Digsilent Powerfactory: Technical Reference Documentation

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DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Technical Reference Documentation

Overhead Line Models

TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow

Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 9
72810 - Gomaringen

T: +49 7072 9168 00

F: +49 7072 9168 88


Copyright ©2011, DIgSILENT GmbH. Copyright of this document belongs to DIgSILENT GmbH.
No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form, by any means
electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of DIgSILENT GmbH.

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 1



1 Introduction 4

2 Equivalent Circuit for Lumped Parameters 5

3 Single-Phase Line 6

4 Two-Phase Line 7

5 Three-Phase Lines 8

6 Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductor 9

6.1 Data Conversion for the 4-Wire model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

6.1.1 Measurement between phase A and phase B wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

6.1.2 Measurement between neutral and PE (earth) wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

6.1.3 Measurement between phase and PE (earth) wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

6.1.4 Measurement between phase and neutral wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

6.1.5 Data conversion without N-PE measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

7 Distributed Parameters Model 14

7.1 General Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

8 Models for EMT Simulations 17

8.1 Lumped Parameters Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

8.2 Distributed Parameters Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

8.2.1 Bergerons Method for Solution in the Time-Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

8.2.2 Constant Parameter Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

8.2.3 Frequency Dependent Parameter Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

8.2.4 Diagonalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

A Parameter Definitions 26

B References 29

List of Figures 30

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 2


List of Tables 31

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 3

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

This document describes the simulation models of transmission lines available in PowerFactory.

The available models represent DC and AC lines for all possible phase technologies (3-phase,
2-phase and 1-phase; with/without a neutral conductor and ground wires) for both single- and
mutually coupled parallel circuits. Table 1.1 shows an overview of all supported options and the
corresponding element/type combinations.

Table 1.1: Overview of line models as available in PowerFactory

System Phase Technology Element Type

DC Unipolar ElmLne TypLne
AC, 1-ph ElmLne TypLne
2-ph ElmLne TypLne
3-ph ElmLne TypLne, TypTow,
1-ph with neutral ElmLne TypLne
2-ph with neutral ElmLne TypLne
3-ph with neutral ElmLne TypLne
AC, mutually Any combination of ElmTow TypTow, TypGeo
coupled cir- phase technologies

The line element ElmLne in PowerFactory is the constituent element of transmission lines. When
referring to a type, the line element can be used to define single-circuit lines of any phase
technology according to Table 1.1. In addition, the element parameter Number of Parallel Lines
allows the representation of parallel lines without mutual coupling.

If the mutual coupling between parallel lines is to be considered, then a line coupling element
ElmTow has to be defined. In this case, the line element ElmLne points to a line coupling ele-
ment ElmTow which in turns refers to the corresponding tower type (TypTow) or tower geometry
type (TypGeo).

PowerFactory further distinguishes between constant and frequency dependent parameter mod-
els. Models based on tower geometry types (TypTow or TypGeo) use frequency dependent
parameters. This means that the electrical parameters of the line per unit length are calculated
from the mechanical characteristics of the tower and the conductors accounting for skin effect,
the frequency dependent earth-return path of the line, etc. These types should be selected for
use in simulations where a wide range of frequencies is involved or frequencies other than the
nominal system frequency. For further information about the calculation of the per unit length
parameters, please refer to [1].

Models based on line types (TypLne) are by default not frequency dependent. The user enters
the electrical parameters per unit length of the line at system frequency. These parameters
remain unchanged; if the frequency of the simulation changes, i.e. differs from the system
frequency, then the program will adjust the reactance and susceptance of the line according to
the new frequency but the inductances and capacitances will remain unchanged. For certain
calculations (i.e. harmonic load flow, frequency sweep) the user still has the option to assign
a frequency characteristic to the parameters in the line type. Further details pertaining to input
parameters for the different phase technologies (3-phase, 2-phase, 1-phase, w/o neutral) and
frequency characteristics are discussed in the following sections.

For three-phase lines (either single or multiple parallel circuits), the user can choose between

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 4

2 Equivalent Circuit for Lumped Parameters

lumped or distributed parameters. For long transmission lines the distributed parameter model
is preferred as it gives highly accurate results, while the lumped parameter model provides
sufficient results for short lines. The details of the different models are discussed in the following

2 Equivalent Circuit for

Z Lumped Parameters
Is Ir
Figure 2.1 shows the equivalent PI-circuit used by PowerFactory to represent AC transmis-
sion lines withUlumped
Y The subscripts
Y s and r U
the sending and receiving
ends of the line, respectively. The general formulation discussed in this section is valid for any
phase technology by appropriate2 dimensioning2 of the impedance and admittance matrices, even
though the formulation presented here is based on a 3-phase line with no neutral conductor.

I s,A IA Zs I r ,A
U s ,A U r ,A
Ym Zm Ym
Zs Zm
2 IB
U s ,B 2 U r ,B
Zs Zm
U s ,C U r ,C
∆I s ,A ∆I r , A
Ys Ys
2 2

Figure 2.1: Equivalent PI-circuitZofs the line for lumped parameters

Ym Ym
The equations of the voltages and currents
2 at the sending2and receiving ends of the line are
formulated in terms of impedance and admittance matrices. The dimension of the matrices
Z s voltage drop along the line is given by the
depends on the phase technology. The longitudinal
impedance matrix in the following form:
Ys Ys
2 U r,A Z m2 Z m
         
U s,A ∆U A Zs IA
 U s,B  −  U r,B  =  ∆U B  =  Z m Zs Zm  ·  IB  (1)
U s,C U r,C ∆U C Zm Zm Zs IC

According to the sign convention assumed in Figure 2.1, the current at the sending end of the
line is calculated in terms of the admittance matrix as follows:

Is        Ir     
I s,A ∆I s,A IA Ys Ym Ym U s,A IA
 I s,B  =  ∆I s,B  +  I B  =  Y m Ys Y m  ·  U s,B  +  I B  (2)
I s,C ∆I s,C IC Ym Ym Ys U s,C IC
Jr Js

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 5

3 Single-Phase Line

Similarly, the current at the receiving end of the line is given by:

           
I r,A ∆I r,A IA Ys Ym Ym U r,A IA
 I r,B  =  ∆I r,B  −  I B  =  Y m Ys Y m  ·  U r,B  −  I B  (3)
I r,C ∆I r,C IC Ym Ym Ys U r,C IC

Equations (1), (2) and (3) completely define the PI-model of the line for lumped parameters.
The impedance and admittance matrices:

   
Zs Zm Zm Ys Ym Ym
[Z ABC ] =  Z m Zs Zm  [Y ABC ] =  Y m Ys Ym  (4)
Zm Zm Zs Ym Ym Ys

are the so called natural impedance and admittance matrices of the line after reduction of earth
wires (if any).

Note that Y s represents the sum of all admittances connected to the corresponding phase, while
Y m is the negative value of the admittance between two phases. Similarly, Y p is the sum of all
admittances connected to the neutral conductor and Y pn is the negative value of the admittance
between the neutral and the phase conductors.

The PI-circuit described here is the general formulation of the line model with lumped parame-
ters in PowerFactory . The following sections discuss the application of the model to the different
phase technologies (3-,2-,1-ph, w/o neutral conductors) and the required user-defined parame-
ters in each case.

3 Single-Phase Line

The equivalent circuit in Figure 2.1 can be reduced to the PI-circuit in Figure 3.1 for the single-
phase line.

Is Ir

Us Y Y Ur
2 2

Figure 3.1: Lumped parameter model for a single-phase AC line

I s,A IA Zs I r ,A
U s ,A U r ,A
The impedance and admittance Y m parame-
of the equivalent circuit are calculated from the input
ters defined in the line type (TypLne) according to the following Z m
2 IB
U s ,B 2 U r ,B
Zs Zm
Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 6
U s ,C U r ,C
∆I s ,A ∆I r , A
4 Two-Phase Line

 0 0

Z = Z1 · l = R1 + jωL1 · l
 0 0

Y = Y1 · l = G1 + jωC1 · l (5)
0 0
G1 = B1 · tgδ1

0 0 0 0
where l is the length of the line in [km], and R1 ,L1 , G1 and C1 are the line parameters per
length unit. Note that the conductance G1 can be defined in terms of the insulation factor tgδ.
The reader is referred to Table A.1 for the complete list of input parameters.
The currents and voltages on both sides of the line in Figure 3.1 Iare related by the following
equation: s

Us Y 
Ur r
= · (6)
2 Is 2 D
C −Ir

where the ABCD parameters of the equivalent PI-circuit are:

0 0
A = 1 + 21 ZZ·sY · l2
I s,A IA I r ,A
U s ,A 0 U r ,A
B =Z ·l
Ym Zm Ym
Z s Zm  (7)
2 IB 0 00 2

U s ,B C =Y ·l· 1+ Z ·Y ·l
2 U r ,B
D I=C A Zs Zm
U s ,C U r ,C
∆I s ,A ∆I r , A
4 Two-Phase Line
Ys Ys
From Figure 2.1, the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2
4.1 can be now deduced for the 2-phase
line model.


Ym Ym
2 2

Ys Ys
2 2

Figure 4.1: Equivalent circuit of the two-phase line model

Is Ir
The self- and mutual impedances and admittances of the equivalent circuit:

U s Line
Overhead Y Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) YC Ur 7
C Jr Js
5 Three-Phase Lines

Zs Zm Ys Ym
[Z ab ] = [Y ab ] = (8)
Zm Zs Ym Ys

are calculated from the input parameters defined in the line type (TypLne). The input parameters
- positive and zero sequence components - are converted to the impedances and admittances
in (8) via the following transformation:

  1 1  −1  t 1 1
T S2ph = T S2ph = T S2ph =
1 −1 1 −1

[Z 01 ] = [TS2ph ] × [Z ab ] × [TS2ph ]

Thus the self and mutual impedances and admittances in (8) are related to the input parameters
Z 1 , Z 0 , Y 1 and Y 0 as follows:

Z0 0 Zs + Zg 0
[Z 01 ] = =
0 Z1 0 Zs − Zg

Y0 0 Ys+Yg 0
[Y 01 ] = =
0 Y1 0 Ys−Yg

5 Three-Phase Lines

The equivalent circuit of the three-phase line is shown in Figure 5.1. The self- and mutual
impedances and admittances are given by:

   
Zs Zm Zm Ys Ym Ym
[Z abc ] =  Z m Zs Zm  [Y abc ] =  Y m Ys Ym  (9)
Zm Zm Zs Ym Ym Ys

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 8

R0 R0

6 Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductor


Ym Zm Ym
Zs Zm
2 2

Zs Zm

Ys Ys
2 2

Figure 5.1: Equivalent circuit of the three-phase line

The input parameters in the line type (TypLne) are defined in terms of positive and zero se-
quence impedances and admittances Z 1 , Y 1 , Z 0 and Y 0 . The negative sequence is assumed
to be equal to the positive sequence.

