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• CT>

Dedicated To Her
The Welfare
Of Livingston

Vol. 51, No. 33 (Two Sections)

West Essex Tribune Livingston, Ntv Jersey, August 16,1979
of 5

inly Cent*

Students Generally Do Well In

Basic Skills; 9th Grade Lowest
Livingston students in gener- graders seemed betosv the field had « . 4 ; Verona, 98.J,
al did quite weU In the statewide scores of the rest of tbtfrades South Qrange-Mapiewood, 96.7;
basic ikilli test conducted this taking the Mums. and West Orange 96.1 per cent
year as part of the Thorough Grade 11 saw the Utinpton on reading.
and Efficient testing. Only the students score co^iarably Math scores for the county
ninth grade lagged behind simi- better, but so did a greet many saw Caldwell West Caldwell on
lar communities in Essex other districts. C16 Livingston top with 980 per cent; followed
County, and even then the juniors tallied 96.1 In reading by West Essex Regional with
scores were in the 90s. and 93.1 In math. Glen Ridge 94 8; Verona, 93.3; with Living
, The tests are being adminis- was tops in reading with 992 ston fourth.
tered annually to the third, per cent, based on 18S students Comparing with similar com-
sixth, iiin^h and eleventh grades Millkwrn had 97.4; Cak*r*ll, 97, munities elsewhere, Ridgewood
throughout the state. The scores West Essex had * . • ; • Bloom
posted when the results are an- (Continuedon Page IS)
nounced are the percentage of
the students in the particular Audit Report Shows Decreased
school district's grade who
achieved scores higher than the
statewide norm. It does not
Cash Flow During The Past Year
mean that the students got 98.9 A decreased cash flow, with a capital improvements under-
per cent of the answers right. corresponding deiirease ts fund taken, although the search for
The best comparative balances were lUierHejl 1 by new sources of water must con-
the Township deztag ttm year tinue.
ALL STAR SOCCER players from Livingston will meet a We»tficld The horn* of I.S. <;<MMIIMUII at (id <;if ndalr A - badly damaged In mi Internr ttorm on Fri-
1978. This was rtvseJsd this The swimming pool utility
team Sunday, August (8. at Giants Stadium just before the Cosmos- day afternoon. A large tree IfII through thr bedroom, virtually cutting the house in half. Firemen re-
week when the summery of the operated at approximately a
Bliitard play-off game. Chosen to represent the Uvirigston Soccer moved the tree and made emergency repair* to thr hotitr. Ijiurl J. Kraut Photo
audit report was released for $3,000 profit for the past year.
Club are (bottom row) Jim Lorrita, Ralph Carplni, Randy Levlne publication.
These scores were second best The balance on hand increased
and Harris Goldblatt; (middle row) Greg Sayle, Tom Recktcn-
wald, Ramesh Devanesan and John Phelan, and (Up row) Oscar
Viteri and Richard Miseo. Other team members are Joe Valentine,
Mark Brtlow, Ken Katsoff, Chris Fender, Tim Jones, Michael
in the county, only beaten by
Essex Fells, whose 38 third
graders all were above the state
Manager Harp, commenting
on the situation, stated that tht
utilisation of federal revenue
from S59.214.2S to $62,26741
This was accomplished despite
the fact that an additional
Storm Causes Extensive Damage
sharing funds to finance capital $22,000 in capital Improvements
White and Glen Whitman. Tickets for the game are on sale at the A brief but intensive storm on Friday afternoon was caused by emergency crews, with the first
improvements and expendi- had been made during the year.
i will leave the Friday afternoon caused exten- falling limbs and whole trees one being dispatched at 4:30 to
tures was largely accountable Capital improvements during
sive damage in Livingston, up- The first reports of damage remove a tree that had fallen in
graders taking the test. for this. 1977 had totaled $33,725.39, and
rooting trees, interrupting elec- were received by police at North Livingston Avenue With
The sixth grade tallied 94 1 The Township, at the end of were up to 155,759.98. Harp
tric and telephone service, and about 4:30 p.m., and within an in minuted the storm had Intcn
Harp's 6-Month Report per cent in reading and 91.3 per
cent in mathematics, based on
1978, showed a total fund bal-
ance of $1,829,361.48 on hand,
stated that it is planned to have
continuous capital improve-
blocking roads Police, firemen
and utility company emergency
hour and a half the storm had
paused and only the clean-up
sified and trees were falling all
over the township, making it
tests taken by 437 students. which is a reduction from ments, replacing worn aprons,
difficult for police and firemen
Looks at Town's Problems Again, Essex Fells, with 38 stu-
dents scored 100 per cent in both
$2,450,850.06 the year before On
the operating statement, there
etc., on a regular basis, rather
than let the pools deteriorate.
crews were kept busy into
Saturday morning, and many
work remained.
Firemen were organized into (Continued on Page 10) •.
A report examining munici- ment of Finance, Harp stated homeowners still have fallen
categories to lead the county. was a balance at the end of the The pool picture will be fur-
pal activities during the first six that the total tax valuation of Cedar Grove, with 95.1 per cent year of $1,019,986.10, compared ther improved during the cur-
trees to be dealt with in the days
to come.
Outdoor Gas Grills Pose
months of 1979 was issued re- the township is now (732,174,300, in reading and 96.5 per cent on with $1,162,063.01. Of the rent year since the 1978 budget
cently by township manager an increase of nearly $15 million math, came in seebnd in both previous year's balance, contained a debt service item of
As a result of the widespread
"natural pruning" of trees, the
Problem For Local Firemen
Robert H. Harp and forwarded over last year. Taking into categories, based on exams of $1,071,118.72 had been ap- $20,710.42. This was the final
to the members of the Township account the equalization factor 144 studeW Caldwell-West propriated to finance opera lens/whip will conduct a special Charlie Schilling and the there is another ..turnoff valve
payment on bonds for the pools
Council. The report details a imposed by the county, the Caldwell also beat out Living- tionsofl978. cleanup program this week other fellows in the Livingston that will shut off the gas Into the
which are now debt free.
number of projects undertaken equalized valuation was ston in reading with a score of The water department, for with a chipper trailer. Home- Volunteer Fire Department are feed line. Any gas lmrnln«
There were relatively few
during a time in which the town- $m,8M,7tt,.thti second highset M.9 per cent, although their tiertlrst ttn* in y e l k , showed owners may place piles of tree having a bit of a problem these equipment Is supposed to have
recommendations listed by the
ship government suffers from in the eountjytfter Newark. TTus math score was way below with an operating deficit »l branches at the curt, but town days It seems that there Is an such a valve Usuully, Schilling
auditor this yt»r. They wore u
"the pains of soaring inflation, year, Harp said, Livingston will 85.6 percent. That district had $35,888.71, This was caused In ship manager Robert H Harp ever-increasing number of says, it Is in the cellar. Unforlu
plus the state-imposed restric- pay well over $10 million to the 236 students taking the tests. part by the changeover of bill- emphasized that there is no for- small fires coming from gas nately, many such valves have
"That contractual change
tions on spending," Harp said. county to support its operations, ing costs In addition, capital mal schedule for the pickup and burning outdoor grills, and JJie been covered over by ceillntf
546 Livingston ninth graders (Continued on Page 2)
Several special projects and or about $1292 for the typical improvements were quite no tree trunks can be accommo- firemen need essential informa- tile, paneling, etc. when people
took the reading test, and 544
dated. Only branches that can have converted their cellars In
activities were listed by Harp at
the outset of his report: comple-
Livingston household.
"The ever increasing price
took the math test. They scored
90.8 per cent and 90.4 per cent
heavy, and a debt service item
of $49,857.50 was added during Camp Fund be handled by one man and fed
into a chipper can be removed
tion pronto if the fire is to be
extinguished rapidly to playrooms This makes it dif-
ficult for the firemen to find and
tion of the library addition, tag for county government ren- respectively, for the poorest the year. Schilling stated to the Tribune
completion of the administra-
tion building and laboratory at
ders us non-competitive with
other counties," Harp stated in
showing of any Livingston
grade, They were outpointed by
Manager Harp stated that he
was certain that 1979 operations
Over Goal in the special clean-up
Virtually all of the damage on
this week that the gas grills, as
they get older, sometimes
turn off this stopcock Often,
after looking and looking for IS
the sewage treatment plant, his report. Because of rapidly Glen Ridge, Millburn, Caldwell- of the water department would spring a small leak In the gas minutes or so, they flnully have
work on completion of the sew-
• age treatment plant expansion,
increasing real estate values in
Livingston, "we anticipate a
West Caldwell, Cedar GroVe, be in the black, since the new Chairman Robert M. Sullivan
of the West Essex Camp Fund
JSaked feed line. Somebody has banged
the grill once too often with the
to turn off all the gas in the
house to stop the fire.
and West Essex Regional. In rate structure was in full effect.
substantial reduction jn ratio announced this week that the lawnmower, or some other jolt "If the householder will lo
construction of the Bear Brook general, the scores of all ninth There probably will be less
Fund had exceeded its goal for
retention basin, installation of a for 1980," he continued, "and has hit the installation, (juite cate where the Inside (urn off
the first time since 1973. "We Three young Livingston girls often the leak occurs right at
"'m"""•• - • See No End to Vandalism.
computer system for the tax valve is located,". Schilling
collector's office, planning for a have received $7,833," Sullivan reported seeing a naked man in the shutoff valve of the burner said, "it can save precious
renovation project at' police said, "surpassing our 17,500 the woods near the high school itself, minutes in stopping the fire If
The township manager goal."
headquarters, preliminary
approval of a Green Acres And Property Destruction
pointed out that the municipal
investment program has
on Friday afternoon, August 10 Trouble comes when the leak-
Sullivan noted that this year's The three, whose names wen- ing gas Is Ignited. Suddenly the
$7,833 total is also the largest withheld by police, were householder has a fire and he
the valve is covered over by a
panel or celling tile, he can
application for land purchase brought in more than a quarter mark the spot In such a way
• along waterways, the spring of a million dollars in interest Reports of stolen bicycles, dent heard glass breaking and amount ever received by the described only as Livingston doesn't know how to stop it. that we can know where to look
clean-up program and the already this year. Cash smashed windows, landscaping looked out to find two boys in Fund in a single year. residents 15 and 16 years of age Particularly if the shutoff valve and save ripping down a lot of
awarding of contracts for the her driveway. A mirror had "Thanks to the generosity of Officers investigating the in- on the burner Is the place that's decorative material," He
balances in township accounts damage and other incidents
" Meadowbrook Road well house. are kept as low as practical, were included in the list of van- been broken off one car and the West Essex residents, organiza- cident said that the three were burning, it's not easy to put the pointed out that this material
T Examining each of the tnuni- with any surplus being invested dalism from the Livingston Po- rear window of another was tions, companies and church walking home through the fire out at the point of the blaze would have to I* removed any-
-• cipal departments in more de- in treasury bills and certificates lice Department this week. smashed. The boys, who fled, groups we have shown the chil- woods west of the high school at The fires themselves, are way before gas service is res-
tail, the township manager pre- of - deposit. This program, Among the many incidents were estimated to be 12-14 yean dren who benefited from the about 3 p.m Standing in the usually not serious. Only if the tored to the house, since that
sented several items of interest largely because of higher in- were the following: of age. work of the Camp Fund that , the girls said, was a man burner is located abnormally stop-cock must In? turned off be-
in each area. terest rates, has earned about Police responding to a report care," Sullivan said. "It is only with no clothing The three fled, close to a structure is it apt to fore gas can be turned on again.
Looking first at the Depart- $30,000 more in interest this Tomatoes were thrown at a of breaking glass at Memorial because of these gifts that 55 and believed that they had not cause real damage. However, Better still, for (aster stop-
year than in the first half of house on Knoliwood Drive; two Pool found that a car had been boys and girls registered with been seen by (he man. such a ga> fire is a waste of ping of the fires, the house,
tires, size F78-14, were stolen driven across the grass from the Fund have enjoyed a much-
•: Court Hears T 7 1978.
The gross debt of the town-
from a garage on Walnut
Independent descriptions of energy, costs the householder
the high school parking area. needed time at a resident or day the man given by the girls money, and any fire nhould be
holder himself can turn offf the
interior valve without waiting
Street, and three 12-foot trees Two goalposts were torn down, camp this summer 1 would also matched closely. TTiey said he put out as a matter of common
Mall Charges ship is now $3,467,062, Harp's
report stated, or only 0.219 per
were knocked down at the new and at the pool the car had evi- like to add the thanks of the was a white male, 25 to 35 years sense.
for the firemen It's still wise to
call the firemen instead of try-
.... Three people charged with Irma's Bag store on South Liv- dently struck several garbage campers who will be better citi- of age, about six feet in height, ing to stop the blaze yourself,
cent of assessed valuation, well The jokt of (he situation is
.^Criminal offenses by security ingston Avenue. cans. zens because of your thoughtful - but turning off the valve csn
within the statutory debt limit. and with long dark hair and .a that if the burner has been in-
officers at Livingston Mall were ness." help tremendously
Looking toward the future, Two bicycles were impound- Four hubcaps were stolen short beard "stalled according to the laVP,
heard in Municipal Court on the township manager said that ed by police from the scene of from a car parked at St. Or the 55 young people whose
Thursday, August 9. All three he saw potential problems with an attempted break-in to a car Raphael's Church on East Mt. stays at camp were made
were placed on probation by
court action.)
Debra Smrth of Newark had
been charge* with shoplifting
increased utility and fuel bills,
employee health benefits, pen-
sions, depletion of the dog con-
trol funds, higher construction
on Morningside Drive. A resi-
dent chased three young men
from the scene, and returned to
find the two ten-speed bikes,
Pleasant Avenue: a ten-speed possible by the Camp Fund, six
blue boy's Schwinn bicycle was were residents of Livingston,
stolen from the utility room of a more than ten per cent of the
home on Park Drive A police total number
Community Calendar
on July 31 by) security officer costs, increased new equipment one a 24 inch blue Schwinn and officer reported that the rear Sullivan noted that any ABI. II — Ak»hollei Anony- Am. M — Alcoholics Anony- Sept, I — Republican Club
Michael Rosa/at Bamberge/'s. costs and, in the other direction, the other a repainted 24 inch wtadow of his patrol car was contributions received in excess mow — Uvtnitton Baptist mous — Mvlngiton Baptist Picnic — » 0 K, Mt. Plrss*
She initially entered a plea of the spending UmUs imposed by bike that had new black paint broken while he was checking of this year's expenses will be church — » p.m. Church — 9 p.m. ant Art. — I p.m.
not guilty before Judge Martin the state. over older blue paint. doors at the Rainbow Plaza applied to the 1980 Camp Fund AM. II — LWV Membership Aur t l — Welcome Wafon Sept. 9 — Library Family
J. Brenner, but changed it to On Woodcrest Drive a resi- building. campaign feel Party — II Ooedhart Coffee — I Walton Lane — Picnic — «t. Phllomrna PL
(Continued on Page 14)
guilty and was sentenced to 90 Dr. — 1 i n M l p.m. nlc Orort — I p.m.
days in jail. The sentence was As*. II — Hadaasah - II N. Aw. U — Children's Film
Sept. 10 —Over Eaten Anony.
suspended and Smith was Mitchell An. - I p.m. F-roiram — l * : l l a.m., I mous — St. Peter'* Church
placed on probation for a year Auf. IT — "Tht Best of p.m.
with the condition that she ob- — Teem 7:10, Adult* I p.m.
Broadway" — LHS auditor- AU|. 2? — Ovrr Eaten Anony-
tain psychiatric treatment. tnous — HI. PeUtr'i Church Sept. 11 — Alcoholic* Anony-
William Slater of Newark had Aui. II - OBT Bewllni Psrty — Teens 7:30. Adult! I p.m. mou* — Llvlnnton Baptist
been accused of using a stolen Church — I p.m,
— Hanover Lanes — I:M %U|. 17 — Kni(hU of Pythias
credit card at Sears on August l Exec. Botrd — l i WettftU Sept. It — LNDP Rejlitr»llon
by security officer Andrew M. — • . ) « p.m. — Mt. Ple».»nt Jr High —
Schaefer. He pleaded guilty to a A M 19 — Ssuum Temple
I a.m. to i p.m.
reduced disorderly person com- Pleaie - Bedd U s e - II A M - tl — Blort Drive —Fttf-
trateel Chorea — I U I p.m. Sept. IT —Over Eater* Anony-
plaint, and was sentenced to 30
A M t l — OM Omul — Men- mous — St. Peter'* Church
days in jail. The sentence was , Aug. n —Over Eaten Anetiy-
suspended on condition that he mouth Court - Council 1:11 — Teen* 7:10, Adult* ft p.m.
ewes — It. Peter*! Church
continue to serve in the U.S. ».m., Meeting II:M *.m. Sept. II — LWV Membmhlp
- Terns 7:11, Adults I p.m.
Navy. A«f. M — Alcoholics Anony. Tea — II Oxford Dr. — I
Aef. M - "The Oold Resh" mo*s — Llvlnaiton Baptist p.m.
Pamela A. Hocutt of Irving-
— Urta|Bt«B Library — T Church — I p.m. Sept. U — Alcoholic* Anony.
ton had been apprehended for
shoplifting on August 4 at Bam- ffept. I — Over Estrrs Anony- mous — Livlnitton Baptist
berger's. Hocutt pleaded guilty i M l l - Women's Club Se- moos — St. Peter's Church Church — 9 p.m.
before Judge Hrenner, and was GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONIES (or the new First AM 8euad five vehicle*; the 8 q u 4 mmewas three ambulances and s trsnt- rial Scnrte* — prslllc I'ntt — Teens 1:11, Malts I p.m. Sept. 17 — Alcoholic* Anony-
sentenced to 30 days in jail. The headquarters, which will rise on Sooth Livingston Avenne next U> porution van. Thr second User will b« atrd a* a training room. Bed C m s , East Oranre — Sept. « - LWV Board - I mou* — Llrlnr<ton Baptist
sentence was suspended, and the mala fire station, are scheduled for Uih Saturday at <:M a.m. Money for Uif building, estiautetf to cost f27e.««0. will romr from lt ( :M sue. Stratford Dr. - I p.m. Church — I p.m.
she was placed on probation for Squad president Jeff Mtrabik will lead the program which will in- the current fund drive. The MMteg was taignrd by Uwrrnce 8. A«« t t - Women's Clot So- Sept. 6 — Alcoholics Anony- Sept. 24 —Over Eater* Anony.
a year and fined $275 and court clude appearances by Deputy Mayor Domiakk CrmeaH aad Tsva- Stern. Livingston architect. Eleeard Redo of Sltrn «tuff prrpsred cial gerrtee — New Eyes, mous — LlvlniiUn Baptist muti* — St. Peter'* Church
" c o s t s o f $ » : " """* ship Matager Robert Harp. The eew building will have rests tar this eofy «f the rendering far lee West Essei Tribunr Ifcert Hflb - 1 p * . C h e n s — • pje. - T e e n s 7:M, AdulU I
Page 2,8ectlon 1 West Eaaex Tribune AuQUtt 16,1979
Audit Report Charles Stoemd ^ST\m b. «
^ D e p o s i t s bs reviewed and l^aANaatbanwitbiaaipaU
orders ba •otnittad to* Town-
(orBacbiealiaaBKitoaa. Funeral Today
Heat of tajas haw «r/ma«riag
faspOoaacU for approval
"That faraclaayrs procead- bold tali T t o d a y • • liagfor
"Hart the bakacae of tba Tba prMed summary of la* Caoriaa Sooawl, of Uvtaptoa. LaafAaaodatMML
tafl at aattetad •gala* qutfa". audtt will ba found la ttai see Ong abnoa arreati in Norta-
fytagTaxTitleUaai. "Ratem far Flood Dteaator Ha dad oa Taaiday at St.
Aid Prejeeti" tad Ifaa "Roadttoa of the Tribune. A complete Mary » Hoiottai hi Orange Ha eostera New Jeney are divided
Taat tatarfuad account beJ- copy of da) a u * report ieoafiis about half and half between
ances ba tattled at aeon at Appropriation Besom" bo <am- wm a faajtfme roaident of
coUodbyOouBdlRaaoiultea. mtbt office of TovMbsp Clerk Uftaptaa, having moved ban "hartf" d n m - opium aad
practicable. nowao uraeo, wnere B caa pa cocaine — aad marihuana or
' T W etfataadinf belaocei iafaa lota l«fe.
"IWtaroaordbamaloUliMd viewed by any interested par- Ha n a n d oil yomm oj» havtng
of Accounts Payable, Retained to (fat Building Department aarvod aa ioronaa hi tat otoe-
trical abof of tha Prudential la-
A l 79W.Mt.PleawintAvt. HOMOflTHI
992-0258 auraaee Company for » yean.
Ha waa a SO year member of the
Interaatfeeal Brotherhood of of loved taeiai
U Vertical Electrical Worker., Local 91
He to aurvivad by Ma wife,
wMb BaaMaj HHkttU

(0 Imagination Elsie; by two acne, Caarloa Jr.

d Near Providence and John of
Saakatchewan, Canada Aiao
•urvlviDg la a iWor, Un

SAVE LoutoeVanZandtofCaniornU.
The Reverend John Gpom of
Grace Lutheran Church will of-
ficiate at aervicea thia Thurt-
Cordt M M promptly

day morning at 10:30am i t the d W
GRAND PRIZE WINNER. Rao* Brettfcy of UvtoptM d a t a t ike cater tderiaiw Ml Uul she weaal
(raad •Bcalag cctoaraliaM bali raceatly at acw •Ulea* of the Howard Saviat? Btafc, 210 SMUI Or-
aagc Aveaae. O O M U W. Rkfcort. braadi aaaagcr aad aMtataal araacb offlcw far Howard, make*
—Livingston Collision Inc.—
the procaUtlaa. BraUky w u OM of 4.0M cvtraoto la th* opwilag 4ay conlett. Jean R. Crawford
W Vinyls
HctdiMcra 8«uniaa Pfcoto Towing Our Specialty
• Graphics
• Macrames NorthfleW YM-YWHA and at Day & Night (24 hour)
• Kane the CaldweU School of Con- Towing Service
tinuing EducaUon. • Body & Fonder Service OAOKOTJ
• Knits Her next work will be a novel, ww 9Ain
• Insurance Estimates *'
• Woodgraln "Final Set." 621W. Mi Pkwaant Ava.(Bt 10)
• Fabrics
• Suede The West Essex Tribune
makes no charge for photo-' NOBODY BEATS OUR
• Aluminum graphs reproduced with news PRICES ON NEW
Come In or call for 1979PONTIACS
an appointment FREE DEALER PREP 4
with our Interior BIG DEALER DISCOUNTS
•3 •' ' * Shop-AtHomt ADVANCED UFE8AVER8 - Ststeea • tadcoU completed the Liv-
•4 •
SerWce ingston Recreation Departaent't Advanced Ltfosavbig coarte.
Coodncted by iwim program coerdlaalor David Wolf, swim pro- /CALL COLLECT
753 MOO
gram Initructors Bridget Lang and Mary McKenaa and recrea- SOUTH ORANGE. N.J
. tlon leader Jaime Wolf, the course covered penooal safety, first

Window Designs
aid and water rescue techniques. Students receiving certification
from the Essex Chapter of the American Red Crow are: Phillip
Cacosta, Nancy Crummey, Mara Gold, Scott Gould, Stacey Herti,
Kathleen Holland. Anne Judge, Kirk Kraeutler, Eileen Urney,
Kevin Main, Orna Meyers, Richard Moon, Usa Potenu, 8hari
Rivklnd. Karene 8ma)e and Angle Venu.

Ziegler Studies
New Social Trend

'•' •'•

Bette Ziegler of Livingston ii
the co-author of a new non-fic-
tion book published by Anchor-
, Doubleda* enOtied: "Older Wo-
'merf, Ytttoger Hen." It is a re-
As we approach the end of our third year
In Miltburn we wanl you to know our thanks
,M«,^*6arety scclitches the surface of our appro*

port,ba>od on cUacuasions with ^<»>ftlQn for the trust and confidence you
the people and professionals in-
volved in the field of human be-
placed in us to make our MMburn shop the
havior. Over 127 interviews huge success it is.
i were conducted by the authors
in order to present an account We know "WamorKja are a girls'best frtend"-
we Know, too, you are our best friends. In

on the benefits and drawbacks
of a new major sociosexua) the years ahead, Satsky's will never forget
you, and will continue to give you the same
The authors have been on
-r radio and television shows in quality, service and extraordinary designs
Boston and Washington and as we have in the past end will continue In
• New York and have been inter- the future. ,•
viewed by major publications
including the Washington Post,
People Magazine, and the

OUR REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS London Daily Mail. Ziegler has

also appeared on television
shows for the Canadian Broad-
NOW EARNS casting Company. "Older
Women-Younger Men" is the
lead book for Anchor-Double- 243 Millburn Avc, Millburn, N. J., Mon. and Thurs. to^ P.ty
day for the summer months and Livingston Mall, N. J., Daily to9:30 P.M.
INTEREST is featured by the New York Major credit cards honored
bookstores in a window display
which' includes author
A novel by Ziegler, "An Affair
for Tomorrow," waa published
last year by JOVE-Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich Her plays
have been produced off-off
i.) .. - . •
Broadway and at universities
and her poetry has been pub-
lished in The Village Voice and
. . * ANNUAL
Literary magazines. She has
lived in Livingston for the past
YIELD 15 years with her husband
Herman, a lawyer and her chil-
dren Scott and Laurie, She has
Uughtcreativewriting at the

Ketp Your Home

SAVE 30%
On Air
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Interest is earned from day of deposit to day of withdrawal providing a minimum of nun mm
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H Spacious Vt acre level grounds. Big mod-
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Llewellvn-Edison M10 00
baths, grade level fam. rm., basement, 2
• 1200C.F.M.
car gar., cent. A/C r W/W, patio w/grill.
m aViadW Tfca^a^atwlal

* AlAluminum

- Frts Parking at All Offices - VAUIO WALTER BYSTRAK, REALTOR

992-2105 Thringtton
267-7747 49S S. Livingston Ave.
August 16,1979 W»< E » M X Trtbunt Section 1 , P M « 3

* ^ ^ •••• "••» you t» sure room HI the houw if imftft ^^

every- member of ttst family txiUanbtbetodtyfln. Mauhe White Harriet White
Bride of Mr. Eagle
Certified Bkctrolofixi
Rrtte EJaaaor Radcliffe,
dtughtcrofllr and Mrs Harry Hair Removal Center of Livingston
Howard Perley's RadeWleofUvuplOB, becune
the bride of Timothy d a r k s
E ^ t e , son of Mr aad Mrs.
• Electronic Tweeter • New Needle Electrolysis
• For Men and Women • Medically Approved Methods

Levi's Sale G e a r * Bnjte <* Upper Mont

clair, on Saturday, August u , in
Upper Montdalr Preabyterian
. fete U. •

ChHrch. The Reverend E Bock-

stiefel performed the double I l l l M IV
ring ceremony, which was fol-
lowed by a garden reception at
the bane of the bridegroom's Car* * * • » "
parent* In Upper Montclair.
The bride wore a candlelight
chiffon gown, trimmed with
handsewn lace and pearls. Her
floral headpiece was of gar-
denias, white daisies and steph
anotis accented with Boston
fern and baby's breath which on
held a chiffon veil trimmed with
lace. She carried a basket of
white orchids, stephanotis,

white daisies, Jjjostao fern and
baby's breath.
THE BEST OF BROADWAY wUI be presented by the Teen Drama group, >p«»ored bv thr Depart-
Maid of honor was Mrs: Bar- ment of Recreation and Parks, on Kriday at 7: Mp.m. al Livingston High School auditorium Ttit> rttt
bra Kwasnik of Secaucus. include*: top row, Fraak Mtntn^iu, Debbie Yeftky, Sandi Lawrrnr*. d i m tor AimMarlr ( rrtlellu, • - • / •
!!«•••'/, to 4
Bridesmaids were Donna Lee TrUht Tuber, Lli Lerner, and (lairr Magereky. Middle row: Kathel U e , Andrra KUhrr. Janrl
Reddy of Montclair, Donna Lee
Radcliffe of Livingston, the
Uiberman, Amy Frieinan, David Cone and Cella Kabinowiti. Front raw: Betty KarrUiltk, Ann
Eckarl.SUcy Wilson and Eilern Dauer \ndy Wllium I'hoto
•500 • - . - • • ' - ' • ' 1

bride's sister, and Marybeth So-

beck! of Scotch Plains. All wore
frost rose gowns and floral
eluded Skip Engle and Kay NURflf AN0LADIII SHOIS
Engle of California, the bride
headpieces of pink roses, white groom's brothers, and Andy ttMtion
daisies, Boston fern and baby's McGuire of Montclair.
breath. They held bouquets of The new Mn. Engle was
white daisies, Boston fern and
baby's breath.
graduated from Livingston
High School in 1OT8. She is
Peter Scofleld of Montclair
i. Uvlnaiton Avt. H
employed as a secretary by Uvlnaiton, N.J, •
acted as best man. Ushers in- Prudential Insurance In Rose

Corduroy Jeans
Pink Panther says,
land. Her husband* graduate
of Montclair High School, works
in the computer department al
-• I
and "Have your eyes the Roseland Prudential In
Straight Leg Denims examined before going After a wedding trip to Maine
back to school." the couple will live in Bloom-
field. •

2 Hurt After

• * • • •

Car Passes Light

sale $ 1 0 0 0 A Montclair woman was
charged with passing a red light Dank Promotes
after she was involved in a col- Diane Halvorsen
free alterations lision on Sunday evening,
August 12, at Livingston Center. Diane M. Halvorsen has been
Anthony Latella of Cedar appointed assistant treasurer 0,
Grove told police that he had the Orange Savings Bank, 232
been going north at the center South Livingston Avenue, ac-
when Natalia Staff of Montclair cording to an announcement
went through the red light on made this week by bank presi-
Route 10 and their cars collided dent Andrew. J. Egner Jr.
in the intersection. Witnesses Halvorsen, who joined the
Ask lo see bank in 1972, had previously
Pink Panlhei tiames
agreed with Latella; Slaff was
by Victory Optical not able to make Any statement been personnel assistant. She
because of head injuries and ajso serves as training director'
was taken to Saint Barnabas of the bank, a post she will con-
f RtWwevelt PIUM, 2 WjMrNwr TEST-RITE ' Medical Centarby MJ tinue to hold.
• A graduate of Union Catholic
"at S. Livinustun Avynue, (.ivinptun, 1 auid
'Open daily ^JO-6, .Thurs. til9 was. a passenger In, lateflas ojirte High School, she now
%$ A t . Mt. Meaeant * * • .
M.i»terCh,irj;e, Visa, American Express Livingston »92.2002 car, Phyllis Banzhaf of 4 Berke- attends William Paterson Col-
K M thni rrl. »•». Thun. t-TlM ley Terrace, who also suffered lege, where she is majoring in
tot. *.M0, Cl»m4 WW.
head injuries. psychology.


