เฉลยข้อสอบ 9 วิชาสามัญ ภาษาอังกฤษ พ.ศ.๒๕๕๙

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แนวข้อสอบ 9 วิชาสามัญ

ประจาปี การศึกษา 2559
SECTION I: LISTENING & SPEAKING Brown: But Sergeant, Bob never had any
Directions: Choose the best answers to fill bad record and the Marleys are
in the blanks. decent people. This is a small
town. Everyone knows each
Conversation I other _____5_____ It's very
difficult for everybody
Situation: Mr. Dan Brown, the _____6_____ the charge.
headmaster of Greenscity High is talking Sgt: Mr. Brown, I didn't believe it
with Sgt Sam about Bob. myself at the beginning, but after
questioning him everything
Brown: How're things, Sergeant? _____7_____
Sgt: Oh, Mr. Brown! _____1_____ Brown: Can you tell me about it?
Excuse me for being a little slow. Sgt: Oh yes, sure. And it is what I've
I just didn't expect to see you been telling everybody. Listen,
here, that's all. When was the last Bob Marley cannot prove his alibi
time we saw each other? for one thing. _____8_____ he
Brown: Last Easter, I think. But actually, was under circumstances that
I saw you from time to time on made him feel threatened. He was
the road, but it was just not the emotionally unstable at the time
right spot to say hello. of the crime. The whole thing just
Sgt: Right. And what's brought you makes perfect sense to me.
here today? ______2_____ Brown: We've heard that but we really
Brown: Oh yes, Sergeant. As you very can't agree with your conclusion.
well know, one of Greenscity _____9_____we believe that Bob
High's students, Bob Marley, is was with Tim Hoffman when the
detained here _____3_____ school was burned to the ground.
I just want to know what's going Wouldn't it be a better move to
on. question Tim before sending Bob
Sgt: Would you like to see him? to court?
Brown: I'd appreciate if that is possible, Sgt: He has had a very bad accident.
but it can be later. What's Nobody knows if or when he will
bothering me is that I've talked to be _____10_____ again. I can't
many people who know Bob wait for that.
Marley, they think umm ..., Brown: _____11_____ turns out that Bob
_____4_____Umm. They don't Marley is innocent?
believe that Bob Marley Sgt: That can't be, Mr. Brown. I can
committed the crime. assure you that Bob Marley is the
Sgt: Well, Mr. Brown, it's up to them culprit. He'll be in court
what they want to believe. I have tomorrow. I think we'd better
all the evidence that proves his leave this matter to the judge.
guilt. There's nothing we can do now.
1. 1. Very well, and you? 5. 1. like their owns families.
2. Everything is wonderful. 2. by chance.
3. Not bad, not bad. 3. at heart.
4. Couldn't be bothered. 4. by heart.
5. How do you do? 5. really well.

2. 1. Are you from Greenscity High? 6. 1. to come to terms with

2. Anything can I do for you? 2. to come in for
3. What can I do to please you? 3. to come down with
4. You sure are in trouble. 4. to come up with
5. You did it again, right? 5. to come across with

3. 1. on a vandalism charge. 7. 1. gave me a good guess.

2. as vandal charge. 2. were in a nutshell.
3. in vandalism charge. 3. made up a good pictures.
4. for vandal charge. 4. fell into place.
5. in vandal charge. 5. turned to pieces.

4. 1. what should I say? 8. 1. And for that reason,

2. what should I do? 2. And another thing,
3. how can I put it? 3. On the other hands,
4. how shall I put in? 4. On the top of it,
5. how can I say? 5. On the contrary,

9. 1. Furthermore,
2. Believe it or not,
3. Because of that,
4. Despite of the fact that,
5. On the contrary,

10. 1. around
2. up and about
3. on his toe
4. up and away
5. off and on

11. 1. What will you do

2. Is it possible
3. What if it
4. How about if
5. What is it

Adapted from: Yomanage, P. (1994). Entrance Handbook 2. Bangkok: The Nation Publishing House. (Page 40)

Part One: Graph and Ad

Directions: Study the bar charts and

answer the questions that follow.

13. This bar chart shows that _____

MEASLES VACCINES, 1. more one-year-old children should be
1983-1990 vaccinated against measles.
2. measles cases in one-year-olds are
% one-year-old gradually increasing.
children immunized 3. more one-year-olds need a measles
90 80
immunization each year.
80 4. measles cases in one-year-olds are
70 61 worsening.
60 55 5. more and more one-year-olds have had
50 45 a measles immunization each year.
39 42
20 13
10 14. What year shows the biggest increase
0 of immunized one-year-olds compared

to the previous year?

