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20/7, 794-801 (1974)

Mechanisms of the Liebermann-Burchard and Zak

Color Reactions for Cholesterol

R. W#{149}
Burke, B. I. Diamondstone, R. A. Velapoldi, and 0. Menis

Correlation of SO2 and Fe2+ measurements with the Liebermann-Burchard (L-B) reaction, as per-
new spectral data indicates that the Liebermann- formed today, is carried out in an acetic acid-sulfU-
Burchard (L-B) and Zak color reactions for choles- ric acid-acetic anhydride medium. The other widely
terol have similar oxidative mechanisms, each yield- used method, the Zak reaction, which was first ap-
ing, as oxidation products, a homologous series of
plied to cholesterol analysis by Zlatkis, Zak, and
conjugated cholestapolyenes. These studies further
suggest that the colored species observed in these Boyle (3) in 1953, is carried out in acetic acid-sulfu-
two systems are enylic carbonium ions formed by ric acid in the absence of acetic anhydride. In this
protonation of the parent polyenes. Thus, the red reaction, however, Fe3+ must be added to obtain the
(Amax, 563 nm) product typically measured in the desired colored species.
Zak reaction is evidently a cholestatetraenylic cat- In one of the earliest mechanistic studies, Lange et
ion, and the blue-green product in the L-B reaction a!. (4) showed that treating chloroform solutions of
(Amax, near 620 nm) is evidently the pentaenylic cholesterol with equivalent amounts of perchioric or
cation. The effects of rate of carbonium ion forma- hexafluorophosphoric acid resulted in the formation
tion and sulfuric acid concentration on sensitivity and
of colorless sterolium salts. These salts hydrolyzed
color stability are discussed. A solvent extraction
procedure Is described for specifically converting instantaneously on contact with an excess of water,
cholesterol to 3,5-cholestadiene. Incorporating this givingquantitativerecoveryofthe added cholesterol.
step into the typical L-B method can increase the Addition of acid in excess of the stoichiometric
L-B sensitivity for cholesterol by several fold. amount resulted in slow dissolution of the colorless
crystals, followed by formation of purple products
Additional Keyphrases: cholestapolyenes #{149}conjugated that were considered to be halochromic salts of
double bonds #{149}carbonium ions from polyenes #{149}fac-
cholestadiene. Degradation of these products was
tors affecting color #{149}SO2 and Fe2+ measurement
equivalent ratios
thought to occur through formation of polymerized
dieneoid hydrocarbons, with the trimer being the
highest polymer observed. Subsequent studies by
Cholesterol reacts with various strong acids of the
Dulou et al. (5) and by Brieskorn and Capuano (6)
Bronsted and Lewis types to give colored products. suggested that the initialstep in the L-B reaction
Although these reactions have been used empirically was the dehydration of cholesterol to form cholesta-
for many years for the qualitative and quantitative
diene, which dimerized to bis-cholestadiene. The final
determinationof cholesterol,their mechanisms still
product was believed to be the monosulfonated
are not clearly understood.
dimer. Later studies by Watanabe (7) supported this
hypothesis; he isolated a 3,3’-bis-3,5-cholestadiene
Among the many color reactions for cholesterol,
the Liebermann-Burchard probedure is perhaps the by column chromatography from a concentrated L-B
most widely used. This reaction was described ini- reaction mixture. However, a subsequent paper by
tially by Liebermann (1) in 1885 and applied to cho-
Brieskorn and Hofmann (8) indicated that dimer for-
lesterol analysis shortly after by Burchard (2). Chlo- mation was not the principal reaction in the L-.B sys-
roform was used as a solvent in the early studies, but tem and that a more probable mechanism involved
the oxidation of cholesterol to a conjugated penta-
ene. It is at this stage that efforts to elucidate the
Analytical Chemistry Division, Institute for Materials Research,
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 20234. mechanism of the L-B reaction appear to have
Received Jan. 4, 1974; accepted May 7, 1974. stopped.

