Classification and Form of Government Accounts of India

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Indian Audit and Accounts Department

Structured Courseware on Government Accounting

Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

Classification and Form of Since the impact of borrowings is visible

over a long period of time, detailed data on
Government Accounts borrowings need to be available in
intelligible and usable format.
Session Overview Government borrows heavy sums and it
must know how much is outstanding at a
It is helpful to know the purposes for given time. Similar is the case for its
which the accounting information is lending. In day-to-day management, the
required in the Government so that the most important factor is to know how
system of accounting is understood and its much cash is available and what are the
usefulness and its limitations known. The likely receipts and expenditure in the near
first purpose of accounting in government future. For this purpose it is essential to
is to know the revenues, tax revenues or reconcile Government’s bank account with
non-tax revenues, collected during a year. its bankers.
This information must be in sufficient
detail so that it may be easy to estimate This is made possible by adoption of a
revenues in future years, and also to systematic classification of transactions,
decide what increase or decrease in their consolidation and their presentation
revenue is practicable or desirable. This in a useful manner.
information on revenues is segregated in
government accounts in detail. If these In this session we will discuss the main
were lumped together, it will not be divisions of government accounts and
possible to know the details of each of the main features of how the government
revenues. The second purpose is to know transactions are exhibited in final
the expenditure on different items. The accounts.
Parliament and the State Legislatures
having authorized the respective Learning Objective
Governments to spend different amounts
on different activities, they have a right to By the end of the session, the learner will
know what is the actual expenditure on be able to state the basic structure and
each of the activities. The third essential form of accounts, the main divisions of
purpose is to ascertain how much loans Government Accounts and main features
and deposits Government has to pay to its of classification of transactions in
creditors and how much of these Government Account
Government has to receive from its
debtors. Governments also resort to Basic structure of accounts
borrowings on the security of its
Consolidated Fund. These borrowings Period of Accounts
have an unprecedented impact on the
national economy, national wealth, and The annual accounts of the Central
availability of money supply in economy Government, the State Governments and
and employment and inflation. Both the of Union Territories shall record
Government and economists need to have transactions, which take place during a
a close watch on Government’s financial year running from 1st April to 31st
borrowings and its impact on economy. March of the following year.

Participant Note No. 4 1

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

The Government Accounts of a year may Main Divisions of Accounts

be kept open for a certain period in the
following year, i.e. beyond 31st March, for Part XII of the Constitution of India
completion of various accounting (Articles 266 and 267) provide for the
processes iner-alia in respect of the establishment of:
transactions of March, for carrying out a) The Consolidated Fund of India and
certain interdepartmental adjustments and the Consolidated Fund of each State;
for closing the accounts of several b) The Public Account of India and the
provident funds, and suspense heads. Public Account of each State; and
Adjustments may also be made after the c) The Contingency Fund of India and
close of the year for the rectification of Contingency Fund of each State.
mispostings and misclassifications coming
to notice after 31st March. An actual cash Consolidated Fund of India and of the
transaction taking place after 31st March States
should not, however, be treated as
pertaining to previous financial year even Subject to the provisions of Article 267 of
though the accounts for that year may be the Constitution (relating to Contingency
open for the purposes mentioned above. Fund) and also subject to the provisions of
the Constitution relating to the assignment
Cash basis of accounts of the whole or part of the net proceeds of
certain taxes and duties to States, all
The transactions in Government Account revenue received by the Government of
shall represent actual cash receipts and India, all loans raised by that Government
disbursements during a financial year as by issue of treasury bills, loans or ways
distinguished from amounts due to or by and means advances and all moneys
the Government during the same period. received by that Government in repayment
Some book adjustments, as may be of loans shall form one consolidated fund
authorized by rules by any general or to be entitled ‘The Consolidated Fund of
special orders issued by the Central India’. Similarly all revenues raised by the
Government on the advice of the Government of a State, all loans raised by
Comptroller and Auditor General of India that Government by issue of treasury bills,
are, however, allowed to be carried out in loans or ways and means advances and all
the accounts. moneys received by that Government in
repayment of loans shall form one
Currency in which accounts are kept consolidated fund to be entitled ‘The
Consolidated Fund of the State’. (Refer to
The Accounts of the Government shall be Article 266(1) of the Constitution).
maintained in Indian currency, i.e. in
rupees. All transactions of the Central and No money out of the Consolidated Fund of
State Government taking place in other India or the Consolidated Fund of a State
countries shall be passed on monthly by shall be appropriated except in accordance
the Indian Embassies/Mission to India and with the law and for the purposes and in
brought to account finally in the Indian the manner provided in the Constitution.
books after they have been converted into
Indian rupees.