1. 1986
2. 1989
3. 1984
12. What does this bar chart display?
4. 1983
5. 1990
1. the percentage of children who are
immunized in one year
2. the number of one-year-old children
immunized against measles
15. Which three consecutive years have an
3. the percentage of the one-year-olds all
increase of 3% in each year?
over the world who were vaccinated
against measles
1. 1989, 1984, 1985
4. the percentage of children all over the
2. 1988, 1989, 1990
world who were vaccinated against
3. 1984, 1985, 1986
measles at the age of one year old
4. 1986, 1987, 1988
5. the percentage of measles vaccine used
5. 1983, 1984, 1985
on one year-old-children between 1989-

Adapted from: Yomanage, P. (1994). Entrance Handbook 2. Bangkok: The Nation Publishing House. (Page 189)
Directions: Read the following ad and 17. What is the message this passage
answer the following questions. wants to pass on?

1. Disabled people are not all helpless;

HE CAN BARELY MOVE, what they need is some facilities and
BUT WHAT HE CAN DO equipment that will make them be able
to look after themselves.
WILL MOVE YOU. 2. The disabled are very pitiful, so healthy
people should help them and treat them
One look at them and you tend like special people.
to feel sorry. But spend just a few 3. With the luck healthy people have, they
minutes more, and you'll be amazed. should be thankful and treat the
Because as helpless as they look, disabled well.
hopeless they are not. Ah Cheong and 4. Disabled people could not survive
over 2,700 others like him are our unless they received help from normal
disabled. Some even suffer from more people.
than one form of disability. Yet the 5. If you feel sorry for disabled people,
spirit and determination they show can you can help by giving them as much as
be a lesson to us all. All they need in they want.
return is a little help in providing them
with much needed facilities and
equipment. All they need is a little 18. What is the purpose of this passage?
help, to be able to feel as special as
everyone else. 1. to make the public feel sympathy for
Be a SHARE donor. Call the disabled
(1800) 336 9000 today. You'll learn 2. to make the public aware of the
that no one is beyond help. And no one problem
is beyond hope. 3. to make the public aware of the number
of disabled people
4. to tell the truth about disabled people
5. to make the problem known to the
public and ask for donations
16. The headline of this passage means
19. What are the items needed by disabled
1. this person can do very little, but what
people mentioned in the passage?
he can do benefits a lot of people.
2. he cannot do anything for himself, but
1. hope and help
he can do a lot for you.
2. facilities and equipment
3. the abilities he has, despite his
3. strong spirit and determination
physical disability, will make you feel
4. moral support and understanding
sympathetic towards him.
5. money and modern conveniences
4. the person mentioned is seriously ill
and looks very pitiful.
5. this person cannot move, but he can
do many other special things.
20. The given telephone number is for received a less-than-stellar grade because
________ of the infeasibility of the project that Smith
had outlined. The model that Smith
1. people who want to give proposed had never been tried; it was a
encouragement to disabled people. model that was efficient to operate but at
2. people who are looking for a job in
the same time was very difficult to
organizations helping disabled people.
3. people who want to make a donation to institute.
the disabled. Smith achieved efficiency in his
4. people who want to know more about model by designing a system that was
the problems of the disabled. (20) separate from the passenger system and
5. people who want to spend time with the could, therefore, focus on how to deliver
disabled. packages most efficiently. His strategy was
to own his own planes so that he could
create his own schedules and to ship all
21. " ... no one is beyond help. And no packages through the hub city of
one is beyond hope." These two
Memphis, a set-up which resembles the
sentences mean ________
spokes on the wheel of a bicycle. With this
1. everybody can be helped and no one's combination of his own planes and hub
situation is so bad that they would have set-up, he could get packages anywhere in
to give up hope. (30) the United States overnight.
2. one should keep their hope because What made Smith's idea difficult to
there is always help. institute was the fact that the entire system
3. help and hope are always within reach. had to be created before the company
4. there is nothing like too much help and could begin operations. He needed a fleet
too much hope. (35) of aircraft to collect packages from airports
5. one cannot get any help unless one has
every night and deliver them to Memphis,
some hope.
where they were immediately sorted and
Adapted from: Yomanage, P. (1994). Entrance flown out to their new destinations; he
Handbook 2. Bangkok: The Nation Publishing
House. (Page 176) needed a fleet of trucks to deliver packages
(40) to and from the various airports; he needed
facilities and trained staff all in place to
Part Two: Reading Passage handle the operation. Smith had a $4
million inheritance from his father, and he
Directions: Read the following passage
and choose the best answers to the managed to raise an additional $91 million
questions. (45) dollars from venture capitalists to get the
company operating.
Federal Express is a company that When Federal Express began service
specializes in rapid overnight delivery of in 1973 in 25 cities, the company was not
high-priority packages. The first company an immediate success, but success did
of its type, Federal Express was founded (50) come within a relatively short period of
(5) by the youthful Fred Smith in 1971, when time. The company lost $29 million in the
he was only 28 years old. Smith had first 26 months of operations. However,
actually developed the idea for the rapid the tide was to turn relatively quickly. By
delivery service in a term paper for an late 1976, Federal Express was carrying an
economics class when he was a student at (55) average of 19,000 packages per night and
(10) Yale University. The term paper reputedly had made a profit of $3.6 million.
22. The best title for this passage is 26. A "hub city" in line 25 is _____.
1. a large city with small cities as
1. The Problems and Frustrations of a destinations
Business Student 2. a city that is the final destination for
2. The Importance of Business Studies many routes
3. The Implementation of a Successful 3. a city where many bicycle routes
Business begin
4. The Capitalization of Federal Express 4. a city where there is an airport
5. The Need for Rapid Overnight Delivery 5. a centralized city with destinations
of Packages emanating from it