794 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 20, No.7, 1974

In contrast to the investigations of the L-B reac- Eppendorf pipets (Brinkmann Instruments, West-
tion, little, if any, systematic study has been made of bury, N. Y. 11590) were used for all microliter-scale
the mechanism of the Zak reaction. The brief men- transfers.
tion (9) that the reaction appears to be oxidative is Extractions were performed in 60- and 125-ml sep-
apparently the only reported information on the na- aratory funnels equipped with Teflon stopcocks and
ture of this color reaction. stoppers (Kontes Glass, Vineland, N. J. 08360).
We have quantitatively measured SO2 and Fe2+ The 30-ml midget impingers forcollectionof SO2
formation as a functionof reactiontime, to demon- were also obtained from Kontes Glass, Vineland, N. J.
strate that the L-B and Zak reactions have similar 08360.
oxidative mechanisms. These data, in conjunction
with solvent extraction, uv-visible spectrophotome- Procedures
try, and mass spectrometric measurements show Determination of sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide
that these oxidation reactions lead to the formation produced in the L-B reaction was determined spec-
of a series of conjugated cholestapolyenes. Moreover, trophotometrically with pararosaniline. This pro-
evidence is presented that shows that the colored cedure, developed by West and Gaeke (10), was
species comprising these two systems are the corre- subsequently perfected by Scaringelli et al. (11) for
sponding enylic carbonium ions of the respective determinations of SO2 in air. Figure 1 shows a sche-
conjugated polyenes. On the basis of these studies, matic diagram of the apparatus used in our study for
we propose that the red product typically measured generating and collecting SO2.
in the Zak reaction with Amax at 563 nm is a cho- The pear-shaped reaction vessel was made from a
lestatetraenylic cation while the blue-green product 10-ml separatory funnel to which was attached a
in the L-B reaction with Amax near 620 nm is a side-arm bubbling tube that extended to approxi-
pentaenylic cation. mately 3 mm from the bottom of the vessel. This
vessel was connected in series with two midget im-
Materials and Methods1 pingers, each filled with 10 ml of potassium tetra-
Reagents chloromercurate S02-absorbing solution (40 mmol/
Solutions of cholesterol were prepared from Na- liter) (11). To determine SO2, we added 5 ml of
tional Bureau of Standards high-purity cholesterol freshly prepared L-B acid mixture [acetic anhydride:
glacial acetic acid:sulfuric acid (10:5:1 by vol),
(NBS SRM 911).
3,3’-bis-3,5-Cholestadiene was obtained from Co- cooled to 25#{176}C]
to the reaction vessel followed by
lumbia Organic Chemicals Co., Columbia, S. C. 100-300 tl aliquots of a 5 mg/ml solution of choles-
29209. terol in acetic acid. The vessel was quickly closed
2,4- and 3,5-Cholestadiene, 5,7-cholestadien-3fl-ol, and its contents thoroughly mixed by swirling. Sul-
and 7-cholesten-3i3-ol were purchased from Steral- fur dioxide was then continually swept from the L-B
oids, Inc., Pawling, N. Y. 12564. mixture by purging with nitrogenat the rate of 25
Purified pararosaniline hydrochloride for the de- ml/min. At designated intervals ranging from 0.5 to
22 h, purging was discontinued and the contents of
termination of SO2 was obtained as a 2 g/liter con-
the two midget impingers were combined and dilut-
centrate (Item No. 64327) from the Hartman-Leddon
Co. (Harleco), Philadelphia, Pa. 19143. ed with the absorbing solution to 25 ml, in volumet-
ric flasks. Appropriate aliquots were then analyzed
Bathophenanthroline was obtained from the G.
Frederick Smith Chemical Co., Columbus, Ohio spectrophotometrically for SO2 by the procedure of
Scaringelli et al. (11).
Cyclohexane used in the extractionstudieswas
All other chemicals were ACS reagent grade.

Absorbances were measured with a Cary Model 14
recording spectrophotometer (Varian/Instrument N2.
Division, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303).
Mass-spectrometry was done with a Du Pont
Model 21-491 medium-resolution mass spectrometer
(E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Instrument Products Di-
vision, Wilmington, Del. 19898).

