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What are the strengths and

weaknesses of this work of



Github apparently but idk

Sup /lit/ bros!

Two grease-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was
all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had
won the victory over himself.
He loved burgers.

Stark visions imprinted on Mel’s quickening tell him there was an

aquatic existence before the sweat on his tshirt. I love burgers. Better
to be mentally ill if thats what truth means. I love burgers. How many
percocets will it take to forget the heartbreak of the Nuggets losing to
the Jazz in overtime? I love burgers. I love burgers. Mel can’t last no
more like this. I love burgers. He takes a walk now. I love burgers. At
least he had the energy to get dressed. I love burgers. It’s night out. I
love burgers. No neighbors are watching. I love burgers. Im boutta get
some graveyard dirt. I love burgers. Throw it on my boss when he’s not
looking. I love burgers. Mel works at a call center for Acme Co
customer service. I love burgers. One day

Thank you for eating ​burger​s  

The inbound surveillance system manifests crystalline pockets of
verisimilitude into the astral projection of the moon. I love burgers.
There is wisdom to be had in sidewalk paint. I love burgers. Sky divers
only catch it when its too late. I love burgers. To Mel, 33, his last
relationship was a bad dream then. I love burgers. And even now it
seems a worse one deteriorating at the hands of spirits. I love burgers.
Are we all programs of the matrix? I love burgers. I love burgers. It
would seem so. I love burgers. So nauseating are those who point
things out only to never expound on their purpose for pointing said
thing out. I love burgers. Their existence enough should be worthy of
conversation. I love burgers. As in, other people should feel, because
thats what Mel does. I love burgers. Speak without knowing where he’s
going. I love burgers. “What a view.” “Nice view, isn’t it?” “It sure is,”
his Boss says, in Mel’s dreams. I love burgers. Because the moment
never called for melancholy. I love burgers. And recently, nobody has
even come close to that level of connection where it’d even be
appropriate to open up that bottomless pit. I love burgers. Mel’s the
only one he knows who prefers to be lost in the face of structure and
pyramid schemes. I love burgers. And the only one he knows is himself.
I love burgers. I love burgers.

As he woke from this feverish nightmare of burgers and patties,

smelling faintly of mayo, the beeper of his comlog went off. I love
burgers. -”op is a fag” it said in bold, green text. I love burgers.
-”Bloody damn right!” Our round hero bellowed as he took yet another
swig of mountain dew: Code red from the mug beside his now empty

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I love
burgers. I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the burger army,
and I've been involved in numerous burger eating contests at McDonalds, and

Thank you for eating ​burger​s  

I have over 300 confirmed pounds of fat on my body. I love burgers. I am
trained in gorilla consumption and I'm the top sniper in t

Then, I had a flashback. I love burgers. One that takes me way back
into the age of my very conception. I love burgers. Yes, indeed, one
from all the way back then. I love burgers. I was just crawling around,
and there he was, Uncle Bob, he was hugging 10 burgers, yes I know
what you may be thinking, 10!, yes it was indeed 10 and they were all
for himself. I love burgers. He kneeled down in front of me and pulled
out the ketchup from his one of his pockets from his ass, and started to
gurgle it down. I love burgers. He wiped his mouth and then asked,
“Ey! Little fella, what you doing under the bed?! Ha ha ha, come out
and have some red honey!” He snatched me as I tried to crawl away
and started to force me to drink his honey. I love burgers. It made me
sick, I wanted to crawl back into my mother’s womb. I love burgers. I
knew this world wasn’t for me, and that the future would end up being
pure hell. I love burgers. The burger is a lie.

“BURGERS could be here”, I thought, “I ‘ve never been in this place

before. I love burgers. There could be BURGERS anywhere.”The cool
wind felt good against my bare legs. I love burgers. “I HATE
BURGERS”, I thought. I love burgers. The McDondalds “I ‘m lovin
it”jinglee reverberated my entire room, making it pulsate even as Bob’s
ketchup circulated through my stomach and washed away my mertited
fear of fast food beef sandwiches after dark. I love burgers. “With a
fork, you can eat anything you want,” he said to himself, out loud. I
love burgers.
Obesity po Obscenity

Thank you for eating ​burger​s  

What is this place?
I am the burger and I consume, I consume myself, I consume my
immense meaty folds and guzzle the ketchup and mustard which
comes pouring out of them, I consume the two slices of bread which
crush my skull and contort my toes in an effort to make me the perfect
burger. I am the burger, it is all I am now.