Participant Note No. 4 2

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

Public Account of India and of the Based on the constitutional requirement,

States the Government Accounts are kept in these
three main divisions, viz.:
Apart from the money creditable to the 1. Consolidated Fund;
Consolidated Fund of India or to the 2. Contingency Fund; and
Consolidated Fund of a State, all other 3. Public Account.
public moneys received by or on behalf of
the Government of India or the These funds and accounts exist separately
Government of a State shall be credited to for the Government of India, for each
the Public Account of India or the Public State and for each Union Territory having
Account of the State, as the case may be. a Legislative Assembly. There being no
separate Public Account in the case of
Contingency Fund Union Territory Governments, the
transactions pertaining to this account
Under article 267 of the Constitution, shall be booked in the Public account of
Parliament may by law establish a the Central Government.
Contingency Fund in the nature of an
imprest to be entitled ‘The Contingency The Accounts of Union Territories of
Fund of India’ into which shall be paid Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Island,
from time to time sums (from Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Lakshadweep,
Consolidated Fund of India) as may be Chandigarh and Daman and Diu which do
determined by law, and such Fund shall be not have Legislative Assemblies, form part
placed at the disposal of the President to of the Accounts of the Government of
enable advances to be made by him out of India.
such fund for the purposes of meeting
unforeseen expenditure pending Further Classification of transactions in
authorization of such expenditure by Accounts
Parliament by law under relevant articles (MSO (A&E) Vol-I Para 4.3)
of the Constitution (under Article 115 or
under Article 116). Broad features of classification of
transactions in Government accounts are:
Similarly, the Legislature of a State may
by law establish a contingency fund in the (1) Under Article 150 of the
nature of imprest into which shall be paid Constitution, the accounts of the
from time to time such sums as may be Union and States shall be kept in
determined by such law, and the said Fund such form as the President may on
shall be placed at the disposal of the the advice of the Comptroller and
Governor of the State to enable advances Auditor General, prescribe. The
to be made by him out of such fund for the word ‘Form’ used in Article 150
purposes of meeting unforeseen has a comprehensive meaning so as
expenditure pending authorization of such to include the prescription not only
expenditure by the Legislature of the State of the broad form in which the
by law under Article 205 or Article 206 of accounts are to be kept but also the
the Constitution. basis for selecting appropriate

Participant Note No. 4 3

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

heads under which the transactions receipts of capital nature, which cannot
are to be classified. be applied as a set off to Capital
(2) The estimates of receipts and Expenditure.
expenditure framed by
Government or in any order of (b) The section 'Expenditure Heads
Appropriation shall indicate (Capital Account)' which deals with
provisions, ordinarily against heads expenditure met usually from
opened in conformity with the borrowed funds with the object either
prescribed rules. Where there is of increasing concrete assets of a
divergence, the corresponding material and permanent character or
receipt or expenditure shall be reducing recurring liabilities. It also
brought to account under the includes receipts of a capital nature
appropriate major head or minor intended to be applied as set off to
head or other unit of classification capital expenditure.
as determined by the President on
the advice of the Comptroller and (c) The Sections 'Public Debt' and
Auditor General of India. 'Loans and Advances' which comprise
of loans raised and their repayments by
(3) In Part-I, namely the Consolidated Government such as, Internal Debt.
Fund, there are two main sub- External Debt of the Central
divisions, namely Government, and Loans and Advances
(i) Revenue: consisting of sections made by Governments, and their
for ‘Receipt Heads (Revenue recoveries.
Account)’, and ‘Expenditure Heads
(Revenue Account)’. The sources of inputs into the
(ii) Capital, Public Debt, Loans Consolidated Fund are clearly defined.
consisting of sections for 'Receipt These are:
Heads (Capital Account)' (a) Revenues;
'Expenditure Heads (Capital (b) Loans and ways means advances;
Account)’ and 'Public Debt', and
'Loans', and Advances'. (c) Recoveries of loans granted by
The first division comprising the
section Receipts Heads (Revenue The Constitution of India does not
Account) dealing with the proceeds of mention whether grants form part of
taxation and other receipts classed as revenue.
revenue and the section; ‘Expenditure
Heads (Revenue Account)’ dealing There are two kinds of grants: One is
with expenditure met there from. grant to States whose revenues are
inadequate to meet their normal
The second sub-division comprises the expenditure of running the
following sections: Government and these grants are as
per the provisions of the Constitution.
(a) The Section 'Receipts Heads Obviously, these can be considered
(Capital Account)' which deals with revenues of the receiving State. Then

