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CNS Drugs (2019) 33:619–637


Potential Role of Vitamin D for the Management of Depression

and Anxiety
Gleicilaine A. S. Casseb1 · Manuella P. Kaster1 · Ana Lúcia S. Rodrigues1 

Published online: 15 May 2019

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, plays a role not only in calcium and phosphate homeostasis but also in several other
functions, including cell growth and neuromuscular and immune function. The deficiency of vitamin D is highly prevalent
throughout the world and has been suggested to be associated with an enhanced risk of major depressive disorder (MDD)
and anxiety disorders. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation has been investigated for the prevention and treatment of these
disorders. This review presents preclinical and clinical evidence of the effects of vitamin D supplementation in these disor-
ders. Although preclinical studies provide limited evidence on the possible mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of
vitamin D for the management of these disorders, most of the clinical studies have indicated that vitamin D supplementation
is associated with the reduction of symptoms of depression and anxiety, particularly when the supplementation was car-
ried out in individuals with an MDD diagnosis (of the 13 studies in which MDD diagnosis was established, 12 had positive
results with vitamin supplementation). However, some heterogeneity in the outcomes was observed and might be associated
with an absence of overt psychiatric symptoms in several studies, genetic polymorphisms that alter vitamin D metabolism
and bioavailability, differences in the supplementation regimen (monotherapy, adjunctive therapy, or large bolus dosing),
and levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin ­D3 (25(OH)D) at baseline (individuals with low vitamin D status may respond better) and
attained after supplementation. Additionally, factors such as sex, age, and symptom severity also need to be further explored
in relation to the effects of vitamin D. Therefore, although vitamin D may hold significant potential for mental health, further
preclinical and clinical studies are clearly necessary to better understand its role on mood/affect modulation.

1 Introduction
Key Points 
Major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety disorders are
Major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety disor- among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders worldwide.
ders are highly prevalent, representing a public health Symptoms of depression and anxiety frequently overlap in
problem. patients, and comorbid MDD and anxiety disorders is com-
Vitamin D plays a role in immunomodulation, oxidative mon in healthcare settings and constitutes a great mental
stress and neuroplasticity. health burden; however, the treatment of these disorders
remains a challenge [1]. Given that mood and anxiety dis-
Some clinical studies have indicated that vitamin D may orders are relatively common and are associated with con-
be useful for the management of symptoms of depression siderable health impairment and that current treatments are
and anxiety disorders. However, data vary widely, so limited, novel compounds exhibiting antidepressant and
more investigation is needed. anxiolytic properties are needed. In this context, vitamin D
has been investigated as a promising strategy for the man-
agement of these disorders. Therefore, this narrative review
* Ana Lúcia S. Rodrigues provides a summary of the existing preclinical and clinical; data regarding the potential antidepressant and anxiolytic
benefits of vitamin D. It presents the available evidence
Department of Biochemistry, Center for Biological
Sciences, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
indicating that vitamin D supplementation may afford ben-
88040‑900 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil eficial effects for individuals with symptoms of anxiety and


620 G. A. S. Casseb et al.

depression and the possible cellular and molecular targets (1,25(OH)D), also known as calcitriol [6]. The synthesis of
modulated by this vitamin that may be relevant for its effects the active form of vitamin D is illustrated in Fig. 1.
on the pathophysiology of MDD and anxiety disorders. The The biological actions of 1,25(OH)D are mediated by the
lack of effects observed in some studies and populations is vitamin D receptor (VDR), which belongs to the steroid-
also presented and discussed. thyroid-retinoid receptor superfamily of ligand-activated
transcription factors, controlling 3–5% of human genes [6].
1.1 Vitamin D: Metabolism and Biological Effects Serum level of 25(OH)D has served as a biomarker of vita-
min D status and deficiency [7, 8]. The transport of vitamin
Vitamin D may be obtained via the diet (vitamin ­D2 or ergo- D and its metabolites in the circulation is dependent on its
calciferol derived from plants, fungi, and yeast; vitamin D ­ 3 binding to vitamin D binding protein (DBP) and to a lesser
or cholecalciferol, from both plants and animal sources, but extent (about 15%) to albumin [9]. A summary of vitamin
extremely abundant in cold-water fish), but diet sources con- D metabolism is depicted in Fig. 2.
tribute to only a small fraction of the vitamin D available It is important to highlight that the levels of vitamin D
to be metabolized [2, 3]. Vitamin D ­ 3 is mainly produced in synthesis after sunlight exposure are strongly influenced by
the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol following exposure to different factors, including skin pigmentation, use of sun-
ultraviolet radiation in the 260–320 nm wavelength (range screen, latitude, season, and age. On the other hand, the
of ultraviolet B [UVB] radiation). This process causes the contribution of diet intake and supplementation to serum
rearrangement of the double bonds, opening up the B ring 25(OH)D levels appears nonlinear and can also be influ-
of the molecule to form the seco-steroid previtamin D ­ 3 [4]. enced by several factors, including baseline levels of vitamin
Previtamin ­D3, in turn, is converted into vitamin ­D3 by ther- D, body mass index and percentage of body fat, age, and
mal isomerization [4, 5]. Vitamin D ­ 3 itself is not biologi- calcium intake, among others [10, 11].
cally active – it undergoes two hydroxylations to become Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent throughout the world
biologically active; the first hydroxylation, at the C-25 site, [12–14]. It is estimated that over 50% of the world’s popu-
occurs in the liver, and the second hydroxylation, at the C-1α lation have low vitamin D levels (i.e., hypovitaminosis D;
site, occurs mainly in the kidney. In hepatic cells, vitamin serum levels of 25(OH)D < 30 ng/mL or 75 nmol/L) [13].
­D3 is hydroxylated into its major circulating metabolite, However, a single cutoff value to define vitamin D defi-
25-hydroxyvitamin ­D3 (25(OH)D), mainly by the enzyme ciency or insufficiency is a matter of debate. The establish-
25-hydroxylase (CYP2R1). In the kidney, 25-hydroxyvita- ment of desirable serum 25(OH)D levels generally relies
min ­D3 1α-hydroxylase (mitochondrial CYP27B1) converts on the required vitamin D levels to maintain skeletal and
25(OH)D into its active form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D ­ 3 mineral homeostasis [13, 15].

