M-12e Om

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Roland IeCHANNEL MIXER Mice OWNER'S MANUAL ATTENTION peace occ oes eaumion REFER SERVIGNG TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL A==A la A Thetgnng ash ath aowhatsyrbt wang it cng ay” mae ia INSTRUCTIONS PERTAINING TO A RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONS. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING — When using elcie products, basic precautions should aways be folowed, aclvding the following 1 Read al the instructions beloee using the product 9, The power-supply coed of the produc shouldbe unplugges 2. Do not use ths product near water —for example, neat a __omthe oe when fet used fr along period ol be bau, washoow! Kishen sek in a wet basement Orneat 10, Do not Wead on the power-supply cod 2 swimming pool, othe tke 11, Do not pul the cord but hol he plug when unplugging, 3. Ths product shouldbe used only wih a caro stand hat S42. When sting up mith any ther nsrumens, he procedre recommended by te manvlacturer 4 Th product. ether alone on cambination wih an arpifor and heacphones or speakers, may be capable of rosso Sound lovels that could cause permanant nearing loss. Do Rat eperate for along period of ime ata igh volume lev! fr ata love that Uncomiortabe. It you experience any hhearng los or ringing in the ears, you should consul an audobyst 5, The prodvet shoud bo located so thats location or postion does not intertore wih ts proper valation 6. Theproduc shouldbe located away romheat sources suchas ragators, neat registers, or oher products at procuce hea 7. The product should avoid using in where it may be elected by aust 18. The product shouldbe connected toa power supply ony ot the type deserted inthe operating nstuclons oF a5 marked conte product 13. 14 ‘Souldbefolowed in accordance wih nsiuchon menu ‘Care shouldbe taken so tal objets do no fal an Haus fae not sped i the enclosure twaugh openings “Tho product should be serviced by quail sorvice per se! wen [A The power suply condor the lug has been damaged 8. Objects have fallen, or lusd has been soled into the product oF Tho procuet has been exposed to rain: 1. The product does not appear to operate normaly or ‘ends a marked change n performance: oF The predict has been dropped, ote eniosue dam aged, Do nol atmo sence the product beyond that described in the usermaintenance rnstuctons. A othe serving ‘Should be relerred to quaed service personne For the USA. GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS ‘This product must be grounded. should malluncton or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance for cine current recuce the rk of eletc shock “Tis prosucts equpped wih a cord having an equpment grounding conductor and a groundog pug. The lug must be ‘lugged nto an appropata cute! hats propery nstaled and grounded in accordance wi alla cades ad ordinances. DANGER: Improper connection of he equipment grounding conductor can result ina sk of ect shock, Check with a qualfled clecinan or serviceman # you are in doubt as to wotne the produc 's propery grounded ‘Do'nat mod the plug provided wih he product — it wl nt the out have a proper cut ntalled by a qualified SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: THIS APPARATUS MUST BE EARTHED IMPORTANT: THE WIRES INTHIS MAINSLEAD ARE COLOURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODE GREEN'AND-YELLOW: EARTH, BLUE: NEUTRAL, BROWN: LIVE As he colours of the wires inne mains lead of is apparatus may not corespend withthe coloured markings identtyng the terminals your plug proceed as folows: The wiro whichis coloured GREEN-AND-YELLOW must be connected tothe termina the lug which 6 marked by the ltr E or by the safety earth syribol@ or coloured GREEN or GREEN-AND-VELLOW. “The wire whic is coloured BLUE must be onnectodto the torial which marked wth he ter No colouedBLACK “The wre which iscoloureg BROWN mustbe connectesio ha tarminalwnichg mardi leer Lor enkoured RED For the UK. “Tho product which s equipped with a THREE WIRE GROUNDING TYPE AC PLUG mustbe grounded ‘Tank you for purchasing the