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Project Job Ref.

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Paa 12/8/2018


In accordance with ACI318-11
Tedds calculation version 2.0.00

Pile analysis summary

Unit Applied Allowable Utilization Result
Pile axial compression, pile 2 kN 277 663 0.417 PASS
Pile axial tension, pile 3 kN 170 367 0.464 PASS
Pile cap design summary
Unit Required Provided Utilization Result
Flexural reinforcement mm2 1620 (min) 3402 0.476 PASS
One way modified shear kN 394 2008 0.196 PASS
Two way col. mod. shear MPa 0.657 3.098 0.212 PASS
Two way pile shear MPa 0.751 1.310 0.573 PASS
One way corner pile shear kN 377 470 0.803 PASS

1800 mm


1800 mm

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102 mm
500 mm

Pile cap details
Pile cap width, along x axis; Lx = 1800 mm; Pile cap width, along y axis; Ly = 1800 mm
Total cap depth; Dcap = 500 mm; Density of concrete; conc = 24 kN/m3
Height of soil above pile cap; hsoil = 0 mm; Density of soil above pile cap; soil = 17 kN/m3

Column details
Column width, along x axis; lx,col = 800 mm; Column width, along y axis; ly,col = 800 mm
Column location, x axis; xc = 900 mm; Column location, y axis; yc = 900 mm
Pile details
Pile material; Concrete; Concrete pile section; Circular
Pile diameter; hpile = 300 mm
Allowable axial compr. load; PpC,allow = 662.9 kN; Allowable axial tension load; PpT,allow = 366.7 kN
Allowable lateral load; Vp,allow = 92.9 kN; Number of piles; Np = 4.000
Pile embedment; dembed = 102 mm
Pile number x location (mm) y location (mm)
1 450 468
2 1327 512
3 376 1384
4 1314 1427

Column axial loads

Axial dead load; PD = 210.6 kN
Total area axial dead load; PD,area = 38.9 kN
Axial rooflive load; PLr = 145.1 kN
Axial wind load; PW = 72.6 kN
Axial seismic load; PE = 11.7 kN
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Column shear loads

Shear dead load, x axis; VxD = 0.8 kN
Shear rooflive load, x axis; VxLr = 0.6 kN
Shear wind load, x axis; VxW = 12.2 kN
Shear seismic load, x axis; VxE = 32.8 kN
Shear dead load, y axis; VyD = 3.4 kN
Shear rooflive load, y axis; VyLr = 3.5 kN
Shear wind load, y axis; VyW = 15.4 kN
Shear seismic load, y axis; VyE = 36.9 kN
Column moment loads
Moment dead load, x-x axis; MxD = 12.9 kNm
Moment rooflive load, x-x axis; MxLr = 13.4 kNm
Moment wind load, x-x axis; MxW = 106.0 kNm
Moment seismic load, x-x axis; MxE = 253.7 kNm
Moment dead load, y-y axis; MyD = 3.9 kNm
Moment rooflive load, y-y axis; MyLr = 2.8 kNm
Moment wind load, y-y axis; MyW = 77.1 kNm
Moment seismic load, y-y axis; MyE = 246.4 kNm
Pile group centroid
Centroid location, x dir.; xpg,c = 867 mm; Centroid location, y dir.; ypg,c = 948 mm
Pile distance from centroid
Pile 1 centroid dist., x dir.; xp1,c = -417 mm; Pile 1 centroid dist., y dir.; yp1,c = -480 mm
Pile 2 centroid dist., x dir.; xp2,c = 460 mm; Pile 2 centroid dist., y dir.; yp2,c = -436 mm
Pile 3 centroid dist., x dir.; xp3,c = -491 mm; Pile 3 centroid dist., y dir.; yp3,c = 437 mm
Pile 4 centroid dist., x dir.; xp4,c = 448 mm; Pile 4 centroid dist., y dir.; yp4,c = 479 mm
Moment of inertia of pile group
Moment of inertia, x-x axis; Ixx = 840269 mm2; Moment of inertia, y-y axis; Iyy = 826767 mm2
Loading eccentricity
Ecc. of column load, x dir.; ex,c = 33 mm; Ecc. of column load, y dir.; ey,c = -48 mm
Dead load pile forces
Dead load mom., x-x axis; MxD,Des = 21.2 kNm; Dead load mom., y-y axis; MyD,Des = 11.3 kNm
Dead axial load on pile 1; Pp1,D = 69 kN
Dead axial load on pile 2; Pp2,D = 80 kN
Dead axial load on pile 3; Pp3,D = 45 kN
Dead axial load on pile 4; Pp4,D = 56 kN
RoofLive load pile forces
RoofLive load mom., x-x axis; MxLr,Des = 18.6 kNm; RoofLive load mom., y-y axis; MyLr,Des = 7.9 kNm
RoofLive axial load on pile 1; Pp1,Lr = 43 kN
RoofLive axial load on pile 2; Pp2,Lr = 50 kN
RoofLive axial load on pile 3; Pp3,Lr = 22 kN
RoofLive axial load on pile 4; Pp4,Lr = 30 kN
Wind load pile forces
Wind load mom., x-x axis; MxW,Des = 101.8 kNm; Wind load mom., y-y axis; MyW,Des = 85.6 kNm
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Wind axial load on pile 1; Pp1,W = 33 kN