Walk to th« town pool, t«nnii courti and high uhool. 7 room Super rolled ronch located In the toughl aller ll^ingilon
tpljt with n»w kitchen, lircplact. Juil painted outiid*. orea. Feature* a dltllnctlve ttep down tunken living room, a
Uvlngiton. --. , ._ ^_^_ fun (tiled eat In ki«chen and terenely uenit pf9petty

The largest seller of homes m suburban The large* MHer d homet <" Wihurtjan

Degnan 992-6363
Degnan 992-6363
The Degnan Company, Realtors, Est 1923 The Oegnan Company, Report, Eat 1923
50 Ml Pleasant /We , LMngslon MMtPteatamfee.LivtngMon
I w r * ! 331 ManStr**, W»t)Oino.325-1S00 33iManS(r««( W»*Ore/Me 32ft-1900
M Mem B I I M < Mi«bum 4«7 Mti


Dltcover a beaulllul (tone front 3 bedroom Coioniol in living Exciting Multl Level home with a contemporary Hair 6
•ton. Lovely new eol In kitchen i lint floor den, botement bedroomt, 4 bothi J5»?5 U family room recetted lighting
playroom Ready October l t t ond in •isuiiite move in con- throughout Heated mground pool, patio ond »un deck A
dHion! Central air conditioning. Coll Today t unique home and opportunity for you Impact today

The oi horns* m tutx/ban Es»e» Tht targe* Mtor al home* m tuburtMr

Degnan 992-6363 •
Degnan 992-6363
Tht Dagnan Company, RasMors. E * 1923 T>» Otgnan Company, Rasftn, Ejt 1923
50 Ml Plmart f*n •• Uvtngston 50 M *mm h* , LMngslon
331 Men Street. M M Orenge J2V1500 » 1 Man 8te«. M M » * n JM t MO
W M«n 9*MI. MSbum fo
P»Q»4(8»ottorH W - i EIMX Trfbur* AugustIfl, 1979

KmoewnustK ATwoYetrSekool itart madfaig extra money simply because tte judge n»?er>ftikfoatt advocate of freedom of theorem We
of Befinatoi Music WEST ESSEX TRIBUNE irfaWOM feel ttat pwas freedom, like all freedoms, has itsiini-
tts. However, we object violently to the recent rash of
(or children 4 by 3) w r y —at in the itarat of 0* ptofte of
w « t Emtx Tribune, toe, PUMUKT. AJM dedskM whkh allow the courts to close their »es-
>NnmimUy Congregational Church available on caastfU vote*raeordkkjsttmigfc Earn latttoarfosav he hastohave inore employees. iit«tothspr«essJMla»publfc This violates, in our
Chapter, Amort^ l a d* on mkraOlm at toe
200 Hartshorn Drive Frae Public Ubnry of Uvfakjrtm.
Yet, under oar legal system, a court order his the •fed, not oar/ the First Amendment, but also the con-
power of law. Tons, while other departments of the stitutknal provisions entitling a person to an open
Short Hill* gfrtfltment are limited bv budgets, etc., the court trial. Granted, that the first step in this movement
D. Ournuim Cw«, M. Mat. systea has virtually ruled itself to be exempt from was where the defendant did not want publicity, but
Director ••di restrictions. this has now been etpanded to the point where judges
WeAly CUMM begin September Member Audit Bureau of Circulations
tte founding father* of the nation and the state art arbitrarily trying to keep out the press on their
Call 674-8189 or 67M727 aJlexpresaedbelWmtbediM* and balance »y»tem, own. ,
Comment and criticism are invited All Communications andtmi was reiterated in the last revision of the New An unrestricted court system is just as much a
should be aent to William Klaber, Editor, Post Office Box ai. Jersey Constitution in 1M7. However, this decision danger to our form of democracy as an unrestricted
Livingston, NJ.m» -.
would stem to over-ride this concept.
REALITIES OF E Christopher Cone - Managing Editor
administration or legislature. However, this is what is
We are similarly disturbed by the current court developing, and we do not like it. We feel the courts
trend to alter some of the basic tenets expounded by are arbitrarily deciding they have powers that no-
REAL ESTATE Heidi Stern Sussman -- Advertising Manager
Shirley Kaslman - Awiklanl Managing Ldilor
the Constitution. Many of these recent decisions are body ever envisioned, and they are using their judi-
aimed at toe nation's press. We have never been a cial interpretive powers to back up these decisions.
By Either Bugbee - Classiried Advertising Manager
Doris V. Suisman, R»aft BetlyA Jeruten Bukiiu-u Manager '
Fran McKee - Circulation Manager

Charles Eckhard - Advertising Representative
Nertlonwla* VIM »owa* Christine Mango—Advertising Representative
In on* ol tho mo«l itonlfkont change* In horn* mortpoo. financing Karen Gammond - Advertising Representative
In nearly JO yeon, federally chartered sovipBt and loon ottocla-
liont on Mr I began to offer ton* buy ft a cKoic. between flved-

Summer Tire Sale

Information concerning advertising rates may be obtained at
rote and varlabla rot* mortgage* (VRMt). Authority for ladofal
otMclotlon* to begin writing VRM*. which have Interett rote* that I he publication office. IB Ufcner Parkway, Livingston N J
con movo up or down during the life of th« loon In occordonco 070W Phone W2-I77I.
with a national cott-of-ltmoi Index, recently wot granted by tho
rederol Horn* loon lank loord (FHlt#). Entered as second class matter, November 22, IM», i t the foattawlBg the Atlas (Irs Hate, the Mtly Major (Ira
post office at Livingston, N J 07039, Permit No. USPS ay with m read bazar*) w a r r a a t M
Th« now f»d*rol regulation* for offering VRMi ttlpulate that rota
chonfo* a* mad* no murt than onca a year in occordonce_wlfh tho 67V340, under the Act of March 3,1879. Second class postage
cott-of-fundt lnde» publlthod by tho FHIM. VKM loon W e i con paid at Livingston, N.J. STEEL RADIALS $14 - $21 ornmmc%.
rlM no more thon 'ft of I percent a poor under th« now plan, with DEPENDING ON HIE
tho rat* llmitod to o maximum J'f, percent Increote over th* full IK* Subscription $750 per year in Essex County; $10.00 per year
of th* loan, loan role* alto can drop, but no mor* thon % of I per- elsewhere 20* per copy. BELTED $6 • f 10 OFF LIST PRICE
cont par y*or, with no limit on how for th* VRM rot* con foil. DEPENDING ON SIZE

'or ProloMJowl torvk* * Aovfeo, tenowH Hto liaarta

Thursday, August 16,1979 4 « I * L Y $ 4 • $ 7 OFF LIST PRICE

SUSSNAM The Test Results j

Carload buying allows us to offer service station convenience

at fire store prices, and exceptional deals on premium steel radlols
REALTY, he. No matter how you try to handle it, it is inevitable
that a report on the outcome of the T and E basic
with a 40,000 mile wearout warrantee offered at our below Sears prices.
Stay fey or call m$ looiof for a « « • ( • on yoar rise.

skills tests must end up as a matter of comparison be-

S07 t o . Uvlftftton Avanwa, Livingston tween this or that comparable community. We've Deborah Frankel SUMMER SERVICE SPECIAL
Momoor I Multiple liaitaa fear* done it ourselves this week, but in case anyone feels To Wed Mr. Levin
Ntltlam Available tar UcofMOdl AMMII
that this proves that Livingston schools are doing a , **rr SO ymrm OOrrtxplraSept. II ~ ]
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Frankel ' ••••rlMM la 4mr •h«r. with coapoa only
super job, an average one, or a relatively poor one, we of New RocheUe, New York,
hasten to deny that this is our intention. have announced the engagement
To begin with, the lowest score posted by any of of their daughter, Deborah E., ELECTRONIC WHEEL ALIGNMENT by factory
(rained mechanics ($24.95 v»lue) and four wheel brake
the Livingston classes tested was over 90 per cent, to David R Levin, son of Mr. check ($10 value) both for only $18.15.
meaning that at least nine out of ten tests submitted and Mrs. Julian Levin of Living-
were above the state norm. This was to be expected. ston.
Communities like Livingston, Millburn, Glen Ridge, sityA graduate of Boston Univer-
School of Nursing, Miss
Cedar Grove, the Caldwells, etc., have cultural back- Frankel is a nurse at Beth
Ford Vani and other 1 Beam
grounds in their families that are going to give the Israel Medical Center, New front ends. Precision cold bead-
children far more impetus in school work than can be York. log alignment — $35.00 both
sides - Sow at Itatt $30.90.
found in core cities like Newark and Orange. Mr. Levin, a graduate of
We can precisely align any car that is alignable, including sports,
The one factor that did puzzle us was that the Boston University, is employed performance and foreign cars. We offer precise, safe alignment on
with Louis Straus and Associ-
ninth grade, while scoring in the 90s, was still consid- ates, New York, as director of
Ford and other I beam front ends, vans, pickups, etc.
erably below the other classes in both reading and the East Coast office. Sta S. Oraag« Ave., UvlagatM Opposite Uvinptoa Malt
matnematical skills, based on their norm ratios. We A fall wedding is planned.
asked the school authorities for some clues, and •94-M15
frankly they feltffhey could give us none.
VvItmaylfctHSl the average Kfrat
thm In your |«w*l box.
flcular da#M1ower on the average. That 1 *-\\
People who Bke to deal
We rofer to the cart, of
courM. Thor* « i bundl* of it
tted up In el that out-of-faeNon
' happchslOur d$n personal hunclfR thflt
gold md precious iton* Jewelry you no longor lar group was going through the upper elementary
wMr. We're tur* you can U M that monoy right grades at a time when there was considerable stress
now for vory worthwh** purposes. So why not
githor all thOM old pieces togathor and bring
them In for our vary
gonarout ca»h offer?
You'll and up
with t roomlar
on the open classroom. We have made no secret of the
fact that we felt that the open classroom system can
only work with a group of unusually highly motivated
students. Your average child needs more structure
with a banker instead
jewel box and
• mor*
and discipline. We have no facts or figures to back up
such a conclusion, but we would list it as a distinct
of a bank aretalking
The tests definitely show that on the average
there is nothing seriously wrong with the Livingston
„ school system. We excelled in some spots, did well in
most. There's always room for improvement, but
to Dom Crincoli.
nothing that we have keen in the figures so far looks
alarming to us. f
Creative Design a Re-styfing a Gemologist Appraitait No Cheek and Balance
624 BLOOMFIELD AVE., VERONA 239-2211 This column two weeks ago had some words of
Open daily 9:30 «./»> to 5:30 p.m. Mon, »nd Fri. till 8:30 well-deserved praise for retiring Supreme Court
Chief Justice Richard Hughes. However, lest the putK~
lic get the wrong impression, we feel we should tem-
per the message a bit and register some dissatisfac-
tion with certain aspects of our court system which
are emerging more and more all the time.
come... We guess our biggest objection over the past few
years has been a penchant of judges to exceed the lim-
its which custom and the Constitution had seemed to
take a establish. More and more the justices, both on state
and federal level, have seen fit to use their interpre-

closer look! tive powers to branch out into other facets of govern-
ment — to our minds trying to take over the powers of
the legislature and the administration.
No matter what your financial needs are, go straight to Dom,
our Executive Vice President Whether your needs are personal
at our One case in point was the now-famous Thorough
and Efficient Education decision wherein the courts
or commercial, Dom will give you the kind of individual
attention you deserve* Fast right answers. No chain of
held that local taxation was not a proper way to fi-
fabulous nance public education. In essence, they told the
legislature to find another system, or the courts indi-
command to slow you down. No home office to contact. Dom
is the last word. «
cated they would determine for themselves how it
sportswear should be done.
The legislature spent several years not solving
Stop in, chat with Dom or call him on his personal phone
994-1132. Find out how much better it is to deal with a banker

for her — the situation, but in the end came up with a plan —
much to the relief of the Supreme Court, we believe,
because nobody was quite certain what would happen
instead of a bank.

next if the legislature hadn't passed something. The

we're a great
look... for a
joker in this case is that we find we're financing just
as much of the local school costs by local taxes as we
ever did.
lot fess...
Currently in Essex we've fought an apparently
losing battle on the question of who determines how
much will be spent to man the court system of the
county (which are actually state courts). Presiding
State Bank MEMBER F.D.I.C.
Justice Blake, early this year, determined that the - M A I N OFFICE-
amount Appropriated in the county budget for court 313 West Mount Pleasant Avenue. Livingston. N) 07039
personnel was considerably less than he felt was Moaaav-nrandw Friday Saturday
necessary. He issued court orders to the Board of Cho- W«lk-Up &00p:00*m.
&00p00 8:00-900 am. 8:00 900am.
sen Freeholders to appropriate more money, and to Lobby
2:30- 5:00 p.m. •2:30-6:00 p m
9O0-2J0p.m. 9:00 2:30 p.m 9:00-1200 pm
the County Executive to appoint more court person- 6:00-8:00 p m
nel. The orders were challenged, and there was a tern- Drtve-4n 8:00- SrOO p.m. &00-8:O0 pm. 8:00-12:00 p.m.
lions head toe.
porary stay, but that was abandoned when the state'
supreme court backed up most of the contentions of
91 Last Mount Pleasant Avenue. Livingston, N| 0 7 0 3 9
fK 41lv.«pk>un drck Justice Blake. The Supreme Court, we Understand, Lobby Monday-FrMajr 8:00 2 3 0 p m
* Urtalti«>Ml4lK>aM.Mt.ll-l:ik«n.ifl
will hear further arguments on the matter in Septem- (Next to the Livingston Car Wash)
ber, but meanwhile the orger stands and we have to
August 16,1879 W—t Esf > Tribiw Stctlpn 1, Papt 8
taw» of your cancan aad t o
tor nomic action. If patjlbsi, mate Vincent ButhweU
VrftoeofBftbiet State Dr. sb a contrioutta so INTACT N - Die* h Union
OonrMr.Dahsr: •fin FACT M a frass of nutrttton-
Natrttts*. Onell ists, educators, caurca raprs- Vincent j BushmD, as, of
The Livingston Unit of Uatarssty, isjsrHd so Union died at his hom« on
Chan* Women United ED •enutim, aad auny o f t *
than six par o n * «f aUfcan la l Wednesday, August I Bore ta
IfcA ^ ^ ^ ^ BI^MM^A VIA
any country afti fts? • « • up Nav York a t y ht prevtously
mm nVBOT M n M . HI out Ainariea, «laoo purpos* It lived in Gulf Port, Florida be-
all *H*t Btnrattffft bmst-fswlngkietdartowork tstoendttwuaothtealaaddan
in tha iPsJCnrt of habits ta Third Thaae a n the teds, attorn fore moving to this area four
gerous promotkm of infant for- years ago He had lived from
World countries to tain usfctkto of Third World bafcass M y coo mula in Third World countries
tinue to atari* baoaatt of the time to time with his son,
Tteorotaenisthis. Milboos INFACT, 1701 University A vs., Ronald BushweU of Livingston
heartless, greedy actMttm of S E , ifinneapoHs, Mn. 56414
of bsbes in Wrd World coun- poinrnj corporations, «fc> are In 1974 the American little
tries an suffering tnm mah»- Church Women United hope
making a hUUsadoBans year you will care enough to take ac- League All Stars presented Mr.
tritkm aad art dying of stanra- ta aatat. There a n tfctags you BushwtU with a plaoae tp honor
tion to help stop this terrible
BOB D6CMN uMtr BMttMsTI V © can do to help. Mainly, * » t baby formula ««**'»<t«i of his "enthusiastic support"
being hired away from breast- buy any of dw M l i » a « NesUe during the team's bid for Mate
feeding. Infant formula compa- AdaieB Mason
products: Tastar'aCaeso*, N « Enabling Services Chairman championship.
nies display attractive posters cafe, Decaf, Sunrise Coffee,
of happy mothers aad heelthy- Church Woman United BeTofr-hii retirement Mr
Quik, Nestle Crunch aad Toll 33 Crescent Road BushweU was a salesman for
looking babies clutching bot- House morsels, Natfea, Soup^
tles. Especially alarming Is the Livingston Vita Food Product* for 30
time, Llbby's canned foods, years. He was a SO year mem-
uae of sales representatives Stouffer products and resUu
dressed in white uniforms "to. ber of United Commercial
rants, Croase and BUckwell, Studiea Science Travelers and belonged to the ADVANCED UFB8AVBR8. SixUca tluamU completed Uw
look like nurses. These "nur- Jarlsburg cheese, Dear Park
se*" visit new mothers in boapi- Senior Citizens of Gulf Port He Uvutgstea Recreation DepartntMt'i Advanced Ufrtavlng course.
Mountain Spring Water, Kavli Jonathan S. Margaiis, a stu- Is survived by two daughters. Coadacted by swim sregrai" coerdtulw David Wolf, iwlm pro-
tals, encourage them to bottle- Crisphraad, Magft, Keiller, dent at Livingston High School,
feed their babies; and provide Constance Emery of Union and gram UutrvcUn Bridget U a f and Mary McKeaaa *nd rcrrratlea
McVities, Wlsprlds Swiss was one of l» students who par- Joan McCullough of Pompton leader Jaime Wolf, the course covered perttmal safety, first aid
free samples of infant formula Knight, L'Oreal cosmetics, Bar ticipated in a five-week science
to take home. Misuse of the for- Lakes, and 17 grandchildren in and water rescue techniques. Students receiving certiflcaMon from
ringer Bros, wioes and Loa Her seminar held at Old Dominion addition to his son the ESMI Chapter of uie American Kedtroti are. Phillip (•«*»«,
mula spells disaster. Contami- mance wines. Writs to The University.
nated water is used to mix the Services were held Saturday Nancy Cntmraey. Mara UoM. ScoM UouM. SUcey llnii, Kathleen
Nestle Co. Inc., 100 Blooming Holland. Anne Judge, Kirk KraeuUer, Kileen Urney. Kevin Main,
formula and extra water if add- dale, Rd, White PUtns, NY The Livingston Township in Galanto Funeral Home,
ed to make this expensive baby Council has five members, Union, followed by a mass in St. Orna Meyen, Richard Moon, IJi» Polenta, Shirl Klvkind, Karene
10806. It is important that they Smaje and Angle Vcwia.
food stretch farther. The bottles elected for terms of four years Michael's Church, Union.
are not sterilixed, and there is
no refrigeration. The baby be-
comes ill. Meantime tha moth-
er's milk has dried up, leaving
no alternative but to continue
bottle-feeding. The baby be-
comes more and more malnour-
Harbin-hkovieh CeremonyHeld
The Puett United Methodist marie, North Carolina; Theresa
ished and usually dies of starva-
Of the many infant formula
Church of Dajlas, North Caro- Parker of Winston Salem, North companies, Nestle is the largest
lina, was the setting Saturday, Carolina, Jennifer Ivkovich and and most unwilling to admit any
classic wool suits for a superb mixture of traditional,
distinctive styling & subtle fashion innovations. A short-

August 11, for the wedding of Valerie Ivkovich, the bride- destructive practices. The
ened jacket here, an optional belt there and those smart,
Donna Kay Harbin, daughter of groom's sisters, both of Living- Nestle Co. is inaccessible to or- back-slit skirts for great fashion mileage. Shadow plaid
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Harbin of ston. All wore seaspray colored dinary stockholder strategies
Bessemer City, North Carolina, gowns with sheer capes, and because It is a Swiss-based com- blazer with self belt in tan/teal/dusty rose & tan Highland
to Nicholas Petar1 Ivkovich, son carried colonial bouquets of pany whose stock must be pur- tweed easy skirt. New fitted short jacket in tan/blue
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ivko- yellow and white daisies, each chased in Switzerland and only
vich of 16 Monmouth Court. The surrounding one candle.
Reverend Dan P. Stowe, the
Swiss national stockholders
Dana Fair of Gastonia was have the right to vote. This situ-
bride's uncle, officiated at the flower girl, and Donnie Self of ation leaves people of con-
ceremony. A reception in the Gastonia was ring bearer. Solo- science no alternative but to ad-
church followed. ists were Debbie Young and • vocate the boycott as a means
CLAMIGS checks & straight skirt with Inverted front pleat.
Both In6-16i 13(100
SUITS . ; . : . • " H ••"'"• - •

The bride wore a white chif- Russell Wyont. Gall Robinson to force change. c* /
fonette gown designed with a was organist. From Nestle's n f a w f view
Queen Anne neckline and Charles Ivkovich of Living- there is a real need for artificial
trimmed with French Alencen ston acted as his son's best feeding, and they think their
lace motifs. The skirt extended man. Ushers were Keith Harbin promotion methods are good,
into a chapel length train. A cap of Bessemer City, the bride's because they are successful.
of matching lace held her Eng- brother, Paul Ciarfello of Haw- They think the religious com-
lish net veil, and she carried a thorne, Phil Cook of Gaffney, munity doesn't realize the de-
bouquet of yellow roses, lilies of South Carolina and Kelvin veloping countries really need
the valley, baby's breath and Moseley also of Gaffney. infant formula. Nestle states —'
greens. The new Mrs. Ivkovich is a "supplementation at three
Mrs. Randy Goble of Gas- graduate of Bessemer City high, months is necessary among
tonia, North Carolina, served as School and is a student at Gard- malnourished mothers, there-
matron of honor. Bridesmaids ner Webb College where she is a fore, we are marketing an es-
were Peggy Barringer of Albe- member^ the Studeq^Jpupes sential product." The "three
Association. She is employed by. month crisis'' is based on one
Gaston Memorial Hospital. study done in W. Africa. Many
The Pink Panther says, Mr. Ivkovich, a graduate of; other studies have demonstrat-
"Have your eyes . Livingston High School also is a : ed that mother's milk is usually
student at Gardner Webb where sufficient for the first five or six
examined before going he is a physical education months. (Of course, at some
back to school." major and a resident assistant., point mother's milk must be
At LHS he played football and supplemented with other
lacrosse. foods.) If Nestle really respect-
After a wedding trip to Nash- ed their own argument, they
ville, Tennessee, the couple will would promote formulas only
live in Shelby, North Carolina. for babies three months of age
or older instead of newborns.
We fee] feeding malnourished
Earns All A'« mothers the proper foods to
Anita Yeomans, daughter of help produce more milk is a
Mr. and Mrs. John Yeomans of wiser solution and can be ac-
47 Winchester Road, has been complished at 1/10 the cost of
named to the dean's list for hav- Nestle formula. Nestle claims
ing achieved first honors with a there is not enough evidence to
4.0 average for the spring prove that the increase in infant
semester at Seton Hall Univer- sickness and death can be at-
sity. A nursing major, she will tributed to bottle-feeding. We
A«K to s»e be a junior in the fall. ' fee] there are an overwhelming
Pink Panther ttames number of studies all pointing in
by Veto'y Optical one direction: the best and
Emory Scholar cheapest way to feed an infant
to insure health is breastfeeding
TEST RITE Merry Sturm, daughter of alone for the early part of the
Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Sturm of first year. Lastly, Nestle states
OPTICIANS Livingston, made the dean's list "the preponderance of avail-
Livingston •41-2003 for winter and spring semester able evidence points to a
MM. Hm M. *4, nun. *-TiM during her first year at Emory mother's need, or desire, to

Formerly of Antonio's, Livingston

Is Pleased To Announce
It now

1>S logf* Rock Av«.
A Ml ScrWc* Solon Including
Facial, tody Waxing and
For Appointment Call
Swmm«r Hour* TWt - Sot.. lot* Fri.
Open Monday* Storting S»pt«nbf
(Original StoH SnU wHh Ut)

|MOrWSTOWN 10:004:00, WED. & FRI. 10:00-9:00 LIVING8TON MALL 10:00-9:30 INCLUDING SAT.
Page Q, Section 1 W—t E—x Trtbuna AuQWt 161979
Thursday afternoon, August • Phueen west around to uw
OtAcm said that MOM PttsMa rear of kar hoax* and lewd that
Drunk Druer
Police Seeking returned to her home at II the back dear was m a . Going Loses license *j*jj
South Aehby Avenue at about inside, aha checked* the (rent
T-Bird Burglar 1210 p.m to find the young door and found that it had been
man near the house. As heforced open, the second floor of ( h » * M < * g p
Police are looting (or a young started to mow toward Ms ear the house had been ransacked H i aWwrt Meeaee in Living a $ » fine for carekee driving
white maa about 21 years oid ate questioned why he was in Police said that a Minolta •tea Ustakipai Court oa was suspended A fine of « • for
who drives a new Ford Thus- the area, and he said that the camera, silver bowli and jewel- Wednesday, August I He had driving without insurance
derttrd in connection with a car had broken down; he then ry bad bean taken from the ban charted with careless identification was also suspend-
burglary la Uriafaton oa driving, driving while intoxi- ed by Judge Martin J.
cated and driving without in

FALL suraace identification on July Shut off a light Save eaerg>


Amount** ttw Opening o« Hti Offic»
For th« Proctic* of

240 Central Avenue
Room 144
East Orange, N.J 07018
Offic* Hpurs by Appointment ToUphon* 476-1086)
hots of Tender Loving Care ^ — — — - (,»•
has gone into our new collection of HKVKKAI. BKUHH FIRB8 were reported Ut« last week, until wn weather ever the weekead coded

Fall Sportswear. So wear it and enjoy!

Uw problem. T*U one akMg Madonna Drive was ** of several in la* Memorial Park area that re,
•plred the aUertio. of flremea oo We«to»aV. A.gwt I . SNEAKERS UNLIMITED INC,
with both fun and practical (our major componeU of the AT 2 LOCATIONS
jr. sportswear for both YMCAHp Begin exercise experience is under YMCA fitness program in a
mom & daughter way at the Wee* Essex YMCA pleasant workout situation," 397 RT. 10
Joy Exercise "We call the new program, MeliUo said, "vhich goes be- LIVINGSTON CIRCLE WAYNE, N . J . ;
A new physical fltneef and Joy," aaid LynneftlaMUo,the yond just doing aerobic exer- "BMWM<I J C. Pwy a KomtM
health program designedtopro- YMCA'a womens fttneu direc- cise to music." LIVINGSTON. N J

.Clothes vide its female participants tor, "becauie it'i the aocond

lyllable of enjoy and we think
people really want exercise and
health programs that are not
just drudgery." ,
Participants begin with
warm-up exercises that ready
the body for more rigorous
activities. Hiere are muscle-
stretching exercises that follow
Back To School

Patch Marsha

Moo. thru Sit.
35 North Uviaattea Ave.
Uviaastea, N. J.

Joy i s a one-hour choreo-
graphed exercise program done
to taped music, W e d on the
YMCA's national model, known
as "The Y s Way to Fitness,"
a design to improve flexibility
and tone. Fast paced routines
are next so class members can
work on their cardiovascular
health levels. Finally there is a
cooling down period so partici-
10*30 she said.
133 emcclellanave. There are nearly 100 women pants leave class refreshed and
CoMal«teMirtia|Senke relaxed.
enrolled in the Y program and it
livirupton.nj • Commercial • Industrial is spreading among YMCA» in Every Joy class is led by an
• Social the Metropolitan area. instructor who has been Certi-
"Joy it designed to provide fied in a three-day seminar.
These training events are held 2 COME GET »2M OFF
quarterly. Instructors learn the 5 OUR ALREADY LOW PRICES
theory of exercise and meet . 'RID FIRRY • PONY • TRCTORN • SAUCOHY
with experts in the health and
fitness field.
"The YMCA has always been
involved in developing fitness
AyAtf»flOD*tf At*
and health activities that are
YOUR "COINS" WILL ACCUMULATE both fun and beneficial,"
MeliUo said. Joy is the latest in
FAST — WHEN YOU SAVE BY THE a long success story at the
NUMBERS! Classes begin again in Sep-
tember at the local YMCA and
demonstrations of Joy are held
before each new session. Per-
SAVINGS CERTIFICATES sons interested in the program
may call the YMCA for ad-
ditional information."1' *•' '
': * . • • < -I'M? $ n ?»**'•:

" annualyieldon Court Fines

Local Drivers
8 1 T 0/
• • # /©
annualyieldon ,
T *tR
Two Livingston drivers paid
small fines in Municipal Court
on Wednesday, August 8, for
' 6 yr. certificate $1000 minimum traffic offenses.
)/ effective f KAO/ Steven J. Fonseca of 41 Hazel
^0 annual yield on * ••# V /O
Avenue was fined $10 and court
costs of $10 for driving a car
1 to 5 p.m. Boys & Girls to age 10
*'/i yr. certificate $1000 minimum with overdue inspection.
Guy J.Happel of 17 Notch Hill Starting Sat., Aug. 18
j/ effective ' T AA 0/ Road paid $10 on a charge of
f driving without, an insurance
O annualyieldon t f « W /O card; a $10 fine for driving with-
f . 4 y«or cartificate $1000 minimum out his registration was

7• AD
annualyieldon „.• TTw".inTT / w Need School
' . 2 Vi yr. certificate $1000 minmum Crossing Guards No Appointment Necessary

6• 1O1 1I 0 / * effective • An urgent appeal for

/ O annualyieldon
Livingston residents in-
terested hi becoming school
. X ".-•.- NEW/ crossing guards was issued
this week by the Police De-
~ 4 YEAR VARIABLE RATES " partment. Anyone, male or
female, over the age of 18 Is at Continental Coiffures
TIME SAVINGS ACCOUNTS eligible to apply, using forms
available at police head-
Specialists in a l phases of Hair Coloring & Permanent Waving

8 0QC^
t V f / O
effective "V Q f f C ^
annual yield on # j » T 3 / O $1,000 minimum
quarters. Further Informa-
tion is available from Capt.
Albert Fachet,MZ-30O0. ,
177 EAGLE ROCK AVE., RO^LANO, 226-9172
(Next to Rosetand Pharmacy) Closed Mon.
> Subttantial Penalty on All Ce/tifiaite Accounts which ara not kept unHLMojwrity


5 0# %^ /O
annual yield on
$10 minimum

— Come into a
MAYFLOWER beautiful place
. . . for worship, for education, for friendship.

