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Mine for Tonight ~ Simon careful.

If he wasn’t, his only

(Billionaire's Obsession parent would be hounding him
#1.1) to find out why he
wanted information on Kara.
Mine For Tonight: Book One His wonderful but inquisitive
- The Billionaire’s mom would be like a
Obsession bloodhound after a scent if
By J. S. Scott she thought that Simon’s
Chapter 1 interest was anything but
Simon Hudson stood silently casual. He would be nagged
in the shadows of the opulent to death, his mother wanting
lobby, his hands to know exactly what
in the pockets of his jeans and his intentions were with Kara.
one shoulder propped against Simon frowned. Like he had
the frame of a large any intentions? He had
window that faced the street. fantasies and all of them
His whole body was tense, his involved Kara spread out on
dark brown eyes his bed, screaming his name
scanning the sidewalk with as he made her come,
the intense and total focus of over and over.
a madman. Simon took a deep breath and
Where in the hell is she? It’s slowly blew it back out, trying
ten forty-five. to get his body
He knew Kara was working to relax and telling himself
tonight. She had called in sick that he must be insane to take
for the last two exactly the same
evenings, but was back to position, night after night, for
work at Helen’s Place, waiting some woman who he had
tables on the swing never officially met. But
shift. He had checked. His here he was…again, his back
mother owned the bistro to the curious doorman,
where Kara worked and was leering out the window
generally pretty forthcoming like an unbalanced stalker,
with information when Simon waiting to get a glimpse of
wanted it, but he was Kara Foster. Something
about the woman brought out Hell, in the last year, Simon
strange, territorial, and had probably cared more
protective instincts that about Kara’s well-being
kept him here, keeping watch, than a dozen family members
waiting for her to walk by his would have, and he couldn’t
condo building on even call her a friend.
her way home from work. Problem was…he wasn’t a
And then, when he spotted family member, and his
her, he’d do the same thing feelings were far from
he always did. He’d brotherly.
follow her at a distance, trying God, she was sweet!
not to alarm her, and wait until Simon had to bite back a
she had let herself groan of frustration as he
into her apartment safely thought about the first
before he turned around and time he had seen Kara, her
walked back home. blue eyes flashing with humor,
He wouldn’t talk to her, or black tendrils of silky
even get close to her. He hair escaping from her ever-
never did. It wasn’t that present ponytail and her lithe
he didn’t want to, but Kara body moving
was going to nursing school gracefully from table to table
and working full-time at at his mom’s restaurant. At
his mother’s restaurant. the age of twenty-eight,
According to his mom, Kara she still retained a look of
adamantly refused to date innocence and vulnerability
because she didn’t have the that had Simon caught in
time or energy to put into a her unintentional web. He’d
relationship. She was been a prisoner there ever
probably right about that. The since.
insane woman didn’t sleep His mother spoke about Kara
enough, eat enough. as if she were her daughter,
She had no one who even and Simon knew
worried about her except for that Kara and his mother had
his mother…and Simon. a special bond: one not
formed by blood, but by a
special friendship. Shit…if him the control he needed
Kara were younger, Simon and had to have in the
was pretty sure his bedroom, without a lot of
mother would adopt her. Lips demands or questions. Damn
twitching slightly, Simon it! That had been enough for
hoped his mother never him…until he had
expected him to be like a seen Kara.
brother to Kara. It wasn’t Grimacing, his eyes never
happening. His cock stood at leaving the street, Simon
attention, rock-hard and shoved his hands deeper
ready, every time he saw her. into his pockets and adjusted
What in the hell was it his position, giving his
about this particular woman shoulder a break by resting
that made him so edgy and his hip against the wall. God,
restless? he was getting pathetic. How
Simon had fucked women long would he moon
who were more attractive or over a woman who had never
more sophisticated, even acknowledged him?
and not a single one of them Until she finished
had ever touched any of his nursing school and moved
emotions. He was a away? Until she got married?
loner, preferring to spend his He nearly growled at the
time with his computer rather thought of another man
than attending social putting his hands on Kara’s
functions, but there were delectable body. Simon fought
times when he needed a a purely feral instinct that rose
woman’s company for up at the thought
physical relief. Occasionally of another man touching his
taking himself in hand just woman.
wasn’t getting it done. She’s not your woman,
Simon had certain female asshole. Get a grip.
acquaintances for those For once in his life, Simon
occasions, women who gave wished he were more like his
older brother Sam,
the other half of the Hudson a year ago.
Corporation. Sam would have You’re afraid of her.
no problem putting Simon scowled at the thought.
the moves on Kara. Charm, Like hell he was! He wasn’t
conquer, and discard had afraid of anything,
always been his brother’s and he definitely didn’t fear
style and Sam wouldn’t have Kara Foster. She just…was
given a thought to the not a likely lover. Why
possibility of rejection. bother?
Probably because Sam never He fucked.
failed! His only sibling went He didn’t date.
through the female And he liked it that way.
population like a person with a His brother Sam was the face
nasty cold went through of the company, the marketer.
tissues. Sam would have Simon was a
broken down Kara’s defenses, computer geek, happy to stay
charmed her out of her in the background. What did
panties and then discarded he know about
her for his next conquest. seducing a woman? He’d
Oh, hell no. Simon loved his never needed to coerce a
brother, but he’d be damned if woman to his bed. The
he’d ever let Sam females he fucked were only
seduce Kara. He didn’t even with him for personal gain. He
want the two of them in the was known as a
same room together. generous lover. He wasn’t fool
Because she’s mine. enough to believe they had
Simon shook his head, any personal feelings
surprised at his own behavior. for him. That, he understood.
Yeah…he liked control, That, he could handle.
actually needed control, but Maybe I need to find a way to
he had never wanted one fuck her and get over this
woman in particular. Now, crazy obsession.
he could think of little else but Would it be enough? Could he
the pretty waitress who had actually get free from his
snagged his attention fixation with this
woman if he could find a way He did a surprised double-
to have her? take as the woman got closer,
Christ! He had to do gaping when her face
something. His irrational came into view. Holy Christ! It
preoccupation with Kara had was Kara. She was close
grown worse and worse over enough that he could
the last year, causing him to see her features, the same
want no other woman face that haunted his wet
except her. He hadn’t gotten dreams every damn night,
off with anyone except himself but the outfit….
in well over a year, What in hell is she wearing?
and he really needed to Simon could see almost every
scratch that itch. Yet…he inch of her long, slender,
couldn’t. If he tried to take shapely legs in the
action, to make a move to call ultra-short mini and the whole
another woman, he would see outfit molded over her
Kara’s pretty girlnext- breasts, torso, and ass like
door face and hang up the a glove. His cock was
phone. instantly standing at full
I’m just that fucking obsessed attention and he pulled his
with her. hands
Simon glanced at an out of his pockets. They
approaching figure, his mind curled into tight fists as a
almost immediately bead of sweat rolled down his
starting to dismiss the dark- face. Followed by another.
haired woman who was And another.
dressed in a short, black, Goddamnit! What was she
leather mini-skirt and a bright thinking? Dressed that way,
red sweater. He’d never seen she was practically
Kara dressed in begging for some man to
anything other than jeans and come and snatch her up off
a t-shirt that sported the the street.
restaurant’s logo, standard And, by God, he was going to
casual dress for employees of be that man. He wasn’t
his mom’s restaurant. leaving that
opportunity to another male, order to be himself again, and
someone who might do her dammit, he’d get back to his
harm. normal state of mind,
Didn’t she realize that this no matter what drastic
was Tampa? A major city! It measures he had to take to
wasn’t some tiny town achieve it. Somehow, he
where she could walk the would
streets at night and not be purge himself of this incredibly
noticed or accosted. stupid and raging desire for
Simon unclenched one fist Kara Foster.
and gripped the window frame His mind made up, Simon
for support, his pushed off the window frame
eyes never leaving the and stood up
approaching female. Gritting straight, lowering his “mask”
his teeth, Simon knew that until his face was devoid of
today was the day he was emotion. He was good
going to have to get close to at that. He’d been raised in an
her, closer than he’d ever area of Los Angeles where
been before. He couldn’t most normal people
handle these animalistic and would never even enter, a
rampant emotions place where being weak,
anymore. He didn’t like them, slow-witted, or fragile in any
wasn’t used to them. All he way meant being destroyed.
wanted was his sanity If nothing else, Simon Hudson
back, to return to his was a survivor. His guise
computer and work on his firmly in place, he
passion for developing ripped his gaze from the
computer window, turned sharply and
games without erotic thoughts strode purposefully toward
of Kara taking over his brain. the door.
Sense. Reason. Control. That *****
was how he functioned and Kara Foster was having a
what he needed in seriously bad day!
She hefted her backpack to decent area. So what if she
make it sit more solidly on her looked like a sex kitten in
shoulder and sneakers? Eight more
reached for the hem of her blocks and she would be
ridiculously short skirt, home, free to finally strip off
yanking it down hard to cover the ludicrous outfit and
her ass. The clothes looked put on her own comfortable
great on her classmate, Lisa, jeans and t-shirt.
who was several inches Kara heaved a sigh as she
shorter and seven years focused solely on arriving at
younger than Kara. the tiny apartment that
Unfortunately, they didn’t look she shared with another
quite student. Her legs were cold
the same on Kara’s taller, and she shivered, walking
fuller body. The sweater faster to get her body warm. It
hugged her generous breasts was January in Tampa, and
and the skirt was too damn while the daytime
short, barely concealing the hours were pleasant, it got
cheeks of her ass. chilly at night. She should
She was a street-smart have brought her jacket,
woman, having grown up in but she had been running late
one of the worst areas of this morning.
