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3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

Advanced AD DS Management
Using Active Directory
Administrative Center (Level 200)
08/07/2018 18 minutes to read Contributors all
In this article
Active Directory Administrative Center Architecture
Enabling and Managing the Active Directory Recycle Bin Using Active Directory Administrative Center
Configuring and Managing Fine-Grained Password Policies Using Active Directory Administrative
Using the Active Directory Administrative Center Windows PowerShell History Viewer
Troubleshooting AD DS Management
See Also

Applies To: Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

This topic covers the updated Active Directory Administrative Center with its new Active
Directory Recycle Bin, Fine-grained Password policy, and Windows PowerShell History
Viewer in more detail, including architecture, examples for common tasks, and
troubleshooting information. For an introduction, see Introduction to Active Directory
Administrative Center Enhancements (Level 100).

Active Directory Administrative Center Architecture

Enabling and Managing the Active Directory Recycle Bin Using Active Directory
Administrative Center
Configuring and Managing Fine-Grained Password Policies Using Active Directory
Administrative Center
Using the Active Directory Administrative Center Windows PowerShell History Viewer
Troubleshooting AD DS Management

Active Directory Administrative Center

Architecture… 1/27
3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

Active Directory Administrative Center Executables, DLLs

The module and underlying architecture of Active Directory Administrative Center has not
changed with the new recycle bin, FGPP, and history viewer capabilities.


The underlying Windows PowerShell and layer of operations for the new Recycle Bin
functionality are illustrated below:

Enabling and Managing the Active Directory

Recycle Bin Using Active Directory Administrative


The Windows Server 2012 or newer Active Directory Administrative Center enables
you to configure and manage the Active Directory Recycle Bin for any domain
partition in a forest. There is no longer a requirement to use Windows PowerShell or… 2/27
3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

Ldp.exe to enable the Active Directory Recycle Bin or restore objects in domain
The Active Directory Administrative Center has advanced filtering criteria, making
targeted restoration easier in large environments with many intentionally deleted


Because the Active Directory Administrative Center can only manage domain
partitions, it cannot restore deleted objects from the Configuration, Domain DNS, or
Forest DNS partitions (you cannot delete objects from the Schema partition). To
restore objects from non-domain partitions, use Restore-ADObject.

The Active Directory Administrative Center cannot restore sub-trees of objects in a

single action. For example, if you delete an OU with nested OUs, users, groups, and
computers, restoring the base OU does not restore the child objects.

7 Note

The Active Directory Administrative Center batch restore operation does a "best
effort" sort of the deleted objects within the selection only so parents are ordered
before the children for the restore list. In simple test cases, sub-trees of objects
may be restored in a single action. But corner cases, such as a selection that
contains partial trees - trees with some of the deleted parent nodes missing - or
error cases, such as skipping the child objects when parent restore fails, may not
work as expected. For this reason, you should always restore sub-trees of objects
as a separate action after you restore the parent objects.

The Active Directory Recycle Bin requires a Windows Server 2008 R2 Forest Functional Level
and you must be a member of the Enterprise Admins group. Once enabled, you cannot
disable Active Directory Recycle Bin. Active Directory Recycle Bin increases the size of the
Active Directory database (NTDS.DIT) on every domain controller in the forest. Disk space
used by the recycle bin continues to increase over time as it preserves objects and all their
attribute data.

Enabling Active Directory Recycle Bin using Active Directory

Administrative Center… 3/27
3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

To enable the Active Directory Recycle Bin, open the Active Directory Administrative
Center and click the name of your forest in the navigation pane. From the Tasks pane, click
Enable Recycle Bin.

The Active Directory Administrative Center shows the Enable Recycle Bin Confirmation
dialog. This dialog warns you that enabling the recycle bin is irreversible. Click OK to
enable the Active Directory Recycle Bin. The Active Directory Administrative Center shows
another dialog to remind you that the Active Directory Recycle Bin is not fully functional
until all domain controllers replicate the configuration change.

