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Lt.Col P.

H Premarathna

Dean of Para clinical studies

Sir John Kothalawala Defense University,


Dear sir,

Appeal pertaining to Forensic medicine final examination results

I’m Dulanjalee Senadeera, a medical student transferred from SAITM, 7 th batch

(MF12007MDF0036). My batch completed forensic medicine final examination in July,2018 while at SAITM
which comprised of 3 components as written paper, OSPE and viva. I completed all the rest of the
components, however couldn’t face the viva as I was abroad doing a research internship at Harvard
University. Before leaving, I submitted an official letter with my valid excuse to the forensic department at
SAITM and I was excused from work for 3 months (June-August 2018)

Fortunately for me, as clinical program was on a pause I did not miss any work except the viva. I
was convinced that I could do my viva with the juniors, just as students from previous batches who missed
one component of the exam have been doing. (The system was such that with a valid excuse for absence,
students could do any component of the forensic exam with the junior batch and complete their grades)

However, when I returned, SAITM had been abolished and we had been transferred to KDU. My
forensic exam results had been finalized with a zero for viva voce, disregarding my appeal for a repeat for
viva component. On inquiry, according to the head of forensic medicine department, they had no authority
to carry out any more exams as SAITM was abolished. My claims were disregarded and I was told to get
the matter sorted out at KDU. As this has not been considered on fair and humanitarian grounds, it has cost
me an excellent grade and even future prospects, probably.

I have passed the exam and got a “satisfactory” as my grade even without 20 marks from the viva
as I had scored exceptionally well in paper component. However, being a Steller student with all “A” grades,
this is the only Examination result I am going to have on my transcript under the category “satisfactory”
while all other grades have been either “Excellent/ Very Good”. Currently I am a potential candidate for a
Biomedical Science PhD at Harvard University on completion of my degree in MBBS. However, this
undeserving circumstances may even jeopardize my chances of getting a higher degree in a top ranked
university like Harvard in the future, even though I very well deserve it where my previous experience is

Therefore, sir, taking into consideration my plea, I request you to arrive at a reasonable solution in this
respect. I do not wish to repeat the whole exam as I have not failed the subject. However, if you could
consider to give me the opportunity to sit the viva it will greatly improve my grades. If such is impossible,
as an optional measure, please look into the possibility of determining the grade disregarding the viva. That
is, converting my true marks which is out of 80 (without the viva) to hundred.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,


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