Historical Background

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Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng

mga Anak ng Bayan ( KKK)

 The most important organization formed in the Philippine history.

● This was the only organization that envisioned:

A united Filipino nation that would revolt against the Spaniards for the total independence of the
country form the Spain.


 Literally means “ASSOCIATION”

 Philippine revolutionary society founded by the Filipino anti-Spanish people in Manila in 1892

 Aimed: primarily to gain independence from Spain through revolution.

 The society was initiated by Filipino patriots Andres Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, Ladislao
Diwa and others on the night of July 7, when Filipino writer Dr.Jose P. Rizal was
sentenced to banish to Dapitan.

 was a secret organization until its discovery in 1896 that led the outbreak of Philippine

 At first, Katipunan was only open for male Filipinos, not later then, women were accepted in the

 has its own publication, “Ang Kalayaan (The Liberty)” that had its first and last print on March

 In planning the revolution, Bonifacio contacted Rizal for its full-pledged support for the
Katipunan in exchange of promising Rizal’s liberty from detainment by rescuing him.

 Katipunan’s existence was revealed to the Spanish authorities after a member named Teodoro
confessed Katipunan’s illegal activities to his sister the mother portress of Mandaluyong

 Seven days after the wrong turn of history, on August 26,1896, Bonifacio and his men tore their
cedulas during the infamous Cry of Balintawak that started Philippine Revolution.

 Katipunan founders Andres Bonifacio, Ladislao Diwa, Teodoro Plata, Darilyo Valino, Rulfo Guia,
Dano Belica, Tiburcio Liamson, and Gabrino Manzanero were all members of La Liga and were
influenced by the nationalistic ideals of the Propaganda Movement in Spain.
 Marcelo H. del Pilar, another leader of the Propaganda Movement in Spain, also influenced the
formation of the Katipunan

 On the night of July 7, 1892, when Rizal was banished and exiled to Dapitan in Mindana,
Andres Bonifacio, a member of the La Liga Filipina, founded the Katipunan in a house in
Tondo, Manila. He was assisted by his two friends, Teodoro Plata and Ladislao Diwa, plus
Valentin Diaz and Deodato Arellano.

(Primer of the Katipunan)

 Born: 15 December 1875, Tondo

 Died: 16 April 1899, Majayjay

 Started in KKK at the age of 18; Died at the age 0f 25 because of Malaria

 Emilio Jacinto y Dizon was a Filipino General during the Philippine Revolution. He was one of
the highest-ranking officer in the Philippine Revolution and was one of the highest-ranking
officers of the revolutionary society Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga
Anak ng Bayan, or simply and more popularly called Katipunan, being a member of its
Supreme Council.

 He was elected Secretary of State for the Haring Bayang Katagalugan, a revolutionary
government established during the outbreak of hostilities.

 He is popularly known in Philippine history textbooks as the Brains of the Katipunan while
some contend he should be rightfully recognized as the "Brains of the Revolution". Jacinto
was present in the so-called Cry of Pugad Lawin with Andrés Bonifacio, the Supreme President
of the Katipunan, and others of its members which signaled the start of the Revolution against
the Spanish colonial government in the islands.


Jim Richardson is an independent scholar whose research focuses on Philippine nationalism and
radicalism in the 19th and 20th centuries.

His publications include Roots of Dependency: Political and Economic Revolution in 19th
Century Philippines (co-authored with Jonathan Fast); The Philippines (World Bibliographical Series);
Komunista: The Genesis of the Philippine Communist Party, 1902-1935; and The Light of Liberty:
Documents and Studies on the Katipunan, 1892-1897. He lives in London

The Kartilya can be treated as the Katipunan’s code of conduct. It contains fourteen (14) rules that
instruct the way a Katipunero should behave, and which specific values should be uphold. Generally,
the rules stated in the Kartilya can be classified into two. The first group contains the rules that will
make the member an upright individual and the second group contains the rules that will guide the
way he treats his fellow men.

