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Vocabulary: chapter 1, 8 and 9

Cristian Steven Gomez Mejia

Jose Alberto Dueñas Guarnizo

Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Facultad de Ciencias económicas y administrativas

Comercio internacional y finanzas

Mercadeo Básico Gr-3

● Backed adj: respaldado

Example: when a company make a new product they are backed with ads or social networks

● Desire noun: deseo o ganas

transitive verb: desear

Example: Companies have to work on the people desires to satisfy their needs and wants

● Unsought adj: no solicitado

no pedido
no buscado
no deseado

Example: the products that the people don’t look for are called unsought products.

● Well-being noun: bienestar

Example: The enterprise is responsible for the care and well-being of their clients

● Intrapreneur noun: Emprendedor

Example: everybody has to be an intrapreneur in their lifes.

● Meaningful adj: significativo


Example: if you are going to do a speech you have to make a meaningful speech to
impact the audience

1. Lista de Referencia o Bibliografía

Kotler, P & Armstrong G. (2017) Fundamentos de Marketing. 13 edición. Pearson.

Kotler, P y Keller, K. (2016) Dirección de Marketing. 15 edición. Pearson

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