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WORK INSTRUCTION MANUAL NURSING SERVICE DIVISION foocumexr cowTROL Wo. TITLE REVO. INSD - 042 ° aca EMERGENCY CART POLICIES AND [psy prectveone 4 OF t PROCEDURES July 2019 ‘OBJECTIVE: 4. Toensre thatthe stck lve nd vaio emergency cart medine, equipments and suplesin the E-Cart are always alle and wel mansied, rounen 1. Each department has their own list of supplies and medications based on the regulatory requirement and area requirement. 2 Acheclastofmediine, sop and equpments shouldbe avaiable to cach ut, that wl be checked every si for proper ‘montorng. 2. Aqua iventory of cart content shoud be subted by unt manager to Ue Nursing Serve Ofce, ‘cant should be lod al the time wen nat in use, tere shouldbe a pes re fo the key scared by authorized ‘psonnel: Dangerous rugs shoud have adobe locked for proper sec. ‘sEcartstocks wil ony be ued cases of emergency hat the persomel cannot procure the to other department mmedateh- proceoures; nowourt Descrrrion 9 PERSON ar manncen nurse nurse arse ar manscen nurse urse suns nonse Sut the ldgerto the Pharmacy and NuRsING aoe ‘trove the stocks needed. [Note Secure 1OU Spi the drug snot avaiable In the Pharmacy Tasaed Dat aly 205 Prepared by Matcha. Alfonso, RN, MAN Noted by: erdgetK Florez, RN, MAN ‘Approved by: Dr. George C. Pll, 30 WORK INSTRUCTION MANUAL NURSING SERVICE DIVISION Docume CONTROL Ha. 7 TITLE evn INSD - 043 1 PAGENO. INTRAVENOUS THERAPY POLICIES rex errectvepare: 41 OF 2 AND'PROCEDURES July 30, 2019 ‘LOBJECTIVE “To.neuro qully and safety of the sa and plints in administring L GENERAL STATEMENT POLICY IVT Infusion Therapy. |L GENERAL STATEMENT POLICY ‘Defines Nursing Practice in inravenous administration of drugs, Isis cugs approved by the metal sill, and specications reaive to this POUCY: 4. Aceted IV Nurse may administer approved rugs. 2 Physica orders for crus tobe adnnistred inravenously must be dear and compel in each case ‘ae of fou must be spectiod {A Cofiid IV Nurse administored intravenous mecicaons mus be knowledgeable in rogard ‘expected therapeutic reals, common adverse reecons, and the usvl dose of drugs being administered. 4. Laboalry wil be axacbe in an achisory capac concaing lod or blood components. SN Tebings, Primary and Secondary, ae tobe changod. a. IVs ordered at 3050 cof — use 500 ce containers. i Noinchidual bag or bolle should hang for moe han 24 hous. ‘c When using the micro-chipubing wth Ue IV contraler, the pectic dip contrat isto be used. | Pedaics chou use the micr-ip. Label tubing wh dae, ime, and nies of nurse chenging. | VENPUNCTURE AND ADMINISTRATION OF INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION: ‘PROCEDURES: ee Recermon RESPONSBLE PERSON ‘xptins procedure to patient afer checking identification band nurse creams PROCEDNIRE ‘determination that the proper patient is recehing the proper medication. Ba ‘Wastes HANDS Washes hands before begining and atthe end ofthe procedure. worse sk evecescohaiiain' Inspects the container fr vise particulate mater or cowdy - Lath svar wth tne pe wince ‘2 Potiets name apes CONTAINER enor uns cate V | Infusion number ‘© Flow rate with cations for ime of absorption dary vise Taddiives 2 Pasi bags are never to be wrten on wih pens or magic markers. ‘The calration times are tobe notad with te and inal atleast three (3) times erst or more frequently per nursing judgment or as patients coedtion warrants. ‘Time tapes shall be marked 2 the time rina IN rounds id-shit and 2 ial sounds. ‘sued Date: ay 30,2039, ‘Prepare by: Macha Alfonso, RN, MAN. 18 ‘Noted by Bridget Kral, Ri, MAN WORK INSTRUCTION MANUAL NURSING SERVICE DIVISION INSD - 043. TITLE REV. NO. PAGE NO. 2 OF 2 INTRAVENOUS THERAPY POLICIES |pey, errecrve pate: AND PROCEDURES July 30, 2019 ‘ASSEMBLES APPRORIATE ‘ADMINISTRATION SET ‘REMOVES PROTECTIVE ADMINISTRATION SET ‘DESCRIPTION [RESPONSIBLE PERSON ‘locas clamps on IV tubing ater nsetons. ane! Removes the protective covering from drip chamber spike on the WV tubing. ae ‘2. Maintain aseptic technique throughout so 3s not to contaminate