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Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art.

11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)

G.R. Nos. L-33466-67 April 20, 1983 gademit, proceed, go ahead.' Appellant apparently lost his equilibrium and he got his
gun and shot Fleischer, hitting him. As Fleischer fell down, Rubia ran towards the jeep,
and knowing there is a gun on the jeep, appellant fired at Rubia, likewise hitting him
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
(pp. 127-133, t.s.n., Defense transcript). Both Fleischer and Rubia died as a result of the
shotting' (pp. 9-14, t.s.n., Pieza I, pp. 8-9, Appellant's Brief, p.161, rec.).
MAMERTO NARVAEZ, defendant-appellant.

It appears, however, that this incident is intertwined with the long drawn out legal battle
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
between the Fleischer and Co., Inc. of which deceased Fleischer was the secretary-treasurer
and deceased Rubia the assistant manager, on the one hand, and the land settlers of
Gonzalo B. Callanta (counsel de oficio) for defendant-appellant. Cotabato, among whom was appellant.

MAKASIAR, J.: From the available records of the related cases which had been brought to the Court of
Appeals (CA-G.R. Nos. 28858-R and 50583-R) and to this Court on certiorari (G.R. No. L-
This is an appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance of South Cotabato, Branch I, 26757 and L-45504), WE take judicial notice of the following antecedent facts:
in Criminal Cases Nos. 1815 and 1816 for murder which, after a joint trial, resulted in the
conviction of the accused in a decision rendered on September 8, 1970, with the following Appellant was among those persons from northern and central Luzon who went to Mindanao
pronouncement: in 1937 and settled in Maitum, a former sitio of Kiamba and now a separate municipality of
South Cotabato. He established his residence therein, built his house, cultivated the area,
Thus, we have a crime of MURDER qualified by treachery with the aggravating and was among those who petitioned then President Manuel L. Quezon to order the
circumstance of evident premeditation offset by the mitigating circumstance of voluntary subdivision of the defunct Celebes Plantation and nearby Kalaong Plantation totalling about
surrender. The proper penalty imposable, therefore, is RECLUSION PERPETUA (Arts. 248 2,000 hectares, for distribution among the settlers.
and 64, Revised Penal Code).
Shortly thereafter, Fleischer and Company, headed by George W. Fleischer, an American
Accordingly, finding Mamerto Narvaez guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of landowner in Negros Oriental, filed sales application No. 21983 on June 3, 1937 over the
murder, same area formerly leased and later abandoned by Celebes Plantation Company, covering
1,017.2234 hectares.

(a) In Criminal Case No. 1815, he is hereby sentenced to RECLUSION PERPETUA, to

indemnify the heirs of the deceased Davis Q. Fleischer in the sum of P 12,000.00 as Meanwhile, the subdivision was ordered and a public land surveyor did the actual survey in
compensatory damages, P 10,000.00 as moral damages, P 2,000.00 as attorney's fees, 1941 but the survey report was not submitted until 1946 because of the outbreak of the
the offended party having been represented by a private prosecutor, and to pay the second world war. According to the survey, only 300 hectares Identified as Lots Nos. 22, 26
costs; and 38, Ps. 176 Kiamba, were set aside for Sales Application No. 21983, while the rest were
subdivided into sublots of 5 to 6 hectares each to be distributed among the settlers (pp. 32-
33, G.R. No. L-45504).
(b) In Criminal Case No. 1816, he is hereby sentenced to RECLUSION PERPETUA, to
indemnify the heirs of the deceased Flaviano Rubia in the sum of P12,000.00 as
compensatory damages, P10,000.00 as moral damages, P2,000.00 as attorney's fees, The 300 hectares set aside for the sales application of Fleischer and Company was declared
the offended party having been represent by a private prosecutor, and to pay the costs open for disposition, appraised and advertised for public auction. At the public auction held in
(p. 48, rec.). Manila on August 14, 1948, Fleischer and Company was the only bidder for P6,000.00. But
because of protests from the settlers the corresponding award in its favor was held in
abeyance, while an investigator was sent by the Director of Lands to Kiamba in the person of
The facts are summarized in the People's brief, as follows: Atty. Jose T. Gozon Atty. Gozon came back after ten days with an amicable settlement
signed by the representative of the settlers. This amicable settlement was later repudiated
At about 2:30 in the afternoon of August 22, 1968, Graciano Juan, Jesus Verano and by the settlers, but the Director of Lands, acting upon the report of Atty. Gozon, approved
Cesar Ibanez together with the two deceased Davis Fleischer and Flaviano Rubia, were the same and ordered the formal award of the land in question to Fleischer and Company.
fencing the land of George Fleischer, father of deceased Davis Fleischer. The place was The settlers appealed to the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, who, however,
in the boundary of the highway and the hacienda owned by George Fleischer. This is affirmed the decision in favor of the company.
located in the municipality of Maitum, South Cotabato. At the place of the fencing is the
house and rice drier of appellant Mamerto Narvaez (pp. 179-182, t.s.n., Pieza II). At On May 29, 1950, the settlers filed Civil Case No. 240 in the Court of First Instance of
that time, appellant was taking his rest, but when he heard that the walls of his house Cotabato which then consisted only of one sala, for the purpose of annulling the order of the
were being chiselled, he arose and there he saw the fencing going on. If the fencing Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources which affirmed the order of the Director of
would go on, appellant would be prevented from getting into his house and the bodega Lands awarding the contested land to the company. The settlers as plaintiffs, lost that case
of his ricemill. So he addressed the group, saying 'Pare, if possible you stop destroying in view of the amicable settlement which they had repudiated as resulting from threats and
my house and if possible we will talk it over what is good,' addressing the deceased intimidation, deceit, misrepresentation and fraudulent machination on the part of the
Rubia, who is appellant's compadre. The deceased Fleischer, however, answered: 'No, company. They appealed to the Court of Appeals (CA-G.R. No. 28858-R) which likewise
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
affirmed on August 16, 1965 the decision of the Court of First Instance in favor of the chiselled. Getting up and looking out of the window, he found that one of the laborers of
company. Fleischer was indeed chiselling the wall of his house with a crowbar (p. 129, t.s.n., Vol. 6),
while deceased Rubia was nailing the barbed wire and deceased Fleischer was commanding
his laborers. The jeep used by the deceased was parked on the highway. The rest of the
This resulted in the ouster of the settlers by an order of the Court of First Instance dated
incident is narrated in the People's Brief as above-quoted. Appellant surrendered to the
September 24, 1966, from the land which they had been occupying for about 30 years.
police thereafter, bringing with him shotgun No. 1119576 and claiming he shot two persons
Among those ejected was the appellant who, to avoid trouble, voluntarily dismantled his
(Exh. Pp. 31, Defense Exhibits).
house, built in 1947 at a cost of around P20,000.00, and transferred to his other house
which he built in 1962 or 1963 near the highway. The second house is not far from the site
of the dismantled house. Its ground floor has a store operated by Mrs. June Talens who was Appellant now questions the propriety of his conviction, assigning the following errors:
renting a portion thereof. He also transferred his store from his former residence to the
house near the highway. Aside from the store, he also had a rice mill located about 15
First Assignment of Error: That the lower court erred in convicting defendant-appellant
meters east of the house and a concrete pavement between the rice mill and the house,
despite the fact that he acted in defense of his person; and
which is used for drying grains and copra.

Second Assignment of Error: That the court a quo also erred in convicting defendant-
On November 14, 1966, appellant was among the settlers on whose behalf Jose V. Gamboa
appellant although he acted in defense of his rights (p. 20 of Appellant's Brief, p. 145,
and other leaders filed Civil Case No. 755 in the Court of First Instance of Cotabato, Branch I.
to obtain an injunction or annulment of the order of award with prayer for preliminary
injunction. During the pendency of this case, appellant on February 21, 1967 entered into a
contract of lease with the company whereby he agreed to lease an area of approximately 100 The act of killing of the two deceased by appellant is not disputed. Appellant admitted having
to 140 square meters of Lot No. 38 from the company (Exh. 9, p. 1, Folder of Exhibits for shot them from the window of his house with the shotgun which he surrendered to the police
Defense) for a consideration of P16.00 monthly. According to him, he signed the contract authorities. He claims, however, that he did so in defense of his person and of his rights, and
although the ownership of the land was still uncertain, in order to avoid trouble, until the therefore he should be exempt from criminal liability.
question of ownership could be decided. He never paid the agreed rental, although he alleges
that the milling job they did for Rubia was considered payment. On June 25, 1968, deceased Defense of one's person or rights is treated as a justifying circumstance under Art. 11, par. 1
Fleischer wrote him a letter with the following tenor: of the Revised Penal Code, but in order for it to be appreciated, the following requisites must
You have not paid six months rental to Fleischers & Co., Inc. for that portion of land in
which your house and ricemill are located as per agreement executed on February 21, First. Unlawful aggression;
1967. You have not paid as as even after repeated attempts of collection made by Mr.
Flaviano Rubia and myself.
Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it;

In view of the obvious fact that you do not comply with the agreement, I have no
alternative but to terminate our agreement on this date. Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself (Art. 11,
par. 1, Revised Penal Code, as amended).

I am giving you six months to remove your house, ricemill, bodega, and water pitcher
pumps from the land of Fleischers & Co., Inc. This six- month period shall expire on The aggression referred to by appellant is the angry utterance by deceased Fleischer of the
December 31, 1966. following words: "Hindi, sigue, gademit, avante", in answer to his request addressed to
his compadre, the deceased Rubia, when he said, "Pare, hinto mona ninyo at pag-usapan
natin kung ano ang mabuti" (pp. 227-229, t.s.n., Vol. 6). This was in reaction to his having
In the event the above constructions have not been removed within the six- month been awakened to see the wall of his house being chiselled. The verbal exchange took place
period, the company shall cause their immediate demolition (Exhibit 10, p. 2, supra). while the two deceased were on the ground doing the fencing and the appellant was up in his
house looking out of his window (pp. 225-227, supra). According to appellant, Fleischer's
On August 21, 1968, both deceased, together with their laborers, commenced fencing Lot 38 remarks caused this reaction in him: "As if, I lost my senses and unknowingly I took the gun
by putting bamboo posts along the property line parallel to the highway. Some posts were on the bed and unknowingly also I shot Mr. Fleischer, without realizing it, I shot Mr.
planted right on the concrete drier of appellant, thereby cutting diagonally across its center Fleischer" (p. 132, supra). As for the shooting of Rubia, appellant testified:
(pp. 227-228, t.s.n., Vol. 2), with the last post just adjacent to appellant's house (p. 231,
t.s.n., supra). The fence, when finished, would have the effect of shutting off the accessibility When I shot Davis Fleischer, Flaviano Rubia was nailing and upon hearing the shot, Mr.
to appellant's house and rice mill from the highway, since the door of the same opens to the Rubia looked at Mr. Fleischer and when Mr. Fleischer fell down, Mr. Rubia ran towards
Fleischers' side. The fencing continued on that fateful day of August 22, 1968, with the the jeep and knowing that there was a firearm in the jeep and thinking that if he will
installation of four strands of barbed wire to the posts. take that firearm he will kill me, I shot at him (p. 132, supra, Emphasis supplied).

At about 2:30 p.m. on the said day, appellant who was taking a nap after working on his The foregoing statements of appellant were never controverted by the prosecution. They
farm all morning, was awakened by some noise as if the wall of his house was being claim, however, that the deceased were in lawful exercise of their rights of ownership over
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
the land in question, when they did the fencing that sealed off appellant's access to the It happened this way: we talked it over with my Mrs. that we better rent the place
highway. because even though we do not know who really owns this portion to avoid trouble. To
avoid trouble we better pay while waiting for the case because at that time, it was not
known who is the right owner of the place. So we decided until things will clear up and
A review of the circumstances prior to the shooting as borne by the evidence reveals that
determine who is really the owner, we decided to pay rentals (p. 169, t.s.n., Vol.6).
five persons, consisting of the deceased and their three laborers, were doing the fencing and
chiselling of the walls of appellant's house. The fence they were putting up was made of
bamboo posts to which were being nailed strands of barbed wire in several layers. Obviously, In any case, Fleischer had given him up to December 31, 1968 (Exh.10, p. 2, Defense
they were using tools which could be lethal weapons, such as nail and hammer, bolo or Exhibits) within which to vacate the land. He should have allowed appellant the peaceful
bamboo cutter, pliers, crowbar, and other necessary gadgets. Besides, it was not disputed enjoyment of his properties up to that time, instead of chiselling the walls of his house and
that the jeep which they used in going to the place was parked just a few steps away, and in closing appellant's entrance and exit to the highway.
it there was a gun leaning near the steering wheel. When the appellant woke up to the sound
of the chiselling on his walls, his first reaction was to look out of the window. Then he saw
The following provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines are in point:
the damage being done to his house, compounded by the fact that his house and rice mill
will be shut off from the highway by the fence once it is finished. He therefore appealed to
his compadre, the deceased Rubia, to stop what they were doing and to talk things over with Art. 536. In no case may possession be acquired through force or intimidation as long as
him. But deceased Fleischer answered angrily with 'gademit' and directed his men to proceed there is a possessor who objects thereto. He who believes that he has an action or a
with what they were doing. right to deprive another of the holding of a thing must invoke the aid of the competent
court, if the holder should refuse to deliver the thing.
The actuation of deceased Fleischer in angrily ordering the continuance of the fencing would
have resulted in the further chiselling of the walls of appellant's house as well as the closure Art. 539. Every possessor has a right to be respected in his possession; and should he
of the access to and from his house and rice mill-which were not only imminent but were be disturbed therein he shall be protected in or restored to said possession by the means
actually in progress. There is no question, therefore, that there was aggression on the part of established by the laws and the Rules of Court (Articles 536 and 539, Civil Code of the
the victims: Fleischer was ordering, and Rubia was actually participating in the fencing. This Philippines).
was indeed aggression, not on the person of appellant, but on his property rights.
Conformably to the foregoing provisions, the deceased had no right to destroy or cause
The question is, was the aggression unlawful or lawful? Did the victims have a right to fence damage to appellant's house, nor to close his accessibility to the highway while he was
off the contested property, to destroy appellant's house and to shut off his ingress and pleading with them to stop and talk things over with him. The assault on appellant's
egress to his residence and the highway? property, therefore, amounts to unlawful aggression as contemplated by law.

Article 30 of the Civil Code recognizes the right of every owner to enclose or fence his land or Illegal aggression is equivalent to assault or at least threatened assault of immediate
tenements. and imminent kind (People vs. Encomiendas, 46 SCRA 522).

However, at the time of the incident on August 22, 1968, Civil Case no. 755 for annulment of In the case at bar, there was an actual physical invasion of appellant's property which he had
the order of award to Fleischer and Company was still pending in the Court of First Instance the right to resist, pursuant to Art. 429 of the Civil Code of the Philippines which provides:
of Cotabato. The parties could not have known that the case would be dismissed over a year
after the incident on August 22, 1968, as it was dismissed on January 23, 1970 on ground Art. 429. The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has the right to exclude any person
of res judicata, in view of the dismissal in 1965 (by the Court of Appeals) of Civil Case No. from the enjoyment and disposal thereof. For this purpose, he may use such force as
240 filed in 1950 for the annulment of the award to the company, between the same parties, may be reasonably necessary to repel or prevent an actual or threatened unlawful
which the company won by virtue of the compromise agreement in spite of the subsequent physical invasion or usurpation of his property (Emphasis supplied).
repudiation by the settlers of said compromise agreement; and that such 1970 dismissal also
carried the dismissal of the supplemental petition filed by the Republic of the Philippines on
November 28, 1968 to annul the sales patent and to cancel the corresponding certificate of The reasonableness of the resistance is also a requirement of the justifying circumstance of
title issued to the company, on the ground that the Director of Lands had no authority to self-defense or defense of one's rights under paragraph 1 of Article 11, Revised Penal Code.
conduct the sale due to his failure to comply with the mandatory requirements for When the appellant fired his shotgun from his window, killing his two victims, his resistance
publication. The dismissal of the government's supplemental petition was premised on the was disproportionate to the attack.
ground that after its filing on November 28, 1968, nothing more was done by the petitioner
Republic of the Philippines except to adopt all the evidence and arguments of plaintiffs with WE find, however, that the third element of defense of property is present, i.e., lack of
whom it joined as parties-plaintiffs. sufficient provocation on the part of appellant who was defending his property. As a matter
of fact, there was no provocation at all on his part, since he was asleep at first and was only
Hence, it is reasonable to believe that appellant was indeed hoping for a favorable judgment awakened by the noise produced by the victims and their laborers. His plea for the deceased
in Civil Case No. 755 filed on November 14, 1966 and his execution of the contract of lease and their men to stop and talk things over with him was no provocation at all.
on February 21, 1967 was just to avoid trouble. This was explained by him during cross-
examination on January 21, 1970, thus:
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
Be that as it may, appellant's act in killing the deceased was not justifiable, since not all the But the trial court has properly appreciated the presence of the mitigating circumstance of
elements for justification are present. He should therefore be held responsible for the death voluntary surrender, it appearing that appellant surrendered to the authorities soon after the
of his victims, but he could be credited with the special mitigating circumstance of shooting.
incomplete defense, pursuant to paragraph 6, Article 13 of the Revised Penal Code.
Likewise, We find that passion and obfuscation attended the commission of the crime. The
The crime committed is homicide on two counts. The qualifying circumstance of treachery appellant awoke to find his house being damaged and its accessibility to the highway as well
cannot be appreciated in this case because of the presence of provocation on the part of the as of his rice mill bodega being closed. Not only was his house being unlawfully violated; his
deceased. As WE held earlier in People vs. Manlapaz (55 SCRA 598), the element of a sudden business was also in danger of closing down for lack of access to the highway. These
unprovoked attack is therefore lacking. circumstances, coming so near to the time when his first house was dismantled, thus forcing
him to transfer to his only remaining house, must have so aggravated his obfuscation that he
lost momentarily all reason causing him to reach for his shotgun and fire at the victims in
Moreover, in order to appreciate alevosia, "it must clearly appear that the method of assault
defense of his rights. Considering the antecedent facts of this case, where appellant had
adopted by the aggressor was deliberately chosen with a special view to the accomplishment
thirty years earlier migrated to this so-called "land of promise" with dreams and hopes of
of the act without risk to the assailant from any defense that the party assailed might have
relative prosperity and tranquility, only to find his castle crumbling at the hands of the
made. This cannot be said of a situation where the slayer acted instantaneously ..." (People
deceased, his dispassionate plea going unheeded-all these could be too much for any man-
vs. Cañete, 44 Phil. 481).
he should be credited with this mitigating circumstance.

WE likewise find the aggravating (qualifying) circumstance of evident premeditation not

Consequently, appellant is guilty of two crimes of homicide only, the killing not being
sufficiently established. The only evidence presented to prove this circumstance was the
attended by any qualifying nor aggravating circumstance, but extenuated by the privileged
testimony of Crisanto Ibañez, 37 years old, married, resident of Maitum, South Cotabato,
mitigating circumstance of incomplete defense-in view of the presence of unlawful aggression
and a laborer of Fleischer and Company, which may be summarized as follows:
on the part of the victims and lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the appellant-and
by two generic mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender and passion and obfuscation.
On August 20, 1968 (two days before the incident) at about 7:00 A.M., he was drying
corn near the house of Mr. and Mrs. Mamerto Narvaez at the crossing, Maitum, South
Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code prescribes the penalty for homicide as reclusion
Cotabato, when the accused and his wife talked to him. Mrs. Narvaez asked him to help
temporal. Pursuant to Article 69, supra, the penalty lower by one or two degrees shall be
them, as he was working in the hacienda. She further told him that if they fenced their
imposed if the deed is not wholly excusable by reason of the lack of some of the conditions
house, there is a head that will be broken. Mamerto Narvaez added 'Noy, it is better that
required to justify the same. Considering that the majority of the requirements for defense of
you will tell Mr. Fleischer because there will be nobody who will break his head but I will
property are present, the penalty may be lowered by two degrees, i.e., to prision
be the one.' He relayed this to Mr. Flaviano Rubia, but the latter told him not to believe
correccional And under paragraph 5 of Article 64, the same may further be reduced by one
as they were only Idle threats designed to get him out of the hacienda (pp. 297-303,
degree, i.e., arresto mayor, because of the presence of two mitigating circumstances and no
t.s.n., Vol. 2).
aggravating circumstance.

This single evidence is not sufficient to warrant appreciation of the aggravating circumstance
The civil liability of the appellant should be modified. In the case of Zulueta vs. Pan American
of evident premeditation. As WE have consistently held, there must be "direct evidence of
World Airways (43 SCRA 397), the award for moral damages was reduced because the
the planning or preparation to kill the victim, .... it is not enough that premeditation be
plaintiff contributed to the gravity of defendant's reaction. In the case at bar, the victims not
suspected or surmised, but the criminal intent must be evidenced by notorious outward acts
only contributed but they actually provoked the attack by damaging appellant's properties
evincing the determination to commit the crime" (People vs. Ordioles, 42 SCRA 238).
and business. Considering appellant's standing in the community, being married to a
Besides, there must be a "showing" that the accused premeditated the killing; that the
municipal councilor, the victims' actuations were apparently designed to humiliate him and
culprit clung to their (his) premeditated act; and that there was sufficient interval between
destroy his reputation. The records disclose that his wife, councilor Feliza Narvaez, was also
the premeditation and the execution of the crime to allow them (him) to reflect upon the
charged in these two cases and detained without bail despite the absence of evidence linking
consequences of the act" (People vs. Gida, 102 SCRA 70).
her to the killings. She was dropped as a defendant only upon motion of the prosecution
dated October 31, 1968. (p. 14, CFI rec. of Crim. Case No. 1816), but acted upon on
Moreover, the obvious bias of witness Crisanto Ibañez, as a laborer of the deceased Davis November 4, 1968 (p. 58, CFI rec. of Criminal Case No. 1815).
Fleischer, neutralizes his credibility.
Moreover, these cases arose out of an inordinate desire on the part of Fleischer and
Since in the case at bar, there was no direct evidence of the planning or preparation to kill Company, despite its extensive landholdings in a Central Visayan province, to extend its
the victims nor that the accused premeditated the killing, and clung to his premeditated act, accumulation of public lands to the resettlement areas of Cotabato. Since it had the
the trial court's conclusion as to the presence of such circumstance may not be endorsed. capability-financial and otherwise-to carry out its land accumulation scheme, the lowly
settlers, who uprooted their families from their native soil in Luzon to take advantage of the
Evident premeditation is further negated by appellant pleading with the victims to stop the government's resettlement program, but had no sufficient means to fight the big landowners,
fencing and destroying his house and to talk things over just before the shooting. were the ones prejudiced. Thus, the moral and material suffering of appellant and his family
deserves leniency as to his civil liability.
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
Furthermore, Article 39 of the Revised Penal Code requires a person convicted of prision Cunigunda Boholst and Francisco Caballero, both at the age of twenty, were married on June
correccional or arrests mayor and fine who has no property with which to meet his civil 7, 1956, at a ceremony solemnized by the parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church in
liabilities to serve a subsidiary imprisonment at the rate of one (1) day for each P 2.50. Ormoc City. 2 The marriage was not a happy one and before the end of the year 1957 the
However, the amendment introduced by Republic Act No. 5465 on April 21, 1969 made the couple separated. Late in the evening of January 2, 1958, Francisco Caballero and two
provisions of Art. 39 applicable to fines only and not to reparation of the damage caused, companions, namely, Ignacio Barabad and Kakong Sacay, drank "tuba" in a certain house in
indemnification of consequential damages and costs of proceedings. Considering that barrio Ipil, Ormoc City. At about midnight, Francisco Caballero and his companions
Republic Act 5465 is favorable to the accused who is not a habitual delinquent, it may be proceeded home. On the way, they saw Francisco's wife, Cunigunda, standing at the corner
given retroactive effect pursuant to Article 22 of the Revised Penal Code. of the yard of Igmedio Barabad Cunigunda called Francisco and when the latter approached
her, Cunigunda suddenly stabbed Francisco with a knife marked by the prosecution as its
Exhibit C. Francisco called for help to his two companions who upon seeing that Francisco
was wounded, brought him to the St. Jude Hospital. 3 Dr. Cesar Samson, owner of the
hospital, personally attended to the victim and found a "punctured wound on the left lumbar
region measuring 1 inch externally" (Exhibit B). First aid was given, but because there was a
need for blood transfusion and the facilities of the hospital were inadequate to provide the
necessary treatment, Dr. Samson suggested that the patient be transported to Cebu
City. 4 In the meantime, Cunigunda Caballero had gone to the Police Department of Ormoc
City, surrendered to desk sergeant Restituto Mariveles and informed the latter that she
stabbed her husband. 5 While Francisco Caballero was confined at the hospital, he was
interrogated by Patrolman Francisco Covero concerning the identity of his assailant and he
pointed to his wife Cunigunda. The questions propounded by Pat. Covero and the answers
CONSIDERING THAT APPELLANT HAS BEEN UNDER DETENTION FOR ALMOST FOURTEEN given by the victim were written down in a piece of paper on which the victim affixed his
(14) YEARS NOW SINCE HIS VOLUNTARY SURRENDER ON AUGUST 22,1968, HIS thumbmark (Exhibit D) in the presence of his brother, Cresencio Caballero, and another
IMMEDIATE RELEASE IS HEREBY ORDERED. NO COSTS. policeman, Francisco Tomada. 6 On January 4, 1958, Francisco Caballero was brought to
Cebu City on board the "MV Ormoc" but the trip proved futile because the victim died at
SO ORDERED. noontime of the same day from the stab wound sustained by him. 7

Appellant, on the other hand, pleads that We discard the proof adduced by the prosecution
G.R. No. L-23249 November 25, 1974
and believe instead what she declared before the trial judge briefly summarized as follows:

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

After her marriage to Francisco Caballero on June 7, 1956, appellant lived with her husband
in the house of her parents in barrio Ipil, Ormoc City, and their marriage, although not a
harmonious one, was blessed with a daughter; her married life was marked by frequent
quarrels caused by her husband's "gambling, drinking, and serenading", and there were
Office of the Solicitor General Arturo A. Alafriz, Assistant Solicitor General Florencio Villamor times when he maltreated and beat her; after more than a year she and her husband
and Attorney Concepcion F. Torrijos for plaintiff-appellee. transferred to a house of their own, but a month had hardly passed when Francisco left her
and her child, and she had to go back to live with her parents who bore the burden of
supporting her and her child; in the month of November, 1957, her daughter became sick
Accused-appellant in her own behalf.
and she went to her husband and asked for some help for her sick child but he drove her
away and said "I don't care if you all would die"; in the evening of January 2, 1958, she went
MUÑOZ PALMA, J.:p out carolling with her friend, Crispina Barabad, and several men who played the musical
instruments; at about 12:00 o'clock midnight they divided the proceeds of the carolling in
Convicted for having killed her husband, Cunigunda Boholst-Caballero seeks a reversal of the the house of Crispina Barabad after which she went home, but before she could leave the
judgment of the Court of First Instance of Ormoc City finding her guilty of PARRICIDE and vicinity of the house of Crispina, she met her husband Francisco, who upon seeing her, held
her by the collar of her dress and asked her: "Where have you been prostituting? You are a
sentencing her "to suffer an indeterminate imprisonment of from EIGHT (8) YEARS and ONE
(1) DAY of prision mayor in its medium period, as the minimum, to FOURTEEN (14) YEARS, son of a bitch."; she replied: "What is your business. Anyway you have already left us. You
EIGHT (8) MONTHS and ONE (1) DAY of reclusion temporal in its medium period as the have nothing to do with us"; upon hearing these words Francisco retorted: "What do you
maximum; to indemnify the heirs of Francisco Caballero in the sum of SIX THOUSAND mean by saying I have nothing to do with you. I will kill you all, I will kill you all"; Francisco
PESOS (P6,000.00) without subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to pay the then held her by the hair, slapped her face until her nose bled, and pushed her towards the
costs", and prays for an acquittal based on her plea of self-defense. 1 ground, to keep herself from falling she held on to his waist and as she did so her right hand
grasped the knife tucked inside the belt line on the left side of his body; because her
husband continued to push her down she fell on her back to the ground; her husband then
The Solicitor General however asks for the affirmance of the appealed decision predicated on knelt over her, held her neck, and choked her saying. "Now is the time I can do whatever I
the following testimonial and documentary evidence presented by the prosecution before the want. I will kill you"; because she had "no other recourse" as she was being choked she
trial court: pulled out the knife of her husband and thrust it at him hitting the left side of his body near
the "belt line" just above his left thigh; when she finally released herself from the hold of her
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
husband she ran home and on the way she threw the knife; in the morning of January 3, she We are constrained, however, to disagree with the court a quo and depart from the rule that
went to town, surrendered to the police, and presented the torn and blood-stained dress appellate court will generally not disturb the findings of the trial court on facts testified to by
worn by her on the night of the incident (see Exhibit I); Pat. Cabral then accompanied her to the witnesses.
look for the weapon but because they could not find it the policeman advised her to get any
knife, and she did, and she gave a knife to the desk sergeant which is the knife now marked
An examination of the record discloses that the trial judge overlooked and did not give due
as Exhibit C for the prosecution. 8
importance to one piece of evidence which more than the testimony of any witness
eloquently confirms the narration of appellant on how she happened to stab her husband on
The sole question thus presented in this appeal is: did appellant stab her husband in the that unfortunate night. We refer to the location of the wound inflicted on the victim.
legitimate defense of her person?
Appellant's account of that fatal occurrence as given in her direct testimony follows:
The law on self-defense embodied in any penal system in the civilized world finds justification
in man's natural instinct to protect, repel, and save his person or rights from impending
Q At that precise time when you were going home to the place of your parents, did any
danger or peril; it is based on that impulse of self-preservation born to man and part of his
unusual incident occur?
nature as a human being. Thus, in the words of the Romans of ancient history: Quod quisque
ob tutelam sui fecerit, jure suo ficisse existimetur. 9 To the Classicists in penal law, lawful
defense is grounded on the impossibility on the part of the State to avoid a present unjust A Yes, sir.
aggression and protect a person unlawfully attacked, and therefore it is inconceivable for the
State to require that the innocent succumb to an unlawful aggression without resistance; Q What was it?
while to the Positivists, lawful defense is an exercise of a right, an act of social justice done
to repel the attack of an aggressor. 10
A At the time when I went down from the house of Crispina Barabad, when I reached near
the banana hill, my husband held me.
Our law on self-defense is found in Art. 11 of the Revised Penal Code which provides:

Q What happened when your husband, Francisco Caballero, held you?

