmenrân ‫ـﲊان‬²‫ﻤ‬T ‫ ﺳـﻪ ـ ـ‬sałmenre- ‫ـﲊێ‬²‫ﻤ‬T
‫ﺳـﻪ ـ ـ‬
rûpař ‫ رووﭘﻪڕ‬page v.p. to be proven
rûshân ‫ رووﺷـــﺎن‬v.i. to be scratched; ~din sałp ‫ـﭗ‬T‫ ﺳـﻪ‬oar; ~ândin ‫ـﭙـﺎﻧـﺪن‬T‫ ﺳـﻪ‬salpen-
‫ رووﺷﺎﻧﺪن‬rûshen- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ رووﺷ‬v.t. to scratch ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ﭙ‬T‫ ﺳﻪ‬v.t. to row
rût ‫ رووت‬naked; ~al ‫ رووﺗـــــــﻪل‬naked; ~alî sałt ‫ــــﺖ‬T‫ ﺳــــﻪ‬single, unmarried; ~azalâm
‫ رووﺗﻪﱃ‬nakedness ‫ﺘﻪزﻩﻻم‬T‫ ﺳﻪ‬a solitary traveler on foot
rûtâł ‫ڵ‬c‫ روو‬frowning, with a sour samar ‫ ﺳﻪﻣﻪر‬fruit
expression samara ‫ ﺳــﻪﻣــﻪرﻩ‬amazing: shitèk i sayr u
rûtan ‫ رووﺗﻪن‬wasteland, desert ~ya it’s something amazing; toil
rwaw ‫ روﻩو‬toward samâ ‫ ﺳﻪﻣﺎ‬dance; ~-kirdin v.t. to dance
rwân ‫ روان‬rwe- ‫ روێ‬v.i. to grow, sprout: samâs ‫ ﺳﻪﻣﺎس‬patient, calm
tokaî chândim rwâ the seed I planted samâwar ‫ ﺳﻪﻣﺎوﻩر‬samovar
sprouted; ~ga ‫ ـﮕ ـﻪ‬s‫ روا‬standpoint, view- sandin ‫ ﺳ ـﻪﻧ ـﺪن‬sen- ‫ ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺳ ـ‬v.t. to take, take
point hold of, get, buy
rwânîn ‫ رواﻧــــــﲔ‬v.t. to look; ~à ... to look sangân ‫ـــﮕـــﺎن‬s‫ ﺳـــﻪ‬sange- ‰‫ـــﮕـــ‬s‫ ﺳـــﻪ‬v.i. to
at: rwânîyânà min they looked at me; weigh; ~din ‫ﮕـﺎﻧـﺪن‬s‫ ﺳـﻪ ـ‬sangen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ﮕ‬s ‫ﺳـﻪ ـ ـ‬
hał-~ ba to look something over from v.t. to weigh, evalute; hał-~din to
top to bottom, to give s.o. the “once- evaluate, assess
over” sangîn ‫ﮕﲔ‬s‫ ﺳﻪ‬heavy
sannalî ‫ ﺳﻪﻧﻨﻪﱃ‬chair
sa ‫ = ﺳﻪ‬sag sapân ‫ ﺳـــﻪﭘـــﺎن‬v.i. to be imposed, forced;
sa‘ât ‫ ﺳـﻪ`ـﺎت‬hour, clock, o’clock: la ~ (i) ~din ‫ ﺳـﻪﭘـﺎﻧـﺪن‬sapen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺳـﻪﭘـ‬v.t. to im-
chwâr-dâ at four o’clock pose
sabârat ba ‫ ﺳـﻪ¶رﻩت ﺑـﻪ‬concerning, about, saqat ‫ ﺳ ـﻪﻗ ـﻪت‬dangerous: pyâwèk i saqat
in terms of a— nâwerim bichimà lây he’s a dan-
sabîl ‫ ﺳﻪﺑﻴﻞ‬tobacco pipe gerous man—I don’t dare go near him
sad ‫ ﺳﻪد‬hundred; ~a century Saqiz ‫ ﻗــــــﻪﻗــــــﺰ‬Saqqez, a town in Iranian
safar ‫ ﺳﻪﻓﻪر‬trip; ~-kirdin v.t. to travel Kurdistan
sag ‫ ﺳــــــﻪگ‬dog; ~ i pe-sûtâw wandering saqâ ‫ ﺳﻪﻗﺎ‬watercarrier, waterseller
aimlessly sar ‫ ﺳـﻪر‬head (verbal expressions involv-
ing sar are given below; for all other shâr it has come to my mind to go to
compounds, see alphabetically): ~ âw town
chûnawa v.i. to go to the bathroom; ~ sarabahâr ‫ ﺳﻪرﻩﺑﻪﻫﺎر‬beginning of spring
bilind-kirdinawa v.t. to rebel; ~ dâ- sarak ‫ ﺳــــــــــــﻪرﻩک‬head, chief, president:
nwândin ba to bow the head to; la ~ sarak wazîrân prime minister; ~î
dân v.t. to decapitate; ~ dar-henân ‫ ﺳﻪرﻩﰽ‬main, chief
v.t. to appear: gyâ sar’î darhenâwa sar’anjâm ‫ ﺳﻪرﺋﻪﳒﺎم‬in the end, finally
the plants have appeared; to stick the sarařâ i ‫ ﺳﻪرﻩڕای‬in addition to
head out: sar’î la panjara darhenâ sarařo ‫ ﺳﻪرﻩڕۆ‬headstrong
she stuck her head out of the window; saratâ c‫ ﺳﻪرﻩ‬beginning
~ kho hâtin v.i. to recover; ~ la far- sarawa ‫ ﺳﻪرﻩوﻩ‬upward
mân i … hał-pechân to disobey; ~ la sarawgird ‫ ﺳﻪرﻩوﮔﺮد‬guardian (of a child)
re dân v.t. to disappoint: sar’mân la sarawkhwâr ‫ ﺳﻪرﻩوﺧﻮار‬headed down
re’t dâya you’ve disappointed us; ~- sarawzher ‫ﺮ‬¤‫ ﺳﻪرﻩوژ‬headed down
birdin v.t. to spend (time); ~ cha- sarawzhûr ‫ ﺳﻪرﻩوژوور‬headed up
mândin v.t. to lower the head, to give sarâ ‫ ﺳﻪرا‬government building
up, submit; ~-dar-chûn la v.i. to sarâpâ ‫ ﺳـــــﻪراﭘـــــﺎ‬from head to foot, com-
understand: sarim le darnâche I don’t pletely
understand; ~-dâ-nawândin v.t. to sarâw ‫ ﺳﻪراو‬spring
lower the head; ~-dân la v.t. to visit, sarbadarawa ‫ ﺳــــﻪرﺑــــﻪدﻩرﻩوﻩ‬well-known,
go to see; ~-gum-kirdin v.t. to get famous
excited; ~-hał-girtin v.t. to break the sarbakho ‫ ﺳـﻪرﺑـﻪﺧـﯚ‬independent; ~î inde-
reins; ~-keshân v.t. to peek; ~ khis- pendence
tinà ~ v.t. to tease: saryân khistà sar- sarbaraw|zher(a) (‫ـﺮ)ه‬¤‫ ﺳـﻪرﺑـﻪرﻩوژ‬headed
mân they teased us; ~-khulânawa v.i. down; ~zhûr(a) ‫ ﺳـــﻪرﺑـــﻪرﻩوژوورﻩ‬headed
to be dizzy; kirdinà ~… v.t. to im- up
pose on, charge with: pâshâ dakâtà sarbarz ‫ ﺳــــﻪرﺑــــﻪرز‬honorable, respected,
sar âshawân kichaká’y bidâtè the with one’s head held high
king forces the miller to give him his sarbast ‫ ﺳـــﻪرﺑـــﻪﺳـــﺖ‬free, independent; ~î
daughter; ba ~ kirdinawa v.t. to visit; freedom, independence
~ le-shewân v.i. to be helpless, in dis- sarbân ‫ ﺳﻪر¶ن‬roof
tress; ~-nânawa v.t. to lay one’s head sarbâz ‫ ﺑﻪر¶ز‬soldier; ~î military
down (to sleep): dabûâya sarî be sarbilind ‫ ﺳﻪرﺑﻠﻨﺪ‬proud
shew binetawa he would have had to sarbiř g‫ ﺳــــــﻪر–ــــــ‬shortcut: ~ royshtim, zû
lay his head down without supper; gayshtim I took a shortcut and got
~pechî-kirdin v.t. to be obstinate; ~- here early
spârdin ba v.t. to rely totaly upon: sarburd ‫ ﺳﻪرﺑﻮرد‬adventure
sar’im pe daspere she relies totally sarbûrî ‫ ﺳﻪرﺑﻮوری‬adventure
upon me; ~-tâshîn v.t. to have a hair- sarchâwa ‫ ﺳــــــﻪر¸ــــــﺎوﻩ‬source, spring; ~-
cut; ~udar dar-kirdin la v.t. to un- girtin la v.t. to originate with
derstand: l’ am kârá sarudar darnâ- sarchopî ‫ﯽ‬Š‫ ﺳـــﻪرﭼـــﯚﭘـــ‬leadership of a ring
kam I don’t understand this; ba ~ dance
hâtin v.i. to happen; birdinà ~ v.t. to sardam ‫ ﺳـﻪردﻩم‬moment; ~è(k) ‫ﺳـﻪردﻩ ـﻣ´ـﮏ‬
spend (time); hâtinà ~ v.i. to think, to all at once; ~î ‫ ﺳﻪردﻩﻣﯽ‬temporary
come to mind: hâtûtà sarim bichim bo sardast ‫ ﺳـﻪردﻩﺳـﺖ‬sleeve; ~akî ‫ﺘــﻪﰽ‬8‫ﺳـﻪردﻩﺳـ‬
standing (doing something normally sarpot ‫ ﺳﻪرﭘﯚت‬desultory, superficial
done seated or lying down): ~ tifang’î sarqâp ‫ ﺳﻪرﻗﺎپ‬lid
hâwîsht he fired the rifle standing sarqâfilachî ‰‫ﭼ‬ƒ‫ ﺳﻪرﻗﺎﻓ‬caravan leader
sardân i ‫ ﺳﻪرداﱏ‬visit to sarraq ‫ ﺳﻪررﻩق‬stubborn
sardâr ‫ ﺳﻪر¶ر‬leader, chief sarrâ ‫ ﺳـﻪررا‬in addition; by the by; on the
saren ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ ﺳﻪر‬lifetime way
saresha ‫ﺸـﻪ‬â‫ﺳـﻪر ـ‬, sareshân ‫ﺸـﺎن‬â‫ ﺳـﻪر ـ‬head- sarrishta ‫ﺘﻪ‬8‫ ﺳﻪررﺷ‬expertise
ache sarrût ‫ ﺳﻪررووت‬bareheaded, schoolchild
sargardânî ‫ ﺳﻪرﮔﻪرداﱏ‬perplexity sarsarî ‫ ﺳﻪرﺳﻪری‬flighty, empty-headed
sargarmkar ‫ ﺳﻪرﮔﻪرﻣﮑﻪر‬amusing sarsâm ‫ ﺳﻪرﺳﺎم‬perplexed, dumbfounded
sargirân ‫ ﺳﻪرﮔﺮان‬lazy, drunk sarshoř ‫ ﺳﻪرﺷﯚڕ‬humiliated
sargurushta ‫ﺘﻪ‬8‫ ﺳﻪرﮔﻮروﺷ‬adventure sarsuřmân ‫ ﺳـــﻪرﺳـــﻮڕﻣـــﺎن‬amazement: ba
sarhât ‫ ﺳﻪرﻫﺎت‬event sarsuřmânawa gutim I said with
sarinj ‫ ﺳــــــﻪرﱋ‬scrutiny, investigation; ~- amazement
dân la to scrutinize, investigate close- sartâsh ‫ش‬c‫ ﺳـــــــﻪر‬barber; ~khâna ‫ﺳـــــــﻪ‬
ly; ~ râ-keshan v.t. to attract the at- ‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬Ø‫ﺷ‬c‫ ر‬barbershop
tention; ~râkesh ‫ﺶ‬Œ‫ﮐ‬ä‫ ﺳﻪرﳒﺮ‬attractive sartop ‫ ﺳــــﻪﺗرــــﯚپ‬unrivaled (in beauty or
sarîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ﺳﻪر‬pillow bravery): l’ am nâwá’dâ ~a he is
sarjam ‫ ﺳ ـﻪر• ـﻪم‬collection, ensemble, al- unrivaled in these parts
together; ba ~ together with; ~gal ‫ﺳـــﻪ‬ sarugwelâk ‫ﻼک‬l‫ ﺳﻪروﮔﻮ‬form, shape
‫ ر¸ﻪﻣﮕﻪل‬community sarwar ‫ ﺳﻪروﻩر‬leader; ~î leadership
sarkawtû ‫ ﺳـــﻪرﮐـــﻪوﺗـــﻮو‬successful, having saryek ‫ ﺳﻪرﯾﻪک‬altogether
attained one’s desire, having made an sarzawî ‫ ﺳﻪرزﻩوی‬earth, land
achievement; ~âna ‫ ﺳـﻪرﮐـﻪوﺗـﻮواﻧـﻪ‬trium- sarzârakî ‫ ﺳﻪرزارﻩﰽ‬all talk and no action
phantly sarzârî ‫ ﺳﻪرزاری‬talk, speech
sarkhosh ‫ ﺳﻪرﺧﯚش‬drunk sarzhimârî ‫ ﺳﻪرژﻣﺎری‬census
sarkird|a ‫ـﺮدﻩ‬B‫ ﺳـﻪر‬commander, leader; ~aî sawa ‫ ﺳﻪوﻩ‬basket
‫ـﺮدﻩﰃ‬B‫ ﺳـﻪر‬leadership, command; ~âyatî sawdâ ‫ ﺳــــﻪودا‬commerce, trade; love; ec-
‫ﺮداﯾﻪﰏ‬B‫ ﺳﻪر‬leadership zema; ~î ‫ ﺳـــــــﻪوداﰃ‬afflicted with ecze-
sarkomâr ‫ ﺳﻪرﮐﯚﻣﺎر‬president ma; violently in love
sarkona ‫ ﺳﻪرﮐﯚﻧﻪ‬reproach, rebuke sawr ‫ ﺳــــــــــــﻪور‬slowly: ~ qsa bika speak
sarkwer ‫ﺮ‬¤‫ﻮ‬B‫ ﺳﻪر‬stupid slowly
sarleshewâw ‫ﻮاو‬²8‫ﺸ‬Œ‫ ﺳﻪرﻟ‬distressed sawz ‫ ﺳﻪۆز‬green
sarmashq ‫ ﺳ ـﻪرﻣ ـﻪﺷ ـﻖ‬lesson; hâtinà ~ to say ‫ = ﺳﻪی‬sag
serve as an example sayâra ‫رﻩ‬p‫ ﺳﻪ‬automobile
sarmâ ‫ ﺳـﻪرﻣـﺎ‬cold, coldness; ~-khwârdin saydawân ‫ ﺳﻪﯾﺪﻩوان‬hunter
v.t. to catch cold sayid ‫ ﺳـﻪﯾـﺪ‬sayyid, title borne by descen-
sarmâwaz ‫ ﺳـــﻪرﻣـــﺎوﻩز‬the month of Sagit- dants of the Prophet Muhammad
tarius (November 22–December 21) sayr ‫ـﺮ‬a‫ ﺳـﻪ‬strange, odd: ~a that’s odd; ~-
sarnâs ‫ ﺳﻪر‡س‬famous, well-known kirdin v.t. to look: sayr i amá ka look
sarok ‫ ﺳـــﻪرۆک‬leader; ~âyatî ‫ﺳـــﻪرۆﰷﯾـــﻪﰏ‬ at this!