) Important

The option to enable the Active Directory Recycle Bin is unavailable if:

The forest functional level is less than Windows Server 2008 R2

It is already enabled

The equivalent Active Directory Windows PowerShell cmdlet is:

PowerShell = Copy


For more information about using Windows PowerShell to enable the Active Directory
Recycle Bin, see the Active Directory Recycle Bin Step-by-Step Guide.… 4/27
3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

Managing Active Directory Recycle Bin using Active Directory

Administrative Center

This section uses the example of an existing domain named This
domain organizes users into a parent OU named UserAccounts. The UserAccounts OU
contains three child OUs named by department, which each contain further OUs, users, and

Storage and Filtering

The Active Directory Recycle Bin preserves all objects deleted in the forest. It saves these
objects according to the msDS-deletedObjectLifetime attribute, which by default is set to
match the tombstoneLifetime attribute of the forest. In any forest created using Windows
Server 2003 SP1 or later, the value of tombstoneLifetime is set to 180 days by default. In
any forest upgraded from Windows 2000 or installed with Windows Server 2003 (no service
pack), the default tombstoneLifetime attribute is NOT SET and Windows therefore uses the
internal default of 60 days. All of this is configurable.You can use the Active Directory
Administrative Center to restore any objects deleted from the domain partitions of the
forest. You must continue to use the cmdlet Restore-ADObject to restore deleted objects
from other partitions, such as Configuration.Enabling the Active Directory Recycle Bin… 5/27
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makes the Deleted Objects container visible under every domain partition in the Active
Directory Administrative Center.

The Deleted Objects container shows you all the restorable objects in that domain
partition. Deleted objects older than msDS-deletedObjectLifetime are known as recycled
objects. The Active Directory Administrative Center does not show recycled objects and
you cannot restore these objects using Active Directory Administrative Center.

For a deeper explanation of the recycle bin's architecture and processing rules, see The AD
Recycle Bin: Understanding, Implementing, Best Practices, and Troubleshooting.

The Active Directory Administrative Center artificially limits the default number of objects
returned from a container to 20,000 objects. You can raise this limit as high as 100,000
objects by clicking the Manage menu, then Management List Options.… 6/27
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Active Directory Administrative Center offers powerful criteria and filtering options that you
should become familiar with before you need to use them in a real-life restoration.
Domains intentionally delete many objects over their lifetime .With a likely deleted object
lifetime of 180 days, you cannot simply restore all objects when an accident occurs.

Rather than writing complex LDAP filters and converting UTC values into dates and times,
use the basic and advanced Filter menu to list only the relevant objects. If you know the
day of deletion, the names of objects, or any other key data, use that to your advantage
when filtering. Toggle the advanced filter options by clicking the chevron to the right of the
search box.

The restore operation supports all the standard filter criteria options, the same as any other
search. Of the built-in filters, the important ones for restoring objects are typically:… 7/27
3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

ANR (ambiguous name resolution - not listed in the menu, but what is used when you
type in theFilterbox)
Last modified between given dates
Object is user/inetorgperson/computer/group/organization unit
When deleted
Last known parent
Country /region
Employee ID
First name
Job title
Last name
Telephone number
ZIP/Postal code

You can add multiple criteria. For example, you can find all user objects deleted on
September 24, 2012 from Chicago, Illinois with a job title of Manager.

You can also add, modify, or reorder the column headers to provide more detail when
evaluating which objects to recover.… 8/27
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For more information about Ambiguous Name Resolution, see ANR Attributes.

Single Object

Restoring deleted objects has always been a single operation. The Active Directory
Administrative Center makes that operation easier. To restore a deleted object, such as a
single user:

1. Click the domain name in the navigation pane of the Active Directory Administrative
2. Double-click Deleted Objects in the management list.
3. Right-click the object and then click Restore, or click Restore from the Tasks pane.

The object restores to its original location.… 9/27
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Click Restore To... to change the restore location. This is useful if the deleted object's
parent container was also deleted but you do not want to restore the parent.

Multiple Peer Objects

You can restore multiple peer-level objects, such as all the users in an OU. Hold down the
CTRL key and click one or more deleted objects you want to restore. Click Restore from the
Tasks pane. You can also select all displayed objects by holding down the CTRL and A keys,
or a range of objects using SHIFT and clicking.… 10/27
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Multiple Parent and Child Objects

It is critical to understand the restoration process for a multi-parent-child restoration

because the Active Directory Administrative Center cannot restore a nested tree of deleted
objects with a single action.

1. Restore the top-most deleted object in a tree.

2. Restore the immediate children of that parent object.
3. Restore the immediate children of those parent objects.
4. Repeat as necessary until all objects restore.

You cannot restore a child object before restoring its parent. Attempting this restoration
returns the following error:

The operation could not be performed because the object's parent is either
uninstantiated or deleted.