Your Commun/7y Savings and Loan
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, Short Hills, N. J.
Kindergarten through 4BI grade
10th. 11thand 12thgrades

;. Saturday, September 8th al925 am

: . . . Sunday,September9that925am
Sunday,October 14that9:25am

72 South Livingston Ave. NURSERY SCHOOL

Livingston 992-6262 531 S.Livingston Ave. Classes: Monday through Fridaytorchildren 3 to 4 years and 4 to 5 years oW. '

Open Daily 9,til 3; 30 Livingston 9940400 Playschool — Two man a week for 2 - 2Vj yr olds
Song & Story Hour — one afternoon a weeR
Monday tves only 6 p.m.! p.m.
Sat. Morning 9 to 12:30
LIVINGSTON Optn Daily l:30-'til 3:00
Thurs. Eves onty 6 p.m.-l p.m. A warm mlcom* awaits ydu in our Congregation
M»mbtrthy» »r« ooan lo •> ag» groups Telephone or visit m now
•nd b» with i n in our Sanctuary on tht High Hoty Dayi

For watelraMuw el MEW pweta pi m i caH Mrs. Men at the Ttnylt oflie* 379-1SS1 _ ^ _ _ _
August 16,1979 West Easex Tribune Section!, Page 7
studies thai fsJL Aunharyoflrviaftom
Noel received her B & d s f m
Wife of the late Ncaar* F.
CUsascetoOpeB in teoaadary sad elementary
Hogg, she is survived by three
physical edHestaaa teddBf
•nd coacains from Ithaca
sons, Charles A., Warren S. and Me He
deoSM^LW Rkhard F all of UvtnfsUa;
CoUeft, Itasca, New York to
a * Street is reeeMej apaiic*
tea fer tte M series « dog
May 1971.
tw^daughters, Mrs. Etta Ulrica
of Livingston a n U i r t . Searie Providing financial Security
and Nettie Hogg 91
A. Eriduon of Poibore,
Massachusetts; l i grandchil-
dren and ie great-grandchii-
thru Insurance
our professional service i t as
Nk bobe-
«ch catajory, «Nk Dica On Saturday near as your phone — call us today)
Services were held Tuesday
: Aftfmtl tf Pratauury Md ftai Mrs. Nettie ) . Hogg, t l , of at Haeberle and Barth Home
M mi Park* U Seftoct V«n- nights and stow b e n * * <» Livingston died Saturday. t i f SO itVINSITON AVf
Thursdays for Funerals in lrvtngton Inter-
i m m n-ii *•«- ITU 7*i Mm* w. Aiajuat l i . A farmer resident of ment w u in East Ridgelawn
UVINtlTON, H 4 - M M
< « • » * 4 mm r, Km**, IS* wtta - Classes are laid at tht North West Oraoja, ate (ad Mvad ntre
I f J t m ) l Oalat End Fir* Station la Cedar Cemetary, Dela wanna
m b e t MeCWU}Awa» UK » A *
for i s years. 9 » had worked as
Grow. Obedience d e n e * are The family (uggesta that any-
Block i - TYwrti—I PorUoe «f ~S.l" a saleswoman for Orbed* in
Uot CMktioael UM ut Prafeoui opoTto %U breads iaduding one wishing to remember Mn.
Newark for many years.
tmi riml Sill PIH Agpuwa" With I miud tares* over flv* maniht Hogg might make a contribu-
Mrs. Hogg was s member of

old. tion to the Livingston First Aid
ByOrteafthtBiard. the Ubormen's Post IMS, VTW
Karen Gallagher M UvlBfrtMi M i Led Cefcea ol UvtngiUo Pre-registration Is required, Squad.
swept diplomas Iron Mr*. Retk M. Grtewpaa. R.N. at Salrt u clan tiae is limited To
Barnabai School of Practical Nursing graduation ceremoaiet. The register for obedience classes,
hotpltal aai auMNiwed thai it it closiag the school for lack of aew
students. '

19 Nurses Graduate at Hospital

call M4-4444; for RAadNftJ, Mn
FenDemoreatXt7-lM6. Warm
Nineteen students were
honored at graduation exer-
cises for the Saint Ba/nabas
School of Practical Nursing re-
them and advised students to
continue to practice the quality
of nursing care that they
Treats From
learned through theory and
cently. Joseph Lindner, J r ,
M.D. president, congratulated
supervised clinical experience.
Ruth M. Greenspan, R.N., di
rector of the school, and Bonnie
* Economy—
Livingston Limousine Service, Inc.
Lynn Anderson, R.N., associate
director, presented students
leg cords

with pins and diplomas and led
them in the Practical Nurse
Over the past U years 365 stu-
1.71 Uteri

dents have graduated, passed

the licensure exam and suc- mag.
ceeded in employment or con-
tinuing education.
The class wag. greeted by
Frederick E. Rathgeber, chair-
•OUMWacm. I OINM All a MOT M i l
All Cars Private and Are Reserved
Only For You and Your Party
man of the board of trustees and
jAbdol H. Islami, M.D, presi-
dent medical staff. The i 28 ot.No Dopotlt Sottloi


| CAW ' I . M 6 pok

; Mates from liviasjitM 4 Surrounding. Areas Reverend Gerald Greaves,
chaplain, gave the invocation. LIQUORS AT THE LOWEST POS-
To Newark Airport $21.00 Dorothy. Weary, class presi- SIBLE PRICES ALLOWED BY
from Nowark Airport $24.00 dent, presented a gift for Barbara G. Noel
Toj.F.K.AUOuardla $M4K)

purchase of "audio visual Earns Fellowship
Prom J.F.K. A La Ouardla $SSM equipment.
Toaiid'romMawrorkOty $40.00 Barbara Gail Noel, daughter
WeeWlngs—p«rcav $S04M of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Noel
of 24 Concord Drive, has been
' Probation Term
' Add Tolls and Parking If Any
Over 4 Persons, Add $5.00 f^r person
Please call for additional rates and services For Bad Checks
awarded a full-time fellowship
at Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana to work
j Wines and LIQUORS of llvingston
towards her master's of science I "Please Park in our Paved Lot" nortMleld center
James J.Ratlgan, Pres. A Philadelphia resident, See ser leiectiea ef Cheeses free) $ * * * lest Form
degree in physical education. dolly till 6:00 992-1016 lr»« alteration*

Perry B. Johnson Jr., was She has been appointed as an 565 S. Livingston Ave., Livingston ' .HI 9 ('••parking
placed on probation in Living- associate instructor in the de- NorthlMd Center • NolretponilDIitot typographic*! won we carry big and tall men i tli«i
Rcaiont fSNAPPER owners ston Municipal Court this week
on two bad check complaints.
partment of physical education
and will begin her graduated
Free Delivery B92-231S M2-2141

wouldn t own any other: Both complaints had been filed

by Livingston Mall merchants
• No cutting power ton in 6 forward ipetdt- last May.
I- '
Vacuumt 41k bag* grass Johnson had been scheduled

lei Uncle Sam deposit

• Mulchet cuttings-Vacuums & shreds to appear in court on June 28,
loavM-Largo bag capacity
but he was unable to do so be-
• Evert oitchory* of cut|ln0*-Smoqfti
pfpMslonej cut ' " cause he was in jail in Bergen
County on a similar offense,
Betoro you buy, compare trw feature* finishing his term. A warrant
or a SNAPPER It's worth more was issued for his arrest, and he

your Social security

because It does more and iti price
It competitive with other
was taken into custody on
quality mower* August 7 following his release
from jail.
In court this week Johnson
entered guilty pleas to charges

check lor you I

made by R. J, Boggs and Unique
Any way you cut it... Male. On the first he was
it's a snap with a SNAPPER! sentenced to 90 days in jail, and
on the second an additional 30
•days. The jail terms were
suspended, however, and he
was placed on probation for a
year on each charge.
The safe, faat convenient way to deposit your 8oclsl -
Security, Government or Retirement chock
Anna May Waltrip of Living- • Social Security Benefits • Supplemental Security Income • ReMroad Retirement
ston is a member of the honors • Civil Service Retirement • Veterans Administration Componutlon and Pennon
list for the spring semester at Air Force Active or Retirement • Army Retirement • Navy Retirement
the Rutherford campus of { H E N DIRECT DEPOSIT 18 FOR YOU.
OeH KPM OtotriUilort - 2O1SS4-S4O0 Fairleigh Dickinson University.

The Advantages —
of Direct Deposit
Going Back To •

It's convenient. No more Handing in line.
It reduces the chance of your check being
lost If you are away from home, or moving.
It reduces the chance of theft No need to

School or •

stay at home waiting for your check.
If you're ill, no need to worry. You don't have
to come to the bank in person.
You retain complete access to your fundi,
end can withdraw them easily and quickly,
just as if you deposited them yourteH.

How Direct m ^ -
Don't W a i t - Deposit Works
Your monthly payments will be tent directly to

Have Your Eyes

our bank each month, for immediate deposit
either in your Mvingi account, where they will
begin earning high interest, or in your checking
account, which can be drawn on immediately

Examined Now! To Sigh Up For Our

Direct Deposit Service...
Whether you need new glasses or the old All the information you need can be found on
your monthly check. W e will send you «

ones repaired, we'll be happy to help governement form which is eaiy to fill out, or
just atop in and we will be gled to help you

you! We have the latest in eyewear

fashion and colors!
r complete the form, or call u i at 992 5800

! 1 am Interested In rwvlng the specified !

1 Check eutomatically depotlted to my 1
1 Checking w Saving* Account. Please 1
Member FOIC NATIONAL BANK • send proper form. \ •
| Nemelsl , ' !

•WnOfftoe NortMMd Office w#st U V H I M I O O Office

M SouthlMMaton Ave. SM South IMngston Ave. Route 10 West of Circle
Open Monday B M . » Oeen Thursday Eve. Open Frtd#y Eve. • Address
| City
57A East Mount Pleasant Aye., U v t e f l t o i i , N. J. 9 9 2 - 2 0 0 2
• State
Mon., TIMS., I Fri. 9-6, Thun. 9-7;30. Wed. 9-12. Closed Sat. MBI u r n * MS i m • comas m 11 TUB
Page 8,8«ctton 1 Watt Essex Tribune AuQurt 16, tf?9
pM? fc QM of the Urgo*
> f « * p a l fires is the
• H a » 4 9 " for ywr feritta tyttmtt to the origfaul mbtttntMy improved
hart* o*sr M» office*
ear meuiartatoriiifttt fuel and tfMdAeatiomhlt ako OMMM niUaae*.

lUTTLE THINGS MEAN A LOTi Cupsti, v t e was previoudy

dtratar of education, joined the
audit <W»rtm«*of (to N e w t
Wctt Essex YMCA Pre-School Office in 1MB after wrviag tar
ymn as a lieutenant in the I M
Environment Center Navy.
A native of Newark, CapaB
State CertMtodNumry School graduated from Upaala College
in MM with a BBA degree in
l i n k thiofi mean i lot. And we know bow to mtke thow little thing* mean • lot Cupoli • a member of the
more. New Jeney Society of Certified
Public Accountants and has
Theft why we dmloped toe YMCA'i Preschool Environment Center when we've been a member of the Society'!
created • special world (or m y iperial thinp to happen to bojn and girb. Committee on Auditing and

There'* our "manipulative center" where tomethinf u complex M tying > ihoe 1*
Edward Cupoli Accounting Standards for the
past three-years. He u> also a
worked at in detail... zipping i zipper and (napping i >nap. Game* help eye-hand co- Auditing Director member of the American Insti-
ordination, measuring and making judgment* correctly. Movement education and pre- Edward M. Cupoli, a partner tute of Certified Public Ac-
•wim inetruction are inriudad. /f of Arthur Young and Company, countants and the National
an international firm of Certi- Association of Accountants. .
Our repUca (in miniature) of Atjdult world it in our "hou*ekeeping center." Here,
fied Public Accountants, has Cupoli, his wife, Emily,' and
youngster* begin to re-create their own version of adult rules. There will even be a store, a
been named director of auditing their three children. Donna,
ratauraiU and • bank. of Arthur Young's Newark Edward and Lisa, reside on
We'll cook. Play with building blocks of all kind*. Our library i* aiwayt available with STING HY BICES: Ruth RUey at 3 Macapin Drive suffered malllple bee «ltng» while working in her Office Arthur Young and Com- Momingilde Drive.
the book* at just enctly the right comprehension level. yard on Thursday afternoon, Aagiul I. MM » » • lakea to Satet Barnabas Medkal Center by Ue First
Aid Squad. , Andy WIIMO Photo Attend a FREE Explanatory Sttaion on
Our carpenter1* spot to help withcoordinaiion of the big muscles is part of the scene
•* is our arts and craft* center and science corner. HYPNO8I3 and SELF-HYPNOSIS to
make every effort to take per- During period* of extremely
Keep Food Cold iababie or frozen foods directly hot weather or power cutback* LOSE WEIGHT* STOP SMOKING
Yes, Mom and Dady the environment for a pre-schooler 1* Indeed important.
For Health'* Sake home as soon after purchase as or breakdowns, refrigerator
August 20,1979 at 7:30 P.M. To L O M Weight
and freezer doors should be
Come look us o v e r . . . we're a very important childhood experience. Michael Patz, chief sanitari- Home refrigerators and opened as little as possible Ex- August 23,1979 at 7:30 P.M. To Stop Smoking
an of the township Health De- freezers should be equipped cessive buildup of frost around
partment, this week offered
| SCHEDULE PEES some advice to consumer* re-
with accurate thermometers, the freezing unit cuts down on
which ahould be checked regu- cooling efficiency. Ufa CBetfr Wcw Hypnosis Center
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-12:00 noon Monday, Wednesday, Friday $51.00 garding the handling and stor- larly. Keep refrigerators set at Patz said it is a good idea for 769 Northfiald Avcnut ALBERT LEEBOW
Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m.-] 2:00 noon, Tuesday, Thursday a.m. $34.00 per month I age of perishable foods during 4$ degrees Fahrenheit or below every homeowner, especially
12:30-3:15 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday p.m. $32.00 per month | hot weather and especially dur- and freezers 0 degrees Fahren- those with home freezers, to W. Orange, 731-1286 Director '
'Aik about our 5-day program Basic or Physical Membership required ing periods of power cutbacks heit or lower, Patz said. The have an emergency list of ice 'WITH PHYSICIAN'S DIET AND APPROVALj
or breakdowns. thermometer should be placed and dry ice sources just in case
Patz said shoppers should where it can be easily read. a major power breakdown
arises. "A small amount of dry
ice in a freezer during such a
period could protect the food in-
vestment," he said. Sources of
ice and dry ice can be found in
the yellow pages of the phone
book, but Patz was quick to
point out that dry ice must be
handled with care as the ex-
treme low temperature of dry
ice can "burn" the skin on con-
If by chance frozen foods do
defrost completely, cook imme-

diately what can be consumed
within the next day or two and
throw t h y e s t of the defrosted
perishables away.

Finally! Contact Lenses without gim-
mirt N o additional.charges. " a

Hello Again... CONVENTIONAL HARD LENSES , * 129.00
It's That Time of Fee includes examination, contact lens
fitting, lenses, instruction, care kit and

the Year. follow-up care during adjustment period.
I will assure All offices are staffed by Doctors of Op-
you the lowest tometry who are. members of the New
Jersey Optometric Association, and the
price on all new American Optometric Associatio/i
1979 CADILLACS. Professionals who care!
A Y»or
Try m t . . . Dial 10 C O N V E N I E N T ^ L O C A T I O N S
575-0100 Call t h e office nearest y o u .
Rat* •ffoctlvs Thursday, August 16 thru W»dn«sday, August 22nd CIRO CARUSO Dr C Peirlman Dr I Zlotmck Dr C. Pearlnian Dr 0 Biker
?36 1020 549-3555 527-0120 543-6101
Claimant C « « M I I M *mn (O'twn) NEMM (SprM kn) PUSIPMNt
• • } • • • • •
1220 Bloomlield Ave., Drs Gieenspan I Di M Bram Or S. Greenspjri
West Caldwell, N. J. Meimelstein 243-4715 887-2797
624-4363 >
"del the


)ou Ih Dt V Trytjah Of. M. Brant Oi I. Mermelstein
762-7422 687-7440 159-1497



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On top of that, your certificate may be

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So take advantage of this exceptional State ITALIAN

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We're the One for your money. LB. LB.

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320ffT.10, L HMOVER tt44)15l MANY IN STORE
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Wholt—H * R f H Comtln and look around.
*The effective yield on Treasury Bills is higher Interest stated is on an annual basis. 90 days notice of WHOLESALE PRICES, SLICED UPON REQUEST.
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August 1ft, 1979 W—tEnoTrtburtt Sitton 1, Pag***
Ipswich Town National Letfer Harm
Midwest and Who's Who in aQddk East as a tour leader travel with spaskar. Betty
Ho sponaliass in two a n a s : Alberts, of American Express.
Dumps Wazoolb Full Gotpel Gaaal Speed the L t f « which has eon America u Religion
prophecy and the moaning of Tho program will begin at II
tioued for It y e a n aad now In lMt Reverend Harris was
Tt* named Alumnus of DM Y«ar at the Christian life a m ia the Sears Court oa tho
u>uk more than W a U t t o a
that hut to be Control Bible College ia Sprint- Ho will speak at the Full Gos- lower level of ths mall Door
p try «Mk fee Since l e a v i * his pastorate in field, Missouri whan ho re-
pel Church on Wednesday, prises will be awarded. Per
f Town, fv i w i t a a « | Seattle in MM Reverend Harris ceived BA and MA. degrocs
August a , at 7 : » p m ; on further information, call)
* p * ol eflwr, , PuO Thursday. August a , at 7 S 0 Harriet Socks, director of!
apak M* «wk at has been editor in chief of aod served u president of its
• « n 4 y defected the previously p m. and on Friday, August M, marketing and promotions, ati
ospdCWth church school literature for the alumni association
oaMMlad Wanoiu, s-i. The at the same time. On Sunday, il.
Bon la M n i t , b« hM held Assenblies of God. He worked A writer as well as an editor
victory by lpwieh avenged two August M, he will spook at the
PMtantos to Ob. Mkaigan. with m pufattcatkm with a to- the minister has written
earlier defeats headed them by 11 a.m. worship sonrica.
Wtsoolif, tod also gave Ipwich
and Setttft, irtMajto. He tal circulation each year of numerous books and artidos Red OOM Workers
the playoff chunpioiMhip of the was tht flrat NttoMljecreUry more than M million He also including "Now What?" a guide The social service depart-
of CMoto AwliMWlhTi and has aerved as chairman of the for new Christian converts. It
Adult Soccer League
helped opentamlt—ltWct in curriculum < « « w 4 V f of the has had a circulation of more
Program On Travd ment of tho Livingston
Women's Club, will work on
The tone at the game was set SprfatfMd, lteourt He also National Sunday School than one million and is pub- On Tuooday, August t l , tho Monday August», l l : » p m at
earty u the Ijwwtcfa defense helped to form Evangelical Association and aa a member of lished in Portuguese, Spanish Livingston Mail will prooont its ths Braille Unit of tho American
ooadmiaUy derailed moat of Youth and served as iU first the curriculum selection com and Chinese final program in tha "Twolvo Red Cross, 10* Waahingtoa
Wazoolb' forays at the mid preaideot mittoe of the Armed Forces He Over the yean Reverend Tussdays for Golden Quests'1 Street, East Orange Car pools
fieM area. At the 16 minute During these y«ars Nnrtod is listed in Who's Who in the Harris has made 11 trips to the program. The topic will bo will bo formed.
matt the Ipswich counter-
attack paid its first dividend as

Todd Silverberg gent Tom Mac
Niooll in on goal with a pretty
pass and the Ipswich striker
made it 1-0. Later in the first
half, Jeff White scored what

proved to be the winner and
fpwich went into halftime with
The second half saw the Ip-
swich dub pick up where it had
left off. Paul Mac Nicoll struck
Klinkowstein-Daniels Marriage
unassisted, brother Tom Mac Mr. and Mrs. Irving Klinkow- Mr. Daniels is currently work-
Nicoll (cored his second of the stein, of Newton, Pennsylvania ing toward a Ph.D. in biology at
evening with the assist going to announce the marriage of their Lehigh.
Mike Frieden, and Todd Silver- daughter, JoAnne, to Eric Scott The couple will make their
berg rounded out the Ipswich Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. home in Behtlehem, Penn-


scoring posting an unassisted Marvin Daniels, of Martin sylvania following a honeymoon
tally. Road trip to Williamsburg, Virginia.
The double ring ceremony
Wazoolis could manage only
one goalto|^Jha^»yeningwith
Roy VandermajlnS&tting it in
was performed by Rabbi Morri-
son Bial on Sunday, August 12, LCP Chorus Hold. INCREDIBLE VALUES ON THOUSANDS OF.
the net with an assist from team
captain Steve Scardena.
at Candwehrs, West Trenton.
Mrs. Lynn Kreaz served as
Summer Party
Anne Marie Cerciello of Flor-
matron of honor. Douglas
Daniels was his brother's best ham Park opened the doors of
man. Ushers included Chuck her home to 32 members of the
Passport Photographs
Barrish, Bill Grill and Steven H. LCP Chorus on August 7 for an
end-of-the-season party.
Alex Fraenkel Daniels, brother of the bride-
groom. The Northfield Manor Nurs-
J1) i So ( ivmq'-.fon Avc ing Home, West Orange, was
Noi t h i i c l d C f n t i T Mrs. Daniels was graduated
from Pennsbury High School the last scheduled facility at
991 0111
and recently received a bache- which the group entertained in
lor of science degree from its summer concert tour.
Michael Voskian, president of
THE PROSHOP Muhlenberg College, were she
majored in physics. She is Livingston Community
Players, estimates that the LCP
currently with Bell Labora-
Ws sell and Chorus was heard by over 700
tories, Bethlehem, Penn-
sylvania. individuals. This figure is based
Mr. Daniels, a 1973 graduate
on the group's appearances at
of Livingston High School, was
the Livingston High School for
graduated cum laude from
"Music Under the Stars," the
Muhlenberg College with a
performance at the Livingston
bachelor of science degree. He
Mall with the New Jersey Pops
earned a master of science de-
Orchestra and at various nurs-
gree ' at Lehigh University,
ing homes throughout the area. -
U. "One of bur main objectives
M4-2M4 where he was a member of the
teaching staff for two years. for our summer concert series
is to reach those individuals
who are unable to travel. Ac-
tually, visits to the nursing
"CONVERSATION PUCE* homes In. ike area serve two
purposes: to entertain and to
visit with the residents, who are
always extremely receptive to
eur group. A resident of Daugh- MEET
ters of Israel Pleasant Valley
Home, Philip Kirsh, even took THE STARS
the time to compose a poem in
which he thanked us for our per-
formance. When something like
that happens we all realize how
much our concerts mean to
these people,," Voskian stated.
He added "We are always
seeking new members and urge
anyone who is interested in
stage and concert appearances
or helping behind the scenes to
All brick Colonial uniquely designed and decorated come and join us."
with brick, glass and a selection of unusual wood The board of directors of the
panelling achieves a countrified yet contemporary at-
mosphere. Outstanding den with brick wall fireplace,
4/5 Bedrooms, 3'/i baths. Customized details and
will hold a meeting on August 29
to decide on the group's fall
REG.S85 REG. $155 to $165 ' REG. $80
luxurious appointments to excite the interest of the activity.
most discriminating. Delightful property with a wide
Anyone who is interested in
circular driveway, majestic trees. Upper brockets. -
becoming a member may call
Voskian at 992-2706 or Phyllis

£/. Schaffer 'Realty, Inc.

Meranus at 9944102.
The Livingston Community
Players is sponsored by the De-
partment of Recreation and
Every one of these exceptional fashions has been selected from our brand new Fill collecfions and is specially priced for our grand
opening. While the sales s on, choose from a huge assortment of the latest styles.^olors and patterns in meticulously tailored Fall
311MIUJURNAVINUI MILUURN Parks. ' apparel And you II want to take advantage of the special values in Bonds furnishings and accessories, too.' - '
379-5200 Classified ads bring results f
To place yours, call 992-1771. SELECTED GROUP OF VESTED SUITS, REG $135 & $145, NOW * 1 1 9
Until August 31, get your choice of a valuable Keystone Electric- Every day, until August 31, we II be giving away a Westclox AfvVFM
Eye Camera with flash, Norelco Smoke Detector, or Elgin Travel Digital Clock Radio to one of our Livingston Mall shoppers Nothing
New 6 Month Savings Certificate Alarm while you save on your new Fall wardrobe. And in our shoe
department, a free Kiwi Rainbow Shine Kit with every shoe purchase
to buy—just come in and fill out your Sweepstakes ticket, drop it in
the Sweepstakes Box at our new Livingston Mall store and keep your
$10,000 Minimum Plus a-free zippered garment bag with anything you buy fingers crossed . •'
Come in-brmg the kids-to meet these popular personalities Chat with them, get autographed pictures,
Friday, August 17th, 1 -4 PM JAN VAN BREDA KOLFF,tyJ Nets and STAN MARTIN of WNEW Radio
Friday. August 24th, 11-1 PM JOE TORRE, Manager and LEE MAZZILU, NY Mets


aaaBagsB aBaHBis aaaBBW ^m^mm •^•^aw aaaaBsar BBBBBBV aaaaa»» aa^a>w • • ^ • ^ « P ^ " " ••^••^ VB^^V m ^ ~ —^^— v ^ ~ ~ v ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n — ^ — __^^_. .,_ _ w ^ _ _• • _ ^ ^ « ^ _ ^ ^^__ ^^^_r>H^^


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To wn» »t you would have to renew it maturity for another t c m at the earn TV's And at each Bonds store, the first name drawn w* gel a $2&0 Address
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Withdrawal*, when permitted, arc Mib)ect to FSUC penahte* «KI ramdatioM.' purchase necessary You don't have to be presem to wm City Stale
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LIVINGSTON:* 270 South Uvfngeton Av^noe/994-1400 Bondf Charge, Master Charge. BankAmericard/Visa,'American Express
How HuJm *m ftUm, Mi *» W MANHATTAN 3W.3Sth f t rtFIHh /We, 182 B way BROOKLYN 400 FuflonSt. Kings Plaza BRONX 3241 FordhamRd STATENlSlAND Stalen Islann Man
FiMw Evnhm * » to ftO»/5b»*»». *00 to 140 WHITE PLAINS: 200 E PostRd QUEENS 138-02 Northern Blvd. Flushing lf)NG ISLAND Mid Island Pla/a.WbKvVrHtman South Srwe Man late Success
OOwr bMdwo IK Short HaV ( V Sunrise Mai GreenAcres NEW JERSfcV Garden State Plaza Menic; Park Man Willowbrook Ma« Livmgstori Man Monmouth Mall .Downtown Newark
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10, S+cttoni W*tEfxTr1bun< AuQust16,197t

^Livingston's i t j i m d vaJut-
> for 1J7» real estate t u a * is
Uvtaplta has appro*! Ragweed Days Are Here Again

ccaceatratkiaofi • aO par* af fta

wdt be noottortd met day, ouUKfe of
during ths month* of Aujuat
uri September at to depart
tbs worst months for thssevk*
. ftl Uvtag- a n auargk to _ .
•too Tflwahtp Hill D'Artai stated. '-The Unfed
ttMuMttd poDes pinrti arc State Prime Htalth S w i s s
posted each day to Ilia depart- estimates two or tare* par
ment and are available to ttaa rf the population
general public upon rcQuest. hay fever brought on by «•>
"Announced poOaniV*Mtf ara posure to ragweed panes/'
BEAUlfd estimated figurai collected
war tba pravioui 14 hour
D'Arid irged aD
owners to control ragweed ea
AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE period," D'Ariaa said, "and their property by spraying or
It 171 W. Ml. M
M M S * Av*., LM»f*roa,
LMaftraa, N. J. thacafora one should be cau- cutting.
9924S71 tioned that auch figure* might The UM of a good herbicide
net represent the actual pollen suet as MD purchased to any
hardware store and used a*
directed, Is usually sufficient to
control ths growth for an son**
season and may alao reduce the
amount of braadleaf weed* the
next year. If cutting is used as a
means of control, be aware that
several cutting* may be
necessary during the season, h*
Jaye Himlin Is Top
Dwarf ragweed is dark gran
and reaches a height of on* to Sal« Counselor
A Good Saaaarlta* stepped after the storm M Friday to do his part In the clean-up. A Vermoat
five feet The stem to hairy and Jay* D. Himlin of 30 Ouunon ' saaa who declined to give his name stooped on West Hobart Gap Road where police were guarding
many-branched. The leave* are Road has been named sales the scene of s fallen tree. A carpenter, the mai got out equipment and cleared the roadway.
slightly hairy, strongly in- counselor of the month for July LauriJ.Kraui Photo
dented or parted, and are moat- In the Livingston office of The

N f J f r O a P t N WEEKS OF FUN ly opposite on the stem and

Degnan Company. Her selec-
tion was announced by Peter J. Summer Storm Damage Is Severe
Giant ragweed is similar but Degnan, president of the Arm, (Continued from Page l)
Department personnel, a pri-'
With a great new selection it grows tatter, sometimes
reaching heights of 15 feet. The
at the monthly sales meeting at
the Turtle Brook Inn, West
to do much more than make
quick assessments of the dam-
sent to alarms where trans-
former fires were reported by mary electric power line down
nearby residents, but in each on Hawthorne Drive, a tree
of candyglfts and fine glftware. lower leaves are usually time*
lobed, the upper ones may be
Orange, on August 6.
Ifimlin also was Livingston's
age and send crews to do the
most urgent casts. case the fire had gone out by it- through the side of the home of
three-lobed or non-lobed. The sales cdnaelor of the month in In/nany cases tree* fell on self when firemen arrived. Ted Sharenow at 21 Tanglewood
Barbara December, 1978. power lines, resulting in black- Some of the major incidents Drive, and a tree on the roof at

SWEETS Elaine pollen is produced in a green

Qcrbowlt flower at the Ups of the branch- The Degnan Company, with outs in some neighborhoods. reported to police included a 27 Laurel Avenue. The home ol
TMSIW The failure of traffic lights at large tree at 17 Emerson Drive James Pantopicos at 281 West
es. offices in West Orange and Mill-
The township Inaugurated its bura in addition to Livingston, major intersections only added that (ell across the road and Mt Pleasant Avenue was dam-

WITH LOVE noxious weed control program is the largest seller of homes in to the difficulty of driving in the was removed by township Road f Continued on Page ID
over ten years ago and con- suburban Essex County. The intense rain and wind.
tinues in its effort to control the firm is a member of the Homes Several power transformers,
growth of ragweed on public, for Living Network, a national mounted at the tops of utility
260 So. Livingston Avo., Livingston

Tu«s. thrtj Sat.

rV.D.//r.r 9 9 4 * 4 4 2 6
and private properties through-
out the community. A private
company has been hired to
marketing organization that
links more than 2,000 reaUpr of-
fices throughout the United
poles, were put out of order by
the storm, evidently when wind
blew water Into the casings or
10-5 assist the town in eliminating States and Canada and in the fallen power lines overloaded Livingston Jaycess Safety Town Class ol 1979
ragweed from municipal Caribbean area. the equipment. Firemen were would like to thank the following merchants In
town who helped make Safety Town possible.

