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THE FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW Under the republic of the Philippines, the faculty of civil law, faithful to the
age-old principles guiding her mission, continues imparting the same old
formation, exacting the same academic discipline, and striving to serve the
best interests of the profession and the nation.

Throughout her centuries old existence, the faculty has served the nation
with four presidents:

Brief History

The Faculty of Civil Law is the oldest lay faculty in the University as well in
the Philippines. It was established on September 2, 1734, the same year
Jose P. Laurel Manuel L. Quezon
that the Faculty of Canon Law was founded, with a curriculum identical to
that adopted during the time in leading universities in Europe. The number
of subjects in the curriculum was later enriched and expanded. During the
major part of the Spanish regime the course consisted of twelve semesters
(six years), based upon a year of preparatory work.

During the American regime, the University of Santo Tomas modified

Diosdado Macapagal Sergio J. Osmeña
several times the curriculum of the Faculty of Civil Law in order to meet the
changing conditions. But firm in the resolve of turning out worthy members
The Faculty also produced six chief Justices, namely:
of the Bar and practical Catholic lawyers, the University adhered to its basic
policy of retaining in its curriculum important subjects introduced during the Cayetano Arellano, Victorio Mapa, Manuel Araullo, Ramon Avanceña,
Spanish regime in order to fully accomplish the aims and purposes of a Roberto Conception and Andres P. Narvasa.
sound Catholic legal education.
The Faculty had produced at least 3 graduates who placed first in the
annual bar examinations. Roberto Concepcion in 1924, Diosdado
Macapagal in 1933 and Arlene Maneja in 2002. Jose W. Diokno topped
Atty. Nilo T. Divina
the bar exams in 1944 although he was not able to finish his law degree in
UST due to the outbreak of the second world war.
Rev. Fr. Isidro C. Abaño, O.P.

Facilities Atty. Arthur B. Capili

Faculty Secretary
The Faculty of Civil Law is located on the ground floor of the Main Building.
It has an auditorium devoted principally to the bar review program. It also
Dean Augusto K. Aligada, Jr.
has an expanded reading room; The Faculty also boasts of a moot court and
Justice Amy L. Javier
a new faculty lounge. All these facilities and all the classrooms are air-
Justice Myra G. Fernandez
Judge Philip A. Aguinaldo
Atty. Alden Francis C. Gonzales
The Central Library is also open to law students subject to the usual
Atty. Amado E. Tayag
processing of the prescribed requirements. Sports facilities and the
Faculty Council
University Museum may also be used by students in accordance with
Atty. Elgin Michael C. Perez
University rules. A chapel, hospital, bookstore, bank, several canteens and a
Chief Program Officer
post office are located within the campus for the convenience of the
Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion Legal Aid Clinic

Judge Philip A. Aguinaldo

Program of Studies
SWDB Coordinator
The Faculty of Civil Law offers only one program which leads to the degree
Leny G. Gadiana
of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.). This is a four year program. To obtain this
Guidance Counsellor
degree, the student must pass all subjects under the prescribed curriculum.
Felmer F. Redondo (Starting AY 2015-2016)

Jaysan Z. Ingalla The academic performance of every student must meet the prescribed
Quotient Point Index (QPI).
Rod Ryan R. Castro
QPI. The required QPI for students for each semester, regardless of the
Adolf Silva Jr.
student’s load, is as follows:

Elizabeth G. Driz
First Year – 78%
Eleonor Caro Second Year – 79%
Third Year – 80%
Flor Tagulao Fourth Year – 80%

Unless the 9-unit Rule and/or Half-of-the-Load Rule is applicable, any

student who fails to meet the QPI for any particular semester shall be
admitted on probation in the following semester (the “Probationary
Semester”). However, if he still fails to obtain the required QPI in his
Probationary Semester, he shall be debarred from the Faculty. A student
who meets the required QPI during his Probationary Semester shall be
relieved from his probationary status, subject also to the 9-unit Rule and/or
Half-of-the-Load Rule.

9-Unit and Half-of-the Load Rule

Any student who incurs failing grades corresponding to nine (9) units
or more in the any past and current semesters taken together or who incurs
failure equivalent to one-half (50%) of the actual load carried in a particular
semester shall be debarred, regardless of his QPI and subject to the
(Under the Faculty of Civil Law)
following rules:

1. If the above-mentioned failure/s occurred in the first semester, the student

concerned shall have the option to enroll in the second semester, subject to
the condition that he will transfer to another law school after
that second semester. All subjects passed, however, shall be credited in his
The Civil Law Student Council (CLSC) is the highest governing student body of the University
of Santo Tomas Faculty of Civil Law which upholds the rights and welfare of future
2. If the 9-unit or half-of-load failures occurred in the second semester, the Thomasian lawyers.
student concerned shall be debarred and shall not anymore be eligible for
The CLSC consists of seven (7) duly elected student officers holding the positions of;
enrollment. President, Vice President-External, Vice President-Internal, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor,
and P.R.O. The following are the officers for academic year 2018-2019:
For avoidance of doubt, any outstanding failure in any subject and
incurred in any semester shall be taken into account for purposes of
applying the 9-unit Rule.

