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physical education

instruction in the development and care of the body ranging from simple calisthenic exercises to a
course of study providing training in hygiene, gymnastics, and the performance and management of
athletic games

Objectives of the Department

The main objective is fostering physical education and the teaching how to implement it in social,
professional, physical and recreational activities.
The goals of the program are:
- optimization of learning techniques; search of new forms and teaching methods, their improvement with
an opportunity of giving comprehensive education and making physical education an efficient factor in
the development of a strong personality and readiness for professional activities;
- development of the Department’s teaching potential by means of extending methodological support of
educational, pedagogic, health and fitness activities; practical implementation of information
technology in process of planning and forming of learning activities;
- research activities at the development of innovative educational technology, which includes available,
secure and effective praxis in the field of health protection, all-round development and individual
- fostering healthy lifestyle as to either a success factor in study and career or a flexible way of primary
preventative measures and health protection.
The objective of “Physical Education” discipline (thematic learning modules: “Physical Education”,
“Applied Physical Education”) is to develop a comprehensive outlook of an individual with a strong civic
position, moral qualities, sense of responsibility, an independent, initiative, tolerant person who is able to
successfully socialize and to use different forms of physical education and sports in daily life to protect
his or her own health and promote effective professional activities.

The purposes of the discipline is:

1. understanding the meaning of physical education for an individual development and improving
general health for professional activity;
2. fostering motivational attitude to the physical education, healthy lifestyle and regular exercising;
3. learning special knowledge, practical skills, which provide health protection, form compensatory
process, correct present health abnormalities, provide mental prosperity, development and
improvement of psychophysical skills, form professional qualities of an individual;
4. body’s adaptation for physical and mental workload and also at the increasing of the capability of
physiological systems as well as raising of the resistance of immune defenses;
5. learning the methodology of formation and taking health exercises independently, the methods of
self-control while exercising, hygiene rules and sound schedule for work and rest;
6. learning how to resist unfavorable factors and working conditions, decreasing fatigue during
professional activities and raising the quality of results.
Physical Education: Concepts and Legal Basis Essay

Like many questions regarding law and legislation, the answers can vary across territories and countries.
In many countries however, Physical Education or ‘P.E’ is compulsory in schools for a few reasons.
Here’s a few of them:

• Improved physical fitness

• Self-discipline
• Strengthened peer relationships
• Improvement of self-esteem and self-confidence

Improved physical fitness will obviously come about after a few hours a week of active, varied exercise.
Introducing physical education at a relatively early age sets a lifelong precedent. A child who partakes
regularly in physical education during their developing years is far more likely to continue to incorporate
an exercise regime into their adult lifestyle.

Self-discipline is an admirable personal trait, and physical education encourages this. Team games and
other sports constrained by rules allow a person’s sense of self discipline to grow, by allowing them to
become accustomed to following a set of regulations. Playing in a team also allows a person to interact in
a friendly and professional way with other people, and encourages selflessness and lending a helping hand
towards others.

Strengthened peer relationships are also another benefit of physical education. Again, working in a team
expands communication skills, respect towards others, and is generally a lot of fun and provides a good
talking point for a group of friends. Friendly competition is also seen as a good factor to have, especially
during the teenage years of a person’s life, and can lead to an aspirational attitude and a desire to do well
later in life.

Improvement of self-esteem and self-confidence are also greatly helped by the participation in physical
education and team games. It can be a great feeling, placing the winning shot in a game of football – or
any other team game – and this can boost a person’s confidence no end. These factors signify that
physical education is very important in a young person’s development, and explains is compulsoriness in
many states in territories.

For example, in Singapore from primary school through to junior college, pupils are required to
participate in physical education for at least two hours a week, and important NAPFA examinations are
taken at the end of each to gauge pupils’ fitness. In the UK, pupils are expected to do two hours a week of
P.E between the ages of 11-14, and one hour a week from 14-16. In Poland, three hours a week are
compulsory for pupils in primary and secondary schools, and even in university, a minimum of sixty
hours per year is required.

So, physical education’s importance is such that it makes it legally compulsory in most cultures, as it
develops character, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and sets a person up for a happy and fruitful adult life.

The United States Department of Education has a legal section dedicated to the explanation of the legal
basis of physical education which can be found in . It is also referred to as the Carol M. White Physical
Education Program and outlines the requirements of the country when it comes to physical education in
schools, which encompasses kindergarten to 12th grade.

• The physical education curriculum in the United States is created to expose the pupils to a wide range of
opportunities as well as various sports and many drills and exercises. Some of them make use of the GPS
and pedometers as well as state of the art machines. Martial arts classes arealso offered to give the
students an experience in self-Defense. However, there is a minimum requirement for all physical
education classes in the US, which means that students should be educated in conditioning
activities, aquatics, team sports, gymnastics, dance, and rhythms. Based on the US legal requirements, the
different states have adopted their own physical education policies for local public schools.
• The benefits of physical education has been proven to help students gain the discipline and knowledge
that they require for a lifetime of physical activity, which is why it's extremely important to immerse them
in vigorous activity at a young age. Childhood obesity has become a national concern, which is why the
government has regulated this aspect through agencies and schools.
• The national health objectives also include the increase of adolescentswho participate in physical
education as well as those who spend a majority of their school PE time being active.

Physical education contributes largely to the overall success of each student in their lifetimes, because
when they learn to value the importance of health and a good diet at an early age, they will take this on
with them to their adult years.


Attitudes and values

Programmes in health and physical education contribute to the well-being of individuals and society by promoting
the attitudes and values listed below.

Through their learning in health and physical education, students will develop a positive and responsible attitude to
their own physical, mental and emotional, social, and spiritual well-being that includes:

 valuing themselves and other people

 a willingness to reflect on beliefs
 the strengthening of integrity, commitment, perseverance, and courage.
They will develop respect for the rights of other people, for example, through:

 acceptance of a range of abilities

 acknowledgment of diverse viewpoints
 tolerance, rangimarie, and open-mindedness.
They will develop care and concern for other people in their community and for the environment through:

 cooperation and awhina

 applying aroha, manaakitanga, care, compassion, and mahi a ngakau
 constructive challenge and competition
 positive involvement and participation.
They will develop a sense of social justice and will demonstrate:

 fairness
 inclusiveness and non-discriminatory practices.
4 types of development

The Four types of Development

 Child Development activities.

 Social Development.
 Physical Development.
 Emotional Development.
 Intellectual/Cognitive. Development.

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