We've got
Livingston State Bank Lam's Restaurant
Konner Chevrolet Inc. Carteret Savings
Mayflower Savings and Loan Newsweek
Livingston National Bank Howard Savings Sank
Foodtown Supermarkets Sears
Young's Auto Body Center Pharmacy
Btoomtield Linden Springfield Maptowood The Racquet Shoppy Lavelle Getty
f • Livingston Pharmacy Wigder Chevrolet
Livingston Reclamation Inc. Walter Bystrak Realty
has given a tt.te* gift to the Saint Barnabas Medical Center Kings Supermarket Sam's Department Store
' Development Fund for purchasing orthopaedic equipment. MoUie Orange Savings & Loan Berkeley Federal
Cohen, president of the organization, to shewn presenting the check
to Miiford A. Vieter, chairman of the development committee.


Btoomlield Maplewood South Orgnge ~8outt\.Orange

We enjoy learning at Seton Hall.

KEN LEISLER Is s police officer. JOAN AILEEN DONOVAN is a retired lawyer.
BEST is a medical technician. They both She wanted to do something stimulating and
want to enhance their present careers with a found it in the Master's Degree Program of
college degree. Seton Hall's Continuing
Education program offers hundreds of
Seton Hall's Judaeo-Christlan Institute.
HARRY BIERBAUM is semi-retired. The
?* f | aV e »72- ott
courses tor every career and interest. Continuing Education Degree Program at
At 72, BILL BURNS isn't interested in a Seton Hall gave him an opportunity to ex-
career. He goes to Seton Hall because he pand his personal horizons.
knows that the learning process never stops. WHAT ABOUT YOU? If you're a grand-
MARY McNEIL, on the other hand, hasn't mother or a young man just out of high
settled on a career yet; the business courses school, a career professional or just not sure,
she takes will help her decide. Our counsel- Seton Hall has something for you. Mail the
lors can help you select courses and coupon below for complete information on
schedules to meet your special goals. Continuing Education at Seton Hall or call
. Many Seton Hall students transferred here (201) 762-9000, ext. 667 today. We'll send
from other colleges and universities; JUNE you information on three degree programs
TAITT n'ow attends Seton Hall full-time, designed for you, the. non-traditional student,
while CAROL KAUNITZ does so part-time. and answer the most common questions
Courses are available evenings, days, about coming here.
Saturdays,—even Summers to fit your busy Hurry! Fall Semester starts September 6;
schedule. registration Sept. 4th & 5th.

* College of Continuing Education

Seton Hall UfSersity, South Orange, N.J. 07079

D Please send Continuing Education Brochure


(201) 762-9000 ext. 667 City _State_
0 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange
or mail us the coupon.
August 16,1979 W»»t E $ w Trlbur*

Storn Electric • a n t e was cut « •

R w Rand, and a i m laadad«a
(Qmtoued from Page i«> power and telephone iioai on
afrt bjr « fallen t n t , u d i Beautfort Avenue A tree Ml on I tn 1ft bttttt, profMt. zoo*. Excd.
hraac* cut leiepnone service oo M
the home of Howard Harriott at lot. But stop on com*." BIO GAS
Cherry Hal Road M B u n * Htfl Rond, dUMajutj
Al KM Holiday Im oo West the tide of the house, aa4 the SAVER. Prindpafc only. M2726»,
ML Ptoasut Avenue, a icction home at 2 Locust Place was alae
of the reef w u blown off by the damaged. Oo Troy Drive, p *
wind, aad firemen had to cover phone and power servtee « u
the host with tarpaulins as an uuarnipted when a tmt I«$ oa
emergency measure A pri- the wires, and a eabJevMn HOUSE NIED PAINTING
nury electric wire at Hillside wire was torn down on Suttan
Avenue and Beimont Drive w u Way. CAUTHUXPtm...
pulled down, and a (ailing tree Firemen ware sent to South —UfnaKii
on Aahwood Drive cut service in Baums Court when a tree fall on
that area Other trees were the home of Kenneth DaUberf • Wl SMCIAUZf IN MSIOENTIAl HOMES
feUed by the storm on Green- and on. electric power Unas. A • NO IONG WAIT TO HA VI WO«K DON!
wood Court, Wynnewood Road, car was badly damaged by • Northeastern Grad « tXKHTWOtKMANSHIP
Sberbrooke Parkway East,
Havenwoud Drive, Mounthaven
Drive, Edgemere Road, Fells-
falling tree on Trocha Avenue,
and on Glendaje Avenue a home
was nearly cut in two when a Oee of maay. this ( t a t m e near Ike lalerseettoB aln>riB|brook Road aad Treaaeat Terrace wat
Cheryl Simon of « Gkwdale
Avenue- w u graduated from
Northeastern University on

•turn m i * MMMMISriiMA
wood Road, and West North large tree fell on the roof. Police blown itowa by the brief bat taleaiive storm «a KrWay attarasaa.
rwMRoad June 17. She is the daughter of
were, sent early Saturday to Afjly W i b « Paate SMVINO UVffWSTON AMD AMA
Mr. and Mrs Paul Simon and a
guard a fallen wir» o» Prospect
Road, and remained on the
companies reported that they
had brought in additional help
graduate af Livingston High
scene until shortly after 8 a m from other areas to assist in the
when overworked PatUc Serv emergency repairs, and by
ice Electric and Gaa Company early Saturday power had been
crews could gat to i t Utility fully restored

Vincent Altomare was on vacation when a tree fell from his neighbor's property and crushed his
car. The sa me tree also tore down telephone and electric power lines.
. Andy Wilson Photo

The Morning After: Township employees, firemen, utility com-

pany emergency crews and individual homeowners had a big
job on Saturday morning cutting up and removing fallen trees.

Lauri J. Kraus Photo

j. - i,

Have you noticed the exciting new

gold jewelry frosted with ire, with a pir.k of diamond frosted slick pins,
single diamond, several diamonds har pins, rings, net
or with diamond pave 9 Have you bracelets and earrings We have
noticed how these diamonds are one of the finest collections of
set into mini-sculptures of warm under $ 100 diamond |ewelry And
yellow or white gold? we also have one of the finest
It's the new ice age, and it's the reputations for giving you
rage! Diamond |owelry to bo worn exceptional value, no matter
with ever/thing from jeans and how much or how little you spend
Edwin Dyer HI pants to your most elegant outfits Come to Littman and browse
Is Cadet Corporal And to think, this new ice aqe thiough our marvelous new ice
At the Holiday Inn, part of the roof was blown off by the storm. Firemen used the snorkel truck to jewelry is priced under $100'
lift inspection crews to the roof, and to transport salvage Urpaulins up to cover the openings. A sec- Edwin Charles Dyer III of ;
tion of the rooLblown down to the parking area, is in the foreground. Livingston has received a pro- *?•' I
. - . • . . „. Andy Wilson Photo motion within the South Caro-
lina Corps of Cadets at The Cita- iTT v
del, the Military College of
South Carolina, for the 197940 Littman brings you
school year. As a sophomore, he
will hold the rank of cadet

LOOK YOUR corporal.

He majors in history and Is
enrolled in the Army ROTCpfo- *,

LOVELIEST. . . gramjh the military college. —

Cadet Dyer's name appeared on
the Commandant's Dis-
tinguished Service List for
AT YOUR LEISURE superior military performance.
His parents, Mr and Mrs.
EC. Dyer Jr., reside at 26
Collins Terrace.

Intimate Apparel •sn

Loungewear <
Diamonds under'100
We drive you or meet you

'10.00 Min.lMU
Grand Ctntrel SteHea

M4.00 S S

M5.00 J S
992-6313 i7.oo : s I Ottmttm
StwHomn: Elsewhere by the hour at
111 W.Mt. Pleasant Are. Moaday thru Saturday reasonable rates
Dependable, Courteous
Livingston, N.J. lt«.m. * I p.m. Drivers


Page 12, Section 1 Wet EMOX Tribune August 1g, 1979

Bask Skill. Police Install Computer System

MNtTH JERSEY (OttfitMtdfonPtftl)
Oft M y 1, the cktae has a cede Tat codes art UyirtottM Orauft
TMMMMKff la Barfm county, hat aparai-
- a nscatsary part of a strict •73-2S4I
mataty tfauamt typa of coo>
aacarity system which allows
Qirt's High School muoitymatapaod quite siai
lar eoroUmeots. Tha aeon* in only cfftaa pstpie to enter tad
Tune-Up Camp that community wart: M
criminals or meter ve-
r e t r i m information while
othan can make changes or re-
G. B GAMMOND, Prer Est. I I *
grade - raadag, U.\ par cent; Commercial, Industrial, Residential Roofing
mathematics, f i t par cant; KB write.
Repairing, Gutter «nd Leader Work
tAJLtotMt. grade-0.»par<«rt aodlM par When fnUy operational, the

cant; tth grade - M i par eaat
and « i par cant: lift grtdt,
#7.7 par cant and « . l per cent.
HM system is caOed the
HuaidpaJ Allied Regional
Grtee Information System
system wiU be able to handle uv
rannatta about arrests, war
rants art other background in-
tfagle 3Roofing Co. ,3m.
(MAJbCffi) and la ahared by formation, la addition, the SS7 Valley St., Orange, New Jertey
'. ortacf lieivin Warn, superintendent
WOMEBACSO UrtaosUm, Maplavood, Mill- system will provide a monthly
d Mhoolf, vtated that'the ad- b m tad South Orange. By Join-
minMrtration will eventually re- report of police activities and
rag taBtt with the otter munse- uniform crime reports. This re-
ceive a printout on every chUd iptflffc*, Livingston became
who took the exams Possibly port mutt be tent to the State
digMa to hook up with stale Pottee and the Federal Bureau
tome evaluation can be made
on these It is bard, be pointed
aftneiat in order totpsed up
tfat pneess of receiving in-
of uwatigifkn each month and you'll love
can be done in one hour by the
out, to make any real decisions
based on Just the overall lotah.
formation The agencies that
the police work with are the
computer. It can take as long as yourself...
three days to compile that re-
Naturally, he added, the admin-
istration and the teaching staff
State Division of Motor Vehicles port manually. Police said that when you
and the State Bureau of Investi- this saving helps to offset the
will attempt to use these remits
to try to Improve the curricu-
gation which provide back-
ground information on previous
large paperwork load involved
in keeping the records neces-
crimes, motor vehicle vio-
sary to the system, in patrol
lations or about s suspect.
omsO cars and at headquarters. • 2 sessions e positive results
Keetfiaf lafaraatfoa f r o * peHce officers' reports taut a ceairai
According to Captain Albert As of this writing, the police
ACTING computer system, Carol BauVr makes iMilvldiul report* or tUtfc-
Padktt, Livingston paid one per
- Saturday afternoon groups
TtCMIQUf Ucal M a t e available to laUwrltlet la Ike participants cea>-
have installed a terminal in the
cent of the cost of installing the records room. Another will he
' hffhef states <rf conscious/** fttt \m u<iiimrt«d potaitoh
lum, and possibly teaching
Andy Wilson Pkote
why the ninth grade should be
new system, while the federal
government picked up % per
cent of the tab and tht four
towns using the system split the
installed at the main desk in the
near future The desk terminal
will make it possible for patrol
can to receive Information
America^ Academy
• ACTING TECHMQUE. NU.TS IttQNNEK. MTOMEOMTt NMNCED) techniques to combat weak substantially below the other
remaining cost. "By doing while at the scene of as1 accident
• CHtWWfS THEATRt WORKSHOP (AGES 10 M) points. grades in these tests. Klein said
everything collectively, on a re- or crime.
Neither Klein nor Elisabeth it was possible that the exams
A C A D E M Y O F T H EG A R D E N STATE T H E A T R E gional basis, we have a cost sav-
(201) 267-6196
Scbwsrti, curriculum coordina-
tor had any real answer as to
were harder, but it was not like-
ly that this would alter the per-
centage above or below the
ings and are able to add more
than we would alone," added
lieutenant Henry Blocker, who
The police department sees
the system as modernizing pro-
cedures and improving the ef- HYPNOSIS
state norm Without studying
the individual student results,
they felt it would be improper to
try to make a Judgment. It is
is in charge of the new system.
Each of the Police Depart-
ment employees using the ma-
ficiency of their law enforce-
ment. They hope to add many
new programs to the computer
in the future.
possible, it was pointed out, that
the basic intelligence of a par-
ticular class could vary consid-
erably. In tome yean large
numbers of individual students
make the finals of the National
Merit Scholarships - in others,
only a few do so. This type of
difference between the group-
ings could possibly be a factor.

With The
i ELEGANT COLONIAL with tasteful appointment* In PRIME AREA a 25 minute
West Essex Tribune
r but ride to NYC -4 bedrooms, Vh baths -handsome RAISED HEARTH A college subscription to your com-
i FIREPLACE In PEGGED OAK FLOOR DEN -beautifully planted, deep secluded
c lot. Entertain with assurance; enjoy dally family comfort*! Priced at $175,000. munity newspaper is a thoughtful gift
for the student in your family.
Order now to assure delivery when
school opens. Just complete the
[527 Millburn Avenue, Short Hills, NJ. 07078 467-3222 coupon below. $5.50 Essex County;
$7.5,0 ejsewhere,.
t «&*•

SOUTH ORANGE College Subscription

Shadybrook Invites
CHAMBER of COMMERCE Morey Amsterdam
Plans for the annual Labor
Moil to:

proudly presents its Day celebration have been com-

pleted by Sandy Horowitz,
general manager of Shady- Police Department records clerk Bertha Williams operates the

JIRST ANNUAL OPEN brook Swim Club. The Grand keyboard of the new computer information system. In the fore-
Ballroom of the Patrician
ground is a line printer that can produce a written record of inci-
dents or statistics for use In accident prevention, Investigations,
Paid by:
Caterers will be the setting for
^ DOUBLES * the members dinner-dance on
Sunday, September, 2, where
crime prevention and other police work.

Morey Amsterdam and vocalist White Orchestra.

Olympus Photo
the Shadybrook Swim Club's

^ TENNIS TOURNAMENT Karen Wyman will entertain. Italian comedian Lou Gold Room on Saturday, August
Dancing will be to the Stuart (Baccala) Cary will appear at 18. Dancing will be to the Herb
Zane Orchestra.
Date: .
• on the South Orange tennis courts On Wednesday, August 22,
Shadybrook presents, the Inter-
Send this coupon and payment to; -,_./
We>st Cssox Tribune

national Entertainer, Morty
Refreshments *f& _ Prizes & Guilty, plus dancing to the
music of the Stuart White Or-
Livingston. N.J. 07039

Trophies chestra.

Kempler Shoes
* * > * •

•Back to School In Style-

—and Comfort—
Saturday & Sunday
September 8, 9,15,16,1979 SOL-SEAL SHINGLES
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Parking In Rw Kempt* Charge

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AuQutt 16.1979 Section I.Papsj 13

Catherine Tranko Oksenhorn Wins *»i*mmmnmkat»akk u » bottom of tht
PMaA- Okssahorn Jtwoiors • * > hod a henmm aad a followed by another sufto by
b*n of Hank*, New York. odfed diagnostics M ia tht akagk*, and Harry SMssiwg Stotaick With two outs, WUasf
Catherine E. Treuko,
' ' of air. TWtMdawwoaahwjrgsm
bustnasaaMD's aofthaJJ teafws "*• *«at tava* for four singled in tht winning nsa. Baa
of baattt BasjbM lac* aod apaaaond by ti« Department of OkaoBhorn won the gam* whoa Eira and Jerry Leon piayol
Mat Rocmttoa and Pirka. Leading StainbergtodoffwMhaslngkui nntdafoaoivo bail tor tkovsa.
te bride of Bartoa C. bride. w U ^ T 7 Z ^
on Sunday, July a Bridesmaids ware Bobla
of F t * d'Optt
odfad ia lace. The full l h

Imn with a
Oere in Love
WtVlldo Bar headpiece was a fingertip
doubts OluakB veil by PristtUof
Vere inCove
wiytmnfl Boston fubknod with a cas-
cade of lace flowers and steph-
She carried a cascade
in Love
UborD* bouquet of phalaooopsis or-
chids, Tt*r%fwK*^ and Ivy.
The hrkksmaids wore gowns
of printed gorgette over apricot
designed with a blouson bodice
with thin straps and a full
length skirUormed by a border
print. They Carried bouquets of
tiger lillies and ivy. ,
Mrs Friedberg is a graduate
of Livingston High School and
The University of Delaware.
She is regional marketing rep-
resentative for Universal It, a
division of Universal City
Studios Inc. in New York City
Or. Friedberg is a graduate of
with this wonderful home.
A bMurlfu' contemporary colonial with •ncltlna two l*v»l iunhwi living room, lovely family
Adelphi, Columbia and New room wlrh llr«plac« od|oln. IwoutlM modern kitchen Four bedroomr JW bethi flnlthed
York Universities and Is pro- botemenf, reor deck and ••eluded heavily wooded yard. Au< lilted at I I I f WO (vei
«ocn»lle Dollner ••2-4)3$.
fessor of English at Nassau
After a honeymoon trip to
Mexico City and Acapulco, the
couple will reside on campus in
Garden City, New York Miriam Pecorti Marries Mr. Bono
Miriam Regina Pecora, from Mountain High School and
Environment Center daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bloomf ield College where he re-
IS For Preschoolers P. Pecora of Livingston, was ceived a bachelor of arts degree
married Saturday, August it, to in science.
barbara's Tina Anapolsky, director of
the YMCA pre-school environ-
Robert S. Bono, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bono are em-
Mrs. Sebastian S. Bono of West ployed by the Kenilworth Board
ment center,' has announced Orange.
that registration for the State of Education.
Certified Nursery School is be- Reverend Dennis Mahon On their return from Hawaii
ing accepted now. celebrated the nuptial mass and the couple will reside in Essex
performed the double ring cere- County.
Anapolsky said that children mony at Our Lady of the
are accepted into the program '_ -«|
Blessed Sacrament Church,
the month they are three years
Roseland. A reception followed
at the Governor Morris Inn in
Hazel Connor
The Y Environment Center in-
cludes many activities related
Morris town. Dies Sunday—
to physical growth and develop- Barbara Pecora, cousin of the
ment. Activities include arts, bride, was the maid of honor. Mrs. Hazel B. Sherwood
crafts, pre-reading skills, Bridesmaids were Kathryn Connor, 78, of Livingston died
manipulative skills, and centers Ensslin of KenilWorth and Thursday, August 9, while walk-
for cooking, science, blocks, Susan McGarrity of Caldwell. ing along West Mt. Pleasant
music and areas depicting real Thomas Bono of River Edge Avenue. She suffered a heart
life situations such as a bank, acted as best man for his attack.
post office or kitchen. brother. Ushering were Chip Mrs. Connor was a member of
barbara's place I fr II The Environment Center in-
cludes a pre-school swim in-
Pecora, brother of the bride, the Livingston Chapter of the
and Brian McGarrity of Cald- Order of Eastern Star and for
well. many years was associated
struction program as part of the
roowvth pau 1 2 w. mrthfiaU rd. monthly fee. Classes meet on The bride wore a gown of with the family business, Beau-
and Fri- white organza .and sUkened fort Fuel Company in Roseland.
Services w e n held Saturday
ameriean express • visabankamaricard •maitar charga ly mornings and after- akSC Peter's Kpiacofml Church #•-
noons. The center follows the 'es. in Essex Fells under the

Livingston schedule calendar. The bodice was appliqued with direction of the ^Hopping
Further information is avail- lace. Her full-length waistline Funeral Home. Burial was in
able at the YMCA. skirt was formed into a cathe- Rosedale Cemetery, Orange.
dral length train. She wore a Born in Newark, Mrs. Connor

matching Empress picture hat had lived here for SI years. She
trimmed with tulle and Venise is survived by a son, William R.
lace. Connor Jr. of Essex Fells; a
The bride is a graduate of Liv- daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Cruse
ingston High School and Seton of Livingston; five grand-
Hall University where she re- children and four great-grand-
ceived a degree in
The bridegroom gra<
children. She was the wife of the
late William Robert Connor Sr.
men find
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Yes, D O l l U S wants to be your clothing store!
I Mr Co U Pochi > Porch E n d o w
The New Bonds, JJvingston Mall
14, Section r \Nm Et—x Tribune Amjurtit, 1979
other haad, m art
Harp'*- Report ^ ices. During the first « i monthi ceived from our rwirtwili have
that the growth of betting
of Umi year there were 7 » resi- enabled us to make key appre-
(CootinuedfromPafsi) activity will provide m asV
dential and M6 commercial
alarms, about eight alarm* Harp said, con-
Beyond normal operations, everyday. to rise, and teenage lems with our treat-
H u p Mid that one of the (rind "There ha* been an increase
neat pint and its
drinking continues to flourish.
pel problems is Che "continuing in the number of house breaks." "As we i •PC sionsin *
increase in commercial and the report continued, "but we this ares, we are shocked at the
"We continue to aeaal) welfare
home alarms." Virtually all of are pleased with several of the ages of the youth involved," be
great concern for the pared to
the activated alarm* arc false, apprehensions made, which lion, by too many buUdsn tit te, Harp acted that i
said," and we are equally
but the township manager said solved s series of breaks. The developers, that we csa absarb kji being provided to 42 cases, hv
shocked at the most defensive
that ''responses to alarm* rep- active participation of our resi- unlimited btikfaf, for thai to finaneial aid la three
resent a sizeable cott in term* dents in reporting suspicioui in- not the fact 7 The cost of welfare et-
PaMk Warts
of manpower, money and safety cidents, person or vehicles in Harp said that the State Laos! hat more" man
Activity in the Water and
of penonnel, and It lervea to de- their neighborhoods hai never Use Law and the Slate Uniform, doehled compared to the same
Sewer Division included supply-
tract from other police serv- been greater. The assists re- Construction Code "have last year, but still
ing 678 million gallon* of water
to Livingston home* and buti- served to complicate the to only t U 1 7 for the
nesses, an increase of is 7 mil- development process, and first bal/oi 1971

•ITS RACING TIME lion gallons over the first half of

last year. This average* about
11* gallons for every person on
greatly increase the cost of
commercial and residential
buildings It is sad but true that
Looking toward the real of
1171, the township manager
sjmm at Beautiful ^ sn average toy, or *K> gallon* our state officials, both elected conduded his n * $ N l a t • hst

WonmcRith ^ NOW
for a four-person household.
"While we continued to meet
the daily demand*," Harp wrote,
"we are concerned with our fu-
and appointed, nave no concept
of what they have created: the
situation is really a disaster in
every sense of the word." Harp
suggested that "a sensible solu-
oi principal pivjecis. oampie-
Uon of the Bear Brook retention
basin, possible completion of
the sewage treatment plan
expansion, dedication of Eisen-
ture capabilities to meet expand
thru Sept. 3 ing water consumption Total
tion would be to maintain the
State Uniform Construction
hower Park, awarding of a eon-
tract for reconstruction of part
cooperation from all property
Code, but eliminate the state of Hampton Terrace, work on TOPS IN TENNIS. Larry Kati emerged men's singles champ, defeating Mike J«s«s M. 7-5 in thr
New exciting facilities add to your pleasure. owners and residents will be
administration " Under such a the Cedar Parkway road im- flub. Dive Spiegel, teamed with Bob Litters!, took the championship in the men's doubles with
World's most advanced computerized wager- needed to insure the availability
system, he said, "the savings in provements, awarding of a con- Lance Blake and Mike Jones taking runner up spot. Uianne Zimmerman took the women's tingle*
Ing permits all buying and cashing of tickets In of adequate water supplies for
building and tax costs would be tract for renovation of the championship and Mary Stewart wss runner up. In the women's doubles. Konni Zuckerman and Juur
single transaction. ail our consumer* or cuilu
substantial, and we would police station, improvement of Welland won thr championihip by defeating Marcia and Carolyn Hill. All matches were part of tin*
mem." eliminate a state bureaucracy the Morunouth Court Communi- Recreation Department adult tournament. Stated If fl to right are: Jane We Hand, Konni Zuikerman
For new group plan, 10 or more, call Maria Harp said that the township is that should never have bean ty. Center, completion of a Dtanne Zimmerman, Marcia Hill and Carolyn Hill. Standing are Lance Bluft. Larry Kali, Mlkr
201/222-5100 continuing it* water exploration created." Slough Brook retaining wall, Jones and Dave Spiegel. Andy Wilson Phefe
Sootor Cttiuot, Friday* only $1.26-12.25. program, but "with little or no completion of codification of
success." Health and Welfare township ordinances, first steps
10 Thoroughbred Race* • Post Time 1.30 dafltfExcept Suns.) Building and Planning A problem which is now being in the community development
"The volume of building examined by the Township project in the Wardetl Road
• > : .


2 m«ti from Qarden St. Pkway. Exit 105 activity i* related, to a degree, Council concerns the depletion area for flood control and NBW JERSEY
to our future financial capabili- of the dog control budget. In his microfilming of township re- NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR*
Sealed Propoula will be received by the
ties," Harp wrote. "On the semi-annual report Harp stated cords. Toviahlp Council of the Twnship of U v
that services in this area "have Ingslon, on Monday, September 10,1IT7V, at
been reduced to less than Restricting the implementa- I » p m , Prevailing Time, at ill meeting
place, XI South Livingston Avenue, U v
Enjoy dining out at 24HR8.
minimal levels." To meet his tion of some of these goals,
crisis he recommended an in- Harp said, is the combined
crease in the dog license fee, problem of "a mad economy"
Iwston, New Jeney 070**, for the
follow in* item
ComtrucUon of approximately 1200 Iw
e eal feet of graaite block curbiof and recon-


which is now being considered and state imposed financial
by (he Council. restrictions. The state, controls,
In a related area, Harp said he said, are "most limiting and
Uruetlon of IMS square, yards of pave-
Forma of Proposal and Specifications
may be obtained at the office of the Town-
44 Route 10, East Htnovtr that half of the telephone calls most unfair when compared ebip JSnfiater, 167 South UvinfMon Ave-
ORDERS to the Health Department could with trends in the private sector
nue, U d a p l o n , New Jersey .Forms will

887-1945 TOGO be eliminated through closer and several areas of the public
not be available after 11 Noon, Friday,
September?, 1W»
The Township Council reserves the right
Monday —
sector. Great concern is ex-
tnd pressd for an overall budget
to reject'any or all Propoula, or It accept Wharf side Platter
the m e which in its Judgment n i l be for Shrimp, Scallops, Crab,
that will produce over-expendi-
tures and a reduction in the
the beat interest of the Township of Living
By Order of the Township Council
& Flounder
Tuesday —
Seeled I'ropuuli will be received by the daily services we provide to our Renee Green, Townthip Clerk
255 Spttdwt II Avt., Morrli Plaint Township Council uf the Township of Liv- people." August It, i t n |7.M Alaskan King Crab
ingston, on Monday, September 17,1879, at
538-6012 » M) (i m Prevailing Time, at itt meeting
place, J57 South Livingston Avenue. U v
IngttonJ New Jersey OT03», for the Wednesday —
foilowlKg Whole 1V«lb. Lobster

To furnish and iiuUII « Supervisory
Control (uiianle, which will comprise the
smnid ol ihret auges of a complete Super
vihory Control Center
Recreation This Week Steamed or Broiled

Formi, of I'ropoul and Specification Thursday —

SALAD BAR Check our menu may lie obtained at the office of the Super-
inlrndenl Water engineer. SJ7 South u v
ingston Avenue. Livingston, New Jeney. Barbershopp«rs
August 1 8 - August H
Prime Soft Shell Crabs
Sauteed or Deep Fried,

LOADED WITH for daily Form* will not be available after Noon,
September 14, IB7»
Thr Proposal muni l>r enclosed in a sep
arule envelope furnithed by the Bidder
Tues. Aug. 21 Mem. Rec. Bldg.
Community Symphony Orchestra
Friday -
FRESH,TASTY LUNCHEON and dirnled to the Township Council and Tues. Aug. 21 Mon. Ct. Comm. Or. 8:00 pm Whole 1V«lb. Lobster
•hall near on (he ouUide the item for wblcti Steamed or Broiled
ITEMS the Proposal is made, together with the
t d M f the bidder '
Mon. Aug. 20 Crescent Fairways, Saturday •*Mir»ty> nniirvi
*WrmAUatfvN€R Union- ...
to reject any or all Proposal! or to accept Steak and Seafood
, A LA CARTE Nickelodeon Nile
SPECIALS the one which in its judgment will be in the
nest interefcf of the Township Thurs. Aug. 16 Mem. Oval "Charlotte's Web" Dusk
Something for Everyone
liv Order of the Township Council Thurs. Aug. 23 Mem, Oval "BugsieMalone" Dusk
Kenee Green, Towrahip Clerk
Andy > Chrl* PSKO
August l(i, IIT7V jjOak Uaf Ruby's famous salad, choice of potato,
Wed. Aug. 22 Mon. Ct. Comm. Ctr. 12:00 noon fresh breads included
Recreation Centers
Benefit of . Thurs. Aug. 16
Soccer Clinic
Last day at all Centers As ached.