1 In order to adequately describe materials and experimental

procedures, it was occasionally to identify commercial
products by manufacturer’s name or label. In no instances does
such identification imply endorsement by the National Bureau of Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of apparatus for generation
Standards, nor does it imply that the particular product or and collection of SO2 in the Liebermann-Burchard reac-
equipment is necessarily the best available for that purpose. tion

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. Vol. 20, No.7, 1974 795

Initial experiments in which three impingers were
used indicatedthat 98% of the SO2 was collectedin Table 1. Rate and Stoichiometry of SO Formation
the firstimpinger while no SO2 was found in the in the Liebermann-Burchard Reaction at 25 #{176}C
third impinger. Accordingly, we used only two im-
(505 zg of Cholesterol)
Reaction time, Eqizlv. ratio
pingersinsubsequentexperiments. h SO,, zg SO,/chol.”
Determination of Fe2+ formed in the Zak reaction. 0.5 52 0.62
The acid conditionsand Fe3+ concentrationused for 1 144 1.73
carrying out the Zak reactionwere thosespecified by 2 221 2.65
Boutwell (12): a glacialaceticacid to sulfuricacid 3 258 3.10
ratio of 1.5:1 and a 4.4 x 10 mol/liter Fe3 con- 4 279 3.34
6 304 3.65
centration. A 50-200 tl aliquot of a standard solu-
22 349 4.18
tion of cholesterol (1 mg/ml in acetic acid) was
added to 13 ml of this mixture in a 60-ml separatory SO, blank 10,g/22h
funnel. The contents of the funnel were quickly In Tables 1-3, “equivalent
#{176} ratio” refers to the ratio of num
mixed by vigorous shaking. One-milliliter aliquots ber of equivalents of SO, or Fe2 found to the number of equiv.
were taken at prescribed intervals over a period of alents of cholesterol added.
0 .5-5 h, to be analyzed for Fe2.
The spectrophotometric bathophenanthroline pro-
cedure described by Pollock and Miguel (13) was
used to determine Fe2+ in the presence of Fe3+. The Table 2. Rate and Stoichiometry of Fe2 Formation
key featurein thismodifiedprocedureisthe addition in the Zak Reaction at 25 #{176}C
(101 hgof Cholesterol)
Reaction time, Equiv. ratio
of phosphate ion which complexes Fe3+ and so effec- h Fe’, ,g Fe2’/choI.
tively removes it from the Fe2+_Fe3+ equilibrium. 0.5 90.1 3.07
Failureto use thismasking reaction will lead to high 1.0 102.6 3.50
results for Fe2+, because the reagents used in the 1.5 114.2 3.92
spectrophotometricprocedure also reduce FeS+ to 2.0 122.5 4.19
Fe2. 2.5 131.7 4.50
Extraction studies. After initial tests with a series 3.0 136.3 4.69
of solvents, cyclohexane was selected for subsequent 4.0 143.0 4.92
study of the extraction of cholesterol and its reaction 5.0 146.5 5.02
products because of its superior transmission in the Fe2 blank = 0.5 1hg
ultraviolet. We used two variations in the fundamen-
tal procedure. In the first, cholesterol in acetic acid
was added directlyto variousmixtures of aceticand
sulfuric acids, which were then extracted with cyclo- Table 3. SO, and Fe’ Formation as a Function of
hexane. In the second, cholesterol was dissolved in Cholesterol Concentration (25 #{176}C)in the
cyclohexane and this solution was equilibrated with Liebermann-Bu
and Zak Reactions
Equiv. ratio
the acid mixtures by mechanical shaking. Reaction h SO,, g SO,/chol.

