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e Pcrf~»1c~ Gar~yt of tl1c Sl1a111tl1 Ncfwazi

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Forgotten Books takes the uppermost are to preserve the wording and images from the original book. However, this bo k has been scanned and reformatted from the original, and as such we cannot gua ntee that it is free from errors or contains the [u /I conte t of the origina I.

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[original title page]


The erfumed Garden

of the Shaykb Nefwazi

Translat d by Sir Richard Burton


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First published 1886

Republished 2008 by Forgotten Books www·

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," " vii


About the Book

"The Perfumed Garden by Muham ad ibn Muha mmad al-Nafzawi is a sex manual and work of erotic litera ure. The full title of the book is The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delig t (al-rawd al-'atir fi nuzhati'l khatir).

The book presents opinions on wh t qualities men and women should have to be attractive, gives advice on s xual technique, warnings about sexual health, and recipes to remedy sexual maladies. It gives lists of names for the penis and vagina, has a section on the interpretation of dreams, and briefly describes sex among anim Is. Interspersed with these there are a n u mbe r of stories wh ich a re intend d to give context a nd a muse."

(Quote from

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SAME 138











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The Perlumed Garden ofthe Shay h Nefwazi


THE na me of the Sheik has become known to posterity as the author ofthis work, which is he only one attributed to him.

I n spite of the su bject-matt r of the book, a nd the ma n ifold errors fou nd in it a nd caused by the neglige ce and ignora nce of the copyists, it is ma n ifest that this treatise comes fro the pen of a man of great erudition, who had a better knowledge in gene al of I iteratu re and med ici ne tha n is com mon Iy found with Arabs.

According to the historical notice contained in the first leaves of the ma n uscript, and notwithsta ding the a ppare nt error respecti ng the na me oft he Bey who was reignin in Tunis, it may be presumed that this work was written in the beginnin of the sixteenth century, about the year 925 ofthe Hegira.

As regards the birthplace f the author, it may be taken for granted, considering that the Arabs abitually joined the name of their birth-place to their own, that he was b rn at Nefzaoua, a town situated in the district of that name on the shore f the lake Sebkha Melrir, in the south of the kingdom of Tunis.

The Sheikh himself records hat he lived in Tunis, and it is most probable the book was written in that city. According to tradition, a particular motive induced him to undertake a ork entirely at variance with his simple tastes a nd retired ha bits.

His knowledge of law and I terature, as well as of medicine, having been reported to the Bey of Tuni this ruler wished to invest him with the office of Cad i, a Ithough he was un ill ing to occu py h imse If with pu blic fu nctions.

As he, however, desired not to give the Bey cause for offence, whereby he might have incurred danger, he merely requested a short delay, in order to be able to finish a work whi h he had in hand.

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This having been gran ed, he set himself to compose the treatise which was then Occupying his ind, and which, becoming known, drew so much attention upon the au hor, that it became henceforth impossible to confide to him fu nctions of th natu re of those of a Cad i.

But this version, whi h is not supported by any authenticated proof, and which represents the Sheikh Nefzaoui as a man of light morals, does not seem to be admissibl . One need only glance at the book to be convinced that its author was nimated by the most praiseworthy intentions, and that, far from being i fault, he deserves gratitude for the services he has rendered to humani . Contrary to the habits of the Arabs, there exists no commentary on this b ok; the reason may, perhaps, be found in the nature of the subject of whi h it treats, and which may have frightened, unnecessarily, the serious and the studious. I say unnecessarily, because this book, more tha n a ny other ought to have comme nta ries; grave questions are treated in it, and ope out a large field for work and meditation.

What can be more im ortant, in fact, than the study of the principles upon which rest the happi ess of man and woman, by reason of their mutual relations; relatio ns h ich are themse Ives depe ndent upon cha racter, health, temperament and the constitution, all of which it is the duty of philosophers to study

In doubtful and diffic It cases, and where the ideas of the author did not seem to be clearly se out, I have not hesitated to look for enlightenment to the savants of su dry confessions, and by their kind assistance many difficulties, which I b lieved insurmountable, were conquered. lam glad to rende r them here my ha n ks.

Amongst the authors ho have treated of similar subjects, there is not one that can be entirely c mpared with the Sheikh; for his book reminds you, at the same time, of Ar tin, of the book Conjugal Love, and of Rabelais. But what makes this trea ise unique as a book of its kind, is the seriousness with which the most lascivious and obscene matters are presented. It is evident that the auth r is convinced of the importance of his subject, and that the desire to b of use to his fellowmen is the sole motive of his efforts.

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The Perlumed Garden of the Shaykh Nazi

With the view to giving more wei ht to his recommendations, he does not hesitate to multiply his religious itations, and in many cases invokes even the a uthority of the Kora n, the m st sacred book of the Mu ssu I ma ns.

It may be assumed that this boo, without being exactly a compilation, is not entirely due to the genius f the Sheikh Nefzaoui, and that several parts may have been borrowed from Arabian and Indian writers. For instance, all the record of Mo&ac d;ailama and of Chedja is taken from the work of Mohammed ben Djerir I Taberi; the description of the different positions for coition, as well as he movements applicable to them, are borrowed from Indian works; f nally, the book Birds and Flowers by Azeddine el Mocadecci seems to have been consulted with respect to the interpretation of dreams. But an uthor certainly is to be commended for having surrounded himself with t e lights of former savants, and it would be ingratitude not to acknowle ge the benefit which his books have conferred upon people who were till in their infancy in the art of love.

It is only to be regretted that thi work, so complete in many respects, is defective in so fir as it makes no ention of a custom too common with the Arabs not to deserve particular a tention. I speak of the taste so universal with the old Greeks and Romans, amely, the preference they give to a boy before a woman, or even to treat he latter as a boy.

There might have been given 0 this subject sound advice as well with rega rd to the pleasu res mutu ally enjoyed by the women ca lied tribades. The same reticence has been bserved by the author with regard to bestiality. Nevertheless he does peak, in one story (i.e. 'The History of Zohra', in the concluding chapter of the work), of the mutual caresses of women; and he relates an anecdote concerning a woman who provoked the caresses of an ass [which as been eliminated from the present edition], thus revealing that he kn w of such matters.

Lastly, the Sheikh does not menti n the pleasures which the mouth or the ha nd of a pretty woma n ca n give, or the cunnilinges.

What may have been the motive or these omissions? The author's silence cannot be attributed to ignoran e, for in the course of his work he has given proofs of an erudition too e tended and various to permit a suspicion of his knowledge.

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Should we look for the cause of this gap to the contempt which the Mussulman in reality fe Is for woman, and owing to which he may think that it would be degradi g to his dignity as a man to descend to caresses otherwise regulated th n by the laws of nature? Or did the author, perhaps, avoid the ment on of similar matters out of fear that he might be suspected of sharing tast s which many people look upon as depraved?

However this may be, t e book contains much useful information and a large number of curiou cases, and I have undertaken the translation because, as the Sheikh N fzaoui says in his preamble: 'I swear before God, certainly! the knowledg of this book is necessary. It will be only the shamefully ignorant, the nemy of all science, who does not read it, or who tu rns it into rid icu Ie.'

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The Perlumed Garden ofthe Shaykh Nefwazi


General Remarks about Coition

PRAISE BE GIVE N TO God, who has placed man's greatest pie su re in the natural parts of woman, and has destined the natural arts of man to afford the greatest enjoyment to woman.

He has not endowed the parts of woman with any pleasurable or atisfactory feeling until the same have been penetrated by the instrumen of the male; and likewise the sexual organs of man know neither r st nor quietness until they have entered those of the fema Ie.

Hence the mutual operation. There takes place between the tw actors wrestling, intertwinings, a kind of animated conflict. Owing to the ontact of the lower parts of the two bellies, the enjoyment soon comes 0 pass. The man is at work as with a pestle, while the woman seconds him by lascivious movements; finally comes the ejaculation.

The kiss on the mouth, on the two cheeks, upon the neck, as wei as the sucking up of flesh lips, a re gifts of God, desti ned to provoke erectio at the favourable moment. God also is it who has embellished the ches of the woma n with breasts, has fu rn ished he r with a dou ble ch i n, and h brilliant colours to her cheeks.

He has also gifted her with eyes that inspire love, and with eyelas es like polished blades.

He has furnished her with a rounded belly and a beautiful navel, an with a majestic crupper; and all these wonders are borne up by the thig s. It is between these latter that God has placed the arena of the comba ; when the same is provided with ample flesh, it resembles the head of a Ii n. It is ca lied the vu Iva. Oh! how ma ny men's deaths lie at her door? them how many heroes!

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GorJ ha-s fu rn i';.hed this ebiecr with mo utn, a tons iml'.-e'5';.ion of the hoof of the lei in the -sa nes of

Tne wnoll!!' is !;U pport.ed bV and Ine wisdom of God; Ihl!!'!d wiln knee!;. c:.a1'U'1!!"!!. ,ing!;,

IIOu!; eolemns t.e!rt I ng 10 tne 01 100 long no, 00 '!!h n; nd Ih .and nel!!'!'!!. uf:! n wn I h

Tne n tne A Imighry has f:!lu gl!!'d wonun Inlo.a I!!'.a s voluf:!luou'!!ne!io'!!. a nd of dl!!'llg ts . .a d i:OVl!!"1!!'d ne r w th f:!'1!!' io

wiln brillia nt gi,dle!; and f:! king mill!!'!;,

So let u!; pr.aisl!!' .and I!!':I(,aIt hi I!!" II!!'!;.
wiln har a ppetitlng fie!;n; w ful flgu • a
besom wlln b'l!!'a'!!lS wn Ich ar hleh aw ken
Tne Ma'!!tl!!'r bl!!'!!Iowed upo Ihl!!' of
!Peduaion; a II men. Wl!!'a k 0' • .a re !Po b J II!Cte d to.a
Iovl!!' of woma n. n,o ugh we n.aVl!!' !iOC:11!!'1Y 0 dl!;pe
Tne '!!tat!!!' of humility In wn I h a tne haa rts of I O'!!I!!'
!Pef:!a r.all!!'d frem Ine objll!Ct of I!!'ir VI!!'. nuke!; thl!!'ir heart
fl,l!!'; thl!!'V .a,1!!' oppre!io'!!l!!'d wllh .af ing of '!!I!!'rvltudl!!'
IhlllY !;uffe r undl!!'r Ihl!!' vli:is lIud of tneir pass
i:on!Pequl!!'no:! of thelr bu,ning esl fer eentaet,
I. thl!!' '!!I!!'rva nt of God • .am In.a hlm that no on
wiln be.aullful wome n. and t .al onl!!' e'!!!:af:!
them Milne, by cn.ange. nor lighl nor !Pe p.atation_
I Il!!"!!tifV that Ine re i!; on Iv 0 e • .and that ne 1'1 s no '!! n.all
ad ne,1!!' to Ihis prec:iou'!! Ie'!!tl ny Ine day of Ihl!!' I '!!tJu I Ilkewi!Pe Il!!"!!tifV as 10 eer 10 a meassaeor of God. thl!!' grea !rt of God be witn him .and wllh 1'1 I!; bened i~iDn-s ten- the rJay of

master, Mon.a ml!!'d. tne !Pe rv.anl and In I!!' propnets (I I!!' be n di Ion and pltv mily and disi:ipl !;I), I pr.a'fl!!'B and on, that terrible orne

e zm n FDfZ(I!Im Boou

1 I I

sma II boolr; callerJ The T

tne vizir of eer m.aostl!!'r.

This illu ,!!lI!(:retary. Il!!'arned 1'1 Im'!!e If

pa n Ion. his frll!!'nd .and He 'WCI'!! good in co u n L tru ~!:iou'!! and wi!ie. tn acqu I ntl!!'d witn a II tn Ing'!!_ HI!!' ha mml!!'d bl!!'n Qua n.a e zeen ou I • .and tr.a!:1!!'d hi!p o'igi HI!!' bl!!'e n broughr u .al Aig rs, a nd In that 10wn eer el H.aki had m.adl!!' his a ua I n nea,

wne n Algie rs wa'!! ra ken m.av God pre'!!I!!'NI!!' in 1'1 I his Gr.and Vltl,_

ler took flighl witn hlm I IIII thl!!' d.aV of 'I!!'!PU rreerlo

f:I,e!P'!!ingly 10 come .and

.and ne , iVll.!'d me mest heneura

hi!p ha nd'!!. hI!!' '!!I!!'nt fer . I wenl fonnwitn 10 hi!p

anI!!''. ne ea me 10 me nd. '!!h wing ml!!' my book. sa ld, ' .' 5@l!!'lng ml!!' blu'!!h. h adde. 'You need not De .a!Pn

'fOu have !PAid in II ls

ove,. you .a,1!!' nOI tne f wh has ul!!'atl!!'d of tn ls m.atte

ed II I'!! ne!:i!!"!!!PAty 10 know 1'1 ls book. II ls onlv tne !Pn.a I!!' I!!'nII.!'my of a II ~ nee no wi I nOI 'I!!'ad II. 0' will rna ke I!!' are '!!undty tn Ing'!! wn !:h vo will have to a bout

.a!pked hi tne!ie Ihing!p WI!!"I!!'. nd hI!!' n!PWe red. 'I wish you u Id

.add 10 Ih wo,k a '!!uf:lf:lll!!'me nt. Itl!!' ing of Ine remedie'!! of wn I!:h vo sa Id neeh g. .and .adding a II th fart'!! .af:lf:ll!!'n.ain I ng tne,i!!'to. 0 notn Ing. u will de!ilC:rlbl!!' In Ihl!!' sa Ihl!!' 1vII.!'!P of tne aet of genii.!' as well.a Ihl!!' m.anl!!'r'!! that f:I'lIl'It t 11_ OU will ml!!'nllon Ihl!!' ml!!'

undoing '!! 1!!'11!p (.aiguilll!!'tte!p). a nd I inc:rea'!!l!!' tne !plte of tn

me mbar. nen too sma II. a nd to !ppll!!'ndl!!'nt. You will funh

'!! whicn 'I!!'moVl!!' thl!!' un Il!!'a'!!a n !pmelk frem Ine a rmplts a

of women, and tncse -II contract those .,art';.. 'Y

air; of presnanr.:yJ 'So a';. you.- book .,erfe~ anrJ ins

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I


in nathins- AnrJ, finall you wi II ha allwi';.neos-'

ne you r worlri, it yo r boolri seti

T n:! plied to tne vizir: I h. mv nu!rte • a I 10 do. if II ls thl!!' pll!!'a'!!u I!!' of God on 1'1 gh I

I fonnwitn Wl!!'nl 10 m

a,!!!plruno:! of God (m y ne pou r h ha pplnl!!'!P'!! .and pity DI!!' -In 1'1 lm),

I n.ave c:.alled tn ls wor • 11I1!!' Pl!!'tft;m Roud ~I Aate'r p'nrmt I!!'J Khatl!!'t)_

And we f:ltay 10 God. ether God HI!!'. a d tne re i!p n Him). to Ie nd u!P Hi'!! nip. a nd lead no, Joy bUI In tne high nd mighry

u n.aVl!!' !io.a - ne re ls not d Iffii:u I

ook implo,ing tn pro net. .and nu

I n.aVl!!' d !\rldl!!'d tn ls boo inm I!!'r 10 ma Ice it I!!'a ie, 'I!!'.ading fo

Ihl!!' talf?b (!Otudenl) w 0 wl!pne'!! to nd 10 fuel lIate hi'!! sea rc:h fo

what hI!!' w.anlS_ Eacn a ptiI.!" rel.all!!"!! a rtieu lar su [set. bl!!' II pnY'!!ic:.a

0' .anl!!'i:dOUL 0' treatl of thl!!' will!!"!! n de it'!! of WO I!!'n_

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



EAf;:~, 0 'Vilir (GorJ'-s ble~ins

sorts of men anrJ 'WOlT1en; tn aIT1OOS'St these

worthy of ., ... a ise anrJ those wno deserve

he n a merirorieus ma n find-s hilT1';.e ers 'St1"Clns,. visol"Clu';. and ha rd; he i';. IT1blins cau';.erJ by the e mi~ion ot

uch a lT1an i'5 Ii kerJ anrJ a pprer.:iated I lie';. the lT1an on Iy for the ';.alee of of ample d ilT1en';.ion';. and lensth- uch a ma

hesr, anrJ nea'l"f in the cru ppe r; h IT1 i~ion, anrJ be ready a';. to erection hi';. lT1elT1b

the ca nal of the fe male, a nd co mpl Iy fill th

n one will be well be loverJ by wome n for, a';. th


I nave see n WOlT1en tryiOS to rhe rJu ... a ble II:! ualitie-s wn ir.:h S the beauty. the enjoyment. t rhe fu II-formed lT1elT1be'" prov A heavy uu., pe .... a -slowly co OS em..,';.1 n,

A lighrsome ehest, as 1'1 we re oating up n thl!!'m; Tne !ppe!,ma I I!!' latlon !plow arrive. '!!

To fu rn I'!!h fonn .a long drawn· ut I!!'nJo~

Hi!p ml!!'mbl!!'r !POOn to De !=I'on!!!' in for lI.!'Ction. To !=IIV tne !!!!' .aga I nand ag In .and .a.g,.a non In Sum I'!! thl!!' who!ioe eu It g- I!!"!! plsasur And wno will I!!'ve r sta nd 1'1 ign i Ihl!!'l r I!!"!!t

d in youn men ce the IT1 n of fu II he srre

I!!' ra II!!' goe!'!!. that on a i:l!!'rt.ain day. I!!'nt 10

tsilla, 1'1 I'!! mi'!!ul!!"!!!P. a nd put va rl ether

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm Boou -.~ob.DI1


.an ~d 1'1 I m: 'an. m master, IhlllY must n.a

t bl!!'!P dl!!"!!?' '!!ald Hen ,ou.anl!!'. Sne rnntlnu d: 'And n.air'!! Ilk ou ;

fin IIV Ih '!!hould be IlkI!!' to you. 0 f:I,ince of belle

!rt ng .and rh::h ne will bt..ain nothing from

Tn vl,ile membl!!". 10 f:llea'!! women. mu!rt n.aVl!!' at tnO'!!t a Il!!'ng twl!!'ive fingl!!'f'S,. or Ih,1!!'1!!' ha nd b'l!!'.adlh!p. nd at lea'S! '!!ix fl

a a n.alf In.

rs of I'IJIIl!!'ive fingl!!'r'!!. ,th,1!!'1!!' ha nd -br .adlh ; a nd .a n.alf ha nd'!!_ A d others mea'!!u e Ig


f:ll!!'rfu me!p. by m n as wl!!'ll as bV wo . Tne wo man. In a ling Ihl!!' perfu me'!! U'!!I!!' of seents has e I ng po'!!!ioe!io'!!ion of .a

n. I!!':I((:III!!"!! 10 Ih m plo'fl!!'d by tn ma n proved a stre g hl!!'l man,

bjeCl it. ls told of o&~d; l!.am.a. tne im may eu r'!!1!!' I). Ih t ne f:I'l!!'le nded to 1'1 d Ihl!!' P,of:lhl!!'l God (ble!io'!!ings and ns hI!!' .and a g'l!!' numbl!!" of Ata D'!! ha

este r, Ihl!!' sen e'!!!P. Ine gifl of p pne • ). F r

a lss. tne impo'Sto,. u ~!P; .and on tne su n. w Ii:=h Ihl!!' .angel Ga D I!!'I (ha II be to nlm) n.a ml!!" V of God and n.ail 10 him). f:lI!!'Of:lle of b

d dama, wno Id them, 'To ml!!' .al'!!

ea of .a eha pte brought to thl!!' fa IIh had gon has Ihl!!' .angel

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I



He dethe Ele., ant I see eel When is h i-s II:! uadru of ou r G • Ihl!!' ma

eaderJ 'The E le.,ha nr,' -sayins. 'In this cha .- ot hsm. What is the ele ha ntr hat rJOe'5 it IT1 an r nle_

wo, whl!!'n hI!!' ne.ud Ine P pnet thl!!' !:.alut..ulon .and

mercy 0 God bl!!' w- hi ) !iopoken of, He ne.a,d , ne had f:llaD.!' hls

\Ie nera b ha nes u n a aid hl!!'ad. Ihl!!' hair rtnw h !iopru ng up wn n hI!!' '!!f:lat nto a pll. tne watl!!', c:.aml!!' I a bu nd nlly. and tha

d Irry w.a I!!'r lu,ni!!'d t on dl!!'.an .and good for in kl ng that whl!!'n hI!!' !ioPAI

Inlo a n I!!' W blin 0' OD'!!!:U rs, tne !iolghl '!! at n!:e re!rtOred II •

.and wn ne f:l1A!: hi'!! ands uf:lon Ihl!!' hl!!'ad 0 .a en I !:.a~ng. 'Live er a

c:enluty. Ihl!!' mild I d bl!!' .a 1'1 u nd red 'f'.!'a rs 01

an I!!'nemy of God • .an wne n hI!!' f:lul hls lue II!!'!P'!!