New Jersey Press Association Wed. Aug. 22

Softball-Men's A" League
Thurs. Aug. 16 Her.l
Mon. Ct. Gym

Winner Playoff

i —^ Scholarship Fund Swim Aerobics

Fri. Aug. 17
for Championship

Mem. Pool 10:00 am

6:30 pm

1890's .
Restaurant at the

Teen Centers — Last Program
Thurs Aug. 16 % / Northland Rec. Ctr. 7:00 pm
Fri. Aug. 17 ^ Northland Rec. Ctr. 7:00 pm Inn with the
Teen Drama difference
Thurs. Aug. 16 Hi School Dress Rehearsal 7:00 pm
Fri. Aug. 17 Performance 7:30 pm
! • • •

Saturday, August 18 .• Tennis — Bey* and Girl* — Youth Single Championships

All matches at Brookdale Courts.
Mon. Aug. 20 12 yrs and under 9:00 am of Livingston
Wed. Aug. 22 14 & 15yrs. 9:00 am Rt. 10 & Walnut St.
Thurs. Aug. 23 16 yrs.' 9:00 am
Further information on any Recreation activity may be ob- 994-3500
tained by calling the office of the Department of Recreation and
Parks, M2-2U6. The office Is open Monday thru Saturday, S a.m. to
5 p.m. <s» J

haw TRUCK wonks been spoken on$\m<?..

Come AU& enjoy own bxiLy

Buffet luncheon, Ut§ tiite stuveks aub
cocktaiUeSi^Loinsteevk speciaL on

sta on fKibiW
sumptuoas Bueak^st-Btunch si
it's av symphony of satisfaction!
j FKorxe 239-1400 jv*



SN-VC Cess! WcV^ only mirvutc* xW^v \ \ W u rbiui*
AuQuet 16,1979 Wt>t Essex Trlbw jactton 1, Papa IS
to* to 17. Further iafonnauoB may be undergoing Hi annual msintoa-
6 New Teachers obtained by caiung the rejav aim procedures
Recreation Center News eeMafllfei
On LDSP Staff trarat The YMCA also announced
that (all regJetratioe will begin
the weak of August IT Pre-
SUnewtaadMrswiDJoaatha YMCA To Close
etaff of the Livingston S t o a t school classes only Auguat IT,
.. s e h e i a a a j l v e v i l have ear itai iJQVMQpBMLM arttafTftBI IW t a t For Maintenance you* only Auguat II wMh adult
OurBaalveaketBumetHni and epea beginning August».
m fcavfllled andesdtiaf. We Gong Show at Mnamiwrh 0—t. slHoeDowsLltwiibtWdat fall semester atartieg on Satur-
Meaorkal Perk Jrem I to I pja. Offldak at OH West B a m Tbs fail program series will
aad atotof h a tUnfi auch as a TUs weaktoHate week at UM day, September » . YMCA have aanowosd that the bagia on September 10 and rue
She* sad Tail on Monday and a •Uygraad. On Tuesday w« a*d Ptoaje cenM aed toto us for ttM Mrs Rhaba Goodman of
fa. YMCA physical department fa lor 11 weeks
Peanut Hunt, and we even a busily bvtaojus, aad the ka* Livingston, who attended dtttiaa will be doted Auguat is Fail brochures are available
maos yarn dabs, Ibe big events brought thair pereata and hot American University and holds through Septembers. by calling the YMCA, W-TMs.
i v MB WMB w e n a panrasr dogs. Everyone enjeyed & On Ewe though a bachelor ef arts degree hi Office hours wiU be • a m to
breakfast aad bike rodeo. On Wsdaaeday ve bad a Hoe D o n busy vecattoetog tbto education from Keen College,
3:30 p.m. during the dosing. One out of every three Living-
Wednesday night we had the at Memorial Park. The cbUdna we stiB had a great t a w will teach a course in hand pot-
at the Ulhdde playground. The During this Uate the Y will be ston families owns a dog.
Hoedown at Memorial Circle were busy making a booth for it tery for nine to 11 year oida
from • to I pjn. OR n u n d a y , all weak. Tnaitothe last weak parachute waa such a hit thai Goodman studied pottery at the
weak that we are gotag lo do it
our ftneJ day, we had a Greaser that the playgrsundi a n open next week by popular demand.
Craft Student's League in New
Bar-fM). Everyone, came as a so Eric, Debbie and June wtoh York and at the Summit Art
greater. We had watermelon, everybody a happy year. See
Arts and crafta want really well
tfeb week. We made Tic-Tac-
played records and we really yal
had a great time. We would like
Toe boarda with Karen, bead
Alice Caskey, a teacher at
Livingston High School, hoMs a ITALIAN FOOD
Jewelry and tiasue flowers, Juat
The past week at Collins has
to think all the parents and thebeen one of n o best. Monday,
Uds for a really great year. We our art specialist Karen, helped
to mention a few. The trip*U>
bachelor of arts degree in
education from William Pater
Vernon Valley Action Park and
are aB sorry that it has to come us make tk-Uc board. Tuesday,
to an end. We hope everyone some of us westtoVerona Park
Verona Park were very suc- PRIZES FOR PICNICKERS Elaine MagM aad Lake DeUVsae. ground in modern dance.
son College and has a back- AT
has • great summer and we are for a fishing trip. Even though
cessful. All those who partici-
pated, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Uvlngstaa Library lTaJowmiiil Fund tmsless, sdsslre seme of the Caskey will teach two courses
ouay gifts aeaeteite ke used n prises st the sixth aaswal Uvtag- in Disco Dancing for eighttoten
looking forward to seeing no one caught any fish, we all The Gong Show abo went over
everyone next year. — lisa and seemedtohave* good time.
stea Fasslly Pkale Saeiay. September I. (ran t to 7 p.m. ta » . year olds and UtoIS year olds. '• Dinner • Subs • Pizza • Seafood
very well. Acts from Hillside PMIOBMBS'S pits* gr#»e. Orange Savings Bank will esnlrlbete
Joe Wedneaday was the most ex- were baton twirling by Eileen Edward Munos will instruct a
several kasWsrei Pfhesos, Edward Geddard ef the Recreatitw De- class for eightto11 year olds in
Appetizers • Hot and Cold Sandwiches,
HarrUM citing day of all. Some of the Mulhall, BethCooney, Kathy •*rtmeel tueeaoee taat all the priies lateaeei hr the rala«d-o«t the fundamentals of soccer. THISWltK'S&HClALIi:
Last week was a fun-filled Uds wenttoVernon Valley and Pichot and. Jennifer, and also a Fourth of JeJy festlvtties will be made availabletoatcaic pUanera. Munoz attended the New York CLAMS vrfSPAaHETTI ANO
week at Harrison Playcenter. had a really great time. Wed- band by Tommy Dempsey, Tickets for the eveet can be purrhtstd at the library. Preeeeds will State Institute of Applied Arts FRESH MUSSELIIAWINARA SAUCE
We had a kickball game against nesday night was our Parents' Debbie Keegan, Robyn Hkker ge to the library Endowment Fund. Chuck DeMarceJr.PhoU and Sciences and Falrleigh
man and Joe Keegan. We have
Collins and a lollipop licking Night. It was a great success.
contest on Monday. The kids Thanks to Mrs. Crummey and
went to Verona Park on Tues- her cookies, the evening went
day and Vernon Valley on smoothly. Thursday afternoon
many exciting things planned
next week such as a scavenger
hunt on Monday morning, a
dereUa," is a success. We all Legion Team Loses
agreed this p u t week that Arts
and Crafts was by far the best Title to Maplewood
Dickinson University He has
been active In high school and
college soccer and has worked
noodle Jewelry and a picture
drawing contest. Hobo Night
project ever. We made Tic-Tac-
Livingston met Maplewood on with children in the Livingston
home fieldtostart the play* Soccer League.
Toe boards which everyone
will be Wednesday with the rain seems to be enjoying. Special off for the Essex County Ameri- Bill Lyons holds a bachelor's
degree from Glassboro State
l H n CALL
date for Thursday. thanks to Lisa Chiapetta and can Legion Baseball champion- 49* S. Uvlnoiton Avt., Livingston
Theresa Montero for baking de- ship. Maplewood won the first and a master'i degree from II »*
Monmottth Court licious cakes for our baking con- ball game by the score of 7-2. Teacher's College at Columbia
Talent week at Monmouth test. The winner will be an- In the first inning Maplewood University. He will instruct a
Court was filled with fun and nounced next week. Color War scored a run and Livingston re- course called "Science Fun,"
surprises. On Monday we made day was an exciting experience taliated by scoring two runs to touching on all areas of science
sand bracelets and practiced
Peter Pan with Ann Marie.
on Thursday, and everyone go ahead by the score of H . with an activity for each. The
walked away happy with both Troy Brydon started off by course is designed tor nineto11
SUMMER Roler Skat ng
Tuesday morning we made teams as winners. This called walking, stealing sagaed base year olds.
Pom Pom creatures, and in the for a celebration, so everyone and scoring on a single by Mrs. Eleanor MacEvily will SCHEDULE
afternoon we all got soaked dur- was treatedtoIce cream cones. Marty Writt. Writt advanced to offer a course entitled "Speak
•very Afternoon
ing water afternoon. Wednes- Needless to say, we are all look- third base on s single by Scott Spanish Saturdays'; for eight to
AUG. 28 THRU LABOR DAY day we had a candy hunt
(yummy), and did spin art. We
ing forward to the Gong Show Parsons and then scored on a ten year olds. MacEvily is a
graduate of Glassboro State and
Monday thru ftuntfey •
on Friday with, we hope, Mon- sacrifice fly to centerfield by h00to4P.M.
were visited by our favorite fur- mouth Court aa winners. George Alpert. That proved to studied Spanish at the Univer-
AUTO RACES * 4-H COMPETITION ry stuffed animals. On Thurs- be the end of Livingston's scor- sity of Oviedo -in Northern NITES Tues Sunday
day, we made those Tic-Tac- ing for the ball game. Maple- Spain. 8 to 11 pm
HORSE SHOWS • THRILL SHOWS Toe boards with Karen and pre- Sign-Up Begins for wood scored four runs in the Mrs. Nancy Medcraft will be Thure., Frl.. * SaUfrdayr>
pared for the Gong Show. The DISCO MUSIC a TOP 40"
N.J. DAIRY PRINCESS CONTEST Gong Show on Friday was fun-
fifth inning another one in the teaching the math section of the
Youth Tennis Match sixth and their final run of the S.A.T. Review Course. Mrs. Tues., Wed., A Sunday
CHAMPIONSHIP HORSESHO&PITCHING tastic. We would liketotake the
Applications for the 1979 night in the ninth inning. Medcraft holds s bachelor of Organ Music
opportunity to thank our two Maplewood won the County science from Queens College
GRANDSTAND & MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS specialists this summer - our youth single elimination tennis CaffforSpecM Group
tournament sponsored by the championship by defeating and a master of arts from Afanoemenaj - DISCO
COUNTRY WESTERN MUSIC drama specialist, Ann Marren
and our craft specialist Karen Department of Recreation and Livingston by the score of 3-1 Columbia University. She has OH OMAN MUSK
Theel. Parks, may be picked up at the Pat Daniels was the winning taught in Long Island, Maple- AlrC*mtlfl«i»4
Firemen's Parade * Cattle Judging recreation office between now pitcher for Maplewood, limiting wood and Millburn.

Blue Ribbon Lamb Sale

. All those great special events
were coordinated by Joan
and Wednesday, August 22, Livingston to six hits. Daniels Registration for the fall
Monday through Saturday, was also the hitting star of the semester will be held on Satur-
Horse A Tractor Pulling Competition Iiberman. The staff and chil- from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This ball game by hitting a two run day, September IS, at Mount ROLLER RINK
dren of Monmouth Court would tournament is open to Living homer in the fifth inning. Mapfe- Pleasant Junior High School B » 15 le. Livingston A ve.
Square Dancing •* Grange Exhibits liketooffer our appreciation to ston youth 16 years of age and wood scored its other run in the from 9 a.m.to2 p.m. Classes Livingston. N J .
*«•. -• Much, Much Morel V«MH««C , • assistants Karen Drucker, younger. w* . , •' third inning. Livingston got on will ^e held starting September
Cindy Theel, Robin Shavel and The age groups, will be: 12 and the score board in the sixth Inn- 29 and run through November Jfl4141jr4l2-041i
KenDeFusco. under; 14and under; and 16and ing when John Modugno hit a


Summer days are passing
quickly, for there is only one
week left for the playground.
under, (categories subject to home run to left centerfield.
change due to number of
be divided into boys and girls.
The pitching chores for
registrants). The age group will Livingston were shared by Scott
Parsons, John McClain and
We are busy practicing with
Ann Marie, our drama special-
The tournament will be held Scott Vassill and this trio held
Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- Maplewood to but four hits.
ist,tomake sure our play, "Cin- day, August 27, 28 and 29, start- Legion Tournament (FwmeWy Atorvfn's Gardens J
ing at 9 a.m. on all three days. Livingston won its first'ball
For additional information, call game in the American Legion CREPIS for Lunch, CREPEI for Dhmer, CREPIS for Deistrt
992-2620. Baseball Tournament being
held at Breslin Field, Lynd-
hurst, by downing Rutherford 6-
2. Scott Parsons won his sixth
Afso Featuring
WtAlio S*rv*

Come t r y 3 Gold Medal* game of the season by
Bob Billet of Livingston won struck out 12 batters. From the
Rutherford to two hits and he
Creaf • Your Own Combinations —

our delicious gold medals in the discus, Jave- fifth inningtothe ninth Parsons
lin and shot-put as the United retired 15 consecutive batters.
States swept most of the track
SALAMI A N D . . .
OpwiMon Thufl 11:30-10:00
Frl. t Sot 11 :J0. I I 30, Son. 11 00 9 00
Livingston jumped offtoa 30
summer salads
Serving IruncMrom 11 00 3 00
and field eveqto at the IV Pan- lead in the first inning with BtOCCOtlAND... on Sunday Starting Soon
American Maccabiah Games Marty vftitt, Scott Parsons and
held in Mexico City from July 21 John Modugno scoring. Ruther- 161. Mt. PlMftont Av«., Livingston 994-2360
**. and diet menu to 29. . ford then came back with two
The Games were comprised runs in its half of the second
of Jewish athletes from North inningtobring the score to 3-2.
and South America and the Livingston got another run in
SALAD BAR FREE WITH ENTREES Caribbean islands competing in the ruth inning as the result of
most of the Olympic sports. four bases on balls given to
SALAD BARWITH SANDWICH - *2.75 .m They serve as an opportunity Gary Gill, Scott Parsons, George
for athletes to gain experience Alpert and Bill Giuliano.
in international competition in Livingston then went ahead 5-2
SALAD BAR A L O N E — * 3 . 9 3 preparation for the Inter- in the sixtf) inning when Troy
national Maccabiah Games to Brydon walked and Marty Writt
72 E. MT. PLEASANT AVE. GRACIOUS DINING be held In Israel in 1981. executed the hit and run play to
LIVINGSTON 992-802CL Billet's participation was perfection by singling to right
funded by Temple Beth Shalom. field, sent Brydon to third
whereupon he scored on a sacri-
fice flytoleft field by Gary Gill.
Come dine with us at the fabulous
Work At New Eyes Livingston scored theij final
What's better than one The SociaJ service depart- run of the ball gamr in
ment of the Livingston eighth inning when Gary Gill
great restaurant? • ••
Women's Club will sort pack- singled, he advanced to second
ages at the New Eyes' on a walk issued to Modugno
Headquarters, Old Short Hills and then went to third on an in-
TWO GREAT RESTAURANTS! Road, Millburn, on Wednesday field error, finally scoring on an
August 22,1 p.m. infield single by Bill Giuliano
Take a great restaurant like Th» Meeting Place In Madison, owned and'
operated for over 10 years by restauranteur-owner Carlo Ode, and add
another one, like TIM Talk of TIM Town In Belleville, now under the same
management, and you never had It so good!... Now you have a choice and TREAT YOURSUF Restaurant
you know they're both great. Whether you dine In the cozy beamefcelllng 1/ diiirnii
atmosphere of The Meeting Place In Madison,
or In the lush damask and silver candle-lit
Talk of The Town In Belleville, you're
RIGHT! HAVE After dining you'll
assured of perfection.
A BONVINI PIE receive our token of thanks, one
aj M lit•*»lot*|«t pj
which entitles you to 1/2 off your
very next dinner at Ruby's, to be lmHl^^mil^immm^.^
TONIGHT! used before December 31,1S7S! Muntft of low lop n«n*
groiwtl SM. WOSO « LW, OLAO MA»(
Choose from any entree.
The Talk of Tht Town
3efl WasninQton Aya, VEAL PARMKHANA <M€A "The Inn With The DMerenca
TMpAOff* 75f-5500
Tht Matting Ptaot
Lundmn 1130 im HMO pjn 54 Itafci Street MtdkMn
Unrm iWpm • 1020 pjn
Tttphom 8221222
Dwong ma Enertmnmtrt nighty TumOtr
tnj SurKdy 6y Thi S*** & Low Dux lunetmon 113) im. If 300 pin.
Unrm &O0 pjn HMO pjn. Opm 7 d t p tmmk.
of Livingston
Qptn 6 dft i wwk, Qomd Montfcp untr Dmetng am> EirhrtHmrml nlghtf Tumtof Rt. 10 A Walnut 8 t » 994-3500
StpHmt*. wW/ StMdety bf JblMR/ W M M B * fltf M 0fUt. f t W. Mt. Pleasant Avt., Livingston, N. J.
Sumfcy snmft mmy m* tnmHtX M
. . ' <••

16, Section 1 Wg.t ESMX Tribune August 16,1979

T j p m y weaais) far JO days, dwiag
Report on Succesi of Campaign The project was to be funded
be aohred by the task fare* «M «*td> tin* they are heaped te
findmg aa agency le event* locate beating and legal
by state and etnetf grants, but aad to find new
For Shelter for Battered Women these grant* were contingent
Men a abetter. Several agendas
•ontrepretenUUvestothstaak tier the children.
A report on tht shelter for alternating dlsappoinUnent and upon ftndtag a gwd eUe and an force, but they did not h m the la addUion to providing a count towards the final goal of
bettered women run by Essex triumph before the center agency to rgn the shelter The staff or the background to oper- sheiar, the new centsr alee pro- fealties under
County w u issued this week by finally opened. Gannon was primary sisignmiint tor the ate a shelter for battered vide} training for such agendas
Gerard M Gannon, executive chairman of the task fate es- task force was te finds Vacation aa pattce depsrtnjeeis and
Son For Park*
director of Family Service of Ubiished by the county Board that would be sccessibk to all "Everything finally came to- sedaj workers whs are the first air. and Mrs. Robert Paries
West Essex, foUowiaf the of Freeholders, and confistiaf areas of the county gether," Caanna said, "in a to nseet with bettered weaken. A of 10 Haserwood Avenue are
•heller's first six months of of representatives of private "Several of the agendas in- true cttf-hanger sttuatkn at the 9 kwtr hotline is also maJs> parents for the first time Their
operation The center, located agencies, county government volved could offer some space end of last year when a church tained at «4-M*j to provide am, Todd Bobert, w u bora
in a converted convent, opened departments, mental health to the project, but there were al- in Newark offered toe use of one ialonnatJOD to beUerod woanea August I In Saint Barnabas
on February 14, and within a organizations, poike depart- ways proUeflsj,'' Gannon said of its buildings, and Babytand aad those who deal with bat- MedicaJCcaterwt^gbiagMveo
week w u full to capacity. ments, service groups, social "One possible site was too run Nurseries, lnc , offered its ex- trred women pounds, ^HW ounces. The new
Gannon said that a litUe service agencies and other down to be easily renovated. pertise te operate the shelter ." *"aV shelter is only one result mother is the former Etna r >
known program of family Serv organizations This group w u Another offering was a terrific The shelter's exact location is of (fee family advocacy sedal cora, daufhler of Mr. and Mrs.
ice of West Essex, the family instructed to find a suitable building, but would not have kept confidential to protect the action program," Gannon con- Louis Pecora of Orange. Mr.
Advocacy program, had been location for a shelter before a been available in time to meet women who go there. The cludes!. "It is more visible than and Mrs. Anton Pavics of Cran-
through many months of state-imposed deadline at the the state's deadline' woman, often with children, most because it results in a ford are paternal grandparents.


M DAYS ON WHEELS. Robert VendeUl, » . a member of the West

Esses YMCA, showi off hit custom made shirt presented to him by
Lucille Cummlnga, Y receptionist. At a member of the Wandering
Wheels Cycling Club, VendeUl recently completed a M day cross-
country Ucycle trip, covering IIS miles a day. The group traveled
through 28 slate* from Florida to California and back. Vendetti
trained for the trip by riding 45 miles a day with a 5fl pound pack on
hl» bike, and then working out six days a week in the Livingston Y
weight rown for two hours. An Industrial arts major at Monfclair
State College, he lives In CaMwell.


Balaace aslaaee
. •• -;1:. nsm Dec.31.lt7S Dac.3l,l»n
• ,.• ' Cash and Investments 1 S,J0»,737,10 4 (,ia,4fel at
Taxes, Assessments, Liens and
Utility Charles Receivable 947,216 34 444,390 30
Prospective Assessment Funded 40,02410 40,(88 10
Property Acquired for Taxes -
AssessedValus 300,700.00 302,(00.00
Account! Receivable (and Inventory) 1,030,784 43 1,944,(00.09
Interfund Accounts Receivable 204,221*3 J77,3n.3>
Fixed Capital Authorized
and Uncompleted-Utilities 9*7,000.00 ii7,000.00
Fixed Capital-Utilities 4,9U,4U.W 4,42S,770.21
Deferred Charges to Future Taxation 1,714,146.00 1,313,455 00
Defatrsd Charga to Revenue of ,
Succeeding Yean 36,444.75
Bonds and Notes Payable 1 1,9*>,OM.OO t 1,747,000.00
Improvement Authorization 9(7,010.94 l,K4,090.S7
' InUrfund Accounts Payable J04,211«3 •• |77,».3S
Other Liabilities and Special Funds 5,41»,«77 90 3,27O,m.2<
Amortlutions of Debt and Fixed
Capital Acquired or Authoriied 4,7»7,«1.4» 4,9*0,770.21
Reserve for Certain Assets Recelvahl* 1,«44,MI43 1,0*3,13*61
Fund Balance 1,42»,241« 1,490,490.04
|U.SSS,4«2.SS *14,404,*44 07

Bonds and Notes Authorised

but Not Issued i 176,042.0* f l,01(,*W7l
Deferred School Tax Liability 1 1,401,411.00 1 3,301,511 W
Year in* Year 1*71
Revenue and Other Iniomc Realised •. "
Fund Balance Utillied 1 1,071,11*71 . 1 1,310,000 00
Collection of Current Tax Levy 23,3*3,221.92 22,M2,2*4.2S
Collection of Delinquent Taias
and Ta» Title Liens 494,243.94 506,06123
Miscellaneous - From Other than-
Local Property Tax Levies 3,7*1,218.37 3,444,524 31
»,70l,t7i.l7 17,04B,B71.n
Expenditures ' ' ,
.. Budget Expenditures:
Municipal Purpose! 9,10>,93*06 4,7*2,t23.(l
County Taxes 10,334,777,74
Local School Taxes 12,191,1(0.00 11,774,102.00
< InterfundAdvancei(Net)
Other Expenditures^ 7,474.(1 907,401.19
27,7TJ,*57.M »S,67S,1»»«2
Excess in Revenue , . t*»,on.n S72,7O1.N
FudBalance .••..' '
..•••• : Balance January 1 1,10,011.01 IJN,MM1
" ? ' •• . . 2,0*1,0(4.12 2,471,0*301
• : Less: Utiliutlonai Anticipated
_ 1 •-,.. Revenue „ . , , I 1,071,11*72 1,110,000.00
.-:••:••. B»laMc*D«cemberSl 1 1,O1*,M.1O 1 1,162,04301
Yesrim Year \tn
iteverae aad Otter lacame Realited
Fund Balance Utilind t 141,404.05
Collection of Water Rents 970,731.39
Miscellaneous-From Other -,
than Water RenU ' " ' ,• 57,47>.«»
' 78>,81t 00
Eipendltsrei . .
Budget Expenditures:
' Operating , 5*7,071.00 5SVz7I.W
Capital Improvements . • 132,«710* ' 177JBO0
Debt Service , «,IS7.90
Statutory Expenditures ' t 29,m.0O 11,500.00
Miscellaneovj - 100.29
Excau in Revenue 177,114 JS
Deficit In Operttlwu

Balance January 1 > lW,7W,4t I 144JMM
1SI,7»I49' m,
Leu: Utlliutlonai
. Anticipated Revenue I41.4O1M IH,7S».M
Balance December 31 I «,3H44 t ISB,7M«
Year 1*7* Year 1177
Revenae and Otaer Income Realiied
I x.atm

There's never been a more satisfying switch.

Fund Balance Utillied ' f 54.S24.40
Collection of Membership
andGueatFeea 134,971.90 135,378 50
IfisceUaneoua iljW.04 43JM.M
14S,0M«4 1U,4H«
Kings a n d 100s. . Budget
dt Expsnditures:
Operatlng\. 104,01100 . ioo,i4t on
Capital Imprevements sV9».» 33,729 J»
Debt S e r v i c e / SS.Tie.4S 21,4** 41
SUtutory Eujjfnditurea 3,9000*
. I9«,I9«JO
Excess in Revenue 54,43202

Balance January 1 < 5*414 25 3l,4N.oi

Less: UtiituUonai
Anticipated Revenue
Balance December 31
That contractual change orders be submitted to Township Council for approval
That foreclosure proceeding! be Initiated against qualifying Tax Title Lie™
That interfund account balances be settled as soon u practicable.
Thai outstanding balances of Accounts Payable, Retained Percentages and Special
.Trust Fund Deposits be reviewed and determination made as to liquidation by payment or
cancellation by Township Resohmon,
That the balances of the 'Reserve for"Flood Disaster Aid Projects" and tht "Roao
Appropriation Reserve" be cancelled by Council Resolution.
That a record be maintained in the Building Department wMdi would relate BuiMinc
Permit Numbers with fee* paid for Electrical Inspecoom
The summary above was prepared from the Report of Audit of the Township of Uv
Warning: The Surgeon Genera! Has Determined ingstoo, County of Eases lor the calendar year 1*71, filed by Nathan Honta, Registered
p p , i n n m
pHance with N. J S. 4M: 9-7 The Report p Is on file at the Towmmp Ctedfi Office and ma>
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. bee impacted
i m p a t dbybany interested
i t tperson.
Renee Green
c 1979BSWTCO
9 mgr "\}\". 0 . 8 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. Township Clerk
AiajuatliltTI i

12-tek '1.69
12 Bart For The
IVORY SOAP Price off 11
Mary Keane New
Vice President
Mary Keane has been pro-
moted to the position of vice
409 SPRAY CLEANER * • » »«• 79*
president of Livingston Nation-


al Bank, it was announced by
Jerome Poky, president of the
51-year-old financial institution
that operates three full-service
branches in Livingston Town-

Keane bad been named at a
Livingston National Bank as-
siattnt vice president in Janu-
Part Time — Night Crew Grocery
ary of last year. Formerly, she
HELPING SOVIET JEWS. Sherl Wayne and Ilene Greeabiun, has served as a vice president Dept. Experience preferred but $
both of Living*ton. dlicuii plant for a resettlement program for 80- of United Jeney Bank.
vlet Jews, being run by the Es»ex County Section of National Coun- A native of Ireland, Keane
cil of Jewish Women in cooperation with the Jewish Community holds a bachelor of science de-
Federation of Metropolitan New Jeney. More than $N 8©vtet Im- gree from Seton Hall Univer-
migrant* will be resettled in E M M County in 1171 and the resettle- sity. She also it a graduate of
not necessary. Will train on the 6pk.
ment program will coordinate services to help emigrees establish both the Stonier Graduate
new lives In Essex County. School of Banking and the Na-
tional Commercial Lending
job. Inquire at the office.
3rd Son Welcomed School. A member of the Na-
and Ryan 20 months. Mr*. tional Association of Banking FREE Package of 12 Topp's
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Smith Smith It the former Ellen Women (NABW) and a former
of Barrington, Rhode Island Lenox, daughter of Mr. andtreasurer of the Northern New
announce the birth of their third Mrs. Roy B. Lenox, formerly of Jersey chapter, she also serves
son, Benjamin Lenox, on July 6. Livingston. Paternal grandpar- as treasurer and trustee of the Double Your Money With
tupm Coupon*
mm a »ln«l* I M O
Baseball Trading Cards with
•f fnor* purclMM
The baby weighed nine pounds, ents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Orsnge Free Library.
tfce purchase of *2.00or
two ounces, at birth and joins Smith of Providence, Rhode It-
his two brothers, Timothy, four land.
Headquartered at 92 South
Livingston Avenue, Livingston
National Btfnk also has offices Double See more school supplies
at Northfield Center at the
Route 10 circle.

