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Beban ultimit bekerja pada kolom Pu = 97.5 kN
Momen ujung terkecil sumbu X M1x = 1.1 kNm
Momen ujung terbesar sumbu X M2x = 1.9 kNm
Kurva kolom sumbu X Single Curvature
Momen ujung terkecil sumbu Y M1y = 0.2 kNm
Momen ujung terbesar sumbu Y M2y = 0.4 kNm
Kurva kolom sumbu Y Single Curvature
Rasio beban mati pada total momen βd = 0.6
Faktor beta β = 0.5

Geometri Kolom
Tinggi kolom h = 300 mm
Lebar kolom b = 150 mm
Selimut beton Cc = 38 mm
Tinggi kolom sumbu X Iux= 3600 mm
Faktor tinggi efektif kolom sumbu X kx = 1
Column state sumbu X Braced =
Tinggi kolom sumbu Y Iuy = 3600 mm
Faktor tinggi efektif kolom sumbu Y ky = 1
Column state sumbu Y Braced =

Penulangan Kolom
Jumlah tulangan memanjang N = 8
Diameter Tulangan Dlong = 13 mm
Diameter Sengkang Dstr = 8 mm
Kuat leleh tulangan baja fy = 414 N/mm2
Kuat tekan tulangan baja f'c = 25 N/mm2
Modulus elastis tulangan Es = 200000 N/mm2
Modulus elastis Beton Ec = 4733 x f'c x (1N/mm2)1/2 =
Yield strain εy = fy / Es =
Ultimate design strain εc =

Perhitungan luas minimum 'baja tulangan

Luas kolom Ag = h x b =
Luas Baja Tulangan Ast = N x (π x Dlong2) / 4 =
Luas minimum tulangan yang dibutuhkan Ast_min = 0,01 x Ag =

Cek persyaratan luas minimum tulangan baja

Luas minimum baja tulangan yang disyaratkan Ast_max = 0,08 x Ag =

Persyaratan slender sumbu X

Jari-jari girasi rx = 0,3 x h =
Rasio slender aktual Srx_act = kx x lux / rx =
Rasio slender yang disyaratkan Srx_perm = min(34 - 12 x (M1x_act

Magnified momen sumbu X

Momen inersia penampang Igx = (b x h3) / 12 =
Bukling Euler Pcx = (π2 / (kx x lux)2) x (0,4 x Ec
Koreksi beban aktual momen diagram Cmx = 0,6 + (0,4 x M1x_act / M
Momen magnifier δnsx = max (Cmx / (1-(Pu_act / (0,7
Magnified momen sumbu X Mcx = δnsx x M2x_act =
Faktor momen minimum sumbu X M2x_min = Pu_act x (0,6 in + 0,03 x h
Faktor magnified momen minimum sumbu X Mcx_min = δnsx x M2x_min =

Slenderness check about y axis

Radius of gyration ry = 0,3 x b =
Actual slenderness ratio Sry_act = ky x luy / ry =
Permissible slenderness ratio Sry_perm = min (34 - 12 x (M1y_act

Magnified momen sumbu Y

Momen inersia penampang Igy = (h x b3)/12 =
Bukling Euler Pcy = (π2 / ky x luy)2) x (0,4 x Ec
Koreksi beban aktual momen diagram Cmy = 0,6 + (0,4 x M1x_act / M
Momen magnifier δnsy = max (Cmy / (1-(Pu_act / (0,7
Magnified momen sumbu Y Mcy = δnsy x M2y_act =
Faktor momen minimum sumbu Y M2y_min = Pu_act x (0,6 in + 0,03 x h
Faktor magnified momen minimum sumbu Y Mcy_min = δnsy x M2y_min =

Kapasitas beban aksial kolom

Faktor reduksi kekuatan φ =
Area of steel on compression face A's = Ast / 2 =
Area of steel on tension face As = Ast / 2 =
Net axial load capacity of column Pn = 0,8 x [0,85 x f'c x (Ag - A
Ultimate axial load capacity of column Pu = φ x Pn =

Net moments for biaxial column

Assuming strength reduction factor φ =
Net moment about major (X) axis Mnx = Mcx_min / φ =
Net moment about minor (Y) axis Mny = Mcy / φ =