ART. 11. Justifying circumstances. — The following do not incur any criminal liability:

A He asked me from where did I prostitute myself.

1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights, provided that the following
circumstances concur:
Q What did you answer?

First. Unlawful aggression;

A I answered that I did not go (on) prostituting. I told him that I was only forced to
accompany with the carolling in order to earn money for our child.
Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it;

Q What part of your body did your husband, Francisco Caballero, hold you?
Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself.

A He held me at the collar of my dress. (Witness holding the right portion of the collar of her
xxx xxx xxx dress.)

As part of this law is the settled jurisprudence that he who seeks justification for his act must Q After you answered Francisco, what did he do?
prove by clear and convincing evidence the presence of the aforecited circumstances, the
rationale being that having admitted the wounding or killing of his adversary which is a
felony, he is to be held criminally liable for the crime unless he establishes to the satisfaction A He said "Where have you been prostituting? You are a son of a bitch." Then I told him
of the court the fact of legitimate self-defense. 11 "What is your business. Anyway you have already left us. You have nothing to do with us."

In this case of Cunigunda Caballero, the trial court did not find her evidence clear and Q When Francisco heard these words, what did he do?
convincing, and gave these reasons for its conclusion: a) appellant's testimony is inherently
improbable as brought out by her demonstration of the incident in question during the trial of A Francisco said "What do you mean by saying l have nothing to do with you. I will kill you
the case; b) there was no wound or injury on appellant's body treated by any physician: c) all. I will kill you all."
appellant's insistence that the weapon used by her was Moro hunting knife and not Exh. C is
incredible; d) she gave contradictory statements concerning the report made by her to the
police authorities that she was choked by her husband; and e) her husband's abandonment Q And then, what happened?
of her and her child afforded the motive behind appellant's
attack. 12 A He held my hair and slapped my face twice. Then I staggered and my nose was bleeding.
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Q Do you mean to say that blood flowed out of your nose? A While I lay prostrate on the ground and believing that I have no other recourse, while his
left hand was holding my neck, I was able to take hold of the weapon from his belt line and I
thrust it to him.
A Yes, sir.

Q What was this weapon which you were able to get from his belt line?
Q After you were slapped twice and your nose begun to bleed, what happened next?

A It was a hunting knife." (tsn. pp. 53-55, witness Cunigunda Caballero)

A He held the front part of my dress just below the collar and pushed me towards the
ground. .
On cross-examination, appellant was asked by the private prosecutor to show her position
when she stabbed her husband and she did, and although the stenographic notes on that
Q While your husband was holding your dress below the neck and tried to push you down,
demonstration are very sketchy which We quote:
what did you do?

Q Please demonstrate to this Court when you made the thrust to your husband?
A I held a part of his body in order that I would not fall to the ground.

A When I took hold of the hunting knife I made the thrust in this manner. (Witness held the
Q And then what happened?
ruler with her right hand kneeled on the floor)" (tsn. p. 67, ibid)

A Because I struggled hard in order that I would not fall to the ground I held his belt and
still We can get a clear picture of what appellant must have done, from the questions and
that was the time I got hold of a weapon along his belt line.
answers immediately following the above-quoted portion of the transcript, viz:

Q After that what happened?

Q You want to make us understand that when you thrust the weapon to the body of your
husband you were lying down flat to the ground?
A He shoved my hands upward and pushed me to the ground and that was the time my
hands were released. He was choking me.
A I was lying flat on the ground face upward. I was a little bit inclined because tried to
struggle trying to get away from the hold of my husband.
Q When you said your hands were released, was that before or after you were choked by
Francisco Caballero?
Q You want to make us understand that your back was touching the ground when you made
the thrust to your husband?
A At that time when I was about to fall to the ground that was the time I released my hands.
A Yes, sir.
Q When you were almost fallen to the ground, where were the hands of Francisco Caballero?
A On my hair.
Q Where were you kneeled by your, husband?
Q You mean to say the two hands of Francisco Caballero?
A On my right thigh. (ibid; emphasis supplied)
A One of his hands was holding my hair. The other hand pushed me.
Thus, with her husband kneeling over her as she lay on her back on the ground and his hand
COURT: choking her neck, appellant, as she said, had no other recourse but to pull out the knife
inserted at the left side of her husband's belt and plunge it at his body hitting the left back
Q What hand was holding your hair? portion just below the waist, described by the attending physician, Dr. Cesar Samson, as the
left lumbar region. The fact that the blow landed in the vicinity from where the knife was
drawn is a strong indication of the truth of appellant's testimony, for as she lay on the
A His right hand was holding my hair while his left hand pushed me. ground with her husband bent over her it was quite natural for her right hand to get hold of
the knife tucked in the left side of the man's belt and thrust it at that section of the body
ATTORNEY GARCIA: nearest to her hand at the moment.

Q When you were fallen to the ground what happened? We do not agree with the trial judge's observation that as demonstrated by the accused it
was physically impossible for her to get hold of the weapon because the two knees of her
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
husband were on her right thigh "which would have forced her to put her right elbow towards In cases such as the one now before Us where there are directly conflicting versions of the
the ground"(see p. 9 of Decision), for even if it were true that the two knees of Francisco incident object of the accusation, the Court in its search for the truth perforce has to look for
were on his wife's right thigh, however, there is nothing in the record to show that the right some facts or circumstances which can be used as valuable aids in evaluating the probability
arm of the accused was held, pinned down or rendered immobile, or that she pressed her or improbability of a testimony, for after all the element of probability is always involved in
elbow to the ground, as conjectured by the trial judge, in such a manner that she could not weighing testimonial evidence 13, so much so that when a court as a judicial fact-finder
reach for the knife. On the contrary, as indicated earlier, accused testified and so pronounces judgment that a set of facts constitute the true happening it does so not of its
demonstrated that she was lying flat on her back, her husband kneeling over her and her own personal knowledge but as the result of an evaluating process of the probability or
right arm free to pull out the knife and strike with it. improbability of a fact sought to be proved.

The trial judge also referred the a demonstration made by appellant of that portion of her Thus, in People vs. Aquino, L-32390, December 28, 1973, a decision of the First Division of
testimony when she was held by the hair and pushed down to the ground, and His Honor this Court penned by Chief Justice Querube C. Makalintal, the plea of self-defense of the
commented that "(S)he could not be falling to the ground, as shown to the Court by her, accused-appellant was sustained on the basis of certain "physical and objective
considering the fact that the pushing was to and fro as shown in her demonstration." (p. 8, circumstances" which proved to be of "decisive importance" in ascertaining the veracity of
Decision) The trial judge, however, failed to consider that it is humanly impossible to have an the plea of self-defense, to wit: the location of the wound on the right side of the throat and
exact and accurate reproduction or reenactment of an occurrence especially if it involves the right arm of the deceased, the direction of the trajectories of the bullets fired by the accused,
participation of persons other than the very protagonists of the incident being re-enacted. In the discovery of bloodstains at the driver's seat, the finding of the dagger and scabbard of
this particular instance appellant was asked by the private prosecutor to show how she was the deceased, and so on. 14
pushed down by her husband, and her demonstration is described in the stenographic
transcript as follows:
In the case of appellant Cunigunda Caballero, We find the location of the fatal wound as a
valuable circumstance which confirms the plea of self-defense.
Q Please demonstrate to this Court the position of your husband and you while your husband
held your hair.
Another, is the lack of motive of appellant in attacking and killing her husband on that
particular night of January 2. Although it is the general rule that the presence of motive in
A He did this way. (Witness held the hair of the Court Interpreter with his left hand and his the killing of a person is not indispensable to a conviction especially where the identity of the
right hand held the right shoulder of the Interpreter and pulled the Interpreter to and fro. assailant is duly established by other competent evidence or is not disputed, as in this case,
The Interpreter represented as the accused and the accused as the deceased.) nonetheless, the absence of such motive is important in ascertaining the truth as between
two antagonistic theories or versions of the killings. 15
Q Where were your two hands?
We disagree with the statement of the court a quo that appellant's motive for killing her
husband was his abandonment of her and his failure to support her and her child. While
A My two hands held his waist line. (tsn. 66, witness Cunigunda Caballero; emphasis
appellant admitted in the course of her testimony that her marriage was not a happy one,
that she and her husband separated in the month of October, 1957, and since then she and
her child lived with her parents who supported them, nevertheless she declared that
In that demonstration, accused represented the victim while she in turn was impersonated notwithstanding their separation she still loved her husband (tsn. p. 59, cross-examination of
by the court interpreter, and so it was difficult if not impossible for the two to give an appellant). As a matter of fact, appellant had been living with her parents for several months
accurate reenactment considering that the accused assumed a role not hers during the actual prior to the incident in question and appeared resigned to her fate. Furthermore, there is no
incident and the court interpreter played a part which was not truly his. At any rate, the record of any event which occurred immediately prior to January 2 which could have aroused
accused showed how one hand of her husband held her hair while the other pushed her down her feelings to such a degree as to drive her to plan and carry out the killing of her husband.
by the shoulder, and to portray how she in turn struggled and tried to push back her
husband to keep herself from falling, she "pulled the interpreter (representing the accused)
On the other hand, it was Francisco Caballero who had a reason for attacking his wife,
to and fro." The fact is that Francisco succeeded in forcing appellant down to the ground as
Cunigunda. Meeting his wife unexpectedly at past midnight on the road, Francisco reacted
portrayed by the latter when, following the foregoing demonstration, she was asked by the
angrily, and suspecting that she was out for some bad purpose he held her by the collar of
private prosecutor to show how she stabbed her husband — a matter which is discussed in
her dress and said: "Where have you been prostituting? You are a son of a bitch." This was
pages 8 and 9 of this Decision.
followed by a slapping on the face until Cunigunda's nose bled, pulling of her hair, pushing
her down to the ground, and strangling her — all of which constituted the unlawful
It is this particular location of the wound sustained by the victim which strongly militates aggression against which appellant had to defend herself.
against the credibility of the lone prosecution witness, Ignacio Barabad. This witness declared
that on that night when husband and wife met on the road, Cunigunda called Francisco and
Next to appellant's lack of motive for killing her husband, is her conduct shortly after the
when the latter was near, she immediately stabbed him. If that were true, that is, husband
occurrence. As soon as the sun was up that morning of January 3 (the stabbing occurred
and wife were standing face to face at a distance of one-half meter when the stabbing
past midnight of January 2), Cunigunda went to the city and presented herself at the police
occurred (tsn. p. 11, witness Ignacio Barabad), it would have been more natural and
headquarters where she reported that she stabbed her husband and surrendered the blood-
probable for the weapon to have been directed towards the front part of the body of the
stained dress she wore that night. On this point, the trial judge stated that appellant made
victim such as his abdomen or chest, rather than at his back, left side, just above the left
contradictory statements in her testimony concerning the report made by her to the police
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
authorities, for while at the start she declared that she did not report the "choking by her she was choked by her husband, it was because, as We noted, no question was propounded
husband", she later changed her testimony and stated that she did relate that fact. (p. 10, to her on that point.
While We are on this subject of appellant's surrender, mention is to be made of the knife
We have gone over the stenographic transcript of the testimony of appellant on direct marked as Exhibit C for the prosecution. In her testimony, appellant stated that Exhibit C
examination and nowhere is there a positive and direct statement of hers that she did was not the knife actually used by her in stabbing her husband because the true weapon was
not report that she was choked by her husband. What the trial judge asked of appellant was her husband's Moro hunting knife with a blade of around six inches which she threw away
whether or not she told the police about the fist mark on her face and her answer was "No, immediately after the incident; that when she was asked by Pat. Mariveles to look for the
sir, I forgot." (tsn. p. 55, supra) And on appellant's cross-examination, there was no question weapon and she could not find it, she was advised by policeman Cabral who helped her in
propounded and therefore there was no answer given on the subject-matter of appellant's the search to get any knife and surrender it to the desk officer and so she took the knife
report to the police concerning the incident except for the following: Exhibit C and presented it to Pat. Mariveles. (tsn. appellant pp. 56-57, 60) This testimony of
appellant was taken against her by the court a quo which held that her declaration could not
have been true. We find however no strong reason for disbelieving the accused on this point.
Appellant does not deny that she turned over Exhibit C to Pat. Mariveles as the knife with
which she stabbed her husband but she claims that she did so upon advise of another
Q Did you show that dress to the police authorities the following day? policeman, Pat. Cabral, and it is quite significant that the latter was not called upon by the
prosecution to refute such declaration. There is sincerity in appellant's attempt to rectify a
A I was not able to wear that, Your Honor, because it was torn out. misstatement made by her to Pat. Mariveles and We are inclined to believe and in fact We do
believe that the fatal weapon must have had indeed a blade of around six inches as stated by
appellant for it to penetrate through the left lumbar region to the victim's large intestine and
Q You did not bring that to the police authorities? cause the discharge of fecal matter (tsn. Dr. C. Samson, p. 6)

A I showed it to the police authorities, and they told me to keep it, not to touch it. (Tsn. p. All the elements of self-defense are indeed present in the instant case.
65, ibid)

The element of unlawful aggression has been clearly established as pointed out above.
We do not see, therefore, the alleged contradiction in appellant's testimony which was
singled out by His Honor as one of his reasons for discrediting her plea of self-defense.
The second element, that is, reasonable necessity for the means employed is likewise
present. Here we have a woman who being strangled and choked by a furious aggressor and
That appellant made it clear to the police that she stabbed her husband because he attacked rendered almost unconscious by the strong pressure on her throat had no other recourse but
her is confirmed by no less than the prosecution witness, Patrolman Restituto Mariveles, who to get hold of any weapon within her reach to save herself from impending death. Early
was on duty at the desk when appellant arrived at the police headquarters. This witness on jurisprudence of this Court has followed the principle that the reasonable necessity of the
cross-examination declared: means employed in self-defense does not depend upon the harm done but rests upon the
imminent danger of such injury. (U.S. vs. Paras, 1907, 9 Phil. 367, citing Decision of Dec.
Q And she also told you that on that night previous to the incident her husband Francisco 22, 1887) And so the fact that there was no visible injury caused on the body of the
Caballero beat her up, is that right? appellant which necessitated medical attention, a circumstance noted by the trial court, is no
ground for discrediting self-defense; what is vital is that there was imminent peril to
appellant's life caused by the unlawful aggression of her husband. The knife tucked in her
A She told me that she was met on the way by her husband immediately after carolling and husband's belt afforded appellant the only reasonable means with which she could free and
she was manhandled by her husband and when she was struggling to get loose from her save herself from being strangled and choked to death. What this Court expressed in the
husband she happened to take hold of a knife that was placed under the belt of her husband case of People vs. Lara, 1925, 48 Phil. 153, 160, is very true and applicable to the situation
and because she was already half conscious she did not know that she was able to thrust now before Us, and We quote:
said knife to the stomach of her husband. (tsn. p. 23, witness R. Mariveles)
It should be borne in mind that in emergencies of this kind human nature does not act upon
It is indeed regrettable that the statements made by appellant to the police upon her processes of formal reason but in obedience to the instinct of self-preservation; and when it
surrender were not taken down in writing to serve as a faithful and reliable account of her is apparent, as in this case, that a person has reasonably acted upon this instinct, it is the
report, nevertheless, We are satisfied by the fact, which is not disputed, that of her own duty of the courts to sanction the act and to hold the actor irresponsible in law for the
accord appellant went to the police authorities early in the morning of January 3, informed consequences. 16
Policeman Mariveles that she stabbed her husband because he manhandled her which
rendered her "half-conscious", and brought and showed the dress she wore during the
incident which was torn by the collar and with blood stains due to the bleeding of her nose. Equally relevant is the time-honored principle: Necessitas Non habet legem. Necessity knows
Another policeman, Joventino de Leon, who at the time was property custodian of the Ormoc no law.
City police, corroborated appellant's testimony concerning the dress marked Exhibit 1 for the
defense. (tsn. p. 70 witness J. de Leon) If there was no clear and positive statement in The third element of self-defense is lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person
appellant's testimony either on direct or cross examination that she informed the police that defending himself.Provocation is sufficient when it is proportionate to the aggression, that is,
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
adequate enough to impel one to attack the person claiming self- duties as "home guard" (t.s.n., pp. 98-100). While the said accused was seated on a bench
defense. 17 Undoubtedly appellant herein did not give sufficient provocation to warrant the in the guardhouse, the deceased came along and, addressing the former, said, "Coroy, this is
aggression or attack on her person by her husband, Francisco. While it was understandable your breakfast," followed forthwith by a swing of his "pingahan" (t.s.n., p. 100). The accused
for Francisco to be angry at his wife for finding her on the road in the middle of the night, avoided the blow by falling to the ground under the bench with the intention to crawl out of
however, he was not justified in inflicting bodily punishment with an intent to kill by choking the guardhouse (t.s.n., pp. 100-101). A second blow was given but failed to hit the accused,
his wife's throat. All that appellant did was to provoke an imaginary commission of a wrong hitting the bench instead (t.s.n., p. 101). The accused manage to go out of the guardhouse
in the mind of her husband, which is not a sufficient provocation under the law of self- by crawling on his abdomen (t.s.n., p. 101). While the deceased was in the act of delivering
defense. Upon being confronted by her husband for being out late at night, accused gave a the third blow, the accused, while still in a crawling position (t.s.n., p. 119), fired at him with
valid excuse that she went carolling with some friends to earn some money for their child. his revolver, causing him to stagger and to fall to the ground (t.s.n., p. 101). Rising to his
January 2 was indeed within the Christmas season during which by tradition people carol feet, the deceased drew forth his dagger and directed a blow at the accused who, however,
from house to house and receive monetary gifts in a Christian spirit of goodwill. The was able to parry the same with his bolo (t.s.n., pp. 101-102). A hand-to-hand fight ensued
deceased therefore should have given some consideration to his wife's excuse before (t.s.n., p. 102). Having sustained several wounds, the deceased ran away but was followed
jumping to conclusions and taking the extreme measure of attempting to kill his wife. by the accused (t.s.n., p. 6). After running a distance of about 200 meters (t.s.n., pp. 21,
108), the deceased was overtaken, and another fight took place, during which the mortal
bolo blow — the one which slashed the cranium — was delivered, causing the deceased to
IN VIEW OF THE ABOVE CONSIDERATIONS, We find that accused-appellant acted in the
fall to the ground, face downward, besides many other blows deliver right and left (t.s.n., pp.
legitimate defense of her person, and We accordingly set aside the judgment of conviction
6, 28). At this instant, the other accused, Adolfo Bracamonte, arrived and, being the leader
and ACQUIT her with costs de oficio.
of the "home guards" of San Dionisio, placed under his custody the accused Alconga with a
view to turning him over to the proper authorities (t.s.n., pp. 102-105).
So Ordered.
On their way to San Dionisio, the two accused were stopped by Juan Collado, a guerrilla
G.R. No. L-162 April 30, 1947 soldier (t.s.n., pp. 80, 104). Adolfo Bracamonte turned over Alconga to Collado who in turn
took him to the headquarters (t.s.n., pp. 81, 104). In the afternoon of the same day, Collado
delivered Alconga to Gregorio Barredo, a municipal policeman of San Dionisio, together with
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, the weapons used in the fight: a revolver, a bolo, and a dagger (t.s.n., pp. 81, 104).
ALCONGA, appellant. The injuries sustained by the deceased were described by police sergeant Gil G. Estaniel as
Jose Avanceña for appellant.
Assistant Solicitor General Kapunan, Jr. and Solicitor Barcelona for appellee. P. ¿Y que hicieron ustedes cuando ustedes vieron a Silverio Barion? — R. Examine sus
P. ¿Donde ha encontrado usted las heridas, en que parte del cuerpo? — R. En la cabeza, en
sus brazos, en sus manos, en la mandibula inferior, en la parte frente de su cuello, en su
On the night of May 27, 1943, in the house of one Mauricio Jepes in the Municipality of San
pecho derecho, y tambien en el pecho izquierdo, y su dedo meñique habia volado, se habia
Dionisio, Province of Iloilo several persons were playing prohibited games (t.s.n., pp. 95, cortado, y otras perqueñas heridas mas.
125). The deceased Silverio Barion was the banker in the game of black jack, and Maria de
Raposo, a witness for the prosecution, was one of those playing the game (t.s.n., p. 95).
Upon invitation of the said Maria de Raposo, the accused Dioscoro Alconga joined her as a P. ¿En la cabeza, vio usted heridas? — R. Si, señor.
partner, each of them contributing the sum of P5 to a common fund (t.s.n., pp. 95, 125).
Maria de Raposo played the game while the said accused posted himself behind the P. ¿Cuantas heridas? — R. Una herida en la region parietal derecha y una contusion en la
deceased, acting as a spotter of the cards of the latter and communicating by signs to his corona de la cabeza.
partner (t.s.n., pp. 95-96, 126). The deceased appears to have suffered losses in the game
because of the team work between Maria de Raposo and the accused Alconga (t.s.n., pp. 96,
126). Upon discovering what the said accused had been doing, the deceased became P. ¿Vio usted el craneo? — R. En la craneo llevaba una herida, en quel el craneo se ha roto.
indignant and expressed his anger at the former (t.s.n., pp. 96, 126). An exchange of words
followed, and the two would have come to blows but for the intervention of the maintainer of P. ¿En el pecho, herida ha encontrado usted? — R. Debajo de la tetilla derecha, una herida
the games (t.s.n., p. 96). In a fit of anger, the deceased left the house but not before telling causada por una bala.
the accused Alconga, "tomorrow morning I will give you a breakfast" (t.s.n., p. 96), which
expression would seem to signify an intent to inflict bodily harm when uttered under such
circumstances. P. ¿Y otras heridas en el pecho, puede usted decir que clase de heridas? — R. Heridas
causadas por bolo.