Shrinen Entertain
Coupon Stores
Kids At Picnic
The annual family picnic Savings Details
Otter MtcMv*
August ISth
Julius Oksenhorn
sponsored by Salaam Temple,
A.A.O.N.M.S. will be held Sun-
day, August 19, at Vasa Park,
Between 750 and 1,000 under-
On All Manufacturer's
"Cents-Off" Coupons
In all
Supermarkets Bonanza
Fruit and vegetable D*por4ment-Uniurponed
for Ouoliry-th»y look beautiful and taite beau
buys your privileged boys and girls will be
treated to a day in the sun by
U SD A Choice
(Hull Became ev*ry piece of Irult, each crtip
vegetable li ••l*cl«d with li

DIAMONDS the Shrinen.

Potentate Qeorge D u m a
Boneless car*, given ipadal
d l car* and handling io all Hi
goodneu It obvious In every bltel

Prwiou/ Aonw announced that the affair-wW

be held rain or shine from 10
Beef Roasts
a.m. to 8 p.m.
91(1 gold-Silver The Shriners are noted for
their services to badly burned
and crippled children in their 21
ESTATE SALES hosptials throughout North
America. This treatment is
Sirloin Tip
' Shoulder
and now and then . free, regardless of race, creed Chuck
he sails or religion.
Hot or Sweet
Highest Prices Paid
Immediate Payment
Hadassah Board Italian Style Juicy Plump

bank references
wholesale - retail
The Livingston Chapter of
Hadassah will hold its August
board meeting at the home of
Pork Sausage Black Grapes lb.
U.S.DA. Chotc* US DA Choice
Boneless Beef 69 S W M I * Juicy large SnoWhll* •och
Hours: Opt* Dally a Itl. II t* 1:M,' MM. t TlHirt. tvt« t» till
Joan Zimmer, 83 North Mitchell i
Avenue on Thursday, August 16
at 8 p.m. Carol Kahn and Sandy
Vasen will be hostesses for the
Boneless Beef
Shoulder Steak
USD A Cholca Borwtow BMf
*> I Top Round Roast
US DA Choice
*1 Southern
Cauliflower 99
300Miilburn Avenue, Miliburn, N.J. Shoulder for Boneless Beef Add Sport* ?o M*nui * • I lb $ 1 Good In Any SokxJ Crltp Lorg*
evening. Rhoda Baron will pre- Rump Roast $179
•*- . (201)379-1595
side. London Broil lb CaiTOtS CalMomla Obogi I
US DA Choice Bonetou Be*f
USD A Choice .urtoK.T» Oreen Peppers »
ESS*. $ 4 3 9 Eye Round
Beefsteaks.?^ R O a S t With Bottom Portion lb$199 1 Fr«ih T«nd«f
Oreen Beans 59< IscoroleorCwcoiY i b O Y
Del Monte Cnamy o< Chunny
Tomato Sauce Skippy Peanut Buffer

SuUetin Del Monte Sweet Peas

3 cam
,$| |
C ul oi M«nr n Myle
Del Monte Green Beans

*# cam I
Hot Dog Polls

-2 1 $

ue veg»cjj
Wesson Oil Foodtown Catsup

be closed Sold«n Groin Ch««M D<nn«r


A^otouc. V 6 9 o , l n k ^ ^ . " ; 5 9 ' SriNoSoopPad.S;39C

one dayonly - 'X n (
OT Lemonade
HI Flavor
69* JipgllSont 4 ^ * 1

individually * n p | i » ' l (Jo'nnn Kod»owniT.l..h 3 '1

Saturday, Orange Juice American Singles

August 18,1979 ooui

THIS & THAT fin* gifts a* lower prices

y4vc oevefeoes ^ e
MOM niKMAM ••cluflma *•+ TLiXTJUl/'"
ony teeeiewn twctmoftef uww o#*e co
'••gM lomm Coupon ooo4 Aufutl I I Mtv

m ordw to o»»uf« o vMcAurt quontlty 01 t o * itwni for a« our cu»rom«ri, w« r««*ry* m« ngm to Wrvt iotM »o 3 pocfcooM of ony »«m ont«« oih*wl»« not»d Sow rt«mi
not ovolatg* »i C O M M i Wc#i •ftecltv* Sunday Aug 12 thru Saturday. A u g J I . 1 9 7 9 0 % Not r«tpor*btt tor typogroph)col strori Mwnbw Iwtn County Cfccjri
416 W. M«. Pleasant Ave., Livingston 994-4023
In the Red House at th« Rt. 10 Circle — Toes. - Sol. 10-5
: M o n . . Tu<*s .
Visa Fr*«OlftWr«s)
Foodtown of Livingston 8a.m. ° p m

">al 8 a m to 7 p m. S u " 8 o rn. 1', 't y m

Paoe2,8dct»on2 W«tt Emx Tritow Auoutt16,H79
TRINITY COVENANT Garden Clinic Chaplain Movie
CHUMS si W7 J J TteFrieads of the Livingsta.

Religious Services
E. Caferft. sad KMMMI 14.
On Wedne$day
'TW Cold Rirt" 10 tte audi-
attp (Nursery PwMad) Union Service will bold its
aeoond afternoon Garden CJiak day, Augutt SB, at 7 pja. Every-
WE8TE88EX BAPTIST GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH IT. MARY'f ARMENIAN one »invited to attend this free
TEMPLE BET* SHALOM of the summer at the Redwood
CHURCH APOfTOUCCMURCH shoving of the d a n k film
1 0 E. ML I School in Weat Orange at 2 p.m
82 L u r d AVCDM tot. Jtha Mark (tons about a toady prospector in the
RsMMW.Eka1»lM. Pastor Paster Tbt dink will dsscuaa house
1W ROT Klondike in 18M While others
Thun. « 15 p.m. -r Women's Sun. • : « a m . - LudMrao plat* problems, and will be con-
Pri. 4:10 pjn. - Fri. 7 : » PJB. - Sabbath seat fold, Chaplin seeks only
Softball Hour -WHNlOM KHZ ducted by senior county agent
Itrvteaa William F.Munk human affection. This film is
Fri I to 10 p.m. - CYF Gym Sun 1 1 9 a.m.-Sunday Wor- » ajn. - SaO:UaJn.-Services suitable for children as well at
Night sUp • ^ SarvtM "Sick" bouse punts may be adults. Popcorn will be served.
Sun 10 30 i n - Sunday Sun Mara -Dtvtotliturgy taken to the clinic for examina-
LIVINGSTON UNITED FULL GOSPEL CHURCH tion, together with any other
School through Third Grade TIMS. I p.m - Adult U n -
METHODIST CHURCH ASSEMBLY OP GOO samples of insects, shrubs,
Sun. 10:30 a m - Worship fuagfCUasas
ZMW.HttartGapRd. TlOUIUftt trees, weak, lawn problems or PtOTKTTOW
Hallowed Be Thy Name"
/SYNAGOGUE 0 7 DIE Rev. Joseph DePasfute other agricultural items. Lawn
Sun 7 p.m ~ "The Proud atWakrat
SUBURBAN TORAH 8UB. 9 46 a m - Sunday samples should be a foot square
Man Stands Beta* God" Rev. TlMsaas T. TrataMr
Wed 7.15 p.m. - Vacation SUB. -MorningWor CENTER XDOOI and two inches deep, including
MW.Mt.PlMsaatAvMM Sun. H a m - W o r s h i p Serv- Moke your drivewoy
Bible School for Family (Cradleship some green grass adjoining the
ice problem area. look better aryd lost
through A d u l l l * ^ Sun 10am -ChildCare longer. Let ut saol it
Thun. 1:80 a.m., I p.m. - Wed. 7 : » p m - R e v . Ralph The clinic is free, and is open
Service* ' W.Harris to the public. with quality materials.
Dr. Bruce Nadel Fri. t:SO a.m, 7 p.m. — Serv-
ices, Mlncha&Maariv
CHIROPRACTOR Sat 9 a m -Services
ME.Mt. Pleasant Ave.
The Rev. Thecmas B. Waring
une classified ad will help sell SS4-MM
your surplus furniture. Call 992-
At Sun.890am -Services
Mon., Tusa. «:30 a.m., 8 p.m.
Rector 1771.
Sun 9a.m. - Holy Eucharist
2 Korwl Clrcb —Services and Sermon.
(CornerNonhfleld A ve,) Wed. 6:50 a.m., 8 p.m. -
Services *
Mon. 7:30 p m . - O v e r Eaters COMMERCIAL INSURANCE
* Chiropractic information available upon request. JME.NortMleldReed THE BLESSED SACRAMENT
a Livingston Ave., RoseUnd Ask about our low cost
Rabbi Barry Friedman
T#l#phon# 736-9599 Dr.JeachlniPriai Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Flemtag comprehensive package policies
RaMMEmerttw S.T.L. Ph.D.
Canter: Jerroid Held Rev. Robert Morel 8.T.B.
Alison Murphy Weds John Clark JOHN W. O'HERN
An Invitation to Visit Fri. 8:30 p.m. - Sabbath
Service "The Tragedy of
Weekend Assistant The Presbyterian Church of anotis, white carnations and

Trinity Covenant Church Hagar" -

Rev.John F. Pegach
Pastor Emeritus
Livingston was the setting Sat- baby's breath. In her hair was a
urday, August II, of the wed- silver hairpin worn by her ^Working with words is our business! >
343 E. Cedar Sleet CHURCH Sister EUeen Side, 884 ding of Alison Esther Murphy, great-grandmother, grand-
( Northfitld Av«.) Northfield Center Pastoral Associate daughter of Mr. and Mrs.mother, mother and sister at
Livingston Rev. Charles R. Thomas School Principal: George C. Murphy of 12 Park their weddings.
Sister Rath Ana O'Neill, 8SJ Drive, to John James Clark of
~~ 10:00 a.m. Sundays In August — * * ~ ™
Mid Worship August 22 at 8:00 p.m.
Thun. 9:30 a.m. - Prayer
Meeting Sister Emily McMullen, 8SJ
The decoration on the wed-
South Orange, son of Mr. and ding cake was the same one We put it all together
"Committtd to lh» Flnett In th* Evan.g*llcal Tradition" Sun. 9.30 «.m. - Morning Minister of Music Mrs. John J. Clark of Newark. used on the cakes at her moth-
Worship Jacqueline Demoreuille Ph.D. Dr. William S. Ackerman, er's and sister's weddings.
— Rev. Michael Redwood, Interim Pastor Wed. 7.46 p.m. - Prayer Religious Education assisted by Father Ward Moore Lyndon GaiL Seifert of Mont-
992-4044 Meeting Coordinator of South Orange, performed the ville served as matron of honor
Sun. Masses - 8, 9,10,11:15 ceremony. A reception at the for her sister. Bridesmaids
CHURCH OF THE a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Maplewood Country Club were Cynthia Cassini of
LIVING GOD Holy Day Masses - Eve of followed. Flanders, Emily Kuehn of Short
1M West Northrteld Road Holy Day 7:30 p.m.; Holy Day The bride wore a white qiana Hills and Sandra Walton of
EitelleSlrigos 6:45,8:45 a.m.; 12:06 and 7:30 gown trimmed with Alencon Bloomfield All wore pink poly-
Interim Paster
Thura. 8 p.m. - Prayer Meet-
p.m. lace and seed pearls. Her man- ester and chiffon gowns re-
Weekday Masses - 6:45 and tilla veil was trimmed with embroidered in a rose design. 0 1 0 m O 09 (9 E3 H
ing 8:45a.m. matching lace, and she carried Their colonial bouquets were of
Sun. 11 a.m. - Morning Wor- Mon. 7 p.m. - CCD Grades 7- a bouquet of white roses, steph- pink carnations and baby's
ship 12 breath. A LOVE OF LETTERS
Sun. 11 a.m. - Children's Tues., Wed. 3:35 p.m. - CCD
Donna Jentis Wed Maureen Clark of South Or- ISTHE BEGINNING OF
Sunday School Grades 1-6 ange was flower girl. Soloist TYPOGRAPHICAL
Sat 8:30 a.m. - CCD Grades To Steven Aptekar was Shirley Markwith of
THE FEDERATED CHURCH 1-6 Florham Park, and William WISDOM. , „
Confessions - Sat. 11:15 a.m. Donna Sue Jentis, daughter of Ruch was organist.
to noon and after 5 p.m. Man; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jentis Gerard Clark of Garwood
Livingston Baptist Church Evesof 1st Fri: 7:30 toBp.m. of Livingston, was married on acted as best man for his broth-
Eves of Holy Days: after 7:30 July 21, at the Short Hills to Ushers were Lawrence
and en Aptekai, son of Mrs.
Olivet United Church of Chriit p.m.Mass "TV • T ? " l» of East Hanover, Hugh 18 Okner Parkway, Livingston, N.J.
Irving / ptekar of Short*
Livingston Ccntar n. Thecand slight ceremon; wivar ^ Vega*. Nevada,
Rev. Horace Hunt and Michael Clark of South Or-
performed by Cantor Louis ange. 9921060
Sun. 10 a.m. - Worship Serv- 3M E. Mt. Pleasant Avenue Davidson of Temple Emanu El,
ice, Rev. William R. Lute Jr. The new Mrs. Clark is a grad-
The Rev. G. Thomas Burns Livingston, a friend of the uate of Livingston High School
Weekday Mass — 8 a.m. bride's parents. and Upsala College. She holds a '
TEMPLE EMANU-EL Rectory Chapel The bride wore a white em- master's degree in education Robert >eat pays the
M4W. Northfield Road Sat. Masses - 6:30 p.m. pire "A" line gown of beaded from Seton Hall University and

RabU Peter E.Katdan Sun. Masses - 7:30, 9, 10:30 re-embroidered Alencon lace on is a science teacher in Rose-
Cantor Louis E. Davidson a.m. and Noon English net gown with a scal- land.
Fri. 8:30 p.m. - Sabbath Eve
ST. PHILOMENA'S loped neckline, long tapered Her husband was graduated
Summer Service x
lace sleeve and chapel length from Rutgers University and

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE train. attended Seton Hall University.
XN South Livingston Avenue
m Northfield Road / Msgr. William J.Dily The bride was attended by Jie is director of management
Subject: Soul Pastor Hafri«t Goldsman, matron of services for Ciba-Geigy Corpor-
Golden Text: Romans 11:16 Rev. George Keating, Chaplain honor, and Sheila Jentis, maid ation in Summit.
Sunday Service and Sunday Rev. Robert G. Lorento of honor. Bridesmaids included After a wedding trip to
School 11 a.m. - Nursery Fa-
Rev. Michael Sbeehan Robin Kurs, Midy Sieden, Carol Bermuda the couple will live in
First Friday Masses - 7 Pollack, Kerri Finkel and Jan South Orange. HIGHEST DIVIDENDS ON
Wed. 8 p.m. - Testimony
a.m., 8:30a.m. Milestone.
Sat. Masses - 8:30 a.m., 5 Frank Lombardo served as Religious Council
best man. •
Reading Room Hours
Thurs. 11:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Tues. 11:30
Sun. Masses - 7:30, 9, 10:30 The bride, a substitute Sets Blood Drive
a.m.; Noon teacher in the Livingston Public
5 annual yield on a year
As a member of the Living- Our Regular Passbook Savings Accounts with dividends
Masses, Holy Days - 7, 8:30 Schools, is a graduate of Beaver ston Inter-Faith Council, The
a.m.; 5,7:30p.m. College, class of 1978 where she
Federated Church of Livingston
Mass, Eve of Holy Days — was elected to Kappa Delta Pi, will sponsor a blood drive on
7:30p.m. 'the national educational
fraternity. Her father is presi- Monday, August 27, from 4to8
compounded from Dav of DeposittoDay of Withdrawal
and payable monthly (Provided a minimum balance of
$25 is maintained.)
Rev. Dr. William Ackerman Masses, Week Days - 7,8:30
Rev. Dorothy Specht dent of Newark Steel Products 'p.m. in Memorial Hall at the
Now In Our 51st Year Associate Minister Co., Inc. a Roseland wholesaler corner of Mt. Pleasant and

Florham Park Viuf

Thurs. through Aug. 9 - 9:30
a.m. - Vacation Bible School
Wed. 8:30 a.m. — Miraculous
Medal Novena Mass
and importer of building North Livingston Avenues. The
materials. Her mother is a drive will be conducted by the
Mliltrchwgt Penance — Sat. 11 a.m. to speech therapist in the Living- Mobile Unit of the North Jersey AVAILABLE NOW
184 Columbia Tpke. Thurs. 8 p.m.-Session . noon, 4 to 5 p.m.
Sun. 9:30 a.m. - Child Care, ston School System. Blood Center, New Jersey's'bld- • Highest rat* allowed by law. • $10,000 minimum deposit
377-3450 est and largest non-profit blood • 6-month term.
Creche through Kindergarten Mr. Aptekar is a 1977 gradu-
banking organization. Blood Federal regulations prohibit compounding of dividends
Sun. 9:30 a.m. — "Too Busy to Boy for Saltxman* ate of Bryant College and at- during the term of the account.
donated will cover the blood
4941162 behind Sfiop-Hiiel ' Live," WorshfoSpryice tended Mitchell College. He is
needs of the donor's family for a All'earnings forfeited if withdrawn prior to maturity
Mon., tu«h, Thura., Fri. • • W O Tues. 8 p.m. - Council of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Saltzman president of I and S Investment
one-year period and the immed-
Christian Education of 44 Lee Road now have a Company, a real estate invest-
iate needs of persons hospital-
second son, Adam Marc, born ment and management com-

ized anywhere in the United
August S in Saint Barnabas pany. His father is vice chair-
MedicaljEenter weighing eight man of Rickel Home Centers, a
poundftwo ounces Adam joins division of Supermarkets
The entire process, from
: i :
a brother, Scott David, three. General Corporation. registration to refreshments,

TEMPLE EMANU-EL His mother is the former The couple will reside in West takes less than an hour. Every-
Sharon Altaian of Brooklyn, Paterson after a honeymoon to one in good health between the
New York. the West Coast, ages of 18 and 66 is eligible to
OF WEST ESSEX become a donor, and 17 year
olds may give blood with MAIN OFFICE: 1152 South Orange Ave. at Dover **
A Reform Congregation Serving The West Essex Area St., Newark, N.J. 07106. Hours:9 AM-4 PM. Mon. to
parental permission. Needs are 7 PM. Drive-in facilities, 8:30 AM-6 PM. Sat. 9 AM-
particularly great during the Yl Noon. Tel. 373^2344 ~— :
Complete Religious, Cultural and Social Programs summer period when many reg-
, FocYour Family ular donors are away. PARSIPPANY OFFICE: 239 Littleton Rd, oof. Rl. \
202 at the Grand Union Plaza Hours Daily 8 30 •'
AM-6 PM, Saturday 9 AM-12 Noon. Tel. 334-2700 '
Religious School From Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Livingston has more than 300
acres of park lands.
Hebrew Language Studies From Grade Three Through Grade Seven
Accredit*) by Union of Arrwlc«n H*brtw Congestions and ttw Jtwlt* Educttton Ai»ocl«Hon

Telephone that will make with us on

992-5560 U ! your children holidays I

994-0299 264 West Northfield Road WEEKDAY A.M. & P.M.

Ail grades
*kich olio provides a

soool hall, a 'ibrcj

JOHN M.TOOLE, Manager rr 1hru po*f Bar B o « v ; t T w a h
3rT QVtm'y f0O*1 Qn(J 0
WFEKIV SUN ( V r N I N C S T O U 1 H ACTIVITIES ison to be tirmhtd
W-1414 Wpokly Aduh G a i t
Synagogue M e m b e r t h i p N o t R p q u i f p d

145 East Mt. Pleasant Avenue

8 5 W . M T P U A S A N ! A V f i l V t N G S T O N i 9<>4 0 1 7 7
Auoutl16,1979 WtttEsMtTribunt Suction 2,PtoO

Open Country
opens up!
August 16,17
Zoo at Turtle Back ' * » is being rebuilt. 0« the left is Ike new prairie *H keeet
wbJcb willallow visitors losec Ike aalauls (ran bath buMe aad outside.
]f you've got a head for the great outdoors, then
you ought to head for Open Country. At the Open
Country store, youil find the most complete array
of outdoor footgear for men and women this side
of the great divide.
Jamoufl brands Include: Ban, Fry*, Herman
turvlvur, GUrks, Timberland, Rockport, Tqp-
m*n, Nlka, Jtatfn, AftidM, Mtffiift—, Qooddy,
fendramini and Open Country. All top quality,
rugged outdoor footwear and all a part of todays
wilderness fashion look. _ •;;• .
So head on down to Open Country. Outfitters
of quality footwear for the great outdoors.

• ! % ' • '

Unusual diets for same animals increase the cost of operating a public too. Many of the semi-
domesticated creatures can eat rye wafers fed by the public, but they, like this snake, mast also have
a carefully preared diet.

Ryan Talks To The Animals FREE!

' Op«mCountryT-«liirt
More than 250,000 people visit with every footwear purchase \
Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange during the grand opening oelebratlon.
each year. Visitors get to see,
feed and sometimes pet the 700
animals in the zoo. Yet most
people don't know who takes
care of the animals and runs the
The director of Turtle i Back
Zoo is Richard Ryan of Living-
ston. Ryan, who has been with
the too for more than 14 yean,
is considered to be a leading
authority in the field of animal
car* He has travelled to many
countries to study and bring
back animals for various zoos in
the United States He has also
been called in as a consultant to
other zoos and frequently
lectures on practically any ani-
mal-related topic.
As director of the zoo, Ryan
has many responsibilities. He is
the general administrator of the
zoo, which entails supervising
personnel, preparing and ad-
ministering budgets and negoti-
ating to buy or swap animals.
Ryan acts as the liaison person
with the Essex County Depart-
ment of Parks, Recreation and
Cultural Affairs which owns the < >..
zoo. He is also involved in
developing and carrying out
new concepts for the zoo.
One of the concepts that Ryan Richard Ryan, director ti Turtle Back Zoo demonstrates what
' is working on now iRebuilding visitors are not supposed to do. Ryan, who is an expert in the field of
the children's zoo. The work, animal care, takes charge of the caring and feeding of, the 7M
being done with county em- animals in the zoo.
ployees and equipment, will
modernize the zoo by making with background information signs which say not to touch cer-
exhibits bigger and will create and pictures of the animals will tain animals which can
more natural displays for the be posted on each exhibit. seriously hurt a person.
animals and the public; "Our Many of the problems that the Ryan and his staff have
aim is the build a better, more zoo has encountered over the arranged tpecial exhibits and
mdoern zoo. By improving the years ha ve been with the public. programs for the zoo. One of the
aesthetics, we can better edu- According to Ryan, visitors to newest programs is an adoption
cate the public: That is the goal the zoo try to feed everything to program, in which a person or
of a zoo," Ryan said. the animals, and also try to an organization can adopt an
Furthermore, the new touch animals that they animal. They don't get to take
facilities will make it easier to shouldn't. He urges that visitors the animal home, but instead
breed the animals. only feed the animals rye- receive a photo of the animal, a
The new exhibits will have krisps, which they can bring special certificate and their
automated systems such as a from home or buy at the zoo, or name posted on a sign on the
water system that can purify vegetables which the zoo animal's exhibit. A special pro-
and recycle water used in the keepers say they feed, he adds gram is held for groups adopt-
animal ponds. Colorful graphics that visitors should obey the ing larger animals.
In addition to his job at the
zoo, Ryan is currently serving.
a# chairman of the New Jersey
State Endangered and. Non-En-
dangered Species Council,
which is an advisory body to the
State Division of Fish and
Games Endangered and Non-
Endangered Species Project
The council gives its recom-
mendations to the project which
is in charge of protecting,
studying and restoring endan-
gered animal species in New
Ryan, who thinks of working
with animals as both a job end a
hobby, would like to see more «
participation by Eseex County
residents in the zoo, either
through donations or by joining DDOtweor for Hie Onat Outdoors
organizations like the Zoologi-
cal Society of New Jereey,
which aid the zoo. "If we were
to get this kind of help, we
What are jm yaUitog abesH? T V h a * In the pfctsn to that at would be able to do eo much
Richard Ryan, director of Turtle Back Zoo. The yaks are as* of tie more to make Turtle Beck Zoo
few animals in the zoo that visitors are allowed totouchand feed. one of the best zoos ta the coun-
Heidi Stera Sauna* Photos try," be said.