The conversion from the sequence components into the natural components in (9) is done via
the complex transformation matrix [Ts ] as follows:

   
1 1 1 1 1 1
−1 1
[T S ] =  1 a2 a  → [T S ] =  1 a a2  (10)
1 a a2 1 a2 a

[Z 012 ] = [TS ] × [Z abc ] × [TS ]

   
Z0 0 0 Z s + 2Z m 0 0
[Z 012 ] =  0 Z1 0 = 0 Zs − Zm 0 
0 0 Z2 0 0 Zs − Zm

   
Y0 0 0 Y s + 2Y m 0 0
[Y 012 ] =  0 Y1 0 = 0 Ys−Ym 0 
0 0 Y2 0 0 Ys−Ym

6 Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductor

Figure 6.1 shows the equivalent circuit of the 3-phase line with neutral conductor. The voltages
and the currents at both ends of the line are related by the impedance and admittance matrices:

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 9

6 Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductor

   
Zs Zm Zm Z pn Ys Ym Ym Y pn
 Zm Zs Zm Z pn   Ym Ys Ym Y pn 
[Z abcn ] = 
 Zm
 [Y abcn ] =   (11)
Zm Zs Z pn   Ym Ym Ys Y pn 
Z pn Z pn Z pn Zn Y pn Y pn Y pn Yn

Zm Zs Zm
Zs Zm
Z pn


Figure 6.1: Equivalent circuit for the 3-phase line with neutral conductor

i s (t ) of the model are the positive and zero sequence impedances Z 1 , Z 0 .

The input parameters i r (t )
The positive and zero sequence C1 R1
C1 admittance,
R1 Y 1 and Y 0 , the self- and mutual impedance Z n ,
Z pn and the admittance for the neutral conductor Y p , Y pn are as listed in Table A.1 of §9 (input
parameters of the line type TypLne).

The values Z n , Z pn , Y p and Y pn of the neutral conductor

j r (t )can be directly C2 The self-R2
j s (t ) used in (11).
us (t ) of theC2phase conductors
and mutual impedance
are calculated as follows: u r (t )

1 1
Z s = · (Z 0 + 2 · Z 1 ) Ys = · (Y 0 + 2 · Y 1 ) Cn (12)Rn
Cn Rn 3

1 1
Zm = · (Z 0R0
− Z 1) Ym = · (Y 0 − Y 1 ) R0
3 3

or can be resolved in terms of the sequence magnitudes:

Z 1 = (Z s − Z m ) Y 1 = (Y s − Y m ) (14)

Z 0 = (Z s + 2 · Z m ) Y 0 = (Y s + 2 · Y m ) (15)

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 10

6 Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductor

6.1 Data Conversion for the 4-Wire model

The self- and mutual impedances and admittances are not always available in the format re-
quired by the line type (TypLne). The following subsections guide the reader on how to convert
commonly available measurement data into the required input parameters.

6.1.1 Measurement between phase A and phase B wire

A Ia A 1/3I

B Ib I B 1/3I

C C 1/3I


Figure 6.2: Phase to phase measurement loop

A A 1/3I
As per the impedance matrix in (11):
B I B 1/3I
     
Ua Zs Zm Zm Z pn Ia
 Ub   C Z
  m Zs Zm Z pn   Ib  C 1/3I
 U c  =  Zm Zm
    (16)
Zs Z pn   I c 
Un NZ pn InZ pn Z pn Zn In N In

thus: Un PE U Un PE
U a = Zs · Ia + Zm · Ib
U b = Zm · Ia + Zs · Ib

According to the measurement in Figure 6.2:

I a = (−I b )
Ua − Ub = 2Ia · (Z s − Z m )
I(x,t) R´ L´
the positive sequence impedance can be derived as follows:

1 Ua − Ub ∆I
Z 1 = R1 + jX1 = (17)
2 V(x,t)

G´ C

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 11

C C 1/3

6 Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductor

6.1.2 Measurement between neutral and PE (earth) wire

A A 1/3

B I B 1/3

C C 1/3

N In N In


Figure 6.3: Neutral to ground measurement loop

Again from (16) now with Ia=Ib=Ic=0:

Un = Z n · I n
I(x,t) R´ L´

Zn = (18) ∆I
Note that Z n represents the impedance of the neutral conductor, Z N eutral , plus the impedance
of the earth-return path, Z earth .

6.1.3 Measurement between phase and PE (earth) wire

A 1/3I
I B 1/3I
C 1/3I


Figure 6.4: Phase – PE (earth wire) measurement

A 1/3I
From 16 with In = 0
I 1 1/3I
U =B (Z · I + Z m · I + Z m · I)
3 s
C 1/3I
Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo,
N InTypTow) 12

6 Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductor

A 1/3I  
U= I · Z0
I B 1/3I
the zero-sequence impedance is:
C 1/3I
N Z0 = (19)
6.1.4 Measurement between phase and neutral wire

A 1/3I

I B 1/3I

C 1/3I

N In


Figure 6.5: Phase – neutral measurement

From (16):
∆V 1
U= (Z · I + Z m · I + Z m · I) + Z pn · I n
3 s
I(x,t) R´ L´ 1
U n = · I · Z pn + Z pn + Z pnI(x+∆x,t)

+ Zn · In

With I n = −I: ∆I
V(x,t) U= (Z · I + Z m · I + Z m · I) − Z pn · I
3 s
U n = · I · Z pn + Z pn + Z pn −V(x+∆x,t)
Zn · I
G´ C´
And according to 12 and 13:
U= Z · I − Z pn · I
3 0

U n = I · Z pn − Z n
x Subtracting these equations: x+∆x
3 (U − U n )
Z 0,P H−N = = Z 0 − 6 · Z pn + 3 · Z n

Z 0,P H−N is commonly referred to as the zero-sequence impedance between with return over
the neutral conductor. With Z n given by (18) the mutual impedance between phase and neutral
conductors is:

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 13

7 Distributed Parameters Model

Z 0 + 3 · Z n − Z 0,P H−N
Z pn = (20)

6.1.5 Data conversion without N-PE measurement

If the measurement between the neutral and the PE (earth) wire does not exist the following
simplification can be made:

Phase-neutral loop:
Z 0,P H−N = Z 1 + 3 · Z N eutral (21)

Phase-ground loop:
Z 0 = Z 1 + 3 · Z Earth (22)

Thus the neutral-earth loop impedance:

Z N −E = Z N eutral + Z Earth

Z 0,P H−N + Z 0 − 2 · Z 1
Z N −E = Z n = (23)

And the phase-neutral mutual impedance:

Z0 − Z1
Z pn = (24)

7 Distributed Parameters Model

In addition to the lumped parameter models described in previous sections, PowerFactory also
supports distributed parameters models for 3-phase line circuits. This kind of model accounts
for the distributed nature of the line parameters and should therefore be the preferred option
for the modeling of long lines. For short lines, the lumped parameter models discussed in the
previous sections should provide sufficiently accurate solutions.

A line is considered to be long when its physical length is of the same order of magnitude as
the length of wave of the voltage/current at the frequency under consideration (eg. system
frequency for the load flow calculation). Note that for increasing frequencies, and hence for
example for harmonic load flow calculations, the higher the frequency the lower the length of
wave, so that even a physically short line may need to be treated as a long line, and therefore
be represented using distributed parameters.

To select a distributed parameter model the user has to tick the corresponding model option on
the Basic Data page of the line element (ElmLne) or line coupling (ElmTow).

7.1 General Formulation

Equations (25) and (26) describe the incremental transmission line model in the frequency do-
main of an elemental length ∆x depicted in Figure 7.1.

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 14

A A 1/3I
7 Distributed Parameters Model
B I B 1/3I

C C 1/3I

N In ∂ In
V = I(x) · ZN0 (25)

I = V (x) · Y 0 (26)


I(x,t) R´ L´ I(x+∆x,t)


G´ C´

x x+∆x

Figure 7.1: Incremental model for a line of elemental length

After taking the second derivatives of (25) and (26) with respect to x and rearranging the equa-
tions to separate the voltage from the current magnitudes, the system of differential equations
can be rewritten as:

∂x2 V = Z 0 · Y 0 · V (x)
∂2 0 0
∂x2 I = Z · Y · I(x)

The general solution is of the form:

U (x) = K1 · eγ·x + K2 · e−γ·x

ZC · I(x) = −K1 · eγ·x + K2 · e−γ·x

with r
ZC = (29)

γ= Z 0 · Y 0 = α + jβ (30)

Both the surge (or characteristic) impedance ZC and the propagation factor γ are frequency-
dependent and uniquely characterize the behavior of the transmission line. Further details
regarding the derivation of these equations can be found in [1], [2].

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 15

7 Distributed Parameters Model

The integration constants K1 and K2 in (28) are determined from the border conditions at either
the receiving or the sending end of the line. According the sign convention in Figure 7.2, the
particular solution of (28) results:

Vr cosh γ · l −ZC · sinh γ · l A B Vs
= 1 = · (31)
Ir ZC · sinh γ · l − cosh γ · l C D Is

and therefore the impedance and admittance of the equivalent circuit are:
sinh γ·l
Z = ZC · sinh γ · l = Z 0 · l · γ·l
cosh γ·l−1 tanh( γ·l
2 )
Y = ZC ·sinh γ·l = 1
2 ·Y0·l· γ·l

Is Ir

Us Y Y Ur
2 2

Figure 7.2: Equivalent pi-circuit

I s,A for the line with Z s parameters in frequency domain
I distributed A I r ,A
U s ,A U r ,A
Ym Y m as both the
It should be noted that Z and Y in Figure 7.2 areZfrequency-dependent
m Zm parameters
surge impedance ZC and the I Z s
2 propagation factorB γ are a function of the frequency.
U s ,B 2 U r ,B
Series expansion
Zs Zm
The lumped parameter model described by equations (7) in §3 is a simplified model of the
U s ,C U r ,C
distributed parameters model. Taking a series expansion of the hyperbolic functions in (32)
gives: ∆I s ,A ∆I r , A
1 1 1
cosh ϑ = 1 + · ϑ2 + · ϑ4 + · ϑ6 + . . .
2 Ys
24 720 Y s

2 2
sinh ϑ 1 1 1
= 1 + · ϑ2 + · ϑ4 + · ϑ6 + . . .
ϑ 6 120 5040

Using ϑ = γ · l = Z 0 · Y 0 · l A and B in (31) can be expanded as follows:
1 1 2
A = cosh γ · l = 1 + · Z 0 · Y 0 · l2 + · (Z 0 · Y 0 ) · l4 + . . .
2 Ym 24 Ym
   2 2 
sinh γ · l 1 1 2
B = Z0 · l · = Z 0 · l · 1 + · Z 0 · Y 0 · l2 + · (Z 0 · Y 0 ) · l4 + . . .
γ·l 6 Z s 120

Ys Ys
Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo,
2 TypTow) 2 16
8 Models for EMT Simulations

Considering up to the second order terms, equations (32) of the distributed parameter model
go into equations (5) of the lumped parameter model:

Z = B = Z 0 · l = R0 · l + jω · L0 · l

A−1 1+ 1
· Z 0 · Y 0 · l2 1 1
Y = = 2
= · Y 0 · l = · (G0 · l + jω · C 0 · l)
B Z0 · l 2 2

The accuracy of the lumped model depends then on the weight of truncated terms in the series
expansion, which in turns depends on the factor f · l (frequency x length). For overhead lines
with a length less than 250km and at system frequency, this approximation is sufficient and the
error is negligible. For longer lines or higher frequencies, a distributed parameter model will
provide a more accurate solution.