Results and Discussion 505 22 348 4.18

L-B 1010 22 711 4.24
In both the L-B and Zak reactions, our data indi- 2020 22 1396 4.17
cate that cholesterol is oxidized in steps, with each Equiv. ratio
,g Fe” Fe’ ‘/chol.
oxidationstepyieldinga cholestapolyenehaving one
more double bond than the compound from which it 50.5 5 73.5 5.04
was derived. Further evidence is presented to show Zak 101 5 146.5 5.02
202 5 289 4.95
that the active oxidants in these two systems are
SO3 and Fe3+, respectively, and that measurement
of the corresponding reduction products-i.e., SO2
and Fe2+_can yield valuable information regarding alents of cholesterol initially added. Because a two-
the rates and relative efficiencies of these two reac- electron transfer is required for generation of a dou-
tions. Such measurements have now been carried out ble bond, the equivalent weight of cholesterol in this
using the analytical procedures and conditions de- instance is one-half its molecular weight. The calcu-
scribed in the Materials and Methods section and lated values of the equivalent ratios are numerically
constitute one of the significant aspects of this re- equal to the average number of double bonds formed
port. per cholesterol molecule, and they will be used in
Some typical results obtained for SO2 and Fe2 this context throughout this paper. In Table 1, for
are presentedin Tables 1,2,and 3.The lastcolumn example, it is seen that after 0.5 h the equivalent
in each of these tables is headed “equivalent ratio,” ratio obtained for the L-B reaction with cholesterol
which is defined as the ratio of the number of equiv- is 0.62. As shown later, although this reaction time is
alents of SO2 or Fe2+ found to the number of equiv- optimum for spectrophotometric measurement under

796 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 20, No.7, 1974

the conditions used, the conversion of cholesterol to peak formation, together with the well-defined isos-
the requisite cholestapolyene (four generated double bestic points at 427 and 503 nm, clearly show that
bonds) is, at best, only one-seventh complete. Simi- the final steps in the Zak color reaction consist of a
lar data are shown for the Zak reaction in Table 2. product that absorbs maximally at 412 nm convert-
Again, a 0.5-h reaction time is optimum for spectro- ing to a 478-nm absorbing species which, in turn,
photometric measurement. In this case, however, the yields the peak at 563 nm that is routinely mea-
conversion of cholesterol to the appropriate cholesta- sured. As discussed in a subsequent paper (14), the
polyene (three double bonds generated) is potentially rates of these reactions are strongly temperature de-
100% efficient. pendent, increasing rapidly with increasing tempera-
The data in Table 3 show that the equivalent ra- ture.
tios calculated for the L-B and Zak reactions are The data presented thus far suggest that the prod-
constant over fourfold changes in cholesterol concen- ucts observed in the Zak reactions are carbonium
tration. Such reproducibility definitely implies that ions formed by the successive protonation of the ho-
the reaction pathways are more explicit than pre- mologous series of cholestapolyenes proposed pre-
viously expected. In addition, the constancy of these viously in this report. This theory was strengthened
equivalent ratios also indicates that these color sys- by noting the close similarity between our observa-
tems should obey Beer’s law; that they in fact do so tions and the spectral data reported by Sorensen
has been well established. (15) for a homologous series of aliphatic polyenylic
As further evidence of the stepwise nature of the cations. In the latter study, the structures of the par-
oxidation processes, it will be helpful to examine ent polyenes and their corresponding carbonium ions
more closely the absorbance characteristics of the were proven unequivocally by NMR and ultraviolet
Zak reaction. This reaction was chosen in preference spectroscopy. These data in conjunction with our
to the L-B system because it better illustrates the equivalent ratio, solvent extraction, ultraviolet-visi-
significant points. A series of absorbance spectra, ob- ble and mass-spectrometric measurements have led
tained over a period of about 1 h for a typical Zak to the mechanisms proposed in Figure 3 for the Zak
reaction, is shown in Figure 2. Three absorbance and L-B color reactions with cholesterol. According
peaks are observed, with Amax at 412, 478, and 563 to these two mechanisms, both reactions have a
nm. The peaks at 478 and 563 nm have been de- common initiation step, i.e. protonation of the -OH
scribed in an earlier paper (12); the 412-nm peak, group in cholesterol and subsequent loss of water to
however, has not been reported previously. This ini-
tial peak disappears after the first few minutes of the
reaction and can best be observed by making either
of the following modifications to the fundamental
procedure: (a) by carrying out the reaction in a solu-
tion containing a lower proportion of acetic to sulfu-
ric acid, i.e., 1:1 HOAc/H2S04 rather thap the 1.5:1
ratio usually used, or (b) by lowering the tempera- HOAc/H2 $04
ture of the reaction to 10#{176}C.The serial nature of ZAK LIEBERMANN-
Co,’bonlum Ion of 3.5-Die,,.