14 Per Word... Minimum W Deadline: Tuesday Noon
BlitHNEM »fcjt VjCEi

INTILE TREE EXPERTS IMPROVE YOUR Home with GUTTERS, L E A D E R * ALUM STORM wiadtm a i d lAOOliMACX PAVING • Kni- (2) M" TIRE R I l t t , « 0 ; it)tm~~ CAMERA - AE-1, brand new, GAS RANGE - Tappan gold.
SERVING LIVINGSTON Gil. lnHft'lsfri—i, Remodel- thoroughly cleaned, flujhel doors, 20% off, all colors Top deadal, commercial, drive- Continuous cleaning Black
t It tubetoss 4-ply oytoc tires, never used SO mm. lens and
OVER*) YEARS ing, Repair Work,' Carpentry, Insured t B H6. aftoor tree quality, weather tight Alum, w«yt, parting areas. Seal glass door Like IU-W W2 HUM.
f » , both practically new. d ) caaaara cast, tMt. W-M71.
EXPERT REMOVALS Minor Electrical and Plumb- trimming Ned Stevens, 2M- siding, roofing, seamless gut- ottbag All types mason 5.6* x 14 tire, ft. Clemson DININU KUOM bjet. maKiiifi
SPRAYING - WOODCHIP8 ing Garage Openers, etc. ters, awnings, railings, shut- work and sidewalks Free REFRIGERATOR/FREEZ-
hand mower, * Metal meul cent breaktroot. 6 chairs, ob-
STUMP REMOVAL Professional work. Ra_an
CERAMIC TILE PROBLEMS ten, mm* tes. 325-2866. Ik wheelchair, practically
ER, aide by side, white, 22 cu.
long table Mink coal, new
BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE able prices. References. M4- New Home Improvements, Inc. ft, t years old. Good working
Contact us — experts in repair- new, (125 I mm BellftHow length, cream color, size 12 -
2M-3319 3»Wor36Ma-. Prof Painting eupMvrs WAXTIR'8 CLEANING SERV- ell movie camera and project- condition Make offer. 9K-
ing, pointing, and waterproof 14 W2-73W.
ICE - A complete cleaning or 16 ft wood ladder, best of- 83B7
service specializing. In house
- Experienced, reliable spe- Rutger's University Land- ence Call 2M-1346 after 6 NITURE PROFESSIONAL- fer Also various odd pieces of TWO SETS of Wack * white
cleaning, rug shampooing, lumber i m 524V drapes, fully lined, excellent
cializing in designing and re- scaping Architecture Gradu- pro LY REFINISHED. CALL 379- Boor waxing and window condition, $K a pair. Hercu-
modeling kitchens, bath- ate. Design, planting, sod-
rooms, additions, recreation ding, clean-ups, pruning. lon brown tweed recliner, $99.
rooms, all types of altera Reasonable rates. Call 7 « - AIR CONDITIONING Central Sawyer's slide projector and
Home Remodeling PAINTING -DECORATING EXCELLENT CONDITION stack loader, $45, trays, t l
tiora Fully insured, esti- J7406. Cuttom-Made Cabinets Interior Exterior
Systems Residential 4 Com-
165. m-0528;
mates given. Financing avail- Pertna-Gle Window a mercial Installation -
M2-M68 Paper Hanging-Specializing
able. Very reasonable, «M- Floor Cleaning Repair. Attic ventilator fans. ANTIQUE GRANDFATHER
in Flue Wall Coverings Thermostats Humidifiers.
CLOCK. American made
3386. Waxing MASON
Walks-Wsils-Patios DRIVEWAY SEAL COATING • Lawrence Service Co., 41 tubular chimes »900 firm,
SAM LUCIANO - Carpentry, Home and Office Maintenance Heron Road, 992-9575. worth much more. W2-4B17.
New Homes Cleaned Slate Floors Heavy duty coating restores ,
Masonry Specializing in ad
ditions, fireplaces and rough Carpet Cleaning Brtck-Stone-Concrete
Step Repair Our Specialty
old, preserves new drive-
ways. Residential • Commer-
stained wood frame, heating
type ceilings. 30 years exper- Call Sid Ferman 902-5232 yard clean-up, garages, at-
Insured - Free Estimates cial. Free estimates. 992-6625, tics, cellars, etc. Painting and unit, fur spread. Call after 6,
ience. Call «W5241L PHILIP N.TORR, INC. Champion W2-6QM 994-1982, ^
carpentry. 982-1166 or 992- 3 HR. VIDEO RECORDER IN EXCIL-
TACTING - Roofing and In-
stallation Free estimates Wet or Dry Wall Construction DARK) MARCELLI - general er, double bed and night table
Prompt Service. 7B8-5H53.383 Estimates Cheerfully Given APPLIANCE8-FURN1TURE GENERAL REPAIRS
construction and carpentry, plus decorator chair. 376-6841 • AND ALL EXTRAS. MUST SILL
Showroom Located At Wood, Metals Taken Away GUTTERS CLEANED
8041. driveways, sidewalks, stairs,
ME.NorthfieldRoad plastering, repairing and ce-
dential & Commercial Wir-
ing No job too small Reason- PAINTING - Interior-Exterior.
insured and licensed. Resi-
dential, commercial. Piano
ramic tiles 731-8731 after 4
CALL 325-3944
able rates. Free estimates Paper Hanging. Plastering. . LIGHT TRUCKING - Moving, Ikan. M . • « . *•«> I*. IT, IS, 1M
Cellars, Garages, Attics moving specialists. Shore MOVING 4 LIGHT TRUCK-
Free estimates. Call eve
Cleaned, Rubbish Removed. trips. 800-242-6727. ING. Experienced college I Dun
Free Estimates. Fast Serv- student will move furniture, 0* M). m*+M re* uyttol
COCO'S CARPET steam clean-
household appliances, apart- M W 1 I W>M mini dkiMf •AMARA GRANT'S ANTIQUI SHOP
ing is expanding! Installing ice. Call Pat, S77-M10, Painting - Decorating
Stone a Brick ments, etc. Low rates. Call
floor and wall tiles, painting PAINTING Interior-Exterior n*dwr«*rrafd «+ilf»»w. Win, Vic.
and wallpapering. Also base-
Steps Patios Walks
Interior It Exterior House Free Estimates 763-1119
anytime, Rob, 762-5252. tofy hmf, I M r*> W«. n>« csrp«Hna.
iMf|*r W wIM wilt) m i l * ten. «•>-
Retaining Walls, Etc.
ment cleaning No job too Painting Professionally done. Formerly of Livingston LEE'S TREES, LIVING- Mn m«4< wolnvl 4*+ chlMnn • turn., MUST UOUIDATI7 ROOMS PUU OP ANTIQUIS 4
Free Estimates ta* TV b>o>d M W U 34 oikk >*•
Urge or too small. Free esti- Reasonable rates. Call any- STON'S FINEST TREE bj ltd* f«trl,. n«w OLOIOOKS
mates. Call 7314103, after 4 time night or day. 6961377. SERVICE. FULLY IN- • • > • > . Dalian,
Furn.. china, glani, bric-a-brac, cotlactlWti. old dacoraloi' Ittmt.
REPAIRS • ROOFS ft General SERVICE cwdlmkht. cuttom cortikvt,
SURED. 533-0272. •tlMft. ' • ' • • » coirlog*. Un«iu. birch pktvfa*. fromct and I.OOOi of good qut of print booki on alt wb-
plywood >h»l>. [Uclrolua. brldga iaciv
Removal * Odd Jobs. Fully Siding - specializing in roof- /YEW HOMES CLEANED CARPENTRY & PAINTING Cham, UaHtollw l t
ing. Seamless baked enamel 857-1747 1 < N C CNTIM STOCK DRASTICALLY MMJCID
insured. Fast Service. Call DECORATING
HUSBAND roo susrr Bill Braun, 994-2930. gutters and leaden. 992-8*82. No Job Too Small or Big
Mrxttww otd Dion Hllli Id. M Oita
HIIUM. M WlMwsod 10
for oil «hoM illlk |O4M CERAMIC TILE CONTR.
994-9*18 Fences Inttotted JOHN PETERSON FLOORS-CEILINGS , 731-8372 9S2 Main Slraat, Chatham
aft «r 6 p.m. & Repaired
Free Estimates 325-2997
I S W M » U W W - l e w s Cars "Man Around the House" — all 27t Scotland too*]
SAVflNIROrAM 994-2173
' home improvements. AH
types of repairs - commer- OLD KITCHENS made new
Insulat* Your Attic with Formica. Plus Interior MINTING IDKOIATWC
cial or residential: R.'Tiffa- CaM0NI)f Aaa3S
UwCoit carpentry, recreation rooms, Inslda A Oirtslda
ny, 992-8356; R. Whitaker, 992- Fr»» E|r/mo»ai $166.00 Annually
Frit ttllmat* MNOINMASOmrWOM cabinets. Dino Becas, Car-
5356. , Anflqu* ook buW«. china cloa». etiwtt.
Call Ban Carfagnlnl pent6r,99M817. EXPEIT PAPER HANCING Marrk Chair, daubla drauw. dr MWa. • CALL JAMES J.
994-41*8-992-84*3 Over 1% y * « r i axparlanc* PIUS FINE PAINTING chain I buH.l. ilda* kr tUt 3757057 sr37M117 FITZSIMMONS, JR. CLU
Cibrg* Hlpklm JOHN M. PAINTING f •as" PLASTERING raWa,,1iimi, cryilol chand.. braH llra-
Stapi, ildawolki, patloi, pfaon, vwat «Hlwd »IOM windswi, Tom Poppat
GENUAL CONTtACTOR Residential Work Our Specialty Frw Estimotaj •92-8003
flr«plac«t, retaining wallt, alatlrk r*H Iran, criaat lr«aiar. pkxa t
• Additions Interior and Exterior Coll David After 6 p.m. roHl. Hoa«l«r cab mirror* ramola colar
•1c. TV (ardax '*>!• I Km M * n «rt>
Fraaf itlmgtM Coll * " • ' 4 ( « • Mtftlam FreeEsttanttes 1 ^ *:374-el44
HOMI 134-SOM or H U M • intarlo«4tat«*«r
Carpentry A MMSMry
I lool« roll «Of dml>. KKaal
b 4 i
Improvtmcntt ItoHtlFlfeMi
from Sun Dackt
to Kitchtnt
m-ut* IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO GET 'iiffls ESS fifRVUis Countan, Vmititi
• > • • attimatai - Viail our shop
C, Anthony Florllll
• H I * Addition.
a W k i M M B> KMthM —taMsW—M
M T l i M
NawCoal Lining* Take Advantage o f Our UPHOLSTERING
Fr»» EiTlmatai
Cuitom Mad* Oarnwnt*
Will pick up
William L. Wtb*!1
E. Honevar, N. J.
635-2933 Call Now For Free Eitbnatoi On MllUvtaMtoi.Av«. CONTRACTOR
AiMorPJ ••a., .a w i i J t . _ . . -
Lie. No. 5935
• Railroad Tl« Work • Landscaping DOLLY MADISON
• Patios • Lawn Maintenance KITCHENS
Repairing - New Keys • Drainage Work , Bob Walsh
M yMr'i nptrlMK* on alrfh
IS Y u r t ' Timlna. Far
Mantclalr Unity Ctncwh
Ettlmatn - Call Anytlma ••(or* >rl(N M M When CoM Woothor Hill
PAINTING 993-7318
Robert O. Hellig, 2JM2S3 Tafc* Advantog* ol Pro-Somon Prko*
oun I U U sin MODUS
G. MATINATA, Umlicop* Contractor Fre« Estimates a Wallah)any|oband4oIt
See Our Many Full Size SNOW PLOWING Fully Insured rlfhtl
Models In This are a 3 3 4 - 5 4 1 8 after 6 p.nv • ft— Mtlmatat
COMMIRCIM RISIDINTIAI 992-2709 335-9778 a Falrprlc**
U HOUR SfRVICI a Ughtlng Ipaxlollflf
Mambtri ol Homt BulloVs Aiwclttlen a PullHouMPowatr
«nd Bttlw Builntu Burtiu. REASONABLE
a Flra, tmoka t Burglary

IntuU't your homv mora with vinyl than any
other tiding, and tave Cotlapproi 'Jrnore
lh«n * quality p«ml |ob $
( .ill
ELECTRIC SERVICE Datactlen Syttam*
a torwing Uvingtton Ar*o
ialiit in Quality
We are a Umily ofgamtaflon In (hit way * t <«n givt
you « rtaioriabi* >0w etflmatt tor quality mattnait
«nd workmamhip For FREE fttimatt. NO obliga
tiont. tmanct4rfar*g«t( Salary man rmploytd only
SEWINO MACHINE By the Sheriff of Clean Carpet County - Roofing
992-3708 Allan Small Lie. « Bui. Parmit #4991


AHMakMaAIIMadali ^ Call 533-0858 • Siding
• GuttersCleaVied
2 Doby Rd.. Msndham. N. J. 07945'
RIASONABLf For Free Estimate and Repaired
Greco Steam Carpet Oeaoing John R. Gamba
NSOME 992-7141
Alormi ••••_• Fully I n t g r a d
ANDEL 11 Yaaril«pa>rl*nt*>
Interior rapalrt on roofs.
ASSOCIATES " ^ Nothing, guttari J. laadart.
40 Hazel Avenue, Livingston, N. J. 07039
Coll M l Broun
. N.J. Lie. No. 3108 mra
Paper X V FREE ESTIMATES 992-1843 372-2232
Retsidentiat—Commercial - Industrial
| world trained and
' ikllltd. N I I T I I C H 1 and
& ENGINEERS Mutuql Home Improvement Co.
•xtorion, fr»« •«tlmot«, Clothhack Vinyls • Papers
local rel»r»ncti, fully in- Foils a Grass Cloth . Flocks i—
who want to got the best for less in
>urod Cell331-3«O3 Expirl Sorvici' • Fully Insured
Herbert Braun & Sons
all types of roofing, gutters, leader
& repaiiv '5S9
free Estimates Livingston's Owy Beal's Wallpapering "Alvwiy.
H.inqmq Around
Since 1921

Will Be Here Tomorrow COMMITI Reroofing New Repairs

For The Work We Do Today Full Insurance - tree tstimates • 24 Hour Service
TreoSorvico HOUSE NEED PAINTING Alterations Days 987-7740—Nit»i 8S7-7906
992*4272 —urraMOt
—INTMKM Repairs
-MASON ABU m e n
-^UAUTTWOtK All Homt Improvements
"All V^rrk Guaranteed"
EXPERT WORKMANSHIP F R E E ESTIMATES Specializing in (tin torn:
Aluminum Siding Cleaning • A l l COIOHS AVAILABLE Draperies • Bedspreads •
Mold and MIMaw •amovoa', LINDSAT
K>*FMIISriMATI Window-Treatments • Reupholstery
Windows, Floors, Kitchens and Baths
Scheduled Oenerel Cleaning
MR. SPRAY StlVKE 096-1377 WEKBfOS (hrmrr lv Hunltr Undlty) • Laminated Shades
• FOrniture
ffe«(denrlaf and Commercial — Fret Estimates
Call 964-9450
Rmnih '
Orange, N. J .
tinea I M

St«t*o(N J Lit No } 1 %
427-2I44 FR£EWlMATES
AuQU«tie,1979 WMtEtMxTribunt 84)ctton2,PiQ»6


VENKKNES tv HAAGEN-DAZfr ice O m m DRIVERS, ever tt, wanted

JUKE BOXES - BRAND NEW Shop nasdsfuUaftd part tuna daily (or airport*, Ntw York home for kkf grader • after cal beak. Full time, benefits, espsrienced. Monday, Tues- law firm Part time hours -
Cotorto|M. bain. Mut hiM flodbte work ary and hourly trtpfc Must be school and holidays whan I day, Thursday, Friday and flexible Will train Some
CALLVAL 57M5K sdMddk and bt trifling to dependable, owrsMia and must work. Bum* Hill area tltowance 9N-10M half day Saturday Salary ability to UM IHM dictating
work «veainfs, weekends and htv*food*ivlM record For preferred. Pteese call M4- RESPONSIBLE TEENAGER Call I machine Call 3&Q0M be-
LIVING KOOM couchToTan^ LIVINGSTON COLLECTOR appointment oaM t am. - 5 J1B
crushed velvet, two To- buy" »°y trains and perti, all holidays. Apphcants should for stewty Saturday night HOUSEKEEPER - PART tween 10am 3 p m
m ke be at least 17 years otd. Mini- CLEAN, WASH, Iron, child babysitting Prefer Broad TIME woman needed to care HOME ATTKNDANT - Hve4n.
ordinated chain, reasonable * * " • H ° Uaaa ***** mum wags will be paid. Ap- DRIVER WANTED for busy
m-1354, repaired. Utt-llM care. i\i days, 44 hours. lawn area or Cherry Hill for toddler weekdays I s m -4 rYee room and board Car* of
ply in person from noon - a (lor*. Full tin*. Hurt be ex- $18.40. Free roam and board. area. Call WHIM. p.m. Recent references. Own handicapped woman Clean,
APARTIIENT SALE • Carpet- ANTIQUE BUYING Service. 1 p.m. at Haagen-Daa Ice perienced tjad very reliable.
ing. Bedroom ensemble - pra.to4 p.m., Tuea. through Cream Shop, 7» South Living-
One year's GIRL/GUY FTiday full time for transportation a must m cook, laundry Awut with
Sat Apply In per»» at The Green 53WUI,i sales office. Phone, typing meats, bathing, dressing
spread, matching drapes and • ' Hortb P " " i c Ave., ston Ave. • Scene, 7N Northfleld A venae, and general clerical work. ADVERTISING SALES- Serve as aide 1133 40 per wk,
pillow sham Bathroom en- Chatham, 6JM73J Purnituje, West Orange. 8.90 per hr, 44 hour wk , »'n
sembie - carpeting • shower gla», Jewelry, dplls, Orieftal SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS 9M14M for appointment. PERSON - experience pre
Nuc - West Orange Answering ferred. Self starter for adver- days, ("all W2 57W, Elaine
and window curtains. Kirsch "*»• * * y Hermance, TELEPHONE ANSWERING DRIVERS • » PASSENGER
Service, I a.m. to 1 p.m ; 1 tising sales department Breitkopf
window shades Various 37721M,377-20M. Service. Openknf (or opera SCHOOL BUS. AM. 4 P.M.
kitchen items. Everything LIONEL, IVES, American Fry- p.m. to 6 p.m.; Midnight tors - both morning and af ROUTES. GOOD SALARY. Hours: »to J, 4 days per week KUl.l. TIMK DKNTAL ASSIST-
like new. 1 day only, Tues., er and other toy trajns. Pri- Shift, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Ex- 379-M4I. Must have car Salary com ANT, KXFKKIENCED. LIV-
ternoon shifts. Experience RECEPTIONIST - GAL/GUY
perience necessary. 731-6600 mensurate with experience. IW-7I00.
Aug. 21st, 3 - 7, US Old Short vate collector pays top cash preferred. Please call W2- Friday to handle busy front RELIABLE BABYSITTER
Hills Road, Bldg. 40, Apt. 349. prices. 635-2058 MATURE PERSON wanted for XM desk in growing company. Madison Eagle: CLEKK FOR permanent part-
wanted to care for children
M5 1W0 shipping, packing and assem- Some typing required. No while mothers take dance at lime position. Busy phone,
- ANTIQUES Quality colonial or CLERICAL
bly work. Some shop experi- aptitude for figures l i m to
SOFA - BLACK A WHITE cut traditional used furniture, Excellent opportunity for an steno. Good benefits. 2X4050. Synagogue of Suburban Tor ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER
ence preferred Must be a Colonial Manufacturing Co., ah in Livingston beginning to assist our bookkeeper with 3 p m Monday through Fri-
velvet and 2 red velvet chairs, Hummels, paintings, bed- alert, ambitious individual
neat worker with driver's li- Roseland,N.J. Sept. 11, Tuesday and Thurs- the posting, typing and verifi day Call m 2466 fur appoint-
W75. Approximately 35-40 room sets. Highest prices with office experience. Posi-
cense. Permanent position. day.ltoip.m 994-W71. cation of A/R One Kite bill ment
yards of avocado carpeting, paid. Cash. 228-2589. tion includes typing, filing HOUSEKEEPING - S days a
Ernst Gage Company, call for ing system Pleasant «lmo» MEDICAL SECRETARY for
•125.10,000 BTU Fedder's air and some phone work. Hours week, 9 to 5 Experienced. SECURITY GUARDS • Imme-
appointment, 992-1400. phere Fairfleld location. Call medical office. Experienced
conditioner, $60. (1) white Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m. to S p.m., References required. 892- diate openings. Local area.
pole lamp, |15. Levolor blinds Sat. 9 a.m. to ftp.m. Must be 8M7. 575*641. with insurance forms, mini-
M/F, full and part time. Re-
(honey sold) for big front win- LEGAL SECRETARY willing to l e a n our simple FULL - PART time, flexible tirees and college students SUBSTITUTE "TEACHERS mal typing 447 loso
dow of Lfeyin Sagner split, $40. Outstanding opportunity for ex TMI UNION COUNTY plug-in switchboard for fill in needed starting September, COUNTER HKRSON dry clean-
• M I O N A I HIAH SCHOOL hours. Interest in words. No welcome. For information
All excellent cori3iUoot 533- perienced sacretary in new times only. Apply in person, call Mon. to Fit, 9-12. Piquet 1V79, in all subject areas in ers, LivingHton area Great
ntma MAS TNI rouow- typing. Clerical type work.
t0K. modern office in West Orange Brick Church Appliance, 555 Security Systems. 994-2300. Hanover Park Regional I'urk hours Don't miss this one.
•NO POSITIONS AVAILAMJb Call after 6p.m., 9M-M2S.
Main Street, Orange, New High School Ditftricl l'le«»e
INFANT'S dressing table. M C M T A I Y - - Office of the Jersey. STOP COMMUTING HOUSE PAINTER - to paint call887-0320. - - •_•-•-
child's tricycle, green For- Superintendent of School), lo- TO NEW YORK clapboard house I have the BAKKHY SALESPERSON.
mica shelf, 12 Ft. long, black ASSISTANT MANAGER need- cated In Jonathan Dayton LEGAL SECRETARY - part SECRETARY TO paint. Contract by the hour or BE YOUK own boss this We'll train willing person.
drapery rods, gold cocktail *d for Haagen-Dau Ice Regional High School, Spring- time, hours flexible. Pleas- INVESTMENT COUNSELOR by the job. Phone 9944485 af summer. Earn good money as Days or evenings, full or part
table - 42'' round, 17'' black k Cream Shop. Must be mature, field. excellent typing and
Mono required. Begin late ant, Livingston office. Call Knowledge of securities and on- terSp.m, an Avon Representative. lime Don's Pastry Shop,
white TV, end tables. Reason- dependable, flexible. Re- 994-0407. line computer terminal data Fresh air. Friendly people South Orange Ave., Living-
August or torly September.
able. All in excellent condi- quired to work from 12 to 6 in- CUSTOMAN/SUS M1VOI - - processing desirable. Short- Flexible hours. For details ston, WM SW. _
tion. 992-6087, eluding weekends, holidays. Position in Jonathan Dayton hand, typing, elementary call 994-4367.
Regional High School, Spring- SICURITYO'PICIRS bookkeeping and general of- DRIVER WANTED for busy
BEDROOM SET- lovely 5-piece field. Combination custodial art « • « t d l l a M i at ilia kuwtnea C*m
Drexe! Italian provincial bed-
W. ara »»afc*# Ml/part Bm. o^li fice skills. Salary commensu- pmt til M a r * Amatlta a * * «HM aa nmi- florist. Full time Must be ex SMALL AREA AND RE
work and ichool but driving. com «4M jMlra •• W MkMd o. IJUOU
room set. Frujtwood finish, ^ ^ ^ J P f Will atllit In training to tecure M wewtty dHcan. Oofd iMnlnt rate with ability and experi- Inf M lIvlnfMaii n««t •*>«<«. perienced and very reliable MOVE DEBRIS m 3200.
triple dresser chest, head^ Cream Shop, 7» South living- regional but drlver'i llcente.
r*M, M* » « N « I . hM»4«allMlkH< tor ence. DRESDNER & eataui ama OMU m Apply in person Bt the (ireen
«u«Mlt^ fnam. fnitytn IKKIIWI
BRUNDAGE ASSOCIATES, Scene, 778 Northfiold Ave, MATURE UIRL or woman to
board, two marble-top end >tonAve Clean driving record and wild In * • U.HHIIOII mm MMtl an •>»! Ona tor owr agancy MarfcaHn| Daaan-

pott work history Mtentlal. lant ffrtttnWi it> »i.«nciminl Call INC., 33 North Fullerton Ave., West Orange. baby sit In daytime during
tables. Reasonably priced. RECEPTIONIST - part time. immediate opening. Max. . frl., • «J«. • • pm- TM-fTM. M M M u u t f « a 4 S K H » f M urttti lama week. Good pay. Nice chil-
Montclair, N.J. 783-7888. tnwrarw «««wlw<a pntwn4. A l w
- 9 9 4 - 0 2 8 4 . G o o d telephone voice and per- CUSTODIAN — Poiition at WAREHOUSE HELP wanted dren 533U252.
sonality. aerical work. Must Arthur I . Johnson Regional — order pickers, warehouse- BOOKKEEPER - EXPERI-
equal OaaatMMtylmflorar
High School, Clark, tegln Im- SAUSHILPWANTID CUUMSruaia* men, truck drivers, leading ENCED A/R, A/P. Collec-
mediately. tama InturaMa anaarl wholesaler, Irvlngton area.
vfe9r00YtCf VvvVOelHIV P I I H tions, motivated person ad;
M O H T A t T ~ Interesting, di- help tor cerd/glf« efcee.
W« aMar fo4 ilartlnt lalaHll m* DM
camcany kanalHi Itoun 1:11 • 4:11
Must be reliable. Five day vunce to credit mgr. New of-
versified work In office Pupil Cell Irmo-t tag $m. Our attlca It aanvawlanHy I m i a J week. Steady work. See Mr fice in Fairfield Benefits 575-
T.V. - RCA 24" Color Console. Perionnel Services. Excellent HANDRAG SALESPERSON •Mar t w i t 1 M . Solomon at 300 Nye Avenue,
One and a half year service SALESPERSON for Drug •kills required. Springfltld lo- Fashionable — Alert person 533-1414 6700.
— S days — Mr. Jay — Mill-
cation. Begin mid Auguit. ' • arranft an n •aiiUliiiinl al lot PART TIME - receptionist for
contract available. $150. 992- o ll at en-1 too.
ferred ASSISTANT ADULT SCHOOL burn. Co|l Mrs. lubetkln,
1690 after 6. doctor's office Experience
DIMCTOt. — Part lime Day/ mCKMANRUi preferred - will train. Please
p.m.; Saturday, 9-5; Sunday, Evening poiition at Johnathan MRTTIMI THIINSURANCI CO.
LUCITE PICTURE frames plus 9 - 2. Only permanent position
reply Box B, West Essex
a full line of Lucite gift items, Dayton Regtonol High School. Soles help for men's clothing OF NORTH AMIRICA Pull rim* ipsniwo tsr start M l '
available. Terry Drugs, Ve- Responsible lor operation of store. Hours flexible. vMwl It wark with par! numbtrt. Tribune, P 0 Box 65, Living-
. serving dishes, bathroom ac- rona, 239-2200, ask for Jo Ann. evening adult education pro-
I * M ( OpaarHmBy I n i i a r a r M/F U M <* rund Irucki m4 ottwr « ston.N J O7o:t«.
cessories, desk items. Spe- Coll vim l» nwvt mittrltli Ptoaunt,
gram. Position open now, Full time position for odvertls-" claan arorklng condlllani lac*). BABYSirrER WANTED (or
cializing in very inexpensive C U M — Position at Oov- MewsH Periey OslWsii lent tonatlK, companr PaW
Ing agency In Morrlstown. after. Hchool, 3 to 5 Mount
penbhaiized party favors. •rnor Livingston Regional Knowledge of'TeaT « r o t « M CLIRK/TVniT
Host Items 50 to 70% lower NCMTAMIt High School. Berkeley Heights. preferred Call Mr. Goldberg ralall«n> Pleawint elementary area,
than retail price. 731-3382. Interesting work in sinstruc- at 267-2288. •aalii rai*ar»IWa, twJwortiln, I n * Please call after S p.m., DM-
Billion-Dollar First Na- tionol media center. Good typ- NURSE RN vktud to put ItMi akllli lo work I Tyc
Inf minimum Jfl WPM (>*•• « K w * Ketcham A mcOougad. jnc.
DOG GROOMING tional State Bank of ing required. Position open Full time posHion, night super- ir^PTVf'ivej eji^ive^e. r i p i Tfrn^, ^9*^'tejn4N" 4*1 Sefle stock Avenue REfSfTAL:"'AGENT"- m a n a g e r '
New Jersey has Im- now.
Small & Medium Size Breeds i visor 11 p.m.-7 a.m. petition. Oaaa' aanatMt. CaN «Ha tar In ioeelon*l,N.J.1>70M
for large garden apartment
mediate openings for
FREE Pick Up & Delivery ; experienced Secre- All positions offer attractive Also full time or part time EquAt opportunl fy impteyr M/F
complex in Randolph Town-
In Livingston taries. working conditions and sal- 3 D J L to 11 p.m. •fa-rtoo ship Mature minded person
994-2303 aries. All positions except As- MULTI1290 OW. Excellent benefits, Blue Cross.
We" offer an excellent sistant Adult School Director Full or part time. Monday Blue Shield UCR, Major Med-
to live on premises. W2-K2O0.
SCULPTURE STUDIO starting salary and are full time, 12 month posi- thru Friday. Experience de- icel ( Dental Plan. Free to PART TIME MMMM-IM LEGAL SECRETARY for gen-
Gallery - Picture Framing benefit package. Full Time Oov Shllt
tions, Assistant Adult School sired but not necessary. Will employees • Family. Paid va- JOB IN AMERICA eral practice attorney Some
15% off on 1:30 A.M.-11:00 A.M. director is part lime, 13 train. Must be conscientious cation, holiday * sick time. Diversified work for individuals
1:30P.M. 3:0OP.M Earn ( 6 - $8 average per legal experience neteiisury.
__!__ Custom Framing months. For application con- and neat worker. Pleasant Excellent salary I working with experience or mechanical
tact Charles Boumon, At-
hour servicing oor cus- I'lcuKunl Livingston office.
working conditions. Call for conditions. Please call for ability for hot leaf and other
887-0149 sistont Superintendent, Union on appointment. tomers In your area. Good steno required Salary
appointment •moll machines. Plaasant
Corners Eagle Rock & fIRST NATIONAL STATE County Regional High School Car Needed. a/c building and excellent commensurate with expert
Ridgedale Ave. BANKOFNEWJERSET District I I , Jonathan Dayton INOLIMOOR , S40-M91 of 0020631 benefits all company paid. ence. Call KM-0405.
East Hanover MOSraadStrist
Regional High School, Moun- BURRILLf'S Nursing Horn* Call or Apply:
tain Avenue, Springfield, New SECRETARY/RECEPTION"'
Ntwark, N. J. PRISSCLIPPINO lUSo.UvlngrtonAv*.
WEDDING ANNOUNCE- Jersey 07091, Telephone:
UvlnfHon,N.J. 2213*00 1ST position available in
MENTS. High Quality. Rea- Rrst (201)376-6300. •92-oM* CONVfNIENCE busy executive office to take
7>I.Northf)ele'Ave. FOOD STORE and siTfen culls and assist in
sonably Priced. Prompt Serv- National AN EQUAL OprOtTUNITY/AFnUMATIVI
Livingston ImmesHote opening evell- diversified clerical duties.
*~ ice. Tribune Publishing Co.,
• b l e ter full time peroon Good typing, steno und phone
992-1080. l opportunity employe WAITRESS- FAIT THAI on night §hHt. Permament V presence required. Send
riiMajn.-atSOpjn. position. Prefer someone resume and salary require-
GARAGESALES SERVICE •AIM M M * MONDAY TMIV FRIDAY mature, reliable and l l e i - ment* lo; Suite 212, 2 West
With typing ability to osslst Ible. Apply et T4leven, ISO
REPRESENTATIVES in Pharmacy. 40 hour week. MMmtysrizmu South . Livingston Avenue.
Northlield Road, Livington,
LAMPS, REFRIGERATOR, bi- Some evenings ond week- N.J. 07039. ^ -'
- (Experienced Only) We hove full time and part ••2-MS3
cycle, beauty salon chair, time openings in Livingston ends.Mr.liss WOOlKTrONCOfmrOl TYPIST/SWrnETARY ma-
Billion dollar First Na-
headboard and bed frame, tional State Bank of and Summit area for people CINTIR PHARMACY cmi lure minded Congenial Liv-
Mountain King Christmas to assist our customers with ingston office 35 hour week.
tree, beautiful decorator
New Jersey has im-
mediate opening for
their banking needs. Respon-
tv2-*M0 SALIS STAFF TYPIST/CLEW Maintain and lolloo vp prsduttmn
racwdt Oaed «llk main Dvuw a l M Call 4»<» :)HW)
drapes, much more. Aug. 19, sibilities* include cashing ledles large slie opparel . To perform general IndWt Intarnal ond aatftrnal •aparftl
experienced Tellers |r>| VMM llfhl l r » » » lapwlanrt (n«
20,21,22, lto6p.m.,25Glen- gnty. These positions
checks, accepting deposits full or port time, Florhom clerical Duties. Urrad talary o«*n fitaiawl naw aftk*
and generally acting as the Park. ' full time. llbaral ban«flt« all school needs sixth and
view Drive, West Orange. are both full and part
banks representative to the turn Diversified duties, worm en. Mu«l havt mvn If ana#«r1*)Min
seventh grade teachers,
time. OMTW Pleosont working conditions
FLEA MARKET & Craft Show, public. Selected applicants vlronment Full figure pre- ctuite-taee
We offer an excellent will revive 3 weeks of train-.
Call for oppolntmeni Wednesday afternoons, 4-0
Sept. 15th, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. ferred . . . we will train . . . os.«mr pm Call 675-0324
starting salary and ing at our Training School. We Call 377-8171 (9:30-6)
Eagle Rock School, West Or- benefit packag*. are offering o starting salary •URRELLE'S BOOKKEEPER ASSISTANT -
ange, Eagle Roek Ave. It Val- of $145. a week for trainees. THE KTTO HALF MIMCLIPfiNO full time, accounts, recelv^
ley Way. Dealers "wanted. 9 30 A.M to 11 A.M. We will negotiate salaries for (M K^ohem*
1:30P.M W 3 P . M . people with experience. W« able, diversified duties,
Call 325-0245 or 325-2813. MU^aal TSI.NoHhfteMAve.
offer good benefits including VvieniHi
f J f ] f fringe benefits Twin Oaks'
HOUSEHOLD GOODS, baby i Uvlayeto*
profit sharing, dental, tuition AUSAall Ofjorimlry s»m>>re?.m/( Nursing Outer, Morristriwn.
items, clothing and miscel- FIRST NATIONAlSf ATI aw* l a *
reimbursement. For more in- Part time opportunity avail- ( all Mrs Kogel, 540 9800.
laneous. Lots of goodies. Sat. formation please call our Per- able for mature, reliable in-
sonnel Department at dividual In busy brokerage BABYSITTER WANTED for 15
ft Sun., 10 - 3, 34 Brookside IMSm*" Strati
month old girl for Wednes-
N*twrt,N.J. 277-4200. firm. Responsible for all
SAT. k SUN., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
phases of bookkeeping as
well as typing ond good figure To perform general
DIRECT days For more information
call m 1660 between 9 a m
MUST SELLI Linens, glass-
ware, wall unit with bar, Dan-
aptitude required. We offer
good storting salary, benefits
clerical duties
Ml time.
SELLING ^ and 5pm
ond pleosont working otmos IMMEDIATE OPENING avail-
ish rocker, collectibles, appli- Pteotont working conditions
112,000 120 000 Incoma lint
l opportunity e m p l o y * phere Call Mr. Spiegelmon
year. Amblllout. iporl'i able for full time person on
ances and more at sacrifice for appointment. Call for oppotntment
minded, wont rapid advance- night shift Permanent posi-
prices. 2 Trafalger Drive (off revr 734-2100 ment. Call tor detolls. tion Prefer someone mature,
E. Cedar St.) BURRELLE'S reliable and flexible Apply at
Frye boots, size 9, 2 bikes,
flute, violin, old records,
EARN $3.00 PLUS PER HOUR OFFICE 71LNertMloMAvo. 201-*•!-•»••
7 Eleven, 280 South Living-
ston Avenue
misc. items. Sat., Aug. IS, U - PART TIME Good typing, business etwee
end reliobillty essentM. HELP
Saturday morning and after-
jjjHttlsideAve. Burroughs L-8000 payroll. noon for 2 hoys ages I and S.
MATURf MINDED MEN I WOMEN Established company, l o * e -
land. Excellent pay I oppor-
Only reliable individual with
I OFFICE PERSONNEL references need apply M2-
PETS OVER I t WITH TRANSPORTATION tunity for right person.