!!!'One who nOI ueh halr. Ihl!!' ma n W

!ioPAI into .a Wl!!'11 wiln .a! su pply of

,ni!!'d dirty bV tne wll of ; if ne '!!f:lat I

it'!! '!!ighl .al once, a d wh ne la Id 1'1 I'!!

l. !:.a~ng,. 'Livl!!' a hun 'I!!'d ye

n n.ami!!'d n.aVl!!' giVl!!'n 'fO u preci .an. bUI ukl!!' c:.a,1!!' nOI

wnen I them, .and hls

Ci:i!!'d; ila nu !:.aW tne thing

him nd !:.ald. 'Havl!!' 'fOu no knowle plie • 'I shall do benerrha that,'

'!!uffl!!'rln upon Ih wlthin.a hour,

Ob!ioe rve mv b,l!!'tn tne Ilgn .and who

at!!'n!io 10 tnO'SI!!' w O'SI!!' e ,ivi!!'d of Ihl!!' a !P'!!1'!!tan!:1!!' of thl!!'

wno pr he lilee

wo a n of Ine I:il!!'ni·Te mlm c:.alll!!'d .a f:I of:lhl!!'le'!!!io, Sn I!!' ne rd of

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



kof I!!'d

an 'Wa';. powe pne~ cannot then I a d my rJisr.:iple';. 1'1 s disciple!io will

I, fcu-th Ions to

illtol h-

llow my la

B ni-TelT1im form an persorrs. Eitnel'" he is a pro er, anrJ laW'S, 01'" 1 a m a pro heress, nd then

Propnet (Ine 'Sa lara Ion and e:rr:y of


nOI 1=1 0 e:r tn.n two rsens sh u

1=I,01=lh ; II ls for OM nly 10

disi:ip s and e:w:a ml ne i:h otne .

eeme 0 U'S frem God (t e a shall e: cknowledged a tne true 1=1'

ar one and tne propnet.. We will e: shall disi:u!P'!! abe d we: will follow Ih I=Ihe:t. I


It to .a me!P'!!e: t, !PA~ng to 1'1 1m: e:. 10 Va rna rna, .and giv II to e:1f. I follow you. w 1'1 the:.a, V. I

Ine propnete: he:, e:nvoy _ Wh n tne la im .and gave 1'1 I

Be. wiln he:r!7OUm .and foil ,rived at Mo&~d ila rna's laee. ne

Mo ;il.ama opene:d

• .and be:gan t, but he: did not

it.. and understood lis i:onre nt'S He W.a'!! II Ihe: peol=lle: of his goum. e: afte r in the:ir adviO!!' or i tneir 'III

Ihe: su pe,ior men d; llAma. ea 1m "IOu r e:, to his sen.'


nd may thV wo,d!io b true.'

ther one !PAid: brocades, p s witn .a va rl I • a'S rose, era n

I'" pia rrts. Thi';. rJ ne, ha S.-ee n aloe'S, IT1beryi

orning e:rea oul!iold tenl of

It: fu rn lIu,e: of .all ne Ie:nt

n pe rfumes, a mber,

- nquds, je'S!PAmine. 1'1 acinln. rnarlon

t elT1 .,lar.:ed there '5 eral So n t anrJ '50 on. Tnen the ha

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I

'!!!P .anWIII!!'~d. 'I I il doni!!' in .all w _ LI!!'t. Ine

u pen me. 0 pmf:lhl!!'t. of Ihl!!' Almignty. '

hrone, an ne~ '!!hl!!' hI!!' lnhales 11!!'.a!Ped in e, thus fa ceore the .a!io'!!ml!!'nt e

of these perfu me';. ca n escape out of tete nr, rhe •

cur 'StronS enough to ilT1 pre.gna:te rer, ';.it de

'Send fer the prophetess to come a d 'See you III bl!!' a lonl!!' with you_ Wnen you .a,1!!' u!P IOgl!!'ln ne f:ll!!'rfu me!p. '!!hl!!' will de highl in thl!!'!io.a I!!' • all hI!!"

'!!oft 'l!!'po'!!l!!'. and !Pne will bl!!' Onl!!' • ask hl!!'r to gta nt VOU har f.avou rs _ Having enee posssssed ne r, 'fOu will De f~l!!'d '!!I!!'d to 'fOu by har .and hl!!'r goum. •

m,a 1!!':t:!:I.aimed: 'You have '!!f:lokl!!'n .and well thought eut.' And hI!!' h d I!!"Ite rytn I

that tne perfu ml!!'d va pou r WeI'!! dl!!'n enougn

Ine Il!!'nt hI!!' sat down upon hls I 'Onl!!' .and n hl!!'r ne g.aVl!!' orde rs to .ad m hI!!" I nto I rema InI!!'d .alone witn him_ He I!!'ngagl!!'d

d; l!.am.a '!!f:lokl!!' to hl!!'r !Pne lost .aline a rr.a!io'!!1!!'d and !:onfu'!!l!!'d.

hl!!'r in !Ot,ue ne knew !Pne d '!!i~d co n.a

• ,i!Pl!!' and II!!'t. me n.aVl!!' possesslen of u; In I'!! f:I

that pu rpo'!!l!!'. If vou IlkI!!' 'fOu m.av lie n you r boa!: lace you If on .an fours. or k nel!!'l as In pr.a'fl!!". Ith you r br ne greun • .and 'fOu' eru ppe' in Ihl!!' .air. forml g .a trlf:l0d ilion yo prete r, !ppea Ie. and vou shall bl!!' !io.ali'!!fll!!' '

~!:ipltated 1'1 Im!Pe If upon ne r, and e n] ved hI!!" as 1'1 I m 'Wnen I am genl!!' frem ne,l!!'. a'!!k my goum u In m,a, . ge.'

d left Ihl!!' tent a nd met hl!!'r d 1!ioC1f:l1e'!!. tne !:onfe'l!!'n!:l!!'. a prophstess of ma has ';.nown me wnat has been re to be the utn, 'So obey h im,'


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

The MCI&~; ilalT1a a a rrJerJ to hi _ When fut ~ wll!!'. h to Id tne • 'I (wn ch is !:.aid tn ~I!!' 0' fou r do ot j:lray.n hat hou,; nd 'It _ on aeeou t of eer ,oj:lh And in faa. tn V ~cogn I I!!'d n


Fo, u-s He r I.a Thl!!' P

Tne de.aln of o&tted; I ma

(to hom God De good), HI!!'

j:lM Ie -say It a

wh her it w.a

I!!' 'I!!'a-son. thl!!'V .anWIIl!!'r. Ine w.aV to Ihl!!' uulh_'



ropnei:V of Abou Bl!!'ice r Id bl!!'n Khl!!'tt.ab_ olne r Ij:lle!p, God on Iv know!p nl, 'I n.avl!!' killed In mv Ie D. and thl!!'n I killed d will PA,don one of

rds, 'I n.aVl!!' kill thl!!' De'!!t men', is Ouhi:ha.

ropnet. n.a k Ill!!'d H ma n (10 wnom God De

rds I!!' Dr.a I!!'d tslamism, hI!!' killed

A-s g.ud!p en dja el Te

Ihl!!' sla mitli: fa h; -shl!!' , husban ,

-sne ~j:ll!!' II!!'d by G d's!!' • .and took to nil.!' of Ine '0 her's ollowers (God De good

Tne who I!!"!!l!!'f\I'I!!"!! .avo u u!P to j:ll !ioe Ihl!!'m He

are u nd om. De of n.aj:ll!!' and

of men. Ine one wno i!p

I!!'nce. ~I In bl!!'a utv proportlons: true and genll.!"ou!P and bra'ltl!!'. iD ,A ave to his I'l"CIlT1i';e. he trw • an d CI what he ha-s -sa id,

not IT1U

The man who boasts anrJ 800rJ wi II to him, is

the ir aa:j uaintanr.:e in the neil:t chapter,

ThIl.!"1I.!' is a !>tOry that on eou rt. fool of tne na me 0

a meum. wno .a

II.!' King. who !P .amu!plng 1'1 I tnSlI.!'lf_

• lu,ning away. 'Way

II.!' KIng, '.and now .an thou gening F , B.ahlouL not contenl with on!!!'

'I a m not' ne ans one: and mo,lI.!'oVll.!" pove

Thll.!' King !PAid. 'Can you

Thll.!' buffoon 1'1 avlng .an , hlm 10 !"e!:ite! tnO'SII.!' he k II.!'W.

POVll.!'ny holds m I .am De Ing !ioCOU III Iud: has c:.a!rt And has drawn God dees not f.a ls of:lf:l re brl

Misfortun!!!' .and

M.amoum sa Id 10 nlm. '

He replied, 'To GorJ anrJ

of the lieve.-.;., '

e In n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


'That i';. weill' 'Sa irJ the Ki ns; t 0'5 who ta ke refuse in

a nd then in U';., will be mad I me. But can you no

ve.-.;.e';. a bout yo u r two wi'V'e bout wnat cornes to ';.'5 • them r

Whl!!'n Mamou m! In 'S

lumbled over, Tnen. a'S a goldl!!'n robe • .a rnest be.aulif I

By rea'Son of mv lgn

And whV do you ee a In 0 1'1 usba nd of two . I!!"!!?

I !;,aid 10 my!:elf. I sh II bl!!' I ke a lam D bl!!'t.ween t

I shall lAke mv pll!!'a'S u on Ine besoms of mv

And I ha'lll!!' bl!!'!:oml!!' a m DetWl!!'l!!'n IWO fl!!'m

D.a'f!io follow uf:lon dan nighl!io uf:lon nighl!io.

And Ine I, yokl!!' baa wn du,ing Dotn daY'!! IS.

If I am kind to ene, I I!!" gl!!'t.'S vexed.

And 'So I ea n not I!!"!!!: m Ihl!!"!!l!!' two fu rles,

If you w.anl to Iivi!!' And witn 'fOu' ha nd If you m ust wed. tn n ma ry 0 ne wlfl!!' onlv:

Onl!!' .alone i'!! enoug 'Sa I!O'IV IWO .a,mil!!"!!

Cll.!'nainly. ' 'Sa ld sa 1'1 loul,

'Thl!!'n II!!'I U'S haa r VOu

Ba 1'1 lou I tnen bsga n thus wit

Ba 1'1 lou I wenl in nlgn !Pf:Ii,it then H.amdo n n.a looked fro !;,aW hlm, Shl!!' 'Said to her Tne re ls sa 1'1 leul d'l!!"!!!:ed In

Tne nl!!'gre!io'!! !;,aid. '0 h. mv that robe.'

Ha md enna a n'SWI!!"I!!'d. 'I h end'S. anrJ I 'Sha II ,get the ro nes.-e'», 'People thinlr; .sen

ugnt of .a trl!:k whl!!' by to chil!!"lte m h i rn.' '8a h loul i';. a 'S lT1an; re plied tn n of im; but to

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

God, it i anrJ talc fer nim.

But Ha on a sa Id .ag.ain. 'It m st t.e one I' Sne then '!!I!!'nt 1'1 I!!'r l'lg'I!!"!!!io 10

Elahlou 10 til.!' I him that hI!!' shou to nero


Thl!!'n '!! with I

ho r€ally ma k€-s m. GiY€ u pi the cea, mi ~ mi ne, tnat you rJo not f II into he snare wn ir.: you inre d setti ns

im wno ealls

.' HI!!' '1!!'f:llll!!'d: 'Mo

u!io gl for '!!inging..'

at ane r havl ng I" I!!' 'I!!' rash ments.'

refre!io ments wl!!'re !ioe e not know whV. b u

ke you r robe, to m.ake e a pre'!!l!!'nt

.an!PWe d: '0 • my m Iwl!!'!io'!! I I h VI!!' '!! rn to giVl!!' it. to

done as .a m.a doe'!! to a '

'Do you kn

come 10 U n.aVl!!' .a

• and hI!!' u would aahleul

'I!!'plll!!'d hI!!'. 'I. no am in'!!t,uttlng Go 's eraatu s in

'!!i:ieni:1!!' It i!io I who rna ke Ine m eepula In Iovl!!'. wno n lliAll!!' tn m in thl!!'

delighrs a fl!!' a II!!' ea n give. sh Ine m ow one mU!ll e ress a w w I e:W:i: and !PA11'!!fy nero h. m mi'!!tre'!!!io. wno hould kn Ine .an

of coli- n if it. i'!! not Iii"

m .and Ihl!!' wit" CI t.ea uty; of rTJ1- ~o one in h ... ti me u rpa~ed he r i n ';.eeins her be a me h IT1ble anrJ -sub

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boo


su pe!,b ure an d grace a d perfeci~ive, a d loolcerJ

de e grou d fer fua r of telT1pta on, ';.0 many arm';. anrJ lJe

la - erJ on her, Tho';.e no loolcerJ sre d ily at he ... w

, anrJ eh I now man heroe-s ilT1 p.eril thelT1';.elve'5

raasen sa 1'1 leul ha a lway!p .avoid m'.!'ll'tlng h'.!'r

Ih'.!' t.emf:llatlon; a d. a pp~h'.!'n!p fer 1'1 I'!! peao:!

mi Ilh'.!'n. b'.!''.!'n in har p '!!'.!'no:!_

Vl.!'r'!!'.!' wllh har _ No

u d. fea rful of not b'.!' ng .able 10 com nd 1'1 I'!! passi n.

d'.!"!!i~ to ha'll'.!' tne ob'.!' • .and he uld nOI giv'.!' II f:I


Ba loul n to hi'!! eye'!! to Ine g Ha enna DU rnt wi outk I pa Id

'w .al f:I,i ap I'.!'of

'B God.' '.!' !:rle ee u p.ation of my kn w wha IhI.!'Y

d- up.all

har g" th'.!'

n bene r tn.a I; thev .a,'.!' t e

, No one has !rtud I a II th'.!'ir eon ns mo~ I

, fond of; fer I'.!'a rn, eh. lady m 1M. hat men moo n .a!:!:o,ding 10 tnei g'.!'n I us .and Ih

; Ihi'!! one '!!'.!'II!io. th'.!' ther bu'f!io, My nly thought ls h'.!' I tnO'S'.!' that a

f:I i!P'.!'d .al hls word'!! .a '.!' om'.!' ve rsas on Ihi'!!

of 1'1 I'!! la ngua d,

u have 10 !PAV..' an leul ~cited '!!

,'.!'a~ W II'.!'. on AI Y'!! In 1.511 W

.a,'.!' d - I.!'d aeeerd Ing 10 tne aff.airs and dei g!P;

I .ay!P in spl rlrs and - u I. others in t'.!' rs,

'.!' wnO'S'.!' lif'.!' ls ~!rtl !P and fu II of r..'.!'ry. !:onlr.aty. olne rs ar !rte'.!'f:lI.!'d in goo fonuM. '!P ha ppy WAV. and f vou,'.!'d In .alllh ng!p, ifter€nt to a II such

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I


No rJou If lT1y IT1 rnber i';. without wlv J IT1 MV ne.a Ih'.!'n DU rns wllh .a fi Look .al u ealms By it'!! If on'.!' ti I'!!halld

beco ';. friShtful, quench'.!'d_ b'.!'.auryl fire'!!

r'!!'.!'1f up 10 me ··1 ! ne '.!' VOU 10 fill me wiln h::k

'f!io remain as I am. nd u

Knowi I am Ih'.!' '!!'.!'rva n .an y Tnen!pn II our love De 'It'.!'II'.!'d? u s II

e:w:a ine th'.!' m

hls 1'1 lghs, Now h'.!' sa Id 10 h'.!'r'!!'.!'If: 'I 10 him.' a nd now.

'N I will not.' 0 ,ing Ihi'!! un!::'.!'rt.ain fe r pl'.!'.a!pu re de'.!'f:I

wi in ne r p.a f:I'Ny; and Ebll!p r natu ral!p .a

mo 'Stu rs, tne rerunner of pl'.!'.a!pu , comD.aled h'.!'r

de re 10 eeha D wlln him. .and rea u re h Belf by e thougnt: 'If tn ls B.a 10uL an'.!'r 1'1 w:ing hi'!! plea'!!u,'.!' wi m. '!!hould d wig'.!' II no one will bel V€ h i-s wortl _.

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


Sne req ue';terJ to rJi'ie'St h i rnsel of h

but ian lou I rep ie of my eye, '

Tne n H.amdonn !Pne undid h'.!'r g rd 'Am I really.a k '.!'nt.e,'.!'d h'.!', be ,oundll!d on th I f:! like .a v.ault... u'.!'mbllng all 0 rl aad a II Ine De uty Ba 1'1 lou I',!! .a,m'!!,

'.!'. trembll ng

• .and 1'.!"I1 tne ,

aahleul '.!':Itamln lIlY'.!"!! dwe II u d'.!"!!i:'.!'n ding 10 sh If:! • .and tne

ne b'.!'lly of Ha n.avel whii:n , own tne,'.!' w,a!P

ness .and sha pe f h'.!'r

Tne n ne pre'!!!Pe amdo n n.a in a assl

animation Ie.a 1'1, f.a!:e; !Pne !Peem d al

h'.!'.ad; .and hold ng lou I',!! msm mere .and mo,'.!'

like .a mA''.!' In e t, and vou eont nu'.!'

wo,d!p • .and wn ,d!p1 Th'.!'V wou I !Pet

ne wo,ld. You III In gl.!'t'!! 1'1 horse. whl.!'tne howeve,. that lema re g..!'1S I u'!!IY

only then 'I.!'O:! tne '!!Ullion.

ramp.anl by and. as my hus

item'.!'nl hlou I foil wing '.!', a nd thinking: .afte, ne r IIII !Pne had If on .a ui:h !pllk. wn Ii:h WeI'!! '.!'r i:lotn !P up ve, h'.!'r Ihigh!p. hic:n God g n h'.!'r w,a!P In

,ound II

'!!oon !PAW tne '.!' lost ne r a nd fired hlm

!pld'.!' VOuBe If?' nl By God. ram o,'.!' witn VO u r . if '!!he w,a!P Ine

r 1'1 usba n ?' 'Y'.!"!! ' '!!h'.!' !PAid. bUI a . as a a re on aeceunr of tne d or no ; witn thi'!! diffe reni:'.!'. earta In rleds f Ih'.!' vea r, and

woma n If'!! b'.!' made

ispositien have ml.!'t witnln me, for h'.!' wi l!POOn '.!''

mv eins 1'1 u me a d f:!''.!''It'.!'nt me a n position, nrJ tn n ta ke my robe

amdon n.a ehr ands and bsga n irmnass • .and a- :' He,'.!' we n.a nv uouble'S_ 0 Ba 1'1 lou II I ne 1111 !Pne contlnu'.!' iceef:ling nold ne r wlva lill th latt.'.!', p,an 'S'.!'e

men and tne 'Saw .a mere t.e uliful it... .and ru bt.ed " 'S t.ead aga In!rt I d 10 'Say: '0 m'.!' ber, eeme Inlo

'.!'n sa 1'1 leul In!Pe d hi'!! m'.!'mb Inlo Ine v.aglna Ine Su lIa n '!P d.a

nd she, !ioetIllng down upon hi'!! ngln'.!'. allowed 10 pe!n'.!'lr.aI'.!' '.!'

10 h'.!'r fu rn.a!:'.!' III nOlhing me could t.e !Pe'.!'n of it... nOI tne sl

raes, and 'Sh'.!' 'S Id: 'H ow lase eus has God

d'.!'f.allg.abl'.!' an har f:l1e.a!pu res ' Sh'.!' th'.!'n gave h r'!!'.!'1f up to an u

own da nee. ing har Dotto Ilke.a riddle; 10 h'.!' 'ighl .and I • .and

rwa rd and D.a!:k rd; neve, w,a as this,

m'.!'nt of enjo u mp Ine me m r as tho ugh bV ne merher, Th'.!' acme of enjo aeh look Ine f:l1e su re witn avldi

etlen: ju!rt as .an infa nt 'Su!:ks tne 1'1 simu lIa nee U'S • .and

'.!'n Hamdonna lowly !Pne made '.!'n'Sh'.!'d,il.!'d it

, In order 10 IIhdtaw II. and 10wiV. : "this I'S th'.!' d '.!'d of .a vlgorou rna n. ' te pa rts wllh .a 'S" ken k'.!'rc:n I'.!'f and '0!Pe_

e .an!pw'.!'red. 'W V. 0 ml'!!tre'S!P1 u n.ave b'.!''.!'n ,id ng me. and stlll nl .a

she. ' Id you not tel m'.!' that you!: Id nOI mou nt !:i:OU n I of Ih'.!' p,a nos In 'fOu' lolns

il w,a!P you, tu be, anrj then I

I matt'.!'r'!! bUI I Ie.' 'Sa Id Ba 1'1 I L 'Th'.!' fir'!!t II

econd will be IT1 i e, a nd the pri r it will be the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

'Wa'!! quit.'.!' n.aked • .and H hleul f

~a'!!v 0 n '!!'.!''.!'I nd j:I'.!'rf'.!'alo n of har ferm He 100

magnifio:! nt tn and ,'.!'DoU ding nav'.!'l • .al h'.!'r b'.!'lty va lied Ilk .an a

h'.!'r plum p brea sta nd I ng ou II ke h~ elnehs, He, nll!(:k !P like a gal'.!'l '

Ih'.!' oj:l'.!'ning h r me uth II .a rl ng, h'.!', lij:l!p fre!pn .a d red II e .a

!PAb,'.!'. He, teet lght ha VI.!' '.!'n ta k'.!'n fer pea rls .and ne i:h'.!'e k'!! 0' '0

H'.!', ~'!! were bl k .and well !plit... .and h'.!'r eveb,oW'!! of '.!'bonv, '.!'m Ie Ih'.!' rou nded uri 1'1 of Ih'.!' no n'.!'d by Ine n.and of !pkllfu I rile r. e foreh'.!'ad 'Wa'!! II '.!' ne full moo in Ih'.!' n ignt.

to herse If, . A-; he besa n he may now 0 on;

.ahlou I !PAid. 'I sha II nOI I wllh

Ha 1'1 lou I begA n d,I.!'W ne r fre'!!h

m! h'.!' 10 '!!ui:k h'.!'r lip'!! .and 10 !io'!! 1'1 '.!'r .and bit. h r th lghs, So h'.!' wenl on tl mar. and h'.!', '.!''f'.!'!P baea n'.!'lIh'.!', ha nd no, foot. onn.a. b'.!'autlful '.!'nougn

Ha 1'1 lou I erled, '

- on of ma n I' .and '!!tiline e 1I!p fu II j:lit.c:n. H '.!'r slghs .and '!!h'.!' nud'.!' II d l!PAj:lj:I'.!'a

e moved ha rd. and '!!h'.!' who res n'.!'ou'!!IV eahnl ng th'.!'ir fe

Tne n Bahloul ,'.!'t I ,'.!' _ Hut Ha H'.!' .an!pw'.!'red. ' You n.ave had lime for me: n

otty. 1'1

hi'!! pe!rtl'.!' and h'.!'r mona • .and pr

o n.a sa Id.' ne,'.!' ls Ih'.!' ,ob'.!'? Yo u me k me.

V mi'!!t,I.!"!!!p. I shall only poIn with it. r .a eons e

u du'.!'!p .and I In'.!' _ Tne fir'!!t II me 'IJIi.a!P f ,you. t e!ioe n '.!' tn I,d tim sha II be fer tne robe.'

Tnl!p sald, ne I

II. and put II in Hamdo tne couch a nd !PAid. 'Do

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I



nd witn one eush san to work .51'5 wi in d irJ flow over a

I tn rew hilT1';.elt upon h er in her va,gina; the h

her bottom, until h

I.!' frem ne r !pldl.!'. len 1'1 !P ,

e Ha rndeana, '0 my s, ls 1'1 nol as I n.a u?

ma n. and 'fOu eou I ot g..!'1 Ihl.!' bl.!'tte, of 1'1 lm, 'l'!/

'!!ubjl!tl fo, moc:kl.!'ry. bu n of

vou nOI believe me?

