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Comments about “what is marketing?

Pulling all together”

Cristian Steven Gomez Mejia

Jose Alberto Dueñas Guarnizo

Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Facultad de Ciencias económicas y administrativas

Comercio internacional y finanzas

Mercadeo Básico Gr-3

To begin with, “So, what is marketing? Pulling it all together” shows us a dynamic mode

to explain, what are the steps that we have to follow to build a correct strategy or way to promote

a new product or service.

In addition, the square makes a focus on the costumer value that is extremely important

because that means the growing of our company. The clients and the product’s quality is

something that the square emphasizes and that’s cool because that are the main things that we

have to work on.

But something is missing in the square that is “adaptability to change”, because being

honest everything change day to day, like a new ways of marketing or trends around the world.

In general terms it is a pretty good explanation about marketing.


Lista de Referencia o Bibliografía

Kotler, P & Armstrong G. (2017) Fundamentos de Marketing. 13 edición. Pearson.

Kotler, P y Keller, K. (2016) Dirección de Marketing. 15 edición. Pearson

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