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Axibal, Angelika S.

12- 3 STEM

"Equality for everyone"

What is gender equality? What is the is the importance of gender equality? Gender
equality also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, is the state of equal
ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender. Gender equality
is a human right.

Equality doesn't mean women and men are the same. But it refers to rights,
responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born female
or male.It is reported that

15-49 women and girls are experiencing physical or sexual abuse within a 12 month
period and 49 countries have no laws protecting women from domestic violence. For
example, in Lebanon abused women are not allowed to file a divorce unless there is
an eyewitness willing to testify. Violence on women isn't cultural it is criminal.We
should end gender inequality. Gender equality is really important because it can end
the discrimination between a men and women. It is also the key to social
development of the country. Gender equality can be the foundation for a peaceful
and sustainable world.

We all have different roles. But we should all have equal rights. Gender equality
should be a human fight because it is human right it affects us all.


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