IU rn . II

c:.aml.!' to '!!!P wh t has 10 come to pol In!ilC:rlbl.!'d ne na of Ihl.!' who ls . If B.a leul's n.aml.!' had not e 1'1. ne offl.!'red

i:k .al tne door.

ic;e of aahleul I.'

thus eless 10 Ihl.!' d 10 him. 'Wny do I '!! lo,d. I w.a!P poI!io'!!in

ove reo bV.a g at Ihil"!!t. A neg''.!''!!!p e

Thl.!' i:uf:l '!! If:lf:led rem my ha nes .and g I

took my bl.!'. Ii:h thl.!' Su Ita n eer


, ugn Ine '!!U'.!'et a d broughr me a e f:I of n. Then ou r I.adV H.amd n n.a , .ad givl.!'n me. as I demn" lea-

Ine V air, 'Let hlm ha'lll.!' I'll , c:.aml.!' oul and I.!'r hU!PD.and .a!pked ne t.akl.!'n Ihl.!' ,obI.!' i f:layml.!'nt for tne eu . n.and!p '.!'tne r, 'What have you don • t.alked to vou r u'!!band Ihl.!' 0 1.51 nsuase thy wi';.il:lom.' AnrJ she, e d i';oplayed,gave ilT1 baclri hi'S robe, anrJ

, H.amdonna at I ne har 1'1 w.a!P true t

on n.a tnen ail.!'d.

H nloul7 HI.!' a n'!!W'.!' • 'I .ave

folly; t.alk to 1'1 I • VOu. Ihl.!' rerJ witn the cun n OS he narJ e e arred.




taosr.:inalec:l; if i';. a rounded Wnen she i';. , She ';.peak';. Ie veos the hOU'5e,

r acqua intanr,:e, Sne ha n lT1en friends,

o irJenr,:e to no y, a nd her hu';.banrJ i';. h ... 0 relia nee- Sne

from anyo ne, e epti ns t.-olT1 her h usba

';. alive';., she does not merJrJle witn thei

treacn ro OS anrJ haos no fault'S to hirJe, no ... bad reason to I.!' tli:I.!' f:lI.!'Of:lle- If ne 1'1 usba nd !PnOW'!! hls in J u 'ile. !Pne ls ag ea til I I.!' 10 hi!p de!p1 res .a m, Sne .a!P'!!i'!!u im a Iw.ay!p in hi'!! .affa I '!! not la ugh or rejoiu!

, 0 'Vilir (a nd th me rty of God be witn n of a II ';.Om.; tn the re are such a';. are su h i';. deserve norh i but conrempt.

e reli'5hec:l by me n, she st nave a I'erret:t

I u'5ty- He ... ha i ... will b ac her forehearJ

II have eyebl"ClW';. ftn iOl'ia n blackness, I lack eye';., witn

thelT1 very I ilT1l'i - With r.:heelri of pe rfecr Ii I. e will have an

anrJ a s ... acefu I cutb: IiI'';. and tongue n; her breath

sam ocou .... her h roat 10 nSo he ... neclri st ... bu ';t anrJ her

er bream IT1U';t full anrJ firm, he ... bel rJ 1'I"CII'0rtion,

I well-rJeveloperJ nrJ ma rked: the lower a the belly i';. to

vu Iva I'l"CIjecti anrJ fles ny, t.-olT1 the here the nail"';.

buttocks: the co rJuit IT1U';t be nal"l"Clw a moi';.t., wft to

a d e mittins a stro S heal a nd no barJ ';.me; he must nave the

unor.:~ ha rd, th nil'';. la rse and fu II. a i';t of fi ne osha pe,

et of ';trilri ins lesa nee. I'IU ml' arms. n II-c:leveloped

of f:lI.!'rfo,ming a'!! eve n n I'!! !PPA,ing In I.!' '!!hl.!' '!!I.!'I.!"!! hl.!'r

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm 00 I I I

t.-auble'S, and wneerJle'S him sa in, Sne does not su rrender even ab';tinence 'WOuld kill her, She allow hem 10 be '!!1I!e n; !Pne i'!! .alwaY'!! prll.!'lY • .and take!p c:.are not 10

f:lugn.a I to him_ Shl.!' perfu mes hl.!'r'!!I.!'lf d elaa ns ne r leeth with sotJak.

oty gGi:!!P • .and God kn e 1'1 ad a l.arge kl ngd

ulh. I .alIne re wa'!! enee .a f:loW'.!'rful ie'!!.an .allie'!!_ H ls na me wa'!! A Ii bl.!'n

hI.. not being a Die 10 .and tne Comma nde hlm withoul dl.!'I.aV • .a d I.!' erds, Tnev did se .al 0

.aIL hI.!' ailed hi!p Vizir. thl.!' Chief of thl.!' Gu a _ Tney f:I'I.!'!Penll.!'d Ihl.!'m!Peivl.!"!! ,dl.!'red tham to arm Ihl.!'m!Peivl.!"!! with .a!Pke 1'1 I m 'What n'.!'W'!! I'!! thl.!"I.!'?'

He to Ihl.!'m: 'SIel.!'f:I will not n Ig t, .and I must n.ave you I.!'a

I'!!h 10 wa I k tn rough Ihl.!' IOWn d du,ing mv rou nd, '

thl.!'n left.. !io.a~ng: 'I n be witn us, and bl.!'n

d I .and may tne ble!P!Plng of thl.!' !:V bl.!' with hlm.'

followed. and aece

e Ih V we nt on. unt!l thl.!'V tne mest vloll.!'nt passl 1'1 ls b,ea'!!t with a ston lowl I'!! thl.!"I.!' nobody wn at'.!' 'An d hI.!' ref:leated in !io'!! has d- a ppe.a,I.!'d and Ihl.!' wno I.!'

one of tne '!!t,'.!'et!P. a nd !Paw .a the grou nd. f.a!:I.!' downwa rds.

II Ihl.!'re i'!! no longe r any Ju!rtI!:I.!' I.!' King what i'!! going on In 1'1 I'!! i'!! no longe' any J u'!!tiu! I '!!hl.!' u,ning_'

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou II

rhe Kins 'Sa irJ h i';. atte ndant";, ca refu I not to fr" hren h im.' They ';.(JicI to h ilT1, 'Fti';.e a nd have no rea r

m.u:le a n'Swer. ' and n.ave notn I to bl.!' .afr.aid of • .a 'fOu know that I.!' wekome of forgi'lle ness, Tne • If tne belll.!'ve, i:I.!'rt.ainiy ground 0' fl.!'ar.' He then King.

i'S lT1an to IT1 Quie i m, took h ilT1 by th u-'

u do nOI bid e we ls .a w.ana n of i:U'itv wekome tn bl.!'llI.!' r the d wentwltn

Tne King 'StOOd ill. hid Ing 1'1 ls face with hi'!! ha Ik • as a 1'S0 id hls Tne !.ane r had Ih I r w.rord'S In Ine I n.and!p. a d Ie.anl upon hem

Whl.!'n Ine 1'1 a m.anl' Tne Ki ma n. 'WhV 'Say i'!! beCClU'SI.!' I do n

1'1 I.!' KIng, hI.!' 'Sa ld, 'Gre .anWIIl.!'red. 'I' urn vo r grel.!'11 ng!p.

U "0 ma n 7'-' Tne KIng, 'A wny did yo

know vour na _' 'And I kewl!ioe I do n

Tne King then a'S I.!'d hlrn, 'What m .an thes word'S I n.ave neard: "Ani I i'!! no mere J ustl ne re bl.!'lowl No y Ie I Ihl.!' King wn.a I'S gei g on i rule'S I" TI.!'II ml.!' has ha ppe n d 10 you ' 'I shall tl.!'11 onlv I that who can ave ngl.!' e .and frel.!' me f m opp 'S!ioion and sh me, if !PO pi .a AI mlgnty God I'

Tne King 'Sa Id 10 im.' May God pi ce me a you, di'!!f:lo!PA for and dl.!'llveta nce om eppressle n a d sham I'

' I sha II no tl.!'11 you.' !PAid I I.!' ma n. 'is\l'ellou

Iovl.!'d a woma n. who loved me a so, a nd I.!' we,I.!' un

'I.!'I.allon'S la'!!tl.!'d long wn III.!'. unnl a n old enlice mv

look hl.!'r .aw.aV .a hou!ioe of m· rtu na. !Pn.aml.!' .and I.!'ba u

!p1I.!'I.!'p fled frem V couch: I n.ave 1O'!!t all!"!!!P • .and I

into Ihl.!' a Dy~ of l'!!torton'.!' _'

Tne King then 'Sa 10 1'1 I m 'whicn i'!! tne woma n 7"

rhe lT1an re plied, 'She i';. with a ne hi'S bouse '!HOme bea utifu I a'S th

name of Co rarne, t he like'S of w om t e Kins h ';.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU




not in his peJlaceentir€ Iv devorerJ -silve.-, beve.-ase'5 a

e ha-s a mtstl"e'5';. who h s a prefou him, a nd who -senrJ';. hi a II he d r.:lothins:

• =-i.. U
'- ..
fer hi i'S
ot Thl.!'n thl.!' nun 'StO pll!d !ppea king_ Thl.!' King !P mu!:h su f:I - II!d at what hI.!' haa rd. bUI th Vilir. who not mi'!!!Pe .a wo,d 0 I earta Inlv mad out, from what Ine ma n sa ld, I as

no ether tha n hls

Thl.!' King 'I!N:I ue'!!te Ihl.!' to !Pnow him tne house.

'If I '!!how It you. w .al will VOU do?' .a!pked In I.!' an.

'You will !Pel.!' wn.a I sha II do.' sa Id tnl.!' KI . 'You will .anvrhing.' 'I.!'f:lIII.!'d ne ma n. 'fer it i'!! .a f:l1.a!:I.!' nl!:h mu fl.!'.a'I.!'d_ If you WeI n 10 I.!'nte, II bV fo,!:I.!' you III rlsk dl.!'.a

radeubta ble by ns of hi'!! '!!uI.!'ngrh .and co

'Snow ml.!' Ine pi .'!PAid tne KIng, 'a nd ha

'So bl.!' il as God wil I'

nd I'!!

He then ro'!!I.!' • .and a Ikl.!'d Defo,I.!' thl.!'m_ Tnev wne re ne !OWf:lf:lI.!'d In f,onl of .a nou!j.'.!' wllh I all !pldl.!"'!! nlgn .and I aCO!!'!io'!!ibll.!'_

Thl.!'v ex.amined In WeI 11!p. Iookl ng fer .a pla but wllh no 'I.!'!pU 11_ To their '!!u'f:I,i!Pe IhI.!'Y fou .a brea'!!tf:ll.all.!'.

Thl.!' KIng, IU rn I ng

'Onu, bl.!'n tsad.' h ref:llled_

Thl.!' King !PAid 10 1'1 I • 'Oma r, are 'fOu det'.!',mi ed 7"

'Ye'!!. my brother,' n!PWe,ed he. 'if It se plea I.!"'!! God on I' nd eur ng

to Ihl.!' King 1'1 I.!' add d. 'May God asslst 'fO u 10 Ighll'

Then the lri;ins, ad r€';.'5ins hi'S attenrJa nt';., a irJ, . Are u et rlT1inerJ l-s

there one alT10ns you who CClU IrJ sea Ie the wal1'57

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm Boou -.~ob.DI1


Tne n 'Sa Id I '.!' KI ng. 'I mys'.!'lf will!ilC:.ale n ls 'So f:l1e God n I'll'll but

bV mea ns '.!':w:ped I'.!'nl fer wn h::h 'I!N:I u I, u, a lrun!::'.!' • .an if 'fO u

Ie nd m'.!' th 'Sa m'.!' I sha II 'Si:=ale Ih'.!' w.all If il pi'.!' !P God on nigh.

. I mpos';.ible . they all repl led,

'T'.!'II me.' 'Th'.!' Cnl'.!'f

id th'.!' KI ng, 'who i'!! Ine rongl!!"!!t mong 'fOu_'

Ih'.!' Poliu!. wno ls 'fOu' C soueh.'

Om.a, 1I!Ole '.!'d with asren l'Shm'.!'nt. H'.!' knI.!'W n that w.a!P Ih Ki and

hi'!! Joy w.a!P !"eat.

Tne King 'Sa d. 'And wno M:w:I?'

'Th'.!' Comm nde, of Ine Gua rds.'

'And after im wno?' .a!pkl.!'d Ih'.!' King.

Tne King 'Sa d. 'Who i'!! tne,'.!' yet?'


Tne King!io.a d 10 I'll m '0 Oma r, you n.a fou n bl.!'tr.av eer l!iogui'!!'.!'. and vou will be a 01'U'I.!'d f

'To haar ls obey. ' 'Sa Id Om.a,.

Tne King tn n 'Sa Id 10 tne Cn.aou!::h. 'Re 'fOu'

'fOu' ba!::k ojects. '

Tne Chaou

Tne n !io.aid '.!' King to Ine Comm.and'.!',

of the Cha uch.' He rJicI ';.0, and shou lders, hen the lri;ins ordered th

in'!!t th'.!' all that

rd'S.' ounl u teet n the

e zm FDlJ'Dllm Boou


the CCIIT1...,a n der of the GuarrJ';., and

ne King.. 'a Oma r, meunt uf:lon Ihl.!' 1'1 I h'.!"Sl Ia!: 'And om.u. V In I'!! e:W:f:lI.!'d lenl. cried. 'May God Ie d yo hls hl.!'1 p. 0 ou r

d asslst you in vo u r Ju'!!t. I.!'nt.e'f:I,i!Pe I' He tn n g I on to tne f Ihl.!' Chao urn. and frem Ihl.!'re uf:lon I D.a!: of t e Co mandu.ud!p. and then upon that of Ihl.!' vl.!ir and. n thl.!' f thl.!' lane r, hI.!' lOok Ihl.!' sa me po'!!itlon eKing l'.!'ft_

Ing sa ld, 'I n thl.!' na me of God I .and i!p till sl ng De th Ihl.!' on wnom De tne ml.!"!:y and sa IUlatlon of Go I' a • pla Ing 1'1 I'!!

Ihl.!' D.a!:k of the Chaoucn. hI.!' !io.aid. 'Ha a me I.!'n !P" n!:I.!'; If u will bl.!' rnmf:ll.!'n'!!at.ed I' He thl.!'n did t e!io.a I.!' - 1'1 tne thers.

ntll hI.!' g I upon oma r's back. 10 wnom ne a I !io.aid. '0 nu,. n.ave .a

ment's patil.!'nc:e with me • .and I shall n.aml.!' t.e '!!I.!' retary_

nd, of a I In I ng'!!. do nOI movel' Tnen. f:l1a!:in pon

houlde rs. thl.!' King !:ould wllh 1'1 I'!! n.and!p gr.a!pp Ih lI.!'rr I.!'; d c Ing.. 'I n

ne n.ame f God I may hI.!' pou r hls ble'!!!plng'!! u po thl.!' rop • on wnom

Ihl.!' me !:V and !io.alul.alion of God I' hI.!' nudl.!' a s ring.. a d n Ihl.!'

nd Iney down on'.!' .aft'.!', anether, and Ihl.!'V co

nieus " e.a of tne KI ng. as well as Ihl.!' '!! n uied fe

n enor lm a dl

hen bl.!'ga n to 100 k fer a f:l1a!:I.!' fer d I.!' un,olll.!'d hi'!! tu rban. fl:W:I.!'d one end hI.!' WeI'!! • .and 1I.!'t him'!!I.!'1f down inlO ntil ne fou nd Ihl.!' portal In tne middle 0 us lock, Tne !POlid ltv of Ihi'!! lock. and Ih rel.!'ab II.!' su rprlse. He sa Id to nlm'!!I.!'If. 'I m n rem God; it 'IJIi.a!P ne wno gel V I.!' ml.!' tne rengt I.!' ne re; hI.!' will .a I !PO f:I ro'llldl.!' tne mea n for mp.anio s.'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


He then set h i rnse to eJJ.iJ1T1 in

r.:ounted the cnalT1b one airel" a norh ..._ He tounrJ sevenree

I"CIOIT1';., fu rn i';.nerJ in iffe.-ent es, w· h ta pesrries anrJ ve

va rleus colours. fro ne Ia

Btamining a II ,ound i'!!!pued a great noi'!! mv f:!'OjeCl • .and II.!'I

d by '!!I.!'V'.!'n sta II"!!«! rem voiu! , He w nt uf:! 10 II.. !io.a~In.g, , u nd oul of ne re_

I.!' na ml.!' of God Ihl.!' mpassle Ine '!!tl.!'p'!!. wn h::h we I.!' of va rl • green .and otne r s .ad'.!"!!_

HI.!' mou nt'.!'d thl.!' fl and ml.!'rdfu II' TI'Ien i:=olou red ma rbll.!'··b

Mounll ng thl.!' seeon

om God hl.!'If:!!p i!p in I ncible I'

And on Ihl.!' fou rtn. I have a'!!kl.!' a uxlll.arv_'

pul ant

F Ina Ily ne mou nt'.!'d (with whom De Ihl.!'

e finn. si • a nd '.!'\Ie nth !rtef:!!P. Invok I

,i:=V .and sa v.alion of God)_

HI.!' thl.!'n .a, ne eu rta I n ha ngi g .at Ihl.!' I.!'nlr.ani:=I.!'; I w.a!P of red

b,oi:=ade_ From thl.!" hI.!' e:w:a ml ed tn reem. wn Ii:=h w,a!P b Ined in I I'll

filled wltn ma ny en '!! bu,ning in golde n eness. In Ine

middle of thls !io.a u!pk·w,all.!'r, A r.ablI.!'C erh e:w:re

from I.!'nd to I.!'nd. ee I.!'.aI!P and fru Its,

'I.!'. tne splendour of orn.amenl!P of a II kin s,

Tne !io.aloon w,a!P p Ihl.!' I.!''f'.!', In fact. '.!'\Ie

an looking elesa r Ih 1W'.!'lve m.aidl.!'n'!! .an thelr Dea ulY and gr Ihi'!! '!!ighl filled him like tne full

'I.!' II wl!ioe witn tne m!j.'.!'V'.!' negroe!p and Hi'!! a ntlen w.a!P a Dovl.!' all ttrac:t'.!'d '.!'rt b .aury. with black eye • ova I en !Pne umbll.!'d Ihl.!' haa rts tnO'SI.!'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

ea uty, the i(ins wa-s a';o one 'Stu nn .-e any Settins out ot th i';o pla~ r 0 IT1

In!ppeaion of tne room ne pe'!:I.!'1 d In thl.!' ha nes of !ioe nt. gla!io'!!I.!'!P filled witn win'.!', ThlllY I"e d rl n king and !io'tJ to '!!I.!'I.!' Ihl.!'V wl.!'1"e overmml.!' wiln rink_

ponde,ing how to I.!'!ioCCI pe 1'1 ls em boa, '!!!pmenl. hI.!' haa rd !i.a~ng to On'.!' of ne r !:omj:la n lens, ea II ng har tIIV n.aml.!' • .and Ilghl .a to,!:h. se we two n go to bed. fer

ing us, Come. highl Ihl.!' to,!:h. a nd I us l"eti,I.!' 10 thl.!'

up thl.!' !:unain 10 Ie a v I.!' tne room, I.!' King hid 1'1 I m'!!I.!'1f

!P; len. pe'!:I.!'ivlng thl.!'V 1'.!"I1 Ihl.!' r ehambe 10 do .a obllg.uorv in kl nd. hI.!' took d'll.anlagl.!' of tneir

e I, .aj:la rtment. .and nld him'!!I.!'1f In a e pboa rd_

In hid I ng tne woml.!'n ,I.!'tu rned and sh t thl.!' doors, Tnei, by Ine fum'.!"!! of wine; thl.!'V j:lulled ff all thelr !:iotne'!!

I.!'.a!:h other,

!P of debaucnerv.'

had fa lien a'!!I'.!'ej:l Ihl.!' KI ng ross. e:M.'t.i i!pned Ihl.!' ligln. down betW'.!'e n tne two, He ra ke ea I"e during tnei, ress Ihl.!'1 r n.aml.!'!p on hls me mory _ So I.!' WeI'!! a til I I.!' 10 !Pay ou, se .and so, whl.!"I.!' n.ave you j:I I Ihl.!' deer- keY'S?'

'.!'d. 'Go 10 !p1'.!'e p. you who rs. Ihl.!' kl.!' .a,I.!' in Ine I, usua I

m'!!I.!'lf. 'Thl.!'1"e ls no mighl and '!!uI.!'n h bUI in God thl.!' lI.!'nll' .and wa'!! much uoubled_

the woma n about the keys. ';.ayins.' ylisht i-s r.:olT1insrs. The.-e i'5 the su n, I alT1 soins to 01' n the house.'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

e a n'Swe.-ed, 'T k€ys a re in the 'Sua I place. Wh'f do you t u ';.

IT1Efl Sleoe pi, I ';.jJ'f, till it i'5 rJay,

a In Ine King 'Sa I A Imighry .and hould run mv

I.!'re no mlght and !rtrengtn bu In

nevoll.!'nt.. n sur Iy if 1'1 we re not for tne fl.!'a of ,d tn rough h r,' Ten hI.!' bl.!'ga n .aga In. 'Oh. 'fOu se



• ' do 'fOu

'fOu 'ltul'll.a l'I!:h for !:oitlon? Ca n

k I I e Vilir'!p wife has witn'!!tOOd all 1'1 I !pln!:I.!' 'Six montn'S I Go tne k s • -Give ml.!' Ihl.!' ke'f'!!;- bUI i'!! IJoI"4l! r.aml.!', '

de, He w.ait'.!'d .a 'Short tim !P'!!I.!' him!ioelf In har !:lotne!P.

I'S f.a!:e ne hid under a veil of ,I.!'d n, ne n ne ope!n'.!'d Ihl.!' door. ut, .and f:l1.a!:ed im!ioelf bl.!'n I d Ihl.!' una lns of thl.!' 'Sa loon I.!'ntr.a

only seme pe!0f:l I.!' !pItting tn m.ainde r WI.!"I.!' a'Sleef:l_

e had .a I.!' !PAW har 'Sit d come to nlm.

'.!"!!ire to 1'1 n bV tne

rha ps for I g.a

1T1'f bed, I 'S a I see

!P e .an!pwI.!'red. 'Yo hU!P'!!VI d witnout for .a si gil.!' night? en 'I.!'.alie'S of Ihl.!' n ro, and re In ne nagrc's pod:

I.!' you r membl.!"

Ing !pllen !ioe f:lMpll.!' I thl.!'V e

'0 mv soul, II.!'I ml.!' follow ne nom I find my!ioelf bl.!' stu n ed tne KI ng frem hls 'SubjeCl!P. nd

enll.!'red Ihl.!' !PA n !PA~ng: 'lIne na me of God I' a nd hI.!' lonl.!' d

10 'S Ine bl.!'d of Ine I.!'gro a'S if d u k, I.!' neg'o'.!"!! and Ihl.!' woml.!'n ok

hi to bl.!' Ihl.!' w ad I ke n.

lea'Su'I.!' wiln ougnt !Pne broke n I.!'!p, So ne 'Sa ld, 'Oh. vou. 'So be baclri'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

'!!1Il'Itl.!'ntl'l. whii:n ope .ag.aln. w 0 had b '!!~n?