Fig. 1  Synthesis of the active form of vitamin D. Previtamin D ­ 3 is erol is converted into 25(OH)D (calcidiol) by the enzyme CYP2R1.
synthesized in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol by the action of In the kidney, calcidiol is converted into 1,25(OH)D (calcitriol), the
ultraviolet light. In a subsequent nonenzymatic step, previtamin ­D3 is active form of vitamin D, by the enzyme CYP27B1. CYP cytochrome
converted into vitamin D ­ 3 (cholecalciferol). In the liver, cholecalcif- P450
Vitamin D for Depression and Anxiety Disorders 621

Regarding vitamin D toxicity, serum 25(OH)D lev- anxiety has been described [26]. In this regard, vitamin D is
els > 150 ng/mL are likely to be associated with life-threat- a well-known regulator of innate immunity, acting as both
ing hypercalcemia. As a result of the hypercalcemia, individ- a transcription and a growth factor, as well as by interacting
uals can experience nausea, vomiting, weakness, polyuria, with surface receptors in different immune cells [27]. Thus,
nephrocalcinosis, and even renal failure [16]. The highest many of the positive effects of vitamin D on behavior might
daily intake of vitamin D that will pose no risk of adverse be associated with its ability to regulate both peripheral and
effects is not well-established and is dependent on several central nervous system (CNS) immune responses.
factors [16]. However, intake of vitamin D 5000 IU/day is In the periphery, VDR are widely expressed in immune
generally considered as the safe daily upper limit of supple- cells, including B and T lymphocytes, monocytes/mac-
mentation [13], but the upper intake for long-term supple- rophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells [28–32].
mentation of vitamin D is proposed to be 2000 IU/day [16]. Moreover, most of the immune cells also possess the enzyme
Doses > 50,000 IU/day raise serum concentrations above 1α-hydroxylase, responsible for metabolizing 25(OH)D into
150 ng/mL, leading to hypercalcemia [16]. its active metabolite, 1,25(OH)D, and different immune
Although 1,25(OH)D is well-known to regulate calcium cells—including B cells and monocytes—also express
and phosphate homeostasis, it also has pleiotropic actions 24α-hydroxylase, the enzyme that degrades 1,25(OH)D
[6]. A growing body of evidence suggests that low vitamin [27, 30]. The first immune-related properties described for
D levels also play a role in the pathogenesis of a wide range vitamin D were antimicrobial properties, but vitamin D
of non-skeletal, age-associated diseases, including cancer, is involved in the modulation of both innate and adaptive
heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, immune responses [27]. In this context, depression and anxi-
stroke, and neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases ety are frequently associated with a low-grade inflammatory
[17–25]. status and peripheral increase in acute-phase proteins and
Over the past three decades, an intricate interaction inflammatory cytokines [33–35].
between peripheral immune activation, neuroinflamma- Vitamin D induces T cell polarization to a type 2 T-helper
tion, and changes in brain circuits related to depression and (Th2) cell phenotype, attenuating pro-inflammatory type 1

Fig. 2  Vitamin D metabolism. Vitamin D is produced by cutaneous liver, where it undergoes hydroxylation at C25 mainly by the enzyme
synthesis (vitamin D
­ 3 or cholecalciferol) or may be obtained via the CYP2R1, forming 25(OH)D (calcidiol). This metabolite is trans-
diet (vitamin ­D2 or ergocalciferol from plant, fungi and yeast, and ported by DBP to the kidneys for another hydroxylation, catalyzed by
­D3 or cholecalciferol mainly from animal sources). Dietary vitamin the enzyme CYP27B1, forming 1,25(OH)D (calcitriol). The active
D is absorbed in the small intestine and packed into chylomicrons to metabolite 1,25(OH)D circulates through the body in order to pro-
reach the systemic circulation. In the circulation, vitamin ­D2 and D
­3 duce different biological functions. CYP cytochrome P450, DBP vita-
are transported by DBP or albumin. Vitamin D is transported to the min D-binding protein, Vit D vitamin D, UVB ultraviolet B

622 G. A. S. Casseb et al.

T-helper (Th1) cells and stimulating anti-inflammatory Th2- 1.2 Vitamin D and the Central Nervous System
cell responses. Vitamin D can inhibit the secretion of Th1 (CNS)
cells’ pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-
1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interferon (IFN)-γ and In the CNS, VDR and the enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin ­D3
induced those of Th2-cell anti-inflammatory cytokines such 1α-hydroxylase are found in both neurons and glial cells in
as IL-4 and IL-10 [36]. rodents and humans [45]. The distribution of the VDR in the
Moreover, 1,25(OH)D is a potent downregulator of human brain was similar to that reported in rodents. In the
Toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 and TLR4 in monocytes, human brain, the strongest immunohistochemical staining
decreasing inflammatory responses [37]. Peripheral for both the receptor and the enzyme was in the hypothala-
blood mononuclear cells of patients with depression were mus (supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus) and in
reported to express higher levels of TLR4, but this param- the large neurons within the substantia nigra, but an intense
eter was normalized following antidepressant treatment immunoreactivity was also found in the prefrontal cortex
[38]. VDR expression is considerably enhanced in mac- (external granule), cingulate gyrus (external and internal
rophages, monocytes, and lymphocytes after inflammatory granule), hippocampus (pyramidal layer of CA1 and CA2),
and immunological stimuli, and vitamin D can modulate fimbria, dentate gyrus (granule cell layer), and caudate-
the innate immune system, either by increasing the phago- putamen [45].
cytic ability of immune cells or by reinforcing the physi- Although evidence from a transport study with 1,25(OH)
cal barrier function of epithelial cells [39]. In particular, D and 25(OH)D indicated their restricted transport by the
1,25(OH)D can enhance intestinal epithelial barrier func- blood–brain barrier (BBB) in rats [46], there is evidence
tion and modulate the bowel immune system. In fact, gut that 25(OH)D may be converted into 1,25(OH)D within
epithelial VDR signaling controls mucosal inflammation, the human brain parenchyma [45]. In the CNS, 1,25(OH)D
mucosal barrier permeability, and gut microbiota com- is frequently associated with neuroprotective properties. It
position [40, 41]. This function is of particular interest modulates the production and release of neurotrophic factors
since disruption in the gut–brain axis and dysbiosis have [47], cell proliferation and apoptosis [48], biosynthesis of
been associated with psychiatric symptoms [42]. Specifi- monoamines through the increase of tyrosine hydroxylase
cally, a leaking gut allows translocation of lipopolysaccha- and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 expression [49, 50], calcium
rides (LPS) into the circulation, causing the activation of and redox homeostasis [51, 52], and mitochondrial func-
various immune cells, which leads to systemic low-grade tion [53]. Moreover, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
inflammation. Moreover, some recent reports suggest that properties were also described for 1,25(OH)D in the brain
microbiota, per se, influences systemic levels of vitamin in preclinical studies [54–56]. A recent study reported that
D [43]. 1,25(OH)D is able to inhibit serotonin reuptake transport
The association of vitamin D and the immune system and the gene expression of monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A;
does not occur only in the periphery. In fact, in the CNS, enzyme responsible for monoamine degradation) in cultured
microglia cells stimulated with IFN-γ or LPS increased the rat serotonergic neuronal cell lines, suggesting that calcitriol
expression of VDR and cytochrome P450 (CYP)27B1 and may act in a way similar to antidepressants [57].
decreased the expression of CYP24A1, which degrades The importance of vitamin D to many brain processes,
the active form of vitamin D ­ 3, 1,25(OH)D, leading to including neuroimmunomodulation, oxidative stress, and
increased levels of 1,25(OH)D [44]. Thus, microglia neuroplasticity suggests a potential role in psychiatric dis-
cells have an intracrine system whereby the cells convert orders. This review summarizes the main findings regard-
25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)D, which can then bind to VDR in ing the possible role of vitamin D in the pathophysiology
the cell. These observations suggest that vitamin D can of MDD and anxiety disorders. The preclinical studies
alter the immune activation of microglia, which may have that focused on this issue have been carried out in models
implications in the immune response in the CNS during of depression and anxiety in rodents subjected to vitamin
disease states [44]. D supplementation/depletion as well as in transgenic mice
Taken together, these data point to a role for vitamin D not expressing VDR. Clinical studies that were designed
in the immune system, in both innate and adaptive immune to assess the impact of vitamin D supplementation on
responses. Although a causal link between vitamin D, MDD or anxiety risk or symptoms are also presented and
immune modulation, and symptoms of depression or anxi- discussed. The data reviewed were identified in a compre-
ety has not yet been proven, some of the beneficial effects hensive literature search in PubMed using the following
of vitamin D in psychiatric symptoms might be associated search terms: vitamin D or cholecalciferol and depression,
with neuroimmune interactions. depressive symptoms, major depression, MDD, anxiety,
anxiety disorders. Articles published up to December
Vitamin D for Depression and Anxiety Disorders 623