The deceased and the accused Alconga did not meet thereafter until the morning of May 29,
1943, when the latter was in the guardhouse located in the barrio of Santol, performing his P. ¿Como de grande acquellas heridas en el pecho? — R. No recuerdo la dimension de las
heridas en el pecho.
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
P. ¿Pero en la cabeza? — R. La cabeza se rajo por aquella herida causada por el bolo. (T.s.n., inflicted by appellant during their hand-to-hand fight after both had gotten up. The learned
p. 25.) trial judge said:

It will be observed that there were two stages in the fight between appellant and the The evidence adduced by the prosecution and the defense in support of their respective
deceased. The initial stage commenced when the deceased assaulted appellant without theories of the case vary materially on certain points. Some of these facts have to be
sufficient provocation on the part of the latter. Resisting the aggression, appellant managed admitted and some have to be rejected with the end in view of arriving at the truth. To the
to have the upper hand in the fight, inflicting several wounds upon the deceased, on account mind of the Court, what really happened in the case at bar, as can de disclosed by the
of which the latter fled in retreat. From that moment there was no longer any danger to the records, which lead to the killing of the deceased on that fatal morning of May 29, 1945
life of appellant who, being virtually unscathed, could have chosen to remain where he was. (should be 1943), is as follows:
Resolving all doubts in his flavor, and considering that in the first stage the deceased was the
unlawful aggressor and defendant had not given sufficient provocation, and considering
xxx xxx xxx
further that when the deceased was about to deliver the third blow, appellant was still in a
crawling position and, on that account, could not have effectively wielded his bolo and
therefore had to use his "paltik" revolver — his only remaining weapon — ; we hold that said In the morning of May 29, 1943, while Dioscoro Alconga was alone in the guardhouse
appellant was then acting in self-defense. performing his duties as guard or "ronda" in Barrio Santol, the deceased Silverio Barion
passed by with a "pingahan". That was the first time the deceased and the accused Alconga
had met since that eventful night of May 27th in the gambling house of Gepes. Upon seeing
But when he pursued the deceased, he was no longer acting in self-defense, there being then
the accused Alconga, who was then seated in the guardhouse, the deceased cried: "Coroy,
no more aggression to defend against, the same having ceased from the moment the
this is now the breakfast!" These words of warning were immediately followed by two
deceased took to his heels. During the second stage of the fight appellant inflicted many
formidable swings of the "pingahan" directed at the accused Alconga which failed to hit him.
additional wounds upon the deceased. That the deceased was not fatally wounded in the first
Alconga was able to avoid the blows by falling to the ground and crawling on his abdomen
encounter is amply shown by the fact that he was still able to run a distance of some 200
until he was outside the guardhouse. The deceased followed him and while in the act of
meters before being overtaken by appellant. Under such circumstances, appellant's plea of
delivering the third blow, Dioscoro Alconga fired at him with his revolver thereby stopping
self-defense in the second stage of the fight cannot be sustained. There can be no defense
the blow in mid-air. The deceased fell to the ground momentarily and upon rising to his feet,
where there is no aggression.
he drew forth a dagger. The accused Alconga resorted to his bolo and both persons being
armed, a hand-to-hand fight followed. The deceased having sustained several wounds from
Although the defendant was not the aggressor, he is not exempt from criminal liability for the the hands of Alconga, ran away with the latter close to his heels.
reason that it is shown that he struck several blows, among them the fatal one, after the
necessity for defending himself had ceased, his assailant being then in retreat. Therefore one
The foregoing statement of the pertinent facts by the learned trial judge is in substantial
of the essential ingredients of self-defense specified in No. 4, article 8 of the Penal Code is
agreement with those found by us and narrated in the first paragraphs of this decision. Upon
wanting (now article 11, case No. 1, Revised Penal Code). (United States vs. Dimitillo, 7
those facts the question arises whether when the deceased started to run and flee, or
Phil., 475, 476; words in parenthesis supplied.)
thereafter until he died, there was any provocation given by him from appellant to pursue
and further to attack him. It will be recalled, to be given with, that the first stage of the fight
. . . Even if it be conceded for the moment that the defendants were assaulted by the four was provoked when the deceased said to appellant "Cory, this is now the breakfast," or "This
(offended parties), the right to kill in self-defense ceased when the aggression ceased; and is your breakfast," followed forthwith by a swing or two of his "pingahan." These words
when Toledo and his brothers turned and ran, without having inflicted so much as a scratch without the immediately following attack with the "pingahan" would not have been uttered,
upon a single one of the defendants,the right of the defendants to inflict injury upon them we can safely assume, since such an utterance alone would have been entirely meaningless.
ceased absolutely. They had no right to pursue, no right to kill or injure. A fleeing man is not It was the attack, therefore, that effectively constituted the provocation, the utterance being,
dangerous to the one from whom he flees. When danger ceases, the right to injure ceases. at best, merely a preclude to the attack. At any rate, the quoted words by themselves,
When the aggressor turns and flees, the one assaulted must stay his hand. (United without the deceased's act immediately following them, would certainly not have been
States vs. Vitug, 17 Phil., 1, 19; emphasis supplied.) considered a sufficient provocation to mitigate appellant's liability in killing or injuring the
deceased. For provocation in order to be a mitigating circumstance must be sufficient and
immediately preceding the act. (Revised Penal Code, article 13, No. 4.)
Upon the foregoing facts, we hold that appellant's guilt of the crime of homicide has been
established beyond reasonable doubt. The learned trial court appreciated in his favor of two
mitigating circumstances: voluntary surrender and provocation on the part of the deceased. Under the doctrine in United States vs. Vitug, supra, when the deceased ran and fled without
The first was properly appreciated; the second was not, since it is very clear that from the having inflicted so much as a scratch upon appellant, but after, upon the other hand, having
moment he fled after the first stage of the fight to the moment he died, the deceased did not been wounded with one revolver shot and several bolo slashes, as aforesaid, the right of
give any provocation for appellant to pursue much less further to attack him. appellant to inflict injury upon him, ceased absolutely — appellant "had no right to pursue,
no right to kill or injure" said deceased — for the reason that "a fleeing man is not dangerous
to the one from whom he flees." If the law, as interpreted and applied by this Court in the
The only provocation given by him was imbibed in, and inseparable from, the aggression with
Vitug case, enjoins the victorious contender from pursuing his opponent on the score of self-
which he started the first stage of the fight. The evidence, as weighed and appreciated by
defense, it is because this Court considered that the requisites of self-defense had ceased to
the learned trial judge, who had heard, seen and observed the witnesses testify, clearly
exist, principal and indispensable among these being the unlawful aggression of the
shows that said stage ended with the flight of the deceased after receiving a bullet wound in
opponent (Rev. Penal Code, article 11, No. 1; 1 Viada, 5th ed., 173).
his right breast, which caused him to stagger and fall to the ground, and several bolo wounds
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Can we find under the evidence of record that after the cessation of said aggression the than we can sanction. It should always be remembered that "illegal aggression is equivalent
provocation thus involved therein still persisted, and to a degree sufficient to extenuate to assault or at least threatened assault of an immediate and imminent kind.
appellant's criminal responsibility for his acts during the second stage of the fight? Appellant
did not testify nor offer other evidence to show that when he pursued the deceased he was
Agresion ilegitima. — Agresion vale tanto como acometimiento. Para que exista el derecho
still acting under the impulse of the effects of what provocation, be it anger, obfuscation or
de defensa es preciso que se nos acometa, que se nos ataque, o cuando menos, que se nos
the like. The Revised Penal Code provides:
amenace de atacarnos de un modo inmediato e inminente; v. gr., desenvainando el puñal
para herirnos con el o apuntando la pistola para dispararla contra nosotros. (Viada, 5. a
ART. 13. Mitigating circumstances: edicion, 173.)

xxx xxx xxx After the flight of the deceased there was clearly neither an assault nor a threatened assault
of the remotest kind. It has been suggested that when pursuing his fleeing opponent,
appellant might have thought or believed that said opponent was going to his house to fetch
4. That sufficient provocation or threat on the part of the offended party immediately
some other weapon. But whether we consider this as a part or continuation of the self-
preceded the act.
defense alleged by appellant, or as a separate circumstance, the burden of proof to establish
such a defense was, of course, upon appellant, and he has not so much as attempted to
It is therefore apparent that the Code requires for provocation to be such a mitigating introduce evidence for this purpose. If he really thought so, or believed so, he should have
circumstance that it not only immediately precede the act but that it also be sufficient. In the positively proven it, as any other defense. We can not now gratuitously assume it in his
Spanish Penal Code, the adjective modifying said noun is "adecuada" and the Supreme Court behalf.
of Spain in its judgment of June 27, 2883, interpreted the equivalent provision of the Penal
Code of that country, which was the source of our own existing Revised Penal Code, that
It is true that in the case of United States vs. Rivera (41 Phil., 472, 474), this Court held that
"adecuada" means proportionate to the damage caused by the act. Viada (Vol. 11, 5th ed.,
one defending himself or his property from a felony violently or by surprise threatened by
p. 51) gives the ruling of that Supreme Court as follows:
another is not obliged to retreat but may pursue his adversary until he has secured himself
from danger. But that is not this case. Here from the very start appellant was the holder of
El Tribunal Supremo ha declarado que la provocacion o amenaza que de parte del ofendido the stronger and more deadly weapons — a revolver and a bolo, as against a piece of
ha de preceder para la disminucion de la responsabilidad criminal debe ser proporcionada al bamboo called "pingahan" and a dagger in the possession of the deceased. In actual
daño que se cause, lo cual no concurre a favor del reo si resulta que la unica cuestion que performance appellant, from the very beginning, demonstrated his superior fighting ability;
hubo fue si en un monton de yeso habia mas omenos cantidad, y como perdiera la apuesta y and he confirmed it when after the deceased was first felled down by the revolver shot in
bromeando dijera el que la gano que beberia vino de balde, esa pequeña cuestion de amor right breast, and after both combatants had gotten up and engaged in a hand-to-hand fight,
propio no justificaba en modo alguno la ira que le impelio a herir y matar a su contrario. (S. the deceased using his dagger and appellant his bolo, the former received several bolo
de 27 de junio de 1883, Gaceta de 27 de septiembre.) wounds while the latter got through completely unscathed. And when the deceased
thereupon turned and fled, the circumstances were such that it would be unduly stretching
Justice Albert, in his commentaries on the Revised Penal Code, 1946 edition, page 94, says: the imagination to consider that appellant was still in danger from his defeated and fleeing
"The provocation or threat must be sufficient, which means that it should be proportionate to opponent. Appellant preserved his revolver and his bolo, and if he could theretofore so easily
the act committed and adequate to stirone to its commission" (emphasis supplied). overpower the deceased, when the latter had not yet received any injury, it would need,
indeed, an unusually strong positive showing — which is completely absent from the record
— to persuade us that he had not yet "secured himself from danger" after shooting his
Sufficient provocation, being a matter of defense, should, like any other, be affirmatively weakly armed adversary in the right breast and giving him several bolo slashes in different
proven by the accused. This the instant appellant has utterly failed to do. Any way, it would other parts of his body. To so hold would, we believe, be unjustifiably extending the doctrine
seem self-evident that appellant could never have succeeded in showing that whatever of the Rivera case to an extreme not therein contemplated.
remained of the effects of the deceased's aggression, by way of provocation after the latter
was already in fight, was proportionate to his killing his already defeated adversary.
Under article 249, in relation with article 64, No. 2, of the Revised Penal Code, the crime
committed by appellant is punishable by reclusion temporal in its minimum period, which
That provocation gave rise to a fight between the two men, and may be said, not without would be from 12 years and 1 day to 14 years and 8 months. However, in imposing the
reason, to have spent itself after appellant had shot the deceased in his right breast and penalty, we take into consideration the provisions of section 1 of the Indeterminate Sentence
caused the latter to fall to the ground; or — making a concession in appellant's favor — after Law (Act No. 4103), as amended by Act No. 4225. Accordingly, we find appellant guilty of
the latter had inflicted several bolo wounds upon the deceased, without the deceased so the aforesaid crime of homicide and sentence him to an indeterminate penalty of from 6
much as having scratched his body, in their hand-to-hand fight when both were on their feet years and 1 day of prision mayor to 14 years and 8 months of reclusion temporal, to
again. But if we are to grant appellant a further concession, under the view most favorable to indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the sum of P2,000, and to pay the costs.
him, that aggression must be deemed to have ceased upon the flight of the deceased —
upon the end of the first stage of the fight. In so affirming, we had to strain the concept in
no small degree. But to further strain it so as to find that said aggression or provocation As thus modified, the judgment appealed from is hereby affirmed. So ordered.
persisted even when the deceased was already in flight, clearly accepting defeat and no less
clearly running for his life rather than evincing an intention of returning to the fight, is more
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
G.R. No. L-35524 March 18, 1932 period of one month and one day. The proof leaves no reason to doubt that the deceased
was hot-tempered and that he had the reputation of being a trouble maker. It is a safe
inference from this proof — and there is nothing to the contrary, — that the deceased was
with good reason considered by his neighbors to be a dangerous man.
JULIAN SUMICAD, defendant-appellant.
From the facts above stated it is evident that the quarrel which resulted in the death of
Segundo Cubol was of his own making, and that the accused was not materially to blame in
Felipe K. Medina for appellant.
bringing about the trouble. Two of the elements of self-defense were therefore clearly
Attorney-General Jaranilla for appellee.
present, namely, that the deceased was the aggressor and that there was lack of sufficient
provocation on the part of the accused. The only further question that can therefore arise in
STREET, J.: discussion the criminal liability of the accused is whether there was reasonable necessity for
the means employed by him to prevent or repel the aggression to which he was subjected.
This appeal has been brought to reverse a judgment of the Court of First Instance of the Upon this point it will be noted that, when the aggression was begun by the deceased, the
Province of Occidental Misamis, finding the appellant, Julian Sumicad, guilty of the offense of accused retreated until he was cornered in the angle of a pile of logs. His further retreat was
homicide and sentencing him to undergo imprisonment for twelve years and one this effectually cut off both in the rear and at the sides. In response to the blows which the
day, reclusion temporal, and requiring him to indemnify the family of the deceased in the deceased delivered with his fists, the accused first delivered a cut on the left shoulder of the
amount of P1,000, as well as to pay the costs of prosecution. deceased; but, if we rightly interpret the transcript of the record on this point , the sanitary
officer who exclaimed the body of the deceased meant to say that this wound alone could not
have resulted in death. This we consider to be the decisive turning point in the case. Upon
On February 23, 1931, the accused, a resident of Buenavoluntad, in the municipality of receiving that cut the deceased should have been admonished that further aggression on his
Plaridel, Occidental Misamis, was engaged with others in the gratuitous labor of hauling logs part would be met by determined resistance and that any further advance would be at grave
for the construction of a chapel in the barrio above-mentioned. At about 5.30 o'clock in the peril to himself. Instead of acting upon this warning, the deceased pressed forward in the
afternoon on the day mentioned, when the laborers were resting from the work of the day, attempt to possess himself of the bolo, the only means of defense then at the command of
one Segundo Cubol happened to pass the place where the accused was sitting. Prior to this the accused.
date the accused had rendered five and one-half days service to Cubol, and as the latter
passed, the accused said to him, "Segundo, pay me for the five and one-half days work for
which you owe me." Cubol replied, "What debt!," an exclamation which was followed by an Under these circumstances what might the accused have been reasonably expected to do.
insulting expression. At the same time he struck the accused with his fist. The accused arose Was he to surrender the weapon to his assailant, a larger and stronger man than himself,
from the log upon which he was sitting and moved backward, trying to escape, but Cubol who was now infuriated by the blood that had been drawn from his shoulder? Or was he
pursued him and continued striking him with his fists. As the accused receded he found justified in keeping the weapon in his hands and, as an ultimate resort, in using it as a
himself cornered by a pile of logs, the wings of which extended out on either side, effectually means for his own defense? Our reply is that he was justified in pursuing the latter
preventing any further retreat. As Cubol pressed upon him, the accused drew his bolo and alternative; for it would probably have been an act of suicide to permit that weapon to pass
delivered a blow on Cubol's right shoulder. Upon this Cubol lunged at the accused with the into the hands of his assailant. In judging a question of this kind the reputation of the
evident intention of wresting the bolo from the accused. To prevent this the accused struck deceased for violence is pertinent, for it tends to show that when the fatal blows were struck
two other blows with the bolo, inflicting two deep cuts on Cubol's forehead above the left the accused had reasonable grounds for believing that he was in grave peril to life or limb.
eye. One of these blows broke through the cranium. The other made a cut extending from
the left eyebrow to the nose and upper lip. Upon finding a seat on a log nearby. A witness, It is undoubtedly well established in jurisprudence that a man is not, as a rule, justified in
named Francisco Villegas, who came up in a moment, after learning something about the taking the life of one who assaults him with his fist only, without the use of a dangerous
matter, asked Cubol whether he had struck the accused blows with his fist. Cubols replied weapon. The person assaulted must, in such case, either resist with the arms that nature
that he had. The witness Villegas then turned to the accused, who was standing a short gave him or with other means of defense at his disposal, short of taking life. But that rule
distance away, and told him to put up his bolo and go to the poblacion. Acting upon this contemplates the situation where the contestants are in the open and the person assaulted
suggestion the accused immediately repaired to the office of the justice of the peace and can exercise the option of running away. It can have no binding force in the case where the
surrendered himself to the authorities. Cubol lived only an hour or so, and died from the person assaulted has retreated to the wall, as the saying is, and uses in a defensive way the
effect of the wounds received. In one of the pockets of the deceased a knife was found, and only weapon at his disposal. One is not required, when hard pressed, to draw fine
the accused testified that, when he struck the deceased with his bolo, the latter was distinctions as to the extent of the injury which a reckless and infuriated assailant might
attempting to draw a knife from his pocket. probably inflict upon him (Browell vs. People, 38 Mich., 732). And it was not incumbent on
the accused in this case, when assailed by a bully of known violent disposition, who was
The accused was 25 years of age when this case was tried, has a height of 5 feet and 1-½ larger and stronger than himself. On the contrary, under the circumstances stated, he had
inches, and weight of 105 pounds. The deceased appears to have been taller, larger and the right to resist the aggression with the bolo, and if he unfortunately inflicted a fatal blow,
stronger man. The evidence shows that the deceased was quarrelsome and in the habit of it must be considered to have been given in justifiable self-defense. Upon this point it may
making frequent trouble by fighting in the places where he happened to be present with be recalled that the deceased, when asked about the circumstances of the homicide,
others. In the local courts he had been convicted and sentenced to jail for assault and admitted that he himself was the aggressor; and it is noteworthy that he used no word
battery in two different cases. In another case he was convicted of the offense of inflicting placing blame upon the accused.
minor physical injuries, being sentenced to imprisonment for one month and one day. In still
another case he had been convicted of theft and sentenced to imprisonment for the same
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
We are of the opinion that all the elements necessary to constitute justifiable self-defense existence; this offense, unlike ordinary slander by word or deed susceptible of judicial
were present in this case and the accused should have been acquitted. redress, in an outrage which impresses an indelible blot on the victim, for, as the Roman Law
says:quum virginitas, vel castitas, corupta restitui non protest (because virginity or chastity,
once defiled, cannot be restored). It is evident that a woman who, imperiled, wounds, nay
The judgment appealed from will therefore be reversed and the appellant absolved from the
kills the offender, should be afforded exemption from criminal liability provided by this article
information, with costs of both instances de oficio. So ordered.
and subsection since such killing cannot be considered a crime from the moment it became
the only means left for her to protect her honor from so great an outrage." (1 Viada, 301,
G.R. No. L-43588 November 7, 1935 5th edition.)

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee, Similar to the present question was the one determined the Supreme Court of Spain in a
vs. decision of February 21, 1911: "This court in due homage to the principles of morality and in
NATIVIDAD LUAGUE and WENCESLAO ALCANSARE, defendants-appellants. strict observance of the provision of law justly interpreted, has always held that one of the
rights referred to in article 8, subsection 4, of the Penal Code, is that which assists a woman
in defense of her honor when an attempt is made to repel the aggression or to avoid in time
Vicente E. Calanog for appellants.
the imminent danger of its consummation; and in view of this, it must be conceded upon the
Office of the Solicitor-General Hilado for appellee.
findings of the trial court, that the accused Maria Sanchez Cañistro acted in legitimate self-
defense, because the conduct of Diego Cardenas, who made love to her, in blowing in at
RECTO, J.: midnight, knocking at the door and demanding admittance and against Maria's refusal,
insisting in his purpose and threatening to break open the door, in the light of prior events
and the circumstances of the case, implies the imminence of an affront against honor,
The spouses Wenceslao Alcansare and Natividad Luague having been charged with homicide
involving an actual and certain danger to the person so threatened, while at the same time
in the Court of First Instance of Occidental Negros and sentenced, the former to the penalty
the fact that she was alone that no help was forthcoming; her founded fear that the door
of from eight years and one day of prision mayor, as the minimum, to fourteen years, eight
might give way and the dreaded evil wrought, her consequent helplessness on the advent of
months and one day of reclusion temporal, as the maximum, with the accessories of the law,
that crisis, and her natural desire to attest openly her conjugal fidelity by foiling all
and the latter to that of from six years and one day of prision mayor, as the minimum, to
suspicious aspersions, show the reasonableness of the defensive measures availed of by her
twelve years and one day of reclusion temporal, as the maximum, with the accessory
and warrant her complete exemption from liability, inasmuch as, aside from all these, it does
penalties of the law, both to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs of Paulino Disuasido in
not appear from the decision that said accused had previously committed any act deserving
the sum of one thousand pesos, with costs, appealed to this court for a review of the
of censure or marring the just motive which obviously induced her to repel, as she did, a
judgment rendered against them, praying that the same reversed and that they be
violence unprovoked by her. Thus viewed, all the requisites of the exempting circumstance
above mentioned are present and should be taken into consideration, etc." (1 Viada, 304,
5th edition.)
Upon examination of the appeal, it appears: that in the morning of February 18, 1935, while
the accused Natividad Luague was in her house situated in Lupuhan, barrio of Agpañgi,
The theory the prosecution, which we consider a trifle unsubstantial is as follows: The
municipality of Calatrava, Occidental Negros, with only her three children of tender age for
accused Wenceslao Alcansare, thinking that Paulino importuned his wife with unchaste
company, her husband and co-accused Wenceslao Alcansare having gone to grind corn in
advances, out of jealousy, decided to get rid of him. His chance to bring about his plan can
Juan Garing's house several kilometers away, Paulino Disuasido came and began to make
when, in the morning of the crime, Paulino happened to pass in front of the house of the
love to her; that as Natividad could not dissuade him from his purpose, she started for the
spouses with his friend Olimpio Libosada. The accused wife invited Paulino to drop in, which
kitchen where Paulino followed her, notwithstanding her instance that she could by no means
the letter and his friend did. The spouses met them at the threshold. The accused wife asked
accede to his wishes, for Paulino, bent on satisfying them at all costs, drew and opened a
Paulino whether he had a knife and as the latter answered in the affirmative, she asked him
knife and, threatening her with death, began to embrace her and to touch her breasts; that
to lend it to lend it to her because she wanted to cut her nails, to which Paulino willingly
in preparing to lie with her, Paulino had to leave the knife on the floor and the accused,
acceded, while the accused wife was cutting her nails, she asked Paulino where he came
taking advantage of the situation, picked up the weapon and stabbed him in the abdomen;
from and the latter answered, turning his head around, that he came from the house of one
and that Paulino, feeling himself wounded, ran away jumping through the window and falling
Inting, whereupon the accused wife slashed him in the abdomen. Paulino tried to return the
on some stones, while the accused set forth immediately for the poblacion to surrender
blow but the accused husband picked up a stone and struck him in the forehead. Wounded in
herself to the authorities and report the incident.
the abdomen and in the forehead, Paulino fled therefrom.

Natividad Luague's act in mortally wounding Paulino Disuasido, unaided her husband and co-
The government presented three witnesses to establish this theory. Pablo Alvarez, barrio
accused Wenceslao Alcansare, and in the circumstances above set out, constitutes the
lieutenant of Cabuñgahan, testified that on his way to "communal" the day before the crime,
exempting circumstance defined in article 11, subsection 1, of the Revised Penal Code,
he met the accused wife who told him that she had wanted to see him and ask his help
because, as stated by a commentator of note, "aside from the right to life on which rest the
because her husband, who was jealous of Paulino, was maltreating her and he was
legitimate defense of our person, we have the right to party acquired by us, and the right to
furthermore resolved to assault Paulino at sight. On the following day, Alvarez, in his way to
honor which is not the least prized of man's patrimony." (1 Viada, 172, 173, 5th edition.)
Bacacay, dropped in the house of the accused spouses to inquire whether they had tobacco
"Will the attempt to rape a woman constitute an aggression sufficient to put her in a state of
seeds and, as they answered him in the negative, he went his way. He had hardly left the
legitimate defense?" asks the same commentator. "We think so," he answer, "inasmuch as a
place when Paulino and Olimpio arrived, the accused wife inviting the former to drop in.
woman's honor cannot but be esteemed as a right as precious, if not more, cannot her very
Paulino and Olimpio went to the threshold of the house and the accused spouses, in turn,
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
went down, and the four engaged in a conversation which, to Alvarez, seemed a friendly one. government witness, likewise affirmed that he had seen all that bad transpired, claiming that
The witness left and when he returned to the place sometime later, he was informed that he then accompanied Paulino, It seem strange, however, that in the two statements made by
Paulino had been stabbed. Paulino before his death he did not state that he was accompanied by Libosada or by any
other person in the morning of the crime. It likewise happens that the conduct of this
witness, according to his own testimony, appears to be inconsistent because he did nothing
The accused were from the barrio of Agpañgi and not from Cabuñgahan where the witness
to defend and help Paulino, his friend and companion, in that most critical moment, and did
was the barrio lieutenant. Had the accused wife gone to complain against the alleged conduct
not report the crime to the authorities, disappearing from the scene all of a sudden with a
of her husband, she would have sought the lieutenant of Agpañgi, her barrio. The accused
very frivolous excuse that "he was afraid to be implicated". Furthermore, after discarding the
wife, by reporting the incident directly to the municipal authorities without seeking the
testimony of Angel Emia, there is nothing to corroborate that of Olimpio Libosada which, by
intervention of any barrio lieutenant, showed that she knew where to go in a difficulty.
its inherent weakness, cannot be alone and unsubstantiated by other reliable incriminatory
circumstances, support a judgment of
Were it true that the accused husband, prompted by jealousy, designed to do away with
Paulino, it would have been because he observed that his wife somehow returned Paulino's
As to the two statements, Exhibit C and D, styled, ante mortem by the Solicitor-General, the
attentions, for otherwise he would not have indulge in tragic cogitations. From any point of
trial court properly disregarded because them there is no evidence of record that Paulino had
view, however, it is quite incomprehensible why the wife would take upon herself and the
made them under a sense of impending death and with no hope of recovery.
husband would charge her with, the execution of the plan. The observation is no less true if
the spouses plotted in common for it would have been patently disgraceful and cowardly of
the husband to thrust its execution upon the wife at the hazard of her life, and liberty to The trial judge gave unusual importance to the testimony of the two policemen who testified
shield his own, in the event of prosecution; and there is the husband was thus minded. that they made an ocular inspection of the scene of the crime and found no bloodstain in the
Under the theory of the prosecution, whether the accused husband doubted his wife's fidelity kitchen of the house of the accused spouses. This, according to the trial judge, destroys the
or was sure of it, in connection with Paulino's attentions, the natural thing in either case theory of the defense that Paulino was stabbed in said kitchen by the accused wife when he
would be for him, unaided by his wife, to avenge the affront or punish the offender. In the tried to lie with her through intimidation and violence. We are of the opinion that the trial
case at bar, we must assume that, if the motive attributed to him by the prosecution were judge erred on this point as he did on others. It appears that the said policemen did not also
true, the accused would have acted, as would the great majority of men in identical find any bloodstain on the threshold of the house of the accused spouses where, according to
circumstances. the prosecution, the aggression took place. Therefore, said testimony contradicts the defense
no less than it does the prosecution.
The witness Alvarez, himself testified that he was informed the day before by the wife of the
accused husband that the latter would get even with Paulino at the first opportunity. The In resume, we are of the opinion that we should, as we do hereby hold that the accused
witness saw them together in the morning of the crime and he should have surmised that the Natividad Luague in wounding Paulino Disuasido to death, acted in legitimate self-defense,
announced tragedy might take place. Rather than foil it, as an agent of the law, if for no and that the other accused Wenceslao Alcansare had no participation in said act; wherefore,
other reason, he went his way unconcerned, as if nothing serious was impending. reversing the appealed judgment, we hereby acquit both accused, and order their immediate
release, if in confinement, with costs de oficio.
We find his conduct, or that which he claims to have followed, so extremely strange to be
considered true. When the truth is beyond our reach, as is often the case, we have to be G.R. No. L-41674 March 30, 1935
contented with the probable. This is the basis of the so-called presumptions of fact. The acts
which this witness claims to have done are so out of ordinary conduct of men as to be devoid
of probability. Occasionally, indeed, there are those who behave strangely, but this is the THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee,
exception and not the rule. vs.
REMEDIOS DE LA CRUZ, defendant-appellant.

In addition to this, the theory of the prosecution that the accused husband and his wife had
conspired to kill Paulino is overcome by the very facts which the prosecution itself has Silvino Lopez de Jesus for appellant.
attempted to prove. If such conspiracy had really existed, the accused spouses would have Office of the Solicitor-General Hilado for appellee.
been fully prepared to carry it into execution, because rational beings differ from those who
are not in that when they embark on anything, they make the s equal to its realization. VICKERS, J.:
However, these amused, on the on, had neither a rusty bolo nor an outworn club to cope
with Paulino. The weapon with which Paulino was first wounded was his own knife which,
This is an appeal from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Nueva Ecija, finding the
according to the prosecution, the accused wife had to borrow from him on the pretext that
defendant guilty of homicide and sentencing her to suffer not more than fourteen years,
she wanted to cut her nails, and later a stone which the accused husband casually picked up
from the ground. Yarns of this kind make good material for fables. eight months and one day of reclusion temporal and not less than eight years and one day
of prision mayor, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased Francisco Rivera in the sum of
P1,000, and to pay the costs.
Angel Emia, the other government witness who testified at the trial that he saw the crime
attributed to the two accused by the prosecution, made a previous statement wherein he
Appellant's attorney makes the following assignments of error:
disclaimed knowledge of who had stabbed Paulino. Required to explain the contradiction, he
bungled in his attempt. The trial judge erred in giving him credit. Olimpio Libosada, another
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
I. El Juzgado a quo, erro al dar absoluto credito a las pruebas de la acusacion, las que son Her testimony as to what occurred is as follows:
insuficientes para apoyar una declaracion de conviccion.
P. ¿Y que paso siendo usted la ultima de entre sus compañeros? — R. Despues de pasar
II. El Juzgado a quo erro al declarar que los celos fueron el motivo que impulso a la acusada nosotros en una bifurcacion de los caminos cuando llegabamos en una parte estrecha el
al agredir al occiso Francisco Rivera. occiso subitamente me abrazo por detras cogiendome los pechos y basandome.