Dienylic Colion
563nm Xm0n4I2NM (CoIc. 396NM)5

SOZOHd +s02
+ Fe +2
TrenyIic Cation Ct, Sulfonic Acid
X,n,,n47SNM (Cole. 473 NM)5 X,, 4IONM (CoIc. 418NM)5 *

WAVELENGTH, rim Tetroenylic Cation

X,, 563ttM (CaIc.549NM)5
Fig. 2. Absorbance spectra of a Zak reaction as a func-
tion of time, showing, initially, decrease in the 412-nm Fig. 3. Proposed mechanisms of the L-B and Zak reac-
peak as a peak appears at 478 nm, and subsequent con- tions
version of 478-nm absorbing material to the product ab- * Sorensen, T. S., J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 87, 5075 (1965); ** Fieser, L. F.,
sorbing at 563 nm where the color is typically measured and Fieser, M., Steroids. Reinhold. New York, N. Y., 1959. chap. 1

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 20, No. 7, 1974 797

give the carbonium ion of 3,5-cholestadiene. Evi- agrees well with the fact that we saw no absorbance
dence will be presented subsequently that indicates peaks in the visible spectrum of the L-B mixture
that formation of this species is the first step in the preceding the appearance of the 620-nm peak nor-
color reactions. Serial oxidation of this allylic carbo- mally measured. The subsequent conversion of the
nium ion by either Fe3 or SO3 yields the cholesta- compound absorbing at 620 nm to the product ab-
polyene carbonium ions shown, together with equiv- sorbing at 410 nm (Figure 3) can be reasonably justi-
alent amounts of Fe2+ or SO2. Notably, no cationic fied on the basis of the agreement of the experimen-
species are given in Figure 3 for the L-B system, in tal absorption peak with the value calculated by the
going from the allylic to the pentaenylic cation, be- Fiesers’rules (17) and from the SO2 data obtained.
cause none were observed spectrally under the exper- The formation of this type of structure is further
imental conditions. The acidity of the L-B reaction supported by the observation that the intensity of
is relatively low, however, and thus would not nor- the 410-nm peak increases continually with time and
mally favor stable carbonium ion formation. The the yellow product formed is not extractable into im-
ability to observe the pentaenylic species can there- miscible organic solvents.
fore be attributed to two factors: (a) sufficiently ex- Recently obtained mass-spectrometric data further
tended conjugation, and, perhaps more importantly support the mechanisms proposed in Figure 3. In
(b) the stabilizing effect of the terminal cyclopentyl this study, we quenched the reaction of cholesterol
ring, as reported by Sorensen (15). with Zak reagent by rapidly dispersing the acid mix-
Observed and calculated values of the absorbance ture in excess alkali. The sample was then extracted
maxima are reported for each of the structures with cyclohexane and mass spectra were obtained di-
shown in Figure 3. The calculated values were ob- rectly on the extract. Characteristic peaks were
tained from Sorensen’s empirical equation (16): Xmax found at mass/charge ratios of 368, 366, 364, and
= 319.5 + 76.5n where, for our purposes, n ranges 362-peaks that have been assigned to cholestadiene,
from 1 (dienylic cation) to 4 (pentaenylic cation). cholestatriene, cholestatetraene, and cholestapen-
Having established the sequences of reactions in taene, respectively. The largest fractions present
Figure 3, it is worthwhile to re-examine the useful- were the triene and the tetraene. This distribution
