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ME3481 Mechanical Engineering Lab I


Lab Manual


July-Nov 2019


EXPERIMENT #11: Measurement and evaluation of dimensional features

using Coordinate Measuring Machine and Tool makers microscope

Part A: Coordinate Measuring Machine


To measure and evaluate form and dimensional features using the coordinate measuring machine


Mechanical Structure and Table: The base and table of the CMM must be made of an
extremely stiff material that has a high damping coefficient and low thermal expansion to allow
for dimensional stability. The mechanical structure along which the probes travel need to be
lightweight to prevent deflections. Common materials for the base include cast iron and granite.
For the mechanical structure, aluminum is usually used.

Bearings: Since these integrate the drive system and the mechanical structure, they must be
capable of transmission of the drive in a smooth and continuous manner in order to maintain the
accuracy of the machine. Commonly used systems include air bearings and precision contact

Drives: These are used to move the probe along the axes. An independent drive system is used
for each axis to allow for greater accuracy. Precision drive systems are selected such that their
dynamic bandwidth is much lower than the natural frequency of the mechanical structure to
prevent resonant vibration in the structure. Commonly used drive systems include linear motors,
lead screw drives, friction drives and rack and pinion drives.

Displacement Transducers: When a probe touches the workpiece, its position is actually
determined from the displacement transducers fixed along each of the three linear axes of the
CMM. Thus, the displacement transducers become a critical feedback element in the measuring
process. A variety of displacement transducers can be found in CMMs, ranging from optical
scales, rotary encoders, induction systems, magnetic scales and laser interferometers.

Probes and Tools: Probes are the actual components of the CMM that are used to measure the
coordinates of points on geometric features of interest. Contact probes are of a touch trigger type,
containing necessary circuitry to determine when the probe touches the surface and mechanisms
for compensating excess force that maybe applied during a measuring process. Ruby or other
such ceramics are used for probes. Optical probes are used for non-contact measurements and
utilize image-processing techniques to directly measure dimensions of geometric features.


The Coordinate Measuring Machine utilized in this experiment is a Zeiss manufactured bridge
type CMM with a moving table. The ram is fitted with an optical and a touch trigger type probe
for measurement, and is capable of motion along the X and Z directions. The table has a glass
surface to allow for illumination from below when utilizing the optical probe. It is movable and
provides displacement in the Y direction. The workpiece must fit within this working volume in
order for any features to be measured, and must not exceed 20 kg in weight. The X,Y and Z
scales of the CMM have a least count of 0.1µm.

Axis Maximum Displacement Traverse Rate

X 400 mm 0-200 mm/s
Y 400 mm 0-200 mm/s
Z 200 mm 0-50 mm/s

The mechanical probe is a touch trigger type probe made of ruby with possible diameters
of 1.5 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm. It is capable of passive scanning. The optical probe is a 2-D camera.
Illumination for imaging is obtained either from below or from a ring of 16 LEDs mounted
alongside the probe. The camera that is used has ten levels of zoom (0.5X to 6.3X) and autofocus
ability. In-built edge detection systems allow it to highlight any edges and measure dimensions
immediately. A green light laser is also provided in the probing head to allow orientation and
positioning of work piece for measurement of the correct feature using the optical probe.


Ram – X and Z motion


Movable table – Y motion

Calibration Sphere

CMM Controller

The coordinates measured by the contact probe must be compensated in order to account
for the finite size of the ruby tip. This is done by calibrating the CMM using the provided
calibration sphere. The sphere is made of Silicon Nitride (chosen for its hardness) and is
machined exact diameter of 25mm. The calibration process involves touching the probe to the
sphere from above and allowing the CMM software to calibrate itself to the known measurement
of 25mm.


The measurement of CMM comprises the following steps:

1) Calibration of the stylus or probe tip with respect to the probe head reference point using, for
example, a calibrated ball (providing an electro-mechanical 3D probe head is used)
2) Metrological determination of the work piece position (work piece-related coordinate system
Xw, Yw, Zw) in the measuring machine-related coordinate system XM, YM, ZM
3) Measurement of the surface points on the workpiece in the measuring machine-related
coordinate system
4) Evaluation of geometric parameters of the workpiece
5) Representation of the measurements results after coordinate transformations into the
workpiece-related coordinate system.
6) Assess conformance to specification


Step 1: Measurement of points of interest

1. The circular feature of interest is brought into focus of the optical probe
2. A number of points are taken around the cylindrical component, such that 360º is covered
and coordinates of the points are obtained in the system interfaced with the CMM to
evaluate the roundness error of the component.