The Last Known Parent attribute shows the parent relationship of each object. The Last
Known Parent attribute changes from the deleted location to the restored location when
you refresh the Active Directory Administrative Center after restoring a parent. Therefore,
you can restore that child object when a parent object's location no longer shows the
distinguished name of the deleted objects container.

Consider the scenario where an administrator accidentally deletes the Sales OU, which
contains child OUs and users.

First, observe the value of the Last Known Parent attribute for all the deleted users and
how it reads OU=Sales\0ADEL:*<guid+deleted objects container distinguished name>*:… 11/27
3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

Filter on the ambiguous name Sales to return the deleted OU, which you then restore:

Refresh the Active Directory Administrative Center to see the deleted user object's Last
Known Parent attribute change to the restored Sales OU distinguished name:… 12/27
3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

Filter on all the Sales users. Hold down the CTRL and A keys to select all the deleted Sales
users. Click Restore to move the objects from the Deleted Objects container to the Sales
OU with their group memberships and attributes intact.

If the Sales OU contained child OUs of its own, then you would restore the child OUs first
before restoring their children, and so on.… 13/27
3/5/2019 Advanced AD DS Management Using Active Directory Administrative Center (Level 200) | Microsoft Docs

To restore all nested deleted objects by specifying a deleted parent container, see
Appendix B: Restore Multiple, Deleted Active Directory Objects (Sample Script).

The Active Directory Windows PowerShell cmdlet for restoring deleted objects is:

PowerShell = Copy


The Restore-ADObject cmdlet functionality did not change between Windows Server 2008
R2 and Windows Server 2012.

Ser ver-side Filtering

It is possible that over time, the Deleted Objects container will accumulate over 20,000 (or
even 100,000) objects in medium and large enterprises and have difficulty showing all
objects. Since the filter mechanism in Active Directory Administrative Center relies on
client-side filtering, it cannot show these additional objects. To work around this limitation,
use the following steps to perform a server-side search:

1. Right click the Deleted Objects container and click Search under this node.
2. Click the chevron to expose the +Add criteria menu, select and add Last modified
between given dates. The Last Modified time (the whenChanged attribute) is a close
approximation of the deletion time; in most environments, they are identical. This
query performs a server-side search.
3. Locate the deleted objects to restore by using further display filtering, sorting, and so
on in the results, and then restore them normally.

Configuring and Managing Fine-Grained Password

Policies Using Active Directory Administrative

Configuring Fine-Grained Password Policies

The Active Directory Administrative Center enables you to create and manage Fine-Grained
Password Policy (FGPP) objects. Windows Server 2008 introduced the FGPP feature but
Windows Server 2012 has the first graphical management interface for it. You apply Fine-
Grained Password Policies at a domain level and it enables overriding the single domain… 14/27
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password required by Windows Server 2003. By creating different FGPP with different
settings, individual users or groups get differing password policies in a domain.

For information about the Fine-Grained Password Policy, see AD DS Fine-Grained Password
and Account Lockout Policy Step-by-Step Guide (Windows Server 2008 R2).

In the Navigation pane, click Tree View, click your domain, click System, click Password
Settings Container, and then in the Tasks pane, click New and Password Settings.

Managing Fine-Grained Password Policies

Creating a new FGPP or editing an existing one brings up the Password Settings editor.
From here, you configure all desired password policies, as you would have in Windows
Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, only now with a purpose-built editor.… 15/27
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Fill out all required (red asterisk) fields and any optional fields, and then click Add to set
the users or groups that receives this policy. FGPP overrides default domain policy settings
for those specified security principals. In the figure above, an extremely restrictive policy
applies only to the built-in Administrator account, to prevent compromise. The policy is far
too complex for standard users to comply with, but is perfect for a high-risk account used
only by IT professionals.

You also set precedence and to which users and groups the policy applies within a given

The Active Directory Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Fine-Grained Password Policy are:

PowerShell = Copy


Fine-Grained Password Policy cmdlet functionality did not change between the Windows
Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012. As a convenience, the following diagram
illustrates the associated arguments for cmdlets:… 16/27
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The Active Directory Administrative Center also enables you to locate the resultant set of
applied FGPP for a specific user. Right click any user and click View resultant password
settings... to open the Password Settings page that applies to that user through implicit or
explicit assignment:

Examining the Properties of any user or group shows the Directly Associated Password
Settings, which are the explicitly assigned FGPPs:… 17/27
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Implicit FGPP assignment does not display here; for that, you must use the View resultant
password settings... option.