Thank you for eating ​burger​s  


EPISODE 1: tfw no NAZBOL domestic terrorist GF

‘Anime girls are cute. Cute!’ Thought a skinny-fat, pasty skinned economics
major as he leered and scrolled though a certain Mongolian basket-weaving
forum on his phone. He sat in the corner of the lecture hall, isolated but

Thank you for eating ​burger​s  

comfortable in the fact that no one was paying attention to him. He was the
kind of ‘man’ that people best avoid, a pseudo NEET who only attended
University so he could continue cashing in on student payments that funded
his degenerate lifestyle. A lifestyle which included; Anime (Subbed only of
course), Video Games and most prominently mindlessly scrolling through a
certain Turkish cultural appreciation forum. Oh, and lots and lots of
masturbation. He was not in contact with his parents, this was due to them
never being close with him at all. If he had any guidance growing up it was
the degenerates that played online multiplayer games on the original X-bone
gaming console.

‘Kill yourself.’
‘You sound like a girl.’
‘Kill yourself!’
‘My Dad works for Nindento, trust me!’
‘Kill. Yourself.’
‘I fucked your mother last night.’

Hearing this input like this every day after school in a boy’s most sensitive
years has its effect. That being a shallow minded, emotionally stunted,
depressive and unmotivated. Naturally a chubby kid with few friends at the
barrel bottom of the high school peaking order had terrible romantic
prospects. Luckily for him (depending on how you look at it), middle aged
Japanese perverts are leading an artistic renaissance, drawing and writing
stories of worlds where every woman is a cock craving whore only lusting
after self-insert MC’s. The Japanese are truly the masters of drawing the
female form and exploring every fetish imaginable, this is probably why they
are going extinct.

Thank you for eating ​burger​s  

A scrunched-up paper ball in thrown at his head from behind him. He stiffens
his spine in surprise, not sure what to do. A moment passes, and he looks over
both his shoulders until he for a split-second locks eyes with a fiery red head,
wearing hot lipstick and a red leather jacket. She has a shit eating grin on her
illustrious face. ‘Fucking whore.’ He thinks to himself and turns back around,
avoiding conflict is in his nature. “Hey bitch, open up that paper.” She
whispers after another moment of lecture punctuated nothingness. This sends
another shock that straightens up his spine. He turns around grimacing only to
see her pointing underneath his seat, he picks up the discarded paper and
opens it.

‘U ME FREN NOW!’ It reads scribbled on the paper. He looks up again and

thinks ‘who the fuck is this crazy dyke bitch?’ only to be greeted once again
by her shit eating grin, she holds up her note book towards him, written in
marker it says, ‘meet me after the lecture.’ Only now he realises that the girl
behind him can see the cock retarded anime girl on his phone screen, he
quickly turns it off. Embarrassed he starts listening in on the actual lecture. He
hasn’t had someone he could call a friend in years, he hardly knows what the
word means anymore.

● He walks out of the lecture hall in a daze, tired from reading the
post-modern masterpiece of the 21st century that is ‘SUBAHIBI’. He
turns back embarrassed, goes back thru the door and takes his seat
again. How embarrassing. The little situations in his head. After this.
The only thought on his. Mind. Is why doesn't the fabric of society
collapse into anarchy, who and how it keeps going. Why not take her
neck into his hands and crush it like a poptart or whatever it is that
they eat America. Tater tots? What the shit is that. Purple drank and
pizza rolls and what ever a Twinkie is. Then he could fuck the

Thank you for eating ​burger​s  

remains. Crudpie Jeep fuck man fuck it like in his poopies peepers
doujinshi and cum like a water hose filled with yoghurt.

Thank you for eating ​burger​s  

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