FREE TO A GOOD home, baby Flexible Shifts to fit your schedule both doy ood night.
Uniforms provided. Food discounts. No experience
Kkdt e » n | seek te tckeel teen? Dee't took new, but It's
nized individual needed for
hamsters. A population explo-
n*x»s»ary. Will train proper applicants. Gill everyday almevf fluff line aeaktl accounts receivable depart-
sion of 12. Mixed cinnamon
i e f w e e n 9 AM. and 5 P.M. Ask tor supervisor. Good SALAD WORKRR aart Dally mmt*wr ««*»«>e SIGN U» FOR JOIt THIS FALL ment Should have ability to
and teddy bear. Call 992-0135, niUTIMf*tol
job to supplement your income. ham f M wm. MM »m. m* W% Okt«phont Operators • $Krtftries - Typhti work with figures and compu-
ask for Al. Exceflen* woffcing condHlone. ter daU Medical terminology
Benefits and Mtary t«per- „ SaliritfVoSoo/wk.
FRIENDLY ICE CREAM SHOP tence preferred but wilt train
on interested indlvloW.
Cat lari

_ Temporary or Ptrmanent
y • Casf Etta Carvin
background a plus Call Ms.
Stone, Z3MW0 for Interview,
1Mt.Mt.He«MiHAve. Coll for eppetntmont
Uvinfston.N.J. INMIMOOt
H44412 nt 1Mio.LHinosio*iA»».,Li». 994-3232
PttM6,8«ctlon2 WttEs—xTrtbunt August 16,1979

Have you cmairJerlda book- power, a . c , stereo, Landau pay over book price for dean, hosM, finished Available by LfrktfMea National I BEST IN CHILDREN'S
keeping servtoe? AO phases, PRANK'S TOWING roof, exeeUent condition, orig- suburban used cars. All October IS through April 19.
accurate, nii- makes and models. Also, vin- MAGIC.
inal! F«r details call Geri 9 a.m. to
able. PwdMabaato. Call for U7I CHEVROLET Mahbo Ex tage cars. Immediate cash. SILVER WATCH • AUTOMAT- BAND NONAFFORDABLE?
cellent condUJon. I cylinder, 2 1997 PONTIAC CataJtoa,! door, .88-1900.
estimate, H»->m good running condition. 77,900 Call Mr. Carr, 7 0 4 0 9 or W- IC WIND, LOST THUR8 Mobile Dtoc Jockey available
door hardtop with vinyl roof, 3400. WANTED TO KENT _ AUG. 9. REWARD.! for Parti*, Sweat M's, Bar TOTALASSm
p j . , p.b., am-fm radio, rear miles. Good transportation or
GIRL WISHES two (kyi wort - starter car. tm. m-im. BANK BOOK No. R U M lamed Mttmhs, Banquets. David UAaUJTUW
defroster. Low mileage, Itt- by United State Savings Warner's complete Musk and MB
Tuesday tad Thundeyi, •*- 1973 BLAZER - Vwhed drive, OFFICE SPACE WANTED;
periema and good references. FREE About 2,000 square teat for Bank RoeeUnd office. Ftod- Light Show. All occasions.
1571 FORD Torino wagon. Auto- automatic, ps., p.b., AM-FM er/pieeee return to bank. References. I OkfUIKH . •"
CaJie7M», Mnck, C.B., many other op- JUNK CAR REMOVAL West Essex Tribune offices. TOTAL UAMUTUB (oehdaj
matic, *£., good Ores, snows. TITLE REQUIRED Prefer location near North- BANK BOOK No. 794 issued by ^ d W §ad •>
Vary good condition. 79,000 tions. Excellent condition. UNIQUE CRAFT PARTIES 1)
q.OOO miles, 15000.99M5M. 4294471 fleU or Livingston Center. First National State Bank of FOR HUUtVCAPITAL
EXPERIENCED RETIRED miles p j , p.b., $1,100. Call Storefront, second floor, etc.
m-111. . 1972 4 door OLDSMOBILE N J. Ptoder please return to CHILDREN
bookkeeper wtshes bookkeep- Need 15 parking stable. Seek
ing to be done at home. Call 1170 MERCURY, 4 door, a.t., Delta Royal*, one owner, BY TINA
KOKKKNT long-term lease with occupan-
between I and 7 p.m. Hourly a.c., p.s., p.b., snow tires, excellent condition, p.s., p.b., cy starting within next 12 ENfERfAiNMI •II
rates. Honeet aad all records 9*10. 1071 Pinto, a.t., a.c, p.w., a.c, am-fm radio, tilt 6 ROOM APT. with 3 bedrooms months Call 992-1771, Mr. YO-YOTHE MAGIC CLOWN -< UaXSaid »nin*
keptconfktootlal .9M-MJ1. snow tires, 1880. Both depend- wheel, vinyl roof, new radial on 2nd floor of 2 year old, 3- ConeorMr Klaber. MIRACLES OF MAGIC with* Magic, puppet shows, bal-
able transportation. CaM . Urea, many extras. 34,500 family house in West Orange. William Imperial. A profes- loons for everybody, ventrilo- T«UlE«»( fll
VISITING NURSE by the hour. miles Make offer, minimum Tile bath, large kitchen with YOUNG DOCTOR & expectant sional show for Children's quism, bunny, unique and ex- TOTALUABIUT1BSAND
All typee of nursing. 15 yean 1*7 VW BUS, NEEDS EN-
$9,000.2B-7IIM after < p.m. loads of cabinets. Call 325- wife looking for a quiet and Parties at reasonable rates., citing party fun. Call 811-0776, MKMOBANIM
hotpital experience. Experi- 1955 CHEVY. 63,000 miles. Six 3909 after 5 p.m. private 2 bedroom apartment Features: Live Rabbit, Illus- E d S c h e r i a d i e r J r ' ^ SUadbrletlmofcndM
ence In surgical and medical. cylinder, PS, PB, good trans- LIVINGSTON, lovely 3 bed- in the vicinity of suburban Es- trations, Audience Participa-
MOTORCmES/MIN^BIKgS U t « i ( l l
Call between 5 and 7 p.m., m- 1977 FIREBIRD Skybird 350 V- portatlon, $145,092-7597. v ' sex County. Please call early tion * Prises. W4-1CT.
I, p.s., ph., p.w., air, am-fm room split on quiet cul-de-sac. a.m. to 10 a.m., J.T. Marelll,
jm. Urack with Jensen speaken. 1974 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo Sept. 1 occupancy, one year D.C., 731-7263. MEL RIZZUTO Guitarist. 1974 HONDA CL-U5 SI. Light
Crushed velour Interior, Landau, automatic p.s., p.b., lease. fJBS month. Madelyn Music for all occasions, duty on/off road. Low miles. flM,oat«rroort
b. Othtr time dtpotBj la
COLLEGE STUDENTS need matching pale blue hooey- a.c, new radials, 37,000 Macauley, Realtor, 9924300. • ^ ^ R E A L ESTATE Singles, duos, trios, etc. Also Excellent condition. Great dtmm
work, landscaping I yean, comb mags. RWL radials. 19 miles, regular gai, $2,500 or RENT A NEW 3 bedroom fur- private guitar and baas mileage and dependability. AvtruM hr I I cilendv d« y»
experienced. Painting - 3 Call after 5 p.m., 9924472. enSswithc«Bdit«
mpg city, » mpg hwy. SJ4- beet offer over $2,100 M4- nished home in the Pocoms. SELLING lessons given. QOt-2333.
years experience. Do any 5M8. 9107. Sleeps 6, washer/dryer/dish-
kind of odd Jobs. Call Ralph, YOUR HOUSE? MARK the MAGNIFICENT *
WJ-6310. '71 CHEVY Nova hatchback,« 1973 FORD Pinto wagon, good washer. TV with Pong. Relax CONTACT WALTER BYSTRAK the DYNAMIC DAVID - Ma-
cylinder automatic, W,000 condition. Automatic, 4 cyl- on the sundeck In privacy or MYrs.Liv. Sales gicians will perform magic W«, CtarlM J Irttk, EMCVUV* Viet
miles, white with Mack inte- inder, air, $1,200. Call after 5, play tennis (indoors or out). APPRAISALS tricks and puppet shows at PTHWMI (ad Sd**U«e J. Coofcrtl Tr»§-
CHIMNEY CLEANING - flre- rior. Very good condition. 992-9W2. Boat, golf, flan, or swim in the HONEST ADVICE children's parties. Reason- ,.»\ TtMyMajMl HMW, at the iboveHitiMd Ixak do
place, wood stops and oil art <* c
•olanair tw«v that IBM rtoart
burner flues. Brick work, 11,178.9H-O13B. 1975 OPEL Manta, fuel Inject- pool or lake. Weekly rentals 992-2105 able rate. 9924406. WJ) DAItfN lion w trat tad cmd to tfct b»rtat
b » our
ed, 4 speed, 22 mpg., a.c, $225, weekends $100.994-3963. "IT'S A PLEASURE kawlcdBtudbaUal.
damper repairs, replace- Ui7 PLYMOUTH Belvldere, j Kjll^
50,000 miles, a.c, «00 See mag wheels, am-fm stereo TO BE OF SERVICE" INSTRUCTION Buc.ViMPrMidnt
ments. Pest removal. Also LOV9,
gutter cleaning, repairs and Friday night through Sunday, cassette, 20,000 miles. Asking MENDHAM - Five plus
SohntoraJ Coalorti
$3,400. Days, 6244093 ext. 122; Irlca },•
replacements. Fully Insured. m-im. wooded acres with stream in GUITAR INSTRUCTION - wm
AllftUUm by three directors
Residential Maintenance evenings, 9924S23. KMtSNT five acre minimum zone, who u e ml off ken
1953 RAMBLER, 6 cyl., auto, teach in your home or mine. ftm
Service, Inc. 5IKWM. trans., «7,000 miles. In run- QA3SAVER
Penthouse- condominium backing onto county park- With references. Call 575-
John A R » « :
ning condition. Asking $125. 20M.P.Q.
South Carolina. ProUiilonolly
land. $106,000. Principals 1376. SMILE ADS AMhnyTMiM
COLLEGE STUDENT will CallStMUS. decorated ond furnished, twin
only. (201)267-7787 or 365-3439. SUtc o( New towy, County a! b w , * :
hand wash, hand compound SA V I l l ( 6 0 0 balconies, control air, I.R.,
Sworn to and whecribed baton o * this
1*7* IWCUlf MONARCH MISCELLANEO^ MANOUSSONS BUi iky o( Aufutt, IWI «nd I htrttj certify
and hand Simontie your car 1979 VIMe Cavalier Hi
O.K., 3 bedroom*. 2Vi bothi. Coraful individual Induction tint I *m not «* officer or director of Uat
(or $ » . Call 9M-73M for ap- " ) taaeA licallant LtM than 4,000 mll«». Auto., Pool, tennli, I block from By C*rt. and Exp. Taachar
N « feari, A/C, p.b., p i . , p.l. Sport ocean ond golf. MALE STUDENT driving to II
pointment. Ask for Steve. wheeli, wh. wall rodloU. Florida seeking companion NouryPubC
4t" k l My comiBlwioiinpiret March » , l«4.
WOMAN SEEKS live-In domes-
Vinyl roof, AM/FM. driver. Leaving August 23rd. Au|u*tll,l*n »»
'Von. - F r l . - Call Steve, 994-3329 or 994-
tic Job Saturday and Sunday. Sol t Son ^
Jt. SpoRTfwcAii FOB BOTH
IvanHeller CM) .
Elegant giftware and jewelry for
people who don't mind spending less. Clothes MEN'S SHOP
"For The Ciutom Look
Crescent Plaza Shopping Center
4W Columbia Turnpike, Florham Park
Pate TheFintitin Men't Clothing"
UV'fc Uvfctfftfon AvtM Uvingston
Mon. thru Sat.-10-5:20 •94-0034
UteThun. AFri. Evenings 'til 6:30 Open Mon. • Frt.1 • 9. t.»•«

Arnie FAectronicn Tho B9$t of The Dnlgnw

JMIB A Contemporary
Antenna System* Sporiswar

le jeans

i f E. Nortttfltld Rd.

ffl-MSS Bobbie Bodner and Essie Garrett have

260 So. Livingston Ave. 904-9626
Bobble Bodner • Essie Garrett
combined the chic of Madison Avenue
and the elegance of Rodeo Drive to CAMMARATA'l,
KEMPLER SHOES reflect the current trends in fashion in
their boutique at 260 South Livingston PIZZA PANTRY*
M LIVINGSTON Avenue. ' • Pfiu • Pffti
Fine Shoe* For The Entire Family
They have one of the largest selections • Dinners •$<*!
570 So. Livingston Av«. of designer jeans at discount prices. But • Catering
Livingston, N.J jeans are only the beginning of a
12* South Livingston Ave.
9928353 ;
fabulous fall wardrobe you can put to-
9944)615 5339134
Open Thors. eve. HI 9.30 gether from the new fall collection of
sportswear at LeJeans. Choose from
sweaters, blazers, skirts, blouses, day-
lie time and evening fashions and many one
of a kindjitems at.affordable prices. Mom' A Womeni' Clothing e Clothei Medt
—~. To Order a Jeans tor Men A Women
New items are arriving at the shop con-
Coiffures »«2-UI7

If you are looking for a warm friendly CUSTOM TAILORS

4f • So. Uvinfltron Ava. atmosphere with personalized service, 60 E.Mt. Pleasant Ave.
LeJeans is the) place to be. Bobbie, Essie, (Next to Heritage Diner) 992-4101
Joan, Sally, Natalie and Jody are here to • •
help you with that personalized touch not Let u* it/iott you the world...
Anr The home accessory gallery found in large stores.
LeJeans offers expert alterations.
V e Fine Crafts • Antiques
e Place Settings •MasterCharge and Visa are honored.
Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10-
the great etetfe
Roosevelt Plaza
Judy Vogel 5. Telephone: 994-9626. travel
45AE.NorthfieWRd. 994-4A4* ,
.10-5:30 W4300 MVt Sllverman U nda SclwHer

AtainAAffaltt z F. KLINE BARNETT



LJJ opticians COMPANY

CL of madlson nvemm?
D««Jfn CtNttew for Wall Coverings A Fabrics
tUf 9924942 • Residential • Commercial
• Industrial
CO 36 East Northfleld Road iS5So.LivingsionAve. Livingston 339-0220
August 16,1979 Wast Essex Tribune Section 2, Page 7
Peuxuort-Slrobel mw, brother, of the bridt Rene* Sachs Will Rev. Ltttl t o S p e a k with offices im tat Union Coo- Church of Livingston, living-.,
Mn Strobel is a gndMU of
Wedding August 4 James Caldwell Hgfe Schod, Instruct On Tools
RevereMlWUMamR.Luti.di grspuoMl Church, will be £ » Center on tenday morniaj.
rectwof tteMoBtdrtCouoeel- guest speaker at the 10 o'clock The public is wekom* Baby
Jane Pescatore, daughter of Cook College-Rutgcrs IM-
Mrs. Hens* Sachs, a teacher ing Center of Upper atoaldalr service of The Federated aittii* service will be provided
Mr. and Mn. Frank T. Peeca venity and the Universty «f
tore of West Caldwell w u Texas School of Allied Health
Tool Technology, Advanced
married to Richard Jama Sciences. She is employed as a
Tool Technology and Callig-
Strobe), n o of Mr. and Mn medical i*^*»~4«f^ at Her-
Robert J. Strobe! of » Wood- mann Hospital in Houston,
crest Drive on Saturday, Texas.
August 4 at Kirkpatrick Chapel, Mr. Strobel is a graduate of
Rutgers University in New Livingston High School and
raphy for the Livingston
Student Development Program
The first two courses are for
boys and girls between the ages
For Your Security...
Brunswick. Rutgers University. He to
Carol P. Harpster of Para- employed as a research assist-
mus served as matron of honor ant at Baylor College of Medi-
of five and eight. These courses
instruct children in the world of
tools and stress me safety
aspects of using tools. The chil-
Per ma-Door
for her sister. Bridesmaids cine in Houston, Texas.
were Roxanne A Strobe] of Mil- After a honeymoon trip to
Urd, Connecticut, the Cancun, Mexico, the couple will
dren make such pro)ecU as bird
houses, bird feeders, tool boxes,
puppets, boats, games, and
Steel Door Units
bridegroom's sister-in-law and reside in Houston, Texas. punks.
Anne Marie Strobe! of Living- Another course taught by
ston, the bridegroom's sister Sachs is Calligraphy She of
Room J. Strobel of Milford, Carmen Solimine
Connecticut served as best man
for his brother. Ushers were Diet In Florida
fered (his course for the first
time last semester, and it will
be offered again this faU for
Over 35
Prank T. Pescatore Jr. of Carmen SoUmine of Boyton
Hattiesburg, Mississippi and Beach, Florida, a former
Richard M. Pescatore of PU- Livingston resident, died
Wednesday, August 8. Services
children aged nine and older.
This Calligraphy course
teaches writing as a decorative
Designs to
were held at the Boyton Beach
Memorial Home with burial in
Boyton Beach.
art and runs from 12:15 to 1:15
p.m. at Mt. Pleasant Junior
High School. Mrs. Sachs has
been associated with LSD P.
Mr. SoUmine is survived by
his wife, Rose; a daughter,
Roseann of Parsippany, a son,
for seven years.
Registration for these and
other courses will be on Satur-
Charles of Millburn; two day, September 15 from 9 a.m.
brothers, William of Irvtngton to 2 p.m. at Mr. Pleasant Junior
and Charles of Ocean Gate and High School. Classes will begin
one sister, Mrs. Jean Bacchetta on Saturday, September 29. For
ofFlorhamPark. further information, call the
registrar at 982-5662. • Exterior
A School F d The
Teaching Of
French To Children
• Interior
Barbara Irwin Weds J.P. Delaney News ind adverting deadline ii
•won on TUMdiy for UM urn* weeks • Storm & Screen
French For Children Barbara Jane Irwin, Robert Delaney of New Milford, N u n copy should be typewritten,

Register NOW! Classes Start Sept. 12

daughter of Mr. and of the groom, and Evan double spaced, an o n side of each
William F. Irwin of Livingston, Wasserman of Avenel.
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Graders was married Saturday, August Mrs. Delaney is a graduate of
Photogr*ph> should be Mack and
while with either glossy or matte fin
nh Wallet i i u , St44 or 5(7 prlnU are
Have Your Child 11, to Joseph Patrick Delaney, Livingston High School and is •foquate.
• Learn French easily while young son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. employed by Monroe, The Wedding photograph! will be pub-

• Experience cultural Asocial advantages

* Enjoy small classes
Delaney of New Milford. Calculator Company. Mr.
The Reverend Dorothy J. Dejaney is a graduate of
Specht performed the cere- Rutgers University, New
lished only In the laeue immediately
following the weddinf ceremony
There if no charge for the public*
lion of tny newi article, Inmding an
"Everything For The Home!"
• Taught by experienced teachers mony at the Presbyterian Brunswick and is employed by
gagemenU, wedding*, club newi, pro-
motion!, or tny other article, nor for
For more Information call Church of Livingston. A Monroe, the Calculator Com-
Jsnice Cummins
Petite Ecole
5334527 600 So. Liv. Ave.
Livingston, N. J.
reception was held at the Flor- pany as sales manager.
ham Park Country Club Follow-
ing the ceremony.
The couple will honeymoon in
Florida. '
any photograph* u*ad with newi arti-
No umicned letten will be pub-
lished, nor will the name of the writer
be withheld
The Weet Esau Tribune reserves
The bride wore a gown of the right to edit or reject any item sub-
515 So. Livingston Ave., Livingston —
Traveling? 1
organza and silken Venise lace. Want to buy a used car? mitted lor publication with (he ucep-
Uon of letters to the editor, which will
It was designed with an empire Before you try Helpful Harry's
bodice, set in pearls, Queen used car lot, look through-She
be returned to the writer if unaccept-
able •' • (Northfield Center) Mon.sat
Credit lor erron in paid advertise-
Anne neckline, full length list of cars your neighbors are ments wiU be given only lor the tint Major — Q Q O . i O n i l 8:30-8 p.m.
bishop sleeves and a chapel selling in the West Essex Trib- week in which the error appeals
Charges 9 9 4 I faVV Thurs.'tllQp.m.
For Business or train. Her Juliet Cap and finger- une classified.
tip veil were trimmed in Venise
Vacation, Call lace. She carried an old fash-
ioned nosegay of white

stephanotU, baby sweetheart
roses and white carnations.
Mrs. Nancy Iglio of
Waretown, sister of the bride,
PASSFNGPR Sf.PVICE :wag. matron pf honor. Brides-
maids were Eileen Delaney of
* 1 - 5 PEOPLE
NEWARK AIRPORT Limousine New Milford, sister of the
groom, and Marianne Murdock
Transportation of Livingston. All wore gowns of
blue giana and carried old
for. Reservations
•42 Please Call
fashioned nosegays of white and
blue daises, yellow sweetheart
A« of 6/23««8 till 8/23
8 am to 9 pm roses and baby's breath. Mrs.
Joan Irwin of Bordentown,
•46 228-3330 sister-in-law of the bride was
AsofB/23«»»ttHS/» flute soloist.
All tolls and
Caldwell, N.J. Daniel Lunin of Park Ridge
perking included was best man. Ushers were

Wost Essex Tribiine

htbim Brilliant idea' M a k e your future brighter now by o p e n i n g j m t t w Maplewood account
'.with the required deposit to e a r n the gilt you w a n f T J e s i o
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with full page ad (on first
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come, first served basis »ix) m fow lejKAit ami t

depending on press capacity) to be p>oMd up si om Mem Odioa)


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I tmouffl I WOterJ
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Ptrt) — iyf m tde Maj*»«o«cl Un W '

Wednesday. Sept 12th

If proofs ant raqulrad dttdllM It
and Trust Company i»«i«ci io"o>"
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Ctect M type o» eceount you «rMk:


myew atoanr I

utm tjucri * »s * «$setw

Monday, Sapt 10 (Tei«phor» 762-7100) I M ceeMi an KOW*
fMSPCCTOfnCi SponofrtW/WenueAlProsptciStre*
M i * ? M Stray

MLTONOFFICf SpongfteM Avenue At Jacoby Street
MRKEfMRVtlOTON OFFICE 709 Irvtngton Avenue IMPOfTTANT: e*m H w i 10 mam ft*
P»gae,8»ctlon2 Wt*t E I M X Trtbuni AuQU>lie,197»

B—« M t c U w r t m tmt, Ht#u<«



•The Grocery Place. The Produce Place.


DRINKS< 1-qt H

Duncan Hines««HL w r 69C

Grapefruit Juice SK M * 7 9 *
Clorox Liquid Bleach c69 c
Seedless Grapes 'TNENATUBAl I

C&CCola a s - - 6 9 C Annual Eggplant BDVIX

Vintaoe Seltzer 4."-'99 c


Manager's Nectarines fWEf T ANO


Sale Weeks Juicy Plums CAUFOMU

Oiler elfective Sunday. Aug. 12th thru
Saturday Aug. 1 ( t h . 1970 only in New
Pascal Celery M tat"

CANDIES Jeuey ShopRltei north ol Trenlon

Cabbage fOR COtt HAW



1*114 4 Ql
•I. CM "f V Scallions



Kingsford Charcoal BONELESS

Iced Tea Mix TfTLEY .The Dairy Place

Mayonnaise KRAFT
n $129
i» I


B E E F C H U C K O j W SHOULDER Orange Juice •109
^DETERGENT ROAST iM I Hi. LONDON ID. American Singles n* $169 KRAFT





The Frozen Foods Place CHUCK I, CHUCK CUT


W JUICE GROUND ™ T ^ Beef Franks


Entrees 39

mint Mm tn rumtr
CHM »Miitr«n«i/TUwiT
CMgufMtl/MMMMV ITEM CHUCK I Colonial Bacon
Pound Cake SARA LEE
4-6LBS.AVG. Jh« Appy Place.
2-Lb. Steak Fries 79' GKAOEA' 21b.
SlwpWti t*i
Cauliflower tr39' 'SHADE A"

Jeno's Pizza 89 SAUSAGE
11V. «l
J I M • ligaii wn ^Baei^Bai^eai^BaMeaBiM^BaBe^BBea

67: Bologna ^mt
LivAwurst 99 WHITE'S

BREAD " • •'•"• RIB CUT
d^.M «*ea
$167 CHICKEN BREAST Jhe Bakery Place.
PORK CHOPS I , Tyson Cornish Hens 79C
The Grade A •MIIIMUtFON««M
11,1 t

Pork Chop Combo

t i l (MOP!
Fish Market 10M
Turkey Wings S " 0 59' BUTTERSPLIT ~

•FILLET OF Pork for Bar-B-Q MB

Turkey Drumsticks 49C tmuui
FLOUNDER * [Boneless Pork •Mir $-|87
Breaded Veal S-|49 STEAKS

Wheat Bread , - s ^ . M"NOPRESAOOEr U11 R Q (

The Ice Cream Place MONEY SAVING BRANDS 1 Filled Danish Ring ShepRIti bt«
•mmi tgate
Italian Bread licfaaoM M mum 12

ELIZABETH YORK ShopflIU h i t h«d lowtr prictd packar label
brinds for y » « r « - right on lh» shelves
jcncral Merchandise
ICE CREAM »long«ld« ShopRite label product* and
. national brands. We call them MONEY
SAVINGBAANOS and they re price a t low, or
lower than the anonymous line that some
supermarkets are trying to hand you. Want
Health & Beauty Aids the widest selection of product and price?
Shopflite has always had the answer!
lOWAO CASE OF 2^-S13 99

Apple Juice Drink ^ r 79 Green Beans 99 MOTOR OIL
Seneca Lemon Juice ,r49 Sweet Peas s 3:85 C
ROLL-ON Peanut Butter™KT V H 6 9 C Farm Flavor Rice a : 2 K $ 4" Anti-Freeze SRBBMC
Intensive Care ParkHaHCorn s 4 a 99C Kleen Detergent
VAStlME 15 0t
Filler Paper SnopRitc 99'
« 3 SOUTH LIVINGSTON AVENUE, NORTHFIELD AVENUE CENTO - Monday A r t Mdty T i 9:00; Sttvrdoy to 7:00; Stfkiiy 9i00 to JtOO
m order to assure a sufficient supply of sales (terns for all our customers, we must reserve the limit tl)t purchase to units of 4 of any sales items, except where otherwise noted.
Not responsible for typographical errors. Prices effective Sun. Aug.) 2 thru Sat. Aug. 18 1979 None »o other retailers or wholesalers. Copyright WAKEFERN FOOD CORPORATION 1979.

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