2018 were considered. No language limit was applied to glucocorticoid, as well as increased expression of VDR in
the search. the prefrontal cortex and decreased CYP27B1/CYP24A1/
VDR expression in the hippocampus of animals exposed
to a low dose of dexamethasone, were reported [66]. These
studies suggest that vitamin D signaling could be regu-
2 The Possible Role of Vitamin D lated in the brain in response to stress, one of the major
in the Pathophysiology of Major environmental factors associated with the occurrence of
Depressive Disorder (MDD) MDD episodes.
The intragastric administration of vitamin D 1 µg/kg to
MDD is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by low mice (24, 3 and 1 h before the test) was reported to produce
mood, reduced self-esteem, loss of interest or pleasure in a reduction in the immobility time in the forced swim test
normally enjoyable activities (anhedonia), and fatigue, without causing alterations in locomotor activity, a finding
among other symptoms. It is a highly debilitating and consistent with antidepressant-like effect [67]. Additionally,
prevalent disorder that is approximately twice as preva- a study by Fedotova et al. [68] showed that chronic vitamin
lent in women compared with men [58]. D administration for 14 days caused antidepressant-like
Although the pathophysiology of MDD is complex, behavior in the forced swim test in ovariectomized rats. In
several mechanisms have been postulated to exert a key this same study, the coadministration of subcutaneous vita-
role in the development of the depressive symptoms, min D (high dose, 5 mg/kg/day) and 17beta-estradiol also
namely impairment in neurotrophic support and neuro- exerted an antidepressant-like effect in ovariectomized rats.
genesis, neuroinflammation, disruption of bioenergetic In line with these findings, vitamin D deficiency in dams
signaling, oxidative stress, and excitotoxicity [59–62]. All produced anhedonia (a key symptom of depression), anxiety,
these alterations may be triggered by chronic stress, a and cognitive impairment in male pups [69]. In addition, a
condition that may cause the activation of the peripheral recent study reported that, although the acute administration
macrophages and central microglia, dysfunction of the of vitamin D ­ 3 failed to cause significant effects in the forced
hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and hyper- swim test and tail suspension test, repeated administration
cortisolemia, and a consequent impairment of synaptic of this vitamin (2.5, 7.5, and 25 µg/kg) for 7 days effectively
plasticity, dendritic spine growth, and synaptic commu- counteracted the depressive-like behavior and brain oxida-
nication [61]. Considering that vitamin D plays a role tive stress induced by chronic administration of corticoster-
in neuroimmunomodulation and neuroplasticity and may one (21 days) in mice, suggesting that the antidepressant-like
reduce oxidative stress [52, 54], it has been investigated effect of vitamin D may be related to its ability to modulate
as a potential strategy for the prevention and/or treatment oxidative stress [70].
of depressive symptoms. This approach is particularly rel- It was reported that klotho-deficient mice that present
evant because the treatment of MDD has several draw- excessive plasma 1,25(OH)D have a lower floating time
backs related to the limited efficacy and side effects of when submitted to the forced swim test as compared with
conventional antidepressants [63, 64]. wild-type mice, an effect reversed when animals were sub-
jected to a low vitamin D diet, suggesting that excessive
2.1 Preclinical Studies levels of calcitriol are associated with antidepressant-like
effects [71].
The preclinical studies that have investigated the possible Further reinforcing the notion that vitamin D may afford
beneficial effects of vitamin D in animal models are lim- antidepressant effects, a recent study showed that intraperi-
ited, and most of them do not deal with the mechanisms toneal treatment with 1,25(OH) vitamin ­D3 (5, 10 µg/kg,
underlying vitamin D effects. twice weekly) for 5 weeks along with chronic mild stress
The levels of 25(OH)D and VDR expression in the hip- effectively improved anhedonia-like symptoms in rats sub-
pocampus were significantly increased after 4 weeks of jected to stress [72].
chronic unpredictable mild stress in rats that exhibited Although the above-mentioned studies have suggested
a depressive-like behavior, maybe as a compensatory that vitamin D has an antidepressant profile, some results
mechanism [65]. Alterations in the expression of brain about this issue are also contradictory. A study that inves-
VDR were also reported following the repeated admin- tigated the behavioral response of male Sprague–Dawley
istration of dexamethasone in rats, a protocol associated rats deficient in vitamin D ­ 3 (6 weeks exposure to vitamin
with a depressive-like behavior [66]. A decreased expres- D-deficient diet) found no alteration in the forced swim test
sion of both VDR and CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 (enzymes compared with control rats [73]. Similarly, Groves et al.
involved in vitamin D catabolism) in the prefrontal cortex [74] found no behavioral alterations in the forced swim
and hippocampus of rats exposed to a high dose of this test of C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice subjected to a vitamin