Wind axial load on pile 2; Pp2,W = 119 kN
Wind axial load on pile 3; Pp3,W = -86 kN
Wind axial load on pile 4; Pp4,W = 6 kN
Seismic load pile forces
Seismic load mom., x-x axis; MxE,Des = 235.8 kNm; Seismic load mom., y-y axis; MyE,Des = 263.1 kNm
Seismic axial load on pile 1; Pp1,E = 5 kN
Seismic axial load on pile 2; Pp2,E = 272 kN
Seismic axial load on pile 3; Pp3,E = -276 kN
Seismic axial load on pile 4; Pp4,E = 11 kN
ASCE 7-10 load combinations (ASD)
1.0D (0.120)
1.0D + 1.0L (0.120)
1.0D + 1.0Lr (0.196)
1.0D + 1.0S (0.120)
1.0D + 1.0R (0.120)
1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr (0.177)
1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75S (0.120)
1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75R (0.120)
1.0D + 0.6W (0.227)
(1.0 + 0.14SDS)D + 0.7E (0.417)
1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr + 0.45W (0.258)
1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75S + 0.45W (0.201)
1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75R + 0.45W (0.201)
(1.0 + 0.10SDS)D + 0.75L + 0.75S + 0.525E (0.343)
0.6D + 0.6W (0.179)
(0.6 - 0.14SDS)D + 0.7E (0.464)

Combination 1 results: 1.0D

Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 68.8 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.104
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 79.7 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.120
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 44.7 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.067
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 56.4 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.085
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 2 results: 1.0D + 1.0L
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 68.8 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.104
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 79.7 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.120
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 44.7 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.067
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 56.4 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.085
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PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force

Combination 3 results: 1.0D + 1.0Lr
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 111.7 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.169
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 130 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.196
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 66.6 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.100
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 86.3 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.130
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 4 results: 1.0D + 1.0S
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 68.8 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.104
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 79.7 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.120
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 44.7 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.067
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 56.4 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.085
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 5 results: 1.0D + 1.0R
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 68.8 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.104
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 79.7 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.120
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 44.7 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.067
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 56.4 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.085
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 6 results: 1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 101 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.152
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 117.4 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.177
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 61.1 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.092
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 78.8 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.119
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 7 results: 1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75S
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 68.8 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.104
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 79.7 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.120
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 44.7 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.067
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
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Paa 12/8/2018

Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 56.4 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.085

PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 8 results: 1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75R
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 68.8 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.104
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 79.7 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.120
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 44.7 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.067
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 56.4 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.085
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 9 results: 1.0D + 0.6W
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 88.7 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.134
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 150.8 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.227
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = -6.7 kN; max(Pp3 / (-1  PpT,allow),0) = 0.018
PASS - Pile allowable tension load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 60.2 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.091
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force

