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7th Grade Math Syllabus 2019 – 2020

Instructor: Ummugulsum Arslan

Course: Mathematics
Dear Parents/Guardians:

I am so excited about having your student in my Math class. I look forward to working with
him/her during this academic year.
Please find the attached classroom rules that all students are expected to follow to ensure a
better learning atmosphere. Please review the attached syllabus, sign and return the affidavit that
states you have read and understood the course and its requirements.


BEFORE YOU STEP IN THE CLASSROOM; get ready for the class, check your homework, notebook and all
needed materials. Class rules start just after you step in the classroom even if it is break time. Misbehaviors may
result in disciplinary action even in break times in Math class.

 ASSIGNED SEAT; All students are expected to sit in their own assigned seat arranged by teacher posted
in the class at all times. You will be sitting with different students depends on the project/ activity
throughout the year by your teacher`s directions. Besides, teacher may shuffle the class whenever it is
 LATE STUDENT PROCEDURE; if you are tardy, you should bring an Excuse Note from front office
before you come to Math class. Otherwise you will be sent back to get one.

MOVING AROUND THE ROOM; For safety purposes, NO student is allowed to stand up or move without
teacher`s permission even at the end of the period unless it is an instructional activity that requires movement
around the room. If you have any trash, keep it until you leave the room. If trash is containing any liquid, ink,
body fluids etc. you may go to trash can. ONLY ONE student should be standing up, if needed, at all times. If
two or more students are seen while they are not at their assigned seat, this action may result disciplinary action
to all standing ones. Students must observe their peers before they stand up and move, if movement needed and
permission is granted.


 Pick up all your belongings. You are responsible for your materials
 Make sure you understood the homework before you leave.
 Push your chairs completely under your desk.
 Clean up your area. No matter if the trash belongs to you or not.
 Teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Even if you have heard the bell just rang, you should remain sitting
in your seat.
 HOMEWORK; to get full credit, you should turn your completed work(s) in on time. Full name should be
provided, no abbreviations or nick names. Points will be deducted for late works.
 WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT; you are still responsible for homework, ask your teacher for missing
assignments/homework. Also you may get extra help from your teacher and/or classmates. You can also get
extra time for your missing works. Look at the “Make-Up Work Policy” section for details.

MATH NOTEBOOK/JOURNAL; Students are required to take notes to their composition. Notebooks
might be checked once in every quarter and are subject to grading.
For absent days, it is students’ responsibility to complete missing notes. The teacher will show demonstrations related
to subject during class and students will write the principle of the demonstrations that was done during class
to the back of their journals with their own words. Mrs. Arslan will let the students know which demonstrations
are to be written down and will give extra time for this.

All students are required to keep all written homework assignments, quizzes, tests, handouts, class notes, lab
reports, and other related materials in the notebook according to its date.



In addition to following school-wide rules laid out in the student handbook, students should always:

 Follow all directions, given verbally or written, by the teacher.

 Come to class prepared, on time.
 Use appropriate language.
 Do your best, actively participate.
 Respect others.

LATE WORK POLICY; Mrs. Arslan will accept late work(s) but there will be some consequences. Students will
receive a grade deduction for late work. You are responsible for completing all assignments ON TIME. Your
assignments are due at the beginning of Math class. Assignments left in your locker, at home, or in another
classroom etc. are considered late. “Excused absent student is not subject to current late work policy”.

 MAKE-UP WORK POLICY; if a class assignment is missed due to absence from class, the student will
have the same number of days to make up work as he/she was absent. This policy is given provided that
the absent was excused.

If a test is missed due to an absence from class, the student needs to schedule a time with the teacher afterschool in
order to make the test up. The student will have 5 school days after returning to school to reschedule and
retake the missed test.


Tutoring days will be announced later. If you need tutoring, you must sign up at least one day in advance for tutoring
by adding your name in sign up notebook which is always on the board. Do not forget to write what you need to learn
in tutoring. It’s a pleasure for me to give tutoring to students who care about learning. Students who failed from chapter
test are mandatory to attend to tutoring.


Students may earn some extra credit by construction projects, competitions, Math Festival. Projects, competitions and
their requirements will be announced during the year. Extra credit will be added to your overall grades.


 Tests will be given to you on the scheduled days. Test days will be announced a week ahead.
 Each Test will be graded out of 100 points.
 Any kind of cheating will be graded by 0(zero) points during the test and will be referred to administrator
and your parents.
 Students are not allowed to talk during the testing time. Talking during testing may be perceived as cheating.
 If you finish your test, put your test face down and stay quiet and wait for the next assignment.


Grades are a way to determine how hard you work, practice, and improve in Math. And there is a major
change in grading system:
100-90 A

89-80 B

79-75 C

74-70 D

69- below F

Summative Assessment 40% (chapter tests, major projects)

Formative Assessments 40% (quizzes, PBL Level 2, lab reports etc.)

Practice Assessments 20% (homework, class works etc.)

 CHEATING/ PLAGIARISM POLICY; Any student who is caught to be cheating on a test, guilty of
plagiarism, and/or any types of deception to get credit will result in a zero for that assignment or test and
the parent/guardian of the student will be contacted. The student will be referred to the Discipline
Coordinator and the Dean of Academics by the teacher for disciplinary and academic consequences. Also,
if a student talks during any Test/ Quiz whether about the test or not, it will be counted as cheating and
disciplinary action will be taken for that.
2019-2020 7th Grade Math Syllabus Release Form

*** Mrs. Arslan has the authority to change the procedures/rules/consequences and/ skip the steps if needed
without making any written announcement, verbal announcement will be given to the students.

Also by signing this syllabus you are giving permission to the teacher to record your child`s video(s) and take
picture(s) during any experiments and related school activities. Some may be published on websites to share the
activities/labs done at school. If you don’t want your child’s pictures videos to be posted on websites, please contact
Mrs. Arslan in advance.

The current syllabus is subject to change in order to meet all requirements needed for perfect education.
Discipline policy in current syllabus is an addition to the school`s policy and items are not limited to the ones
that are in the syllabus and different consequences may follow for different issues.

Parent/Student Acknowledgement of 2019-2020 Math Syllabus

Please check the blanks below to indicate which permission(s) you grant and then sign and date as indicated. If
nothing is checked, we will assume that permission is not granted.

□ I hereby give my permission to the Math teacher to post a picture of my child on a website and in electronic

□ I hereby give my permission to the Math teacher to post samples of my child’s schoolwork or STEM PROEJCT
on a web site and in electronic newsletters.

□ I hereby give my permission to the Math teacher to mention my child’s name in news releases both electronic and

□ Statement of having access to online syllabus and understanding it

Student`s Name (Please Print) :___________________________________________________________

Student`s Signature : __________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print):


Parent/Guardian’s Signature: __________________________________________________

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