624 G. A. S. Casseb et al.

D-deficient diet for 10 weeks. However, another study from major depression with a seasonal pattern. The symptoms
the same group showed that BALB/c mice, subjected to the usually occur during the fall and winter months when there
same protocol of vitamin D-deficient diet, presented lower is less sunlight and usually improve with the arrival of
immobility time in the forced swim test than mice receiv- spring [111]. Given the contribution of sunlight to vitamin
ing a standard diet, suggesting an antidepressant-like effect D synthesis, some studies have evaluated the relationship
afforded by vitamin D deficiency [75]. In this study, vitamin between vitamin D levels and SAD. However, despite the
D deficiency did not affect proliferation or survival of adult intuitive appeal, only a few studies have evaluated the topic
hippocampal neurons in the dentate gyrus at baseline or after and most involved very small samples or health cohorts. Two
voluntary wheel running in mice. longitudinal studies evaluated vitamin D levels and symp-
toms of depression according to seasonality. Kerr et al. [112]
2.2 Epidemiological and Clinical Studies found variation in vitamin D levels and depression scores in
Associating Vitamin D Supplementation different seasons, in a group of 185 healthy females. Addi-
and Depressive Symptoms tionally, Premkumar et al. [113] found that lower vitamin
D levels were associated with symptoms of depression dur-
The majority of the clinical literature that deal with the ing 1 year of Antarctic residence. However, a case–control
possible role of vitamin D in MDD are cross-sectional and study including 15 subjects with a SAD diagnosis and 15
cohort studies that have established an inverse association controls failed to find a similar association [114]. Clinical
between serum 25(OH)D levels and depressive symptoms [8, trials were also planned to test this hypothesis. These stud-
76–83] as well as the risk of MDD [84–86]. Although most ies are included in Table 1. Although some studies found
of the human studies have shown an association between positive outcomes with vitamin D supplementation [93,
serum 25(OH)D and depressive symptoms and/or MDD 115, 116], most failed to find a positive effect for vitamin
risk, some failed to find significant associations [87–92]. D supplementation and SAD or mood changes according to
Studies in which vitamin D supplementation was used as seasonality. In a sample of 250 females, vitamin D 400 IU
a treatment for MDD, either as a unique therapeutic strat- for 1 year did not change mood scores during different sea-
egy or as an adjuvant to classical pharmacotherapy, have sons [117]. Similarly, Dumville et al. [118] did not observe
also been reported. These studies, which are presented in mood improvements in 1621 women randomized to vitamin
chronological order in Table 1, show either positive effects D 800 IU for 6 months. Additionally, in two randomized
or an absence of effects of vitamin D supplementation. Most controlled trials (RCTs), one involving 34 subjects with SAD
report a beneficial effect of vitamin D on depression when and the other including 243 individuals with low levels of
supplemented alone [93–106] or in combination with fluox- vitamin D, supplementation for 3 or 6 months, respectively,
etine [107] or probiotics [108]. Despite the positive results, was not associated with a reduction in symptoms [78, 119].
the vitamin D supplementation in several studies was car- Taken together, there is only modest evidence that vitamin
ried out not in individuals primarily diagnosed with MDD D is effective for the treatment of SAD symptoms, but most
but in those in whom depressive symptoms were associated of the studies were conducted in small samples, using dif-
with different clinical conditions, such as obesity [94], mul- ferent scales to access mood and different vitamin D doses
tiple sclerosis [109], Crohn’s disease [101], type 2 diabetes and administration schedules. Therefore, although vitamin D
mellitus [103], and ulcerative colitis [105]. Considering that levels fluctuate in direct relation to seasonally available sun-
vitamin D possesses anti-inflammatory effects and exerts an light, and VDR are found throughout the hypothalamus, the
important role in glucose homeostasis [110], a relationship brain region that controls circadian rhythms, further studies
might exist between the positive effects of supplementation are necessary to better establish the role of vitamin D in
and the occurrence of metabolic and/or inflammatory clini- SAD development, prevention, and/or treatment.
cal conditions. However, more studies are necessary to char-
acterize whether vitamin D is particularly effective against
depressive symptoms accompanied by systemic inflamma-
tory conditions. Indeed, several factors may have contrib- 3 Possible Role of Vitamin D
uted to the contradictory results, such as the heterogeneity in the Pathophysiology of Anxiety
of the study participants, including the severity of depres- Disorders
sive symptoms, the presence of comorbidities, the baseline
25(OH)D level and that attained after supplementation, and Anxiety is defined as a negative, vague, and unpleasant
the vitamin D supplementation regimen (dose and duration emotional state derived from the anticipation of a potential
of supplementation). hazard and generates hypervigilance and alertness, even in
Vitamin D status has also been investigated in the etiol- the absence of immediate danger [130]. When occasional,
ogy of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of recurring anxiety represents a normal aspect of emotional behavior
Table 1  Clinical trial studies associating vitamin D supplementation and depressive symptoms
Study Study design Study participants Vitamin D supplementation Assessment scale Results

Harris and Dawson- Prospective 250 females (aged 43–72 years) healthy Calcium 377 mg + vitamin ­D3 POMS questionnaire on Supplementation with vitamin
Hughes [117] individuals (1% in treatment for cur- 400 IU QD for 1 year four visits (summer, D did not change mood scores
rent depression) autumn, winter, spring)
Lansdowne and Provost Randomized placebo- 44 male and female healthy students 400 or 800 IU vitamin ­D3 per day Positive and Negative Vitamin ­D3 enhanced positive
[93] controlled double-blind (mean age 22 years)—no MDD for 5 days during late winter Affect Schedule as a affect; some evidence of
diagnosis self-report measure reduction in negative affect
Gloth et al. [115] Prospective, RCT​ 15 SAD subjects Vitamin D 100,000 IU as a single HDRS; SIGH-SAD, SAD Vitamin D improved mood
dose (n = 8) or phototherapy measures 1 month after treat-
(n = 7) ment; phototherapy showed
no significant changes
Vitamin D for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Vieth et al. [116] Blinded randomized 82 adults with vitamin D deficiency—no Vitamin ­D3 600 or 4000 IU QD Well-being questionnaire Higher dose of vitamin D asso-
MDD diagnosis for 3 months over 2 consecutive ciated with improvements in
winters well-being vs. lower dose
Dumville et al. [118] Randomized 1621 elderly women—no MDD diag- Calcium 1000 mg + vitamin D SF-12 questionnaire to No improvement in mental
nosis 800 IU supplementation QD evaluate subjective health scores
or no supplementation for psychological well-being
6 months
Jorde et al. [94] Randomized placebo- 441 obese subjects (159 men; 282 Vitamin ­D3 20,000 or 40,000 IU/ BDI Inverse relation between
controlled women) aged 21–70 years from out- week supplementation for serum levels of 25(OH)D
patient clinic (BMI 28–47 kg/m2)—no 1 year (1 capsule 20,000 IU + 1 and symptoms of depression
depression, median BDI scores of 4.5 placebo or 2 capsules for subjects with 25(OH)
(0.0–28.0) 20,000 IU per week, respec- D < 40 nmol/L. Supplementa-
tively) tion ameliorated depressive
Arvold et al. [120] Randomized placebo- 100 mild to moderate vitamin D-defi- Vitamin ­D3 50,000 IU/week for Depressed mood, and sea- Severely deficient participants
controlled cient adults (10–25 ng/mL)—no MDD 8 weeks sonal (winter) depressed reported depressive symp-
diagnosis mood assessed by FIQ toms. Mood symptoms did
not change after supplementa-
Zanetidou et al. [95] Longitudinal, non­‑ 39 women aged ≥ 65 years with MDD Vitamin ­D3 300,000 IU as a HDRS Significant improvement in
randomized design, (DSM-IV criteria, ascertained via single dose orally (evaluation at depressive symptomatology
not placebo-controlled clinical interview with experienced baseline and after 4 weeks)
psychiatrist), and taking antidepres-
Dean et al. [121] Randomized placebo- 128 male and female young healthy Vitamin ­D3 5000 IU QD for BDI Supplementation did not influ-
controlled volunteers—mood disorders were an 6 weeks ence cognitive or emotional
exclusion criterion functioning
Sanders et al. [122] Double-blind, ran‑ Women aged ≥ 70 years (n = 1015 vita- Vitamin ­D3 500,000 IU or GHQ, SF-12, Patient Lack of improvement in indices
domized, placebo- min D; n = 1016 placebo) – no MDD matched placebo once each Global Impression- of mental well-being in the
controlled diagnosis year for 3–5 years Improvement scale and vitamin D-treated group
WHO Well-being Index

