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RAFT- Four Levels of Explanation

Choose one of the following options to complete a short activity.

Role Audience Format Topic

Biological Level Teenager Persuasive argument I am important!
Basic Level Teenager Analysis or explanation Why you shouldn’t skip me.
Person Level Teenager Journal It’s because of me you’re
Socio-cultural Level Teenager Letter Look how I have rubbed off
on you.


1. Choose one Role from the following 4 options

2. Look along the row, this is your activity
3. You are writing to an Audience of teenagers
4. Your Format is how you will present your task
5. Your Topic is what you will be writing your piece on

E.g. You are writing a persuasive argument from the Biological Level’s perspective, to a bunch of teenagers convincing them why you
(the Biological Level) is important.

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