10 tne in nar dee nd se frem On'.!' d d upon tne WI.!' In gtl.!'at .an:w:iety •


wn. cor .and in 1'1 I joV. hI.!' e:w: on Iy out of h If hI.!' WeI ted to vo

re ngtn but in

, T hen he sea rth fer the 'f'5 in the cl

but lou nd nathins .. He ';.iJid, '1'3 d's will be de

w .a high windo hI.!' up wllh hi'!! r

'I.!'d g.uml.!'nrs tne I.!'; hI.!' !plif:! I.!'d hi'!! n.and'!! Inl f:!,i!Pe I hI.!' fou nd I.!' kl.!''f!io, '.!':!(,am Inl.!'d I I.!'n !ppond Ing to Ine n mber of t e doors of I 1'1 imed. 'God. be pr i'!!I.!'d .and g ,;ried I' Thl.!'n 'I.!' bV a ruse.' Thl.!'n I.!'lgn Ing sl nass • .and .af:! violl.!'n Ily. ne ne I hi!p n.and Defore 1'1 I'!! m u

of thl.!' eou rty.a'd.. id to nlm. '

V olne r wema n



r to Ihl.!' , HI.!"I.!' ne fou nd hi!p ee nd who .a ked him wn

, hI.!' thl.!' lens

Thl.!'n'!!al .an!pwI.!'r, u!P go Into I OU'!!I.!'
with Ine
Thl.!'V'I.!' uf:!on Ihl.!'1 r gua rd ven
negroe'!! M. a nd !PeW n we en. beautlf I as moon'!! ..
Thl.!' vizi I.!'nrs are Ihl.!"!!I.!'?' And King
lei n'.!' ve, 1'1 ve got Ihl.!' ke
He tnen b~
hls own. I.!'p.airlng Ihl.!' Afte, ha Ing lookl.!'d I 10 Ine !io.aloon. Ih tne,I.!' ls .aullful tha n tne 0 I.!' ne r fer my!Pelf.

ng'!!t all thes Ihl.!' ellll'lt.all.!'d ot belong to


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




Strong II ls an n.a,d. It is .always ~ dy fer It n~ r !p1I.!'I.!' • owl ng It slghs to I.!'n ,mv 'It It asks nOI fer elj:!. n It ha-s no ne€d of an .511 AnrJ noborJy

men. Then a other ill the ';.event . T ney 1'1 I.!' Ilful rna n men appe.a '.!'d to e'!!o:! nded • .a r rhs

While tney were ei(a from the bed, anrJ nesl"Cl got on the berJ

,odl.!' Ine m In this 'IJI\a ml.!'nlloned a Dove. an mount upon tne bed wllh !:oitlon 'IJI\a!P fI n I!pned. itn hl.!'r

Tne MgtOl.!'!P. hoW'eve

Ihl.!' bea utlfu I wema n !:on!Penl to it... a nd as

one anl.!'r tne ether, ~ng. 'I sha II neve,

m a I!PO ndl.!'r my p len.'

Do,.}r.ame tnen ro'!!I.!' nd wen uj:!

in full I.!'~Clion.!Ot.iff s a j:!ill r. HI.!' hit ar !PA~ng,. 'SI:w: tlml.!'!p In I'!! n lght I 'fOu always ,I.!'fu!Pe; DU now I

Ing in h !P n.and!p his mbe r itn It 0 tne face .and hl.!'ad.

Whl.!'n Ine!PA Ihl.!'

d'unkl.!'nnl.!"!!!p ne w.a!P i • '!!hl.!' tr '.!'d to bV me, ' '!!hl.!' sa ld, 'a nd onighl V d

Ihl.!' ne ro .and Ihl.!'

by pro 1!Pe'!!. 'SII d 0 hl.!'~

be con

Tne negro !PAl down King eou Id sea rcely

. Tne

Tne n thl.!' we bl.!'g Ihl.!' bereem of ne r hl.!'.a

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


Full vi,gou rand lite, it bores into lT1y vasi a,

'WOrk-; abo ut there in a~ion ccnsta a rJ IT1 the front to the bar.:Ir;, anrJ the n f i!p era mmed ha rd in bV w:igo'o us p~ Now ru bs lu hl.!'.ad on thl.!' orlfl!:I.!' of my 'II And I.!' '!!t,okl.!'!p mv back. mv'!!tomac:l'l. mv Id Ki'!!!:oe my !:h~ k'!! • .and .anon t.egin'!! to suck t!'!! me !:IO'!!I.!'. and ma kl.!"!! ml.!' '011 n I.!'1~n hi'!! .a,m'!! I am II~ a rnrp!P'.!' w th

pa rt of my bodV 'I.!'O:! Ive!p in turn 1'1 ls I -bi

e cove rs me witn ki!P'!!I.!"!! of fi,I.!'; Whl.!' ne !:oel.!'!P ml.!' in neat hI.!' q u I!:kly come to m Tne n I.!' of:len!p mv Ihigh!p and ki!P'!!I.!"!! mv t.e Iy. And uts hi!p 1001 in mv ha nd 10 m.ake It kn ! Soon I.!' i'!! in Ihl.!' cave. a nd I f~ I pll.!'a'!!u,I.!' pp

~'!! me and Irlll'!! me, a nd hOlly we

e !io.a'f!io. 'RI.!'O:!NI.!' my '!!~d I' .and I .an On'.!' I II sha I bl.!' we leeme to me, VO u Ilgnt of mv

an. u man of all men. who flll'.!"!!t me wil

an. u !PO U I of mv soul, go on witn f~!pn 'II r, u must nOI yet withdraw II frem ml.!'; II.!' ve i'!! day wIll tne n bl.!' f~e of all !POrrow

d '!!wo,n to God 10 n.ave me for !:oeve hat ne wl!pned for hI.!' dId. in Ine w.a all Iho!:oe n lghts,


ri,ght to the left;

ing_ workIng..

h give II t.e loved

fin lsh I.!'d. Ihl.!' KIng.. in g'I.!'.a1 su rprlse. sa .' ow 1.a'!!!:Niou'!! has

God made th !P woma n.' And tu rn Ing to hi'!! !:omf:la 10 I.!'~ ls no doubt tn ls wo an has no hU!PD.and. .a nd has n I.!' dl.!'!:hl.!'d. for.

earta Inly tha nl.!'g'o ls in love wllh har • .and '!!ne h '!! e nhl.!'II.!'!P'!! 'I.!'f:lul'!!I.!'d hlm.'

Omar bl.!'n I

took Ihl.!' wo,d. 'rh ls i'!! true. 0 Ki

now aw.av fe nea rty .a 'f'.!'a r • .and ma ny ml.!'n ha'lll.!' u,I.!'d to de!:h

her, DuBne as ~!pI'!!ted.'

Thl.!' King a'!!k • 'Wno ls ne r 1'1 usba nd 7" And hi'!! ee '!! a n'!!W'.!',I.!'d. 'Shl.!'

i';. the wife of he son ot you rfather'';. Vi<l:ir,'

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm Boou -.~ob.DI1


ins I'lied, '''tou spea tel ha'V'e indeerj hea

he ',;- Vili.- narj a ife itnout fa u It. nd

of exqui ite '5 ape; not a Ire

it '5a irj tnat the '50n of d with beauty anrj U'5 anrj in nocent of

id. 'No matte, 'Wne,'.!'. a mo g 'I do not'S'.!'e will 'Snow h'.!'r

ing h'.!' f.avours of I '.!'II:I deur (full moo'.!'. snll deslreus of lired of 'fOu' lie!p. 0 !Pne !:aIled h'.!'r'!!'.!'lf_

r true na me, fer !Pne ls

re Godl'


v witn him • .and 1'1 It ne r

fu 11of I,'.!'. !PAid to tne Vltir. II d- tne deatn of .a villAin.

th'.!' nl.!'g'o. 'You are ow you be-nay her, in

n .and do not s a k a wo,d_' Th'.!' lady Ine n ne re !Pne Dee Defo,'.!'. and b'.!' to


Thill' I'Nd GirWn of • =-i.. 11
'- ..
He.-thimta.- betweoen her e'(e'5-
00 not lJut trw r vow-;, ven '!He re -she the Sultan' daushte.--
unrJle'5';.; not even the Ir;ins of Ir;in
ue it... at.e'e, b'.!' hi!p mighl_
M'.!'n. lake h'.!'e nun Ih'.!' '.!'ofwonunl
Do not !:.aV. 'Su II beloved';
Do not !:.aV. 'Sn p.anion, '
If I de!:'.!'lve 'fO rds .u'.!' u ntlulh!p,
A'S long as !Pne II: you In d. you n.ave har love.
l:Iul .a woma n '!P nOlend ,ing. be lieve m'.!',
L~ng upon ne you ar h'.!', 10ve·trea'Su,'.!';
Whikt th'.!' coli: 'Son. 'fO n.ave ne r love. poor fool
l:Iul • anen. 'Sh'.!' pon 'fOu as a fiend;
And Ihi'!! I'S .a fa und uml.!'d a d !:'.!'ruin_
Tne wif'.!' re!:'.!'- th 'Sl.ave In ne bl.!'d of th'.!' nu!rte,.
And th'.!' 'S'.!'rvl n n .aII.aV u nne, tnei, lu!rt
ee urti'!! n I to b'.!' pra l'SI.!'d and hene
l:Iul tne virtue '111'0 '.!'n ls fr.a I and eha ngl.!'fuL
And th'.!' nun t 'Sde Ned i'!! ooked uflon with rnnt.e
.a neart heu Id n 01 flut tru'!!t In .a
AI ne wo,d'S tne vi I nm bUI tne KI ng DAd'.!' him
Thn Ih'.!' followin ve rses In re!ppon'S'.!' to
lad: W'.!' negroe'S 1'1 W'.!' f'.!'.a, not Ih M'.!'n !:onfld'.!' I Tn ls i!p no Ii'.!'. , an. 'fOU wom m'.!'mb'.!'ryou a For in Ih'.!' sam II ls Ih'.!' '.!'nd .an If 'fOu' choler Tney a ppea'S'.!' You r ,'.!'llglon sou L Sum you '111'111 a

Irl 'S. nowe , 'Suml'.!' IhI.!'Y be_

'S w· 1'1 ''.!'ga rd 10 tnev eherlsh,

Ih'.!' trueh. a'S you know_ u n.ave no flati'.!'nc:e wh

nIh'.!' vl'il'.!'

r sure wa tlng" 'Sid !P VOU r II '.!' and d'.!'ath;

II 'fOu r - has, !ioe!:,I.!'t 0' ope n.

I,e .a,'.!' areu d .a.g,.ain'!!t you r 1'1 usba nd •

u sl ply bV I odu!:ing tne I, me mbe rs

Iva. and Ine ma n Iy m'.!' b'.!'r i'!! you,

nato,'.!' of woma n.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

With hal.. th nes.-a th rew h ilT1 back,

meme t.. Ih'.!' King felt. his 1'1 p.anio s. and Iney '.!'nt.e,'.!'d but b nd I!pned w.rord'!!_

ross ro!P'.!' • .and rus

bUI tn ch '!!'.!'V'.!',I.!'d wllh on

i:'ied. God''!! Ie'!!!plng upon you I Yo

has n I ber a we.akll ng_ You

pa '.!' sha II '.!' you r dwelling and

gOI up and alm'.!'d haouch in l'IJIIa ln, II '.!'I ng II ru I ned. bre

ro by In'.!' .a,m. lifted nes, Th'.!'n Ih'.!' KI ng what a Chaouc:n I G

groe!p. wh'.!'n In'.!'Y !PAW tn ls their 11ve!p. sa Id. 'rh

'.!'n done. ne turn 'fOu • .and who ls Ih

n told 1'1 I m on '!!ubjea And I eKing n.ank'.!'d her, '!!aying. ' a'!!k'.!'d her. 'H w long ea n .a wo • bUI tne KI ng sa ld,

'.!'n .an monl !P wilh nOI re pea 1'1 er; his

'.!'red. 'A well·bo,n l: but a lowly wo r!Pe If wnen '!!h'.!' ea n


icI the King, I'ointins to on , 'T i'S i';. the wire of the

upon the WCllT1a n, who

opprsssed; ne d,I.!'W hls erd • as did

reem, Tne negroe'!! and m'.!'n !PAW

upon tne King and 1'1 I'!! hi!p h'.!'.ad frem his

!rtrud down O!!' of re!rt I'

Ow at Ine Chaouc:n. whi d b'.!''.!'n .a b'.!'a utifu I Wl.!'af:! n. and tne ut into th'.!' rnest w:iolenl p.a!P'!!ion; ne uf:!. and th,'.!'w him !rt Ih'.!' wa IL d. 'God ls g,'.!'at. He has ot d,ied up tel nt 'fO u his bl'.!'!P'!!ing_'

re cowed .and '!!il'.!'nt.. .a d tne KIng, an lifts hls ha nd on • shall less e rema Ining five nl.!'g'ol.!"!! heu Id have

'.!'I BI.!'dou rand .a!;ked ne r,

at ne had hea rd a 1,'.!'.adV y God give you 1'1 I'!! ble'!!'!!i f:!ati'.!'ntiy do wilnout e ea Ie. a nd do nOI De abash

y of hign origin ea n re in fer '!!Ix of no no, 1'1 ign bloo • wno dees h'.!'r n.and upon a ma n. III n.ave hlm r will know h'.!'r vAgina, '

the WOlT1en, 'Who i'S th ';. one 7 She rji_' 'And thi'S one?' 'The wire of the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

he Cnief of t Muftis_' 'An tnat men that a in the other 01T11' espita lity of t e house, a nrJ ne of old ".roma n; hI.!' n'.!'gro has 0 f.u

vou about,

'Sne ls thl.!'

ne d.auglu , of thl.!' i:le,k f tne treasu e Mohle'!! D. thl.!' In I,d i!p hI.!' d.augnte' nt'.!', of th Atn In'.!' of Ihl.!' Mouedd In; Ih On'.!' !P'!!I.!'d

'I.!'a'!!On f se m.anv

m.a!rte, 0 ours. thl.!' n '0 k nOW'!! no thl.!" r ee - len an good wi ,He kl.!'I.!'p'!! m king love n ign and Iv wnen 1'1 him!P'.!'1f ls .a!p1 p,


in noneV. and upon

Thl.!' King '!! belong 10

Shl.!' re plied a a'!!tl.!' of ou • hI.!' has i thl.!' run tne 1'1

d brings to hi any

a uty a d perfecti n; bUI !Pne '!!I.!' hlm on Iv I nst

-silve , d revses, etc., IJ.-er.:iou-s 'Stone-s, ru bies anrJ

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


hence rJOe-5 the nes.-o t at 'Silve.-?' a'SlrierJ he Ki ns, T

ins 'Silent, he arJrJerJ, 'Give me me information, lease.'


'", ~~.

iflil!d with a slgn frem I e ee M' of h'.!'r '.!''f'.!' tn '.!' wife of Ih'.!' Gr.and vizi,_

ng u nd '.!'rstood har • .and e nlln nfld'.!'ni:'.!' in you. a nd you r '.!"Sti Ine two Ad'.!'ls_ Sf:iea k to m'.!'

'.!'n uehsd, a nd hoW'.!' .ave 1'1 ls de!pI,'.!' '!!atl

pliil!d 'II i'!! !:OI' Sh'.!' un '.!'rst ed what th'.!' King

. g !Peiz'.!'d tne m'.!'.aning h r word'!!_

'!!W'.!'red. 'H '.!' has re!ppea u' honou r as fa r ned_ H'.!' has nOI j:lu!pned i'!! er m Ina I d'.!'ed'!! hls d.a1fS tne,'.!' I'!! no c:en Inry that h'.!' would n '.!' '!!hould ha'll'.!' ''.!''!!j:I'.!'aed.'

ng n.avlng .a!pked har th'.!'n wh tho'!!e negroe'!! ,'.!'. '!!h'.!' an

,'.!' hls eem pan ion'!!_ Aile h'.!' .ad q u II'.!' su rf'.!'it.e

h'.!' ea u'!!iI!d to b'.!' I 10 him. ne ha n

as vou ha'll'.!' '!!'.!'en_ If it. wou Id De 7"

01 fer Ine j:I'OI

pok'.!' th'.!' KI ng, '0 Bede, '.!'I H'.!'d u'. wny did not 'fO r husban ain!rt In I'!! oppre!io'!!ion 7' Wn did 'fOu not i:omj:lla In '

j:llied. '0 King of Ine lime. 0 b loved 0 .and .alii'.!"!! I A'!! ''.!'ga rds mv u!P nd I wa'!! se f.a, u lot.: a'S to rrrr;elt I have Cltn i S to ';.jJ'f but wn

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I



'V'e rses I -sa 8 ju';t now- I nave tim 'V'e rse 0 the last,'

Th'.!' KI ng '!! Id. '0 H'.!'d'.!'r el BII!d In tne n.a '.!' of th'.!' chO!ile n P with himl I nfo,m m'.!' of '.!'lIe om pl'.!'te_ H.a'!! thi'!!

none of w'.!'re oul of reach

Ine question 10 you nd m'.!"i:V of God b'.!' 10 f'.!'a r; I give you For I prssume a h'.!'r honou r !:.afe_'


as .a legl'li t'.!' 1'1 u!ioba n d; he

favou r of n 1111i:it love 7"

Ih'.!' 0 u 1'1 ign r.ank a nd you,

you a'!!k me. I we I n I have .a~j:lt'.!'d him ee Id I n.ave co '!! n d 10 gr.anl 1'1 I m th'.!'

Id. 'You .aj:lj:l'.!'.a, 10 b'.!' eeu Dts in my seul '

I.!"!! I h'.!'.a,d VOU '!!ing

Sh'.!' rej:llie • 'I Ih,'.!'e mot .al that m m'.!'nt in hear, II Ice .a you natura I PA !P; .and l.a!llly. I w.a led 0 e that ne '!!hould g u Id delive r m'.!' of

ngu,ag'.!' _ Fir'!!tIy. I wa'!! ''.!'; see Iy. Ebli!p e:W:i:ited my

iet Ine '.!' and m.ake him n.ave

om'.!' d'.!'l leave me In j:I'.!'aO!!'

Th'.!' King '!! ld, 'DO VOU !ppe.ak rieu Iy? Sne w.a!P '0 Bede, I H'.!'dou,. you .alon !Pn.a I b PA,don 'IJIi.a!P !Pne 0 Iv that Ine KI ng we Id 'from In tnen c:.auf ned h'.!'r that !Pne

n Th'.!'n th'.!' KI ng erled, S '.!' understood that il

Th'.!'n all t

lI!dou' a nd 1m plo,1I!d r Ih'.!' King'; and IhI.!'Y Ivl.!"!! down_

Bede, el '.!'dou' then ea lied e Ing nlm. '0 0 , ma'!!t'.!'rl VOU ha'll'.!' not he. 'I have '!!'.!'nt for.a Dea utlfu I mu I ev

!P going. .and !:.aid 10 eer yl.!'t, 'H ow.' !:.aid ou nt har .and eeme

iC!, '0 OUI" lT1a'Sterl I .jJ'51r;

!'Nlr;e a pu larien whic:n yo wi I

U to a uthorise lT1e to n rnade oath that he

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


WClulrJfu IIi I it, Th n he a irJ, 'I sk as a ,gift the I'a

a nd of a II the-se e '5. rhe i deaths would IT1 recver th w the

hole town,'

Tne King sa Id. ' then o,dl.!"I.!'d I

e mig I nor r bUI I God. In ml.!"i:iful' He !P 10 be ra Ice n oul .a d behl.!'a

wllh t e negro Do,.} • wno w '!! I.!'no,m Mut .and had .a M k Ice.a II. ThIllY eut off i'!! I.!'a I"!!.. n I.!'. and Ilkewl!Pe hi'!! virile m b,. wn I h Iney put into hi moulh. nd tnen him on a g.alloW'!!.

Tne n Ihl.!' King 0 I.!' ,I.!'tu rned 10 1'1 ls f:I la

At su n rl'!!I.!' hl.!'!P'.!'n .a 10 1'1 lm. HI.!' m.adl.!' who~l,

elessd, and

u 10 B ar I.!'I Redou,. In 0' I.!" to let I.!'r be bre nt II witn 1'1 1m • .and fou nd hI.!' to bl.!' eX!: Iling a III 0!Pe

'Thl.!'n tne King ea hI.!' m.adl.!' him 1'1 I P 'I.!'pud l.are hi'!! wif , Ihl.!' Gu.a,d!p. to for purpose I.!' prison, He a I!PO e u a'!!kl.!'d her, 'G Iv'.!' II.!'II ml.!' whl.!'lne r a n'!!we,I.!'d. 'TI'II!p

Ihl.!' viz r to

mi!Ped. !pIng tne,',!! vi r to roughr b fore 1'1 I m and ndutt of I.!' nl.!'g'o. and 10 men.' Sne nen had ne, i:ut

·bl.!'lW'.!'e n 10 bl.!' ulA,'!! a bout Ihl.!' to bring In that M.a,1y all old w I.!'n wno followed

HI.!' b'.!"!!ide'!! !Penl Ihl.!'m rl.!'f:lI.!'nt in

!Pm.all pa rt of Ihl.!' trli:ks ands.

Tne moral of tne him!P'.!'lf • .and ex

an wn 0 fa 11!p in 10

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




NOW. 0 My rother (t lT1is';.hal;:len• cea rse a nd fla bby. i';. ont€ m

ranee, anrJ who';le me rnbe ... is ';. n the eye';. of women-

VIsOU'" anrJ in a n he ... without p d her. he dces n

a 'WOman. he does not do hi';.