Participant Note No. 4 4

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

there are grants which the Government cash between treasuries and
of India gives for Centrally Sponsored currency chests and transfers
Schemes; these are also considered between different accounting
revenues. Similar is the case of foreign circles. The initial debits or credits
aid in form of grants received by the to these heads will be cleared
Government of India. eventually by corresponding
receipts or payments either within
(4) In Part II, namely Contingency the same circle of account or in
Fund, of the Accounts are recorded another account circle.
the transactions connected with the
Contingency Fund set up by the For payments out of the Public
Government of India or by a State Account, approval of the
Government or by a Union Parliament or State Legislature is
Territory Government under not required.
Article 267 of the Constitution/
Section 48 of the Union Territory Rule 19 of the Form of Accounts of
Act, 1963. the Union and States (Basic) Rules
1983 elaborates the concept of the
The Contingency Fund is at the Public Account. It says that in the
disposal of President/Governor; Public Account the transactions
therefore, only Government can relating to Debt (other than those
issue authority for use of its included in the Consolidated
moneys. No subordinate authority Fund), deposits, Advances,
can of itself, authorise its use. Remittances and Suspense shall be
recorded. The transactions under
(5) In Part III, namely Public Account, Debt, Deposit and Advances in the
of the Account, the transactions Public Account are such in respect
relating to Debt (Other than those of which Government incurs a
included in Part-I), 'Deposits', liability to repay the moneys with
'Advances', 'Remittances' and the repayments of the former (Debt
'Suspense' are recorded. The and Deposits) and recoveries of the
transactions under Debt, Deposit latter (Advances).
and Advances in this part are such
in respect of which Government The transaction under the head
incurs a liability to repay the Remittances and Suspense in the
moneys received or has a claim to Public Account are booked only for
recover the amounts paid, together a temporary period until these are
with the repayments of the former transferred to the correct accounts
(Debt and Deposits) and the in the Consolidated Fund or the
recoveries of the latter (advances). Public Accounts.
The transactions relating to
'Remittances' and 'Suspense' in this (6) As already discussed in previous
part embrace all merely adjusting session, the transactions in the
heads under which shall appear Consolidated Fund are classified
such transactions as Remittances of into:

Participant Note No. 4 5

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

(i) Charged and Voted

expenditure; Expenditure Head (Revenue Account)
(ii) (ii) Plan and Non-Plan Sector Sub-sector
expenditure; and A. General (a) Organs of State
(iii) Revenue and Capital Services (b) Fiscal services
Account. (i) Collection of Taxes on
Income and Expenditure
The concepts of voted expenditure and (ii) Collection of Taxes on
charged expenditure and of Plan Property and Capital
expenditure and non-Plan expenditure Transactions
have been explained in Session 2 on (iii) Collection of Taxes on
Introduction to Government Accounting. commodities and Services
The concepts and classification of (iv) Other Fiscal Services
expenditure between revenue and capital (c) Interest payments and
account is explained subsequently in this servicing of debt
session. (d) Administrative Services
(e) Pensions and
Sectors and Sub-sectors of Miscellaneous General
Accounts Services
(f) Defence Services
(a) Within each of the Divisions and sub- B. Social (a) Education, sports, Art
divisions of the Consolidated Fund Services and Culture
referred to above, the transactions are (b) Health and Family
grouped into Sectors and sub-sectors welfare
as under: (c) Water supply,
sanitation, Housing and
Revenue Receipts Urban development
Sector Sub-sector (d) Information and
A. Tax (a) Taxes on Income and Broadcasting
Revenue Expenditure (e) Welfare of Scheduled
(b) Taxes on Property and castes, Scheduled Tribes
Capital transactions and Other Backward Casts
(c) Taxes on commodities (f) Labour and Labour
and Services Welfare
B. Non-Tax (a) Fiscal Services (g) Social Welfare and
Revenue (b) Interest Receipts, Nutrition
Dividends and Profits (h) Others
(c) Non-Tax revenue C. Economic (a) Agriculture and allied
(i) General services Services Services
(ii) Social Services (b) Rural Development
(iii)Economic Services (c) Special Areas
C. Grants –in Grants –in –Aid and Programme
–Aid and Contributions (d) Irrigation and Flood
Contributions Control