Details of column cross-section

c/dt ratio rxb =
Effective cover to reinforcement d' = Cc + Dstir + (Dlong / 2) =
Spacing between bars s = ((h - (2 x d'))) / ((N/2) -1)
Depth of tension steel dt = h - d' =
Depth of NA from extreme compression face cx = rxb x dt =
Factor of depth of compressive stress block β1 =
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block ax = min((β1 x cx), h) =
Yield strain in steel εsx = fy / E s =
Strength reduction factor φx =

Details of concrete block

Force carried by concrete

Forces carried by concrete Pxcon = 0,85 x f'c x b x ax =

Moment carried by concrete

Moment carried by concrete Mxcon = Pxcon x ((h/2) - (ax/2)) =

Details of steel layer 1

Depth of layer xx1 = mm
Strain of layer εx1 = εc x (1 - xx1 / cx) =
Stress in layer σx1 = min (fy, Es x εx1) - 0,85 x f
Force carried by layer Px1 = Nx x Abar x σx1 =
Moment carried by steel layer Mx1 = Px1 x ((h/2) - xx1) =

Details of steel layer 2

Depth of layer xx2 = mm
Strain of layer εx2 = εc x (1 - xx2 / cx) =
Stress in layer σx2 = min (fy, Es x εx2) - 0,85 x f
Force carried by layer Px2 = Nx x Abar x σx2 =
Moment carried by steel layer Mx2 = Px2 x ((h/2) - xx2) =

Details of steel layer 3

Depth of layer xx3 = mm
Strain of layer εx3 = εc x (1 - xx3 / cx) =
Stress in layer σx3 = min (fy, Es x εx3) - 0,85 x f
Force carried by layer Px3 = Nx x Abar x σx3 =
Moment carried by steel layer Mx3 = Px3 x ((h/2) - xx3) =

Details of steel layer 4

Depth of layer xx4 = mm
Strain of layer εx4 = εc x (1 - xx4 / cx) =
Stress in layer σx4 = min (fy, Es x εx4) - 0,85 x f
Force carried by layer Px4 = Nx x Abar x σx4 =
Moment carried by steel layer Mx4 = Px4 x ((h/2) - xx4) =

Force carried by steel

Sum of forces by steel Pxs = kN

Total force carried by column

Nominal axial load strength Pnx = kN
Strength reduction factor φx =

Ultimate axial load carrying capacity of column Pux = φx x Pnx =

Total moment carried by column

Total moment carried by column Mox = kNm
Ultimate moment strength capacity of column Mux = φx x Mox =

Equivalent required uniaxial moment abiout x axis

Equivalent required uniaxial nominal moment Mnxe = Mnx + Mny x h/b x ((1-
Equivalent required uniaxial ultimate moment Muxe = Mnxe x φx =

Check load capacity about the x axis

Factored axial load Pu_act = kN
Ultimate axial capacity Pux = kN
PASS - Ultimate axial capacity exceeds factored axial load
Equivalent required uniaxial factored moment Muxe = kNm
Ultimate moment capacity about the x axis Mux = kNm
PASS - Ultimate moment capacity exceeds factored moment about x axis

Uniaxially loaded column about minor axis

Details of column cross-section

c/dt ratio ryb =
Effective cover to reinforcement d' = Cc + Dsir + (Dlong/2) =
Spacing between bars s = ((b - (2xd'))) / ((N/2) - 1)
Depth of tension steel bt = b - d' =
Depth of NA from extreme compression face cy = ryb x bt =
Factor of depth of compressive stress block β1 =
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block ay = min((β1 x cy), b) =
Yield strain in steel εsy = fy / E s =
Strength reduction factor φy =

Details of concrete block

Force carried by concrete

Forces carried by concrete Pycon = 0,85 x f'c x h x ay =

Moment carried by concrete

Moment carried by concrete Mycon = Pycon x ((b/2) - (ay/2)) =

Details of steel layer 1

Depth of layer xy1 = mm
Strain of layer εy1 = εc x (1 - xy1 / cy) =
Stress in layer σy1 = min(fy, Es x εy1) =
Force carried by layer Py1 = Ny x Abar x σy1 =
Moment carried by steel layer My1 = Py1 x ((b/2) - xy1) =

Details of steel layer 2

Depth of layer xy2 = mm
Strain of layer εy2 = εc x (1 - xy1 / cy) =
Stress in layer σy2 = max(-1 x fy, Es x εy2 ) =
Force carried by layer Py2 = Ny x Abar x σy2 =
Moment carried by steel layer My2 = Py2 x ((b/2) - xy2) =