leadership sayrân ‫ـﺮان‬a‫ ﺳـﻪ‬outing, trip; ~gar ‫ﮕـﻪر‬s‫ـﺮا ـ‬a‫ﺳـﻪ‬
sarparisht ‫ ﺳﻪرﭘﻪرﺷﺖ‬chief, head excursioner, tourist
sarpech ‫ﭻ‬²‫ ﺳﻪرﭘ‬obstinate, refractory sâ1 ‫ ﺳﺎ‬then, so
sarpiř gº‫ ﺳﻪر‬brimful sâ2 ‫ ﺳـــــﺎ‬shadow; na bikay na bikhoy, har
tamâshâ i sâ i gardinî bikay you waffle; be seudû lekirdin ‫ و دوو‬‰‫ ﺳـــ‬/
wouldn’t be able to do anything or eat ‫ﮑﺮدن‬²‫ ﻟ‬without hesitation
anything, you’d just look at the shad- sebar ‫ﻪر‬mŒ‫ ﺳ‬shadow
ow of her neck (an expression for be- sedâra ‫ﺪارﻩ‬²8‫ ﺳ‬gallows
ing mesmerized by beauty) sełâw ‫و‬˲8‫ ﺳ‬flood, deluge
sâbûn ‫ ﺳﺎﺑﻮون‬soap sew ‫ﻮ‬²8‫ ﺳ‬apple
sâda ‫ ﺳﺎدﻩ‬simple shabaq ‫ ﺷــــﻪﺑــــﻪق‬dawn; ~-dân v.t. imprs.
sâgh ‫ ﺳـــﺎغ‬whole, hail, healthy; ~î ‫ﺳـــﺎﻏـــﯽ‬ for dawn to break: wirda wirda sha-
health; ~-bûnawa to reach a conclu- baqî dadâ little by little dawn was
sion, come to an end breaking
sâkâr ‫ ﺳ˜ﰷر‬straightforward shakat ‫ ﺷﻪﮐﻪت‬tired; ~î exhaustion
sâkhta ‫ﻪ‬µ‫ ﺳﺎﺧ‬fabricated, false shakând- ‫ = ﺷﻪﰷﻧﺪ‬shikând-
sâkhtimân ‫ن‬0‫ ﺳﺎﺧ‬building shakhs ‫ ﺷﻪﺧﺲ‬person, personage
sâł ‫ ﺳﺎڵ‬year; ~gâr a long period of time shałâł ‫ڵ‬Ÿ‫ ﺷــــــــــــــــــﻪ‬steeped; la khwen ~
sâm ‫ ﺳــــــــــــــﺎم‬fear: sâm’î le nîsht he was steeped in blood
gripped by fear; ~nâk ‫ــﺎک‬ž‫ ﺳـﺎﻣ‬frightful; shamcha ‫ﻪ‬Â‫ ﺷﻪﻣ‬match
ba~ ‫ ﺑــﻪﺳــﺎم‬fearful, terrible; piř~ ‫ﺳــﺎم‬g‫ــ‬º shamma ‫ ﺷﻪﳑﻪ‬Saturday
fearful, frightful shamshama ‫ ﺷـﻪ ـﻣﺸـﻪﻣـﻪ‬bat; ~kwera ‫ﺷـﻪ ـﻣﺸـﻪ‬
sâmâł ‫ ﺳﺎﻣﺎڵ‬clear (sky, weather) ‫ﺮﻩ‬¤‫ﻮ‬B‫ ﻣﻪ‬bat
sândin ‫ ﺳﺎﻧﺪن‬sen- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ = ﺳ‬sitândin shan ‫ ﺷﻪن‬winnowing
sâqata ‫ ﺳﺎﻗﻪﺗﻪ‬tree trunk shap ‫ ﺷﻪپ‬slap
sârd ‫ ﺳـﺎرد‬cold; ~î coldness; ~î u garmî i shapoł ‫ ﺷﻪﭘﯚڵ‬wave
zhyân dîtin to have much experience shaq ‫ ﺷــــــــﻪق‬slap, kick; ~ hał-dân ba to
in life kick; ba ~ pe-kirdin to kick around:
sârghî ‫ ﺳﺎرﻏﯽ‬bandage ba shaq tarâten i hawshaká’yân pe
sâřezh ‫ـــﮋ‬¤‫ ﺳـــﺎڕ‬healed; ~-bûn v.i. to heal kirdim they kicked me all around the
(wound) courtyard; ~-birdin v.t. to crack, split;
Sâsânî ‫ ﺳﺎﺳﺎﱏ‬Sassanian to go to pieces, to fly into a rage
sât ‫ ﺳــــــــﺎت‬time, moment; la dwâ ~ i aw shaqa ‫ ﺷــــــﻪﻗــــــﻪ‬flutter, sound of a bird’s
rozhá in the aftermath of that day wing in flight; dân la ~ i bâl v.t. to
sâwân ‫ ﺳــــﺎوان‬sâw- ‫ ﺳــــﺎو‬v.t. to rub, wear flap the wings
down shaqâm ‫ ﺷﻪﻗﺎم‬street
sâwîlka ‫ ﺳﺎوﯾﻠﮑﻪ‬poor, beggarly shaqâw ‫ ﺷﻪﻗﺎو‬big step
sâya ‫ ﺳـﺎﯾـﻪ‬shadow; la ~ i ‫ ﺳـﺎﯾـﻪى‬v because shaqqa ‫ = ﺷﻪﻗﻘﻪ‬shaqa
of, on account of shař ‫ ﺷــــﻪڕ‬fight; ~-kirdin v.t. to fight; ~-
sâz ‫ ﺳـــــــــــــﺎز‬musical instrument; happy; nânawa v.t. to stir up war; ~ajwen-
wealthy; ready; baggage; ~inda ‫ﺎزـﺪﻩ‬ ‫ﺳـ ﻧ‬ kirdin dagal ‫ـﺮدن دﻩﮔـﻪڵ‬B ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ ﺷـﻪڕﻩﺟـﻮ‬v.t.
musician; ~-kirdin v.t. to construct; to exchange curses with; ~agařak ‫ﺷـــﻪ‬
~-krân la v.p. to be constructed of ‫ ڕﻩﮔـــــــــﻪڕﻩک‬war between city quarters,
sbayn|î ‫ﺒــﻪﯾـﲎ‬8‫ ﺳـ‬tomorrow; bo ~e >‫ﺒــﻪﯾـ‬8‫ﺑـﯚ ﺳـ‬ civil war; ~ânî ‫ ﺷﻪڕاﱏ‬hostile
the next morning, tomorrow morning sharm ‫ ﺷــــــــــــﻪرم‬shame, embarrassment:
sbene >Œ‫ﺒ‬8‫ = ﺳ‬sbaynî sharm girtimî I was embarrassed;
se ‰‫ ﺳـ‬three; ~ham ‫ـﻬـﻪم‬²‫ــ‬8 ‫ ﺳ‬third; ~sham- ~azâr ‫ ﺷﻪرﻣﻪزار‬embarrassed
ma ‫ﺸـﻪﳑـﻪ‬Œ‫ﺳ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬Tuesday; ~-u-dû-(le) kir- sharwâł ‫ ﺷﻪرواڵ‬pants, trousers
din v.t. ‫ــﺮدن‬6 (‰‫ و دوو )ﻟــ‬‰‫ ﺳــ‬to hesitate, shash ‫ ﺷﻪش‬six; ~am ‫ ﺷﻪﺷﻪم‬sixth
shatak-dân ‫ ﺷﻪﺗﻪک دان‬to tie up tight ~zwân ‫ﻮﻩزوان‬²8‫ ﺷ‬dialect
shaw ‫ ﺷـــﻪو‬night; am~ ‫ ﺋـــﻪﻣـــﺸـــﻪو‬tonight; shewała ‫ﻪ‬T‫ﻮﻩ‬²8‫ ﺷ‬very small valley
~chara ‫ ﺷ ـﻪو¸ ـﻪرﻩ‬banquet; ~è ‫ ﺷ ـﻪوێ‬by shewân ‫ـﻮان‬²8‫ﺷ‬ ‫ ــ‬shewe- ‫ـﻮێ‬²8‫ﺷ‬ ‫ ــ‬v.i. to be in
night; ~gâr ‫ ﺷﻪوﮔﺎر‬all night long distress; ~din ‫ـﻮاﻧـﺪن‬²8‫ﺷ‬ ‫ ــ‬shewen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ـﻮ‬²8‫ﺷ‬
shaytân ‫ ﺷﻪﯾﺘﺎن‬Satan, the devil v.t. to cause distress
shâ ‫ ﺷـﺎ‬king; ~nishîn ‫ﺸـﲔ‬ë‫ ﺷـﺎ ـ‬capital; ~rag shewâz ‫ﻮاز‬²8‫ = ﺷ‬shîwâz
‫ ﺷﺎرﻩگ‬artery shikaft ‫ ﺷﮑﻪﻓﺖ‬cave
shâbâł ‫ ﺷﺎ¶ڵ‬wing feather shikân ‫ ﺷﲀن‬shke- ‰‫ ﺷﮑ‬v.i. to break
shâd ‫ ﺷـﺎد‬happy; ~î joy, rejoicing; ~-bûn shikândin ‫ ﺷــﲀﻧــﺪن‬shken- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺷــﮑــ‬v.t. to
v.i. to rejoice at seeing someone from break, to vanquish, to dishonor
whom one has been separated shikâr ‫ ﺷﲀر‬hunting
shâdimânî ‫ ﺷﺎدﻣﺎﱏ‬gaity, joy shikeř gŒ‫ ﺷﮑ‬mountain crag
shâgashka ‫ﺷﮑـﻪ‬ ‫ ﺷـ˜ﮔـﻪ ـ‬overjoyed, about to shikhâta ‫ﺎﺗﻪ‬Ø‫ ﺷ‬matches
faint from joy shikift ‫ = ﺷﮑﻔﺖ‬shikaft
shâhîd ‫ ﺷﺎﻫﻴﺪ‬witness shikist ‫ ﺷـــﮑـــﺴـــﺖ‬defeat; ~-henân v.t. to
shâkh ‫ ﺷﺎخ‬mountain; horn defeat; ~-khwârdin v.t. to be defeated
shâłîna ‫ﻴﻨﻪ‬T‫ ﺷﺎ‬a square of woolen cloth shil ‫ ﺷــــــــﻞ‬loose, weak, flabby; wet, wa-
shâłłâ Ë‫ــ‬T‫ ﺷــﺎ‬I wish (+ past cond.) shâłłâ tery; ~-kirdin v.t. to loosen, untie (a
bíhâtîtâya I wish you had come knot); ~~-kutân v.t. to beat to a pulp:
shân ‫ ﺷـــــــﺎن‬shoulder; ~-dânà bar v.t. to shilshil kutâyânim they beat me to a
undertake pulp
shân-dân ‫ ﺷﺎن دان‬v.t. to show shiłazhân ‫ـﻪژان‬k‫ﺷ‬ ‫ ـ‬shiłazhe- ‫ـﻪژێ‬k‫ﺷ‬ ‫ ـ‬v.i. to
shâno ‫ ﺷﺎﻧﯚ‬stage get confused
shânâzî ‫ ﺷــﺎ‡زی‬pride; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to shiłâp ‫پ‬Ë‫ ﺷ‬splash
take pride in shiller ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﺷﻠﻠ‬a type of tulip
shâr ‫ ﺷــــﺎر‬city; ~azâ ‫ ﺷــــﺎرﻩزا‬urbane, citi- shiłpa ‫ـــﭙـــ ﻪ‬k‫ ﺷـــ‬splat, splash; (meta.) very
fied; ~azâ la knowledgeable, expert greasy pilaf
in; ~ângař ‫ــــﮕــــﻪڕ‬s‫ ﺷــــﺎرا‬world traveler; shimak ‫ ﴰﻪک‬belongings
~badar ‫ ﺷــــﺎرﺑــــﻪدﻩر‬exiled, driven from shimqâr ‫ ﴰﻘﺎر‬hawk
town; ~istâniyatî ‫ﺘـﺎ ـﻧﻴـﻪﰏ‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ ﺷـﺎر ــ‬civiliza- shimsher ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﴰﺸ‬sword
tion; ~î ‫ ﺷـﺎری‬urban; ~ochka ‫ﺷـﺎرۆﭼـﮑـﻪ‬ shinashin ‫ﻨﻪﺷﻦ‬8‫ ﺷ‬huffing and puffing
town; ~oka ‫ ﺷﺎرۆﮐﻪ‬town shingił-dân ‫ دان‬Ç‫ـﻨـﮕـ‬8‫ ﺷـ‬v.t. to bestir one-
shârdin ‫ ﺷـــﺎردن‬shâr- ‫ﺷـــﺎر‬: ~-awa v.t. to self
hide, conceal shinîn ‫ﻨـﲔ‬8‫ﺷ‬ ‫ ــ‬v.i. to blow (wind); ~awa to
shâro ‫ ﺷﺎرۆ‬a sheaf of reaped wheat blow (in the wind)
shât u shût ‫ ﺷﺎت و ﺷﻮوت‬bragging shipirza ‫ﺮزﻩ‬Î‫ ﺷ‬scattered, distracted
shâyî ‫ = ﺷـــﺎﱙ‬shâdî; ~ u zamâwand kir- shiř-u-wiř-bûn ‫ و وڕ ﺑــــــــﻮون‬g‫ ﺷــــــــ‬to be
din lagał to get married to ripped: kirâsakám shiřuwiřbûwa my
shena ‫ﻪ‬žŒ‫ ﺷ‬breeze; ~î patience, stealth shirt is ripped and torn
sher ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﺷ‬lion; ~panja ‫ﺮﭘﻪﳒﻪ‬Œ‫ ﺷ‬cancer shirîkhândin ‫ ﴍﳜـﺎﻧـﺪن‬shirîkhen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ﳜ‬ ‫ﴍـ‬
shet ‫ــﺖ‬Œ‫ ﺷــ‬crazy; ~-bûn v.i. to go crazy; v.t. to roar
~khâna ‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬صŒ‫ ﺷ‬insane asylum shit ‫ ﺷﺖ‬thing
shew1 ‫ﻮ‬²8‫ ﺷ‬dinner, evening meal shitin ‫ ﺷـــﱳ‬sho- ‫( ﺷـــﯚ‬v.t.; 3rd sing. pres.