Tampa and coming through She hadn’t planned to have
the experience intact. Kara her legs bare and her behind
knew how to protect flapping in the
herself, how to avoid any breeze.
unwanted attention. So what The day is almost over.
in the hell was she doing Thank God!
in an outfit that was bound to She had spilled coffee on her
get her in trouble? Stupid, own jeans and t-shirt earlier in
Kara. Really, really the day. With no
stupid! time to go home and change
Frowning, Kara forced herself before she had to get to work,
to keep walking. No big deal. Kara had gratefully
She was in a
accepted the offer of clean anything more than some
clothes from Lisa, a classmate bare thigh.
who was never without Exhaustion tugged at Kara’s
a change of clothing in her body and her stomach
car. It wasn’t that Kara didn’t rumbled. She had gotten
appreciate the kindness so busy at work that she
of her classmate. She hadn’t taken the time to eat.
definitely did. Kara just wished The small, cozy restaurant
she could wear the had been busy, much busier
clothing with the same attitude than usual because it was
as Lisa. But…she couldn’t. Friday night. She had
She was used to actually been grateful for the
keeping a low profile, and she customers. The tip money she
was mortified that she had in her backpack
probably resembled a call was all that stood between
girl with bad shoes, her and a completely empty
functioning the entire day and bank account. Maybe she
evening with a hint of red on could buy a few groceries now
her cheeks and trying that she had a few bucks from
desperately not to bend over. tips. Her
When she had arrived at the cupboards at home were bare
restaurant for her shift, her and her roommate seemed to
kind boss, Helen be in even worse
Hudson, had taken pity on her financial shape than Kara.
and dug in the drawers for an Lydia never bought food and
apron that reached whatever Kara bought
Kara’s knees and covered her disappeared quickly.
exposed backside. Last semester! You can make
Wishing she had worn the it.
apron home, she jerked again Damn…it had been a long
at the bottom of the four years, and Kara felt much
snug skirt with more than a older than her
hint of frustration, hoping she actual age of twenty-eight
wasn’t flashing years. Actually, she just felt
old. Period! Most of her
classmates were barely legal function, to advance any
drinking age and were all farther. Damn it. I should have
about college partying, taken the time to eat.
while Kara could only think “Kara!” She heard the low, no-
about making it through each nonsense baritone filter
day, getting one step through to her foggy
closer to graduation. brain. The voice was abrupt,
Kara had lost her parents in but it was reassuring to know
an auto accident at the age of that someone who
eighteen and was knew her, who recognized
pretty much alone. After her, was here.
working for several years as a Shaking her head, trying to
waitress, barely clear her vision, Kara
surviving, she knew she had tightened her grip on the
to either go to college or metal post and willed herself
resign herself to struggling not to pass out on the cold
through life with no end to stone pavement as her
poverty in sight. body swayed precariously,
She didn’t regret the decision preparing itself for the fall.
to go to college, but it had *****
been difficult, an Chapter 2
arduous and lonely road that “Christ, you look like hell!” The
she could only be grateful was same voice, impatient and
almost over. husky, broke
You’ll make it. Almost there! through her hazy mind, and
Kara stopped abruptly as the she felt a pair of solid,
sidewalk started to tilt and her muscular arms come around
vision blurred. her as she was lifted against a
Oh, shit. Her hand reached solid, rock-hard chest.
out to grip the post of a Warm…so warm. Instinctively,
streetlight to steady herself as she snuggled into the heat of
her brain whirled and her the sturdy, heatproducing
body trembled. Dizziness form, trying to use the body
made it impossible to heat to unlock her chilled
She rested her spinning head strong hands on her
against a very broad, very shoulders. “Don’t move. Not
solid shoulder and one inch.”
sighed as the mystery man “I’m fine. I’ve had a little bug. I
passed through a set of doors thought I was over it. It was
and into a warm just a little
building. Somewhere inside dizziness,” she argued as she
her mind, she knew she tried to sit up again.
should be fighting him, “You’re not fine,” the voice
trying to break away from the barked. “The doctor is here to
strange man whose voice she see you. He lives
didn’t recognize, but in the building. He saw you
she didn’t have the strength. nearly take a nosedive into
Kara acknowledged the ping the pavement.”
of an elevator bell and her “Doctor?” Alarmed, Kara
stomach rebelled as focused on another man who
the steel chamber lurched, lurked behind the
moving upward at what bossy one. “I don’t need a
seemed like a lightning-fast, doctor.” She couldn’t afford a
head-spinning speed. doctor.
Moments later, she was “Too late. He’s here. And you
gently lowered to a are being checked.”
comfortable bed and covered “I can refuse,” she answered
in a hesitantly, her gaze finally
warm comforter that eased meeting the dark eyes
the chill from her body. Her of her rescuer.
shoes were removed “You won’t,” he told her in a
roughly and dropped to the warning voice.
floor. She opened her eyes His perilous appearance kept
and tried to focus. a sharp retort from exiting her
Struggling to sit up, she found mouth. God, he
herself pushed back down was huge. Broad shoulders
onto the pillows by filled her vision as he
crouched beside the bed. She
had felt his muscular body older man behind him step
while he was carrying her, but forward.
now she could visually Helen’s son? Simon. She had
appreciate the strength of never met Sam or Simon, but
those arms and his solid bulk she had heard all
as her sight cleared and about them from her boss, a
the dizziness began to woman who had become a
subside. very close friend over
Big. Dark. Dangerous. Kara’s the years. Simon was the
blue eyes clashed with his youngest. In his early thirties.
dark brown stare, his A computer genius, he
look so ferocious that it was developed computer games
almost frightening. He ran his that had started the Hudson
hand impatiently Corporation on its way
through his short black hair, to becoming a company worth
his expression grim. He billions.
wasn’t handsome in any “Young lady, I heard you’ve
conventional way, his features been sick. I’m Dr. Simms. Let
too sharp and his olive me take a quick
complexion marred by a look at you.” A kind, middle-
small scar to his right temple aged face replaced Mr. Tall,
and another on his left cheek. Dark and Unhappy.
But damn…he was Kara let out a relieved breath
appealing in a carnal, sensual and gave the jovial doctor a
sort of way. Kara could feel small smile.
the intensity vibrating “I’m fine. A virus. Maybe I
from his body and entering wasn’t quite over it and it’s
hers, making her nipples hard been a long day. Just
and sensitive. “Who a little residual fatigue,” she
are you?” she asked him assured the physician,
softly, remembering that he wanting to put on her
had called her by name. wellworn
“Simon Hudson. Helen sneakers and run away from
Hudson’s son.” He stood and this humbling situation as
backed up to let the soon as possible.
Simon stood behind the good virus isn’t completely through
doctor, his arms crossed and your system. You’re already
his face run down and it
formidable. Geez…the man doesn’t sound like you sleep
was fierce. It wasn’t that she or eat properly.” The doctor’s
hadn’t seen plenty of smile broadened.
scary men in her life, but there “Typical of us medical folks. It
was something about Simon may have been a while ago,
that had her heart but I still remember
thumping and her body on medical school.” After a
high alert. pause, the doctor asked
Kara let the doctor do his professionally, “Any chance
exam. Dr. Simms was kind you could be pregnant?”
and efficient with a Kara’s eyes shot to Simon’s
bedside manner that had her face, her cheeks burning with
smiling as he chatted absently embarrassment.
during his evaluation. Did Simon really need to be
He gave her commands and hearing all of this? His eyes
asked the standard questions. locked with hers and
She answered his his body seemed visibly tense
questions as briefly as as he waited for her answer.
possible, wanting to get the “No. Absolutely no possibility,”
exam finished and get out of she answered with a timidity
Simon Hudson’s constrained that was usually
presence. not part of her personality.
Dr. Simms stood with a There wasn’t a chance in hell
congenial smile as he that she was pregnant,
completed his exam. “You unless a vibrator could knock
need her up, and lately, she was
rest, food, and more time to even too tired to use
get over this virus. You might that. Her sex drive was dead
have been feeling from eighty-hour weeks of
slightly better for a day work and school. The
because your fever broke, but
the fever is back and the
only action her bed got was “I need to get home,” she
Kara, alone, sleeping for the answered, uncomfortable now
few hours of rest that that she was alone
she got every night after her with Simon. He was too big,
late-night study sessions. too gruff, too demanding, too
The doctor breezed over the much of everything.
subject, instructing her to rest There was something about
and treat the him that made her feel off-
symptoms with over-the- balance, and it had
counter fever medications. nothing to do with her virus.
Kara thanked him and gave He swung her legs back onto
him a tremulous smile before the bed and pulled her shoes
he turned to Simon, off. Damn. All of
the two men talking quietly as that hard work gone in
they left the bedroom. seconds. Putting on those
She sat up quickly, too shoes had been an effort and
quickly, and the room rotated she didn’t appreciate having
for a minute before her to do it again.
head cleared. God, she was “You’re sick and you’re
as weak as a kitten from the staying here,” Simon told her
return of the fever and sternly as his dark eyes
lack of food. She bent slowly swept over her and he
and snatched her shoes from grimaced.
the floor, sitting on “I can’t. I’m working tomorrow.
the bed to cram her feet into I need to get some sleep.”
them without even untying the “You’re not working for at
laces. least the next week. I already
“What in the hell do you think called Mom and told
you’re doing?” Kara jerked up her to replace you.” His
at the sound of expression was disapproving
the booming voice, her foot as he covered her body
only halfway into her second with the comforter and sat on
shoe. top of it, effectively trapping
her. “I also took the
liberty of grabbing your keys dark, just like the man who
from your backpack so that owned it.
my assistant can go to Did he really expect her to
your place and get you some stay here? Yes, his mother
clothes in case your was her boss and friend,
roommate isn’t home.” but she didn’t know Simon
“But I-” and she wasn’t sure she liked
“Don’t argue! This discussion him. He was bossy,
is over. I’m going to make you impatient, and expected
something to people to jump when he said
eat and you will eat it. Then jump. Or stay when he said
you’ll go to sleep.” He stood stay-sort of like a well-trained
and exited, the orders dog. Unfortunately for him,
still reverberating through the Kara didn’t take
rather impressive space of the orders well. She had made
bedroom. her own decisions since her
Fuming, Kara sat up and parents had passed away
debated whether she dared to and the last thing she needed
spring out of bed and was a domineering billionaire
through the door of what calling the shots in
looked like a condo. A very her life. The only thing money
nice condo! The bedroom meant to Kara was security.
was spacious and decorated Other than that, she
in shades of tan and black. couldn’t care less about what
Tan, plush carpet and money could buy; it was hard
masculine dark furniture to miss material
dominated the room. The bed things that she had never had.
was enormous and sat on He called Helen to replace
a frame of intricate black me? There was no way she
ironwork that supported a could miss a week of
canopy of what looked to be work. Missing two days this
tan silk with woven black and week had already stretched
brown designs. It was a her empty bank account.
beautiful room, bold and
She relied on her tips to coming into the room, juggling
survive, and she didn’t get tips dishes. She bit back a smile,
by sitting on her butt at thinking that it was
home. She had missed two a good thing that he was a
evenings because she had no computer geek, because he
choice. The virus had would never make it as a
eaten her up and spit her out, waiter. He had a glass in one
leaving her prostrate on her hand and a plate in the other.
bed and sicker than she A bowl was balanced
had been since she was a precariously between his
child. elbow and chest. She wanted
She sighed and leaned back to tell him it would be
against the pillows. She was easier if he just put the bowl
so tired and so on the plate, but she bit back
damned weak right now. All the suggestion.
she really wanted to do was “I don’t know what you like,”
bury herself in this he grumbled as he put the
warm, comfortable bed and glass on the bedside
sleep until she wasn’t tired table and handed her the
anymore. What would bowl. He sounded
that be like? She couldn’t cantankerous over the fact
remember a time that she that there
wasn’t exhausted. It had was something he didn’t
become normal for her to feel know. “Soup. Eat.”
drained during the last four Talk about a man of few
years; she only slept a words. He issued commands
few hours a night and her like a drill sergeant.
meals were sporadic, “Simon, I can’t stay here,” she
depending on what she could told him softly as she
afford. accepted the bowl of
Kara looked up as she heard steaming soup. Chicken
the clink of glass-on-glass and noodle. Her favorite. Stomach
saw Simon rumbling from the
tempting aroma coming from Dead serious. How did a
the bowl, she lifted the spoon sweet woman like Helen end
and took a cautious up with a crabby-ass son
bite. She could tell that it had like Simon? “You’re not my
come out of a can, but it boss, Simon.”
tasted delicious and her “No, but my mother is and she
rumbling stomach made her agrees that you aren’t
shovel it in like a starving working. She didn’t
woman. realize you were still ill,” he
“You are staying. Take these.” told her, his expression surly.
