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1st Trimester AY 2019-2020


Art Stud 141 Photography as Art 3
CL 50 World Literatures 3
COMM 2 Communication Skills 2 3
COMPED 10 Critical Digital Literacies 3
CWTS 1 Civic Welfare Training Service 1 -3
EDDE 201 Foundations of Distance Education 3
EDDE 204 Assessment of Student Learning in Distance Education 3
EDDE 205 Management of Distance Education 3
EDDE 231 Planning ad Managing Networked Learning 3
EDDE 298 Special Problem (Old Curriculum) 4
EDDE 300 Thesis (New Curriculum) 6
EDS 100 Psychological Foundations of Education 3
EDS 106 Culture, Language, and Education 3
EDS 107 Gender and Education 3
EDS 107 Gender and Education 3
EDS 122 Teaching Mathematics 3
EDS 132 Indigenous Peoples Education 3
EDS 136 Foundations of Distance Education 3
EDS 153 Design of Educational Multimedia Materials 3
EDS 158 Managing Networked Learning 3
EDS 195 Introduction to Education Research 3
EDS 198 Philippine Education System 3
EDUC 101 Philippine Education System 3
EDUC 103 Principles and Processes in Curriculum Development 3
EDUC 106 Basic Guidance 3
MATH 11 College Algebra (Required course for 2011 curr. Take as FIRST 3
MMS 100 Introduction to Multimedia Studies 3
MMS 101 Introduction to Information Technology 3
MMS 102 Theories in Multimedia 3
MMS 111 Gender in Multimedia 3 MMS 100
MMS 115 Law and Multimedia 3 MMS 102
MMS 120 Communication and Culture 3 MMS 112
MMS 130 Information and Communication Technology for Development 3 MMS 101
MMS 142 Internet Technologies and Web Development 3 MMS 141
MMS 146 Object-Oriented Programming 3 MMS 141
MMS 171 Text in Multimedia 3 MMS 170*
MMS 175 Videography in Multimedia 3
MMS 175 Videography in Multimedia 3 MMS 172
MMS 200 Special Project 3 MMS 197 or CPC**
PE 2 WF Walking for Fitness -2
PHIL ARTS 1 Philippine Arts and Culture 3
PI 100 Philippine Institutions 100 3
Science 11 Living Systems: Concepts and Dynamics 3
WIKA 1 Wika, Kultura at Lipunan 3

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