Table 1  (continued)

Study Study design Study participants Vitamin D supplementation Assessment scale Results

Bertone-Johnson et al. Cross-sectional and 81,189 women (aged 50–79 years at Vitamin D intake from food or Burnam scale Lower risk of depressive
[123] prospective analysis baseline) – 9.4% in supplementation supplements (groups: < 100 IU/ symptoms at year 3 in non-
of vitamin D intake group; 9.9% in control group with day; 200 to < 400 IU/day; 400 depressive women who had a
from food and supple- depressive disorders to < 800 IU/day; > 800 IU/day) higher vitamin D intake from
ments and depressive food. No relationship between
symptoms vitamin ­D3 supplementation
and depression
Bertone-Johnson et al. Randomized placebo- 36,282 postmenopausal women (2263 Vitamin ­D3 400 IU QD + elemen- Burnam scale No relation between vitamin
[124] controlled completed the study); 8952 women tal calcium 1000 mg for 2 years ­D3 supplementation and
(11.0%) met criteria for depressive depression
Kjaergaard et al. [78] Randomized placebo- 243 adults (aged 30–75 years) with Vitamin ­D3 40,000 IU/week for BDI; HADS; SPAQ Low levels of serum 25(OH)
controlled serum 25(OH)D < 55 nmol/L 6 months (for SAD symptoms); D associated with depressive
or > 70 nmol/L (110 placebo and MADRS symptoms, but no effect with
120 vitamin D group completed the vitamin D supplementation
study)—no to mild depressive symp-
toms, median BDI scores = 4
Högberg et al. [96] Clinical trial 54 Swedish depressed adolescents (37 Vitamin ­D3 4000 IU QD for WHO-5; MFQ-S Vitamin D supplementation
girls, 17 boys) with vitamin D defi- 1 month and 2000 IU QD for improved symptoms of
ciency—19 with moderate depression 2 months depression
and 35 with severe depression assessed
by clinicians
Yalamanchili and Gal- Randomized placebo- 489 older postmenopausal women— 0.25 g BID conjugated with GDS-LF30 No effect of vitamin D sup-
lagher [125] controlled absence of depression, average GDS- estrogens or medroxyproges- plementation on depressive
LF30 scores of 3.8 in Caucasian and terone acetate (compliance at symptoms. Vitamin D recep-
3.0 in African American 36 months 92–94%) tor polymorphisms were not
associated with depression or
response to intervention
Khoraminya et al. [107] Placebo-controlled 42 individuals with diagnosis of MDD Vitamin ­D3 1500 IU QD plus HDRS (24-item scale); Vitamin D and fluoxetine com-
(score ≥ 15 on the HDRS, DSM-IV fluoxetine 20 mg or fluoxetine BDI bination superior to fluoxetine
criteria) alone for 8 weeks alone in controlling depres-
sive symptoms
Mozaffari-Khosravi Clinical trial 120 depressive patients with BDI Single IM dose of vitamin ­D3 BDI Higher dose of vitamin D­ 3
et al. [97] scores > 17 150,000 or 300,000 IU improved depression symp-
toms after 3 months
Frandsen et al. [119] Randomized, double- 34 subjects with SAD (mean age Daily dose of vitamin D 70 μg or HDRS, SIGH-SAD, Well- No effect of vitamin D on SAD
blind, placebo- 44 years, indoor workers who had placebo for 3 months Being Index symptoms
controlled experienced winter depressive symp-
toms in the past)
G. A. S. Casseb et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Study design Study participants Vitamin D supplementation Assessment scale Results

Wang et al. [126] Prospective, randomized, 746 dialysis patients with depression; Vitamin ­D3 50,000 IU/week or Chinese version of BDI-II No improvement in depressive
double-blind cutoff value of 16 in BDI-II placebo for 52 weeks symptoms in total dialysis
population, but a beneficial
effect on vascular depression
was found
Sepehrmanesh et al. [98] Randomized, double- 40 patients (aged 18–65 years) with Vitamin ­D3 50,000 IU/week HDRS; BDI Improvement in BDI score and
blind, placebo- MDD-HDRS score ≥ 15 (n = 20) or placebo (n = 20) for indicators of glucose homeo-
controlled clinical trial 8 weeks stasis, and oxidative stress
Stokes et al. [99] Cross-sectional analysis 111 patients with chronic liver diseases: 77 patients with inadequate vita- BDI-II Vitamin D levels correlated
31% with depressive symptoms (BDI- min D concentrations received with BDI-II scores, and
II score ≥ 14) vitamin ­D3 20,000 IU/week for vitamin D supplementation
Vitamin D for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

6 months improved depressive symp-

toms in women
Vaziri et al. [100] RCT​ 169 pregnant women assigned to placebo Vitamin D group received vita- EPDS Supplementation decreased
or vitamin D (no depression, EPDS min ­D3 2000 IU QD from 26 perinatal symptoms of
scores < 13) to 28 weeks of gestation until depression
childbirth. Maternal serum
25(OH)D levels measured at
baseline and childbirth
Rolf et al. [109] RCT​ 40 patients with MS (aged Vitamin ­D3 supplementation HADS-D No evidence for reduction of
18–55 years)—no depression diagno- (n = 20: 7000 IU/day in the depressive symptoms
sis, HADS-D scores < 8 first 4 weeks, followed by
14,000 IU/day up to week
48) or placebo (n = 20) for
48 weeks
Narula et al. [101] Randomized, double- 34 patients with CD (aged 18–70 years); Vitamin ­D3 10,000 IU QD HADS Improvement in depression
blind placebo- 11 with clinical depression HADS (n = 18) vs. 1000 IU QD scores and a good safety
controlled scores > 10 (n = 16) for 12 months profile in both groups treated
with vitamin D ­ 3
Ghaderi et al. [102] Randomized, double- 68 methadone-treatment patients: 34 Vitamin ­D3 50,000 IU (n = 34) or BDI; PSQI Improvement in depression
blind, placebo- controls, 34 intervention (moder- placebo (n = 34) every 2 weeks scores, sleep quality and
controlled, clinical trial ate depression, average BDI scores for 12 weeks metabolic parameters such
23.0 ± 6.9 in placebo and 22.3 ± 6.1 in as homeostasis model of
vitamin D group) assessment-insulin resistance
Penckofer et al. [103] Open label, proof of 50 women with T2DM with elevated Vitamin ­D2 50,000 IU (ergocal- CES-D, PHQ-9 (depres- Improvement in depressive
concept depressive symptoms measured by ciferol) QW for 6 months sion questionnaire used symptoms even after control-
CES-D to validate CES-D) ling for race, season of enroll-
ment, baseline vitamin D,
baseline depression, and BMI
Hongell et al. [127]. Pooled data from fingoli- Vitamin D use was defined as “non- Lack of data about the dose of Expanded Disability Trend of less depression in
mod phase III trials in users” (n = 562), “casual users” vitamin D obtained from the Status Scale “daily users” of vitamin D
patients with RRMS (n = 157) and “daily users” (n = 110) supplements supplement