shew2 ‫ﻮ‬²8‫ = ﺷ‬shîw shwâ) to wash; ~awa to wash again
shewa ‫ـــــﻮﻩ‬²‫ــــــــــ‬
8 ‫ ﺷ‬style, manner; dialect; shîla ƒ‫ﻴ‬8‫ ﺷ‬juice
shîn1 ‫ ﺷـــــﲔ‬dark blue, dark green; ~-bûn shûra ‫ ﺷﻮورﻩ‬city wall
to become green (plants); ~-bûnawa shûraî ‫ ﺷﻮورﻩﰃ‬shame, disgrace
la v.i. (1) to importune, pester: to bo shûsha ‫ ﺷﻮوﺷﻪ‬glass; ~band windshield
la min shîn bûyawa u das bar nâday? shwâ(t) (‫( ﺷــــﻮا)ت‬third sing. pres. of shi-
why are you pestering me so inces- tin)
santly?; (2) to turn blue from laughter: shwân ‫ ﺷﻮان‬shepherd
la pekanîn shîn bûmawa I died laugh- shwen ‫ــﻦ‬¤‫ ﺷــﻮ‬place; ~ a gishtîakân pub-
ing lic places; ~ … kawtin v.i. to follow,
shîn2 ‫ ﺷﲔ‬wail, lament pursue, chase: shwen kilâw i bâbirdû
shînatî ‫ﻪﰏ‬ž›‫ = ﺷ‬shînaward kawtûa he’s on a wild goose chase;
shînaward ‫ ـﻪوﻩرد‬ž‫ﺷ ـ› ـ‬/shînawird ‫ ـﻪورد‬ž‫ﺷ ـ› ـ‬ ba ~ regâ i …dâ gařân to look for a
summer garden way to …; ~awâr ‫ــــﻨــــﻪوار‬l‫ ﺷــــﻮ‬remain,
shîr ‫ ﺷﲑ‬milk; sword monument, ruin; ~awârî ‫ــــﻨــــﻪواری‬l‫ﺷــــﻮ‬
shîrîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ﺷﲑ‬sweet, nice monumental
Shîrîn ‫ـــﻦ‬a‫ ﺷـــﲑ‬Shirin, Armenian princess sifat ‫ﺳﻔـﻪت‬‫ ـ‬fidelity; ba~ ‫ﺳﻔـﻪت‬ ‫ ﺑـﻪ ـ‬faithful;
and wife of the Sassanian Chosroës be~ ‫ﺳــﻔــﻪت‬/ unfaithful; be~î ‫ﺳــﻔــﻪﰏ‬/
Parvez infidelity
shîsh ‫ ﺷـ›ـﺶ‬skewer, stake; ~a ‫ ﺷـ›ـﺸـﻪ‬bot- sija ‫ ﲭﻪ‬red
tle; skewer sik ‫ ﺳــــــﮏ‬belly, womb; ~-dâ-nân v.t. to
shîw ‫ﻴﻮ‬8‫ ﺷ‬narrow valley give birth; ~-kirdin v.t. to get preg-
shîwâz ‫ﻴﻮاز‬8‫ ﺷ‬appearance, form nant
sho ‫ ﺷـﯚ‬limit, boundary; be~ ‫ﺸـﯚ‬Œ‫ﺑ‬ ‫ ــ‬without sika ‫ ﺳﮑﻪ‬coin
limit sikâłâ Ÿ‫ ﺳﲀ‬complaint
sho- ‫ ﺷﯚ‬pres. stem of shitin sikirter ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﺳﮑﺮﺗ‬secretary
shokh ‫ ﺷـــﯚخ‬graceful, beautiful; jokester; sim ‫ ﰟ‬hoof; ~kol-kirdin ‫ ـﺮدن‬B ‫ ﲰ ـﮑ ـﯚل‬v.t.
~ u shang ‫ ـﮓ‬s‫ ﺷ ـﯚخ و ﺷ ـﻪ‬beautiful, en- to stomp the hooves on the ground
chanting simt ‫ ﲰﺖ‬side
shon ‫ ﺷــﯚن‬trace; ~gîrî-kirdin v.t. to pur- sindûq ‫ﻨﺪووق‬8‫ ﺳ‬box
sue, look for sing ‫ﻨﮓ‬8‫ ﺳ‬stake, peg
shoř-kirdin(awa) ‫ـــﺮدﻧـــﻪوﻩ‬B ‫ ﺷـــﯚڕ‬v.t. to let sinif ‫ﻨﻒ‬8‫ ﺳ‬class
down, lower; mil ~-kirdin to bend the sinoq ‫ﻨﯚق‬8‫ﺳ‬, sinûq ‫ﻨﻮوق‬8‫ ﺳ‬chest, trunk
neck, submit; sar ~-kirdin to bow the sinûr ‫ﻨﻮور‬8‫ ﺳ‬boundary, border
head sip ‫ ﺳـﭗ‬perfect; ‫ ~ ﺳـﭗ و ﺳـﺎغ‬u sâgh hail
shorbâ ¶‫ ﺷﯚر‬soup, broth and hearty
shorish ‫ ﺷﯚرش‬uprising, rebelion sipâ ‫ﭙﺎ‬8‫ ﺳ‬army
shu ‫ ﺷﻮ‬plow; ~-kirdin v.t. to plow sipła ‫ﻪ‬k‫ﭙ‬8‫ ﺳ‬unfaithful; ~î infidelity
shubât ‫ ﺷﻮ¶ت‬February siraw|ân ‫ ﴎﻩوان‬sirawe- ‫ ﴎﻩوێ‬v.i. to
shukir ‫ﺮ‬B‫ ﺷﻮ‬gratitude become calm, be at rest
shurdin ‫ ﺷﻮردن‬shur- ‫ ﺷﻮر‬v.t. to wash sirawândin ‫ ﺳــﻬــﺮﻩواﻧــﺪن‬sirawen- ‫ــﻦ‬¤‫ﴎﻩو‬
shû ‫ ﺷـﻮو‬husband; ~-kirdin v.t. to marry: v.t. to make calm; to strike; kho-~ la
khwayshkim shûy-kird my sister got to hit against, collide with
married; ba ~ dân v.t. to marry (a sirinj ‫ = ﴎﱋ‬sarinj
girl) off: dagâtà taman i bashûdân siřînawa ‫ﯾﻨﻪوﻩ‬g‫ ﺳ‬v.t. to wipe clean
she is reaching a marriageable age sirkândin ‫ ﴎﰷﻧـــﺪن‬sirken- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﴎﮐـــ‬v.t. to
shûm ‫ ﺷﻮوم‬ill-omened, gloomy mutter
sirta ‫ ﴎﺗﻪ‬whisper ten, to bleach
sirtândin ‫ﻧــــﺪن‬c‫ ﴎ‬sirten- ‫ــــﻦ‬Œ‫ﴎــــ‬ ‫ ﺗ‬v.t. to suâlkar ‫ﮑﻪر‬¢‫ ﺳﻮا‬beggar
whisper suja ‫ = ﺳﻮ•ﻪ‬sija
sirusht ‫ ﴎوﺷﺖ‬nature suk ‫ = ﺳﻮک‬sok
sirûd ‫ ﴎوود‬anthem sułtân ‫ﺘﺎن‬T‫ ﺳﻮ‬sultan, ruler
sirwa ‫ ﴎوﻩ‬breeze supâ ‫ ﺳﻮﭘﺎ‬army
sitam ‫ﺘـﻪم‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ ــ‬bad, grievous: châkbûnaway supâs ‫ = ﺳﻮﭘﺎس‬spâs
zor ~a prospects for his recovery are surâkh ‫ = ﺳﻮراخ‬sorâgh
very slim surisht ‫ = ﺳﻮرﺷﺖ‬sirusht
sitândin ‫ــﺘـﺎﻧـﺪن‬8 ‫ ﺳ‬siten- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ــﺘـ‬8 ‫ ﺳ‬v.t. to get, sûch ‫ ﺳﻮوچ‬corner
take, buy; hał-~ to flush (animals) out sûd ‫ ﺳﻮود‬profit, benefit
of their holes, lairs, &c. Sûdâba ‫ ﺳـــــﻮوداﺑـــــﻪ‬Sudaba, wife of Kay-
siyâs|at ‫ــــــﻴـــﺎﺳـــﻪت‬
8 ‫ ﺳ‬politics; ~atmadâr Kaus and step-mother of Siyawush
‫ﻴﺎﺳﻪﲤﻪدار‬8‫ ﺳ‬politician; ~î ‫ﻴﺎﳻ‬8‫ ﺳ‬political sûk ‫ ﺳـــــﻮوک‬light in weight; deprecation,
Siyâwish ‫ـــﻴـــﺎوش‬8‫ ﺳـــ‬Siyawush, son of the contempt: khałk ba sûkawa ley da-
Iranian shah Kay-Kaus řwânîn the people were looking at
sîkatora ‫ﻴﮑﻪﺗﯚرﻩ‬8‫ ﺳ‬gizzard him with contempt; ~-kirdin v.t. to
sîlâ ‫ــﻴـﻼ‬8 ‫ ﺳ‬hole; ~mîsh ‫ــﻴـﻼﻣـ›ـﺶ‬8 ‫ ﺳ‬mouse- lighten (a weight), thin out; to depre-
hole cate
sîng ‫ﮓ‬ž›‫ ﺳ‬breast sûr (1) ‫ ﺳــــــــﻮور‬red; ~-kirdin-awa v.t. to
sînî ‫ ﺳ›ﲎ‬tray fry, saute; gul a ~ rose; châw ~-
sîs ‫ ﺳ›ﺲ‬withered; ~-bûn to wither kirdinawa la v.t. to glare at: kârakar
słâw ‫و‬Ë‫ ﺳــــــ‬greetings; ~-kirdin la v.t. to châw’î le sûr kirdimawa the servant
greet; ~-sandinawa v.t. to acknowl- glared at me; (2) insistent, deter-
edge a greeting: slâw’yân nasandîna- mined; ~ lasar determined to; ~âî
wa they did not acknowledge our ‫ ﺳﻮوراﰃ‬redness
greeting sûř ‫ ﺳـــــــــــﻮوڕ‬spin; ~-mân to spin: sarî ~
so ‫ ﺳﯚ‬doubt; be~ ‫ﺴﯚ‬Œ‫ ﺑ‬doubtless(ly) damene his head is spinning
sok ‫ ﺳــــــﯚک‬light, lightweight: ~ u hâsân sûřân ‫ ﺳـــــﻮوڕان‬sûře- ‫ ﺳـــــﻮوڕێ‬v.i. to turn
‫ ﺳـﯚکوﻫـﺎﺳـﺎن‬easy: zhyân boy sok u hâ- around, to circle around; ~-awa to
sân bû life was easy for him walk about, stroll; hał-~ to spin, be
songa ‫ﮕﻪ‬s‫ ﺳﯚ‬reason; la ~ i because of moved; to evolve
sorâgh ‫ ﺳـــﯚراغ‬trace; ~-kirdin v.t. to look sûřândin ‫ ﺳـﻮوڕاﻧـﺪن‬sûřen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ ﺳـﻮوڕ‬v.t. to
for, search out; hâtinà ~ v.i. to come turn, spin; hał-~ to turn, spin, accom-
after, to come looking for: hâtà sorâ- plish (a task)
ghim dâwâ i qarzaká’y kird he came sûtân ‫ن‬c‫ ﺳﻮو‬sûte- ì‫ ﺳﻮو‬v.i. to burn
looking for me to ask for his loan sûtândin ‫ﻧ ـﺪن‬c‫ ﺳ ـﻮو‬sûten- ‫ ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺳ ـﻮوﺗ ـ‬v.t. to
back; ~ i … pirsîn la to ask (s.o.) the burn
whereabouts of …; be~ ‫ـــﺴـــﯚراغ‬Œ‫ ﺑـــ‬lost, sûzyân ‫ن‬p‫ ﺳﻮوز‬sûz- ‫ ﺳﻮوز‬v.i./t. to burn
disappeared without a trace swâłat ‫ﻪت‬T‫ ﺳﻮا‬pottery
sorâkh ‫ = ﺳﯚراخ‬sorâgh swân ‫ ﺳﻮان‬swe- ‫ ﺳﻮێ‬v.t. to rub
spâ ‫ﭙﺎ‬8‫ = ﺳ‬sipâ swâr ‫ ﺳــــــــﻮار‬horseman, mounted; ~ i …
spârdin ‫ﭙﺎردن‬8‫ ﺳ‬sper- ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ﭙ‬8‫ ﺳ‬v.t. to entrust bûn to get in, ride in/on (vehicle); ~ i
spâs ‫ﭙﺎس‬8‫ ﺳ‬thanks; ~-kirdin v.t. to thank … kirdin v.t. to mount on, let into (a
spî ‫ﯽ‬Š‫ﭙـ‬8‫ﺳ‬
‫ ــ‬white; ~-kirdinawa v.t. to whi- vehicle): swâr i karèkyân kird they
put him on a donkey talafon ‫ﻓﯚن‬v‫ ﺗﻪ‬telephone
swe ‫ ﺳـــــــﻮێ‬longing, yearning, regret; ~- talasm ‫ﰟ‬v‫ ﺗـــــــﻪ‬talisman, magic spell; ~-
bûnawa to yearn for someone, to pine khwendin ba sar …dâ v.t. to cast a
swend ‫ـــﻨـــﺪ‬l‫ ﺳـــﻮ‬oath; ~-khwârdin v.t. to spell over
take an oath, to swear: swend’im bo talatal-chûn ‫ﺗــــﻪل ﭼــــﻮون‬v‫ ﺗــــﻪ‬v.i. to walk
dakhoy beytawa? do you swear to me very quietly