Roland M-12E, The M-12E is a compact, versatile 12 channel mixer of high quality. To take full advantage ofthis uit, please read this manual careful Features © The MA2E is rack-mounti2U), 12 channel mixer with microphone inputs and on-bosrd equalizer. © The M-12E includes two types of sendiretum eck, one cl which ean be divided into PRE/POST. Moreover, the Channel Insert(ch. 1-8 jacks allow for wider variation in fect processing © Similar to other M-series mixers, the M-12E produces high quality sound with low noise output ‘© Separate monitor and master outputs are provided ‘flowing for individual evel adjustment of each output. ‘© The monitor input alows signals (such as a click tone {roma sequencer tobe monitored through the Monitor ‘Out ar headphones. © XLA connectors (balanced output) ar professional applications provide for ‘© Send jacks include 3 Bus In, allowing you to “stack ‘equipment. * A newly developed supertinear volume control is ‘employed in the input sensitivity cicult for smooth ‘accurate level seting-60 dBm to +4 dBm "© Each channel includes 2 peak signal incicstor and the Master Section includes a Peak Meter and Pre-fader Signal Indicator, for aceurate level monitoring, Important Notes {Power Supply] "© When making any connections with other devices, always turn aff the power to all aquipment ist thiswill help prevent damage or malfunction. © Donot use ths uniton the same power circuit with iy evice that will generate ine noise, such asa motor or variabe lighting system. Avoid damaging the power cord: donot step ont, place: heavy objects on it ete {Placement} * Do not subject the unit to temperature extremes (eg, dlcect sunlight in an enclosed vehicle). Avoid using or Storing the unit in dusty or humid areas orareasthatare ‘subject to high vibration loves. Using teunitnesrpower ampifirsorother equipment containing lage transformers} may induce hum. Do not expose ths unit to temperature extremes (0g, {cect sunlight in an enclosed vehicle can deform or ‘discolor the unit or instal it near devices that rociato het [Maintenance} © Foreveryday cleaning wipe theunit witha soft dry cloth (orone thathas been sightly dampenedwith water. To Femove stubborn dit, use a mild neutral detergent. Afterwards, be sure to wipe the unit thoroughly with a soft, ory cloth, © Neveruse benzene, thinners, alcoholor solvents ofany kind, toavoid he risk of escoleration andlor deformation. [Additional Precautions} Protect the unit from strong impact. Do not alow objects or Iquids of any kind to penetrate theunit, Inthe eventof suchan occurrence, discontinue Use immediately. Contect qualified service personnel {85 soon as possible, Never strike or apply strong pressure to the Peak Mater. A small amaunt of heat will aiate from the unit, and thus shoulé be considered normal ‘when replacing the fuse, use only the specified ype and size. Before using the unit ina foreign country, consult with qualified service personnel ‘Should a malfunction occur rit ou suspect there is 8 problemiciscentinue use immediately. Contact qualfies service personnel as soon as possible, CONTENTS Block Diagram and Signal Flow.. 1. Channel Section... 2. Master Section.. Return. ‘Master Out Effect Send . AUX send, Monitor in. S onpasee Panel Description 1. Channel Section 2. Master Section. 7 3. Rear Panel [3] Connections and Operation Basic Procedure nnn 1. Basic setup with microphones, electronic ‘musical instruments, speakers at... 2. Setup example with effects device. 