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5 Signs That You Could Use a

Corporate Travel Management

 You lack the human resources. The task of travel management often
falls on someone with a completely different title, who likely hasn’t been
trained in corporate travel. This wastes company time and money when
that person should be doing their “real” job, but is stuck trying to buy
tickets and wrangle itineraries.
 You lack patience. Do you struggle to know which deals are the best
deals? Do you have other things to do than spend the afternoon comparing
sites, flight routes, and prices? With a travel management company, let
someone else find the best deals.
 You have little or no travel management industry knowledge. Do
you know the most effective practices for corporate travel policies? How
about negotiating airline or hotel contracts? You may be missing out on
standard practices or budget saving tips.
 Your analytics and reporting are non-existent. Just like other areas of
your business, analyzing and managing the expenses and trends of your
corporate travel program is important for running your business overall.
 You don’t have an emergency plan for travelers. Should your
employees face an emergency when traveling, do you have a plan? Do they
know what to do next? Travel management companies can provide
additional duty of care support when you need it the most.

If you answered “yes” to any of the signs above, you would certainly benefit
from using a business travel management company. Let the corporate
travel experts handle the details, while you focus on your company’s
growth and success. The Pravasi Business Travel has years of experience,
and continually thrives to achieve and innovate their services.

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