Force carried by steel

Sum of forces by steel Pys = kN

Total force carried by column

Nominal axial load strength Pny = kN
Strength reduction factor φy =
Ultimate axial load carrying capacity of column Puy = φy x Pny =

Moment carried by biaxial column minor axis

Nominal moment strength Moy = kNm

Contour beta factor

Contour beta factor β =
Mnx_upon_Mox1 = Mnx / Mox =
Mny_upon_Moy =

Net moment along minor axis resisted by column Mny1 = Moy x (Mny_upon_Moy) =

Ultimate moment along minor axis Muy = Mny1 x φy =

Check load capacity about the y axis

Factored axial load Pu_act = kN
Ultimate axial capacity Puy = kN
PASS - Ultimate axial capacity exceeds factored axial load
Equivalent factored moment about the y axis Muy_max = φ x Mny =
Ultimate moment capacity about the y axis Muy = kNm
PASS - Ultimate moment capacity exceeds factored moment about y axis

Net moments for biaxial column

Assuming strength reduction factor φ =
Net moment about major (X) axis Mnx = Mcx / φ =
Net moment about minor (Y) axis Mny = Mcy_min / φ =

Uniaxially loaded column about major axis

Details of column cross-section

c/dt ratio rxb =
Effective cover to reinforcement d' = cc + Dstir + (Dlong/2) =
Spacing between bars s = ((h-(2 x d'))) / ((N/2)-1) =
Depth of tension steel dt = h - d' =
Depth of NA from extreme compression face cx = rxb x dt =
Factor of depth of compressive stress block β1 =
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block ax = min((β1 x cx), h) =
Yield strain in steel εsx = fy / E s =
Strength reduction factor φx =

Details of concrete block

Force carried by concrete

Forces carried by concrete Pxcon = 0,85 x f'c x b x ax =

Moment carried by concrete

Moment carried by concrete Mxcon = Pxcon x ((h/2) - (ax/2)) =

Details of steel layer 1

Depth of layer xx1 = mm
Strain of layer εx1 = εc x (1-xx1/cx) =

Stress in layer σx1 = min(fy, Es x εx1) - 0,85 x

Force carried by layer Px1 = Nx x Abar x σx1 =

Moment carried by steel layer Mx1 = Px1 x ((h/2) - xx1) =

Details of steel layer 2

Depth of layer xx2 = mm
Strain of layer εx2 = εc x (1-xx2/cx) =

Stress in layer σx2 = min(fy, Es x εx2) - 0,85 x

Force carried by layer Px2 = Nx x Abar x σx2 =

Moment carried by steel layer Mx2 = Px2 x ((h/2) - xx2) =
Details of steel layer 3
Depth of layer xx3 = mm
Strain of layer εx3 = εc x (1-xx3/cx) =

Stress in layer σx3 = min(fy, Es x εx3) - 0,85 x

Force carried by layer Px3 = Nx x Abar x σx3 =

Moment carried by steel layer Mx3 = Px3 x ((h/2) - xx3) =

Details of steel layer 4

Depth of layer xx4 = mm
Strain of layer εx4 = εc x (1-xx4/cx) =

Stress in layer σx4 = min(fy, Es x εx4) - 0,85 x

Force carried by layer Px4 = Nx x Abar x σx4 =

Moment carried by steel layer Mx4 = Px4 x ((h/2) - xx4) =

Force carried by steel

Sum of forces by steel Pxs = kN

Total force carried by column

Nominal axial load strength Pnx = kN
Strength reduction factor φx =
Ultimate axial load carrying capacity of column Pux = φx x Pnx =

Total moment carried by column

Total moment carried by column Mox = kNm
Ultimate moment strength capacity of column Mux = φx x Mox =

Equivalent required uniaxial moment abiout x axis

Equivalent required uniaxial nominal moment Mnxe = Mnx + Mny x h/b x ((1-
Equivalent required uniaxial ultimate moment Muxe = Mnxe x φx =

Check load capacity about the x axis

Factored axial load Pu_act = kNm
Ultimate axial capacity Pux = kNm

PASS - Ultimate axial capacity exceeds factored axial load

Equivalent required uniaxial factored moment Muxe = kNm
Ultimate moment capacity about the x axis Mux = kNm