Table 1  (continued)

Study Study design Study participants Vitamin D supplementation Assessment scale Results

Raygan et al. [108] Randomized, double- 60 patients with diabetes aged Vitamin D 50,000 IU Q2 W plus BDI Vitamin D and probiotic
blind, placebo- 45–85 years with coronary heart dis- probiotics (n  =  30) or placebo cosupplementation resulted in
controlled ease—(moderate depression, average (n  =  30) for 12 weeks significant improvements in
BDI scores 21.5  ±  3.9 for placebo and depression score
23.2  ±  4.6 for vitamin D)
Bahrami et al. [104] Longitudinal clinical 940 adolescent girls: 15.8% mild, 12.4% Vitamin D ­ 3 50,000 IU/week for BDI-II Significant reduction on mild,
moderate, 4.3% severe depression 9 weeks moderate, and severe depres-
sion score
Sharifi et al. [105] Double-blind RCT​ 86 patients with UC—mild depression, Vitamin ­D3 300,000 IU injection BDI Significant reduction in BDI
average BDI scores of 12.8 ± 5.6 for or placebo score 3 months after supple-
placebo and 13.9 ± 7.4 for vitamin D mentation
Choukri et al. [128] Double-blind RCT​ 152 healthy women (aged 18–40 years) Vitamin ­D3 50,000 IU or placebo CES-D No evidence of any beneficial
once monthly for 6 months effect of supplementation on
depressive symptoms
Alavi et al. [106] Double-blind RCT​ 78 adults aged > 60 years with moderate Vitamin ­D3 50,000 IU or placebo GDS-15 Decrease in depression score in
to severe depression (n = 39 in each per week for 8 weeks supplemented individuals
group) assessed by GDS-15
Jorde and Kubiak [129] RCT​ Vitamin D (n = 206), placebo (n = 202) Vitamin D 100,000 IU as bolus BDI-II No significant effect of vitamin
(few subjects [11%] clinically dose followed by 20,000 IU D supplementation on depres-
depressed as assessed by BDI-II) QW for 4 months sive symptoms

25(OH)D calcidiol, BDI Beck Depression Inventory, BDI-II Beck Depression Inventory second edition, BID twice daily, BMI body mass index, CD Crohn’s disease, CES-D Center for Epide-
miologic Studies Depression Scale, DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, EPDS Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, FIQ Fibromyalgia Impact
Questionnaire, GDS-15 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS-LF30 Geriatric Depression Scale-Long Form 30, GHQ General Health Questionnaire, HADS Hospital Scale of Anxiety and
Depression, HADS-D Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale—Depression, HDRS Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, IM intramuscular, MADRS Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating
Scale, MDD major depressive disorder, MFQ-S Mood and Feelings Questionnaire, MS multiple sclerosis, PHQ-9 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire, POMS Profile of Mood States, PSQI
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Q2 W every 2 weeks, QD every day, QW every week, RCT​ randomized controlled trial, RRMS relapsing–remitting muscular sclerosis, SAD Seasonal Affective
Disorder, SF-12 12-Item Short Form Health Survey, SIGH-SAD Structured Interview Guide for the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Seasonal Affective Disorders, SPAQ Seasonal Pattern
Assessment Questionnaire, T2DM type 2 diabetes mellitus, UC ulcerative colitis, WHO World Health Organization, WHO-5 5-item WHO Well-Being Index
G. A. S. Casseb et al.
Vitamin D for Depression and Anxiety Disorders 629