1m Effect processing with delay, reverb, ete 3, Monitoring (Fold back) / Monitoring with Monit OU. nnn 1 MoritoringlFold back) | Monitoring with Monitor Out 4. Stacking exampl Level Diagram. B inpuvourpur Standard Specifications Copyright ©)1930 by ROLAND CORPORATION u 4 mM 2 13 a a 1“ 15 16 18 All ight reserved. No part of ths publication may be reproducedinany ram without the writen perrnission of ROLAND CORPORATION ‘mols 61s pu wesBera ¥20r8 [I] 2] Panel Description 1. Channel Section © Channel Equalizer Knob “This Knob contrls the tone of the input signal At 0, @ flat charactaristc fs achieved, HIGH : Adjusts the upperrange. With 10kHzas the center frequency, adjustment can be made within the range of £15 a8, Agjsts the lower range. With 100 Hzasthecenter frequency, adustmant can be made within the range of #15 48, TM Figr = oOo. — @ Peak Signal Indicator \When a signal is fed into an Input Jack, the Peak Sign Indicator willbe green, When theinput signalievelis too high, the indicator willbe red. Te indicator willbe green, wien the signal is at -20 dB of the rated level (after, passing the input sensitivity circuit) and red at-6 dB of the clipping level The Peak Signal Indicator algo indicates signal lev from the Channel Insert or that have passed the Channel Equalizer. @ Sens Control Knob ‘This knob will contro the input sensitivity depending (onthe level ofthe input signa). Set ths 60 that Peak Signal Incicator will becarne constantly green and red during input peaks. Ifthe Peak Signal Indicator do not light at al raise the Sens Controt Knob or increase the Input level * The rated input is -60 dBm to +4 dBm. Ti I) a @ Effect Volume ‘This knob adjusts the level of the signal sent to the Effect Send * The signal sent tothe Effect Send ie split after the Channal Volume; one portion is sent to the Effect Volume, the other is sent to the Master Out. ® AUX Volume ‘This knob sets the level of the signal sent othe AUX ‘Send and the postion where the signa s spit. When {this knob is set othe center postion, the signalleve is 2zer0 for both PRE signalisignal before boing sent tothe CChannet Volume} and POST signalsignal after the CChanne! Volume). Rotating the knob clockwise wi adjust the POST signal, while rotating it counterclockwise will ajust the PRE signal © Panpot ‘This knob controls the placement ofthe sound inthe ster00 image (L+Rl, At the center positon, the sound is Inthe center ofthe fed ® Channel Volume ‘This knob controls the love of the signal sent to each channel. * Channel Volume “10” isthe rated output. 2. Master Section @ Peak Meter ‘hiss @ peaklevel eter that monitors the output level from the Master Out, When "0 48" is it, the rated output levelt+4 dBm is sent from the Master Out @ Pre-fader Signal Indicators “These will monitor the output from the circuit which ‘mixes the signallAl from each channel. The indicator willbe green wen the signal levelbefore the Master Volume) is at-20 8 ofthe ratedlevel. The indicator vit be ted at 6 08 of the clipping evel @ Return Volume ‘These knobs adjust the level ofthe sir Return input. fd into the @ Monitor In Volume ‘This knob adjusts the level ofthe signal fed into the Monitor In Jack. © Monitor Out Volume This knob adjusts the level of the Monitor Qut Jac. * The rated output ofthe Monitor Out Volume is “8. @ Effect Sond Volume ‘This knob adjust the ovarall eval ofthe effect signal that has been adjusted at the Effect Volume of each channel. ‘The rated output ofthe Effect Send Volume is “8”. @ AUX Send Volume This knob sets the overall level ofthe AUX signa that has been adjusted atthe AUX Volume ofeach channel * The t6d output of the AUX Send Volume is. ® Master Balance Knob ‘This knob adjusts the volume balance of the L and R signals sent to the Master Out [At the center positon, the sound levels ofthe Land F. ‘are ogual @ Master Volume This knob determines the overall output level of the mixed signal * “The rated output of the Mastor Volume is “8” @ Headphones Volume “This knob adjusts the volume ofthe headphones @ Headphones Jack “This jacks for connecting stereo headphones. * The output signal for the Headphones Jackis taken before the Master Volume. ® Power indicator ‘This indicator lights when the unit is switched on. @ Power Switch Press this switch o turn the unit on, and press it again ta switch it off Bofore switching the unit on or off, be sureto sotthe Master Volume to 260. The unit contains a mute circuit; no sound will be heard for approx 3 seconds after the unit is turned 3. Rear Pan © Input Jacks ‘Microphones or musicalinstruments can te connected Using standard phone plugs. * This unit employs unbalanced input jacks, @ Insert Jacks ‘These ate input and output jacks for