Participant Note No. 4 6

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

(e) Energy (b) Deposits not bearing

(f) Industry and Minerals Interest
(g) Transport (c) Advances
(h) Communication L. Suspense (a) Coinage Accounts
(i) Science Technology and and (b) Suspense
Environment Miscellaneous (c) Other Accounts
(j) General Economic (d) Accounts with
Services Governments of Foreign
D. Grants-in Countries
–Aid and (e) Miscellaneous
Contribution M. (a) Money Orders and
Remittances Other Transactions
(b) Similar segregation of transactions (b) Inter Government
into Sectors and Sub-sectors, Adjusting account
depending on the type of transaction (c) Exchange Accounts
is made in respect of Capital N. Cash
Receipts Head. Balances

The transactions are further classified The transactions are further classified into
into different Major Heads of Account. Major Heads of Account. The Sectors/
The Sectors/ Sub-Sectors will be Sub-Sectors will be distinguished by letter
distinguished by letter of the alphabet. of the alphabet.

Allotment of Code to each Major

(b) In Part-II- Contingency Fund, there
is a single Major Head and all the Head and range of code numbers
transactions met out of the
Contingency Fund are recorded under A four-digit code has been allotted to the
it. Major Head, the first digit indicating
whether the Major Head is a Receipt Head
(c) In the case of Part-III- or Revenue Expenditure Head, or Capital
Public Account, the transactions are Expenditure Head or Loans and Advances
grouped into the Sectors and Sub- Head or it pertains to Public Account. The
sectors, as under: allocation of first digit on numeric code
Sector Sub-sector for different sections is as under:
I. Small (a) Small savings
Savings, (b) Provident Funds First Digit of Represents
provident (c) Other Accounts Major Head
Funds, etc. ‘0’ or ‘1’ Revenue Receipts
J. Reserve (a) Reserve Funds ‘2’ or ‘3’ Revenue
Fund Bearing Interest Expenditure
(b) Reserve Funds not 4000 (exception) Capital Receipt
Bearing Interest ‘4’ or ‘5’ Capital Expenditure
K. Deposits (a) Deposits bearing ‘6’ or ‘7’ Loans and
and Advances Interest Advances Head