and has a key role in the adaption and survival of organisms, of anxiety disorders, including the neuropeptides cholecys-
allowing a rapid defensive response to possible threats [130]. tokinin, galanin, neuropeptide Y, oxytocin, vasopressin, and
Although healthy individuals may present some signs of corticotrophin-releasing factor [136].
anxiety, persistent or disproportionate anxiety may be con- A role for oxidative stress and inflammation in the patho-
sidered pathological. Anxiety disorders include separation physiology of anxiety disorders has been reported [137,
anxiety disorder, selective mutism, specific phobia, social 138]. A recent review highlighted that compounds capable
phobia, panic disorder, agoraphobia, and generalized anxi- of counteracting oxidative stress and neuroinflammation
ety disorder [131]. The clinical characteristics differ in most may be promising candidates for the treatment of anxiety
of these categories, but, in all cases, the somatic, cognitive, [139]. As such, vitamin D—with its antioxidant and anti-
and behavioral manifestations of anxiety affect the normal inflammatory properties—stands out as a candidate that has
functioning of the individual. been investigated for the management of anxiety disorders.
Anxiety disorders are common psychiatric conditions
that have a global current prevalence ranging from 5.3% in 3.1 Preclinical Studies Associating Vitamin D
African cultures to 10.4% in European/Anglo-Saxon cultures and Anxiety
[132]. A considerable proportion of individuals considered
pathologically anxious do not receive adequate treatment, Only a few studies have investigated the ability of vitamin D
and few therapeutic targets have been identified. The most to cause anxiolytic effects in animal models. Chronic vita-
commonly used treatments for anxiety disorders are phar- min ­D3 administration was shown to elicit anxiolytic-like
macotherapy and psychotherapy. Since the mid-1950s, the effects in female ovariectomized rats and ovariectomized
drugs developed and approved for the treatment of most anx- rats treated with 17β-estradiol in the elevated plus maze
iety disorders have been benzodiazepines. Although they are and in the light–dark tests [140, 141], accompanied by an
generally well-tolerated, they present a risk of dependence increase in dopamine and serotonin levels in the hippocam-
after chronic use as well as adverse and sedative effects. pus [140]. In addition, klotho-deficient mice with excessive
For these reasons, current clinical practice recommends the plasma 1,25(OH)D levels exhibited anxiolytic-like behavior,
use of antidepressants, particularly tricyclic antidepressants, indicated by a higher number of entries and time spent in
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and dual ser- the center area of the open field, as well as more visits to the
otonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), which light area of the light–dark box than wild-type mice. These
have been extended to treat anxiety disorders [133]. Despite behavioral alterations observed in klotho-deficient mice
this therapeutic arsenal, the treatment of anxiety disorders were reversed when animals received a low vitamin D diet,
remains ineffective as the available drugs are not effective in a finding that reinforced the notion that enhanced 1,25(OH)
all patients or in all types of disorders and present a series of D levels may be associated with anxiolytic-like behavior
adverse effects, reducing adherence to treatment [134]. To [71]. However, the administration of intraperitoneal vitamin
improve the therapeutic strategies used in the treatment of D 18.75–37.5 µg/kg to the mice failed to cause an anxiolytic
anxiety disorders, a better understanding of the biological effect in the elevated plus maze [142]. Another study [72]
basis of the disease and the neural circuits regulating the also showed no anxiolytic effect of intraperitoneal vitamin
emotional states is necessary. D at 5 and 10 µg/kg twice weekly in the open field in rats
Stress and high trait anxiety are major risk factors for subjected to chronic mild stress for 3 weeks [72].
MDD and anxiety disorders. Individuals presenting high The effects of vitamin D diet on the behavioral response of
trait anxiety are particularly vulnerable to developing rodents in the elevated plus maze are contradictory. Compared
depression when facing stress and adversity [135]. Anxi- with controls, mice receiving a vitamin D-deficient diet for
ety disorders share many biological substrates with MDD, 10 weeks spent a significantly longer time in the open arms of
including alterations in emotion-processing brain structures, the elevated plus maze. These behavioral observations were
the influence of both genetic and environmental factors, and associated with higher brain levels of GABA, suggesting an
a variety of neuroendocrine, neurotransmitter, and neuroana- anxiolytic-like behavior in this group of animals [74]. On the
tomical disruptions [136]. In general, anxiety is frequently other hand, mice with reduced serum 25(OH)D levels due to
associated with hyperarousal, caused by decreased inhibi- a vitamin D-deficient diet exhibited anxiety-related behavior
tory signaling by γ-aminobutyric-acid (GABA) or increased in the elevated plus maze, indicated by an increased latency of
excitatory glutamatergic neurotransmission. Additionally, the first entry into the open arms [69]. Additionally, no altera-
the well-documented anxiolytic properties of antidepressant tion in the elevated plus maze performance in mice exposed
compounds that act primarily on monoaminergic systems to a vitamin D-deficient diet was also reported, suggesting no
have implicated serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in changes in anxiety-related behavior [143, 144].
the pathogenesis of anxiety disorders. Other neurotransmit- A study carried out with VDR knockout mice subjected
ters are also considered to be involved in the pathogenesis to behavioral tests of anxiety concluded that these animals

630 G. A. S. Casseb et al.

present musculoskeletal impairments that may confound the increasing number of studies designed to verify associations
interpretation of the results and the observation of the anxious between these genetic variations and several diseases [158],
phenotype [145], as previously suggested [146]. However, it as yet, only a few studies have considered psychiatric disor-
was reported that VDR knockout mice exhibited increased ders and VDR polymorphisms.
grooming, a finding that did not correlate with unaltered gen- VDR contains a different set of genetic polymorphisms,
eral activity level and anxiety-like behaviors [147]. including ApaI (rs7975232), BsmI (rs1544410), TaqI
Pan et al. [148] reported a trend to anxiety-related behav- (rs731236), and FokI (rs2228570), which have been reported
ior, characterized by increased grooming activity in juvenile to be associated with several diseases. The FokI polymor-
rat offspring after maternal vitamin ­D3 deficiency. However, phism is the only known VDR gene polymorphism asso-
a recent study evaluating the effects of postnatal vitamin D ciated with an altered protein. In fact, carriers of the GG
deficiency and overdose in adult life reported that abnor- VDR genotype are thus expected to have more VDR activity
malities in postnatal vitamin D intake impaired hippocampal than carriers of the GA or AA genotypes [159]. In a study
learning and memory in adults but failed to affect anxiety- of 101 elderly individuals, a significantly lower prevalence
related behaviors assessed in the open field and light–dark of depression was seen in carriers of the GG VDR geno-
tests or depressive-related behavior assessed in the tail sus- type than in those with the AA and GA genotypes [160].
pension test and forced swim test [149]. On the other hand, a study including 86 patients with MDD
In conclusion, although several studies have indicated and 89 healthy volunteers found no relationship between
the possible anxiolytic profile of vitamin D, others failed depression, anxiety symptoms, vitamin D levels, and FokI
to clearly demonstrate a relationship between vitamin D polymorphism of VDR [91]. Additionally, a study evaluat-
levels and anxiety-related behaviors in rodents. Therefore, ing polymorphisms in FokI, BsmI, ApaI, and TaqI in 563
additional studies are needed to better establish the role of participants found that only carriers of ApaI variant-alleles
vitamin D in animal models of anxiety as well as the pos- had fewer depressive symptoms [161].
sible mechanisms underlying its effects. Additionally, the relationship between 25(OH)D lev-
els and vitamin D supplementation can be influenced by
3.2 Clinical Studies Associating Vitamin D a large number of environmental and demographic factors
and Anxiety Disorders [11, 162]. Zittermann et al. [163] conducted a systematic
review and demonstrated that 34.5% of the variation in cir-
Most studies evaluating anxiety-related symptoms in differ- culating 25(OH)D after supplementation was explained by
ent populations indicate an association between low levels of body weight, 9.8% by the type of supplement ­(D2 or ­D3),
vitamin D and anxiety [82, 150–152], although an absence 3.7% by age, 2.4% by levels of calcium intake, and 1.9%
of association between anxiety symptoms and serum vitamin by basal 25(OH)D levels. Individuals with lower levels of
D has also been reported [87, 91, 153]. 25(OH)D gain more benefits from supplementation, prob-
This review describes the clinical studies that were designed ably because hepatic hydroxylation of vitamin D may be a
to establish a relationship between vitamin D supplementation saturable process [162, 164]. On the other hand, higher body
and anxiety symptoms, as presented in Table 2. Some reported fat or higher body mass index (BMI), particularly > 30 kg/
that vitamin D supplementation is associated with lower anxi- m2, have been associated with smaller increases in 25(OH)
ety symptoms [101, 103, 108, 154]. However, others failed to D levels after supplementation, probably because vitamin
find an association between vitamin D supplementation and D is a fat-soluble vitamin and can accumulate in body fat
reduction of anxiety symptoms [78, 155, 156]. It is important stores. Aging has frequently been reported to be associated
to highlight that most of the studies were designed to evaluate with lower levels of 25(OH)D, mainly due to a decrease in
anxiety symptoms associated with different clinical conditions. the precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol and the expression of
So far, no clinical trials have been conducted in patients with vitamin DBP. However, it seems that aging has little or no
anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, phobia, panic effect on response to supplementation [11]. Other factors,
disorder, and others) and vitamin D supplementation. including ethnicity, season, and calcium intake, have been
less explored in the literature [11]. Thus, the wide interin-
dividual variations affecting the response to vitamin D sup-
4 Genetic and Environmental plements must be carefully addressed in future clinical stud-
Factors Affecting Vitamin D Levels ies to determine the potential of supplementation to mood
and Metabolism regulation.
The potential role of vitamin D in the pathophysiology of
An important factor that should be considered in human MDD and anxiety disorders, and the exact biological mecha-
studies is the presence of genetic polymorphisms in vita- nisms underlying this association, remain largely unknown,
min D, VDR, and its metabolizing enzymes. Despite the but some plausible hypotheses have been presented.
Table 2  Clinical trial studies associating vitamin D supplementation and anxiety symptoms
References Study design Study participants Vitamin D supplementation Assessment scale Results