No Tenureship

A student is subject to debarment in any given semester/s in

accordance with the Rules on Debarment of the Faculty of Civil Law. There
shall be no tenureship for any student in any year level.


The UST Law Bar Operations is a student organization under the supervision of the
Faculty of Civil Law Student Council, which assists and addresses the needs and
concerns of bar reviewees and Faculty of Civil Law alumni, relevant to the
LYODYCHIE Q. CAMARAO GENGHIS B. ALUNDAY examination taken each year.


“We hope to see you around and volunteer this November for the 2018 Bar
Examinations! The UST Law Bar Operations welcomes you to the UST Faculty of Civil


The UST Bar Operations (UST BarOps) unwaveringly assist and cater to the needs of
Bar examinees every year - starting from pre-Bar until to the last moments of the
Bar Exams.
“Welcome to the Faculty of Civil Law Community! We commend you for your bravery for Every barista deserves the all support that is due to him during his preparation for
taking up law; you are now a step closer to your goals. Allow us to help you begin your the Bar Examination in order to fully perform at his best - The UST Bar Operations
journey in law school.” (UST BarOps) aims to fully assist every Bar examinee during his journey to attain his
rightful title - ATTY. Current
Nikki Mei Q. Ko Mary Anne Krizelle R. Ruiz Head: Clara Louisse J. Yumang
Position: Council President Position: Council P.R.O.
E-mail E-mail address: Email address:

E-mail address: or
UST Law Review (ULR) is the official publication of the Faculty of Civil Law. It began its operations in
1950 with former Chief Justice Andres Narvasa as its first editor-in-chief. Through the years, ULR has The UST Law Debate & Moot Society is the only official debate and moot
become a medium for lead articles by law professors and members of the judiciary and for case organization of the Faculty of Civil Law. The society competes in various debate
summaries by member-students, aside from separate sections on Book Reviews and Recent
tournaments and moot competitions on both national and international levels. The
society immerses its members in trainings to develop their sound logical reasoning,
The ULR is home to chief justices and other members of the judiciary, congressmen, top-ranking fluent oral argumentation, and well-substantiated legal writing. The organization
government officials, legal luminaries, deans, law professors, and bar topnotchers. It is the also holds local competitions in the faculty and upholds the spirit of camaraderie
organization for law students who aspire to excel in the legal profession.
within its members and the civil law community.
ULR envisions to be a law journal nationally respected and internationally acclaimed.
Mission The UST Law Debate & Moot Society envisions itself as the voice of the Thomasian
UST Law Review (ULR) is a student-edited academic law journal committed to the development of law Legal Community championing the love for logic, law, and social justice. The society
and transformation of society through legal scholarship. It aims to: immerses its members in trainings to develop their sound logical reasoning, fluent
oral argumentation, and well-substantiated legal writing—all of which are essential
1. serve as a forum for enriching legal and scholarly discourse; a tool in updating its readers on the
developments of law; and a medium for the exploration of the uncharted regions of law, the discussion to be an excellent lawyer. Along with the organization’s sense of camaraderie and
of pressing legal issues, and the search for solutions to address the problems and loopholes in the legal altruism, the society will develop an environment that will encourage students to be
framework. advocates of the law and not just mere followers of it. The members of the society
will be developed to successfully represent the Thomasian legal community with
2. influence policy considerations and to shape jurisprudential pronouncements through scholastic
commitment, competence and compassion, in various debate and moot
discourse to the end that Philippine laws would become more responsive to the needs of the
times, reflective of the sentiments of our people, and faithful to its goal of achieving a just competitions on both the local and global arena.
and humane society. Vision
The UST Law Debate & Moot Society aims to set a standard of excellence that will
3. democratize the law so that it may not be purely an abstraction to an ordinary individual champion Thomasian values and inspire the community to fight against social
so that through the instrumentality of the law review, we may empower people, touch apathy and foster advocacies to uphold the rule of law through the prestigious
sensibilities, and spark reforms. debates and moot competitions.
Current Head: Clarice Angeline V. Questin
(Editor-in-Chief) Current Head: Jeanne Pauline J. Dumaual
A.Y. 2018-2019