Longer lines can be alternatively modeled by cascading line sections. In general, the longer the
line or the higher the frequency, the more line sections are required in order to obtain the same
accuracy. Increasing the number of line sections to infinity will turn the lumped parameter model
into the distributed parameters model discussed previously.

8 Models for EMT Simulations

The models described in the previous sections are defined in the frequency domain and used
by PowerFactory in all steady-state calculations such as load flow, short-circuit, harmonic load
flow, frequency sweep, and the electromechanical (RMS) simulation.

This section introduces the models used in the electromagnetic transients (EMT) simulation.
These models are obtained by conversion of the frequency-domain models into time-domain

8.1 Lumped Parameters Model

The lumped parameters model discussed in §2 can be directly used in EMT simulations by re-
placing the jω operator by d/dt and thus the impedances and admittances by the corresponding
inductances and susceptances.

For the pi equivalent circuit in Figure 2.1, equations (1), (2) and (3) then become:

     
us,A ur,A ∆uA
 us,B  −  ur,B  =  ∆uB  =
us,C ur,C ∆uC
       
Rs Rm Rm iA Ls Lm Lm iA
 Rm Rs Rm  ·  iB  +  Lm Ls Lm  ·  iB  (33)
Rm Rm Rs iC Lm Lm Ls iC

         
∆is,A Gs Gm Gm us,A Cs Cm Cm us,A
1 d
 ∆is,B  =  Gm Gs Gm  ·  us,B  +  Cm Cs Cm  ·  us,B 
2 dx
∆is,C Gm Gm Gs us,C Cm Cm Cs us,C

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 17

8 Models for EMT Simulations

         
∆ir,A Gs Gm Gm ur,A Cs Cm Cm ur,A
1 d
 ∆ir,B  =  Gm Gs Gm  ·  ur,B  +  Cm Cs Cm  ·  ur,B 
2 dx
∆ir,C Gm Gm Gs ur,C Cm Cm Cs ur,C

8.2 Distributed Parameters Model

The distributed parameters model cannot be directly used for EMT simulations because the
elements of the equivalent circuit are a function of the frequency, as shown in equations (32).
To make the model usable for EMT simulations, further assumptions have to be made. The
resulting models available for distributed parameters are described further below.

The EMT models of distributed parameter lines are based on Bergerons method for solution in
time domain. The following options are supported:

• Constant parameter model

• Frequency-dependent parameter model

These options and their associated settings can be found on the EMT page of the line element
(ElmLne) and the line coupling (ElmTow) element.

8.2.1 Bergerons Method for Solution in the Time-Domain

Considering the border conditions depicted in Figure 7.2, Equation (28) can be written as:

Us − Is · ZC Us − Is · ZC
Ur = · eγ·l + · e−γ·l (36)
2 2

Us − Is · ZC Us + Is · ZC
ZC · Ir = · eγ·l − · e−γ·l (37)
2 2

and subtracting 37 from 36:

Ur − ZC · Ir = (Us + ZC · Is ) · e−γ·l (38)

or rewritten as  
Ur Us
Ir = − Is + · e−γ·l (39)

The expression U + Zc · I of the border condition at the sending end s is the same at the
receiving end r after multiplication with the propagation factor e−γ·l .

Repeating the same procedure but setting now the initial conditions at node r and then traveling
with the wave from node r to node s, we obtain:

Us − ZC · Is = (Ur + ZC · Ir ) · e−γ·l (40)

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 18

U s ,C Zm U r ,C
∆I s ,A ∆I r , A
U s ,C U r ,C
∆I s ,A Ys Ys
∆I r , A
8 Models for EMT Simulations 2 2
Ys Ys
2 2
or rewritten as  
Us Ur
Is = − Ir + · e−γ·l Z s (41)

Y m define Bergeron’s equations

Equations (38) and (40), or equations (39) and (41), Ym in the fre-
ZZs m
quency domain. The method models the line using2controlled current sources2 J with parallel
admittances YC at both ends as shown in Figure 8.1 or alternatively, using controlled voltage
Y m 8.2, where
source V in series with the impedance ZC as in Figure Zs Ym
2 2
Ys Ur

Jr = Ir + · e−γl (42)
2 ZC Zs 2
Vr = (Ur + Ir · ZC ) · e−γl
Ys (43)
2 2

Is Ir

Is Jr Js Ir

Jr Js
Figure 8.1: Bergeron’s method. Equivalent circuit with controlled current sources

Us Vr Vs Ur

Us Vr Vs Ur

Figure 8.2: Bergeron’s method. Equivalent circuit with controlled voltage sources

The inverse Fourier transform converts the set of equations into the time domain:

us (t) = F −1 ZC · Is + (Ur + ZC · Ir ) · e−γ·l


ur (t) = F −1 ZC · Ir + (Us + ZC · Is ) · e−γ·l


Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 19

8 Models for EMT Simulations

or rewritten    
Us Ur
is (t) = F −1 − Ir + · e−γ·l (46)
Zc Zc

−1 Ur Us −γ·l
ir (t) = F − Is + ·e (47)
Zc Zc

where both the characteristic impedance:

R0 + jω · L0
ZC = ZC (ω) = (48)
G0 + jω · C 0

and the propagation constant:

γ = γ(ω) = α(ω) + jβ(ω) = (R0 + jω · L0 ) · (G0 + jω · C 0 ) (49)

are frequency dependent, even for constant per unit-length line parameters R’, L’, G’ and C’.

