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I can’t stop falling please


-Evelyn Arambula
Ever since I was little, I’ve been a very clumsy person, stairs, walls, and trees have never been my friends. I have many scars and my legs are

permanently bruised because of how often I fall. I consistently walk into walls or door handles, to the point where my friends end up guiding me

when we walk together. My family is so used to me hurting myself that instead of asking if I’m ok, they sigh in disappointment. My clumsiness is so

bad that I trip while standing in place… don’t ask me how it’s my only talent. What’s ironic is that I continue putting myself in situations where I

could hurt myself more. For example, I run hurdles in track, that is literally running with obstacles I’m basically asking to fall even more (which I

have, and the scars are there to prove it). Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t broken a bone or gotten a concussion considering my track record. I am

my own biggest safety hazard and it is very concerning.

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