ness of the equivalent ratio measurements discussed was to be expected, because the color reaction was
previously. To do so it must be noted that maximum quenched when the absorbance of the 478-nm peak
absorbances of the peaks at 563 and 620 nm of the was nearlymaximal.
Zak and L-B reactions are obtained typically in A finalobservationsupportingthe proposed mech-
30-40 mm at 25#{176}C.In the Zak reaction it is seen that anisms is found in a recent investigation of the ki-
the generation of the desired tetraenylic cation re- netics of the Zak reaction (14). In that study the
quires the formation of three additional double consecutive pseudo-first-order rate constants are
bonds in the cholesterol molecule. Reference to shown to be directly proportional to the square of
Table 2 shows that after the reaction has proceeded the Fe3+ concentration. This isexactlythe expected
for 30 mm, an equivalent ratio of Fe2 to cholesterol relationshipif the function of Fe3+ is to generate
of 3.07 is obtained, indicating that within this time double bonds for,in doing so,two electronsmust be
the formation of the tetraenylic cation is potentially transferred for each new bond produced.
quantitative. On the other hand, the equivalent ratio Finally, we also studied the general applicability
of SO2 to cholesterol obtained in the L-B reaction of equivalent ratio measurements in determining the
after 30 mm is only 0.62 (Table 1). This ratio is sub- extent of the reactions of other steroids in the L-B
stantially less than the minimum value of 4 required and Zak procedures. A series of Fe2+ and SO2 deter-
for complete conversion of cholesterol to the pen- minations were made on 5,7-cholestadien-3-ol and
taenylic cation. On this basis the L-B procedure 7-cholesten-3f3-ol, two compounds that react quite dif-
would be expected to yield about one-seventh the ferently in these color systems. Cook (18) has shown
concentration of the product desired for spectropho- that these steroids give about twice and four times
tometric measurement, as compared to the Zak reac- as much color, respectively, with the L-B reaction as
tion. Assuming similar molar absorptivities for the does cholesterol. Henry (19), on the other hand, has
two colored species, this difference would account for reported that these same compounds give only about
the well-known fact that the Zak procedure is about a third as much color in the Zak reaction as does
sevenfold as sensitive as the L-B method. This in- cholesterol. As expected,SO2 was generatedsignifi-
creased sensitivity may be attributed largely to the cantlyfasterforthesecompounds than forcholester-
stabilizing effect on enylic cation formation of the ol while,conversely,the ratesof formation of Fe2+
higher sulfuric acid concentration. In general, in- were much slower. In the latter system, minimun
creasing the sulfuric acid concentration would be ex- reaction times of 5 h are required to obtain the req-
pected to improve the stability of each of the carbo- uisite values of 3 for the equivalent ratios. These
nium ions formed in the stepwise oxidation of choles- times can be compared to the 30 mm necessary for
terol, thereby making it much more likely that one cholesterol (Table 2). Thus, measurement of equiva-
could observe carbonium ion formation in the Zak lent ratios may provide a useful tool for studying
reaction than in the L-B reaction. This hypothesis why compounds similar to cholesterol react differ-