He scowled at her as he held “Hell…I don’t know
up a hand and how she missed it. You have
dropped two pills into her black circles under your eyes
open palm. that make you look
Extra-Strength Tylenol. She like a raccoon and you look
popped them into her mouth dead on your feet. Mom’s
gratefully and definitely slipping. She
reached for the glass. Simon can usually dig out any
handed it to her before she problem. Painfully, if
could reach it. She necessary,” he rumbled, as
swallowed and handed the though
juice back to Simon’s waiting he were remembering a few
hand before replying, of those painful experiences.
“I have to work. I can’t afford “I was feeling better earlier.
to be off. I already took two And she was trying to help me
days because I was find something to
sick. I’m sure I’ll feel better by wear over my skirt,” she told
tomorrow.” him calmly as she finished off
“You bet your sweet, exposed the soup.
ass you will. I’ll make sure “Where in the hell did you get
that you do,” he that outfit? I’ve never seen
replied, his voice irascible. you in anything but
Kara continued to eat her jeans,” he queried softly,
soup as she eyed his dangerously. Kara quivered
expression. He was serious. as his eyes roamed over the
quilt, as though he could see wolfed down the rest of the
her scantily-clad body through sandwich. God…she was
the material. hungry…and grateful for
“It was a loan,” she said, the meal.
accepting the plate that held a “Thank you,” she told him
yummy-looking sincerely as she handed the
sandwich as he took away the plate back to him and
bowl. “Like a complete idiot, I he set it on the bedside table.
spilled coffee “You need to eat. And sleep.”
down the front of my clothes He touched the dark patches
today and didn’t have time to under her eyes
run home before softly with his index finger.
work.” “I’ve never been close enough
“You are not an idiot,” he to see how tired you
stated curtly. look.”
Swallowing a bite of the “The virus kicked my rear,”
delicious egg salad sandwich, she murmured lightly, feeling
Kara’s eyes jerked up warmed not only
to his face in surprise. “We’ve by the food, but by the
never met. How did you concerned frown on Simon’s
recognize me? How do face. “I’ll feel well enough
you know what I usually to work tomorrow.”
wear?” He handed her the glass of
He shrugged and diverted his juice. “Don’t even think about
eyes. “I’ve seen you around it. Finish that and
the restaurant.” sleep.”
“I’ve never seen you at the Too tired to argue, Kara
restaurant.” downed the juice and gave up
“I stop by to see Mom. I the glass to his waiting
usually don’t go out front.” hand. She’d deal with
Helen’s office was in the back, everything later. Her eyes
so it made sense. Kara was were drooping and exhaustion
silent while she pressed on her body like
weights. She needed to close
her eyes.
Snuggling under the quilt, bedroom, relieved to find the
Kara sighed and rested her master bathroom. She locked
head on the pillow. For the door and stripped
the first time in years, she felt quickly, pulling her hair
full, comfortable and…safe. completely free of its confining
Simon might be clip, and letting her
cranky, but he had apparently clothes lie in a puddle at her
appointed himself her feet.
protector. It was She needed a shower. And
somehow…comforting. coffee!
With that strange thought Feeling more like herself after
rolling around in her mind, she finishing in the shower, clean
slept. and wrapped in
Chapter 3 Simon’s robe, she hesitated
Kara woke late the next day, as she looked longingly at a
feeling completely rested and toothbrush and
wondering where toothpaste on the marble
in the hell she was until she counter next to the dual sinks.
remembered the episode on Not wanting to intrude,
the sidewalk and her but desperate for a
subsequent rescue by Simon toothbrush, Kara opened a
Hudson. few of the cupboards and
Was he here, or had he left almost
for the day? giggled with happiness as she
Slipping silently out of the found a brand-new toothbrush
massive bed, Kara popped still wrapped in
her head out of the plastic. She put it to good use
bedroom door, hearing and tried to tame her wet hair
nothing but silence. Scooping with one of Simon’s
up a black silk robe that hairbrushes. Belatedly, she
probably belonged to Simon, hoped he wouldn’t mind.
she pulled open a door at the Make yourself right at
other end of the home, Kara.
Like she would ever own a backpack so you can get the
place like this one? The sheer hell away from here.
decadence all Exiting the bedroom, she
around her nearly blew her hesitated, not sure exactly
away and she stared at the where to go. The condo
large garden bathtub with was huge. There were spare
a heavy sigh. What she bedrooms, tastefully
wouldn’t give for an hour or so decorated, at the other end of
in that tub. the long hallway that led to
She wasn’t a material girl, but the master bedroom. She
still, she could appreciate a almost gasped as she
phenomenal stepped out of the corridor
bathtub. Her apartment only and into a spacious living
had a tiny shower and a good, room with cathedral
long soak was ceilings and beautiful, tan
something that would have to leather furniture.
wait until she graduated from Holy crap! Had she ever seen
school and could get a television that big? The
her own place. And it will have screen dominated one
a bathtub. She decided right wall, making it look almost like
then and there that a movie theater screen.
she would make it a I soooo don’t belong here!
requirement. Her bare feet left the plush
Turning away from the carpet and landed on smooth
temptation of the huge oval tile as she walked
tub, Kara tightened the slowly into a kitchen that
robe around her and picked would be any chef’s dream.
up her clothes and towel, Decorated in forest green
trying not to picture and cream, it had every
Simon’s muscular, naked convenience a person could
body reclining in the water. ever want and several that
Stupid woman! Stop thinking she couldn’t even identify.
about your boss’s son and Kara spied her backpack on
find your damn the island table and unzipped
it to stuff the
borrowed clothing in the large He shrugged as he pushed
center pocket, still clutching away from the door. “It looks a
the wet towel hell of a lot better
because she wasn’t quite on you than it ever did on
certain what to do with it. me,” he answered in a husky
“How are you feeling?” She voice as he sauntered
jumped as the low, inquiring over to the far cupboard.
voice spoke in the “Coffee?”
soundless kitchen. She Oh, hell yes. He might as well
covered her chest with a have asked her if she wanted
shaky hand as her heart to finish nursing
accelerated and she turned to school. She was a complete
Simon, who was watching her addict. “Yes, please. If you
silently, one arm don’t mind.”
propped casually against the “Sit. You’re supposed to be
doorframe. His dark hair was resting.” He motioned toward
wet, as if he had just the island and she
showered, and he had on a sat on one of the high stools.
pair of jeans that hugged his She watched as he popped a
muscular lower body cup into the coffee maker,
lovingly. A green fleece dropped a coffee into
pullover shirt stretched to a slot and closed it. The
accommodate his massive machine sputtered and came
shoulders and broad chest. to life. Her coffee was done
The man was within seconds.
seriously…ripped. “Every coffee lover’s dream,”
His liquid brown eyes raked she sighed as he set the
over her body, growing steaming cup in front
warmer with each pass. of her.
Up and down. Up and down. “I hope you like it bold,” he
Kara pulled the robe tighter. commented as he pulled
“I’m sorry. I didn’t creamer from the
have anything else to wear.” refrigerator and placed the
sugar bowl and the cream in
front of her. “It’s a
stronger blend.” feel his heat and unsettling
Kara breathed in the delicious vibrations of sexual energy.
aroma coming from the “Thank you.” Her voice
steaming cup and her was weak as she let go of the
mouth watered. “It smells towel.
fabulous.” He held out a She breathed a sigh of relief
spoon and she took it, their as he strolled into a side room
fingers brushing as she off the kitchen and
grasped the utensil. Her hand returned without the towel.
tingled from the light touch “You didn’t answer my
and warmth spread through question. How are you
her body. He was standing feeling?”
close, so close that she She diverted her eyes from
could breathe in his clean, his tempting body and
masculine scent as his hand dumped cream and sugar
reached toward her into her coffee. “I feel great.
silkcovered Fever’s gone. Thank you for
legs. Her breath caught as his helping me, but I need
fingers brushed against the to get moving.” Her eyes
silk, sending closed and she nearly
heat straight to her core. moaned as the rich taste of
“I’ll take this.” He lifted the wet premium coffee hit her palate.
towel from her lap, his “You can’t leave. Not today.
knuckles sliding Not tomorrow.” Simon’s voice
slowly along her thighs as he was neutral as he
relieved her of the wet linen moved to the coffee maker
she had been holding. and slammed another coffee
She was trembling. Actually into the machine,
shivering, just from his light, lowering the lid with more
casual touch. Dear force than necessary.
God, she needed to move “Why?” Her eyes popped
away. Somewhere she open to give him a surprised
couldn’t smell him, couldn’t look.
His eyes glued to his few boxes that contained
steaming mug of coffee, he some of your school
sat across from her on documents, birth certificate,
another stool, lifted the spoon and
from the table and added a other paper items.”
small amount of cream Kara’s hands started to shake
to his coffee. “You’ve been and she twisted them together
evicted.” on the marble
Coffee sloshed over her counter. It couldn’t be true. It
fingers as she jolted in shock, wasn’t true. “There has to be
her eyes flying to his some mistake.”
face, momentarily stunned. “It’s no mistake. My assistant
“That’s not possible. Lydia checked with the landlord
pays the rent. She gets early this morning.
my share every month.” She Your roommate was evicted,
reached automatically for a has been going through the
napkin in the center of eviction process for
the island to clean her fingers, some time. Yesterday was the
the pain of the superficial burn last day.” Simon took a sip of
not even his coffee, his eyes
registering because she was never leaving hers.
too shocked by his statement. OhmyGod, ohmyGod,
Was it a joke? Was his ohmyGod! Kara’s mind raced
sense of humor completely as she took in the
twisted? Didn’t he know that it implications of his revelation.
wasn’t nice to tease a No place to live. No
near-destitute woman over possessions. What the hell?
that sort of thing? “There has to be some
He finally met her gaze, his mistake,” she whispered, her
eyes grim and holding a touch gaze landing on the
of sympathy. “I’m coffee mug. Please let it be a
afraid your roommate has mistake. There was no way
fled. All that was in the she could catch up the
apartment late last night was
rent or replace her every month, never doubting
possessions. “What about my that her roommate used it to
things, my clothes?” pay their bills.
“Your roommate was Apparently, she hadn’t. “This
thorough. There was nothing is not happening,” she choked
there except a few boxes.” out, feeling as if her
“It had to be the wrong place.” whole world had just
“It’s the right place, Kara. I’m shattered. And actually, it had.
sorry.” Just a few words-one
Simon rattled off the address disaster, one betrayal-was all
and the name of her landlord it took to bring her life falling
and roommate. down around her.
“Everything correct?” “You okay?” Simon asked
Tears filled her blue eyes as hesitantly, sipping his coffee
she nodded, unable to speak and watching her
past the knot in her cautiously.
throat. Dear God…she had “Yes. No. I don’t know,” she
been balancing on a tightrope breathed incredulously. “I
for years, without a have to think.” What
net, and now she was to do. Where to live! How to
plunging to her death just as survive? She pushed the
she neared the end of the coffee cup away and
rope. buried her head in her arms in
She rarely communicated with front of her. Dear God…she
Lydia, but she never thought was destroyed. Think,
her roommate Kara. Think. “I didn’t know.
was capable of something like How could I not know?” she
this. They were cordial to asked Simon, but
each other, but Kara mostly herself really, as she
was only home at night to tried to understand how this
study and sleep, making her could happen.
encounters with Lydia “Your roommate dropped out
sporadic. She left her portion of school last semester.
of the rent and utilities on the Apparently, she hid
tiny kitchen table
everything so that she could The locks were due to be
still collect your money up changed. You can’t go back
until she had to leave,” there.”