PASS - Ultimate moment capacity exceeds factored moment about x axis

Uniaxially loaded column about minor axis

Details of column cross-section

c/dt ratio ryb =
Effective cover to reinforcement d' = cc + Dstir + (Dlong/2) =
Spacing between bars s = ((b-(2xd'))) / ((N/2)-1) =
Depth of tension steel bt = b - d' =
Depth of NA from extreme compression face cy = ryb x bt =
Factor of depth of compressive stress block β1 =
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block ay = min((β1 x cy), b) =
Yield strain in steel εsy = fy / E s =
Strength reduction factor φy =

Details of concrete block

Force carried by concrete

Forces carried by concrete Pycon = 0,85 x f'c x h x ay =

Moment carried by concrete

Moment carried by concrete Mycon = Pycon x ((b/2) - (ay/2)) =

Details of steel layer 1

Depth of layer xy1 = mm
Strain of layer εy1 = εc x (1 - xy1 / cy) =

Stress in layer σy1 = min(fy, Es x εy1) =

Force carried by layer Py1 = Ny x Abar x σy1 =
Moment carried by steel layer My1 = Py1 x ((b/2) - xy1) =

Details of steel layer 2

Depth of layer xy2 = mm
Strain of layer εy2 = εc x (1 - xy2 / cy) =

Stress in layer σy2 = min(fy, Es x εy2) =

Force carried by layer Py2 = Ny x Abar x σy2 =
Moment carried by steel layer My2 = Py2 x ((b/2) - xy2) =

Force carried by steel

Sum of forces by steel Pys = kN

Total force carried by column

Nominal axial load strength Pny = kN
Strength reduction factor φy =
Ultimate axial load carrying capacity of column Puy = φy x Pny =

Moment carried by biaxial column minor axis

Nominal moment strength Moy = kNm

Contour beta factor

Contour beta factor β =
Mnx_upon_Mox1 = Mnx / Mox =
Mny_upon_Moy =

Net moment along minor axis resisted by column Mny1 = Moy x (Mny_upon_Moy) =

Ultimate moment along minor axis Muy = Mny1 x φy =

Check load capacity about the y axis

Factored axial load Pu_act = kN
Ultimate axial capacity Puy = kN

PASS - Ultimate axial capacity exceeds factored axial load

Equivalent factored moment about the y axis Muy_max = φ x Mny =
Ultimate moment capacity about the y axis Muy = kNm

PASS - Ultimate moment capacity exceeds factored moment about y axis

Design of column ties - 25.7.2

Spacing of lateral ties Sv_ties= mm
16 times longitudinal bar diameter Sv1 = 16 x Dlong =
48 times tie bar diameter Sv2 = 48 x Dstir =
Least column dimension Sv3 = min (h,b) =
Required tie spacing S = min (sv1, sv2, sv3) =
sv_ties < s PASS
1N/mm2)1/2 = N/mm2




x (M1x_act / M2x_act), 40) =

) x (0,4 x Ec x Igx / (1+βd)) = kN
M1x_act / M2x_act) =
-(Pu_act / (0,75 x Pcx))), 1,0) =
+ 0,03 x h) = kNm


x (M1y_act / M2y_act), 40) =

x (0,4 x Ec x Igy / (1 + βd)) = kN
M1x_act / M2x_act) =
-(Pu_act / (0,75 x Pcy))), 1,0) =
+ 0,03 x h) = kNm

f'c x (Ag - Ast) + fy x Ast] = kN


Dlong / 2) = mm
) / ((N/2) -1) = mm


(ax/2)) =

) - 0,85 x f'c = N/mm2

) - 0,85 x f'c = N/mm2

) - 0,85 x f'c = N/mm2

) - 0,85 x f'c = N/mm2



/b x ((1-β)/β) = kNm

/2) = mm
/ ((N/2) - 1) = mm


- (ay/2)) = kNm


Es x εy2 ) =


on_Moy) = kNm


Dlong/2) = mm
/ ((N/2)-1) = mm


(ax/2)) = kNm

) - 0,85 x f'c = N/mm2

) - 0,85 x f'c = N/mm2
) - 0,85 x f'c = N/mm2

) - 0,85 x f'c = N/mm2



/b x ((1-β)/β) = kNm
Dlong/2) = mm
((N/2)-1) = mm




- (ay/2)) = kNm



on_Moy) = kNm



Concrete details
Compressive strength of concrete f'c = 25
Density of reinforced concrete wc = 24
Concrete type Normal weight
= (wc / 1 lb/ft ) x 33 psi x (f
3 1,5
Modulus of elasticity of concrete (cl. E
Strength reduction factor for shear φs = 0.75