,g he ... e njo'J""lent- He lay;. him

'l'iou';. i 8. he doe'S not lriis';. he .... nor twin

bite he ,no 'Sur.:1ri he ... IiI'';., no ... tir.:lrile her,

ets upon he r b duces with infin mme ncerJ wh n he i'S eme nt';., a nd the ';.inlri'S U that i';. the he ca n es a II haste ro g

';. e,gu n to lon,g for pleasu reo anrJ the n he a embe ... 'Soft anrJ nervele'5'5- Sea ely has Ire dy done for; he ma kes 0 ne or t'WO n he wOlT1a n '';. breast to ';.pe nd h - 'Sl;:Ierm; hi';. done he withd raW";. his a

c a ma n--.jJ';. wa'S ion; afte ... the t is hea'l"f and h-

r--i';. Quic:k in ejacutation a nd ';.I tollo'1H5 the eiacu lanen of the

IT1 ndation with WOlT1en- Oe';.pir.:a e al'5o is s: wno doe!; nOI fulfil Ine 1=I,0mis ne has ut tl.!'lling lie'!!. a nd who co neea I!; rom 1'1 I'!! u II reus exploit'!! wn Ich hI.!' eemm II


f A DDe!;. who!ioe me mbar 'IJIi.a!; remely

u nt wife. wnom hI.!' eou Id not co trlve 10

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

rh i';o WCllT1a n IJO e-5';.erJ a censiderebte to rtune, and wnen he a nred nytn iog, she wa'5 '5U.-e n wanrerJ_

One day h'.!' ".r.e

.a wis'.!' nun • .and '!!ubmi

Tne !ii:lg'.!' told u had a fin'.!' membe,

fortu ne_ Do yo wom'.!'n '!P re ligion

f:!''.!''!!i:,iDe 'fOu .a ,'.!'med wn Ii:h will do aw.av witn

AbDe'!! Io'!!t no I me In a king uf:! Ih'.!' re medy ae wi!Pe man. and fte, 1'1 u'!!'.!'d it. 1'1 I'!! m'.!'mb'.!',

Wh'.!'n hi!p wif'.!' that '!!t.u'.!' !Pne wa!p su rpr

wh'.!'n ne nud har f'.!' I In Ine matt'.!', of enjo eha n !Pne en a Mmed to IIl'Xpe! rl'.!'n!:e; 1'1 wiln hi!p 1001 i qu lie a rema ma n ne r,

u'.!'mbled .and '.!'d.a d '!!obb'.!'d .and c:rl'.!'d out d

A'!! see n as tn'.!'

g,ave hlm her


'.!'nl ui a nether tn ng

f.att to work e r ne

qua IlIie!p ne .al 1'1 ls di'!!f:!o I.

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou



!COW. Vi, r (to wnom God be lT1ert:ifu II. tn '!HOme n rJifter in the i ... naru rid i';. ition';.: the re a '!HOme n wno re worthy of all praise; nd t re a • on the ether anrJ. '!HOme n 0 only merit contempt.

with the na an:ade';.; the

o IT1 rit';. the contem of me n is uSI anrJ sa rru Iou';.; he ... nai ... reh rJ I'l"CIjec:tins. er eye-s are ';.IT1 II and blea r, he ... nose is

lead-coloured, e lT10uth la • the cheeks wrinlr; lerJ

in he ... teeth; e r r.:neelri bone sh ine I'u.-.,Ie, a nd -she on h r en in; her hes -sit"; on a meas neclri, with very much don-s he ... -shoulde r';. re conrraered nrJ he ... chest is nal"l"Clw. e r belly is lilr;e n elT1 pry leatne r-bettle, srsn ins out like a h I' of ';tOne-s; h r fla n ks are ';.nal'erJ I ilr;e

nes of her ';.pina I co UlT1n may be u nterJ; there is no fIe-sh

p; he vu Iva i';. IalKe a d r.:old.

Finally, ';.uch legs,

A woman wit least of all to

to men in sene ral, anrJ he ... tavou rs.

The man wh wi II finrJ it p beast of bu rd

i-s me rnbe ... in erection e wa-s on Iy close to a that descri prion I

ContelT1 prible like Iy laugn in,g out; to .... a-s

it wa';. -sa irJ b an a alway;. la ushins. fond

of sa min,g a d je i nSo alway;. rul n,g to he ... ne- be u rs, lT1erJrJlin,g witn matters tnat re n cenee rn of he • pla,gu in,g he ... hu';.banrJ witn co n'Stant

eornpla lnts, I .agu I hl.!'rs.elf wiln har woml.!'n in'S! n lm, f:l1a~lng Ihl.!'

gta nd lady. a f:l1 ng gifts frem ryDody. kno tn.n tn.n woma n ls A

wnore wilno UnA e.'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

rJe';.pi';.erJ ';. he wOlT1a n of .jJ sorn .-e, frown ins n ure .jJnrJ t e '!NOlT1a n who i';. liSh -headerJ in he r re 1.51 ions r tonrJ of tittle-tattle and unab Ie to ee he r

And asain to one who i-s p with men, or nrentiou hU!pD.and',!! see I!t'!!. 0' wh ra Iks onlv to I II lilll'!!; If '!! a nd if a nybod rnnfidlll'!! i a seele, eea I"!! .and w:iol eceu pled witn i'!! alw.a'f!io on I we,k; '!!hl.!' U'!!I.!' hU!pD.and; in edeur whic:n i

h~oi:'it.e and fu Ifll tne con] dees not assl

A wonun of t .al sort, !iIe !Pn.a,I.!' hi'!! .affll dees nOI try f:I,odiga I wiln !PAkl.!' !Pne dorns hI.!' look well. F.a, rom letting him '!! I.!' tn Ing'!! 'I.!'pugna nt 101m, L.a!rtiy.

No'!!!P such a On'.!' I

ma Iic:lo us, Thl.!' we a kill'!! .a f:I,omi'!!I.!' '!!hl.!' dees !PO only t, '!!hl.!' betray!P him.: '!! I.!' ls deba uehed !Pne ea n not give go d advic:e; !Pne Ine r f:lI.!'Of:lle. and wll f ivolou'!! n'.!'W!io; '!!hl.!' ls

i'!! !Pne wno ta I k'!! no pu rpo'!!I.!' • .aa.: she, who. wne n hl.!'r 1'1 usba nd a U'!!1Il'!! to li'!!tl.!'n 10 hls d In hi!p .affa Irs; .and fin

i g har hU!PD.and l"iLu 0 r in uouble do

nita rv. '!!hl.!' laughs a d ]'.!"!!t!P a II Ine hls ill· 1'1 u mou r by e dl.!'a rmenl!P, Son ther me n eha n to hI.!' 1'1 u!PD.and; It i'!! I.!' • .and it. ls not to f:l1e !iIe him '!!h

1'1 1'1 I m '!!hl.!' i'!! "I'.!''V u lidy • .and dees ha bits .aboul hl.!'r person whic:n

neve, U'!!I.!'!P I.!'lIhl.!'r Q d ttOt sotJak_

d fer a ma n witn !pum wife, God kl.!'I.!' u!P rem

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I


Thu';. it will ar.:wml'li';.n t -sur.:lriins her I navel anrJ tn i h

no part of he

-submi'5';.ion, I .... ace yo

a';. the pcet h ';. ';.(JicI:

V~~_~· ~

GorJ I'l"CItet:t you I you -shoulcl not Iv in that wnd i ur stomach i'5 fu

tnat it you wi';.n fer r.:oiti n, in ve you r ';tOmar.:h loaded witn n will you r whabitat- n be only ha rrn ca n come it to

rns of a popleil.jl' anrJ So • anrJ the inabil ity of I'a-s';.ins you r

Let you r sto not a pprehen

toorJ and rJrin k, anrJ you neerJ

n, You will exc ins at her brea e the lower part r.:lo'5e to her beso

les';. with he rs, a

u imrcduce you r ve her by 1rii'5';.i ns her c You will lavi';.n ki'5';.e';. 0 her e ite at her al"lT1';., an rJ n Sler.:t , and -show her you r I pre';.'5 her in your ar

wnen you a near her, if'.!' ye.uning bl.!' J fer Ihis will

Ha'S'S And I n.a

rlgnt nand .a eushien, ml.!'

1'.!"I1 n.and.

e. a nd II.!'I you, lu nl mest favou r Ine n fl.!'I.!'I!; will

I.!' hl.!'r eye!; gl.!'ttlng d I .and

'Sigh!;. then II.!'I you,.an hI.!" I!:ity rl'SI.!' to tne highl.!'!!1 oin l:

II.!' to thl.!' g.aml.!' of love Thl.!' e:W:'UI.!'me; a'S for VOurs.e you

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou II

r€, oiJnrJ ';he wil continue her

it ha-s been


an neaving d

u lsh In&. wh hl.!'r moulh

hl.!'iI!d 1I.!'!io'S; wh '!!hl.!' .af:lf:ll.!'a rs

g in ne r '!!II.!'p'!! nd f:I'on'.!' to

ls I e me I.!'nl r rnllion; a nd if you Ihl.!'re

I.!" 'fOu will f:I'Oi:U re f har .an unqu

III fin tne moutn hI.!" wom b e:

iI!d Iy Ihl.!' e:row Ing pll.!'a'!!u re ts affeClion nd love_

.a If ns and

De i'!!f:lo!ioed I wn. now that d tn n m.akl.!'

!Otion ou

'fOur .ani I.!'. • for this I.!'.

ming frem a f:I ofou nd eenne !io'!!e urn love.a

like.a ,uil.. wn Ii:h wi I nOI yield Its

n u r ha nd'!!_ 1O0 at Ihl.!' ba'!!il f:I

iln yo , fingl.!'r'!! II wi I nOI I.!'mil an !PCen _ Do 'fOu In I.!'.a ber, un 1I.!'!io'S It I.!' n.andlil!d .and wa r d. kel.!'p'!! nra In'.!'d In II 1'1 ls hI.!' !P.ame har wiln 'fOu 10~ g. I nt'.!',m - d Ing. 'fOu will 01 0 In frem e r I.!'I no enJo~ nl w en 'fOu '!!h re hl.!'r hea rI ne hsr i e:lination

r qua litle!p will hiddl.!'n,

not ling and IOUe: ing; 'fOu will u will w.akl.!'n fo, you; all 1'1

II i!p re po d tha a ma • having a'!!kl.!'

mest Ilkl.!'1y to er .all.!' .a Ion in tne

f:l1e.a!pu res 0 i:oill d Ihl.!' folio" a n~I.!'r:

que Ion me. Ino!P'.!' nlng'!! wn 1m d

n ar In I.!' I ng'!! .and roue es whii:n pr em .ai:I.!' at hI.!' mome nt 0 I.!' latlon I

"!PSoe'!!. nibbling. '!!uttlon of In

br.a I.!'. th w1!pII!p fIne moutn tne nipple!p of

'!!ip I ng of Ine f' 1'1 sa 11\ra. tne'!! are thl.!' thing 10 'I.!' dl.!'r affe la'St n8-

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


n'.!' t us


us, the two orsaoslT1';. meos to the ma n anrJ I';. the WClIT1 b s"'aosl;:lin '.!' tnO'!!t exqui!pII'.!' f:l1e.a

alee l;:llar.:e osilT1ultaneouosl'f. an ma n at the same lT1olT1ent. hi'S membe .... whic:h Siveos to

ieh gl\t'.!"!! blnh 10 I ve. a nd If matt'.!'rs n.ave not ma n.aged Ihi'!! way Ine wonun as nOI 1'1 ad h'.!', fu II osha re of

su re • .and Ine d'.!'llgnts of tne emb are wa nting. Know tn '.!' II not fe'.!'l har dl.!"!!ireos atl!Ofied. a nd will nOI love h'.!'r r

unleos!p ne ls .abl'.!' to .ael up to

made 10 nte, into action !Pne I f'.!''.!'1 Ih'.!' tnO'!!t viol'.!'nl love

!:av.all'.!',. ven If h'.!' De un!Plgntly I a ppea!:'.!'.

Tne n do I 'fO u !:an 10 provok'.!' a sl mu lIa nseus d l!:oC:n.atg'.!' of tn e

!ppe, f id!p; h'.!'re In IiI.!"!! tne os'.!' ,I.!'t of Iov'.!'.

os wno have oecu pi'.!' Ih'.!'m!Pel'itl.!"!! with tn ls su b]'.!' nfidenD.!'!p whic:n on'.!' tham made to him:

n. one a nd .aIL who a on. and wno wl!pn tn '.!'nd u rl ng ature, 10V witn h'.!', p '.!'n]oym'.!' .and n'.!'gI'.!'rt notn I wiln th'.!' ,'.!'.al'.!'r aos!pld u tty • and, ing '.!'1!Pe 'fOu' Inoughl!P. for f:l1'.!'.a!P re pass away; that '.!'VI.!"!! 1'1 u ld, n.alf open. Th'.!'n

'fOu' ki'!! .and to~lngos n.ave uk

!io01ic:lling th'.!' love of wo nu os'.!'ntlmenl In h'.!', h'.!'.an to De vleus 10 rnllion; prapa re h to .aruin that end. EXplo

lirelv oecu pll.!'d wllh ne r, let nOI let Ih'.!' mom'.!'nt f:I'0f:l me nt will De wh'.!'n you os to wo'k. but. rem'.!'mb'.!',. n n eff '.!'rt.

An'.!'r you n.ave gol In'.!' woman i to.a f:I'0f:l'.!'r '!!tat'.!' of ~11'.!'m m'.!'n I f:lu VOU r me mDe r Into 1'1 t, and, if you then ob!Pe f:I'0f:l'.!" m vem'.!'nlS. !Pne will e:W:f:I ,ien!:'.!' a pl'.!'.a!pu re whic:h will fy a line, I.!"!!ireos.

Lie on ne b,'.!'.a!rt.. r.ain ki'!!!Pe!p on e r c:ne'.!'k!p • .and let nOI VOU r

b'.!'r q u II e r v.agina. Pu!Pn for '.!' meuth of ne r womb. Th·

!:,own yo r labour,

If, by God s favou .... you have to rJ thi'S rJeli,ght, ta ke soorJ ca to withrJ w you r melT1 be .... but t it rerna in there, anrJ ilT1 bi

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

endtess .,lea';.u I Listen to the -si8h';. '!NOma n. They - ness the 'l'iolenr.:e of

And .afte, the njo~I.!'nl is ove r • .and you r a moro come to .an en • be ea reful not 10 ul=l you r mem be, uliou'!!ly _ Re nuin elesa 10 tn on tne rlgnt si e of In I.!' bed wit. e~I.!' will find this 1=11 .a!PAnl • .and YOu will not be II tne woma n an r thl.!' fa'!!hion of .a mu • w-

fine menl. and e • .aft.'.!', thl.!' I.!'mis!Olon n.a out .and 10 ,isl.!'. Avoid such nunn'.!'f'S. r tn har l.a! dl.!'l" 1_

In shert, Ihl.!' Itul.!' 10V'.!' of eeielon will not f.a I to 'I.!'COmml.!'nded; for. f m thl.!' ebservan o:! mv ''.!''!!ull tne 1=l1e.a!Ou re of thl.!' woma n. .and tne'!! ru I '.!"!!!ie ntia I In re!Op.i:! _

God has nudl.!' eV'.!'tylhi g fer tne b'.!"!!t I

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




ir (God be 8O'D'd 0 you I, it yo wou IrJ nave pteasam

ic:n ougbt to ,give a eQua share nal'l'ine-s';. to the two

anrJ be ';.iJtisfa ry to oth, rnust tim of all toy

i(r.:ite her with Ie iss ,by bblins nrJ ';.uclri ins her IiI'';., by

anrJ r.:hee ks. Tu rn r in the ed, now 0 n her back,

ch, till you see by ';. tnat t e time fer pleasu re i'S

I have lT1e ionerJ in the prer.: nrJ certa inly I have not

a rins witn my 0 bose rvation-s tn

hen he n you 0 se rve the lip'S of ble a nd get red, and

er e ';. to beco la nsui'Shins, an nos to ecome Quic:ke r, know

nat ';. e i';. hot .- r.:oitio n; the n S en he tn i,gn-s, ';.0 that you.-

m .- ca n enre into her vasi na. It you al lT1y rJ'I'ic:e, you wi II enjoy a

lea-sa t embrace wn ir.:h wi II Sive the rearesr isfar.:tion, a nd leave

ith y u a de Iic:io ';. remembra nee-

If you des .-e r.:oition, I'lar.:e tn wo n on t e grou nd, dins do';.ely

to he r be m, with her IiI'';. lo'5e you rs: h en da-sp he r to you,

suck he r rearh, bite her; lei'S he r b a'St';., h .- 'Stomar.:h, her fla n ks, 1'.-e'5';. he r se in you r al"lT1';., 0 a-s ma ke e.- fa i nt with I'lea-su.-e; when you see he r so ta r son ,tne n pu-sh r member into he .... It you have one a-s I ';.iJid, the enjoy nt wi come to both ot you

';.ilT1uitane u';.iy, Tn i';. it i';. wh - h lT1a the lea';.u re of the WOlT1an

';.0 sweet. ut it you neslect y adv tn e

fierJ anrJ u will not nave p u rerJ

The coitte beins tini'Shed, rJ not up at once, but co me down ~Iy on I.!'r rlgnt 'Sidl.!' • .and if 'Shl.!' as con ivll!d. 'Shl.!' will bl.!'a, .a ma II.!' en lid if it. f:l1e.a'!!I.!' God on high I

e zm n DIJ'DIIm OOU


'", ~~"

It a nyane 1;:1 r.:in en ilcl pronou C€ gra nt !i.aluu " n

with hlm]. I to I'.!'I a My su frem Ihis

will of God. nd n i:on!pld'.!' tatlon .and g .ao:! of God t.e of.a My_

Do n I drink ralnwea ns th'.!' kid ne

k!a r at in that flo ea f vou r vetg'.!'

.aa of millon mo nt'.!'d uflon 'fOu. for a I f uid m lght '.!'nte, Ine

Do n

'IJIi.a!pn 'fOu' r havi g wllh we nun. until Ih'.!' irritation n !P gon down ofl'.!'n I ng ear ully Otne 1"IJII1!Pe do no 'IJIi.a!pn Ie.ave th'.!' vu I .a d I '.!'ttly ane r h'.!' em !io'!!ion.

Tne vs of doing II 10

lime nuk'.!' known to

ign affeCl you, ne.altn

ra n il frem th'.!' v.agina om what.: then w.a!ioh il ur memt.e, frequ'.!'ntly, '!! tn !P may ea u'!!e c:.ank'.!',_

us and v.a,i till'.!', And now ls tne illon!p nih .a,'.!' usual,

God. ne nugn 1f10!!' a'!!yo Ilk'.!','

'fOu' ie Id Go uflon you r fl'.!'ld

Atto of co wlva

'.!' tne o!pllio vo like b'.!'!Ot,. provided. tne '!! 01 d "ned fer it is. in Ine

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


aiserJ, then, 8ettins betv;.een r€~in8 'fOu,- toe'S to the 81"0 asu ~d way. Tn ls i!p a good

U e 'fOu,- me a,ge he.- in iln a long 'It

AN NE R TH E SECOND· ·If you r e, back In ne r legs into thl.!' i nd Ihl.!' left one nea r har 1'.!"I1 nl.!'d up. hl.!'r VU I\ra will fl,ojec:t

one. let tne ema n lie on leg bl.!' nsar ne r 'ighl I.!'.a,. esturs. wlln hl.!'r buttock'!!

AN NE R TH E THIRD· ·LI.!'t Ine lace you r'!!I.!'1f DetW'.!'I.!'n hl.!'r Ih houlde r, and Ine ether unde,

'!! uflon your loner.

ANNER THE FOURTH·· L'.!'I houlde rs: In Ihi'!! positlon 'fOu ot reueh thl.!' ground, And tne

flul har gs on 'fOu'

.ai:I.!' har wi'll . whicn m ust

ur'!!I.!'1f down . hs, flul you, member Inlo 0' rneumali: polin.!! .and

AN NE R TH E SIXTH··MoI Ice 1'1 neell ng in praye'. In Ihi'!! nen .anad: hI.!" frem !pide.

r kn'.!'e'!! and elbows • as If

roJeaed kw.a,d!p; you

bl.!'r inlO har

e, Ihigh!p. wiln one of har Ie u r tn lghs. wn III.!' !Pne rema lns nd m.ake ne r move by d r.awi ands, witn wn Ii:h you hold ne

I.!' woman on on 'fOu' no Id "ng on ne !pld har towa '!!

!pldl.!'. and '!! uat Detwel.!'n r .and tne e hl.!'r Detwel.!'n I.!'n you enl r har vagin.a. r i:h'.!"!!t by ea ns of you,

AN NE R THE EIGHTH·· L'.!'I 1'1 i:k. witn har leg'!! i:,o!P'!!ed; ing on 'fOu' k nel.!"!!. while h u r mem De, Inlo ne r vagin.a.

pen Ihl.!' .et und. on hI.!" .a !:av.alll.!'r n nOr'!!I.!' nde, hl.!'r t lghs • .and flul

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


MA~fIIEf;: it you 1:1 r it. h r back upon a moc:Ie rene elev

the grou n ,She h U'5 offe.-.; her vulva to the iot

.a low whii:n '!!hl.!' ea n ta I.!' nold of witn har ha nds: thl.!' • g..!'rtl legs 10 In hl.!'igh of vou r navI.!'l. and 1I.!'t. har i:1.a p vou w !pldl.!' of yo r Dod ; in tn ls po!ioillon pia nt you r

'fOu' !P Ine bad: of tne d Iv.an_ Wnen u

respend to Iho!ioe of Ihl.!' we

VENTH·· L'.!'I ne rile uj:lon hl.!'r on , j:lo!rte'ior.: tnen gening bl.!'t. I.!'n hl.!'r I ole 0 hl.!'r r!gnt foot against Ine!P01 of ne r

Tne re .a,I.!' ether poshlons .among In

j:lMple!p 0 I nd la It ls wl.!'11 for 'fOu 10 know t I Ihl.!' in .ab - I!P of the

pa rts ha mu IIi lil.!'d tne d 1ffl.!"I.!'nt 'W.a'f!l 10 I.!' Jov wom n. n IhlllY ha

adv.ani:I.!'d rthl.!' we in Ihl.!' knowledge .an co lIu!p,

an ners are Ihl.!' following,. call

• wit In I.!' 10'.!"!! c:r.amj:ll.!'d l~tJ l. wllh lI.!'gs In tne .ai,

i, he- I fa'!!hion

t Ihl.!'

t Ihl.!'

lCL K~

zr . .alre rn.aINe j:lie'i:ing

11. Doli' e:J tr. u nd Ing on tne !Ppm

14. Nik e:J ohouJ c:ollion from thl.!'

hi. Iy 10 Doe Ily


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



9. fred ech drat , sheep- a-shion

0. 1<ahm eJ mic inrer-th nse in coition

1.. Rdeud e! aIT, he ... ace the membe ... EJ modaiMJi. ne fitte In

'J.. EJ khoumjkj. I '.!' 0 ne w 0 'SIOj:I!P in Ih'.!' he u'!!'.!' Nit ~I haddad tne sm h's collion

(tne 'SIOppe!'), plai: Ine VI'O i:k. witn a eush I n und'.!' har buttock'!!. tne n get be ne points of you f'.!'et ag In!rt th'.!' gou nd; bend h'.!'r

ne!rt as fa r as yo ea n; pia you, n.and!p und'.!', ne r a

r cr.amj:l h'.!', she Idef'S, '.!'n introd UO!!' 'fO u r mem

eJacu latlon d r.a ards 'fOu- TI'I1!pj:lo!pllion ls

0' har thigh!P b'.!'l j:I'WCI rds .and har Duttoi:ks

ne 'WCI 11!p of ne r v na lig I'.!'n • .and Ine ut'.!',u!P I'.!'nd in

me I • .and sea rc:eIV !PpoI!:e '.!'n n'!!l!N:I ue ntlv Ine atI'.!'r e '.!'r'!! witn d Iffic:u Iry and 'SIrl Id tne,'.!' re nOI be adoj:lled. unle'!!