you’ll come back? talavizyon ‫ﭬﺰﯾﯚن‬v‫ ﺗﻪ‬television
swenka ‫ﻨﮑﻪ‬l‫ ﺳﻮ‬dregs, swill tałâq ‫ق‬Ÿ‫ ﺗــــــــــــﻪ‬divorce; ~-dân v.t. to di-
Swîs ‫ ﺳﻮ§ﺲ‬Switzerland; ~î Swiss vorce: ~’î dâwim he has divorced me
talâr ‫ ﺗﻪﻻر‬hall, room in an upper story
tabaq ‫ ﺗﻪﺑﻪق‬platter talîsm ‫ = ﺗﻪﻟ›ﺴﻢ‬talasm
tadârak ‫ ﺗـــــﻪدارﻩک‬preparations; ~-kirdin tam ‫ ﺗـــــــﻪم‬dust; mist, fog; puff on a ciga-
v.t. to prepare: ~ i safar’im bo âmâda rette; ~-rândin v.t. to bury
bikan let them prepare for me the par- taman ‫ ﺗـﻪﻣـﻪن‬age: la ~ i mindâlî i khoydâ
aphernalia for a journey during one’s childhood
tafâwat ‫ ﺗﻪﻓﺎوﻩت‬difference tamara ‫ ﺗﻪﻣﻪرﻩ‬hurly-burly
tagara ‫ ﺗﻪﮔﻪرﻩ‬wheel (of cart, carriage) tamâ ‫ ﺗـﻪﻣـﺎ‬desire, greed; ba ~ i ‫ ﺑـﻪ ﺗـﻪﻣـﺎى‬de-
tagbîr ‫ ﺗﻪﮔﺒﲑ‬plan, plot sirous of; ~kâr ‫ ﺗﻪﻣ˜ﰷر‬greedy
tak ‫ ﺗﻪک‬near, next to, opposite tamâḥkâr ‫ = ﺗﻪﻣﺎﺣﲀر‬tamâkâr
takân ‫ ﺗــــﻪﰷن‬motion; ~-dân v.t. to shake; tamâko ‫ ﺗﻪﻣ˜ﮐﯚ‬tobacco
~-khwârdin v.t. to move, budge: tamâshâ ‫ ﺗـﻪﻣـﺎﺷـﺎ‬spectacle; ~-kirdin v.t. to
pyâwaká takân’î nakhwârd the man look at; to watch (a performance), to
didn’t budge see (a sight); ~khâna ‫ﺎﻧﻪ‬L‫ ﺗﻪﻣﺎﺷﺎ‬theater
takândin ‫ ﺗـــﻪﰷﻧـــﺪن‬taken- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺗـــﻪﮐـــ‬v.t. to tamâta ‫ ﺗﻪﻣﺎﺗﻪ‬tomato
shake; hał-~ ditto; râ-~ ditto tambał ‫ﻪڵ‬m‫ ﺗﻪﻣ‬lazy
takîn-awa la v ‫ﻴﻨﻪوﻩ‬B‫ ﺗﻪ‬v.i. to avoid tame ‰‫ ﺗــــﻪﻣــــ‬admonition; ~-kirdin to ad-
takht ‫ ﺗ ـﻪﺧ ـﺖ‬smooth, flat; throne, bed; ~- monish, to instruct
kirdin v.t. to flatten; ~ i zawî kirdin tamez ‫ﺰ‬Œ‫ ﺗﻪﻣ‬clean
v.t. to flatten to the ground; to wipe tammûz ‫ ﺗﻪﳑﻮوز‬July
out; ~ u tânj ‫ﱋ‬c‫ ﺗــــــﻪﺧــــــﺖو‬throne and tan ‫ ﺗﻪن‬body; ~drust ‫ ﺗﻪﻧﺪروﺳﺖ‬healthy
crown; la sar ~ dâ-nân v.t. to seat on tanaka ‫ ﺗﻪﻧﻪﮐﻪ‬tin, tin can
the throne, to enthrone tanâf ‫ ﺗﻪ‡ف‬rope
takhta ‫ــﻪ‬µ‫ ﺗـﻪﺧ‬board, slab; ~-bûn v.i. to be tanâna(t) (‫ ﺗﻪ‡ﻧﻪ)ت‬especially
boarded shut: bâzâr ~ ya the market’s tandûr ‫ ﺗـﻪﻧـﺪوور‬oven; ~-dâ-khistin v.t. to
boarded shut; ~-kirdin v.t. to board light an oven
up: dukânakáy ~ kirâwa his shop has tang ‫ـﮓ‬s‫ ﺗـﻪ‬tight, narrow; saddle strap; ba
been boarded up; ~rash ‫ـــــﻪرﻩش‬µ‫ﺗـــــﻪﺧـــــ‬ ~ …awa bûn v.i. to belong to, to be
blackboard encompassed by; ~atâw ‫و‬c‫ﮕـﻪ‬s‫ ـﺗ ﻪ ـ‬hectic
ta’kîd ‫ ـﮑ ـ; ـﺪ‬C‫ ﺗ ـﻪ‬affirmation; ~-kirdinawa pressure; ~atâw-nân ‫و ‡ن‬c‫ـﮕـﻪ‬s‫ ﺗـﻪ‬v.t. to
lasar to reaffirm put pressure on; ~âna ‫ــﮕــﺎﻧــﻪ‬s‫ ﺗــﻪ‬narrow
takûz ‫ــــﻮوز‬B‫ ﺗــــﻪ‬ordered, organized; ~î ‫ﺗــــﻪ‬ pass, strait; dire straits; ~âw ‫ــــﮕــــﺎو‬s‫ﺗــــﻪ‬
‫ﻮوزى‬B orderliness, organization under pressure, in dire straits; ~dast
tała ‫ـﻪ‬T‫ ﺗـﻪ‬trap, snare; ~-nânawa v.t. to lay ‫ﮕـﺪﻩﺳـﺖ‬s‫ ﺗـﻪ ـ‬poor; ~ u chałama ‫ـﻪ‬T‫ـﮓو¸ـﻪ‬s‫ﺗـﻪ‬
a trap ‫ ﻣﻪ‬difficulty
tałaba ‫ﻪﺑﻪ‬T‫ ﺗﻪ‬student tanhâ ‫ ﺗﻪﳖﺎ‬only; alone; ~î loneliness
tanîsht ‫ ﺗﻪﻧ›ﺸﺖ‬beside, next to house they had set aside for him
tankhwâ ‫ ﺗــــﻪﳔــــﻮا‬commercial goods; in- tarkhun ‫ ﺗﻪرﺧﻮن‬tarragon
vestment capital tarm ‫ ﺗﻪرم‬body, corpse
tanyâ ‫ ﺗ ـﻪﻧ ـﻴ ـﺎ‬alone, only; following a neg. tarsa ‫ ﺗﻪرﺳﻪ‬reversed, upside down
clause, tanyâ…nabe nothing/nobody tarza ‫ ﺗﻪرزﻩ‬hail
but: kasim niya, tanyâ dâyk a pîrèk tashanâ-kirdin ‫ـﺮدن‬B ‡‫ ﺗـﻪﺷـﻪ‬v.t. to heal, to
nabe I have no one but an old mother; heal over
kam yân zor roysht kasèk nâzâne tashrîn ‫ ـﻦ‬a‫ﺗ ـﻪﴍ‬: ~ i yekam ‫ﺗ ـﻪﴍﯾ ـﲎ ﯾ ـﻪﻛ ـﻪم‬
tanyâ Khwâ nabe how far he went October; ~ i dûham ‫ ﺗـﻪﴍﯾـﲎ دووﻫـﻪم‬No-
only God knows; ~î ‫ ﺗــــﻪﻧــــﻴــــﺎﱙ‬solitude, vember
loneliness; ~bâł ‫ ﺗﻪﻧﻴﺎ¶ڵ‬alone, forlorn task ‫ ﺗﻪﺳﮏ‬narrow
tapândin ‫ ﺗـﻪﭘـﺎﻧـﺪن‬tapen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺗـﻪﭘ‬v.t. to stuff, tawakul ‫ﻮل‬B‫ ﺗﻪوﻩ‬trust in God
cram; to kick, beat with the hands tawar ‫ ﺗﻪوﻩر‬aim
tapîn ‫ ﺗﻪﭘﲔ‬v.i. to collapse tawâfat ‫ = ﺗﻪواﻓﻪت‬tafâwat
tapsî ‫ﴗ‬é‫ ﺗﻪ‬plate tawâfiq ‫ ﺗﻪواﻓﻖ‬agreement, co-operation
taqa ‫ ﺗــﻪﻗــﻪ‬thump, thud, sound of a heavy tawâncha ‫ﻪ‬#‫ ﺗﻪوا‬pistol
thing falling tawândin ‫ ﺗﻪواﻧﺪن‬tawen- ‫ﻦ‬¤‫ ﺗﻪو‬v.t. to fold
taqał ‫ ﺗـــﻪﻗـــﻪڵ‬stitch; ~-dân v.t. to stitch; ~ tawâw ‫ ﺗـــــــﻪواو‬complete; ~-bûn v.i. to be
le-dân v.t. to stitch; ~ hał-dân la to finished; ~-kirdin v.t. to finish; ba ~î
take a stitch in completely
taqâlâ ‫ ﺗ ـﻪﻗ ـﺎﻻ‬attempt; ~-kirdin v.t. to try, tawizhm ‫ ﺗﻪوژم‬pressure
attempt tawq ‫ ﺗــﻪوق‬ring; ~ a sar ‫ ﺗــﻪوﻗــﻪﺳــﻪر‬top of
taq|în ‫ ﺗـﻪﻗـﲔ‬v.i. to burst; ~înawa ba ‫ﻗ;ﻨـﻪ‬ ‫ﺗـﻪ ــ‬ the head: ba ~ i sarîawa on top of his
‫ وﻩ ﺑـﻪ‬to break out in, burst out into; ~a- head
manî ‫ ﺗﻪﻗﻪﻣﻪﱏ‬explosive material taws ‫ ﺗﻪوس‬taunt
tař ‫ ﺗـﻪڕ‬moist, wet; nice; ~dam ‫ ﺗـﻪڕدﻩم‬elo- tay ‫ ﺗﻪی‬tame, trained
quent; ~dast ‫ ﺗﻪڕدﻩﺳﺖ‬expert, dextrous tay-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ ﺗﻪی‬v.t. to traverse
tara ‫ ﺗﻪرﻩ‬in exile tayâr ‫ر‬p‫ ﺗﻪ‬ready
taraqî ‫ ﺗــــــــــﻪرﻩﰵ‬advancement, progress; tayâra ‫رﻩ‬p‫ ﺗﻪ‬airplane
~khwâz ‫ ﺗــﻪرﻩﻗــ;ــﺨــﻮاز‬progressive: koř i tâ1 (1) c to, up to: l’ erawa tâ awe from
yekiyatî u taraqîkhwâzî i kurd Society here to there; (2) by the time: tâ min
for the Unity and Advancement of gayshtim namâ by the time I arrived
Kurds he wasn’t there any longer; (3) until
tarât(en) ‫ ﺗــــﻪرات‬،‫ــــﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺗــــﻪراﺗــــ‬prancing of a (conj. + neg. subj.): tâ nayey, nâyem I
horse up and down the field won’t come until you do; until (intro-
tarâten i ‫ﲎ‬Œ‫ ﺗﻪراﺗ‬all around (prep) ducing final clause + indicative) min
tareq ‫ﻖ‬l‫ = ﺗﻪر‬tarîq l’ era bot dâdanem tâ deytawa I’ll put
tarfana ‫ ﺗﻪرﻓﻪﻧﻪ‬lost it here for you until you come back;
tarîq ‫ ﺗﻪرﯾﻖ‬shy; ~î shyness (4) (prep.) until tâ sa’ât i penj châ-
tarkhân ‫ـــﺎن‬L‫ ﺗـــﻪر‬special, devoted (ba/bo wařwânit dakam I’ll wait for you until
to); exempt from taxes and imposts; five o’clock; (5) the longer, to keep on
~-kirdin bo v.t. to give someone ex- (getting …er): ~ dahât as time went
clusive use of something: îtir la nâw by, the longer (a situation pertained):
aw khânûá bo’yân tarkhân kirdibû, tâ dahât, girântir dabû as time went
nadagunjâ he no longer fit in the by, the heavier it got; tâ de, rangî
zard u lâwâz dabe he keeps on getting tâw1 ‫و‬c period of time; ~è(k) ‫ ـﮏ‬¤‫و‬c for a
paler and thinner; ~kû ‫ــــﻮو‬Bc so that, in while;
order that (+ subj.) tâw2 ‫و‬c (1) heat, burning, fever, long-
tâ2 c fever ing, grieving: la ~ i dûrî i kuřakáy har
tâ3 c fold; ~-kirdin v.t. to fold: kâghaza- dû châwî kwer bûbû both his eyes had
ká tâ bika fold the paper gone blind from grieving over separa-
tâj ‫ج‬c crown tion from his son; (2) downpour (of
tâk ‫ک‬c sole, solitary, alone; ~-u-tanyâ rain): ~ i bârân nabiřrâyawa the
‫کوﺗـﻪﻧﻴــﺎ‬c all by oneself; ~-u-tarâ(k) ‫ک‬c downpour has not ceased; (3) turn,
(‫ وﺗﻪرا)ک‬miscellaneous charge, gallop; ~-dân v.t. to make (a
tâkû ‫ــــﻮو‬Bc (+ subj.) in order that; (prep.) horse) gallop; ~-girtin v.t. to work
until: ~ estâ until now assiduously; ~-kirdin v.t. to trick s.o.