Reinforcement details
Yield strength of reinforcement fy = 400

Nominal cover to reinforcement

Cover to top reinforcement cnom_t = 35
Cover to bottom reinforcement cnom_b = 35
Cover to side reinforcement cnom_s = 35

Section 1
Rectangular section details
Section width b = 150
Section depth h = 300

Positive moment. Rectangular section in flexure (Section 9.5.2)

Factored bending moment at section Mu =
Effective depth to tension reinforcement d =
Tension reinforcement provided 2 x 12φ
Area of tension reinforcement provided As,prov =
Minimum area of reinforcement (cl. As,min = min(max(3psi x sqr(f'

PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than minimum area of reinforcement r

Stress block depth factor (cl. β1 = min(max(,85-0,05 x (f'
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block a = As,prov x fy / (0,75 x f'
Depth to neutral axis c = a / β1 =
Net tensile strain in extreme tension fibers εt= 0,003 x (d
Net tensile strain in tension controlled
Strength reduction factor (cl.21.2.1) φf = min(max(0,65 + (
Nominal moment strength Mn = As,prov x fy (d-a/2) =
Design moment strength φMn = Mn x φf =
PASS - Required moment strength is less than design moment strength

Flexural cracking
Max. center to center spacing of tension reinf sb,max = sbot + φs1_b_L1
Service load stress in reinforcement (cl.24.3.2) fs = 2/3 x fy =
Clear cover of reinforcement cc = cnom_b + φ
Maximum allowable bot bar spacing (Table 24.3.2) smax = min(15in x 40000psi / f

PASS - Maximum allowable tension reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing

Negative moment. Rectangular section in flexure (Section 9.5.2)

Factored bending moment at section Mu = Mneg_s1 =
Effective depth to tension reinforcement d =
Tension reinforcement provided Layer 1 - 2 x 12φ, Layer 2 - 2 x 12φ
Area of tension reinforcement provided As,prov =
Minimum area of reinforcement (cl. As,min = min(max(3 psi x sqr(f'c / 1

PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than minimum area of reinforcement r

Stress block depth factor (cl. β1 = min(max(0,85 - 0,05 x (f'c

Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block a As,prov x fy / (0,85 x f'
Depth to neutral axis c = a / β1 =
Net tensile strain in extreme tension fibers εt = 0,003 x (d
Net tensile strain in tension controlled
Strength reduction factor (cl.21.2.1) φf = min(max(0,65 + (
Nominal moment strength Mn = As,prov x fy x (d-a/2) =
Design moment strength φMn = Mn x φf =
PASS - Required moment strength is less than design moment strength

Flexural cracking
Max. center to center spacing of tension reinf sb,max = sbot + φs1_b_L1
Service load stress in reinforcement (cl.24.3.2) fs = 2/3 x fy =
Clear cover of reinforcement cc = cnom_b + φ
Maximum allowable top bar spacing (Table 24.3.2) smax = min (15in x 4000psi/f

PASS - Maximum allowable tension reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing

Spacing limits for reinforcement
Top bar clear spacing Stop = (b-(2x(cnom_s
Min. allowable top bar clear spacing (cl.25.2.1) stop,min =
Bottom bar clear spacing sbot = (b-(2x(cnom_s
Min. allowable bottom bar clear spacing (cl.25.2.1) sbot,min =
PASS - Actual bar spacing exceeds minimum allowable

Rectangular section in shear Vu =

Design shear force λ =
Concrete weight modification factor φVc = φs x λ 2 psi x sqr(f'
Concrete shear strength (eqn. φVc = max(Vu -
Reinforcement shear strength (eqn. φVs,max = φs x 8 psi x sqr(min(f'

PASS - Maximum allowable tension reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing

Spacing limits for reinforcement

Top bar clear spacing stop = (b-(2 x (c
Min. allowable top bar clear spacing (cl.25.2.1) stop,min =
Bottom bar clear spacing sbot = (b-(2 x (c
Min. allowable bottom bar clear spacing (cl.25.2.1) sbot,min =
PASS - Actual bar spacing exceeds minimum allowable