798 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 20, No. 7. 1974

with a synthesized dimer, however, showed that its
Table 4. Absorbance Characteristics of absorbance peaks were at longer wavelengths
Cholesterol Solutions (100 ma/liter) in Various
Acetic Acid-Sulfuric Acid Mixtures at 25 #{176}C = 298, 312, and 323 nm) than the finger-
like absorbance peaks observed (Xmax = 269, 280,
HOAc: Peak Shoulder point 295, and 312 nm). Moreover, in these and similar
(by vol) nanometers studies, the dimer was characterized by its very low
1:1 ‘-..‘300(very strong); -‘450, 500 - solubility and reactivity in all of the acid mixtures
412 used. In view of these properties and the fact that
1.5:1 300, 348#{176} - 325, 377 previousmechanisticstudies (4,5,7) were undertaken
2:1 300 peak showing - 380 by using gram amounts of cholesterol, it is not diffi-
269, 280, 295 and cult to understand how the dimer was readily isolat-
312 fine structure; ed and thus considered to be a reaction intermediate
412, 438
rather than a degradation product. Furthermore, our
3:1 269, 280, 295, 312 438 -
412, 500 proposal that the colored species measured in the
L-B and Zak procedures are carbonium ions of cho-
5:1 267, 280, 296, 500 312, 385, 412 -
450, 610 lestapolyenes is also consistent with the isolation of
10:1 385, 440, 480 - - dimer, because one of the expected modes of disap-
pearance of these ions would be through dimeriza-
Peak continually decreasing. tion.
To determine if any intermediate products could
be isolated by solvent extraction and identified by uv
spectrophotometry, we extracted the pre-reacted
acid mixtures of cholesterol with cyclohexane.Acetic
ently in terms of the colored products formed. acid, which is also partially extracted and which has
Although aceticand sulfuricacidsare used in dif- an ultraviolet cutoff at about 250 nm, was removed
ferent proportions in the L-B and Zak procedures, by backwashing the extracts several times with
the study of cholesterol reactions in these simple water or dilute base. The absorbance spectra were
acid systems provided valuable insight into the then observed to have several characteristic absorb-
mechanisms of these reactions. One of our first ex- ance peaks. Only 2,4-cholestadiene (Amax = 266, 275,
periments was to measure the absorbance spectra of and 287 nm) was identified with certainty. More-
cholesterol in different mixtures of these two acids. over, the orange color present in the prereacted acid
Relative HOAc/H2SO4 ratios ranging from 1:1 to layer before extraction was also retained in that
10:1 were used. In general, those mixtures in which layer after extraction.
the proportion of sulfuric acid was high led to prod- In a modification of this procedure, a second series
ucts that absorbed in the ultraviolet, while those in of extraction experiments was performed in which
which the proportion of acetic acid was high showed cholesterol was first dissolved in cyclohexane and
increased absorbance in the visible range. These ob- these solutions were equilibrated with the acetic-sul-
servations are summarized in Table 4. furic acid mixtures. In this case, spectrophotometric
One of the most noteworthy features of this study examination of the extracts showed that only 3,5-
was the similarity between the absorbance spectra of cholestadiene was formed (Xmax = 228, 235, and 243
cholesterol in 1.5:1 HOAc/H2S04 and in the corre- nm), and we saw no color in the acid phases. In both
sponding Zak mixture, in which the same ratio of of these studies the excellent review by Dorfman (20)
these acids is used. Thus the decreasing peak at 348 on the ultraviolet absorbance of steroids proved ex-
nm and the increasing peak at 412 nm in HOAc/ tremely valuable. These two extraction experiments
H2S04 behave similarly to the decreasing 412-nm suggest that the precursor to color formation in both
and increasing 478-nm peaks in the Zak procedure the Zak and L-B reactions is the initial formation of
(Figure 2). According to the mechanisms proposed in the carbonium ion of 3,5-cholestadiene, as shown
Figure 3, the conversion of the compound absorbing below:
at 348 nm to the product absorbing at 412 nm is in-
terpreted as the cation of 3,5-diene being oxidized to
dienylic cation. Because no Fe3+ is present, we can
only suggest that the oxidation is due to residual
concentrations of SO3 present. However, we did not
attempt to measure SO2 formation in this system.
[+c] c#{244
A second distinguishing feature of this study was
the finger-like peaks observed near 300 nm, which
were especially apparent in 3:1 and 5:1 HOAc/
H2SO4 mixtures. Initially, we thought that these The nonclassical resonance structure involving the
peaks reflected the possible formation of the 3,3’-bis- bridgehead C-5 carbon contributes significantly to
3, 5-cholestadiene dimer. Subsequent experiments the stability of this ion. The fact that this dehydrox-

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 20, No.7, 1974 799

ylation reaction goes easily is clearly demonstrated
in the second series of extraction studies. Even
though cholesterol is dissolved initially in cyclohex-
ane, the -OH group is sufficiently polar to be proton- z
ated at the interface. Subsequent loss of water and a (0