Kjaergaard et al. [78] Randomized placebo-controlled 230 individuals aged Vitamin ­D3 40,000 IU QW for HADS-A No effect on anxiety symptoms
30–75 years with high serum 6 months
25(OH)D levels and 114
nested controls
Slow et al. [156] RCT​ 322 healthy adults (241 women, Vitamin D
­ 3 200,000 IU/month Self-reported adverse effects Number of psychological adverse
81 men, aged 18–67 years) for 2 months then 100,000 IU/ due to earthquakes events, including anxiety, was
month (n = 161) or placebo higher after earthquake but did
(n = 161) for 18 months not differ between treatment
Vitamin D for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Wepner et al. [155] RCT​ 30 women with fibromyalgia Vitamin ­D3 1200 or 2400 IU HADS No significant differences
(mean age 48.37 years) QD for 20 weeks between groups or over time
Hansen et al. [157] Clinical trial 95 male subjects (fish, n = 48;Diet containing salmon STAI Salmon consumption had benefi-
control, n = 47) (3 × weekly) for 23 weeks or cial effects on state anxiety
meal with the same nutritional
value (control group)
Tartagni et al. [154] Clinical trial 158 females (aged 15–21 years) Vitamin D for 4 months Daily symptoms rating form Vitamin D therapy was effective
with PMS-related severe (200,000 IU followed by assessing presence and sever- for improving anxiety
symptoms of the emotional 25,000 IU Q2 W [n = 80]) or ity of anxiety, irritability,
and cognitive domains and placebo (n = 78) crying easily and disturbed
serum 25(OH)D lev- relationships
els < 10 ng/mL
Penckofer et al. [103] Open label, proof of concept 50 women with T2DM with Vitamin ­D2 50,000 IU QW for STAI Improvement in anxiety
elevated depressive symptoms 6 months (state and trait)
measured by CES-D (mean
age 54.32 ± 10.64 years)
Narula et al. [101] Randomized, double-blind 34 patients with CD (aged Vitamin ­D3 10,000 IU QD HADS Anxiety scores improved in both
placebo-controlled 18–70 years) (n = 18) vs. 1000 IU QD groups treated with vitamin D
­ 3
(n = 16) for 12 months
Raygan et al. [108] Randomized, double-blind, 60 patients with diabetes with Vitamin D 50,000 IU Q2 W BAI Vitamin D and probiotic cosup-
placebo-controlled coronary heart disease (aged plus probiotics (n  =   30) plementation improved anxiety
45–85 years) or placebo (n  =  30) for scores
12 weeks
Choukri et al. [128] Double-blind RCT​ 152 healthy women (aged Vitamin ­D3 50,000 IU or HADS No effect of supplementation on
18–40 years) placebo once monthly for anxiety symptoms
6 months

25(OH)D calcidiol, BAI Beck Anxiety Inventory, CD Crohn’s disease, CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS-A Hos-
pital Anxiety and Depression Scale—anxiety subscale, PMS premenstrual syndrome, Q2 W every 2 weeks, QD every day, QW every week, RCT​ randomized controlled trial, STAI State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory, T2DM type 2 diabetes mellitus

632 G. A. S. Casseb et al.

Fig. 3  Descriptive scheme of the possible mechanism that may brain areas expressing the enzyme CYP27B1 and VDR are relevant
account for the beneficial effects of vitamin D on major depressive for mood modulation. aMCC anterior medial cingulate cortex, Amyg
disorder and anxiety. Vitamin D exerts several biological effects in amygdala, BF basal forebrain, CYP cytochrome P450, Hy hippocam-
the central nervous system that may contribute to its possible antide- pus, lHyp lateral hypothalamus, PFC prefrontal cortex, VDR vitamin
pressant and anxiolytic effects. Moreover, it is important to note that D receptor, vmPFC ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Growing evidence from animal and human studies suggest However, although several preclinical studies have indicated
that vitamin D exhibits potent immunosuppressant activ- that vitamin D administration may afford antidepressant and
ity and may influence proinflammatory cytokines, such as anxiolytic-like effects, most do not establish the mecha-
IL-6, in the brain [165]. Vitamin D may also be neuropro- nisms underlying the neuroprotective effects of vitamin D
tective against oxidative stress through its influence on the against the development of depressive and anxiety-related
expression of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, which is necessary symptoms.
for the synthesis of glutathione, one of the most important The majority of clinical studies have indicated that vita-
antioxidants in the brain and previously reported to elicit min D supplementation may hold significant potential as a
antidepressant-like effects in mice [166]. Moreover, as men- prophylactic strategy for reducing the risk of both depres-
tioned in this review, vitamin D has several effects on the sive and anxiety symptoms in different populations and as
CNS that may account for its ability to act as a mood modu- an adjunctive therapy for these disorders. However, to date,
lator, besides the wide distribution of VDR receptors and no appropriately controlled trials of vitamin D supplemen-
CYP27B1 in brain regions closely implicated in MDD and tation in the treatment of anxiety disorders or MDD have
anxiety disorders pathophysiology, as indicated in Fig. 3. been conducted. Furthermore, other studies have failed to
However, further studies are needed to clarify which of these show positive effects of vitamin D for risk reduction and/
mechanisms might be associated with mood improvement or reduction of depressive and anxiety symptoms. The cur-
and which groups of patients might benefit from vitamin D rent lack of knowledge about genetic polymorphisms that
supplementation. alter the metabolism, availability, and biological actions of
vitamin D may account for some heterogeneity in clinical
studies. Other factors, such as sex, age, BMI, basal levels of
vitamin D, severity and chronicity of psychiatric symptoms,
5 Conclusion and Perspectives and presence of psychiatric symptoms associated with dif-
ferent clinical diseases, also need to be explored in relation
Besides the well-established role of vitamin D for calcium to the disparate effects seen with vitamin D. Until the results
and phosphate homeostasis and bone health [13, 167], sev- of such trials (particularly those involving a large number
eral preclinical and clinical studies have suggested that vita- of individuals) are available, any conclusion regarding the
min D may also have beneficial effects on mental health. therapeutic value of vitamin D may be premature. Despite
Vitamin D for Depression and Anxiety Disorders 633

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