8.2.2 Constant Parameter Model

The constant distributed parameter model in PowerFactory is based on Bergeron’s method,

which calculates the voltages and currents at one end of the line based on the voltage and
current at the other end delayed in time (i.e. the history term). Specifically, PowerFactory uses
the lossy constant distributed parameter model described in [2]. This model is valid for lossy
lines with a series resistance, R0 , and a negligible shunt conductance. These kinds of lines can
then be modeled as single or multiple sections of lossless lines with resistances lumped in three
places: R/4 at both ends of the line, and R/2 in the middle [2]. This model provides sufficient
accuracy only if R/4 << Z, and hence should not be used for lines with very high resistance.
PowerFactory emits an error when R/4 > Z, and a warning when R/4 > 0.05 · Z.

The surge impedance is no longer calculated according to (48), but instead as:

ZC = (50)
being real and constant. The damping coefficient α = 0, and hence from (49)

γ = jβ = jω L0 · C 0 (51)

The propagation velocity is the same regardless of frequency and it is given by:
ω 1
v= =√ (52)
β L · C0

so that we can define a travel time (frequency independent) as:

l √
τ= = l · L0 · C 0 (53)

In terms of travel time, the propagation constant can be rewritten as:

γ · l = jβ · l = jω L0 · C 0 · l = jω · τ (54)

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 20

8 Models for EMT Simulations

and after simplifications we can rewrite (44) and (45) as:

Us = ZC · Is + Vr
Ur = ZC · Ir + Vs

Vr = (Ur + ZC · Ir ) · e−jω·τ
Vs = (Us + ZC · Is ) · e−jω·τ

The inverse Fourier transform of the phase shift e−jω·τ in the frequency domain becomes a time
delay τ in the time domain and the set of equations (55) and (56) transforms to:

us (t) = ZC · is (t) + us (t − τ )
ur (t) = ZC · ir (t) + ur (t − τ )

where the history terms are defined as:

us (t − τ ) = ur (t − τ ) + ZC · ir (t − τ )
ur (t − τ ) = us (t − τ ) + ZC · is (t − τ )

This can be reformulated in terms of current sources:

us (t)
is (t) = ZC + is (t − τ )
ur (t)
ir (t) = ZC + ir (t − τ )

where the history terms are defined as:

is (t − τ ) = − ur Z
(t−τ )
− ir (t − τ )
ir (t − τ ) = − us (t−τ
− is (t − τ )

The lumping of resistances according to the lossy model requires the modification of the impedance
according to [2]:
Zmodif ied = Z + (61)
where Z is calculated according to (50). This results in the following modifications to the history
terms in (60) [2]:
Z R R/4 R
is (t − τ ) = − Z 2 [ur (t − τ ) + (Z − 4) · ir (t − τ )] − 2
[us (t − τ ) + (Z − 4) · is (t − τ )]
modif ied ied

Z R R/4 R
ir (t − τ ) = − Z 2 [us (t − τ ) + (Z − 4) · is (t − τ )] − 2
[ur (t − τ ) + (Z − 4) · ir (t − τ )]
modif ied ied

In PowerFactory , the settings for this model can be adjusted on the EMT page of the line
element (ElmLne) or line coupling element (ElmTow) as follows:

• Line Model: Constant parameter

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 21

8 Models for EMT Simulations

• Frequency for travel time estimation: enter a representative frequency for the transient
under analysis. This frequency is used in (33) to calculate the propagation constant. In
the case of a non-transposed line, the frequency-dependent modal transformation matrix
will also be calculated at this frequency.

Note: press the Calculate Line Parameters button any time you modify these parameters. Pow-
erFactorywill then calculate the propagation factor and the surge impedance at the specified
frequency and initialise the model.

8.2.3 Frequency Dependent Parameter Model

With the exception of lossless and distortionless lines, the characteristic impedance and propa-
gation constant are frequency dependent. The variation of Zc and γ with the frequency is most
pronounced in the zero sequence mode and hence frequency-dependent models should be
preferred when zero sequence currents or voltages are involved. This is for example the case
of single phase-to-ground faults.

Approximation by Rational Functions

To handle frequency dependent parameters PowerFactory supports the approach proposed by

J. Marti [2, 3]. The characteristic impedance and the propagation factor are developed in rational
functions and then the poles and zeros of the rational expressions calculated using a Bode’s

For the propagation factor A (ω) = e−γ(ω)·l :

(s + z1 ) · (s + z2 ) . . . (s + zn )
Aapp (s) = e−s·τmin · k · (63)
(s + p1 ) · (s + p2 ) . . . (s + pm )

with s = jω and n < m. Expanding into partial fractions


Idem for the characteristic impedance:

(s + z1 ) · (s + z2 ) . . . (s + zn )
Zc−app (s) = k · (65)
(s + p1 ) · (s + p2 ) . . . (s + pn )

with s = jω. Expanding into partial fractions

k1 k2 kn
Zc−app (s) = k0 + + ··· (66)
(s + p1 ) (s + p2 ) (s + pn )

The accuracy of the model depends on the quality of the rational function approximations for A
and Zc. To verify the approximation PowerFactory plots the exact and approximated solutions
of A and Zc in the EMT-Simulation tab page of the line (ElmLne) and line coupling (ElmTow)
elements as shown in Figure 8.3. Note that you will need to jump between dialog pages using
to display the plots. Right click on the plot to zoom in and out.

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 22

The accuracy of the model depends on the quality of the rational function approximations for A and
Zc . To verify the approximation PowerFactory plots the exact and approximated solutions of A and
Zc in the EMT-Simulation tab page of the line (ElmLne) and line coupling (ElmTow) elements as shown
in Figure 14. Note that for
8 Models you willSimulations
EMT need to jump between dialog pages using to display the plots.
Right click on the plot to zoom in and out.

