How The Following Issues Affect The Educational System in The Philippines?

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BONIFACIO ST.,ormoc city

1. How the following issues affect the Educational system in the


Graft and Corruption

Graft and Corruption has a negative effect on education

outcomes: it reduces test scores, lowers national ranking of schools,
raises variation of test scores across schools and reduces satisfaction
ratings. We also find that corruption affects public services in rural
areas in different ways than urban areas, and that corruption harms
the poor more than the wealthy.

Budget allocation

In a recent press briefing, Education Secretary Leonor Briones

admitted that the shift to a new budget system “is a challenge” not only
to the DepEd but to other government agencies as well. Initially, a strictly
cash-based system is being pushed by the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM). However, it was opposed by legislators, particularly
some members of the House of Representatives.

The Philippine Educational System is a clear example of a boat

sailing in a body of changes and challenges. It has in fact followed the
same pattern of education as that of the rest of the world. It has passed
through various stages of development and undergone dramatic changes
depicted in the various era of educational evolution. Its long years of
exposure and contact with the Spaniards, Americans, and Japanese have
created a spectrum of educational variations and lines of emphasis.

Localization Law in accepting Teaching force

Qualified applicants according to the Definition of terms of the said

order are those who have been screened and who, therefore, meet the
evaluation and selection criteria used by the schools Division as
provided for the enclosed guidelines. They must be a bonafide
residents for at least 6 months at the barangay, municipality, city or
province in which the school being applied to for a teaching position is
located, as evidenced by the personal Data sheet and a voter’s
identification card or any proof of residency as deemed acceptable by
the School Screening Committee.

One of the changes from previous issuance is that all applicants

shall register through the department’s online system at, where they must encode their Personal data

Bullying in school is a worldwide problem that can have negative

consequences for the general school climate and for a safe environment
without fear. Bullying can also have negative lifelong consequences-both for
students who bully, for their victims and to the persons who have witnessed
bullying situations.

The effects of school bullying are pervasive and far-reaching. From

mental point of view, a child's self-esteem can be severely impacted even
years after bullying has stopped. The victims of bullying may suffer from
depression, particularly if the bullying has occurred over a long period of
Bullying is link to many negative outcomes including impacts on
mental health, substance use an suicide.

Transition from Junior to Senior to college level

The transition from Junior High school to Senior high school presents
many students with challenges that affect their academic performance and
overall success in their first year of high school, due to their lack of success;
many students become disengaged and eventually drop out of high school
before tenth grade.

The transition to high school has been accompanied by negative

consequences for some students including achievement loss and dropping
out shortly after they enter high school or falling behind and failing to
graduate on time”. Students encounter difficulties in their first year of high
school, given the number of students who dropout before finishing ninth
grade. To reveal the factors that influence students when deciding to
dropout, it is imperative that one takes a closer look at the problem. It is
also necessary to find out how parents, teachers, school administrators, and
peers may also impact to student’s decision.

K to 12 Program

Changes to the education system are intended to better equip

students for employment and further study, both at home and abroad.
However, one consequence is the major and ongoing ripple effect they will
have on colleges and universities. In particular, the reforms will spark a
precipitous decline in higher education enrollments during the 2019/20 and
2020/21 school years, as the cohort of students who would typically enroll
show up on campus instead continue on in senior high school. Despite the
fact that numbers should recover the following year, the prospect has
created widespread concern among university faculty, who, last year
emerged as “leading voices of opposition,” said The New York Times. “Many
are concerned that moving classes for 17- and 18-year-olds from
universities to high schools will result in the firing of at least 25,000
university employees,” the paper noted. (The government argues that this
lower figure, not the higher one cited in widely circulated petitions protesting
the reforms, is correct.)
Process of Application to the non-teaching & Teaching
In view of this, a group of professors from various colleges
and universities expressed their fear that the employment of
around 30,000 out of 90,000 private school teachers nationwide
may be affected starting 2016. Likewise, the employment of
around 15,000 non-teaching personnel nationwide may also be
affected by this drop of college enrollment.

To counter this labor problem, some HEIs formulated

various plans and actions. This includes the non-renewal of the
contracts of non-qualified provisionary and part time instructors
to basic education in HEIs offering basic education courses;
reclassify permanent faculty to administrative to academic
support positions; assigned faculty to do research, write a book
or work elsewhere; urge the concerned faculty to undergo study
leave with pay; give attractive retirement benefits or incentives
to those who opt to retire earlier or transfer to other
HEIs;facilitate the transfer of qualified faculty ro senior High
school; among others.

Educational Infrastructure
The impact of infrastructure on educational quality. A review
of the most recent literature indicates that investments to improve
school infrastructure has effects on the educational quality at least
in the following three dimensions; Attendance and completion of
academic cycles, Teacher motivation and learning results.

2. Cite at least 3 possible solutions to bridge the gap between each

issues and the Educational system in the Philippine setting.

 Creating and making available educational resources on

competency-based learning. These resources might be best
practices, rubrics or tools, or research.

 Build relationships with local businesses and career academies, and

create incentives for companies to hire students, in order to create
a revenue stream for schools
Look to competitive pricing and creative solutions

 Creating working groups, within education organizations, with the

aim of advancing authentic student learning
 Identifying best practices from other industries or sectors, and learn
more about adult learning
 Create a community for teachers to access immediate help
 Personalize professional development
 Create and strengthen K-12 and higher education partnerships

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