Measurement strategy Least Square Circle

Step 2: Fitting least square circle

A least square circle is fitted by minimizing the sum of the distance of each point from the fitted
circle as given by the function:

F(g, f, R) = ∑[(xi - g)2 + (yi - f)2 - R2]2

The minimization can be mathematically converted to the following matrix form:


A = -2g

B = -2f

C = R2-(A2+B2)/4

Thus, the centre and radius can be determined by solving the matrix form of the minimization

Step 3: Suppressing CMM data

CMM data collected for the cylindrical component contains the dimensional information along
with the roundness error of the component. Hence, it is necessary to separate the form data from
the CMM data. To suppress the size (radius) of the component, the coordinates (xi,yi) obtained
from the CMM is converted to the radial distance from the centre of the fitted circle (ri)

ri = ( xi − g ) 2 + ( y i − f ) 2

where (xi,yi) are the coordinates of CMM data.

Size suppressed by the radial distances (R’i) = ri –R

Step 4: Determination of Circularity Error

Roundness error, (R0) = |R’imax|+|R’imin|


Probe X Y Coordinate Radial Distance Size suppressed Roundness

Position Coordinate (yi) in mm from approximate by radial error
(xi) in mm centre in mm distance in mm

The nomenclature of the screw thread is shown below

Step 1: Measurement of points of interest:

1. Using the optical probe, points are determined as shown on the feature of interest on the
thread as shown. In the case of a slot, obtain points on either edge of the slot whose width
is to be measured.

Helix Angle Major and Minor Diameter Thread Angle

Step 2: Fitting Least Square Lines

By minimizing the square of the deviations of the points from a fitted line, a line that best fits all
the points can be obtained. This process is called least square fitting of line.

For a line , y = a + bx,

The function to be minimized is:

Applying the differential constraints for minimization with respect to a and b to obtain a relation
between a,b,n and (xi,yi) as follows:


a: y-intercept of line

b: slope of line

n: number of points measured

(xi,yi): Coordinates of ith measured point.

Step 3: Obtaining required feature dimension:

In order to obtain the helix angle and the thread angle, it is required to determine the angle
between two lines, which is given by:

2 1

1 1 2
Where, b2 and b1 are the slopes of the lines which represent the edges of the thread. This
formula provides the acute angle if b2>b1.

For major and minor diameter, as well as other such dimensions (including slot width), it is
required to calculate the distance between two lines. This is possible as the fitted lines are nearly
parallel. In order to calculate the distance of one line (y=a1+b1x) from another line (y=a2+b2x),
determine a suitable point (h,k) on the first line. Then obtain the distance of this point from the
second line as given by:

|a2 b2h k|
√1 b2
Where a2 and b2 are intercept and slope of the second line and (h,k) is the point on the other line.


The following geometric features and form are calculated for the given components using CMM.

Centre of fitted circle :

Diameter of fitted circle (in mm) :

Circularity (in µm) :

Major Diameter of thread (in mm) :
Minor Diameter of thread (in mm) :
Helix Angle of thread (in degrees) :
Thread angle of thread (in degrees) :
Width of slot (in mm) :
Coordinate Measuring Machine Specifications

Measurement Range :

Axis Range
X 400 mm
Y 400 mm
Z 400 mm

Maximum measurable weight: 20 kg

Traverse Rates:

Axis Traverse Rate

X 0-200 mm/s
Y 0-200 mm/s
Z 0-50 mm/s

Operating Conditions:

Condition Operating Range

Ambient Temperature for readiness +35°C to +70°C
Relative Humidity 40% to 70% (no condensation)
Operating Ambient Temperature 20°C ± 1 K

Least Count of scale: 0.1 μm

Uncertainty in measurements: 1.9 + (L/250) µm, where L is in mm

Probe Specifications
Contact Probes:

Material : Ruby

Diameters : 1.5 mm, 3mm, 5mm

Type : Touch trigger

Abilities : Passive Scanning

Calibration : Silicon Nitride sphere of diameter 25mm

Optical Probes:

Zoom : 12x inherent in conjunction with 0.5x, 0.65x, 0.75x, 0.93x, 1.61x, 2.14x,
3.2x, 6.3x (discrete levels of zoom)

Camera Tyoe : HD CCD

Resolution : 768 pixels (horizontal) x 576 pixels (vertical)

Image Field : 1x1 mm2 to 12x10 mm2

Frame Rate : 50 fps

Illumination : Overhead or backlight – red and blue LEDs (16 in number)

Focus : Autofocus capability for each level of zoom

Capabilities : Edge detection

Laser : Orientation and positioning - green

Part B: Tool Maker’s Microscope
Aim: To measure the geometrical features of a screw thread using tool maker’s microscope

Construction and working principle

The Tool Maker’s Microscope (TMM) essentially consists of the cast base, the lighting units,
and the sighting microscope attached to a carrier arm as shown in Figure1. The table, which is
mounted on the base of the instruments, can be moved in two mutually perpendicular horizontal
directions (longitudinal and lateral) by means of accurate micrometers screws having thimble
scale and venires.