23. The word "developed" in line 7 could 27. It can be inferred from the passage
best be replaced by _______. that Smith selected Memphis as his
hub city because it ________.
1. come up with
2. come across 1. was near the middle of the country
3. come about 2. was a favorite passenger airport
4. come after 3. had a large number of passenger
5. come into aircraft
4. already had a large package delivery
24. What is stated in the passage about 5. was a city where most prospective
Smith's term paper? customers lived

1. Smith submitted it through a delivery

service. 28. The pronoun "they" in line 37 refers to
2. Its grade was mediocre. ________.
3. It was written by a student of Smith's.
4. The professor thought it had great 1. aircraft
potential. 2. packages
5. It presented the project that was very 3. operations
practical. 4. destinations
5. airports

25. What was a key idea of Smith's?

29. It is NOT mentioned in the passage
1. That he should focus on passenger that, in order to set up his company,
service Smith needed ________.
2. That package delivery should be
developed in parallel with passenger 1. airplanes
service 2. trucks
3. That packages could be delivered on 3. personnel
other companies' planes 4. facilities
4. That passenger service had to be 5. faculty
5. That package delivery should be
separate from passenger service
30. How long did it take Federal Express SECTION III: WRITING
to become profitable?
Part One: Cloze Test
1. two months
2. one year Directions: Read the passage below and
3. three years select the best word choices to complete
4. six years the passage.
5. eight years
Cloze Passage

31. Which paragraph explains what made A series of experiments performed by

Smith's model effective? scientists from UK and Japan __33__ that
coffee and naps __34__ together maximize
1. The first paragraph the brain’s alertness much better than
2. The second paragraph when taken alone.
3. The third paragraph Scientists at Loughborough University in
4. The last paragraph Britain found out that tired test takers who
5. The third and the last paragraphs drank a cup of coffee and immediately
took a __35__ nap had __36__ than those
who only drank coffee or only took a nap.
32. The tone of the passage in describing
Smith's accomplishments is _____. The secret is in how the combination of
caffeine and sleep __37__ a
1. exaggerated neuromodulator called adenosine.
2. unflattering
3. sincere Normal activity slowly raises the level of
4. unconvincing adenosine in the brain, __38__ makes us
5. snobbish __39__. Coffee reduces adenosine, while
sleep naturally clears it from the brain.

Adapted from: Phillips, D. (2003). Longman As research shows that it takes __40__
Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: affecting the brain, taking a nap
The Paper Test. New York: Pearson Education.
(Page 244)
immediately after drinking coffee
enhances its effect on adenosine.

Scientists say __41__ should drink coffee

quickly in order to have enough time for
the nap, __42__ no more than 20 minutes.
For those who do not fall asleep easily,
scientists say even a half-asleep stage

Adapted from:
33. 1. suggests 2. suggest 42. 1. which should last
3. suggesting 4. that suggest 2. should last
5. to suggest 3. that should last
4. which should be lasted
5. that should be lasted
34. 1. take 2. taking
3. are taken 4. taken
5. to take Part Two: Paragraph Organization

Directions: Choose the correct answers

35. 1. 15-minutes 2. 15-minute that show the logical sequences.
3. 15 minutes 4. 15 minute
5. 15 minute’s 43. A. A man of another country will
not do so.
B. One may observe that a man of
36. 1. errors in driving simulator fewer one nation will remove his hat
2. errors in driving simulator less or fold his hands by way of
3. fewer errors in driving simulator greetings when he meets
4. less errors in driving simulator someone he knows.
5. fewer in driving simulator errors C. Politeness is not a quality
possessed by only one nation or
37. 1. affected 2. affecting D. It is a quality to be found among
3. effects 4. affect all peoples and nations in every
5. affects corner of the earth.
E. Obviously, each person follows
the custom of his particular
38. 1. which 2. that country.
3. where 4. it
5. who 1. B-A-C-D-E
2. E-D-C-B-A
3. E-B-A-D-C
39. 1. feel tiring 2. to feel tired 4. C-D-B-A-E
3. feel tired 4. feeling tired 5. C-E-B-A-D
5. feeling tiring

Adapted from: http://www.indiabix.com/verbal-

40. 1. about 20 minutes for caffeine to ability/ordering-of-sentences/017007
2. for caffeine about 20 minutes to
3. about 20 minutes to start caffeine
4. caffeine to start about 20 minutes
5. 20 minutes caffeine about to start

41. 1. they 2. one

3. he 4. those
5. these

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