tâł ‫ڵ‬c bitter into believing; ~ sandin v.t. for heat
tâłân ‫ن‬Ÿc plunder; ~-kirdin v.t. to to become intense
pillage, plunder tâwân1 ‫وان‬c reward; fault, guilt, crime;
tâm ‫م‬c taste; ~-kirdin v.t. to taste ~bâr ‫واﻧـــــــﺒـــــــﺎر‬c blameworthy, guilty;
tâmazro ‫ﻣـــﻪزرۆ‬c, tâmâzro ‫ﻣـــﺎزرۆ‬c eager, ~bâr-kirdin v.t. to blame; ~ rek-
craving; ~î ‫ﻣﻪزرۆﰃ‬c eagerness, craving khistin v.t. to accuse falsely
tân ‫ن‬c warp (weaving) tâwân2 ‫وان‬c tâwe- ‫وێ‬c v.i. to melt; ~din
tâna ‫ﻧﻪ‬c taunt; ~ le-dân v.t. to taunt ‫واﻧﺪن‬c tâwen- ‫ﻦ‬¤‫و‬c v.t. to melt
tânj ‫ﱋ‬c = tâj tâwił ‫وڵ‬c tent
tânjî ‫ﳒﯽ‬c hunting dog tâwistân ‫ﺘﺎن‬8‫وﺳ‬c summer
tânût ‫ﻧﻮوت‬c taunt, abuse tâwlama ‫ﻣـــﻪ‬v‫و‬c wire basket spun to heat
tâpo ‫ﭘﯚ‬c ghost, apparition charcoal
tâq ‫ق‬c sole, only: ~ a kuřèkî dabe he tâwtwe-kirân ‫ﺮان‬B ‫وﺗﻮێ‬c v.i. to suffer
has only one son; odd, not even tâybat ‫ﯾــﺒــﻪت‬c personal, special, devoted
tâqat ‫ﻗـﻪت‬c energy; be~ ‫ـﺎﻗـﻪت‬µŒ‫ﺑ‬ ‫ ـ ـ‬anxious, (ba to); ba ~î ‫ﯾـــــﺒـــــﻪﰏ‬c‫ ﺑـــــﻪ‬especially;
sad ~mandî ‫ﺒﻪﲤﻪﻧﺪی‬lc characteristic
tâqâna ‫ﻗﺎﻧﻪ‬c only child tâza ‫زﻩ‬c new, fresh; ~lâw ‫زﻩﻻو‬c adoles-
tâqim ‫ﰴ‬c group cent
tâqî ‫ﰵ‬c test, trial; ~-kirdinawa v.t. to tâzhân ‫ژان‬c whip, lash
try, to test tâzhî ‫ژی‬c hunting dog
Târân ‫ران‬c Tehran tâzî ‫زی‬c Arabic
târândin ‫راﻧــﺪن‬c târen- ‫ــﻦ‬¤‫ر‬c v.t. to drive tâziyâna ‫ﻧﻪ‬p‫ز‬c whip
away forever te ì see da; ~-birdin (v.t., = birdin da)
târîf ‫رﯾــﻒ‬c description: la ~ nâye it can’t to put something inside something
be described, it is beyond description else; ~-chûn (v.i., = chûn da) to suf-
târîk ‫ﮏ‬a‫ر‬c dark fer loss; to cost a lot: mâlakám zorî te
târîkh ‫رﱗ‬c history chûwa my house has cost me a lot; ~-
tâsân ‫ﺳــــﺎن‬c tâse- ‰‫ﺳــــ‬c v.i. to choke, be gayândin v.t. to make understand,
strangled; ~din ‫ﺳـﺎﻧـﺪن‬c tâsen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ﺳ‬c v.t. explain to: hâl u masala’y te gayân-
to choke, strangle dim he explained the situation to me;
tâsh ‫ش‬c big slab of rock; ~abard ‫ﺷــﻪﺑــﻪ‬c ~-gayshtin v.i. to understand; ~-girtin
‫ رد‬ditto v.t. to take aim at: bardî te bigra aim
tâshîn ‫ﺷﲔ‬c tâsh- ‫ش‬c v.t. to shave at the rock; ~-gîrân v.i. to tangle; ~-
kishân v.t. to pass quickly: b’ era dâ ing had enough sleep; ~-khwârdin la
hât u tekishâ he came there and to eat one’s fill of
quickly passed by; ~-kirdin v.t. = ter2 ‫ﺮ‬Œ‫ ﺗ‬large saddlebag
kirdin da to pour onto: âwî te ka pour teshu ‫ـــﺸـــﻮ‬Œ‫ ﺗـــ‬pile, heap; ~-kirdin v.t. to
some water on it; to make ready: sabîl make a pile; to have breakfast
te ka get the pipe ready; ~-mân v.i. to teska ‫ﺴﮑﻪ‬Œ‫ = ﺗ‬tîshk
be bewildered tif ‫ ﺗــــــﻒ‬spit; ~-kirdin v.t. to spit; ~-kir-
te- ì cmpd. vb. agent; see te-gayshtin, dinawa v.t. to spit out; ~ân ‫ ﺗـــﻔـــﺎن‬tife-
te hał-chûn, te-kutân ‰‫ ﺗﻔــ‬v.i. to spit; ~ânà dam yek ‫ﺗﻔــﺎﻧـﻪ دﻩم ﯾـﻪ‬
tebar ‫ــﻪر‬m‫ــ‬Œ‫ ﺗــ‬lit, burning; ~-bûn v.i. to be ‫ ک‬to plot, conspire
lit (fire), to burn; ~-dân v.t. to light tifang ‫ـﮓ‬s‫ ﺗـﻔـﻪ‬rifle, shotgun; ~-hâwîshtin
(fire): âgirî tebar dâ he lit a fire; to set v.t. to fire a rifle
a dog on tikândin ‫ ـﲀﻧ ـﺪن‬Ž tiken- ‫ ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ـﮑ ـ‬Ž v.t. to drip,
tebînî ‫;ﲎ‬Ò²‫ ﺗ‬observation cause to drip; âbřû-~ to dishonor:
tek ‫ــﮏ‬²‫ ﺗ‬together; ~-bar-bûn v.i. to fight; âbřû’y tikândim he dishonored me
~-birdin v.t. to throw things together; tifâq ‫ ﺗﻔﺎق‬provisions
~-chûn v.i. to change, lose one’s com- tift ‫ ﺗﻔﺖ‬mouth-puckeringly sweet
posure, to get mixed up; ~-chûn la to tikheł Ç‫ــ‬²‫ ﲣــ‬stretched out on the ground,
be mistaken, be the wrong person: prone, prostrate
lem tek chûy I thought you were tikhun ‫ ﲣــــــــﻮن‬near; ~ i ... kawtin to get
someone else; ~-chûn lagał to dis- near: tikhun i âgir nakawî you
agree with; ~-dân v.t. to spoil, mix shouldn’t get near the fire
up; ~-hał-dân v.t. to kick; to lock tiłakân ‫ـﻪﰷن‬k‫ ـﺗ‬tiłake- ‰‫ـﻪﮐـ‬k‫ ـﺗ‬v.i. to be sha-
horns; ~-khirân v.p. to get tied to- ken; râ-~ to be shaken up (as liquid in
gether; ~-khistin v.t. to tie together; a bottle); râ-tiłakândin tiłaken- v.t.
~-kirdinawa v.t. to break someone’s to shake up
bones in a fight: lashyân hamû tek tiłaqân ‫ﻪﻗﺎن‬k‫ = ﺗ‬tiłakân
kirdawa they beat him to a pulp; ~- tilân ‫ ﺗـــﻼن‬tile- ‰‫ ﺗـــﻠـــ‬v.i. to toss and turn;
shikân v.i. to collapse ~dinawa ‫ ﺗـﻼﻧـﺪﻧـﻪوﻩ‬v.t. to toss; to juggle;
tekał ‫ــــﮑــــﻪڵ‬²‫ ﺗــــ‬with, along with; bo ~ ba to deal (ba with)
together with; ~-pekał all mixed up, tilîs ‫ ﺗـــﻠـــ›ـــﺲ‬drenched, sopping wet; ~ân
jumbled; ~-dân v.t. to stir: shîraká ‫ﺗﻠ›ﺴـﺎن‬
‫ ـــ‬tilîse- ‰‫ﺗﻠ›ﺴـ‬‫ ـــ‬v.i. to get drenched;
tekał da stir the milk; dast ~-kirdin ~ândin ‫ ﺗـﻠـ›ـﺴـﺎﻧـﺪن‬tilîsen- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺗـﻠـ›ـﺴـ‬v.t. to
lagał v.t. to have carnal relations with: wet
damawe lagałim rek bikawî u dast’im tiłîsh ‫ـــ›ـــ ﺶ‬k‫ ﺗـــ‬ripped, torn: kirâsakám ~ ~
lagał tekał bikay I want you to lie bû my shirt was ripped to shreds; ~-
with me and have sex with me birdin v.t. to split: dâr tilîshî bird the
te-koshân ‫ ـﮑ ـﯚﺷ ـﺎن‬²‫ ﺗ ـ‬-koshe- ‰‫ ـﮑ ـﯚﺷ ـ‬²‫ ﺗ ـ‬to tree split; ~ân ‫›ﺸـﺎن‬k‫ﺗ‬ ‫ ـ ــ‬tilîshe- ‰‫›ﺸـ‬k‫ﺗ‬
‫ ـ ــ‬v.i.
strive, to struggle to split; ~ândin ‫›ﺸـﺎﻧـﺪن‬k‫ﺗ‬ ‫ ـــ‬tilîshen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫›ﺸ‬k‫ـــﺗ‬
tekrâ ‫ــﮑــﺮا‬²‫ ﺗــ‬altogether; ba ~î in general, v.t. to split
generally tilyâk ‫ = ﺗﻠﻴﺎک‬tiryâk
tepar ‫ــﻪر‬Ü‫ــ‬Œ‫ﺗــ‬: ~-bûn ba sar …dâ v.i. (for tiłyân ‫ﻴﺎن‬k‫ ﺗ‬tiłe- ‰k‫ ﺗ‬v.t. to leave, allow
time) to pass after …; ~-kirdin la v.t. tir ‫ـﺮ‬Ž other; hîch i ~ nothing else: nama-
to exceed, surpass twânî hîch i tir bikam I couldn’t have
ter1 ‫ـﺮ‬Œ‫ ﺗـ‬full, satiated; ~khaw ‫ـﻪو‬L‫ـﺮ‬Œ‫ ﺗـ‬hav- done anything else; yek~ each other
tirâzân ‫ـــــــــﺮازان‬Ž v.i. to go to pieces; ~ la pe dakan he thought they were mak-
shwen kho to be unrecognizable ing fun of him
tire ‫ﺮێ‬Ž grapes tîz-kirdin ba ‫ــﺮدن ﺑــﻪ‬B ‫ ﺗــﲒ‬v.t. to make fun
tiřo-kirdin ‫ــــﺮدن‬B ‫ۆ‬g‫ــــ‬Ž v.t. to disgrace, to of; ~-kirdin ba ...awa v.t. to poke,
drive away in disgrace poke fun at
tirpa sound ‫ـﺮﭘـﻪ‬Ž of a footfall; ~ i pe ‫ـﺮﭘـﻪى‬Ž tîzh Ã‫ ﺗـــ‬sharp, hot, spicy; fast, quick; in-
‰Š‫ ﭘ‬footstep sistent
tirs ‫ﺮس‬Ž fear tkâ ‫ـــــﲀ‬Ž request; ~-kirdin v.t. to request,
tirsân ‫ــــﺮﺳــــﺎن‬Ž tirse- ‰‫ــــﺮﺳــــ‬Ž la v.i. to be beg: tkâ akam please
afraid of, fear to ‫ ﺗﯚ‬you (sing.)