Simon answered, his voice No home. No bed. No place to
edged with anger. “I’m sorry, go.
Kara. You have enough Despair and loss welled up
on your plate without this inside her and she suddenly
happening.” couldn’t breathe,
She raised her head and her couldn’t think. Silent tears
confused, fear-filled gaze met rolled from her eyes and all
his angry eyes with she could think about was
surprise. He was angry. At the last four years of struggle
Lydia. At the circumstances. and hardship. For nothing. All
Simon obviously did for nothing. She’d
have a heart. “E-everything is end up in a shelter, if she
gone? The furniture, my could find an available spot.
bedroom stuff, my other School would have to wait
belongings?” she stammered, until she could get back on
tears choking her throat. her feet.
“The only boxes left were “No. Oh, God, no.” She
brought here by my assistant, sucked in a deep breath,
Nina. They’re on the trying to squelch her panic,
bed in the guest room,” he but she couldn’t.
said gravely. “I checked Her body heaving, her hands
everything out, Kara. It was over her face, Kara Foster did
legal. Your roommate took something she
everything on the very last hadn’t done since the death of
day. If you had gone her parents.
home last night, you would She wept.
have found an empty Chapter 4
apartment. I’m glad you were The ice around Simon’s heart
spared that particular late- cracked just a little as he
night surprise. Nina gave the watched the totally
key back to the landlord.
despondent, forlorn woman in bearing it with admirable
front of him break down in strength. She was special,
tears, her hopeless and her tears nearly undid
sobs twisting in his gut. him. He took a deep breath
Fuck! If he could locate her and tightened his arms
worthless roommate, he’d around her waist, splaying
make her pay for every one
bit of pain Kara was suffering hand along her slender back,
right now. moving the hand in soothing
Unable to stop himself, Simon circles to calm her.
went to her and gathered her She felt so good, so right in
body against his his arms. His cock twitched as
own, lifting her into his arms he breathed in her
with careful tugs until she alluring scent. She smelled
came to her feet and put like spring and Kara-a natural,
her arms around his neck, enticing smell that
turning her face against his made his mouth water.
chest. He could feel her He cursed his twitching cock
body quivering, her smaller as he held her pliant, soft
form plastered against his body against his. Now
own, keening her misery was not the time to get hard,
against his shoulder. but he wasn’t sure he could
“Shhh…Kara. It will all be be within a mile of
okay. I’ll take care of you.” Kara and not get a raging
Simon ran a hand erection. A warm sigh left his
down her silky black hair, mouth, making a few
knowing that he meant every tendrils of her hair flutter.
word. It wasn’t just Simon wanted to make all of
something he was saying to her problems go away, banish
quiet her, take away her pain. them like they
He wanted to take care had never existed. “We’ll deal
of this woman who had seen with it, Kara. I’ll help you.”
more than her share of bad She pulled away from him,
luck and hardship, swiping tears away with the
fingers of both hands.
“I got you all wet.” She moment he saw her.
hiccupped as she brushed at Something had clicked inside
the front of his damp shirt. him, something raw, and
Simon wanted to whine as something elemental. “You
she pulled herself completely need help. Everybody needs
from his arms. “It help sometimes. I had
doesn’t matter.” my brother. I was lucky.”
“I can’t bawl like a baby all “Simon, I can’t just take
day. I have to see if I can find advantage of you.”
a shelter. This has Oh yeah, you can. Anytime
put me over the financial you want to. Simon plopped
edge.” Her face was back into his chair to
composed now, her hide his growing erection.
expression Thankfully, she sat and pulled
lifeless. her coffee cup toward
“No shelter. You can stay her. “You aren’t taking
here. I have plenty of space.” advantage. You’re just
He tried to keep his accepting a little assistance.”
voice calm, but he was ready She snorted before taking a
to wrestle her to the ground if sip of her lukewarm beverage.
needed. She wasn’t “It’s more than a
going to a shelter. She might little. I still have more than
be broken at the moment, but four months of school left. No
she would recover. money. No clothing.
“Think reasonably, Kara. You Nothing.”
need help. I’m willing to help Even though he wanted to tell
you. You can finish her to feel free to walk around
your last semester and live naked, he
here.” answered, “Nina is getting you
“Why? Why would you want some clothes. No worries.” He
me here? I’m a complete took a deep breath
stranger to you.” before continuing, “I only have
He wanted to tell her that she one condition. Otherwise, my
had never been a stranger, assistance is
not since the first unconditional.”
“What is it?” She looked at He watched her face turn red
him cautiously over her mug. and her eyes clashed with his
“I want you to stop working in a disgusted
while you’re in school.” He stare. Simon’s breath caught
had to bite back a silently, and his heart began
smile as her face turned up in to race. It was a risky
a stubborn, implacable move, but where else could
expression. This was going she go? What could she do?
to be a sore subject, but he But for a moment, for
wasn’t going to lose. an instant that felt like an
“I can’t stop working. I need to eternity, he watched her face,
live. I have nothing,” she told certain that she was
him adamantly. going to tell him to go screw
“No work. I’ll help you himself.
financially. You already do *****
forty hours a week at He was dictating to her, telling
school and that doesn’t her how to run her life, and
include study time. My offer, instinctively, she
take it or leave it.” He wanted to rebel. Kara let go of
wasn’t about to watch her a frustrated breath. His gaze
continue to fade away. After was immovable and
just one night of decent inflexible. No compromise,
sleep, the dark circles under then. It was his way or the
her eyes had decreased. It freeway. Did she really
would be nice to see them have a choice? She could
gone altogether and watch look for a shelter, but it would
her eat decent meals. She mean giving up school
might have an inner core for now and messing up the
made of steel, but damn it, whole program. “What about
her body was fragile. my insurance, my
“But, I-” benefits? What about the
“That’s the deal. Take it or restaurant?”
leave it?” “Mom’s place will be fine. She
has waitresses who want to
be full-time.”
Kara flinched as he made the take your money, and you get
statement, knowing it was nothing?” She gaped at him,
true. There were baffled by the whole
other employees who would arrangement.
be only too happy to step into “I don’t want your money.
her full-time position. Can’t you just take the help
“And I’ll make sure that you without questioning
stay on COBRA. You won’t my motives? I want to help,”
lose your he balked in an uneasy voice,
insurance.” finishing the last of
She searched his eyes, trying his coffee, slamming the cup
to read him, but Simon was a back to the table with an
mystery to her. impatient whack.
Why was he doing this? Did “I want to do something, give
she trust him? She hardly you something for your
knew him. She trusted trouble. I’ve always
Helen, and Helen adored her paid my own way.” Agitated,
sons. “Okay. I’ll do it. But you she stood and collected the
need to keep track cups. She took them to
of the funds and I’ll pay you the sink and rinsed them
back.” before putting them in the
“No deal.” dishwasher. Honestly, she
“You said you only had that should be kissing his feet in
one condition.” She drained gratitude, but being in his debt
her coffee, trying to somehow bothered
keep her hands steady by her. She wasn’t used to
grasping both sides of the taking. From anyone! She
mug. was a survivor, doing what
He shrugged. “It’s an add-on she
since you tried to change the needed to do just to stay one
original terms.” step ahead of poverty. This
“What are you getting out of was so foreign, so
all of this? I’m going to disrupt freaking confusing.
your privacy,
Kara turned around and She shivered as he crowded
slammed into Simon’s her, feeling the heat radiating
powerful body, a force that from his body. Kara
easily kept her body from was five foot eight barefoot,
advancing. The man was like but Simon towered over her in
concrete, fixed and height, strength, and
immobile. She put her hands power. He leaned his head
on his solid, muscular biceps down, his lips nuzzling her
to steady herself. ear. “You. In my bed. One
“Sorry,” she mumbled, but he night. Anything I want,
didn’t move away. anything I need.” His sultry,
“There’s only one thing I want low whisper sent fire
from you, Kara.” His voice careening through her entire
was low and husky body.
and he bent down and “Me?” She squeaked as his
inhaled, as though he were hungry lips trailed down the
breathing in her scent. He side of her neck,
slapped a hand on each side making her core clench tightly
of the counter, pinning her. with need and her pussy
The man was like a seething moist.
kettle of testosterone, and “You. One night,” he repeated
every female hormone as his hands moved to her
in her body was rising to hips and stroked
happily meet the masculine against the silk robe,
lure. He surrounded her, exploring her body greedily.
holding her body in thrall, Her head dropped to one
making her want to surrender side, giving him free access to
to his dominance. let him explore the
Something inside her melted, sensitive skin at the side of
wanting to sway into his her neck. Oh Lord, he felt
powerful arms. “WWhat?” good, smelled good. She
What could he possibly want couldn’t think as his mouth
from her? descended on hers.
Simon didn’t ask; he
demanded. His tongue
pushed against the seam of He pulled his mouth from
her hers, panting as though he
lips insistently and she gave had run a marathon.
way, letting him take her, his “God, you are so hot, Kara.
tongue owning her So responsive.” Her body was
mouth with demanding pulsating as his hand
strokes. She released an moved over her stomach. “I
involuntary moan into his kiss, want one night.”
feeling ravished and She jerked as his fingers
overwhelmed, her response reached her saturated pussy,
automatic and wanting. stimulating the pink,
Pushing ripe flesh, moving his thigh
back, she entwined his tongue back to explore her more
with hers, exploring him, thoroughly.
tasting him. “So wet, so ready,” he husked
Without releasing her from his as he circled her clit. “I can
impassioned embrace, his smell your arousal
hands came up to and it’s making me crazy. I
spread her robe, running want to taste you.”
possessive fingers over the “Oh, God. Please.” Kara was
responsive flesh, the caught up in sensation, heat
hardened nipples. He sizzling over every
alternately pinched and nerve ending in her body. Her
stroked, heightening her hands went to his shoulders,
desire needing the support
until she was out of control. A to keep standing.
strong, jean-clad thigh thrust “So sweet,” he murmured in
between her legs and her ear before his tongue
she pushed against it, trailed over the side of
desperate for the friction. Her her neck, flicking in a rhythm
hands plowed into his coarse that mimicked what he wanted
dark hair, fisting as she rode a to do elsewhere,
wave of erotic pleasure. overwhelming her with white-
hot desire to feel it there,
making her want that
velvet tongue between her surrendering completely.
thighs. Her channel clenched and
Her hips flexed, needing more she could feel the impending
contact, more of those climax all the way to
talented, teasing fingers. her toes. Ripping her mouth
“Simon, I need-” from his, she threw her head
“I know what you need. The back and let out a long
same thing that I need! But for groan as a powerful orgasm
now, I can give took her over, making her ride
you this.” His fingers zeroed in on waves of pleasure
on her needy bud, slipping that she had never
through her moist experienced before.
folds, finding where she Her head dropped against his
needed to be touched. shoulder as ripples continued
She moaned as he increased to make her body
the pace, the intensity. She shudder. “Oh, God. What in
was mindless with the hell was that?” She
raw need and a whimper panted as Simon closed her
escaped from her lips as one robe and pulled her sagging
hand continued his erotic body against his.
torture of her breasts, while “Pleasure. Just a taste of what
the other kept up a relentless we could have in bed,” he
assault on her inflamed replied quietly, his
clit. “Yes. Oh, yes.” Kara knew large body rocking her slightly
the passionate, hot voice was as she recovered. “I’d like one
her own, but she night, Kara. Not
barely recognized it. It was because you have to, but
high-pitched, keening, because you want it, too. I’ll
begging for relief. help you regardless. It’s
His mouth swallowed her your choice whether or not to
moan, as though he wanted give me what I want. But be
every bit of her warned…I like
pleasure. She responded, control.”
nipping at his lip, opening for
his possession,
Still shattered, her mind in through a lot today and you
chaos, she asked haltingly, need to get over your illness.
