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Charl Peter P.

Kindness, Generosity and the Modern World
More often than not, we hear stories of people (especially well-known ones)
that are donating money or thing to someone or something. It brings us joy to
see acts of generosity and kindness, but it’s rare to happen in our lifetime. In
our daily lives, we often encounter someone that needs help (like a homeless
or beggar in the street) but we often: Avoid them or pretend that you don’t see
them and pass by. In this market-based economy, material things like money,
influence, etc. are needed to thrive and survive as an individual and losing it
by giving or distributing can be huge loss. It results in a society that everyone
cares about themselves only and things like backstabbing, stealing becomes a
normal feature
Stories of kindness, generosity today are not always acted with good intentions.
Some people (especially famous ones) just do it for publicity. In age of social
media (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) where you can form a fake self, it’s crucial
to make a good impression. Institutions like charities and foundations that are
designed to help the needy are sometimes used for money laundering, fraud
etc. because it’s tax exempt in most countries. Rich people often stored their
money in bogus charities or foundations to keep them from being taxed by
The problem of charities and people who donate today is that they always give
without teaching the needy on how to fend for themselves. This creates a
dependence mentality in people, where they think that they do not need
improve or work hard themselves because they already have an easy source to
latch onto for need. Humans love predictability,
I’m not saying that kindness and generosity is dead and irrelevant in the
modern world. Helping your fellow human with no intentions is one of the
beautiful things we can do.

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