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TOP NOTCH - Elementary 5

Student’s name: ________________________________________________ Room: _______ Date: _______

English teacher: Milagros Huarancca J.


Listening: Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct picture.





Complete each sentence with the comparative form of the adjective. Use than if necessary.
Example: This jacket is_more expensive than__ (expensive) any of the others.

7. These pants are too small. I need (big) pants.

8. Sherry is so nice. She’s (nice) any other girl I know.

9. These shoes hurt my feet. I need (comfortable) shoes.

10. This coat is too light. I need a (warm) coat.

Choose the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

Example: It’s cold today, so Paul is wearing ( [a sweatshirt] / shorts / a T-shirt ).

21. People usually wear (pajamas / jeans / a windbreaker ) to go to bed.

22. Because Sheila is elegant, she wears only ( sandals / pumps / running shoes ) to meetings.

23. It’s so warm today that I’m surprised you’re wearing ( a polo shirt / shorts / a cardigan ).
24. I keep my legs warm when I wear a skirt by wearing ( shoes / tights / jeans ).

25. ( Boxers / Socks / Jackets ) are a kind of men’s underwear.

Write the comparative form of each adjective. More than one correct answer may be possible.

1. large 2. hot 3. cool 4. big 5. cheap

6. nice 7. expensive 8. pretty 9. cute 10. beautiful

Read the article. Then check (✓) True or False

True False

Example: In parts of Asia, short-sleeved shirts are often worn in offices. ( ✓) ( )

26. People are becoming more conservative about office attire. ( ) ( )

27. People who work with computers often dress in less conservative clothes. ( ) ( )

28. Office workers in warm countries often dress differently than those in
colder countries. ( ) ( )

29. On “casual Friday,” people can arrive late and leave early. ( ) ( )

30. Dress codes are rules about what is acceptable to wear. ( ) ( )

Using the floor plan, ask 2 questions and answer using store locations.

1. - Where is the _________________?



2. - Where is the _________________ ?



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