Combination 10 results: (1.0 + 0.14SDS)D + 0.7E

Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 78 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.118
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 276.6 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.417
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = -144.5 kN; max(Pp3 / (-1  PpT,allow),0) = 0.394
PASS - Pile allowable tension load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 68.8 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.104
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 11 results: 1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr + 0.45W
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 115.9 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.175
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 170.7 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.258
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 22.6 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.034
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 81.7 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.123
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 12 results: 1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75S + 0.45W
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 83.7 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.126
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 133 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.201
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 6.2 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.009
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Paa 12/8/2018

PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force

Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 59.3 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.089
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 13 results: 1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75R + 0.45W
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 83.7 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.126
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 133 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.201
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = 6.2 kN; max(Pp3 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.009
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 59.3 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.089
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force

Combination 14 results: (1.0 + 0.10SDS)D + 0.75L + 0.75S + 0.525E

Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 75.5 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.114
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 227 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.343
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = -97.4 kN; max(Pp3 / (-1  PpT,allow),0) = 0.266
PASS - Pile allowable tension load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 65.5 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.099
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Combination 15 results: 0.6D + 0.6W
Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 61.1 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.092
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 118.9 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.179
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = -24.5 kN; max(Pp3 / (-1  PpT,allow),0) = 0.067
PASS - Pile allowable tension load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 37.7 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.057
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force

Combination 16 results: (0.6 - 0.14SDS)D + 0.7E

Pile 1 axial load; Pp1 = 38.8 kN; max(Pp1 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.059
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 2 axial load; Pp2 = 231.2 kN; max(Pp2 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.349
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile 3 axial load; Pp3 = -170 kN; max(Pp3 / (-1  PpT,allow),0) = 0.464
PASS - Pile allowable tension load exceeds axial force
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 36.7 kN; max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.055
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile cap design
Material details
Compr. strength of concrete; f'c = 28.000 MPa; Concrete type; Normal weight
Concrete modification factor;  = 1; Yield strength of reinf.; fy = 420.000 MPa
Nominal cover to top reinf.; cnom,top = 50 mm; Nom. cover to bottom reinf.; cnom,bot = 50 mm
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ASCE 7-10 load combinations (LRFD)

1.4D (0.476)
1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr (0.476)
1.2D + 1.6L + 1  0.5S (0.476)
1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5R (0.476)
1.2D + 1.0L + 1.6Lr (0.476)
1.2D + 1.0L + 1.6S (0.476)
1.2D + 1.0L + 1.6R (0.476)
1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W (0.501)
1.2D + 1.6S + 0.5W (0.476)
1.2D + 1.6R + 0.5W (0.476)
1.2D + 1.0L + 0.5Lr + 1.0W (0.510)
1.2D + 1.0L + 1  0.5S + 1.0W (0.476)
1.2D + 1.0L + 0.5R + 1.0W (0.476)
(1.2 + 0.2  SDS)D + 1.0L + 1  0.2S + 1.0E (0.803)
0.9D + 1.0W (0.476)
(0.9 - 0.2  SDS)D + 1.0E (0.711)

Combination 1 results: 1.4D

Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 21.1 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.051
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 22.4 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.058
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 141.7 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 21.1 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.071
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 150.8 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 15.5 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.075
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 126.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 22.4 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2199.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1649.3 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.077
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 155.6 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 15.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.082
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 323.3 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.389 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.126
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 96.3 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.201 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
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Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa

vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.153
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 2
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 111.5 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.222 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.170
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 62.5 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.142 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.108
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 78.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.171 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.131
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 96.3 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.215
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 111.5 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
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Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.238
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 62.5 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.152
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 78.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.183
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 2 results: 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 23.0 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.056
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 24.0 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.062
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 153.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 23.0 kNm
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Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm

Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.076
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 164.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 17.3 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.082
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 134.2 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 24.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2183.8 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1637.9 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.082
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 171.6 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 17.1 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.091
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 349.6 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.421 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.136
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 104.0 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.217 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
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Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.165
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 2
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 120.7 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.241 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.184
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 64.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.147 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.112
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 82.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.179 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.137
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 104.0 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.232
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 120.7 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
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Vu / Vn = 0.257
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 64.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.157
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 82.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.192
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load