connecting an effect unit to channel. They can also be used for Channel Direct Out When these jacks are being used for channel direct, ‘output, no signal i gent to the Master Section, Signal is taken aftr passing the input sensitivity Circuits, before being sent to the Equalizer section. To connect an effect device, use an Insert Cable SEND (BLACK) RETURN (RED) fe @ Return 1 Level switch This switch selects the input levelforReturn 1. Change the position depending on the unit connected to the mixer. * Input evel of +4 oF -20 dBm can be salected. @ Return Jacks “These are inputlacks forthe returnsigaal aman effect davice. They can also be used as AUX inputs. ‘The Return Jacks are stereo, but if only the Lack is used, it wll workin monaural © Effect Send Jack ‘Thisisthe ack rom which the signalis senttothe effect device, ® AUX Send Jack Thisisthe ack romwhich the sigalissonttoan effect device ar monitor amp, © Bus In Jack This jack allows you to mix the signal rectly with the Effect Sendand AUXSend, When stackingtwomirers, you can increase the number of input channels by sending signals from the Send Jack on the second ‘mixes tothe Bus In Jack onthe fist mixer. @® Monitor In Jacks These jacks allow signal ingut for Monitor Out or Headphones Out only (eg. sequencer's click tone), The Monitor in Jacks afe stereo, but wil work in ‘monaural when only the L jack is used. @® Monitor Out Jacks ‘These jacks provide outputof the signals from the input cof each channel or Monitor in. The Monitor Out lacks ‘are stereo, but wil work in monaural when only the L jack's used. ® Master Out Jacks ‘Thesejacksare for connection toapoweramplifiar, et. ‘These jacks provide output of the final mixed signal @ Master Out Connectors ‘TheseXLR(balancedtypelconnectorsareforconnecting a power ampitier, etc ‘There are two types of pin assignment for the XLR connector; American and European. This mixer Uses the American standard; 1st: ground, 2nd:cold, ‘3rd: hot. Before connecting the mixer to another tnit, study the pin assignment. 1 2 1GNO COLO SHOT 10 3] Connections and Operation Basic Procedure: © Mako sure that the mixers switched off, then connect the power cable tothe AC power jack ® Setupallthe peripheral units sterto thediagramof the ‘connections @ Seta the contro! knobs and volumes to 260. @ Make sure that all the connections are correct and secure. Turn all peripheral units on frst, thon the M- Y2E. (To switch off the units, proceed inthe reverse order) 1. Basic setup with microphones, electronic musical instruments, speakers, etc. ‘Speaker Sytern ‘De-1500, SSRS120 ete Power Arglior Keyboard, Fano, Sound Mode ete 11020, HP-5000; U0 ete} saan) | Seat 1 Mixing with microphones, electronic musical instrument, ete. {© While playing the instrument, set the Channel Volume te'7™ @ Paise the Mastor Volume to an appropriate level. then. agjust the volume of each instrument using the Sens Control knob, * The appropriate levelisonein which the Peak Signal Indicator become constantly green and red during input peaks. @ After finished to adjust the level of all instruments, {adjust the overall volume with the Master Volume. Qiagen (ORAS, DRS etc) so sa (CO Payer Laser Disc ete @ Control the tone withthe Channel Equalizers. * If the Peak signal Indicator (or Pre-fader Signal Indicator) becomes red too frequently readjust the ‘Sens Control Knob, © Adjust the volume balance (L+ Rl withthe Panpot. © Adjust the relative volume level af each channel with ‘the ChannelVolume, Whennecessar, adjust the overall volume with the Master Volume again, n 2. Setup example with effects device. Spestrsytem [ses20 we] oe ee.) Equalizer, Liitr ote (e860 te Effect Processing with delay, reverb, etc. Raise the Effect Volume of the desired channel to an propriate level. Set the overall output lave using the Effect Send Volume in te Master Sectionand theinput level meter onthe effect device, @ Adjust the love from the effect device withthe Return Volume, * The direct sound is processed within the mixer, 80 return only the effect sound to the mixer. * The signal from the Efact Send willbe taken after passing the Channel Volum * Byconnecting an effect deviceto theChanne insert Jock, an effet signal can be dizectly mixed atthe channel * Whenaseparateunite.g.equalizeretc)isconnected between the mixer and power amplifier, you can control overall sound or tone quality. 