Figure 8.3: Bode approximations of A and Zc for the zero-sequence

TechRef Overhead Lines Models

Solution in Time-Domain

In the following, only equations for the equivalent circuit with current sources are described.
Similar equations can be rewritten however for the equivalent circuit with voltage sources as

Explicitly writing the frequency-dependent parameters, the input current at node s is

Is = + Jr (ω)
ZC (ω)

Jr (ω) = − Ir + · A (ω)

The inverse Fourier transform of the controlled current source Jr can be evaluated by means of
the convolution integral and hence

ir (t − u)
jr (t) = − ir (t − u) + · a (u) · du (67)
0 Zc

with a (t) = F −1 {A (ω)}, τ min travel time of the fastest waves and τ max travel time of the
slowest ones. The convolution integral has only need to be evaluated between τ min and τ max
because a (t) is zero up to t = τ min and tends to zero for t → τ max.

a(t) is the inverse Fourier transform of A(ω). With A(ω) developed in partial fractions (64), the
inverse Fourier transform becomes then a sum of exponentials:

0 for t < τmin
aapp (t) = (68)
k1 e−p1 (t−τmin ) + k2 e−p2 (t−τmin ) · · · km e−pm (t−τmin ) for t ≥ τmin

Similarly, the inverse Fourier transform of (66) results in exponential terms of the form e−t/RC
that corresponds to a RC network as shown in Figure 8.4 where

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 23

Zs Zm
Z pn
N for EMT Simulations
8 Models N

ki 1
R0 = k0 and Ri = , Ci = with i = 1 . . . n (69)
pi ki

i s (t ) i r (t )
C1 R1
C1 R1

j r (t ) j s (t ) C2 R2
C2 R2
us ( t ) u r (t )

Cn Rn
Cn Rn

R0 R0

Figure 8.4: Equivalent circuit for the frequency dependent model

Then with a(t) being a sum of exponential functions and the Zc developed as a RC-network,
equation (67) can be solved using recursive convolution.

The distributed frequency-dependent parameters model is adjusted on the EMT page of the line
element (ElmLne) or line coupling element (ElmTow) as following:

• Line Model: Frequency dependent parameter

• Frequency for travel time estimation: enter a representative frequency for the transient
under analysis. The frequency-dependent modal transformation matrix is calculated at
this frequency.

• Min and Max. Frequency of parameter fitting: enter the minimum and maximum frequency
for the approximation by rational functions of the propagation factor (56) and the charac-
teristic impedance (59).
• Tolerance for Bode approximation: defined the maximum error in % that is desired for
the Bode approximation of the propagation factor (56) and the characteristic impedance
(59). The lower the tolerance the higher the number poles and zeros of the approximated
rational expressions.

Note: press the Calculate Line Parameters button any time you modify these parameters or
enter new ones. The programme will start then the calculation of the propagation factor and the
characteristic impedance at the specified frequency and set up the model.

8.2.4 Diagonalization

The models presented in §8.2 implicitly assume a single phase line. In reality however, dis-
tributed parameter models are required for three-phase long line or for transmission system

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 24

8 Models for EMT Simulations

with multiple 3-phase circuits. To scope with them, equations (33) to (35) have to be diagonal-
ized. After diagonalization, the mutually coupled equations of the 3-phase system transform to
3 independent,and hence decoupled, single phase systems.

The diagonalization in PowerFactory is carried out as follows:

• Balanced lines: the impedance and admittance matrices of these lines are diagonal-cyclic,
i.e. Z/Y-matrices of the form (4). This is normally the case of transposed lines. To diag-
onalize the matrices PowerFactory uses the transformation into symmetrical components
according to (10). The transformation matrix is knows a-priori and it is a constant transfor-
mation matrix, hence not frequency-dependent.
• Unbalanced lines: this is typically the case of lines without transposition. The Z/Y-matrices
are not longer diagonal-cyclic; hence to diagonalize them, a transformation into modal
components is required. In that case, the transformation matrices are not known a-priori
but are determined from an eigenvalue and eigenvector calculation. Furthermore the
transformation matrices are frequency-dependent.
• Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors:

For unbalanced lines and steady-state calculations (for instance harmonic load flow or fre-
quency sweeps), PowerFactory calculates the transformation matrices, and therefore the eigen-
values and eigenvectors, at every single frequency of interest to account for the frequency-
dependency of the transformation matrices.

In the EMT-simulation, the transformation matrix is calculated at a single frequency, i.e. at the
one specified by the user on the EMT page of the element dialog ElmLne or ElmTow, and then
it assumes that the transformation matrix is constant. Furthermore it approximates the complex
transformation matrix (eigenvectors) by the real part.

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 25

A Parameter Definitions

A Parameter Definitions

Table A.1: Input parameter of the line type (TypLne)