··f I rtlO r?frMd (f,og f.a!pn Ion), pia h'.!', Ih - !P se that tnev touch tne e'.!'k. whii: to tne uttod'!!; th'.!'n down YOu sl In th ls kin whii:n you I n'!!'.!'rt vou r m mb'.!',; you

·j:lit'!!; and ta king firm he of Ine up a rds you at Ih'.!' erisls,

i:k. a nd a rra 1'1 us i:oming ele nought fating I e, k nel.!"!! und'.!',

(witn Ih'.!' to'.!'!P eram ped) plai:'.!' Ih'.!' U r k nel.!"!!. bl.!'twe'.!'n h'.!' thigh!P. g, P I

,ound wllh you r 10l.!"!!; r.a har knee!p as 1'1 ign as yo r sldes, In

leg'!! 0 , vou r • .and then pol

URTH MA NNE • -et t#rtll!Nlll (witn I'.!'g'!! in Ine i,)_ Th'.!'

n h'.!'r bad. you j:lul h'.!', Ihigh!p 1Og'.!'lne r .and'!!'.!' h'.!'r Ieg!P u ole'!! of ne r fe'.!'l te!:e III ng: tnen enfold Ing e, witn In

u insert you... m be .... h IrJins her les';. Ul' witn you nanrJ';.,

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

_. foraDltom1.noh.lII1 I I·-·r-----

FIFTH rYtAfIIfII Ef;:--Ef sefOU'Ti (h ,goat f on her -side, you let her srre h 0 ut ";.q ual down between her th i,gh with 11ft. h'.!', u ppe,mO'St IIIlg se tha it ,I!!"!!t m'.!'mb'.!'r, During tne aaion yo uk'.!' h it... her arms,

SIXTH MA NNER· -et JouJabj ( '.!'!ioC:re !rtret!:ned on his back Ine WO an '!!it'!! f:l1a!:'.!"!! ne r ha nes upon Ih'.!' b d se t

reuchlng Ih'.!' man's, and me up

su ppl'.!' ne .a!P'!!isu h'.!'r from De . If i

!Pne need only !rtret!:h har a rm'!! .along t

SEVENTH MANN ER··f I u/~i (tne !PO pa I, of panta leens, wn 1m '!!ne I'.!'IS d, f:l1a!:ing ne r h'.!'ad bl.!'tw'.!'en h'.!'r '.!'e1. se pa nUloon'!!. At momenl. I e back. ma kl ng h'.!', f:I'.!'rform a !P mme rs him ne bring'!! 1'1 I'!! membe, rig t agAin h'.!'r 11Ilg!p. in'!!'.!'fIS It.

h ie n I, The wOlT1a e les on whic:h s e i';, re u r calve-s be nt un e.- you. on you, D.a!:k • .a d Inuod !:e 'fO of h'.!'r '!!houlde • or. If

II ls .alleged that Ih'.!'re are wo n wn wn lie !\ring on Ih I, back. thelr fel.!'t b'.!'n ind thelr h'.!'.ad w· heut In h'.!'lf:I of pa nUIoo '!! or ha n

EIGHTH MAN NER·· Harnou e'j'I lying on h'.!', D.a!:k .along Ine b h'.!'r leg'!! unnl har nead .and m'.!'mb'.!'r having f:I'.!'ne1tated In Ih'.!' buttod'!! of tne neck.

N I NTH MANNER· ·l.!!'beu~s !!'J on ne r bad, You !piI down twe'.!' bl.!'tw'.!'en Ih'.!' lif:l!p of ne r vu I\ra. wn 1m first fing'.!'r; tnen 'fOU tnO'It'.!' '!!O '!! 10 pr in eentaet wiln th'.!' woma n. IlvelV unnl ne r wlva geu moist'.!'ne wiln When -she i-s th u-s a mpiy I'rel' rerJ for and ,goin,g of you r wea pon in h .- sea b

n kn'.!'e ls in f,on

only a,'.!' ,'.!'!rtin in.a. h'.!' !Peiz'.!'!p .an , l'IJIIine'!! h

Ing on of the see I. Th'.!'

har leg'!! .and pia 'fOu' m r

u fit ove, it wil you, In m .a u,'.!' fer 'fOur me bar. as f , bbl ng. wn leh a . n 'fOu '.!' Iii:! u Id '.!'mitt'.!'d rem yo njoylT1ent by the aile rn .-rJ, put it into her n full Ie

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I




tne man's her: thus '!! rl!ioe .


q eJ (r€cil' r;jJ1 isht of the 1'0

out on his baclri, e ma n 'Sit-; d

!:k 10 thl.!' man 's f.a!:I.!' wh

n '!!ne lifu uf:! as fa, with tne body of Ine

ER ·N!!!!.~j ~I kMtJl~ (Ihl.!' I attilude plaees Ihl.!' d n ls f'.!'et M.a,I.!' • whic:n hI.!' ukl.!'!p ea

in hi!p fl.!'I.!'t M.a'I.!'r 10 I'll - hln tangl.!' of hi'!! mem I.!' '!!I.!'nd'!! hl.!'r D.a!:k .and

I.!'r'!!I.!'lf as lighl as f:!0!P'!! moveml.!'nt,: hl.!'r ee-o f:!n:! nend!p that hi!p m!Ot,. .and '!!hl.!' 'I.!'!: har by tne fl.!'I.!'t of Ih

I '!! '!!hl.!' I.!'r.a ion i'!!. In f.aa.. i I f:!I.!'n'!!a til I I.!' bl.!' m.aV eeme out I.!' tl,I.!'Iy. hI.!'

!P 0 other I mpu I

m.a upon wn I!:h '!!h i!p !plnl ng.

ER· ·Doli' !!!J Qt~ (pou n 'I.!'K:ned out: tne we



IT1 the bar.:Ir;). The '!NO an ko; by help of a cu-shiDn; he eh Ill'!! himsl.!' on 1'1 I.!'r and in!:oen!p i!p n twlnlll'!! hI.!' arms rou nd ne ma n '!P elbows. This is ne

··EI k~~hi bl.!'IIV 10 bl.!'1 . Thl.!' ma n .and Ihl.!' wo an • face 10 f.a ; '!!hl.!' open ne r thigh!P; tne ten ,d bl.!'I'IJII'.!'en Iho!:oe of tne wno alse advan I.!'!P

o!pllion thl.!' an mu!rt hav In

r. Each of tn IWO has thl.!'

Ihl.!' n In odui:I.!' his vergl.!' • .a d tne I'IJIIO ve thu!P Inll.!'rtwl ned .a a ma n n r ea ed NI.!'.!a I.!'I de la, wh· 1'1 I shall expl In late'. If it pll.!'a'!!I.!' God ne AI mig ty. I '.!'e FIRS MOVEME

'I.!'!PSe'!! ut as mui:h '!P shou Idl.!'f'S

Ion of Ine ram), Thl.!' WO an e u nd; Ihl.!' ma n a I.!'!P , j:lI.!'n'.!'tr.all.!' Into har v.agl a. I.!' will do well in is


tne peg horne]. Tne wo

hl.!'r Ihl.!' wa l'!!t 0 tne man. 0 ls sta nd Ing" with har a

k, '!!tl.!'.ad~lng nerself by II.!' ning aga In!rt the wa I L w d thl.!' I n in U.allll'!! hls p n Inlo ne r wlva.

ub (Iovl.!"!p uslon), Wn lie Ihl.!' woma i!p urself on u, 1'.!"I1 !pldl.!'; vou r left I.!'g nd 'fOu r.ais vou r 'ighl n'.!' till II ls uj:l lone, fI.a k. pe' leg upo 'fOu' !pldl.!'. T us hl.!'r u ppl.!'rtnO'!!t leg '!!I.!'

u pport for e r A ,n.avlng I nuodui:I.!'d

'!! you j:llI.!'.a • .and !Pne re ponds 10 you r action as

ha~ (coilu'!! f tne !pneej:l). Thl.!' woma ls • behind hI.!" 11ft'!! hI.!" Ihigh!p 1111 hl.!'r .a nli:h hI.!' thl.!' in'!!I.!'rt'!!. In tn ls po'!!itlon ne

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

on h i';o bar.:lr;- rhe man, .glid i n8 in h ilT1 witn her toe-n ils a,gain'St the tu rn Ing Ihl.!'m .ag.ain hls own bod vu Iv.a. into wn Ich '!!h tne !pld'.!"!! of Ihl.!' m.a re!rt ul=l0n a eush Ion membe,_

i err.:nan,ge in ition 1- rhe ma n lieos

wee n h i';o legs places herself upon nd; she I ift'5 1:1 the man'os tn i,gnos, that hi'!! virl ml.!'mbl.!" faO!!'!P hI.!" plaoss hl.!'r n.a ds upon Ine bed by

di!ppen! I t Ihl.!' woma n '!P feet 1=1 har vulv.a in eneerda nO!!' with hi'!!

In tn ls po'!!itlon Ihl.!'

d. Ihl.!' woma n fu !fIlling of thl.!'

Thl.!"I.!' ls .a va rlation tn ls m.ann'.!'r, wn lie tne wo lI.!'gs, Tne rema Indl.!"

rna n !rtreti:h'.!"!! him'!!I.!'1f oul upon 1'1 I'!! r lI.!'g'!! undl.!" I.!". bUI bl.!'lW'.!'e n 1'1 I'!! what has bel.!' sa Id .above_

on hls su ppo postl.!'rlo, mu!rt reta tn lghs until hi!p kn'.!' down. I mp.allng ne I.!'!f on hi'!! msm '!!I.!'.all.!'d as If on he back. Ihl.!' !P.add tne of tne work ul=l .and down bed. in wn Ii:h U!Pe I e .ai:i:e ntu wn 11!rt !Pne holds wll ne r len ha nd 0

tne taO!!' of Ih mem be,), Thl.!' man. '!!hion undl.!'r ls shoulders. bUI 1'1 I'!! bed_ Tn us I=lI.a I.!'d. he dtaW'!! ul=l 1'1 I'!! IIh 1'1 I'!! faO!!'; en tne '!!it'!! ; !Pne must no III.!' down. bUI kel.!'1=1 I.!'I ng rel=l''.!''!!I.!'n bV tne kn'.!''.!''!! .and '!!hl.!' can. bV t e I=lI.aV of hl.!'r kn'.!'e'!!. ne un alse pi O!!' hI.!" knel.!'!p on Ihl.!' tne moveml.!'n by pl\ring hi'!! tn lghs. nlHighl '!!hou ar.

'!!I.!'.all.!'d on ne r

ground; tne rna n es Ihl.!' same

Thl.!'n Ihl.!' woma n pu '!! hI.!" ,ighl Ihig ne on 1'1 ls pa rt l=Iul!P . rlgh Ilhigh 0'It r

""""" ....... -li (tne flttl.!' -in), Thl.!' woma n i'!! int'!! of hI.!" til ttoi:ks touching thl.!' Ion. hl.!'r wlva hls membl.!"_ , thl.!' len In I 1'1 of tne man. whim ,1'.!'fIone,

Thl.!' woma n. !Peizi Inlo har vu Iv.a; and I.!'.ai:h of Ihl.!'m holding I.!'.ai:h olne r V Ihl.!' U ppe' pa tnO'Itl.!'me nt, mow:ing itn little eon eu !P e:w:ac:t ,hvtbm bV Ih 8l"C1UnrJ-

, pa rtner's a r s, gets hi'!! membl.!" ning .alte,nate V .a little bad. .and f thl.!' arms, th V In lliAlI.!' .a '!!waying tnei, move me nts in .a,I.!' re'!!tl ng on thl.!'

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


cash ions he

';tOP" .jJt home]. he own UIJO n he..-, witn

b'.!', ls In. tne wO an lses 1'1 r uno!:!P as nlgn as !Pne !:an h'.!' nun following h'.!', u f:! witn 1'1 me be, well in!pld'.!'; tne n Ih'.!' woman I weB h'.!'rself aga I Uf:! n the e. givin !:Ome short shecks,

a nd a lthough th'.!'V do not '.!'mbr '.!'. !rt stle Ilk'.!' glue lone, _ Tnl!p

movem'.!'nl '.!'V contlnu'.!'. but I e ke 1'1 m'!!'.!'1f highl .and mu!rt

nOI b'.!' pond 'OU!P. and tne d 'in '.!' It of wn Ich tne

I be k'.!'pt. Uf:! witn

. '!! on h'.!', bad: w th '!! fa r as po'!!!plble

oul as a ra ' !Pne tne n gu ldes

h !:oitl n of Ih'.!' bl.a!:k!pmllh), d'.!'r '.!'r buttock'!!. and ne r

Tne ma n e)('.!' ueas fer !:Ome Ii itlon. Ine n d hls

1001 out of I 'ltul'U'.a. and glld'.!'!p II r .a mo b'.!' '.!'en th'.!' In lghs of Ine • as t !pmlth wllhdtaW'!! Ine Iowl ng I, n fro In'.!' fu,nace in orde r

10 f:!lu ng'.!' it I 10 !:old wate, _ Tn I m nne r ls I d!Of'.!' dgell. f:!o'!!itlon of tne quince_


uce,), Tne wonun lying on pe on hi'!! f'.!''.!'t..: Ine n ne r l'.!'g!p u nde, hi!p Ine'!!t. 0' !Peiz'.!'!p


de'!!!:rl ption!p fu lsh a I.a n mber of f:!'o!:'.!'d u rss. that a II pu I to tne pr of; ut wllh!pu h a rl'.!'lY 10 eheese f,om.

Ih'.!' wno find'!! one of Ih'.!'m Iff u II to f:! ea'!!ily find f:!lenry of

ethers mo,'.!' 0 1'1 ls !:onvenie nO!!'_

I n.ave nOI m d'.!' m'.!'nllon of po 1110 '!! wn I!: II a ppe.a '.!'d 10 me 1m po'!!!plble 10 re.allte. a d if Ih'.!'re b'.!'.an ed wno I in !P eha Iho!Pe whicn I have

dlll'!!!:,ibed a nOI e:w:ha u'!!tNe. 1'1 has on Iy 10 0 for n W ones.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


the 8.-eate-st inatins with the..."

wo n bl.!'lng 'SI'

r cne t.. with his bae rd .a d hls n.ail!p grlf:! a nlng I.!'r D.a!:k until 1'1 mbl.!' • wn I!:h ne Ine n

I.!' ma n '!!it'!! down on is knel.!'!p tu'n'.!'d for· Ine grou nd; ne len ra lses har hip'!!. broughr har 'ltu .a face 10 faO!!' with his • .and tn us ga I

f.allgu I ng .and d Iffic:u II 10 ana ln, I

even bl.!'11 I.!' tn I tne onlv 'I.!'.ar ati n of II rnn'!!i!!l!P n word'!! and de!pign'!!_ with 'I.!'g rd 10 tne other ml.!'t od de'!!!:rl Ded abe • tnev !:an only bl.!'

pr.aal'!!ed f bOI man and wo 'I.!' frel.!' from f:! lea I defeCl!P • .and of

ana legous eon ucrlon, fer In one 0' tne erh r tne m m U'SI not bl.!'

1'1 u neh D.a!: '.!'d. "I'.!''V littlI.!'. or ra IL or 100 eb _ And I 'I.!'

bl.!' In pe rfl.!'rt hl.!'.altn,

ren I eenfermatlen, atlng I.!'acn of Ihl.!'m

woman I '!!ide'!!_

f.a lI.!'a n ma nan corpu lI.!'nl V assume for 1'1 aer, .a!P'!!uming thl.!' IU rned sueeass Iy ove, on hl.!'r feur

wan '!! to work hl.!'r '!!

pe r • and r.aisl.!'!p

his a 1!Ot.: hI.!' I.!'mf:!

hi!p 1'1 ad • .and 1'1 I.!' uk nip.


e .a'f!io ne ra ke'!! tn high of tne as 1'1 ign as f:!o!P'!!iDII.!' 0 hi!p fl.ank. se that II

h r undl.!',mo!rt a as .a pillow for thl.!'

10 f:!1.a!:e a ste I eus 1'1 Ion bl.!'ne.aln hls

embl.!" 10 tne n ssa ry hl.!'ignt.. wn I!:h

knass of Ihl.!' n's tn lghs,

But If tne wom n has .an I.!'no, ODe!pltv 0 r ha Ihigh!p and to In Uf:! hl.!'r t lghs IOwa rds he of ,'St witn 1'1 I

if he can t thigho;, he

I.!'IIV; Ihl.!' rna n ds • .and drawl ence of the CI

ing bV 'I.!'.a!POn of it'!!

I.!'r on hl.!'r n.a!:k • .and n ek bl.!'I'IJII'.!'e n them, 1'1 r tow.a,d!p nlm; and of her belly anrj r.:~J But it i';. th us

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I I

Ie fer him to worlr; her co 'V'e n len h i,gn'S. wn ich a re i mp.erJerJ by he r

h h i'S ha rids, but let h ilT1 ke ca

s, owing to Ine I, we ign move .. As, Ihl.!' !=lOl.!'l n.aos

If you ha'lll.!' 10 explo,I.!' her, In up In order to wo,k IlkI.!' tne !=II.!' ehr YOu will thl.!'n '!!'.!'e m bl.!'1'IJII n hl.!'r I Llkl.!' .a i"O'IJIIe r !Peated at tne nd of

Joins to the want mobility

elly .. He l'Ny. nowe'V'e r su pporr not 0 .,Iace them eve hi'S own n I n.ave Ihl.!' !=lowe

im.,o of he ...

ea n likI.!'Wisl.!' eeueh Ine 0

in f,o . tnen hI.!' '!!it'!! down on t e In Ig hI.!" 'IIU 1'II.a • .and 1I.!'t'!! har r isl.!' tne ee .. Thl.!'n. with his ha nes I.!'izing bar. wllh his body Iyl ng b W'.!'en 1'1 I'!! feet .a.g,.ain'!!t thl.!' g'o nd, se nl hl.!'r tn lghs from im ding , into aaion.

ne r Idl.!'. wllh Ine in ne tnO'!!t leg of t .al leg" his mem r being ppe leg" whic:n !Pne m !rt be nd r leg bind tn lghs. ne in rod UD.!'!P e, I s, hls knel.!"!! benl and Ine .al h el'.!"lt.all.!' hi!p e !rt'.!',io r,

I.!'nt .an!:I.!'. In this mil dl.!' tnev

If tne',!! bl.!'11y i!p enl.arged b lets ne III.!' down on On'.!' '!!ide; Ihl.!' hI.!' rai tham bOlh tow.a,d!p I l.anl.!'r; I.!' Ine n III.!"!! down bl.!'n I nd in .. In thls way hI.!' can I I'!! foot. wn I!:h is undl.!'r In e may bl.!' done wllh a I.!'nded for tne woma n wn nlage of procu ring ne r tn V danger,

r be Ing wllh !:hild. Ihl.!' rna n ne r Ihigh!p ove, t e olne r, IIhoul tneir teue ing Ine I.!' !pldl.!'. and !P fll hls 1001 in I.!'nll rely. pa rtlc 1.a,1y bV !P 1I.!'g 10 Ihl.!' neignt of I.!'r tn lgh, rren wan; but It i!p pa rtl!:ul.a Iy 10 bl.!' ls en!: It'.!'. !P thl.!' .above !=Io!p1I1 n offl.!'f'S pll.!'a'!! I.!'!Ph dl.!'!pI,I.!"!!. wilhoul :t:pming

a'!!I.!' of tne ma n being eb • and tne being I ra Ice thl.!' active pa rt.. To tn lghs !:1o'!!I.!' 1Ogl.!'lne r, a • .a'!!t,ide of nlm; !Pne re

hl.!'r a r with hls ha nes .. If !Pne k

'!!in k upon his ml.!'mbl.!'r lT10ve nt, the I'Nn ilT1.,a rrs a one of i';. this!'';. be h inrJ them. B

!=I,onoun!:'.!'d rot nd Iry of u r'!!I.!' 10 follow is 1I.!'t tne a n IiI.!"!! down on hls bad:

n Iowl.!'r'!! hl.!'rself pen his e !Peizl.!'!p ove. !Pne Ihu In tu rn, i!p n .ad,oit enougn fer that to e ... buttocks by tn play of

n a su me';. tn i';. positie • it l'Ny

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

of 'IN ShlrPJ:l"

eti me';. be cme pr€jurJic:ia I to ';. ';.Ome of the

'5 rrn ma 1;:1 netrste into h i';. u h ra, and ,ua e ma lady lT1ay

tn .-efTo1T1, It 'f a 1'50 ha ppen-a d tnal i'5 ju';t ';. bad-tbar the !PS out. .and ratu rns Inlo the u ~thta

har D.a!:k. ne , 11!!g!p. wn Ich osh 'I.!' bl.!'lW'.!'e n Ih wonun'os legos.

them, In f:lI.!'rforml tn ls way hI.!' wil hoW'.!"ltl.!'r. fl.!'I.!'1

itlon of 1'1 los stem 1'1 'I!!"!!ting uf:lon Ihl.!' wema n '!P • .a O!!' 'I.!"!!ulll ng Ine refrom; and. Deoside!p. 1'1 will nOI bl.!' a til I I.!' De, In Ihl.!' wlva,

I.!' nun geu bl.!'I'IJII'.!'en I I.!' 11!!g!p of .a we a n on hI.!" D.a!:k

tn a Dove· a d eircu msta ness, n!P sremach, sne unre ring tne

tn nos. will 0 allow hlm to nuke e UOSl.!' of 1'1 los I 01, HI.!' c:.annol I.!' o Iy In; it may De Imo'St sa Id II will De impossl llsh Ihl.!' art.

nand woma n a ~ at, .and wi'!!h un III.!' in collion I '.!'Y

to do II witnout uouble. pa rti!: 1.a,1y wnen bOI 1'1 VI.!' ehs, In tne!Pe eircu sta ness Ihl.!' b way 10 go abe I I i'!!

tne we a to De on ne r kn'.!'I.!"!! witn hl.!'r n.and!p on tne ground. os

, pestsri , . I.!'levated; thl.!'n Ih man se p.atat'.!' har Ieg!P. 1I.!'.aw:i hI.!'