“What does that mean Rest. Eat. Relax. I’ll be
exactly?” in my computer lab upstairs if
“Total surrender,” he you need anything. Nina will
answered in a low, hoarse be here soon with
voice that vibrated with your clothes. Feel free to keep
barely-controlled passion. the robe. It looks good on you.
“Think about it. Say the word But just so you
and I’ll give you every know…I’ll have a raging
ounce of pleasure that I’m erection every time you wear
capable of giving.” it. I’ll remember every
“I’m not really that sweet sound, every delicious
experienced. I-I…you’d be response from you while you
disappointed.” She hadn’t had were coming in my
sex in more than five years arms.”
and even then, only with one Kara grasped the counter
boyfriend. It had been behind her, her knuckles
her only sexual relationship, white from the strength of
one that had lasted five years her grip as he turned and
and ended badly. sauntered away, muscles
“I don’t want sexual expertise. rippling in his perfectly
I just want you,” he replied formed ass and back as he
abruptly as he casually left the kitchen.
moved back, giving her “Did that really just happen?”
space. she whispered in an
Kara noticed the tense look astounded voice, hoping
on his face, the grooves that this whole day was just a
around his mouth. Eyes bad dream and she would
dropping to his groin, she wake up in her own bed,
could see his large shaft in her own tiny apartment.
straining against the denim. Simon Hudson was a danger
He leaned forward and gently to her sanity, and she needed
kissed her forehead. “Decide to stay as far away
later. You’ve been from him as possible.
Four months. Could she do it? But now you know it would be
She straightened her spine a one incredible night that
and wrapped the you’d never forget.
robe tighter around her body. And it would. That was her
She was a survivor; she fear. It would be much too
would survive. Simon had memorable.
mentioned that sleeping with Shaking her head, she
him wasn’t a requirement. It suddenly remembered the
didn’t have to happen. clinic. She should have been
Kara took a deep breath, there this morning.
trying to relax her body. She’d Oh, shit. I have to call Maddie.
do whatever she How could I have forgotten?
could to help Simon except Kara spent every Saturday
sleep with him. She could morning volunteering at the
cook, clean, help him out free children’s clinic
with whatever he needed to with Dr. Madeline Reynolds. It
have done. Not having a job was something Kara had
was going to leave her been doing every
restless. There had to be Saturday morning for the last
other things she could do to year and although she wasn’t
repay him. yet licensed as a
You want to. You know you nurse, she helped out by
want him. taking on every task she was
She shook her head, trying to capable of so that Maddie
silence her wayward thoughts. could see as many children as
Getting involved possible on clinic day.
with Simon Hudson was not a Kara snatched up a cordless
good idea. The billionaire phone from the kitchen
genius was the type counter and hastily dialed
who would leave her the clinic number, explaining
devastated after one night of to Maddie what had happened
passion. He had just proved it and that she was
by rocking her world, and she sorry she didn’t make it.
hadn’t even had sex with him.
“It’s not like you’re a paid “Stay safe. If you ever find
employee, Kara, even though that bitch of an ex-roommate,
I appreciate the fact feel free to call me.
that you keep showing up to I’ll beat the shit out of her,”
help. I’m fine for today. Are Maddie said, her voice
you okay? Do you indignant.
need a place to stay?” Kara laughed. “You’ll have to
Maddie’s voice was get in line. I’m pissed enough
concerned and Kara’s heart to do it myself.”
lifted. With a few more assurances
Maddie was so generous, so to Maddie that she would be
caring…but she couldn’t fine, Kara hung up
impose on her friend. Kara with a sigh and headed
knew that Maddie put every through the condo, wanting to
extra penny she had into the see what was left of her
free clinic and she was belongings.
fairly fresh out of medical You’ll make it. You’ve made it
school. Kara had heard this far. Four months will be
Maddie say jokingly, more easy. Someday,
than once, that she would still you can replace whatever was
be paying back student loans taken.
when she retired. A tingle went down her spine
“Nope. I’m good. I have as she searched for the guest
a…friend helping me out,” she room that housed
replied, hoping her her meager belongings,
voice sounded normal. sensing that the next four
There was a pause before months would be more
Maddie told her sternly, “You challenging than anything
call me if you need she’d ever faced before.
help, Kara. You will, won’t Poverty!
you?” Loneliness!
“I will. I promise. I’ll see you Rejection!
next Saturday.” Insecurity!
They all looked like a piece of The only fight that she had
cake compared to several actually won was the
months with Simon argument about him buying
Hudson. her a car. Kara had put her
Temptation was going to be a foot down and refused, telling
real bitch. him that she preferred
***** to take the bus. Honestly, she
Chapter 5 hadn’t really won that
Over the next six days, Kara argument either. The only
discovered that living with reason he had relented was
Simon was easy…as because he had his driver, a
long as he got his way. She delightful man named
caught herself grumbling, James, take her to school
more than once, about his every day and pick her up
overbearing attitude and take- again after class or clinicals.
charge tactics. Without James seemed to be at
question, the man was Simon’s beck and call, even
generous and she had though Simon drove himself
already had several to the office every morning in
conniption fits over how much a Bugatti Veyron. Kara had
money almost choked the first
he spent on her. Clothes, time she saw the
laptop, iPhone, iPod, iPad- outrageously expensive sleek
Simon loved gadgets that automobile, a car that she
began with an i-and anything actually had only seen
he thought was essential to previously in photos. Simon
her well-being. She shrugged, telling her that
had tried to patiently explain Sam had one too, only Sam’s
that she had lived well enough was newer, a fact that
without those things seemed to irritate Simon
before, but Simon simply whenever his precious vehicle
grunted and soon gave her was mentioned. Kara had
another so-called essential rolled her eyes at him
item, all of which were
definitely not necessities.
and walked away. Honestly, She had really balked when
he was just like a boy…only she saw how much money he
richer-a lot richer-and had deposited into
his toys a hell of a lot more her checking account. How in
expensive. the hell had the man found
Nina, Simon’s personal out her checking
assistant and another account number? He had just
employee to whom she’d raised his shoulders again
taken and told her to let him
an instant liking, delivered know when she needed
Kara’s new clothes early the additional funds and he would
previous Saturday take care of it. Additional
morning. And she hadn’t funds? He had transferred
come alone. It had taken a one hundred thousand dollars
string of strong, able-bodied to her account, a fact
men to trail in with a whole that had nearly sent her into
new wardrobe that definitely heart failure when she had
hadn’t come from checked her balance. An
Walmart or a normal discount account that usually sat in the
store. Kara now had a huge single digits had suddenly
walk-in closet filled become an endless
with expensive designer source of cash. How could
clothing, most of which she anyone spend that much
would probably never wear. money in a few months?
For God’s sake, even the Kara had tried to get him to
jeans were designer and take most of it back. Having
expensive. Every item fit that much money in her
perfectly. Simon had checked account was actually a bit
the soiled clothes in her daunting and her needs were
backpack to get her size. simple. She already had
The clothing incident had everything she needed and
been the first experience of more, thanks to Santa Simon.
many that was teaching Simon had just
Kara that Simon never did
anything in a small way.
mumbled a curse and some fixed a meal. It seemed that
statement about her being a Simon didn’t cook and existed
stubborn woman and mostly on
ignored her request. She had sandwiches when he was at
finally thrown her hands in the home because he had never
air and stomped really wanted to employ
away, muttering something a full-time chef. Of course, his
about inflexible, arrogant men. personal assistant bought his
A quiet chuckle had groceries, a task that
followed her out of the room Kara had taken over from a
and she had forced herself grateful Nina. Simon’s
not to look back to see if assistant said that she was
Simon was smiling. tired of seeing Simon live on
Actually, she was happy that the microwave dinners and
she could provide him with the sandwich fixings
some amusement, that he requested every week.
because she couldn’t seem to The tiny, well-kept woman,
find anything else to do to probably somewhere
help him. She felt in her sixties, had just uttered
swamped by guilt most of the an emphatic, “Hallelujah, he’ll
time for taking advantage of finally eat,” and
his generous nature. handed Kara his usual
He had laundry and cleaning grocery list quite joyfully.
staff who came in once a Kara closed her nursing book,
week, so it left little her studying complete, and
for Kara to do except cook, stretched out on her
and she had plenty of extra back, rolling on the huge king-
time to do that. Baking sized bed in the guest room
and cooking were about the until she was staring
only useful things she could at the ceiling.
do to help, but Simon She should ask Simon what
seemed to think it was some he wanted for dinner,
monumental task akin to although she already knew
saving his life when she how he would reply.
Anything that I don’t have to in his own home. They had
cook! never spoken about what had
He usually spent the morning occurred in the kitchen
in his office and the afternoon six days ago. They circled
and evening in around each other politely,
his computer lab upstairs. The making superficial
condo was enormous, and conversation at dinner.
Kara wondered if she As she turned and mounted
would ever find her way the black spiral staircase, she
around without making a few admitted to herself
wrong turns. that she actually wanted his
Hopping off the bed, she company. Working and going
walked through the gorgeous to school had kept her
living room, admiring busy and her loneliness at
the view from a large picture bay. Now, she had too much
window. Simon lived in the time with nothing to do
penthouse, the largest in the evenings except watch
condo in the building, and Simon’s enormous television
every twinkling light of Tampa or read after she had
was spread out in finished studying. Solitude
front of her in breathtaking was all well and good, but it
splendor. How incredible to got lonesome night after
have this splendid view night. At least when she was
every single night. She working, she had the
wished Simon would take a company of customers and
moment to enjoy it. He the
seemed to be obsessed with other employees.
a project right now and only Disgusted with herself, she
came down for a brief turned left after she reached
time for dinner before the top of the
returning to his lab. staircase, making her way to
Kara wondered if he was Simon’s lab. What did she
avoiding her and felt guilty have to complain about?
that he might be hiding
She had every luxury, every computer screens. Gaping,
convenience. She lived in a she realized she recognized
home most people only the picture on the largest
dreamed about and never had screen.
to worry about funds. Still, she Squinting, she asked quietly,
wanted a little “Hey. Is that Myth World?”
more of Simon’s company His head popped up and he
when she should just be met her eyes with a surprised
damned glad she had a roof look. “Yeah! You
over her head and an endless know the game?”
amount of food to eat. “Know it? I’m at expert level,”
Stopping outside the door to she answered, slightly
his lab, she tapped lightly. insulted that he thought
“Come in.” The abrupt, she wouldn’t be familiar with
distracted reply made her such a popular game. “Lydia
smile. He was definitely had it and I was
consumed with some sort of hooked after trying it the first
project. time.”