Below is the translated version of the rules in Kartilya:

I. The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree without a shade, if not a
poisonous weed.

II. To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is

not virtue.

III. It is rational to be charitable and love one’s fellow

creature, and to adjust one’s conduct, acts and words

to what is in itself reasonable.

IV. Whether our skinbe black or white, we are all born

equal: superiority in knowledge, wealth and beauty

are to be understood, but not superiority by nature.

V. The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain; the

scoundrel, gain to honor.

VI. To the honorable man, his word is sacred.

VII. Do not waste thy time: welth can be recovered but not

time lost.

VIII. Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before

the law or in the field.

IX. The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in

keeping secrets.

X. On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman

and the children, and if the guide leads to the

precipie, those whom he guides will also go there.

XI. Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything,

but as a faithful companion who will share with thee

the penalties of life; her (physical) weakness will

increase thy interest in her ad she will remind thee of

the mother who bore thee and reared thee.

XII. What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children,

brothers and sisters, that do not unto the wife, children,

brothers and sisters of thy neighbor.

XIII. Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his

nose is aquiline, and his color white, not because he is a

priest, a servant of God, nor because of the high

prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth most

who is a man of proven and real value, who does good,

keep his words, is worthy and honest; he who does not

oppress nor consent to being oppressed, he who loves and

cherishes his fatherland, though he be born in the

wilderness and know no tongue but his own.

XIV. When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the

longed-for sun of Liberty shall rise brilliant over this most

unhappy portion of the globe and its rays shall diffuse

everlasting joy among the confederated brethren of the same

rays, the lives of those who have gone before, the fatigues

and well-paid sufferings will remain. If he who desires to

enter has informed himself of all this and believes he will be able to

perform what will be his duties, he may fill out the application for


Analysis of the Kartilya ng Katipunan

1. The first tenet highlights the importance of living a

purpose-driven life. A Katipunero who does not have a

purpose lives a useless life.

2. The second rule is all about doing the right thing. A

deed carried out for the sake of fame is not worthy of


3. The third tenet shows what kindness really means. True

act of kindness for a Katipunero is in the love and

service he render to other people and not the other way


4. The fourth tenet highlights equality. Every Katipuneros

are treated equally no matter what race or educational

background he is.
5. The fifth shows what honor should mean for a Katipunero

values honor more than his personal interest.

6. The sixth tenet is all about being a man of word. A

Katipunero who has a sense of shame must be a man

of his word.

7. The seventh rule gives importance to time. A

Katipunero must give importance to time. For the Katipunan,

a time that is lost will never be back.

8. The eighth tenet is all about fighting for what is right. A

Katipunero must protect the weak and fight those who

oppress the weak.

9. The ninth tenet highlights the importance of trust. A

Katipunero is careful with what he says and keeps the things

that must be kept secret.

10. The tenth principle is all about being able to lead a family. A

Katipunero must lead his family to the right path. If the

leader is consumed by evil, so does his followers.

11. The eleventh principle is all about women. A

Katipunero must give importance to a woman. He

must not see her as object, nor a past time. That

whenever a Katipunero sees a woman, he will

remember his mother who nurturedhim.

12. The twelfth principle gives importance to every actions

that one has to make. A Katipunero must not do the

things that he does not want to be done to him or to

his family.

13. The thirteenth principle is about having the right

character. A Katipunero’s life is not measured by what

is his status in life nor with the things that he possess.

Instead, it is in his character and his love for the native


14. The last tenet shows a glimpse of what the author

desire. It shows the sense of hopefulness for the

motherland and that all the sacrifices made is not all

for nought. And while we have different interpretation

with what was intended by Bonifacio, there is one

thing that everyone can agree on:

Kartilya ng Katipunan was meant to guide us in living our everyday life its fullest. More importantly, it
highlights the importance of having the right attitude towards other people.

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