tirsândin ‫ــﺮﺳــﺎﻧــﺪن‬Ž tirsen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ــﺮﺳــ‬Ž v.t. to tobra ‫ ﺗﯚ–ﺮﻩ‬sack
scare; tirsenar ‫ـــﻪر‬ž‫ـــ‬Œ‫ـــﺮﺳـــ‬Ž frightening, tof ‫ ﺗـﯚف‬blizzard; ~ân ‫ ﺗـﯚﻓـﺎن‬blizzard, del-
scary uge
tirsh ‫ـــــــــــــﺮش‬Ž bitter; khoshit be u ~it be tok ‫ ﺗﯚک‬tree bark
whether you like it or not toła ‫ـﻪ‬T‫ ﺗـﯚ‬revenge; ~ i … kirdinawa v.t. to
tiryâk ‫ک‬p‫ـﺮ‬Ž opium; ~kesh ‫ــﺶ‬Œ‫کﮐ‬p‫ـﺮ‬Ž opi- take revenge for: biřyâr’yân dâ toła i
um smoker; ~î ‫ﰽ‬p‫ﺮ‬Ž opium addict am âbřûchûnáyân bikanawa they de-
tis ‫ـــﺲ‬E fart (noiseless); ~-dân v.t. to fart; cided to take revenge for this outrage
~in ‫ــــﺴــــﻦ‬E farter, “old fart,” idler; ~în against their dignity
‫ﺴﲔ‬E v.i. to fart tom(a) ‫ ﺗـــــــﯚم‬،‫ ﺗـــــــﯚﻣـــــــﻪ‬seed, grain; tom-
tizân ‫ـﺰان‬Ž tize- ‫ـﺰێ‬Ž v.i. to collect (liquid), washândin v.t. to sow, scatter seed
well up: dastim khwenî te tizâwa tomâr ‫ ﺗــﯚﻣــﺎر‬record, document; ~-kirdin
blood has collected in my hand; fir- v.t. to record
mesk la châwim tizâ tears welled up top ‫ ﺗــــﯚپ‬ball; big lie; ~al ‫ ﺗــــﯚﭘــــﺎل‬round;
in my eyes ~chî ‫ ﺗﯚﭘﭽﯽ‬cannoneer; liar
tîgh ‫ ﺗﻴﻎ‬blade topîn ‫ ﺗـﯚﭘـﲔ‬top- ‫ ﺗـﯚپ‬v.i. to die (of an ani-
tîka ‫ ﺗﻴﮑﻪ‬bit, piece mal); hał-~ to drop dead
tîmâr-kirdin ‫ــﺮدن‬B ‫ر‬7‫ ﺗــ‬v.t. to care for the toplâkh ‫ ﺗـﯚﭘـﻼخ‬piled up; ~a-kirdin ‫ـﻪ‬L‫ﺗـﯚﭘـﻼ‬
ill ‫ـــــﺮدن‬B v.t. to pile up: payn u qur ba sar
tîn ‫ ﺗـــﲔ‬power, force; ba ~awa powerful- yekâ toplâkhay kirdûa he’s piled up
ly; be~ ‫ﲔ‬n²‫ ﺑ‬powerless, weak dung and mud on top of each other
tîn|û ‫ـﻮو‬ž›‫ﺗ‬
‫ ــ‬thirsty: ~ma I’m thirsty; ~wetî toq ‫ ﺗــــــﯚق‬top: bardèkî la ~ i sarim dâ he
‫ﱴ‬l‫ﻮ‬ž›‫ ﺗ‬thirst threw a stone on top of my head
tîp ‫ ﺗ›ﭗ‬group, contingent; team toqał ‫ ﺗـﯚﻗـﻪڵ‬patch: ~ a tûtiřikèk a patch of
tîr ‫ ﺗﲑ‬arrow wild strawberries
tîra ‫ ﺗــﲑﻩ‬clan, family branch, subdivision tow ‫ = ﺗﯚو‬tom; ~ i mirîshik egg
of a hoz toz ‫ ﺗـــﯚز‬dust; ~-kirdin v.t. to stir up dust;
tîsha ‫ ﺗـ›ـﺸـﻪ‬sprout; ~biř g‫ ﺗـ›ـﺸـﻪ–ـ‬frost that ~e ‫ ﺗﯚزێ‬, ~èk ‫ﮏ‬¤‫ ﺗﯚز‬a little bit
kills young sprouts tozhar ‫ ﺗﯚژﻩر‬researcher, investigator
tîshk ‫ ﺗ›ﺸﮏ‬ray trâzân ‫ــــــﺮازان‬Ž trâze ‫ــــــﺮازێ‬Ž v.i. to go to
tîsk ‫ ﺗـــــ›ـــــﺴـــــﮏ‬clump of hair; bunch of pieces, fall apart; kâr la kâr ~ to be
grapes; long-haired: mařèk i ~ long- all over
haired sheep trîkândin ‫ـﲀﻧـﺪن‬a‫ـﺮ‬Ž trîken- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ـﮑـ‬a‫ـﺮ‬Ž v.t. to
tîtâł ‫ ـﺎڵ‬µ‫ ﺗ ـ› ـ‬joke; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to make scream
fun of, play a joke on: pey wâ bû tîtâlî trîqânawa ‫ـﺮﯾﻘــﺎﻧـﻪوﻩ‬Ž trîqe- ‰‫ـﺮﯾﻘــ‬Ž v.i. to guf-
faw, laugh out loud ness of character; ~-kirdin v.t. imprs.
trîshqa ‫ﺮ§ﺸﻘﻪ‬Ž lightning to be cold and rainy (of the weather):
tropîn ‫ﺮۆﭘﲔ‬Ž v.i. = topîn hawâkay tûsh kird the weather turned
trombel ‫ﻞ‬²m‫ﺮۆﻣ‬Ž = trumbîl bad; ~î ‫ ﺗﻮوﳽ‬bad weather
trumbîl ‫ﻴﻞ‬m‫ﺮوﻣ‬Ž automobile tûtiřik ‫ک‬gŽ‫ ﺗﻮو‬wild strawberry
trushkân ‫ـﺮوﺷـﲀن‬Ž trushke- ‰‫ﺷﮑـ‬ ‫ـﺮو ـ‬Ž v.i. to twân ‫ ﺗـــﻮان‬twe- ‫ ﺗـــﻮێ‬v.t. to want; ~awa =
squat; hał-~ to squat down tâwân
trûkân ‫ـﺮووﰷن‬Ž trûke- ‰‫ـﺮووﮐـ‬Ž v.i. to blink: twânâ ‡‫ ﺗـــــــﻮا‬ability: hargiz la twânâm’â
la châw trûkânèk’dâ in the twinkling niya it will never be within my ability,
of an eye; ~din ‫ـــــــﺮووﰷﻧـــــــﺪن‬Ž trûken- ba pe i ~ inasfar as possible
‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ﺮووﮐ‬Ž v.t. to blink twânîn ‫ ﺗـﻮاﻧـﲔ‬twân- ‫ ﺗـﻮان‬v.t. to be able (+
trûsk ‫ـﺮووﺳـﮏ‬Ž shine, gleam; ~a ‫ـﺮووﺳـﮑـﻪ‬Ž subj)
glimmer, gleam; ~âî ‫ـــــﺮووﺳـــــﲀﰃ‬Ž faint twânj ‫ ﺗـﻮاﱋ‬disapprobation; ~-girtin da to
glimmer; ~ân ‫ـﺮووﺳـﲀن‬Ž trûske- ‰‫ـﺮووﮐـ‬Ž find fault with
v.i. to shine, to gleam twâshâ-kirdin ‫ــــﺮدن‬B ‫ = ﺗــــﻮاﺷــــﺎ‬tamâshâ-
tułân-awa ‫ﻧـــــﻪوﻩ‬Ÿ‫ ﺗـــــﻮ‬v.i. to fall to pieces kirdin
(from being cooked too much): gosh- twe-kirdin ‫ــﺮدن‬B ‫ ﺗــﻮێ‬v.t. to rip to shreds:
taká hend kulîwa tulâwatawa the bulbul ka garm i naghmaya âgir da-
meat has been so overcooked it’s kâtawa / khuncha hazîna, jarg u dilî
fallen to pieces bo dakâ twe (Nâlî) the nightingale,
tumaz ‫ ﺗﻮﻣﻪرز‬wouldn’t you know? hot with song, bursts into flame; the
tumâr ‫ = ﺗﻮﻣﺎر‬tomâr bud is saddened and rips her heart to
tund ‫ ﺗــﻮﻧــﺪ‬tight; fast, swift; hot, spicy; ~- shreds for him
kirdin v.t. to hold tight, to make fast tweł Çl‫ ﺗﻮ‬forehead
turben ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺗﻮرﺑ‬bag, sack tyâ ‫ = ﺗـﻴـﺎ‬tey(d)â in it; ~-birdin v.t. to do
turkmân ‫ ﺗﻮرﮐﲈن‬Turcoman away with, to eliminate; ~-chûn v.i. to
tursh ‫ ﺗـــــﻮرش‬sour; ~ândin ‫ﺗـــــﻮرﺷـــــﺎﻧـــــﺪن‬ go away, disappear; ~ râ-mândin v.i.
turshen- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﺗﻮرﺷ‬v.t. to make sour to be perplexed, confused; to ponder
tutin ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ ﺗﻮ‬tobacco tyâtro ‫ ـﺮۆ‬Ž‫ ﺗ ـﻴ ـﺎ‬theater; ~khâna ‫ ـﺎﻧ ـﻪ‬L‫ ـﺮۆ‬Ž‫ﺗ ـﻴ ـﺎ‬
tûk ‫ ﺗـﻮوک‬hair; ~asar ‫ ﺗـﻮوﮐـﻪﺳـﻪر‬hair on the theater
tûla v‫ ﺗﻮو‬a small hunting dog u ‫ و‬and
tûřa ‫ ﺗــــﻮوڕﻩ‬angry, mad; ~î ‫ ﺗــــﻮوڕﻩﱙ‬anger: umed ‫ ﺋـﻮﻣ´ــﺪ‬hope; nâ~ ‫ ‡ﺋـﻮﻣ´ــﺪ‬desperate, in
ba tûřaîawa rû’y le kirdim he turned despair
away from me in anger urûpâ ‫ﻮرووﭘﺎ‬l Europe
tûraka ‫ ﺗﻮورﻩﮐﻪ‬sack, bag utrumbîl ‫ﻴﻞ‬m‫ﺮوﻣ‬Ž‫ ﺋﻮ‬automobile
Tûrân ‫ ﺗـــــــــــــــﻮوران‬Turan, the traditional
Transoxanian enemy of Iran wa1 ‫ = وﻩ‬ba: wakhabar = bakhabar, wa
tûsh1 ‫ ﺗـﻮوش‬meeting, involved; ~-bûn v.i. re = ba re; wadast = ba dast
to meet, come across: dwene la sha- wa2 ‫ وﻩ‬and
qâm’dâ tûshî bûm I met him in the wach ‫ وﻩچ‬offshoot, offspring
street yesterday; ~-kirdin v.t. to get wa‘d ‫ وﻩ`ـــــﺪ‬promise; ~-dân v.t. to prom-
someone involved: to tûshit kirdim ise
you got me involved wadast ‫ = وﻩدﻩﺳﺖ‬ba dast
tûsh2 ‫ ﺗـــــــﻮوش‬cold, rainy weather; mean- wafât ‫ وﻩﻓﺎت‬death; ~-kirdin v.t. to die
wafd ‫ وﻩﻓﺪ‬delegation shaken out: jilakát dâwashâ your
wajâkh ‫ وﻩ•ـــــــــﺎخ‬male offspring; ~kwer clothes have been shaken out; râ-~ to
‫ﺮ‬¤‫ﻮ‬B‫ وﻩ•ﺎخ‬childless be shaken; to waste away (from ill-
wak ‫ وﻩک‬like; ~ yek alike, all the same; ness): lashî dâwashâwa his body has
~î ka on the other hand wasted away; ~-awa la to be suitable
wakht ‫ وﻩﺧــــــــﺖ‬time: l’ aw ~á’dâ at that for, proper for: am kârá la to nâwa-
time; ~ bû, ~â bû nearly, almost (+ shetawa this is not suitable for you,
subj.) wakht bû bizîqene he almost am jilá la to dawashetawa these
screamed; wakht-a la birsân bimirim clothes suit you
I’m about to die of hunger; ~ basar washândin ‫ وﻩﺷـﺎﻧـﺪن‬washen- ‫ــﻦ‬Œ‫ وﻩﺷ‬v.t. to
birdin ba v.t. to while away time by; shake, scatter; dâ-~ to bend down and
~î ‫ وﻩﺧﱴ‬temporary shake: dârèkî bo dâwashând barî na-
wakû ‫ـﻮو‬B‫ وﻩ‬as though (+ subj.): ~ shitèk’î kawt he bent down a tree and shook it
bîr kawtibetawa as though he remem- but the fruit didn’t fall; hał-~ to rip
bered something open, rip apart; râ-~ to shake violent-
wałâm ‫م‬Ÿ‫ وﻩ‬answer, response; ~-dân v.t. ly
to answer washârtû ‫ وﻩﺷﺎرﺗﻮو‬hidden
waqt ‫ = وﻩﻗﺖ‬wakht wastâ ‫ﺘﺎ‬8‫ وﻩﺳ‬master, professor
wára ‫ وﻩرﻩ‬come!, come on! (impt. sing. wassân ‫ وﻩﺳــــــــــــــﺎن‬wass- ‫ = وﻩس‬wastân
of hâtin) wast-
warân ‫ وﻩران‬v.i. to fall; to writhe; hał-~ wastân ‫ــــﺘــﺎن‬8 ‫ وﻩﺳ‬wast- ‫( وﻩﺳــﺖ‬v.i., pres.
to fall down tense often contracted to dast- for
wargeř g‫ـــ‬Œ‫ وﻩرﮔـــ‬translator; ~ân ‫ان‬g‫ـــ‬Œ‫وﻩرﮔـــ‬ dawast-) to stand, stop; ~ la to be
translation tired of: wastâwim la kâr I’m tired of
war-geřân ‫ان‬g‫ــــ‬Œ‫ وﻩرﮔــــ‬v.t. to translate; ~à working; ~awa la to confront: ley
sar ... to translate into: am ktebáy wastâmawa shaqèkim te hałdâ I con-
wargeřâyà sar fârsî he translated this fronted him and gave him a kick; hał-
book into Persian; ba pishtè ~ to ~ to get up, stand up; ba pe i … hał-~
knock (s.o.) over on his back, to to carry out, execute; râ-~ to stand up,
knock down stop, stay
wárin ‫ وﻩرن‬come!, come on! (impt. pl. wastândin ‫ﺘـﺎﻧـﺪن‬8‫ﺳ‬ ‫ وﻩ ــ‬wasten- ‫ـﻦ‬Œ‫ﺘ‬8‫ﺳ‬
‫ وﻩ ــ ـ‬v.t.
