Encoder Decoder With Dense Dilated Spatial Pyramid Pooling For Prostate MR

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Computer Assisted Surgery

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Encoder-decoder with dense dilated spatial

pyramid pooling for prostate MR images

Lei Geng, Jia Wang, Zhitao Xiao, Jun Tong, Fang Zhang & Jun Wu

To cite this article: Lei Geng, Jia Wang, Zhitao Xiao, Jun Tong, Fang Zhang & Jun Wu (2019):
Encoder-decoder with dense dilated spatial pyramid pooling for prostate MR images segmentation,
Computer Assisted Surgery, DOI: 10.1080/24699322.2019.1649069

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/24699322.2019.1649069

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Published online: 19 Aug 2019.

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Encoder-decoder with dense dilated spatial pyramid pooling for prostate

MR images segmentation
Lei Genga,b, Jia Wanga,b, Zhitao Xiaoa,b, Jun Tonga,c, Fang Zhanga,b and Jun Wua,b
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Detection Technology and Systems, Tianjin, China; bSchool of Electronics and Information
Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin, China; cSECTE, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia

Automatic segmentation of prostate magnetic resonance (MR) images has great significance for Prostate; MRI; Encoder-
the diagnosis and clinical application of prostate diseases. It faces enormous challenges because Decoder; DDSPP
of the low contrast of the tissue boundary and the small effective area of the prostate MR
images. In order to solve these problems, we propose a novel end-to-end professional network
which consists of an Encoder-Decoder structure with dense dilated spatial pyramid pooling
(DDSPP) for prostate segmentation based on deep learning. First, the DDSPP module is used to
extract the multi-scale convolution features in the prostate MR images, and then the decoder is
used to capture the clear boundary of prostate. Competitive results are produced over state of
the art on 130 MR images which key metrics Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and Hausdorff dis-
tance (HD) are 0.954 and 1.752 mm respectively. Experimental results show that our method has
high accuracy and robustness.

1. Introduction [3–6] have been proposed for the segmentation of

various organs and tissues in medical images, but
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in
automatic prostate segmentation is difficult. The main
men. Statistics from the National Cancer Institute has
reasons affecting magnetic resonance images segmen-
shown that 164,690 new prostate cancer patients are
expected to be added in 2018, which is the highest tation are as follows: (1) Prostate tissue has low con-
proportion of all male cancers [1]. The diagnosis of trast with other surrounding tissues and it is difficult
prostate disease has always been the focus of imaging to distinguish the boundaries of it. (2) There is less
research. Currently common imaging techniques for effective information available in a MR image because
prostate imaging include rectal ultrasound (TRUS), of the small size of prostate tissue. (3) The shape of
computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance prostate is varied, which brings difficulty to segmenta-
imaging (MRI). Compared with other imaging meth- tion algorithm. Complicated algorithm time consump-
ods, the image quality of MRI is clearer for distinguish- tion may delay clinical diagnosis.
ing prostate anatomical regions and more sensitive to Litjens et al. [7] used the anatomy, gray value and
diseased tissue. Therefore, MRI is recognized as the texture features to classify the internal body elements
most effective method for diagnosing cancerous pros- of the prostate that realize the full segmentation of
tate, and plays an important role in assessing the the internal and external contour. The outer contour is
nature of prostate lesions [2]. segmented manually and used as the initialization of
Clinical manual segmentation of the prostate often the inner contour, which makes the whole prostate
requires expert manual interaction, which is time-con- segmentation time-consuming and laborious. Zhang
suming, poorly reproducible, and dependent on spe- et al. [8] proposed a new prostate MRI two step seg-
cialist experience. The automatic segmentation can mentation method based on the edge distance adjust-
improve the repeatability of the results and the clinical ment level set evolution to realize the full
efficiency, which has important clinical significance. segmentation of the prostate contour. The segmenta-
Many semi-automatic or fully automated methods tion effect of this method depends more on the

CONTACT Zhitao Xiao xiaozhitao@tjpu.edu.cn Tianjin Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Detection Technology and Systems, Tianjin, China; School
of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin, China
ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