Using the Active Directory Administrative Center

Windows PowerShell History Viewer
The future of Windows management is Windows PowerShell. By layering graphical tools on
top of a task automation framework, management of the most complex distributed
systems becomes consistent and efficient. You need to understand how Windows
PowerShell works in order to reach your full potential and maximize your computing

The Active Directory Administrative Center now provides a complete history of all the
Windows PowerShell cmdlets it runs and their arguments and values. You can copy the
cmdlet history elsewhere for study or modification and re-use. You can create Task notes to… 18/27
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assist in isolating what your Active Directory Administrative Center commands resulted in
Windows PowerShell. You can also filter the history to find points of interest.

The Active Directory Administrative Center Windows PowerShell History Viewer's purpose
is for you to learn through practical experience.

Click the chevron (arrow) to show Windows PowerShell History Viewer.

Then, create a user or modify a group's membership. The history viewer continually
updates with a collapsed view of each cmdlet that the Active Directory Administrative
Center ran with the arguments specified.

Expand any line item of interest to see all values provided to the cmdlet's arguments:… 19/27
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Click the Start Task menu to create a manual notation before you use Active Directory
Administrative Center to create, modify, or delete an object. Type in what you were doing.
When done with your change, select End Task. The task note groups all of those actions
performed into a collapsible note you can use for better understanding.

For example, to see the Windows PowerShell commands used to change a user's password
and remove him from a group:

Selecting the Show All check box also shows the Get-* verb Windows PowerShell cmdlets
that only retrieve data.… 20/27
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The history viewer shows the literal commands run by the Active Directory Administrative
Center and you might note that some cmdlets appear to run unnecessarily. For example,
you can create a new user with:

PowerShell = Copy


and do not need to use:

PowerShell = Copy


The Active Directory Administrative Center's design required minimal code usage and
modularity. Therefore, instead of a set of functions that create new users and another set
that modify existing users, it minimally does each function and then chains them together
with the cmdlets. Keep this in mind when you are learning Active Directory Windows
PowerShell. You can also use that as a learning technique, where you see how simply you
can use Windows PowerShell to complete a single task.… 21/27
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Troubleshooting AD DS Management

Introduction to Troubleshooting

Because of its relative newness and lack of usage in existing customer environments, the
Active Directory Administrative Center has limited troubleshooting options.

Troubleshooting Options

Logging Options

The Active Directory Administrative Center now contains built-in logging, as part of a
tracing config file. Create/modify the following file in the same folder as dsac.exe:


Create the following contents:

XML = Copy

<add key="DsacLogLevel" value="Verbose" />
<trace autoflush="false" indentsize="4">
<add name="myListener"
initializeData="dsac.trace.log" />
<remove name="Default" />

The verbosity levels for DsacLogLevel are None, Error, Warning, Info, and Verbose. The
output file name is configurable and writes to the same folder as dsac.exe. The output can
tell you more about how ADAC is operating, which domain controllers it contacted, what
Windows PowerShell commands executed, what the responses were, and further details.

For example, while using the INFO level, which returns all results except the trace-level

DSAC.exe starts… 22/27
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Logging starts

Domain Controller requested to return initial domain information

= Copy

[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] Command Id, Action, Command, Time, Elapsed Time ms

(output), Number objects (output)
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 1, Invoke, Get-ADDomainController, 2012-04-
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] Get-ADDomainController-Discover:$null-

Domain controller DC1 returned from domain Corp

PS AD virtual drive loaded

= Copy

[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 1, Output, Get-ADDomainController, 2012-04-

16T12:42:49, 1
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] Found the domain controller 'DC1' in the domain
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 2, Invoke, New-PSDrive, 2012-04-16T12:42:49
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] New-PSDrive-Name:"ADDrive0"-
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 2, Output, New-PSDrive, 2012-04-16T12:42:49, 1
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 3, Invoke, Get-ADRootDSE, 2012-04-16T12:42:49

Get domain Root DSE Information

= Copy

[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] Get-ADRootDSE -Server:""

[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 3, Output, Get-ADRootDSE, 2012-04-16T12:42:49, 1
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 4, Invoke, Get-ADOptionalFeature, 2012-04-

Get domain AD recycle bin information

= Copy

[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] Get-ADOptionalFeature -LDAPFilter:"(msDS-