III. El Juzgado a quo al declarar increible el testimonio de la acusada en esta causa. P. ¿Y entonces que hizo usted cuando usted sintio ese abrazo y beso? — R. todavia me
agarro en mi parte genital y en eso yo trataba de desasirme de el; el me siguio abrazando
cogiendome de los pechos y basandome, y yo a mi vez seguia tratando de desasirme de el
IV. Y el Juzgado a quo erro al no absolver a la acusada.

It appears from the evidence that on the evening of February 18, 1934, Francisco Ramos and
P. ¿Y que sucedio? — R. Cuando yo trataba de desasirma de el, el me siguio abrazando y yo
his wife, Brigida Vistada; his sister, Baltazara Ramos; and a woman named Consuelo or
a mi vez seguia tratandome de desassirme de el y el llego a agarrarme en la parte genital y
Natividad Santoyo called at the house of the defendant and asked her to go with them to a
trato de lanzarme.
wake in honor of one Sion, who had died in the house of Maria Inguit. About nine o'clock the
defendant and her friends started home. They were followed about five minutes later,
according to Enrique Bautista, by the deceased Francisco Rivera, who had been playing cards P. ¿Y que hizo usted cuando le trataba de lanzarle a usted el occiso? — R. Yo procuraba
in the house where the wake was held. He was accompanied by Enrique Bautista. Rivera and desasirme de el y cuando me quede debilitada y ya no podia hacer nada contra la fuerza de
Bautista overtook defendant's party. When they reached a narrow part of the path, Rivera el yo saque de mo bolsillo un cortaplumas.
went ahead of Bautista. At that time the members of the defendant's party were walking in
single file. Baltazara Ramos was in the lead and the defendant was the hindmost. She was
P. ¿Y que hizo usted del cortaplumas? — R. Lo abri porque cuando ya no podia hacer nada y
about two brazas from the person immediately ahead of her. Francisco Ramos, the only one
estaba y a debil yo hice lo que debia hacer en defensa de mi pudor, le apuñale.
of defendant's companions that was called to testify, heard someone cry out "Aruy, Dios
mio". He went back and found that Francisco Rivera had been stabbed under the right
breast. The wounded man was taken to the hospital, where he died the next afternoon. She further testified that she was engaged in selling fruit, and that the fanknife in question
was in a pocket of the overcoat she was wearing that day; that she went off with her friends
without having an opportunity of changing her clothes.
Francisco Ramos testified that it took him about two minutes to go back to the place where
Francisco Rivera was. He found and that Enrique Bautista was with the wounded man, and
the defendant had started back towards the house of mourning. He overtook her. She had a We cannot believe the testimony of Enrique Bautista, because Francisco Ramos, one of the
knife in her hand. When they reached the house of Maria Inguit, Remedios de la Cruz stuck witnesses for the prosecution, testified that it was a dark night, and Bautista himself said
the knife into a table and said that she stabbed Francisco Rivera because he embraced her. that he could scarcely see anyone in the darkness ("Apenas se podia ver a alguien en esa
obscuridad."); that he did not see any of the companions of the defendant.
The case for the prosecution rests upon the testimony of Enrique Bautista. According to him
the defendant waited on the right side of the path near some guava trees and stabbed It appears from the evidence that the deceased had been making love to the defendant, and
Francisco Rivera with a knife in her right hand when he arrived in front of her; that the also to another girl named Felicisima Sincaban; but the finding of the trial judge that
injured man cried "Aruy, Dios mio", while the defendant turned around and returned to the Francisco Rivera and the defendant were engaged, that she was madly in love with him and
house of Maria Inguit, saying "Icao ay malaon na" (hacia tiempo ya). He further testified that was extremely jealous of Felicisima Sincaban is not sustained by the evidence of record.
the defendant stabbed the deceased before either of them had said anything; that the
distance between him and the deceased was about one foot; that he did not see any of the The appellant stabbed the deceased only once, although she retained possession of the knife,
companions of the defendant after they reached the path and had to walk one behind the and undoubtedly could have inflicted other wounds on him if she had desired. In other words
other. she desisted as soon as he released her.
The defendant on the other hand testified that after they had passed a fork in the trail and The evidence shows that an officer of the Constabulary went to see the injured man about
reached a narrow part a man suddenly threw his arms around her from behind, caught hold eleven o'clock that night in the hospital, but it does not appear that Rivera told him anything
of her breasts and kissed her, and seized her in her private parts; that she tried to free about the circumstances under which he had been stabbed.
herself, but he held her and tried to throw her down; that when she felt weak and could do
nothing more against the strength of the man, she got a knife from her pocket, opened it,
and stabbed him in defense of her honor. She further testified that the man who attacked The appellant is an illiterate barrio girl, unable to write her name, and scarcely eighteen
her did not say anything; that she asked him who he was but he did not answer; that when years old. We do not believe her story is a fabrication. In this connection it is to be noted
she was assaulted she cried for help, saying "Madre mia; Dios mio"; that when she was that almost immediately after the incident in question took place, the appellant said she
seized, she was about two brazas behind her nearest companion; that when she was face to stabbed Francisco Rivera because he embraced her. It is not improbable that she was
face with her assailant during the struggle she could scarcely recognize his face in the reluctant to relate in the presence of all the people in the house of Maria Inguit the details of
darkness and could not be sure that it was Francisco Rivera. what had occurred.
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
We are convinced from a study of the record that the deceased did in fact grab hold of the (1) That the lower court erred in not holding that said appellant had acted in the legitimate
defendant on the night in question, and whether he intended to rape her or not, taking into defense of her honor and that she should be completely absolved of all criminal
consideration that it was a dark night and that the deceased grabbed her from behind responsibility;
without warning and without making himself known and refused to say who he was, and in
the struggle that followed touched her private parts, and the fact that she was unable to free
(2) That the lower court erred in not finding in her favor the additional mitigating
herself by means of her strength alone, we are of the opinion that she was justified in
circumstances that (a) she did not have the intention to commit so grave a wrong as that
making use of the pocket-knife in repelling what she believed to be an attack upon her
actually committed, and that (b) she voluntarily surrendered to the agents of the authorities;
honor, since she had no other means of defending herself.

In the case of the United States vs. Ah Chong (15 Phil., 488), this court held that a person is
(3) That the trial court erred in holding that the commission of the alleged offense was
not criminally responsible when, by reason of a mistake of facts, he does an act for which he
attended by the aggravating circumstance of having been committed in a sacred place.
would be exempt if the facts were as he supposed them to be, but would constitute murder if
he had known the true state of facts at the time, provided that the ignorance or mistake of
fact was not due to negligence or bad faith. The evidence adduced by the parties, at the trial in the court below, has sufficiently
established the following facts:
The appellant claims to have cried for help, but so far as the record shows her cries were not
heard by any of her companions. Whether she did in fact cry for help, as claimed by her, or That both the defendant and appellant Avelina Jaurigue and the deceased Amado Capina
failed to do so because of the suddenness with which the deceased grabbed her and the lived in the barrio of Sta. Isabel, City of San Pablo, Province of Laguna; that for sometime
fright which it naturally caused, taking into consideration the circumstances of the case, we prior to the stabbing of the deceased by defendant and appellant, in the evening of
still think she is exempt from criminal liability. In the case of the United States vs. Santa Ana September 20, 1942, the former had been courting the latter in vain, and that on one
and Ramos (22 Phil., 249), this court held that a woman in defense of her honor is justified occasion, about one month before that fatal night, Amado Capina snatched a handkerchief
in inflicting wounds or her assailant with a bolo which she happens to be carrying, even belonging to her, bearing her nickname "Aveling," while it was being washed by her cousin,
though her cry for assistance might have been heard by people near by. Josefa Tapay.

For the foregoing reasons, the decision appealed from is reversed, and the appellant is On September 13, 1942, while Avelina was feeding a dog under her house, Amado
acquitted, with the costsde oficio. approached her and spoke to her of his love, which she flatly refused, and he thereupon
suddenly embraced and kissed her and touched her breasts, on account of which Avelina,
resolute and quick-tempered girl, slapped Amado, gave him fist blows and kicked him. She
C.A. No. 384 February 21, 1946 kept the matter to herself, until the following morning when she informed her mother about
it. Since then, she armed herself with a long fan knife, whenever she went out, evidently for
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, self-protection.
NICOLAS JAURIGUE and AVELINA JAURIGUE, defendants. On September 15, 1942, about midnight, Amado climbed up the house of defendant and
AVELINA JAURIGUE, appellant. appellant, and surreptitiously entered the room where she was sleeping. He felt her
forehead, evidently with the intention of abusing her. She immediately screamed for help,
Jose Ma. Recto for appellant. which awakened her parents and brought them to her side. Amado came out from where he
Assistant Solicitor General Enriquez and Solicitor Palma for appellee.. had hidden under a bed in Avelina's room and kissed the hand of Nicolas Jaurigue, her
father, asking for forgiveness; and when Avelina's mother made an attempt to beat Amado,
her husband prevented her from doing so, stating that Amado probably did not realize what
DE JOYA, J.: he was doing. Nicolas Jaurigue sent for the barrio lieutenant, Casimiro Lozada, and for
Amado's parents, the following morning. Amado's parents came to the house of Nicolas
Nicolas Jaurigue and Avelina Jaurigue were prosecuted in the Court of First Instance of Jaurigue and apologized for the misconduct of their son; and as Nicolas Jaurigue was then
Tayabas, for the crime of murder, of which Nicolas Jaurigue was acquitted, but defendant angry, he told them to end the conversation, as he might not be able to control himself.
Avelina Jaurigue was found guilty of homicide and sentenced to an indeterminate penalty
ranging from seven years, four months and one day of prision mayor to thirteen years, nine In the morning of September 20, 1942, Avelina received information that Amado had been
months and eleven days of reclusion temporal, with the accessory penalties provided by law, falsely boasting in the neighborhood of having taken liberties with her person and that she
to indemnify the heirs of the deceased, Amando Capina, in the sum of P2,000, and to pay had even asked him to elope with her and that if he should not marry her, she would take
one-half of the costs. She was also credited with one-half of the period of preventive poison; and that Avelina again received information of Amado's bragging at about 5 o'clock
imprisonment suffered by her. in the afternoon of that same day.

From said judgment of conviction, defendant Avelina Jaurigue appealed to the Court of At about 8 o'clock in the evening of the same day, September 20, 1942, Nicolas Jaurigue
Appeals for Southern Luzon, and in her brief filed therein on June 10, 1944, claimed — went to the chapel of the Seventh Day Adventists of which he was the treasurer, in their
barrio, just across the provincial road from his house, to attend religious services, and sat on
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
the front bench facing the altar with the other officials of the organization and the barrio The attempt to rape a woman constitutes an unlawful aggression sufficient to put her in a
lieutenant, Casimiro Lozada. Inside the chapel it was quite bright as there were electric state of legitimate defense, inasmuch as a woman's honor cannot but be esteemed as a right
lights. as precious, if not more, than her very existence; and it is evident that a woman who, thus
imperiled, wounds, nay kills the offender, should be afforded exemption from criminal
liability, since such killing cannot be considered a crime from the moment it became the only
Defendant and appellant Avelina Jaurigue entered the chapel shortly after the arrival of her
means left for her to protect her honor from so great an outrage (1 Viada, Codigo Penal, 5th
father, also for the purpose of attending religious services, and sat on the bench next to the
ed., p. 301; People vs. Luague and Alcansare, 62 Phil., 504). .
last one nearest the door. Amado Capina was seated on the other side of the chapel. Upon
observing the presence of Avelina Jaurigue, Amado Capina went to the bench on which
Avelina was sitting and sat by her right side, and, without saying a word, Amado, with the As long as there is actual danger of being raped, a woman is justified in killing her aggressor,
greatest of impudence, placed his hand on the upper part of her right thigh. On observing in the defense of her honor. Thus, where the deceased grabbed the defendant in a dark night
this highly improper and offensive conduct of Amado Capina, Avelina Jaurigue, conscious of at about 9 o'clock, in an isolated barrio trail, holding her firmly from behind, without warning
her personal dignity and honor, pulled out with her right hand the fan knife marked Exhibit and without revealing his identity, and, in the struggle that followed, touched her private
B, which she had in a pocket of her dress, with the intention of punishing Amado's offending parts, and that she was unable to free herself by means of her strength alone, she was
hand. Amado seized Avelina's right hand, but she quickly grabbed the knife with her left considered justified in making use of a pocket knife in repelling what she believed to be an
hand and stabbed Amado once at the base of the left side of the neck, inflicting upon him a attack upon her honor, and which ended in his death, since she had no other means of
wound about 4 1/2 inches deep, which was necessarily mortal. Nicolas Jaurigue, who was defending herself, and consequently exempt from all criminal liability (People vs. De la Cruz,
seated on one of the front benches, saw Amado bleeding and staggering towards the altar, 16 Phil., 344).
and upon seeing his daughter still holding the bloody knife, he approached her and asked:
"Why did you do that," and answering him Avelina said: "Father, I could not endure
And a woman, in defense of her honor, was perfectly justified in inflicting wounds on her
anymore." Amado Capina died from the wound a few minutes later. Barrio lieutenant
assailant with a bolo which she happened to be carrying at the time, even though her cry for
Casimiro Lozada, who was also in the same chapel, approached Avelina and asked her why
assistance might have been heard by people nearby, when the deceased tried to assault her
she did that, and Avelina surrendered herself, saying: "Kayo na po ang bahala sa aquin,"
in a dark and isolated place, while she was going from her house to a certain tienda, for the
meaning: "I hope you will take care of me," or more correctly, "I place myself at your
purpose of making purchases (United States vs. Santa Ana and Ramos, 22 Phil., 249).
disposal." Fearing that Amado's relatives might retaliate, barrio lieutenant Lozada advised
Nicolas Jaurigue and herein defendant and appellant to go home immediately, to close their
doors and windows and not to admit anybody into the house, unless accompanied by him. In the case, however, in which a sleeping woman was awakened at night by someone
That father and daughter went home and locked themselves up, following instructions of the touching her arm, and, believing that some person was attempting to abuse her, she asked
barrio lieutenant, and waited for the arrival of the municipal authorities; and when three who the intruder was and receiving no reply, attacked and killed the said person with a
policemen arrived in their house, at about 10 o'clock that night, and questioned them about pocket knife, it was held that, notwithstanding the woman's belief in the supposed attempt, it
the incident, defendant and appellant immediately surrendered the knife marked as Exhibit was not sufficient provocation or aggression to justify her completely in using deadly
B, and informed said policemen briefly of what had actually happened in the chapel and of weapon. Although she actually believed it to be the beginning of an attempt against her, she
the previous acts and conduct of the deceased, as already stated above, and went with said was not completely warranted in making such a deadly assault, as the injured person, who
policemen to the police headquarters, where her written statements were taken, and which turned out to be her own brother-in-law returning home with his wife, did not do any other
were presented as a part of the evidence for the prosecution. act which could be considered as an attempt against her honor (United States vs. Apego, 23
Phil., 391)..
The high conception of womanhood that our people possess, however humble they may be,
is universal. It has been entertained and has existed in all civilized communities. In the instant case, if defendant and appellant had killed Amado Capina, when the latter
climbed up her house late at night on September 15, 1942, and surreptitiously entered her
bedroom, undoubtedly for the purpose of raping her, as indicated by his previous acts and
A beautiful woman is said to be a jewel; a good woman, a treasure; and that a virtuous
conduct, instead of merely shouting for help, she could have been perfectly justified in killing
woman represents the only true nobility. And they are the future wives and mothers of the
him, as shown by the authorities cited above..
land. Such are the reasons why, in the defense of their honor, when brutally attacked,
women are permitted to make use of all reasonable means available within their reach,
under the circumstances. Criminologists and courts of justice have entertained and upheld According to the facts established by the evidence and found by the learned trial court in this
this view. case, when the deceased sat by the side of defendant and appellant on the same bench, near
the door of the barrio chapel and placed his hand on the upper portion of her right thigh,
without her consent, the said chapel was lighted with electric lights, and there were already
On the other hand, it is the duty of every man to protect and show loyalty to womanhood, as
several people, about ten of them, inside the chapel, including her own father and the barrio
in the days of chivalry. There is a country where women freely go out unescorted and, like
lieutenant and other dignitaries of the organization; and under the circumstances, there was
the beautiful roses in their public gardens, they always receive the protection of all. That
and there could be no possibility of her being raped. And when she gave Amado Capina a
country is Switzerland.
thrust at the base of the left side of his neck, inflicting upon him a mortal wound 4 1/2
inches deep, causing his death a few moments later, the means employed by her in the
In the language of Viada, aside from the right to life on which rests the legitimate defense of defense of her honor was evidently excessive; and under the facts and circumstances of the
our own person, we have the right to property acquired by us, and the right to honor which case, she cannot be legally declared completely exempt from criminal liability..
is not the least prized of our patrimony (1 Viada, Codigo Penal, 5th ed., pp. 172, 173).
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
But the fact that defendant and appellant immediately and voluntarily and unconditionally G.R. No. L-5318 December 23, 1909
surrendered to the barrio lieutenant in said chapel, admitting having stabbed the deceased,
immediately after the incident, and agreed to go to her house shortly thereafter and to
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee,
remain there subject to the order of the said barrio lieutenant, an agent of the authorities
(United States vs. Fortaleza, 12 Phil., 472); and the further fact that she had acted in the
RAFAEL BUMANGLAG, ET AL., defendants. - GREGORIO BUNDOC, appellant.
immediate vindication of a grave offense committed against her a few moments before, and
upon such provocation as to produce passion and obfuscation, or temporary loss of reason
and self-control, should be considered as mitigating circumstances in her favor (People vs. Iñigo Bitanga for appellant.
Parana, 64 Phil., 331; People vs. Sakam, 61 Phil., 27; United States vs. Arribas, 1 Phil., 86). Attorney-General Villamor for appellee.

Defendant and appellant further claims that she had not intended to kill the deceased but TORRES, J.:
merely wanted to punish his offending hand with her knife, as shown by the fact that she
inflicted upon him only one single wound. And this is another mitigating circumstance which On the night of January 2, 1909, Rafael Bumanglag, an inhabitant of the pueblo of San
should be considered in her favor (United States vs. Brobst, 14 Phil., 310; United States vs. Nicolas, Province of Ilocos Norte, missed 4 baares or 40 bundles of palay which were kept in
Diaz, 15 Phil., 123). his granary, situated in the place called "Payas," barrio No. 16 of the said pueblo, and on
proceeding to search for them on the following morning, he found them in an inclosed filed
The claim of the prosecution, sustained by the learned trial court, that the offense was which was planted with sugar cane, at a distance of about 100 meters from his granary;
committed by the defendant and appellant, with the aggravating circumstance that the killing thereupon, for the purpose of ascertaining who had done it, he left the palay there, and that
was done in a place dedicated to religious worship, cannot be legally sustained; as there is night, accompanied by Gregorio Bundoc, Antonio Ribao, and Saturnino Tumamao, he waited
no evidence to show that the defendant and appellant had murder in her heart when she near the said field for the person who might return to get the palay. A man, who turned out
entered the chapel that fatal night. Avelina is not a criminal by nature. She happened to kill to be Guillermo Ribis, made his appearance and approaching the palay, attempted to carry it
under the greatest provocation. She is a God-fearing young woman, typical of our country away with him, but at that instant Bumanglag, Bundoc, and Ribao assaulted the presumed
girls, who still possess the consolation of religious hope in a world where so many others thief with sticks and cutting and stabbing weapons; as a result of the struggle which ensued
have hopelessly lost the faith of their elders and now drifting away they know not where. the person attacked fell down and died instantly, Bumanglag and his companions believing
that Guillermo Ribis was the author of several robberies and thefts that had occurred in the
The questions raised in the second and third assignments of error appear, therefore, to be
well taken; and so is the first assignment of error to a certain degree.
In view of the foregoing, the provincial fiscal filed a complaint on January 15, 1909, charging
Rafael Bumanglag, Gregorio Bundoc, and Antonio Ribao with the crime of homicide, and the
In the mind of the court, there is not the least doubt that, in stabbing to death the deceased
trial judge, on February 5 of the present year, rendered judgment in the case, sentencing the
Amado Capina, in the manner and form and under the circumstances above indicated, the
three accused persons to the penalty of fourteen years eight months and one day
defendant and appellant committed the crime of homicide, with no aggravating circumstance
of reclusión temporal, with the accessories, and to the payment of an indemnity of P1,000 to
whatsoever, but with at least three mitigating circumstances of a qualified character to be
the heirs of the deceased, and the costs in equal parts, from which decision only Gregorio
considered in her favor; and, in accordance with the provisions of article 69 of the Revised
Bundoc appealed.
Penal Code, she is entitled to a reduction by one or two degrees in the penalty to be imposed
upon her. And considering the circumstances of the instant case, the defendant and appellant
should be accorded the most liberal consideration possible under the law (United States vs. From the facts above mentioned, fully proven in this case, the commission of the crime of
Apego, 23 Phil., 391; United States vs. Rivera, 41 Phil., 472; People vs. Mercado, 43 Phil., homicide, defined and punished by article 404 of the Penal Code, is inferred, inasmuch as
950).. Guillermo Ribis was violently deprived of his life in consequence of serious wounds and
bruises, some of them of a mortal nature, as appears from a certificate issued by a physician
who examined the body of the deceased, and who ratified said certificate at the trial under
The law prescribes the penalty of reclusion temporal for the crime of homicide; and if it
should be reduced by two degrees, the penalty to be imposed in the instant case is that
of prision correccional; and pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of Act No. 4103 of the
Philippine Legislature, known as the Indeterminate Sentence Law, herein defendant and The accused Bundoc, the only appellant, pleaded not guilty, but, in the absence of
appellant should be sentenced to an indeterminate penalty ranging from arresto mayor in its justification, and his exculpatory allegation being unreasonable, it is not proper to hold that
medium degree, to prision correccional in its medium degree. Consequently, with the he assaulted and killed the deceased, with the help of his codefendants, in order to defend
modification of judgment appealed from, defendant and appellant Avelina Jaurigue is hereby himself from an attack made by the former with a bolo.
sentenced to an indeterminate penalty ranging from two months and one day of arresto
mayor, as minimum, to two years, four months, and one day ofprision correccional, as Both Gregorio Bundoc and his codefendants Bumanglag and Ribao declared that, during the
maximum, with the accessory penalties prescribed by law, to indemnify the heirs of the fight with the deceased Ribis, they only beat the latter with sticks, because he unsheathed
deceased Amado Capina, in the sum of P2,000, and to suffer the corresponding subsidiary the bolo he carried; but from the examination made of the body it appeared that several
imprisonment, not to exceed 1/3 of the principal penalty, in case of insolvency, and to pay serious wounds had been inflicted with cutting and stabbing weapons, besides some bruises,
the costs. Defendant and appellant should also be given the benefit of 1/2 of her preventive and according to the declaration of the health officer Felipe Barba, which declaration was
imprisonment, and the knife marked Exhibit B ordered confiscated. So ordered.. confirmed by the municipal president of Laoag, the bolo worn by the deceased was in its
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
sheath and hanging from his waist; therefore it can not be concluded that the deceased even That on or about the 16th day of September 1995, at around 9:30 o’clock in the evening, in
intended to assault his murderers with his bolo either before he was attacked by them or Barangay Libertad, municipality of Odiongan, province of Romblon, Philippines, and within
during the fight, because, had Ribis made use of the bolo he carried sheathed, the bolo the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said accused, with intent to kill, did then and
would have been found unsheathed at the place where the fight occurred, and it is not there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and stab with a bolo, one RICKY F.
reasonable to believe that, before falling to the ground in a dying condition he succeeded in GUARTE, which causes (sic) his untimely death.
sheathing his bolo, in which condition it was found on his body.
Contrary to law.3
It is therefore indisputable that, without any prior illegal aggression and the other requisites
which would fully or partially exempt the accused from criminal responsibility, the appellant
In due course, the prosecution adduced evidence against the petitioner which was
and his two companions assaulted Guillermo Ribis with sticks and cutting and stabbing arms,
synthesized by the appellate court as follows:
inflicting upon him serious and mortal wounds, and therefore, the said accused is guilty of
the crime of homicide as co-principal by direct participation, fully convicted, together with his
codefendants who are already serving their sentence. On September 16, 1995, appellant went to a black-smith who made the design of his bolo.
When he went home to Tuburan, Odiongan, Romblon late in the afternoon (TSN, September
4, 1998, p. 2), appellant saw the group of Lani Famero, Michael Fosana, Rex Cortez and
In the commission of the crime we should take into account the mitigating circumstance No.
Ricky Guarte drinking gin at the house of the Spouses Manuel and Eliza Guarte, Ricky’s
7 of article 9 of the Penal Code, because the defendant acted with loss of reason and self-
parents. Appellant’s house is about five (5) meters away from the house of Spouses Guarte.
control on seeing that Guillermo Ribis was taking material possession of the palay seized and
Appellant requested the group of Ricky to refrain from making any noise. Thereupon,
hidden by him on the previous night, thus committing one of the numerous unlawful acts
appellant proceeded inside his house and went to sleep (ibid., p. 3). Around 9:00 p.m.,
perpetrated at the place, to the damage and prejudice of those who, by their labor endeavor
Gerardo Faminia, Eliza Guarte’s brother arrived at the Guarte house and asked for any left-
to provide themselves with the necessary elements for their subsistence and that of their
over food (TSN, August 5, 1998, p. 3). Eliza prepared dinner for him and after Gerardo
families. The special circumstance established by article 11 of the same code should be also
finished eating, he went home accompanied by Ricky (TSN, April 26, 1996, p. 5). Gerardo’s
considered in favor of the accused, in view of the erroneous and quite general belief that it is
home is about twelve (12) meters away from the Guarte home (TSN, February 17, 1997, p.
legal to punish, even to excess the thief who, in defiance of law and justice, while refusing to
11). Minutes later, Ricky came back and together with Lani, Rex and Michael, went to sleep
work, devotes himself to depriving his neighbors of the fruits of their arduous labors; these
at the Guarte house. They had not laid down for long when they heard stones being hurled at
two circumstances are considered in the present case as especially admissible, without any
the roof of the house. The stoning was made three (3) times (TSN, August 5, 1998, pp. 2-3).
aggravating circumstance, and they determine, according to article 81, rule 5, of the Penal
Ricky rose from bed and peeped through a window. He saw appellant stoning their house.
Code, the imposition of the penalty immediately inferior to that prescribed by the law, and in
Ricky went out of the house and proceeded to appellant’s house. Ricky asked appellant, his
its minimum degree, and therefore —
uncle, why he was stoning their house. Appellant did not answer but met Ricky at the
doorstep of his (appellant’s) house (TSN, April 26, 1996, p. 6; August 5, 1998, pp. 4-5) and,
By virtue of the foregoing considerations, we are of the opinion that, the judgment appealed without any warning, stabbed Ricky on the abdomen with a bolo (TSN, August 5, 1998, p. 8).
from being reversed with respect to Gregorio Bundoc only, the latter should be, and is Eliza had followed his son Ricky and upon seeing that Ricky was stabbed, shouted for help
hereby, sentenced to the penalty of six years and one day of prisión mayor, to the (TSN, February 17, 1997, p. 13). Lani heard Eliza’s cry for help and immediately rushed
accessories of article 61 of the code, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased jointly or outside the house. Lani saw Ricky leaning on the ground and supporting his body with his
severally with his codefendants, in the sum of P1,000, and to pay one-third the costs of both hands. Lani helped Ricky stand up and brought him to the main road. Lani asked Ricky who
instances. So ordered. stabbed him and Ricky replied that it was appellant who stabbed him. Then Docloy Cortez
arrived at the scene on board his tricycle. Accordingly, Ricky was put on the tricycle and
taken to the Romblon Provincial Hospital (TSN, January 19, 1998, pp. 4-6).
G.R. No. 158057 September 24, 2004

At the Romblon Provincial Hospital, Dr. Noralie Fetalvero operated on Ricky that very night.
NOE TOLEDO y TAMBOONG, petitioner, Ricky had sustained one (1) stab wound but due to massive blood loss, he died while being
vs. operated on (TSN, November 24, 1997, pp. 2, 6-7). Dr. Fetalvero issued a Medico-Legal
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondent. Certificate showing the injuries sustained by Ricky, thus:
DECISION Stab wound, left chest with gastric & transverse colon evisceration measuring 6 cms. long,
irregular-edged at 8th ICS, left penetrating (operative findings):
(1) abdominal cavity perforating the stomach (thru & thru) and the left lobe of the liver
This is a petition for review of the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR No.
23742 affirming on appeal, the Decision2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Odiongan, (2) thoracic cavity thru the left dome of the diaphragm perforating the lower lobe of the left
Romblon, Branch 82, in Criminal Case No. OD-861, convicting the petitioner of homicide. lung.