Participant Note No. 4 7

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

‘8’ Public Account

8000 (exception) Contingency Fund Major, Minor and Detailed Heads

Adding 2 to the first digit of the Revenue (a) The main unit classification in
Receipt will give the Code Number accounts is the major head, which is
allotted to corresponding Revenue divided into minor heads, each of
Expenditure Head; adding another 2- the which has a number of sub-ordinate
Capital Expenditure Head and another 2- heads, generally known as sub-heads.
the Loans and Advances Head of The sub-heads are further divided into
Accounts; e.g. detailed heads. Sometimes major heads
may be divided into sub-major heads
0401 represents the Receipt Head for Crop before their further divisions, into
Husbandry 2401 represents the Revenue minor heads.
Expenditures Head for Crop Husbandry
4401 represents the Capital Outlay on (b) Major Heads of accounts falling within
Crop Husbandry 6401 represents Loans the Consolidated Fund generally
for Crop Husbandry. correspond to 'Functions' of
Government such as different services
Such a pattern is however, not relevant for like 'Agriculture’ 'Defence' provided
those departments, which are not, by Government, while minor heads
operating Capital/Loan Head of Accounts subordinate to them identify the
e.g. Department of Supply. In a few cases, Programme undertaken to achieve the
however, where receipt/expenditure is not objectives of the function represented
heavy, certain Major Heads have been by the major head.
combined under and single number, the
Major Heads themselves forming sub – (c) A 'detailed head', is termed as an object
major heads under that number. The range classification. On the expenditure side
of code numbers allotted under the scheme of the accounts particularly in respect
of codification is shown below: - of heads of accounts within the
Consolidated Fund, detailed heads are
Part I- Consolidated primarily meant for itemised control
Fund over expenditure and indicate the
Section I Receipt Heads 0020-1999 object or nature of expenditure on a
(Revenue Account) scheme or activity or organization in
Expenditure Heads 2011-3999 terms of inputs such as 'Salaries',
(Revenue Account) 'Office Expenses', 'Grants-in-Aid',
Section II- Receipt Head 4000 'Loans', 'Investments'.
(Capital Account)
Expenditure Heads 4046-5999 (d) Accounts and the Order in which the
(Capital Account) Major and Minor Heads shall appear in
Section III Public Debt, 6001-7999 all account records shall be such as are
loans and Advances prescribed by the Central Government
Part II-Contingency 8000 from time to time on the advice of the
Fund Comptroller and Auditor General of
Part III-Public Account 8001-8995 India. The 'List of Major and Minor

Participant Note No. 4 8

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

Heads of Account of Central and digit)

States-Receipts and Disbursements' Sub Detailed XXXX-
contain the classification prescribed in Scheme Head XX-XXX-
this regard. The classification XX-XX (2
prescribed (including the code No. digit)
assigned up to the major heads and Object of Object Head XXXX-
minor heads there under) are strictly Expenditure XX-XXX-
followed. XX-XX-
XX (2
(e) In certain cases, especially in regard to digit)
non-developmental expenditure or
expenditure of an administrative Example:
nature, the sub-heads may denote the
components of a programme, such as Pay of Rs. 5000 drawn for an allopathic
Organisations or the different Wings of doctor employed in an urban dispensary
Administration. will be classified as under:
Major Head: 2210 Medical and Public
Summing up, the classification of Health
transactions in Government account Sub-Major Head: (a) Urban Health
follows a coding pattern as below: Scheme – Allopathy
Minor Head: 110-Hospitals and
Major Head: 4-Digit Code Dispensaries
Sub-Major Head: 2-digit Code Sub-Minor Head: XX-Dispensaries
Minor Head 3-digit Code Object Head: XX-pay
Sub-Minor Head 2-digit Code
Detailed Head 2-digit Code
Object Head 2-digit Code Basis of Classification

1 Expenditure, which under the

This may be graphically represented as provisions of the Constitution is
under: subjected to the vote of the
Legislature, shall be shown in the
Activity Accounts Numerical accounts separately from
Level Classification code expenditure, which is ‘charged’ on
Structure the Consolidated Fund of India or of
Function Major Head XXXX (4 a State or Union Territory
digit) Government. The expression
Sub- Sub-Major XXXX-XX ‘Charged’ or ‘Voted’ shall be
Function Head (2 digit) appended to the heads concerned to
Programme Minor Head XXXX- distinguish the two categories of
XX-XXX expenditure.
(3 digit)
Scheme Sub-Minor XXXX- 2. Under Article 150 of the
Head XX-XXX- Constitution, the accounts of the
XX (2 Union and of the States shall be kept