Combination 3 results: 1.2D + 1.6L + 1  0.5S

Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment

Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 18.0 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.044
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 19.2 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.049
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 121.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 18.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
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Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.061

PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 129.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 13.2 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.064
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 108.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 19.2 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2199.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1649.3 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.066
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 133.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 12.9 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.070
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 277.1 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.334 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.108
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 82.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.172 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.131
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PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load

Pile two way shear design, pile 2
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 95.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.190 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.145
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 53.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.122 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.093
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 67.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.147 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.112
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 82.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.184
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 95.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.204
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 53.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.131
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 67.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.157
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 4 results: 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5R
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 18.0 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.044
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 19.2 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.049
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 121.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 18.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.061
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 129.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 13.2 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.064
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 108.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 19.2 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2199.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1649.3 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.066
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 133.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 12.9 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.070
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 277.1 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.334 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.108
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 82.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.172 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.131
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 95.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.190 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.145
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 53.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.122 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.093
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 67.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.147 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.112
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 82.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.184
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 95.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.204
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 53.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.131
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 67.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.157
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 5 results: 1.2D + 1.0L + 1.6Lr
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 33.8 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.082
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 34.6 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.089
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 223.8 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 33.8 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.111
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 241.4 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 26.3 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.120
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 191.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 34.6 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2164.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1623.7 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.118
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 255.7 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 26.4 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.135
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 509.2 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.613 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.198
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 151.2 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.315 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.240
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 176.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.351 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.268
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 88.7 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.202 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.154
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 115.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.250 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.191
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 151.2 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.337
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 176.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.375
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 88.7 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.216
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 115.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.268
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 6 results: 1.2D + 1.0L + 1.6S
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 18.0 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.044
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 19.2 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.049
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 121.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 18.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.061
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 129.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 13.2 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.064
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 108.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 19.2 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2199.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1649.3 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.066
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 133.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 12.9 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.070
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 277.1 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.334 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.108
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 82.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.172 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.131
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 95.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.190 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.145
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 53.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.122 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.093
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 67.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.147 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.112
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 82.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.184
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 95.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.204
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Paa 12/8/2018

One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 53.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.131
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 67.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.157
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 7 results: 1.2D + 1.0L + 1.6R
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 18.0 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.044
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 19.2 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.049
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 121.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 18.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.061
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 129.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 13.2 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.064
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 108.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 19.2 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2199.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1649.3 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.066
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 133.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 12.9 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.070
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 277.1 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.334 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.108
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 82.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.172 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.131
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 95.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.190 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.145
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 53.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.122 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.093
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 67.6 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.147 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.112
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 82.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.184
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 95.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.204
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 53.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.131
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 67.6 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.157
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 8 results: 1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 32.8 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.079
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 32.6 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.084
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 197.2 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 27.4 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.098
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 296.9 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 32.8 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.148
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 151.7 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 28.4 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2109.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1582.4 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.096
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 314.9 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 32.6 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.166
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 545.5 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.657 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.212
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 167.8 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.349 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.267
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 235.4 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.469 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.358
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 45.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.104 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.080
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 118.8 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.257 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.197
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 167.8 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.374
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 235.4 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.501
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 45.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.112
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 118.8 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.276
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 9 results: 1.2D + 1.6S + 0.5W
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 19.8 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.048
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 19.1 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.049
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 94.9 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 11.6 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.047
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Paa 12/8/2018

One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 184.8 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 19.8 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.092
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 68.7 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 13.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2096.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1572.7 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.044
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 192.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 19.1 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.102
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 313.4 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.377 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.122
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 99.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.206 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.158
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 154.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.309 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.236
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 10.8 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.025 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.019
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 70.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.154 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.117
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 99.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.221
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 154.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.330
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Paa 12/8/2018

