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Shop Safety

Fire Prevention

Eye Protection
Dress Code
Most accidents are caused by carelessness
and caused by human error
Refrain from getting involved in poor shop behavior
-Disobeying shop rules
-Playing with tools
-Hurrying projects
-Loud talking
Safety Glasses and Proper Clothing
Safety glasses are required in the shop at all times, no exceptions
No open-toed shoes
No loose, baggy, or hanging clothing
No headphones while operating machinery
Pants recommended rather than shorts
Location, Location, Location
Know where the emergency stop buttons are located
Know where the first aid kit is located
Know where exits and fire extinguishers are located
Secure your parts
Whenever working with a machine with a table or hand tool and a vise
Ensure part is secured in table or vise
Vises on a machines table must also be clamped onto the table
Other Important Tips
Operate machinery in the shop alone
Talk or distract someone while they operate a tool
Always have another student or mentor in the shop when
operating machinery
Machine specific safety will be offered in the shop and is
required before operating each piece of machinery

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