Troy Message

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Hi Troy

Hope you’ve had a great weekend. I want to send you an email to ask a few quick questions,
following by some notes pertaining to that questions.

1) Do you know when the official start date of the project would be?
a. Based upon the information you gave me, I can already start working on a few things
but I think the official start would be when I can pick up my laptop from zimmer.

2) How would you like me to bill you my hours?

a. One Option - I can present you with a spreadsheet that I use to track my time and
project. This spreadsheet allows me to track my projects per tasks up to how many
minutes I spent on any tasks per week per project. It’s highly granular.

3) Do you plan to pay me based on your payroll system or just sending me checks weekly or bi-
a. I’ve never done this kind of employment before so I would very much like to hear your

4) Lastly, I have another important question not related to this project. If I do a good job on this
project and want to stick with you until August 2018 for other projects where you and I can
work like we did on this project, would you have enough projects for me to work on with you?
a. It doesn’t have to be development projects.
b. My motivation for asking this question is that I may choose the path where I try to save
money and then go back to school for fall 2018 for my PhDs or masters if I don’t get into
a good PhD program. A second motivation is that It would be most convenient for me
to stay in Cincinnati while doing the things I need to do to prepare for august 2018.
c. I am hoping to understand essentially if you would have enough projects with Zimmer
and other companies and what my saving would look like if I stay with you until August

Please let me know your thoughts, we can chat over the phone if it’s easier than writing an entire email.

Thank you!

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