OptionalFeatureFlags=1)" -Server:""
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 4, Output, Get-ADOptionalFeature, 2012-04-
16T12:42:49, 1… 23/27
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[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 5, Invoke, Get-ADRootDSE, 2012-04-16T12:42:49

[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] Get-ADRootDSE -Server:""
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 5, Output, Get-ADRootDSE, 2012-04-16T12:42:49, 1
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 6, Invoke, Get-ADRootDSE, 2012-04-16T12:42:49
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] Get-ADRootDSE -Server:""
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 6, Output, Get-ADRootDSE, 2012-04-16T12:42:49, 1
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] 7, Invoke, Get-ADOptionalFeature, 2012-04-
[12:42:49][TID 3][Info] Get-ADOptionalFeature -LDAPFilter:"(msDS-
OptionalFeatureFlags=1)" -Server:""
[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] 7, Output, Get-ADOptionalFeature, 2012-04-
16T12:42:50, 1
[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] 8, Invoke, Get-ADForest, 2012-04-16T12:42:50

Get AD forest

= Copy

[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] Get-ADForest -Identity:"" -

[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] 8, Output, Get-ADForest, 2012-04-16T12:42:50, 1
[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] 9, Invoke, Get-ADObject, 2012-04-16T12:42:50

Get Schema information for supported encryption types, FGPP, certain user

= Copy

[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] Get-ADObject

[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] 9, Output, Get-ADObject, 2012-04-16T12:42:50, 7
[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] 10, Invoke, Get-ADObject, 2012-04-16T12:42:50

Get all information about the domain object to display to administrator who clicked
on the domain head.… 24/27
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= Copy

[12:42:50][TID 3][Info] Get-ADObject


Setting the Verbose level also shows the .NET stacks for each function, but these do not
include enough data to be particularly useful except when troubleshooting the Dsac.exe
suffering an access violation or crash. The two likely causes of this issue are:

The ADWS service is not running on any accessible domain controllers.

Network communications are blocked to the ADWS service from the computer
running the Active Directory Administrative Center.

) Important

There is also an out-of-band version of the service called the Active Directory
Management Gateway, which runs on Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Server
2003 SP2.

The errors shown when no Active Directory Web Services instances are available are:

Error Operation

"Cannot connect to any domain. Refresh or try Shown at start of the Active Directory
again when connection is available" Administrative Center application… 25/27
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Error Operation

"Cannot find an available server in the domain Shown when trying to select a domain node
that is running the Active Directory Web in the Active Directory Administrative Center
Service (ADWS)" application

To troubleshoot this issue, use these steps:

1. Validate the Active Directory Web Services service is started on at least one domain
controller in the domain (and preferably all domain controllers in the forest). Ensure
that it is set to start automatically on all domain controllers as well.

2. From the computer running the Active Directory Administrative Center, validate that
you can locate a server running ADWS by running these NLTest.exe commands:

= Copy

nltest /dsgetdc:<domain NetBIOS name> /ws /force

nltest /dsgetdc:<domain fully qualified DNS name> /ws /force

If those tests fail even though the ADWS service is running, the issue is with name
resolution or LDAP and not ADWS or Active Directory Administrative Center. This test
fails with error "1355 0x54B ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN" if ADWS is not running on
any domain controllers though, so double-check before reaching any conclusions.

3. On the domain controller returned by NLTest, dump the listening port list with

= Copy

Netstat -anob > ports.txt

Examine the ports.txt file and validate that the ADWS service is listening on port 9389.

= Copy



TCP [::]:9389 [::]:0 LISTENING 1828

[Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices.exe]… 26/27
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If listening, validate the Windows Firewall rules and ensure that they allow 9389 TCP
inbound. By default, domain controllers enable firewall rule "Active Directory Web
Services (TCP-in)". If not listening, validate again that the service is running on this
server and restart it. Validate that no other process is already listening on port 9389.

4. Install NetMon or another network capture utility on the computer running Active
Directory Administrative Center and on the domain controller returned by NLTEST.
Gather simultaneous network captures from both computers, where you start Active
Directory Administrative Center and see the error before stopping the captures.
Validate that the client is able to send to and receive from the domain controller on
port TCP 9389. If packets are sent but never arrive, or arrive and the domain controller
replies but they never reach the client, it is likely there is a firewall in between the
computers on the network dropping packets on that port. This firewall may be
software or hardware, and may be part of third party endpoint protection (antivirus)

See Also
AD Recycle Bin, Fine-Grained Password Policy, and PowerShell History… 27/27

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