Usually she just poked her She loved the game and
head in, but curious about always got some time in
Simon’s lab, she entered whenever she could on
and closed the door behind Lydia’s computer, even if it
her. Computers were was late at night. It was her
everywhere and Simon had a one indulgence. She
chair on rollers that slid from couldn’t resist letting the
one computer to the other, computer take her to a whole
making it easy due to new world when she
the plastic that covered the played the game, challenging
floor under the circle of her to find out its secrets and
computers. She padded battle mythological
across the plush carpet until figures.
her feet met the smooth Simon’s lips started to curl
plastic and peeked at the and kept going until he was
wearing a shit-eating
grin that made her heart skip she tried to figure out all of the
a beat. It was the first honest, intricate details of the game.
completely brilliant “You made it
smile that she had ever seen harder,” she accused in a
from Simon. He rolled his laughing voice.
chair over to the “Was the original version
computer screen with the easy?” he asked her with a
familiar figures as he smile in his voice.
answered, “It’s my game. This “No. But it wasn’t this hard,”
is she answered, her eyes
Myth World II.” concentrating on the
“Oh, my God. Let me see.” busy screen.
She pushed in front of him in “It was. You just aren’t used to
her excitement. She this one yet.” His eyes
hadn’t seen the original game scanning her face, he
in a week, and here was the asked, “What do you like
newest addition. Right about the game?”
here in the home she lived in. “The strategy, the challenge
“Is it done? Can I play it? I of figuring out secrets, the
really miss that little make-believe world.
bit of escapism.” It’s like being catapulted into
“I just have the demo. It’s not another dimension for a short
on the market yet. You can try time.” She tipped her
it if you like,” eyes to his as she got
Simon answered in an completely destroyed on
indulgent and boyish voice. screen. “You are a genius,
He went through the controls Simon,” she told him with
and stood, allowing her to complete honesty. “I never
plop her rear in the available realized that this was a
chair and focus on the Hudson game.”
new game. Kara could almost swear he
It was similar, yet completely was blushing as he turned his
different, and Kara worried head, replying
her bottom lip as diffidently, “It’s just computer
stuff. Nothing exciting.”
She pulled her hands from the She put her hand to her heart
desk and folded them neatly in mock astonishment. “Oh,
on her lap as she horrors! You
told him emphatically, “It’s actually have other people’s
incredibly creative, Simon. It games on that computer?”
takes more than He moved closer to her,
programming to come up with towering over her with a
something like this.” mischievous grin.
“I’ll put them on your laptop,” “Sometimes I find it necessary
he told her quietly. to…check out the
“Oh, Lord, no. I’d never get competition.”
my studying done.” Her eyes “And are they good?” She
laughed up into his, looked up at him, loving this
her tone playful. boyish side of Simon.
“I think you can control “Nah…but I have to keep up
yourself,” he returned, with what’s selling,” he told
sounding disappointed. her, his tone
“Absolutely not. I have no impertinent.
control when it comes to Myth God, the man was so hot
World. Do you when he was joking around.
have other games that you’ve Oh shit, he was always
designed?” hot. She could smell his
“Of course, dozens of them.” masculine scent with a hint of
“Would you mind putting them sandalwood. It was a
on the PC in the den?” she warm, rich aroma that made
asked hesitantly. her squirm and her body
“You can come up here. Play tingle. “If you don’t mind,
on the usage computer.” He I’ll take you up on that offer.
pointed to a large I’m used to being busy and
computer and chair in the I’m not up on all the
corner. “All of my games are recent television shows. I get
on it. Actually, just about a little lonely sometimes. This
any game you can think of is place is so big.”
on there.”
Why had she admitted that? not for his generosity, but
“Just don’t be upset when I still… “I’ll be happier up here
don’t get dinner ready with you.”
on time. I get lost in your “You want my company?” He
games,” she told him in a searched her face, sounding
mock warning voice, an baffled.
attempt at levity. “Of course. But I know you’re
He came down on one knee, busy. And I thought maybe
his eyes level with hers. “Are you were avoiding
you lonely here, me after...well, after…”
Kara?” His tone sounded “After I told you that I wanted
concerned, dumbfounded, as to fuck you?” he asked
his dark eyes met hers. bluntly, his eyes
“You don’t like it here?” holding hers prisoner.
“No. Oh, no. Simon, it’s lovely “Yes,” she breathed softly,
here. How could I not be startled by his brusque
happy?” She sighed, statement, but glad that it
trying to explain. “I’m just so was out in the open. It had
used to not having much time been simmering, making her
to think, much time anxious.
to myself. It takes getting “I wasn’t avoiding you, Kara. I
used to after the crazy pace I want to see you, be with you,
had before.” whether you
“Suicidal, you mean,” he said, want to fuck me or not,” he
his tone edgy. “That lifestyle stated, his voice adamant.
was draining you “You do?” she asked with a
dry, Kara.” hint of wonder. “Why?”
“I know. And I’m grateful. “I get lonely sometimes, too. I
Really, I am. This is just enjoy your company.”
different,” she assured She took a deep breath,
him, not wanting him to think willing her racing heart to
she was ungrateful. Shit, slow.
she’d be on the streets if I want you to fuck me. I want
you to take me a hundred
different ways and
then do it again. It didn’t help. Simon towered
The breath left her body as over her as he rose to his
her eyes roamed over him. feet. “I’ll help you.
Just thinking about that I’m done here for now.”
large, solid, dominant body Kara gulped, wondering if the
over her, in her, made her massive kitchen was big
fidget in her chair. Her enough for both of
fingers itched to touch the them. She wanted to be near
face so close to her own, to him, but not so close that the
stroke the sexy, rough jaw longing that she felt
with the sensual five o’clock overwhelmed her. “Okay.
shadow that made his scars Let’s go see what we can
nearly invisible. round up.” Her strides were
Strangely, those small scars long and quick as she led the
added to his sex appeal, way to the kitchen, happy that
making him more she would have
masculine, more irresistible. Simon’s company, but not
No, Kara. Don’t think about it. quite sure how to deal with
Dinner. You came to ask him her treacherous body and
about dinner. its reaction to him.
Simon Hudson is way out of Total surrender.
your league. What exactly had he meant by
“I-I actually came to ask you that…and did she really want
what you wanted for dinner.” to find out?
Her voice was Chapter 6
unsteady and she was Simon knew he was slowly,
practically stumbling over her silently becoming completely
words. Simon’s close unglued. His mind
proximity was getting to her, was wandering to places it
making her want much more shouldn’t go, and he’d had to
than just his company. work extra hours the
She scooted her chair back last several days just because
and stood, nervously wiping he couldn’t think of anything
her sweaty palms on her except the fact that
Kara was here, in his home, “Why don’t you have a
driving him closer and closer boyfriend?” he asked
to insanity. curiously. “Wouldn’t it have
If I don’t fuck her soon, I’m been easier to go to school if
going to become unhinged. you had a man in your life?”
Glad he was following behind They had reached the kitchen
her so that she couldn’t see and Kara was pulling lettuce,
his obvious peppers, and
erection, he watched her hips other vegetables from the
sway in a pair of ass-hugging refrigerator. “Do you want to
jeans as he followed help cut the vegetables
her to the kitchen. Her fresh, for a salad? I’ll put in some
alluring scent wafted from her steaks.” She pulled meat from
body and he the refrigerator before
breathed it in like a man adding, “Why would I want a
deprived of oxygen, hungry boyfriend when I’m going to
for her fragrance. He school?” Giving him
smelled her everywhere, even a perplexed look, she pulled
his bedroom. Her aroma out a cutting board and
seemed to cling to every handed him a knife from the
portion of his house, block.
reminding him of her “Someone to help. Wouldn’t it
presence. Like he could forget be easier?” he replied as he
it? washed the
What was it about her that vegetables and started cutting
fascinated him so much? It awkwardly. Cooking was not
wasn’t as if she tried to one of his best skills.
make herself irresistible. She He almost sliced through his
wore very little make-up and finger as she burst out
he had yet to see her laughing before
in anything except jeans- answering, “In my experience,
minus the heart-stopping night boyfriends aren’t exactly
that she had appeared in helpful.”
that tight mini and sweater-but
he was completely enthralled.
She was amused, but Simon “It wasn’t meant to be. I’m
could hear a touch of hurt in actually thankful that I wasn’t
her voice. “Bad married to him.”
experience?” “It still hurt you.”
“Yes.” She shrugged. “It was a long
“What happened?” time ago.”
She put the steaks in the “Bastard.” Simon couldn’t help
broiler and bumped him out of himself. He wanted to hurt the
the way. She opened asshole.
the refrigerator and pulled out “What about you?” She
a beer. Twisting the top off, glanced toward him as she
she handed it to him scraped sliced green
and shooed him away to the peppers into the salad bowl.
island sitting area. “I’ll cut. “What about me?”
You’re likely to “Girlfriend? I feel like I might
amputate a digit or two.” be cramping your style. Me
Simon frowned as he took a living here, I
seat and watched her profile mean.” She didn’t look at him
as she sliced and as she started on the
diced like a professional. “So, tomatoes.
what happened?” He shrugged. “I’ve never had
She sighed. “I dated Chris for one.”
five years. I thought we would She stopped slicing and
end up married. gaped at him with a look of
Unfortunately, I came home astonishment.
from work early one day and “Seriously?”
caught him in bed with Simon didn’t include the one
the person I thought was my woman who had changed his
best friend.” life forever, at the
Was the guy totally insane? age of sixteen. He hadn’t
He had Kara in his bed every spoken her name or talked
night and he wanted about her in years. Not to
someone else? “He was an anyone.
“Nope. I’m not exactly a social immediately deflate him. Still,
kind of guy. Sam is the he couldn’t believe she
compulsive dater. actually found him
He’s got the looks for it,” he attractive. “What about my
replied dryly, taking a swig of scars? Sam is a movie-star-
his beer. handsome blond with
She mumbled something that green eyes. Women seem to
Simon didn’t quite catch. love that.” Women loved
“What was that?” he asked, Sam…and Sam loved
wondering why her face was women. All of them! He
turning beet red. charmed women of all ages.
“I said that you’re better Too bad that he couldn’t
looking.” seem to keep that adoration
Simon almost dropped his after they started dating him.
beer, barely catching it before “I guess I prefer my men tall,
it fell into his lap. dark, and grouchy,” she told
“Have you seen Sam?” him lightly as she
She breezed out to the dining pulled the steaks from the
room to put the salad on the oven.
table, calling out He grabbed a potholder, his
behind her. “Sure. You have grin broadening as he took
pictures of him and Helen the sizzling steaks
everywhere.” from her, dropping one on
His jaw dropped and he each of the two plates that
waited until she came back to she had set out. He
check the steaks before watched her from hooded
replying roughly, “Then you eyes, trying to figure out if she
know that’s not true.” was actually flirting
“In my opinion, it is,” she told with him. He didn’t have a
him stubbornly. “Just don’t get clue. Maybe she was just
a fat head over being nice. After all, she
it.” didn’t know Sam and she was
Simon grinned. Only Kara living in his house. Still, her
could throw out a compliment comment warmed
and then
him, made him feel special. back and reached into the
No one had ever considered front pocket of his jeans. He
him handsome when held out his hand, but
compared to Sam, except Kara was still shaking her
possibly his mother. The head tenaciously, so he
women who had sex with him dropped the object on the
did so for financial gain. A table.
mutual agreement that had “Oh, my God,” Kara breathed
suited him just fine…with softly, her voice filled with awe
those women! and delight.