Figure 1: Tool makers microscope

Two-micrometer screws each of them having measuring range of 0 to 50 mm permit the
measuring tab le to be displaced in the directions X and Y. The main lighting unit has been
arranged in the rear of the cast base and equipped with projection lamp where rays are directed
via stationary mounted mirror through table glass plate into the sighting microscope. The work
piece to be checked is arranged in the path of the rays of the lighting equipment. The optical
head can be moved up or down the vertical column and can be clamped at any height to get the
proper focus by means of clamping screws.

Schematic sketch of a tool maker’s microscope is shown in Figure 2. A ray of light from light
source is focused using a condenser lens and reflected by a mirror through 90°.It is then passes
through a transparent glass plate on which component to be checked is placed. An objective is
arranged on the optical head to collect the rays coming through the sample. The eyepiece placed
above the objective focuses the magnified contour of the component to the eye for observations.
Measurements are made by means of cross-lines engraved on the ground glass screen
incorporated with the eyepiece. The screen can be rotated through 360° and the angle of rotation
is read through an angle dial attached with a vernier. Two types of illumination modes are
possible for tool maker’s microscope. The first one is the transmitted illumination explained
above which generates a magnified shadow image of the work piece and is suited for measuring
and inspecting the dimensions of the work piece contour. The second one is reflected
illumination by means of light sources placed above the component which produces the
magnified images of surface details of a work piece and is used for observation and inspection of
work piece surface features/defects.


A tool maker microscope is a type of a multi functional device that is primarily used for
measuring the shape, length and angles of different components like the cutting tools, inserts,
templates, formed cutter, screw threads, punching die, threading tools, injection molding tools,
gauges, and cams. It can also use as a comparator. When used under reflected illumination mode,
it can be used for measuring dimensions of surface features like blind holes and micro slots of
components. It can also used for the inspection of surface defects like cracks and wear. More
often than not, a toolmaker’s microscope is outfitted with a CCD camera that has the ability to
capture, collect, and store images into specialized computer software for various measurements.
Figure 2: Schematic sketch of a toolmakers microscope

Table 1: Technical Specifications

Characteristic Values

X axis 50 mm with a resolution of 1 micrometer

Y axis 50 mm with a resolution of 1 micrometer

Angular resolution 6’

Optical magnification 30 X

Linear accuracy (3+L/200) micrometer

Work stage 160X160 X150 mm


Switch on the projection lamp. Get familiar with the least count, linear and angular readings of
the tool maker’s microscope and nomenclature of the thread as shown in Figure.3. Place the
given specimen thread on the glass table plate. Viewing through the eyepiece, rotate the focus
knob for moving carrier arm on column to get the sharp image of the specimen kept onthe glass
plate. Position the specimen such that the table movement in the X direction is parallel to the
direction of the pitch measurement. This is checked by ensuring the crosswire touching the tips
(crests) of all the teeth during table movement in the X direction.

Figure 3: Nomanclature of a screw thread

a) Thread angle measurement

Align two edges of the thread forming the angle with the same cross-hair one after the other by
turning the angle dial and moving XY stage as shown in Figure 4. Take readings from the angle
dial and difference of reading will give the thread angle
Figure 4:Measuring the thread angle

b) Measurement of pitch

Rotate micrometer head for X direction to touch the intersection point of the crosswire to the
crest of the thread as seen from the eye piece. Note down the initial reading of the micrometer.
Again rotate the micrometer head to move the specimen so that the next successive crest will
come in contact with the crosswire intersection point as showin in Figure 5. Note down the
second reading. The difference in reading will give the pitch.

c) Measurement of the major diameter and minor diamter.

Align a measuring point (crest for major diamter and root for minor diamter) on the workpiece
with one of the cross-hairs and take the reading from the micrometer head. Then move the glass
table in the Y direction by turning the micrometer head and align the corresponding measuring
point on the other side of the thread with the same cross-hair and take the reading at this point.
The difference between the two readings represents the dimension between the two measuring
Figure 5:Measurement of pitch and major diamter

Table 2: Tabular column showing observations

Sl.No Pitch (mm) Major diamter(mm) Minor diameter(mm) Thread angle °

Inil. Finl. Diff. Inil Finl Diff Inil Finl Diff Inil Finl Diff
Average Average Average Average

Results and conclusion

For the given thread pitch,major diamter,minor diamter and thread angle is measured using tool
makers microscope as follows

a) Pitch= ----------mm

b) Major diamter=-----------mm

c) Minor diamter=---------------mm

d) Thread angle=---------------- °

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