Participant Note No. 4 9

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

in such form as the President may on Department are shown under the
the advice of the Comptroller and major head “2059-Public works”
Auditor General, prescribe. The irrespective of the functions to which
word from used in Article 150 has a they relate.
comprehensive meaning so as to
include the prescription not only of Criteria for determining whether
the broad form in which the accounts expenditure should be classified under
are to be kept but also the basis for heads of Capital Section or Revenue
selecting appropriate heads under Section of the Consolidate Fund
which transactions are to be
classified. (I) Expenditure of a capital nature to be
classified in the Capital Section shall
3. The estimates of receipts and broadly be defined as expenditure
expenditure framed by Government incurred with the object either of
or in any order of Appropriation shall increasing concrete assets of a
indicate provisions, ordinarily material and permanent character or
against heads opened in conformity of reducing recurring liabilities
with the rules. Where there is
divergence, the corresponding (II) Expenditure of a Capital nature shall
receipt or expenditure shall be be distinguished from Revenue
brought to account under the expenditure both in the budget
appropriate major head or minor Estimates and in Government
head or other unit of classification as Accounts.
determined by the President on the
advice of the comptroller and (III) Expenditure of a Capital nature as
Auditor General. defined above shall not be classed as
Capital expenditure in the
4. As general rule, the classification of Government accounts unless the
transactions in Government accounts classification has been expressly
shall have closer reference to the authorised by general or special
functions, programme and activity of orders of Government.
the Government and the object of the
revenue or expenditure, rather than (IV) The allocation of expenditure
the department in which the revenue between capital and revenue
or expenditure occurs. This principle expenditure on a Capital Scheme for
is however, subjected to such which separate capital and revenue
exceptions as may be authorised accounts are to be kept shall be
specially in any individual case or determined in accordance with such
class of cases e.g. receipts general or special orders as may be
representing ‘Interest’ are shown prescribed by the Government on the
under “0049-Interest Receipts” and advice of the Comptroller and
expenditure on the maintenance and Auditor General.
repairs of the non-Residential
buildings under the administrative (V) The following are the main
control of the Public Works principles governing the allocation of

Participant Note No. 4 10

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

expenditure on a Capital Scheme assets of any commercial department

between Capital and Revenue or undertaking, the distribution of
accounts: - expenditure on renewals, and
(MSO (A&E) Vol-I Para 4.8) replacements between Capital
Account and the Fund should be so
a) Capital account shall bear all regulated as to guard against over
charges for the first construction and capitalisation on the one hand and
equipment of a project as well as excessive withdrawals from the Fund
charges for intermediate on the other.
maintenance of the work while not
yet opened for service. It would also d) Expenditure on account of
bear charges for such further reparation of damage caused by
additions and improvements as may extraordinary calamities such as
be sanctioned under rules made by flood, fire, earthquake, and enemy
competent authority. action should be charged to Capital
account or to Revenue account or
b) Subject to (c) below, revenue divided between them in such a way
account shall bear all subsequent as may be determined by
charges for maintenance and all Government according to the
working expenses. These embrace all circumstance of each case.
expenditure on the working and
upkeep of the project and also on e) Capital receipts in so far as they
such renewals and replacements and relate to expenditure previously
such additions, improvements or debited to Capital heads, accruing
extensions as prescribed by during the process of construction of
Government. a project, should be utilised in
reduction of capital expenditure.
c) In the case of works of renewal Thereafter, their treatment in the
and replacement which partake both accounts will depend on
of a capital and revenue nature, the circumstances but except under a
allocation of expenditure should be special rule or order of Government,
regulated by the broad principle that they should not be credited to the
revenue should pay or provide a fund revenue account of the department or
for the adequate replacement of all undertaking.
wastage or depreciation of property
originally provided out of capital Accounts closing to balance and
grants and that only the cost of accounts closing to Government
genuine improvements, whether
determined by prescribed rules or One important classification of accounts is
formulae or under special orders of Closing Accounts and Balancing
Government, should be debited to Accounts. Closing Accounts are those,
Capital account. Where under special which are closed to Consolidated Fund of
orders of Government, a India or State or Union Territory having
Depreciation or Renewals Reserve Legislature. They close to Government
Fund is established for renewing that is no balance in these accounts is

Participant Note No. 4 11

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad
Indian Audit and Accounts Department
Structured Courseware on Government Accounting
Session: 4 – Classification and form of Government Accounts

carried from year to year. Balancing

Accounts are those where Government is
to recover money from others or it has to
return money to others, and these are
carried forward from year to year until

Generally speaking the consolidated

impact of transactions that is the balances
under Part-I (Consolidated Fund) of the
Accounts excluding Public Debt and
Loans and Advances are closed to
Government Accounts. The year-end
balances in these heads are not carried
forward and close to the Government.

Balances appearing under Major Heads in

Public Debt, Loans and Advances under
Part I, Part II-Contingency Fund and Part
III-Public Accounts do not close to
Government. Theses balances close to
these head and are carried forward from

Participant Note No. 4 12

Courseware designed and prepared by: Regional Training Institute, Allahabad

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