Kara was an altogether She reached for the ring with
different story. Instinctively, trembling fingers, sliding it on
Simon knew an her finger slowly.
arrangement with Kara that “My mother’s ring. I didn’t
was similar to his previous think I would ever see it again.
ones would destroy him. How did you find
As they settled at the dining it?”
room table, Simon suddenly “Pawn shop,” he replied, glad
remembered what that he had made some of his
he had managed to obtain for employees troll
her earlier. “I have something all of the area stores for the
for you.” ring. “I knew it was the one
He nearly laughed as she thing that you were sad
frowned at him, shaking her to lose.”
head as she said, “It’s not expensive, but it
“Simon, I’m not taking one means a great deal to me. It’s
more thing. You’ve done the only thing I have
enough. Way too much.” left that belonged to my
He didn’t think he had done mom,” she choked, her voice
nearly enough, but he replied, wobbling with emotion.
“You’ll take this.” Simon would never tell her
“No…I won’t.” that her roommate only got a
God, he loved that stubborn few dollars for the
look on her face. He tipped
the dining room chair
piece of jewelry on her finger. scent was making him want to
It was an inexpensive ring devour her. Every delightful
shaped like a butterfly inch of her. “I think I
with a tiny amethyst chip in deserve a real kiss. I told you
the center, but Simon had that you would accept it,” he
seen Kara’s sorrow over mentioned softly, his
losing it. voice sultry.
“I’m glad we could find it.” She threaded her fingers
Simon never saw her coming. through his hair and their eyes
She flew from her chair, her collided as she tipped
delicious ass his head back. Simon’s heart
landing in his lap and her stuttered as he saw the
arms flung around his neck. hungry, passionate glow of
His arms tightened around her gaze.
her waist to keep her from Her lids lowered slowly as her
sliding as she peppered him mouth descended to his.
with kisses. On his face, Simon closed his eyes
on his hair, everywhere that and moved one hand up to
she could reach. He could feel the back of her head, sighing
the excitement as his fingers sifted
radiating from her body, joy through her silky mass of dark
oozing from every pore. hair. She tasted like woman
“Thank you, Simon. You’re and need, and he
the most wonderful man on responded with an
earth.” uncontrolled desire that nearly
Oh, Christ! As much as he pushed him over the edge.
loved her enthusiasm and Her
treasured her happiness, tongue teased his between
if she didn’t stop bouncing little nibbles on his lips and it
that luscious rear end against made him want more,
him, he was going to need more. Putting pressure
come in his pants. Her ample to the back of her head, he
breasts were rubbing against crushed her mouth to his,
his chest and her wanting to plunder and
explore every inch of the
sweet cavern. The hand on “I want you, Simon.
her Desperately.” Her fuck-me-
waist slid to her ass, bringing breathless voice saying those
her almost fully against him, particular words made Simon
making him groan groan, desperate to be inside
into her mouth as their her. Still…
tongues dueled and tasted. “Don’t do this out of gratitude,”
She was so responsive, so he growled.
eager, that Simon lost himself She pulled back to look at
to her in that him, her eyes shining with
moment, not caring if he was need. “I would never do
ever found. Kara. Kara. Her this out of gratitude. I’m tired
name pounded of trying to fight this attraction
against his brain as he tried to between us,
consume her, own her. Feral Simon. I want my one night.
possessiveness drove The one that you offered.”
him as his marauding tongue One night. Simon’s heart was
swept into her mouth, over thundering. “Total surrender?”
and over, sliding “I’m not sure what that
sensuously against hers. means…but yes…total
She pulled her mouth away, surrender. I know you would
panting as she buried her face never hurt me.”
in his neck. Simon Her trust and faith in him
could feel her hot breath nearly brought him to his
against his ear as she knees. She had no idea
delivered small licks and nips what lie ahead, but she
down the side of his neck. wanted him enough to agree
“Kara, I’m not a saint.” Jesus to his request. He nuzzled
Christ, he couldn’t take much her ear as he whispered
more of this. His harshly, “It means that I need
cock was hard enough to control. I want to tie you to
pound nails and every instinct my bed, blindfold you, and
was screaming at him to fuck you until neither of us is
take her. able to move.”
Simon felt her shiver in his him.A smart, street-wise
arms, but she answered woman should probably fight
softly, “Then do it. Take the temptation. But Kara
me to bed, Simon.” had never been enticed by a
Barely able to believe she man like Simon Hudson. He
was in his arms and willing, was an enigma, a
Simon stood and mystery that she hadn’t yet
carried her toward his solved. Gruff, abrupt,
bedroom, hoping he wasn’t in brilliant…but also considerate,
the middle of the best wet kind, and every now and then
dream he had ever had. she caught a vulnerability that
Chapter 7 made her want to
Kara trembled as Simon hold him close and soothe his
swept her up in his strong, battered soul. Kara had no
muscular arms and doubt that at some
cradled her gently against his point in his life, Simon Hudson
powerful body. Had she really had been hurt. Badly! How
just told him to take could she resist the
her to bed and do anything he yearning she had for him?
wanted to her? Yes…she She had to have one night
had…and she was with him, one chance to
shaking with anticipation. experience true desire. If she
What she had told him was didn’t grasp this opportunity,
true. She was tired of Kara knew she would
fighting her attraction to him, regret it for the rest of her life.
an attraction that was so It was gut instinct, but she had
much more than a tiny bit grown up tough
of chemistry. Drawn to him as and had learned to go with
she had never been to her intuition.
another man, the struggle It had been screaming at her
was futile, the outcome tonight, beating at her to
inevitable. Her body burned to accept Simon’s earlier
be taken by him, and only proposition, telling her that
she should take the chance to
experience a passion
and desire unlike anything “No,” he barked as he ripped
she had ever experienced his mouth from hers and
before and that might never grasped her wrist.
come along again. “I just needed to touch you,”
She felt her feet hit the plush she panted, confused by his
carpet in Simon’s bedroom as complete change of
he lowered her attitude.
slowly to the ground, their “I need you naked. This has to
bodies sliding together until go my way, Kara,” he told her
she found her footing. quietly. “I told
His expression was volatile, you what I wanted. I was
his eyes dark with hunger and completely serious.”
desire as his mouth His voice was demanding, but
came down on hers. Raw Kara could hear a tinge of
need ripped through her and vulnerability in his
she tightened her arms statement. Wanting his
around his neck as he possession more than she
plundered her mouth, pulling wanted her next breath, she
the clip from her hair and stood back and pulled her t-
burying his fingers, pulling her shirt over her head. Popping
mouth tighter against his. One open the button of her
hand came down jeans, she lowered the zipper
and gripped her ass tightly, as she met his eyes with no
pulling her up and against his shyness or hesitation.
hard erection, making Shimmying out of the tight
her moan into his mouth with designer jeans, she let them
her desire for him to be inside drop to the floor, kicking
her. She was out of them as they stopped at
already wet, ripe for his her ankles. She stood, her
possession. eyes never leaving his,
Needing some skin to skin in a very flimsy black silk bra
contact, she reached for his and matching thong.
shirt, desperate to “Holy Christ. You’re the most
touch his bare skin. beautiful woman I’ve ever
seen,” he breathed
reverently as he cupped her They were gone in seconds,
cheek and let his finger slide her desire to have him inside
slowly over her face her intense, her core
and down the side of her screaming for relief.
neck, until he reached the Longing and apprehension
swell of her breasts, warred in her mind as she
accentuated by the barely- stood in front of Simon,
there bra. completely naked. “Simon, I
“It’s the expensive lingerie,” haven’t been with anyone for
she told him softly, her breath a long time.”
hitching as he “How long?” he growled, his
caressed the tops of her hand cupping her ass
breasts lightly, making her possessively.
shiver with desire. “Five years. And even then I
“It’s you,” he answered, his wasn’t very good in bed.
fingers reaching for the front There was only Chris,
clasp of the bra. It and I wasn’t enough to satisfy
gave way easily, spilling her him,” she answered softly,
breasts into his waiting hands. trying not to let the
“You’re perfection.” insecurities of the past
Kara shook her arms and the hammer against her brain.
material dropped to the floor “Did he fucking tell you that?”
silently. She hissed He insisted on knowing, his
as his hands roamed over her breath hot against
body, cupping the tender flesh her neck.
of her breasts, his “Yes. He said that’s why he
thumbs teasing her sensitive needed another woman,” she
nipples. His fingers branded, choked out,
leaving trails of heat humiliated. She had believed
wherever he touched. Chris. Even though he was
“Although I love those panties, her first and only, she
they need to go,” he insisted knew something had been
in a husky voice, seriously lacking.
a mere whisper, as his mouth
nipped at the lobe of her ear.
“He was a complete idiot, Simon picked her up and
Kara. You’re all the woman placed her in the middle of the
any man could want or bed, pulling the
dream about. Exactly what I bedding down roughly until it
need. It was his issue, not lay crumpled at the end of the
yours,” he grunted, bed. Her ass was
placing his hands on both stroked by the black silk fitted
sides of her head and pulling sheet that still remained under
her away from his body her as she scooted
until his eyes met hers. up on the bed.
“I want this. I really do. I want Simon sat on the edge of the
you. I’m just a little nervous,” bed, his hand reaching for the
she admitted, drawer beside the
her body still singing with bed. He yanked four fur-lined
arousal. “I don’t want to handcuffs, complete with
disappoint you.” attached hardware, from
“Listen to me,” he grumbled the drawer, followed by a long
as his hands fisted in her hair. strip of black silk.
“You could never, “Complete surrender,” she
ever disappoint me. I want murmured softly as she
you so badly I’m ready to lose leaned back against the
my mind. I have you. I silk-covered pillows.
have control. I make the “Yes,” he answered softly, his
decisions. You have nothing eyes raking her body hungrily
to do except to come, as as he reached for
loud and as long as you want her arm to attach the first cuff.
to. You please me just by She had no doubt that Simon
being here and wanting had done this many times
me. As long as I can make before. He had her
you come, I’ll be ecstatic.” secured to the bed, spread-
She sighed, her body eagled, in less than a minute.
relaxing. Simon would make it She watched him, his
good. She already knew eyes ravenous on her body as
that. “Then make me come, he went through the motions.
Simon. Take me to bed.”