W spike. Inserts the spe of administration sot int the solution container. ‘A. Squeeze drip chamber to filha ful. ear: 8B. Romove protective cover on extension tubing and open camp, i tubing and camp ‘off. (Removing al sr from tubing and medication ports) ‘A Ticht enough to nhibE venous low without imparing after fw. a B Select a vein considering location: 2 Useddstal veins frst Duration of therapy ‘Purpose of infusion. Condition of the wen; *use vein with ample blood velume to accommodate needle olvton, nd adative. <4. Avoid veins over joints when possible. The anticubital space is tobe used only a last rest and then recommended for this purpose. When a solution such as 10% dextrose T.P.R solution is infused, ti recommended that a catheter of atleast 8" be utilize. This catheter should be placed ina large ven. Kis advised that 2 {438 catheter or needle be used on adult patients going to surgery. {The lower extremes are to be used ony nursing judgment deere this the ‘only alternative site, and may be used only upon physicians written order. ‘The use ofthe lower extremities is accepted practice in pediatric IV therapy. € Preps Skin 2. Povidoneiodine at venipuncture ste and let dy. patient allergic to lodine, 3 vigorous one minute serob with 70% isopropyl alcohols acceptable now. '. Use alcohol swab over ste fr better vein visualization. Do not re palpate ven. 1. Performs Venipuncture. No more than thee (3) attempt. you have doubts about ably to star, ge assistance. 2 Insert needle, level up, through skin and tissue at 45 degree angle. Decrease the angle sight, picture the wall ofthe vein with 2 downward ‘motion, followed immediately by raising picking up the vein, and level the needle, A backflow of blood wil be seen, indiatng 2 successful venipuncture. *Gacflow not always presen in pedi patients, Secures affix the needle place. Indicates date me, type of needle use, needle rections staring Von 2 plece of tape. Label venipuncture se with same. (SH NSG 019, 064) {2 Leave injection ste or hub accessible. ‘The se ofan elastoplas coveret, an W 22 gauze, or dear adhesive WV dressing may be uted over the need insertion ate. the tubing ls colled this shouldbe placed tothe side ofthe needle or ‘catheter to prevent added pressure over insertion site. tan arm board is necessary, be sure the hand or arm immobilized in a ‘wuase functional postion to prevent contractures. wurst {issued Date: uly 30, 2039 Prepared by Malchai Alfonso, RN, MAN, ann [Noted be: BrideetK lrdacn RM. RAN Aavociated Marine Officer’ and Seamen's ‘aie of te Fane PEEWO IT (As Afliate of tee ‘TranaportWorkers Federatioe Loados, UK) ‘SEAMEN'S HOSPITAL ‘Cabiide corner Sea Jose Sts, Intramrce, Manila ‘Tal No, (4532) 5278116 to 20® 5252602 Telex (+632) 5273554 ‘mai shore mnl@amon oct DATE: Iv TAG Patient’s Name: LVF. Time Started ‘Time Due Signature SHNSG.O19 Rev. 1.070172 ‘Associated Marine Officers’ and Seamen's ‘Union ofthe Philippines PTGWO - ITF (As Affliate of te Intereations! ‘TranepartWorkers Federatioe Leodoe, UK) ‘SEAMEN'S HOSPITAL ‘Cabilde corner San Jose Sta, Intramerce, Manila ‘Tal No. (4632) 781161020" 5252652 Teetin(+632) 5273554 Ema shaso mnl@amom.o DATE:, IVTAG Patient's Name : IVF. ‘Time Started Time Due ‘Union of the Philippioes PTGWO-ITF (Us Affliate ofthe Intersations! ‘TeansportWortars Federation Lowden, UK) SEAMEN’S HOSPITAL (Cablido corner San Joe Se, lntramaroe, Manila ‘Tel No. (+632) S27ELNG w9 20° 5232692 Telefax (#632) S272SS4 ‘Emel: hom mal@amom 08 DATE: IVTAG Patient’s Name: LVF. (As Afttiate ofthe internationel Transport ‘Workers Federation London, UK) ‘SEAMEN'S HOSPITAL (Cabldo comer San Jose Sts, tiramurcs, Mente “TN, (+682) 5278116 to 20 * 5732802 Telefax (+622) 5273554 Emal: shosp_rmni@emosup.o7g ‘Associated Marine Ofticers’ and Seamen's a Usionet he rtpnen POW PARENTERAL SHEET FAMILY NAME IFIRST NAME ]DATEADMITTED — [RMINO. [BED.NO. [HOSP NO. [ATTENDING PHYSICIAN ace — Sex — fer [DATE [BOTTLE] er les RENARRS—| lorucs HOURS. |SIGNA- |cons. 1 RATED ‘TURE TYPE &: Ino. ‘Rect o7puzoi2

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