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MEC 641



CLASS : EM2208B3


AZMI BIN A. MATALI 2015110295


Introduction 1

Objectives 2

Assignment 2-7

Conclusion 8

References 9


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses

numerical analysis and data structures to solve and analyse problems that involve with
the fluid flows. However, CFD is much more than “just” computer and numerical
science. Direct numerical solving of complex flows requires an overwhelming
computational power success in solving problems is very dependent on the physical
model applied. These models can only derive by having a comprehensive understanding
of physical phenomena that are dominant in certain condition.

Turbulence modelling is the construction and use of a model to predict the effect
of turbulence in the fluid flow. Turbulent flows are common in a real-life scenario such
as flow of blood through the cardiovascular system, the airflow through a body, and
many more. Through a many research, there is no analytical theory to predict the
evolution of the turbulent flow. The equations governing turbulent flows can only
solved directly for simple cases of flow. The governing equation involve in the
analytical for turbulent flow is known Navier-Stoke equation.

Whenever turbulence is present in a certain flow, it appears to be dominant over

all other flow phenomena. By successful modelling of turbulence, the quality of
numerical simulations can be greatly increasing. Turbulence models can be divided into
three categories which are Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stoke (RANS), Large Eddy
Simulation (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulation.

Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models solve ensemble-averaged

(or tme-averaged) Navier-Stokes equations. It is most widely used approach for
calculating industrial flows. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) models solves the spatially
averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Large eddies are directly resolved but eddies
smaller than the mesh is modelled. It is less expensive than Direct Numerical
Simulation, but the amount of computational resources and efforts are still too large for
most practical applications. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) resolves the whole
spectrum of scales and no modelling is required. Theoretically, all turbulent flows can
be simulated by numerically solving the full Navier-Stokes equations. However, DNS
is too expensive and too much effort in solving the fluid flow analysis.


The objectives of this report are:

1. To define and discuss each turbulence models (RANS, LES and DNS)
2. To compare the governing equation for each model.
3. To list the advantages and limitation for each model.


1. Turbulence Model (RANS, LES, DNS)

For Reynold Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Models, Eddy-viscosity models (EVM)

where one assumes that the turbulent stress is proportional to the mean rate of strain.
Furthermore, eddy viscosity is derived from turbulent transport equations (usually k + one
other quantity). While non-linear eddy-viscosity models (NLEVM) where turbulent stress
is modelled as a non-linear function of mean velocity gradients. Turbulent scales are
determined by solving transport equations (usually k + one other quantity). Model is set to
mimic response of turbulence to certain important types of strain.

For large-eddy simulation (LES) which is one computes time-varying flow, but models
sub-grid-scale motions. LES is a computation where large vortexes (eddies) are computed
directly, while small scale eddies are modeled. That is why space grid and time steps may
be much longer than in DNS. Hence LES is much more economical in term of
computational power required than DNS.

For direct numerical simulation (DNS), DNS simply means numerical solving of N-S
and continuity equation. When dealing with turbulent flow one tries to resolve all turbulent
phenomena at all length and time scales simply by numerical solving of N-S and continuity
equation. For a successful simulation one typically needs to know what the smallest length,
time and velocity scales are. This information is crucial in order to set space grid and time
steps of adequate scales. This data can easily be acquired by applying Kolmogorov
turbulence theory in advance. What ones want to extract form these data typically is the
number of grid point and time steps necessary.

2. Compare the governing equations for each model

Model Governing Equation



In Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS), the Navier-Stokes system of equations is

solved directly with refined meshes capable of resolving all turbulence length

scales including the Kolmogorov microscale, .