She was surprised by her own Opening her eyes again, she
reaction. The more helpless saw his face, fierce and
he made her, as he ravenous, before he
attached each limb to the bed, blocked her vision with a
the more aroused she swatch of black silk,
became. Being spread out obliterating all of her sight,
for his pleasure gave her a leaving everything pitch black.
freedom she had never A moment of panic seized
experienced. No decisions to her, but she felt
make, no wondering what Simon’s hot breath hit her ear,
would please him. He was the his tongue tracing the edges
master and all she had as he whispered,
to do was wait for her “Being sightless will heighten
pleasure. There was every sensation, Kara. Every
something so erotic about touch of my tongue
being will be sharper, more acute.
bound to his bed that her hips Everything more arousing.”
rotated and she moaned softly “I’m aroused enough, Simon.
as she yanked on For God’s sake, touch me
the cuffs, feeling almost no before I die of
give, but no pain. longing,” she whined, waiting
“Are you going to gag me?” in the darkness to feel him.
she asked curiously, but not She heard a low, rumbling
afraid. chuckle as he left the bed, his
“Oh, hell no. I want to hear clothes rustling as
every little cry of pleasure, they hit the ground. The bed
every sweet little dipped with his weight as he
sound that you make as you returned. “You look so
come for me.” incredibly beautiful it’s hard to
The heat flowing over her decide where to start. I’ve
body spiked to boiling at his imagined this for so
growling, sexy words. long. I can’t believe you’re
She closed her eyes, so really here with me. In my
desperate for release that she bed.” His voice was
whimpered softly. rough, graveled.
Kara was about to open her another, stretching her,
mouth to tell him to pick any opening her, making her wish
spot, just please he would fill her with his
start now, when his mouth cock.
covered hers. His kiss was “Jesus, Kara. You’re so wet,
voracious and filled with so tight,” he murmured hotly
longing. He was naked and against her nipple,
she sighed into the embrace his body tense against hers.
as she felt his blazing With her sight gone and her
hot skin against hers. His limbs bound, all Kara could do
marauding tongue and mouth was feel, and
claimed her over and Simon was playing her body
over, while a wandering hand like it was a musical
stroked her body, teasing her instrument. It was heightening
nipples, sliding over her senses…to an almost
her hip, slipping between her unbearable level. “I need you.
bound, spread legs and into Please.”
her wet folds. “Soon, sweetheart,” he
She broke her mouth from his, crooned as that wicked
panting as his fingers slipped tongue trailed down her
into her tender abdomen, flicking into her
flesh, brushing over her bellybutton, before it finally
swollen, sensitive clit. laved the lips of her
“Please, Simon. Oh, God.” pussy, making her cry out and
She shudder with fierce, aching
needed him. Her whole body lust. His fingers sifted
burned and she jerked at her through the well-trimmed hair
bindings, desperate on her mound as that talented
for more contact. tongue slid along
His lips moved down over her her slick folds, delving deeper
breasts, his tongue stroking and deeper as she released a
and gently biting at series of short,
one nipple, and then the incoherent, puling noises.
other. He slid one finger into
her channel, and then
Her back arched, straining murmuring his enjoyment of
against her bindings, as his every drop.
firm, insistent mouth She shuddered, feeling his
circled her needy bud, before exquisite, burning, naked
finally latching over the nub, flesh against hers as he
clamping it lightly slid up and over her.
with his teeth. White-hot need His mouth covered hers and
hit her like lightning, her body she sighed into his kiss,
sizzling as he tasting her own essence
positioned the naked nub for on his mouth. Dear God, she
his flicking, relentless tongue. had never experienced an
“Oh, God, Simon.” Her voice orgasm so strong, so
was hoarse and needy, intense. She returned the
begging him to let her kiss, trying to make Simon
climax. Every nerve in her understand the significance
body was alive and tingling, of what had just happened, of
her core clenching with what she had experienced, by
longing as the pressure built pouring every ounce
to an almost unbearable level. of passion she felt into the
His large hands slid under her embrace.
ass, bringing her pussy tight “That was incredible,” she
against his mouth. breathed as she pulled her
The pressure increased on mouth away. Feeling his
her clit and Kara could feel hard cock against her thigh,
her climax rip through she squirmed, more than
her, every inch of her body ready for him to take her,
shaking as spasms gripped knowing it would fill more than
and released. Over and one empty place inside her.
over. “Yes. Oh, yes.” Her Primitive and wild,
head fell back and she she bucked against him,
moaned with abandon as her begging for his untamed
entire body went up in flames. possession.
Simon lapped at the juices “You taste like fine wine,
that flowed from her, Kara. I could have stayed
there all day,” he
mumbled in a ravenous, badly,” she begged with a
yearning voice. “You’re so slight sob, completely out of
beautiful. So very beautiful.” control.
“So are you, Simon. Please His hips thrust forward and
fuck me,” she groaned, her she was instantly filled. He
body pleading for was big and she
him. hadn’t had a man inside her
“Tell me that you want me, for so long. Simon stretched
that you need me,” he her, forcing her walls to
demanded, his tone raw and expand and accept him. Her
harsh. slick, wet flesh gave way,
She could feel the head of his allowing him entrance as
member nudging against her his massive member lodged
tight opening. completely inside her.
“Oh, shit. Condom,” Simon “God, sweetheart, you’re so
groaned painfully. tight,” Simon choked, almost
She lifted her hips, needing as if he were in
him inside her so badly that pain. “So hot. You feel so
she was ready to damn good, so incredible.”
scream. “I’m on the pill to “Yes,” she panted, completely
regulate my periods. I’m filled, completely taken by
covered. I’m clean.” Simon. His big
“I’m clean, too, and this would body consumed her,
be my first time without a dominated her as he pulled
condom. I won’t back and entered her again,
last, but I want you this way. rubbing against her g-spot,
Nothing between us,” he driving her higher and higher
warned her, his breath as he increased his
heavy and hot against her pace. His hips pistoned into
neck. her, one hand sliding under
“I don’t care. Come inside me, her ass to pull her up to
Simon. I want you so much. I meet him, making their skin
need you so slap together in a satisfying,
forceful meeting.
In the dark, Kara absorbed as her body pulsed and her
every sensation, every thrust. channel spasmed around his
Simon was making cock, milking him.
her body sing with pleasure “Oh, Jesus, Kara,” Simon
and she grasped the chains groaned. “You’re so sweet.
on the cuffs, her fingers And so damned hot.”
digging into the metal as she His mouth came down on
cried out his name. His body hers as he entered her one
slammed into hers and last time, as though he
she relished each thrust, wanted to possess every part
every pump of his hips. Their of her, spilling himself deep
bodies were both slick inside her with a harsh,
with sweat and they moved tortured groan.
against each other in an erotic They both came back to
slide. A dusting of reality slowly. Simon pulled
hair on Simon’s chest away from her and
abraded her nipples as he rolled to her side, his head
moved, adding to her arousal, resting on her shoulder, his
making her moan as she arms around her body,
moved her head from side to squeezing her possessively.
side, not sure if she could Her lips searched, kissing the
bear the sensation overload. top of his head as she
“Come for me, Kara. Come. I tried to catch her breath.
want to watch your pleasure.” Her heart was thundering and
His low, she wished she could see
seductive voice whispered to Simon right now, his
her, coaxed her, as his cock hair mussed, his eyes still
filled her again and smoky with spent passion.
again. Faster and faster. She was nearly destroyed
When his hand moved by the depths of her feelings.
between their bodies and Scared. Exhilarated.
boldly stroked her clit, she Confused. She was a
exploded as ecstasy seized jumbledup
her, seeing brilliant colors
flash through the darkness
mess at the moment, not quite her nude form. The room was
sure how to feel or how to dark, the only illumination
react. Sex had never coming from the
been so all-consuming for her. window and the brightness of
What in the hell had the moon, but she could see
happened? his frown.
Simon. Simon had happened. Did he regret what happened?
And she would never be the Was he upset that he had just
same. slept with a
She felt his kiss, a light caress woman he barely knew? So
to her lips, before he rolled upset that he wanted to get rid
out of bed. She of her, put her back in
heard the zipper of his jeans her own bed and forget their
close and knew that he was cataclysmic joining had ever
getting dressed. It was happened?
only moments before she was Or perhaps, it had only been
free and the blindfold was life-changing for her.
being removed. Leaning forward, he kissed
His hair was adorably mussed her forehead lightly and
and his eyes were raking her whispered in a low husky
nude body as voice, “Thank you, Kara. I’ll
though he was ready to have never forget tonight.”
her again. Kara shivered, not Tears choked her, jamming
only from her the back of her throat. She
nakedness, but from the couldn’t answer,
tortured look she saw in his couldn’t ask any of the
eyes. questions she so desperately
He scooped her up and wanted to ask.
carried her down the hall to He exited the room, closing
her room. He pulled the the door softly behind him.
covers back and deposited Gone. Just like that. He hadn’t
her in the middle of her bed, even wanted to sleep with
pulling the covers over her.
Kara let go of her tears, letting Pushing aside his rejection
them slide down her cheeks and her hurt feelings, Kara
as she rested her tried to reason out the
head against the pillow, situation. Regardless of what
wondering what had just he felt for her, Simon had
happened. Having Simon some issues. The
dump restraints, the blindfold, not
her back in her room after the wanting her to see him when
most incredible sexual they had sex. Maybe
encounter of her life was he liked a little kink-she had
like being slapped in the face. certainly discovered that she
With a heavy dose of reality. liked it-but something
He’s a billionaire, Kara. Wake more was going on in his
up. Did you think he wanted head.
anything more Something deeper.
than a casual screw? Something darker.
She had to remind herself that He’d never had a girlfriend?
she was a big girl. She had That, in itself, was strange. He
gone into the certainly didn’t
encounter with her eyes wide lack sexual prowess. He was
open, knowing it was nothing incredibly rich and as
more than one night. handsome as sin. Why had he
Then why does this hurt so never had a long-term
damn much? relationship?
Sliding quietly out of bed, Kara rolled to her back, her
Kara opened one of the mind racing. Simon’s
drawers of her dresser and problems were really none
slipped into a nightgown of her business and she
before returning to her bed. doubted if he would
She drew the covers tightly appreciate her poking her
around her as her body nose into
quaked. Simon had been so his life. But she wanted to
hot, so warm. Now all she help him. It wasn’t his fault
felt was cold and empty. that he couldn’t care for
her. He’d been nothing but demons that he couldn’t truly
generous and kind. If she see. In the dream, Kara was
could help him, maybe he an observer, trying
could fall in love and have a desperately to reach the man
relationship with a woman he in agony, holding her hand out
could love some day. to him, begging him
Her gut twisted and her chest to latch onto her, to let her
squeezed tightly at the help him. He started to slowly
thought, but she tried to lift one hand, still
ignore it. Simon deserved to stabbing at the dark with the
be happy. She needed to be a other, trying to vanquish the
friend and try to get to clawing, dark shadows
the bottom of his issues. that threatened him. Finally,
You want to be more than his his hand met hers, his grip
friend, and you know it. firm and she tugged with
“Shut the hell up,” she every ounce of strength she
whispered furiously to the had, trying to bring him to her.
dark room, flopping onto In the end, she couldn’t. The
her stomach and pulling a man yanked her into the
pillow over her head, as darkness and she let out
though her actions would a terrified, blood-curdling
silence her treacherous scream as he pulled her to
thoughts. him, taking her into a deep,
It didn’t. And it took Kara quite dark, whirling vortex.
some time to finally fall into a He fell, and she went with
troubled, him, knowing neither of them
restless sleep that brought would ever escape.
disturbing dreams of a *****
handsome, dark-haired,
man with an expression filled
with anguish and misery,
trying to fight

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