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ACTIVATING DIVINE LIGHT ................................................ 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................... 2
THE ANCHOR..................................................................... 4
DIVINE UNION ................................................................... 5
RA-KI................................................................................... 6
ORDER OF THE SERPENT ................................................... 7
ARAVA - The Grant........................................................ 8
ANTKAH - The Way......................................................... 8
KOF-KAR - The Emergence ........................................... 8
ARAVA - THE GRANT ........................................................... 9
ANTKAH - THE WAY ........................................................... 10
KOF-KAR - THE EMERGENCE ............................................... 11
ANNU-BA ......................................................................... 12
ACK-BA............................................................................ 13
SO-FA ............................................................................... 14
THE ORDER OF THE PHARISEE ................................................. 15

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 2

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 3

Drawn STARTING at the BASE CHAKRA to below the FEET

Line 5 and 6 come into the NAVEL

This symbol is to re-strengthen the connection chords to Mother Earth. It is

in the shape of an anchor.

This is a symbol for ones who have spent a long time on this planet. When
we come in our Life Force is very strong and as we use a lot of energy
over the years the Life Force begins to fade and so a boost is needed. As
you are all carrying the vibration of Crystal then this symbol activates your
connection to the Great Mother as she herself has been going through
great changes and now has a new Life Force that connects once this
symbol has been activated.

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 4


Over the Thymus

The Key to open the Passage Way

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 5


Over the Third Eye

Is the Passage Way traveling to Divine Light

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 6


Over the Entire Body

Love Aspect. Turning on (creating) of new Chakra

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 7

ARAVA - The Grant

ANTKAH - The Way

KOF-KAR - The Emergence

These are the three symbols that will complete the union of sexuality
bathed within the Divine Light. They are three that came after the others
but are a part of ORDER OF THE SERPENT.

Truly, now will your understanding, your power and your blessings be

The time of acceptance is at hand and all those who are to move
forward will be washed in this loving light.

It is not by mere chance that there are three symbols here. This its self
stand for the great union. Of Male/Female/Spirit, forming as ONE WHOLE

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 8

ARAVA - The Grant

Over the Sexual Chakra

Then encircle the body and seal it in

This is a truly joyous symbol, indeed it is a great gift to all of humankind.

As with all the symbols in this group, they are to be drawn over/including
the Sexual Chakra, then deeply implanted in the body by encircling the
whole body.

The Grant clears all of the negative, unclean and confused energies
flowing in our sexual system. It will have a strikingly positive effect
releasing long held fears and beliefs. This will free up the flow of energy,
which then will be able to be directed correctly.

Use well, wisely and with Love.

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 9

ANTKAH - The Way

From the CROWN CHAKRA to the FEET and

over the Sexual Chakra
Then REVERSE by drawing from the
bottom to the top.
The PUSH (6 – POWER CHAKRA) is added
after drawing this in Reverse.

Like a soft motherly touch comes this symbol,

from the implanting and use of this will come
guidance and direction to energies long
forgotten that are stored within you all.

The ability to guide these great energies will

shine from you and become a beacon to all.
Much is to be learned and gained from this
step. In Love take the time you need with it.

Draw all you need to and within you. Go and

enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 10

KOF-KAR - The Emergence

Over the Sexual Chakra

Then encircle the body and seal it in

This final symbol will aid you towards your goal of being at peace and
within control of the newest vibration that will emerge from all that use this
set of symbols.

As with control, so come responsibility, compassion and understanding.

This must flow from you all.

Like new born butterflies bursting forth, so you will all be.

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 11


Drawn from the CROWN CHAKRA to the FEET

The encircle the whole body

Pouring Out. Spinning – activating Love only at all times

This symbol is to connect to the Inner Peace of the Thymus. Much work is
being done on the Thymus. This will help to continue with the path back
to True Love and Light. Another part of the DNA is being turned on.

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 12


Drawn from the THIRD EYE to the BOTTOM OF THE BELLY

Bliss. Result of these new Chakras

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 13


Drawn from the CROWN CHAKRA to the FEET

This symbol represents the cementing of the desired change of DNA for

This has been given at this time for all to get familiar with the other symbols
and especially The Anchor.

Now it is complete

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 14

The Order of the Pharisee

Drawn from the CROWN CHAKRA to the POWER CHAKRA

The Order of the Pharisee has been given as the Teacher Symbol. The
ones of The Watchers have been gathered. The call has gone forth and
they listen to the cry.

These ones will connect to this symbol and will be the teachers and the

© Merilyn Bretherick & Peter Johanson - Co-Founders of Ra~Sheeba 15

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