proton yields the 3,5-diene that is observed. w

The carbonium ion of 3,5-cholestadiene is shown 0
conclusively to be the reactive intermediate by the I-.
following two experiments: (a) If the reactions of w
cholesterolin acetic-sulfuricacid mixtures are Lu
quenched and the cyclohexane extracts then exam-
ined spectrophotometrically, at least 80% of the
diene formed isapparentlythe 3,5-derivative. (The
quenching was done by rapidlydispersingthe acid tO 12 8 22
mixtures into excess base 2-3 mm after the choles- EQUILIBRATION TIME (hrs.)
terol was added.) (b) Similar studies, starting with
Fig. 4. Specific conversion of cholesterol to 3,5-cholesta-
2,4-cholestadiene, show that it also is largely con- diene by a two-phase equilibration technique; cholesterol
verted to the 3,5- compound, or its carbonium ion, in cyclohexane (20 mg/liter; phase ratio 1:1; temp., 25#{176}C
upon dissolution in strong acid. Such acid-catalyzed
re-arrangements are not unexpected, however, as evi-
denced by the work of Allan et al. (21) in the related
triterpenoid series, where the mobility of double sitivityof the L-B reaction. From direct studies of
bonds under acidic conditions has been clearly dem- 3,5-cholestadiene in the L-B reaction,we conclude
onstrated. that the maximum increasein sensitivity-assuming
The acid-catalyzeddehydroxylationof cholesterol complete conversion of cholesterol to the 3,5-deriva-
yields predominantly the carbonium ion of 3,5- tive-is fourfold.
cholestadiene, together with smaller amounts of 2,4-
cholestadiene. All evidence obtained thus far In conclusion,new evidence has been presentedto
suggests that this carbonium ion is the precursor to indicate that the Liebermann-Burchard and Zak
the color reactions observed in the Zak and L-B sys- color reactions have very similar mechanisms. Fol-
tems. In strongly acidic media such as are used in lowing an acid-catalyzeddehydroxylation,the 3,5-
the Zak reaction,cholesterol israpidlydehydroxylat- cholestadiene and (or) its cation are subjected to a
ed, and this is not a limitingfactorin the overall number of step-wise oxidations by either SO3 or
rate of the reaction.Consequently,cholesterol, 3,5- Fe3+, therebyforming a homologous seriesof choles-
cholestadiene,and 2,4-cholestadiene all form color tapolyene carbonium ions. The stability of each of
and generate Fe2+ at similar rates under these con- these new cationicspeciesisprimarilya functionof
ditions. If the acidity is decreased, however, as is the the number of conjugated double bonds in the par-
case in the L-B system, the rateof dehydroxylation ent polyene and the sulfuricacid concentration. The
becomes significant. Startingwith 3,5-cholestadiene, steroid concentration is also important, because high
for example, the amount of product absorbing at 620 concentrations can lead to competing reactions such
nm formed in the L-B reactionisabout fourfoldthat as the dimerization reported by Watanabe (7).
obtainedwith cholesterol. Therefore, throughout this study, we tried to use
To demonstrate the effectof acidityon the rateof cholesterolconcentrationstypicalof those used in
dehydroxylation, we equilibrated cyclohexane solu- spectrophotometric analyses. This limitation pre-
tionsof cholesterolwith acetic-sulfuric mixtures of cluded the use of NMR spectroscopy, a technique
various proportions and spectrophotometrically de- commonly used to identify intermediates and verify
termined the 3,5-cholestadiene formed. The results the existence of carbonium ions.
obtained are shown in Figure 4. The rate of forma- Further work isunderway to synthesizeand char-
tion and the yield of 3,5-diene are greatest at the acterize the cholestapolyene intermediates discussed
highest sulfuric acid concentration. The use of an in this paper. Additional studies are intended to ex-
HOAc/H2SO4 ratioof 10:1,typicalof the L-B condi- amine the relative reactivities and the mechanisms
tions,produces dramatic decreasesin the rate and of the reactions of the cholesterol-like compounds
the yieldof 3,5-cholestadiene. The relativeratesob- routinely found in sera. Of special interest will be
tained on these two-phase systems are believed to be those compounds which yield variable amounts of
significant, although the absolute rates are not di- color in the L-B and Zak reactions.
rectly applicable to the reactions occurring in the
acid phase. Moreover, it should be noted that this
two-phase equilibrationtechnique providesa simple We express our appreciation to Dr. Harry S. Hertz, of the NBS,
means of improving by several fold the potential sen- for making the mass-spectrometric measurements.

800 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 20, No.7, 1974

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