In an Information filed in the RTC of Romblon, the petitioner was charged with homicide …
allegedly committed as follows:
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(Exhibit C) On appeal in the CA, the petitioner raised the following issue in his brief as appellant:

The Certificate of Death issued by Dr. Fetalvero stated the cause of Ricky’s death as: WHETHER OR NOT ACCUSED-APPELLANT CAN BE CRIMINALLY HELD LIABLE FOR THE
Invoking Article 12, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code, the petitioner claimed that he
stabbed the victim by accident; hence, he is exempt from criminal liability for the death of
Immediate cause : a. Cardiorespiratory Arrest the victim.

Antecedent cause : b. Hypovolemic shock

The CA rendered judgment affirming the assailed decision with modifications. The CA also
Underlying cause : c. Multiple thoraco-abdominal denied the petitioner’s motion for reconsideration thereof. The appellate court ruled that the
petitioner failed to prove that he acted in self-defense.

injury 2º to stab wound Aggrieved, the petitioner filed the instant petition for review, contending that the CA erred in
not finding that he acted in self-defense when he stabbed the victim by accident and prays
(Exhibit B)4 that he be acquitted of the crime charged.

The Evidence of the Petitioner The sole issue in this case is whether or not the petitioner is guilty beyond reasonable doubt
of homicide based on the evidence on record.

The petitioner adduced evidence that at around 5:00 p.m. on September 16, 1995, he was
on his way home at Tuburan, Odiongan, Romblon. He saw his nephew, Ricky Guarte, and the The petitioner contends that the CA committed a reversible error when it affirmed the
latter’s friends, Michael Fosana, Rex Cortez, and Lani Famero, about five meters away from decision of the RTC convicting him of homicide, on its finding that he failed to prove that he
his house, having a drinking spree. He ordered them not to make loud noises, and they acted in complete self-defense when the victim was hit by his bolo. The petitioner insists that
obliged. He then went to his house, locked the door with a nail, and went to sleep. However, he acted in complete self-defense when his bolo accidentallyhit the victim on the stomach.
he was awakened at around 9:30 p.m. by loud noises coming from Ricky and his three
companions. He peeped through the window grills of his house and admonished them not to For its part, the Office of the Solicitor General asserts that the petitioner failed to prove self-
make any loud noises. Ricky, who was then already inebriated, was incensed; he pulled out a defense with clear and convincing evidence. Hence, the decision of the CA affirming, on
balisong, pushed the door, and threatened to stab the petitioner. The petitioner pushed their appeal, the decision of the RTC is correct.
sala set against the door to block the entry of Ricky, but the latter continued to push the
door open with his hands and body. The petitioner ran to the upper portion of their house
The contention of the petitioner has no merit.
and got his bolo.5 He returned to the door and pushed it with all his might using his left
hand. He then pointed his bolo, which was in his right hand, towards Ricky. The bolo
accidentally hit Ricky on the stomach, and the latter lost his balance and fell to the floor. The The petitioner testified that his bolo hit the victim accidentally. He asserted in the RTC and in
petitioner, thereafter, surrendered to the barangay captain at 11:00 a.m. on September 17, the CA that he is exempt from criminal liability for the death of the victim under Article 12,
1995. paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code which reads:

After trial, the court rendered judgment finding the petitioner guilty as charged. The fallo of 4. Any person who, while performing a lawful act with due care, causes an injury by mere
the decision reads: accident without fault or intention of causing it.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, NOE TOLEDO is hereby found GUILTY beyond reasonable In his brief in the CA, the petitioner argued that:
doubt of homicide with the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender and is meted the
indeterminate penalty of from six (6) years and one (1) day of prision mayor minimum, as In the case at bar, with all due respect, contrary to the findings of the lower court, it is our
minimum, to twelve (12) years and one (1) day of reclusion temporal minimum, as humble submission that the death of Ricky Guarte was merely a sad and unwanted result of
maximum. an accident without fault or intention of causing it on the part of accused-appellant. We
submit, there were clear and indubitable factual indicators overlooked by the lower court,
Accused is condemned to pay the amount of P50,000.00 as civil liability to the heirs of the bolstering the theory of the defense on accidental death.8
However, the petitioner changed gear, so to speak, and now alleges that he acted in self-
The trial court did not give credence and probative weight to the testimony of the petitioner defense when he stabbed the victim. As such, he contends, he is not criminally liable under
that his bolo accidentally hit the victim on the stomach. Article 11, paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code which reads:
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
Art. 11. Justifying circumstances. – The following do not incur any criminal liability: transgressed the law and is free from both criminal and civil liabilities.13 On the other hand,
the basis of exempting circumstances under Article 12 of the Revised Penal Code is the
complete absence of intelligence, freedom of action, or intent, or the absence of negligence
1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights, provided that the following
on the part of the accused.14 The basis of the exemption in Article 12, paragraph 4 of the
circumstances concur:
Revised Penal Code is lack of negligence and intent. The accused does not commit either an
intentional or culpable felony. The accused commits a crime but there is no criminal liability
First. Unlawful aggression; because of the complete absence of any of the conditions which constitute free will or
voluntariness of the act.15 An accident is a fortuitous circumstance, event or happening; an
Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it: event happening wholly or partly through human agency, an event which under the
circumstances is unusual or unexpected by the person to whom it happens.16

Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself.
Self-defense, under Article 11, paragraph 1, and accident, under Article 12, paragraph 4 of
the Revised Penal Code, are affirmative defenses which the accused is burdened to prove,
The petitioner avers that he was able to prove the essential elements of complete self- with clear and convincing evidence. Such affirmative defenses involve questions of facts
defense, thus: adduced to the trial and appellate courts for resolution. By admitting killing the victim in self-
defense or by accident without fault or without intention of causing it, the burden is shifted
A close scrutiny of the records of the case would show that the petitioner acted in self- to the accused to prove such affirmative defenses. He should rely on the strength of his own
defense. evidence and not on the weakness of that of the prosecution. If the accused fails to prove his
affirmative defense, he can no longer be acquitted.
The essential requisites of self-defense are: (1) unlawful aggression on the part of the
victim; (2) reasonable scrutiny of the means employed to prevent or repel it; and (3) lack of The petitioner failed to prove that the victim was killed by accident, without fault or intention
sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself (People vs. Silvano, 350 on his part to cause it. The petitioner was burdened to prove with clear and convincing
SCRA 650)9 evidence, the essential requisites for the exempting circumstance under Article 12,
paragraph 4, viz:
However, the petitioner also claims that his bolo accidentally hit the stomach of the victim.
1. A person is performing a lawful act;

It is a matter of law that when a party adopts a particular theory and the case is tried and
decided upon that theory in the court below, he will not be permitted to change his theory on 2. With due care;
appeal. The case will be reviewed and decided on that theory and not approached and
resolved from a different point of view. To permit a party to change his theory on appeal will 3. He causes an injury to another by mere accident;
be unfair to the adverse party.10

4. Without fault or intention of causing it.

The petitioner is proscribed from changing in this Court, his theory of defense which he
adopted in the trial court and foisted in the CA – by claiming that he stabbed and killed the
victim in complete self-defense. The petitioner relied on Article 12, paragraph 4 of the To prove his affirmative defense, the petitioner relied solely on his testimony, thus:
Revised Penal Code in the trial and appellate courts, but adopted in this Court two divergent
theories – (1) that he killed the victim to defend himself against his unlawful aggression; Q What happened next when Ricky Guarte was able to push through the door and you ran
hence, is justified under Article 11, paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code; (2) that his bolo away?
accidentally hit the victim and is, thus, exempt from criminal liability under Article 12,
paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code.
A When Ricky Guarte was able to push the door, that is the time I go (sic) downstairs and
got my bolo and at that time the body of Ricky Guarte was at the entrance of the door and
It is an aberration for the petitioner to invoke the two defenses at the same time because the
accidentally the bolo reached him.
said defenses are intrinsically antithetical.11 There is no such defense as accidental self-
defense in the realm of criminal law.
Q Where did you get the bolo?

Self-defense under Article 11, paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code necessarily implies a
A I got the bolo in the post or wall of our house.
deliberate and positive overt act of the accused to prevent or repel an unlawful aggression of
another with the use of reasonable means. The accused has freedom of action. He is aware
of the consequences of his deliberate acts. The defense is based on necessity which is the Q Was Ricky Guarte hit the first time you boloed him?
supreme and irresistible master of men of all human affairs, and of the law. From necessity,
and limited by it, proceeds the right of self-defense. The right begins when necessity does,
A Not hacking but accidentally.
and ends where it ends.12 Although the accused, in fact, injures or kills the victim, however,
his act is in accordance with law so much so that the accused is deemed not to have
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
Q What do you mean by accidentally? A Yes, Sir.

A Because when Ricky Guarte pushed the door and unbalance himself (sic) the bolo which I Q Now, and while holding that bolo, you are doing that in [an] upward position, correct?
was carrying hit him accidentally.
A No, Sir, pointing the door.
Q Where was he hit by the bolo you were carrying?
Q Yes, you are pointing the tip of your bolo to the door upward, correct?
A In the stomach.17
A No, Sir, steady pointing to the door.

Q Now, when the door was opened, your bolo did not hit any part of that door, correct?
Q And since you were at the left side of the door, your right hand was at the center part of
the door, correct?
A "Ginaiwas ko ang sunrang," meaning I was able to get away from hitting any part of the
A No, Sir.
Q The question Mr. Toledo is simple, while the door was opened and while you were pointing
Q Where was your right hand? directly your bolo at the door, not any part of the door hit the bolo (sic), correct?

A Holding a bolo. ATTY. FORMILLEZA:

Q Where, in what part of the door? It was a valid answer, it did not hit any part of the door.

A Right side. COURT:

Q When Ricky Guarte was pushing the door, the door was not opened? Answer.

A It was opened. A No, Sir.

Q It was opened because you opened the door, correct? PROS. FRADEJAS continuing:

A No, Sir. Q You were only about five inches away from your door while pushing it, correct?

Q Now, why was it opened? A Yes, Sir.

A Because he was pushing it. Q Now, when the door was pushed already by Ricky Guarte, not any part of your body hit the
door, correct?
Q With his left hand?
A No, Sir.18
A With his both hands and body.
The petitioner also testified that the victim was armed with a balisong and threatened to kill
him as the said victim pushed, with his body and hands, the fragile door of his house:
Q Now, when he fell down because, according to you, he losses (sic) his balance, the left side
of the body was the first to fell (sic) down, correct?
Q Where were you when you saw Ricky went out?
A Yes, Sir.
A I was at the door.
Q You are sure of your answer now Mr. Toledo?
Q Did Ricky proceed to the door where you were?
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A Yes, Sir. Q You did not narrate the incident to the barangay captain whom you have surrendered,
Q What did he do, if any?
A No, Sir.
A He drew his fan knife or balisong and asked me what do you like, I will stab you?
Q When you were brought to the municipal jail, you did not also narrate to the police what
happened, correct?
Q What did you do?

A No, Sir.
A I told him I have not done you anything wrong, I am only scolding you or telling you not to
make noise.
Q You just remained silent thinking of an excuse that happened that evening of September
16, 1995, correct?
Q What, if any, did Ricky Guarte do to you?

A No, Sir.21
A He pushed the door.

Fourth. There is no evidence that the petitioner surrendered either the bolo that accidentally
Q Whose door did he push?
hit the victim or the balisong held by the deceased to the barangay captain or the police
authorities. Such failure of the petitioner negates his claim that his bolo accidentally hit the
A My own door. stomach of the victim and that he acted in self-defense.22

Q Where were you when he pushed the door? Fifth. To prove self-defense, the petitioner was burdened to prove the essential elements
thereof, namely: (1) unlawful aggression on the part of the victim; (2) lack of sufficient
A Inside our house.19 provocation on the part of the petitioner; (3) employment by him of reasonable means to
prevent or repel the aggression. Unlawful aggression is a condition sine qua non for the
justifying circumstances of self-defense, whether complete or incomplete.23 Unlawful
We find the testimony of the petitioner incredible and barren of probative weight. aggression presupposes an actual, sudden, and unexpected attack, or imminent danger
thereof, and not merely a threatening or intimidating attitude.24 We agree with the ruling of
First. If the testimony of the petitioner is to be believed, the force of the struggle between the CA that the petitioner failed to prove self-defense, whether complete or incomplete:
him and the victim would have caused the door to fall on the petitioner. However, the
petitioner failed to adduce real evidence that the door of his house was destroyed and that The evidence on record revealed that there is no unlawful aggression on the part of Ricky.
he sustained any physical injuries,20 considering that he was only five inches away from the While it was established that Ricky was stabbed at the doorstep of appellant’s house which
door. would give a semblance of verity to appellant’s version of the incident, such view, however,
is belied by the fact that Ricky arrived at appellant’s house unarmed and had only one
Second. If the door fell to the sala of the house of the petitioner, the victim must have fallen purpose in mind, that is, to ask appellant why he threw stones at his (Ricky’s) house. With
on top of the door. It is incredible that the bolo of the petitioner could have hit the stomach no weapon to attack appellant, or defend himself, no sign of hostility may be deduced from
of the victim. The claim of the petitioner that he managed to step aside and avoid being Ricky’s arrival at appellant’s doorstep. Ricky was not threatening to attack nor in any manner
crushed by the door belies his claim that the bolo accidentally hit the victim on the stomach. did he manifest any aggressive act that may have imperiled appellant’s well-being. Ricky’s
want of any weapon when he arrived at appellant’s doorstep is supported by the fact that
only one weapon was presented in court, and that weapon was the bolo belonging to
Third. When he surrendered to the barangay captain and to the policemen, he failed to relate appellant which he used in stabbing Ricky. Thus, appellant’s version of the events does not
to them that his bolo accidentally hit the stomach of the victim: support a finding of unlawful aggression. In People vs. Pletado, the Supreme Court held:
Q Now, that very night when you said Ricky Guarte was accidentally hit by your bolo, you did "xxx (F) or aggression to be appreciated, there must be an actual, sudden, [un]expected
not surrender to the police, correct? attack or imminent danger thereof, and not merely a threatening or intimidating attitude
(People vs. Pasco, Jr., supra, People vs. Rey, 172 SCRA 149 [1989]) and the accused must
A I surrendered to the barangay captain at one o’clock in Panique, in the afternoon. present proof of positively strong act of real aggression (Pacificar vs. Court of Appeals, 125
SCRA 716 [1983]). Unlawful aggression must be such as to put in real peril the life or
personal safety of the person defending himself or of a relative sought to be defended and
Q Now, you only surrendered to the police when a certain person advised you to surrender,
not an imagined threat."

Appellant was not justified in stabbing Ricky. There was no imminent threat to appellant’s life
A On my own volition, I surrendered to the barangay captain.
necessitating his assault on Ricky. Unlawful aggression is a condition sine qua non for the
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
justifying circumstance of self-defense. For unlawful aggression to be appreciated, there Upon arraignment, appellants pleaded "not guilty" to the charge. Thereafter trial ensued.
must be an actual, sudden, unexpected attack or imminent danger thereof, not merely a
threatening or intimidating attitude. In the absence of such element, appellant’s claim of
The first witness for the prosecution was ADELAIDA BOCO, widow of the victim, Leo Boco.
self-defense must fail.
She testified that on November 2, 1994, at around 11:00 A.M., while she and her husband
were on their way home, they were sideswiped by a tricycle driven by appellant Erwin
Further, appellant’s plea of self-defense is not corroborated by competent evidence. The plea Enfectana with Efren Enfectana as passenger. As a result, her husband fell in a crouching
of self-defense cannot be justifiably entertained where it is not only uncorroborated by any position. When he was about to get up, appellant Eusebio Enfectana came from behind to
separate competent evidence but is in itself extremely doubtful.25 stab him. Then appellant Erwin Enfectana and accused Efren Enfectana took turns stabbing
Leo Boco, causing his death.3
Sixth. With the failure of the petitioner to prove self-defense, the inescapable conclusion is
that he is guilty of homicide as found by the trial court and the CA. He cannot even invoke DOMINADOR DIALINO, a 52-year-old farmer, testified that he saw appellants and co-accused
Article 12, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code.26 kill the victim. According to the witness, he was at the store of one Olivo Contado, at around
11:00 A.M. of November 2, 1994. From there, he saw Leo and Adelaida Boco alight from a
jeepney. He also saw a fast running tricycle which bumped the vehicle of the Boco spouses.
IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the petition is DENIED. The assailed decision of the
The tricycle was being driven by Erwin Enfectana who was with Efren Enfectana. They missed
Court of Appeals isAFFIRMED. Costs against the petitioner.
the Boco spouses who jumped away. Erwin and Efren Enfectana alighted from the tricycle
and walked towards Leo Boco, who had fallen down. They were carrying short bladed
SO ORDERED. weapons known as"depang".4 Dominador Dialino tried to stop them by going between them
and the Boco spouses, to no avail. He heard Efren Enfectana shout, "bon-a na
Tatay" (Father, stab him). He then saw Eusebio Enfectana stab Leo Boco. After Leo Boco fell,
G.R. No. 132028 April 19, 2002
Erwin and Efren also stabbed him.5

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

BARTOLOME BAHASAN, a 54-year-old resident of Bgy. Cabay, Balangkayan, Eastern Samar,
testified that sometime in 1985, the family of Eusebio Enfectana tried to move into the
EUSEBIO ENFECTANA, alias "Toytoy", and ERWIN ENFECTANA, accused-appellants.
residence of Leo and Adelaida Boco but they were prevented by Leo. He also alleged that
sometime in 1985, Leo Boco was waylaid by the Enfectanas (Eusebio, Erwin and Efren) but
QUISUMBING, J.: he was able to escape by swimming across the river. From then on, Leo Boco always tried to
evade the Enfectanas.6
Before us on appeal is the decision1 dated June 24, 1997 of the Regional Trial Court,
Borongan, Eastern Samar, Branch 1, in Criminal Case No. 10582, finding appellants guilty of Dr. MICHAEL TAN, the Municipal Health Officer of Balangkayan, Eastern Samar, testified that
murder and sentencing them to suffer the imprisonment of reclusion perpetua. he was the one who conducted the post-mortem examination on the cadaver of Leo Boco.
According to him, the deceased suffered six stab wounds, and that the probable cause of
death was the stab wound at the back that caused hemorrhage. He opined that in all
Appellants herein were indicted in an Information2 as follows:
probability, based on the sizes and nature of the wounds, not less than two weapons were
used against the victim.7
That on November 2, 1994, at about 11:00 o’clock in the morning, at the National Highway,
Barangay Cabay, Balangkayan, Eastern Samar, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
On June 15, 1995, ADELAIDA BOCO was recalled to the witness stand to testify on the
Honorable Court, the above-named accused conspiring, confederating and helping one
damages she and her family suffered and the expenses they incurred as a result of Leo
another, with intent to kill and with evident premeditation and treachery and without
Boco’s death. According to her, Leo Boco was a businessman who earns at least P20,000 a
justifiable cause, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously bumped Leo Boco and
month by selling automotive parts in Cebu. She said that she incurredP50,000 in funeral
the complainant Adelaida Boco with the trycicle (sic) of the accused, when the victim has just
expenses. She also spent for legal fees because she engaged a lawyer for the fee of P500 per
alighted from a passenger jeepney, then attacked, assaulted, hacked, stabbed and wounded
appearance in court. Aside from these, she also alleged that since her husband’s death, she
Leo Boco with the use of sharp bladed weapons, which the accused provided themselves for
became the sole breadwinner of her family and the main source of livelihood for her five
the purpose, thereby inflicting injuries upon Leo Boco, which injuries caused the
instantaneous death of Leo Boco, to the damage and prejudice of the heirs of the victim, in
such amount as may be awarded to them under the provisions of the Civil Code of the
Philippines and other related laws and caused injuries on the complainant, Adelaida Boco, For its part, the defense presented DARIO D. ALDE, municipal treasurer of Balangkayan,
when she was bumped by the trycicle (sic) named "Pepit" owned and operated by the herein Eastern Samar, as its first witness. He testified that there is no record of Leo Boco as
accused and driven by co-accused Erwin Enfectana.1âwphi1.nêt businessman in the Municipality of Balangkayan.9

CONTRARY TO LAW, with the attendance of the aggravating circumstances of: Evident Next witness for the defense was Mrs. MANUELA CONTADO DIALINO. She testified that on
premeditation, Conspiracy, Treachery and advantage taken due to superior strength or November 2, 1994, she went to the cemetery of Balangkayan where she stayed from 8:30-
means employed to weaken the defense of the victim. 9:30 A.M. She then proceeded to the waiting shed where she waited for a ride home. She
was able to ride a tricycle at around 11:00 A.M. She alleged that Dominador Dialino was with
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her in the tricycle and that they arrived in Cabay at around 12:00 noon. Upon arriving home, papatayon" (Because I failed to kill the son, I will kill the father). With these words, Leo Boco
they were informed that Leo Boco had been killed.10 bumped Eusebio Enfectana and tried to stab him with the "dipang". But Eusebio Enfectana
managed to evade the thrust of Leo Boco’s weapon. Eusebio Enfectana was able to pick a
piece of wood which he used to parry the blows of Leo Boco, at the same time backpedalling
Appellant EUSEBIO ENFECTANA testified that on November 2, 1994, at around 11:00 A.M.,
across the street where he (Eusebio Enfectana) was eventually cornered against the banana
while he was at home, someone arrived and informed him that his tricycle was involved in an
store of Contado. At said store, Eusebio Enfectana managed to get hold of a long bolo which
accident. He went to the place and saw his tricycle turned upside down with its windshield
he used to stab Leo Boco. When the victim fell down, appellant Eusebio Enfectana ran and
broken. Suddenly, he saw Leo Boco running towards him with a"dipang" (a small bolo). He
jumped over the fence.16
evaded the attacks of Leo Boco and managed to get hold of a piece of wood which he used to
defend himself. Still, Leo Boco persisted in attacking him until he was able to get hold of a
bolo which he used in stabbing Leo. According to him, he was able to stab Leo in the right Later, the prosecution recalled ADELAIDA BOCO as its rebuttal witness to disprove the
hand and chest. Aside from this he was also able to hack him in the neck. As Leo fell down allegations of Eddie Ambal that he (Ambal) actually saw the killing of Leo Boco.17
from these counter-attacks, according to appellant, he took Leo’s bolo and used this to stab
him. He was then chased by the sons and the cousin of Leo Boco up to his house which they
On June 24, 1997, the trial court rendered its decision as follows:
pelted with stones. After they stopped, Eusebio decided to call the authorities to surrender
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts and circumstances, EUSEBIO ENFECTANA and
ERWIN ENFECTANA are found guilty beyond reasonable doubt as co-principals of the crime of
Appellant ERWIN ENFECTANA testified that he is 24 years old, married, and a resident of
Murder, defined and penalized under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and
Cabay, Balangkayan, Eastern Samar. According to him, at around 11:00 A.M. of November
further amended by R.A. 7659, section 6, which provide the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua to
2, 1994, while he was waiting for passengers in Bgy. Cabay, Balangkayan, he saw Leo Boco
Death. Accordingly, Eusebio Enfectana and Erwin Enfectana are hereby sentenced to serve
running toward him with a small bolo. In his effort to escape, he accidentally bumped his
the indivisible penalty of reclusion perpetua, to pay the cost and to indemnify the heirs of
tricycle on a fence. He fell down because of the impact but he immediately stood up and ran
Leo Boco in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) pursuant to a recent ruling of
away because Leo Boco was still chasing him with a bolo. In order to escape, he hid in the
the Supreme Court (citing People vs. Chica, GR No. 117732, 1995. PP. vs. Sison, 159 SCRA
house of Osias Montes where he learned that his father, Eusebio Enfectana, and Leo Boco
645). Records show, Eusebio Enfecatana and Erwin Enfectana are out on bail, the same is
had a quarrel.12
hereby ordered cancelled pursuant to Supreme Court Circular No. 2-92. As far as accused
Efren Enfectana is concerned, he is still at large to date.
FE ANDALIZA GLINO testified that on the morning of November 2, 1994, while she was
ironing clothes in the house of Nestor Borja, she heard a tricycle crashing into a wooden
fence. When she looked out the window, she saw appellant Erwin Enfectana sprawled on the
ground trying to get up. She also saw Leo Boco with a "dipang"approaching Erwin and trying
to stab him. Erwin got up and ran away. She returned to her chores but after a while, she Aggrieved, appellants filed this appeal alleging that the trial court erred:
heard a woman shout, "Leo, ayaw kamo pag-igi, ayaw hito" (Leo, do not quarrel, not here.)
She looked out the window and saw Leo Boco advancing, this time towards appellant Eusebio I
Enfectana. Leo was trying to stab Eusebio Enfectana while the latter parried the blows with a
piece of wood. When Eusebio Enfectana was cornered against a banana store, witness Fe
Glino said, she looked away until she heard somebody shouting, "Patay na si Leo Boco" (Leo …IN NOT CONSIDERING THAT APPELLANT EUSEBIO ENFECTANA ACTED IN SELF-DEFENSE.
Boco is already dead).13
Defense witness NENITA ALDE testified that she was the one who took the pictures of the
appellants’ house, which show shattered windows and the stones allegedly used in breaking …[IN] FINDING BOTH APPELLANTS GUILTY OF MURDER.
these windows.14
Another defense witness, EDDIE AMBAL, testified that on November 2, 1994, while he was
on his way home from his aunt’s house, he saw a tilted tricycle. He also saw appellant
Eusebio Enfectana being attacked by Leo Boco with a "dipang". According to him, Eusebio …IN CONVICTING APPELLANTS.
Enfectana managed to parry these blows with a piece of wood until he reached a banana
store where he was able to get hold of a bolo. This he used to stab and hack the victim, Leo In essence, the issues here are (1) whether the trial court properly gave credence to the
Boco.15 version of the prosecution while disbelieving that of the defense; (2) whether there is self
defense on the part of Eusebio Enfectana; and, (3) whether the circumstance of treachery
Witness MARCOS LADIAO testified that on November 2, 1994, at around 11:00 A.M., while should be appreciated to qualify the offense to murder. Likewise, we must further inquire
he was on his way to the house of a certain Romulo Elpedes, he noticed a tilted tricycle by into the propriety of the civil indemnity and damages awarded by the trial court.
the side of the road. He saw appellant Eusebio Enfectana standing near the said tricycle. He
also saw Leo Boco with a small bolo approaching Eusebio Enfectana from the direction of the Appellant Eusebio Enfectana admits that he killed Leo Boco. He, however, alleges that he
seashore. He heard Leo Boco shout, "kay waray ko man kamatay an anak, it amay it ak acted in self-defense. According to him, he was attacked first and he had no option but to kill
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
the aggressor. On the other hand, appellant Erwin denies any participation in the killing and Appellants would want us to believe that it was the victim, Leo Boco, who initiated the
alleges that he was nowhere near the place where the incident transpired. Both appellants attacks, first against Erwin Enfectana and then against Eusebio Enfectana, and that
assail the finding of the trial court that they are liable for the death of Leo Boco. According to notwithstanding the fact that said Erwin and Eusebio were both caught unaware and
them, it was the victim, Leo Boco, who had the motive to commence the assault upon unarmed by the sudden attacks of Leo Boco, they managed to evade him and escape
Eusebio Enfectana because of Boco’s conviction resulting from a complaint lodged against unscathed. This is highly suspect and in our view, quite incredible. Evidence to be believed
him by the Enfectanas. They add that Boco also lost in a civil case involving his must not only come from the mouth of a credible witness but must itself be credible.22 It is
house. 1âwphi1.nêt very unlikely that Leo Boco, if the version of the appellants were true, would fail to land even
a single hit upon the body of either appellants. Yet neither Erwin nor Eusebio Enfectana
showed such injury. The version of the appellants would not explain why co-accused Efren
Appellants also assail the inconsistencies in the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses,
Enfectana suddenly disappeared after the incident. If it was true that they were innocent,
particularly those of Adelaida Boco and Dominador Dialino. Lastly, appellants contend that
then there is no reason for Efren Enfectana to flee and hide. Flight is an indication of
even if self-defense could not be appreciated, the crime committed was merely homicide and
guilt23 and lends credence to the version of the prosecution in this case.
that only Eusebio should be held liable therefor.19