quality of the segmented image, and it takes a long

time to train a large number of atlas for the segmen-
tation of an image. Jia et al. [9] proposed a coarse-to-
fine prostate segmentation approach based on a prob-
abilistic atlas-based coarse segmentation. Mahapatra
et al. [10] proposed a fully automated method for
prostate segmentation using Random forests and
graph cuts.
In recent years, deep learning has outperformed
state of the art in many fields such as computer vision
and medical image processing. The availability of large
annotated medical imaging data now makes it feasible Figure 1. Dilated convolution with a 3  3 kernel and dilation
to use deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) rate 2.
for medical image segmentation and classification
[11]. Zhu et al. [12] proposed a model named Deeply- up-sampling directly. The ASPP and cascaded modules
Supervised CNN to segment prostate MR images. with dilated convolution are shown in Figure 2.
Karimi et al. [13] put forward a prostate MR image Combining the advantages of the ASPP and cas-
segmentation strategy based on CNN and statistics. caded modules with dilated convolution, the DDSPP
Zhan et al. [14] used deconvolution neural network to which can generate more scale features over a wider
segment the MR images of prostate. These methods range is designed. It’s shown in Figure 3.
solve the problem of the segmentation of the prostate Stacking two convolutional layers together can give
MR image in some degree. However, the automatic us a larger receptive field. Suppose we have two con-
segmentation of the prostate MR image is still a huge volution layers with the filter size K1 and K2 respect-
challenge, due to the large variability in prostate con- ively, the receptive field is:
tour, the interference of the surrounding tissue and F ¼ ðK1 þ K2 1Þ  ðK1 þ K2 1Þ (2)
the imaging artifact.
When rate ¼ 6, 12 will result in a new receptive
In this paper a deep neural network is proposed to
field of size F ¼ 37  37:
solve the above problems. It contains an Encoder-
Table 1 shows the contrast of receptive field
Decoder structure with dense dilated spatial pyramid
between DDSPP module and ASPP module. Where F1 ;
pooling (DDSPP). Firstly, DDSPP is used to extract
F2 ; F3 are the receptive field of the dilated convolution
multi-scale features of MR images, and then decoder
of rate ¼ 6,12,18 in the ASPP module and the stacking
is used for up-sampling to obtain prediction
receptive field as shown in Figure 3.
It is obvious that dense connections between
stacked dilated layers are able to compose feature
2. Method pyramid with much denser scale diversity. The recep-
tive fields of DDSPP are larger than the ASPP.
2.1. DDSPP
Dilated convolution [15] which named atrous convolu-
2.2. Encoder-decoder
tion in [16], it can increase the receptive field expo-
nentially without reducing the spatial dimension Encoder-Decoder architecture is successful in many
(Figure 1). computer vision tasks, such as human pose estimation
The dilated convolution can increase the receiving [18], object detection [19], and semantic segmentation
field of the convolution kernel. When the convolution [20–23]. The Encoder-Decoder network includes an
kernel size is K  K; the rate is R and the receptive encoder module and a decoder module. The encoder
field of the convolution kernel is: module gradually reduces the feature maps and cap-
    tures higher semantic information and the decoder
F ¼ ðK1ÞðR1Þ þ K  ðK1ÞðR1Þ þ K (1)
module gradually recovers space information.
When rate ¼ 6, the convolution kernel size is 3  3;
F ¼ 13  13:
2.3. Network architecture
In Deep Labv3 [17], ASPP (Atrous Spatial Pyramid
Pooling) is used to obtain multi-scale context informa- In this paper encoder with DDSPP is used to get infor-
tion, and the prediction results are obtained by mation on MR images of the prostate, which can get

Conv_3×3 F1

Input F2 Output
rate=12 F3


Feature Output

Conv_3×3 Conv_3×3 Conv_3×3

rate=6 rate=12 rate=18
Figure 2. ASPP and cascaded modules with dilated convolution: (a) ASPP. (b) Cascaded modules with dilated convolution.

F1 F2 F3

Figure 3. Dense dilated spatial pyramid pooling (DDSPP).

Table 1. Comparison of receptive field between ASPP and 3. Experiments and evaluation
DDSPP modules in the same rate.
F1 F2 F3
3.1. Experimental results
ASPP 13  13 25  25 37  37 The experimental platform for this paper is tensor-
DDSPP 13  13 37  37 73  73
flow1.6, Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU 3.30 GHz and
Challenge: Prostate MR Image Segmentation 2012
the edge information of the prostate more clearly.
(PROMISE12) [24] and NCI-ISBI 2013 Challenge:
And then gradually recover the details of the prostate
Automated Segmentation of Prostate Structures
through the up- sampling. With the image convolution
and pooling, the resolution decreases, deconvolution (ASPS13) datasets are used in this experiment. Pictures
the feature map will lead to the rough output and are removed which don’t contain prostate information
loss of many details directly. Therefore, we connect or unclear in order to reduce the proportion of nega-
the low-level features and high-level features to pro- tive samples as shown in Figure 5. There are a total
duce more accurate results. The network architecture 1392 images, the size of the image is 256  256. Of
is shown in Figure 4. the 1392 images in this experiment, 1200 images are

Figure 4. Network architecture. We input a prostate image to the encoder which based on ResNet-101 to extract multiscale
semantic information by applying DDSPP. And followed by a valid decoder module refines the segmentation results along pros-
tate boundaries.