Inl!p of t e I.!'I.!'t !:IO'!!I.!' 1Og'.!'lne r nd Ine neel!p nl.!'d aosundl.!"; 1'1

eks ne r f' m bl.!'hind. kneell ng .a nd nolding u hi!p '!!tOnu!:h w nd, .and se I nuodu!:I.!"!! hi'!! me De, _ Rl!!"!!ting til ttodos d u In tne art hI.!' holdos In thigh!P or tne 1'1 r pesta rio, i!p too 10 fer hi!p stoma pi es a eus io u nde r hl.!'r k nel.!'!p 10 ml.!'dv tn ls,

ne collion of .a

a nd. If tne nun m I.!'!P tne wonun lie upon ne r osid

n plaC€ ';.elf, with h i';. !ers nt be h inrJ he , pr€';.'5ins h i';.

n the U 1;:1 r part of her poste ri , '5he rnusr rJ.-a he r !eS';. and tn·

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I



to her 'Stomach. in order to 1.51 of his melT1 bel"; but if she can neithe.- 'See her vu Iva. no'- eJt:pl .-e it

If. nov.r,e~,. Ih'.!' ' of aeh ea n nunag'.!' 'It'.!'ry well a II f:!o Ition i:oming to Ih'.!' i:,isi!p • as th'.!'V vi I !POO

In tne U!ioe of a "I'.!'ry big nd !POlved i!p now 10 i:onlrlve ne I, ea n mel.!'t .al tne !PAm'.!' tim'.!' _ T back.: Ine rna n plaoss him!ioelf und'.!'r har neek, a nd with tn m'.!'mb'.!'r .aga I nst he, 'ltulv.a f,o back, In In I'!! po'!!itlon h'.!' nold Ihigh!p, He un then '.!'nte, h'.!', arms rou nd 1'1 ls n'.!'i:k • .and .af:!f:!'

If tne nun wl!pne'!! Ih'.!' woma n and. f:! ne r Ihigh!p !PO that a nd on'.!' u nde,. ne gllde!p in '.!'I wlva from behind; ne In '.!'n f:! !P'!! h'.!' '!!e lte'!! with one ha nd in 0' '.!', ha nd ne has rou nd har neck. If th O"l'.!" tnO'!!'.!' of tne woma n. a d p '.!'.a!ple, fer 1'1 I m 10 mo"l'.!',

A'!! ''.!'ga rds tne rnpu latlon of ve aeters unnol kis!p eaeh other whi Ih,'.!'e following positlons, and

FIRST POSITION· ·Th'.!' woma n ie!P 0 h'.!'r bunoi:ks. a nd a !plmil.a, 0 e u Ihigh!p as f.a, as po'!!!plble IOwa '!! h introd ueas hls me mbar. and uf:! tow,a,d!p them, Th'.!' wonu whim ne holds on lone, '!! heu

SECO~O POSrTlOfII--Man anrJ WOlT1an ';01 iIJ';o her underrncsr t

r vasina a nd a Ilow the i i _ ently benrJ he r knee'S. t

n is nOI ~'.!''.!'d Iy a rg'.!'

n Iv th'.!'V m ust not be I

I fatigued .and iO'!!'.!' th'.!'ir brea

a ns of g'.!'ne r.alion .and th

i '.!'nd tne b I '.!' n'.!'.a, her, p.a!P'!!'.!"!! On'.!' 0

lses har In lghs IIII h'.!' n • Ine rem.ain Ing

it.h his ha nes by tne n II'.!' tne woma n on ne r , lip!p 10 hls.

har '!!ide. ne gets bl.!'twe 'in i:OnlaCl witn his !Pid'.!"!!. one n Ih'.!'m till hls memb'.!', ls

I th lghs .a.g,.ain'St har bu ks. mo'It'.!'me nt 10 Ih'.!'m tne r

an tnen like'!!. ne un his h _ !P ne r IOwa rds him.: this "II m ke it

.aaion un I'.!'!P'!! Iney uk'.!' ne th'.!'V will bei:om'.!' fatigu d.

botn on thei.- ';oirJe, far.:e 0 fa r the ma n '';0 fla n k, rJ.-awi S it

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

time h igher U she doe the lili;

rches he r sro r,:h out,

Id have hold of the oth

ove r h i-s; then rrati S into her, 80th n, l"CI';.'5ins her leg;.


an !p1t!p on hls mber • .a

up e r kn'.!'e'!! 10 Ih'.!' '.!'ignt of Ide rs. !Pne draW'!! ne r'!!'.!'lf u

I.!"!!'.!' postu'I.!"!! a '.!' any oth'.!', , during th'.!' aet,

I vi I now !ppe.ak to 1'1 u Of Ih

1'1 us Inuodui:I.!"!! ls mem f:ling attilude. one, 1'1.01 an b'.!' .afflirt'.!'d itn a 1'1 u ItaDI'.!'_


we re butting .II in '!!Imllar manner. no ned b'.!'.a!rt'!! with II b tnat the woman an who';.e h u mp

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

a pp.ea on hi';. ba rJis'fi,gu d .51'5 the 0 e of who m t

In his

If .a lin e wonun· lying on h'.!'r D.a!:k. with a h mp

b'.!'lly. will look I Ice Ih'.!' cove r ve, a v.a!ioe_ If. n tne

is lArge '!!iz'.!'d. ne II n.aV'.!" tne a

have de Ine foil

Th'.!' humf:l

'Gloty b'.!' reuibutlo fer my sl ns.' ne '!!aY'S- Th'.!' Do.ud of d .a~ Tne humf:l ek. wno '.!':t:f:I

In.aV'.!" ko sald In

Th'.!' humf:l writing a II is '!!I ns: In I ng for .a wife favou rs. '!! '.!' repulses hi • And '!!ay!p. '

sha II com It?' And he. 'I b'.!'a r Ih'.!'m w'.!'l h. vou'.!'

If tne nun has .a humf:l as

va rlou positlens ,!:oitlon • al Y'S ob!ioervlng Ih'.!' D.a k, tne hum mu!rt De '.!'n'll roned wiln eus

ha'lll ng in. which g ards Its top.

way tn !:'.!' !:Io'!!ely_

If Ine

ped bOlh 0 Ilngl ng. bUI!: n olh'.!'I"'IJIII'!!'.!' I.a IIV !ppe.aking. I '.!' action mu!rt Iwa

ma n _ I have itt'.!'n on Ihis '!! bj'.!'Ct.:

ja i'5 not ';.CI IT1 ueb

an w 0 is !pmall In ls b ek

I!p ti,'.!' witn

neunee Ine ne Ilk'.!'!p fer

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


''YOU'- hU1T11J - j:lla!:I.!' 10 rum


ion Is lik€ .jJ 'I,I'.jJ';.e IJl"ClvirJec:I WOIT1.51 n, -she will rell hilT1, it.: 'You'- ve~ woulcI find .jJ Ihl.!' hum p whl.!"I.!' would II

men, Thu!P Ihl.!' t n tnei,!Pid • and

hl.!'r D.a!: hl.!'r 1'1

knel.!'1s b

m must bl.!' '!!uj:lj:loned by .a e r h!g!p. !Pne hold Ing up hI.!" n I M.a, I.!'.a!:h ether • .and a II

e n wllh hl.!'r nead. with hI.!" ieh j:lo!pllion will '!!uil bOlh ut 01 Ihl.!' bad:, OM of Ihl.!'m

I.!' mest !:u,iou'!! a nd a mu!plng d !:aij:lll !P CI. ls eenra IMd n t

I!:h I n.ave eve, ml.!'t In In ls

Tne I, two e ing !rtOc:k of like semeon !:I.!'lved.a till

I.!'r And n.alu'I.!' m.adl.!' .a laugn· Md hap a rs as If cut off; He leeks j:lI.!' a til 0, Ilkl.!'.a wno has 'I.!'.

n's !ppiM i'!! eu D.a!:k i'!! stra lght, se Ihat hI.!'

as Ihough ne as n j:ltaye r, .alf j:I'o r.a d. coition fer him I'!! very Iff u It; owing to Ih re preca I j:lo!P ion'!! of hls 1'1 lghs .and hi!p '!!tOm.a!:h. hI.!' n 01 posslb Iv in'!!I.!' 1'1 I me mbar nIl rely • as II'.!"!! !PO fa r back Detwel.!'n

ls igh!p, Thl.!' bl.!'!rt ,1'1 m to do i!p run , Thl.!' 'Stooj:l!P down

re him witn har ha n '!! to thl.!' g ound a e, j:lo!rte,ior In Ine a I r; hI.!'

n 1'1 us inlrod uc:e m De, as pivot r ne 10 move uj:lon.

I.!' it ob!ioef\l".!'d. not well !ioe _ 1'1 ls tne m.anM' ~J kouti.

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou I I

A'!!!;u ~d tv the I dia w,iters way!; of nuk Ing 10 • but th'.!' ajo,iry of th'.!'m d give mere pa In ha pl'.!'.a!;u,'.!'. That wn h::h i'!! to b

i:=,owning polnl i'!! th'.!' en ~'.!'nl. Ine '.!'mbr i:='.!'. h

distinction bet Ih'.!' i:=oit. '!! of men .and th t 0

ind Iff'.!','.!'nt to I e jo~me nt nli:=h pl"OD.!'I.!'d'!! f,o th .an find'!! 1'1 '!! 1'1 Igne!rt fellciry In It.


Know that tne

milo!; dees not .a a m. se .a'!! to ,'.!'nde, tn I

mest '.!' a bl'.!' coition ra '!!

a in Ih'.!'l proportlens, find h'.!'l

nunn'.!'rs ,k as ee fllet'.!'.a!; betwe n lovers. n mea n fo, thelr

~ wom'.!' of g,'.!'at e:t:fl'.!'rlen '.!' '.!'Ievate one of h'.!'l f'.!'I.!'t venl IIV In tne alr • .an u Ith tne wi k bu rn I ng. While !rte.ady .a d bu rn Ing, a nd I '.!' 0 imfll.!'ded by this '.!':t:hibltion. but

o Ih'.!' poIn beth,

e I~ng w h a ma n. n fool .a la mp i!; n I!; ram Ing Ine m i'!! not spl '.!'d_ Th'.!'1 r u'!!t'1!N:I I,'.!' gt'.!'at

i I.!'d a g at nunv d enjo~ nt, and ltien. tne

eembatants, !io.ali'!!fylng hi!; d

, of colt- n to flul all tne!Pe tne flO!; ion that give!; Ine '.!' will k w wnlcn to ehe

,oof. o as fll'.!'.a!;U 10 Doth

, h'.!' I bind In

Ma ny peo pi'.!' h b'.!'e n as much a

!io'!!ayed all Ih'.!' positlons I ha I.!'d of as ne dolt ~I QU.

e zm n DIJ'DIIm OOU


h i';o su bjet:t of a ma n wno had a wifu accompushed. He u rJ to ejl(lJlol'"e he


lIing VOu 1"!!I.!'lf 10 her. unnl YOu fl nd tn rk hI.!" In tn ls f.a!pn I n on Iy. and hl.!'r

in rnparable in tn ord ina ry pie rie r.:ed none '!! con l!N:Iuenlly

on hi!p wife v.a,iou'!! k ~I au hI.!' '!!aw hl.!'r ve,!:oml.!' by vle nt tr.a i!ioi!p of f:!lea'!!u,I.!' hI.!' fl.!'1t. he, wo mb ta'!!f:! i'!! Vl.!'tg'.!' hI.!' !PAid 10 him. bitl 1'1 I'!! II P'S. 'Thi'!! ls Ine vI.!'rlla bll.!' ns provl.!'d 10 the 10 t, In fact.. hi !P fe II in

itlo ne mest lively pll.!'a'!!u re a nd hl.!'.alw.a tnen '.!'forw.a,d

IIh 1'1 ,I way. Tnu'!! ne ttalnl.!'d hls I.!'nd. and e u'!!I.!'d thl.!' 10 hlm 10 folly.

nl m.ann'.!'f'S; for I.!'VI.!' woma n Ilke!p 0 I.!' In , plaasurs. Thl.!' m.a" ,;tv of tham h 'lie. h weVl.!'r • .a dok el .art.. as, in tn a pplic:.uion of I e !PAm • De Ily I'!! oulh gl ued to meut • and Ine aaion of In womb ls

I.!'nllon Ihl.!' v.a,iou!p ml.!'oftnem_


NT ·N!!!M !!!J d!!!m (thl.!' b !:kl.!'1 In thl.!' well . Thl.!' ma n .and IO'!! I.!'mbtaO!!' anl.!'r Ine I uoduaion. TI'Ien I.!' g !P a push. a Inle; Ine fol oW'!! hlm witn a push, a nd a I!PO lin ue thl.!'ir .alte,nate moveml.!'nl, keef:! ng pr f:!I.!" tlms,

foot.. .and ha nd ag.a I n.and. IhI.!'Y kel.!' uf:!

retire'!!_ Plae:lng 01 of.a bue '.!'t i

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I



j .rrewJri (the mutual ';. ock]. A ut without d i';.lodSi ns t e lT1elT1 osether, and thus go 0 kee pi

TH I R MOVEM E T· -et moMdanj (tne .af:!f:!,oa and ne n stops, Thl.!'n Ine woma n. with thl.!' ml.!'mb

billgi 'S 10 tnO'Ltl.!' I Ice I nun • .and tnen stops

unnl ne I.!' lat n I.!"!!_


S.uch .a moveme Ihl.!' ,i'!!i'!!_ witn quic: Iy.


tailor] Thl.!' nun. witn hi!p Iv.a. kl.!' ps up.a 'So of quiet: plunge!p i'!! whole MI.!'d II.!' in gnl!PAni:I.!'.

ak ~J feutdj (tne 1001 f:!ic:k in tne vu Iv.a). Thl.!' ma n DetW'.!'I.!'n Ihl.!' w.a11'S of ne w a. and Ihl.!' d,ive!p it a nd left. Only a ma n itn.a tV vlgo,ou me mbar

hIM ~I Mub (Ihl.!'

int Uo:!!P hls I.!'nlirely into Ihl.!' vagin • 'So e

eem 1et'.!'1y ml:w:I.!' up IIh tne woma n '!P. In tn.a pmitl foI"(:l Iy. wllhoul IIhd wing 1'1 ls 1001 in thl.!' II.!' st.

tnO'Ltl.!'ml.!'nt'S • .and ls pa leutar we II! I.!'d to Ine me n prete r II 10 any ot e, kin • a'S it proc: res tham

of 'SI.!'izing Ine thl.!'ir mb; and

compll.!'1e Iv-

rlbade!p a Iw.a1fS u!ioe tn I !P prom pt eJac:u latlon

Wiln ut ki!P'!!ing. no nd of f:!o!pltion 0' me ml.!'nt f:!'Oi:u'I.!"!! t e fulle!rt .,lea u re: and th e p ';.itiDn-s in whic:h the ki practica bl a re not

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


irJeri"8 that he Ir; iss i';. one of the rnc I'owerful love-

n seul with'!! ul,

.an i:ombinll!d w nlch'.!'r p,a u la r f:I'ovo~'!! tn , tne nun to bing I " .aboul by !pI"

ngue, wh'.!'n h !io.allv III flow !ioW

I ned hon'.!'V. a d wh

no'.!'uvt'.!' will ive I rna n .a tre b ling

rough 1'1 ls bodV and - o,'.!' intoxli:a Ing eha wine d,in k to

In ki'!!!p1

Ine On'.!' 1'1 ths s aion of Ih'.!' llps a d mngu'.!'. flow !IW'e'.!'1 .and fre!pn INa. II I'!! '!!oftlV n Ibbll ng hi pa rtner's qui'!!it.e. more pi'.!' sa nt '.!' sa II\ra of har m uth, Tn I'!! III run all

se rous: It o,ig .all.!"!! w bV sa i . It I'!! f:I,od i:lI!d bV e move menl of I '.!' mngu'.!'

tne meuth a d bV I e di'!!'.!' nt of ne sa 11\ra. f:I,ovok d by th'.!'

'.!' klss giv'.!'n 10 tne '!! mpara till'.!' to I II '.!'nougn Ihu

'.!' Oul'.!' p,an of th'.!' lip'!! • .and nuk I a noi'!!'.!'

whic:n 'fOu ea II VOU eat, giV'.!"!! no pi'.!' sure, II ls 10 children a d hand _

A hum irJ is';.

on'.!' f , i:oitu'!! and i!p fu 11of vol u p.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


d r.:oitu _

IlDwins line'S:

I ha cornposed on th _

Tne h'lI!e wo,d!p. kobla, 0 uss are u!:e'd Indiff renlly ind Ie Ih'.!' lss on th'.!' ha nd 0 on tne meu h. Tne word f'.!' m'.!'.an '!!j:I'.!' Ih'.!' I!P'!! on Ih'.!' moutn.

YOu ki'!!!p mv han •• o woma n. theu It WCI'!! .a fond ki'!! Th'.!' n.and c:.ann

moutn heu Id b'.!' Ih'.!' place I 011

• but il i!p lost.

e n.alu''.!' of .a klss,

An ra b j:lO'.!'1 has sa Id:

Th'.!' haa rt of 10 I n witcn Ing !PO No, In tne fond

And tne a uthor of Ih'.!' Sou • has .addl.!'d to Ine a foil wing 'It'.!'r'!!'.!"!!:

'!!tr.ained. (rnltion).


tIS of ki'!!!ioe'!!. as de erl bed • .a,'.!' no

aion of ne membe, _ Tne, V on Iy a fi,'.!' fart a fi,'.!' wn ic:n ls'.!'r. !PO only Ih ne h'.!'.al_

e!ioedj'.!'l .aj:lj:l'.!'.a,'.!'d bl.!'fo re Ih r farhe anrJ her h usba nd, E

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I

nrJ d irJ not r.:oha bit with her

!p1'S«!d h'.!', In h'.!'r c:.a!ioe. wa'!! ~f:I, for I:w:ing hi '.!'If

with h'.!', f:llai t by tne f:I'.!'of:l of Yanum.a. who !PAid to hi • 'A,'.!' you nOI 'fOu' d.augnte In b,inging .a cia 1m for !:oitlon '

"I w1!Pn '!!h'.!' shou Id n.ave il~ if !Pne bring'!! Ine m up Ine

fermul tl.!'d har cia 1m In us In eoml ng b'.!'fo~ tne Go rner: 'T e,'.!' 1'1 usb nd. and unnl ow ne has neve, lOucned me.' ne GoV'.!' no,

'.!'d. '!!ayi g. 'No eeu tilt i'!! i'!! b'.!'!:au!ioe VOU ha V'.!' De'.!'n nwilling? 'On

,'.!'plil.!'d. 'It - fer hlm I of:l'.!'n my Ihigh .and lie d n

!:,ied th'.!' hu bAnd. '0 Emir. '!!h'.!' Ie II'!! unuu h; in erd to flgnt w· h har.' Th'.!' Eml r pronou need Ih'.!' fol

'fOu.' h'.!' !PAid 'a ye.a,''!! tim'.!' 10 prove har al lion

lse.' '.!' de!:id d In us out 0 ''.!'ga rd for Ine rna n. E I Adja j'.!' then "I ~ itlng Ih !ioe V'.!'r'!!I.!"!!:

a n.ama and har fatne Me'!!I.!'dJ'.!'llhougnt would de!:ide uf:lon my Imf:lol'.!'nee.

sta 1110 n !PO iml.!"!! lazy·minded? d vlgorous,

fa nne • h'.!' ~m.ain !PAid to im. 'M'.!'p yo aU de'!! ~ i'!! a !POlld .a

n 10 klss .and c:.a'I.!"!!!P hi'!! wlf'.!'; ut hls rts bl'.!' of giving proof f hls vi, lilYr ea rasses .and '.!'mbr.a!:I.!"!!; IhI.!'Y do not '!!.a i'!!fy

!rtlff m'.!'mDe r, Ih'.!' '!!f:I'.!'rm of ic:n will low

10 hlm Ine following V'.!'r'!!I.!"!!:

10 try with kl'!!'!!'.!'!p

Ith you, em brael ng!p1 u!rt feel a mem bar. "I uterus,

d ne r fortnwlth bA!:k to h'.!'r tna:t ve ry nisht-

mily. an • 10

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

A pcet '5.51 irJ on that cccas n:

Wnat sre ca r€'5 0, costly ~!rtme If tne nu n '!P org,a And '!!hl.!' ls vea rn I

Know then thl.!' rnaje and I.!'mbrace!p wilhoul ml.!'mbl.!'r • .and tnev like In misshapan.

A '!!toty a I'SO gol.!'!P on thi on'.!' d.aV to a wonun In slnger. whom hI.!' w.anl bl.!'.aulifuL and Indl.!'f:lI.!'nd fortu ne_ He '!!aw at Ine '!! and ung"ain Iy a ppsara nO!!'

Mou!P'!!a a'!!kl.!'d who Ine him I would give mv lifl.!' I ,I.!'d uesd, a nd I am '!!o,ty bUI what .a m l!Ofonu ne dl.!'llgntfu I form'!! as I '!!I.!'I.!' i

Sne made .an!PWe r, '0 se what hI.!' doe'!! fer ml.!' In f Wl.!'11 as you, f:latrlmonv. Iook!p would De cn.anged I

'M.av God pre!Pe I'Ve him

II '!! a I!PO sa Id that thl.!' f:I cast .a gl.ance bu rn Ing wi him: ' nukl.!'!p you Ihl.!'re would De notn Ing 'B'.!'!j.'.!' you r a ppea ran kl.!'I.!'p hiddl.!'n will De no IJl'"Clof, you we u IrJ find tn forset my oute r appeara

n do not find fu II !PAllmc:t1 n i k I!P'!!I.!"!! hem !PA11'!!f.attlon 'I.!"!!ide'!!

woman, ewellety.

I.!'t hl.!'r own. I ile 'ltl.!'rgl.!'?