of hâtin) to stop; (2) to tire out; (3) to take
wařis(t) ‫ وﻩڕﺳﺖ‬fed up, exasperated back, to get back: dabe aw qarzáy le
wařîn ‫ـــﻦ‬a‫ وﻩڕ‬v.i. to bark: sa i hîch darkèk wastenim I have to get that loan back
pet nâwaře “you’re a stranger at no from him
door”; hał-~ = hał-warân wawî ‫ وﻩوی‬bride, daughter-in-law
wařs ‫ وﻩڕس‬bored waz ‫ وﻩز‬down
warz ‫ وﻩرز‬tall (= barz); season of plant- waz‘ ‫ وﻩزع‬situation
ing and harvesting wazândin ‫ وﻩزا ـﻧ ﺪن‬wazen- ‫ـﻦ‬¤‫ وﻩز‬v.t.: dâ-~
warza ‫ وﻩرزﻩ‬height, promontory, hill to let out/off (of vehicle)
warzish ‫ وﻩرزش‬sports, exercise wazârat ‫ وﻩزارﻩت‬ministry: ~ i darawa
waset ‫ــﺖ‬Œ‫ وﻩﺳــ‬will and testament; ~-kir- ministry of the interior
din v.t. to make one’s last will wazin ‫ وﻩزن‬pain, hurt, annoyance
washân ‫ وﻩﺷـــــﺎن‬washe- ‰‫ وﻩﺷـــــ‬v.i. to be wazîn ‫ــــﻦ‬a‫ وﻩز‬v.i. to blow (wind); dâ-~ to
shaken, to be scattered; dâ-~ to be get out/off (of a vehicle), to come
down; (2) to lose (game); hał-~ to ‫ﮏ‬²‫ و¸ﺎﻧ‬after a short pause
jump up wiłâkh ‫خ‬Ÿ‫ و‬beast of burden
wazîr ‫ـــــــﺮ‬a‫ وﻩز‬vizier, minister: sarak ~ân wiłâm ‫م‬Ÿ‫ = و‬walâm
prime minister wiłât ‫ت‬Ÿ‫ و‬country, state; homeland: ~ a
wâ ‫ وا‬thus yekgirtûakân i Amerikâ the United
wâda ‫ وادﻩ‬appointed time, usual time States of America
wâq ‫ واق‬mind, brain: ~im wiř-mâ my win ‫ ون‬lost; ~-bûn v.i. to be lost; la
brain spun châw ~-bûn v.i. to disappear from
wâqi‘ ‫ واﻗــــﻊ‬actuality, reality: la ~ i zhyân sight: tâ la châw win nabet until it
zor ba dûrin they are far from the disappears from view; ~-kirdin v.t. to
reality of life lose
wârisht ‫ وارﺷﺖ‬raining wiř ‫ وڕ‬dizzy; ~-bûn/mân v.i. to spin, be
wâta ‫ واﺗﻪ‬i.e., that is to say dizzy; ~-kirdin v.t. to make dizzy
wâz-henân la v ‫ـــﻨـــﺎن‬²‫ واز ﻫـــ‬v.t. to leave, wirch ‫ ورچ‬bear
abandon; to dissuade, persuade … not wird ‫ ورد‬little, tiny; ~a ~a ‫ وردﻩ وردﻩ‬little
to: zor hawl dadâ bâwkî l’ am kalkalá by little, slowly; ~-bûnawa v.i. to
i zhin henâná wâzbene he is trying investigate, examine closely; ~ u
hard to dissuade his father from his khâsh-kirdin ‫ـــــﺮدن‬B ‫ـــــﺎش‬L ‫ ورد و‬v.t. to
wish to take a wife crush, smash; ~akâr ‫ وردﻩﰷر‬investi-
wâzha ‫ واژﻩ‬word; ~gal ‫ واژﻩﮔـــــــﻪل‬vocabu- gator; ordered, regular; ~akârî ‫وردﻩ‬
lary ‫ ﰷری‬investigation; order, regularity
we ‫ وێ‬lighted, afire: âgir weya the fire’s wiřena-kirdin ‫ـﺮدن‬B ‫ـﻨـﻪ‬l‫ وڕ‬v.t. to talk non-
lit; ~-kawtin v.t. to try: we kawa bizâ- sense, to talk in one’s sleep
na la kweya try to find out where it is; wirg ‫ ورگ‬tripe
~-kirdin v.t. to light: âgiraká we ka wiřk ‫ وڕک‬childish begging, whining; ~-
light the fire; ~-rizân v.t. to bother, girtin la v.t. to pester
annoy: wem darize dastim le bar nâdâ wirm ‫ ورم‬destroyed, damaged
he annoys me constantly wirsha ‫ ورﺷــــــــــﻪ‬brightness, glitter; ~dâr
weł Ç‫ـــــــــ‬l‫ و‬loose, wandering, stray; mis- ‫ ورﺷﻪدار‬bright, loud in color
aimed, misfired; ~-bûn v.i. to search wiryâ p‫ ور‬clever; observant: wiryây ba
(ba dwâ i …dâ for); ~-kirdin v.t. to observe it carefully
let go, turn loose, cease wirûzhân ‫ ورووژان‬v.i. to be excited (of a
wena ‫ـــﻨـــﻪ‬l‫ و‬picture, image; ~gir ‫ـــﻨـــﻪﮔـــﺮ‬l‫و‬ flock, crowd)
photographer wis-bûn ‫ وس ﺑــــﻮون‬v.i. to be quiet: wis ba
werâ i ‫ﺮای‬¤‫ و‬along with be quiet!, shut up!
werân ‫ﺮان‬¤‫ و‬destroyed, ruined wisha ‫ وﺷﻪ‬word; ~dân ‫ وﺷﻪدان‬dictionary
werân ‫ـــﺮان‬¤‫ و‬were- ‫ـــﺮێ‬¤‫( و‬v.t. + subj.) to wishk ‫ وﺷـــــﮏ‬dry; ~-bûn to stop dead in
dare: nayawerâ bibizûetawa he didn’t one’s tracks: la je i khom wishk bûm I
dare budge was glued to the spot
weza ‫ﺰﻩ‬¤‫ و‬ambush, sneak attack wishtir ‫ وﺷﱰ‬camel
wezh|ân ‫ـﮋان‬¤‫ و‬wezhe- ‫ـﮋێ‬¤‫ و‬v.t. to speak, wishyâr ‫ـﻴـﺎر‬8‫ وﺷـ‬awake; ~-bûnawa v.i. to
say; ~a ‫ـﮋﻩ‬¤‫ و‬literature; ~ar ‫ـﮋﻩر‬¤‫ و‬speak- wake up, be awake
er, announcer; ~wân ‫ﮋوان‬¤‫ و‬literary wit ‫ وت‬speech; ~-u-wezh ‫ـــــﮋ‬¤‫ وت و و‬lan-
wichân ‫ و¸ـــــــﺎن‬rest, pause; be~ ‫و¸ـــــــﺎن‬/ guage, speech, talk; ~-u-wezh-kirdin
without rest; pâsh kurta ~èk ‫ﻮرـﻪ‬ ‫ـ ﺗ‬B ‫ﭘـﺎش‬ v.t. to talk, to discuss; ~a ‫ وﺗــــــــــﻪ‬word,
speech; ~âr ‫ر‬c‫ و‬speech, article man
witin ‫ــــــﻦ‬Ž‫ و‬łe- ‰‫ــــــ‬T ba v.t. to say to, tell: yek ‫ ﯾــــــــﻪک‬one: ~e l’ awân one of them;
pe’m wit I told him; ~awa to repeat ~èkyân one of them; each other; dânà
witrân ‫ـــﺮان‬Ž‫ و‬witre- ‫ـــﺮێ‬Ž‫ و‬v.p. to be said; ~ v.t. to throw together; har ~ay each
~ ba to be called: Hama’y pe dawitre one of them; hâtinà ~ to collapse, to
he is called Hama go to pieces; ~-girtin v.i. to unite; ~ la
witû ‫ وﺗ ـﻮو‬iron; ~-kirdin v.t. to iron; ~chî dwâ i ~ one after another, successive:
‫ ـﮐﺘـﻮوﭼـﯽ‬ironer, cleaner; ~kirâw ‫ـﺮاو‬B‫وﺗـﻮو‬ rizhem a yekladwâiyekakân i ‘erâq
ironed successive regimes in Iraq; ~-khistin
wiza ‫ وزﻩ‬power, ability v.t. to unite
wîrd ‫ــــﺮد‬a‫ و‬charm, incantation; ~-khwen- -yèk ‫( ﯾـــــﻪک‬indef. encl. after vowels) = -
din to recite an incantation èk
wîst ‫ و§ﺴﺖ‬will yekatî ‫ ﯾــــﻪﮐــــﻪﰏ‬union: yekatî i sovyet the
wîstin ‫ و§ــــــﺴــــــﱳ‬we- ‫( وێ‬v.t., pres. tense Soviet Union
‫( دﻩﻣـــــﻪوێ‬d)amawe, ‫( دﻩﺗـــــﻪوێ‬d)atawe, yekdang ‫ﮓ‬s‫ ﯾﻪﮐﺪﻩر‬unanimous(ly)
&c., or ‫ ـﻢ دﻩوێ‬-im (d)awe, ‫ ـﺖ دﻩوێ‬-it yekè ‰‫ ﯾﻪﮐ‬la one of
(d)awe, &c.) to want; pe-~ to be yekèk ‫ــﮏ‬²‫ ﯾــﻪﮐــ‬someone, anyone who (+
necessary subj)
wurd ‫ = وورد‬wird yeketî ‫ﱴ‬²‫ = ﯾﻪﮐ‬yekatî
wutuwezh-kirdin lagał ‫ﮔـﻪڵ‬v ‫ـﺮدن‬B ‫ـﮋ‬a‫ووﺗـﻮو‬ yekgirtû ‫ ﯾـﻪ ـﮐﮕـﺗﺮـﻮو‬united: natawa yekgir-
v.t. to converse, hold talks with tûakân the United Nations
wutin ‫ﻦ‬Ž‫ = وو‬witin yekjâr ‫ـﺎر‬í'‫ ﯾـﻪ ـ‬at once, altogether; ~î last,
wutû ‫ = ووﺗﻮو‬witû final
yekkhistin ‫ ﯾﻪ'ﺨﺴﱳ‬unification
yakha ‫ ـﻪ‬L‫ ﯾ ـﻪ‬collar: dastyân dâyà yakha i yeksar ‫ﺴﻪر‬B‫ ﯾﻪ‬immediately, right away
yek they grabbed each other by the yeksân ‫ـﺴـﺎن‬B‫ ﯾـﻪ‬alike, identical; ~î identi-
collar; ~-girtin ‫ـــﻦ‬Ž‫ـــﻪ ﮔـــﺮ‬L‫ ﯾـــﻪ‬v.t. to lay cality
hands on, get hold of, trap: ~’y girtim yekshamma ‫ ﯾﻪ'ﺸﻪﳑﻪ‬Sunday
she trapped me yektir ‫ ﯾﻪﮐﱰ‬each other, one another
yaqa ‫ = ﯾﻪﻗﻪ‬yakha yekudû ‫ـــﻮدوو‬B‫ ﯾـــﻪ‬without pause, straight-
yâd ‫د‬p memory; henânà ~ ‫د‬p ‫ـــﻨـــﺎﻧـــﻪ‬²‫ ﻫـــ‬to away
call to mind, remember; ~agâr ‫دﻩﮔــــﺎر‬p yen- ‫ﻦ‬Œ‫ ﯾ‬see henân
memory, souvenir, memento; ~âwar yeshân ‫ﺸـﺎن‬Œ‫ﯾ‬ ‫ ــ‬yesh- ‫ــﺶ‬Œ‫( ﯾ‬v.i.&t.) to hurt:
‫داوﻩر‬p reminder sarim ayeshâ I had a headache
yâkhud ‫ﺧﻮد‬p or
yân ‫ن‬p or zabalâḥ ‫ زﻩﺑﻪﻻح‬huge, enormous
yâna ‫ﻧﻪ‬p club zabr ‫ زﻩ–ﺮ‬blow, force, strength
yâr ‫ر‬p friend zabûn ‫ زﻩﺑــــــــــــﻮون‬miserable, helpless; ~î
yârałmâsî ‫ﲈﳻ‬T‫رﻩ‬p potato ‫ زﻩﺑﻮوﱏ‬misery, helplessness
yârî ‫ری‬p play, game; ~-kirdin ‫ــــﺮدن‬B ‫ری‬p zaḥmat ‫ زﻩﲪﻪت‬trouble, difficulty
v.t. to play; ~kar ‫ﮑﻪر‬a‫ر‬p player za’îf ‫ زﻩﻋ ـﻴ ـﻒ‬thin; lâm i ~ ‫ ﻻﱉ زﻩﻋ ـﻴ ـﻒ‬the
yârîda ‫رﯾﺪﻩ‬p help, assistance liquid l
yârmatî ‫رﻣـﻪﰏ‬p help; ~-dân ‫رﻣـﻪﰏ دان‬p v.t. zalâm ‫ زﻩﻻم‬big, large; fellow
to help zalîl ‫ زﻩﻟﻴﻞ‬wretched, downcast
yâsâ ‫ﺳـﺎ‬p law, statute; ~wil ‫ﺳـﺎول‬p police- zamân ‫ زﻩﻣﺎن‬time
zamâwin ‫ زﻩﻣــــﺎون‬, zamâwand ‫زﻩﻣــــﺎوﻩﻧــــﺪ‬ i ~ Ministry of Education
wedding; ~-kirdin v.t. to wed zâr1 ‫ زار‬mouth: zârim bû ba tala i taqîw
zambar ‫ﻪر‬m‫ زﻩﻣ‬ornament I was left speechless; dam-u-~ ‫دﻩم و‬
zamîn ‫ زﻩﻣﲔ‬earth, globe ‫ زار‬mouth
zand ‫ زﻩﻧﺪ‬forearm zâr2 ‫ زار‬miserable; la ~î in misery
zang ‫ﮓ‬s‫ زﻩ‬bell zârâwa ‫ زاراوﻩ‬accent, dialect; zârawagal
zangał ‫ﮕﻪڵ‬s‫ = زﻩ‬zargal ‫ زاراوﻩﮔﻪل‬dialect bundle
zangî ‫ﮕﯽ‬s‫ زﻩ‬black zârawok ‫ زارﻩوۆک‬dialect, accent
zangîn ‫ﮕﲔ‬s‫ زﻩ‬rich zârik ‫ زارک‬mouth, opening
zaq ‫ زﻩق‬outstanding zârola v‫ زارۆ‬child
zař ‫ زﻩڕ‬gold; ~angar goldsmith zât ‫ زات‬being, personage; courage, dar-
zarâ’at ‫ زﻩرا`ﻪت‬agriculture ing; ~ i … bûn to dare to (do some-
zard ‫ زﻩرد‬yellow, blond; ~awâla v‫زﻩردﻩوا‬ thing): ley datirsân u zât i nizzîk
wasp, hornet; ~hałgařâw ‫ ـﮕ ـﻪڕاو‬T‫زﻩردﻫ ـﻪ‬ bûnawayân nabû they were afraid of
yellowed him and didn’t dare get near
zardakhana ‫ـــﻪﻧـــﻪ‬L‫ زﻩردﻩ‬smile; ~-girtin, - zâwâ ‫ زاوا‬husband, in-law; father’s sis-
kirdin v.t. to smile ter’s husband; daughter’s husband;
zargał ‫ زﻩرﮔﻪڵ‬leggings sister’s husband
zařîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ زﻩڕ‬wasp zâyała ‫ﻪ‬T‫ زاﯾﻪ‬echo
zarkî ‫ زﻩرﰽ‬jaundice, hepatitis zâye ‫ زاﯾﻪ‬lost; ~-bûn to be lost
zarq ‫ زﻩرق‬glitter, glimmer; ~î glittering, zâyinî ‫ زاﯾـــﲎ‬, zâyînî ‫ زاﯾـــ›ـــﲎ‬A.D.: sada i
bright nozdaham i ~ the 19th century A.D.