Figure 5. Pictures which removed because don’t contain prostate such as (a) and (b) or unclear such as (c).

used for training and the remaining 192 images are 3.2. Performance evaluation
used to test the algorithm.
Evaluation process aims to measure the performance
We show the qualitative examples of the segmenta-
of proposed scheme. In this paper the segmentation
tion results in Figure 6. From Figure (a-1–a-3), Figure (b-
precision of prostate MR images can be evaluated
1–b-3), Figure (c-1–c-3), Figure (d-1–d-3) we can know
from shape distance and area overlap. In this experi-
that our method can accurately segment the prostate
ment, two parameters are used to quantitatively
MR images and overcome the effects of the around tis-
evaluate segmentation algorithm. The performance is
sues and identify prostate tissue as entire section.
Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), accuracy, Intersection
Figure (d-1–d-3) show small difference between our
over Union (IoU) and Hausdorff distance (HD).
results in green and the ground truth in red, because
DSC calculates the degree of similarity between the
the prostate tissue has so low contrast with other sur-
two contour regions. DSC is computed as
rounding tissues and the shape of them become so
2  TP
small. Significantly, our method shows a delightful DSC ¼ (3)
impact in the prostate MR images segmentation. 2  TP þ FP þ FN

(a-1) (a-2) (a-3)

(b-1) (b-2) (b-3)

(c-1) (c-2) (c-3)

(d-1) (d-2) (d-3)

(e-1) (e-2) (e-3)

Figure 6. Segmentation results of our network on representative MR images from different patients.

Accuracy and IoU are defined as

Accuracy ¼ (4)
TP þ FP þ TN þ FN
IoU ¼ (5)
TP þ FP þ FN
where true positive (TP) represents the common area
of manual segmentation and algorithm segmentation.
True negative (TN) represents the manual segmenta-
tion of external and algorithmic segmentation of the
external common area. False positive (FP) represented
in the algorithm segmentation area, but outside the
manual segmentation area and false negative (FN) rep-
resents an area that is contained within the manual
outline but is missing by the algorithm. Figure 7. Accuracy of different networks.
HD reflects the biggest difference between the two
contour points set. Suppose there are two sets Table 2. Quantitative evaluation of different methods.
A ¼ fa1 ; a2 ; . . . ; ap g and B ¼ fb1 ; b2 ; . . . ; bq g; then the Methods DSC HD (mm)
HD between the two-point sets is defined as Jia et al. [9] 0.916 2.523
Zhan et al. [14] 0.899 1.356
HDðA; BÞ ¼ maxðhðA; BÞ; hðB; AÞÞ (6) U-net 0.854 2.563
PixelNet 0.906 2.052
hðA; BÞ ¼ maxða 2 AÞminðb 2 BÞ||a  b|| (7) DeepLabV3þ 0.939 1.839
OUR 0.954 1.752
hðB; AÞ ¼ maxðb 2 BÞminða 2 AÞ||b  a|| (8)

where A is a combination of manually segmented con- 4. Discussion

tour point coordinates, B is a combination of algo- In this study, a deep neural network is proposed to
rithm segmented contour point coordinates. capture the boundary of the prostate. The proposed
At first, we compare the consequence between ori- study leverages on the inherent advantages of dilated
ginal network which without DDSPP and unconnect- convolution, Encoder-Decoder architecture and deep
ing the low-level features and high-level features and learning. Having successfully trained, tested and vali-
with DDSPP while connecting and unconnecting the dated on the 1392 prostate MR images, we were able
low-level features and high-level features. It is to consistently achieve a good qualitative and quanti-
observed from Figure 7. tative results. Thus, we may be able to offer a robust
From Figure 7 we can get the best results using segmentation framework, for the automated segmen-
DDSPP architecture and connecting the low-level fea- tation study of the prostate tissues.
tures and the high-level features. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods
We emphatically compared our method with [12–14], our approach has several advantages. Such as
advanced methods [9,14] which using our datasets, the high rate of accuracy and the bigger DSC is. Most
and convolution neural networks; including U-net [23], traditional methods [7,8] rely on the shape of prostate
PixelNet [24], and DeepLabV3þ [20] which are the to segment. It’s not only time-consuming but also low
prominent network so far in the domain of semantic in accuracy. Though the method used in [23] based
segmentation. U-net and PixelNet was based on VGG- on U-Net convolutional neural network also can avoid
16 model, DeepLabV3þ was based on Resnet. above steps as ours, it attached much importance on
As we all know, the bigger the DSC and the smaller reducing prediction time, which resulted in relatively
the HD value is, the closer the predict result to the poor accuracy. We also compare our method with
ground truth is. The detailed comparison between dif- PixelNet [24] and DeepLabV3þ [20]; the results show
ferent methods is illustrated in Table 2 from which we that our method has higher segmentation
can see that the proposed method outperforms other performance.
methods. Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and It suggests that the proposed algorithm for the seg-
Hausdorff distance (HD) over other methods are up to mentation of the prostate tissues in MR images can be
0.954 and 1.752 mm, respectively. welled in clinical diagnosis research.

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