One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 10.8 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.026
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 70.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.164
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 10 results: 1.2D + 1.6R + 0.5W
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 19.8 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.048
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 19.1 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.049
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 94.9 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 11.6 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.047
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 184.8 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 19.8 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.092
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 68.7 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 13.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2096.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1572.7 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.044
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 192.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 19.1 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.102
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 313.4 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.377 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.122
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 99.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.206 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.158
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 154.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.309 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.236
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 10.8 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.025 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.019
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 70.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.154 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.117
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 99.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.221
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 154.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.330
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 10.8 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.026
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 70.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.164
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 11 results: 1.2D + 1.0L + 0.5Lr + 1.0W
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 30.4 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.074
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 29.5 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.076
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 100.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 10.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.050
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 275.4 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 30.4 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.137
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 55.1 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 11.5 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 1912.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1434.7 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.038
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 289.9 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 29.5 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.153
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 422.2 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.508 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.164
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 137.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.286 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.218
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 239.3 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.477 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.364
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 21.0 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.048 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.036
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 89.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.193 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.147
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 137.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.305
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 239.3 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.510
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 21.0 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.051
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 89.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.207
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load

Combination 12 results: 1.2D + 1.0L + 1  0.5S + 1.0W

Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment

Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 26.4 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.064
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 25.3 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.065
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 68.4 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 5.1 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.034
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Paa 12/8/2018

One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 240.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 26.4 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.120
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 29.2 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 6.7 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 1734.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1300.6 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.022
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 251.7 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 25.3 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.133
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 349.7 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.421 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.136
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 115.7 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.241 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.184
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 214.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.427 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.326
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 31.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.073 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.055
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 74.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.161 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.123
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 115.7 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.258
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 214.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.456
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 31.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.078
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 74.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.172
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 13 results: 1.2D + 1.0L + 0.5R + 1.0W
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 26.4 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.064
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 25.3 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.065
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 68.4 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 5.1 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.034
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 240.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 26.4 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.120
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 29.2 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 6.7 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 1734.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1300.6 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.022
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 251.7 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 25.3 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.133
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 349.7 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.421 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.136
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 115.7 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.241 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.184
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Pile two way shear design, pile 2

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 214.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.427 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.326
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 31.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.073 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.055
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 74.1 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.161 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.123
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 115.7 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.258
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 214.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.456
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3

Ultimate shear force; Vu = 31.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.078
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 74.1 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.172
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load

Combination 14 results: (1.2 + 0.2  SDS)D + 1.0L + 1  0.2S + 1.0E

Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment

Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 44.3 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.107
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 34.7 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.089
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about y-y axis, negative moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 34.9 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  top bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
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PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing

Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.03055
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 605.6 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 545.1 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.064
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, negative moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 21.1 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  top bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02911
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 578.5 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 520.6 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.041
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 137.2 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 34.9 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2347.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1760.3 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.078
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 393.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 44.3 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.196
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 145.6 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 21.1 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2509.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1882.4 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.077
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 353.2 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 34.7 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.186
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Column modified two way shear design

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm ; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 316.7 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.381 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.123
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 95.7 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.199 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.152
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 2
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 376.8 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.751 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.573
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 216.7 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.492 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.376
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PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load

Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 85.4 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.185 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.141
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 95.7 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.213
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 376.8 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.803
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 216.7 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.528
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 85.4 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.198
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Combination 15 results: 0.9D + 1.0W
Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 23.1 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
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PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing

Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.056
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 22.0 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.057
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 38.0 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 0.6 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.019
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 208.0 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 23.1 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.104
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 2.1 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 1.9 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 1000.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 750.7 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.003
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 218.3 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 22.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.115
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
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Paa 12/8/2018

Column modified two way shear design

Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm ; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 280.4 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.338 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.109
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 95.0 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.198 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.151
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 2
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 190.3 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.379 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.289
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 45.3 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.103 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.079
Project Job Ref.
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Paa 12/8/2018

PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load

Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 57.2 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.124 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.095
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 95.0 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.212
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 190.3 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.405
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 45.3 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.110
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 57.2 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.133
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load

Combination 16 results: (0.9 - 0.2  SDS)D + 1.0E

Moment design, about y-y axis, positive moment

Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 38.3 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
Project Job Ref.
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Paa 12/8/2018

PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing

Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02278
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 459.9 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 413.9 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.093
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 28.9 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  bot bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02134
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 432.7 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 389.5 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.074
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about y-y axis, negative moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 43.0 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  top bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.03055
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 605.6 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 545.1 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.079
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Moment design, about x-x axis, negative moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 29.8 kNm; Tension reinf. provided; (12) 19 mm  top bars (152
mm c/c)
Area of tension reinf. provided; As.prov = 3402 mm2; Minimum area of reinf.; As.min = 1620 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinf.; smax = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Strain in tensile reinf.; t = 0.02911
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = 578.5 kNm; Flexural strength red. factor; f = 0.900
Design moment capacity; Mn = 520.6 kNm; Mu / Mn = 0.057
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
Project Job Ref.
Section Sheet no./rev.
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Paa 12/8/2018

One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, left side

Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 192.1 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 43.0 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wL = 50 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.096
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along x axis, right side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 335.1 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 38.3 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 339 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wR = 14 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2677.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 2007.8 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.167
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, top side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 194.5 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 29.8 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wT = 84 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2429.0 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1821.7 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.107
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way shear design at column face, along y axis, bottom side
Ult. shear force, face of col.; Vu = 293.0 kN; Ult. moment force, face of col.; Mu = 28.9 kNm
Depth to reinforcement; dv = 320 mm; Distance to nearest pile; wB = 32 mm
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 2526.9 kN
Design shear capacity; Vn = 1895.1 kN; Vu / Vn = 0.155
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Column modified two way shear design
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Dist. to closest pile, x dir.; wx = 14 mm
Dist. to closest pile, y dir.; wy = 32 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 1300 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 1300 mm; Shear perimeter, modified; bs = 2600 mm
Area inside shear perimeter; AInsidePerim = 1690000.000 mm2; Ultimate shear load; Vu = 191.5 kN
Ultimate shear stress; vumod = 0.231 MPa
Shear perimeter, traditional; bo = 4478 mm; Column geometry factor;  = 1.00
Column location factor; s =20;
Concrete shear strength, trad.; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 1.505 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.505 MPa
Concrete shear strength, mod.; vcp.mod = 1.512 MPa; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nom. shear stress capacity; vn = 4.131 MPa; Design shear stress capacity; vn = 3.098 MPa
vumod / vn = 0.074
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 742 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 761 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1503 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 58.4 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.122 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Project Job Ref.
Section Sheet no./rev.
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Paa 12/8/2018

Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.746 MPa

vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.093
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 2
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 766 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 805 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1571 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 333.7 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.665 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.665 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.508
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 3
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 669 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 708 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1377 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 240.9 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.547 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.916 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.418
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Pile two way shear design, pile 4
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm; Shear perimeter length; lx,perim = 778 mm
Shear perimeter width; ly,perim = 666 mm; Shear perimeter; bo = 1444 mm
Ultimate shear load; Vu = 54.8 kN; Ult. shear stress; vug = 0.119 MPa
Pile geometry factor;  = 1.00; Pile location factor; s =20
Pile shear strength; vcpa = 2.699 MPa; vcpb = 2.822 MPa
vcpc = 1.746 MPa; vcp = 1.746 MPa
Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75; Nominal shear stress capacity; vn = 1.746 MPa
Design shear stress capacity; vn = 1.310 MPa; vug / vn = 0.091
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 1
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 58.4 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 2082 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 598.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 448.9 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.130
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 2
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 333.7 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Project Job Ref.
Section Sheet no./rev.
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Paa 12/8/2018

Width of design section; b = 2178 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 626.1 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 469.5 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.711
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 3
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 240.9 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1905 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 547.5 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 410.6 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.587
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
One-way corner pile shear design, pile 4
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 54.8 kN; Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 320 mm
Width of design section; b = 1999 mm; Shear strength red. factor; v = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity; Vn = 574.7 kN; Design shear capacity; Vn = 431.0 kN
Vu / Vn = 0.127
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load

(12) 19 mm  top bars (152 mm c/c)

(12) 19 mm  bot bars (152 mm c/c)

(12) 19 mm  bot bars (152 mm c/c)
(12) 19 mm  top bars (152 mm c/c)
1800 mm

1800 mm


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