As for the issue of self -defense, it is an established principle that once this justifying
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), for the appellee, avers that the trial court
circumstance is raised, the burden of proving the elements of the claim shifts to him who
committed no error in convicting appellants Eusebio and Erwin Enfectana for murder. The
invokes it.24 The elements of self-defense are: (1) that the victim has committed unlawful
OSG contends that the failure of appellants to submit any counter-affidavit immediately after
aggression amounting to actual or imminent threat to the life and limb of the person claiming
the complaint was filed against them is an indication that their version was no longer
self-defense; (2) that there be reasonable necessity in the means employed to prevent or
spontaneous nor truthful. According to the OSG, the claim that it was the victim who had the
repel the unlawful aggression; and (3) that there be lack of sufficient provocation on the part
motive to commence the assault against the Enfectanas is unrealistic, since it is also true
of the person claiming self-defense or, at least, that any provocation executed by the person
that the Enfectanas harbored ill feelings towards Leo Boco. The OSG stresses that the
claiming self-defense be not the proximate and immediate cause of the victim’s
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses, as a whole, show no real discrepancy and that the
aggression.25 The condition of unlawful aggression is a sine qua non; otherwise stated, there
inconsistencies pointed out by appellants refer only to minor and trivial matters.
can be no self-defense, complete or incomplete, unless the victim has committed unlawful
aggression against the person defending himself.26
Considering the evidence presented and the arguments adduced by appellants and appellee,
we are unable to find merit in the present appeal.
Given the fact that the relationship between the parties had been marred by ill will and
animosities, and pursuant to the rule on the burden of evidence imposed by law on the party
The conviction of the Enfectanas was primarily based on the testimonial accounts of Adelaida invoking self-defense, the admission of appellant Eusebio Enfectana that he killed Leo Boco
Boco and Dominador Dialino which was found by the trial court to be more credible than the made it incumbent upon appellant to convincingly prove that there was unlawful aggression
version of the appellants. It is doctrinally settled that when the issue is one of credibility of on the part of the victim which necessitated the use of deadly force by appellant.
witnesses, appellate courts will generally not disturb the findings of the trial court, Unfortunately, appellant miserably failed to prove the existence of unlawful aggression on
considering that the latter is in a better position to decide the issue, having heard the the part of the victim. As found by the trial court:
witnesses themselves and observed their deportment and manner of testifying during trial.
This rule admits of exceptions, such as when the evaluation was reached arbitrarily or when
…The version of the accused [appellant] that it was Leo Boco who was the unlawful
the trial court overlooked, misunderstood, or misapplied some facts or circumstances of
aggressor and that Leo Boco attacked and stabbed him while he was inspecting his tilted
weight and substance which could affect the result of the case.20 Unfortunately for
tricycle on the highway cannot be given faith and credit it being an afterthought, self-serving
appellants, none of these exceptions is present in this case.
and expert invention and/or imagination sans truth.27

The testimonies of prosecution witnesses Adelaida Boco and Dominador Dialino were both
Weighing the conflicting versions of the prosecution and the defense, we agree with the trial
positive and categorical. The assertion of appellants that they contradicted each other has no
court’s conclusion that the prosecution’s version is more in accord with the natural course of
support in the records. Moreover, even if we were to agree with appellants that there were
things, hence more credible.
inconsistencies in their testimonies, they refer only to trivial and immaterial details. Thus,
assuming these inconsistencies to be present, they tend to show that the witnesses were
being spontaneous and were not coached or rehearsed. Settled is the rule that minor Anent the third issue, we also agree with the trial court that treachery is present in this case.
inconsistencies do not affect the credibility of a witness. On the contrary, they may be The victim and his wife were suddenly attacked as they were coming down from a jeepney.
considered badges of veracity or manifestations of truthfulness on material points and they They had no idea that they were going to be assaulted. The manner by which the appellants
may even heighten the credibility of the witness.21 commenced and perpetrated their assault, (1) by trying to bump Leo and Adelaida Boco,
making the former lose his balance and more susceptible to an attack, and (2) by
simultaneously attacking Leo Boco, hence preventing him from putting up any semblance of
The records of this case show that the prosecution witnesses were consistent in their
defense, shows beyond any doubt that there was alevosia in this case. Settled is the rule
narration as to WHOcommitted the crime, WHEN and HOW it was committed. These are the
that an unexpected and sudden attack under circumstances that render the victim unable
material facts in this case which had been sufficiently and convincingly established by the
and unprepared to defend himself constitutes alevosia.28
prosecution. Compared with the allegation of the appellants, the prosecution’s version is
more believable and in accord with reality, hence deserving full faith and credence.
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As to damages, there is no dispute as to the propriety of P50,000 as civil indemnity for the The victim tried to stab petitioner with a balisong but the latter was able to run and lock
death of Leo Boco. There being uncontradicted testimony regarding the funeral expenses and himself inside the dark room inside his booth. The victim followed him and tried to open the
legal fees paid by the widow, Adelaida Boco, at least P50,500 should be awarded to her as door of the dark room and shouted, "Lumabas ka diyan! Putang ina mo, papatayin kita!"
actual damages. Petitioner did not come out. The victim tried to force the door open by kicking it and stabbed
the door with his balisong. The door of the dark room suddenly opened and petitioner
emerged carrying a pair of scissors. The victim and petitioner struck at each other. During
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of Branch 1 of the Regional Trial Court of Borongan,
the scuffle, the scissors fell from petitioner’s hand. He then grabbed the knife of the victim
Eastern Samar, in Criminal Case No. 10582, finding the appellants Eusebio Enfectana and
who, in turn, picked up the scissors. They again attacked each other.4
Erwin Enfectana guilty of murder, is AFFIRMED. Each of them is sentenced to the penalty
of reclusion perpetua as well as to pay the heirs of the victim Leo Boco P50,000 as civil
indemnity. In addition, appellants are hereby ordered jointly and severally to payP50,500 as The victim fell and his wife rushed to his side. Petitioner fled from the scene. The victim’s
actual damages to the widow, Adelaida Boco. Lastly, let a copy of this decision be furnished wife asked for assistance from the people in the vicinity. The victim was then loaded on a
to the National Bureau of Investigation and the Philippine National Police so that co-accused jeep and was rushed to a hospital, but he was dead on arrival.5
Efren Enfectana be apprehended promptly and brought to the bar of justice. 1âwphi1.nêt
The autopsy report submitted by the medico-legal officer of the Western Police District, Dr.
Costs against appellants. Manuel Lagonera, shows that the victim sustained at least thirty (30) stab wounds, six (6) of
which were fatal.6 On the other hand, petitioner suffered only an incised wound on the right
hand measuring six (6) cm., which required less than nine (9) days of treatment.

Petitioner had a different account of what transpired. He testified that on May 31, 1993 at
G.R. No. 155258 October 7, 2003 around 9:30 a.m. he went to his Rush ID booth in front of the Philtrust Bank to deliver
supplies to his photographer, David Olivario.7After handing over said supplies to Olivario,
CONRADO CANO y SAMPANG, petitioner, petitioner intended to go to the Manila City Hall to apply for a business permit.8
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondent. Petitioner’s earlier application for a permit was denied.9 He sought a reconsideration from the
city officials and argued that his brother was issued a similar permit. In order to prove his
DECISION point, he borrowed the permit of his brother from his nephew, Wilson Reyes, to have it
machine copied.10 After doing so, petitioner returned it.11 The victim apparently resented this
because petitioner was informed by David Olivario that Gloria Cano later went to petitioner’s
stall angrily inquiring why they got the permit.12

The primordial issue to be resolved in this petition for certiorari is whether or not petitioner
As petitioner was combing his hair and preparing to leave for the Manila City Hall, the victim,
killed his brother in self-defense.
Orlando, suddenly appeared from behind, grabbed him by the left shoulder and jerked him
around so that they were face to face.13As they stood face to face, Orlando menacingly said,
Petitioner Conrado Cano y Sampang and his deceased brother Orlando Cano were rivals in "Anong gusto mong mangyari?"14 Petitioner noticed Orlando holding a balisong, and he ran to
the Rush ID Photo business and had booths along the sidewalk of Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, the dark room of his stall.15
Manila fronting the Philippine Trust Bank and Uniwide Sales Department Store. The fateful
altercation which culminated in the fatal stabbing of Orlando Cano stemmed out of this
The victim pursued him and tried to force open the locked dark room door by kicking it and
rivalry, particularly the incident where Conrado took the business permit from the booth of
stabbing it with the fan knife.16 He kept shouting, "Get out of there! Pakialamero ka! Get out
Orlando without his permission thus incurring the latter’s ire.
of there and I will kill you!"17 The door suddenly gave way and, as it opened, the victim
charged at petitioner, but he was able to evade the attack. Snatching a pair of scissors
The prosecution’s version of what transpired as summarized in the People’s brief1 shows that nearby, petitioner retaliated but the scissors fell from his grasp because it was parried by the
in the morning of May 31, 1993, at about 7:00 o’clock, the victim Orlando Cano arrived at victim.18 Petitioner then grabbed the hand of the victim holding the balisong and they
the Rush ID Booth of petitioner located below the LRT line in Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila. grappled to gain possession thereof. He eventually wrested control of the knife and as he
The victim asked David Olivario, an employee of petitioner, where the latter was. The victim stood momentarily, the victim picked up the scissors and again lunged at him.19
angrily said that petitioner was pakialamero. He also said, "Putang ina niya! Why did he
Xerox our permit." Since petitioner had not yet arrived, the victim returned to his own Rush
With nowhere to go, petitioner was forced to defend himself from the onslaught of the victim
ID booth located several meters away.2
who was armed with the nine-inch long pair of pointed scissors.20 No bystanders tried to
pacify them as they engaged in their deadly struggle for almost two (2) minutes. Suddenly,
Later, at about 9:30 a.m., petitioner arrived at his Rush ID booth. After giving supplies to the victim collapsed and fell bloodied to the floor.21
Olivario, petitioner said he was going to the City Hall. He faced the mirror and started to
comb his hair. The victim suddenly arrived and held petitioner on the shoulders and turned
Petitioner stooped to lift his brother up, intending to bring him to the
him around. The victim asked him, "Anong gusto mong mangyari?" Accused did not answer. 3
hospital.1a\^/ However, he was hit by the victim’s wife with a chair. Then, she
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
started shouting, "Holdupper!"22 Petitioner was forced to flee from the scene for fear of being Concededly, those who seek to avail of the remedies provided by the rules must adhere to
lynched by the people who had gathered around armed with clubs. The people pursued him the requirements thereof, failure of which the right to do so is lost. It is, however, equally
but when he saw a policeman coming in his direction, he threw the balisong away and raised settled that rules of procedure are not to be applied in a very rigid, technical sense and are
his hands in surrender.23 He was then brought to the police precinct and later to the hospital used only to help secure substantial justice. If a technical and rigid enforcement of the rules
for treatment of his injuries.24 is made, their aim would be defeated.32 They should be liberally construed so that litigants
can have ample opportunity to prove their claims and thus prevent a denial of justice due to
Petitioner was charged with Homicide in an Information25 which alleges –

Therefore, we shall proceed to resolve the issue of whether or not petitioner is entitled to
That on or about May 31, 1993, in the City of Manila, Philippines, the said accused, with
invoke the justifying circumstance of self-defense, considering that what is at stake is not
intent to kill, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and use
merely his liberty, but also the distinct possibility that he will bear the stigma of a convicted
personal violence upon one ORLANDO CANO y SAMPANG, by then and there stabbing the
felon and be consigned to the fate of being a social pariah for the rest of his life.
latter on the different parts of his body, thereby inflicting upon the said ORLANDO CANO Y
SAMPANG mortal and fatal wounds which were the direct and immediate cause of his death
thereafter. As can be seen from the foregoing, the prosecution and the defense have diametrically
opposed factual versions of what transpired immediately preceding the killing. Our task is to
determine which of them is the truth. In resolving such conflict, dealing as it does with the
credibility of witnesses, the usual rule is for us to respect the findings of the trial court
considering that it was in a better position to decide the question, having heard the
The case was docketed as Criminal Case No. 93-121668 and filed with the Regional Trial witnesses themselves and having observed their deportment and manner of testifying during
Court of Manila, Branch 31. trial.34 Nonetheless, this rule is circumscribed by well-established exceptions.35

Upon arraignment, petitioner pleaded not guilty to the offense charged. The case thereupon In the case at bar, the record shows circumstances of weight and influence which have been
proceeded to trial. After trial, the court a quo rendered judgment26 finding petitioner guilty overlooked, or the significance of which has been misinterpreted, that if considered would
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime and sentencing him to serve an imprisonment of affect the result of the case.361a\^/
seventeen (17) years, four (4) months and one (1) day of reclusion temporal and to
indemnify the heirs of the deceased P50,000.00 plus costs.
For self-defense to prosper, petitioner must prove by clear and convincing evidence the
following elements: (1) unlawful aggression on the part of the victim; (2) reasonable
Petitioner interposed an appeal to the Court of Appeals, where it was docketed as CA-G.R. necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it; and (3) lack of sufficient provocation
CR No. 19254. on the part of the person defending himself.37 Although all the three elements must concur,
self-defense must rest firstly on proof of unlawful aggression on the part of the victim. If no
During the pendency of the appeal,27 Gloria Cano, the widow of the victim, executed a unlawful aggression has been proved, no self-defense may be successfully pleaded, whether
Sinumpaang Salaysay28stating, among others, that petitioner merely acted in self-defense complete or incomplete.38 In other words in self-defense, unlawful aggression is a primordial
and that she was withdrawing the charge against him. This sworn statement became the element. It presupposes an actual, sudden and unexpected attack or imminent danger on the
basis of an Urgent Motion for New Trial29 on the ground of newly discovered evidence filed by life and limb of a person – not a mere threatening or intimidating attitude – but most
counsel for petitioner. importantly, at the time the defensive action was taken against the aggressor.39

This motion for new trial was, however, denied by the Court of Appeals in a Resolution dated In the case at bar, there are several material circumstances which were ignored by both the
March 19, 1998.30 court a quo and the appellate tribunal.

The appellate court subsequently rendered judgment affirming petitioner’s conviction but First, contrary to the findings of both the appellate and trial courts, there are facts extant on
modifying the penalty to an indeterminate sentence of imprisonment ranging from nine (9) record which clearly shows that it was an armed victim who initially attacked the petitioner
with a balisong. Petitioner testified on the assault thus:
years and one (1) day of prision mayor, as minimum, to fourteen (14) years and eight (8)
months of reclusion temporal, as maximum. Petitioner was likewise ordered to pay the heirs
of the victim actual damages of P24,605.75; P50,000.00 as moral damages and another Atty. Ferrer:
P50,000.00 as civil indemnity ex delicto plus costs.31
What happened after that when Orlando Cano grabbed you and came face to face with him?
Preliminarily, the Solicitor General argues that the petition raises merely factual issues, such
as whether or not petitioner is entitled to the justifying circumstance of self-defense and the
A. I answered him none but he was in a menacing position with his hands around something
mitigating circumstance of provocation or threat and voluntary surrender. These issues, says
and I suddenly ran away.
the Solicitor, are not proper for a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Civil
Q. What was that something in the hands of Orlando Cano that made you run away?
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A. Balisong "29," Sir. Q. Now, you said you retaliated after grabbing a pair of scissors where did you retaliate?

Atty. Ferrer: A. I was about to retaliate in the door of the room because the room was very small.

And where did you run to? Q. Where you able to retaliate?

A. I went inside my booth because that is the only place I can run to. A. No, sir, I was not able to retaliate because the scissors fell when he was able to parry it.

Q. And what happened inside your booth, if any? Q. What happened after that, after that piece of scissors fell from your hold?

A. He also ran after me and then when I was inside we were having a tug of war of the A. I took hold of his hand holding the "balisong" and we had a scuffle to get hold or
doorknob which I tried to close and which he tried to open. possession of the "balisong."

Q. What happened after that? Q. What happened after the scuffling for the "balisong"?

A. But I was able to close the door but he kept on kicking the door that I turned deaf. A. After one (1) minute I was able to grab possession of the "balisong."

Q. What else happened, if any? Q. What happened after that?

A. While he was kicking, he was also stabbing the door with the "29" (balisong) he was A. When I was able to get hold of the "balisong" I just remained standing and I just . . .
Q. What else happened?
Q. And you said you heard the thudding of the door making noise, what happened if any?
A. He was able to pick up the scissors that I dropped and he again launched [himself] at me
A. He kept on shouting, "Get out of there! Pakialamero ka!" "Get out of there and I will kill [with] the scissors.
Q. What did you do, if any?
Q. What did you do did you go out?
A. That was the time when my mind was confused and I don’t have any place to go and I
A. While he was shouting I did not notice that the door was not completely closed because tried to defend myself and we fought each other.
the lock went on and the door suddenly opened.
Atty. Ferrer :
Q. What happened after the door got open?
And at the time when you said you fought each other, Orlando Cano was holding the scissors
A. When the door opened he again rushed me, stabbed and I was able to evade it. and you were holding the "balisong," correct?

Atty. Ferrer: A. Yes, sir.40
What else happened? David Olivario, who was five meters away and saw what transpired, corroborated petitioner’s
account.41 He remained steadfast and unwavering on cross-examination despite intense
grilling by the prosecution42 and further clarificatory questioning from the trial court itself.43

Second, the physical evidence is more in accord with petitioner’s version of what transpired,
A. I was able to grab a scissors and that was the time I retaliated.
specifically his assertion that it was the victim who was armed and persisted in his attack on
the petitioner even though the latter locked himself inside the dark room of his stall to
Q. Who owned this scissors? protect himself. The findings of Police Investigator SPO3 Julian Z. Bustamante contained in
his Advance Information Report44 discloses that "[H]oles were observed at the door near the
A. That scissors was mine because it is used in cutting paper. door lock of suspect’s rush ID photo booth apparently made by a hard pointed
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
instrument…"45 Aside from stating that a fan knife and a pair of scissors which both yielded A: Orlando Cano answered me, well, shall I remain silent and will not utter any word at all?
positive results for traces of human blood were recovered, the report went further to note
that the "bloodied scissor were (sic) recovered in front of suspect’s rush ID photo booth
Q: And was that that (sic) word confined to Orlando?

A: No, Sir, because I also advised Gloria.

The foregoing entries of the Advance Information Report, particularly that referring to the
location of the bloodied scissors, supports petitioner’s claim that when he could no longer
avoid the unlawful aggression of the victim, he was compelled to grab at the instrument Q And what was the advise you gave Gloria?
inside the booth to defend himself. However, the scissors fell from his grasp, thus forcing
him to desperately grapple for possession of the fan knife. A: I told Gloria because the only one who can prevent this incident is you because Orlando is
your husband.
Third, circumstances prior to the fatal incident shows that it was the victim who purposely
sought to confront the petitioner because the latter had his business permit machine copied Q: And what was the reaction, if any of Gloria Cano?
without his permission. Maria Cano, an aunt of the victim and petitioner, testified thus:

A: Gloria told me, there is nothing I can do because they are brothers and they are
Q: And Orlando Cano, did he tell you any reason why he was waiting for Conrado Cano [at] responsible for their own lives.
that particular morning?

Q: What else happened, if any?

A: Because he was very angry and said that there will be an encounter between them.

A: That was the time I bid goodbye.47

Atty. Ferrer:

(emphasis and italics supplied)

What did you do, if any?

Fourth, the record reveals that while indeed numerous wounds were sustained by the victim,
Witness: the Medico-Legal Officer who conducted the autopsy admitted that of the thirty-five (35)
wounds supposedly inflicted, thirty-three (33) were scratches and contusions while only six
A: You brothers you should calm down because you are brothers. (6) were penetrating or stab wounds.48 As regards the finding that petitioner suffered only
one hand wound, it should be stressed that the superficiality of the nature of the wounds
inflicted on the accused does not, per se, negate self-defense. Indeed, to prove self-defense,
Q: By the way what was the reason why, if you know why, Orlando told you that "sila’y
the actual wounding of the person defending himself is not necessary. It is sufficient that the
magtutuos," quoting your own words?
aggression be attempted so as to give rise to the right to prevent it.49 The act of a person
armed with a bladed weapon pursuing another constitutes unlawful aggression because it
A: Orlando Cano is mad because Conrado Cano got Orlando’s business permit and had it signifies the pursuer’s intent to commit an assault with this weapon.50
xeroxed and after xeroxing it and he returned the permit of Orlando Cano.
The particular circumstances which confronted the petitioner at the time of the incident
Q: Could you tell us how Orlando Cano uttered those words "magtutuos…"? condoned the means he employed to protect his life. It must be remembered that the
measure of rational necessity is to be found in the situation as it appeared to petitioner at
the time when the blow was struck. The law does not require that he should mete out his
A: Orlando Cano told me this is the day when we will have a confrontation and at this
blows in such manner that upon a calm and deliberate review of the incident it will not
juncture, I even tapped [his] right pocket, I did not see what was there but I saw the handle.
appear that he exceeded the precise limits of what was absolutely necessary to put his
antagonist hors de combat, or that he struck one blow more than was absolutely necessary
xxxxxxxxx to save his own life; or that he failed to hold his hand so as to avoid inflicting a fatal wound
where a less severe stroke might have served the purpose. Under such conditions, an
Q: As the aunt of the two (2) what was your reaction when Orlando told you that? accused cannot be expected to reflect coolly nor wait after each blow to determine the
effects thereof.51

A: I told, Orlando, calm down because you are brothers and if something bad that will
happen (sic) your mother will suffer because of the incident. . . . the reasonableness of the means employed to repel an actual and positive aggression
should not be gauged by the standards that the mind of a judge, seated in a swivel chair in a
comfortable office, free from care and unperturbed in his security, may coolly and
Atty. Ferrrer: dispassionately set down. The judge must place himself in the position of the object of the
aggression or his defender and consider his feelings, his reactions to the events or
And what was the reaction of Orlando, if any, after you said those words of advice? circumstances. It is easy for one to state that the object of the aggression or his defender
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
could have taken such action, adopted such remedy, or resorted to other means. But the the attendance of a justifying circumstance incurs civil liability is when he, in order to avoid
defendant has no time for cool deliberation, no equanimity of mind to find the most an evil or injury, does an act which causes damage to another, pursuant to subdivision 4 of
reasonable action, remedy or means to. He must act from impulse, without time for Article 11 of the Revised Penal Code.63Otherwise stated, if a person charged with homicide
deliberation. The reasonableness of the means employed must be gauged by the defender’s successfully pleads self-defense, his acquittal by reason thereof will extinguish his civil
hopes and sincere beliefs, not by the judge’s.52 liability.64

Fifth, there was lack of sufficient provocation on the part of petitioner. When the law speaks WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the judgment appealed from is REVERSED and SET
of provocation either as a mitigating circumstance or as an essential element of self-defense, ASIDE. Petitioner Conrado Cano y Sampang is ACQUITTED of the crime charged against him
it requires that the same be sufficient or proportionate to the act committed and that it be and his immediate release from custody is ordered unless there is another cause for his
adequate to arouse one to its commission. It is not enough that the provocative act be continued detention.
unreasonable or annoying.53 This third requisite of self-defense is present: (1) when no
provocation at all was given to the aggressor; (2) when, even if provocation was given, it
Costs de oficio.
was not sufficient; (3) when even if the provocation was sufficient, it was not given by the
person defending himself; or (4) when even if a provocation was given by the person
defending himself, it was not proximate and immediate to the act of aggression.54 SO ORDERED.