Name Description Unit Range Default Symbol

loc name Name
uline Rated Voltage kV x>=0 0
sline Rated Current kA x>0 1
InomAir Rated Current (in air) kA x>0 1
frnom Nominal Frequency Hz x>=0 50
aohl Cable / OHL (overhead line) cab
systp System Type AC:DC AC
nlnph No. of Phases 01:02:03 3
nneutral No. of Neutrals 00:01 0
rline Parameters per Length 1,2- Ohm/km x>=0 0 R1
Sequence: Resistance R’
(20◦ C)
xline Parameters per Length 1,2- Ohm/km 0 X1
Sequence: Reactance X’
lline Parameters per Length 1,2- mH/km x>=0 0 L1
Sequence: Inductance L’
rline0 Parameters per Length Zero Ohm/km x>=0 0 R0
Sequence: Resistance R0’
xline0 Parameters per Length Zero Ohm/km x>=0 0 X0
Sequence: Reactance X0’
lline0 Parameters per Length Zero mH/km x>=0 0 L0
Sequence: Inductance L0’
rnline Parameters per Length, Neu- Ohm/km x>=0 0 Rn
Resistance Rn’
xnline Parameters per Length, Neu- Ohm/km x>=0 0 Xn
Reactance Xn’
lnline Parameters per Length, Neu- mH/km x>=0 0 Ln
Inductance Ln’
rpnline Parameters per Length, Ohm/km x>=0 0 Rpn
Phase-Neutral Coupling:
Resistance Rpn’
xpnline Parameters per Length, Ohm/km x>=0 0 Xpn
Phase-Neutral Coupling:
Reactance Xpn’
lpnline Parameters per Length, mH/km x>=0 0 Lpn
Phase-Neutral Coupling:
Inductance Lpn’

tmax Parameters per Length 1,2- C x>=20 80
Sequence: Max. Operational
rline tmax Parameters per Length 1,2- Ohm/km x>=0 0
Sequence: Resistance R’ at
max. operational tempera-
alpha Parameters per Length 1,2- 1/K x>=0 0.00403 α
Sequence: Temperature Co-

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 26

A Parameter Definitions

mlei Parameters per Length 1,2- Al

Sequence: Conductor Mate-
bline Parameters per Length 1,2- uS/km 0 B1
Sequence: Susceptance B’
cline Parameters per Length 1,2- uF/km 0 C1
Sequence: Capacitance C’
tline Parameters per Length 1,2- 0 tgδ1
Sequence: Ins. Factor
gline Parameters per Length 1,2- uS/km 0 G1
Sequence: Conductance G’
bline0 Parameters per Length Zero uS/km 0 B0
Sequence: Susceptance B0’
cline0 Parameters per Length Zero uF/km 0 C0
Sequence: Capacitance C0’
Ices Parameters per Length Zero A/km 0
Sequence: Earth-Fault Cur-
tline0 Parameters per Length Zero 0 tgδ0
Sequence: Ins. Factor
gline0 Parameters per Length Zero uS/km 0 G0
Sequence: Conductance G0’
bnline Parameters per Length, Neu- uS/km x>=0 0 Bn
tral: Susceptance Bn’
cnline Parameters per Length, Neu- uF/km x>=0 0 Cn
tral: Capacitance Cn’
bpnline Parameters per Length, uS/km x>=0 0 Bpn
Phase-Neutral Coupling:
Susceptance Bpn’
cpnline Parameters per Length, uF/km x>=0 0 Cpn
Phase-Neutral Coupling:
Capacitance Cpn’

rtemp Max. End Temperature C x>0 80
Ithr Rated Short-Time (1s) Cur- kA x>=0 0
rent (Conductor)
picln Inrush Peak Current: Ratio p.u. 0
pitln Inrush Peak Current: Maxi- s 0
mum Time
fcharC1 Frequency Depen-
dency of Pos.-Sequence
Capacitance: C1’(f)
fcharC0 Frequency Depen-
dency of Zero-Sequence
Capacitance: C0’(f)
fcharR1 Frequency Dependen-
cies of Pos.-Sequence
Impedance: R1’(f)
fcharL1 Frequency Dependen-
cies of Pos.-Sequence
Impedance: L1’(f)

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 27

A Parameter Definitions

fcharR0 Frequency Dependen-

cies of Zero-Sequence
Impedance: R0’(f)
fcharL0 Frequency Dependen-
cies of Zero-Sequence
Impedance: L0’(f)
pStoch Stochastic model (StoTyplne)
manuf Manufacturer
chr name Characteristic Name
for name Foreign Key
dat src Data source MAN
doc id Additional Data ()
desc Description
miso Insulation Material
iopt cnd Cable is mlt
cmeth Installation Method (IEC 364) C
iopt ord Conductors tre
qurs Nominal Cross Section mm*2 0
cabdiam Outer Diameter mm 0
iopt dir Arrangement hor
lcost Line Cost $/km x>=0 0

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 28

B References

B References
[1] Technical Reference Overhead Lines Constants, 2009.
[2] H. Dommel. EMTP Theory Book. Microtran Power System Analysis Corporation, 1 edition,
[3] J. R. Marti. The Problem of Frequency Dependence in Transmission Line Modelling. PhD.
Thesis. The University of British Columbia, 1981.

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 29

List of Figures

List of Figures

2.1 Equivalent PI-circuit of the line for lumped parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.1 Lumped parameter model for a single-phase AC line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.1 Equivalent circuit of the two-phase line model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.1 Equivalent circuit of the three-phase line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

6.1 Equivalent circuit for the 3-phase line with neutral conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

6.2 Phase to phase measurement loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

6.3 Neutral to ground measurement loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

6.4 Phase – PE (earth wire) measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

6.5 Phase – neutral measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

7.1 Incremental model for a line of elemental length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

7.2 Equivalent pi-circuit for the line with distributed parameters in frequency domain 16

8.1 Bergeron’s method. Equivalent circuit with controlled current sources . . . . . . . 19

8.2 Bergeron’s method. Equivalent circuit with controlled voltage sources . . . . . . 19

8.3 Bode approximations of A and Zc for the zero-sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

8.4 Equivalent circuit for the frequency dependent model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 30

List of Tables

List of Tables

1.1 Overview of line models as available in PowerFactory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

A.1 Input parameter of the line type (TypLne) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Overhead Line Models (TypLne, TypGeo, TypTow) 31

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