Mou!P'!!a Den MI.!"!!a b bet 0

no .a fl.!'ma II.!' '!!l.ave • .a hI.!" _ Thi'!! woma n w.a!P re pi arming .af:lf:ll.!'a ranea, '!!hl.!' .a n tne house a 'fOung ma n of b a nd fro gl\rlng orders.

n wa'!!. '!! told him. 'rh ls ls my 1'1 usba

Tn ls ls a 1'1 ,d !plave ry.' hI.!' !PAid. '10 wh e long 10 God • .a nd shall 'I.!' u ui:n ineornpara bll.!' bl.!'.au bl.!' fer such .a nun I'

er, if ne i:ould do 10 'fOu f u Id sell 'fOu' l.all.!'iy al:(! u 1,I.!'d f e would ppea r to 'fOu Dea utlfu I. an bl.!'.au _

mI.!'l one d.aV a wonun 0 wno fer that rea'!!on thus .a

this fa'!!hion? Had I a thous n for 'fOul' 'And whr(.l" sal f:lo,!!!j.'.!'!P'!!ing.' '!!hl.!' !PAid. 'an 'I.!'plll.!'d. 'If you wou Id put

my inte Qua litie';. a re of a natu re t

_. He e uncovered h ilT1'5eif, anrJ

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




une as plain

'I.!"!!!Ped 'ltul'll.a!P. peet, .al 'fOu to Ine ke you



membe.-the burnins hot caress her, T

the a rrn of a you n8 ,girt. At tnat ';oi,gn she moroU';o de-sire- He -saw thi'S, and a-slrie her

e unwvered herse If anrj ';onowed h i her


him o nt of

He Inen did I

I n.a

in hI.!" my me mbar. big as a w:irgin''S ar , Ith a ,ound a nd prompt. 10 .att.a!: ; n lI.!'ngrh.a spa nand a n.alf. It. a'S tnough I had j:lul II In a bta.!ie, _

pleasu re .a woma n give mu!rt 'Satl ne.a reus

!Pe!P • as de'!!(:rlbl.!'d_ HI.!' will !Pel.!' ne r 'S oning wll lu'!!t.

moi!!l. ne r womb will '!!t,'.!'t.Ch fol"'lJll.a tn two '.!'tner.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




coition sre n u me rous know i';. e';.'j€ ntia I. in

orJ be SO rJ II, that the ills ca used by

mention you some of

be able t avoirJ them,

tell you in the tim p ace at r.:oition if l'erformerJ a nd ins a

th Iri n e-joint"; anrJ brins';. bou nervous h iYerins';.; a nd if perfor

';.irJ wa will I'.-ed ispcse yo I" em for 80 t anrJ ';.Ciat~. whic:h resi

r.:h - IV n the h il' joint-

ot mou nt upon a WCI ma ta'5ti S or ilT1lT1 lse you will have I'a i nos in you r baclri, you ey is wi II,get wealrie.-.

UI", anrJ

u 0 it with the WCllT1a n u r dorsa I r.:o.-rJ will ';.uffel" nd

yo I" h a IT will be a"ffec:terJ; nd if in that 1'0 ion th e ';.IT1all st drop of he

I s retion';. of the vasin ra I ca nal, a I' infu I ';trit:t re

leave your melT1bel" in t vulva I" ejaculation. a-s this rni ht

I"ave I. 01" -softenins of he v rrebra I co UlT1n, 01" the I"U ure of bl

01", la';tly, infla rnrnari n of e I u ns';.,

oition with old wom ';..jJ-, 0 not ru mmase olrJ fu he been -sa id, 'Bewa re U rs.' And aga In. 'rh

new vlgou r: if !Pne

were th

rnc ins old

!:oit. 'S of old

1';.0 detrim nta 1-

he r.:ol'ula

atal poi'5on, a a';. rir.:h a-s Ka men: eve n if en ls a 'lleno



you ng'.!'r ne ls him If a'S ne i!p ne will de rive no

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


r tn n nimself she will

on VOU r gu.ud nd 'Shun colt- n wltn old In har besom !Pne bl.!'.ars Ihl.!' 1=10 I n of Ihl.!' a r

,b 'Says a 1!iO. 'Do not 'SI.!'I'W! .an u - 1'1 !ioemolin.a.a d .almond bre

Ive pr.aalO!!' of too mui: !ioe nO!!' of Ihl.!' • lIl'Itl.!'n !PO d

coition inju aceou nt of Ihl.!'

sparm, For a'S bune r m.a I.!' of eraam 'I.!'pre'!!e nt'S Ilk. a nd if you ra ke tne eraam • tne milk lesas

!P Ine 'S1=II.!'rm rm Ihl.!' qui t'.!' I.!'nc:e of nuuition •

an tne olhl.!' n.and. Ihl.!' Ition of Ihl.!' body.

Iv upon tne food

I.!' im'!!I.!'1f up 10 Ihl.!' us. ne mu'!!t live

n of hls 'Sigh!.: fer altho 10 'Suffl.!" fro eve di'!!I.!'a

may not Dei:oml.!' I.!' doe'S nOI follow


less of hls ph lea I !rtrengtn; ne m.aV be om like Ihl.!' ma n wno

but ea n not... 0 purau I ng 'S mebodv ea atch him. or who

u me n. 0' wor ing. 'Soon gl.!'t'S 1,I.!'d and p r I.!'d,

y woml.!'n U!j.'.!' In I'S ney nel.!'d 'I.!'po'!!I.!' has Del.!'n 1'.!"I1


.,.,Iy the nor.

Ine'SI.!" mll!d I !P in the p 'SI.!'nt eha pt'.!', .altnougn this i'!! not hI that Ih - Inform.nion a'S ne,I.!' give n. m.aV

are ce In tn lng'S ieh will baee I.!' in] u rleus if onrunlly I nd u 1ged

in d wn Ich i Ihl.!' end affe . Sueh a re: I 0 much !plel.!'p. long

!P In unf vouta bll.!' ssase • whicn la t, p.anicu la Iv in cold i:ounuie!p. wea Ice n I e bodV nd e U'SI.!' di'!!I.!'a'S of Ine !ppln . Tne 'Sa me effeas

ma a rl!Pe f,o ndll ng of t O'!!I.!' bodie'S nli:h I.!'ngl.!'ndl.!'r mid

a nd humidity. I Ice f:lI.a!O'l'.!' • eti:.

To '.!'ef:l 0 ne's I.!'mbl.!'r I f:l1.a • De it. fe a long 0 ie'S fll fer coll- anl.!'r e aeu latlon has ra Ice n feeble'S tga n .and ma kl.!"!! it.

u are Iyl witn a

ed. bUI I r it. i'!! .a Uul.!'

tne n 'Sa Ice. nd to 'Satl!O'lV

Inll.!'n'SI.!'.a d dura bl plea u'I.!'; but 1'1 who dees il har f:lI.!'r'!!0 will la n ui'!!h. IO'!!I.!' all hl de!pI,I.!' • .and rentfor

I tlml.!'!p If vou fl.!'I.!'1 rd 'HI.!' wno i'!! dl.!'!pI,I.!"!!. fel.!'k Ine 'Sat.i'!!fy Ine lu'!!t of ini'!!h by baeem Ing

Tne !Pen!Pe of t e!Pe wo, g 1'1 I tn'!!I.!'lf u to Ihl.!' e

I.!'wno thl.!' p.a !P'!!lblllry. I h to plea'S

I.!'!ploV'.!' ion of at anethe r perse

body ekl.!'. ls to !PAV only to uie!P all hI.!' ea n to atta I n that and Imf:ll.!',il hi'!!

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

Ar;. inj u ri us may be con'S leavins t e batn; afte ... ha .a hl.!'avy oul of drink Ing I

".roma n ,ing hl.!'r eeurse ls as dl.!'trlmenla I to I

neBe If • .a at that II me ne till ed ls w:it.lated .and lI.!'a'!!t d, of blood she d get In thl.!' ma n 's'.!"!! ma V su pe!f\l'en'.!' _ os Ine woma n. oshl.!'

har eou rs s, and at osui:h tl n.

nal ume,ou!p plsas 'I.!' d uri ng

As, rsgar de,iV'.!'d f upon tn otnerwi

r .a full m d .afte, u ndergol cold we.a her,

eha n mid • .and I to b I.!' f 0 I'gOt't.'.!' ".roma n may 1I.!'.a

eh. !POme osay I.!'d. tne degrel.!' of nJoy 1'II.a; fer in Ihl.!' D.a h thl.!' q uenlly unfll fo riving p tn I thl.!''.!', pe!n'.!'lr ting in gr.ave conos'.!'q ue nO!!' .'

e j:llI.!'.a u re 10 bl.!' nt ls I.!'pe!ndl.!'nl

Iva nnol bl.!' And itl!p

!pIon ru ptu re of ui:h f.aligul.!'. or at

or very

V att'.!'nd Ine art f eeiele in 1'1 munuieos

dness wilhoul any revlou!p !ioYmj:ll ms,

Thl.!' rej:l u wilhoul w.a!Pn Ing

oshunnl.!'d. as It may I.!'nfel.!'b t e w:irlll.!' j:lowe,_

Afte, eja latien do not i:ing will !puffe r

m i:oj:lul.alion wiln i'!! wife f hI.!' i'!! In .a '!!tAIl.!' ou Id bl.!'i:oml.!' j:I''.!'g a nt by such

Thl.!' ma n ust a I!PO a b'!! of l'.!'gal I j:lurily. for if os en lid ceu not bl.!' !POU nd,

c.a,I.!' i'!! neavy loados on 0 e's bae

if on'.!' doe!p not n thl.!' eoltus to bl.!' 1m I.!'dl.!'d,

con'!!tAnl to wea r 'Ite'!!tml.!' tos made of !pllk. as tne imj:la I, eopulatle _

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

Silk€ n r.:lDtn'5 '!NO n by women al'5o er€c:tiDn of the vi r member.

Fa'Sting. If prole !'.!' _

Absta In from g''.!' ~ liquid'!!. as in th'.!' u f'!!'.!' 0 tim'.!' tn V dimin I h tne

!rtrength nl!O:!~a fer co ilion.

II i'!! bad 10 wa'!!h I '.!' !:oe:t:ua I pa rts wllh e

in ge!n'.!'ta I. 'IJI\a!Pn I witn i:old wate, eal

wate, w'.!'ngth'.!'n it.


Tne II!ffeCl of snu whl.!'tne, pia I n 0' seen

.a young e:t: passlee eommens tate witn Ih'.!' 'fOuthful

An Ata til .add ress lime wnen h'.!' wate, I' me.aning 1=I,I.!'f'.!','.!'nce to 1=1 lIl'It'.!'ryon'.!'.

tne following reeom nd urted h'.!'r to har .al !Pne shou Id f'l!N:I ue u me!p; th'.!' latte'.

aughrer 'fOur'S'.!'1 wiln w tI.!', in g '!!uit..ab fe r

II i'!! a lse ''.!'port.ed a nobodv. as vo !ploven I II ls for Ih

at .a woma n neve, pe rfum'.!' 'fOu

n ls followed bV loss ,'.!'ml.!'dy tn ls less t e !puffe,'.!'r must .anoin blood of .a hs-goa with hon'.!'V_ Thi!p will in m.aking love_

Ine Kota n a I!PO pred


R'.!'m'.!'mb'.!'r a prudent will De i:oitlon_ Th'.!' !Ppe' i'!! Ine w.are r of life; - a Iw.a'f!io b'.!' ready f , love '!P 1=l1e.a!pu re!p; II I lavi';.n with it at a II time'S and wnenever it you a re not '5 riOS with it yo u wi II

'.!'njoym nt of u will ~; do 01 De fanr.:y to enjoyme t, for e yo rse If to man y ill Wi se

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



J 'A ro u';t con'Stitution i'5 inrJi';.p.en ble for r.:olJula - rJ whit lT1ay,giY€ h imse If u pi t etne i'5e with the W€alr;ly ma n; Itn

us det.'.!"mined Ihl.!' limit'!! to OD-sl.!'f\I".!'d by n I.!' of I e f:!lea'!!u,I.!'!p of coition: Mol • be ne ph leg

sa nguine.!pn U I not kl.!' Iovl.!' mo,I.!' lwice or 1'1 rl!:I.!' .a montn;

or h~pochon rl c: men n Iv enee 0' 1'IJIIic:e .a monlh_

erubll!pned f a n day!p ml.!'n of a ny of thl.!'!Pe

In! as a nd give tnem'!!I.!'ive!p uf:! to

no nel.!'d 1'1 t ev I.!':t:f:! !Pe Ine m'!!I.!'lve!p to n u me,ou

u r lI.!'mpe ram n '!! 'I.!' day and nighl I ng Ilk. Dotn Inll.!'r I nd

Woml.!'n .a,I.!' 0 I.!' f.avo 'I.!'d men in ind u Igl ng I e I, passlee fo, It i'!! in fart I I.!'I !Ppec:i l;tv; .and for thl.!'m it ls all f:! .a'!!u'I.!'; while

nden ng Ihl.!'m!Peivl.!"!! witnout re!Pe 10 tne f:!1e.a

H.avlng thus I I.!' 1I.!'d of ne da ngl.!'r'!! whi!:n m.aV eceu r frem Ihl.!' eeieus

con'!!ide'I.!'d It ful to ,ing 10 you, knowll.!'dgl.!' tne Ilowing veBe

eonta I n nyg- n I ad'lll!: in tneir 'I.!"!! f:! I.!'tt , Thl.!"!!I.!' ve !P wl.!'re eem

tne orde r of H roun Ram Id by the tnO'!!t c:e1l.!'D .all.!'d f:!h'f'!!icla n

I.!' as I.!'d to Inform 1'1 I m of Ine re I.!'die!p fer !PU

I d bV coition,

, food sha II do vou good. are. It be wl.!'11 d Ige!rted_

!P whicn w.anl ha rd m.a!Ot.i!:af n; bad n u,i'!!hml.!'nl.!PO icel.!'f:! frem tne dire Iy .aft.'.!', fin lsh I ng you r mea I.

u go a hay 10 meet .an IlIne'!!'!!_

wlthi you ls of I.!':t:!:e,!!!P.

in most '!!u'!!!:I.!'f:!llbll.!' !:irc:II.!'!p. I.!'II Defore !Pel.!'king you, bed. e first nec:e!P'!!ity,

.and d,ug'!! icel.!'f:! we II .away. hem un II.!'!P'!! ve ry ill.

n';. IJl'"CIlJe.-, for they kee pi

J a nd a re the best '5UlJlJort-

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I

n't be too e ser for I'"CI U nd-b.-ea';terJ wOlT1e Ei( ess of I'lea re soon will malrie you tee ble, A rJ in r.:oition eu may finrJ .jJ osic:kneos';.; AdIne n 'fOu nd too LuI.!' that in eeitle n

o ''!!I=I,ing of I runs into wonun',!! 'ltul'll.a_

A d bi!rl"o,I.!' a II """'I.!' of ,ag'.!'d woml.!'n.

eas will to vou bl.!' polson,

V a bath shou Id wa'!!h you i:1I.!'.a I.!' l=I'I.!'!:e pts a nd follow Ine m,

tne ru II.!"!! lven by tne ~'!! 10 In I.!' rna r of bl.!'ne

Ihl.!' geM u!P of Ihl.!' ge nsre U,!!,

AII~!p nd I=Ih'f!ioIi:- ns ag''.!'e In '!!aylng thl.!' o'igin.all.!' -In Ihl.!' a b '!!I.!' of collion, Tne nun thl.!' l=I'I.!"!!I.!'f\I".!' ls haa IIh • .a d pa rtieu la rly hls slght, and 1=l1e.a!P.anl II.!'. will Ind u wiln mode ratlen in love'!p Ihl.!' gre.ate I.!'w:il'!! nuv ,ing Ine refrom_

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I




to wholT1 G

-rile rnber [1 f. , the balrJ ne [1 kameTu, the .,enis

,he - hoe eye Ef alT, lT1elT1be..- 10 ,generation [1 af5oT, the

1 ham ma, t e pi.,eon E mt», the d-hearJerJ [1 teu.rr.rra1Jl:ll,

er ro, the one - h a neck [1 h Tmak, the i ndomita ble tufa, he ha ry one Ef U ., he liberato [1 be!j~, the impudent ub, th 'Ie [f mO!ifCJhi, h osha me-far,:e one [1 hammac-he, the 1 j'jIQS!i ,the lee.,e..- [1 b -, th e wee.,i S one E1 nxiamme, the [1 hez ru rnmager f k iade, the ta i 0"- [1 teaor, the unionist

ingu ishe r ~ion Abou • .bu, the eil(.,eao..-a nt [1

Ef kiroTTrJfe t turna bout f hakkak, the ru bber [1 a bby one [1 ~ ouame, the -swilT1lT1e..- Ef he hou-seb lrie..- [1 mokireu/ the

a me';. of kameTu a -SW' - ies the ma I 'rnenr n' an 'melT1ory'-

hen it has been a

ea n ins i';. pia in, DeA'eur a nd is atso u';.erJ in the met with an ar.:r.:ident to ., aterJ, 0"- ha become wealri, anrJ he til his r.:onjusa I d unes, they -say of him: d wh ir.:h mea s: the rerne rnbrance of utoft byth root, When he d ies they " meanins, H i-s melT10ry is rJe.,a rterJ

The de that hi dream, eil(tinc:ti

aI'S an i rnporra been cut r, a';. -sa irJ bcve, it p n of hi race,

, The ma n who dreams to live Ions after that his melT10ry and the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


at thi';. 'Subject 1T10 re I'a rtir.:ula i the e;lll:ll~io

el represent yeal";. (oie.rrmel; - erefcre a ma n 'See'S in a rJ

of teeth. th i';. i';. for him the 'Sis alons life.

I ';.hall teeth (oi afine'S

If ne '!! hi'!! n.ail (~.fe't#) revers.ed or

laory (m?.fe't#) whic:n ne has frem .a w:ittor. ne will bl!Ol !ioel.!'!P thl.!' a II of hi!p I.!'n'.!'mv lu,nl.!'d tne w w:ittory 1'1 h::h been witn hi'!! e nemv

f:I Idl.!' down. Ihi'!! I! ind- lion n d ove, hls I.!'ne 1I.!'!p will i:=h nge ne v.anq u I!pned Invers.e Iy. f ne

n way. ne ea n ncludl.!' tn.a In I.!'

loon ratu rn 10 lm,

Tne .af:lf:l ara nce of estrlches (namate') I thelr na I.!' being forml.!'d of nab .an

na me Iy. rll.

of .a lily (sonscna) i'!! Ihl.!' pro 0 leatien of .a Yl.!'.a, (son. mi'!!fortu ne; se'M. a)

of a sh leld (Mna/a)!p I Ihi'!! wo,d. by a eha ngl.!' of l'.!'tt.e

oming on sorts of mi 0'· Ive!p koul q"a. 'a I bad luck.'

of a f'I.!'!pn ro'!!I.!' (ouo,d!!') an to m.ake thl.!' hea rt tremb II.!' wi

mine (yasmill'i!!') I'!! forml.!'d 0 of a tn Ing contr.ary to yo ne ma n. Ine n. who '!!'.!'e'!! a jl.!"!! '.!'c:ef:llion. V.a!P. in Ihl.!' na ml.!' "1I'i!!'. i!p an unu d of Ihl.!' sueeess of hi'!! enll.!'rp I I.!' H oW'.!"ltl.!'r. tne

bV Ine jl.!"!!!P.amine have nOI arne eha r.aae

n bV thl.!' rose. II differs. In • greatly hom I

as tne !plighl'.!"!!t breatn of win i I u p'!!et it.

s, slgn Ifyl ng d i:=I.!'ptlon. 0 Ine i'!!h. and m . whic:n m .an!p

of .a !P.aui:=I.!' (brutma) ann u In wn Ii:=h on'.!' i'!! I.!'ng,agl.!'d_ ADo that such eenel usien we u Id

!P thl.!' eonelus n (atNib!!'

hl.!'1 (God''!! i:=u bl.!' uf:lon

lace d u rl ng th n !gnt.

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

A ja ... (khabio'l i isn of tu rpitude (khebeti) in V€ry lei afta i .... u n less

it i';. one that a';. f lien into a pit 0'" a rive r an sot b Ie J ';.0 a to let

escape a II the lam ie';. centa ined in it.

) ind leatas the n:! medy ( u,nl. broken 0' Ion. whl.!'n

I if !Peen 10 f.all ove, Ihl.!' fa and

(alna). from wn Ich God pres

Thl.!' finding .a '!!ign of succ s,

eed !:onditlon a gem that h '!! D'.!'en

gl.!'1S oul of .a window (l oul of a II'!!artlon I if Ine window !Peen in the g..!'1 oul of II. In I'!! will be 10 im a '!!ig e . I ha'lll.!' 10 ma kl.!' i!rlfort'!! in f:I of:lonio him n gl.!'ttlng eut,

Thl.!' lu,nip (!:U .and gOM (am t we Igntv if II f:lf:II.!' 1m porta nt in p po

.an!p fer thl.!' ma n that has '!! te'). se that Ihl.!'re i!p no goi I.!'d la rgl.!'. of no lmperta n . on to Ihl.!' !plte of Ihl.!' lu,nip

A mu!pkl.!'t '!!'.!'e n wllh ut Its being fl red mea ns a e .and of no imf:l nan . Bul If II I'!! '!!'.!'e n going off has arrived fer he r .all'!!ation of tne eomplot,

The -sisht of fi

n I!p

, i'!! f:la'!!t ne m Ite, i'!! a II; In shert.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou _.


If you n.ave d,'.!'.amed of f'.!'a!rt

i:onlr.arv Ihing!p will come 10

If the I'itt:ne.- (b.rik) of a man wh has turned to God that h ios rel'entanr.:e i';. in va i bu if the glass out of w

breaks, thi';. mea nos that he to GorJ_

If you have 'S'.!'en 'Som'.!'Dody idd ng ad I'.!'u to peopl'.!' n Ih'.!'l r goin V

'fOu nuv De earta In that It tne latt.'.!', wno will !P ortiV wl!pn m a

good jou,n'.!'Y; fer tne poet !io.a :

If you ha'll'.!' !Peen you, f,ie Let you r sou I b'.!' cent Fo, you m.av look fo And Ine h'.!'.an of 1'1 I m

d !io.a~ng goodbve. rej to him who ls f.a, .a

Tne eortan d'.!'r (.te''UI) 'S" i:onditlon_

an tn ls su bJ'.!'tt tne,'.!' i'!! a rv Ine Su Ita n Ha rou r

wiln 1'1 I m 'S'.!"It'.!'r.a1 pe rsens of ark witn wnom ne 'IJIi.a!P fa

Ih'.!'m to go to on'.!' of hls w !putte,ing frem ne r eou rsss, wiln them, re!plgned 10 1'1 ls di'!! P

Now II 'So ha ppen'.!'d .a fre'.!' frem h'.!', d l'Si:n.arge. Wh n 'S '.!' had assu red h'.!'Be fortnwllh har .ablutlon!p • .and '.!'nt 10 Ih'.!' by on'.!' !=I1A1'.!' of eeria nde, _


Ha rou n '.!', WeI'S 'S'.!'.a I.!'d rnongst hi'!! f,iend'S nen tne

brought Ih'.!' plAte 10 him. H to k II .and '.!':t'.am Inl.!'d It. bId Id nOI

rund Ine me.aning of 1I!p Dei'S'.!' t to hlm bV 1'1 ls wif'.!'. la'!!t ne n.a

10 on'.!' of hls poets. wno. n.a ng I ok'.!'d at II att'.!'nllvel tne

following 'II'.!'r'!!'.!"!!:

'Sne has !Pe nt 'fOu cor Wn It'.!' as !puga r; I have I'lar.:ed it in my pal , AnrJ r.:oncent.-arerJ all 'f ou,gnt';. upon it,

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I I



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