3. List of advantages and disadvantages for each model

Advantages Model Disadvantages

1. RANS cannot simulate the
1. The calculation load is the
change of a flow field over
lowest among the three
time or the structure of the
methods. Thus, RANS Is RANS
turbulence eddies.
widely used in practical
2. We must decide for transport
model for better accuracy
1. The last scale of problem
1. Transient turbulence structure
dependant and difficult to the
can only be simulated by LES.
model, whereas the smaller
2. LES is able to predict the LES
scale become more and more
vortex shedding and flow
universal and isotropic and can
recirculation accurately.
be model more easily.
1. Parameter can be easily
varied, within a limited
parameter range. 1. The computational cost of
2. Experimental condition are DNS is very high even at low
more controllable. Reynolds number.
3. It is possible to perform 2. Consume more time in solving
“numerical experiment” and fluid flow problem or analysis
extract from the formation
that difficult to obtain in

3. For RANS only:

3.1 Type of closure models
Model Description
A single transport equation model solving directly for a modified
turbulent viscosity. Designed specifically for aerospace applications
Spalart –
involving wall-bounded flows on a fine near-wall mesh. FLUENT’s
implementation allows the use of coarser meshes. Option to include strain
rate in k production term improves predictions of vortical flows.
The baseline two-transport-equation model solving for k and ε. This is
the default k–ε model. Coefficients are empirically derived; valid for
Standard k–ε
fully turbulent flows only. Options to account for viscous heating,
buoyancy, and compressibility are shared with other k–ε models.
A two-transport-equation model solving for k and ω, the specific
dissipation rate (ε / k) based on Wilcox (1998). This is the default k–ω
Standard k–ω model. Demonstrates superior performance for wall-bounded and low
Reynolds number flows. Shows potential for predicting transition.
Options account for transitional, free shear, and compressible flows.
A variant of the standard k–ω model. Combines the original Wilcox
model for use near walls and the standard k–ε model away from walls
SST k–ω using a blending function. Also limits turbulent viscosity to guarantee
that τT ~ k. The transition and shearing options are borrowed from
standard k–ω. No option to include compressibility.
Reynolds stresses are solved directly using transport equations, avoiding
isotropic viscosity assumption of other models. Use for highly swirling
Reynolds Stress
flows. Quadratic pressure-strain option improves performance for many
basic shear flows.

3.2 Difference between transport model

Each turbulence model calculates µT differently.

Model Equation
-Solves a transport equation for a modified
turbulent viscosity.

Standard k–ε, RNG k–ε, Realizable k–ε

-Solves transport equations for k and ε.

Standard k–ω, SST k–ω

-Solves transport equations for k and ω


A turbulence model can be described as a set of relations and equations needed

to determine the unknown turbulent correlations that have arisen from the averaging
process. Turbulence models of various complexity have been developed, and with very
few exceptions, they can be classified as eddy-viscosity models or Reynolds-stress
models. In eddy-viscosity models, the unknown correlations are assumed to be
proportional to the spatial gradients of the quantity they are meant to transport. In
Reynolds-stress models, the unknown correlations are determined directly from the
solution of differential transport equations in which they are the dependent variables.
Through this assignment, we managed to determine each turbulence models which are
RANS, LES and DNS. We also managed to compare the governing the equations for
each model. Lastly, we can define the advantages and limitations of each models.


1) Rhie, C; Chow, Li (1983). "Numerical study of the turbulent flow past an airfoil with
trailing edge separation". AIAA Journal.
2) Reddy, K; Silva, D; Krishnendu, Sinha (1983). "Hypersonic turbulent flow simulation
of Fire II reentry vehicle afterbody". AIAA Journal.
3) Pope, Stephen (2000). Turbulent Flows.
4) Andersson, Bengt; et al. (2012). Computational fluid dynamics for engineers.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 83. ISBN 978-1-107-01895-2.
5) John J. Bertin; Jacques Periaux; Josef Ballmann, Advances in Hypersonics: Modeling
hypersonic flows
6) Spalart, P.; Allmaras, S. (1992). "A one-equation turbulence model for aerodynamic
flows". 30th aerospace sciences meeting and exhibit, AIAA.
7) Hanjalic, K.; Launder, B. (1972). "A Reynolds stress model of turbulence and its
application to thin shear flows". Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
8) Wilcox, D. C. (2008). "Formulation of the k-omega Turbulence Model Revisited".
AIAA Journal.

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