Rectangular section in shear

Design shear force vu =
Concrete weight modification factor λ =
Concrete shear strength (eqn. φvc = φs x λ x 2 psi x sqr(f'
Reinforcement shear strength (eqn. φvs = max(vu -
Maximum reinforcement shear strength φvs,max = φs x 8 psi x sqr(min(f'
Area of design shear reinf. required (eqn. Asv,des = φvs / (φs x min(fy, 60000psi
Minimum area of shear reinforcement (Table Asv,min = max(50 psi, 0,75 psi x sqr(
φvc < vu design reinforcement re

Area of shear reinforcement required Asv,req = max(Asv,min, Asv,des) =

Shear reinforcement provided 2 x 8φ legs @ 100 c/c
Area of shear reinforcement provided Asv,prov =
PASS - Area of shear reinforcement provided exceeds area of shear reinforcement requi
Maximum longitudinal spacing (Table Asvl,max = d/2 =
PASS - longitudinal spacing of stirrups is less than the maximum allowable

(wc / 1 lb/ft3)1,5 x 33 psi x (f'c / 1 psi)0,5 = 19400 MPa





min(max(3psi x sqr(f'c / 1 psi), 200 psi) x b x d / f y, As,req) =

m area of reinforcement required

min(max(,85-0,05 x (f'c - 4 ksi) / 1 ksi, 0,65), 0,85) =
As,prov x fy / (0,75 x f'c x b) =

0,003 x (do - c) / max(c, 0,001 in) =

ain in tension controlled zone
min(max(0,65 + (εt - 0,002) x (250 / 3), 0,65), 0,9) =
As,prov x fy (d-a/2) = kNm

sbot + φs1_b_L1 = mm
2/3 x fy = mm
cnom_b + φv =
min(15in x 40000psi / fs - 2,5 x cc, 12in x 40000psi / f s) = mm

eds actual spacing

- 2 x 12φ, Layer 2 - 2 x 12φ
min(max(3 psi x sqr(f'c / 1 psi), 200 psi) x b d / fy, As,req) = mm2

m area of reinforcement required

min(max(0,85 - 0,05 x (f'c - 4 ksi) / 1 ksi, 0,65), 0,85) =

As,prov x fy / (0,85 x f'c x b) =

0,003 x (do - c) / max (c, 0,001 in) =

ain in tension controlled zone
min(max(0,65 + (εt - 0,002) x (250/3), 0,65), 0,9)=
As,prov x fy x (d-a/2) =
Mn x φ f =

sbot + φs1_b_L1 = mm
2/3 x fy = N/mm2
cnom_b + φv = mm
min (15in x 4000psi/fs - 2,5 x cc 12in x 40000psi / fs)= mm

eds actual spacing

(b-(2x(cnom_s + φs1_v) + φs1_t_L1 x Ns1_t_L1)) / (Ns1_t_L1 -1) = mm

(b-(2x(cnom_s + φs1_v) + φs1_b_L1 x Ns1_b_L1)) / (Ns1_b_L1 -1) = mm


φs x λ 2 psi x sqr(f'c / 1 psi) x b x d = kN

max(Vu - φVc, 0 kips) = kN
φs x 8 psi x sqr(min(f'c, 10000 psi) / 1 psi) x b x d = kN

eds actual spacing

(b-(2 x (cnom_s + φs1_v) + φs1_t_L1 x Ns1_t_L1)) / (Ns1_t_L1 - 1) = mm

(b-(2 x (cnom_s + φs1_v) + φs1_t_L1 x Ns1_t_L1)) / (Ns1_t_L1 - 1) = mm


φs x λ x 2 psi x sqr(f'c / 1 psi) x b x d = kN

max(vu - φvc, 0 kips) = kN
φs x 8 psi x sqr(min(f'c, 10000psi) / 1 psi) x b x d = kN
φvs / (φs x min(fy, 60000psi) x d) = mm /m 2

max(50 psi, 0,75 psi x sqr(f'c / 1 psi) x b / min (fy, 60000psi) = mm2/m
design reinforcement required

max(Asv,min, Asv,des) = mm2/m

egs @ 100 c/c
hear reinforcement required
m allowable

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