Email Address:
As a law student, you would spend most of your time reading. Here are some tips on how to prepare
for your class, and how to ace your daily recitations:
You should know when and where is the best time and place for you to study.
The Faculty of Civil Law COMELEC is a commission based within the Faculty composed of student- 2. Study the right materials
representatives within the Civil Law community.
The key to preparing well for class and acing recitations is to study the right materials. You should
The primary goal of the Faculty of Civil Law Commission on Elections is to determine the true take note the prescribed reading materials given by your professors.
will of the electorate in choosing their student leaders who will form a part of the Faculty of Civil Law
Student Council. Likewise, the Faculty of Civil Law Commission on Elections is mandated to settle all 3. Study for at least two hours for every hour of your class for the day
issues, disputes and controversies related to the conduct of elections.
Allot enough time for studying. Time management is important.
In all its activities and processes, the Civil Law Commission on Elections, following the dictate
of conscience and the pursuit of truth, shall always consider the protection of the students' right as a 4. Read with understanding
voter and as a candidate or member of a particular political party, with utmost regard for the
fundamental right to study. Your goal is to understand what you are reading, not just to memorize and finish the reading
5. Read the full text of cases, not just case digests.
The UST Law COMELEC wishes this year’s freshmen batch a warm welcome to the Civil Law family. We
wish you good luck on the journey that you are all about to take. As freshmen, you must train yourself to read the entire case. It is advisable that you make your
own case digest. BUT if you don’t have enough time to read all the cases assigned for the day, you
can resort to case digest so you can at least familiarize yourself with the nature of the case.
Independent empowered and fully modernized institution conducting transparent electoral process 6. Deal with distractions
with credible results
7. Battle sleepiness
We, the guardians of the sovereign will of the students commit ourselves to conduct free, honest,
orderly, and credible elections in order to build a strong democraticinstitution within the University. There are many ways to battle sleepiness like walking around or drinking coffee. Choose which is
the most effective for you. BUT remember that coming to class without sleep is dangerous.
Current Head: John Brian Co
8. Have a study break
Email address:
Take a break for at least 10 to 15 minutes after 40 to 50 minutes of reading. Let yourself breathe.
Reading tons of cases is a part of your law school journey. Thus, making your own DURING RECITATION
case digest will be helpful during recitations and when you review for major exams. In law school, recitations are conducted on a daily basis. Your recitation grade may make or break your
final grade, so it is a must that you do well when you are called to recite in class.
Here are some guidelines in digesting cases:
Here are some tips how you will survive recitations:
1. Read the case in its original
1. Be responsive to the question

You cannot make a comprehensive case digest if you did not read the case in its You must only answer what is being asked. Be direct to the point. If you are asked to explain your
original. answer, do it in a concise manner.

2. Use the FIR format 2. Be confident

F is for facts – the facts of the case. I is for the issue/s – you determine only Recitations are nerve-wracking. It is your professor’s goal to break you when you are reciting.
Thus, you must remain focused and confident in answering what is asked of you. BUT you must
those relevant to the subject matter of the case. R is for the ruling – how the also remember that recitations are also tests of character. Do not to show off. Arrogance is not
Court resolved the issue/s in the case. confidence.

3. Keep your digest brief 3. Speak clearly and audibly

A case digest is just a memory aid for what the case is all about. Your professor must be able to hear and understand what you are saying.



Form a digest pool within your class for each subject

In law school, the trend is essay-type exams. Prelim and final exams make up 80% of your final grade.
Distribute among the members of your class the cases from the syllabus. Each Thus, your goal is to pass (and ace) your major exams.

member of the class makes a digest of his assigned case/s. Then, each member will Here are some tips on how to prepare for major exams:
provide the class a copy of his digest/s. In return, each member will receive a copy
1. Make a study schedule
of other digest/s made by his classmates.

2. Memorize codal provisions

You must remember that codal provisions are primary, and textbook annotations are only

3. Study your own notes

If possible, you must use your own notes when you review for exams for better understanding
and retention of the subject matter. ✓ Always come to class prepared.
Here are some tips on how to answer law exams: ✓ Sharing is caring!
1. Read and follow directions
✓ Look for good notes, or better yet, make one
Read carefully, and follow the directions on both the test booklet and the test questionnaire.
for yourself.
2. Write legibly
✓ Invest in good karma.
It is important that your professor is able to read your handwriting. Otherwise, your professor
may choose not to check your booklet, or give you deductions in your final score. ✓ Find a book that works for you.
3. Manage your time wisely
✓ Respect your upperclassmen, and professors.
Do not dwell much on one question. If you do not know the answer on one question, proceed to
the next question. It is advised that you spend more time answering questions with greater
✓ Avoid incurring absences.
✓ Rest when you’re tired, but do not give up!
4. Analyze the problem
✓ Find a decent pen.
Before writing down on your booklet, organize your thoughts first so you would avoid erasures. If
you are ready to answer, state your answer briefly and concisely. Lengthy answers without ✓ Take down notes!
substance are highly discouraged.

5. Review your answers

✓ Smell the roses.
If you still have time, go over your answers again. Check your grammar, sentence construction,
✓ Before posting anything online, RESEARCH!
and punctuation marks.
✓ Study hard, Pray harder!
✓ Never cheat!
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