Petitioner borrowed the permit of the victim and had it photocopied without the latter’s G.R. No. 126968 April 9, 2003
permission two (2) days before the incident.55 The victim and his wife resented this.
However, this can hardly be considered a provocation sufficient to merit so deadly an assault
with a bladed weapon. Moreover, the act was neither immediate nor proximate.56 What, in
fact, appears on record is the bellicose temperament of the victim and his spouse who,
despite the advice of their Aunt Maria Cano to calm down, still persisted in confronting
petitioner. When the question is raised who between the accused and the offended party
gave provocation, the circumstances of subjective, objective and social character may be BELLOSILLO, J.:
considered in reaching a definite conclusion.57 Thus an accused, to prove provocation in
connection with his plea of self-defense, may show that the victim, as in this case, had a
On appeal by certiorari is the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals affirming with modifications
quarrelsome and irascible disposition.58
the decision2 of the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 68, convicting accused
RICARDO BALUNUECO of homicide for the death of Senando Iguico and frustrated homicide
Sixth, two other notable circumstances on record tend to show that petitioner was impelled for injuries inflicted upon his wife Amelia Iguico.
by the instinct of self-preservation rather than the murderous urge of one bent on killing.
The first is when petitioner was able to wrest the balisong from the victim, he never took
Of the five (5) original accused,3 only petitioner Ricardo, accused Reynaldo, Juanito, all
advantage of the opportunity to attack his already weaponless brother. Rather, he stood still
surnamed Balunueco, and Armando Flores were indicted in two (2) Informations, the first for
and was forced to act only when the victim picked up the scissors and lunged at him
homicide4 and the second for frustrated homicide.5 Again, of the four (4) indictees, only
again.59The second instance is when the victim fell. Had petitioner been actuated by
Ricardo and Reynaldo were brought to the jurisdiction of the courta quo, while Juanito and
homicidal intentions, he would have persisted in his attack on his prostrate brother. He did
Armando have remained at large. Accused Reynaldo died on 17 November 1986.
nothing of the sort. He, in fact, intended to lift the victim up and bring him to the hospital
Accordingly, as against him, the criminal cases were dismissed. Thus, only the criminal cases
but the sudden appearance of the victim’s wife who hit him with a chair forced him to flee.
against petitioner Ricardo Balunueco are subject of this appeal.
Moreover, armed people were attracted by the shouts of the victim’s wife and had gathered
and started pursuing him.60
As principal witness for the prosecution, Amelia Iguico narrated that on 2 May 1982 at
around 6:00 o’clock in the evening she was coddling her youngest child in front of her house
Seventh, while the general policy is for the courts not to attach any persuasive evidentiary
at Bagong Tanyag, Taguig, when she saw accused Reynaldo, his father Juanito and brothers
value to the affidavit of retraction of the victim’s widow, such sworn statement acquires a
Ricardo and Ramon, all surnamed Balunueco, and one Armando Flores chasing her brother-
weightier and more decisive evidentiary consideration when taken in conjunction with the
in-law Servando Iguico. With the five (5) individuals in hot pursuit, Servando scampered into
other prevailing facts in this case. Thus, it has oft been said that where inculpatory facts and
the safety of Amelia’s house.
circumstances are susceptible of two or more interpretations, one of which is consistent with
the innocence of the accused while the others may be compatible with a finding of guilt, the
Court must acquit the accused because the evidence does not fulfill the test of moral Meanwhile, according to private complainant Amelia, her husband Senando, who was then
certainty required for conviction.61 cooking supper, went out of the house fully unaware of the commotion going on outside.
Upon seeing Senando, Reynaldo turned his attention on him and gave chase. Senando
instinctively fled towards the fields but he was met by Armando who hit him with a stone,
All told, evidence shows that petitioner acted in lawful self-defense. Hence, his act of killing
causing Senando to feel dizzy. Reynaldo, Ricardo, and Armando cornered their quarry near a
the victim was attended by a justifying circumstance, for which no criminal and civil liability
canal and ganged up on him. Armando placed a can on top of Senando’s head and Ricardo
can attach.62 Article 11 (1) of the Revised Penal Code expressly provides that anyone who
repeatedly struck Senando with an ax on the head, shoulder, and hand. At one point, Ricardo
acts in lawful self-defense does not incur any criminal liability. Likewise, petitioner is not
lost his hold on the ax, but somebody tossed him a bolo and then he continued hacking the
civilly liable for his lawful act. The only instance when a person who commits a crime with
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
victim who fell on his knees. To shield him from further violence, Amelia put her arms around Petitioner now imputes errors to the Court of Appeals: (a) in not taking into consideration the
her husband but it was not enough to detract Ricardo from his murderous frenzy. Amelia was fact that petitioner, if indeed he participated, had acted in defense of relatives; (b) in giving
also hit on the leg.6 due credence to the self-serving and baseless testimony of Amelia Iguico, the lone and
biased witness for the prosecution; and, (c) in failing to consider the several serious physical
injuries sustained by petitioner and his brother Reynaldo Balunueco.
Dr. Maximo Reyes, NBI Senior Medico-legal officer, declared that on 3 May 1982 he
conducted a post mortem examination on the body of the deceased Senando Iguico and
issued an Autopsy Report, which contained the following findings:7 (a) two (2) stab wounds In a reprise of his stance at the trial, petitioner argues that assuming he participated in the
and nine (9) gaping hack wounds; and, (b) cause of death was hemorrhage, acute, profuse, killing of Senando, he acted in defense of his full-blood relatives: Reynaldo whom he
secondary to multiple stab and hack wounds. personally witnessed being boloed by the deceased in the arms, head and stomach; and
Ramon who also became a victim of the deceased’s fury after he was pushed by the
deceased and had fallen to the ground. Under such circumstances, the act of Senando in
In his defense, accused Ricardo narrated a different version of the incident. He testified that
hacking him after he tried to rescue his brothers, gave rise to a reasonable necessity for him
at that time he was fetching water when he heard somebody shouting: "Saya, saya,
to use a means to prevent or repel the unlawful aggression. Considering further that there
tinataga," referring to his brother Reynaldo. When he hurried to the place, he saw his brother
was lack of sufficient provocation on his part, his acts were therefore justified under Art. 11,
Ramon embracing Senando who was continuously hacking Reynaldo. Thereafter, Senando
par. (2), of The Revised Penal Code.
shoved Ramon to the ground and as if further enraged by the intrusion, he turned his bolo
on the fallen Ramon. Ricardo screamed, "tama na yan, mga kapatid ko ‘yan." But the
assailant would not be pacified as he hacked Ramon on the chest. At this point, In effect, petitioner invokes the justifying circumstance of defense of relatives under Art. 11,
Servando,8 the brother of Senando, threw an axe at him but Reynaldo picked it up and par. (2), of The Revised Penal Code. The essential elements of this justifying circumstance
smashed Senando with it. are the following: (a) unlawful aggression; (b) reasonable necessity of the means employed
to prevent or repel it; and, (c) in case the provocation was given by the person attacked, the
one making the defense had no part therein.
Manuel Flores, another witness for the defense, gave a substantially similar version of the
story. He testified that on the fateful day of the incident, while doing some carpentry work in
front of his mother’s house, he saw Senando Iguico,9 a.k.a. "Bulldog," with a bolo on hand Of the three (3) requisites of defense of relatives, unlawful aggression is a condition sine qua
trailing brothers Reynaldo alias "Sayas" and Ramon while walking towards Bagong Bantay. non, for without it any defense is not possible or justified. In order to consider that an
Suddenly, Senando confronted the two (2) brothers and started hacking Reynaldo, hitting unlawful aggression was actually committed, it is necessary that an attack or material
him on the head, arm and stomach. Seeing that his brother was absorbing fatal blows, aggression, an offensive act positively determining the intent of the aggressor to cause an
Ramon embraced Senando but the latter shoved him (Ramon) and directed his fury at him injury shall have been made; a mere threatening or intimidating attitude is not sufficient to
instead. Ricardo went to the rescue of his brothers but he too was hacked by Senando. justify the commission of an act which is punishable per se, and allow a claim of exemption
from liability on the ground that it was committed in self-defense or defense of a relative. It
has always been so recognized in the decisions of the courts, in accordance with the
The trial court disbelieved the version of accused Ricardo, thus he was found guilty of
provisions of the Penal Code.13
homicide in Crim. Case No. 49576 and frustrated homicide in Crim. Case No. 49577. It
reasoned that the testimony of Amelia Iguico was clear, positive, straightforward, truthful
and convincing. On the other hand, according to the trial court, the denial of Ricardo was Having admitted the killing of the victim, petitioner has the burden of proving these elements
self-serving and calculated to extricate himself from the predicament he was in. Further, the by clear and convincing evidence. He must rely on the strength of his own evidence and not
trial court added that the wounds allegedly received by Ricardo in the hands of the victim, on the weakness of that of the prosecution, for even if the prosecution evidence is weak it
Senando Iguico, if at all there were any, did not prove that Senando was the aggressor for cannot be disbelieved if the accused has admitted the killing.14
the wounds were inflicted while Senando was in the act of defending himself from the
aggression of Ricardo and his co-conspirators.10
In the case at bar, petitioner Ricardo utterly failed to adduce sufficient proof of the existence
of a positively strong act of real aggression on the part of the deceased Senando. With the
The Court of Appeals sustained the conviction of accused Ricardo, giving full faith to the exception of his self-serving allegations, there is nothing on record that would justify his
direct and positive testimony of Amelia Iguico who pointed to him as the one who initially killing of Senando.
axed her husband Senando on the head, shoulder and hand.11 While the appellate court
upheld the conviction of Ricardo of homicide for the death of Senando Iguico, it however
First, Ricardo’s theory that when he reached the crime scene he found Senando repeatedly
ruled that his conviction for the wounding of Amelia Iguico, although likewise upheld, should
hacking his brother Reynaldo who thereafter retaliated by smashing an axe on the victim’s
be for attempted homicide only. On the wounding of Amelia, the appellate court had this to
head is implausible in light of the seriousness of the wounds sustained by the deceased as
say -12
compared to the minor injuries inflicted upon petitioner and his two (2) brothers. The fact
that three (3) of the assailants suffered non-fatal injuries bolsters the fact that Senando tried
For while intent to kill was proven, Amelia’s hack wound in her left leg was not proven to be vainly to ward off the assaults of his assailants.
fatal or that it could have produced her death had there been no timely medical attention
provided her, hence, the stage of execution of the felony committed would only be
Second, Ricardo failed to present himself to the authorities. He may have accompanied the
injured Reynaldo to the hospital after the encounter but still he failed to present himself to
the authorities and report the matter to them. The natural impulse of any person who has
killed someone in defense of his person or relative is to bring himself to the authorities and
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
try to dispel any suspicion of guilt that the authorities might have against him. This fact Homicide, on the other hand, is MODIFIED. Petitioner Ricardo Balunueco is found guilty only
assumes a more special significance considering that his co-accused, Juanito and Armando, of Slight Physical Injuries for the wounding of Amelia Iguico, and is accordingly sentenced to
have remained at large. suffer a straight prison term of ten (10) days of arresto menor, and to pay the costs.

Third, petitioner had a rather erratic recollection of people and events. He vividly SO ORDERED.
remembered how Reynaldo was injured by Senando but conveniently failed to recall the
events leading to the fatal wounding of the deceased. At another point, he testified that
Reynaldo axed Senando but later retracted his statement by declaring that it was in fact G.R. No. 142682 June 5, 2002
Senando who hacked Reynaldo.15 We observe that the killing occurred within or near the
premises of the deceased. This proves per adventure the falsity of petitioner’s claim that it PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
was Senando, rather than he and his kin, who had initiated the unlawful aggression. vs.
CRISPULO DIJAN Y MACAJIYA, accused-appellant.
On the other hand, private complainant pointed to petitioner as one of the principal actors in
the slaying of her husband Senando and the court a quo found her testimony worthy of VITUG, J.:
belief. The unbending jurisprudence is that findings of trial courts on the matter of credibility
of witnesses are entitled to the highest degree of respect and will not be disturbed on
Accused Crispulo Dijan y Macajiya was indicted on 15 April 1998, along with Romualdo
appeal.16 The lower court also declared, and we agree, that private complainant’s relationship
Paglinawan and Oliver Lizardo, for the crime of murder before the Regional Trial Court,
with the deceased does not disqualify her from testifying in the criminal case involving her
Branch 272, of Marikina. The information read:
relative or automatically sully her testimony with the stain of bias.

"That on or about the 11th day of April, 1998 in the City of Marikina, Philippines and within
On the injuries sustained by Amelia, we are of the opinion that, contrary to the finding of the
the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, conspiring and
lower court as affirmed by the appellate court, petitioner’s homicidal intent has not been
confederating together and mutually helping and aiding one another, while armed with a
indubitably established. As held inPeople v. Villanueva,17 the intent to kill being an essential
knife and an ice-pick with intent to kill and by means of treachery and abuse of superior
element of the offense of frustrated or attempted homicide, said element must be proved by
strength, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and stab one
clear and convincing evidence, and with the same degree of certainty as required of the
ALVARO HILARIO, thereby inflicting upon the latter moral wounds which directly caused his
other elements of the crime. The inference of intent to kill should not be drawn in the
absence of circumstances sufficient to prove such intent beyond reasonable doubt.

Upon arraignment, the three accused separately and independently entered a plea of not
The facts as borne out by the records do not warrant a finding that petitioner intended to kill
guilty to the offense charged; trial ensued.
Amelia. Contrarily, the circumstances of the instant case indicate the opposite: (a) that while
petitioner was repeatedly assaulting the deceased, Amelia embraced her husband in an
attempt to avert further infliction of pain upon him; and, (b) when he hit Amelia once on the Evidence for the Prosecution –
left leg, a wound of slight nature, he did not do anything more to pursue his homicidal
urge18 but instead allowed her to scurry away. This set of details reinforces this Court’s belief
On the evening of 11 April 1998, about ten o'clock, Roderick Silvestre and Alvaro Hilario
that petitioner had no intention of killing Amelia but nonetheless wounded her either because
were at a store located around the corner of Paraiso and Sumulong Streets in Parang,
she unwittingly exposed herself in the so-called "line-of-fire" when she embraced her
Marikina City, to buy some cigarettes when they saw the group of Crispulo Dijan, Romualdo
husband, or that it was intended more to deter her from further interfering. Had killing
Paglinawan and Oliver Lizardo, passing by the store. The two groups came to an encounter
Amelia actually crossed petitioner’s mind, he would have opted to hit his quarry on the vital
when Romualdo Paglinawan suddenly confronted Alvaro Hilario for purportedly giving him a
portions of her body or strike her several times more to attain his objective. But these he
"bad stare." Silvestre apologized to the group and, offering them some cigarettes, explained
never did.
that it was the natural way Hilario gazed at people. Dijan, Paglinawan and Lizardo then left
the place while Silvestre and Hilario who lived in the same house proceeded home. While
Considering that the injuries suffered by Amelia were not necessarily fatal and required a Silvestre and Hilario were walking, the three accused, who apparently were waiting for the
medical attendance of four (4) days,19 we hold that the offense committed by petitioner is duo, suddenly ganged up on, and took turns in stabbing, Hilario. At that point, Hilario, who
only that of slight physical injuries. Under Art. 266, par. (1), of The Revised Penal Code, this was walking slightly ahead of Silvestre, cried out and told the latter to flee. Silvestre ran
is punishable by arresto menor the duration of which is from one (1) to thirty (30) days.20 away until he was able to cling to a passing passenger jeepney.1âwphi1.nêt

WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals in Crim. Case No. 49576 finding Responding policemen, soon informed of the stabbing incident through radio communication,
petitioner Ricardo Balunueco guilty of Homicide is AFFIRMED, and there being no mitigating proceeded to the crime scene and there found the lifeless body of Hilario sprawled on the
nor aggravating circumstance, petitioner is sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of six (6) ground. After receiving a report on the identity and the whereabouts of the assailants, the
years, two (2) months and ten (10) days of prision mayorminimum, as minimum, to fourteen policemen proceeded to a place about 200 meters away from the site of the stabbing
(14) years, eight (8) months and twenty (20) days of reclusion temporalmedium, as incident. Barangay tanods assisted the police in arresting the suspected assailants. The
maximum. Consistent with prevailing jurisprudence, his civil liability to the heirs of Senando following day, 12 April 1998, Dr. Ma. Cristina B. Freyra, Medico-Legal Officer of the Philippine
Iguico is fixed at P50,000.00. The assailed Decision in Crim. Case No. 49577 for Attempted National Police (PNP), conducted an autopsy on the victim's cadaver. Hilario was found to
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
have sustained several stab wounds, punctured and incised wounds, and abrasion in various "WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, accused CRISPULO DIJAN y MACAJIYA is
parts of the body which caused his death. The medico-legal officer concluded that the hereby found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder qualified by treachery
wounds could have been inflicted by two assailants with the use of two single-bladed as charged against him and is ordered to suffer the penalty of RECLUSION PERPETUA, to
weapons and an icepick. indemnify the heirs of the victim Alvaro Hilario the amount of Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00)
Pesos; to pay the said heirs the amount of Thirty Four Thousand Two Hundred (P34,200.00)
Pesos as funeral expenses; and the amount of Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) Pesos as moral
The version of the Defense -
and exemplary damages. The accused ROMUALDO PAGLINAWAN y RICAMORA and OLIVER
LIZARDO y MORALES are hereby ACQUITTED of the crime charged against them for failure of
The defense claimed that on the night of the incident, Crispulo Dijan and his two the prosecution to prove their guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The Jail Warden of the Marikina
companions, Romualdo Paglinawan and Oliver Lizardo, were walking on their way home City Jail is ordered to immediately release the persons of Romualdo Paglinawan and Oliver
when they dropped by a store to buy some cigarettes. There, they met two persons, later Lizardo unless validly held for some other offense."3
identified to be Alvaro Hilario and Roderick Silvestre. who were partaking of drinks.
Paglinawan accosted one of the duo for allegedly sharply staring at him but the other
Appealing his conviction to this Court, accused-appellant would argue that -
apologized to their group and explained that his companion was already drunk. Paglinawan
himself then also made an apology, and everybody shook hands. Dijan and his friends
started to walk along Paraiso Street. When Dijan happened to look behind, he was surprised "I. The trial court erred in finding accused-appellant Crispulo Dijan guilty beyond reasonable
to see Paglinawan being stabbed with a knife by Alvaro Hilario. He saw that when Paglinawan doubt of the crime of murder.
was hit on the left arm, the two grappled for the knife's possession. Seeing Roderick
Silvestre to have pulled out an icepick himself, Dijan promptly held his hand. After disarming
"II. Assuming for the sake of argument that accused-appellant is guilty, the trial court erred
Silvestre, Dijan saw Paglinawan still grappling with Hilario for the knife's possession.
in appreciating the qualifying circumstance of treachery."4
Realizing that Paglinawan was no match for Hilario, the latter being much taller than
Paglinawan, Dijan helped his friend and stabbed Hilario with the icepick he wrestled away
from Silvestre. He assisted Paglinawan in getting home which was only about 20 meters A party who invokes the justifying circumstance of "defense of a stranger" has the burden of
away from the scene of the crime. proving by clear and convincing evidence the exculpatory cause that can save him from
conviction.5 In order to successfully put up this defense an accused must show (1) the
existence of unlawful aggression on the part of the victim; (2) the reasonable necessity of
Dijan's two co-accused, Oliver Morales Lizardo and Romualdo Paglinawan, gave a similar
the means employed to prevent or repel it; and (3) that the accused has not been induced
account. Lizardo claimed that he ran away when Silvestre, holding an icepick, rushed
by revenge, resentment, or other evil motive.6 The unlawful aggression must be a continuing
towards them. Romualdo Paglinawan said that, when their group was already at the corner
circumstance or must have been existing at the time the defense is made. Once unlawful
of Paraiso and Sumulong streets, he heard rushing steps of slippers and, turning his head
aggression is found to have ceased, the one making the defense of a stranger would likewise
around, Hilario suddenly stabbed him with a knife. He was able to evade the thrust directed
cease to have any justification for killing, or even just wounding, the former aggressor.7
on his chest, wounding him instead on his left forearm. The two grappled for the knife's
possession for about five minutes until he was weakened by the bleeding of his wound. Dijan
was able to timely pull away Hilario. Dijan then stabbed Hilario. Paglinawan stood up and From the defense account, it would appear that Hilario was already disarmed and the
walked home followed by Dijan. He requested Dijan to bring him to the hospital for unlawful aggression by Hilario (if indeed he was the aggressor) to have by then been abated,
treatment but it was the policemen, who meanwhile arrived, who brought him to the when accused-appellant still delivered the fatal thrusts on the victim. Paglinawan himself
hospital. After his wounds were treated, he was taken to the police headquarters. testified:

The defense also presented Lani Sarmiento and Dr. Alfredo Garcia to the stand. Sarmiento "Q. And because Crispulo Dijan was already able to take possession of the weapon from
claimed that when she and a companion passed by Linda's Bakery on the night of the Roderick Silvestre, you yourself was able to take possession of the weapon from Hilario there
incident, they noticed two male persons, a tall fellow and the other of average height, was no more danger to you as well as to Crispulo Dijan?
overtake them causing her to exclaim "Fe, tingnan mo yan, parang nagmamadali, parang
galit sa mundo."2 Nearing Sumulong Street, they saw the two men approach three other "A. Yes, sir."8
male persons who were walking towards Paraiso Street. Suddenly, the tall guy pulled out a
knife and gave a stabbing thrust to one of the three men. When they reached home, they
learned that it was their "Kuya" Jojo or Romualdo Paglinawan who had been stabbed. Dr. The number of wounds sustained by the victim would itself likewise negate accused-
Garcia testified having treated Romualdo Paglinawan on 11 April 1998 at the Amang appellant's claim of defense of a stranger. The autopsy conducted on the corpse would show
Rodriguez Medical Centre for a stab wound at the right forearm. that the deceased sustained fourteen injuries consisting of nine stab wounds, three
punctured wounds, an incised wound and an abrasion.9 Certainly, the nature and number of
wounds inflicted by an accused on the victim should be significant indicia in determining the
The Judgment of the Trial Court. - plausibility of the defense plea.10

The trial court saw the case for the prosecution insofar as accused-appellant Crispulo M. The Court, however, finds the evidence of the prosecution to be wanting in respect to the
Dijan was concerned whom the court found guilty of the crime of murder, acquitting thereby qualifying circumstance of treachery. The essence of treachery is the sudden and unexpected
Dijan's two co-accused, Romualdo Paglinawan and Oliver Lizardo, based on reasonable attack by an aggressor on an unsuspecting victim, depriving the latter of any real chance to
doubt; viz: defense himself and thereby ensuring its commission with no risk to the aggressor.11 The
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
conditions that must concur in order that treachery may be appreciated are: (a) the Sotero, Bienvenido and Noel, all surnamed Regalario guilty of murder and sentencing them
employment of means of execution that gives the person attacked no opportunity to defend to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs of
himself or to retaliate; and (b) that the means of execution are deliberately and consciously the victim in the amount of P50,000.00, and another sum of P50,000.00 as moral damages
adopted.12 These elements must be proven as indubitably as the killing itself and cannot be and to pay the costs of the proceedings.
deduced from conjecture.13
In the court of origin, accused-appellants Ramon, Marciano, Sotero, Bienvenido and Noel
Here, it was not satisfactorily established that the victim was unarmed at the time of the were originally charged with Homicide. However, after reinvestigation of the case, the Panel
stabbing incident. On the contrary, the stab wound on the person of Romualdo Paglinawan, a of Prosecutors of the Department of Justice, Legaspi City, consisting of State Prosecutors
companion and co-accused of herein appellant, could indicate that the victim might have also Romulo SJ Tolentino, Mary May B. De Leoz and Elmer M. Lanuzo filed an amended
been armed. Neither was it made clear that there was no provocation on the part of the information3 charging the accused-appellants with murder, committed as follows:
That on February 22, 1997 at about 11:00 in the evening, at Brgy. Natasan, Municipality of
Accused-appellant can thus only be convicted of the crime of homicide, the penalty for which, Libon, province of Albay, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
under Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code, is reclusion temporal that, absent any above-named accused, conspiring, confederating and helping one another, with intent to kill,
mitigating nor aggravating circumstance, shall be imposed in its medium period. Applying the did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously with cruelty, treachery, abuse of
Indeterminate Sentence Law, accused-appellant should thus be penalized by an superior strength, nighttime attack, assault, strike and hit ROLANDO SEVILLA with wooden
indeterminate sentence of anywhere within the range of prision mayor, or from six years and clubs (bahi) used as their night sticks, hitting the latter at the different parts of his body and
one day to 12 years, by way of minimum, and anywhere within the range of reclusion tying down his hands and feet with a rope, thereby inflicting upon the latter serious and
temporal in its medium period of from fourteen years, eight months and one day to mortal wounds which directly caused his death, to the damage and prejudice of his legal
seventeen years and four months, by way of maximum.14 heirs.

The award of damages made by the court a quo should be affirmed insofar as the civil ACTS CONTRARY TO LAW.
indemnity of P50,000.00 and actual damages of P34,200.00 are concerned, the latter being
amply supported by receipts.15 The additional award of moral and exemplary damages should
On October 9, 1998, accused-appellants, duly assisted by their counsel, entered a plea of
be deleted for lack of factual and legal grounds.
"not guilty" to the offense charged.4 Thereafter, trial ensued.

