Aplicacion de Los Sistemas de Informacion Geografica

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I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e on A d v a n c e s in E n g i n e e r i n g and T e c h n o l o g y


L. Aribo, Department of Meteorology, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, P.O. Box
3 Entebbe, Uganda; tel.'+256-712832926/(41)320910.

J. Looijen, Department of Natural Resources, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands

B. Toxopeus, Department of Natural Resources, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands

The importance of Remote Sensing (RS) data as an input in Geographic information system)
GIS is evidenced in this case study for Chinchina City (Colombia) in 2004, to identify sites
suitable for solid waste disposal. Multiple maps were analysed using boolean logic models
based on seven criteria set by a team comprising of a spatial ecologist, hydrologist, geolo-
gist, geomorphologist, an engineer and GIS/RS specialist, after a field work of one month.
The maps were then combined using boolean AND operation to produce possible suitable
sites for solid waste disposal. Three suitable sites with sufficient area of at least lhactare
were then located after area numbering (assigning each area a unique number) during the
GIS modelling process. This case study contains basic principles which are applicable in
solving similar problems elsewhere and other applications such as selecting suitable sites for
construction works.

Keywords: Remote sensing; Geographical Information system; Boolean logic; Modeling;

Area numbering; Solid waste; Construction.

With advances in technology, remote sensing (RS) and Geographic information system (GIS)
have become important tools for managing environmental problems such as site selection for
solid waste disposal. Increasing population, urbanisation, human activities and change in lifestyle
have resulted in changing amounts and composition of solid waste (food remains, polythene,
green plants, metal cans, chemicals etc) in most parts of the world.

In developing African countries due to inadequate resources or insufficient infrastructure, solid

waste is not properly disposed of and some are not collected, resulting in contamination of land
and water resources, environmental pollution and diseases. The wastes attract pests and vectors
of pathogens of epidemic diseases (rats transmitting plague, flies transmitting diarrhoea and tra-

International C o n f e r e n c e on A d v a n c e s in E n g i n e e r i n g and T e c h n o l o g y

Uncollected waste obstructs storm surface runoff and blocks drainage systems generating stag-
nant water bodies and swampy areas that are favourable breeding places for mosquitoes hence
enhancing malaria and yellow fever transmission in the tropics and subtropics.

Surface and ground water is contaminated through direct dumping of waste and leaching of de-
composed waste from near by sources.
All the above impact on health, agricultural and industrial production, aquatic flora and fisheries
hence socio-economic development.
Having had insight into afore mentioned environmental impacts of solid waste, there is need
to develop appropriate techniques to carefully select sites suitable for waste disposal as a
safe guard.
The general aim of this research was to promote clean and healthy environment through
advances in technology; and specifically to investigate most optimal site(s) suitable for solid
waste disposal.
The pertinent research question is then: where is/are the most optimal site(s) suitable for solid
waste disposal in the research area?

2.0 M E T H O D O L O G Y

2.1 Study Area and Data

The data set used for the GIS modeling to tackle the above problem of site selection for solid
waste, for Chinchina municipality study area located in central cordilleta of Andes (South Amer-
ica) included; slope map (raster with units of degrees), land use map (raster: classified multi-
spectral SPOT image), land slide distribution map (raster with classes: stable, dormant & active),
map of Chinchina city centre (raster), table of borehole data (locations, litho-logy, thickness, of
overburden, clay percentage and permeability) and map of major roads in the study area (vector).

2.2 Criteria for Waste Disposal Site Selection

(i) An area of active or dormant land slide.
(ii) A terrain of slope less than 20%
(iii) Not in areas of important economic or ecological importance
(iv) Within 2km from the city centre but further than 300m from any built up area
(v) Constructed on clay rich soils of 5 meters minimum thickness, and permeability of less than
0.05 meters/day
(vi) Area of at least 1 hectare (10000m 2)
(vii) Accessibility by road.

2.3 Methods
After a field work of one month, the input maps were prepared by the team. With Boolean
logic model (Bonham-carter, (1994)), using conditional IFF function, a value of 1 (suitable)

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e on A d v a n c e s in E n g i n e e r i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y

or 0 (unsuitable) was assigned to each pixel, to derive binary pattern maps from the input
raster maps based on the set criteria. Distances were calculated from the source maps before
creating buffers around Chinchina City centre and the built up areas for criterion'd'. The
individual suitability maps were combined using the Boolean AND function (ITC-ILWIS,
May 2001, Westen, 2004), intersecting the binary pattern bitmaps to select most suitable
sites for waste disposal. After area numbering (assigning each area a unique number), by
map calculation suitable sites with sufficient area of at least lhectare (to allow the site to be
used for a longer period) were delineated. Overlaying of the vector road map was then per-
formed to make final decision for selecting most optimal sites suitable for solid waste dis-


The following map shows the locations of the areas identified most suitable for solid waste
disposal in Chinchina Municipality.
.,,,,,: ::,:,,:,:,:,,, :,, :: :::::: : : :

:Suitable site for :Waste diis~sal Based on ~ o l e a n logic Model


i 047DC9 Legend
St: S,a~a=.ble
t 04~

t 04~


82~ 829000 830000 83-~-~ . 8 : ~ .B33000 8 3 4 ~ 8~000 836000

0 . . . . . . - ; - ~ :2500 Producer: Adtx~ L

1 59940

UTM Map projection and WGS84 datum

Fig.l: Map showing the three most optimal sites suitable for solid waste disposal (of at least
1 ha in area).
These three sites (encircled) satisfied all the seven conditions stipulated in the selection criteria.


This study reveals the support of Geo-Information and communication technology in as a
tool for decision making and for addressing environmental problems that can impact on

International Conference on A d v a n c e s in Engineering and T e c h n o l o g y

health and socio-economic development. It is therefore recommended that this approach be

adopted by developing countries to save the environment for the future.

Born-carter F.G. (1994): Geographic information systems for geoscientists; modeling with
GIS. Computer Methods in the Geosciences, 13 :pp267-302. Pergamon Press..
ITC-ILWIS (May, 2001): ILWIS3.0 academic users' guide, PP.287-291,335, 379-380. ITC,
Enschede, Netherlands.
van Westen.C.J (2004): Tools for map analysis. ILWIS application guide, chapter 18,pp
219. ITC, Enschede, Netherlands.


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