2 3. Monitoring (Fold back) / Monitoring with Monitor Out. J Citic Eaute te evonone Out GE Bosse Power Alte _ eres D snA1200 ore] Soestersysem > ; os Ano eT Ll mete 85 1 Monitoring (Fold back) 1 Monitoring with Monitor Out: Rotate the AUK Volume of each chanel 10 “PRE”. 1. Aferaustng he vole of each canna. asthe fst te cutout Teel ofthe sound you wish to" menftorveumevin te Montor Gut Vlas, monitor 2. ase the Monitorin Volume tobalence withthechannet .® Adjust the overall volume with the AUX Send Volume in volume, the Master Section. * Tho signal fed into the Monitor In will not be sent * No matter where the Channel Volume or Master {rom the Master Out. ‘Volume is set, you can adjust the mixing belance of the monitor or volume. * The Peak Meter does not indicate the signal sent from the Monitor I By connecting an equalizer or limiter between the mixer and power amplifier, you can control overall * You can adjust the monitor volume regardless of the position ofthe Master Volume. By connecting an equalizer or limiter between the ‘mixer and power amplifier, you can control the overall sound or tone quality 4. Stacking example (Master Power Ampitior 2) (eB [SDESD00A, DEP] [Ses * Connecting two or more mixers to increase the ‘number of channels scaled “stacking”. The above diagram shows an example of stacking using two M-12Es. By stacking, effects processing for two (or ‘more) mixers can be accomplished by one effects device. 4] Level Diagram 5] Input/Output Standard 1 Input Standard wer | wai anova | wxrveassn ovr | MEY | SIT savioaasa | Nisne veass, | (Oxonrers | aus | tween snows | oriuemser | fovomors | isco | mes Ya wowy | ryounow conomenr vues] nonrmar | mec | musio ANOH4 |ioguais) wz uewi 5507] (ORUALS) OX0z | WAP r+ wap Z- cu wna wong [fovomer Lies] tonorenos | usc | owes | wepoe nanan : jcaisoreveassey] oamseree | weer | ‘uae | Puy 2n0H . waco | weve 7 yur BML | wrzvensso ioe muse | eee) yey Nanay a s Deen=snas anos | oxi vonsso wise | muse | usec Yan ha aatto Teoenieg | eampeauyeaneg | compet | wan | Animes vom yeosu, | pepvunucsey won| domingo 16 Output Standard NoMa o3ua1S 1B ueR AK woot zyMwoolemwoot| = SaNOHS ve 010 seo wen oxnw9as3) aNoHd wie vew e1oyy B00 Raid ed ial mener asco (nu seed (tH) a a) oe luge 02+ ‘wap o (QN3S) LU3SNI vxguen oom | (ONO! D 00s asea weed) 3 Nowe wor ven aon | (O3u315) HL ros ben 1N0 HOLINOW ve 210 nse en (axonvwanni aoe CE! ee wap 02+ uae 9+ LN BLS. ween) etic nsco wer, (asonvwal womawuog ux | Bacuen sion 009 Lue 02+ 1 UEP Pe 10 waLSWW sers@vu09 ‘souepadus pe07 eouppaduy nding ew 007 cn nt joodky epuowwuosey nang 19-U0N ancing poiey ee é 1600 2 Loaded **2: Both Channels 100.8 Loaded 7 6] Specifications Frequency Response 10 He kr a8 (SEN AN ‘Total Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.03% (SENS=MIN, 20 Hz -20 kHz at rated output), Noise Level (input short HEA, Typ) Ingut Equivalont Noise: 124 dBm Residual Noise 1101 dBm [All Faders rnin | [79.dBm_ (Mastor Fader -max! {i Channel Faders "min -78.d8m (Master Feder max {All Channel Faders «axl lall SENS, min | -41d8m [Master Fader_—_max) [all Channel Faders max) lal SENS. max] Cross Tak Less than-70 dB (TkHz between channels) Less than -60 dB (TkHz between L snd A) Equalizer HIGH EQ £15.48 [10 kHz sholving type) Lowea +1508 (100 Hz shelving type) Power AC 117 V/220V 1240 V (50/60 He) Consumption 26 W117 Vi/'32 W (220 /240 1 Dimensions £482 (W) x 281 (0) x 88 (H) mm 1S x 1/16 X37 16 ‘Weight 6.0k9/131b 402 * Specifications are subject to change without notice. 18 M-12E Corrections Please make the following correction in the M - 12E Owner's Manual. Page 5: 2. Master Section (b) Master Out Error: The signal will be sent to the Effect Send. Correction: The signal will be sent to the Master Out (L/R). f@2Roland* 26015448 imum) Roland

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