zarra ‫ زﻩررﻩ‬particle, atom zelkâw ‫ﻠﲀو‬l‫ ز‬marsh
zawî(n) ‫ﻦ‬a‫ زﻩو‬،‫ زﻩوی‬earth, ground, floor zeř g¤‫ ز‬gold; ~în ‫ﻦ‬ag¤‫ ز‬golden
zawîr ‫ــــﺮ‬a‫ زﻩو‬angry; ~ bûn la to be angry zhahr ‫ ژﻩﻫـﺮ‬poison; ~âwî ‫ ژﻩﻫـﺮاوی‬poison-
with ous; ~âwî-kirdin v.t. to poison
zawq ‫ زﻩوق‬taste; ~î ‫ زﻩوﰵ‬happiness zham ‫ ژﻩم‬meal
zawt-kirdin ‫ﺮدن‬B ‫ زﻩوت‬v.t. to usurp zhaman ‫ ژﻩﻣﻪن‬sustenance
zân ‫ زان‬ze- ‫ زێ‬v.i. to be born; to be col- zhandin ‫ ژﻩﻧ ـﺪن‬v.t. to rub, stick ( into
lected (liquid), to well up: châwim else); hał-~ ditto: har dû dast’î
firmeskî te zâ tears welled up in my hałzhandà khwen i azhdîhâká’dâ she
eyes; âw zâyà dammân we’re drool- rubbed both hands in the dragon’s
ing (in anticipation) blood
zân|â ‡‫ زا‬learned; ~ist ‫ـﺴـﺖ‬ë‫ زا‬knowledge, zhang ‫ــﮓ‬s‫ ژﻩ‬rust, verdigris; ~ le-dân v.t.
learning; ~istga ‫ﺘﮕـﻪ‬8‫ﺴ‬ë ‫زا ـ ـــ‬, ~istgâ ‫ﺘﮕـﺎ‬8‫ﺴ‬ë
‫زا ـ ـــ‬ to rust, get rusty
university; ~istî ‫ـــﱴ‬8‫ـــﺴـــ‬ë‫ زا‬teaching, in- zhân ‫ ژان‬pain, illness; ~-kirdin v.t. to
struction; ~în ‫ زاﻧــــــــــــــﲔ‬zân- ‫ زان‬v.t. to hurt, be painful; ~asar ‫ ژاﻧــــﻪﺳــــﻪر‬head-
know: wâ bizânim as I believe, I think ache
(so); wâ’m zânî gâlta’m dagal dakâ I zhândin ‫ ژاﻧــــــﺪن‬zhen- ‫ــــــﻦ‬¤‫ ژ‬v.t.: râ-~ to
thought he was joking with me; ~în shake, rock
zân- ba v.t. to consider as; ~rân ‫ـــﺮان‬s‫زا‬ zhânpon ‫ ژاﻧﭙﯚن‬Japan
zânre- ‫ ـﺮێ‬s‫ زا‬v.p. to be known, discov- zhâr ‫ ژار‬poor, miserable; poison; ~-dân
ered; ~râw ‫ــــــــﺮاو‬s‫ زا‬discovery, finding; v.t. to poison
~yâr ‫ زاﻧـــــــﻴـــــــﺎر‬learned, erudite; ~yârî zher ‫ـــــــــــﺮ‬¤‫ ژ‬under, beneath; la ~ …awa
‫ زاﻧـﻴـﺎری‬knowledge, education: wazârat from beneath, secretly; la ~ …dâ
under back to life; ~agânî ‫ ﻧزـﺪﻩﮔـﺎﱏ‬animation,
zhimâra ‫ ژﻣﺎرﻩ‬number, issue liveliness; ~awar ‫ ﻧزــــــﺪﻩوﻩر‬animal, liv-
zhimârdin ‫ ژﻣــــﺎردن‬zhimer- ‫ــــﺮ‬Œ‫ ژﻣــــ‬v.t. to ing creature
count; ~ ba to consider as zinjîr ‫ زﳒﲑ‬chain
zhimerrân ‫ـــــﺮران‬Œ‫ ژﻣـــــ‬v.p. to be counted, ziř ‫ زڕ‬barren tree; fart; step-; ~birâ ‫زڕ–ـــــﺮا‬
reckoned step-brother; ~khwishk ‫ زڕﺧـﻮﺷـﮏ‬step-
zhin ‫ ژن‬woman, wife; ~-henân v.t. to sister
get married (of a man), to take a wife; zirânî ‫ زراﱏ‬knee
~brâ ‫ ﻧژـــــــــﱪا‬wife’s brother; ~î ‫ ژﱏ‬wo- zirâw ‫ زراو‬gall, courage; ~toqîn ‫زراوﺗــﯚﻗــﲔ‬
manhood galling
zhinawtin ‫ـﻦ‬Ž‫ ﻧژـﻪو‬zhinaw- ‫ ﻧژـﻪو‬v.t. to hear, ziringân ‫ﮕـﺎن‬s‫ زرـ‬ziringe- ‰‫ﮕـ‬s‫ زرـ‬v.i to ring;
listen to ~awa ‫ﮕﺎﻧﻪوﻩ‬s‫ زر‬to reverberate
zhîkała ‫ﻪ‬T‫ﮑﻪ‬a‫ ژ‬cute, darling zirma ‫ زرﻣﻪ‬explosion, blast
zhîla(mo) (‫)ﻣﯚ‬ƒ‫ ژﯾ‬ember under ashes zirtaboz ‫ زرﺗﻪﺑﯚز‬crooked old man
zhîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ژ‬life; ~azhân ‫ ژﯾﻨﻪژان‬life zistân ‫ﺘﺎن‬8‫ زﺳ‬winter
zhîshik ‫ ژ§ﺸﮏ‬hedgehog ziwân ‫ = زوان‬zimân
zhûr ‫ ژوور‬room; upward direction; la ziyâ p‫ ز‬much, more; ~tir la v ‫ـــﺮ‬Žp‫ ز‬more
~awa ‫ژوورﻩوﻩ‬v inside; ~è ‫ ژوورێ‬inside; than
baraw~ la v ‫ ﺑـــــــــــﻪرﻩوژوور‬on the other ziyâd ‫د‬p‫ ز‬much; ~î increase; ~tir la
side of more than; ~-kirdin v.t. to add
zhûrû ‫ ژووروو‬north ziyâfat ‫ﻓﻪت‬p‫ ز‬banquet
zhûzhû ‫ ژووژوو‬hedgehog ziyân ‫ن‬p‫ ز‬damage, loss
zhwânga ‫ﮕﻪ‬s‫ ژوا‬meeting place zîlamo ‫ﻣﯚ‬ƒ‫ = زﯾ‬zhîlamo
zhyân ‫ن‬p‫ ژ‬life; ~dostî ‫ ـﱴ‬8‫ﻧ ـﺪۆﺳ ـ‬p‫ ژ‬love of zît ‫ زﯾﺖ‬clever
life zîn ‫ﻦ‬a‫ ز‬saddle
zhyân ‫ن‬p‫ ژ‬zhî- ‫ ژی‬v.i. to live; bízhî … zînawar ‫ زﯾﻨﻪوﻩر‬alive, living thing
long live … zînd- ‫ زﯾﻨﺪ‬see zind-
zhyâr ‫ر‬p‫ ژ‬urban life zîndân ‫ زﯾﻨﺪان‬prison
zibân ‫ = ز¶ن‬zimân zîndû ‫ = زﯾﻨﺪوو‬zindû
zibr ‫ ز–ﺮ‬rough, coarse zîqândin ‫ زﯾـــﻘـــﺎﻧـــﺪن‬zîqen- ‫ـــﻦ‬Œ‫ زﯾـــﻘـــ‬v.t. to
zig ‫ = زگ‬sik scream
zigmâk ‫ زﮔــــﲈک‬congenital, native: zwân i zîrak ‫ﺮﻩک‬a‫ ز‬clever
~im my native language zîz ‫ﺰ‬a‫ ز‬unhappy, angry
zik ‫ = زک‬sik zmân1 ‫ = زﻣﺎن‬zabân
zikmâk ‫ = زﮐﲈک‬zigmâk zmân2 ‫ = زﻣﺎن‬zimân
zil ‫ زل‬large in body, huge zoł ‫ زۆڵ‬bastard
zilâm ‫ = زﻻم‬zalâm zor1 ‫ زۆر‬force; ~-henân bo v.t. to apply
zilla ò‫ ز‬slap; ~-sirawândin v.t. to slap force to; ~-kirdin la kho- v.t. to force
zimân ‫ زﻣـﺎن‬tongue, language; ~bad ‫زﻣـﺎﻧﺒــﻪد‬ oneself, try hard (+ subj., to do;
foul-mouthed, ill-speaking; ~wân ~dâr ‫ زۆردار‬forceful, cruel, oppres-
‫ زﻣﺎﻧﻮان‬linguist sive; ~dârî ‫ زۆرداری‬cruelty, oppres-
zindâna ‫ زﻧﺪاﻧﻪ‬prison sion; piř~ ‫زۆر‬gº strong, forceful
zind|û ‫ ﻧزـﺪوو‬alive; ba ~ûî ‫ ﺑـﻪﻧزـﺪووﰃ‬alive: zor2 ‫ زۆر‬very; a lot, much; …èk i ~
ba zindûî darhenrâ he was taken out many: shitèk i zor many things; ~’î pe
alive; ba ~ heshtinawa v.t. to bring nachû before long, it wasn’t long be-
fore zuřnâ ‡‫ زوڕ‬clarion
zorân ‫ زۆران‬wrestling; ~-girtin v.t. to zurûf ‫ زورووف‬circumstances
wrestle zû ‫ زوو‬early, soon; ba ~î quickly, fast
zorba ‫ زۆرﺑــــﻪ‬large quantity; majority; ~ i zûr ‫ زوور‬rough, coarse
zor i the vast majority of zwân1 ‫ = زوان‬zimân tongue, language;
zorzân ‫ زۆرزان‬clever; ~î cleverness ~nâs ‫ زواﻧﻨــﺎس‬linguist; ~nâsî ‫ زواﻧﻨــﺎﳻ‬lin-
zozân ‫ زۆزان‬mountainous region, sum- guistic, linguistics; shewa~ ‫ــﻮﻩزوان‬²‫ــــ‬8 ‫ﺷ‬
mer pasturage dialect
zubân ‫ = زو¶ن‬zimân zwân2 ‫ زوان‬time: b’ am ~á at this time
zulm ‫ زوﱂ‬injustice, tyranny; ~lekrâw ‫زوﱂ‬ zwel ‫ﻞ‬l‫ زو‬garbage
‫ﮑﺮاو‬²‫ ﻟ‬oppressed zwer ‫ﺮ‬¤‫ زو‬angry
zuřât ‫ زوڕات‬corn zwîr ‫ﺮ‬a‫ = زو‬zwer
zurba ‫ = زورﺑﻪ‬zorba

General Index

‘Able, be’ §21 §12.1

Adjectives, attributive §5; compara- Orthographic peculiarities §41
tive §13; with definite nouns §8; Participles, past passive §34.1; per-
superlative §13; synopsis §9 fect active §28
Alphabet, pp. 4–7 Phonology, pp. 1–3
Bîr §22 Possession §6
Calendar §12.3 Postpositions §14
Circumpositions §14 Prepositions §14, preposed pronom-
Conditionals §19(5), §32(a), §33 inal prepositional complements
Conjunctions, subordinating §38 §14.1; possessive pronouns dis-
Copulas §15 placed by preposed prepositional
complements §27.4
Days of the week §12.2
Pronouns, agent affixes §27, as
Demonstratives §4
logical objects of past transitive
Directionals §40 verbs §27.2; personal §10; pos-
-è §40 sessive §10.1; preposed pronom-
Ergativity §27, §27.1 inal complements §14.1; preposi-
‘Have’ §16 tional complements with agent af-
-îsh §11 fixes §27.3; possessive pronouns
displaced by preposed preposi-
Izâfa §6, §7
tional complements §27.4; pro-
Months §12.3
nominal objects of verbs §23
Moods, irrealis §32
Relative clauses §39
Noun, absolute state §1; definite
‘Remember’ §22
state §3; indefinite state §2; plural
nouns with attributive adjectives South Sorani §27.1
§8; postposed verbal comple- Stress, p. 3
ments §35; synopsis of states §9 Temporal duration §37
Numbers, cardinal §12, ordinal Twânîn §21

Verbs, factitive §36; imperative perfect tense §29, §29.1; present
§24; irrealis mood §32; in -awa subjunctive §19; simple past §25;
§18; passive voice §34; past con- §27
ditional §33; past habitual/pro- Vowel contractions §42
gressive (intransitive) §26; past ‘Want’ §20
passive participle §34.1; past per-
Wîstin §20
fect tense §30, §30.1; present ha-
bitual/progressive §17; present -yatî §15, §29.1


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