WHEREFORE, the appealed decision of the Regional Trial Court is AFFIRMED with
The prosecution presented the following as its witnesses: Zaldy Siglos, Nancy Sara, Ryan
MODIFICATION in that accused-appellant is only found GUILTY of HOMICIDE and sentenced
Sara, Armando Cabais Poblete, Ronnie Siglos, Cynthia Sevilla, Norma Torres, Policeman Jose
to an indeterminate penalty of nine (9) years and one (1) day of prision mayor, as minimum,
Gregorio, Cenen Talagtag, Cesar Sazon and Dr. Mario Cerillo, while Antonio Relato and
to fifteen (15) years and eleven (11) months and three (3) days of reclusion temporal, as
Nicanor Regonia testified on rebuttal. Nancy Sara, Cynthia Sevilla and Ryan Sara were
maximum, and is ordered to pay the heirs of the victim Alvaro Hilario civil indemnity of Fifty
presented for a second time also as rebuttal witnesses.
Thousand (P50,000.00) pesos and actual damages of Thirty-four Thousand Two Hundred
(P34,200.00) Pesos. The award by the trial court of moral and exemplary damages are
deleted. Costs against appellant.1âwphi1.nêt On their part, accused-appellants took the witness stand. All raised the defense of denial
except for Ramon who admitted the act charged but claimed self-defense. To corroborate
their defense, Jose Poblete and Adonis Velasco were presented. The defense also presented
Senior Police Officer 2 (SPO2) Jimmy Colisao, Harold Reolo, Ma. Julieta Razonable, and Dr.
Leopoldo Barrosa II.
G.R. No. 174483 March 31, 2009
On August 24, 2000, the trial court rendered its decision5 giving full faith and credit to the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, prosecution’s evidence. It ruled out accused-appellant Ramon Regalario’s claim of self
vs. defense, and held that there was conspiracy among the accused-appellants in the
RAMON REGALARIO, MARCIANO REGALARIO, SOTERO REGALARIO, BIENVENIDO commission of the crime as shown in the manner in which all of them inflicted the wounds on
REGALARIO and NOEL REGALARIO, Accused-Appellants. the victim’s body. It further ruled that the killing was qualified to murder by abuse of
superior strength and by their scoffing at the body of the victim. It also appreciated the
presence of the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. The pertinent dispositive
DECISION portion of the said decision reads:

LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered finding Ramon, Sotero, Bienvenido, Marciano and
Noel, all surnamed Regalario, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder under
For automatic review is the decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR No. 01556 Par. 1, of Art. 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, with the aggravating
which affirmed with modification, an earlier decision2 of the Regional Trial Court of Ligao, circumstance of scoffing at the corpse of the victim. However, accused are entitled to the
Albay, Branch 13 in Criminal Case No. 3613, finding accused-appellants Ramon, Marciano, benefit of the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender which offset the aggravating
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
circumstance of scoffing at his corpse, hence, are hereby sentenced to suffer the Penalty of 7-9 and 35). Noel was carrying a seven-inch knife. The five appellants caught the victim in
Reclusion Perpetua together with the accessory penalties provided for by law. front of Marciano’s house. Armed with their nightsticks, they took turns in hitting the victim
until he slumped to the ground face down (ibid., pp. 8, 35 and 38). In that position, Sevilla
was boxed by Marciano in the jaw. After a while, when Sevilla was no longer moving,
The accused are hereby ordered to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs of the late
Marciano first ordered the others to kill the victim and to tie him up (ibid., pp. 36-37). Upon
Rolando Sevilla the amount of P50,000.00 and another sum of P50,000.00 as moral damages
hearing the order, Bienvenido, with the help of Sotero, tied the neck, hands and feet of the
and to pay the costs.
victim with a nylon rope used by farmers for tying carabao. The rest of the group just stood
by watching. (ibid., pp. 37-38).
Pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 2-92 the P200,000.00 bail bond put
up by accused Marciano Regalario is hereby cancelled and is ordered recommitted to jail.
In the early morning of February 23, 1997, Cynthia Sevilla, the victim’s widow, after she was
informed of her husband’s death, went to the poblacion of Libon to report the incident at the
SO ORDERED. town’s police station (TSN, December 8, 1998, pp. 7-8). However, her statements were not
entered in the police blotter because appellant Marciano Regalario had earlier reported to
The record of this case was forwarded to this Court for automatic review, in view of the them, at two o’clock in the morning, a different version of the incident, i.e., it was the victim
penalty imposed. Sevilla who shot Marciano’s brother Ramon and that Sevilla, allegedly still alive, was placed
under the custody of the barangay tanods. (ibid., p. 7; TSN, November 20, 1998 [A.M.
Session], pp. 9-10). At around eight o’clock of the same morning, SPO4 Jose Gregorio, with
In our Resolution6 of August 13, 2001, We accepted the appeal and directed the Chief of the some other police officers and Cynthia Sevilla, left the police station on board a truck and
Judicial Records Office, to send notices to the parties to file their respective briefs. The Court proceeded to the crime scene in Natasan. SPO4 Gregorio conducted an investigation of the
also required the Jail Warden, Municipal Jail, Polangui, Albay to transfer accused-appellants incident. (TSN, November 20, 1998 [A.M. Session], pp. 10-12). Thereafter, the policemen
to the Bureau of Corrections, Muntinlupa City, and make a report of such transfer within ten took the victim’s cadaver to the police station in the poblacion (ibid., p. 26) where pictures
(10) days from notice. Likewise, the Director of the Bureau of Corrections was required to were taken showing the victim’s hands and legs tied behind him [Exhibits ‘C’ and ‘D’] (ibid.,
confirm the detention of accused-appellants. Accused-appellants filed their Appellants’ pp. 14-15; TSN, December 8, 1998, p. 10; TSN, November 20, 1998 [P.M. Session], pp 5-7).
Brief7 on December 4, 2001, while the People, thru the Office of the Solicitor General, filed its On that same day, SPO4 Gregorio requested the Libon’s Rural Health Unit to conduct an
Appellee's Brief8 on July 30, 2002. autopsy on the victim’s body but since the municipal health officer was not around, it was
only performed the next day, February 24 (TSN, November 20, 1998 [A.M. Session], p. 26;
Pursuant to our pronouncement in People v. Mateo9 which modified the provisions of the TSN, December 8, 1998, pp. 10-11; TSN, November 20, 1998 [P.M. Session], p. 11). After
Rules of Court insofar as they provide for direct appeals from the RTC to this Court in cases Dr. Mario Cerillo, Municipal Health Officer of Libon conducted the autopsy, he forthwith
where the penalty imposed by the trial court is death, reclusion perpetua or life issued a Medico-Legal Report dated February 24, 1997 (Exhibit ‘B’), the pertinent portions of
imprisonment, this case was referred for appropriate action and disposition to the CA where which read:
it was docketed as CA-G.R. No. 01556.
The evidence for the prosecution is summarized by the Office of the Solicitor General, as
follows: Head : Lacerated wound 4 cm

Accused-appellants, all surnamed Regalario, are barangay officials of Natasan, Libon, Albay frontal area, Right.
and related to one another by consanguinity. Marciano, barangay chairman, Sotero,
barangay kagawad and Ramon, barangay tanod, are brothers while Bienvenido Regalario,
also barangay tanod, is their cousin and Noel is the son of Marciano. (TSN, November 16, : Lacerated wound 8 cm.
1998, p. 9; RTC Order dated October 9, 1998, pp. 115-117)
occipital area, Right.
On the night of February 22, 1997, a dance and singing contest was being held in the
barangay pavilion of Natasan, Libon, Albay. At around ten o’clock that evening, Rolando : Lacerated wound 4 cm.
Sevilla and Armando Poblete were enjoying the festivities when appellant Sotero Regalario
approached them (TSN, December 7, 1998, p.4). To avoid trouble, the two distanced
with fractured skull
themselves from Sotero. Nevertheless, a commotion ensued. (ibid., p. 5). Appellants Sotero
and Bienvenido Regalario were seen striking Rolando Sevilla several times with their
respective nightsticks, locally known as bahi. (TSN, November 16, 1998, pp. 13-17, 32, 34, (post auricular area),
36-37). The blows caused Sevilla to fall down in a sitting position but after a short while he
was able to get up (ibid., pp. 16-17). He ran away in the direction of the house of appellant
Mariano Regalario, the barangay captain (ibid., pp. 18-38). Bienvenido and Sotero Regalario
chased Sevilla (ibid., p. 38, TSN, December 7, 1998. p. 6). When Sevilla was already near
Marciano’s house, he was waylaid by appellant Ramon Regalario and at this point, Marciano : Abrasion 4 x 2 cm.
Regalario and his son Noel Regalario came out of their house (TSN, December 7, 1998, pp.
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
eyebrow, Right. contusion on both Right

: Abrasion 2 cm. x 1 cm. and Left arm and forearm.

with lacerated wound : Abrasion (Ropemark)

1 cm. eyebrow, Left. around Right and Left wrist.

: Periorbital Hematoma : Abrasion (Ropemark) around

Left and Right eye. distal 3rd of both Right and

: Lacerated wound 1 cm. Left leg.

lower lip, Left. xxx xxx xxx xxx

Neck : Stab wound 2 cm. Cause of Death:

penetrating lateral base Sever blood loss secondary to stab wound and multiple lacerated wound, probably secondary
to intracranial hemorrhage.
of the neck just above
On the witness stand, Dr. Cerillo opined that the victim’s lacerated wounds could have been
caused by a blunt instrument like a hard stick, a stone or iron bar, his stab wounds by a
the clavicle, Right.
sharp-edged instrument or knife, his contusions and hematoma by a fist blow or through
contact with a blunt instrument. Also according to the physician, the sharp object which
: Stab wound 2 cm., 6 cm. caused the victim’s stab wounds could have been a knife 2 cm. wide and 6 cm. long because
they were clean cut wounds. (TSN, November 20, 1998 [P.M. Session], pp. 14-15).10
depth lateral base of the
On the other hand, the accused-appellants’ Brief presents a different story:
neck just above the
At the time of the incident in question, accused Marciano Regalario was the incumbent
clavicle, Right. barangay captain of Natasan, Libon, Albay. Accused Sotero was a kagawad, while Ramon and
Bienvenido were barangay tanods of the same place. Noel Regalario had no public position.
He is the son of one of the other accused.
Trunk : Hematoma 10 x 8 cm.

On the night of February 22, 1997, a public dance and singing contest was held in their
clavicular area, Right. barangay. Naturally, being barangay officials, the accused, (except Noel who is not an official
and whose wife has just given birth) were at the place of the celebration, discharging their
: Multiple abrasion chest peace-keeping duties. They were posted at different places in that vicinity.
: Contusion 7 x 2 cm., At first, a fire broke out in the toilet of the Day Care Center. It was attended to by the
persons assigned in that area. A while later, there was another commotion in the area
assigned to accused Ramon Regalario. When he approached the group where the disturbance
7th Intercorsal space and was taking place and tried to investigate, Rolando Sevilla suddenly emerged from the group
and without any ado, fired a shot at him. He was hit at the left shoulder. Instinctively, and in
clavicular line, left. order to disable Sevilla from firing more shots, which might prove fatal, he struck his
assailant with his nightstick and hit him at the back of his head. This is the blow which Nancy
Sara and Zaldy Siglos said were delivered by Sotero and Bienvenido. This blow caused
Extremities : Multiple abrasion and
Sevilla to reel backward and lean on the bamboo fence. To prevent Sevilla from regaining his
balance, Ramon pressed his counter-attack by continuing to harass him with blows of his
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
nightstick. As Ramon pressed on forward, Sevilla retreated backward. Ramon kept him busy 2006, the people filed a manifestation14 stating that it is waiving the filing of a supplemental
parrying the blows which hit his arms and front part of the body, as they were face to face brief. Accused-appellants filed their supplemental brief15 on February 15, 2007.
with each other. But even in the course of such harassment, Sevilla was able to fire a second
shot which missed Ramon.
In their Brief, accused-appellants raise the following assignment of errors:

When they reached the end of the road pavement, Sevilla lost his footing on edge of the
pavement and fell down. At that juncture, Sotero arrived and shouted to Ramon to stop
beating Rolando. But Ramon told him that Rolando still had the gun. So, Sotero plunged at
Rolando and they wrestled on the ground for the possession of the gun. As they struggled,
the gun went off but no one was hurt. When Rolando raised his arms to move the gun away
from Sotero, Ramon knocked the gun off his hand and it fell near the place where Jose 2. THE TRIAL COURT GRIEVOUSLY MISAPPRECIATED THE EVIDENCE AND DISPLAYED BIAS
Poblete was standing. Poblete just arrived at the scene along with Marciano Regalario who WHEN IT LEANED IN FAVOR OF THE PROSECUTION EVIDENCE DESPITE THEIR VITAL
was already told that his brother Ramon was shot by Sevilla. Poblete picked up the gun. He CONTRADICTIONS AND OBVIOUS FALSEHOODS;
was instructed by Marciano to keep it until it is turned over to the authorities.
The wounded Ramon Regalario was brought to town for treatment and later to the provincial ACCUSED AND THAT THE COMMISSION OF THE OFFENSE WAS ATTENDED BY THE
hospital. Marciano and Sotero proceeded to the police station to report the shooting of QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES OF ABUSE OF SUPERIOR STRENGTH AND SCOFFING AT THE

Bienvenido Regalario, the barangay tanod, arrived at the scene after the fact. He was 4. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT FINDING THAT THE DECEASED WAS KILLED IN SELF-
instructed by Marciano, the barangay captain to effect the arrest of Rolando Sevilla for the DEFENSE AND/OR DEFENSE OF RELATIVE
crime of shooting Ramon. According to Bienvenido, they were taught in their training
seminar to just use a rope in lieu of handcuffs because they could not be supplied with it. So, 5. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN AWARDING DAMAGES TO THE HEIRS OF THE DECEASED.16
he tied the hands and feet of Rolando Sevilla for fear that he might be able to escape.

We begin our evaluation with accused-appellant Ramon Regalario’s claim of self-defense.

On the early morning of February 23, a team of policemen went to Natasan and found the Both the CA and the trial court gave no credence to this theory of self-defense.
dead body of Rolando Sevilla. Jose Poblete also turned over to the police, Rolando Sevilla’s
gun. Meanwhile, Noel Regalario, after learning of the incident, scoured the place where the
third shot was fired during the struggle between Sotero and Rolando. He found a .38 caliber When self-defense is invoked by an accused charged with murder or homicide he necessarily
slug which was also turned over to the police.11 owns up to the killing but may escape criminal liability by proving that it was justified and
that he incurred no criminal liability therefor. Hence, the three (3) elements of self-defense,
namely: (a) unlawful aggression on the part of the victim; (b) reasonable necessity of the
On May 31, 2006, the CA promulgated the herein challenged decision affirming for the most means employed to prevent or repel the aggression; and (c) lack of sufficient provocation on
part the decision of the trial court with modification as to the penalty imposed. Unlike the the part of the person defending himself, must be proved by clear and convincing evidence.
trial court, the CA did not appreciate the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender in However, without unlawful aggression, there can be no self-defense, either complete or
favor of the accused-appellants. Thus, the penalty was changed from reclusion perpetua to incomplete.17
death, and an additional award of P25,000.00 as exemplary damages was likewise imposed.
Pertinently, the CA decision reads in part:
Accused-appellant Ramon contends that the victim Rolando Sevilla committed an act of
unlawful aggression with no provocation on his [Ramon’s] part. Ramon testified that he was
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. The accused- trying to investigate a commotion when, without warning, Rolando emerged from the group,
appellants are hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of DEATH and to pay, jointly and thrust and fired his gun at him, hitting him in the left shoulder. To disable Rolando from
severally, the heirs of Rolando Sevilla the amount of P25,000.00 as exemplary damages. firing more shots, Ramon struck the victim’s head at the back with his nightstick, causing the
victim to reel backward and lean on the bamboo fence. He continued hitting Rolando to
Let the entire records of this case be elevated to the Supreme Court for its review, pursuant prevent the latter from regaining his balance and, as he pressed on farther, the victim
to AM No. 00-5-03-SC (Amendments to the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure to Govern retreated backward.
Death Penalty Cases) which took effect on October 15, 2004.
By Ramon’s own account, after he was shot, he hit the victim at the back of the latter’s head
SO ORDERED.12 and he continued hitting the victim who retreated backward. From that moment, the
inceptive unlawful aggression on the part of the victim ceased to exist and the continuation
of the offensive stance of Ramon put him in the place of an aggressor. There was clearly no
As can be gleaned from the above quote, the CA elevated the instant case to this Court in
longer any danger, but still Ramon went beyond the call of self-preservation. In People v.
view of the penalty imposed. In our Resolution13 dated November 14, 2006, we required the
Cajurao,18 we held:
parties to simultaneously submit their respective supplemental briefs. On December 12,
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
…The settled rule in jurisprudence is that when unlawful aggression ceases, the defender no Q While you were walking on your way home, was there an unusual incident and can you
longer has the right to kill or even wound the former aggressor. Retaliation is not a justifying recall?
circumstance. Upon the cessation of the unlawful aggression and the danger or risk to life
and limb, the necessity for the person invoking self-defense to attack his adversary
A Yes, ma’am
ceases.1avvphi1 If he persists in attacking his adversary, he can no longer invoke the
justifying circumstance of self-defense. Self-defense does not justify the unnecessary killing
of an aggressor who is retreating from the fray. (Emphasis supplied) Q What was that incident about?

Ramon’s claim of self-defense is further belied by the presence of two (2) stab wounds on A While I was on my way towards the house of my parents, I just suddenly saw a person
the neck, four (4) lacerated wounds on the head, as well as multiple abrasions and being beaten on the road.
contusions on different parts of the victim’s body, as shown in the Medico-Legal Report. Dr.
Mario Cerillo who conducted the post-mortem examination on the victim revealed that the Q When you first noticed that there was a man being beaten along the road, how far were
victim’s lacerated wounds could have been caused by a blunt instrument like a hard stick, a you?
stone or an iron bar; his stab wounds by a sharp-edged instrument or knife; his contusions
and hematoma by a fist blow or through contact with a blunt instrument. He also declared
that the sharp object which caused the victim’s stab wounds could have been a knife 2 A I was about more or less 9 to 10 meters.
centimeters (cms.) wide and 6 cms. long because they were clean-cut wounds. Indeed, even
if it were true that the victim fired a gun at Ramon, the number, nature and severity of the xxx xxx xxx
injuries suffered by the victim indicated that the force used against him by Ramon and his
co-accused was not only to disarm the victim or prevent him from doing harm to others.
Q When you saw a man being beaten what did you do?

The four (4) other accused-appellants, namely, Sotero, Marciano, Bienvenido and Noel, to
exonerate themselves, denied their involvement in inflicting wounds on Rolando. A I continue walking, but upon reaching that place near the person being beaten, I stopped.

Sotero claimed that he arrived at the scene of the crime at the time when Rolando lost his Q Why did you stop?
footing on the edge of the pavement and fell down. He even shouted at Ramon to stop
beating Rolando. However, when Ramon told him that Rolando still had the gun, he jumped A To verify and know as to who that person being beaten.
on Rolando and they wrestled on the ground for the possession of the gun.
xxx xxx xxx
Marciano maintained that he, together with Jose Poblete, arrived at the crime scene when
Ramon had already knocked the gun out of Rolando’s hand and the gun fell near the place
Q And who was that person being beaten?
where Jose Poblete was standing. When he went to that place, he already knew that his
brother (Ramon) had been shot, so, he told the latter to go to the hospital. Thereafter, he
and Sotero proceeded to the police station to report the shooting incident.1avvphi1 A Rolando Sevilla.

Bienvenido asserted that he arrived at the crime scene after the shooting incident. He was Q Who were the persons beating Rolando Sevilla?
asked by Marciano to arrest Rolando.
A Marciano Regalario, Sotero Regalario, Ramon Regalario, Bienvenido Regalario, Noel
Lastly, Noel insisted that he was not present when the shooting incident took place. He was Regalario, Ernani Regalario, Reynante Regalario, Jose Poblete, Jose Quinno and Virgilio
inside their house sleeping, as his wife had just given birth. Rebanal.
We are not convinced. Q Who else?

Accused-appellants’ denials cannot overcome the positive identification by the prosecution’s A Cecilio Lunas.
witnesses. Elementary is the rule that positive identification, where categorical and
consistent, prevails over unsubstantiated denials because the latter are negative and self- Q If some of the persons you saw beating Rolando Sevilla are present in this court room, will
serving, and thus, cannot be given any weight on the scales of justice.19 The participation of you be able to point and identify them?
each of the accused-appellants can be fully ascertained from the clear, categorical and
spontaneous testimony given by prosecution witness, Ronnie Siglos, who was at the scene of
the crime, thus: A Yes, ma’am.


Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
PROSECUTOR: Q What else did Marciano Regalario do if any?

Q You stated that you saw the persons you have just named as beating Rolando Sevilla. A After he boxed Rolando Sevilla, he went inside his house but after about one (1) minute he
Were there weapons used in beating Rolando Sevilla? again return(ed) back.

A Yes. Q After Marciano Regalario returned back, what did he do if any?

Q What kind of weapons (was) used? A He shouted to kill that.

A Sotero was armed with bahi wood, and also Ramon. Bienvenido was also armed with bahi, Q After you heard Marciano Regalario (say) to kill "that," what did you do?
as well as Cecilio Lunas, Jose Quinno were also armed with ‘malo-palo.’
A I proceeded towards home.
xxx xxx xxx
Q While you were walking, was there any unusual incident which again happened?
Q What kind of weapon was being held by Noel Regalario?
A Yes.
A A knife.
Q And, what was that incident?
xxx xxx xxx
A While I was walking towards home, again I heard Marciano Regalario shouted to tie him,
Q Now, when you saw Rolando Sevilla being beaten by the persons you mentioned before, that is why I again stopped.
what did you notice on the condition of Rolando Sevilla?
Q When you heard Marciano Regalario to tie him how far were you from him?
A He was lying on his stomach.
A More or less 7 meters.
Q Did you see the face of Rolando Sevilla?
Q You said that upon hearing Marciano Regalario, you stopped. What else happened?
A Yes.
A Bienvenido Regalario passed by me and went to that sleigh (pababa) which is on the lower
Q How were you able to see the face of Rolando Sevilla? portion and got a rope.

A Because Sotero was holding him by his hair. Q What did Bienvenido Regalario do with the rope?

Q What was your observation on the condition of Rolando Sevilla? A He tied Rolando Sevilla by placing he rope around his neck and tied his hands.

xxx xxx xxx Q Was there somebody who assisted Bienvenido Regalario in tying Rolando Sevilla?

He was already motionless. He is not moving anymore. Q Who were the persons, if any?

PROSECUTOR: A Sotero Regalario.

Of the persons you named as holding weapons, you did not mention Marciano Regalario as Q Aside from Sotero, was there anybody else who helped Bienvenido Regalario in tying
holding any weapon. What was Marciano Regalario doing then? Rolando Sevilla?

A He boxed Rolando Sevilla and Rolando was hit on his jaw. A No more.
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
Q While Rolando Sevilla was being hog tied, where were the persons of Marciano Regalario, Q Since Bienvenido Regalario and Sotero Regalario were the ones chasing Rolando Sevilla,
Noel Regalario, Ramon Regalario and the rest of the persons whom you just mentioned from what direction did Ramon Regalario come from when he waylaid Rolando Sevilla?
awhile ago?
A That side, left side going towards the house of Kapitan.
A They were there standing beside Rolando Sevilla and they were watching.
Q And where did Marciano and Noel xxx come from?
Q Did you notice whether Rolando Sevilla was still moving when he was still being tied up by
Bienvenido and Sotero?
A From their house.

A He was not moving anymore.20

Q After the five (5) caught up with Rolando Sevilla, what happened to Rolando Sevilla?

The aforequoted testimony of Ronnie Siglos is corroborated by the following testimony of

A They took turns in beating him.
Armando Poblete:

Q Did they use any weapon in beating Rolando Sevilla?

Q While you were standing by the road, what did you notice?

A Yes, their night sticks.

A Then I saw Rolando Sevilla being chased by Bienvenido and Sotero both surnamed
Q When Bienvenido and Sotero caught up with Rolando Sevilla; and the three (3) other
accused also joined the two (2), how far was your distance to them?
Q To what direction was Rolando Sevilla being chased by Sotero and Bienvenido Regalario?

A More or less 14 to 15 meters.21

A Towards the place of Kapitan.

We agree with the findings of the two courts below as to the presence of conspiracy.
xxx xxx xxx
Conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an agreement concerning the
commission of a felony and decide to commit it. Direct proof of conspiracy is rarely found, for
PROSECUTOR RESARI: criminals do not write down their lawless plans and plots. The agreement to commit a crime,
however, may be deduced from the mode and manner of the commission of the offense or
inferred from acts that point to a joint purpose and design, concerted action, and community
Q Considering that was already nighttime, how were you able to know that the person being
of intent. It does not matter who inflicted the mortal wound, as the act of one is the act of
chased was Rolando Sevilla and the persons chasing him were the two (2) Regalarios which
all, and each incurs the same criminal liability.22 We quote with approval the findings and
you have identified?
observations of the CA, thus:

A Because, I was with Sevilla during that time and it was moonlit night.
The eyewitnesses’ account surrounding Rolando Sevilla’s death shows that the accused-
appellants performed concerted acts in pursuit of a common objective. Sotero, Bienvenido,
Q When the two (2) were chasing Rolando Sevilla, what happened next? and Ramon, armed with nightsticks, and Noel armed with a knife, seven inches in length,
beat Rolando Sevilla. All five accused-appellants caught up with the victim, blocked all means
A Ramon waylaid Rolando Sevilla. through which the victim could escape and ensured the achievement of their plan to kill
Rolando Sevilla even as the latter already fell to the ground. Accused-appellant Marciano hit
the victim on his jaw and later, ordered his co-accused to kill and tie the victim. Upon
xxx xxx xxx hearing Marciano’s instruction, Bienvenido Regalario tied Rolando’s neck, hands and feet with
a rope. The collective act of the accused-appellants is sufficient to make them co-principals
Q After you saw Ramon Regalario waylaid Rolando Sevilla, what else did you see? to the killing.23

A After that I saw the group of Sotero, Regalario, Marciano, Noel, caught up with Rolando. Considering the foregoing, as well as the manner in which the attack against Rolando was
carried out, and the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses positively identifying the
accused-appellants as the assailants, we concur in the rulings of the CA, affirming those of
xxx xxx xxx the trial court, in (a) disregarding Ramon Regalario’s declaration that he attacked the victim
in self-defense and (b) holding that all the accused-appellants acted in concert and killed
Compiled by: Annie Magarang CRIMINAL LAW 1: Art. 11 Justifying Circumstances | Cases (Full Text)
We likewise rule that both the CA and the trial court were correct in appreciating the actual imposition of the death penalty but on the fact that qualifying circumstances
qualifying circumstance of abuse of superior strength in killing Rolando Sevilla. To take warranting the imposition of the death penalty attended the commission of the offense.
advantage of superior strength is to use force out of proportion to the means available to the
person attacked to defend himself. In order to be appreciated, it must be clearly shown that
As to the award of moral and exemplary damages, the CA correctly held accused-appellants
there was deliberate intent on the part of the malefactors to take advantage thereof.24 In this
jointly and severally liable to pay the heirs of Rolando Sevilla for the same. Moral damages
case, as testified to by the prosecution eyewitnesses, accused-appellants Ramon, Sotero and
are awarded despite the absence of proof of mental and emotional suffering of the victim’s
Bienvenido, with the exception of Marciano, were armed with nightsticks (bahi) while Noel
heirs. As borne out by human nature and experience, a violent death invariably and
was holding a knife. Clearly they took advantage of their superiority in number and arms in
necessarily brings about emotional pain and anguish on the part of the victim’s family.30 If a
killing the victim, as shown by numerous wounds the latter suffered in different parts of his
crime is committed with an aggravating circumstance, either qualifying or generic, an award
of exemplary damages is justified under Article 2230 of the New Civil Code. This kind of
damage is intended to serve as deterrent to serious wrongdoings and as vindication of undue
Also affirmed is the ruling of both courts appreciating the presence of the generic sufferings and wanton invasion of the rights of an injured, or as a punishment for those
aggravating circumstance of scoffing at the body of the victim. Accused-appellants did not guilty of outrageous conduct.31 However, consistent with recent jurisprudence on heinous
just kill the victim. They tied him hog-style after rendering him immobilized. This action crimes where the imposable penalty is death but reduced to reclusion perpetua pursuant to
constituted outraging or scoffing at the corpse of the victim. In this connection, we agree Republic Act No. 9346, the award of moral damages should be increased from P50,000.00
with the trial court’s observation: to P75,000.0032 while the award of exemplary damages should be increased from P25,000.00
to P30,000.00.33
…The concerted acts committed by all the accused mostly armed with wooden clubs and one
with a 7-inch long knife after the victim fell pummeling him with mortal blows on the WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals dated May 31, 2006 in CA-G.R. CR No.
forehead and back of his head and stab wounds on his neck and one of them telling his co- 01556 is hereby AFFIRMED with the following modifications: (1) the penalty of death
accused to kill the victim clearly proved that the Regalarios conspired and took advantage of imposed on accused-appellants is lowered to reclusion perpetua without eligibility for parole;
their strength and number. Not satisfied with delivering mortal blows even when their (2) the monetary awards to be paid jointly and severally by accused-appellants are as
hapless victim was already immobile, Bienvenido and Sotero, upon order of their co-accused follows: P75,000.00 as civil indemnity, P75,000.00 as moral damages and P30,000.00 as
Marciano, tied their victim hog style. The manner by which Rolando was tied as vividly exemplary damages; and (3) interest on all the damages awarded at the legal rate of 6%
captured in the picture (Exhs. ‘C’ & ‘D’) clearly speaks for itself that it was nothing but to from this date until fully paid is imposed.34
scoff at their victim.25
The CA was likewise correct in not appreciating the mitigating circumstance of voluntary
surrender in favor of accused-appellants. For said circumstance to be appreciated, it must be
spontaneous, in such a manner that it shows the intent of the accused to surrender
unconditionally to the authorities, either because he acknowledges his guilt or because he
wishes to save them the trouble and expense of finding and capturing him.26 In the case at
bar, accused-appellants remained at large even after Judge Jose S. Sañez issued the warrant
for their arrest on February 6, 1998. Accused-appellants surrendered only on September 9,
1998 after several alias warrants of arrest were issued against them. Hence, voluntary
surrender cannot be appreciated in their favor as mitigating circumstance.

The accused-appellants’ acts plainly amount to murder, qualified by abuse of superior

strength. As the generic aggravating circumstance of scoffing at the body of the victim was
alleged and proven, and as there was no mitigating circumstance, the CA correctly sentenced
accused-appellants to death in accordance with Art. 248, as amended by Republic Act No.
7659, in relation to Art. 63(1) of the revised Penal Code.
In view, however, of the passage of Republic Act No. 9346,27 the imposition of the death
penalty has been prohibited. Thus, the penalty imposed upon accused-appellants should be
reduced to reclusion perpetua, without eligibility for parole.

While the new law prohibits the imposition of the death penalty, the penalty provided for by
law for a heinous offense is still death and the offense is still heinous.28 Consequently, the
civil indemnity for the victim is stillP75,000.00. In People v. Quiachon,29 we explained that
even if the penalty of death is not to be imposed on appellant because of the prohibition in
Republic Act No. 9346, the civil indemnity of P75,000.00 is still proper because, following the
ratiocination in People v. Victor (292 SCRA 186), the said award is not dependent on the

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